Scenario open library event about fairy tales. Fairy tale event script



  • to encourage children to emotionally respond to ongoing events during the game, to draw children's attention to fairy tales, to arouse a desire to read them; develop memory, logical thinking, fine motor skills hands;
  • teach children to switch from one activity to another;
  • educate children in self-confidence and the ability to act in a team.


Preliminary work: reading and dramatization of various fairy tales.


Educator: Hello guys! Today we will take a journey through fairy tales. Look, a map of a fairy forest hangs on the board, a road winds through the forest, and fairy-tale characters along it. Divide into two teams: "Cheburashki" and "Merry Geese". Protect your teams by singing a song based on the team name.
Each team receives a sheet of paper with the center of the flower glued on. For correct answers, teams will receive petals of different colors. At the end of the game, each team will have their own flower.

1st task: "Fairy Gates"

- On the map, at the beginning of the path, there is a fairy-tale gate. In order to open them, you need to say the magic words. (It is proposed to each team in turn to name polite words.)
The gates open. The children enter the forest and follow the path.

2nd task: "Three little pigs"

- Towards - Three little pigs. What are their names? (Nif-nif, nuf-nuf, naf-naf)

Three little pigs: "Help us guys! The wolf is chasing us! Remember the fairy tales about the wolf, and then he will go to another fairy tale! (Wolf and seven kids, Kolobok, Teremok, Little Red Riding Hood, Zayushkina hut, Wolf and fox, Winter hut, Tar barrel)

3rd task: "Fairytale house"

- On a way fairytale house. It contains different stories. Guess the story from the illustration. Now we can go further.

4th task: "Parrot Kusha"

The guys are visiting Kesha.

Kesha: Guys, remember and sing songs:

1. About the goat.
2. Song of the crocodile Gena.
3. About a magic flower.
4. Song of the cat Leopold.

- The path continues. But what is it? Alarm cries are heard in the forest! It's the cat's house on fire! The fire needs to be put out quickly.

5th task "Competition of firefighters"

- You need to put on boots, a jacket, a helmet, take a bucket and run the relay. Whose team will save the cat's house faster.

The cat's house has been saved.

- Baba Yaga's house is on the way. She blocked the way for the guys. You need to complete her tasks and save the bewitched heroes of fairy tales.

6th task: "House of Baba Yaga"

- Find out what character this is from the description.

1. The kindest and fearless man, carries a doctorate white bathrobe, he owns a bag with medicine. (Dr. Aibolit)

2. A little girl runs happily
Along the path to the house that stands in the forest.
This girl needs to go to her grandmother soon
Take the basket sent with her. (Little Red Riding Hood)

3. And the road is far, and the basket is not easy
To sit on a stump, to eat a pie. (Bear)

4. My father had a strange boy,
Unusual wooden.
But the father loved his son,
naughty... (Pinocchio)

7th task: "Magic chest"

- On the way there is a magic chest. It has magical items. Guess these items (egg, rolling pin, broom, arrow, mirror, needle)

8th task: "Postman Pechkin"

- Knock on the door! This postman Pechkin brought telegrams from fairy tale characters. Guess who they are from?

1. "Happy birthday to Eeyore"
2. “The fox occupied my house and kicked me out”
3. "Thank you, swallow, for a wonderful rescue!"
4. “Grandma and grandpa, save! A fox is chasing me!"

9th task: "Snake Gorynych"

- Then the Serpent Gorynych flew in and mixed all the tales. Assemble the fairy tale from the pieces of the picture and guess it.

Educator: Our journey ends. The gates to the fairy forest are closing. There is an inscription on the gate! Read it.


Educator: Guys! Look at your flowers, each team has a flower blooming, “Flower-Semitsvetik.” Let's sing the song “Fairy Tale” together

Awards - medals:

1. "Connoisseurs of fairy tales."
2. "Lovers of fairy tales."

Extracurricular event "Journey through fairy tales"

Target:repeat and systematize knowledge about fairy tales.


