External conflict in literature. Literary conflict


What makes the reader look at the first page of a work of art? Someone picked up a book because of the name of the author, someone was attracted by the catchy or provocative title of a story or novel. So what is next? What can make you read page after page, impatiently "swallowing" printed lines? Of course, the plot! And the sharper it is twisted, the more painful the experiences of the characters, the more interesting to the reader follow its development.

The main component of an ideally developing plot is a conflict, in literature it is a struggle, a confrontation of interests and characters, different perception situations. All this creates a relationship between literary images, behind him, as a guide, the plot develops.

Definition of conflict and how it is applied

It is worth considering in more detail such a concept as conflict. Definition in the literature of a certain specific shape, a kind of technique that reflects the confrontation between the characters of the main characters, their different understanding of the same situation, the explanation of the cause of their feelings, thoughts, desires in similar or the same circumstances is a conflict. Speaking more plain language, then it is a struggle between good and evil, love and hate, truth and lies.

We find the clash of antagonisms in every work of art, whether short story, epic saga, landmark novel or play for drama theater. Only the presence of conflict can set ideological orientation plot, build a composition, organize a qualitative relationship of opposite images.

The ability of the author to create in time in the narrative, to endow opposite images bright characters, the ability to defend one's truth will surely interest readers and make them read the work to the end. From time to time it must be brought to the highest point of passion, create unsolvable situations, and then allow the characters to successfully overcome them. They must take risks, get out, suffer emotionally and physically, evoking in readers a whole heap of all kinds of emotions from tender tenderness to deep condemnation of their actions.

What should be the conflict

True Masters artistic word allow their characters to have and defend their point of view, to deeply engage readers with different moral values ​​in the network of their feelings and reasoning. Only in this case, the army of fans of the work will grow and replenish with lovers of the artistic word. different ages, different social strata, various levels of education. If the author managed to capture the attention of readers from the first pages and keep him on one plot or ideological confrontation until the final point - praise and honor to his pen! But this happens infrequently, and if conflicts in works of literature do not grow like a snowball, do not involve new characters in their solution, already with their own difficulties, neither the story, nor the novel, nor the play of even the most famous author.

The plot should dynamically spin up to a certain point, giving rise to the most incredible situations: misunderstanding, hidden and obvious threats, fear, losses - constant dynamics is needed. What can create it? Just a twist in the plot. Sometimes it can be caused by the unexpected discovery of a revealing letter, otherwise it can be the theft of irrefutable evidence of someone's truth. In one chapter, the hero may become a witness to some kind of crime or a piquant situation, in another, he himself becomes the culprit of something ambiguous. In the third, he may have suspicious patrons about whom he knows nothing, but feels their presence. Then it may turn out that these are not patrons at all, but hidden enemies from the environment close to him, who are constantly nearby. Let sometimes in the literature seem banal, far-fetched, but they should keep the reader in constant suspense.

The impact of conflict on plot suspense

The sole suffering and ordeal of the protagonist of a work of art can arouse interest and sympathy only for the time being, if the conflict is not involved and secondary characters storytelling. The confrontation must be deepened and expanded in order to give the plot novelty, brightness and sharpness.

Sluggish reasoning, even if it is about high feelings and holy innocence, can make the reader want to turn boring pages in annoyance. Because, of course, it’s wonderful, but if it is understandable to everyone and does not give rise to a bunch of questions, then it will not be able to captivate someone’s imagination, and when we pick up a book, we need vivid emotions. Conflict in literature is a provocation.

It can be given not so much by piling up incomprehensible situations, as a clear and precise goal of the characters, which each of them carries through the entire work, without betraying it, even when the writer throws his characters into the thick of passions. Any of the opposing sides should contribute to the development of the plot: some with their wild, illogical tricks to infuriate the reader, others - to calm him down with reasonableness and originality of actions. But all together they must solve one problem - to create sharpness for the narrative.

as a reflection of conflict situations

What else but a book can take us out of everyday life and saturate her with impressions? Romantic relationships, which are sometimes so lacking. Traveling around exotic countries, which in reality not everyone can afford. Exposing criminals hiding behind the masks of law-abiding and respectable citizens. The reader is looking for in the book what worries him, worries and interests him most of all in a certain period of time, but in real life nothing like that happens to him or his friends. The theme of conflict in literature fills this need. We will find out how it all happens, what it feels like. Any problem, any life situation you can find it in books and transfer the whole gamut of experiences to yourself.

