Introduction by the teacher. Discussion of the poem "A Lesson of Politeness"


Most parents want to see their children healthy, successful, but not everyone knows how to raise and raise a happy child. Proper parenting is science plus art multiplied by love and patience squared.

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How to properly raise and raise a child so that he becomes happy

First of all, it is desirable, with the right upbringing of the child, that the parents be happy.
"Happy Parents, Happy Children"

The first thing you need to properly raise and raise a happy child:

  1. Sincerely love and accept the child as he is
  2. Build educational process on the basis of benevolence and cooperation, using an authoritative style, but not an authoritarian or permissive style
  3. There should be more rewards than punishments. Be sure, if you criticize the child for something negative, then for the same but positive - you need to praise.
    For example: if you criticize for a poorly completed task, then praise for a similar task performed well.
  4. Permits should also be more than prohibitions.
    For example, any instructions to the child should be given in a positive way: "Be smart" instead of "Don't be a fool", or "Tell the truth" instead of "Don't lie", etc.
  5. When raising a child, it should be completely excluded double standards, uncertainties, and contradictions.
    For example, you teach a child to tell the truth and be honest, and somehow you go with your five-year-old son to children's theater where it is written on the doors that children under five years old are allowed in free of charge. You decide to save money and tell the child to tell the aunt at the entrance that he is four years old, not five.
  6. Any indirect impact on the child should be excluded by discussing and comparing him in the third person with him.
  7. To not allow family quarrels and conflicts with the child. He loves both mom and dad equally.
  8. Pay as much attention as possible to the child: his feelings, desires and needs. Spend more time with him in joint walks, communication and games.
  9. In no case should violence be used for educational purposes: psychological or physical.
  10. Treat your child with respect for their developing personality, sense of self and identity. Respect his natural rights and freedoms.
  11. Do not show your child your negative emotions, including those brought from work.
  12. Important: from a young age of the child, prepare for his age-related crises, especially for adolescence.
    Gradually lower your parental authority and overprotectiveness. Switching to more adult interaction and collaboration.
    So that after the child's ten years of age there would be no bewilderment about his inadequacy, rebellion and protests.

Remember! How you raise and raise your child directly affects his future, his fate.

I wish you all psychological well-being!

If you wish, you can get an individual, more complete consultation on the proper upbringing of children according to

All parents, when they first find out that they will have a baby, begin to figure out how their child will grow up, what he will do. When a child is born, grows up and does not justify the hopes of mom and dad, it seems that a feeling of deep disappointment comes to everyone - both to parents and to the baby. To prevent this from happening to you and your child, we will tell you in this article how to raise a happy child, and from this you yourself experience moral satisfaction.

When it comes to raising a child in your family, wise grandmothers and mothers will certainly immediately begin to show activity. They want to teach you how to properly communicate and develop a child who is seen much less often than you.

Immediately in such cases, you need to abstract from everything that you hear, unless, of course, you personally asked your relatives for advice. The point is that there is no general principle right upbringing. For each child, parents must find individual approach. What can be applied to one child, in relation to another - is categorically impossible. It makes more sense to follow the advice professional psychologists who understand exactly how to raise a child so that he grows up confident, smart, happy and sociable:

  1. You should always have a calm environment in your home. All family members should take care of each other and love. In such a harmonious and gentle atmosphere, it will be easier for a child to open up and show the essence that nature has in him.
  2. Each parent must carefully, first of all, monitor not the behavior of the child, but their own, because the baby only reflects how you behave.
  3. Become a personal example for the child - eat right, play sports, do not swear, do not use foul language in front of children, do not gossip. It is important to always be in good mood so that the child accepts your behavior as the norm and behaves in the same way.
  4. Never rush into making decisions about how to respond to a child's behavior. There are cases when a cry or indifference can enslave the baby. To prevent this from happening, look carefully at what your child is doing, what he requires of you.
  5. Do not demand anything from the child - you can only ask him. For some kids, it is very difficult to understand what is wanted from them. If the baby did not do what you wanted from him, this is not a tragedy, but a manifestation of character and his temperament, which you must reckon with.