1) development of speech, thinking, imagination; skillsanwser the questions;

2) education of love for fairy tales;

3) the formation of reader interest.

The competition program is designed for junior schoolchildren.

Two teams take part in the competition.

For a correct answer 1 point. The winner is determined by the number of points.

1 contest "Change the letter"

One letter has been changed in the names of fairy tales. Determine the title of the story.

1 team

1. Cap. (Turnip)

2. Cat and kitty. (Cat and fox)

3. Golden felling. (Goldfish)

2 team

1. Ball-bird. (Firebird)

2. Fox and poppy. (Fox and cancer)

3. Child of the forest. (Miracle of the forest)

2 contest "Magic Items"

Guess the hero by the subject.

1 team

1. Slipper (Cinderella)

2. Mortar and broom. (Baba Yaga)

3. Needle (Koschey the Deathless)

2 team

1. Boots (Puss in Boots)

2. Golden key (Pinocchio)

3. Egg (Ryaba Hen)

3 contest "Think""

Guess the riddle and name the hero of the fairy tale.

1 team

1. The fat man lives on the roof, he flies higher than everyone. (Carlson)

2. He loves everyone invariably, no matter who comes to him.

Guessed? This is Gena, this is Gena ... (Crocodile)

3. Near the forest, at the edge of the forest, three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs, three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a clue who the heroes of this fairy tale are? (Three bears)

2 team

1. She is beautiful and sweet, and her name is from the word "ash." (Cinderella)

2. Treats small children, treats birds and animals,

Looking through his glasses kind doctor... (Aibolit)

3. He is both cheerful and gentle, this cute eccentric.

With him is the owner - the boy Robin and a friend - Piglet.

For him, a walk is a holiday and honey is a special scent.

This teddy bear cub ...; (Winnie the Pooh)

4 competition "Decipher the rebus"

Decipher the rebus-name of the Russian folk tale.

What is the clue?

1 team


Yabyalochyako (Apple)

2 team


MOYARAZYAKO family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt;">

5 competition "Confusion"

Rearrange the letters so that you get the names of fairy-tale characters.

1 team

1. RNGSEUOAKCH (Snegurochka)

2. OLKAYASHKP (Shapoklyak)

2 team

1. YDMORYDO (Moydodyr)

2. UAKCHBRAESH (Cheburashka)

6 contest "Guess the name of the fairy tale"

Guess the story from the passage.

1 team

1. Elena took a magic book, looked - and saw everything as if in the palm of her hand. ("Elena the Wise")

2. - We will go far, and you stay at home, but don’t give a voice: when the fox comes, don’t look out the window.

("Cockerel - golden comb")

3. Once upon a time there was Tsar Berendey, he had three sons, the youngest was called Ivan.

(Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf)

2 team

1. Vasilisa got everything she needed and went to bed, and the doll prepared a glorious camp overnight.? (“Vasilisa the Beautiful”)

2. The eldest was called One-eye, the middle one was called Two-eye, and the smaller one was Three-eye.


3. Buckets go through the village, people marvel, and Emelya walks behind, chuckles ... (At the command of the pike)

7 contest "Where, who?"

Answer questions for each team.

1 team

1. Where did the seventh kid hide? (Under the stove)

2. Who defeated the cockroach from K. Chukovsky's fairy tale "Cockroach"? (Sparrow)

3. What did the Fairy make a carriage for Cinderella? (From a pumpkin)

2 team

1. Where did the woman get the flour for the bun? (Scraped the bottom of the barrel)

2. Who brought Dr. Aibolit to Africa? (Eagle)

3. What color was Malvina's hair? (Blue)

8 contest "When we say so"

1 team

"The bear stepped on the ear"

"Like a fish in water"

2 team

"Kill two birds with one stone"

"Keep your nose to the wind"

9 competition "Make a proverb"

Each team is given cards. Words are written on the cards. The children must collect a proverb from them.


(Soon the fairy tale affects, but the deed is not done soon)

10 competition "Come on, find it!"