Types and types of conflicts

Several characteristic conflicts are clearly expressed in the literature: love, ideological, philosophical, social, symbolic, psychological, religious, military. Of course, this is far from full list, we took only the main categories for consideration, and each of them has its own list iconic works, reflecting one or more of the listed types of conflict. So, Shakespeare's poem "Romeo and Juliet", without going into demagoguery, can be attributed to the love type. The relationship between people, which is based on love, is shown in it brightly, tragically, hopelessly. This work reflects the nature of drama like no other more in the best traditions of the classics. The plot of "Dubrovsky" slightly repeats the main theme of "Romeo and Juliet" and can also serve as a typical example, but we still remember Pushkin's wonderful story after we name Shakespeare's most famous drama.

Other types of conflicts in the literature need to be mentioned. Speaking of the psychological, we recall Byron's Don Juan. The image of the protagonist is so contradictory and so vividly expresses the internal confrontation of the personality that more typical representative the mentioned conflict will be difficult to imagine.

Several storylines of the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin", masterfully created characters, are typical for love, social, and ideological conflicts at once. The clash of different ideas, claiming the supremacy of one over the other and vice versa, goes through almost every literary creation, completely captivating the reader both in his storyline and in the conflict one.

Coexistence of multiple conflicts in fiction

In order to consider in more detail how conflicts are applied in works of literature, types are intertwined, it is more reasonable to take works large form: "War and Peace" by L. Tolstoy, "The Idiot", "The Brothers Karamazov", "Demons" by F. Dostoevsky, "Taras Bulba" by N. Gogol, the drama "A Doll's House" by G. Ibsen. Each reader can create his own list of stories, novels, plays, in which it is easy to trace the coexistence of several confrontations. Quite often, along with others, there is a conflict of generations in Russian literature.

So, in "Demons" an attentive researcher will find a symbolic, love, philosophical, social and even psychological conflict. In literature, this is almost everything on which the plot rests. "War and Peace" is also rich in confrontation of images and ambiguity of events. The conflict here lies even in the very title of the novel. Analyzing the characters of its heroes, one can find a Don Juan psychological conflict in each. Pierre Bezukhov despises Helen, but he is captivated by her brilliance. Natasha Rostova is happy love for Andrei Bolkonsky, but goes on about a sinful attraction to Anatole Kuragin. The social conflict is guessed in Sonya's love for Nikolai Rostov and the involvement of the whole family in this love. And so in every chapter, in every small passage. And all this together - immortal, great work, which has no equal.

Vivid pictures of the confrontation of generations in the novel "Fathers and Sons"

No less admirable, like "War and Peace", deserves I. Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons". It is generally accepted that this work is a reflection of the ideological conflict, the confrontation of generations. Undoubtedly, the superiority of one's own ideas over those of others, which all the heroes of the story defend with equal respect, confirms this statement. Even existing love conflict between Bazarov and Odintsova fades against the background of the irreconcilable struggle of the same Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich. The reader suffers along with them, understanding and justifying one, blaming and despising the other for his convictions. But each of these heroes has both judges and adherents among fans of the work. The conflict of generations in Russian literature is nowhere else expressed so clearly.

The war of ideas of representatives of two different classes is described less vividly, but this makes it even more tragic - Bazarov's opinion in relation to his own parent. Is this not a conflict? But which one - ideological or still more social and everyday? In one way or another, it is dramatic, painful, even scary.

The image of the main nihilist created by Turgenev of all existing works of art will always be the most controversial literary character, and the novel was written in 1862 - more than a century and a half ago. Is this not proof of the genius of the novel?

Reflection of social conflict in literature

We have already mentioned this kind of conflict in a few words, but it deserves more detailed consideration. In "Eugene Onegin" by Pushkin, he is revealed so in simple terms, so clearly rises before us from the first lines of the work that nothing else dominates it, not even Tatyana's painful love and Lensky's untimely death.

