War and peace 2 volume second part. Description of the second part of the second volume of Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace


The historian himself says that at the beginning of the Peloponnesian War (431 BC) he was already in full maturity and could understand and observe the events taking place; in addition, it is known that in 424 BC. e. Thucydides was a strategist, that is, he was then at least 30 years old. Most likely he was born around 460-455 BC. e. Thus his youth coincided with the age of Pericles: he was a contemporary of Euripides, the Sophists and Socrates.

The biography of Thucydides is not exactly known. The reports of his biographers, of which the main one is a certain Marcellinus, do not inspire confidence. The main, reliable information is the reports of the historian himself, made in passing.

Thucydides belonged to a rich and noble family: his ancestor was the Thracian king Olor, and he was related to the family of Miltiades. Son of Olor, from the Attic deme of Galimunt. Thucydides had great material resources; in Thrace he owned the gold mines and enjoyed influence there. In Athens, he seems to have stood close to influential people, including, probably, Pericles, of whom he gave a remarkable characterization.

Thucydides, as his work proves, received excellent education. Reaching middle age, he took part in state and military affairs. The historian spent the first years of the Peloponnesian War in Athens; during an epidemic of plague that broke out in the second year of the war, he himself fell ill with this terrible disease which was later described. When the Spartan commander Brasidas transferred hostilities to Thrace (424), Thucydides commanded a squadron near the island of Thasos; he did not have time to prevent the passage of Amphipolis to the side of Brasidas (having only taken measures to protect Aion). Forced, as a result, to go into exile, he settled in his Thracian estate, where at his leisure he could compose and process his work, calmly, as a spectator, observe both warring parties and, in particular, become closer to the Peloponnesians. He apparently visited many places that were the theater of war, the court of the Macedonian king Archelaus, Sicily, and in particular Syracuse, as can be concluded from a lively and accurate description of their surroundings and the siege. Thucydides spent 20 years in exile. At the end of the Peloponnesian War (404), as a result of an amnesty (general or, according to some reports, special, at the suggestion of Enobius), he could return to his homeland, but soon died (c. 399-396; in any case, not later than 396, for he does not know the restoration of the Long Walls by Conon and the eruption of Etna in 396), according to some - in Athens, according to others - in a foreign land, in Thrace, or on the way home. There is news that he died a violent death.

"History of the Peloponnesian War".

Historiographic principles.

In his work, Thucydides is one of the most prominent and characteristic representatives the Greek thought of that epoch which may be called the epoch of the "Enlightenment"; it was the time of a new philosophical movement that swept Greece, critical thought and rationalism. The goal of Thucydides, as he himself defines it, is "the search for truth." He is an enemy of anecdotes, fictions, poetic embellishments; he does not seek entertainment. He himself contrasts his work with the works of both poets, with their exaggerations and embellishments, and "logographs" (I, 21).

Thucydides knew that his exposition would seem less entertaining and pleasant; but he considered it sufficient if his work "will be found useful by those who wish to have a clear and true idea of ​​the past, in view of the fact that, according to the properties of human nature, something similar may someday happen in the future." He looked at his work not as a temporary entertainment for the listeners, but as a "property forever" (I, 22).

Thucydides, in his own words, sought to exact knowledge(V, 26) and expounded not as it seemed to him or as reported by the first person he met, but as an eyewitness or on the basis of information, although obtained from others, but subjected to the most thorough and accurate verification (I, 22), He is aware that to find out the truth was difficult, because eyewitnesses did not speak about the same thing in the same way, but under the influence of predilection or memory (I, 22). Thus, the main methods historical criticism first discovered and applied by Thucydides.

All his work testifies to his conscientiousness, thoroughness and caution in finding the truth. Thucydides was the first to properly appreciate the importance of documents and included some of them in their entirety in his history (for example, the text of the truce of 423, the Peace of Nice, the treaty of the Athenians with Argos, Mantinea and Elis). It extracts data from labels; knows how to use myth and folk tradition, to explain the origin of this or that story, even the wrong version (see, for example, VI, 54 ff.).

With regard to techniques, the initial chapters are especially interesting, in which Thucydides tries to reconstruct the most important moments of ancient Greek history; from the point of view of method, these chapters are one of the most remarkable manifestations of Greek thought. Here the historian uses the method of inverse conclusion on a large scale - from the present to the past, from the known to the unknown, and the basis for his conclusions and combinations are epic evidence, topographical data, material monuments, surviving names, the life of the backward in culturally Greek tribes and barbarians, customs, festivities and rituals, in general - cultural experiences.

Thucydides' techniques resemble those of modern researchers, and his method of inverse conclusion is at the same time a comparative method: Thucydides notices an analogy between the life of the Greeks, at a certain stage of their development, and the barbarians (I, 3.6); the idea of ​​gradual development is no longer alien to him; the most ancient, fabulous antiquity for him is only one of the phases in the development of Greek society. The idea of ​​causality is clearly revealed in his work: Thucydides distinguishes between general, basic causes and occasions or accidental circumstances. For example, he notes that the events in Epidamne and Potidea, the complaints of Megara and Aegina, are only pretexts and pretexts for war; the true reason for it lurked in the rise of Athenian power, which aroused fear and envy in the Lacedaemonians (I, 23; II, 8).

Thucydides recognizes conformity to law historical events; he makes a number of generalizations based on the belief that the same causes and conditions cause the same effects: in his opinion, until the human nature, until then phenomena similar to those he describes will occur. So, regarding the struggle of the parties on the island of Kerkyra, Thucydides gives a striking image of pathological phenomena in terms of depth of analysis - the perversion of concepts, the savagery and demoralization of Greek society, as a detrimental and inevitable consequence of a fierce internecine war (III, 82-83), and at the same time notices : “as a result of civil strife, many grave troubles have fallen on states, troubles that usually happen and always will, as long as human nature remains the same,” but only to a greater or lesser extent and different in forms, according to the circumstances in each individual case.

Thucydides explains historical events without introducing mythological elements including divine intervention. He does not believe in oracles and omens; True, he mentions them, but not because he believed in them, but because the mass believed in them, and as a result they were a factor with which the historian had to reckon. Regarding some sayings of the oracle, Thucydides makes extremely apt criticisms (see II, 17, 54). According to Thucydides, not soothsayers, omens and oracles, but the mind and knowledge can foresee the future. In a historical figure, he puts the mind above all else, the ability to make a correct judgment about the state of affairs and thus foresee the future. In doing so, he judges not in terms of ultimate success; for example, the war started under Pericles led to disaster, but Thucydides praises Pericles and his insight; on the contrary, Cleon took Sphacteria, keeping his promise, but at the same time the historian considers him frivolous and extravagant (IV, 28, 3 6).

The historical-philosophical concept of Thucydides is based on the rationalistic ideas of Anaxagoras and the philosophical school of the Sophists.

Political Views.

As for the political views of Thucydides, he was not disposed towards extreme democracy; more than once he speaks contemptuously of the volatility and fickleness of the crowd; he feels antipathy towards demagogues (his attitude towards Cleon is typical, for example); regarding the establishment of a very moderate democracy (after the overthrow of the oligarchy 400), he declares that it was the best form of government that existed in his time, because it was a moderate combination of oligarchy and democracy (VIII, 97). In general, Thucydides rarely expresses his personal opinions; he avoids speaking for himself and makes the facts themselves speak.


In general, he is distinguished by remarkable objectivity and impartiality, and his conscientiousness in presenting the facts is such that with the help of the data he himself reports, one can sometimes verify and even refute his view. For example, on the basis of the information that we owe to Thucydides, we can form a somewhat different opinion about Cleon, to whom he is obviously hostile; Thucydides glorified Pericles in his famous characterization (II, 65), but we will not find in him a simple panegyric to the leader of Athens: Thucydides speaks of his military actions with great moderation. An aristocrat by origin and position, not a supporter of extreme democracy, Thucydides does not hide the bad deeds of the oligarchs, and through the mouth of Pericles he painted the majestic ideal of Athenian democracy. An Athenian himself, he vividly exposes the merits of their enemy, the defender of Syracuse, Hermocrates, and treats Sparta with complete impartiality, not sharing either the disgust that the democrats had for her, or the laconism that was beginning to spread in Athenian society and literature. Thucydides treats some Spartans with sympathy (for example, to Brasidas, Archidamus), but he does not hide the shortcomings of Sparta, her cruel deeds. An exile living in a foreign land, he treats his hometown without hatred and malice. It is no wonder that the most laudatory reviews of Thucydides prevail in the learned literature. Thucydides' objectivity was questioned by Arnold Wycombe Gomme.

Criticism of Thucydides in the 19th century.

But in the 70s and 80s years XIX century, he was attacked by Müller-Strübing, who began by accusing him of subjectivity, of hiding the truth, of Jesuit casuistry (reservatio mentalis), of deliberate obscurity (see "Aristophanes und die histor. Kritik", 1873), then became to discover the traces of a “bloodthirsty interpolator” who supposedly dotted the text of Thucydides with his inserts (“Thukydideische Forschungen”, 1881); then he began to prove that Thucydides’ work is a “military didactic epic” and a “military short story” (“Das erste Jahr d. Pelopon. Krieges”, in “Neue Jahrb. f. Philol”, 1883, and “Die Glaubwüdigkeit d. Thukydides geprüft an seiner Darstellung d. Belagerung von Plataia", ibid., 1885), and finally called the famous historian a "purely theoretical doctrinaire" and a "pedant" ("Die Korkyräischen Händel bei Thukydides", ibid., 1886). No less passionate attacks on Thucydides were made by the Hungarian scholar J. Schwarz (in his work Die Demokratie, I, 1884); a distrustful attitude towards Thucydides, although not to the same extent, is also found in Max Dunker ("Gesch. d. Alterthums", N. F., I-II, 1884-86) and Pflugk-Hartthung ("Perikles als Feldherr", 1884), debunked Pericles. The extremity and inconsistency of this criticism has now been sufficiently revealed (see Thucydides G. Mishchenko, "Afterword" to the translation of Thucydides, 1888; V. Buzeskul, "Pericles", 1889; A. Bauer, "Thukyd. und H. Müller-Strübing ", 1887; Lange, "Zur Frage über die Glaubwürdigkeit d. Thukyd." in "Neue Jahrb. f. Philol.", 1887 and others.), although certain remarks of the named opponents of Thucydides are not without foundation: rebelling against the extremes of the hypercritical direction, we must admit the need for criticism in relation to Thucydides, in each individual case, just as in relation to any other source. He, of course, will have separate, private blunders, errors and inaccuracies. Despite this, Thucydides will generally remain what he was in the eyes of even such authorities in the field of historical criticism as Niebuhr and Ranke, that is, one of the greatest historians and a source as reliable as a human work can be reliable; the majority of his mistakes, inaccuracies and incorrect reports should be classified as involuntary errors, more or less characteristic of everyone, and even more so of a historian who lived over the 4th century BC. In general, if history is understood as science and something more than a simple narrative of memorable events, then Thucydides can more rightly be called her father than Herodotus, and we will find many features in him that bring him closer to modern historiography.

The historical genre reaches its highest development by the end of the 5th century. BC e. at FUCYDIDE(c. 460 - c. 396 BC). He came from a noble Thracian family and received a rhetorical and philosophical education. In 424 BC. e. Thucydides was elected to the college of ten strategists (i.e., a member of the Athenian government) and received the Athenian military forces in Thrace under his command, but after their defeat by the Spartans, he was tried in Athens for treason and sentenced to life exile. He spent the rest of his life in Thrace, devoting all his leisure time to writing a historical work.

Unlike Herodotus, Thucydides, defining the subject of research, does not go beyond the boundaries of the Hellenic world. His work is a story about the Peloponnesian War (394 / 3-391 / 390 BC), that is, about recent, “modern” history. This work does not seem to have a title.

The historian began his work, in his own words, immediately after the outbreak of the war, convinced of its exceptional significance, and continued to collect materials throughout the war. Thucydides wrote modern history as an eyewitness. He cites the original texts of treaties, inscriptions and other sources, refers to poets and logographers, argues with Herodotus, though without naming him. Thucydides, in particular, wrote that he did not consider it right to convey what he heard from the first comer.

The work of Thucydides retains the character of the artistic narrative characteristic of all antiquity, with the exception of the so-called "Archaeology", a kind of introduction, which speaks of the importance of the chosen topic, as well as the prehistory of the Peloponnesian War.

The composition of Thucydides' work is conditioned by the principle of presenting military events according to summer campaigns. The author achieves the drama of the narrative with the help of a contrasting grouping of events and the development of individual episodes: the funeral speech of Pericles, the description of the plague, the Sicilian catastrophe. The last two episodes are considered masterpieces of world literature.

The direct speech of the characters included in the historical narrative is a characteristic feature of the work of Thucydides.

Speeches, often subjective, are a means of historical comprehension of events, a kind of psychological commentary on them. Sometimes the concept of the author is stated in speeches, and here, too, he is true to his principle of maximum self-elimination, expressing own opinion on behalf of different characters to cover the issue from opposing points of view. In such cases, the position of the author is hidden, his goal is only to show what his characters could or should have said. The historical truth is important here, not the accuracy of the presentation. In the speeches of his characters, Thucydides gives brilliant examples of political eloquence.

The author contrasts his own version of history, method and theme with the works, themes and method of his predecessors: Homer, logographers and Herodotus. Thucydides defines his method with the word "describe", and the method of logographs and Herodotus - with the word "compose". He emphasizes by this that logographers purely mechanically, without critical verification, “put together” the information they have obtained, caring only about the entertainment of the information, and not about its reliability. Thucydides declares that he will not embellish and exaggerate events, and excludes everything mythical and anecdotal from his work.

Thucydides considers events that are only one generation away from him to be remote, and information about them is not credible. Limiting his topic to the history of the Peloponnesian War, of which he was a contemporary and participant, the author refuses to describe the history and ethnography of the barbarian tribes, to which Herodotus and the logographers devoted their works. In the work of Thucydides, the task of the historian is reduced mainly to the study of the recent past in search of the causes of the events of the present.

Thucydides is the founder of pragmatic, scientific historiography based on rationalistic methods of explaining events and careful selection of reliable evidence.

It has two features. The first is to understand history as a chain of events that reflects the struggle of individuals for power and states for dominance and domination. The conclusion was proclaimed as a general one: all people, both in private and in public life, act out of a desire for power and honors, for wealth, and finally out of fear. In other words, since human nature is always equal to itself, then the motives in politics will invariably be identical. The second feature of pragmatic history is the "practical usefulness" of the enduring value of its lessons.

The absorption of the attention of historians by the event level had at least three consequences for historiography:

    transformation of political and military history into a single object of study;

    comprehension of the state as a unity of two unequal parts: an active minority (officials), which determines the historical destinies of the country, and an inert majority (“the people”), which acted either as an obedient instrument or an obstacle in the way of the ideas and deeds of the former;

    explanation of the historical process by the psychological motives of the actors.

