The Lezginka dance is the hot spirit of the Caucasus. Georgian lezginka - one of the dances of the peoples of the Caucasus


Dance "Lezginka" - the most common type dance art peoples of the Caucasus. It would be more correct to say that a particular style of dance is called lezginka, which sounds different in each dialect. The general features of these dances are quite similar in many nationalities. But for those who understand this subject, it is quite easy to distinguish one lezginka from another.

With some certainty, three existing style dances of the peoples of the Caucasus: northeastern lezginka (Dagestan, Chechen, Ingush), northwestern lezginka (Circassian), Georgian lezginka. Georgian lezginka in the local dialect is called “moheuri”.

The Georgian version of "Lezginka" belongs to a special category because it was the Georgian dancer who first showed it at the Folk Dance Festival in the capital of Great Britain. Then the whole world was able to appreciate the beauty and incendiary lezginka. Returning to their homeland, the Sukhishvili family continued the tradition - this is how the world-famous National Georgian Dance Ballet appeared, which raised the art of performing lezginka to a high level.

The main difference in the performance of the Georgian lezginka from the North Caucasian dance school is given great importance to the knees and elbows, that is, the joints on the arms and legs. During the dance, the movements are sharp, short. Joints quite sharply "break" in the dance. Unlike others dance schools when performing the Georgian lezginka, the hands are very far removed from the dancer's body, and the legs during the dance are set wide apart from each other. If you watch video lessons online on how to dance lezginka, these differences are clearly visible.

Another version of the Georgian lezginka is “mtiuluri”. All Caucasian dances have a large number of common features, but the main thing is striking very strongly. However, over time, the differences fade. This happens because different ensembles adjust the existing music, different movements.

M. Esambaev owns the words: “You need to see the people in order to understand their character. Then you will learn to understand his dances.” For a real specialist, it will not be difficult to determine whose particular Lezginka dance is being performed, according to characteristics, inherent only given people. Each variety of "Lezginka" corresponds to a certain plasticity of movements, costumes, musical accompaniment dance. Georgian lezginka is one of the variants of the dances of the peoples of the Caucasus.

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The exact time when Georgian folk dances originated is unknown to anyone. There is a claim that the first mention of dance folklore comes from times before our era. Historians claim that secular and military melodies were popular among the tribes in ancient times. Even before the battle, the Georgians sang and danced. The original form of dance in the country was the round dance. He was called "perkhuli" and accompanied by songs.

Each dance shows the life of the region in which it originated, so they are unique and different from each other. If you take the dances of the highlanders, such as Mtiuluri, Khevsuruli or Kazbeguri, you can see the rapid movement, their sharpness, purposefulness. In the dances of the inhabitants of the Davluri or Acharuli plains, there are smoother movements. Each dance uses its own costumes. They remind vintage clothes people in the regions where they originated.

Georgian folk dances and their culture are diverse and rich. For several centuries in a row, its traditions and performing style were formed, which were passed on from one generation to another.

The most famous Georgian dances are "Kartuli", "Khorumi", "Partsa", "Acharuli", "Mtiuluri", Khanjruli", "Kazbeguri", "Kintouri", "Khevsuruli", "Karachokheli", "Samaia", "Juta ”, “Davluri”, “Svanuri”, “Honga”, “Narnari”, “Simdi”, “Shedzhibi”, “Zekari”.


romantic gentle a wedding dance"Kartuli" is performed by a pair of dancers - a man and a woman. It shows the softness, femininity, grace of a lady and the love of a man for his woman. Throughout the dance, the man keeps a certain distance from the dancer, thus showing his confession, good manners, respect. His glance shows that his partner is dear to him, she is the only woman in a world that he would like to look at all his life.

The woman's gaze is always looking down. She quickly moves her legs, but this is not noticeable under a long dress. It feels like she is floating like a swan on the water. Despite the fact that at first glance this dance seems very easy, only well-trained dancers can perform it. The dance was created for a long time, every Georgian knows its five parts. The first part of the dance consists of inviting a man. The second part they dance together, then comes the male solo dance, after that a woman dances and in the final part they finish together. During the entire dance, the chivalrous deeds of a man are visible, which expresses to a woman the highest degree respect.

Georgian lezginka dance

The Georgian lezginka impresses with its fast pace, temperament, and strength. It originated in the Caucasus and shows the traditions of the Caucasian people. For the first time, this dance has been mentioned since the seventeenth century. It belongs to Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia. It shows the whole soul and hot caucasian blood that flows over mountain slopes and wild landscapes.

