Arguments for an essay on the problem of early growing up in the war. Application


The problem of growing up a person has always worried not only psychologists, but also cultural figures: writers, artists, musicians, and so on. The period is considered almost the most difficult in life.

Literature and Argument: The Problem of Growing Up in Popular Writing

In his short story "The Catcher in the Rye", which has become a classic work, he also raises this topic. He stipulates it rather unusually: main character novel, Holden Caulfield, is the most natural nihilist, denying all the good that society can offer him. Because of his age, Caulfield makes some really funny arguments. The problem of growing up the protagonist of the story - this is the very notorious teenage crisis. Holden is only 17 years old, so the actors of the theater play “too good” for him, the school disgusts him, and the people around him who try to contact him stumble upon a solid wall of misunderstanding and rejection. The story, however, ends with Caulfield finally feeling happy.

Gap between generations or stupidity of the young?

The problem of growing up in literature is revealed with different positions, but the concept of nihilism in such works appears very often. The fragile consciousness of a teenager denies absolutely everything, because in this way he wants to increase his significance and express a kind of protest. So, continuing the theme of nihilism, it is worth mentioning famous novel Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". The protagonist of the work, because of which the main character develops external conflict- Evgeny Vasilievich Bazarov. He does not see the point in love, despises any form of art and believes that the norms of morality and religion were invented from nothing to do. Despite the external "coolness", this character causes only a feeling of pity in a mature reader. A person who tries to completely oppose himself to society cannot command respect, because such behavior is called infantile. Bazarov boasts of his nihilism, from which a few years later there will be no trace.

Reindeer Code of Honor: Bambi's Story

The problem of early growing up is touched upon in the notorious work of Felix Salten called "Bambi, Life in the Forest". The small anthropomorphic fawn depicted in the book goes through all the stages of growing up. He understands that harsh life requires him to become strong and unshakable, but childhood does not let him go for a very long time. Little Bambi sees that his father is not too attentive to him, and therefore tries his best to become more independent. tragic death mother contributes, and the deer begins to become more courageous and serious, but at the same time suffers from the fact that he cannot accelerate this process in any way - such is his problem of growing up. Arguments from literature, even from children's literature, confirm that the period of adolescence leaves an indelible mark on our lives, and much depends on how successfully this period passes. In the book "Bambi, Life in the Forest" the main character turns out to be quite strong. But is it always like this in real life?

Childhood, adolescence and youth

Very weighty own arguments to the problem of growing up were also brought famous writer Alexey Tolstoy. By writing your autobiographical novel from three parts "Childhood. Adolescence. Youth”, he gave not only to the growing generation that considers this work at school, but also to adult readers. Tolstoy describes in great detail the formation of his still unstrengthened personality, so that the reader "grows" along with little Lesha, who turns into a stately man, Alexei. The writer describes his life rather artlessly, but very interestingly. You can see how the hero’s thinking changed, how his worldview became more and more mature, how his attitude towards own family. The older Lesha became, the more he noticed and understood, and none of this escaped the reader. Of course, some episodes Tolstoy probably came up with or thought out, but artistic value this does not detract from the work.

Adult children of America and their tragedies

Although the problem of early maturation of children is most often affected either in psychological or in military literature, this theme can also be found in some works on abstract topics. For example, Theodor Dreiser in his " American tragedy" very talentedly described what the early independence of a child who is forced to plan his life separately from his family can lead to. I also loved this theme very much, the fate of which just happened. The author was forced to work from an early age to support his family and younger brothers and sisters. Dreiser, on the other hand, revealed the essence of the concept of an “unloved” child, who is burdened by vanity and commercialism and believes that position in society is more important than honor. The protagonist of "American Tragedy" is himself guilty of his misfortunes, because resourcefulness and greed never bring happiness to a person. Forced to think through his own business plan from a young age, Clyde Griffiths falls into the trap of early adulthood, when the basics have not yet been comprehended, and you have already learned how to make money.

Psychologism of characters from JK Rowling

Very often, women also touch upon the notorious problem of growing up. Arguments from literature are taken into account even if the genre of this literature is science fiction. The famous creator of the world of Harry Potter, Joan Kathleen Rowling, went along such a path. Over the course of seven books, her characters grow, and the reader watches with interest the changes in their psychology. At first, three friends - Ron, Harry and Hermione - are just friends, and from the fourth book, when they grow older, they begin to feel a sense of affection for each other. Rowling masterfully describes their relationship - perhaps the decisive role in her amazing technique of psychologism was played precisely by the fact that she is a woman. Some of the reasons for the conflicts between the characters may elude the less mature reader, but the more experienced reader will immediately notice that youthful experiences are to blame. Even though Harry Potter is a book about magical worlds and magical adventures, these youthful experiences are very vital and realistic. From the song, as you know, you can’t throw out the words.

