Message about the panorama battle of Borodino. Kutuzov hut in Fili


: 55°44′19″ N sh. 37°31′24″ E d. /  55.738740° N sh. 37.523227° E d. / 55.738740; 37.523227(G) (I) K: Museums founded in 1962

Panorama Museum "Battle of Borodino" opened in 1962 on the territory former village Fili (now Kutuzovsky Prospekt).

The basis of the memorial complex is the council hut in Fili, restored after a fire in 1887, and the panorama of the Battle of Borodino itself, completed by Franz Alekseevich Roubaud in 1912.


Details of the canvas panorama "Battle of Borodino"

Franz Roubaud, canvas panorama "Battle of Borodino"

Kutuzov hut in Fili

Next to the Kutuzovskaya hut in 1912, a temple-chapel of the Archangel Michael of God was built by architect N. D. Strukov.

Other museum exhibits

  • The museum-chapel of the Archangel Michael, erected in 1912, in memory of Field Marshal M. I. Golenishchev-Kutuzov.
  • Monument to the heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812 by the sculptor N. V. Tomsky, installed in front of the museum building in 1973.

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    Council hut in Fili.jpg

    The only reliable images of the council hut in Fili

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    Panorama fragment

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An excerpt characterizing the Borodino panorama

- It's not him. This is the father of the one who wrote the proclamation,” said the adjutant. - That young one, sits in a hole, and it seems to him that it will be bad.
One old man, in a star, and the other, a German official, with a cross around his neck, approached the conversation.
“You see,” the adjutant said, “this is complicated story. Appeared then, about two months ago, this proclamation. The Count was brought. He ordered an investigation. Here Gavrilo Ivanovich was looking for, this proclamation was in exactly sixty-three hands. He will come to one: who do you get from? - From that. He goes to: who are you from? etc., we got to Vereshchagin ... an undereducated merchant, you know, a merchant, my dear, - the adjutant said smiling. - They ask him: from whom do you have? And most importantly, we know from whom he has. He has no one else to get from, as from the director's mail. But, apparently, there was a strike between them. He says: from no one, I composed it myself. And they threatened and asked, he stood on that: he composed it himself. So they reported to the Count. The count ordered to call him. "From whom do you have a proclamation?" - "I wrote it myself." Well, you know the Count! the adjutant said with a proud and cheerful smile. - He flared up terribly, and think: such impudence, lies and stubbornness! ..
- A! The Count needed to point out Klyucharev, I understand! Pierre said.
“It’s not necessary at all,” the adjutant said frightened. - There were sins for Klyucharev even without this, for which he was exiled. But the fact is that the count was very indignant. “How could you compose? says the Count. I took this "Hamburg newspaper" from the table. - Here she is. You didn’t compose, but translated, and translated it badly, because you don’t know French, you fool.” What do you think? “No, he says, I didn’t read any newspapers, I composed them.” “And if so, then you are a traitor, and I will put you on trial, and you will be hanged. Tell me, from whom did you get it? “I didn’t see any newspapers, but I composed them.” And so it remained. The count also called on his father: he stands his ground. And they put him on trial, and sentenced, it seems, to hard labor. Now the father has come to plead for him. But bad boy! You know, a kind of merchant's son, a dandy, a seducer, he listened to lectures somewhere and already thinks that the devil is not his brother. After all, what a young man! His father has a tavern here by the Stone Bridge, so in the tavern, you know, big image the god of the Almighty and is represented in one hand by a scepter, in the other by a power; so he took this image home for a few days and what did he do! Found the bastard painter...

