Topic Viii: Types and types of choirs. The arrangement of the choir


(undergraduate), (Ph.D., associate professor)


Penza, Non-state educational institution of higher professional education Moscow Technological Institute "VTU"

Each enterprise is the owner of a particular property, the unauthorized use of which can damage its financial position. These are not only material or financial resources, but also information (technical and commercial), intellectual property, trademark etc. Awareness of the security threat problem is very important, because the actively used potential is the determining factor in the development of the enterprise and the guarantor of economic growth, as well as maintaining its economic independence. In addition, the state and development trends that ensure economic security exclude or minimize damage not only to the potential of an individual enterprise, but also to the economy as a whole, which indicates the relevance of the topic of ensuring economic security.

Social protection of personnel, for the purpose of economic security of enterprises, should provide not only decent wages and payments social character, but also protecting people's health, avoiding emergencies, since the liability of enterprises in these cases has a direct impact on the amount of profit remaining at his disposal. A separate place in the organization of ensuring the social well-being of personnel can be occupied (under certain conditions) by the exclusion of life-threatening criminal manifestations against executives, employees who are aware of information constituting a trade secret and other “vulnerable” personnel. Since this, in the end, can significantly affect the image of the company and, accordingly, its financial position.

Ensuring the security of information resources of enterprises is to comply with the authorization of access to information containing trade secrets, while at the same time ensuring full "transparency" of the economy of enterprises for regulatory authorities and statistical authorities.

A special place in the model of economic security of enterprises is given to ensuring the security of contractual relations, where, along with economic issues, the legal aspect should also be considered to a sufficient extent.

The system for ensuring the economic security of enterprises, depending on specific conditions (the scale of financial and economic activities, production volumes, territorial features, the state of fixed assets, human resources, etc.), should have certain funds own security. With the help of these tools, not only the tasks of the system for ensuring economic security will be performed, but also legal support, which includes the norms of the activities of the organization's services, means, methods, regulatory documents that determine the status of the economic security service and the requirements that are mandatory within the scope .

Organizational activity implies the creation of a structure (Fig. 1), with the help of which the analysis of the state of economic security of individual components is carried out, and the development of measures to ensure the economic security of the enterprise as a whole. This structure, depending on the characteristics of the business, can be either its own unit or contracted.

Rice. 1. Organizational structure of the enterprise economic security system

Ensuring the economic security of enterprises, in its essence, does not allow this work to be reduced only to the organization and conduct of individual events, but should be a continuous, purposeful process that requires:

Constant forecasting of possible threats;

Justifications and implementations effective forms and methods of creation, improvement and development of the system of economic security of enterprises;

Continuous monitoring and control system;

Comprehensive, effective use of available means of protection for all elements of the production and economic system.

Greatest Efficiency operating system Ensuring the economic security of enterprises and, first of all, the security of financial resources can be achieved, in our opinion, provided that methods and means are combined into a single, integral mechanism that together are able to ensure security, preserve and effectively use financial, material and information resources.

Thus, the introduction of an integrated system for ensuring the economic security of enterprises, which makes it possible to predict and prevent threats to economic security, as well as to quickly regulate the volume and structure of costs for ensuring economic security, will make it possible to qualitatively influence the overall financial condition of a particular enterprise.

In conclusion, we can conclude that an effective security system can be built with an integrated approach to organizing the process of protecting the production, economic and financial activities of an enterprise. To plan work to ensure the security of an enterprise, it is necessary to develop an enterprise security concept that takes into account the specifics of its activities.

In modern conditions, the process of successful functioning and economic development Russian enterprises largely depends on the improvement of their activities in the field of ensuring economic security.

The economic security of an organization, enterprise (ES) is a state of protection of the vital interests of an enterprise from internal and external threats, formed by the management and staff of the enterprise through the implementation of legal, economic, organizational, engineering, technical and socio-psychological measures. The main thing in determining the economic security of an enterprise is that:

the state of security is dynamic;

internal threats are no less dangerous than external ones;

the system of economic security of the enterprise must interact on a legal basis with the state security system.

Regulatory guarantees are legal support for the economic activity of an enterprise, the formation of appropriate legal relations on this basis, the determination and protection of the lawful behavior of divisions and employees of an enterprise for the purpose of its security, the use of state and administrative coercion measures, the application of sanctions against individuals and legal entities that encroach on legitimate the interests of the enterprise. The rules of law determine the content of the security regime and, in combination with measures to establish and maintain this regime, create legal basis all activities of the economic security system of the enterprise.

Organizational guarantees are formed by developing a process for identifying and eliminating threats to the enterprise and building and maintaining, with its help, a high efficiency of the overall organizational management structure; use of the incentive mechanism; its optimal functioning; appropriate training; taking measures to bring together the interests and consolidate the efforts of the workforce of the enterprise to ensure its safety.

256 Material guarantees are carried out through the allocation and use of financial, technical, intellectual, information, human and other resources of the enterprise, ensuring timely identification and mitigation of threat sources, prevention and localization of possible damage and the creation of favorable opportunities and conditions for activity.

When determining the directions for ensuring the economic security of an enterprise, two approaches to protection are provided:

1) proactive activity, i.e. development and implementation of a set of managerial measures and measures of a preventive nature and aimed at preventing or reducing damage to the safety of structural divisions of the enterprise, its employees and their families. The main areas of proactive security activities are measures taken in personnel work, information activities and to ensure the security of buildings, structures, property and premises;

2) reactive activity, i.e. implementation of a set of measures and activities aimed at identifying factors of violation of the security regime and verifying compliance with the requirements of the security regime and signals in relation to specific individuals, facts, organizations, events.

Entrepreneurial activity is connected with the solution of organizational issues, legal and economic problems, technical aspects, personnel, etc. The management of activities becomes especially complicated when the enterprise has wide business ties and a significant number of counterparties: suppliers, creditors, customers. Threats to its economic security can be realized along the lines of internal and external relations of an enterprise. To ensure the maximum degree of protection against these threats, activities are needed, which should be of a systematic nature.

The object of the economic security system is the stable economic condition of the subject entrepreneurial activity in the current and prospective periods. It is from the object of protection that the main characteristics of the system for ensuring economic security largely depend. Since the object of protection is complex, multifaceted, the effective provision of economic security should be based on an integrated approach to management.

257 by this process. An integrated approach involves taking into account in the management of an object all its main aspects, all elements of the managed system are considered only in aggregate, unity.

A comprehensive system for ensuring the economic security of entrepreneurship is a set of interrelated measures of an organizational and legal nature carried out in order to protect entrepreneurial activity from real or potential actions of individuals or legal entities that can lead to significant economic losses.

The basis for the development of an integrated system for ensuring the economic security of entrepreneurship should be a certain concept, which includes the purpose of an integrated security system, its tasks, principles of activity, object, subject, strategy and tactics.

The purpose of this system is to minimize external and internal threats to the economic condition of a business entity, including its financial, material, information, human resources, based on the developed and implemented set of measures of an economic, legal and organizational nature. The primary economic, legal and organizational measures that provide the basis of the security system are of the greatest importance in ensuring the economic security of entrepreneurship; secondary are technical, physical and other measures. In the process of achieving this goal, specific tasks are solved that unite all areas of security.

Tasks solved by the economic security system:

forecasting possible threats to economic security;

organization of activities to prevent possible threats (preventive measures);

identification, analysis and assessment of emerging real threats to economic security;

making decisions and organizing activities to respond to emerging threats;

continuous improvement of the system for ensuring the economic security of the enterprise.