Ray Bradbury's Angel Children

Sometimes it is very interesting how surprising the author's arguments can be. The problem of growing up is touched upon by them as if by chance, in passing, however literary critics still capture this theme in their works. Ray Bradbury, in his book Dandelion Wine, resorts to quite unusual technique. He narrates exactly the way he would describe events. a little boy. This adds a certain charm to the book, because adult readers have long forgotten what they dreamed about and thought about in childhood. Bradbury masterfully emphasizes the difference between a child's consciousness and an adult's, and this makes the book very bright and sweet. It also does not become less interesting because of this - on the contrary, you can “choke” on a book while reading. Only in childhood can we dream of tennis shoes or fresh flowers. Children's emotions and thoughts are always very sincere and bright, and this is exactly what Bradbury shows in his work.

War and peace for fragile souls

The issue of growing up in war was also raised very often in classical literature. Leo Tolstoy did not devote a whole book to this problem, but wove it into many other topics and problems in his immortal work"War and Peace". An example of a fragile, still childish consciousness, which is becoming stronger and more mature, is the image of Natasha Rostova, who is being changed by the war. Tolstoy emphasizes how painful and wrong it is when growing up is, as it were, forcibly torn out of a child, when he is forced to grow up. Of course, war is not the time when you can afford to be stuck in childhood for a long time, but how unfair it is to those who have not even had time to get a good look! First love experiences, trembling knees, worries and stupid jokes with friends - all this is deprived of teenage girls who have to live during the war. Character hardens or breaks, and love either grows stronger and becomes flint, or crumbles into pieces that are not possible to collect.

Early adulthood, which no one guessed

It is noteworthy that Vladimir Nabokov cites completely non-childish arguments on the topic of growing up. The problem of growing up in his scandalous work "Lolita" is touched upon a little indirectly, but it still takes place. A young girl, more precisely, a girl who, for her own benefit or out of idle interest, considers it normal to have a relationship with an adult man - this is very interesting character who did not hesitate to describe Nabokov. His Lolita at first seems to be a completely innocent, ignorant child who is being corrupted and does not realize it. However, in the course of the work, the reader learns that Lolita is not so simple, but she has matured for a very, very long time. It's amazing how such a young girl can behave confidently and hypocritically with a man who is old enough for her father. Perhaps this is what attracted the protagonist to her - an adult woman in the body of a young girl. One thing remains clear: what happened to Lolita cannot be called anything other than a tragedy.

The problem of character formation in Kipling's cult work

Rudyard Kipling described this topic very subtly in his The Jungle Book. The theme of the maturation of the personality is touched upon by him, as it were, in passing, but the author, it seems, gives absolutely undeniable arguments. The problem of growing up Mowgli, although it occupies only one chapter in this work, but becomes turning point books. Precisely because Mowgli begins to become a man and to have feelings for opposite sex, the external conflict in the work goes to new level. If Mowgli never felt and became interested in girls, he could live in the jungle all his life. But, of course, then the readers would not have received and classical work, filmed more than once by various television studios. Mowgli can no longer live among the members of his former, animal family. No matter how romantic this work may be, the reader still understands that this is the story of the life of every person, conveyed in the form of a very beautiful and unusual metaphor. Growing up, a person leaves the comfort zone, and therefore his soul cries like a newborn baby.

Alyoshka - the main character of the story swells from hunger: his family has not seen bread for the fifth month. Trying to steal some food from a rich neighbor, Alyoshka receives a mortal wound from the hand of the hostess. Having lost all his loved ones, Alyoshka is trying to find at least some protection. He finds her in the face of political committee Sinitsyn, who saves the boy from a purulent wound on his head. Upon learning that his owner (Alyoshka got a job with the rich farmer Ivan Alekseev) entered into an agreement with the bandits, he informs the political committee about this. The bandits manage to be surrounded in a barn. Alyoshka Sinitsyn sends to throw a grenade into the window opening. When the boy pulls the pin, a man comes out of the barn, leading the child in front of him. Alyoshka closes the grenade with his body. Sinitsyn manages to throw a grenade to the side, but Alyoshka is still touched by a fragment near the heart. Such a bold decision can only be made by a very responsible and truly adult person.

