Winter fun illustration. Music to create masterpieces


Plot pictures are a universal material for speech therapy work in kindergarten. They help the teacher to solve such problems:

  • learn to write a descriptive story;
  • enrich lexicon;
  • develop thinking, attention, imagination.

Various pictures for children depicting winter and winter fun must be among teaching materials speech therapist. You can use special thematic sets for kindergarten or pick suitable images on one's own. Consider several options for pictures about winter that will help in your work.

Picture Winter has come opens a series of images of nature, selected for the new season. It can be used in classes in the senior and preparatory groups, conducting classes on the topic "", "How animals prepare for the cold", "", "".

Narrative picture Winter in the forest - helps to visually show children the changes that occur in nature, in the forest. A beautiful winter landscape helps to expand the horizons and vocabulary of the child.

Description winter forest can be played as a journey, an imaginary adventure in a painted area.

Snow-white Zimushka-Winter is the perfect backdrop for Russians folk tales, this can also be used in a collective and individual work with kids. For this, a puppet tetra is suitable for transparent background, superimposed on a forest landscape.

Stories about winter should also include a description of the celebration of the New Year, the Christmas holidays. Children love these pictures of Winter more than others, they are more willing to work with them. It is very useful to pick up images of live Christmas trees in the forest and smart Christmas tree at the party, and then play Spot the Difference!

The next picture is called Winter outside the window, it shows the life of the metropolis in the coldest time of the year. For preparatory group good use image of snow covered streets big city and winters in the village, a couple of these illustrations can be carried out teamwork, games. Drawing winter in the city allows you to discuss with children not only changes in nature, but also to spend speech games and exercises on the topic Transport and Professions, since at this time you can see new cars and people doing special work on the street.

Pictures showing winter children's games and sports activities organized on fresh air, represent an excellent opportunity not only to enrich the active vocabulary and narrative speech of children, but also to work on fixing complex sounds. These can be exercises for differentiating C and Cb, C and Cb, C and C, Cb and Cb.

Several plot pictures Winter fun will be useful for group work and for open classes. Compose a story from the picture Winter fun will help, which schematically depicts:

  • name of entertainment, games;
  • her rules;
  • her attributes;
  • number of participants;
  • best season.

For example, if the picture is dedicated to the winter fun "snowballs", then the following should be noted in the table:

  • the first sound of the name of the game is soft X and the snowballs themselves;
  • a ban on throwing snowballs in the face, at animals and birds, at kids;
  • gloves, snow molds, shield, targets;
  • one child and many;
  • snowfall, large snowflakes.

With such support, children will be able to compose their story not only following the example of an adult, but also with the help of independent analysis. No inscriptions are needed, according to understandable schematic pictures, even pupils of the older group can easily compose a complete story.

IN speech therapy work it is useful to use a series of plot pictures on the topic Winter fun, Winter sports, etc. Here indicative list games that can be carried out by a speech therapist on the topic of Winter fun in plot pictures, single or series:

  • "What happened next?" (continue story)
  • What is in the picture ... (white, cold, fluffy, etc.)
  • "Journey to Drawing"
  • "Guess what I'm talking about!"

The themes of the arrival of winter and winter children's fun are a real “methodological treasury” for a speech therapist and teacher. There are a lot of options for its use. We have provided you with just a few of them.

Winter is in the yard - everything about drawing the topic winter sport yes about the new year. Of course, many drawing competitions on a winter theme have been announced.

If you read school programs according to the “iso” of the seventies of the last century, then it’s all there: “May Day demonstration”, “Demonstration on November 7”, “Subbotnik” ... Somehow it’s even wild to remember. You read and think: what were the forced-patriotic topics before, it’s good at least now they don’t torment children with this.

However, the current topics, in fact, differ little from those - they are just as imposed, invented by adults and have the same artificially peppy flavor. The theme "Winter fun for children" is no exception. By themselves, neither kindergarteners nor schoolchildren their impressions of winter games it would never occur to imprint on paper. I say this to prevent pink bubbles and tender exclamations about the fact that cute crumbs love to draw winter so much! Yes, they love it if you press hard and force it.