The organization and functioning of an integrated system for ensuring the economic security of business activities in order to maximize efficiency should be based on a number of the following principles: 1)

the principle of legality. All activities of the enterprise must be legal, otherwise the security system may be destroyed through the fault of the business entity itself. Negative consequences can be various kinds of sanctions. law enforcement; 2)

the principle of economic expediency. Protection should be organized only for those objects whose protection costs are less than the losses from the implementation of threats to these objects. It should also take into account the financial capabilities of the enterprise to organize a system of economic security; 3)

combination of preventive and reactive measures. Preventive measures are of a preventive nature and allow preventing the emergence or implementation of threats to economic security. Reactive measures are taken in case of a real occurrence of threats or the need to minimize their negative consequences; 4)

the principle of continuity. The functioning of an integrated system for ensuring the economic security of entrepreneurship should be carried out constantly; 5)

principle of differentiation. The choice of measures to overcome the emerging threats depends on the nature of the threat and the severity of the consequences of its implementation; 6)

coordination. To achieve the tasks set, it is necessary to constantly coordinate the activities of various departments of the security service, the enterprise itself and a combination of organizational, economic, legal and other methods of protection; 7)

full control of the economic security system to the management of the business entity. This is necessary, firstly, so that the security system does not turn into a closed entity focused on solving narrow problems, without taking into account the interests of the enterprise as a whole, and secondly, to assess the effectiveness of the system and its possible improvement.

The subject of the system for ensuring the economic security of entrepreneurship is complex, since its activity is determined not only by the features and characteristics of the object, but also by the specific conditions of the external environment.

259 Wednesday. Based on this, it is possible to single out external and internal entities that ensure the economic security of entrepreneurship.

External subjects - bodies of legislative, executive and judicial power, designed to ensure the safety of all, without exception, law-abiding participants in business activities. These bodies form the legislative basis for the functioning and protection of entrepreneurship in its various aspects.

Internal entities - persons directly engaged in activities to protect the economic security of a particular business entity. Employees of the enterprise's own security service can act as such subjects; invited employees from specialized firms providing services for the protection of business activities.

Thus, an integrated system of economic security of an enterprise should include a strictly defined set of interrelated elements that ensure the security of an enterprise when it achieves the main goals of entrepreneurial activity.

The level of economic security of an enterprise is the most important indicator of the economic security of an organization, which is understood as an assessment of the state of use of internal organizational resources according to the criteria for the level of economic security of an enterprise. To achieve a high level of economic security, an enterprise must carry out activities to ensure maximum security of the main elements of its work.

The main elements of the economic security of an enterprise are a combination of the main directions of its economic security, which differ from each other in content (Fig. 7.3).

Each of the elements is characterized by its own content, a set of functional criteria and methods of provision.

Financial elements can be defined as a set of works to ensure the highest possible level of solvency of the enterprise and its liquidity. working capital, the most efficient capital structure of the enterprise, improving the quality of planning and implementation of financial

The main elements of the economic security of the enterprise financial information personnel technical and technological legal power Figure. 7.3. The main elements of the economic security of the enterprise

financial and economic activities of the enterprise in all areas of strategic and operational planning and management of the technological and human potential of the enterprise, its main and current assets in order to maximize profits and increase the level of business profitability.

Information elements include the main functions of the information and analytical department of the enterprise, the implementation of which is necessary to achieve an acceptable level of enterprise security.

Personnel elements of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise include work with the personnel of the enterprise, aimed at preventing threats of negative impact due to insufficient qualifications of employees, poor organization of the personnel management system, selection, training and motivation of employees of the enterprise.

The main essence of technical and technological elements lies in the extent to which the level of technologies used at a given enterprise (industrial or non-industrial sphere) corresponds to the best world standards.

The legal elements consist of an effective and comprehensive legal support activities of the enterprise, strict observance by it and its personnel of all legal norms of the current legislation.

Power elements are understood as a combination of the following states: the physical safety of personnel and management

261 enterprise property; safety of the property of the enterprise from negative impacts that threaten the loss of this property or a decrease in its value; ensuring information security of the enterprise; carrying out preventive actions to sources of possible threats to the external environment of the enterprise.

The level of economic security of the enterprise is based on how effectively the services of the enterprise manage to prevent threats and eliminate damage from negative impacts on various elements of economic security. The sources of such negative impacts can be conscious or unconscious actions of people, enterprises, bodies. state power, competing enterprises, as well as a combination of objective circumstances (the state of the financial situation in the markets of this enterprise, force majeure, etc.).

Threats to the economic security of entrepreneurship are potential or real actions of individuals or legal entities that violate the state of protection of a business entity and can lead to the termination of its activities or to economic and other losses.

Not every action that has negative consequences can be a threat to the economic security of entrepreneurship. So, one should not consider the activities of the enterprise management to invest in securities (public or private), the introduction of new organizational forms, the organization of the production of a completely new product as a threat to the economic security of entrepreneurship. All these managerial decisions are risky and may have negative economic consequences, since the situation on the securities market and the needs of the population may change dramatically, or new organizational forms will not justify themselves. Ultimately, however, all these decisions are aimed at achieving the main goal of the enterprise, at its further development. It cannot be considered a threat to the security of entrepreneurship if the management of an enterprise sets low prices for products in initial period its activities, although in this case there may be no profit and there may be a loss, but this is a standard marketing technique aimed at attracting buyers to a seller unfamiliar to them; later the price difference will be eliminated.

Actions, defined as threats, are deliberately aimed at obtaining some benefit from the economic destabilization of the enterprise, from attacks on its economic security.

The activities of the company's management, despite the risky nature, generally comply with the current legislation. Threats usually involve violation legislative norms(one or another branch of law - civil, administrative, criminal) and imply a certain responsibility of the persons implementing them. Threats to the economic security of entrepreneurial activity are characterized by three features:

conscious and selfish character;

the focus of actions on causing damage to the business entity;

illegal nature.

Consider the classification of threats to the economic security of entrepreneurial activity according to various criteria.

According to the source of the threat, it can be divided into external and internal. External may include, for example, theft material resources and values ​​by persons not working at this enterprise, industrial espionage, illegal actions of competitors, extortion by criminal structures. Internal threats - disclosure of confidential information by own employees, low qualification of specialists developing business documents (contracts), inefficient work of the economic security service and persons responsible for checking counterparties. As a rule, external threats pose the greatest danger, since internal threats are often the implementation of external “orders”.

By peer review IN AND. Yarochkina, 81.7% of threats are committed either by the personnel of the enterprise, or with their direct or indirect participation (internal threats); 17.3% are external threats or criminal acts; 1.0% - threats from random persons.

According to the severity of consequences, threats can be with high, significant, medium and low severity of consequences.

Threats with a high severity of consequences can lead to a sharp deterioration in all financial and economic indicators

activities of the enterprise, which causes the immediate termination of its activities, or cause such irreparable harm that will lead to the same consequences later. In this case, the liquidation of the enterprise occurs.

A significant degree of severity of the consequences of the implementation of threats implies the possibility of inflicting such financial losses on the enterprise that will have a negative impact on its main financial and economic indicators, its activities in the future and will be overcome over a long period.

Medium severity means that overcoming the consequences of the implementation of these threats requires costs (inflicts losses) comparable to the current costs of the enterprise, and does not require significant time.

The consequences of the implementation of threats with a low degree of consequences do not have any significant impact either on the strategic positions of the enterprise, or even on its current activities.

In terms of likelihood, threats can be both unlikely and real.

Unlikely threats include, for example, a visit by a person without a fixed place of residence to an enterprise with a demand to give him money, accompanied by obscene language. Factors of low probability of this threat:

threatens one person (rather than an organized group);

missing real opportunities carrying out the threat;

there are fairly simple ways to protect (by physically expelling the person or handing him over to law enforcement agencies).

Real threats include, for example, those threats that:

accompanied by physical violence, damage to the property of the enterprise, kidnapping of employees (managers);

carried out by an organized group making specific demands;

Carried out with the participation of criminal elements. Threats can vary in impact at the business stage. The most probable and dangerous threats are at the stage of creating an enterprise and at the stage of its operation.

At the stage of establishing an enterprise, this may be illegal actions on the part of officials that impede the organization of an enterprise, or extortion by criminal gangs.

At the stage of functioning, threats can arise at the preparatory stage (obstruction of the normal supply of raw materials, materials, equipment), the production stage (destruction or damage to property, equipment), the final stage (obstruction of sales, restriction of competition, illegal restriction of advertising).

Threats can vary according to the object of encroachment. The object of encroachment is primarily resources: labor (personnel), material, financial, information. Threats to personnel - blackmail in order to obtain confidential information, kidnapping of employees, extortion, etc. Threats to material resources - damage to buildings, premises, communication systems, theft of equipment. Threats to financial resources - fraud, falsification of financial documents, currencies, theft Money. Threats to information resources - unauthorized connection to the company's information network, seizure of confidential documents, etc.