2. M.A. Sholokhov "The Mole"

The protagonist of the story, M.A. Sholokhova, fills out a questionnaire: “A rough leaf says sparingly: Koshevoy Nikolai. Squadron commander. Earthman. Member of the RKSM, age - 18 years. Nikolai dreams of going to school, getting an education, but instead he is forced to fight, they are chasing the remnants of the gang. For six months now, he has been fighting better than others, courageously and almost without damage, liquidated two gangs, no worse than any experienced commander. The leader of the gang pursued by Nikolka, the ataman, has been fighting on the fronts for eleven years. In the last fight, an experienced old warrior kills young Nikolka. And when he takes off his boots, he sees a mole on his ankle, the size of a pigeon's egg, the same as his own. Realizing that he killed his own son, the ataman puts the gun in his mouth and pulls the trigger. War takes people indiscriminately, destroys the strongest ties. Children, young men grow up faster when death walks nearby.

3. V. Bykov "Kruglyansky Bridge"

The protagonist of the story, the young partisan Styopka Tolkach, goes to a serious business together with the commander Maslakov and two adult fighters - Britvin and Shpak. The situation turns out to be very tragic: Maslakov is mortally wounded at the first attempt to light the bridge, and later he dies. Britvin, a former battalion commander, demoted for something, now wants to restore his name at all costs, takes command. He comes up with a fraud, as a result of which the local boy Mitya and his horse die. Styopka understands that Britvin does not want to sacrifice his life or health, and accuses him of meanness. Britvin, not assuming that the boy is able to reveal his plan, beats Styopka with a butt, and he shoots at the offender. Britvin seeks to hide this incident, but Styopka makes a desperate decision: he is ready to stand trial so that everyone (including him) will be punished fairly. War is a cruel time, taking responsibility for oneself becomes an indicator of growing up.

4. V. Kataev "Son of the regiment"

Vanya Solntsev was found by scouts returning from a mission. The boy was sleeping and crying in his sleep. At first they tried to send him to an orphanage, but after several attempts they realized that the boy wanted to stay in the detachment. He was accepted for granted. Vanya is given tasks that he successfully completes. Natural ingenuity helps him in this. But once on the battery of Yenakiyev, who, in fact, became the boy's foster father, fresh forces of the Nazis were thrown. Wanting to save the child's life, Yenakiev gives the boy a task: to deliver a report to the headquarters. Vanya did not know that the battery commander had called fire on himself. And when the boy returned to the place of the battle, he found that everyone was dead and the captain too. But he left a letter in which he asked to give the boy to military school. His will was carried out. Vanya, who learned from childhood what a battle is, the fire of enemy batteries, has become not a childish adult.

Novel " Captain's daughter» - top Pushkin's prose. They study it in the 8th grade, and by the 11th they completely forget, which is very sad, because the novel deserves more attention and respect. This is just a storehouse for graduates, both in terms of argumentation in task 25, and for the graduation essay. We will agree right away: I will not retell the novel, but will dwell on its problems, ideological content, and abstracts for essays.

And yet it is necessary to say a little about the plot of the novel.
The Captain's Daughter describes the story of Pyotr Grinev, who happened to see the Pugachev uprising with his own eyes. He turns from an undergrowth into a responsible, highly moral person, a man. After going through the trials, the hero becomes a real person, making a choice in favor of honor and dignity. The novel is written in the form of a memoir. For what? Pushkin seems to be looking through the eyes of a hero at what is happening, because an adult Grinev can not only retell everything that happened to him, but also give an assessment, emphasize something or pass by some events.

Problems of the work

  • The novel tells about the Pugachev uprising. A.S. Pushkin was interested in the personality of Pugachev. (Try to identify the problem yourself!) Why did he manage to become the leader of thousands and thousands of people? Why is he better than Catherine II? These questions come down to one thing: the problem of power . Concretize: which government is better? Here it is necessary to say about the problem, which, it would seem, does not lie on the surface, but Pushkin is very interested. This problem of man and history. What role do historical events in the fate of man?
  • Grinev's path is from a careless and stupid undergrowth to a serious and responsible person, a real man. What is the problem with this? Yes, the problem of growing up and educating a person . What must a person go through to become an adult?
  • There are two comparable characters in the novel: Grinev and Shvabrin. They are connected by a place of service, love for Masha, friendship, and then rivalry. One becomes a hero, and the other becomes a traitor. Why? In other words, the novel has the problem of moral choice.

What should be the power?

Let's collect everything we learn about Pugachev and Ekaterina in The Captain's Daughter. Pugachev.
Portrait in the chapter "The Leader" (a man with clever shifty eyes), appearance during the capture of the fortress (cruel leader of the uprising), "mercy" in the form of a sheepskin coat, a horse and the missing half of the money, Pugachev at the council of the "generals", a conversation with Grinev on the way ( Kalmyk fairy tale about an eagle and a raven), the execution of Pugachev. Revisit these episodes to understand what will be discussed next. Catherine. A lady in a homely morning dress, affectionately asking Masha about her misfortune. She immediately changed when she found out that we are talking about Grinev, without even knowing him personally. A traitor - that's all, no comment. Didn't want to listen to her at first. Then, however, she pardoned Pyotr Andreevich because of the merits of Masha's father. And if Masha had not seen her?