But - closer to the point. We as teachers SHOULD participate in competitions. There is a problem - it is necessary to solve it. Children practically cannot draw a human figure in motion and have no experience of observation. I myself, too, have not had this experience of watching children play. I can draw winter fun by imagination, but it will turn out artificially. Because you have to draw from nature! However, it is weak for me to go with an easel to the playground in winter. Then - according to the photo. It wasn’t there - neither adults nor children are eager to get into the lens of a stranger. So, we are looking for photos on the Internet.

Here is a great picture: the girl swung hard, about to throw a snowball. It is clear that she is posing. But even such a staged pose is incomparably better than the legions of little men in caps with pom-poms playing snowballs at attention in ordinary children's drawings.

We draw. You need to start with ... what?


We start with a diagram to understand the pose and proportions of the figure. The body is tilted and slightly tilted back. Snowball in right hand. This is important, because children, without hesitation, draw snow fights between a right-handed team and a left-handed team, just to make it convenient to draw. But it is necessary to portray how convenient it is to PLAY!

We continue. The arm with the snowball is bent at the elbow, the snowball is slightly wound behind the head. The girl holds it at face level. The second hand is thrown forward picturesquely - for balance. The legs are spaced approximately shoulder-width apart. The support is right, the weight will be transferred to the left after the throw, and now it is freely set forward.

The girl is still small, the body proportions are childish - a relatively large body, arms and legs are still quite short, her head is large, her face is turned in the direction where the girl is rushing. Yes, this is also important - the direction of the gaze and the turn of the face, please, just do not look at the camera!

Let's draw a diagram of this movement, a front view and a back view.

Note that this is not easy mirror reflection. The figure, turned back to the viewer, also swings his right hand.


Well, and another picture - teenagers are playing snowballs.

Here the movements are already much more complicated, the dynamics are greater. Look, the picture is useful for understanding that when playing snowballs, people bend over for snow and to avoid getting hit by snowballs.

Tatiana Kozlovskaya

Abstract of a drawing lesson

V senior group "Our winter fun"

Program content:

learn draw a human figure(child) V winter clothes(overalls, conveying the shape of body parts, their location, proportion, learn to convey simple moves arms and legs, lead children to convey the image in an unconventional way (with hand);

continue to learn to use different drawings materials: graphite pencil, colored wax crayons, watercolor.

consolidate technical skills drawing materials.

develop the ability to convey in the drawing your attitude to winter games;

instill love for healthy lifestyle life and sports.

Material: reproduction of a painting by V. Surikov "The Capture of the Snow City", illustrations depicting winter sports; A4 paper; simple pencil, oil pastel, watercolor paints.

preliminary work:

Examination of reproductions by V. Surikov "The Capture of the Snow City", illustrations winter scenery ;

Didactic lotto game "Wear for any weather" ;

Observations on the site of the games of children;

drawing various art materials.

Lesson progress:

At first classes children are invited to consider a reproduction of a painting, illustrations depicting winter games, listen to an excerpt from a poem by A. S. Pushkin « Winter morning» .

What happens to nature in winter? What colors are dominant? Do you love winter? For what? What games can you play in the winter in the fresh frosty air? Do you like hiking in winter? What is the best way to dress outside in winter so as not to freeze? What mood do you get while playing games in winter?

After the children answer the questions, offer to compare the two drawings. Who is depicted on them? What are the children wearing? How do they differ from each other? Find out if they could draw the same cheerful children winter walk?

Physical education "We will build a snow house"

We went out into the street


It's snowing!

(arms up, to the sides)

Let's take the shovels

(work with shovels)

Yes, we will shovel all the snow.

We stomp the path

To the very threshold.

(stomp feet)

Making round snowballs

(making snowballs)

And huge lumps.

(show big ball)

We'll build a snow house


We will live together in it.


Offer to carefully look and listen to a story about two palms that help children paint!