According to the subjects of threats, threats are classified into:

threats from criminal structures;

threats from unscrupulous competitors;

threats from contractors;

threats from their own staff.

By type of damage, threats are distinguished, the implementation of which causes direct damage, and threats, the implementation of which will lead to lost profits.

Carrying out work to ensure the economic security of the enterprise, it is necessary to establish the relationship of threats from competitors, intruders and risks arising in the course of the enterprise's activities in time and space of threats. The space of threats covers the object of protection - the personnel of the enterprise, property, financial resources, information constituting a trade secret. Each threat entails certain damage - moral or material, and counteraction is designed to reduce its magnitude.

The security service (SB) at the enterprise is an integral part of entrepreneurial activity in countries with developed economies. Expenses foreign firms only for the protection of trade secrets reach 25% of all production costs.

265 The need for SB in an enterprise is determined by a number of reasons. Law enforcement agencies ensure the safety of citizens, society and the state, deal with the prevention and suppression of crimes and criminal prosecution of violators of the law. But violations of the law do not exhaust the reasons why the safety of enterprises is violated. For example, the consequences of breach of business ethics by the personnel of the enterprise, as well as partner organizations, are often very serious. Enterprises, taking care of their image, are not always interested in disclosing the facts about the fraud of their employees, information about losses from criminal competition, and therefore they themselves conduct an internal investigation, trying to eliminate the negative consequences on their own. However, violation of the state monopoly in the law enforcement sphere is not allowed. The main functions in the fight against crime, including operational-search, investigative, judicial, are retained by state law enforcement agencies. The security services at enterprises solve mainly problems of a preventive nature, the prevention of crimes affecting the interests of these enterprises.

The head of the enterprise, when determining the nature of the security, must proceed from the characteristics of the scope and scale of the enterprise, the objects to be protected, take into account the possibilities of material, technical and financial support for security measures. All subdivisions of the Security Council are created in full only by large economic entities. Small businesses are limited to internal security teams, consisting of security guards and personnel involved in setting up and repairing protective equipment.

The legal basis for the creation of the Security Council is the Law of the Russian Federation "On private detective and security activities in Russian Federation» dated March 11, 1992 No. 2487-1, which provides that enterprises located on the territory of the Russian Federation, regardless of their organizational and legal forms, have the right to establish separate divisions- security services for the implementation of security and detective activities in the interests of the founder's own security.

The enterprise security service can perform the following functions:

1) collection of information on civil cases on a contractual basis with participants in the process;

market research, collection of information for business negotiations, identification of insolvent or unreliable business partners; 3)

establishment of circumstances of illegal use in entrepreneurial activity of brand names and names, unfair competition, as well as disclosure of information constituting a trade secret; 4)

clarification of biographical and other personal data about individual citizens (with their written consent) when they conclude employment contracts; 5)

search for missing citizens; 6)

search for property lost by citizens or enterprises, institutions, organizations; 7)

collection of information on criminal cases on a contractual basis with participants in the process; 8)

protection of life and health of citizens; 9)

protection of the property of the owners, including during its transportation;

design, installation and maintenance of fire and security alarms; eleven)

12) armed protection of the property of owners, as well as the use of technical and other means that do not harm the life and health of citizens and the environment, means of operational radio and telephone communications.

To ensure the protection of the economic security of entrepreneurial activity, it is important to create our own economic security service (ESS). A number of steps can be recommended when creating an SEB:

1) making a decision on the need to create a SEB. The question of creating a Security Council should arise at the time of making a decision on the organization of an enterprise, depending on the type of activity it chooses, the volume of products intended for production, the size of annual turnover and profit, the use of production secrets, the number of employees, etc. The founders must foresee the need to create a Security Council.

After state registration, the leaders make the final decision on the creation of the SEB. In case of a positive decision of the issue, the responsible

a person (group of persons) who will be directly involved in the organization of the SES; 2)

determination of the general tasks of the SES - prevention of threats, response to emerging threats and determination of specific objects of protection (personnel, information, computer systems, buildings and premises); 3)

development of regulations on the SEB, determination of the structure and approval of the states; 4)

frame set. EBS employees can be people who are specially and permanently engaged in this activity as the main one, and involved specialists (for example, Chief Accountant, lawyer, etc.).

When selecting permanent employees, the most important requirement is vocational training. In this regard, preference should be given to former employees of law enforcement agencies (the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Security Service, the prosecutor's office, the tax police) who have work experience and are suitable for this activity in terms of moral and business qualities. For the physical protection service, it is more expedient to invite persons who served in special forces, SOBR, OMON, who have professional skills in weapons and hand-to-hand combat;

5) direct organization and functioning of the SEB.

The Law of the Russian Federation "On Private Detective and Security Activities in the Russian Federation" provides that employees of the Security Service who carry out private detective and security activities must legally obtain licenses.

In order to create an SES, an enterprise submits the following documents to the internal affairs bodies at its location:

statement on the approval of the Charter of the Security Council;

statute of the Security Council;

licenses of the head and staff of the Security Service for the right to carry out security and detective activities;

Information about the nature and directions of the activities of the Security Council, the composition and expected number of personnel, the availability of special, technical and other means, the need for weapons. The security service is prohibited from providing services not related to the security of its enterprise.

In the process of functioning, a significant role is played by the skillful placement of the staff of the Security Council by the head, the distribution of rights, powers and degrees of responsibility, which makes it possible to ensure the effective operation of the unit. An important fact-

rum to improve the efficiency of the SEB is a flexible system of incentives for employees of the service, depending on the results of work.

SEB is funded from profits. The most important factor in encouraging employees of the service is the quick and high-quality performance of all assigned tasks;

6) control over the activities of the SEB. In order to maintain a high level of professionalism of the employees of the SES, the discipline of all personnel and to ensure the effective operation of the SSS as a whole, constant monitoring and analysis of the results of the activities of the SES is necessary. For this are used:

regular current reports of the SEB to the management of the enterprise;

reports on protection against specific threats and measures taken;

analysis of reports and the conclusion of the enterprise's management on the efficiency of the SES.

An important element in maintaining a high professional level SEB employees are improving their business skills, expanding their knowledge, which is achieved by constant professional development and retraining at relevant courses and the study of specialized literature.

In the course of daily activities, attention should be paid to the constant interaction of the SES with law enforcement agencies.

Interaction between the SES and law enforcement agencies can be carried out in the following areas:

personnel - verification by law enforcement agencies of candidates for work, reports of entrepreneurs about violations committed individuals, training of employees of the Security Council with the help of law enforcement agencies;

information - the exchange of mutual information about the methods of committing unlawful acts, potentially dangerous persons, wanted persons, etc.;

organizational interaction - the creation of a system of joint counteraction to illegal activities on the part of individuals and legal entities (organization of security, installation of alarm systems, rapid alert systems for law enforcement agencies).

The structure of the SEB, as already noted, is specific to various business entities, since

ku depends on the size of the enterprise, the nature of the activity, the role of confidential information (trade secrets), etc.

An exemplary structure of the SES of an enterprise is shown in fig. 7.4. The selected blocks are directly included in the SEB, and the rest are used only within the limits of issues that are within the competence of the SEB.

A special position in the structure of the SES is occupied by a group of emergency situations. The enterprise, and hence the SES, can operate in two modes - normal and emergency. In the normal mode, there are no serious threats to the economic security of the enterprise, preventive work is carried out to prevent them, the activities of all departments proceed as usual, the problems and threats that arise are of a local nature and are overcome in the course of the current work of the enterprise's divisions, including the Security Service. In an emergency regime, unexpected threats arise with a high or significant severity of consequences. In this case, the head of the Security Council or the head of the

The parent of the enterprise organizes an emergency group (crisis group), which includes the most qualified specialists of the enterprise to solve this problem. The group does not work constantly, but only as needed.

This structure provides for the organization of units involved in the direct protection of the main objects of threats and, at the same time, interaction with other structural units of the enterprise, on whose activities economic security depends to one degree or another. Such a structure can be used as a basis for creating a more comprehensive system of economic (and general) security.