  • Both Ekaterina and Pugachev are representatives of the authorities. We know more about Pugachev, we can draw conclusions about his character, the nature of his power.
  • Pugachev in the novel appears to readers in different guises: a simple peasant, leader of the uprising, noble man capable of assessing fidelity to duty and courageous deeds, a cruel tyrant who dooms innocent people to death. When is a person in front of us, and when is a tyrant? In the episode of the first meeting, we see a smart, cunning, quick-witted person, in a conversation with Grinev - a tragic figure, because he realizes what he went to and what he sacrificed. The meaning of the Kalmyk fairy tale helps us understand that Pugachev wants to live a bright, albeit short life. Among his associates, he is the first among equals, undoubtedly a leader (comparable to the military council in Orenburg, where they mostly drink tea, but cannot make decisions). And finally, the scenes of the capture of the fortress show the cruelty of the rebels (the death of the Mironovs, the abduction of Masha, destruction and death).
  • Image idea: Pugachev is undoubtedly an outstanding figure, talented person, but the power and necessity of cruelty in war turns him into the same cruel tyrant as the empress, against whom he raised an uprising.
  • Catherine. A nice woman in a house dress turns out to be not so kind when it comes to a traitor. This does not take into account any mitigating circumstances, the Empress does not want to know them. So why is this power better than Pugachev's power? Nothing.

The idea to which A.S. Pushkin:any power - the empress or her antagonist Pugachev - is hostile common man. “God forbid to see a Russian rebellion, senseless and merciless,” is the result of the novel.

The problem of man and history related to the events in the novel. To briefly list the ideas: history has light and dark sides. Grinev did not think that he would have to go through such events, but it was precisely the historical events that highlighted in him a real person with honor and dignity. The death of the Mironovs and thousands of other people, ruined houses, crippled destinies - this dark side stories. Pushkin, as if with a searchlight, highlighted the fate of the heroes in history, and it is the simple person who interests him most of all, it is not for nothing that the novel is called The Captain's Daughter, and not Pugachev, for example.

Attention, USE! Arguments from The Captain's Daughter can be used in an essay if the problem of "man and state", "power and man" is posed. By definition, no power will be merciful to a person - this is a thesis confirmed by an illustration from the novel.

The problem of growing up a young man This problem is connected with the image of the main character Pyotr Andreevich Grinev. Theses:

  • at the beginning of the novel, Grinev is a minor who can “sensibly judge the properties of a greyhound male” and make a kite out of a map. Dreams of "dust-free service" in St. Petersburg. Adult Grinev is ironic at himself young. But his father gives him instructions (remember, for example, the instructions of Father Molchalin) to serve honestly, to protect family traditions, do not chase awards and do not shy away from service. With that, Grinev goes to a small fortress near Orenburg.
  • The first test is a meeting with Zurin, a loss in cards and an insult inflicted on Savelich, a faithful servant and friend. Grinev feels remorse.
  • In the fortress, before the uprising, he falls in love with Masha, fights a duel with Shvabrin, defending the honor of the girl.
  • After capture Belogorsk fortress Grinev is faced with a choice: recognize Pugachev or remain faithful to the oath. He chooses the latter, earning Pugachev's respect.
  • Masha is in captivity and asks for help. Grinev, not having received it from his superiors, rushes to save Masha to Pugachev, despite the prohibition of his immediate superiors. He breaks his oath by leaving Orenburg without permission. But the hero is faced with a choice, and makes it in favor of saving a person. Pugachev, respecting Grinev for honor and dignity, lets them go. Grinev is put on trial, and only Masha, having reached St. Petersburg, begs for pardon.

The idea to which the author leads us is as follows:a young man grows up when trials fall to his lot, when he faces a choice, sacrifices his life for the sake of others. Only in this case a real person will turn out of him.
Attention! USE! The illustration from The Captain's Daughter can be used in any essay on education. If we are talking about bad upbringing, then Grinev’s example can be given as an example of correct upbringing, and then the argument will be from the contrary, and if it’s about the right one, then a confirming argument. What is he talking about? See the idea!

The problem of moral choice It is associated with the images of Grinev and Shvabrin. Why, under the same conditions, one becomes a traitor, and the other a hero?