If you look at the technique of the Georgian lezginka and the nature of the dance, how its dancers dance incendiary, constantly smiling and performing various traumatic elements and tricks, it becomes clear what a difficult part the man has. It requires special physical training, endurance, strength and agility.

One of the difficult elements is a toe dance, knee bouncing, various turns, several solo parts that distinguish the Georgian lezginka from all other lezginkas. Caucasian peoples.

The women's part is smooth and restrained. The woman dances it slowly, as if floating on a green lawn. At the same time, her hands, like two wings of a swan, gently perform a separate delicate graceful dance.

If you look at the dance, you can see a sharp dissonance between the female and male parts. They contrast with each other not only in movements, but also in music, capturing the attention of the viewer.

The effect of the dance is given by a large number of dancers dressed in original costumes, by which you can immediately understand what character the dance has. Often up to 80 people can be seen on stage!

In the last century, the dance was very popular. Not a single princely ball was complete without a lezginka. The girls, like little fairies, fluttered to the sounds of zurna and daira, and the young men showed complex tricks, delighting the audience with an unusual spectacle. Now the dance is a little forgotten, apparently because there is no specific environment for its performance.


National Georgian dance"Khorumi" originated in Adjara. This region is located in the west of Georgia. At first, the dance was performed by a small number of men, but nowadays up to 40 dancers can be seen on the stage. Their number has increased, but the meaning of the dance has remained the same. By dancing, the Georgian people tried to express how the army lived on campaigns in past centuries.

It begins with a prelude in which several dancers walk across the stage as if looking for something and stop. They are looking for a place to set up camp. After that, they kind of call an army onto the stage. This is the battlefield where further actions. A beautiful spectacle is the appearance of the entire ensemble on stage. Clear, intense simple steps dancers cause internal fear.

The dance has several parts. First comes the tracking down of the enemy, then military action, and finally the celebration of victory. During the celebration, the dancers show their courage and strength with their movements. Some dance moves passed down from fathers to sons. They have come down to us since ancient times. With the dance "Khorumi" the Georgian people expressed their boundless a strong character, courage, agility and love for the Motherland.


No less popular is the Acharuli dance. It is very different from the previous dance. This is a playful, cheerful dance filled with rich colors. His costumes are bright enough. On them you can see several colors at once, of which red shades and gold predominate. The action in the dance develops between three partners, of which two are men and one is a woman. The girl flirts and leaves the stage. There is a small brawl between the two guys. After that, the girl returns, and the guys' argument subsides.

Flirting glides in everything in the movements of the girl, in the light playful rustle of the dress. In this dance, the relationship between the two sexes is more relaxed.


Dance "Kazbeguri" is performed exclusively by guys. They show the culture and traditions of the highlanders. Their energetic and strict movements characterize the harsh climate in which they live. Each participant in the dance strives to show himself as a strong, energetic young man.


A powerful dance in which Georgian shepherds try to compete one after another. The history of Georgian dances remembers many such cases when the movements were borrowed from life. Dancers dressed in red Czech National clothes men) compete with each other on stage. They show excellent possession of edged weapons, while performing complex movements. In one hand they have a dagger in the other a knife. This dance is practiced very carefully, because great skill is required from the dancer during fast movements.


This is the dance of urban merchants, who represented a certain layer of the townspeople. They were called Kinto. They were not just merchants, but assistants ready to help the buyer. Dressed in black clothes with wide, baggy pants, they stood out strongly on the street. The upper cape was girded with an original silver belt, on which a huge red scarf constantly hung. He came to the rescue of every customer. Vegetables and fruits were put into it for weighing.

The dance looks easy and relaxed due to the nature of the main characters. Kinto is a cheerful, cunning, agile guy, distinguished by entrepreneurship. His playful and extravagant gestures to Asian rhythms bring a smile to the audience. The dance is colorful, it combines farce and virtuosity of the performers.

"The Most"

The dance is performed by three women. At first it was pagan, but today it glorifies the first ruler of Georgia under the name Tamara. Three girls dressed in expensive costumes embroidered with beads and stones embody the image of a young princess, mother and wise ruler. The dance is very soft in its movements, harmonious. The movements of the girls are slow, graceful. With the help of them, they show the beauty of the ruler, her glory, unlimited power, which is known from the words of historians.