In an effort to make the course of events understandable, Thucydides refuses biographical and political details. The psychological, moral and social qualities of human nature are for him the last causes of events. If the warring parties in Hellas blamed each other for starting the war, Thucydides puts the question of the outbreak of war differently. He distinguishes between the causes and immediate causes due to which the war broke out (for example, ancient medicine distinguished between the “true cause” of the disease, the “external” cause that excites it, and simple symptoms). As a student of Hippocrates, Thucydides establishes a "diagnosis" of the phenomenon and gives an accurate picture of the "illness" of the policy, which tends to repeat itself.

The objective cause of the war is the secret struggle of opposing forces that led the political life of Hellas to a painful crisis. The knowledge of this cause raises the historian above the struggle of the parties and removes the question of the culprits of the war. Hence the requirements for the greatest accuracy in the study of past and present events, as well as a critical assessment of the testimony of witnesses. The latter should not be chosen randomly, but taking into account their prejudices and the power of memory in order to avoid mistakes and refraining from their own opinion.

Thucydides claims that his goal is "the search for truth," but despite his professed desire for accuracy and impartiality, he is often subjective. We find in him a one-sided selection of events, and even a deliberate suppression of certain facts (for example, the agreements between the Athenians and the Persians). The spiritual superiority of Athens gives them the right to hegemony in Hellas - such is the conviction of Thucydides, which he wants to inspire the reader. Why was the war still lost? The successors of Pericles did not cope with the tasks assigned to them. The result of a long internecine war was, according to Thucydides, the degeneration of human nature. The ambition, greed, greed of the heirs of Pericles made Athens the most hated of the Greek states: now all Hellas unanimously desired the destruction of Athenian power.

In the immutability of the properties of human nature, Thucydides sees a guarantee of benefit from his work in the future. He sets himself a practical task: to inform statesmen necessary knowledge about psychology and behavior individuals and political groups. Human nature, regardless of the tribe, clan, gender and age of its bearers, has some common features: the desire for freedom, selfishness, envy, revenge, cruelty, reckless hopes and aspirations, the desire to rule over others. Human nature is invariably selfish. It develops with age and imperceptibly adapts to circumstances, under the pressure of which it either changes in the direction of "atrocity" and degeneration, or ennobles under the influence of the desire for freedom, as in Periclean Athens. The property of human nature to oppress others (the strong always dominates the weak) is the psychological principle of history established by Thucydides.

In political history (as well as in space) elemental forces (unforeseen coincidences, earthquakes, epidemics, etc.) dominate, which violate the causal, or causal, connections of historical events. "Blind chance" manifests itself not only in sudden blows of fate, but also in human behavior. He is irrational and not subject to ethical standards. This impersonal force has a decisive influence on the success of human designs, it can harm or help people. On the contrary, everything that in history goes back to human plans and decisions, the historian deduces from the laws of human thinking, calculations and will. Events that seemed tragic misfortunes to contemporaries, he reveals as necessary and inevitable. However, great people, outstanding statesmen can, from the point of view of Thucydides, foresee the course of historical events and influence them.

If they manage to curb the “arrogance” of the demos and the “irritation” of the crowd for a while, then a short period of prosperity sets in. But then events pick up again, culminating in wars and civil strife, followed by retribution and disaster.

The merit of Thucydides as a historian is considered to be his use of documentary sources (texts of treaties, official resolutions and other documents), the establishment of a chronology, as well as the use of the method of reconstructing the past discovered by him through retrospective conclusions based on the characteristics of surviving survivals. In the introduction to the history of the Peloponnesian War, Thucydides confirms his views on the cultural state of Ancient Hellas with references to the customs of the most backward tribes, grave finds, and the location of Hellenic cities. Thucydides abandons traditional ideas about antiquity, drawn mainly from the epic, and boldly puts in their place his own "reverse conclusions" made on the basis of determining the role of Athens in the era of the Greco-Persian wars. He sees the sources of the power of Athens in their historical merit in the salvation of Hellas at Marathon and Salamis. Thucydides tells the story of the rivalry between Athens and Sparta and shows how the rise of Athens led to a fatal conflict between the two powers. In the famous funeral speech (epitaph) dedicated to Pericles, Thucydides paints a picture of the "golden age" of Athenian democracy under the leadership of its great leader. This historical moment is the pinnacle of the spiritual power of Athens, with which Thucydides surveys the entire course of the war, a look at the bright past in the face of future tragic events.


At the beginning of 1806, Nikolai Rostov went on vacation and went home. Denisov was going home to Voronezh and Rostov persuaded him to go with him to Moscow and stay with him. Rostov was impatient to be home as soon as possible. And as soon as he drove up to the estate, he immediately ran to see his relatives. They all threw themselves at him with hugs. Then Denisov introduced himself, and after a while they went to bed. Waking up after a long sleep, Rostov was talking to Natasha. She said that she did not think about Boris. She also said that Sonya loves Nikolai, but gives him freedom. And Nikolai, despite the fact that he loved Sonya, especially since the girl grew up and became even more beautiful, nevertheless accepted the freedom given to him.

Dinner time. And Denisov came out to him in a new uniform, perfumed and very kind to the ladies. This surprised Rostov very much. Moscow received Rostov well. But he lived in a completely different way. During his time in the army, he matured, and he had slightly different interests: running, an English club, reveling with Denisov. One day, Count Rostov arranged a dinner in an English club for Prince Bagration. He is busy preparing and the cook and the housekeeper help him in this. However, he asks for help from Nikolai, he had to go to Pierre Bezukhov for strawberries and pineapples. But Anna Mikhailovna volunteers to fulfill his request. She says that she still needs to go there for a letter from her Boris. Yes, and Pierre is very depressed. Rumor has it that Helen is cheating on him with Dolokhov. And then the count asked Anna Mikhailovna to convey an invitation to dinner, so that Pierre would unwind.

There were many people in the English club. Everyone was waiting for Prince Bagration. Then everyone only talked about the reasons for the defeat of the Russians, and considered the reasons: the betrayal of the Austrians, the bad food of the troops, the betrayal of the Pole Pshebyshevsky and the Frenchman Langeron, Kutuzov's inability and inexperience, and the sovereign's youth. And Bagration at the same moment was considered a hero. Only they didn’t say anything about Kutuzov, and if they did, it was bad. Also on hearing was Berg, who was wounded during the battle in his hand, but heroically took a sword in another and went on the attack. But only his close acquaintances spoke about Bolkonsky, and then, regretting his early death.

On the 3rd of March there were many voices in the rooms of the English club. Everyone was talking animatedly, breaking into circles. There were Denisov, and Rostov, and Dolokhov and Pierre. Count Rostov, as the organizer of the holiday, did not leave anyone without attention. Finally, Bagration arrived. Everyone greeted him with bated breath. Before dinner, Count Rostov introduced his son Nikolai to Bagration. And he proudly watched how Bagration and Nikolai communicated. There was a lot of food, drinking, talking and toasting at dinner. They drank for everyone, shouted "Hurrah!". And when they raised their glasses to the health of the organizer, Count Ilya Andreevich Rostov, Rostov burst into tears. Pierre sat opposite Dolokhov and Nikolai Rostov. During the whole dinner he hated Dolokhov more and more. Pierre recalled those parties, that story with the bear and the quarter. And he remembered those nasty rumors about Dolokhov and Helen. I remembered anonymous letters notifying about the proximity of Helen and Dolokhov. And at one moment, finally boiling up, Pierre jumped up and challenged Dolokhov to a duel. Thus breaking any connection between himself and Helen. Dolokhov accepted the challenge. Pierre's second was Nesvitsky, and Dolokhov's was Denisov. The next morning at 8 in the Sokolnitsky forest they met. Marked the boundaries and distance. The seconds tried to try them on, but the duelists were determined, even though Pierre had never held a gun in his hands before. Despite the determination of Dolokhov and Pierre, no one dared to start a duel. On the count of three, Pierre and Dolokhov agreed. Pierre fired and severely wounded Dolokhov. Pierre, seeing Dolokhov's face in pain, wanted to run up to him. But Dolokhov called him to the barrier. Then he shot at Pierre, but missed. The wounded was taken to Rostov and Denisov. But in the sleigh, Dolokhov began to say that he had killed his mother, who would not stand it if she saw him dying. He calls his mother an angel. Dolokhov begs Rostov to go to her and prepare her for such a shock. Rostov went. And to his great surprise I learned that, despite his wild reputation in society, he lives with an elderly mother and a hunchbacked sister in Moscow and was the most tender brother and son.

The night after the duel, Pierre could not sleep. The memories tormented him again. He represented the first month after marriage. Honeymoon, Helen's passion. And then Dolokhov appears before his eyes. Pierre understood that he did not love Helen. And it was all a mistake, because he knew from the very beginning that it was all wrong. And I knew that Helen was a depraved woman. She openly told him that she definitely would not have children from Pierre. Pierre decided that it was necessary to leave for St. Petersburg, and he would explain everything to Helen in a letter. And I decided to do so the very next day. But waking up in the morning in the office, Pierre was visited by Helen, who expressed her dissatisfaction with the duel. She said that Dolokhov was not her lover. But Pierre is so insignificant in all plans that any woman would get herself a man on the side. Pierre told her about the breakup. To which she laughed, saying that it would not be a loss at all. But he must leave her a fortune. Pierre almost killed her, then kicked her out. But having left for Petersburg, he left her most his wealth.

2 months have passed since the news was received in the house of Prince Bolkonsky about the death of Andrei at the Battle of Austrellitsa. However, Andrei's body was not found, and he was not among the prisoners either. Although Kutuzov wrote in a letter to Bolkonsky Sr. that his son had been killed, although Kutuzov himself hoped that Andrei was alive. After this letter, when Marya came to him for class, he told her about the death of her brother and asked her to convey everything to Lisa, Andrey's wife. But not Marya, not the prince himself, no matter how hard they tried, could not do this and decided to postpone this news until Liza's birth. Although the prince sent a man to search for his living son, he nevertheless ordered a monument and wanted to install it in the garden. Marya prayed for her living brother.

At breakfast on March 19, Lisa became ill. She tried to calm herself by saying that it was supposedly a stomach ache. But no. The time has just come. Marya ran for the midwife Marya Bogdanovna. And the German doctor from Moscow was expected from hour to hour. Everyone in the house was silent and quiet. The prince lay in the study with a distressed face, and Marya sat in the room with the nanny Proskofya Savelishna and prayed.

March was very snowy. Therefore, riders with lanterns were sent to accompany the doctor from Moscow. Suddenly a carriage drove up to the house and Marya went to meet her, thinking that it was a doctor who spoke German. Suddenly Mary heard a familiar voice. It was Andrey who arrived alive, but thin and pale. Mary couldn't believe it. He hugged his sister and went to Lisa with a doctor from Moscow.

The princess's torment stopped for a while. When Andrey came in, she looked and was not at all surprised that he had arrived. But soon he was asked to leave. From the room where Liza was, came a terrible scream. Soon it stopped and the cry of a child was heard. At this moment, Andrew began to cry. He went to Lisa, but she was dead. Three days later, the deceased beautiful princess was buried. Five days later, the newborn Prince Nikolai Andreevich was baptized. Marya became the godmother, and the father of Marya and Andrey became the father.

Soon after the duel between Dolokhov and Pierre, Dolokhov recovered. He became very friendly with Nikolai Rostov during this time. Dolokhov's mother condemned Pierre. And little Natasha, on the contrary, did not like Dolokhov and believed that Pierre was right. Dolokhov tells Rostov that he dreams of finding a girl who would not be selfish and simply elevated him with her presence. He, Denisov and many more people began to be frequent guests of the Rostovs' house. And later, everyone began to notice Dolokhov's indifferent views towards Sonya. That Sonya, who loved and, perhaps, still loves Nikolai Rostov.

Since the autumn of 1806, everyone again started talking about the war with Napoleon. A recruit was appointed. Nikolai Rostov only did what he was waiting for when he and Denisov would return to the regiment. And from this, I walked as much as possible in order to get enough of civilian life.

It was the 3rd day of Christmas. And a farewell dinner was appointed, since after the Baptism, Rostov and Denisov should go to the regiment. Before dinner, he noticed an incredible love atmosphere and a slightly irritated Dolokhov. Natasha told Nikolai that Dolokhov proposed to Sonya, but she refused. The countess persuaded her, but Sonya said that she loved another. But Dolokhov best party for the orphan Sonya. Then Rostov wanted to talk to Sonya face to face. He believed that she refused Dolokhov because of him. And despite the fact that Rostov loved the girl, he understood that he would not marry her. He said this to Sonya and asked to think about Dolokhov, but she stood her ground, and at the same time did not demand anything from Rostov.

There was a ball in Moscow organized by Yogel, a dance teacher. This ball was aimed at young people. Sonya, Natasha, Nikolai and Denisov went there. The girls began to spin in the dance, and the guys wanted to sit out against the wall. But Nikolai was persuaded to dance by Yogel and he became a couple to Sonya. A little later, Denisova persuaded Natasha to dance with her his signature Polish mazurka. And Denisov swirled in the dance so deftly that everyone was delighted. And the rest of the ball he did not leave Natasha.

For several days Rostov did not see Dolokhov. And soon he received a letter from him, which said that he was going to the army and collecting a farewell feast, at which he was inviting him. Then Rostov goes to Dolokhov. He feels a certain change in communication with him.

During the evening, Dolokhov offers a game of cards. And he urges Rostov to play, he agrees. And since Rostov remembers Dolokhov's words that only a fool plays for happiness, he is going to play for money.

And Rostov loses 1,600 rubles, out of those 2,000 that his father gave him for a year, because now the count's family is a little difficult financial situation. But the game didn't end there. And the loss came first to 10,000, then to 15,000, then to 20,000. And he stopped at 43,000. Dolokhov chose this figure by adding up his age and Sonin. Rostov did not know what to do. After all, parents can not stand such a shock. But in a conversation in which Dolokhov said that he knew about Sonya's love for Rostov, Nikolai said that the money would be tomorrow and left.

Rostov comes home. He is waiting for his father. In the meantime, he listens to how everyone sings and does not understand the general fun. But suddenly he hears the singing of his sister Natasha. She only recently took up vocals, and Nikolai hears her beautiful voice. And at this time he abstracts from everything. From Dolokhov, from losing. But with the end of the music, everything was remembered again. He waited for a cheerful father and with difficulty spoke about the loss. The Count was upset. And Natasha Denisov at that time made an offer. But she refused because of not love, even though she felt sorry for him. Therefore, Denisov immediately left ahead of time. And Rostov waited until his father collected 43,000, gave them to Dolokhov and left at the end of November in Poland to catch up with the regiment.


Pierre Bezukhy broke up with his wife and went to St. Petersburg. He is still immersed in the same thoughts as before. He stopped at the post station, and soon his thoughts were interrupted by the caretaker, who brought another passerby into Pierre's room. Pierre was very interested in the man who entered, not young and very strict. He wanted to talk to him several times, but the constantly passing person was immersed in his thoughts and sat with eyes closed. This passing man finally spoke to Pierre. He recognized him and knew about the grief of the unhappy married life of the Earless. They started talking, though it was mostly a stranger who spoke. He tried to convey to the Earless the essence of God and how to live, helping others. And Pierre, being a non-believer, was so imbued with the speech of this man that he admitted to himself that he hated his life and asked for the help of a fellow traveler in changing it. Then this person wrote letter of recommendation to the Count of Villars. And left. And then Pierre found out that this man was Osip Alexandrovich Bazdeev, one of the most famous Freemasons and Martinists. And then Pierre decided to become a Freemason.