  • Grinev and Shvabrin meet in the fortress and very soon become rivals in the fight for love.
  • About Grinev, see the previous theses, about Shvabrin we will say in more detail. Already at the very beginning, Grinev notices that Shvabrin cruelly jokes about the family, where he is accepted as a native, slanders about Masha. In a duel, inflicts a vile stab in the back. Even then, you can see that Shvabrin is a dishonorable person.
  • The real test for them is the capture of the fortress. Grinev refuses to swear allegiance to Pugachev and risks his life, Shvabrin is already in a peasant dress (he prepared it in advance) and has his hair cut “in a circle” (I wonder when he did it?). So, he was ready for betrayal.

Idea: a person makes a moral choice in accordance with his beliefs and principles. If they exist, there is also the height of the spirit (Grinev). Shvabrin initially demonstrates a vile nature in everything, and eventually becomes a traitor.

Attention, USE! Excellent argumentation in essays on the problem of moral choice, decency, honor, dignity. Grinev, possessing the height of spirit and moral principles, does not drop himself and causes only respect, and Shvabrin the traitor - contempt.

Summing up, we can say that The Captain's Daughter is one of the brightest works in Russian literature. Why? Because A.S. Pushkin, talking about the brutal uprising, still approved the ideals of kindness, honesty and decency.

The material was prepared by Karelina Larisa Vladislavovna, teacher of the Russian language of the highest category, honorary worker general education RF

Here you will find the most actual problems concerning the process of growing up, from texts for preparing for the exam in the Russian language. Literary arguments from various books are selected for each of them. You can download a table with all of them at the end of the article.

  1. I. S. Turgenev in the novel "Fathers and Sons" touched upon the problem of the relationship between the old and the new generations. The protagonist, the young nihilist Yevgeny Bazarov, confronts the nobleman Pavel Kirsanov and his own parents. Pavel Petrovich actively defends the old foundations, while Evgeny tries to destroy them in order to build new ones in this place. Representatives different generations argue about literally everything. Eugene's parents are worried because they cannot find mutual language with son. When he died, they come to his grave and greatly regret the misfortune that happened, because whatever the relationship, parents almost always love their children more than anything else.
  2. The conflict of generations can be found in the drama of A. N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm". The old ones include Kabanikha and Wild. To the new - Katerina, Varvara, Boris and Tikhon. Due to moral oppression by the mother-in-law main character Katerina feels unhappy, lonely, tortured, and this depressed state pushes her to betrayal. Her husband is weak, he has no willpower, so he leaves his wife alone with problems, and he goes to a tavern. This only exacerbates the position of the young woman. Boris also turns out to be weak-willed, so he cannot take responsibility for love. Wild tightly holds him in a vice, not wanting to violate the old order, namely, to keep the youths in strictness. The heroine, left alone, unable to endure such a life, therefore, throws herself off a cliff. Tikhon only after the death of Katerina finds the strength to blame his mother for what happened. This example shows that both sides of the conflict are wrong, and it is very important to learn to recognize one's wrong in time and find a compromise.

Growing up process

  1. The process of growing up is well described in the story of A. S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter". The main character, Pyotr Grinev, was an inexperienced boy at the beginning of the work. He began to play cards, greatly offended his mentor Savelich, who treated him like his own. However, Peter later grew up and turned into a noble and strong man. Most of all, this was facilitated by feelings for Marya Mironova and peasant war in which it was necessary to make adult and responsible decisions. From a boy who only chased pigeons around the yard, he was forced to grow up, because the fate of Russia was being decided right in front of him, and his beloved woman also needed help. Under the influence of these circumstances, the hero recalls his father's testament: "Take care of honor from a young age." Guided by them, he valiantly serves the empress and saves his love.
  2. The process of growing up is described in a series of epic fantasy novels by George Martin "A Song of Ice and Fire". One of the heroines, Sansa Stark, was naive and frivolous as a child. She dreamed of leaving her native northern Winterfell for the south, marrying a noble lord, prince or king. However, later the girl was surrounded by enemies and realized that the most important thing is the family. Therefore, they, the northerners, need to stick together. After Sansa was married twice against her will, she became strong and courageous. She was even able to take revenge on her husband, who mocked her and killed her brother. This means that adversity makes people grow up.

early adulthood

  1. The problem of early adulthood is affected in the work of A.P. Platonov "Return". Alexei Ivanov returns home after the war and sees that his eleven-year-old son Peter has taken the place of the head of the family. The author notes that the boy seemed older than his age. He looked like a small, poor, but serviceable peasant. Life without a father taught him to be a support for his mother and sister. From this example, it follows that early maturation is influenced by living conditions and upbringing. If the hero had not initially laid moral foundations in the family, then his son, under the pressure of circumstances, would not have stood the test.
  2. Describes the problem of early adulthood JK Rowling in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. The main character, a boy of eleven, grew up without parents in the house of his aunt, uncle and cousin. He was treated like a servant, and did not consider it necessary to please with gifts. One day, Harry was given a toothpick for his birthday, but they didn’t remember about the eleventh birthday at all. From an early age, the boy understood that he could only rely on himself. Thus, he matured early due to the fact that he was left without native family surrounded by indifferent people. However, it must be borne in mind that Harry was initially raised correctly, so such circumstances did not break him, but tempered his spirit.