In the middle of this new story, Pierre was called to the commander in chief.
Pierre entered Count Rostopchin's office. Rostopchin, grimacing, was rubbing his forehead and eyes with his hand, while Pierre entered. The short man was saying something, and as soon as Pierre entered, he fell silent and left.
- A! Hello, great warrior, - said Rostopchin, as soon as this man left. - Heard about your prouesses [glorious deeds]! But that's not the point. Mon cher, entre nous, [Between us, my dear,] are you a Mason? - said Count Rostopchin in a stern tone, as if there was something wrong in this, but that he intended to forgive. Pierre was silent. - Mon cher, je suis bien informe, [To me, my dear, everything is well known,] but I know that there are Masons and Freemasons, and I hope that you do not belong to those who, under the guise of saving the human race, want to destroy Russia.
“Yes, I am a Mason,” answered Pierre.
“Well, you see, my dear. I think you are not unaware that Messrs. Speransky and Magnitsky have been sent to the right place; the same was done with Mr. Klyucharev, the same with others who, under the guise of building the temple of Solomon, tried to destroy the temple of their fatherland. You can understand that there are reasons for this and that I could not exile the local postmaster if he were not a harmful person. Now I know that you sent him yours. a carriage to get out of the city and even that you took papers from him for safekeeping. I love you and do not wish you harm, and since you are half my age, I, as a father, advise you to stop all contact with such people and leave here yourself as soon as possible.
“But what, Count, is Klyucharev’s fault?” Pierre asked.
“It is my business to know and not yours to ask me,” cried Rostopchin.
“If he is accused of distributing Napoleon’s proclamations, then this has not been proven,” said Pierre (without looking at Rostopchin), “and Vereshchagin ...
- Nous y voila, [So it is,] - suddenly frowning, interrupting Pierre, Rostopchin screamed even louder than before. “Vereshchagin is a traitor and a traitor who will receive a well-deserved execution,” said Rostopchin with that fervor of anger with which people speak when they remember an insult. - But I did not call you to discuss my affairs, but to give you advice or orders, if you want it. I ask you to stop your relations with such gentlemen as Klyucharev and go from here. And I'll beat the crap, no matter who it is. - And, probably realizing that he seemed to be shouting at Bezukhov, who was not yet guilty of anything, he added, taking Pierre's hand in a friendly way: - Nous sommes a la veille d "un desastre publique, et je n" ai pas le temps de dire des gentillesses a tous ceux qui ont affaire a moi. My head is spinning sometimes! Eh! bien, mon cher, qu "est ce que vous faites, vous personnellement? [We are on the eve of a general disaster, and I have no time to be kind to everyone with whom I have business. So, my dear, what are you doing, you personally?]
- Mais rien, [Yes, nothing,] - Pierre answered, still without raising his eyes and without changing the expression of his thoughtful face.
The Count frowned.
- Un conseil d "ami, mon cher. Decampez et au plutot, c" est tout ce que je vous dis. A bon entendeur salut! Farewell, my dear. Oh, yes, he shouted to him from the door, is it true that the countess fell into the clutches of des saints peres de la Societe de Jesus? [Friendly advice. Get out soon, I'll tell you what. Blessed is he who knows how to obey!... the holy fathers of the Society of Jesus?]

One hundred years ago, at the end of August 1912, the panorama of Franz Roubaud "Battle of Borodino" was opened in Moscow. Paradox - the greatest painting about the main battle Patriotic War the French with the Russians were created by a native of the family of a French businessman who was born in Odessa! By the way, he also supervised the creation of a panorama of the defense of Sevastopol.

It is interesting that the panorama "Defense of Sevastopol" was created under the guidance of a Frenchman in 1902-1904 in the suburbs of Munich by a group of not Russians, but German artists. This panorama was successfully opened in 1905 in Sevastopol in a building specially erected for it.

But in creating the panorama "Battle of Borodino" were involved and Russian artists. This work battle art has a completely unusual, in some ways even tragic fate. Despite the fact that the canvas is already 100 years old, it was available to the audience for almost half of its "creative life" ...

The giant canvas-panorama was commissioned by Tsar Nicholas II, the author of more than 200 monumental battle paintings, the famous artist Franz Roubaud, on the eve of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812. Why did the emperor order such hard work it is clear to him. Previously, Roubaud supervised the creation of large-scale panoramic paintings "Defense of Sevastopol" and "Storm of the village of Akhulgo".