Pierre arrived in Petersburg, but did not tell anyone about his arrival. However, a week later the Polish Count of Villarsky came to him. He said that, at the request of a respected person, he would be taken to the Masons earlier than expected. Pierre assures the visitor that he has renounced former life and stopped being an atheist. Then Pierre is taken to some house. Where a certain sacrament is performed over him for initiation into Masons. He takes an oath to fight evil and accepts the 7 virtues inherent in any Freemason. He also gives away all the valuable things that were with him. And then in this house he meets several of his St. Petersburg acquaintances. He met them during another ritual with a vision of small and full light. At the end of the meeting, he again donated money, and then went home. And it seemed to him that this trip was a long journey, in which he lost the habit of his former life and changed. The next day, Pierre was about to leave Petersburg, as rumors of a duel had reached the sovereign. And while Pierre was thinking everything over, Prince Vasily came to him. He began to talk with Pierre about Helen, that they need to make peace, because with this quarrel Pierre puts both Helen and Prince Vasily himself in an awkward position. But Pierre, flaring up, drove the prince out of the room. And a week later, Pierre left. He left more alms to the Freemasons. And they, in turn, gave him letters to Kyiv and Odessa, so that he would be next to the Masons there. Pierre left. His case of a duel with Dolokhov was hushed up. And Helen arrived in St. Petersburg. Everyone pitied her, considering her a victim of Pierre.

Anna Pavlovna, as before, gathered at her evenings and each time they had, so to speak, the highlight of the evening. This time it was Boris Drubetskoy, who was an adjutant to a very important person. The conversations were, as usual, about the war. And then everyone asked about the position and travels of Boris. Everyone listened to him very carefully. But Helen showed more interest, who later asked Boris for a meeting. And then Anna Pavlovna recalled Boris and asked him not to think about Pierre with Helen. Hippolyte, Helen's brother, tried to tell a joke, but he was not good at it. They talked again about the war and its meaning. And Helen kept reminding Boris to come to her on Tuesday. But when he arrived, he saw no point in this visit. She had many guests. Yes, and Helen at all, at her evening, talked little with him. But at parting, she asked Boris to come the next day. In general, soon Boris became a close person in the house of this woman.

The war is flaring up. And life Bolkonsky themes time has become completely different. The old prince was appointed sovereign of one of the main militias, and Andrei decided never to enter the army again. Therefore, he performed the duties of a father. His little son lived with Marya and nanny Savishna. One day little Nicholas fell ill and burned for the 4th day. Then a letter came from the elder Bolkonsky, in which he said that ours won the victory, i.e. victory over Bonaparte. And he asks his son to go to work. But Andrei does not want to do this while his son is sick and concludes that the victory was obtained when he was not in the army, and thinks that his father specifically wants to prick him with this. Then he read Bilibin's letter, but soon threw it away, as he heard strange sounds, and frightened for the life and well-being of the baby, he ran to the nursery. There he saw a nanny who was hiding something. Andrei was afraid that his son died due to illness. But when he found him in the crib, he saw that the baby, on the contrary, had survived the crisis and was on the mend.

Pierre Bezukhov arrived in Kyiv and began to completely change the system of serfdom. in favor of the peasants. And in this regard, despite their wealth, there was not enough money for all this. And from year to year I had to borrow. In the spring of 1807, Pierre travels back to St. Petersburg and wants to inspect everything that has been done for the peasants along the way. But the commander-in-chief, who considered all Pierre's plans to be madness and stealing his money on the sly, decides to appease Pierre and prepare a reception for him in the religious and thanksgiving traditions. And everything went according to plan.

Pierre wanted to visit his friend Andrei Bolkonsky, whom they had not seen for 2 years. He arrived in Bogucharovo, where Bolkonsky was being built. They were glad to see each other. Friends began to continuously tell everything, everything that happened to them. Then Bolkonsky offered to go to the Bald Mountains. Before leaving, they begin to argue about the essence of care and love for one's neighbor. Andrei claims that it is good for peasants to be peasants. This is their calling. And the best care for them is not to change their life. And he believes that a person should live for himself and for his own pleasure. And in the role of "himself" he means both the person himself and his closest relatives. Pierre strongly disagrees. He believes that people should sacrifice themselves for the sake of others. And Andrei finds similarities between Pierre and sister Marya. They go to the Bald Mountains. On the way, they start talking again. Pierre began to talk about Freemasonry, arguing that it was not a religious sect, but the teachings of Christianity, freed from the shackles of the state and religion; the doctrine of equality, brotherhood and love. Prince Andrei listens with interest to Pierre and he wants to believe his words that one must live. Andrei raises his head and sees the sky, just as it was when he was dying. He realized that with the advent of Pierre, he began new life just in the inner world.

Arriving in the Bald Mountains, Pierre and Andrei went to Marya, who at that time gave tea to the wanderers - the so-called, God's people. Andrei, as usual, joked with them. Especially over Palageyushka and Ivanushka, who was actually a woman. And Pierre now also played a little joke on these people. Palagea wanted to get away from resentment, but in order not to be guilty before Marya, Pierre and Andrei apologized. Pierre separately apologized to Marya for his jokes on the wanderer. Then the girl, seeing how her brother cheered up after the arrival of a friend, asks Pierre to influence Andrei so that he goes abroad for treatment and then begins to engage in activities.

Prince Bolkonsky senior arrived. He happily received Pierre. And asked him to come to him again. And after Pierre's departure, everyone spoke very well of him, especially since the annual Bolkonsky smiled at Pierre and went into his arms.

Nikolai Rostov, returning from vacation to the regiment, felt a homely and cozy atmosphere, as if he had come home. He decided that he would pay the debt to his father for 5 years. Of the 10,000 sent a year, he took only 2. The army was waiting for the start of a new company.

Soldiers and horses at this time were in a bad position. Many died in hospitals. Swollen from bad food. The horses, like the soldiers, were starving. More than half of the people then lost. And Rostov, meanwhile, became even more friends with Denisov and the second did everything so as not to endanger Rostov. Denisov's soldiers had been hungry for 2 weeks already. And then Denisov decided to recapture food from strangers. The soldiers ate and regained their strength. However, Denisov did not get away with it, they wanted to put him on trial for looting. Despite his rather calm appearance, Denisov was afraid of the court. All the circumstances of that incident differed in reality from those written in the case. Denisov was ordered to hand over the senior squadron, and he would appear at the division headquarters for an explanation. But the day before, Denisov was wounded, and he went to the hospital. With difficulty, Rostov found a convenient moment to visit Denisov. He arrived at the hospital. There stood very bad smell. And the doctor and paramedic warned Rostov that there was a high probability of contracting typhus in the hospital. Rostov went into the ward, wanting to find Denisov. The smell was much stronger there. Not finding Denisov there, he left. Passing the corridor, Rostov went into the officers' ward. There he met Tushin, who was carrying the once wounded Rostov. And there he also met Denisov, whom he had not seen for 5 weeks. Denisov was not interested in the regiment and asked only about his business with provisions. Rostov stayed with Denisov until evening. And before leaving, Denisov gave a letter to Rostov and asked him to hand it over. In a letter to the sovereign himself, Denisov asked for mercy.

Rostov returned to the regiment, and from there he went to Tilsit to convey Denisov's letter to the sovereign. There was just a congress of the Russian and French emperors in Tilsit. And promoted Boris Drubetskoy was in the retinue of the Russian emperor. He loved to observe others and write it all down. He lived with Count Zhilinsky, who was also an adjutant and loved the French. And in one evening he gathered a French society. And that evening, Rostov arrived at the house of Zhilinsky and Drubetskoy, apparently at the wrong time, since he was not welcome there, even though Boris insisted the opposite. Rostov came to ask Boris to deliver Denisov's letter to the sovereign, but Boris claims that this is a bad idea. Rostov, realizing that he arrived in Tilsit at the most unfortunate moment, decides that, by all means, he must deliver Denisov's letter to the sovereign. And he dares to go to the sovereign himself. At this time, the whole city was decorated, reflecting the peace of the two emperors and their exchange of orders (the Legion of Honor and Andrei of the first degree).

Rostov goes to Alexander's house, but he is not allowed to see the sovereign because of his urgent departure. Then Rostov meets his division chief. And it is he who agrees to help Rostov deliver the letter. But the sovereign says that he cannot pardon Denisov.

A Russian battalion and a French battalion gathered on the square. On the recommendation of Alexander, Napoleon awarded the soldier Larin with the Order of the Legion of Honor for distinction in the last war. After this event, everyone congratulated and rejoiced for Larin. Many did not agree with the signing of peace by the emperors. And the officers said that if they waited a little, they would have defeated the French, since they were running out. Rostov himself drank 2 bottles of wine and, being drunk, began to shout at the officers. He said that it was not for them to judge the actions of the sovereign.


The friendship of the Russian and French emperors reached the point that when Napoleon declared war on Austria in 1808, Russia sided with the French and was against its recent allies, the Austrians.

Andrei Bolkonsky has been constantly living in the village for 2 years and is engaged in unfinished business on the estates, which Pierre did not complete. He reads a lot and is much more advanced than city people who were at the center of various events.

In the spring of 1809, Andrey went to the Ryazan estates of his son, of which he was the guardian. On the way, he sees an oak, which in his eyes personifies spring, love and happiness. But he doesn't seem to believe it. And Andrei compared the tree with himself. On guardianship matters, he had to call on Ilya Rostov. Arriving at the Rostov estate, Andrei saw a crowd of girls, among whom was a laughing pretty girl. When Andrei saw her, for some reason he got angry, not understanding what there was to be happy about. The Rostovs received Andrei well and persuaded him to spend the night. When it came to sleep, Andrei could not sleep for a long time. The night was spring, warm and pleasant. The room was stuffy, and Andrei decided to open the window and stand by it. Then he heard voices on the top floor. This was said by Sonya and Natasha. Natasha enjoyed the air, and Sonya wanted to sleep. And Andrei did not deliberately think about Natasha. A confusion of young thoughts and hopes suddenly appeared in his soul, contradicting his whole life. Andrew went home the next day. On the way, he saw that oak, which was no longer as gloomy as Bolkonsky himself. And at that moment Andrei realized that life does not end at 31. And he must do something not only for himself, but also for people.

In August 1809, Andrei travels to St. Petersburg, before coming up with reasons. While great attention was directed at Speransky, who was carrying out coups. Prince Andrei drew up some laws for the military charter. He showed a note with them to the sovereign, and he sent Andrei to Arakcheev. Then, after some queue at the reception, Andrey came to this Arakcheev to find out the fate of his laws. Arakcheev said that he did not like them because, in his opinion, they were copied from the French. But he recommends Prince Andrei as a member of the committee on military regulations, however, without a salary. After that, Prince Andrei became very interested in Speransky. When he made a reputation for himself as a liberal by setting the peasants free, the liberals became interested in him. He was considered very intelligent and well-read. Many women also considered Andrei interesting, since Bolkonsky was a rich and noble groom. And in general, Bolkonsky has changed a lot over the past 5 years. Andrei was finally introduced to Speransky. He made an impression on Bolkonsky and was associated with his tenderness and whiteness of the face with the soldiers who had been in the hospital for a long time. Prince Andrei, finally, among the people who were insignificant for him, found the ideal to which he aspired. Andrei admired Speransky, as he once admired Napoleon. After some time, Andrei was a member of the commission for drafting military regulations and the head of the department for drafting laws. After the appointment, at the request of Speransky, he works on the department of the law "Rights of Persons".

In 1808, Pierre became the head of St. Petersburg Freemasonry. However, he saw from other people not such an attitude towards this organization. And Pierre began to feel dissatisfied in his activities. And in order to dedicate himself to the highest secrets of the order, Bezukhov went abroad from where he returned to St. Petersburg in the summer of 1809. And then that Masonic society came to him. And Pierre talked about his plans to promote and reanimate Freemasonry in St. Petersburg. However, these speeches did not receive support from the listeners. From this reception, Pierre was very depressed. And on such days, he first receives a letter from his wife, who asks him to meet, and then receives a letter from his mother-in-law with the same request. But the thought of such a reception haunts Pierre. And he went to Moscow, wishing to meet with the mason revered by him, Joseph Alexandrovich Bazdeev. And he gives instruction on self-sacrifice and self-knowledge.

Pierre was surprised that Helen grew up very much in society. She is considered incredibly beautiful and just as smart. Napoleon himself noticed her. But Pierre knew that Helen was really stupid and always expected that the deception would be revealed, but if Helen said stupid things, then society considered them very deep meaning something. Pierre, on the other hand, was a very convenient husband and an advantageous background for Helen. She often arranged evening parties and every day Boris Drubetskoy visits Bezukhov's house, who used to like Pierre, but now he had a terrible antipathy for Boris. Pierre kept a diary in which he wrote all his experiences. There he wrote about the brotherhood, about why some people join it. About his hatred for Boris. And always turned in lines to God.

The financial situation of the Rostovs only worsened. They moved from Moscow to St. Petersburg, since the count, in order to somehow get out of debt, had to serve. Berg soon proposed to Vera. By the way, he was considered a hero after some battles. Count Rostov was puzzled by the question of what to give as a dowry to Vera. And when Berg came to ask him about it and said that if the count did not give an answer, then Berg would refuse the girl. As a result, the count gave 20,000 in cash and a bill for 80,000.

Natasha Rostova has grown up. She is already 16 years old, which means that 4 years have passed since the last meeting between her and Boris. Boris, although he often visited Moscow, never once visited the Rostovs. They thought it was because of Natasha. And in St. Petersburg, he decided to visit this family. I wanted to explain to Natasha, saying that what was once was all childish love and nothing more. But when he arrived, he saw a prettier Natasha, but he promised himself that he would not give vent to his feelings, since the girl’s current poverty would interfere with his career. He tried to avoid Natasha. But more and more often he could be found in the Rostovs' house. And less and less he went to Helen. One evening Natasha decided to talk to her mother about Boris. But the countess nevertheless convinced her daughter that the guy did not need to powder his brains. After talking with her daughter, the next day the Countess herself talked to Boris, and after the conversation he no longer came to the Rostovs' house.

On December 31, on the eve of the new year 1810, there was a ball at the Ekaterininsky nobleman. Everyone came and came. And in the Rostov family, meanwhile, everyone gathered and prepared for this event. For Natasha it was a particularly exciting day because it was the first big ball for her. The girl woke up before everyone else and began to control the fees of Sonya, her mother and her own. She tried very hard to dress Sonya and her mother as best as possible, and there was less and less time left for herself. The Rostovs were supposed to be at the ball by half past eleven, and they still had to call on the friend of the countess, the maid of honor Marya Ignatievna Personskaya. With difficulty, but at 11 the Rostovs with the maid of honor went to the ball.