  1. You must teach your child to take care of himself. But you need to teach by personal example. Always look good, do not allow violations of the daily routine. It should become the norm for the baby that at a certain period of the day you need to do important things, and at other times it is permissible to have fun in order to relax.
  2. Your child must know the limits of what is permitted in behavior, and you must also limit yourself to them so that the child gets used to the fact that there are things that cannot be done under any pretext.
  3. It is very important that you perceive your child as he is, and not try to remake him, focusing on someone else's child. No one knows how to raise someone else's child, what methods his parents use to make him right and good. The task of every mother is to help the child to discover it own advantages in front of other children, to develop precisely his talents.
  4. Be consistent in your actions. If you promise, do it; if you say, keep your word. Otherwise, the kid will understand that everything that his parents tell him is not important, because at any moment they can be made to change their mind.
  5. Never reproach your child for anything - you reproduced him into the world not so that he becomes a burden for you, but in order to have a continuation of himself. Your task is to love, care for and provide for your child, these are the basics happy childhood for every child.

On the World Wide Web, you can find many books on how to raise a child. They will be given helpful tips, but this does not mean that all of them are applicable in relation to your baby.

You must be guided in actions exclusively individual characteristics his crumbs. That's when he grows up wonderful person, With good heart, open mind and many perspectives.

How to raise a child with self-confidence?

Self-confidence is one of the main qualities that every person should have. It helps us achieve our goals, defend our own point of view and at the same time always live in harmony with ourselves. Some mothers and fathers think that if they praise their child all the time, then his self-esteem will only increase from this. But only sometimes it can rise to such an extent that the child grows up as a narcissistic egoist who does not know how to listen and respect other people's opinions.

We will share with you some tips on how to raise a child so that he grows up self-confident, but not narcissistic:

  1. Do not praise your child in a judgmental way. If you tell him that he is the smartest, most beautiful, then when it turns out that he is not really like that (they will tell him about it, he will understand it himself), then he will begin to have a split personality. He will begin to worry very much because he does not correspond to the words of his mother, who herself only believes in what she says. The child must adequately treat himself, objectively.
  2. Praise your child only for the result of his work and for good deeds. But always leave him a lead so he doesn't think his great behavior is the limit to his development.
  3. Do not influence your child, but guide him. You should not discuss the baby, his personal character traits with someone. You should discuss with the child the situation in which something did not work out for him. For example, if he got a bad mark at school, you don’t have to scold him right away for it, it’s better to indicate what needs to be done so that this doesn’t happen again.

  1. Do not insult your child for being clumsy in some way. Better encourage once again. This will instill in him the confidence that it is possible to make mistakes, the main thing is to correct in time, to draw conclusions so that the mistakes do not happen again.
  2. Give your child the right to make choices. You don't have to tell him. You can ask him, and he will decide for himself whether to answer your request or not. As a rule, children feel that their parents need his help because they respect him, appreciate him, and treat him as an equal member of the family. If this is the case for you, then the baby will never refuse to fulfill a request that will be addressed to him.
  3. Teach your child independence. Let him come to you not to ask permission to do something, let him ask for your advice. He will learn to listen to you, but at the same time he will make his own decisions.
  4. During a discussion of some family matter be sure to ask the child's opinion. He must know that nothing will be decided for him, that his point of view has the same weight as the opinion of dad and mom. In general, talk to your child more often different topics. Answer his questions clearly and truthfully.
  5. Do not try to pay off the child. Some parents, due to the fact that they do not pay enough attention to their child, buy him expensive branded items. But by this they lower the self-esteem of their child. True happiness cannot be material. Sooner or later, the baby will understand this anyway and point out to you that you did not pay enough attention to him.

  1. Thank your child for what he does for you. If he hears that you appreciate his actions, he will feel more confident about this. The child will understand that he has a sense of self-worth, which is respected by the people closest to him.
  2. You can not expose the baby to overprotection. He must fall, knock down his knees, eat cold ice cream and wallow in the sand, because this is a normal process of adapting a child to the world around him. If you deprive him of all this, he will not know how to behave if something suddenly happens to him that you have not controlled, and this is a direct consequence of self-doubt.