In the original sketch, the author of the Battle of Borodino showed a fierce battle for the key point of the battlefield - the Kurgan battery of General Raevsky, in particular, the counterattack of the Russian units led into battle by General Yermolov against the French who broke into the battery. However, the sketch was soon rejected by the king.

According to historical primary sources, one of the newspapers then wrote:

“The battle for the Kurgan battery gave the artist full scope to depict Russian troops with the best side, to show their valor ... in a word, a truly “Russian” panorama came out. A special commission invited the artist to depict another moment of the battle: noon, when large-scale cavalry attacks of the Napoleonic cavalry on Russian positions began.

Since the panorama was created at the time of the alliance between Russia and France and there was no desire to quarrel with the former mortal enemy for “political” reasons, the government forced the artist to choose for the panorama a plot already embodied in the “Battle of Borodino” by the French battle painter Langlois. “I am writing a panorama for the Russians, but they force me to write the triumph of the French”, - according to contemporaries, Roubaud complained. Work on a huge canvas measuring 14 by 115 meters took about a year.

The panorama was opened on August 29, 1912 in a specially built pavilion on Chistye Prudy. True, the “Battle of Borodino” was exhibited for a very short time. You understand - the first began World War, access to the relic was terminated, and a hospital was placed in the panorama building.

By the spring of 1918, the temporary wooden pavilion in which it was located fell into disrepair, the canvas was removed, rolled up on a wooden shaft and taken to a warehouse. For almost 40 years, it was kept in a terrible state, sometimes in the most unfavorable places - under the stage platform of the Neskuchny Garden, in the basement of the Miussky Cathedral, in the Aquarium Garden, in the theater warehouse of the Hermitage Garden and in other completely unsuitable places.


In 1934, the People's Commissariat of Defense raised the issue of restoring the Borodino panorama. In 1939, for the first time in more than 20 years, restoration artists completely unfolded the painting, carefully examined it and concluded that restoration was impossible: the painting of the sky, the outer coils depicting the battle near the village of Semenovskoye, were almost completely lost, the canvas turned out to be broken, worn and torn in many places.

However, the leader of the peoples, Joseph Stalin, insisted on the restoration of the canvas: during the Great Patriotic War, he used to remember the heroes of the Patriotic War. For example, in the army during the war of 1941-1945, shoulder straps (descendants of epaulettes) were restored, and the Order of Kutuzov was established. It is significant that it was established by a decree of July 29, 1942, the day after the signing of Stalin's famous order number 227 of July 28, 1942, known among the troops as the order "Not a step back!" ...

The heroes of the Patriotic War were commemorated in the then press with a kind word, and even the inveterate representatives of the noble class Bagration, Raevsky, Barclay de Tolly. Needless to say, fighting spirit Soviet troops from this only crepe.

In general, with light hand leader of the peoples in 1946, a new thorough examination of the painting was carried out - and a decision was made to restore it. On September 29, 1948, the Council of Ministers of the USSR even issued a special resolution. The work was entrusted to the Central Art Workshops.

And what do you think - despite the prophecies of skeptics about the impossibility of restoring the panorama, it was restored by the end of 1950. We began to think about where to put it - with its enormous size, it was not easy to find a place.

While they were looking for where to exhibit the panorama, the initiator of the restoration, Joseph Stalin, died. And the canvas lay for several more years in State Museum fine arts named after Pushkin. Alas, again historical painting“rotted” - the museum then could not create appropriate conditions for its storage.


And here again the great panoramic canvas was lucky. Some kind of “fly” bit the then impulsive General Secretary Nikita Khrushchev, and he, like his predecessor Stalin, at the suggestion of officials from the Ministry of Culture, remembered the panorama “Battle of Borodino”. And, finally, on the eve of the 150th anniversary of the war of 1812, in 1960, at the very top of the pyramid of the mighty Soviet state It was decided to complete the work on the restoration of the panorama and the construction of a new building for it.