1. Place your left palm in the center of a sheet of paper. Move your thumb to the side. Press the ring and little fingers together, index and middle fingers close tightly and take a little to the side.

2. A tick should form between the ring and middle fingers. Press your palm firmly against the sheet of paper so that it does not move.

3. Right hand circle with a simple pencil palm, do not press the pencil hard against your fingers.

4. Remove the left palm from the sheet, close the two lines.

5. Turn the sheet over 1800. Ask the children "What does it look like?".

6. Top draw two arcs(hood).

7. C right side need to draw the other hand. Children decide where it will be directed: up, down, side or left on the jumpsuit.

8. We draw did: ovals - boots; oval plus finger - mittens; scarf; eyes; nose; mouth.

9. You need to circle the finished drawing wax crayons they don't be afraid watercolor paints. You need to use different colors to make the jumpsuit bright, noticeable, with a lot of small parts(zipper, pockets, collar, cuffs, reflectors, etc.)

10. Then add plot: snowflakes, shovel, snowman, etc. according to the wishes of the children.

11. The final part of the work is coloring with watercolors.

The teacher offers the children draw favorite hobby winter. The drawing should convey the mood.

Then the drawings are combined into a mosaic panel then content: skiing, skating, sledding, snowball fight, etc.

Tips for the educator

On the previous In class, invite children to draw a winter landscape.

Exhibit reproductions of paintings about winter.

Source: Collective creativity preschoolers: Lesson notes / ed.. A. A. Gribovskaya. - M.: TC Sphere, 2005. - 192 p.

Picture with children in winter. Who is sledding down the mountain, and one kid is skiing! Immediately the dog Sharik rushes down the mountain with delight!)

Photo with a child under a snow-covered spruce. The kid opened his eyes wide with delight! How beautiful the snow is falling!

A happy kid is happy with the snow, lay down and feel good!))

A girl walks with a rabbit snowy forest! The picture is impressive!

In this cool picture children indulge in almost all kinds of winter fun!) One skates, the other skis down the hill, and the third climbs up the hill with a sled!))

A funny little girl in a downy shawl is happy about winter-winter!)

Three cheerful girlfriends are all laughing in the snow, enjoying the winter!))

Pictured is a girl and a snowman. Let's measure our noses, snowman!))

The boys made a snowman, he has a hat on his head, a warm scarf around his neck!) Caring guys!))

With what passion children play snowballs in this photo! It's enviable!))

The kid in the photo is wandering through the snow, and the mitten in his hand is already frozen, it’s worth it!))

In the picture, the children indulge in winter fun! Who is skating and who is skiing. They make snowmen out of snow and play snowballs! Eh, good!))

The girl in the photo is covered in snow, literally bathes in it!) Beauty!))

Children ride together from the mountain with a train!))

The boy and girl in the photo are running down the mountain, drowning in the snow and laughing merrily!))

In a glorious picture, the children blinded big snowman! They dressed him in a hat and gave him a broom!))

Friends are building a snow fort. Photo for memory!))

The boy is playing propeller and he is doing great!))

In a cool picture, the children made a funny snowman with a pipe in his mouth, a fashionable scarf and mittens!))

In the picture, the children made as many as two snowmen so that they would not be bored! Caring guys!

The little boy shakes snow from the branches of spruce and laughs merrily!))

The kids are diligently sculpting a snowman!) The picture is funny and touching at the same time!))

A pretty girl catches snowflakes with her hands!) How beautiful they are!))

As many as four colorful pictures with children in winter. On one, the children are making snowmen, on the other, they are standing by the hill with shovels and buckets. In the third picture, the children are sledding down the mountain. At the last, the kids feed the birds. How much fun can you find in winter!))

We don’t sit at home, but go sledding down the mountain like these funny boys!))

And the kids in the picture made a bunny out of snow!) Dog Druzhok approved!) Very similar!))

Two girlfriends in the photo were driving in the snow, but they were so tired!) They lay down to rest!))

Children with their parents are happy with the snowman!) Who is more happy, another question!))