The practical activities of the SEB (Fig. 7.5) should be based on the use of standard schemes, procedures and actions in a certain sequence.

The system of preventive measures includes activities to study counterparties, analyze the terms of contracts, comply with the rules for working with confidential information, protect computer systems, etc. This activity is carried out regularly and continuously, ensures the protection of economic security on the basis of a permanent system of organizational measures.

However, even the best system of preventive measures cannot foresee, much less overcome, sudden non-standard threats that can cause significant damage to the enterprise.

System Monitoring and detection

security threats Analysis and


threats of precautionary (preventive) measures


on neutralization

security threats Definition of measures

to neutralize threats

Rice. 7.4. Approximate structure of the economic security service

Rice. 7.5. Activities of the economic security service

The entrepreneur should take into account that the organization of an effective system of preventive measures will require much less cost than the fight against the consequences of already committed offenses, realized threats.

The categories of employees with access to commercial (including confidential) information that may be potential sources of its disclosure or other illegal actions include, first of all, accountants, cashiers, persons having the right to dispose of seals, letterheads, employees of computer departments.

Employees of the Security Service must check not only the safety of commercial secrets by employees, but also their attitude to their official duties, accuracy in handling documents, and the absence of excessive interest in other departments.

For Security Service employees, indicators in identifying employees who disclose confidential information, embezzle money or commit other illegal actions that threaten the economic situation of the enterprise are:

sudden active interest in confidential information, activities of other departments;

change in the employee's behavior in communication with colleagues, in conversations, the appearance of uncertainty, fear;

a sharp increase in employee expenses, the purchase of expensive goods, real estate, etc. Potential offenders are employees:

having significant financial difficulties;

having a penchant for gambling;

prone to drunkenness, drug addiction;

having seriously ill close relatives;

frequently changing jobs;

mentally unbalanced.

In order to maintain a high level of protection of the economic interests of a security company, it is advisable to conduct inspections of persons who, using their official position, can pose a security threat.

The most important function of the Security Council is a comprehensive check of counterparties. The reasons that reduce the reliability of the counterparty and may become grounds for refusing to sign an agreement with him are:

The enterprise does not have its own premises (the enterprise rents premises, and recently);

lack of employees in the state - there are only one leaders;

lack of cash flow in the account;

servicing the enterprise in an unreliable bank;

untimely settlement of the enterprise with the budget, banks, non-compliance with delivery dates, etc.;

discrepancy between the legal address of the enterprise and the actual location;

negative information about the head of the enterprise. The constituent and

other documents of the counterparty, it is also desirable to carry out their examination - primarily to establish their authenticity and the absence of signs of forgery.

To ensure the economic security of entrepreneurial activity and counteract internal and external threats, the control of financial and economic operations, accounting and other documentation of the enterprise is of paramount importance. For these purposes, the management of the enterprise and the SEB can use audits.

The basis of the life of society, its socio-political and national-ethnic stability is economic security.

The objects of Russia's economic security are the individual, society, the state and the main elements economic system, including the system of institutional relations in the state regulation of economic activity.

The reasons for the emergence and development of crisis situations in the country, causing threats to economic security, are various factors: a decline in production and the loss of the domestic market; violation of scientific and technical potential and deindustrialization of the economy; loss of food independence and exacerbation of price disproportions between industry and agriculture; the growth of unemployment and the weakening of labor discipline; criminalization of the economy; violation of financial security; loss of the external market, etc.

273 Questions and tasks for self-examination 1.

Name the components of Russia's national interests. 2.

What are the main elements of economic security? 3.

Name the levels of economic security. 4.

What are economic security threats? Compare internal and external threats. 5.

What is the state activity to ensure the economic security of the country? 6.

What are the goals of economic security monitoring? 7.

What is the economic security of the enterprise? 8.

What is the essence of the level of economic security of the enterprise? 9.

What are the criteria for classifying security threats to an organization? 10.

What are the reasons for the need to create your own economic security service for an enterprise or organization?

Economic security of the enterprise Firsova Olesya Arturovna

Chapter 6. Building a system of economic security of the enterprise

6.1. General principles

Many authors, when considering security systems, explicitly or implicitly use the same sequence of reasoning. Initially, it is ideologically assumed that there is an enterprise with its financial and economic activities, then the appearance of threats to the enterprise, and only then, due to the need to protect against threats, the creation of a security system. If the security system involves various methods and means of ensuring security, then it is recognized as the implementation of an integrated approach. Thus, the complexity in the understanding of many authors is all the possibility and variety of types of protection against various threats.

Another mechanism for implementing the integrated approach is possible, as noted above. As a single complex that ensures the security of the enterprise, it is proposed to consider the entire financial and economic activity of the enterprise, and not just the security system in the narrow sense. That is, it is proposed not to develop and implement a set of measures to protect the established enterprise and its current financial and economic activities, but to immediately organize the enterprise and conduct financial and economic activities, providing for their resistance to threats as a mandatory property. If an enterprise has already been established and conducts financial and economic activities, then in order to ensure economic security, it may be advisable to change the charter, organizational structure, and construction of business processes.

This approach:

- provides for the need to take into account security requirements, starting sequentially from the stage of establishing an enterprise, drafting a charter, hiring employees, to developing an organizational structure, building business processes, writing job descriptions, up to conducting current financial and economic activities;

- considers its own security not as an addition to the enterprise due to necessity, but as its organic part, taking part in financial and economic activities on an equal basis with other departments;

- apparently, it should reduce the overall costs of the enterprise to ensure economic security and increase the efficiency of work to ensure economic security (unfortunately, the authors do not have sufficient comparative statistics on this issue);

– is consistent with the conclusions of enterprise development specialists, who point to the low efficiency of autonomous control services and the need, first of all, to build a control service with the development, linkage and coordination of a wide range of activities.

In fact, in practice, this approach is implemented in enterprises that can be conditionally divided into two groups. The first group is enterprises that, due to the specifics of their activities, are clearly and constantly experiencing a number of threats, and high level ensuring economic security for them is an obvious and unconditionally necessary condition for activity. The second group is enterprises where the owners or management were law enforcement officers in the past or, for a number of reasons, the influence of security services is great. Taking into account the foregoing, the construction of a security system in accordance with the proposed mechanism for implementing an integrated approach should proceed as follows;

- such components of the security system as security policy, strategy and concept are developed taking into account the scientific theory of security simultaneously with the development of fundamental provisions for the enterprise (mission, strategy, charter, etc.) as a whole and do not contradict them;

- in accordance with them, a security system is created, which is the core of the system for ensuring the economic security of the enterprise. In the activities of the security system, significant attention is paid to interaction with other departments of the enterprise, organizing their activities in such a way as to ensure the economic security of the enterprise in the most efficient and guaranteed manner;

- in accordance with them, security requirements for the organizational structure and financial and economic activities of the enterprise are developed and taken into account, the organizational structure is formed, and the financial and economic activities of the enterprise are regulated.

There are various classifications of principles for building an enterprise security system:

- legitimacy;

– complex use of forces and means;

– coordination and interaction within and outside the enterprise;

- competence;

- economic expediency;

– planned basis of activity;

- systematic;

– priority of preventive measures (timeliness);

– continuity;

- economy;

- interaction;

– a combination of publicity and confidentiality;

- complexity;

– separation;

– reliability;

– reasonable sufficiency;

- continuity.

Enterprise security should be:

- continuous;

- planned;

- centralized;

– active;

– reliable;

- universal;

- complex.