The new restoration was carried out at the State Central Scientific and Restoration Workshop. The building for the Battle of Borodino panorama began to be built in 1961 on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, where a whole historical and memorial complex dedicated to the Patriotic War of 1812 was already taking shape. There the canvas began to be exhibited.

However, this is not all the misadventures of the famous battle canvas. On June 27, 1967, a tragedy occurred - a fire in the panoramic hall. And again, restoration of the canvas was required. This time the work was carried out by the masters of the Studio of Military Artists named after M. B. Grekov.

In 1990 - 1995 the premises of the Panorama Museum were completely reconstructed. At present, the main fund of the museum has more than 27 thousand items of storage, in the scientific auxiliary - more than 8 thousand items.

The gigantic great canvas is kept there, on Kutuzovsky, and now. And there is no doubt that these days, when Russia is celebrating the 200th anniversary of the Patriotic War, the exposition of the Borodino Battle panorama is one of the most visited.

Address:Kutuzovsky pr., 38, Moscow

Museum opening hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 to 18:00, Thursday - from 10:00 to 21:00, day off - Friday.

Franz Alekseevich Roubaud

Franz Alekseevich Roubaud was born on June 15, 1856 in Odessa in a large family. His father, Honore Fortuna Alexis Roubaud, was a native of Marseilles, from where he moved as a merchant to the south of Russia.

After the opening of the “Battle of Borodino” panorama in Moscow in 1912, Franz Roubaud went to Munich for a while, but for reasons of the First World War that had begun in Europe and civil war in Russia remained in Bavaria until the end of his life.

Franz Roubaud died of old age on March 11, 1928 in Munich in one of the apartments in the Schwabing district, and the grave of his daughter Anna in the cemetery of the Fraueninsel monastery island became the resting place. Obituaries about the death of the artist were published in many German and foreign publications. In the same year of remembrance famous artist was dedicated to a retrospective exhibition organized in the Munich Residenz Gallery at Residenzstraße 15.

According to Sylvia Roubaud, her grandfather, living in Bavaria, “considered Russia as his first homeland” and always felt a connection with this country. And the monumental works about Russia he created "became a kind of expression of his love and respect for the Russian people and their history."

Thursday, September 14, 2017

This week marks the 105th anniversary of one of the most impressive masterpieces of Russian painting, created by a Russian artist French descent Franz Roubaud in Munich - a panorama of the Battle of Borodino.

Especially before this significant event and on the eve of the weekend, we show you how the panorama looks now and tell you why you need to go there.

Watch our report, including from behind the scenes —>

How did the panorama come about?

On September 11, 1912, in the year of the celebration of the centennial anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812, a Grand opening panorama "Battle of Borodino" by Franz Alekseevich Roubaud.

A special pavilion was created for the painting on Chistoprudny Boulevard.

The newspapers of 1912 vied with each other to report that the pavilion at Chistye Prudy was opened with great fanfare and they searched all over Russia specifically for its opening, found and brought to Moscow several veterans and witnesses of that war.

Pyotr Laptev ... Gordey Gromov ... and for some reason an unnamed "old woman".

The panorama on Chistye Prudy did not work for long, already in January 1918 it was closed, and the canvas went to the warehouse. TO pre-revolutionary history in the 1920s and early 1930s, they were treated with great disdain, only a new world was promoted.

After 30 years, in 1948, the canvas fell into the hands of restorers, due to difficult storage conditions, the upper (heavenly) part of the canvas was found unusable, one battle scene was also lost - a battle near the village of Semenovskoye - recreated anew. After that, the painting was mothballed for another 10 years. And only in 1960, on the eve of the 150th anniversary of the War of 1812, they returned to restoration, a new sky appeared at the panorama, and with it the first connecting seam.

By the way, this is how the panorama "behind the scenes" looks like

In 1962, the panorama was released in a specially built building on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. The place was not chosen by chance, because it was here that the very hut of Mikhail Frolov was located, in which the fateful decision was made, which went down in history as the “council in Fili”.

