Alexander Vasilyev son of Leonid. Vasiliev Alexander Georgievich


Few people do not know the name of the lead singer of the Splin group. This relatively young rock band has managed to win the hearts of many music lovers. But few people know the history of the appearance of this team of rock musicians.

origin of name

The emergence of the Splin group happened in St. Petersburg in May 1994.

It happened so strange name this team from English word spleen, which in translation means blues or melancholy. The origin of the name is also interesting. The soloist of "Spleen", Alexander Vasiliev, one might say, appropriated this honor to himself. One day he met poetic creativity Alexander Cherny, namely with his poem "Under the Mute". In this work there was the word "Spleen", which interested Vasiliev, who decided that such a name could not be better fit his group.

"Spleen" plays music in the genre. However, among Russian rockers it is recognized as one of the most lyrical groups. All the songs of "Spleen" are very diverse and differ from each other both in the style of performance and in sound. Vasilyev in this regard constantly pleases and surprises his fans by publishing something extraordinary.


The soloist of the Splin group Alexander Vasiliev was born on July 15, 1969. The place of birth was the city of Leningrad. Since childhood, he was very addicted to music, and when he was twelve, he got to the performance of the rock band Time Machine. The sound, words and manner of performing the songs of the Makarevich collective influenced the young future musician so much that he decided to connect his life with music.

Alexander Vasiliev organized his first group while still in the seventh grade of the school. Was and next group created before "Spleen". Soloist A. Vasiliev called her "Mitra". It was created with the help of Alexander Morozov while studying at the institute. Young people managed to combine their studies at the Leningrad Institute of Aviation Instrumentation with recording own songs. The first such recordings were made at home.

The Mitra group tried to become a member of the St. Petersburg rock club, but was not accepted there.

First album

A couple of years later, the lead singer of the Spleen group drops out of school and leaves to serve in the army. Returning from the service, Vasiliev enters Faculty of Economics at the Theater Institute. As you know, in the nineties there were many problems in the country. They also touched the Spleen group, whose soloist was forced to study and work at the same time. Despite hard times, Vasiliev still wanted to organize a rock band, and he succeeded. On May 27, 1994, he, Alexander Morozov and Nikolai Rostovsky released their first recorded album, which they called "Dusty Reality". During the celebration of this event, the guys met Stas Berezovsky, a guitarist.

The debut album lived up to the expectations of the rockers: audio cassettes with his recording sold over 10,000 copies. In all institutions and radio stations of the country, the songs of the Splin group were played, the soloist of which became popular.

From that time on, new stars began to be invited to perform at various clubs in St. Petersburg, while the musicians also worked on the creation of the next album.

Subsequent work

The next collection of the group's works was The Gun Collector. Simultaneously with this album in 1996, the rockers shot the video "Be my shadow."

The end of the nineties for the Spleen group, the soloist and other members of which diligently worked on their songs, turned out to be quite successful and eventful. The guys have released more than one album during this time. In 1997, “Lantern Under the Eye” was released, literally a year later the “Pomegranate Album” delighted the listeners, and a year later, “Spleen” presents the album “Altavista” to its fans.


It was in those years that the Spleen group was gaining its greatest popularity. The soloist, whose biography was embellished by the success received by the group, together with his colleagues, tours throughout the country and abroad. In 1999, the band was invited to a club gig in New York. The year before, the rockers performed at the Luzhniki stadium before the performance legendary The

It was in 1997 that the rapid success of the Spleen group began, when it was in great demand. The guys were invited to all the clubs in Moscow and northern capital. The song “Orbit without Sugar”, released that year, is familiar to many, and in those years literally every second inhabitant of the country sang it.

new millennium

The beginning of this century was also positive for the group. In 2001, Splin released the next collection, Frame 25, recorded with famous rock band"Bi-2" joint song "Fellini", with which he embarks on a Russian tour. Over the next seven or eight years, Spleen released four more albums, including Signal from Space, Reverse Chronicle of Events, New People, and Split Personality.