“Whenever I wanted to limit my life around the home circle ... What could be worse than a family in the world ...,” says Eugene, and you believe him, you understand him, even if the reader has different views on the subject! Such dissimilar personal values ​​of Onegin and Lensky, their dreams, aspirations, images of lives - radically opposite - reflect nothing more than a social conflict in literature. two bright worlds: poetry and prose, ice and fire. These two polar opposites could not coexist together: the apotheosis of the conflict is the death in the duel of Lensky.

Philosophical and symbolic types of conflicts and their place in fiction

As for the philosophical conflict, there are no more ideal examples for its study than the works of Fyodor Dostoevsky, from the first minutes you will not remember. "The Brothers Karamazov", "The Idiot", "The Teenager" and further down the list of Fyodorov Mikhailovich's immortal legacy - everything is woven from the finest philosophical threads of reasoning of almost all the characters in his works without exception. Dostoevsky's works - bright examples conflicts in literature! What is the depraved (but for the heroes quite ordinary) theme of adultery, which runs through the entire novel "Demons", and is especially pronounced in the forbidden for a long time chapter "At Fedor". The words with which these addictions are justified and explained are nothing but the internal philosophical conflict of the characters.

A striking example of symbolism is the work of M. Maeterlinck “ Blue bird". In it, reality dissolves into imagination and vice versa. The symbolic reincarnation of faith, hope, one's own conviction into a mythical bird is an exemplary plot for this type of conflict.

Also symbolic in Cervantes, in Shakespeare, the nine circles of hell in Dante. Contemporary authors little use of symbolism as a conflict, but epic works they are overflowing.

Types of conflicts in Gogol's works

Artworks greatest writer Russia and Ukraine are saturated with brightly marked symbolism with its devils, mermaids, brownies - the dark sides of human souls. The story "Taras Bulba" noticeably differs from most of the works of Nikolai Vasilyevich by the complete absence of otherworldly images - everything is real, historically justified and in terms of the intensity of conflicts is in no way inferior to that part fiction, which exists in every literary work to one degree or another.

Typical types of conflicts in literature: love, social, psychological, generational conflict can be easily traced in Taras Bulba. In Russian literature, the image of Andriy is so verified as an example on which they are tied that there is no need to go into explanations in which scenes they are traced. It is enough to re-read the book and pay special attention to some points. Conflicts in the works of Russian literature are used for this.

And a little more about conflicts

There are many types of conflict: comic, lyrical, satirical, dramatic, humorous. These are the so-called pretentious views, they are used to enhance the genre style of the work.

Such types of conflicts in literature as plot - religious, family, interethnic - pass through the works of the theme corresponding to the conflict and are superimposed on the entire narrative as a whole. In addition, the presence of this or that confrontation may reflect the sensual side of the story or novel: hatred, tenderness, love. In order to emphasize some facet of the relationship between the characters, they exacerbate the conflict between them. The definition in the literature of this concept has long had a clear form. Confrontation, confrontation, struggle is used when it is necessary to more vividly express not only the nature of the characters and the main storyline, but also a whole system of ideas reflected in the work. The conflict is applicable in any prose: children's, detective, women's, biographical, documentary. You can’t list everything, they are like epithets - numerous. But without them, no creation is created. Plot and conflict are inseparable in literature.

You already know that you need to start writing your story with the creation of characters. But even when you have already fully described the image of your hero and tell the reader part of his biography, he will still remain inanimate. Only action will help to revive it - that is, conflict.

You can even try to bring the character to life for yourself without touching the plot of the book. For example, imagine that each of your characters found a wallet with money. How will he deal with them? Will he look for the owner, or will he take it for himself? Maybe he will demand a reward for returning? In general, the reaction of the character in this situation can tell quite a lot about him. This is how you need to bring your characters to life for your readers.

The most thoughtful plot in the world loses its meaning if it lacks the tension and excitement that conflict brings.

1. Conflict is a clash of the character's desires with opposition

In order for conflict to arise in your story, it is necessary to create not only a character, but also some kind of opposition that will interfere with the implementation of his plans. It could be like supernatural powers, weather conditions, and the actions of other heroes. It is only through the struggle that will arise between the character and the opposition that the reader will be able to find out who the hero really is.