Please note that trying to raise a child under the age of 1 with self-confidence is pointless, because his the main task during this period of time - to grow and develop.

It is also pointless to try to start such education when the child is already more than 10 years old. Begin education in this regard when your child is 3 years old.

How to raise a successful child?

Successful people are not born, but made. In the process of becoming such a personality important role plays the activities of the parents. They should help the child to master some skills, instill in him an understanding of the importance of the institution of the family in life and the presence of good friends nearby.

We share with you tips on how to raise a successful child:

  1. Get started with your baby as soon as possible. Schools are very popular now early development where classes are held with children from birth. Of course, it is not necessary to try to teach a child to count and read right from the age of 1 month. It is best to start doing this when the baby is 2.5 - 3 years old.
  2. Don't let your child get bored. All the classes that you conduct with him should be presented to him in a playful way, because it is the game for the baby that is the best form of knowledge.

  1. If your baby is not getting something, you should not ignore his emotions. Be sure to communicate with the baby in a calm intonation, without ambition, explain that nothing can be achieved without mistakes.
  2. Do not tell your child constantly that he is small - this is the main rule of how to educate the character of a child. In order for him to grow up independent and responsible, treat him like an adult, so that he understands that his opinion is important, that his “I” is respected in the family. Otherwise, he will grow up as an obedient hired worker, but he will never want to occupy a leadership position.
  3. Be sure to do difficult disciplines with your child together. If you teach mathematics, teach him some rules, it is important for the child to feel that you want to sincerely help him.
  4. Try to prevent the child from doing what he wants less. If he's interested in the TV remote, give it to him. Let him press the buttons, figure out what kind of object it is. You help him figure out how the remote works and what it is for.
  5. Pay more attention to the development of the child's imagination. It is imagination that helps children in adult life deal with difficulties on their own. To do this, be sure to develop the baby creatively - let him draw, dance, sing, play musical instruments.
  6. Teach your child to be mindful of their desires and dreams. They don't have to be fantastic. This will help the child learn from childhood that dreams can come true if you go to them, setting a goal.
  7. Do not give electronic gadgets to your baby too often. Let them perceive these things as toys, and not as ways of knowing the world. Inspire the child that the best way to understand many sciences is a book. Read with him, discuss what you read.
  8. Develop your child's oratory skills. From childhood, he must learn to clearly and clearly formulate his thoughts and desires.
  9. Address your baby by name. Do not abuse diminutive words. When the baby grows up, goes to school, they will address him there exclusively by name, which the baby must love, respect and hear him in order to do what the teachers require of him.

  1. Make a "Wall of Achievement" in the child's room. Hang there all his diplomas, commendations, drawings drawn by him and much more. When the child looks at them, he will begin to strive to do something else to replenish his piggy bank of achievements.
  2. Do not impose friends on your child. You may not like them, but the baby must decide for himself whether to communicate with such children who walk with him in the yard or not. If you instill in him the right values, then, thanks to them, he will quickly understand who can be his friend and who is not. Allow your baby to arrange gatherings with friends at home. You will figure out how he knows how to adapt in society, how other children perceive him.
  3. Choosing for a child educational institution, pay attention to the level of development of the children who study in it. If you do not want the baby to fall under the bad influence of children from dysfunctional families at an age when his psyche is being formed, then do not give him to regular school or kindergarten. Choose an institution where the baby can feel comfortable and will have the opportunity to fully develop.
  4. If your baby was born with special needs, don't dwell on it. He must understand that his peculiarity should not prevent him from living a full life. It is impossible for the whole world to revolve around this feature. Learning to survive in a society with some kind of flaw is difficult, but not a problem if you present yourself correctly.

Please note that all of the above rules may not apply to all children in a row. If you are raising 2 children, then each of them will need to choose their own approach, taking into account their type of temperament and nervous system.

Features of raising boys and girls

When raising a child, it is necessary to take into account not only his temperament, but also gender. Of course, any child needs to be loved, cared for and trusted. Only boys and girls need all this to varying degrees, because they have absolutely different physiological and psychological needs.