During the creation of these collections, there were various rumors about the Spleen group, up to the point that it was breaking up. This was due to the fact that the composition of the Spleen team then changed quite often, but this did not prevent the musicians from continuing to actively tour home country, as well as outside it, including in the CIS and the USA.

From 2009 to 2011, the group went silent. New collections and new songs did not come out. However, in 2012, the "spleens" pleased their fans by releasing "Illusion of the Eye". It was already the eleventh album of the group. Soloist Alexander Vasiliev a year later shoots a video about a little girl from Japan for the song "Daughter of a Samurai".

Vasiliev is a very versatile person. He writes his own lyrics and also musical accompaniment to them. In addition, he is also engaged in painting, paints pictures. During his life, he painted more than 20 paintings, and once even an exhibition of his was organized in Moscow.

Soloist's personal life

Alexander Vasilyev is married to Alexandra Vasilyeva! Yes, his wife's name is the same as his. The future spouses met at the Leningrad Institute of Aviation Instrumentation. In 2006, Alexander became a happy father, he and his wife named their son Leonid. Fatherhood, and indeed the whole family life, greatly influenced the musician. His views on life have changed, which can be understood from the work of the Spleen group. The songs written by Alexander Vasiliev became more vital, closer in their meaning to creation than to destruction. He dedicated one of them to his son, calling it "Son".

It is noteworthy that the founder of the rock group "Spleen" almost does not use alcohol and drugs, likes to travel, good literature and movies, is a fan of the Zenit football club.

After the release of the films "Brother" (both parts), "Swing", "War" and others, in which the songs and music of a rock band were the soundtracks, the question began to sound more and more often: "What is the name of the lead singer of Splin?" Alexander Vasiliev achieved recognition and popularity in the domestic show business arena, while remaining unlike any of today's rock stars.