Already after only 5 years, in 1967, as a result of a fire, the canvas was badly damaged, a new restoration was made.

It should be noted that despite all the losses and changes, this picture is the most integral of the three large-scale masterpieces of Roubaud and for the most part is copyrighted.
In 2012, on the eve of the centennial anniversary, the museum was closed. In the course of the work, a new exposition was created, and the subject plan of the panorama itself was updated, practically recreated " Kutuzov hut».

Panorama is not just painting but also a whole museum

Five reasons to visit the Borodino panorama:

1. Panorama is one of the most large paintings in the world 115 m long 15 m high. The presence of a substantive plan with the terrain, special lighting, as well as the circular arrangement of the canvas allows visitors to plunge into the thick of things and become a full-fledged witness to the decisive battle of the Patriotic War of 1812.

2. The exposition includes not only battle painting and military ammunition, but also numerous showcases with furniture, books, porcelain, bronze, immersing in the atmosphere of Russia at the beginning of the 19th century, which will appeal to viewers far from military history.

3. Dioramas with everyday sketches, as well as multimedia panels, will not leave indifferent the smallest visitors


4) During the celebration of the 105th anniversary of the panorama museum, special excursions were organized, allowing you to look "Behind the scenes of the panorama"

5) The panorama of the Battle of Borodino is one of the few good museums in Russia dedicated specifically to pre-revolutionary tsarist history.

Museum-panorama "Battle of Borodino" and a monument to Kutuzov

At the heart of the memorial complex is a hut in former Fili, in which in September 1812 the Military Council was convened by the commander-in-chief M.I. Kutuzov. It considered the possibility of giving after the battle of Borodino, which did not reveal a winner, a battle near Moscow or, as an option, leaving the city without a fight. Here is the actual panorama of the Battle of Borodino by the Russian panorama painter Franz Alekseevich Roubaud, academician and head of the battle workshop of the Academy of Arts.

Having visited the Battle of Borodino Panorama Museum, you will definitely see one or several historical exhibitions that are held here regularly. thought out special program for children, within the framework of which culturological and historical master classes are held. They help the younger generation, and adults too, to get to know a whole era more deeply, covering late 18thearly XIX century. Here are the portraits famous figures of that time and, of course, commanders, without whose talented leadership our troops would not have been able to achieve decisive successes. The museum's exposition also includes paintings from battle scenes, commemorative coins of that time, as well as some household items, among them - rare items from collectible porcelain.

Each excursion to the Borodino panorama is a unique opportunity to get in touch with the history of our country, embodied in art, to learn about the events and people who had a great influence on the fate of Russia. And, of course, to feel yourself, as they say, in the thick of things - after all, this canvas is made very realistically.

History of creation

The Battle of Borodino Panorama Museum, which is over half a century old, is located at the end of Kutuzovsky Prospekt. His building in its architecture looks concise, without any external "excesses". It cannot be called beautiful either - it is rather an example of utilitarian modernism, erected for the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino.

The building is round and the need to give it such a shape is caused by the purpose of the museum, because it is within its walls that a colossal panorama painting is exhibited, painted by Franz Roubaud by order of Emperor Nicholas II back in 1912, on the 100th anniversary of the historical battle of Borodino. The authors of the project were Soviet architects A. R. Korabelnikov, A. A. Kuzmin, S. I. Kuchanov and design engineer Yu. E. Avrutin. When designing, they used the recommendations of Roubaud himself, which he gave during the erection of the original panorama building.

The original building, or rather a specially built pavilion, was located on Chistye Prudy in Moscow (in its place is now house No. 12-a on Chistoprudny Boulevard). The pavilion, which became recognizable due to its openwork-dome design, was built by the architect P. A. Vorontsov-Velyaminov. The author of the mentioned design was engineer E. Izrailovich.

