Composition: Problems of modern youth. Worldview of modern youth


Modern youth does not value what young people valued in the past, because conditions have changed, the country has changed, the socio-political system, the ideology of the state have changed, and young people have such opportunities that the former did not have.

The last Soviet youth grew up in difficult economic conditions, for example, shortages of goods were common. This left an imprint on the former youth, on their attitude towards material goods and lifestyle. The last Soviet youth was often forced to spend time in shops, standing in long lines. The youth knew how difficult it was to acquire many things in Soviet time, and therefore appreciated them more than the modern one.

Soviet youth grew up in a period of a single ideology, within the strict framework of Soviet morality. From the first grade, the student became first an October student, then a pioneer, a Komsomol member. Therefore, the former youth grew up on other principles, they valued honesty, decency, sincerity, and mutual assistance more. On these values ​​the former youth grew up. Today's youth, if it experiences ideological pressure, it mainly limits patriotic education.

Financial condition Soviet people was the same on average. Young people could stand out against the general background not with their expensive clothes or expensive phones, but only with something intangible. For example, courage, knowledge, leadership qualities. Modern youth is part of the modern selfish world, where every man is for himself. IN modern world often young people assert themselves at the expense of some external attributes that are purely material in nature. Young people copy the behavior of older people. And in this they are no different from adults.

Late Soviet youth grew up in a period of serious political change in the country during the period of so-called perestroika. After for long years monopoly of one party and one ideology came glasnost, democracy and freedom of speech. Young people were actively interested in politics and highly appreciated new values. Modern youth does not know what lack of freedom of speech, freedom of conscience is, therefore they do not appreciate it, do not feel the connection between freedom of speech and their own financial position. Therefore, today's youth is much less interested in politics and what is happening in the country. It seems to young people that everything in this world happens independently and their participation in this is not required. Young people are indifferent to politics.

On the other hand, this can be explained by some apathy, fatigue. The end of the 80s is an era not only big changes, but also great hope. People were sure that it was up to them how the state would develop in the future, how people would live. Now there is no such thing. There is a feeling that nothing depends on one individual person at all. Therefore, today's youth, as well as their parents, prefer to live one day without thinking about the future.

Living conditions have changed a lot, new technologies have appeared. Before there was no Internet. Young people communicated personally, directly, not through social networks and phones. Therefore, live communication was valued, the ability, for example, to sing with a guitar, to tell some interesting story in a company was valued, a broad outlook was valued. Now it's gone. All communication is via the internet. You do not need to play the guitar, you can find any melody on the Internet. Real emotions can be hidden behind a picture on the Internet. Nobody reads books.

Today's youth live in their new world. In this world, hair color and an unusual hairstyle matter more than inner world person, his qualities as a person. Achievements in online games are valued higher than success in sports, the number of friends in in social networks- Higher ability to communicate live.

Modern youth lives in their own virtual, artificial world. Hence the values ​​of modern youth are just as artificial, superficial, unreal.

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People have always been capable of extravagant acts that defy any logic and break all analyzes and forecasts.

Today's youth is the future of the entire Earth, as they will have to take the reins of its government, take priority, and not only, goals, and implement them. But, unfortunately, today's youth, who grew up on fast food, talk shows, soap operas, computer games and other elements of modern mass culture, perhaps, will not be able to give an adequate answer (adequate reaction) to the prevailing circumstances in the socio-political life of the state, region, planet.

Massmedia is currently playing important role in shaping the orientations and aspirations of the population of most countries of the world, except for the countries of the current socialist camp. The media can influence value orientations, the formation of everyday culture and the so-called "meaning of life". Young people can be divided into four main groups according to the degree of influence:

Choice plays an important role younger generation in social terms and in what way it will achieve a certain social status and "worldly goods". According to the use of methods, youth can be divided as follows:

  • Near-criminal. Use rough physical strength and all forms of its manifestation. This group is numerous, and most of the youth aspire to it, as it is idealized by television and courtyard "thieves' romance";
  • "With connections." Children wealthy people And high officials who use the position of their parents to achieve their goals, but are not able to achieve them on their own (in fairness, it should be noted that among this part of the youth there are capable people, but these cases, unfortunately, are few in number, so they can be ignored);
  • "Botanists". They use exclusively their intellectual abilities, but often fall into the service of previous groups due to their cowardice;
  • unskilled youth. A group of people, which will include those who have not realized themselves in the previous groups, they achieve their goals and acquire benefits “with sweat and blood”.

An important role in the development of society is played by the value orientations of the generation, as they determine the everyday culture and often the “meaning of life”. Approximate division of the younger generation in relation to priority goals and values:

  • Mercantile people. A group striving to achieve most material assets and the maximum satisfaction of their, mostly far-fetched, needs (power, jewelry, luxury items, etc.);
  • Officials. A group that seeks through career development(with the help of money, connections, sometimes abilities) to achieve a certain social status and satisfy their personal ambitions. There you often meet people with "higher" needs, in addition to achieving material well-being;
  • Intellectuals. A group of individuals seeking, with the help of their knowledge, to achieve a certain material and moral satisfaction. They have a positive impact on society, developing science and society, striving to “spiritualize” their physiological life;
  • "Philosophers" (I note that the specialty does not matter). Separate individuals who most objectively evaluate and react to reality and selectively relate to all values ​​- material goods, social status, intellectual and spiritual development(according to the author, this is the most interesting and small group);
  • risk group. Most of the younger generation, so to speak, “fallen out of the cage”, which has not achieved its goals and can claim the benefits of previous groups, that is, threaten coups or criminal seizure of values.

