How old is Berezina TV presenter. Lessons in free time


Soviet and Russian announcer, TV and radio presenter, correspondent. People's Artist of the Russian Federation. Honored Art Worker Russian Federation- Vladimir Berezin. Very pleasant in communication, cheerful and charming man. He is a man of rare soul, an interesting and witty interlocutor, a highly talented journalist. There is something to talk about with him, you can listen to him for a long time. And, of course, he has a lot to learn.

An artist, a professional in his field, as soon as he enters the stage, he immediately disposes the audience to himself, and at the same time to all the participants in the concert.

Biography of Vladimir Berezin

On April 3, 1957, Vladimir was born in the capital of the Orel region, in the city of Orel. The surname Berezin was given to him from his mother. Vladimir Berezin's mother is from the Urals. By nationality - Russian, by education - a geologist. After completing his studies at educational institution worked in Kazakhstan. It was there that he met Vladimir's father. Father's name is Yuri Islamovich. By nationality, the man was a Chechen - a Caucasian Muslim. According to Muslim customs, he already had a wife. As soon as it became known about the presence of the second wife, Vladimir's mother decided to leave the failed spouse. The woman with the child returned to her aunt in her native land.

Youth years

The upbringing of Vladimir Berezin mainly fell on the shoulders of Anna Mikhailovna, her mother's aunt. Vladimir Berezin also found his father in the early 90s. Met him and all my paternal brothers. Assistance in this matter was provided by the former vice-president of the Republic of Ichkeria, Zelimkhan Yandarbiev. After leaving school, he entered the Oryol School of Culture at the directing department, and later he received the education of a journalist in the Ural state university.

Television and merit

For 10 years, Vladimir Berezin worked on the TV sets of the city of Sverdlovsk.

Headed the announcer department since 1980. According to Vladimir's stories about that time, Boris Yeltsin noticed the gifted announcer. At that time he worked as a secretary of the Sverdlovsk regional committee. Thus, he contributed to the career of Vladimir Berezin. During his work on television in Sverdlovsk, representatives of Ostankino drew attention to him. It so happened that in 1990 the journalist moved to the capital and continued to work on central television. Projects in which Vladimir Berezin participated:

In 1994 he was awarded the Order "For Personal Courage" for the qualities that Vladimir showed when performing his work in life-threatening situations. Berezin was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia, as well as the Ingush and Chechen Republics.

Later, it so happened that Vladimir transferred to work on the VGTRK channel and took the post of director. Further, in 1996, when the announcer's department was liquidated at RTR, Vladimir Berezin began to lead several projects:

Today Berezin Vladimir Alexandrovich is recognized as one of the best entertainers. He accurately represents how to conduct large-scale events of national importance. A good organizer at the highest level.

A recognized professional, armed with knowledge about the tone of the presentation of phrases, pauses and their duration.

What is the artist doing now?

Now Vladimir Alexandrovich Berezin is a well-known actor, TV journalist, radio host. Conducts official and concert events in the Kremlin, as well as a considerable number of festivals, performances, television broadcasts and show programs. For Vladimir Alexandrovich Berezin, 2017 was an eventful year. The popular correspondent and TV presenter celebrated his 60th birthday. And in the same year celebrated the 40th anniversary creative way. In honor of this, Berezin was invited as a participant in the program "Let them talk."

On the transfer of Dmitry Borisov, the artist spoke about his personal life. The house where Vladimir Berezin's family lives was demonstrated. Nikolai Baskov was invited to the program, who spoke about his friendship with Vladimir Berezin. Nikolai said that it was this presenter who dubbed him the "golden voice of Russia." Singer Valeria also spoke about how much important role Berezin, the host of the Jurmala-87 program, played in her fate:

He announced me as if he blessed me.

Evidence of family life

There is rather modest information about the personal life of Vladimir Berezin. He himself does not like to talk about this topic with the press. It is only known that the man was officially married twice. Wife - Lyudmila Yurievna Berezina. She worked as a sound engineer on a television set.