The Rostovs entered the room. Natasha was delighted with everything and at the same time blinded. Many guests liked her. And Personskaya began to tell the Rostovs who this or that person was.

Among the guests were Helen, Pierre, Anatole, Boris, and also Bolkonsky, who was noticeably younger and prettier. However, Personskaya did not speak very well of him, she did not like him.

The sovereign appeared at the ball, and after that everyone began to dance the first dance, it was a Polish mazurka. And Natasha was among a small number of ladies who stood near the wall and were not paired with the invited gentlemen. She was upset. After the Polish, they began to dance the waltz. And on the recommendation of Pierre, Andrei Bolkonsky approached Natasha and invited her to dance. Both Natasha and Andrey danced very well. And after the dance Andrey finally felt rejuvenated and animated. After dancing with Andrey, Natasha was very popular. The gentlemen who invited her to dance were overly in large numbers. And the girl was happy about it. Andrei watched her all evening, and she seemed incredible to him. And he said to himself, watching the girl, that if she now went first to her cousin, then to another lady, then she would be his wife. And the girl first went to the cousin, and then to the lady.

Pierre was sad because of his wife's position in society and Natasha did not understand his sadness.

The next day, Prince Andrei recalled the ball and Natasha. And then goes to Speransky. And there he discovers that the former admiration for Speransky has disappeared somewhere. And he leaves early. Arriving home, Andrei begins to recall his life after arriving in St. Petersburg and the time when he lived in Bogucharovo. The next day, Bolkonsky decided to go on visits to some houses, including the Rostovs. He suddenly wanted to see Natasha. Andrei did not like the whole Rostov family before, but now he could not stop looking at them.

After the visit, Andrei could not sleep, and he did not understand that he had fallen in love with Natasha. Thought about her. For the first time in for a long time Andrei thought about a happy future and decided that he needed to enjoy life while he felt strength and his youth.

Berg appeared to Pierre and invited him to an evening at the recently settled apartment of the newlyweds. Their home was clean and bright. Guests began to arrive, and the evening became a regular event. Pierre was sitting opposite Natasha and noticed that she was silent and sad. But when Bolkonsky approached her, she blushed and cheered up. Pierre realized that there was something between Bolkonsky and Natasha that they themselves did not talk about. The next day, Prince Andrei came to the Rostovs and spent the whole day there. Everyone understood who he came to. And he apparently wanted to say something very important, but could not. The girl was not at all like him. Yes, and Andrew forgot about the past despondency. He only worries about the age difference. In a conversation with Pierre, he admits that he never loved the way he loves now. However, Pierre himself is sad, he is tormented by his own fate. Andrei intended to marry Natasha. But he needed his father's consent. Bolkonsky agreed, but on the condition that the wedding would not be earlier than a year later.

In connection with his departure to his father, Andrey has not been in the Rostovs' house for several weeks. Natasha cried from this. And then, finally, he arrived and asked for Natasha's hand. The Rostovs accepted. And the wedding will be in a year, but for now Natasha will think everything over. They didn’t tell anyone about the engagement, so that if Natasha’s feelings disappeared, it would be easier for her to free herself. Andrei was leaving Petersburg and asked Natasha to turn to Pierre for advice in case of anything.

The girl endured the departure of Bolkonsky for treatment very hard, but only at first. After a couple of weeks, she was the same as before.

The health of the elder Bolkonsky deteriorated markedly. He pours out all his bile on Mary, hurting her passions: Andrei's son, Nikolai, and religion. Marya notices a change in her brother, but she does not know about his marriage and writes to her friend Julie that the rumors that circulate about the relationship between Andrei and Natasha are not true, and if they were true, she would not want such a daughter-in-law as Natasha. Andrey sent a letter to his sister while being treated in Switzerland. He asks his sister to give a letter to his father, in which Andrei asks to reduce the postponement of the wedding by 3 months. She did it. But the father began to say that Andrei should wait until his father died. Marya, having heard enough of the story of wanderers, found a dream - to also become a wanderer. But she was stopped by thoughts of her father and nephew. And she became afraid of realizing that she loved them more than God.


Nikolai Rostov already commanded a squadron taken over from Denisov. He was visibly angry. He periodically received letters from home in which he was asked to come, as things in the Rostov family were deteriorating. He learned from letters about Bolkonsky's proposal to Natasha. And he wasn't happy. Firstly, because of antipathy towards Andrei, and secondly, because of the incomprehensible postponement of the wedding. After another letter about a very bad deeds family and the health of his father, Nikolai takes a vacation and goes home. After his arrival, Nikolai convicted the manager of the affairs, Count Mitenka, of theft. After that, Nikolai did not get into the affairs of the family and became interested in dog hunting.

It was September best time for hunting. Having heard that Nikolai was going to hunt, Natasha and Petya wanted to go with him. Nicholas could not refuse. Count Rostov also decided to go hunting with his children. On the way, they meet a distant relative and continue on with him. Then this relative invited them to spend the night, where he treats guests with various delicacies. This uncle was very a good man. And everyone knew about it. Uncle sang songs and played either the balalaika or the guitar. Natasha really liked everything. She even danced.

The affairs of the Rostovs were quite bad. The count thinks about selling the estates. And the only way out, it seemed, was to marry Nikolai to a good rich girl. This girl was Julie Karagina. However, Nicholas loved Sonya. And the question of his marriage was postponed. Natasha was sad in separation from her beloved. And on the 4th month, she even began to feel sorry for herself that so much time was gone.

Time winter holidays it was the most boring time. Natasha missed the most. She so wanted to see Andrew soon. From this, she kept walking and giving orders to the servants. And she hoped that she had simply forgotten that Andrei had arrived, and he was sitting and waiting for her in the living room.

Nikolai, Sonya and Natasha recalled their happy childhood. And then the mummers came. Songs and dances began. Nikolai, Sonya, Petya and Natasha also changed into costumes and decided to go to their neighbor, the widow Melyukova. They arrived, and there began fun, dancing, songs, jokes, games. Nikolay looked at Sonya, who was disguised as a Circassian, and understood that he did not need anyone except her.

Sonya wanted to tell fortunes at the barn. She had to hear a certain sound, and that meant good or bad was waiting for her. Before her exit, Nikolai went out into the street and hid along the path to the barn. And when the girl left the house, he approached her, and they kissed. When they were driving home, Nikolai decided to marry Sonya. He tells his parents about this, but they do not accept this and Nikolai quarrels with his mother. On nervous grounds, Countess Rostova begins to get sick. And the count, in order to sell the estate, goes to Moscow and takes Sonya and Natasha with him, since she was sure that Andrei had already arrived. And Nikolai had already left for the regiment. Deciding to retire and marry Sonya.


After the engagement of Andrei and Natasha, Pierre decides to stop living as before. He is disillusioned with Freemasonry. And goes back to the old riotous image life. And in order not to compromise Helen, he goes to Moscow, where he finds many people close to him who love his wallet. He reads more and more and drinks wine more and more often, thinking about the meaning of his existence.

At the beginning of winter, the elder Bolkonsky and his daughter arrived in Moscow. He was very bad, and Marya suffered from this. Not only was she not interested in Moscow, but her father constantly humiliated her. Moreover, she was disappointed in two people very close to her. It was Mademoiselle Bourienne and Julie Karagina. Julie was not at all what she seemed in the letters, and this disgusted Mary. And Bourien took advantage of the fact that Bolkonsky, in spite of his daughter, said that if Andrei marries Natasha, then he will marry Bourien. And after that, everyone around was forced to revere Bourien more than Marya. Yes, and she had to teach her nephew, and when the boy did not understand the material, Marya, like a father, lost her temper.

In 1811, the French doctor Metivier was very popular in Moscow. He visited Bolkonsky Sr. a couple of times a week.

It was the name day of the old prince, and he asked his daughter to write a list of guests, and so that no one else would dare to come. Metivier was not on this list, but in the morning he went to see Bolkonsky. He kicked him out and strongly scolded his daughter, saying that she should quickly rid him of herself. Guests arrived in the evening. Among them were Pierre and Boris. Everyone was talking about the war. Princess Marya spoke with Pierre at first about Boris, then the conversation did not deliberately turn to the topic of her and her father. And then on the topic of Natasha Rostova. Pierre said that Natasha was charming, and Marya was afraid of this.

Boris was on vacation in Moscow. And he had a choice in front of him, consisting of the 2 richest brides, Julie Karagina and Marya Bolkonskaya. Then, despite the fact that Marya was more pleasant to him, he chose Julie. He proposed to Julie, knowing of her wealth. And he expected to serve away from his wife, as she was stupid and ugly.

The Rostovs arrived in Moscow, but because of the unheated house, they decided to stay with Natasha's godmother, Marya Dmitrievna Akhrosimova. She accommodated the guests. While the count was traveling on business, Marya Dmitrievna, Sonya and Natasha went and ordered a dowry. And in the evening, alone, Marya Dmitrievna gave advice to Natasha to make friends with her future father-in-law and Marya Bolkonskaya.

The next day, the Rostovs went to meet Prince Bolkonsky and Marya. Count Rostov was afraid of the prince. Arriving, Bolkonsky did not want to see the Rostovs. And he told that he was ill, ordering Marya to receive the Rostovs. The conversation between Marya and Natasha was dry, as they did not like each other. The count left for half an hour on business. In the evening, Natasha was crying from the bad impression of this meeting.

Marya Dmitrievna got opera tickets for the Rostovs. Natasha was not up to the theater. There she saw Anna Mikhailovna with Boris and his fiancee Julie. Dolokhov, who drives women crazy and was a minister in Persia. There was also Helen Bezukhova. Natasha watched the performance and understood little of its very essence. She saw Anatole Kuragin, Helen's brother, enter. He sat down near Dolokhov. Anatole often looked at Natasha during the whole performance. Later, Helen decided to get acquainted with Rostova and asked the count to allow her daughter to take a walk with a woman in Moscow.

During the intermission, Anatole approached Natalia and introduced himself. He was very handsome. And during the conversation, Natasha forgot about everything, even Andrey. Arriving at the godmother, it dawned on her that pure feelings for Andrei were gone.

Anatole came to Moscow because his father had expelled him from St. Petersburg because of his debts and spending a lot of money. In Moscow, he still led a wild life. He loved most of all women and fun. Dolokhov, who was friends with Anatole because of his connections, kept playing cards. In a conversation with Dolokhov, Anatole says that he was going to court Natasha, despite the fact that he had already been married once.

Marya Dmitrievna went to the elder Bolkonsky to talk about Natasha. Meanwhile, Helen came to Rostova and invited her to the evening, saying that her brother was in love with Natasha. But Helen convinced Rostova that if she dispersed, then her fiancé would not see anything bad in this. But Marya Dmitrievna advised not to go for a walk with Helen, but Natasha promised, then let her unwind.

At Helen's impromptu ball, Anatole did not leave Natasha. He confessed his love to her. And when she went to straighten her dress, Natasha met Anatole, and he kissed her. Natasha could not sleep for a long time. And she realized that she loved both Andrei and Anatole.

In the morning, Marya Dmitrievna said that, being with Bolkonsky senior, she listened to many cries and advised the Rostovs to go home. Which the Count approved.

Marya wrote a letter to Natasha, saying that he loves the girl, because her brother fell in love with her. He apologizes for the past meeting and asks to see you again. Anatole also wrote to Natasha about love and about the option of being with him, but in fact the letter was written by Dolokhov, at the request of Anatole.

Marya Dmitrievna and everyone except Natasha went to the Arkharovs. And Natasha, under the pretext of a headache, stayed at home.

Sonya, after arriving, went into Natasha's room. The girl was sleeping. Sonya read the letter from Anatole. All the following time, Sonya tried to reason with Natasha, who was suddenly seized by a feeling of love for Anatole.

Natasha writes an answer to Marya, in which she asks her to forget everything and, using the freedom given to her by Andrey, refuses him. Natasha walks by herself. Sofya suspects that Natasha and Anatole will soon escape. But the count is not at home. Sophia is ready to do anything to prevent the escape.

The plan for the kidnapping of Rostova was prepared by Dolokhov. Anatole comes to Rostova, she goes out onto the back porch. Together they leave for the village, they get married there, and they go abroad with fake documents and escort.

Dolokhov tried to dissuade Anatole, but he was resolute. The coachman arrived and Anatole began to act. Arriving at Marya Dmitrievna's house, the janitor let Anatole in, but began to close him in the yard. Dolokhov quickly pulled him out of the yard and Anatole and Dolokhov ran back to the troika.

It turned out that Marya Dmitrievna saw Sonya crying and found out everything from her. She said that the kidnappers were brought to her, but they ran away. Marya Dmitrievna locked Natasha with a key and called her a scoundrel. Count Rostov was not told anything. They only said that Natasha was ill.

Marya Dmitrievna asked Pierre to come to her. She said that she was afraid of a duel that could take place among Count Rostov, Anatole, Nikolai Rostov and Andrei Bolkonsky. Pierre was shocked by the story and told Akhrosimova, and then Natasha, that Anatole was married. Natasha told her father that she had refused Andrei. Pierre promises to send Anatole far away to avoid a duel.

Pierre urgently went to look for Anatole, he found him at home. Pierre told his wife that where she is there is evil and depravity. He led Anatole into the office. He began to shake it, being furious. He took Natasha's letters, gave money for the journey, and the next day Anatole left for St. Petersburg.

Pierre went to Marya Dmitrievna and said that Anatole had left and found out that Natasha had been poisoned with arsenic the day before, but she was rescued in time.

Pierre received news of the arrival of Andrei Bolkonsky. He goes to him, but instead of the expected suffering, he sees all family members in a good mood. They talk about the news of the officers. Andrei asks Pierre to deliver Natasha's letters to her. And he doesn't want to know her anymore.

Pierre goes again to Marya Dmitrievna, handed over the letters to Sonya. Natasha wanted to see Pierre. She was pale, haggard and without strength. She asked Pierre to convey to Andrey the words of forgiveness for everything bad. She said she didn't deserve anything now, and it's all over now. But Pierre said that if he had not been married, he would have begged Natasha to be his wife. Pierre felt sorry for the girl. After the conversation, he went home.

1. About the first volume
2. Summary of parts and chapters
3. Results of the first volume

About the first volume War and Peace

In the first volume, the reader is introduced to the main characters: Pierre Bezukhov, Andrei Bolkonsky, the Rostov family, and Princess Mary. The reader is also given a description of the first military operations with France and a description historical figures: Kutuzov, Bagration, Emperor Alexander the First, Napoleon.

The first part describes the Petersburg society and talks about the attitude of civilians towards the war. All the main characters are also brought to the stage of action and important, for the subsequent plot, such events occur: the acquaintance of Pierre and Natasha, the departure of Prince Andrei to the war, Bezukhov's inheritance.

The second part describes the hostilities that took place in Austria: the defeat of Mack, the unification of the Russian and Austrian troops, the capture of Vienna by the French and the heroic behavior of Bagration's vanguard.

The third part tells at the same time about the life of ordinary people, who also have important events for them and military operations, or rather, the battle of Austerlitz. This is done so that the reader understands that war and peace can be not only in the military sense, but also the struggle taking place in society itself.