The conflict in history is carried out according to the "action-reaction" scheme. That is, before you stumble upon any obstacles, your character must perform some action. For example, let's say the hero wants to go to his parents' house for Christmas, but his girlfriend is against it because she promised her family that they would come to her house together. Your character encountered opposition and a conflict arose. He can't go home without hurting the girl, but he also doesn't want to break his promise to his parents. Thanks to this situation, the reader will be able to learn more about both the character of the hero and the character of his girlfriend.

That is, To the conflict develops when the heroes different goals and when each of them feels the need to achieve their goal. The more reasons for each side not to concede, the better for your work.

2. How to adjust the reaction forces

In every work it is very important that the antagonist is not weaker than the protagonist. Agree, no one wants to watch a fight between a world champion and an amateur. Why? Because the outcome will be known to all.

Raymond Hull, in his work How to Write a Play, shared an interesting counter formula: « Main character+ its Goal + Counteractions = Conflict” (GP + C + P = C).

Your hero is obliged to receive such difficulties and obstacles that he can overcome only with maximum effort. And the reader should always be in doubt as to whether the character will emerge victorious from the next fight.

3. The bonding principle

"Crucible" plays the role of a pot or firebox where it is cooked, baked or stewed piece of art. Moses Malevinsky "Science of Dramaturgy"

The crucible is the most important element in the organic structure of a work of art. It's like a container in which the characters are kept as the situation heats up. The crucible will not let the conflict die down, and will prevent the characters from escaping.

Characters remain in the crucible if their desire to engage in conflict is stronger than their desire to avoid it.

For example, you are writing a story about a boy who hates his school and has to find various reasons not to go there. The reader might think - why not just go to another school? This is a logical question and you need to come up with an answer. Maybe his parents don't want to transfer to another school? Or perhaps he lives in small town, and this is the only school, but there is no opportunity to study at home?

In general, the character must have reasons to stay and continue to participate in the conflict.

Without the crucible, the characters will scatter. There will be no characters - there will be no conflict, there will be no conflict - there will be no drama.

4. Internal conflict

Except external conflict internal conflict is also of great importance. People in life, usually, often face situations in which they do not know how to act correctly. They hesitate, they delay making a decision, etc. So should your characters. Believe me, this will help you make them more realistic.

For example, your hero does not want to join the army, although he understands that he must do it. Why doesn't he want to go there? Perhaps he is afraid, or does not want to leave his girlfriend for this long time. The reasons must be realistic and really significant.

The hero, for a very serious reason, must or is forced to do something, and at the same time, for an equally serious reason, he cannot do it.

External and internal conflicts alone will not make your work of high quality. However, if you use both of them, then the result will definitely justify itself.

5. Types of conflict

The tragedy tells about the emotional experiences of the hero (internal conflict), leading a desperate struggle with the forces that oppose him. Gustav Freytag, The Art of Tragedy.

The basis of tragedy is struggle. The pace of events reaches the highest point of the drama (climax), and then slows down sharply. This struggle is the conflict.

Exists three types of conflict:

1. static. This conflict does not develop throughout history. The interests of the characters clash, but the intensity remains at the same level. Characters during such a conflict do not develop and do not change. This type is suitable for describing a dispute or quarrel;

2. rapidly developing (jumping). During such a conflict, the reactions of the characters are unpredictable. For example, the reader might expect the character to simply smile, but the character suddenly bursts into laughter. Usually this kind of conflict is used in cheap melodramas;

3. slowly developing conflict. In quality literary works best to use this species conflict. It will not only help you make the story more interesting, but it will also bring out the character in a vivid way. During such a conflict, the state of the hero will change depending on the situation, he will have to accept complex decisions and choose how to respond in a given situation.

A striking example of such a conflict can be considered the conclusion of the Count of Monte Cristo in the book of the same name. When the hero is put in a cell, at first he is shocked by what is happening, and asks to explain the situation to him. Then he gets angry and threatens. Then he gives up, and falls into apathy. Agree, if the hero immediately gave up, it would be completely uninteresting to read.

The character of your character must be developed not abruptly, but gradually, so that the reader is always interested in learning something new.