In marriage, the couple had a daughter, Julia. Now she lives and operates in France. Family status: Married. Julia's husband is French. Young people met while relaxing in a mountain resort, where Yulia went skiing. They are developing a ski equipment rental business with their spouse. Vladimir Berezin has an adopted daughter, Margarita Kuprava. Margarita is Georgian by nationality. Her work is closely related to science. The woman is the owner of a restaurant in the capital. Also, the famous TV journalist has a granddaughter named Tekla and grandson Jamiko, with whom he is happy to work.

Lessons in free time

When issued free time, Berezin likes to be in his country house.

She enjoys raising goats. Give them maximum attention. She pastures himself. Recognized:

Most of all I like to sing when I am alone in the field tending my goats.

There are half a dozen of them on the farm. All are purebred and well milked. In the life of TV presenter Vladimir Berezin, another discovery happened. At the time of filming in Tatarstan, he visited the Raifa Monastery. After a two-hour conversation with a priest, Vladimir discovered new world. And now he tries to visit this monastery almost every week and spend the day off in the monastery cell.

Currently, Vladimir Berezin is the People's Artist of Russia, Honored Art Worker. Today he is the host of concerts and official events in the Kremlin, as well as many festivals, concerts and shows.

Vladimir Aleksandrovich Berezin was born in 1957. He studied at the Oryol School of Culture at the Faculty of Directing, and later at the Faculty of Journalism of the Ural State University.

Already by 1980, Berezin headed the announcer's department on television in Sverdlovsk, remaining in this place for 10 years. By the way, this happened almost by accident - even on local television Berezin was noticed by Boris Yeltsin, who invited him to his place in Sverdlovsk. And already there, the leadership of Ostankino drew attention to him, and Vladimir ended up in Moscow.

By 1990, he was already working on Central Television. Among the projects with the participation of Berezin is the Good Morning program, as well as the releases of the children's program Good Night, Kids.

After very dramatic events in 1991, Berezin turned out to be the host of the Vremya program. Subsequently, Berezin switched to the VGTRK channel, where he later received the position of the channel's chief announcer.

Today, recalling his days at the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, Berezin talks about how hard it is to be a "star in life." So, in the 1990s, when he was the "face of the channel", when the ratings of his programs were truly colossal, he himself was in some kind of "confusion", completely focusing on his "stardom".

Vladimir managed to get out of this state thanks to the Church. So, during one of the filming in Tatarstan, as part of cultural program for artists, he visited the Raifa monastery. After a conversation with the priest, which lasted two hours, Vladimir simply discovered a new world for himself. Later, he even thought several times to go to a monastery to live, but it still didn’t come to that, but now he visits Tatarstan almost every week, spending weekends in a monastery cell.

Today Vladimir works with "living" people; its audience is different - from a few dozen people at receptions, to thousands of stadiums. According to Berezin, working with people is much more interesting than with a camera.

Comparing television "those years" and modern, Berezin, of course, sees huge difference, however, he does not yearn for the old days - everything corresponds to the time, and commerce on television today is only a product of the era.

Berezin is frankly proud of some RTR projects, among them are the TV series The Idiot, The Master and Margarita, In the First Circle, and Lenin's Testament.

And Vladimir, who for many years communicated with the first persons of the Russian stage, knows for sure that the images of the "stars" are most often too mythologized.

In general, Vladimir Berezin is a very subtle, thoughtful person and has many questions for himself, to which he has yet to give answers. In this, by the way, he really hopes for the Church, which has already helped him a lot to put a lot in its place.

Vladimir Berezin was born on April 3, 1957 in the city of Orel, Oryol region. His father is a Caucasian Muslim, Chechen, had several wives. His mother, a geologist, after learning about other wives, left her future husband. Vladimir received his surname from his mother.