From the book How to ruin your own business. Bad advice Russian entrepreneurs author

CHAPTER 4. What to do: building a sales system

From the book How to ruin your own business. Bad advice for entrepreneurs author Baksht Konstantin Alexandrovich

CHAPTER 7. Summary: Building a Business System RELATED QUOTE

From the book Economic Security of the Enterprise author Firsova Olesya Arturovna

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Chapter 7 Summary: Building a Business System FEATURED QUOTE Most managers are too busy to think. Most managers see themselves as the foreman who sets the pace for the entire team. In a well-organized corporation, the attention of seniors

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Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of the economic security of enterprises 1.1. Economic security. Background Economic security - part common system national security of the country. It affects almost all aspects of the life of the state,

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1.3. Criteria and indicators of economic security of the national economy There is a close relationship between economic security and the system of national-state interests. It is through the category of national-state interests that weave together

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Chapter 2. The process of ensuring economic security at the regional level 2.1. The system of indicators and indicators of economic security in the region One of the primary tasks in the study of economic security is the development of such a system

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2.1. System of indicators and indicators of economic security in the region One of the primary tasks in the study of economic security is the development of such a system of indicators that would objectively and

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2.3. Algorithm for ensuring economic security in the region Security management is a continuous process of ensuring and protecting the economic interests of the region from internal and external threats, provided through the implementation of a set of measures aimed at

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Chapter 3. Activities to ensure the economic security of enterprises Two groups of subjects are involved in ensuring the security of an enterprise. The first group is engaged in this activity directly at the enterprise and is subordinate to its management. Among this

From the author's book

3.1. Ensuring the economic security of the enterprise. Basic definitions Economic security in a number of publications is defined as follows: “it is the protection of the vital interests of the individual, society and the state in the economic sphere from internal and

From the author's book

3.2. Reasons for the destabilization of economic security The level of economic security of an enterprise depends, first of all, on the ability of management to anticipate and prevent possible threats, as well as quickly resolve problems that have arisen. Among the reasons,

From the author's book

3.5. Tasks of economic security In modern conditions, the process of successful functioning and economic development of Russian enterprises largely depends on the improvement of their activities in the field of ensuring economic security. Should

From the author's book

4.1. Principles of building an enterprise security system Taking into account the listed tasks, the conditions of competition, the specifics of the enterprise's business, its security system is built. It should be noted that the security system of each company is also purely

From the author's book

4.4. Financial Diagnostics economic security of an enterprise In modern conditions, the process of successful functioning and economic development of domestic enterprises largely depends on the degree of ensuring their economic security. Necessity

From the author's book

Chapter 5. Features of economic security at enterprises of various industries Among the existing means of ensuring security, the following can be distinguished: 1) Technical means. These include security and fire systems, video-radio equipment, means

Chapter 1 Theoretical foundations of managing the economic security of an enterprise

Fundamentals of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise

In accordance with federal law dated July 26, 2006 No. 135-FZ “On Protection of Competition” an economic entity is an individual entrepreneur, commercial organization, and non-profit organization engaged in activities that generate income. (Belozerov)

N.P. Shulyak gives the following definition of an enterprise. Company - is an independent business entity with the rights of a legal entity that produces products, goods, services, performs work, engages in various types economic activity, the purpose of which is to meet social needs, profit and capital growth.

The economy of the state can be simplistically viewed as a set of all kinds of enterprises that are in close industrial, commercial and other relationships between themselves and the state. The health of the entire economy and the productive capacity of the state depend on how efficiently enterprises operate, what their financial condition is. (Sergeev)

One of the most important areas in the study of threats to national security is the economic sphere. The study of the economic security of all subjects of entrepreneurial and other activities is of decisive importance for the favorable development of the state.

The activity of entrepreneurs in modern economic conditions in Russia is very complex. And this is due not only to the general crisis state of the Russian economy, persistent inflation, the low exchange rate of the ruble and other macroeconomic deformations, but also to a number of specific factors that increase the activation of threats economic security of entrepreneurship. Among these factors highest value have the following.

1. Significant degree of market monopolization, partly preserved from the former administrative-command system, partly newly emerged. At the same time, the level of competition for Russian markets is growing, both on the part of domestic and foreign manufacturers.

2. Preservation of significant pressure on business entities from state bodies (for example, in the areas of licensing, taxation).

3. Growing criminalization of Russian business in general and the increasing use of transactions by criminal structures in order to launder "dirty" money, export it abroad, etc.

4. The presence of a number of social problems - low level income of the population, unemployment, staff turnover, all this reduces the degree of responsibility and increases the likelihood of an employee's inclination to sell company secrets and other illegal actions.

5. Imperfection of the legislation regulating relations in the field of entrepreneurship (expressed, for example, in the orientation of legal norms to combat the consequences of offenses, and not the causes, in the discrepancy between the damage caused and the sanctions applied).

6. Lack of unity of action and mutual coordination of various law enforcement agencies.

7. The relative "youth" of Russian business and the undeveloped means and methods for protecting their own economic security, the lack of experienced specialists.

In addition, entrepreneurial activity, in its essence, is very versatile. It is connected with the solution of organizational issues, legal and economic problems, technical aspects, personnel, etc. It is especially difficult to manage such activities when the firm is large, diversified. manufacturing plant, which has the broadest business ties and a significant number of counterparties: suppliers, creditors, borrowers, customers.

In any case, each firm is a system that includes the main elements and the links between them. A system is a set of objects, the interaction of which determines the presence of integrative qualities that are not characteristic of its parts, components. It is precisely along the lines of internal and external relations of the system (firm) that threats to its economic security can be realized. To ensure the maximum degree of protection against these threats, certain activities are necessary, which should also be of a systematic nature.

The category of "economic security" has recently appeared in the conceptual apparatus of economic science. Like any new concept, it does not yet have a generally accepted interpretation. In relation to the enterprise, it is considered as an integral assessment of the resource potential and the degree of protection of the enterprise from the negative effects of the external environment. It reflects both the elements of diagnosing the current state and the forecast of future risks and threats.

Specialists involved in the study of security issues of an economic entity and its various aspects give a variety of its definitions.

A.G. Shavaev believes that the economic security of an enterprise is the position of the most efficient use of resources to prevent threats and ensure the stable functioning of an enterprise for the present and in the future.

V.P. Mak-Mak believes that security is the state of an object (enterprise) in the system of its connections in terms of the ability to sustain (self-survival) and development in the face of internal and external threats, the actions of unpredictable and difficult to predict factors.

IN AND. Yarochkin under the complex security of entrepreneurship understands the state of protection of the interests of the owners, management and customers of the enterprise, material assets and information resources from internal and external threats.

Some authors (for example, Bogomolov V.A.) associate the economic security of an organization with its ability to develop and work in a constantly changing internal and external environment, which characterizes its sustainability.

I.P. Belozerov and E.A. Klokov believe that the economic security of an economic entity should be understood as the state of its protection from external and internal threats that have negative economic consequences, ensuring its ability to function and develop normally.

Thus, the economic security of an enterprise provides for sustainable development, that is, balanced and continuous, which is achieved through the use of all types of resources and entrepreneurial opportunities, which guarantee their most efficient use for stable operation and dynamic scientific, technical and social development, prevent internal threats.

Based this definition economic security, its fundamental quality is resistance to the influence of factors of the internal and external environment.

The economic security of an organization may include:

financial security;

industrial safety;

Personnel security;

Information security;

legal security;

Ecological safety.

Most important aspect economic security of the organization - financial security, which is a direct consequence of the activities of the enterprise in all areas and directions. Exactly at financial indicators all aspects of economic security are reflected.

Threats to the financial interests of an enterprise at all stages of its development are an objective, permanent factor and therefore require serious attention and consideration from financial managers. In the conditions of the economy in transition, characterized by high variability of the factors of the external and internal environment of the functioning of the enterprise, the implementation of an aggressive financial policy by many participants in its financial relations, the relevance of forming a system of its financial security increases significantly. The practice of the last decade shows that one of the most common causes of the financial crisis and bankruptcy of enterprises was the lack of an effective system of their financial security. (Form)

The system for ensuring the financial security of an enterprise is understood as a set of ongoing measures to protect the business from internal and external negative financial threats. The degree of this protection is determined by the ability of the company's management bodies at the appropriate levels:

· to ensure the sustainable economic development of the company, the achievement of the main target parameters of activity while maintaining the liquidity and independence of its financial system;

· to neutralize the negative impact of the economic crisis, the deliberate actions of competitors and other "unfriendly" structures;

· to prevent transactions with the assets of the enterprise, creating a threat of loss of property rights;

· form an adequate accounting system for financial flows and strengthen the operational efficiency of the control system;

· attract and use borrowed funds at the best cost from reliable banks and control the acceptable level of debt burden;

· to prevent cases of negligence, fraud, as well as deliberate actions of personnel in relations with counterparties, as well as other financial violations, including those related to the use of state budget funds;

· to develop and implement a system of continuous monitoring of the company's financial condition in order to diagnose crisis phenomena and signs of bankruptcy early;

· ensure that work is carried out to protect the confidentiality of information constituting a trade secret.