"I, Vasiliev Alexander Georgievich, was born on July 15, 1969 in Leningrad. In the autumn of the same year, my family moved to the city of Freetown, the state of Sierra Leone, West Africa. My father worked on the construction of the port, my mother taught Russian language and literature at the school at the Soviet embassy, ​​my older sister Natalia studied at the same school. From childhood memories, the most vivid is a sandbox full of dark-skinned African children. They look at the little white boy with surprise. It's me. In 1974, another political turmoil began in Sierra Lyon, and all Soviet specialists were recalled to their homeland. For some time we lived in Leningrad, after which we moved to the small Lithuanian town of Zarasai for 2 years. From Lithuanian memories, the most vivid is a sandbox full of blue-eyed Lithuanian children. They look with surprise at the little Russian boy. It's me. In 1976 we finally returned to Leningrad. I went to school. My head was a complete mess. I spoke a mixture of three languages. The teachers refused to understand me. From time to time, conflicts arose because of this. In my diary, between the solid "fives", the inscriptions "parents to school" were full of. Favorite books as a child - "Alice in Wonderland", "Winnie the Pooh", "Moomin Dol" and "The Cathedral Notre Dame of Paris". Favorite music - Russian songs "Semyonovna!" and "Vologda-gda". Until the 7th grade I was an excellent student. Now it's hard to believe. except study.Because the previous summer I learned to play the guitar.I still play at the same level.I have enough.The first song was written on verses by Nika Turbina.Verbs with female endings were remade into verbs with masculine endings.The song was a huge success my classmate Gera. I never showed her to anyone else. In 1986, I entered the LIAP - the Leningrad Institute of Aviation Instrumentation. Where I met my future wife Alexandra. This is the only thing that I did sensible in this institute. Around the same time, he met Sasha Morozov, nicknamed Morris. Morris looked like Pushkin and played the bass guitar. But he did not write poetry. But he had a tape recorder and a microphone at home. Several songs were recorded at Morris's home. Then it was called the "Mitra" group. In 1988 I left for the army. He served in a construction battalion, in the village of Nakhabino, near Moscow. The first six months he spent as a clerk at the headquarters, the remaining one and a half - he read books at a remote facility. Wrote songs. Some of them were included in the album "Dusty Byl". From 1990 to 1992 I worked as a stage fitter in the Leningrad Academic Theater Comedy. He entered the Theater Institute, the department of economics. Since then, I have not saved anything at all. In 1993, Morris and I worked at the Buff Theater, where until the spring of 1994, together with keyboardist Nikolai Rostovsky, we recorded the album "Dusty Byl". In the spring of 1994, I resigned from there and since then I have not officially worked anywhere. I wonder what my pension will be " Part 2. The official birthday of the group is May 27, 1994. It was on this day that the group gathered in a restaurant to celebrate the recording of their first magnetic album "Dusty Reality". Then they met the guitarist Stas Berezovsky. Soon the drummer Nikolai Lysov was included in the group. Money for their first album was earned different ways, including through advertising: “And it happened like this: in 1994, when there was no money for existence at all, the Soyuz-Contract firm offered me to sing ads, to the motive of "Who is developed" by Paul McCartney" - says Sasha, - "I did not succeed, Stas, our guitarist, sang. It was an advertisement for Hershey Cola. The song from this advertisement was probably more popular in St. Petersburg than Orbit. They did this a few more times. Several times means about thirty clips. Therefore, do not be surprised when Sasha sings: "When half a liter is not enough for you, just add water!" The group played their first club concert at the "Ambush" club. "Dusty Reality" sold 10,000 copies. 2 songs from this album ("Victim of melted ice" and "Fairy tale") got on St. Petersburg music radio stations. In 1995, a demo version of the album "Arms Collector" was recorded. The search for a record company began. In the summer of 1995, having signed a contract with SNC Records for the release of 2 records, the group began recording the album "Arms Collector". Among the fans, this disc is considered one of the best. In 1996, for the song "Fish of the bases of cowards" at the "Generation" festival, the group received a special prize from the radio "Maximum" (the same song became the first radio single from the new album). The group takes part in festivals, organized by the theater"DDT" - "Fill the Sky with Kindness" in 1996 (in which guitars win) and "Songs of the End of the Century" in 1997. One of the main awards of the group is the words of Boris Grebenshchikov, who more than once called "Splin" the only young team, he liked for last years. Also " Godfather"considered Konstantin Kinchev, who elevated the splin group to the rank of the hope of Russian rock, and called Vasiliev a "poet from God." SNC Records). In the spring of 1997, the group went on a tour of 16 cities in support of the "Vote or Lose" campaign. In June 1997, Splin was offered to take part in the second "Maxidrome". In the summer of the same year, they met Alexander Panomarev (Hipp), who later became the manager of the group. The first concert of the group at the Yubileiny Sports Palace in St. Petersburg was a failure. “It happened when Stas forgot the strings for the guitar at home and put on some nonsense. We were supposed to play for about 45 minutes, but after playing three songs, I realized that I had to leave," Sasha said. But according to the group, their main baptism is a concert in Luzhniki. They played after Valeria and before Alisa. It was They know the complex lyrics of their songs by heart, to the