In 1918, the Borodino panorama was dismantled and sent for restoration. The artist P. D. Korin was engaged in the work, and they continued for quite a long time. It was opened again in 1962, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino. A little earlier, in 1940, an obelisk was installed on the territory of the museum and historical complex, which was moved from mass grave 300 Russian soldiers who died from wounds received during this historic battle. In 1958, a bronze bust of M. I. Kutuzov was placed in the museum.

Subsequently, the complex also included the monument " Glorious sons Russian people" and the Triumphal Arch. The latter was previously located on Tverskaya Zastava Square. And already in our time, on December 1, 2007, a new department appeared in the institution, it is called the Museum of Heroes Soviet Union and Russia” (located on Bolshaya Cheremushkinskaya street, 24, building 3). The initiator of the creation was the Regional public organization"Fund for Support of the Heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia", which bears the name of General E. N. Kocheshkov.

As for the exposition itself, it began in 1883, with the installation by officers of the Grenadier Corps of a milestone on the site of the burned-out hut of the Military Council in Fili, it was also called "Kutuzovsky" (in 1887 the hut was restored). In 1912, a chapel of Archangel Michael was built next to it, which was dedicated to the memory of Field Marshal Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov.

Fun fact: the greatest panoramic canvas, which immortalized for posterity the main battle of the Patriotic War with Napoleonic France, was created by ... a Frenchman by nationality. Yes, yes, do not be surprised: Franz Roubaud, although he was a native of Odessa, was born in the family of a French businessman. However, this did not prevent him from considering himself a Russian all his life, a true patriot of Russia. The same master of genius, by the way, supervised the creation of another large-scale panorama - "Defense of Sevastopol".

The battle for the Semyonovsky ravine. Fragment of the Borodino panorama. Franz Rubo. (1912)

Making the first sketches, the artist focused on the fierce battle that went on for the Kurgan battery of General Raevsky - a key, strategic point on the battlefield. Roubaud wanted to show how the Russian units, under the leadership of General Yermolov, carried out a counterattack on the French. In other words, and this moment was reflected in one of the then newspapers, Roubaud wanted to show all the prowess of the Russian troops, their patriotism and courage, but Emperor Nicholas II ... rejected this sketch.

The artist was asked to depict another moment of the Battle of Borodino - large-scale attacks of the Napoleonic cavalry on the positions of Russian troops. But why? Such a decision of a high-ranking customer seems at first glance illogical and even unpatriotic. However, as it turned out, the sovereign was driven by considerations of political expediency. By the 100th anniversary of the grandiose battle, Russia and France were no longer mortal enemies, Furthermore, they were allies, so the emphasized demonstration of the superiority of our troops could lead to a cooling of interstate relations. Roubaud, of course, understood these nuances, but he was very lamented about this. “I am writing a panorama for the Russians,” he complained, according to the memoirs of his contemporaries, “and they make me write the triumph of the French.”

The canvas turned out to be truly huge, 15 by 115 meters. Work on this large-scale and landmark work lasted about a year. At some point, there were not enough funds to complete it, and the artist Franz Roubaud was forced to sell his house and a unique collection of paintings, drawings, weapons and glass of the 19th century, which he never regretted.

What to see in the Borodino Battle Panorama Museum?

The Battle of Borodino panorama is the main exhibit of the museum, the western and eastern wings of which are decorated with mosaics in the style of the 60-70s of the last century. Through the efforts of the artist B. Talberg, such events as a fire in Moscow and the victory of the Russian army over Napoleon are immortalized on them. If you go to the east wing of the building, you can see the guns. These are by no means “antique” decorations, but the most authentic weapons of those times, left “inherited” from the French army.

Franz Roubaud, canvas panorama "Battle of Borodino"

But back to the grandiose creation of Franz Roubaud. Treat his work as genuine historical document it would probably be wrong. The panorama is, first of all, a work of art, although the artist did everything possible to accurately convey not only the dynamics, but the drama of the battle that took place on September 7, 1812.