Eight are inscribed in the grid horizontally and vertically. actors book "Uncle Fyodor, a dog and a cat." Find them and highlight them.

The entire text of the material is in the attached file.

Journey through fairy tales

“Listen to a fairy tale: with your mind, be smart and shake your mustache”

Each of us dreams of traveling through fairy tales. It's exciting and unforgettable. And parents, educators, and librarians are escorts to this world. On March 30, within the framework of the Year of Literature in Russia, a multimedia quiz game “Listen to a fairy tale: with your mind and mind, shake it with your head” was held in the central children's library. The boys came to visit senior group kindergarten"Little Red Riding Hood". Young readers took part in the game with pleasure, demonstrating fabulous erudition, having fun and having a good time. In the second part of the event, young readers learned which magazines our library subscribes to especially for them. In a playful way, we met with the characters who live on the pages of magazines. The meeting turned out to be interesting, fun and informative. The journey to the fairy tale is over, but the fairy tale always remains with the reader, you just need to take a book from the library, open it and read it.


"Poetry is a Wonderland"

March 21 is celebrated annually as World Poetry Day. The power of the word has a special energy. Poetry unites countries, peoples, cultures and helps people understand each other. It is hard to imagine our life without Pushkin, Lermontov, Shakespeare... It will be a boring life. "Poetry is a wonderful land." Under this name passed musically poetry evening in the Seryogovskaya rural library.

"On the roads of fairy tales"

Developed and conducted

teacher primary school

GBOU secondary school with. Novodevichy

Salmanova V.V.

Lesson summary extracurricular reading

on this topic: " Mysterious world fairy tales"

4th grade

Goals :

    to systematize students' knowledge about the read fairy tales;

    broaden the horizons of students; develop speech and imagination;

    to cultivate interest in reading, a sense of beauty;

    to instill a love for fairy tales and their heroes.

Equipment :

1. Asterisks

2. Presentation (see Appendix)

Additional training : read stories ahead of time foreign writers either in the reading class or in extracurricular activities.


(A class or a hall is decorated with things from fairy tales. For example, an Ole-Lukoye umbrella can stand in the corner, a self-assembled tablecloth lies on the table, heroes of fairy tales are on the walls, stars are on the ceiling, etc.)

Leading.Guys, today we have with you unusual meeting. We will go on a journey. And we will fly there on flying carpets. But we have three. So let's split into three teams and move on.

(Children are divided into teams, come up with names and choose a captain.)

But the journey is unusual, fabulous. Look closely at the screen. What do you see? (Slide 1)

D: Book.

IN:This unusual book. What do you think is unusual about it?

IN:You are very observant. Well done. Today we have to go to fabulous journey for these countries. So, is everyone ready?

But before we go on a trip, I want to check how ready you are to fly. I will take turns asking each team questions. You must respond quickly. But I accept only one answer and only from the captain. This rule is an essential condition of travel. If they answered incorrectly, then the turn will pass to other teams. And just like we fly on flying carpets, you will receive stars for the right questions. So, we started.

1. Whom did Kolobok meet during his journey?

(With a hare, a wolf, a bear, a fox)

2. With what help did the Prince find Cinderella?

(With the help of shoes)

3. Who pulled Turnip?

(Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Bug, cat, mouse)

4. How many times did the old man throw a net??


5. To whom did Little Red Riding Hood go?

(To Grandma)

6. Who broke the golden egg?


7. What did the old woman ask the soldier to get from the fairy tale by H. H. Andersen?


8. Whom did the Snow Queen steal?


9. A friend of Straw and Ember with a seam on his stomach?


10. Name magic fish from Russian fairy tales?


11. What did Sleeping Beauty prick with?


12. Whom did Thumbelina save?


IN.Well done! You have done a good job. Now I see that you are ready for the journey, and therefore for new tasks. So, look in our book, find the country of France, now we will go there.