Consequences of bad parenting

  1. Revealed the problem of bad parenting D. I. Fonvizin in the work "Undergrowth". The landowner-serf Prostakova is not at all involved in raising her son. Teachers are hired only for prestige. The mother does not put subordinates in anything and treats them rudely, trying to profitably marry her son. Bottom line: Mitrofanushka, at the age of 15, cannot read, write, count, or speak politely. He is stupid, like Prostakova. The boy is badly brought up, even his mother is insolent. From here famous phrase: "Here are the evils worthy fruits". The heroine herself behaved disgustingly and ignorantly, so her son absorbed only the vices inherent in her, and he had nowhere to take virtues from.
  2. The problem of poor education was touched upon Oscar Wilde in The Picture of Dorian Gray. Dorian met Henry Watton, who gradually began to corrupt the youthful mind. Get on the crooked path young man also helped by an unexpectedly fulfilled desire - for the portrait to grow old over the years instead of him. Dorian succumbed to temptations, did terrible things and paid for it. And it's all the fault of Henry Wotton's ill-considered advice. From this we can conclude that education plays important role In human life.

Children's desire to get older

  1. IN children's work"Warrior cats. The Sign of Three by Erin Hunter writes about the kitten Lion, who dreamed of growing up and becoming a squire. Later this happened, and he was given a new name - Lionpaw. He trained hard to become the best in everything. He ran, jumped, fought, practiced fighting techniques, tried to distinguish himself in front of his elders, and strived to make his parents proud of him. Little children also dream of growing up and getting prestigious profession. This is a normal desire that should not be criticized or suppressed. The main thing is that the child does not act recklessly, imitating the wrong example.
  2. In Andrzej Sapkowski's The Witcher. Elven Blood" there is a girl named Ciri who studies hard martial arts and dreams of becoming a good warrior and protecting the weak. Her native palace was destroyed by enemies, and her grandmother, Queen Calanthe, threw herself from the balcony so as not to get them alive. Ciri wants to avenge herself, her and many others. Therefore, he tries to be stronger and more mature. This is a noble goal, but still it should not develop into villainy, especially in the performance of a child who cannot fully assess the situation.

6. Task: write an introduction and your own reasoning on the problem. Use ready-made arguments.

Topic of the essay: Why did young men and women grow up quickly in the war?

An excerpt from the novel by L. Leonov "Russian Forest" (text from the Demo version - 2013)_

(1) Poly's inflamed state, and most importantly, her confused,

ambiguous speech - everything suggested the worst guesses, much more terrible,

than even the captivity of Rodion or his mortal wound.

(2) - No, it’s completely different here, - Fields shuddered and,

turning to the wall, she took out from under the pillow a crumpled, read


(3) Subsequently, Varya was ashamed of her initial assumptions.

(4) Although rare transit trains did not linger in Moscow, the stations

were nearby, and Rodion knew Pauline's address. (5)Of course

the command might not allow the soldier to leave the echelon for

Annunciation cul-de-sac, then why didn't you at least drop a postcard

his, beloved, passing to the active army? ..

(6) So, this was his first front-line news with more than

two weeks late. (7) In any case, now it turns out, with

what thoughts he went to war. (8) Varya impatiently unfolded

a piece of paper, all pierced with a pencil - apparently, it was written on the knee.

(9) I had to go to the lamp to make out the dim, half-finished

(10) Varya immediately stumbled upon the main place.

(11) “Perhaps the only reason, my dear, why everything was silent

this time - there was nowhere to settle down - short, with unexpected fullness and

Rodion wrote straightforwardly, as if in confession. - (12) We keep retreating until,

day and night we retreat, occupy more advantageous defensive lines,

as stated in the reports. (13) I was very sick, besides, and now not quite

still recovered: my illness is worse than any concussion. (14) The most bitter thing is that

that I myself am quite healthy, all whole, so far there is not a single scratch on me.

(15) Burn this letter, I can tell you alone in the whole world about it, -

Varya turned the page.

(16) The incident happened in one Russian village, which our

part was in retreat. (17) I was the last in the company ... or maybe in

the whole army last. (18) A local girl stood on the road in front of us

nine, just a child, apparently, at school, accustomed to love

Red Army ... (19) Of course, she was not very versed in strategic

environment. (20) She ran up to us with wild flowers, and, as it happened,

they got to me. (21) She had such inquisitive, questioning eyes -

the midday sun is a thousand times easier to look at, but I forced myself to take

a bunch, because I'm not a coward, I swear to you by my mother, Polenka, that I

not a coward. (22) He closed his eyes, and accepted him from her, who was left at the mercy of the enemy ...