Summary of Tolstoy War and peace 1 volume in parts and chapters

Part 1

Chapter 1

It was 1805. The action of the novel begins in the house of the maid of honor Anna Pavlovna Sherer. Prince Vasily came to visit her. They talk about the war, discuss secular news and the children of the prince - two sons and a daughter. His daughter and eldest son are beautiful, well-mannered and liked by everyone without exception. And the youngest son, Anatole, except for his handsome appearance, no longer has any positive qualities. The prince is worried that he leads an idle life and spends a lot of money. Anna Pavlovna offers to marry Anatole and the daughter of Prince Bolkonsky, Princess Marya. Prince Vasily approves of this idea.

Chapter 2

At the evening, a secular society gathered at the maid of honor: Prince Vasily with his daughter Helen, his eldest son Ippolit with a friend, the pregnant Princess Bolkonskaya (wife of Marya Bolkonskaya's brother), Abbot Morio and others. A new face appears in society - Pierre Bezukhov, the illegitimate son of Catherine's nobleman. The hostess does not like this young man because she fears that he will begin to express his thoughts aloud, which contradicted the views of others. For Pierre, who arrived from abroad, this was the first party in Russia, and therefore, knowing that he was in an intelligent society, he tried to listen carefully to the conversations of the guests.

Chapter 3

All Scherer's guests were divided into circles according to their interests and discussed the thoughts that were of interest to them. The viscount came for the evening, whom the hostess presented in the most favorable light. The guest began to entertain the audience with funny stories about politicians. Anna Pavlovna tried to keep an eye on all the guests so that their conversation would not become too serious. In the midst of the viscount's conversation, she notices that Bezukhov is talking animatedly about something with the abbot. Hurrying over to them and changing the conversation to the topic of climate, the maid of honor joined them in the general circle.

Chapter 4

At this time, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, Lisa's husband, enters the living room. He was a handsome young man, but from his appearance one could guess that everyone present at the evening bored him, and especially his wife. It turns out that he is going to war with the French as Kutuzov's adjutant. For Prince Andrei, the presence of Pierre is a pleasant surprise. Prince Vasily and his beautiful daughter are about to leave society. In parting, he asks Anna Pavlovna to help Pierre get comfortable in society.

Chapter 5

The old princess Anna Mikhailovna Drubetskaya appeals to Prince Vasily with a request: she asks to transfer her son Boris to the guards regiment. At this time, a dispute about Napoleon flares up between Bezukhov, Bolkonsky and the viscount. Pierre, having enlisted the support of the prince, considers Bonaparte a hero. Prince Hippolyte ends the dispute with his anecdote, which he failed to tell in such a way that the listeners would understand him.

Chapter 6

The guests began to leave. Anna Pavlovna said goodbye to Bezukhov, then to Lisa Bolkonskaya, asking her to talk about the matchmaking between Anatole and Princess Marya. Hippolyte helped the little princess, whom he liked, to get ready. Prince Bolkonsky hurried his wife and invited Pierre to come to them. In the Bolkonskys' house, sitting in the prince's office, Andrey and Bezukhov began to discuss what the latter intended to do, and the conversation turned to military theme. It turns out that the prince does not like the life he is now leading and this is one of the reasons why he is going to war.

Chapter 7

The prince's wife enters the office. Upon learning that they are discussing her husband's departure for the war, Lisa begins to say that she does not understand the reasons why he wants to leave her alone and send her to a village where she has no friends and will not be able to attend secular evenings. The husband asks her to calm down, and the princess, wishing them Good night, leaves.

Chapter 8

After dinner, Andrei confesses to a friend that he is unhappy in marriage and advises him to marry as late as possible. It turns out that young people have known each other for a long time and are friends. Bezukhov admires Bolkonsky's willpower and lack of dreaminess in him. The prince asks him to stop being in the company of Anatole Kuragin, the youngest son of Prince Vasily, in whose house Pierre lives, because he is a very frivolous young man. The young man gives the floor to his friend.

Chapter 9

Pierre, having left late at night from the Bolkonskys, despite the promise made to the prince, decides to go to Anatole. He gathered a large company in which everyone drank and ate a lot. Bezukhov, who arrived, was forced to drink too. A certain Dolokhov, on a dare, drinks a whole bottle of alcohol, standing on a ledge of the wall outside the window. Deciding to continue the festivities, the whole company is going to go to someone, taking with them a bear that was in the room.

Chapter 10

Some time passes. Prince Vasily Kuragin complied with the request of Drubetskaya and her son Boris was transferred to the guards of the Semyonovsky regiment. The princess comes to her relatives Rostov. The Rostovs are a big family: Count Ilya, his wife Natalya, their children - Nikolai, Natasha, Vera, Petya and an orphaned niece Sonya. The Countess and her daughter Natasha have a birthday. There are many guests who are very tired of the princess. Tired of the visitors, she decides to receive the last guest - Princess Karagina with her daughter.

The guest talks about the latest Petersburg gossip, as well as about drunken escapade Anatole Kuragin, Dolokhov and Pierre Bezukhov. This trick amused Count Rostov and the rest of the listeners too.

Chapter 11

At this time, the younger generation runs into the room: Natasha Rostova, who was 13 years old, her brother Nikolai, a student, the youngest, Petya Rostov, Sonya, 15 years old and Boris Drubetskoy, a young officer. All of them were animated by a funny game with Natasha's doll, Mimi. Nikolai and Boris best friends. True, Drubetskoy is more sociable than his friend. Boris goes to prepare the carriage for his departure with his mother.

Chapter 12

This chapter deals with the relationship of children. Nikolai Rostov and Sonya are in love with each other, as are Natasha and Boris. Sonya was jealous of Nikolai for the Rostova Jury, with whom he spoke nicely only out of politeness. A brief description is given. eldest daughter Rostov, Vera, who was disliked and misunderstood in the family, although she was not stupid. After sitting a little longer, the guests leave.

Chapter 13

Nikolai finds Sonya offended by him and asks her forgiveness. The girl forgives the young man and they kiss. Seeing this, Natasha calls Boris and kisses him too. Drubetskoy promises to ask for her hand in 4 years. Natasha is happy.

Chapter 14

Vera was disliked by everyone in the family, even her brothers and sisters. When the countess asked her to go to the children, the girl saw that they were in pairs. She did not understand their childhood love and spoke down to them. Natasha says that they know that she is in love with Officer Berg. And the couples offended by her go to the nursery.

Countess Rostov and Princess Drubetskaya are talking. Natalya Rostova praises her friend for taking care of her son. Anna Mikhailovna is worried that she will not have enough money to equip Boris, and therefore she decides to go with him to his godfather, Count Bezukhov, who was dying. She hopes that he will bequeath something to the young man. Count Rostov, having learned where they were going, asked to pass an invitation to dinner to the illegitimate son of the count, Pierre Bezukhov.

Chapter 15

Drubetskaya and her son went to Count Bezukhov. She asks Boris to be attentive to the godfather. Although the young man does not like such pretense, for the sake of his mother he agrees. At Count Bezukhov, they meet Prince Vasily, who is his relative. Anna Mikhailovna thanks Kuragin for his assistance and asks about the count's well-being. She sends Boris to Pierre to convey an invitation from the Rostovs.

Chapter 16

Pierre Bezukhov did not immediately recognize Boris. He decided that it was Ilya Rostov, as it turned out later, he got everything mixed up: after all, his son's name was Nikolai. Young Drubetskoy tells Bezukhov that he does not need his father's money, and Pierre liked him even more from this statement. He promised that he would come to the Rostovs in order to get to know Boris better. The princess did not manage to talk to the count, because he does not recognize anyone. She hopes that he will mention them in the will and for this she is going to come again.

Chapter 17

Countess Rostova was worried that her friend of her youth had to beg for money. She asks her husband to give her 500 rubles. Count Rostov, seeing how upset she is, instructs his servant Mitenka, who was in charge of all his affairs, to bring 700 rubles. When Anna Mikhailovna returns and says that she did not manage to talk to Count Bezukhov, Natalya Rostova asks her to accept these 700 rubles. Embracing, both friends cry tears of joy.

Chapter 18

The guests begin to arrive for the celebration. Before the meal, the society was divided into two parts: the men's, which talked in the count's office, and the women's, which was located in the living room. IN male society the conversation turned to a military theme, in particular, about the manifesto. Officer Berg, with whom Vera was in love, boasted of his promotion.

Pierre Bezukhov arrived later and Countess Rostova and Princess Drubetskaya tried to start a conversation with him. But because of his shyness, he answered them in monosyllables. The godmother of Natasha Rostova, Princess Marya Dmitrievna Akhrosimova, arrives, whom everyone feared and respected for her frankness and rude manners. She gave the little birthday girl earrings and scolded Pierre for his scandalous trick.

At the table, the guests were also divided into male and female parts. Sonya was jealous of Nikolai Rostov for Julie Karagina. Berg spoke of his love to Vera, Boris called those sitting at the table to Pierre, and exchanged glances with Natasha. Pierre, for the most part, ate and drank a lot.

Chapter 19

A dispute about Bonaparte flares up at the table, Shinshin, a relative of the countess, and the colonel argued loudest of all. Their argument is interrupted by young Natasha's question about what kind of cake will be served. But no one was angry with the girl for this trick.

Chapter 20

The dancing began. In the break between them, Natasha reassured Sonya, who was jealous of Nikolai for Julie and was worried that Vera would tell the countess everything. Young Rostova reassured the girl and said that Pierre was very funny. Then the girl invited him to dance. After dancing, the youth began to sing, and after singing, the count began to dance with Princess Akhrosimova, whose dance delighted the guests.

Chapter 21

Count Bezukhov is getting worse. According to the doctor's forecast, he could die any day. Prince Vasily begins to worry about his share of the inheritance and decides to consult with one of the Count's direct heirs, Princess Ekaterina Mamontova. It becomes known that Bezukhov wrote a petition to the sovereign that Pierre be recognized as his legitimate son. If this turned out to be true, then the entire inheritance went to him. Mamontova tells the prince where all the count's documents lie and accuses Drubetskaya of inciting Bezukhov against the Mamontov sisters.

Chapter 22

Anna Mikhailovna, together with Pierre, comes to his father. Passing by the apartments of the princesses, they see that Vasily Kuragin and Princess Mamontova are greatly alarmed by something. Drubetskaya tells Bezukhov not to worry about anything, that she will respect his interests. Pierre does not understand anything, but decides to obey her.

Chapter 23

Unction of Count Bezukhov began. All the relatives, the count's servants, gathered. After the end of the ceremony, Drubetskaya brought Pierre to her father so that they could say goodbye. The young man was horrified by the state in which his father was and was very sad about it. When Bezukhov Sr. fell asleep, Anna Mikhailovna and Pierre left the count's chambers.

Chapter 24

A scandal flares up, in which Princess Katerina Mamontova, Princess Drubetskaya and Prince Vasily take part. Anna Mikhailovna is trying to take the briefcase from the princess, which contains all the count's papers. In the midst of the struggle, they are informed that the Count has died. Princess Katerina is angry with Pierre because she understands that he will get the entire inheritance. Prince Vasily suddenly realizes that he has already become old and is crying. Pierre spends the night by his father's bed in distress. Princess Drubetskaya returns to the Rostovs and tells all the details of what happened.

Chapter 25

The reader is introduced to Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky, the father of Prince Andrei Bolkonsky. He, along with his daughter Marya, lives in the estate, which is located in Bald Hills. Everyone knows him as a demanding and strict person, even in relation to his daughter. In his house, everyone lives according to the established routine, and the old prince himself teaches Marya.

The prince gives her a letter written by her friend, Julie Karagina. In the letter, the girl talks about the fact that in Moscow there is only talk about the upcoming war. Julie is so excited about this topic also because Nikolai Rostov, with whom she is in love, went as a volunteer. She also says that the heir to the entire fortune of Count Bezukhov was his son Pierre, who was recognized as legitimate. The girl does not like him and she writes that now everyone is trying to pass off their daughters for him. Also, a friend warns the princess that she is considered a profitable match for the son of Prince Vasily, Anatole. The letter ends with a request to convey the news about Andrei Bolkonsky and his wife.

Princess Marya writes a response letter in which she sympathizes with Pierre and does not agree with Julie's opinion of him. For Princess Bolkonskaya, the most important quality in his character is kind heart. She says that she heard that Prince Vasily is going to come to them, and if her father decides that she needs to marry Anatole, then she will obey his will. About her brother, Bolkonskaya writes that they are soon expecting his arrival with his wife, but he himself will go to war.

The princess realizes that because of the letter, she starts her clavichord playing later than usual.

Chapter 26

Andrey Bolkonsky unexpectedly arrives with Lisa. Mademoiselle Bourien is very glad to see them. They take Princess Mary by surprise, who is very glad to see her brother and his wife. Lisa and Marya hug and cry, then the little princess begins to tell last news from your life. Princess Mary asks Andrei when he is going to go to war and receives an answer that the next day. Brother and sister are very happy to see each other after parting, and, waiting for the father to wake up, Prince Andrei hurried to him.

Bolkonsky Sr., for the sake of his son's arrival, made an exception in his daily routine and allowed him to be present at his toilet. Prince Andrei was very glad to see his father and communicated with him in the same way as with Pierre. Nikolai Bolkonsky asks him to tell about the latest military news, but he listens inattentively to his son. More and more inspired, Andrei passes on all the news to his father, who has already heard them. Having finished getting ready, he tells the young prince to go to the dining room.

Chapter 27

At dinner, all the household and the architect, Mikhail Ivanovich, who, for unknown reasons, were invited by the prince, gathered. Andrei, examining the portrait of his father, expressed the opinion that even smart person there are weaknesses. Princess Mary did not support her brother - for her, her father always did everything right.

At dinner, Nikolai Bolkonsky talked with the little princess, who was afraid of him. In a conversation with her father-in-law, she retold a lot of secular gossip, which the old prince did not like. During conversations between father and son, a dispute arose over the assessment of Napoleon's actions. Prince Andrei considered him an excellent commander, Nikolai Andreevich was of a different opinion. He believed that the French ruler was simply lucky. Bolkonsky Jr. was surprised that although his father did not leave his village anywhere, he was well aware of the state of affairs in the states of Europe.

The dinner was over, and the father and son each had their own opinion. The princess, who did not take part in the dispute, confidentially told Marya that the prince was very smart and therefore she was afraid of him. For the young princess, her father was always kind.

Chapter 28

The next day, Andrei Bolkonsky is going to go. Princess Mary comes up to him to talk before leaving. She asks him not to be too strict with Lisa, to which her brother honestly admits to her that neither he nor his wife are happy in marriage. The princess was very religious and asked the prince to take a small icon with her. Andrei, realizing that it is very important for his sister, promises not to shoot him. He asks if it is hard for her to live with her father, to which Marya replies that she is happy with everything.

On the way to the old prince's office, he sees Mademoiselle Bourienne, whom he does not like. While saying goodbye to his father, Andrei asks to take care of his wife and son. old prince promises to fulfill his request, gives him a letter of recommendation, and so that Andrei does not see his feelings, he hurries to leave. While saying goodbye to her husband, the princess faints. Prince Nikolai leaves only after the departure of his son and, seeing the princess without feelings, goes to his office.