After graduation high school the young man studied at the directing department of the Oryol School of Culture, and later at the journalism department of the Ural State University.

Already by 1980, Berezin headed the announcer's department on television in Sverdlovsk. He held this position for 10 years. By the way, this happened almost by accident - even on local television Boris Yeltsin noticed Berezin - then the First Secretary of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the CPSU, who invited him to Sverdlovsk.

The leadership of Ostankino drew attention to Vladimir, and in 1990 Berezin received an invitation to move to Moscow and become an employee of the organization for television and radio broadcasting. Since the beginning of 1990, Vladimir Alexandrovich worked at Central Television. Among the projects with his participation are the Good Morning program, as well as the releases of the children's program Good Night, Kids!

After the very dramatic events of the State Emergency Committee in 1991, Berezin became the host of the Vremya program. Subsequently, Vladimir switched to the VGTRK channel, soon receiving the position of the channel's chief announcer. After the closure of the announcer department on RTR in 1996, Berezin hosted the television programs My Twentieth Century, Star Square, as well as the Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk festivals on the same channel.

In 1993, Vladimir Berezin was awarded the Order of Courage - "For the performance of professional duties associated with the risk to life." He has the title of People's Artist of Russia, as well as the Ingush and Chechen Republics.

Today, Vladimir Alexandrovich is one of the the best representatives the profession of an entertainer who knows how to host events state significance, and can also organize everything at the highest level. Vladimir Berezin is a true professional who knows the genre of protocol keeping, who knows the tonality of the delivery of phrases, intonations, pauses and their duration.

His voice is the decoration of any celebration. It was he who sounded on May 24, 2012 at the inauguration ceremony of the governor of the Moscow region, Sergei Shoigu. As it should be for events federal scale Everything went at the highest level.

Currently, Vladimir Alexandrovich Berezin is known to society as an actor, journalist, television and radio host. People's Artist of Russia, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Host of concert and official events in the Kremlin, City Hall, as well as many festivals, concerts, TV programs and show programs.

In 2012, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, representatives of the Association of Combat Veterans of the Internal Affairs Bodies and Internal Troops of Russia awarded Vladimir Berezin with the Order "For Nobility of Thoughts and Deeds" II degree. Such an important award was presented to him for valor, honor and nobility, courage and humanism. It is worth noting that Berezin has long been on friendly terms with the Ministry of Internal Affairs. For more than 10 years, Vladimir Alexandrovich has been working in the Public Council at the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region.

Besides that famous TV presenter and the journalist celebrated the anniversary - 60 years, 2017 was marked by the 40th anniversary creative activity People's Artist of Russia. On this occasion, Berezin was invited to the program "Let them talk." Visiting Dmitry Borisov, the TV presenter shed light on everything that remained behind the scenes in his life: he introduced him to his wife and daughters, and also showed the house where they live.

Friends of the presenter also took part in the shooting. So, Nikolai Baskov tells about the beginning of their friendship with Vladimir Berezin. According to him, it was Berezin who was the first to call him the "golden voice of Russia", introducing him before the next performance. Singer Valeria also admitted that Berezin also played an important role at the beginning of her career. "It was qualifying round"Jurmala-87". The concert with the broadcast was led by Berezin, he seemed to have blessed me, ”the performer now recalls.

Vladimir Berezin is married twice. The first wife's name was Irina Korchevnikova. The second wife of the presenter was Lyudmila, a musician and sound engineer. The couple had a daughter, Julia. Eat stepdaughter- Margarita.

Berezin Vladimir - presenter television programs, festivals, concerts, chief announcer of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Company.

People's Artist of Checheno-Ingushetia, Honored Art Worker; board member of the International Union. Mahmud Esambaev; vice president public fund"Union".
In order to find out the conditions for inviting Vladimir Berezin to your event, invite to a celebration or order a performance by Vladimir Berezin at corporate party, call the numbers on the official website of the vipartist, on the page of the Berezin Vladimir website.