letter. Not to mention "Orbit", which that evening the parterres of the tribune sang louder than the soloist - Sasha Vasiliev. This newly appeared anthem of students called "Orbit without Sugar" immediately raised St. Petersburg group from clubs to the Luzhniki arena, where on February 14, with a full house, their first big concert in Moscow. The concert showed, firstly, the true level of the group's popularity, and secondly, that fans and musicians understand each other from half a chord, get excited right away, and Vasiliev did not have to shout: "Where are your hands?" or "Now together!", and the audience does not need to cheer him up with empty beer cans. However, the leader of the group, Alexander Vasilyev, refers both to success and to creativity, and even to the very fact of the emergence of a team with a large share of banter. Say, the guys gathered to play for their own pleasure, and then some kind of hype rose around them. In April 1998, the Pomegranate Album was released. After that, they started talking about the group as "the hope of Russian rock." According to many music critics - sLeen - is the discovery of 98 years. In August 1998, the Spleans were invited to participate in the opening act for The Rolling Stones". The group officially included Yanik Nikolenko (flute), who has performed at almost all splin's concerts since 1997, and Sergey Navetny (drums), with whom the group first played a concert on May 20, 1998 at the Meridian Palace of Culture. In the beginning In 1999, keyboardist Nikolai Rostovsky left the group, who decided to devote himself to the quiet family life(due to tours, the splins sometimes did not see their loved ones for months, or even for six months). Released in October 1999 new album splin group "Altavista" (Real Records). In 2000, the double disc "Altavista live" was released. This is a concert performed in 1999 at the Luzhniki Sports Palace. After a short rest, the band started recording the next album. In the same year, Real Records released a collection of songs for radio "The Denominator". On it, along with the old famous songs, 2 new ones are presented - "You are dreaming" and "Something else". In 2000, the soundtrack to the sensational film by A. Balabanov "Brother-2" included the song "Life Line". Nikolai Rostovsky returns to the group. On March 27, 2001, the long-awaited album "25 frame" (Sony Musik Int.) music critics it was named the best domestic album. New stage in creativity is associated with the song "Fellini". Having recorded it together with the Bi-2 group, they go on a joint tour, which took place in several dozen cities, including abroad. The concert in Gorbushka was recorded and released under the name "Fellini tour" by "Sony Musik Int". On it, in addition to splins and Bi-2, you can also hear the group Tomas, taken as a warm-up. In 2002, the double disc "Acoustics" was released. This is an acoustic concert that was played in the theater. Stanislavsky. The disc also includes 2 previously unreleased songs: "Breathless Lightness" and "Everything Is Broken". The latter can be heard in the later released album "New People" already in the electric version. At the end of 2002, the first single "Handball" was released. On it, 2 new songs are presented to the audience: "Handball" and "North-West". The single also contains a video for "Plastic Life" (directed by O. Segal) and a flash "video" splin feat Masyanya "drawn by O. Kuvaev. On February 14, 2003, the album "New People" goes on sale. Vasiliev and Yanik take part in concert dedicated to the 50th anniversary of B. Grebenshchikov, where "Adelaide" was performed. Having made a cover for the song "Alisa", the group takes part in anniversary concert"Secret". In one of New Year's programs A. Vasiliev, together with BG, performed a song from the movie "About Little Red Riding Hood". On April 19, 2004, A. Vasiliev's solo album "Drafts" (Mystery of Sound) was released. It includes songs written from 1988 to 2003. In addition to the songs that belong to the pen of Alexander Vasiliev, the album includes 3 more compositions based on poems by other authors: "Adelaide" by Boris Grebenshchikov, "Pauses" by Andrei Makarevich and "The End belle epoch"Joseph Brodsky. The deluxe edition of the disc included Vasilyev's poem - "Crazy House", which brought him victory at the Nashe Radio "Overcome" award ceremony in the "Poetry 2003" nomination, and Vladimir Vysotsky's song "On mass graves". On May 18, 2004, the single "Romance" ("Sony Musik Int") is released. It presents the title song in three versions, as well as the instrumental composition "Steps". In addition, "Romance" was released in a new format - on 3- x inch cd. Currently, Stas Berezovsky, Nikolai Rostovsky and Yan Nikolenko, apart from "splin", have other separate projects. Stas (guitarist) writes songs in English, he has his own band, with which they have been rehearsing for more than a year. Keyboardist Kolya is engaged with the group "Ptichkin Les", and Yanik (flute) has a group - "CetI". Sasha believes that despite the fact that all the songs and lyrics are "splin" by him, the guys have the opportunity to realize themselves in the team, because he writes only with the guitar, and what the group does is significantly different from the original version.The guys come off to the fullest, so Sasha does not think that someone will be pulled to the side.But if this happens, Sasha will not restrain anyone - You can't be forced to be nice.The team understands that in order to live and work together for a long time, you need to treat each other with respect and patience. They have fully mastered it. "First of all, it concerns me," says Sasha Vasiliev. "The Tao school helped in this. I'm glad that I don't have to explain anything, I don't have to put pressure on anyone, everything is done collectively. The interests of the team are increasingly focused on music, no one in the group began to spray on drugs and alcohol. On the contrary , all this goes far and to the side.