Part 2

Chapter 1

It was October, 1805. Kutuzov was offered to join his army with the army of Archduke Ferdinand and Mack. The Russian commander did not consider this idea successful, so he decided to review the detachment that arrived at the Braunau fortress to show that the Russian army was not yet ready.

Chapter 2

Kutuzov arrives to review the regiment, in whose retinue are Bolkonsky, Nesvitsky, Andrei's friend and cornet Zherkov, who turns out to be Dolokhov's old acquaintance. The demoted Dolokhov serves in the regiment under inspection, Bolkonsky reminds Kutuzov of him and the epaulettes are returned to him.

Chapter 3

Kutuzov tried to explain to the Austrian general that the Austrian soldiers could cope without the help of the Russians. He asks Prince Bolkonsky to draw up a paper describing the reasons why the Russian army cannot move forward. Andrei Bolkonsky changed while in the army: he became lively and filed big hopes for a military career. At this time, the famous Mack comes to the Russian commander-in-chief, who confirms the rumors about the defeat of the Austrian army. It becomes obvious that clashes between the Russians and the French cannot be avoided. Prince Andrei, realizing the seriousness of the situation, is in joyful excitement that he will be able to take part in hostilities.

Chapter 4

Nikolai Rostov ended up in the Pavlograd Hussar Regiment, in which he serves as a cadet. The young man lives in an apartment with Captain Denisov. This chapter tells how warmaster Telyatin stole the captain's purse, but Rostov convicted him of this, but, having condemned him of morally left him money.

Chapter 5

At Denisov's apartment, in a conversation between officers, Rostov talks about Telyanin and the regimental commander reprimands him. Nikolai wants to get satisfaction for the insult inflicted on him, but the staff captain and Denisov convince the young man that he is wrong and Rostov apologizes. At this time, Zherkov comes to them and informs them of the news of the defeat of the Austrian army and tells them to prepare for the offensive.

Chapters 6 - 7

Kutuzov retreated to Vienna, ordering to destroy the bridges behind the army. Nesvitsky was sent to the commander in chief. After a short rest, he goes to the crossing to hurry the lagging behind, and to follow the destruction of the bridge. The shelling of the crossing begins. At this time, Denisov appears and demands that they let him pass with his squadron.

Chapter 8

There was a stampede on the bridge. Nesvitsky mixed up the order, but Zherkov, who arrived, handed over the necessary instructions to the colonel. The two officers were watching the action away from the shots. Denisov's squadron was supposed to set fire to the bridge. During the buckshot, the first wounded appeared. Nikolai Rostov tried to be courageous, but then he was among those soldiers who ran after the hussars. After that, the young man began to consider himself a coward. The Russians were able to set fire to the bridge before the French.

Chapter 9

On October 28, Kutuzov crossed with his army to the left bank of the Danube, and on the 30th defeated Mortier's division. And even though this victory was overshadowed by the loss of soldiers, the wounded, it raised the morale of the troops. Rumors began to circulate in the army about the retreat of Bonaparte. Prince Andrei participated in hostilities and coped with all the affairs that Kutuzov entrusted to him. The commander-in-chief sent him with the news of this victory to the Austrian court.

Chapter 10

Prince Bolkonsky stopped at his Russian diplomat friend Bilibin and tells him about the cool reception. Bilibin replies that there is nothing surprising, because this is a victory for the Russian army, and not for the Austrian. Prince Andrei becomes aware that Vienna has been taken by the French and that the majority believes that this campaign has been lost. Bolkonsky fell asleep, thinking about the reception awaiting him from the emperor.

Chapters 11-12

In the company of Bilibin, Prince Andrei met Ippolit Kuragin, whom he had once been jealous of his wife. Bilibin promises to show Bolkonsky all the delights of Brunn. The prince tells the emperor all the details of the battle and he is awarded the Order of Maria Theresa 3rd degree. Returning to the diplomat, he sees that he is collecting things and learns that the French have crossed the bridge in Vienna and will soon be on the banks of the Danube. Prince Andrei hurries to warn the Russian army.

Chapter 13

Prince Bolkonsky has difficulty finding the army and Kutuzov. Going to the commander-in-chief, he learns that orders for battle have been given. Kutuzov sends Bagration's vanguard to hold back the French and bids farewell to him with tears in his eyes. Bolkonsky asks to be in the vanguard of Bagration, but Kutuzov does not let him in.

Chapter 14

The French sought to cut off communication between the troops of Kutuzov and Russia. To prevent this, the vanguard was sent, led by Bagration. Murat decided that a small detachment was the entire Russian army, he proposed a truce for three days in order to wait for reinforcements from Vienna. For Kutuzov, this was the only opportunity to give Bagration's detachment a rest. Napoleon figured out the commander-in-chief's trick and wrote to Murat about it, and he himself went with his army.

Chapters 15-16

Kutuzov still allows Bolkonsky to go to Bagration. Arriving there, Andrei sees that everything is calm, because Murat has not yet received Bonaparte's letter. The prince meets Captain Tushin and takes a liking to him. Later, he meets the captain again, passing through the battery, who was busy drawing the position of the French troops in his notebook. At this time, a cannonball falls into the center of the booth set up by the soldiers.

Chapters 17-18

Murat, having learned that he was deceived, decided to rehabilitate himself in the eyes of Napoleon and destroy a small army before his arrival and opens fire. At this time, Bagration and Bolkonsky travel around the entire avant-garde. Tushin, without waiting for orders, decided to set fire to the village. Prince Bagration orders Zherkov to go to the left flank and say that they need to retreat. After some time, surrounded by gunpowder and smoke, Bagration shouted "Hurrah!" launched an attack, which was able to ensure the retreat of the right flank.

Chapter 19

Thanks to the actions of Tushin's battery, a retreat of the right flank is obtained - the French are distracted by a fire in Shengraben. Zherkov did not convey Bagration's order, because he became afraid. At this time, the commanders of the left and right flanks are arguing among themselves. The squadron, in which Rostov was, was surrounded by the French. After Denisov's command, the attack began. Near Nikolai, a horse was wounded and, falling to the ground, instead of shooting at the enemies, he threw a pistol at the Frenchman and ran. The Frenchman wounded him in the arm, but Rostov ran to the bushes, in which there were Russian arrows.

Chapter 20

The fight was not in our favor. But Timokhin's company was able to change everything, which suddenly attacked the French from behind the forest. Dolokhov served in the same company, who distinguished himself by capturing two French officers and, despite being wounded, remained at the front. The Tushino battery was remembered only when the cover left in the midst of the battle. However, thanks to the energetic leadership of Tushin, active firing was carried out from his battery, because of which the French decided that the main enemy forces were located there. Tushin, because of the awakened passion, did not immediately realize that he had been ordered to retreat several times. Only when Bolkonsky arrived and helped to take Tushin's guns away did the battery retreat. Then Andrew left.

Chapter 21

On the way, Tushin helps a young shell-shocked officer - it was Rostov. Upon arrival in the village, Bagration summons the captain. The prince asks Tushin why he left two guns, to which he replies that there were not enough people not to say that the cover left the battery in the midst of the battle. Bolkonsky rescues him, telling how everything was to Bagration. Tushin sincerely thanks Andrey. Meanwhile, Rostov starts delirium and fever. The next day, the remnant of Bagration's vanguard joins Kutuzov's army.

Part 3

Chapter 1

Prince Vasily becomes close to Pierre and, for the sake of profit, wants to marry him to his daughter. After receiving the inheritance, everyone in society suddenly began to treat him very well. Vasily Kuragin decides to move Bezukhov to Moscow. The young count inspires himself that he is in love with Helen, although she seems stupid to him.

Chapter 2

Pierre Bezukhov still cannot decide to propose to Helen Kuragina. After celebrating her name day, when all the guests have left, Prince Vasily helps Bezukhov to propose to his daughter. Helen accepts him and after some time they get married.

Chapter 3

Prince Vasily, together with Anatole, is going to Prince Bolkonsky. This news does not please the old prince, because he despised Prince Kuragin. On the day of their arrival, he was out of sorts and under his hot hand everyone was hit, even the little princess, who was very afraid of him. Mademoiselle Bourienne and Lisa are trying to put the princess in order, who was not very beautiful on the outside, but had an inner beauty. Princess Marya doubted whether she should agree to marry the unloved, but she was ashamed of such thoughts.

Chapters 4-5

The princess goes downstairs and meets the Kuragins. She tries to be nice to everyone, but her father starts making comments about her daughter's appearance, which upsets her. Sympathy arises between Anatole and Bourien. The next day, Prince Bolkonsky tells his daughter that she will have to decide for herself whether to marry Anatole or not. The princess promises to think. Leaving her father's office, she sees a Frenchwoman in Anatole's arms. She later reassures her and tells her that she is not angry. Marya informs her father and Prince Vasily that she will not marry Anatole. The princess decides that self-sacrifice is the meaning of her happiness.

Chapter 6

There was no news from Nikolai for a long time in the Rostovs' house. A letter arrives stating that he was wounded, but one should not fear for his life and he was promoted to officer. Soon the whole house knew about Nikolai and everyone began to write him a letter, which they were supposed to pass through Boris Drubetskoy.

Chapter 7

The letter reached Nicholas when the two emperors, Russian and Austrian, were to be reviewed. He needed to get to Boris, who had a letter. Boris served with Berg and the meeting of old friends was warm. They exchanged military stories, and at the moment when Rostov was talking about his injury, Bolkonsky entered, who was favorable to Boris. Nikolai and Andrei did not like each other and Rostov almost challenged him to a duel. But the prince was able to divert the conversation in a different direction and left.

Chapter 8

The next day, a review of the Russian and Austrian troops was held by the emperors. Nicholas was ready to die for the emperor, he was in such admiration that even Bolkonsky, who was in his retinue, did not spoil his mood. After the show, everyone was sure of victory.

Chapter 9

Boris decides to ask Prince Andrei for help in promotion. Bolkonsky promises to arrange for him to Prince Dolgoruky, but does not have time, so Drubetsky's advance is postponed. The next day they went on a campaign, and Boris remained in the Izmailovsky regiment until the battle of Austerlitz.

Chapters 10-11

The city of Vishau was occupied and a French squadron was taken prisoner. Rostov saw the sovereign and began to admire him even more. Emperor Alexander was very worried when he saw the wounded, which exalted him even more in the eyes of Nicholas. TO Russian emperor a French truce arrives and offers a personal meeting with Napoleon. The emperor refuses and transfers the case to Dolgoruky. French troops retreated and all were in anticipation of a decisive battle. Bolkonsky had a plan for a flank battle, which he tried to tell Dolgoruky, but he advised him to show it to Kutuzov. At the military council, Kutuzov hears almost nothing about the plan, because the most important thing is to get enough sleep. Andrei begins to think about the fact that he can die during the battle and thinks about his life.

Chapters 12-17

These chapters are about combat. Napoleon moved the main forces to the Kutuzov column. Kutuzov himself was irritable because he did not like how the battle plan was being carried out. He ordered to retreat and only Prince Bolkonsky remained by his side. The French began to fire at the fleeing battery, they shot at Kutuzov. Bolkonsky picked up the fallen banner and, with a cry of "Hurrah," rushed to the battery, but fell from a blow to the head, and apart from the sky, he saw nothing else.

Chapter 18

Rostov is sent on an assignment to the commander-in-chief. On the way, he hears shots - these are Russians and Austrians shooting at each other. He is looking for Kutuzov, but he is told that he was killed. Rostov sees the sovereign, but understands that he is too tired and does not give him the order.

Chapter 19

The battle is lost. Napoleon drives up to the bleeding Bolkonsky and orders to take care of him. The prince ended up in the hospital, where they returned the icon of Princess Marya to him. He suffers from delirium and fever. He is among the hopelessly ill, who were left in the care of the inhabitants.

Results of the first volume

At the end of the first volume, it is told about how wealth changed the life of one of the main characters, Pierre Bezukhov, that, due to his inexperience, he connected his life with a woman whom he considered stupid. The character of Princess Marya is fully revealed, as not just a girl who grew up away from society, but as selfless and very kind towards others.

Other actors - Prince Bolkonsky, Nikolai Rostov and Boris Drubetskoy have changed. Once in the thick of military events, they begin to appreciate life itself and the Fatherland more. The description of the battles shows the reader how difficult it was to fight Napoleon, but nevertheless, the Russian soldiers fought selflessly for their Motherland.

In the first volume, the author shows that, despite the fact that there is a war, the life of civilians goes on as usual: they also make important decisions for their lives, like, for example, Princess Marya, who, refusing to marry Anatole, realized that her happiness is self-sacrifice. Indeed, regardless of whether there is a war or a peaceful life, people continue to love, worry, care and make choices in the issues that concern them, and rethinking can occur. life values and character development.

  • Summary of Aldanov Devil's Bridge
  • Summary of Plato's Apology of Socrates

    The "Apology of Socrates" consists of three speeches in defense at the trial, after which Socrates was sentenced to death or exiled from the policy. Socrates preferred death, because, firstly, he hoped to find understanding among the gods in the field of death,

  • Summary of Platonov Another mother

    In his work More Mom Andrey Platonov wrote about little boy- seven-year-old Artyom, who went to school for the first time. The story begins with a dialogue between little Artyom and his mother, Evdokia Alekseevna.

  • This volume shows the life of the public, just on the eve of the Patriotic War, namely 1806-1811. This volume shows and reveals the relationship between the characters, all the feelings and experiences. The theme of fathers and children is raised, of course, as without friendship and love, the search for the meaning of life is shown. The author very accurately depicts in the novel what the characters feel with their souls, shows their own "war and peace".

    Part 1

    Chapter 1

    Nikolai Rostov came to Moscow on vacation. But he was not alone. Denisov, who was a squadron commander, was traveling with him and he was going to Voronezh, but Rostov was able to persuade him to come visit them in Moscow.

    Before they had time to stop near the Rostovs' house, Nikolai, without hesitation, jumped out of the sleigh and headed into the hall. There, his family and friends were waiting for him. What Natasha was worth, she jumped and squealed from a joyful meeting. Sonya was also nearby, she held his hand and beamed with happiness, looking into Nikolai's eyes. Sonya is already 16 years old, she grew very beautiful girl. Nikolai looked at Sonya with gratitude, but still he was waiting for someone else. And then very fast steps were heard outside the door, but he could not even think that it was his mother, but it really was her.

    The mother went up to Nikolai and clung to his chest crying. Meanwhile, Denisov entered the room, but for the first few seconds no one paid any attention to him. And he was delighted with such a tender meeting with a smile. But then the family noticed him too. Natasha joyfully jumped up to him and kissed him. Of course, everyone was embarrassed by her act, and Denisov too, but he just smiled.

    The next morning, Natalya approached Nikolai and asked him to continue to address Sonya as "you." But she will always love him anyway, but he, in turn, can feel free. Nicholas decided that it was even very good.