Vladimir Aleksandrovich Berezin was born on April 3, 1957.
Graduated from the directing department of the Oryol School of Culture and the journalism department of the Ural State University.

Vladimir Berezin - TV host, song of the year, host of gala concerts, host for your holiday. He worked as the host of the Good Morning program.
In 1991, after the dramatic events of the State Emergency Committee, he first appeared on the air of the Vremya program. Later he became the chief announcer of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.
Today Vladimir Berezin is the host of concerts, festivals, official receptions in the city hall and the Kremlin. Vice-President of the public fund "Soyuz".
In 1993 for the performance of professional duties associated with the risk to life, awarded the order Courage.

Vladimir Berezin:Hello! Good evening, Dear friends!

Vladimir Berezin. In the late 1980s, his appearance on the screen central television The USSR caused a huge resonance. Velvet baritone, radiant smile, the best costumes. A charming provincial guy from Sverdlovsk overnight became the favorite host of the first person in the state, which caused the envy of many colleagues in the television workshop. And all these years he continued to hone his skills in the programs "Time", "Morning", "Good night, kids", "Song of the Year", not paying attention to spiteful critics and having the support of a multimillion-dollar television audience. Berezina is still loved today for his confidential intonation and the highest professionalism. At 60, he does not look like a pensioner at all. There are no announcers and entertainers for a long time, but there is Berezin, and his work is already a classic that never gets old.

Dmitry Kirillov:Your godfather on television was the first president of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, right?

Vladimir Berezin: Yes.

Dmitry Kirillov:A Lyudmila Zykina closest friend?

Vladimir Berezin:Lucy, of course.

Dmitry Kirillov:You did not fall in love with Moscow right away, but did your friend Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov teach you to love Moscow?

Vladimir Berezin:Yes, Yuri Mikhailovich taught me to truly and sincerely love Moscow.

Dmitry Kirillov:Do you regret that the profession of an announcer has disappeared?

Vladimir Berezin: No.

Dmitry Kirillov:Your life is like a rollercoaster: from the collective farm to them. Zhdanov, Oryol region, to the St. George Hall of the Kremlin - that's cool.

Vladimir Berezin: This is anomalous.

Dmitry Kirillov:You are the first host of state receptions of the first president of Russia. Are you offended that you are called the "Kremlin presenter"?

Vladimir Berezin:No, I'm proud of it.

Dmitry Kirillov:For the first time, you introduced to the general public Maxim Galkin, Nikolai Baskov, in general, very many artists who are now top mega-stars. They say: "If Berezin represents someone for the first time, he becomes a star." Do you know this?

Vladimir Berezin: No.

Dmitry Kirillov:Did the position of the chief announcer of Russian television give you many advantages?

Vladimir Berezin: No.

Dmitry Kirillov:Do you consider Iosif Kobzon your teacher?

Vladimir Berezin: Yes.

Dmitry Kirillov:Is it true that you sang a duet with him?

Vladimir Berezin:Yes, very recently.

Dmitry Kirillov:You were named the most valuable acquisition of the central television Soviet Union early 1990s?

Vladimir Berezin:Yes, it was. I am very pleased with it so far.

Dmitry Kirillov:I have been watching you for many years, how you work in the frame, starting from the time of the Russia TV channel. The main announcer of the TV channel Russia - it was, you know, like a challenge. We had announcers, we knew them perfectly. This did not irritate colleagues: "Why the main announcer?"?

Vladimir Berezin:I tried to answer this question. As I lovingly call the favorite of millions of the great announcer Valentina Mikhailovna Leontieva, who once caught me in the corridor of Ostankino, on my "Hello, Valentina Mikhailovna", and Valentina Mikhailovna looked and said: "Ah, are you the main, or something, announcer Russian television". I say: "Yes." She says: "What kind of position is this" chief announcer "?". - "Valentina Mikhailovna, I don't understand, what's the problem?" - "Here we had Kirillov artistic director, other people were the department head. What is a "chief television announcer"? This mess! This is without ... ". I say:" Valentina Mikhailovna, I can give you the phone number of the personnel department of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. You can call and express your negative attitude towards this. Here you are not responsible for the department of announcers of the central television, you are only responsible for yourself, and I am responsible for everyone, and there are 15 of us, three of them are masters, you probably don’t need to answer for them, and the rest are young people, so I need to reply".