(23) Since then, I keep that withered broom constantly with me, on my body,

I carry it like a fire in my bosom, I order it to be put on myself in the grave, if anything

will happen. (24) I thought I would bleed seven times before a man

I will, but this is how it happens, dry ... and this is the font of maturity! -

Polenka, will my whole life be enough to pay for that gift ... "

(27) - Yes, he has grown very much, your Rodion, you are right ... - folding the letter,

said Varya, because with such a line of thought it is unlikely that this soldier

would be capable of some reprehensible act.

(28) Embracing, the girlfriends listened to the rustle of rain and rare,

fading car horns. (29) The topic of the conversation was events

of the past day: an exhibition of trophy

planes, an unfilled crater on Veselykh Street, as they are already accustomed to

to call her among themselves, Gastello, whose selfless feat

thundered throughout the country in those days.

Exemplary literary argument according to this text

In L. Leonov's novel "Russian Forest" there is an episode when the heroine of the novel, Fields, receives a letter from the front from her friend Rodion. In his first front-line letter to his beloved girl, he talks about how meeting a little girl in a Russian village during the retreat of our soldiers made him feel responsible for himself and others, changed him internally. “I thought I would bleed seven times before I become a man, but this is how it happens, dry ... and this is a font of maturity!” - Rodion admits in a letter. The author convinces readers that the growing up of young men in the war happened very quickly, because the personal responsibility of each for what was happening was too great. (101 words)

Another argument on the issue

I'll give you another example. In B. Vasiliev's story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet..." anti-aircraft gunner girls, almost girls, enter into an unequal battle with fascist saboteurs. A lot depended on the personal courage of Rita Osyanina, Zhenya Komelkova, Lisa Brichkina, Sonya Gurvich, Gali Chetvertak. In an instant, the heroines matured, realizing what a huge responsibility fell on their fragile shoulders.

Stupid, ridiculous girls are dying. But is it possible to condemn Liza, who was in a hurry to bring help? Or Sonya, who returned for Vaskov's pouch? Should we judge Galya Chetvertak, who was frightened by the Nazis passing by, or Rita, who shot herself in the temple so as not to be a burden for Fedot Vaskov? Of course not, because their death is not meaningless, because the death of those who died defending their homeland cannot be meaningless. This is what he says in his last conversation with Rita Vaskov: "... we defended the Motherland."

Only five girls stood in the way of a whole squad fascist saboteurs- and won, did not miss the enemy! Their feat cannot but delight readers. 148 words

Possible conclusion

The works of L. Leonov and B. Vasilyev make one think that boys and girls in the war became mature, because they began to realize that victory over the enemy depended on the personal contribution of each soldier. And it doesn't matter how old you were.

    Topic: Moral assessment of the fact of war. (Condemnation of war in works of literature)

Write an essay according to the plan, using ready-made arguments

    The madness and unnaturalness of war. Quote from Leo Tolstoy's novel War and Peace. ("War is not a courtesy...")

    War is ... (my assessment of the fact of war is an extended argument)

    L. Tolstoy "War and Peace" - the first argument.

Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" shows the author's condemnation of war, its cruelty and senselessness. For example, one of Tolstoy's favorite characters, Nikolai Rostov, wounded in the first battle, sees people coming towards him and feels relieved, hoping that he will be helped. But when he realizes that they are going to kill him (one of the French was aiming at him), Nikolai, shocked, grabs a pistol and throws it at his enemy, like a boy with a stone. We understand that this senseless act emphasizes Tolstoy's conviction that war is something that is completely not characteristic of human nature, it is absurd, and hence Nikolai's absurd act.

In another episode, the same hero will accomplish a feat: noticing that the French are crowding ours, another moment and the worst thing will begin - beating those surrounded, Nikolai, without waiting for the command, will carry away the squadron, drive the French, save his own. Hero? Yes. And he will receive the Cross of St. George, and he will be promoted, but after this battle, Nikolai will have something completely different in his memory: in the midst of an attack, he, catching up with a fleeing Frenchman, will wave his saber and suddenly see a mortally frightened face ... not an enemy, not a vile invader ( although he was both an enemy and an invader), but a man who felt the horror of approaching death. And the hand trembled, he did not cut, but only scratched the Frenchman, stopping the blow.

This is how it is born important feeling, which the hero experiences: you can and should go into battle when duty calls, but you cannot experience rapture when killing people, even enemies.