FRANCE (Slide 2)

IN.:Wizards come to people from different countries, from different, even the most distant times. Look closely at the screen. What do you see?

Guys, we got to visit fairy tales French writer Charles Perrot. And here is your first task. Attention to the screen.

The first team answers. slide 3

The second team is responsible. slide 4

The third team answers. Slide 5

IN.:Well done. You did a good job. And now we're moving on. Look in our book, find the country Germany, now we will go there.

(Slide 6)

GERMANY, (slide 7)

IN.:These fairy tales immerse us in the element of an intricately fantastic and at the same time naive perception of the world, move us into childhood, and into that enchanting and elusive magic that is mysteriously poured into every fairy tale and which affects us completely irresistibly.

So they say about the fairy tales of the brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm.

They were born in the provincial Hessian city of Hanau. Their childhood passed in the city of Steinau.

The Brothers Grimm began to collect fairy tales very early, and helped them in this completely different people. Philip Runge was the first to send them a fairy tale. That tale was called "The Tale of the Fisherman and His Wife." By the way, based on which Pushkin wrote “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”. Tales were sent from all over Germany. So many wonderful and beloved by everyone, both adults and children, fairy tales were born, which are still read.

And now questions will appear on the screen. For each correct answer, the team receives an asterisk. Do not forget that the first team to answer will be the one whose captain raises his hand the fastest.

Therefore, how many stars you earn will depend only on you. Be careful and precise in your answers. And we will start with the team that has fewer stars so far. ( Slide 8) Question for the first team What fell instead of tears from the eyes of the witch's daughter?


Question for the second team What was the name of the frog king?

    (Iron Heinrich)

Question for the third team What was written on the Brave little tailor's belt?

-- ("Killed seven in one fell swoop" )

And now we continue our journey, look in our book, find the country of Denmark (slide 9)

DENMARK (Slide 10)

IN.:More than a hundred years ago, in a small provincial town in Denmark - Odense, on the island of Funen, extraordinary events took place. Quiet, slightly sleepy streets of Odense were suddenly filled with the sounds of music. A procession of artisans, carrying torches and banners, marched past the brightly lit old town hall, saluting a tall, blue-eyed man who stood by the window. In honor of whom did the inhabitants of Odense light their fires in September 1869?

It was Hans Christian Andersen, elected an honorary citizen of his native city.

He was born in 1805 during the Napoleonic wars, in the old Danish city of Odense, in the family of a shoemaker. The boy heard his first fairy tales from his father and the old women from the neighboring almshouse. The boy reworked these stories in his own way, decorating them, as if coloring them with fresh colors, and in an unrecognizable form again told them, but from himself, to the same old almshouses ...

Andersen lived long life and gave us many stories. Andersen comes to us in different ways. Then he slowly creeps into the room and sings to you, as if good wizard Ole Lukoye, wonderful dreams. That will sail along with Thumbelina on a leaf of a water lily, we will forever be captivated by the love of the courageous and tender Little Mermaid, whose love makes her immortal.

Andersen helps us understand people, helps us understand what Justice, Truth, Beauty and Love are, teaches us to hate lies and injustice.

Often it seems to me that every wooden fence, every flower says to me: “Just look at me, and then my story will pass to you.” And as soon as I want, I immediately have stories.” H.K. Andersen

How well do you know fairy tales Hans Christian Andersen? Questions will now appear on the screen. For each correct answer, the team receives an asterisk. Do not forget that the first team to answer will be the one whose captain raises his hand the fastest.

Slide 11

Question for the first team

Question for the second team

Question for the third team

And now we continue our journey, look in our book, find the country of England (slide 12)

ENGLAND (Slide 13)

(Music sounds, the presenter speaks.)

IN.:On July 4, 1862, Dr. Dodgson, professor of mathematics at one of Oxford colleges, invited his young friends - Lorina, Alice and Edith, the daughters of the rector of Liddell, to take a walk along the Thames. A young colleague of Dr. Dodgson's, Robinson Duckworth, went with them.