For the convenience of visitors, a platform is equipped in the center of the hall, which makes it possible to move around and get acquainted with the panorama from different angles. All this allows us to consider the depicted events in the smallest details. The starting point of the inspection is usually "At Dokhturov". Being in it, you seem to find yourself on the outskirts of the village of Semenovskoye, watching the battle from the roof of a miraculously preserved house. The transition to the second viewpoint takes the audience to the French positions, where you can see the artillery equipment of the enemy. The next point will take you to Napoleon himself, surrounded by bodyguards, and behind the back of the emperor huge army with 20,000 soldiers.

And finally, we come to the fourth point of the review, it is called "Fight in the Rye". A dramatic clash between Russian cuirassiers and Saxon cavalry unfolds on an unmowed rye field. In the forefront of the fighting, we see the brave Michael Barclay de Tolly, commander of the Russian units. A little further away you can see houses. This is the village of Gorki, it is also the fifth (and last) position of the review, known as the “Kutuzov Command Post”. The name speaks for itself: there is a headquarters headed by a brilliant commander, as well as the quartered Preobrazhensky, Izmailovsky and Semenovsky regiments, which constituted the reserve of the Russian army.

Viewing the panorama

For a long time, the panorama "Battle of Borodino" was the only exhibit of this museum. Over the years, the collection of exhibits has been significantly replenished, and as a result, an exposition has been compiled that tells about the events of the military hard times of 1812 in more detail and excitingly. One of its showcases, for example, is dedicated to Field Marshal Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov, his life path And How ordinary person, and as an outstanding military leader. Among the exhibits you can see his portraits, one of which is embroidered with human hair, personal items and literary works dedicated to him.

Talented and fearless Russian officers are dedicated to the section of the museum called "Stronghold of the Fatherland": samples of uniforms, infantry, artillery and cavalry weapons are collected here. There is also "Small portrait gallery”, it contains portraits of military leaders who distinguished themselves directly in the battle of Borodino.

Such historical episodes as lifestyle Moscow before the fire, the stay in the city of Napoleon Bonaparte, the retreat and the actual flight of the French, the stay in Paris of Emperor Alexander I and parts of the Russian army. The exposition ends with a story about buildings, structures, temples and other architectural monuments erected in Russian capital in memory of the Patriotic War of 1812.

To the above, we add that the Museum-panorama "Battle of Borodino" - permanent member annual promotion“Night at the Museum”, which takes place in May and coincides with international day museums. According to the conditions, on this night you can enter the institution completely free of charge, and many visitors take advantage of this opportunity.

Note to tourists

The Battle of Borodino Panorama Museum is open on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10:00 to 18:00, Thursdays from 10:00 to 21:00, Saturdays and Sundays from 12:00 to 16:00. It is closed on Fridays and the last Thursday of every month.

Entrance is strictly upon presentation of a standard ticket. In the museum, it is forbidden to touch (with hands or improvised objects) exhibits and showcases, not to mention leaning against them or sitting on pieces of furniture made of museum collection. It is also strictly forbidden to be in outerwear, bring food and drinks with you, leave children unattended, go behind the catwalks and boundary lines, use a selfie monopod.

A souvenir kiosk operates at the panorama museum, where everyone can purchase various goods on the theme of the Patriotic War of 1812. Products are presented in the most diverse and wide range: books, pocket calendars, postcards, military-historical miniatures, art products, magnets and key rings. The kiosk is open daily from 10:00 to 17:30, except for Friday and the last Thursday of the month.

How to get there

Museum-panorama "Battle of Borodino" is located at the address: Moscow, Kutuzovsky Prospekt, 38.

To get to the museum by public transport, you need to get to the Kutuzovskaya metro station, then follow on foot in the direction Arc de Triomphe. Or you can get off at the Park Pobedy station and also walk towards the Arc de Triomphe. Also, the Borodino Battle panorama museum can be reached by bus (routes No. 91, 116 and 157) and trolleybus (routes No. 2, 7, 39 and 44).