The meaning of the word CONFLICT in the Dictionary of Literary Terms


- (from lat. conflictus - clash) - an acute clash of characters and circumstances, views and life principles underlying the action of a work of art. K. is expressed in confrontation, contradiction, clash between heroes, groups of heroes, the hero and society, or in the internal struggle of the hero with himself. The development of K. sets the plot action in motion. K. can be resolvable or insoluble (tragic K.), explicit or hidden, external (direct clashes of characters) or internal (confrontation in the soul of the hero). Special meaning as an element of the plot has in dramatic works(see drama).

Dictionary of literary terms. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is CONFLICT in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • CONFLICT in the Dictionary of Analytical Psychology:
    (Conflict; Konflikt) - a state of indecision, uncertainty, accompanied by internal tension. (See also opposites and transcendental function.) "A clearly unbearable conflict is a proof of the right ...
  • CONFLICT in the Newest Philosophical Dictionary:
    (lat. conflictus - collision) - in a broad sense, a collision, confrontation of the parties. The philosophical tradition considers K. as a special case of contradiction, his ...
    INTERESTS - a situation where a person or company acts simultaneously in several persons, whose goals do not coincide, for example, when ...
  • CONFLICT in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    (lat. conflictus - clash) - a clash of opposing interests, a contradiction in views and in ...
  • CONFLICT in the Basic terms used in A.S. Akhiezer's book Criticism of historical experience:
    - the inevitable manifestation of the inconsistency of the life of society, the result of different attitudes of groups to entropic processes, to disorganization, to the challenge of history. K. can ...
  • CONFLICT in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    [literally "collision"]. - In a broad sense, K. should be called that system of contradictions, which organizes a work of art into a certain unity, that ...
  • CONFLICT in the Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (lat. conflictus - clash), an extremely aggravated contradiction associated with acute emotional experiences. K. are divided into internal (intrapersonal) and external (interpersonal ...
  • CONFLICT in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (from lat. conflictus - clash) clash of parties, opinions, ...
  • CONFLICT in big Soviet encyclopedia, TSB:
    (from lat. conflictus - clash), clash of opposing interests, views, aspirations; a serious disagreement, a sharp dispute leading to ...
    [from Latin conflictus clash] clash of opposing interests, views, aspirations; strife, disagreement, dispute, threatening ...
  • CONFLICT in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    a, m. 1. Collision, serious disagreement, dispute. Enter the family k. k. on the border. Conflict - characterized by conflict, relating to ...
  • CONFLICT V encyclopedic dictionary:
    , -a, m. Collision, serious disagreement, dispute. Enter into the family k. Armed k. on the border. II adj. conflict, -th, ...
  • CONFLICT in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    ARTISTIC CONFLICT (artistic conflict), confrontation, contradiction between those depicted in the production. active forces: characters, character and circumstances, decomp. sides of character. Directly…
  • CONFLICT in the Full accentuated paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    conflict"ct, conflict"ct, conflict"ct, conflict"ct, conflict"ct, conflict"ct, conflict"ct, conflict"ct, conflict"ct, conflict"ct, conflict"ct, ...
  • CONFLICT in the Dictionary of Epithets:
    Uncompromising, fruitless, meaningless, absurd, lengthy, long-term, dramatic, lingering, eternal, bloody, bloody, large, petty, ridiculous, unreasonable, incessant (usually pl.), frivolous, never-ending, ...
  • CONFLICT in the Popular Explanatory-Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    -a, m. Collision of opposing interests, opinions, views; serious disagreement, dispute. Family conflict. Military conflict. Come into conflict with the law. Settle…
  • CONFLICT in the Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary:
  • CONFLICT in the New Dictionary of Foreign Words:
    (lat. confl ictus clash) clash of opposing interests, views; serious disagreement, acute ...
  • CONFLICT in dictionary foreign expressions:
    [ clash of opposing interests, views; serious disagreement, acute ...
  • CONFLICT in the Russian Thesaurus:
    Syn: collision, clash, contradiction, contradiction, duality, discrepancy, inconsistency, mutual exclusion Ant: agreement, ...
  • CONFLICT in the Dictionary of synonyms of Abramov:
    cm. …
  • CONFLICT in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language:
    Syn: collision, clash, contradiction, contradiction, duality, discrepancy, inconsistency, mutual exclusion Ant: agreement, ...