Fairy tale! the girls shouted, "Mr. Dodgson, tell us a story."

Dr. Dodgson is accustomed to these requests. As soon as he saw the girls of Liddell, they immediately demanded a new fairy tale And of course your own writing.

The heroine of Dr. Dodgson bore the same name as the middle of the sisters, his favorite Alice.

This fairy tale was what actually happened while the sisters were visiting the doctor: it was the Crazy Tea Party in the house with turrets, and the time on the stopped clock - six in the evening, and the old nanny - Dormouse Mouse and much more ...

Ah, Mr. Dodgson, how I wish you would write down the adventures of Alice for me! exclaimed Alice, taking leave of Dr. Dodgson.

Dr. Dodgson promised. With his clear round handwriting, he wrote down the tale in a small notebook, decorating it with his own drawings. He called it "Alice's Adventures Underground"

He did not even think of publishing his fairy tale. If it weren't for a coincidence, she would have remained unknown. The book was read by the children of the famous English storyteller. And they liked it so much that Dodgson had to agree to the publication of his tale. So on July 4, 1865, exactly three years after the picnic, Dr. Dodgson gave Alice Liddell the first copy of his book. He changed the title - the fairy tale was now called "Alice in Wonderland", and he himself disappeared behind the pseudonym Lewis Carroll.

That is how this book was written. A century has passed since then - and the book lives “more alive than ever,” as Messenger said about Alice. Her fame is growing. It was translated into all languages ​​of the world, put on stage, in films and on television. It entered the language and consciousness of the English like no other book. The one who doesn't know Cheshire cat and the White Knight, knows nothing about England.

IN.: Guys, now you have to prove that you also know the fairy tale well, no worse than the British themselves. ( slide 14).

Question for the first team

Question for the second team

Question for the third team

Question for the first team

Question for the second team

Question for the third team

And now we continue our journey, look in our book, find the country of Sweden ( slide 15)

SWEDEN (Slide 16)

IN.:On November 29, 1907, in the newspaper of the provincial Swedish town of Vimmerby, under the heading “Born”, among other announcements, it was published: “The tenant Samuel-August Eriksson has a daughter, Astrid Anna Emilia.” So for the first time the name of Astrid Eriksson, the future famous writer Astrid Lindgren, appeared in print. And more recently it became known that the name of Astrid Lindgren named one of the newly open stars. And the writer was delighted that she would finally fly.

And in the childhood of the writer - the origins of all her work. The childhood fantasy of Astrid, her brothers and sisters painted their everyday life in festive colors, fanned her with fabulousness. So one morning, in April, a “miracle” happened. It seemed to the children that in the corner they saw a small newborn dragon with small evil eyes. And then the uncontrollable children's imagination has already earned. And so it began a new game. Every day, Astrid and her brother Gunnar brought the dragon food - candle ends, shoelaces, corks, and other things that they thought dragons liked. The game continued until the children got tired, and then the dragon “disappeared”. But nevertheless, parting with him turned out to be sad. Suddenly the dragon approached Astrid, put a cold paw on the girl's cheek, his red eyes were full of tears. And suddenly - what a miracle! - he flew. Gradually, the dragon turned into a small black dot against the background of a fiery red sun. And the children heard that he was singing, singing in a clear, thin voice. That evening, Astrid did not read the story as usual. She lay under the covers and mourned the green dragon. That's how it was! As an adult, Astrid Lindgren did not drop the key to the gates of childhood. She firmly holds it in her hands, and this key helps her unlock the gates to different parts of life.

IN.:Guys, do you know the fairy tales of Astrid Lindgren? Now we will check it.Slide 17

Question for the first team

Question for the second team

Question for the third team

IN.: Well done.

And now we continue our journey, look in our book, find the country of Italy ( slide 18)

ITALY (Slide 19)

(Music plays.)