The main announcer is a person who, on behalf of television in those days, performed the most important and responsible tasks. For example, it was necessary to hold a state reception of the king of Spain. There were major scandals about it, but I don't want to talk about it. Why? Because in memory of that time, of that difficult revolutionary, putsch, I would say, time, I still have a certificate that says "Chief Announcer of Television of Russia" and the signature of the chairman of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.

Dmitry Kirillov:How did it happen that it was Yeltsin who played such an important role in your life?

Vladimir Berezin:It was in the early 1980s, Boris Nikolayevich was the first secretary of the Regional Committee, and, like everyone else in his life, he equaled the highest standard. He said that "We have the first announcers, the second (there were 12 people), television and radio, a large and interesting united group (there was practically no such group in the country). We need another young guy, we need to develop." That is, I still could not understand in any way - Yeltsin and his team treated it this way. I remember there were 18 people in the place. Of course, I decided that I had come and gone and forgot about it. And then at the most crucial very difficult moment in my creative life suddenly a telegram arrived: "You have been accepted by competition for the position of an announcer of the Sverdlovsk television and radio." This was at the insistence of Boris Nikolaevich. How did it sound? "Look in the country, if you can't find it in your own country" - "But what about? And live?". - We'll give you an apartment.

I don't know how lucky I am. They accepted me there. They just loved me there. I was my own there, that in our profession of an announcer, the profession of a presenter, this is the most important thing, because the profession of an announcer and a presenter is you, who you are, in the proposed circumstances, here and now.

Dmitry Kirillov:Was it difficult to be Yeltsin's favorite announcer? After all, you know, as colleagues: "What is so special about this Berezina?" When Yeltsin arrived in Sverdlovsk, in addition to his team, he also transported people who were nearby in his entourage. And automatically Berezin came to Moscow.

Vladimir Berezin:It matched so well. Boris Nikolayevich did not call me here, he was not up to it. Me in the corridor of Ostankino on the occasion of what was done with Yeltsin in those days when he was overthrown from the heights of a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the first secretary of the Moscow City Party Committee, when he became an outcast and some kind of deputy of some construction committee, my colleagues - God bless them, I'm so grateful to them - they grabbed them by the breasts, they said: "You came here in large numbers! And Yeltsin is yours! And you! We have been here for 8-10 years, and you arrived, and immediately on the air, immediately conduct, immediately the program "Morning", immediately "News"! But colleagues did not rejoice for long, because he suddenly became the hero of the country in those days. He became a hero of the country.

Boris Yeltsin (archive video fragment):I read to the citizens of Russia. We are dealing with a right-wing reactionary anti-constitutional coup.

I could always call Boris Nikolaevich's entourage, I could complain to Naina Iosifovna, but this never happened. I wasn't taught this. I was taught there in the city of Sverdlovsk in the Urals, gritting my teeth, to wait. If you feel that you are right - do not fuss, do not rush, keep this confidence in yourself. But if something bad is said to you in the back, it means that you are going ahead.

We welcome our regular viewers. We welcome those who have just started watching our channel both in Russia and far beyond its borders. Thank you. We have worked and will always work for you.

Dmitry Kirillov:You appeared on the screen of the Rossiya TV channel. As they said: "This announcer stands out. He reads while standing. Everyone is sitting. What kind of upstart is this? Why is he reading standing up? Why does he change costumes all the time?" Some said: "Cool! This is some new, some American style, fresh".