The implementation of these areas will help the company create the necessary safety margin of the financial system in the face of existing and emerging threats to it. Unfortunately, financial security management is often carried out in a relatively stable business environment, when a "reactive" form of management is used: making managerial decisions to respond to current problems. Of course, it cannot be said that at the same time companies do not pay attention to the issues of ensuring the protection of their financial interests and business stability. Many of them have created and operate internal control, special and economic security services, newfangled risk management units, modern Information Systems, systems of financial planning and forecasting. However, each of these systems is aimed at solving its own local problems.

Meanwhile, the most effective way management of financial security is the introduction of a systematic approach, which includes the introduction by the management and owners of enterprises of uniform requirements for all elements of the company's management system and the organization of control over their implementation, the distribution of responsibilities for all categories of personnel up to ordinary employees of the company, the establishment of normative values ​​​​of financial security indicators.

It is especially important that the systematic approach is reflected in the relevant corporate document, for example, the company's economic security strategy. This document should formalize the goals and objects of this strategy and its key element - financial security. The characteristics of threats to the financial security of the company, reflecting the specifics of its activities, should be determined, criteria and regulatory parameters for the safe financial condition of the business should be formulated, measures and mechanisms aimed at ensuring it should be described. In order to develop the main provisions of the strategy, internal local regulations of the enterprise, the general and financial director, heads of security and internal control services are responsible for developing quantitative and qualitative values ​​of financial security criteria, monitoring and forecasting the factors that determine the occurrence of financial threats and developing measures to overcome them, developing and implementing systems for early diagnosis of crisis situations. (Blank I.A.)

Ensuring the economic security of an enterprise is a continuous process in time, which includes the following steps:

1. monitoring and identifying threats to the enterprise;

2. choice of methodology for analyzing the financial condition, criteria and indicators for its assessment;

3. elimination of insolvency;

4. maintaining a normal level of financial stability;

5. systematic monitoring of the state and dynamics of indicators of economic security;

6. application of methods for ensuring economic security in accordance with the results of monitoring and identification of the financial condition;

7. minimizing the consequences of the crisis.

The company must constantly monitor its financial condition and environmental factors. On the basis of this monitoring, early signs of the development of the crisis are revealed, diagnostics and identification of the crisis and the financial condition of the enterprise are carried out. Bankruptcy probability forecasting can also be applied. This problem is solved at all stages of the enterprise activity cycle and in any of its states.

System monitoring is carried out in order to detect early signs of threats to the economic security of the enterprise. The significance of this stage is determined by the fact that it allows you to identify factors that have a negative impact on the financial condition of the company and other aspects of the economic activity of the enterprise.

To carry out a qualitative analysis, it is necessary to adhere to a certain methodology. There is no consensus on approaches to assessing the financial condition and the choice of certain indicators. In this regard, the management and top management are faced with the difficult task of determining the objects of the "crisis field". The criteria and methods for assessing the financial condition are very diverse. Often, their choice depends, in addition to subjective factors, also on the size of the enterprise, industry and types of economic activity, dynamics and structure of property, etc.

Elimination of insolvency is the most urgent task of ensuring economic security for any stage of the cycle, regardless of the financial condition of the enterprise. The practical implementation of this task is reduced to the constant control of accounts receivable and accounts payable of the enterprise, the systematization and tightening of business contracts, the application of a system of incentives and sanctions to ensure timely and complete fulfillment of financial obligations to counterparties.

Solving the problem of maintaining normal financial stability requires the greatest efforts and costs, ensuring the implementation of a phased restructuring of the entire financial activity of the enterprise. At the same time, the optimization of the capital structure is solved, current assets and cash flows, the investment activity of the enterprise decreases.

One of the most significant elements of the enterprise security system is the mechanism for its provision, which is a set of legislative acts, legal norms, incentives and incentives, methods, measures, forces and means, with the help of which the achievement of security goals and the solution of tasks are achieved.

A systematic approach to the formation of a mechanism for ensuring the economic security of an enterprise suggests that it is necessary to take into account all the real conditions of its activity, and the mechanism itself must have clearly defined elements, a scheme of their action and interaction. The structure of the mechanism for ensuring the economic security of an enterprise consists of several blocks, the simultaneous operation of which is designed to provide sufficient profit for the expanded reproduction of the capital of the enterprise, resulting from the observance of the interests of the enterprise, i.e. as a result of the interaction of the enterprise with the subjects of the external environment. The mechanism for ensuring the economic security of an enterprise can have a different degree of structuring and formalization.

The risk factor in entrepreneurial activity and the need to cover possible damage cause the need to create special funds of funds. The formation of reserve and other similar funds with a predetermined procedure for the formation, replenishment and use makes it possible to direct the resources concentrated in them to compensate for losses without the threat of disrupting the normal course of business activity. However, the values ​​of stocks and reserves should be strictly limited, which otherwise leads to an increase in the cost of storage facilities (in the case of material resources) or the withdrawal of funds from circulation (in the case of financial resources).

In the concept of the mechanism for ensuring the economic security of an enterprise, the main requirement is the presence of indicative analysis as a method of economic research, the essence of which is to identify trends and changes in indicators of economic security, their integration in ensuring the economic stability of the subject and his interests.

Indicators of economic security are normative characteristics and indicators that:

1. quantitatively reflect threats to economic security;

2. have high sensitivity and volatility and, accordingly, a high signaling ability to warn society, the state and market entities about possible dangers due to changes in the macroeconomic situation, measures taken by the government in the field of economic policy, etc.

3. perform the functions of indicators not separately from each other, but only in the aggregate, i.e. interact quite strongly.

To build a mechanism for ensuring economic security, it is the third property that, in our opinion, is the most important. The interaction of indicators always exists, but only under certain conditions of increasing threats does it go beyond the established boundaries, acquire an extreme character and become obvious. The accumulation of information about the numerical parameters of such interaction is necessary to determine the consequences of the implementation of threats and make informed management decisions aimed at reducing their impact on the economic activity of the enterprise.

The system of controlled indicators of the enterprise's activity includes special indicators of economic security (the direction of the enterprise's development), by changing which for a certain time period they diagnose and identify the financial condition of the enterprise: normal, pre-crisis, crisis. At the same time, it is possible to predict the bankruptcy of an enterprise.

Depending on the degree of change in security indicators relative to their planned and normative values, a certain financial condition of the enterprise is identified for different models, and the levels of probability of its bankruptcy are predicted. The result of identifying the financial condition is of fundamental importance, since it not only gives a general assessment of the current state of the enterprise, but mainly indicates the adoption of a certain range of management measures in planning, organization and motivation.

When early signs of a crisis are detected, preventive mechanisms are introduced to neutralize the development of the crisis and return the enterprise to a normal financial condition. Preventive mechanisms include:

  • volume reduction financial transactions in the most risky areas of the financial activity of the enterprise;
  • increasing the level of internal and external insurance of financial risks that threaten a crisis;
  • sale of a part of surplus or unused assets of the enterprise to increase liquid assets;
  • conversion and monetary form of receivables and cash equivalents.

If in the process of monitoring and identifying the financial condition of an enterprise, its pre-crisis financial condition is diagnosed, then mechanisms to counter the developing crisis are applied: organizational, adjustment of the development strategy, financial stabilization.

Thus, the implementation of managerial decisions due to a number of circumstances (including the development of crisis situations) is carried out in unfavorable conditions for reducing the manageability of the enterprise, conflicts of interest, a high degree of uncertainty and lack of time.

Research and systematization scientific approaches to the issues of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise allows us to draw the following conclusions.

Ensuring the economic security of an enterprise should be considered as a continuous process in time, which includes systemic monitoring of selected indicators that make it possible to give an objective assessment of the state of economic security of an enterprise and apply certain mechanisms to ensure it.

Management decisions and tools for their implementation largely depend on the current state of all aspects of the enterprise and the results of forecasting the probability of bankruptcy. The level of the state of economic security determines the choice of appropriate control levers.