V .: "Talented books, imbued with the spirit of modernity and at the same time maintaining a lively connection with the people, tradition." This is what they say about the fairy tales of Gianni Rodari (1920-1980). Gianni Rodari kept in touch with young readers, he weekly answered their numerous questions from the pages of magazines. The answers often turned into miniature stories or poems. Here is how, for example, Gianni Rodari answered the question: “Why do they stick stamps on letters?”

Letters and postcards are little travelers. They travel from city to city by train, by boat or by plane. And like any traveler, letters need travel tickets. Therefore, everyone who sends a letter must buy him a ticket - a postage stamp. Stamps invented in England over 100 years ago. Only one thing is bad: licking the back of the stamp does not give any pleasure. Well, is it really impossible to come up with a tastier glue for stamps?!

Postage stamps
From the reverse side
Tasteless and fresh
Glue smeared

Licking them is not very pleasant.
Stamps doubly
Guys would love it.
If they were glued
Honey and mint

Rather come up with
excellent brand,
Which is glued
Strawberry jam.
Postage stamps
Sweet fruit syrup!!

These are the poems written by Gianni Rodari. And how interesting it is to travel with Gianni Rodari. In the story-fairy tale “Journey of the Blue Arrow”, the writer takes readers to the world of puppets that have run away from the “fairy”. Together with Gelsomino we find ourselves in the country of liars, where a universal law on lies has been issued. And also “Tales on the phone”, “Jeep on TV”, “Cake in the sky” and many, many others. But today we will talk with you ... but about whom, you have to guess. His name is translated into Russian as Lukovka. Who is this?

D.: Cipollino.

IN.:Right. And who are all the heroes of the fairy tale “The Adventure of Cipollino”?

D.:Vegetables and fruits.

Q: Attention to the screen Slide 20

Question for the first team

Question for the second team

Question for the third team

What other characters in this story can you name?

    Bulbs: Cipollino, Cipollone, Cipolletto, Cipollotto, Cipolloccia, Cipolluccia, etc.

    Prince Lemon

    Signor Tomato

    Professor Grusha

    Kum Blueberry

    Baron Orange

    Duke Mandarin

    Count Cherry

    Signor Petrushka

    Doctor Chestnut

    Signor Peas

    Mr Carrot

    Master Grape

    Kum Pumpkin



IN.:Well done boys. This is the most difficult task I have ever had. But you did great with it. Now let's sum up our journey.

(The results are summed up. The winner is announced. It is advisable to make sure that all three teams win. Each participant in the game is given a gift - a book with fairy tales.)

IN.:Now let's look at our book. What's there?

D.Italy was last country where we should have been.

IN.:These are far from all the storytellers of these countries. Remember how many fairy tales we read during the entire training. And today they don't say goodbye to you. They just quietly whisper "Goodbye." Because as soon as you open a book with any fairy tales, whether they are Russian or foreign, folk or author's fairy tales, the magic carpet will pick you up again and take you far away. magical land, where animals and things can speak, where there are many amazing objects that you so want to have now, where they exist side by side simple people and magicians, where Good always triumphs over Evil, to the country where Childhood lives!!!


When compiling the abstract, fragments from an extracurricular activity were used

by reading "What a charm this fairy tale is!" , Vyrypaeva L. S. Festival pedagogical ideas 2005/2006 academic year.

Extracurricular activity in 4th grade

"Journey through fairy tales"

Target: 1) Repetition of children's fairy tales.

2) Development of interest in reading, fantasy and imagination.

3) Formation of independent thinking based on moral

the potential of fairy tales.

Equipment: exhibition of books "Tales read and gain mind", pictures from

the image of fabulous objects, signs with the names of stops,


Event progress:

    Today, guys, we will take a trip through the pages of your favorite books. Someone likes to read poetry, someone likes stories, someone likes fantasy and adventure, and someone likes books about animals. We will visit your favorite fairy-tale characters. Guys, do you like fairy tales? You already know a lot of fairy tales. And today we have gathered to once again recall our favorite fairy tales, to find out which of you knows them the most.