    When he met Sonya in the living room, he simply kissed her hand and addressed her as she asked. Sonya showed with a glance that she was asking for forgiveness for not telling him herself about his promise and thanking him for his love. He, in turn, was grateful to her for her freedom and also said that he could not help but love her.

    Denisov appears in the living room. He looks like a dandy, in fact, as always, and an amiable gentleman in dealing with ladies, which came as a surprise to Rostov.

    Chapter 2

    Returning from the army, Nikolai was accepted by society as one of the enviable suitors, while his relatives greeted him with warmth. He is swirled with bachelor life and entertainment, and he completely forgets about Sonya. All this seems childish to him. At the very beginning of March, the Rostov family planned a dinner to receive Bagration. Moreover, in Moscow they preferred to keep quiet about the defeat near Austerlitz. But when everything calmed down, only then they began to say that the reasons for the defeat were the betrayal of the Austrians and the failure of Kutuzov, there were even arguments about the inexperience of the emperor himself. But still the army was praised, but Bagration was considered a hero. But they completely forgot about Bolkonsky.

    Chapter 3

    On March 3, the planned dinner was held, at which there were 300 people. The guests were: Denisov, Rostov, Dolokhov, Bezukhov with his wife Helen, Shinshin and many noblemen of Moscow.

    Then Bagration himself, whom everyone had been waiting for so long, entered the hall. He felt very insecure. He was more accustomed to walking on a field strewn with bullets than on a polished parquet. Of course, everyone greeted him with joy, escorted him into the living room, where he was presented with a silver saucer with poems. He was extremely uncomfortable and embarrassed. But only half of the poem was read, as they began to serve food.

    Chapter 4

    Pierre Bezukhov sat at the table opposite Dolokhov. And he was oppressed by the thought that he was the lovers of his wife Helen. Moreover, the gossip was backed up by a morning letter in which the author wrote that the man did not see the obvious. At first, he refused to believe it, but when he saw Dolokhov, he thought that it might well be true. Pierre recalls how Dolokhov came to his house and stayed with him overnight. He even lent him money, and Helen smiled and expressed her joy. But Fedor cynically praised the beauty of his wife.

    But suddenly Dolokhov offers a toast at the table "To the health of beautiful ladies and their lovers." This drove Pierre out of himself, and he called him a scoundrel, challenging him to a duel.

    Denisov asks Rostov not to interfere in this dispute, but as a result he becomes Dolokhov's second. Pierre goes home, and Dolokhov, Denisov and Rostov spend the whole night at the club. Dolokhov is calm.

    Chapter 5

    The next day, at 8 o'clock in the morning, a duel took place. Bezukhov was absent-minded and disturbed by two thoughts. One was the fault of his wife, and the other that Dolokhov may not be guilty.

    But, nevertheless, he did not apologize, as he believed that it was all the same. Here they gave the command to converge. Pierre had never before this day held a pistol in his hands. He did not even aim, but still wounded Dolokhov, the second of the last forces fired, but missed.

    Rostov and Denisov took him home, where they learned that Dolokhov was with his mother and sister. He was for them the most tender and caring son and brother.

    Chapter 6

    At night, Pierre constantly thought about how he became such a person who went to shoot himself. And he found the only justification for this: his marriage was made under pressure, he thought he loved, but in fact he was mistaken. He decided that he would go to Petersburg, because he could not be with Helen under the same roof. But he will leave her a letter, where he will definitely write why he wants to part with her.

    In the morning, Helen went into his room and asked the only thing he wanted to prove to her with his duel. She was annoyed that he believed this gossip and made her a laughing stock for all of Moscow. To which he told her that they needed to leave. She agreed, but on the condition that he leave her fortune. But he was furious and, grabbing a marble board from the table, swung at it.

    He started screaming very loudly. Helen got scared and ran out of the room. A week later, Pierre transferred her power of attorney to all his estates, and he himself left for Petersburg.

    Chapter 7

    Two months had passed since the defeat in the battle of Austerlitz was announced, and also that Prince Andrei had died. His father, of course, believed in Andrei's death, but Marya still hoped for his return. But the younger princess decided not to say anything yet, until she gave birth. The prince tried to live as before, but every day his strength left him.

    Chapter 8

    On the morning of March 19, Liza said that she was not feeling well. They decided to send for a midwife, who had been living in Lysy Gory for a whole week. But Lisa was against it. The birth has begun. Nobody slept on the estate. But at night, Prince Andrei arrived from St. Petersburg with a doctor. Marya did not believe in it, she simply did not think that this miracle could happen. But it was Andrei, emaciated, pale, with anxiety on his face. He went to Lisa.

    Chapter 9

    Liza was already relieved of suffering, and she smiled joyfully. She was not at all surprised by Andrey's appearance. And as soon as the agony began again, the midwife asked him to come out.

    He went into the next room, from where he heard groans. But suddenly there was a scream and silence. Then the cry of the child was heard, and then, in his head, the thought flashed, why did they bring him there. But when he came to his senses, he realized that this was his child.

    He wept and went in to Lisa. She was motionless, in the same position in which he had seen her a few minutes ago. She died. And in the corner, a squeak was heard and someone small was in the hands of the midwife.

    Two hours passed, and Andrei went to his father, but he knew everything and just hugged his son by the neck and cried.

    Three days later she was buried, and Andrei's friend felt empty, as if something had been torn from him, he felt guilty, but unfortunately, he could not fix anything.

    Chapter 10

    The fact that Rostov participated in the duel between Dolokhov and Bezukhov was quickly hushed up, and Nikolai became an adjutant to the Moscow governor general. He did not go to the village to visit relatives, and was in Moscow all the time. Dolokhov recovered, and during this time Nikolai became very close to him.

    Chapter 11

    The Rostov family gathers dinner on the third day of Christmas. It was attended by Nikolai, Dolokhov and Denisov. They were going to go to serve immediately after Baptism. Here Nikolai learns from his sister that Fedor offered his hand and heart to Sonya, but received a negative answer. She explained that she loved another person. Natasha is well aware that the wedding of Nikolai and Sonya will never be. And Nikolenka himself says that he loves Sonya with all his heart, but she should think about the proposal.

    Chapter 12

    There will be a ball at Yogel's. Natasha is happy and in love with those around her. Sonya remained proud of herself that she was able to refuse Dolokhov. And Natasha is invited to dance by Denisov and is completely immersed in the atmosphere of the dance. At the end of which, everyone admires them.

    Chapter 13

    After that, Dolokhov sent Nikolai a note in which he wrote that he would no longer be able to visit them and was leaving to serve. He invites him to a farewell dinner.

    Chapter 14

    Nikolai comes to Fedor and finds him playing cards. Dolokhov invites him to play, Nikolai agrees. He loses time after time. And Fedor set the condition that the game would continue until Nikolai lost 43 rubles. It all happened, Rostov lost.

    Then Dolokhov begins to ask when he will repay the debt, Nikolai flared up and said that he could not pay, but would give him a bill. Dolokhov mockingly said whoever is not happy in cards is lucky in love and began to talk about Sonya. But Nikolai flatly replied that the cousin had nothing to do with this and that he would receive his money tomorrow.

    Chapter 15

    Nikolai arrives home gloomy, but after hearing Natasha's wonderful singing, he catches himself thinking that he can steal or kill, but still remain happy. Then the father appears, and Nikolai informs him of his loss. Of course, he scolds himself for this, knowing the already deplorable situation of his father and asks his forgiveness.

    But then Natasha runs in and tells her mother that Denisov offered her to become his wife. The Countess was shocked by this and advised him to refuse. But Natasha feels sorry for him, and then the countess herself tells the young man that her daughter is still very young.

    Chapter 16

    The next day, Nikolai sees off Denisov, while he himself stays to wait for the money and stays in Moscow for another two weeks. Sonya is very tender and devoted to him. She seemed to indicate that losing is a feat, and she respects him for it. On the contrary, he felt unworthy of her. In the end, he sends all the money to Dolokhov and receives a receipt, and then leaves in November to serve in the army, in Poland.

    Part 2

    Chapter 1

    After Pierre explained himself to his wife and left for St. Petersburg, he had a mental crisis. He began to think about life and death, about what is worth living for. But he was afraid to die.

    Chapter 2

    On the way to St. Petersburg, he meets an elderly man, who turned out to be the freemason Bazdeev. He told him that he did not believe in God, and in response, he told him that he simply did not know God, and this was the reason for his unhappy life. And he begins to preach to Bezukhov the ideas of Freemasonry. Pierre believes his words and he seems to have a feeling of renewal, peace, and he returns to life.

    Chapter 3-4

    Upon arrival in St. Petersburg, Pierre, he begins to seriously delve into Freemasonry, reads many books. He joins a Masonic fraternity, where his members believed that he needed to make peace with his wife. But he cannot agree with this and decide to leave for his estate, where Helen lives.

    Chapter 5

    Prince Vasily comes to Pierre. He begins to convince him that Helen is not to blame for what Pierre accuses her of. Vasily tries to persuade him to measure with Helen, otherwise Pierre may suffer from this. He doubts the correctness of his decision. He is angry with the prince and kicks him out, and a week later he returns to his estates.

    Chapters 6-7

    Helen comes to Petersburg. Here she is well received and is not reproached for anything, but on the contrary, they scold Pierre. An evening is planned at Madame Scherer's, and, of course, Boris Drubetskoy is present. He was now serving as adjutant to a serious man. He does not remember very well about the house of the Rostov family and Natasha. He is interested in Helen, he invites her to visit. Now they are close friends and often stay in her house.

    Chapter 8

    And the war continues and is almost approaching the Russian borders. Prince Bolkonsky is appointed commander-in-chief of one of the eight militias. And now he is constantly on the road.

    Chapter 9

    Princess Marya devotes all her time to little Nikolushka, who was named so by Nikolai Andreevich. She replaces the boy's mother. After Andrei returned, his father gave him Bogucharovo, which is located about 40 miles from Lysy Gory and he lives separately from it. After the battle of Austerlitz, he decided not to return to the service, but only to raise his son. After all, he is the only thing he has left. He still feels guilty about his wife's death.

    Chapter 10

    After Pierre was accepted into the fraternity of Masons, he had to go to Kyiv with the leadership.

    Arriving there, he called all the managers and told about his intentions. He said that the peasants would be freed, that there would be no corporal punishment against them, only exhortations. And also at each estate there should be a hospital, a school and a shelter.

    But the chief manager says that the transformation is good, but you need to do things that are in a deplorable state. But Pierre lacked value, because when he started a new business, he thought that it was not moving forward. But from all the innovations, the manager tried to benefit. He followed some instructions that were supposed to deceive him. Pierre began to travel around his estates, and this had an excellent effect on him. In some estate they asked for bread and salt, in another they asked to build a church, and in the third, he was generally met by a priest who taught children to read and write.

    But Pierre did not even know that women had it even harder now, and rich men had already begun to build the church. He also did not know that the priest was collecting large fees, which many were simply beyond the power of. The manager simply deceives the naive ram.

    Chapter 11

    When Pierre was returning from his trip, he decided to call on his friend, Bolkonsky. He didn't see him for about two months. Of course, he noticed all the changes that happened to him. He became affectionate, smiling, but his eyes were dead. Pierre is not yet accustomed to seeing him like this. They talked about the past and shared plans for the future. Pierre hesitated to express his views.

    While having lunch, they talked about Pierre's wedding, but Andrei was very surprised by this news. Bezukhov said that he was grateful that he had not killed a man in a duel, to which Andrei replied that it was very difficult to determine where the truth was, and where lies, justice and carelessness.

    And now his main goal is to avoid these evils. But Pierre did not agree with him and began to tell him about empathy, love for one's neighbor. But Andrei only smiled at this, and said that Pierre has a lot in common with his sister.

    Then they began to talk about the peasantry. And Bolkonsky's position was that they do not need to be helped to get rid of the animal state, because for them this is happiness, and Pierre deprives them of this.

    Chapter 12

    In the evening they went to the Bald Mountains. Andrei showed the fields and told about his improvements in the economy. And Pierre again began to tell him about Freemasonry. For conversations, they drove up to the river, which overflowed, and you can swim across it only by ferry.

    Andrew looked at the surface of the water. Despite the fact that Pierre knew that Andrei was an atheist, he nevertheless began a conversation about death and God. But the prince said that now he believes in the existence of the Lord. To which Pierre told him that if there is a God, then there is a future, truth, virtue, and, accordingly, the highest happiness of man.

    Andrei sighed and looked at Pierre. When he got off the ferry, he looked at the sky for the first time since the battle, and at that moment youth and joy awoke in him, as in former times.

    But this feeling once disappeared, but Andrei was sure that it still lives in him. The meeting with Pierre was the point that served as the beginning of a new life.

    Chapter 13

    They arrived at the house just as it was getting dark. Andrei's father was in the city and they were waiting for him. Andrei accompanied Pierre to his sister, who was with God's people. She was embarrassed in front of the charges. Andrey refers to this hobby of hers with mockery.

    She, of course, was delighted with the arrival of Pierre, she had known him since childhood and her relationship with him was positive. With her radiant gaze, she seemed to be asking him not to laugh at these people. Pierre had never met them, so he listened very carefully to their stories. Somewhere around ten o'clock the prince arrived, who was in good location spirit.

    Chapter 14

    Only after Pierre arrived in the Bald Mountains, he was able to understand the full value of friendship with Andrei. All this was expressed in relations with him and his family. He felt comfortable in their environment, as if with old friends. Marya treated him very well, and even little Nikolenka stretched out his childish hands to him.

    After Pierre left, all the households began to talk about him, as happens in families after the appearance of a new person.

    Chapter 15

    Nikolai Rostov returns to his regiment. He decides that he will be a good comrade, an officer, and just a wonderful person. He slowly returns the debt to his parents. The Russian army is stationed near Bartenstein. But the soldiers are starving, which is why they often get sick. The Pavlograd regiment lost a lot of people. Appears in spring new disease. Many doctors suggest that the whole reason lies in the root of the grass that the soldiers eat.

    Chapter 16

    Denisov picks up transport with products that were intended for the infantry regiment. This food to feed all the soldiers, but he is still called to the headquarters in order to hush up the matter. He returns furious because the commissar who is in charge of provisions is Telyatin. The headquarters opened a case against him. But he gets hurt and ends up in the hospital.

    Chapter 17

    Some time later, Nikolai Rostov goes to the hospital to check on his friend. Immediately on the stairs, he smells rot, meets a doctor who warns him that it is not at all safe here, as it is typhus. Many of the wounded simply cannot stand it and die within a week.

    Chapter 18

    Rostov became interested in Denisov, to which he was told that he had been transferred to the officers' wards. But he recognized another person, it was Tushin, his hand was amputated in the hospital.

    When Nicholas arrived, he was still sleeping, although it was already past twelve. He was glad to see his friend. Despite the fact that his wound was not serious, it still has not healed. Denisov did not ask about the regiment and did not want to listen to Nikolai's stories about the service.

    Denisov showed him a paper from headquarters and the answer to it. One of the patients said that it was time for Vasily to forgive the sovereign, but Denisov began to protest. Tushin also thought that it was necessary to serve, of course, Nikolai thought the same and was sure that the captain was right. But Vasily then nevertheless wrote a document addressed to the sovereign.