We will share with you the basic principles that should be followed in the process of raising a daughter and son:

  1. How to raise a child-boy:
  • If you give the boy some task, do not tell him exactly what he must do so that he can think of it on his own.
  • It is pointless to argue with the boy for a long time. If you punish him, then your speech should be short, but understandable. Let the child learn to think about his behavior and behave like a man.
  • Keep in mind that the boy will not sit in one place for a long time, doing some kind of educational task, because he will quickly become mentally exhausted.
  • Boys in early age can be bullies who never obey their parents. But as they grow older, they become calmer and more obedient.
  • Boys who have reached the age of 5 need to be developed, revealing to them the basics of the exact sciences.
  • Do not force your 7-year-old son to share his experiences with you. If he wants to, he will tell.
  • Do not scold your son for aggressiveness, which can begin to manifest in him from 2.5 years old. This is a normal phenomenon in the process of psychological and physical development child.
  • The father should be more involved in the upbringing of the son than the mother. This is especially true for children under the age of 5. It is the father who instills in his son a love of sports, physical labor ability to work and achieve goals.
  • Trust your son in everything so that an inner core develops in him. Do not run after him to wipe his snot or put on a hat, do not defend when he quarrels with someone, create difficulties for him so that he learns to cope with them on his own.
  • Don't help your son with anything. Especially when he reaches 6 years old. By this age, he should understand that he must help his parents and everyone who needs his help.
  • Show your son what he can achieve in life, tell him that you believe that he will cope with everything. Your son should become a man in childhood - grow up not as a pet with horns, but courageous man with wings with which he will protect his relatives and friends from troubles.
  • Praise your son only on the merits. Do not criticize him if something did not work out. The boy must grow up and know that he needs to achieve everything, work out, get it with his own work. If he thinks that he already has talent, future, beauty, then he will not have an incentive to act.

  1. How to raise children-girls:
  • If you give a task to your daughter, then first clearly demonstrate how it needs to be done so that everything works out right.
  • If you want to punish your daughter, then you first need to specifically explain to her what she did wrong, and only after that announce what she will be deprived of for her misconduct.
  • A girl should not be allowed to have fun for a long time, because she can be emotionally exhausted, and after that she will not undertake to do a single thing.
  • Girls can be obedient only at an early age, and in the course of growing up, change their character for the worse.
  • Girls who have reached the age of 5 need to be developed, revealing to them the basics of the humanities.
  • Do not turn away from your 7-year-old daughter if he wants to tell you some burning story from his life. It is important for a girl to speak out and consult.
  • In raising a daughter big role plays the personality of the mother, who becomes an example for the girl in everything. Mom must teach her daughter to perform homework, be beautiful, be able to do needlework, cook food.
  • A girl should be surrounded by care from birth, so that she knows that she must grow up not strong woman but loving and tender. Try to protect and protect her from everything superfluous, do not charge her with many responsibilities, do not force her to do anything. The baby must learn to treat herself like a jewel - after all, this is for her. best protection. Then she will never allow herself to be offended by anyone in her adult life, because she will know the price of her dignity.
  • Praise your daughter more often without worrying that she might be arrogant. That won't happen. On the contrary, she will begin to strive for you to praise her, and she will also do everything for this. But you are not guided by this, but simply by the fact that you have given birth to beauty in this world. Believe me, your pride in your daughter will not help her in life. A girl should grow up and know that everyone should love her not because she is an excellent student, but simply because she was born.

But we note that even if you are raising 3 children, and they are all of the same sex, then the above principles will need to be adjusted to their psychological characteristics.

How to raise children without punishment and screams?

Many parents mistakenly believe that if they do not punish their children, they will think that everything in this life is permissible for them. On the contrary, this method of raising a child without shouting and punishing allows the baby to develop better, make mistakes and cope with them on their own. If you punish a child, then let him know that he cannot control his own behavior, that only adults should do this. All the same, the baby will not learn something if you punish him, on the contrary, he will become stubborn, vindictive and cruel. Instead of sitting in a corner and thinking about the consequences of your bad behavior, he will think about how to take revenge on the one who punished him.