    About something the floorboard creaks,

    And the needle does not sleep again,

    Sitting on the bed, pillows

    Ears pricked already...

    And suddenly the faces change

    Sounds and colors change...

    The floorboard creaks softly

    Walks around the room fairy tale.. .

    But in order for us to hit the road, you must be divided into 2 teams, you will be asked questions in turn, for each correct answer you will receive one point (the class is divided into 2 teams in rows, the teams come up with names, choose captains).

    Jury's choice

    So, we are going to an amazing country inhabited by various kind and evil heroes: gnomes and trolls, sorcerers and goblin, Baba Yaga and Koschey the Immortal, Ivan Tsarevich and Elena the Beautiful. And getting there is not difficult, you just need to close your eyes for a few moments and imagine that we are flying on a magic carpet far, far away, across the seas and oceans, forests and steppes. Here it goes lower and lower, and finally we are standing on an unfamiliar street...

    Stop one "Here they live fairy-tale heroes»

    1. “She slept in the attic under the very roof, on a prickly straw bedding. And both sisters had rooms with wood-colored parquet floors, with beds and large mirrors ”(Ch. Perrot“ Cinderella ”).

    2. “But the best of all toys was a wonderful cardboard palace. Through its windows one could look inside and see the rooms. In front of the palace lay a round mirror. It was like a real lake. All this was so beautiful, but the most beautiful was the mistress of the palace, standing on the threshold, in the wide-open doors ”(G.Kh. Andersen“ The Steadfast Tin Soldier ”).

    3. “At this very time the king was passing by. He saw the beautiful castle of the Ogre and wished to see it.

    How, Monsieur Marquis! exclaimed the king. - Does this one belong to you? I have never seen such lovely castles!” (Ch. Perrot "Puss in Boots".

    4. “The door quietly opened,

    And the princess found herself

    In a bright room; around

    Shops covered with carpet,

    Under the saints is an oak table,

    Stove with tiled bench.

    The girl sees what's here

    Good people live ... "(A. Pushkin" The Tale of dead princess and seven heroes.

    5. “How cold, how empty it was in the white, brightly sparkling halls! Fun here and did not look! It was cold here, dead, empty and majestic. In the middle of the largest snowy hall, endless and empty, a frozen lake sparkled ”(G.H. Andersen“ The Snow Queen»).

    6. "Beyond the mountains, behind the forests,

    Beyond the wide seas

    Against the sky - on the ground,

    There lived an old man in a village. (P. Ershov "Humpbacked Horse")

    Stop two "Fairy tale items"

    I will show you the object, and you must answer in which fairy tale it occurs.

    1. Mirror - "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs"

        Needle - "The Frog Princess"

        Dog - " The Bremen Town Musicians" and etc.

        Rolling pin - "Fox with a rolling pin"

        Ring - "Magic ring"

        Fox - "The Fox and the Crane", etc.

        Arrow - "The Frog Princess"

        Bear - "Masha and the Bear"

        Ax - "Porridge from an ax"

        Apple - "The Tale of the Dead Princess ...", etc.

        Egg - "Ryaba Hen"

        Horse - "Humpbacked Horse"

        Cow - "Havroshechka"

        Fish - "By pike command" and etc.

        Duck - "Grey Neck"

        Hare - "Kolobok", etc.

Stop three "Guess the fabulous crossword puzzle"

(Crosswords are distributed to both teams on the sheets)

Task 1st team:

    Residence of Baba Yaga.

    The name of the boy who was carried away by the swan geese.

    The second name of the tablecloth.

    Who was called Wise?

    Keyword: woman.

Answers: 1. Hut. 2. Ivanushka. 3. Self-assembly. 4. Vasilisa.

Task for the 2nd team:

      Which of the inhabitants of the marshes became the wife of the Tsarevich?

      With what tool did the Cat manage to save the Rooster?

      The apparatus on which Baba Yaga flies?

Answers: 1. Frog. 2. Gusli. 3. Stupa.

Keyword: Yaga.