    Chapter 19

    Nikolai returns to the regiment and brings news of Denisov to the commander.

    Chapter 20

    Nikolai takes the paper and goes to Tilsit on the Denisov case, it is here that the meeting of the emperor and Bonaparte should take place. He immediately found Boris Trubetskoy and asked him to convey the petition through his channels. By the way, Trubetskoy served in the retinue of the emperor. But Boris did not take the letter, although he promised to try.

    In the month of June, namely on the 27th, the first terms of peace were signed. The rulers exchanged orders.

    Rostov nevertheless tried to convey the letter and even went to the house where the sovereign was staying, but he was not allowed to go there. But he met a friend there, to whom he outlined the whole situation and asked to intercede for a friend. The general said that he felt sorry for the fellow and took the letter.

    Chapter 21

    Then the sovereign appeared on the stairs. The general who took the letter from Nikolai approached him, but Alexander answered loudly and clearly so that everyone could hear that the law was stronger than him and he could not do anything. Then he mounted his horse and galloped away, and Nikolai, like many of the crowd, ran after him. Peace was signed in Tilsit, and Nikolai began to wonder why these wounds and deaths were needed then. He had many different thoughts, which he simply scolded and sometimes.

    Before leaving, he went to the hotel to have dinner. At dinner, two officers sat down with him. Their world was not happy at all. But he just ate and was silent, not commenting on their conversation. Suddenly, one officer began to look askance at the French and loudly talk about the actions of the sovereign.

    Part 3

    Chapter 1

    Napoleon and Alexander unite in the war against Austria.

    Andrei is carrying out the reforms that he planned to carry out on his estates. He starts reading a lot of books, becoming one of the most educated people. In the spring, he goes to his son's estate, which is located in Ryazan. He was driving without thinking about anything, when suddenly his attention was attracted by an oak tree. And then he begins to think about life, about the fact that nothing is worth changing, because he must live out his life, not cause harm, pain to anyone and not regret anything.

    Chapter 2

    Bolkonsky goes to the Rostov estate on guardianship matters. A charming girl with black hair and eyes runs out to meet him. And at the sight of her it hurt him, because she was happy and she did not care about him. In the evening, before going to bed, he becomes an involuntary witness to the conversation between Natasha and Sonya. They talked about the beauty of the night. But Andrei was most worried that Natasha might say something about him, but, alas, they did not even talk about him. The girl is sent to sleep, and Andrei has thoughts and hopes that run counter to his life.

    Chapter 3

    The next day, when he decided all his affairs with the count, he recovers home and goes again through the clearing where he saw the oak. But only now he was transformed and green. Here he felt joy, and the thought flashed through his head that life did not end at 31. After all, right now he knows everything that is in him.

    Chapter 4-6

    Andrei arrives in St. Petersburg and begins to lead a completely different life. He began to communicate with his friends and acquaintances again. They didn’t talk about it in society, they became interested in him. Andrei visited Count Kochubey, where he saw Speransky. He is interested in his activities. In turn, Speransky invites him to visit. They talk a lot, for Bolkonsky he becomes an ideal.

    Andrey is put in charge of the commission, which is engaged in writing the charter and laws for the army.

    Chapter 7

    Pierre Bezukhov goes to Petersburg. He again began to yearn, it frightens him. Pierre constantly sponsors and takes care of the community, but eventually becomes frustrated. He goes abroad, where the highest secrets of the Masons are revealed to him and he is awarded a high rank. When he returns to St. Petersburg, at the meeting he says that now it is simply necessary to act. All this leads to a break with the Masons.

    Chapters 8-10

    Pierre receives a letter from Helen, where she writes to him that she misses him very much and wants to meet him. Then he receives an invitation from his mother-in-law. He compares with Helen. He asked her forgiveness, and immediately there was a feeling of happiness and joy.

    Now Helen took a very important place in the society of Petersburg. She has her own salon. In this situation, Pierre is a very worthy figure who should be with her. He wonders how everyone does not notice that she is stupid. He is also annoyed that Boris Drubetskoy is a frequent guest in their house.

    Chapter 11

    The affairs of the Rostovs did not get better, so they decide to move to St. Petersburg. The count has a friend Berg, he grew up the career ladder. He invites Vera to become his wife and receives a positive response.

    Chapters 12-13

    Natasha is 16 years old. Boris comes to visit the Rostovs. He is crazy about Natasha, because now she has matured in front of him, good girl. He understands that he has not cooled off towards her, and interest has grown stronger. He began to go to Helen less often and began to spend more time in the Rostov family. But one evening, Natasha talks to her mother about Boris and says that she doesn’t like him at all. The next morning, Natasha's mother talks to the guy, and he stops visiting them.

    Chapters 14-17

    There will be a New Year's ball at one of Catherine's courtiers. The Rostovs are invited to this ball. For Natasha, this is her first ball, so she is worried. At the ball, she likes everything very much, her eyes sparkle. Alexander I is present at the ball, and he opens the ball. Bolkonsky invites Natasha to dance, and then he feels that he has come to life and rejuvenated.

    Chapter 18

    After the ball, Bolkonsky realizes that there is something unusual in Natasha, not inherent in St. Petersburg girls. He completely lost interest in public work. And once he heard Speransky's laughter, which was simulated, he is immediately disappointed in him, because he understands that he has no soul, and he is not at all an ideal.

    Chapter 19

    Andrei again comes to visit the Rostov family. After the evening, he is very well and calm at heart, but he has not yet realized that he is in love with Natasha. And then he remembers Pierre's words about happiness, in which one must definitely believe.

    Chapters 20-21

    Evening at the Bergs. It was attended by Pierre, Boris, Andrei and Natasha. Pierre sees that feelings have flared up between Andrei and Natasha. But then Vera intervenes, who tells Andrei that Natasha was once in love with Boris.

    Chapter 22

    Andrei is constantly with the Rostovs. Natasha tells her mother that she is in love with Bolkonsky, and even from that moment in Otradnoye. Andrey shares with Pierre about his love for Natasha and his desire to marry.

    Helen will have a reception, but Pierre does not like it all. Bolkonsky shared with Pierre his thoughts that if someone told him that he would love so much, he did not believe it. Now for him the world is divided into two parts: one part is bright, happy, with hopes, and there is Natasha, and the other side is dark and gloomy, because Natasha is not there.

    Chapters 23-24

    Andrei asks his father to let him marry, but he says that they should postpone the celebration for a year. He tells Natasha that he intends to marry. She is happy, but upset that she has to be endured. Andrei says that their engagement is a secret, and if a year later she has a desire to get married, then the wedding will take place. He comes to them every day and behaves like a groom. But then it happened that a need arose and Bolkonsky was forced to leave.

    Chapter 25

    Father Bolkonsky's health deteriorated greatly. He takes out all his anger on Mary. In winter, Andrei returns home, but he does not tell anything about his feelings for Rostova. His sister sends a letter to Julie Kargina stating that she does not believe that Andrei has decided to marry. Her position is against this wedding.

    Chapter 26

    Andrei sends a letter to Marya, in which he writes about his engagement to Natasha. And he asks her to ask her father to shorten the term. She gives it to her father, but he is furious. Marya dreams of leaving and forgetting about earthly problems, but is not able to leave her father and nephew.

    Part 4

    Chapters 1-2

    The parents of Nikolai Rostov ask him to come to Otradnoe, because their affairs have become even worse. The young man begins to engage in economic affairs, but soon realizes that he does not understand anything. Nikolai sees that Natasha has changed in positive side, but he is not happy that the wedding was postponed.

    Chapters 3-6

    The Rostovs go hunting. Nikolai unleashes the dogs on the wolf. But nevertheless, the serf Danila became a hero, he was able to defeat him with his bare hands. In the process of hunting, Nikolai meets Ilagin.

    Chapter 7

    Nikolai and Natasha go to visit their uncle in Mikhailovka. Their uncle was known as a noble and disinterested eccentric, he was offered many good positions, but he constantly did not agree to them. Uncle plays the guitar, and his playing inspires Natasha to sing and dance. The Rostovs are leaving for Otradnoye.

    Chapter 8

    The financial affairs of the Rostov family are very bad. Therefore, the countess is trying to marry Nicholas to a wealthy bride. She writes a letter to Julie Kargina and asks her about marrying Nikolai, to which she responds positively. But Nikolai is against this and begins to show interest in Sonya. The Countess is not pleased.

    Chapters 9-11

    Christmas time. The Rostovs got together. Natasha is sad, she thinks that she is getting older and older every day, and when Andrei returns, she will not be the same as before. The Countess asks her daughter to sing. As she sings, her mother notices that there is something about her that will not make her happy. The Rostovs are smart, in suits they make decisions, and they like to visit their neighbors in Melyukovka.

    Chapter 12

    The family returns to their estate. Nikolai understands that he does not want to part with Sonya. The girls are guessing. Natasha does not see anything in the mirror, but it seemed to Sonya that she noticed Bolkonsky, and something red and blue. Natasha worries about her fiancé.

    Chapter 13

    Nikolai Rostov tells his mother that he wants to marry Sonya. But she doesn't even want to hear about her son's decision. She starts scolding Sonya. Mother and son quarrel. But Natasha managed to avoid scandal. We agreed that no one would oppress Sonya, but Nikolai would not make any serious decisions without the consent of his parents. He is leaving for the regiment to put things in order. Returning, he still intends to marry Sonya. Natasha, her father and Sonya are going to Moscow

    Part 5

    Chapter 1

    Pierre lives an active life, communicates in the company of bachelors. He has no desire to compromise his wife, so he goes to Moscow, where he is very well received. He also starts reading a lot.

    Chapters 2-3

    Bolkonsky's father travels with Marya to Moscow. It is difficult for Marya here, because she does not communicate with God's people, she is alone. Bolkonsky begins to get closer to Marya's companion, courting her. The name day of Prince Bolkonsky Sr. took place, where he shares his opinion that the Russians will begin to win against Bonaparte when they stop interfering in the affairs of Europe and the Germans. But Rostopchin sees and says, France is an ideal.

    Chapter 4

    Boris often comes to the Bolkonskys, and Marya does not pay any attention to his courtesy. Pierre starts asking her about Boris. Pierre asks Marya if he will agree with Boris' proposal. Pierre is surprised by this answer. Marya is interested in Natasha from him. She says that she will try to make friends with her and win over her father.

    Chapter 5

    Boris comes to Julie Karagina. She is waiting for his proposal, but the young man is frightened by her ardent desire to marry. Anna Mikhailovna is trying to push her son to the wedding, because the girl has a good dowry. Boris proposes to her.

    Chapter 6

    Natasha and her father, as well as Sonya, upon arrival in Moscow, stop at Natasha's godmother. She promises to help with Natasha's dowry. She congratulates her goddaughter and says that it would be nice to visit the Bolkonskys in order to get a positive attitude from Andrei's family.

    Chapter 7

    Natasha and her father come to the Bolkonskys, but the girl does not like how they were received. It seemed to her that Marya was doing just a favor, and the prince went out to them in a dressing gown, saying that he did not know that they were coming. After this, the relationship between Marya and Natasha becomes even worse. Arriving at the godmother, Natasha cries.

    Chapters 8-10

    The Rostovs go to listen to the opera. Natasha thinks about how she feels for Andrey and considers this the main thing. Natasha also notices Helen and she is delighted with her beauty.

    The opera begins, but Natasha noticed an adjutant in Bezukhova's box, it was Anatole. He draws attention to the girl. Natasha invites Helen to her box and introduces them to Anatole. She understands that the guy is not bad at all, even despite the many rumors, but it’s hard in his company. And then she realizes that now her feelings for Andrei are not pure.

    Chapter 11

    Anatole arrived in Moscow in order to enter into an advantageous marriage for himself, and stayed with Helen. But not everyone knows the story for a period of two years. Then he married a girl from a poor family, but soon divorced, sending money to her father for the status of a single person. He talks with Dolokhov about Natasha.

    Chapter 12

    After Natasha visited the Bolkonskys and the theater, she is very worried if she has broken the promise she made to Andrei. Helen invites Natasha to the party. Anatole asked her about this.

    Chapter 13

    Natasha, her father, Sonya go to the evening with Helen. But Natasha is very uncomfortable there, it seems to her that she has fallen into some kind of crazy world. Anatole invites her to a dance and confesses his love to her, and then kisses her. Returning home, she plunges into thoughts about love.

    Chapter 14

    Natasha's godmother says that she visited the Bolkonskys and advises the Rostovs to leave for the village and wait for Andrei there. She gives the letter to Marya, where she regrets and asks not to hold a grudge against her father. Immediately Kuragin sends a letter to Natalya, where he says that he can no longer be without her and if she refuses him, he will arrange her abduction. She begins to think that she loves him.

    Chapter 15

    Natasha sends a letter to Marya, where she refuses to Andrey. She then sees Kuragin and tells Sonya that she wants to run away with him. But Sonya convinces that she will ruin her life and tries her best to prevent her escape.

    Chapters 16-18

    Anatole shares with Dolokhov about the escape plan, which also includes a wedding. But Boris dissuades him in every possible way, but Kuragin does not even listen to him. Rostova's kidnapping fails and Boris notices this first, so he helps Anatole hide.

    All Natasha's plans become known because her godmother forces Sonya to tell everything. Natasha informs her that she wrote a refusal to Andrei. But the godmother decides to keep everything a secret from Natasha's father.

    Chapters 19-20

    Marya Dmitrievna calls Pierre. He arrives in Moscow, but tries not to meet Natasha because he thinks that his feelings for her are much stronger than they should be for a friend's fiancee. She tells him that Natasha's kidnapping was thwarted and her engagement with Andrey was broken off. And he asks to force Kuragin to leave Moscow, to which Pierre reports that he is married. Pierre finds Anatole at Helen's. He is simply furious and says that where they are everywhere debauchery. Pierre tells him to return all of Natasha's letters and not to tell anyone about what happened. The next morning, Anatole goes to Petersburg.

    Chapter 21

    Natasha finds out about Anatole's status and wants to poison herself with arsenic. Pierre does his best to dispel all rumors and doubts about Rostova's abduction. Andrei returns and his father gives him a letter. He asks Pierre to give all the letters and the portrait to Natasha. Pierre tries to remind him of the conversation about forgiveness. But Andrei says that he will never be able to forgive betrayal. They rejoice in the Bolkonskys' house, and Pierre understands that Rostov was treated with disdain here and now they are only glad of the discord between Natasha and Andrey.

    Chapter 22

    Pierre goes to the Rostovs, he feels pity and love for Natasha. Talking to her, he says that if he had not been married, he would immediately ask for her hand. Pierre sees the comet of 1812, which portends something bad. But it seems to him that, on the contrary, this star corresponds to his kind, softened and flowering soul.

    Results of the second volume

    After reading summary of this volume, it can be understood that the author introduces the events that took place in the life of the heroes of the work, as well as the actions of history that are important for Russia. Shows that the heroes feel the coming changes that will soon take place.

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