Vladimir Berezin:Then it sounded proudly "American style."

Dmitry Kirillov:And others said: "Yes, he does whatever he wants, because Yeltsin has a roof, and therefore he allows himself what other announcers do not allow, and causes irritation, and maybe even envy."

Vladimir Berezin:It’s good that I didn’t hear that Yeltsin was my roof, because I would have started to prove that this is not so, and I would have lost a lot. I returned, came to the channel "Russia" ("RTR" then) from the position of a commentator on the editorial office of the information of the central television. He said it now, and that's it. You are the leader and the leader. But according to the school of value, the hierarchical scale then, a commentator, and then a political observer. And I returned to the announcers again. And why did I stand there? So that at least somehow the profession that I returned to again, so that it at least looks different.

Dmitry Kirillov:You just felt cramped in these announcer's frames, it turns out, where is the clear text?

Vladimir Berezin:Quite right, because before everyone told me: "For the profession to live and sound proudly, expand the scope of the profession" (Igor Kirillov). I expanded. But the time is revolutionary, the movement of layers, masses, tectonic rocks.

Dmitry Kirillov:Yes, you are in a revolutionary time. By the way, you are a holder of the Order "For Personal Courage". How did it happen?

Vladimir Berezin:And this happened, again, connected with my profession, and with the full-time position of the chief announcer. When this happened, when the tanks went, they called home and said: "As the chief specialist, it is supposed that when something happens, all the chief specialists should be nearby." They took me to the office of the director of the channel, they said: "Now let's change in turn. People will come up. Whoever breaks through in the dark will come to express his opinion." I was first. I still remember Marietta Chudakova, a brilliant literary critic, professor, we were the first to talk about what is happening in the country and how to deal with it. A small studio, probably 25 meters, two tables, two chairs, a table, a camera, and a conversation: "Your attitude to ...". And how I entered (it was about 9 pm), and left only after I saw a picture that tanks drove up, started firing at to the white house, at Government House. They told me: “Go to sleep. Back in the evening. This is such a live broadcast, and people came up. I remember Khazanov, I remember Dmitry Zakharov, I remember people from the government. I already went in there nameless, came out a hero. For personal courage", for the performance of official, professional duties associated with a risk to life. And when they handed it over, they said: "Boris Nikolayevich, how calmly you spoke, you talked with people, in a country far from Moscow, and many in the world thought:" Not - No, we're fine.

Dmitry Kirillov:Many people called you "Kremlin presenter". Just about the degree of responsibility, probably, I want to talk. What was the difficulty of this work? You, as the main announcer of Russian television, were constantly in the Kremlin.

Vladimir Berezin:These are the state receptions of President Yeltsin, they were large, solemn, imperial. Entrance to St. George's Hall. And 300 people were rising there, and I represented them: Boris Nikolaevich, Naina Iosifovna, and then the guests. A man approached, an employee of the president's protocol took a card. Before I had time to read it, he walked, and I voiced, for example, "Mayor of Moscow Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov with his wife", there was a translation. Next.

What was the difficulty? In the fact that in all this time I have never made a single letter mistake. Why? Because it couldn't be wrong. What if you make a mistake? No. And if all the same? .. No! This is the protocol of the president, where top level, highest quality, the highest qualification.

Dmitry Kirillov:What gives such closeness to power that you are next to the president? What kind of dividends do you receive for this?

Vladimir Berezin:Yes. I have become even more disciplined over the years thanks to this. I'm never late. If this happens through no fault of mine, I die several times during this time. I can't. I organically can't.

Dmitry Kirillov:But this internal state?

Vladimir Berezin:This is an internal state.

Dmitry Kirillov:Usually, when you are close to power, you can ask for something to be done.