    Well done guys, we coped with one more task, and now we are doing fourth stop, which is called « Devilry in fairy tales"

    (Questions are asked to the teams in turn)

      1. An elderly sorceress who moves through the air in an unusual

      aircraft(Baba Yaga).

    2. A fabulous forest dweller, an assistant to that very unpleasant

    the old woman whose name you just guessed (Leshy).

3. Nosed female person, whose name is always added

the word "swamp" (Kikimora).

        A horned, long-tailed creature that only thinks about how to harm people ((Damn.

        A skinny old man who hid the secret of his life in a chest (Koschey the Immortal).

        A girl of unusual beauty who lives in a lake (Mermaid).

        A huge animal lizard with many heads (Serpent Gorynych).

        What is the name of, if not the king, then at least the big boss in the underwater kingdom? (Water).

        Whistler monster, who was defeated and captured by Ilya Muromets

(The nightingale the robber).

10. Cute little man who lives in every house and

guards him (Brownie).

Fifth stop "Competition of captains"

    And now the captains are invited. The task is the following:

    Who will come up with and quickly write as many words as possible from the word “Lukomorye” (leaflets and pens are distributed).

    In the meantime, I will ask you questions, if you know the answer, raise your hand and you can earn an extra point.

1 .Three tried to catch the one who left two old people without food, but this guy left them three times. And the fourth pursuer, pretending to be deaf, caught ... Whom? (Kolobok).

2. A smart pet brings out its simpleton owner into people. What shoes did this beast prefer to wear? (Boots).

3. The husband adores his wife, but out of vanity he burns her modest outfit. The wife is kidnapped by an unknown person. Who is he? (Koschei the Deathless).

4. Having found the treasure, the lady buys a new one. household appliance and invites many guests. However, in difficult situation ungrateful guests did not want to help the hostess. Who rescued her? (Mosquito).

5. One poor housewife reached high position and wealth. However, having become conceited, she insulted her sponsor and became impoverished again. What is the profession of this woman's husband? (Fisherman).

6. How many days did Pinocchio's money lie on the field of miracles? (Not at all).

7. What was the name of the boy who was carried away by the swan geese? (Ivanushka).

8. Whom did the little robber give to help Gerda? (Deer).

9. What is the real name of the frog princess? (Vasilisa the Beautiful).

10. In which fairy tale is hard work rewarded and evil punished? (Morozko)

Stop sixth and last "Flower-semitsvetik"

    Dear guys, our last stop is named so not by chance. Do you remember who wrote fairy tale"Flower-seven-flower"? That's right, this children's writer Valentin Petrovich Kataev, who turned 115 years old on January 28. How many wishes did the main character get?

    What do you think was the most important desire?

    And now in your hands there will be only one fabulous petal, you have the opportunity to make only one wish, think very well and on reverse side write your cherished desire, from which everyone would become brighter and happier, and then you will read it aloud, and we will hope that it will certainly come true. So close your eyes and...

    Fly, fly, petal,

    Through the west to the east

    Through the north, through the south,

    Come back with business in a circle.

    As soon as you touch the ground

    To be in my opinion led!

    - A jury at this time will sum up.

    (Music sounds, ICT)

    Children write and read wishes.

    I will not be mistaken if I say that your wishes have made everything brighter and happier. And the most important thing is that we ourselves, without magic power we can fulfill our desires. And our dreams will come true if only we treat each other kindly and love each other. Right?

    Our fun and exciting journey has come to an end. And I would like to finish it with the words of A.S. Pushkin "A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - good fellows lesson". How do you understand these words?

    That's right, a fairy tale-lie turns out to be the most beautiful truth. She teaches us goodness and justice. Teaches to resist evil, despise cunning and flatterers. Learn to understand someone else's misfortune.

    The floor is given to the jury.

    Award ( sweet prizes for all participants ).

    Let's end our meeting with these words:

    Let the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth,

    May good always triumph over evil!

Happy music sounds






Educator and librarian: PEREVALOVA A.N.

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