In this regard, the following definition can be given. The mechanism for ensuring the economic security of an enterprise is a set of means and methods of influencing the process of developing and implementing management decisions aimed at ensuring crisis-free economic development of an enterprise. This mechanism has a complex structure (Figure 1).

Features of the functioning of the mechanism for ensuring the economic security of the enterprise are as follows:

  • it is characterized by dynamism, constant improvement;
  • it has an adaptive character, in accordance with changes in the internal and external environment of the enterprise.

Figure 1 - The mechanism for ensuring the economic security of the enterprise

The main purpose of the mechanism for ensuring the economic security of the enterprise is to create and implement conditions that ensure the economic security of the enterprise. These conditions are determined based on the criteria of economic security and its level. The most important conditions taken into account in the structure of the mechanism for ensuring the economic security of the enterprise should be: minimizing the costs of the enterprise, adapting to innovations and expanding the scope of the use of market infrastructure services. It seems that these conditions are able to have the most significant impact on the formation of the enterprise's profit, thereby ensuring its economic security. (1. Illarionov A. Criteria of economic security // Questions of Economics. 1998, No. 10, p. 45)

Economic security of the enterprise- this is the state of its protection from the negative impact of external and internal threats, destabilizing factors, which ensures the sustainable implementation of the main commercial interests and goals of the statutory activities.

For each enterprise, "external" and "internal" threats are purely individual. At the same time, in our opinion, these categories include certain elements that are acceptable to almost any business entity.

To external threats and destabilizing factors include the illegal activities of criminal structures, competitors, firms and individuals engaged in industrial espionage or fraud, insolvent business partners who were previously dismissed for various misconduct by employees of the enterprise, as well as offenses by corrupt elements from among representatives of regulatory and law enforcement agencies.

To internal threats and destabilizing factors include actions or inactions (including intentional and unintentional) of the company's employees that are contrary to the interests of its commercial activities, which may result in economic damage to the company, leakage or loss of information resources (including information constituting a trade secret and / or confidential information) , undermining its business image in business circles, the emergence of problems in relationships with real and potential partners (up to the loss of important contracts), conflict situations with representatives of the criminal environment, competitors, regulatory and law enforcement agencies, industrial injuries or death of personnel, etc.

Tasks. Construction principles. Essential elements

Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the threats listed above allows us to conclude that reliable protection economy of any company is possible only with an integrated and systematic approach to its organization. In this regard, the term "SYSTEM OF ECONOMIC SECURITY" of an enterprise appeared in the vocabulary of professionals involved in ensuring the security of the business of commercial structures.

WITH system of economic security of the enterprise (SEB) is a complex of organizational and managerial, regime, technical, preventive and propaganda measures aimed at the qualitative implementation of protecting the interests of the enterprise from external and internal threats.

To the number the main tasks of the SEB any commercial structure include:

– protection of the legal rights and interests of the enterprise and its employees;

- collection, analysis, evaluation of data and forecasting of the development of the situation;

- study of partners, customers, competitors, candidates for work in the company;

- timely identification of possible aspirations to the enterprise and its employees from sources of external security threats;

- preventing the penetration of economic intelligence structures of competitors, organized crime and individuals with illegal intentions into the enterprise;

– counteraction to technical penetration for criminal purposes;

- detection, prevention and suppression of possible illegal and other negative activities of the employees of the enterprise to the detriment of its safety;

– protection of employees of the enterprise from violent encroachments;

– ensuring the safety of material assets and information constituting the trade secret of the enterprise;

- obtaining the necessary information to develop the most optimal management decisions on the strategy and tactics of the company's economic activity;

– physical and technical protection of buildings, structures, territory and vehicles;

– formation among the population and business partners of a favorable opinion about the enterprise, contributing to the implementation of plans for economic activity and statutory goals;

– compensation for material and moral damage caused as a result of illegal actions of organizations and individuals;

– control over the effectiveness of the functioning of the security system, improvement of its elements.

Taking into account the listed tasks, the conditions of competition, the specifics of the enterprise's business, its system of economic security is being built. It should be noted that the SES of each company is also purely individual. Its completeness and effectiveness largely depend on the legislative framework available in the state, the material, technical and financial resources allocated by the head of the enterprise, the understanding by each of the employees of the importance of ensuring business security, as well as the knowledge and practical experience of the head of the SES, who is directly involved in building and maintaining in " working condition" of the system itself.

The construction of the SES of an enterprise should be carried out on the basis of compliance with the principles:

- legality;

– rights and freedoms of citizens;

– centralized management;

– competencies;

– confidentiality;

– reasonable sufficiency, compliance with external and internal security threats;

- integrated use of forces and means;

– independence and responsibility for ensuring safety;

– advanced material and technical equipment;

– corporate ethics;

– coordination and interaction with authorities and management.

The main elements of the SES of the enterprise include:

1) protection of trade secrets and confidential information;

2) computer security;

3) internal security;

4) safety of buildings and structures;

5) physical security;

6) technical safety;

7) communication security;

8) security of economic and contractual activities;

9) safety of transportation of goods and persons;

11) fire safety;

12) environmental safety;

13) radiation and chemical safety;

14) competitive intelligence;

15) information and analytical work;

16) propaganda support, socio-psychological, preventive and preventive work among the personnel and their training on issues of economic security;

17) expert verification of the mechanism of the security system.

Nowadays, the protection of the interests of the enterprise from the illegal activities of corrupt representatives of regulatory and law enforcement agencies is becoming increasingly important. In this regard, this area of ​​work is singled out by many heads of the economic security services of commercial structures as a separate element of the SES.

The main meaning of such a system is that it should be proactive, and the main criteria for assessing its reliability and effectiveness are:

- ensuring the stable operation of the enterprise, the preservation and increase of finances and material values;

- prevention of crisis situations, including various emergencies associated with the activities of "external" and / or "internal" ill-wishers.

A feature and, at the same time, complexity in building a system of economic security is the fact that its effectiveness depends almost entirely on the human factor. As practice shows, even if there is a professionally trained head of the security service at the enterprise, modern technical means You will not achieve the desired results until every employee in your team realizes the importance and necessity of the implemented economic security measures.

And they won't be popular.

- someone will lose the opportunity to have fun on the Internet during working hours or after work, download music and other information, read books in electronic form, etc.;

- someone will find it a burden to change the password on their computer once a week;

- someone will consider it below their dignity to rise every time in order to destroy the draft in a paper-cutting machine, remove documents from the table and close the window after the end of the working day, seal and hand over their office against signature in the magazine to the security service;

- someone will no longer be able to bring their friends to work (including on weekends) or boast on the side of personal achievements in work or the success of the company;

– some will not be able to use company vehicles and mobile phone for personal purposes, as well as for hours to conduct personal conversations over official wired telephone channels, etc.

Therefore, for the legally correct, effective and comprehensive use of the SES in protecting the interests of the enterprise from all types of ill-wishers, the requirements for ensuring business security are set out in the relevant orders of the head, employment contracts with employees and their official duties, special instructions, regulations, contracts with business partners, etc. After that, they are brought to the staff against signature in the process of classes and briefings.

In matters of economic security, the role and understanding of the relevance of the problem, first of all, by the head of the enterprise, is more important than ever. The director and, if available, the head of security, should promote among the staff one of the basic corporate rules: “The company is your second family. The enterprise gives all employees jobs, material benefits, career prospects, etc. In this regard, the task of each employee is to increase the success and financial situation of the company (as well as his family). After all, the success of an enterprise is the stability and prospects of its personnel.”

At the same time, as practice shows, some of your employees may not comply with the requirements established in the company or make mistakes due to forgetfulness, someone due to negligence, and someone out of revenge. Someone may have financial difficulties due to the illness of loved ones or in connection with a loss in a casino, and he decides to “compensate” them at the expense of the company. Someone will think that he was undeservedly punished by the director, that he deserves a promotion for a long time, or that his contribution to the company's activities deserves a much higher salary, but the management does not notice this, etc.

In a word, with age, change social status, material well-being, the appearance of harmful inclinations, as well as in the event of some objective circumstances, people can change or behave inappropriately.