Vladimir Berezin:I never asked for anything. Why? Because my principle is: everything that I have, I have, I don’t need more. I wanted something - I need to invent for this, load myself, and in this sense I am lazy. I learned, among other things, thanks to this state, the main and very important for a person in general and a representative of our profession - I am self-sufficient. I know how to appreciate and enjoy what I have. We are now talking to you - I already have it. You listen to me, you are interested, some of those who watch us are interested - you know how it is for me already? Like this!

Dmitry Kirillov:Do you know how people were interested when you constantly changed costumes?

Vladimir Berezin: Yes.

Dmitry Kirillov:Each broadcast you have a new suit.

Vladimir Berezin: This is a legend.

Dmitry Kirillov:You come all the time for some expensive cars. The feeling is that either you were asked for, or you asked because you were completely packaged. Nobody was. I'm telling you Kirillov Jr.

Vladimir Berezin:This was said by Otar Kushanashvili.

Dmitry Kirillov:Nobody was packed, as they say now. Vladimir Alexandrovich, I don’t believe that you didn’t get some goodies from there from above from the Kremlin. You know, when you went on television, the feeling that you went in was just to greet your colleagues for a few minutes, read something, get into the car, leave to host Ovation, some kind of regular concert, and people worked all day. Did you have your own schedule?

Vladimir Berezin:I like this legend so much because I had the most brutal schedule, I had to be on the air four days a week, like everyone else on the channel. I said to everyone: “Good afternoon! The Russia TV channel continues its work. We are very glad that we are together again, that you are watching our program. Today, by the way, you will see this, this, this. The 458th series of the serial feature film"Santa Barbara". Everything else is not. In my attitude, in my profession, initially, as soon as I escaped from the village, I already knew for sure that you can not eat, but you must have a shirt, because you I didn’t eat or drink - you can’t see it there. And if you are poorly dressed, then in those days, I repeat, when good wardrobes were lacking for everyone, I had to preserve the veil of this magic. This is what I owe, this was taught to me by my wife, who said: "We should buy a new suit, at least once a year!".

Dmitry Kirillov:As the figures show, young people watch the Internet, television is just for people who are already after 40, after 50 years. This is the audience."

Vladimir Berezin:These are those who sit on the sofa with the remote control and connect to the space. Oh, and he's already there. Outside the Moscow Ring Road, this television is needed like this, because the farther from Moscow, the fewer opportunities. And our generation, which I represent, not only has no interest, because it is a real interest - life is here, now, and not invented, and some content, some Internet portals. We read the encyclopedia, not Wikipedia. More precisely, we read it too, but we believe the encyclopedia, because what is written there is already 100% true, and some girl wrote on Wikipedia, so it remains.

Dmitry Kirillov:Is there global trend: adult presenters on all world channels are top people, these are people who are trusted, who are expected. We in Russia do not have adult leaders, that is, age leaders.

Vladimir Berezin: No. God bless.

Dmitry Kirillov:Well, Posner, but he's alone.

Vladimir Berezin:But he is not for everyone, he is Posner, and once on Monday.

Dmitry Kirillov:And if you click channels, then people simply may not find a familiar face.

Vladimir Berezin:I wonder how all this will end in our country. They will end up saying: "Oh, before it's too late, let's work for those who believe." And this is an audience that went and goes, went to the conservatory and goes, went to the theater and goes, and young people are gradually added a little bit, and it grows with them. But these are the main ones who go to museums, who read, these are those who have the future in general. The most loyal audience forever is the middle-aged audience.

Why BBC? We do not touch CNN. BBC. You look, gray-haired uncles. And try to remove the uncle from there and put the young one in handsome guy dandy. Half of England - and England, for a moment, it has a conservative sense of life - is an evolutionary developing society, there was no revolution, there is still a queen, as everyone knows. They will stop believing what the person says on the screen. Why? Because people of the older generation, for whom this is important, it is important to trust their equal, their own kind. Or a person grew old, grew up, grew up, and all the rest, who cares about the Internet, what a box, sorry, are fans and admirers of pop artists.