Alexander Vasiliev is the leader, vocalist and ideological inspirer of the famous Russian group"Spleen". This project brought our today's hero a huge success, and at the same time big love listeners.

IN currently Alexander Vasiliev is one of the most successful Russian musicians in his musical style. But what else is there to say about it? famous artist? To find the answer to this question today we will try with you together.

The early years, childhood and the family of Alexander Vasiliev

Alexander Vasilyev was born on July 15, 1969 in the city of Leningrad (St. Petersburg). However, in the city above the Neva, our today's hero did not live long at first. Almost immediately after the birth of his son, the family of the future musician moved to Sierra Leone, where Alexander's father, along with other Soviet builders and engineers, was engaged in construction seaport. In the same period, Alexander Vasilyeva's mother taught Russian at one of the local schools.

After the work in Sierra Leone was completed, the family of the future musician moved to the Lithuanian town of Zarasai for several years. Thus, our today's hero returned to his native Leningrad only at the age of seven. IN school years Surprisingly, Alexander was a diligent student, who was often set as an example to his peers. For the first seven years, he always studied “excellently”, however, starting from the eighth grade, suddenly, unexpectedly for everyone, he stopped paying due attention to his studies and began to seriously get involved in music. During this period, Alexander Vasilyev began to methodically master the guitar. He played for friends and acquaintances, composed his first songs, and also dreamed of a serious career on stage.

However, after graduating from school, our today's hero nevertheless chose a slightly different specialty for himself. First, the artist studied for a couple of years at the Leningrad Institute of Aviation Instrumentation. During this period, Alexander, along with several like-minded people, performed in musical group"Mitra", which, however, broke up pretty soon due to the fact that Vasiliev was taken into the army.

Spleen - No Exit (Invasion 2012) Alexander Vaasiliev

After returning home, the musician again entered the institute, but this time he decided to choose for himself economic specialty. By the way, the musician also did not graduate from this university. For some time he worked as a fitter at the Comedy Theatre. And then he again took up musical creativity. Having gathered around him several old friends, Alexander Vasiliev began recording the album "Dusty Reality", the presentation of which took place in May 1994. This moment is considered the official date of formation of the Spleen group.

Star Trek Alexander Vasiliev, group "Splin"

The band's first album brought the band its first success. Creativity of the Splin group was highly appreciated by such well-known Russian musicians like Boris Grebenshchikov and Konstantin Kinchev. The latter even invited the young St. Petersburg band to perform at his concerts as an "opening act".

Subsequently, the group signed several lucrative contracts and began working on new records. In 1996, the second album of the group, “Arms Collector,” appeared on the shelves of the CIS countries, and a year later, the third disc, “Lantern Under the Eye,” was presented to the public. These works were warmly received by the public, however real glory the Spleen group was brought by their fourth disc, called the Pomegranate Album. Largely thanks to her, in the late nineties Music band, led by Alexander Vasiliev, has become one of the most popular Russian rock bands.

Spleen Romance. Alexander Vasiliev

Subsequently, Splin did not lose ground and remained an important unit on the Russian music scene. Over the many years of its existence, the group has released in total eleven albums, the last of which was presented to the public in 2012. The group often went on tour, filmed videos and recorded soundtracks for famous Russian blockbusters.

In particular, the songs of Alexander Vasiliev can be heard in such famous movie like "Brother-2", "Alive", "War", "Swing", " Day Watch”,“ The Irony of Love ”, as well as in some other cinematic films. These films starred Sergei Bodrov, Konstantin Khabensky, Vladimir Menshov and others. In addition, the songs of the group "Splin" are heard in the animated series "Masyanya", as well as in the Russian version popular game grand theft AutoIV.

Alexander Vasilyev outside the Spleen group

As for Alexander Vasiliev himself, in this respect it is worth noting that in addition to musical creativity artist for a long time fond of painting. In November 2008, in Moscow, the Vrublevskaya Gallery hosted the first personal exhibition artist's works.