At the same time, it is necessary to understand that there are no “minor” officials in matters of ensuring economic security, but only features (in connection with the functions and duties performed by each of the employees).

Secretary - probably no one will object that this category has a serious amount of the most diverse information about the company.

The cleaning lady can steal a document with important information from the director's desktop or rewrite, memorize, photocopy its contents, conscientiously throw it out of wastebasket not destroyed documents or documents destroyed in such a way that it is not difficult to restore them.

The security guard is able to do all the same, and at night and on weekends he has an additional opportunity to let strangers into the office, who, in turn, can harm you (starting from the banal theft of documents and property and ending with the setting of an eavesdropper in your office techniques or "pumping" sensitive information from your computer).

In view of the foregoing, it can be concluded that the SES of an enterprise will only meet the requirements for it when all personnel understand the importance of ensuring the safety of the company and consciously comply with all the requirements established by this system. This goal is achieved as a result of continuous, painstaking educational and preventive work with employees of the enterprise, their education and special training on issues of current legislation and various aspects of economic security.

Economic security of an enterprise as a successful component of modern business

In modern conditions, the process of successful functioning and economic development of Russian enterprises largely depends on the improvement of their activities in the field of ensuring economic security. The main factors that negatively affect the security of entrepreneurial activity in Russia are the following:

· active participation of representatives of power and management in commercial activities;

use of criminal structures to influence competitors;

· Lack of laws to fully counteract unfair competition;

· lack of favorable conditions in the country for conducting scientific and technical research;

Lack of detailed and objective information about business entities and their financial situation;

Lack of culture of doing business in the business environment;

The use of operational and technical methods in order to obtain the necessary information about competitors.

It should be noted that today not all business leaders are ready to fully appreciate the need to create a reliable system of economic security. In the Law of the Russian Federation "On Security", the concept of "security" is defined as a state of protection of vital interests. However, in public consciousness stereotypes are still strong, according to which this area belongs to the sphere of competence of the state and special bodies. It is in this that the roots of the “weak” understanding of the specifics of these problems, first of all, by the first managers of enterprises and organizations, are hidden, attributing them to non-core activities. It is especially difficult to determine the specific actions necessary to protect certain vital resources. As a result, many managers limit themselves to the creation of security structures at the enterprise, almost completely excluding organizational, technical and legal methods, means and ways of protecting information from the arsenal.

As a result, for example, issues of protection of trade secrets are often omitted in license agreements, contracts for the creation of scientific and technical products, which leads to the leakage of commercially significant information.

Measures to ensure the safety of information in a separate enterprise may be different in scale and form and depend on the production, financial and other capabilities of the enterprise, on the quantity and quality of protected secrets. At the same time, the choice of such measures must be carried out based on the principle of reasonable sufficiency, adhering to the “golden mean” in financial calculations, since excessive closure of information, as well as a negligent attitude towards its preservation, can cause a loss of a certain share of profit or lead to serious losses. .

So, the project for ensuring the economic security of an object is a single organizational and technical complex, during the formation of which a concept for ensuring the safety of an object or a security policy is developed. It is based on a list of mandatory measures aimed at developing an action plan to protect the facility: determining the composition of the security service (SB), its place in the organizational structure of the enterprise, its scope of competence, rights and powers, options for actions in various situations in order to avoid conflicts between departments. Their underlying reason usually lies precisely in the fact that many people consider the demands made by the SB to be unreasonably high, or because the SB “pokes its nose everywhere”. Compliance with the above conditions will eliminate the ground for such situations or resolve them quickly and painlessly. The economic security policy defines the correct way from the organization's point of view to use communication and computing resources, rules for access to the facility, rules for handling confidential information, as well as procedures for preventing and responding to security breaches.

It should be noted that the effectiveness of a security policy will only be at the proper level when its implementation is the result of joint activities employees of the organization who are able to understand all aspects of it, and leaders who can influence its implementation. An equally important factor influencing the effectiveness of the security policy is the readiness of personnel to fulfill its requirements, bringing to everyone their duties to maintain the security regime. Compliance with the security policy should be guaranteed by the presence of a person responsible for each type of problem.

Of course, all the main provisions of the security policy should be enshrined in the relevant administrative documents, the composition and content of which are determined by the specifics of the object. However, as a rule, no organization can do without provisions on trade secrets, on information protection, on a network security administrator, rules that restrict access to information contained in automated systems, rules for admitting personnel and visitors to premises where critical information is processed. information, the procedure for conducting an internal investigation into a violation of security rules.

Work on equipping and supporting the activities of the information security system, the creation of a system of administrative documents are included in a set of organizational measures, on the basis of which a high level of information security can be achieved. Nevertheless, the above measures do not allow maintaining the functioning of the protection system at the proper level without a number of organizational and technical measures. Their full list is too wide to be fully cited in this article, let's just say that they allow you to timely identify new channels of information leakage, take measures to neutralize them, improve the protection system and quickly respond to violations of the security regime.

The developed documents define the functions necessary for organizing the work of the Security Council, as well as control and verification and other special functions carried out by it in the course of its activity. The main functions are:

administrative and administrative - preparation of decisions to maintain security and confidentiality regimes; determination of the provisions, rights, duties and responsibilities of officials on security issues, as well as the implementation of the representative functions of the enterprise in this area of ​​its activity;

economic and administrative - determination (together with other divisions of the enterprise) of the resources necessary to solve the problems of ensuring the security of the enterprise, preparation and implementation of organizational, technical and legal measures aimed at the safety of its property, including intellectual property;

· accounting and control - determination of critical areas of financial, economic, production, commercial and other types of activities subject to protection, as well as possible channels of information leakage and other threats to the financial stability and sustainability of the enterprise, assessment of their sources; establishment of effective control;

· organizational and technical - the creation of the organizational structure of the Security Council, as well as other structures in certain areas of work (information security, economic security); organization of interaction between individual structural divisions of the enterprise, contributing to the achievement of the goals of the security policy;

planning and production - development of integrated programs and individual plans for ensuring the safety of the enterprise, preparation and implementation of relevant measures;

· material and technical - directed to the material - technical and technological support of the activities of the security service, equipping it with special equipment;

· scientific and methodological - accumulation and dissemination of best practices in the field of security; organizing training for employees of other departments (to the extent they need);

Information and analytical - collection, accumulation and processing of data related to the field of security, the creation and use of the necessary technical and methodological means.

Nevertheless, it should be borne in mind that providing the Security Council with reliable tools, competent prioritization of its activities, like any qualified work, requires the participation of specialists with appropriate vocational training and, no less important, having a fairly large practical experience in this area. The security system of an enterprise should be created by professionals, and cooperation with them can be fruitful only if it is long-term.

The transition of the economy to market relations requires the heads of enterprises not only to develop a market strategy, but also a security strategy, which necessarily includes special programs for the protection of intellectual property and economic security. Accordingly, the role of the unit responsible for carrying out this work at the enterprise, performing the functions of complying with the rules of the security policy and the protection plan, managing protective equipment, monitoring the correct operation of them, identifying attempts and facts of violations and taking measures to neutralize them, also comes to the fore. . The weakening of almost any component of the enterprise infrastructure directly affects its security, so the enterprise management process is closely related to security issues.


In the interests of the stable functioning of the company, entrepreneurs must be engaged in business or in various volumes. The size, capital intensity, technological complexity and publicity of a business determine only the amount of work that entrepreneurs carry out on a business and their budget.

Not caring about the observance of elementary economic measures, the company may be on the verge of bankruptcy, for example, as a result of non-payments: any issued commodity credit may entail the risk of non-payment, if certain measures are not taken to collect the minimum, elementary is not carried out. When participating in a transaction as a buyer or investor, it is necessary to carry out a certain set of procedures, the purpose of which is to verify the reliability of the information provided by the seller or recipient of the means. Carrying out this information and analytical work will reduce the risk of buying a "pig in a poke" and wasting money. suggests that the company should also consider certain measures to reduce losses caused by the actions of inspection structures, for example, within the framework of authorized structures, which can also result in irreparable losses for the entrepreneur. In any case, a timely conducted professional will allow the enterprise to prevent most of the force majeure costs aimed at eliminating the consequences of miscalculations in ensuring business security.

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