Instead of punishing your child, try changing parenting tactics. Remember that when the child grows up, you will lose all authority in his eyes, and he will still begin to show his essence. What to do to show the baby that you are not happy with his behavior:

  1. Very strictly, but without shouting, tell him that such a child's behavior is unacceptable for your family.
  2. Encourage your child to deal with the consequences of their behavior on their own. I spilled something, which means I have to take it and wipe it up. He will hysteria, but if you do not respond to his tantrum, he will do everything. Show patience and wisdom.
  3. Tell your child that you suffer a lot when he behaves like this. It is possible that this will force him to change his behavior.
  4. Do not say that you will punish the child in such and such a way if he does something bad.
  5. Instead of standing in the corner for a long time, ask the child to go to his room to think about his behavior. He should be there alone for exactly as many minutes as his age.

Raising a child is a daily work that is beyond the power of many modern parents. But you can always fix things. Show to your children everything that you want them and other people to show to you personally. Do not believe stereotypes, do not listen to intrusive advice. Be attentive to the child, love him, trust him and be friends with him. Then you will grow up a kind, happy and successful person.

Video: "Features of education according to the type of child's temperament"

Raising children of any age, from the very first days of birth, even from the moment of conception, is great art, affecting his whole and even your whole subsequent life. A conversation with a child and responsibility for his fate does not end at a certain age, it lasts throughout his long journey.

Only the right upbringing and reasonable communication helps to grow satisfied individuals and become happy parents. Therefore, now we will try together to figure out the proper upbringing of small and large children.

Let's talk about the mistakes of parents, the correct upbringing of successful children and little people, as well as the nuances of raising boys.

How to educate from birth

The upbringing of a child begins from birth, from the period of his residence in the mother's womb. If even in the womb you can and even need to talk with the baby, calm him down, ask him for his opinion about the name, stroke his tummy when he fights hard, give dad the opportunity to communicate with the baby so that he remembers his voice and touches.

After birth, the baby requires not only care, but also constant communication and learning, age-related games, stories about objects, about the world around him, and learning the rules of hygiene.

The baby of the first year of life at an accelerated pace learns new skills, acquires interesting knowledge, learns to recognize the parents, the surrounding nature.

The child not only sleeps and cleanses the intestines and bladder. Although he does not answer questions, he absorbs and realizes everything.

Child rearing is one of the most milestones formation of personality and intellect in general. Up to a year, the child has general idea about the world and its tranquility or danger. Last time we .

But no matter how old the child is, no matter how he screams, no matter how crazy, parents should always be tolerant and balanced.

The cry of parents generates the same response and children. If you educate and explain only in a raised tone, then the child, with age, will talk to all his surroundings, including his parents. And after 14 years nothing can be fixed.

Depending on the right upbringing childhood teenagers get out of the influence of relatives and begin to walk along their own winding and thorny or more even road.

At a more conscious age, up to 5 years and even more, children are brought up not by notations and the study of the rules of behavior, but by an example for adults. Mom and dad for the baby is a cartoon superhero. Only strong and self-confident parents can charm a child.

How to properly educate small child? Best of all, not cruelty and not continuous lisping, but equal communication.

You should not look down on your child, but, and there is no need to treat the baby like a king or queen.

You want to explain something, to punish for something, always sit your child next to you and talk, looking into his eyes. Only in this way will he not feel humiliated and will be able to perceive your speech.

Cultivate independence in your child

Remember, a very important task, a child is not a character from a fairy tale, he lives in reality, and only independence will save him from unnecessary mistakes.

Try to let go of the child and nurture independence in him. Let the baby start walking at the age of one, at two years old, with joy, gobble up soup and porridge without the help of his mother, at three years old, albeit slowly, and sometimes upside down, but dress himself.

At the age of three, the child goes through his crisis. He separates himself from his mother, he understands the meaning of the pronoun "I", he strives to do everything himself. Do not slow down his desires, but encourage him. Yes, he will do everything differently than adults could, but he needs to fill his bumps. Only by falling and getting up, you can learn, when falling, not to get injured.

How to talk with children from 3 to 5 years old?

No matter how old the child is, you need to talk to him on the same line, “eye to eye”. Notations and coercion leave only one trace - they teach hypocrisy.