Among the notable "solo" works of the musician, one should also include his album "Drafts", recorded separately from the "Splin" group and released in 2004. This disc received rather flattering reviews from listeners and critics, but still did not receive much popularity.

Alexander Vasiliev today

In recent years, our today's hero continues to work with the Spleen group on new compositions and albums. The group tours a lot in Russia and other CIS countries. At the time of this writing, the last bright work in the personal history of the St. Petersburg group was the single "Frost on the Skin", released in 2013.

At the moment, the group "Splin" is considered the most popular band working in the style of "Russian rock", according to the authoritative Russian Internet portal

Personal life of Alexander Vasiliev

For many years, Alexander Vasiliev has been married to a woman named Alexandra. The musician's wife for some time was also engaged in creativity and collaborated with the Mitra group, in which our today's hero worked. Currently, the family permanently resides in St. Petersburg, where they are raising their joint son Leonid, who was born in 2006.

Alexander Vasiliev was born on July 15, 1969 in St. Petersburg. He spent the first five years of his childhood in the city of Freetown, where his father, an engineer by profession, worked on the construction of a port, and his mother taught Russian language and literature at a school at the Soviet embassy.

In 1974, all Soviet citizens were evacuated from the country back to the USSR. The Vasiliev family moved to the Lithuanian city of Zarasai, and in 1976 returned to Leningrad.

Since childhood, Vasilyev has been interested in music, and a desire to write arises in him. In 1980, my sister gave Vasiliev a reel, where on one side was the "Time Machine", and on the other - the group "Resurrection". At the age of 12, he gets to the first concert in his life - the Time Machine, which impresses him very much - he decides to give himself completely to rock music.

In 1986, Alexander entered the Leningrad Institute of Aviation Instrumentation, where he met his future wife Alexandra and Alexander Morozov. The Mitra group appears, in which, among others, Oleg Kuvaev participated. In 1988, the group tries to join the Leningrad rock club, but does not pass the selection.

Alexander goes to the army for two years, where he writes songs that will later be included in the album Dusty Byl. In 1990, Alexander returned from the army.

In 1992, Alexander entered the Faculty of Economics Theater Institute. Soon he gets a job at the Buff Theater, where Alexander Morozov worked as a sound engineer. Morozov (Morris) introduces Vasiliev to Nikolai Rostovsky, and they begin work on the first album. In May 1994 the album was ready.

On the day of the 291st anniversary of St. Petersburg, a party was held dedicated to the end of the recording of the first album, where the musicians met Stas Berezovsky.

In 2004, Alexander's first solo album, Drafts, was released.

In 2006, on October 12, Vasiliev's first son, Leonid, is born. The song "Son" from the album "Split Personality" is dedicated to this event. In 2014 Alexander's second son Roman was born.

It is known that Vasiliev prefers to listen to music at home, he does not go to concerts, except for his own. One of his favorite bands is Radiohead, one of whose songs, Karma Police, Alexander loves to listen to at full volume and sing along to the soloist.
He writes music at home, on the computer. Also paints pictures. Most his free time is occupied by the Internet. Another hobby of Vasiliev is football.

In addition to the awards received by the group, he has the Poetry of the Year award in 2004. Known for non-standard opinions and comments on any topic. He played himself in the movie "Alive". Vasiliev can also be seen in Oleg Kuvaev's cartoon "BO Shop". Vasiliev is good friend Boris Borisovich Grebenshchikov. They often celebrate holidays together, including Vasiliev's birthday.

In 2003 and 2009, Alexander, as part of the Spleen group, gave concerts on the stage of the Platinum Sakhalin club.

He does not like the off-season - the gray sky without the sun plunges into a state of melancholy. But this autumn is colored for Spleen's leader bright colors: the film “Live” with the participation of “spleens” was released, the group is preparing to release a new album, but most importantly, in September, Alexander Vasiliev’s son Leonid was born.

Sash, if you follow the mood of the new songs, then the future album can be conditionally divided into two parts - one is philosophical, in some places very harsh, the other is light, lyrical.