  • Museum-panorama "Battle of Borodino" is dedicated to the largest battle of the Patriotic War with France in 1812.
  • Blade length Panorama of Borodino, painted in 1912 by battle painter Franz Roubaud, is 115 meters.
  • Each episode of the battle can be considered in detail.
  • Exposition of weapons and equipment of two armies, awards, items applied arts, graphics and painting inspired by the event.
  • where the fateful military “council in Fili” took place, depicted by L. Tolstoy in the novel “War and Peace, with preserved icons and a stove.
  • All important information has been translated into English, there are audio guides, it is possible to get on a guided tour.

On Kutuzovsky Prospekt there are two large memorial complex dedicated to two patriotic wars: on Poklonnaya Hill and the museum-panorama "Battle of Borodino". Panorama "Battle of Borodino" is dedicated to biggest battle Patriotic war with France, which is revered in Russia as a feat of Russian soldiers and officers. On September 7, 1812, not far from Moscow, Russian troops under the command of Field Marshal Mikhail Kutuzov and the army met in a mortal battle. french emperor Napoleon I. There are still disputes about the outcome of the battle. The parties suffered heavy losses, no one achieved a decisive victory.

The canvas depicts the battlefield as of 10 o'clock in the morning. The viewer, as it were, is in the center of the Russian positions near the village of Semenovskoye. The artist tried to create the impression that time has stopped, and the viewer can see in detail each episode of the battle. Credibility is added by the scenery in the foreground, which depicts a burning village, a broken battery and an abandoned camp, where a camping cauldron still hangs over a fire. The panorama site is equipped with electronic scoreboards with comments on individual panorama episodes.

In addition to the panorama and the already mentioned exposition, the museum complex includes the Kutuzov hut, the chapel of the Archangel Michael and. In the place where the panorama is now located, the village of Fili used to be located, in which, after the Battle of Borodino, the headquarters of the Russian army was located. Then the fateful military "council in Fili", depicted in "War and Peace", passed. At this council, it was decided to leave Moscow, saving the army for regrouping and future battles. Since then, the expression "council in Fili" has become a household word, meaning a tense discussion before a serious decision.

The hut in which the historic meeting took place belonged to the peasant Mikhail Frolov. To this day, icons, a tiled stove and a bench, on which, perhaps, the field marshal himself sat, have survived from the original furnishings. The hut was first recreated as a museum in 1886 according to a drawing by A. Savrasov. In 2010, after the test of time and circumstances, the museum was restored and reopened to visitors. Now in the hut there is an exhibition dedicated to M. Kutuzov and the peasant life of his time; there are also interactive activities for children.

In 1912, next to the hut in honor of the Archangel Michael, the heavenly patron of the Russian army, a chapel was erected. It was founded on October 1, 1910 - in memory of the name day of Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov. The chapel in the historical Russian-Byzantine style was built by architects N. Strukov and M. Litvinov. The building of the chapel was decorated with decor and mosaics. This chapel-museum became the first "named" museum of Kutuzov in Russia: it contained samples of weapons and uniforms of 1812, personal belongings of the field marshal. The traveling carriage of Mikhail Illarionovich, in which he traveled through many battles, was also kept in the museum - the “nail” of the exposition.

Services in the chapel continued until 1930: representatives Soviet power decided that the chapel should be closed as an object of worship, and with it the museum. The dome was demolished, and if not for the architect P. Baranovsky, who was included in the expert commission for assessing the value historical monument, then the saddest fate would have awaited the temple. The building survived, but began to serve the workers' club, and then - the USSR Ministry of Finance and a private enterprise. Only in 1994 the chapel was returned to the Moscow Patriarchate. After restoration, it began new life: Patriarch Alexy II consecrated the temple-chapel on November 17, 2000. Now both the chapel-museum and the Kutuzov hut are included in the memorial complex-museum of the Battle of Borodino.

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