The girl in the photo had gloves like two snowdrifts!))

The article will tell you about how easy it is to draw a winter landscape on your own.

Drawings depicting winter landscapes have a special attractive magic: you want to look at them and hang them on the wall in a recreation area (hall, bedroom, office). Images of snow-covered trees and rooftops inspire human soul a feeling of comfort and tenderness, fairy tales and magic, which is present in the New Year's time.

Drawing winter landscapes is not difficult. Main - choose the right paper and colors. Approximately 50% of the success of the entire work depends on the selected paper. When drawing with paints, you will need thick cardboard from the Kraft category. You can also use colored matte cardboard, for example, blue or black, on which White paint, pastel and pencils look especially contrasting.

Thinking about what you can draw in a winter landscape, the first thing that comes to mind is a house. The house has been present in the human mind since childhood, since the first time a child sees a fairy tale about Morozko or forest animals. It doesn’t matter what kind of house you represent, the main thing is to draw it correctly.

We suggest you depict a cozy forest house:

  • Choose a perspective, i.e. approximate location of the house on a sheet of paper.
  • It is best if the house is in the center of your image, or not far from the center. So it will attract attention and be the main storyline.
  • You can use a ruler to draw an even and proportional house with a roof, but then be sure to trace the house template by hand so that the drawing does not look angular.
  • After you draw the main lines: walls, roof, windows, threshold, etc., proceed to detailing.
  • Do not rush to draw snow. Only when the house is completely drawn, with the help of white paint or chalk, literally “cover” the house with a “snow cap”. If you draw only with a simple pencil, an eraser will come in handy.

Step by step drawing:

House in the forest: drawing in stages

House, winter landscape: step one "basic lines"

Once the main lines are drawn, sketch snow on all surfaces.

Start detailing the drawing, depict nature: trees, Christmas trees, paths and other little things

Erase extra lines with an eraser

Start coloring the picture with paints

How to draw children in winter with a pencil and paints?

To decorate a drawing depicting winter, you can complement the fun children. Such a drawing will certainly evoke pleasant emotions and associations with childhood. This idea is just as good for drawing New Year's cards and pictures for competitions and exhibitions.

How to draw:

  • Plan the storyline in advance: how your characters will be depicted, where and what they will do: dance, play snowballs, build a snowman, sled, spin around the Christmas tree, and so on.
  • Schematically depict the figures of children. You have to choose a position for everyone: someone raised their hands up, someone sits on a sled, someone covers their ears or tickles a friend.
  • After depicting the figures of children, you can begin to detail them and create a winter landscape.

How to portray children:

Children are sledding Snowball games, snowman

Winter fun: kids Making a snowman, playing snowballs

Finished drawings:

Paint drawing: winter fun

Sledding: painting with paints

Drawing of winter with the image of children having fun

How to draw animals in winter with a pencil and paints?

Winter is a “fabulous time”, which means that even animals at this time of the year enjoy the lush snow, wait for the New Year and have fun. You can draw a landscape depicting any " forest dwellers": wolf, fox, squirrel, bear, hedgehog, hare and others.

What animals can be drawn:

Step by step drawing wolf Step by step drawing of a hedgehog Step by step drawing of a squirrel Step by step drawing of a woodpecker Moose drawing step by step Step by step drawing of a hare Step by step drawing of a bear

How to draw a winter landscape with children and animals with a pencil and paints?

In order for the drawing to turn out to be rich, interesting and positive, depict several storylines straightaway. For example, in the forest or in the clearing, children have fun with winter fun together.

Drawing Ideas:

Forest animals, kids: "winter" drawing

Animals: winter fun

Animals meet New Year

Children and animals in winter

New Year winter drawing Children and animals: winter

Winter fun animals Feeding animals in winter

Drawings about winter with children and animals for beginners and children for sketching: photo

If you are not good at self-drawing, sketches will always help you. You can draw the template through glass or by attaching a sheet of white paper to a computer monitor (it is advisable to do this in the dark). Adjust the size and location of the pattern yourself.

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