Lezginka is a dance of the Caucasian peoples. It is she who can express the hot temper and incendiary character of a Caucasian. Lezginka combines the courage of Caucasian men and the demonstration of their dancing skills. It is danced both in pairs and solo. The dance clearly shows special folk movements and their combinations in a fast pace and temperamental performance. Today, lezginka is danced not only by representatives of the Caucasian peoples. It can be seen quite often at celebrations: weddings, birthdays, and so on. Lezginka is very spectacular due to the use of Caucasian folk costumes.

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The history of the Lezginka dance

The name of this dance has been around for a long time. In ancient times, the peoples of Dagestan were always called Lezgins because of the name of the modern southern part of Dagestan - Lezgistan. Hence the name of the folk action.

There are several versions of stories on the topic of who invented the Lezginka dance. As for the solo performance, it is said that it originated as a dance before the fight, which was previously danced by men in all mountain villages. That is why in the solo lezginka there is an element of competition, a demonstration of one's strength in front of others. Lezginka cannot be confused with any other dance, it has its own special character.

The second theory of the origin of the Lezginka is rather not even a theory, but a legend about the national Caucasian dance. Once a young Caucasian guy saw a girl of extraordinary beauty and ran towards her to meet her. At this moment she was playing Beautiful music, and the man, seized by the beauty of the stranger, tried to conquer her with his movements - he circled and squatted around her. This legend claims that Lezginka originated as a dance of love and respect for the opposite sex.

Lezginka dance - video

If we talk about a pair action, the gaze of a man during the performance is riveted to a woman, and his movements are aimed at demonstrating his power and strength to her. A man and a woman in lezginka can be compared with two birds such as an eagle and a swan. He, like an eagle descending from the mountains, soars in the sky and demonstrates his capabilities. She, like a swan, gently swims in the lake, displaying all her tenderness and beauty. The movements of a man and a woman are very different from each other: a man moves sharply, quickly and assertively, and a woman seems to bow before him with her tenderness and charm.

Lezginka has different styles performances that have formed geographically. There is a classic Dagestan lezginka and 36 more variations of lezginka that are inherent in every people of Dagestan: Kumyk, Dargin, Lak, Andi, and so on. There is also a North Caucasian Lezginka - Chechen, Kabardian, Ossetian and others. Well, the Transcaucasian show is created by the Transcaucasian peoples: Azerbaijanis, Georgians, Armenians. All North Caucasian and Transcaucasian versions of the Lezginka can differ markedly from each other in the manner of performance and movements, since each nationality has brought its own folk flavor to the dance.

Chechen dancing lezginka

Chechen lezginka today is a dance, without which not a single Chechen wedding can do. It is danced by specially invited professional performers, newlyweds in wedding dresses, or even guests as a gift to the newlyweds and just like that.

In fact, the Chechen direction is a symbol of the relationship between a man and a woman. The dance shows us what a woman (gentle, graceful and feminine) and a man (temperamental, strong and courageous) should be in a pair.

Let's watch an incredible video of the Lezginka dance at the wedding.

As you can see, it is performed not by professionals, but by amateurs, but the show looks so spectacular and beautiful that it can be compared with staged numbers. A woman really resembles a swan with her movements, which floats on the lake, looking at her beautiful reflection and unobtrusively flirting with a man. But the man, on the contrary, shows all his strength and courage. He conquers the chosen one with confidence, clear and sharp steps. main feature this dance - there are no erotic or seductive notes in it. On the contrary, modesty and shyness are represented here - the true face of the Chechen beauty.

Georgian lezginka dance

It was the Georgians who presented the lezginka to the whole world - the grandson of Iliko Sukhishvili on World Festival folk dance in London. Since then, the Georgian family has managed to raise the lezginka to a high world level by creating the National Ballet of Georgia, which tours around the globe, showing the energy and technique of this dance.

By the nature of performance Georgian direction dance also happens in pairs and solo. But the Georgians also created a group stage version of the show, when several couples or only men / women perform together. Solo performance varies depending on the gender of the dancer. So, for example, the solo male Georgian number is a kind of competition between men, which resembles a flame of fire. The dancer shows all his dexterity and skill, his movements are sharp, strong. But the female solo performance is already more tender. The movements in it are smooth and really resemble the flapping of the wings of a swan. Target solo performance women - to demonstrate the grace and charm of the fair sex. very important in execution female dance hand movements - they should be light and plastic, because it is on the hands that the female lezginka is based. At the same time, the legs are not visible - they are hidden under long skirt, so it seems that the performer either floats or flies around the stage.