Dmitry Kirillov:Who was godfather are you in show business? I understood about television, but at the same time you began to conduct concerts, participate in all top events.

Vladimir Berezin:You say "top events", that is, those that have classic look?

Vladimir Berezin (fragment of archived video):Good evening, dear friends! Welcome to the national music Festival"Square of stars 99!".

We begin the anniversary ceremony of awarding prizes of the National Russian music award"Ovation".

Speaks and shows Vitebsk, the capital of the 25th international festival Arts "Slavianski Bazaar".

Vladimir Berezin: This is probably an image, probably a role that I kept in myself, groped for, because no one taught me this. At the time when I was gaining some height, no one was teaching anyone, it was not up to that. Teachers, you say, taught. Teachers are not those who teach us, but these are people from whom we learn, and there are many of them. From the great Esambaev to someone Kobzon for me, when a person is in the profession, if I talk about Joseph Davydovich, why am I his student, but if only because (just don’t laugh) I still, when I found out that Kobzon before going on stage, when he puts on stage costume, never sits down, for all the time, no matter how much I work until nine o’clock, I can’t sit on a chair, because then I have to go on stage, and I have arrows. This attitude to business and to the profession, and to the viewer, it is on a subconscious level. Therefore, Kobzon not only good singer, he is an outstanding businessman, he is a politician, he is a man who has retained greatness in himself, and retained in himself a luxury that not each of us can afford - to be ourselves. The great Esambaev bequeathed it to me. He said: "I will not be, Volodya - there is Joseph, my younger brother. Look, ask - he will tell you, because I only have a great hat, - said the great Esambaev, - so I'm still head and shoulders above everyone. And the star of the Hero of Socialist Labor. I probably did everything else wrong," he said jokingly, although he did everything right. And in the profession he was the only and best, and there were only attempts like that. And in human relations. When Joseph called on the day of my anniversary Daudovich Kobzon congratulated me on my anniversary: ​​"What can I give you? What's your favorite song?" I say, "My favorite song today is 'I love you, life.'" He says, "I'm singing for you. Sing along." And he was on the phone, and I was on the phone, and we sang several verses of the song "I love you, life" in two voices. Who, where and when celebrated their anniversary in our country in this way? Nobody, nowhere and never somehow I'm sure.

(Fragment of a concert by Joseph Kobzon.)

Joseph Kobzon: (Sings.) So rejoice and sing in the trumpet sounds of the spring anthem. I love you, life, and I hope that this is mutual.

Vladimir Berezin:People's Artist of the Soviet Union Iosif Kobzon, National artist Russian Alexey Evsyukov.

Joseph Kobzon: Vladimir Berezin.

Dmitry Kirillov:But not everyone comes to the anniversary and Pugacheva comes.

Vladimir Berezin:She came and said: "He didn't call me, I came myself." I said: “Allochka, you know, you don’t need to be called, you have the right to always come to anyone you want at any time for any reason.”

I invited Maxim Galkin to the anniversary, and they connect me with Maxim good relations. I did a concert as a co-producer, dedicated to the day internal troops. I saw Maxim somewhere, I saw how he makes the image of Vladimir Vladimirovich, then still a very young president. And I say: "Let's take Maxim Galkin to the concert" - "Who is this?". - "Young, novice performer." They say to me: "Young, beginner?.." - "But he does Putin like that!". And the man, one of the first leaders of the internal troops, said: "Vladimir Alexandrovich, only under your responsibility." I said, "Here is my hand, here is my head. It will be a success." The success was resounding. Vladimir Vladimirovich laughed so much, because no one had ever shown him so precisely. I could say at this point: "You know, and this is how the meteoric career of Maxim Galkin began." No, Maxim is very talented person was, is and remains.

Dmitry Kirillov:Vladimir Alexandrovich, maybe it's too early to retire? What are the plans? You know, such a banal question of Soviet cream: "Your creative plans". Pensioner Berezin, you look amazing.

Vladimir Berezin:

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