All of the above is the result of ignorance of just the basics humanities, and philosophy in particular, since only it can give a spiritual component to the biological life of a person. As for external factors, such as international organizations, they can contribute to the spiritual and intellectual development young generation, using their wide opportunities in helping the state in educational companies.

What continuation of events can be expected from today's youth, which has such a spiritual emptiness and which will eventually replace the present generation?

  1. A pessimistic forecast: the next generations will be worse and worse, and the process will reverse evolution, up to the appearance of homo pitecus.
  2. Optimistic forecast: periods of stagnation and degradation always precede periods of cultural, spiritual and intellectual flourishing of an ethnos, nation, etc.
  3. A realistic forecast: at all times and in all societies, only a certain group of people was highly educated (intelligentsia in the broad sense of the word), and the rest of society (the largest) was a level or several levels lower, and, nevertheless, society was decomposing, that's how it developed.

Time will show everything.

How to live? Who am I? What is a sense of life? At all times, young people have been asking a number of questions, unambiguous and general answers to which have not yet been given to any generation.

We are all born with different "starting capital". Someone's parents can provide for their child all their lives, but someone does not always have enough for food. But no matter how fate young man or girls, the problems, in general, are about the same for everyone.

Take, for example, the eternal theme unrequited love. It is rare to find a person who does not "sick" with this. Everyone experiences this first tragedy in their own way - some are easier, some are harder. But in the end, most young people do not dwell on failure and continue to go through life with a smile on their face. I do not argue that for some it all looks like a tragedy for some time, but still after a while they draw the right conclusion from what happened, and it becomes easier for them to live on.

Another important point in the youth environment - communication with peers. And it doesn't always go smoothly either. Surely you know those who always sit at school and are not accepted by their peers. And just guys, whose image can be described by the expression "neither here nor there." But all of them are far from bad people and often grow up to be very interesting and really in-demand personalities in society. But not only they have problems in communicating with children of their age. In general, few people feel one hundred percent confident among their own kind up to a certain point. But this only proves that problems in communication are a solvable thing, and besides, it is quite natural.

The problem of fathers and children is also eternal. Even Turgenev succinctly and accurately described it in his work. And, if you think about it, not much has changed since this book was written. Yes, our century leaves its mark on the image of misunderstanding between parents and children, but misunderstanding itself will remain in any era. And this is also quite natural. After all, the parents lived in a completely different time, which means that their values ​​were different from the values ​​of their child. From this come eternal quarrels, more or less serious. And each person solves the issue of communication with parents in his own way, but in the end he usually decides too.

It is impossible to ignore the problem of financial independence and independence in general. Who hasn't met her? Sooner or later, there is a need for money, for freedom of choice and action. There is also no single answer, but everyone should decide for themselves this question. That is why you can meet so many motivated young people.

Summing up, it is safe to say that each new generation is unique. It's not better or worse - it's just different, not the same as it was before. But young people often ask the same questions and always find new unique answers to them. And that's why everything eternal problems that confront young people can be considered solvable.

Scientific work "Youth of the 21st century"

What is it - the youth of the twenty-first century? If you ask this question to the grandparents of a modern young person, they will say that this generation that lives one day does not think about anything. They do not need anything, they are not interested in anything - such an opinion can often be heard from the older generation about modern young people. Perhaps they are right? Look at a guy or a girl. They sit somewhere in the park, in the yard on a bench. They smoke, they may have a bottle of beer in their hands. Such a picture is often seen today. But this does not mean at all that absolutely all young people are only interested in drinking and thoughtless pastime. Not at all.

Today's youth are very different from their peers living in the twentieth century. First, they are much more informed than they are, because Newest technologies allow you to get a much larger amount of information than fifteen or twenty years ago. Secondly, it cannot be said that today young people are less educated. On the contrary, they know more because they can get knowledge from many sources. They just live in a different time. But important human values For modern youth remained the same. They also love and want to be happy, just like young people a hundred and two hundred years ago. They also want to find themselves, their place in this world. Only their methods and means are now different, and the possibilities have changed significantly. Modern young boys and girls, as in former times, are ready to help, lend a shoulder when it is difficult. Here is a boy saving a drowning man from a hole. He risks his life, but helps someone who is in trouble. A young man saves a girl from a burning apartment. He performs a feat not for the sake of reward or glory. The boy is just doing what he has to do because the girl is in danger. The newlyweds with friends went for a ride and, standing on the bridge, they saw that a man was drowning. People rushed to save him. Many more such examples could be cited. That is, the values ​​of modern youth have remained unchanged: philanthropy, mutual assistance, assistance to those in need, and others. They also have a purpose in life. Only the ways to achieve this goal are slightly different from the previous ones. And there have been and will be disputes that at other times everyone was not like that. And today's young people in thirty years will tell their children that they were different and lived differently. The eternal dispute between fathers and children!

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