In literature? How does it manifest itself? Is it always possible to notice it even to an inexperienced reader? Conflicts in works of literature are an obligatory and necessary phenomenon for the development of the storyline. Not a single high-quality book that can claim the title of eternal classic can do without it. Another thing is that we are not always able to see a clear contradiction in the views of the character being described, to deeply consider the system of his values ​​and inner convictions.

Sometimes it is difficult to understand true literary masterpieces. This occupation requires enormous mental stress, as well as the desire to understand the characters, the system of images built by the author. So what is conflict in literature? Let's try to figure it out.

Concept definition

In most cases, people intuitively understand what in question when it comes to talking about some ideological clash in a particular book. The conflict in literature is the confrontation of the characters of the heroes with external reality. Fight in fictional world can last for a long time and necessarily leads to a change in the way the hero looks at the surrounding reality. Such tension can form within the character himself and be directed to his own personality. The development of such a move occurs very often. And then they talk about the internal conflict, that is, the struggle with oneself.

Conflicts in Russian literature

Domestic classics deserve special attention. Below are examples of conflicts in literature taken from Russian works. Many of them will be familiar from the time school curriculum. What books are worth checking out?

"Anna Karenina"

The greatest monument of Russian literature, which does not lose its relevance today. Almost everyone knows the plot of Anna Karenina. But not every person can immediately determine what the main experiences of the heroine are. Thinking about what conflict is in literature, we can recall this wonderful work.

Anna Karenina shows a twofold conflict. It is he who does not allow the main character to recover and look differently at the circumstances. own life. In the foreground, an external conflict is depicted: society's rejection of relations on the side. It is he who distances the heroine from people (friends and acquaintances) with whom it was so easy to interact before. But besides him, there is still an internal conflict: Anna is literally crushed by this overwhelming burden that she has to bear. She suffers from separation from her son Seryozha, has no right to take the child with her to new life with Vronsky. All these experiences create a strong tension in the heroine's soul, from which she cannot free herself.


Another unforgettable piece of Russian classical literature which is worth talking about. Oblomov depicts the solitary life of a landowner who at one time decided to refuse service in the department and devote his life to solitude. The character himself is quite interesting. He does not want to live according to the pattern imposed by society, and at the same time does not find the strength to fight. Staying in inaction and apathy further undermines it from the inside. The hero's conflict with the outside world is manifested in the fact that he sees no point in living the way most people do: going to work every day, performing actions that seem meaningless to him.

Passive lifestyle is his defensive reaction against the incomprehensible surrounding world. The book shows the conflict of the ideological plan, since it is based on an understanding of the essence and meaning human existence. Ilya Ilyich does not feel the strength in himself to change his life.


This work is one of the most famous by F. M. Dostoevsky. The Idiot depicts an ideological conflict. Prince Myshkin is very different from the society in which he has to be. He is laconic, has extreme sensitivity, which is why he is acutely experiencing any events.

The rest of the characters are opposed to him by their behavior and outlook on life. The values ​​of Prince Myshkin are based on the Christian understanding of good and evil, on his desire to help people.

Conflicts in foreign literature

Foreign classics are no less entertaining than domestic ones. Conflicts in foreign literature sometimes presented on such a broad scale that one can only admire these masterfully written works. What examples can be given here?

"Romeo and Juliet"

A unique play by William Shakespeare, which every self-respecting person must have met at one time or another. The book shows a love conflict, gradually turning into a tragedy. Two families - the Montagues and the Capulets - have been at war with each other for many years.

Romeo and Juliet resist the pressure of their parents, trying to defend their right to love and happiness.


This is one of the most memorable novels by Hermann Hesse. Main character- Harry Haller - out of touch with society. He chose for himself the life of an impregnable and proud loner, because he cannot find a suitable place in it for himself. The character calls himself a "steppe wolf", who accidentally wandered into the city to people. Haller's conflict of an ideological plan lies in the inability to accept the rules and attitudes of society. Surrounding reality seems to him a picture devoid of meaning.

Thus, when answering the question, what is a conflict in literature, it is necessary to take into account inner world Main character. The worldview of one character is very often opposed to the surrounding society.

Conflict and its psychological analysis on the example of a literary work: subject, parties, interaction strategy, description of the conflict by stages and phases. The main types of conflict personalities, their characteristics and ways to resolve the conflict.

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