During communication, education and upbringing of the child, ask questions, give the opportunity to answer in a way that would not be correct. Let the kid think, develop thinking, build his strategy, explain decision. Only after his expressed considerations, you can give the correct answer.

Never do anything for a child yourself. So one day he will come from the kindergarten and tell his mother to learn a rhyme for him and draw a fish. Let him do what he can. Let him try, let him go through blots to calligraphy, and from a small experimenter to a great professional.

The kid is able to think, guess, decide or draw. Parents are required to simply guide.

Sons or daughters whose parents do not skimp on hugs are almost always more successful than children deprived of affection and parental attention..

Toddlers raised in fear and anxiety become insecure and weak. Try to instill in children courage and determination, then they will turn into confident people rather than timid men and self-doubting women.

Entrust the children with things within their power, entrust them with small assignments to help around the house or take care of pets. Let him learn to dust, wash dishes, take out the trash, carry a loaf, wash his socks and panties. Yes, you can object. After all, we will have to redo everything later.

Yes, it is easier to wash the plate and wash the linen than to do everything for them all your life, until the retirement of your sons and daughters.

Let the child choose

Encourage boys and girls to make choices, whether it be buckwheat and rice porridge, or mopping or dusting, but they should be able to make their own decisions.

Too smooth track does not teach the fight, makes it impossible to find the right solutions, does not teach thinking. An apple on a plate with a blue border exists only in a fairy tale, but in reality there is competition everywhere, a struggle for existence, where the weakest loses

Direct teaching leads to rejection. Everything is easier to understand in the game, in an indirect hint, in the subtext. It is necessary not to teach the child, but to push him to the correct understanding. Let not you teach something, but he, like himself, will understand and become a hero in his and your eyes. Involve your baby in educational process, come up with interesting and colorful tasks, encourage success, notice small feats.

Let's understand the child, even if he naughty, that he is not bad, that you love him anyway, but he just did a bad deed that should no longer be done.

Beating and screaming do not lead to respect, but to fear and childish insults that remain for the rest of adult life. forget about cruel attitude, try not to use force, but understand, I even have a separate article about that.

Who is most involved in parenting? Of course, mothers, grandmothers, educators and teachers. It is clear how to raise girls. They take their cue from the female gender. But how is it right to raise a boy - a real man, if sometimes surrounded by no one is not like a strong man, but in general, there is not even a weak grandfather?

The role of confidence and physical strength

A boy, confident in his physical and psychological strength, will always protect the weak and never offend the younger, he will always come to the rescue and intercede.

Important for sons physical training, but not blunt force, but power applied with reason.

The boy should not just show his strength, but measure his capabilities and respond with force only in the most extreme cases. And physical strength is health for the body and respect from peers.

Sympathy and empathy

Pain happens to everyone. Boys also feel pain and suffer resentment. Don't stop them from crying or getting upset. Only by understanding your pain, you can learn sympathy and empathy.

Influence of father's example

Whatever we say here, but the father's example is the most The best way raising a son.

Naturally, a father is obliged to behave with dignity in relation to his mother, wife, and his children. The guys read everything and write it down on their tape. Everything is programmed and repeated from generation to generation. Therefore, prepare for the fact that your son will behave in much the same way as you behave today in family relationships.

The role of mother

Don't be afraid of mothers caressing their sons. This will not make them mama's sons, but will teach them the right behavior. Only a boy who wants to share his problems, mistakes and mistakes with his mother and father will be able to form a reliable rear.

Friendship with mom allows the boy to create his own personal romantic relationship.

Learn to be a worthy example, then children will become knights, caring parents, loving adults, helpers, strong personalities and defenders.

Small results

Only the right upbringing makes parents happy and their children successful.

Live in understanding, give affection, communicate as equals, try to think only positively towards yourself and your child, refuse insults, humiliation, beatings and rudeness, encourage independence, strengthen physical and psychological confidence, talk face to face.

Only in such conditions will children be properly brought up, develop and grow like sunny sunflowers, and not like earthworms or aggressive hyenas.