- One of the working titles of the album is "Split Personality". At least, so far I like this name the most. And that's precisely for the reason that there is half firefly and half punk.

– How often do you alternate between periods of melancholy and a positive perception of life?

“To be honest, I don’t really care for it. Some song breaks out - and breaks out. And only later, when there are 20 of them, it becomes clear that there were such periods. Basically, it has always been that way.

- Spleen has fans of a wide age group. Aren't you afraid that the youngest of them may simply not understand the meaning that the author puts in them?

– I simply describe abstract or specific images events that happen to me. I don’t generalize it in any way, I don’t single it out as a separate teaching and I don’t sell it to people. Another thing is that everyone is looking for kindred spirits - in kindergarten, at school, among rock musicians ... I myself am attached to a huge number of rock and pop artists, just people, because soul mates are all tied.

- Who are you talking about now? Especially interesting about pop.

- Well, by pop artists I mean what sounds in St. Petersburg on the Hermitage radio - Brazilian music, Antonio Carlos Jobim and so on. Also - all rock classics, ours and foreign. Plus the avant-garde, plus some not the brightest and most open-minded people who have some very interesting things - the list is huge.

- Sasha, you watch on TV musical programms?

- Very rarely. Sometimes, however, you run into something, for example, John Lennon. I have it on DVD, I've seen it a hundred times, but I watched it again on TV, on VH1.

- That is modern pop music, cultivated by "Song of the Year" and "New songs about the main thing", passes you by?

- No, if we are sitting somewhere on tour in a hotel room with the whole group, then, of course, we watch “Song of the Year” and laugh. We also need evenings of humor. How can this soviet glamor not be appreciated? ..

How far are you from domestic problems?

- Well, now, a month ago, everyday life got into my life, I even began to go shopping.

- And who used to hold the house?

While my wife Sasha was pregnant, she went shopping. It didn't bother any of us. I didn’t know where the products come from - she walks and enters the store, she likes it. And now the child was born, and I began to dangle. But it doesn't bother me.

- Did you prepare for the birth of a child - did you read special literature, for example?

- Yes, sure. But we had no idea that the schedule would be so crazy. But they entered the regime immediately - where to go?

– A moment of absolute happiness – do you remember it?

- Sasha called immediately after the birth of her son. But it was not yet a moment of happiness - just the first message. I drove to the maternity hospital, went upstairs, saw the child and Sasha. I went, bought the first things, got up again and took a picture of the child. When I went down to the street, I met an old acquaintance. He is such a healthy guy, under two meters tall, broad, but terribly kind. And I just jumped on his neck with a run, shouting: “The son was born!” Him: “Wow, cool! When?" - "Just now". He asks: “Here, in Snegirevka? Yes, Mike Naumenko was born here, Putin was born.” And when he began to congratulate me, that was the moment of absolute happiness.

- What were your first impressions when you took your son in your arms? Remember, you were surprised how small he was!

- He may be small in size, but he weighed three and a half kilograms, and it was felt. He was born a strong enough guy, because he kicks his legs normally, and yells normally, and generally moves well. Dynamic dude - let's play football.

- In a little over a month, you got used to caring for a baby - can you bathe, change a diaper? ..

- Yes, I do everything - change diapers, bathe him, of course. All the same, the two of us run up to his crying - no one wants to stay on the sidelines. Well, how can you sit in the kitchen if you are bathing a child - you have to hold him, pour water on him, just watch him waving his arms ...

Have you watched Live?

– Relations with the film industry are developing progressively. Songs in the soundtracks in the films "Brother-2", "Huntsman", shooting in the episode "Alive" in the role of himself. The next step, logically, is an invitation to play in the film big role.

- There is no line of directors for me, but, of course, there were some proposals. Maybe it's interesting, but I can't "pronounce" someone else's text. I have to write it myself. But I quenched this passion on stage. We also went to “Live” - so, you know, to act in an episode. There was a normal idea: not just a band playing, but at the same time, the musicians still see the dead in the hall.

Interviewed by: Olga Khokhlova, InterMedia

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