Dagestan lezginka (video)

The dance technique is easily assimilated by Caucasians and not only. Moreover, the Dagestanis, for example, from the very early age teach little boys to dance this temperamental dance and work out the sharpness of movements to perfection. That is why the Dagestanis have lezginka in their blood: many of them will not even say how and where they learned to dance, because it seems that they knew how to do it already from the cradle.

And yet, lezginka dance lessons for beginners (video) are very popular today, because men and women around the world learn to be memorable actors in such a vivid action.

Here available lessons lezginka for men, which will help you understand the basic steps and turns of the dance.

As you can see, Lezginka is the most temperamental caucasian dance, which amazes with its energy and uniqueness. With it, you can express love for the motherland, discover the strength of character and show your readiness for adventure.

Probably, there are no people in the world who do not know what Georgian dance is. Those who have seen his performance at least once cannot remain indifferent to this type of art. He is able to evoke special emotions, and besides, even the audience gets the feeling that they have become participants in something special.

Features of Georgian dance

No one can say for sure when the Georgian appeared. Only one thing is clear - mountain people it's in the blood.

Historians claim that the first mentions of the folklore of Georgia in general and of dances in particular appeared even more. This is confirmed by the records of the famous Greek historian Xenophon. Dance and military melodies, as well as secular music were popular among the Georgian tribes. Even military actions among this people could not do without dances and music. What can we say, even if the funerals of the Georgians are accompanied by special ritual dances.

Georgian dance culture multifaceted and varied. But at the same time all dances have common feature. This is the behavior of the dancers on stage. A girl in such dances always looks graceful and majestic. She moves in small steps. A man is the embodiment of masculinity and fearlessness. He performs sharp and very complex movements, and some of them are more like. It can be high jumps and bold pirouettes.

Lezginka dance

Georgian dance has become very popular in the world primarily thanks to the lezginka. There are few people who would not know the name of this incendiary dance. But how did it happen? When did the dance become popular in Europe?

The fact is that from ancient times trade routes passed through the Caucasus, which united Asia and Europe. During these travels, merchants noticed a dance that they had not known before. Performers beautiful movements was local people- Lezgins.

Each Georgian dance has its own meaning. What does the lezginka symbolize? In order to understand this, it is necessary to take into account that the dance is an echo of ancient pagan rites. One of central images of this faith was the image of an eagle. It is he who reproduces the dancer, showing his strength, dexterity, and temperament. Especially the resemblance to an eagle can be seen at the moment when the partner rises on his toes and describes circles, while proudly spreading his arms. This is reminiscent of an eagle about to take off.

The movements of the girl in this dance, as always, are smooth and graceful. Between the young people go a kind of competition, and this is another feature that characterizes lezginka.

Georgian dance kartuli

This very popular and romantic dance is a wedding and tells the story of love and relationships. Naturally, they dance it in pairs.

Kartuli dance combines two types of movements: male and female. The men's party is designed to show the pride, courage and love of a man. Despite the great love for a woman, a man also feels respect and reverence, so throughout the dance he keeps his distance and does not touch her. Touches are replaced by a look that he does not take off from his beloved all the time while they are dancing.

As for the women's party, it is characterized by softness and modesty. A woman, just like a man, is obliged to maintain a distance. But other than that, she doesn't even dare to raise her eyes to him. Throughout the dance, her gaze is half-lowered, and her movements resemble a swan that glides on the water.

This Georgian dance is considered one of the most difficult, so both dancers must have real talent and skill to perform it.

Kartuli dance has a clear structure, which cannot be violated in any way. It consists of five parts. First, the man is obliged to invite the woman to dance with him, after which they dance together. At the third stage, the solo is performed by a man, after which there is a female part. On last step the partners dance together again.

The main meaning of this dance is an expression of love and respect of a man for a woman.

Sukhishvili National Ensemble

First professional dance ensemble, performing the Georgian dance, following the example of which later ensembles were created, became the Georgian national ballet Sukhishvili. official year its foundation is considered to be 1945, although in fact this year it received the status of a state one. The ballet was founded much earlier, in the late 1920s.

The troupe was founded famous dancers Iliko Sukhishvili and Nino Ramishvili. The couple became the first leaders of the ensemble and played this role until 1985. After that, the leadership passed to their children, and later to their grandchildren. Thanks to this family world fame received a Georgian dance. Sukhishvili made the folk dance ensemble a family affair, to which three generations of the dynasty have devoted their skills and time.

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