I tried to talk about how successful and happy people, and it’s up to you to decide what you will take into your personal arsenal of a teacher. Read more about that, and my subsequent articles on education.

  1. Don't yell at the child
    Old and worn advice, but incredibly useful. When you yell at your child, he absorbs all the aggression like a sponge and over time just throws it out.

    Calm down, take a deep breath, and think about what you feel so bad about. Now mentally prepare for unpleasant situation, and when the time comes, express your dissatisfaction in a casual tone. This makes education much easier.

    Can't contain yourself? Yes, it's hard, no doubt! Here is an invaluable recommendation that has already helped many adults to cope with themselves. First, figure out what exactly causes you irritation and screaming. Always be prepared for this kind of situation. Loud music? Bad marks? You have already gone through this more than once and, in theory, you should be prepared for such a nuisance. Of the two of you, you are the adult!

    Count up to 10. If you do this simple manipulation, it will be just a shame to break into a scream!

  2. Don't ask too much
    Your child will definitely be the best for you, even if he does not win medals in swimming or does not study the best.

    You should not assume that your offspring should be like you at the same age, or shift the implementation of all your unfulfilled ambitions to him. Just look for what he does best and develop it!

  3. Make a Good Impression
    Children are a mirror of their parents, and they will evaluate everything you do and even repeat.

    Surprise your child with unexpected skills, show your knowledge, strength, character. Thus, you can not only gain authority, but also invest in the child all the best that is in you.

  4. Discuss, help, convince
    There must be complete understanding between you. Discuss with your child everyday life, be him not only a teacher, but also a friend. Help him to feel that help and advice can be expected from you at any moment, make sure that the family home is a fortress for him, in which he will be listened to and helped.

    Convince your offspring that it is he who is the blacksmith of his life, his failures and successes. Great people grow up in an atmosphere of love and mutual understanding.

  5. Spend more time together
    Even if it’s impossible to carve out a lot of time for a child in your schedule, use it as efficiently as possible. Reading books, going to the theatre, outdoor recreation - an incredibly positive effect on your relationship and accustom your child to useful activities.

    If the child does not get enough attention, he will start looking for it from others. And there is no guarantee that everything will be fine in the end.

  6. Don't shy away from questions
    Even if a child asks a sensitive question, don't try to avoid the answer. Children are not yet ready to accept some information, but any uncertainty in the answer will distort the child's perception. Answer directly, but concisely, if the topic is unpleasant for you.

  7. Don't Avoid Difficulties
    Your task as a parent is to prepare the fragile and carefree children's consciousness for adulthood. Carefully protecting from all problems, this will not work.

    The death of relatives, problems in the family, even a banal refusal to buy “that beautiful toy"harden your child, help the personality to form.

  8. Admit your mistakes
    When you realize that in the end you were wrong, for example, in a discussion with your son or daughter, do not be afraid to admit this to your child. Your authority will not fall, on the contrary, you will raise it by restoring justice or competently admitting defeat.

Every responsible parent cares. This topic is so vast that an entire book (and more than one) could be devoted to it. However, there are basic principles derived from many years of research by doctors, psychologists, therapists, and educators that everyone should be aware of.

The upbringing of twins should be reduced to the search for individuality. For example, do not dress children in same clothes. At least constantly.

Encourage mutual support in children, always emphasize that in this world only they have each other. This will reduce jealousy, resentment and improve the atmosphere in the family.

I myself. Another facet of the problem of how to raise children is the issue of independence. This quality is one of the main advantages modern man. But, unfortunately, many parents make this mistake: at a time when the child is psychologically ready to try, express himself, imitate adults in order to feel independent, they often stop these attempts without noticing it. And all because while the child is trying, he makes a bunch of mistakes (crushes, litters, spills), and everything has to be redone for him. And from his help more problems. But despite this, you should not give in to the desire to drive your child away (take away the rag when he tries to wash the floor, smearing the dirt). Patiently show your child how to do it right.

How to raise children? This task, perhaps the most difficult in our life, requires a lot of effort, self-sacrifice and constant attention to your children. The main thing in education is to give, teach to get out of difficult situations, value yourself and achieve high goals.

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