    L. Andreev "Red laughter"

M. Sholokhov "Don stories"

In "Don stories" M. Sholokhov shows the Cossack life during the civil war. All the stories are imbued with the thought: a sharp class struggle demarcated not only the Don, the village, the farm, but also the Cossack families . Sholokhov shows the criminality of the war, its disastrous destructive consequences both for the fate of the "quiet" Don, and for Russia as a whole. Both sides are wrong in this war. Very accurately expresses this author's thought in the novel " Quiet Don” Grigory Melekhov: “To me, if I tell the truth, neither one nor the other is in good conscience.”

The tragic split among the Cossacks is especially vividly shown in the story "The Mole". The main characters are father and son Koshevoy, whom the revolution placed on opposite sides of the barricades. Nikolka, the commander of the red squadron, is waging an uncompromising struggle against the white gangs. His squadron once encounters a gang whose chieftain is his father. By the time of his tragic duel with his father, Sholokhov timed Nikolka’s reflections on the twisted course of his life: “I would like to learn to go somewhere, but here is a gang ... Blood again, and I’m already tired of living like this ... Everything is disgusted ...”

This unambiguous assessment of the war is supplemented in the story by a significant detail: the messenger who brought the package. He drove the horse to death, and this further convinces Nikolka that what he was doing was wrong.

The story ends with a tragedy: father and son, unrecognized, meet on the battlefield, the father kills his son and accidentally recognizes him by a mole, realizes that he has committed a terrible sin, and passes sentence on himself.

    Subject: Moral Choice man in war

V. Bykov "Sotnikov"

Vasil Bykov - Belarusian writer. He himself went through the Great Patriotic War, was seriously wounded, fought on the territory of his native Belarus, where every fourth inhabitant died at the hands of the Nazis.

The problem of the moral choice of a person in war dedicated to his story "Sotnikov". The plot of the book is based on the story of how two partisans: Sotnikov and Rybak go to the village to get a sheep for the detachment. Before that, the heroes were little known, although they had already fought and even helped each other out in battle. Sotnikov feels unwell, but nevertheless volunteers to go.

The fisherman, a simple-hearted and kind guy, takes pity on him, gives his towel to Sotnikov to wrap his throat, shares with him the rest of the food, does not leave Sotnikov during a clash with the police, although he has the opportunity to run away.

At first, the reader's sympathy is on the side of Rybak: it seems that this particular hero is destined to accomplish a feat. He is brave, desperate, does not leave his comrade in Hard time.

The situation changes after the arrest of the heroes. The author puts his heroes before a choice: to die, but not to stain their conscience, or to stay alive, but become a traitor.

Outwardly weak Sotnikov turns out to be a strong-willed person. He immediately realizes the hopelessness of the situation and makes a choice. He does not hesitate for a second, preferring to die than to betray his comrades and his moral principles.

The fisherman does not believe until the last minute that he cannot escape from this trap. He enters into dangerous game with the enemy and, unwittingly, blurts out, falling into a skillfully set trap. From that moment begins his moral decline. There is no way back, and Rybak begins to live according to other laws. At the end of the story, he becomes the executioner of his former comrade Sotnikov.

The heroes of V. Bykov, finding themselves in a crisis situation, reveal their essence. The story of "Sotnikov" teaches us that in the most inhuman situations a person must act according to his conscience, remain a person, no matter how difficult it may sometimes be.

V. Bykov "Obelisk"

The plot of the story is based on the story of teacher Ales Moroz, who, shortly before the war, arrives in the village of Seltso in Western Belarus and considers his main task not only to teach children to read and write, but also to educate them in self-esteem, civic consciousness. “The main thing,” he says, “is that the guys now understand that they are people, not cattle ...”

When the Germans arrive, Frost is allowed to continue working at the school. Such permission could be considered cooperation with the occupiers, but Frost, risking his life, taught children courage, brought up in them hatred for the invaders. His students committed sabotage by blowing up a car with Nazis, were captured and sentenced to death.

Frost, who was in the partisan detachment, learns that the Germans promise to release the children if he voluntarily surrenders. Both the teacher himself and the partisans understand that this is just a trick, the boys will be executed in any case. The situation of moral choice is further complicated by the fact that Moroz knows the whereabouts of the partisan detachment. If he lets it out under torture, the lives of many people will be in danger. On the one hand, “simple arithmetic”, on the other hand, the main character feels like a Teacher who is morally responsible for what moral qualities he has brought up in his students. And, despite the ban, Frost returns to the village and surrenders into the hands of the Nazis in order to support the guys in difficult times. He dies with them, but helps his best student, Pavel Miklashevich, escape.

Attitude towards the act of Ales Moroz in the story different heroes ambiguously. Many people believed that the teacher acted thoughtlessly and his sacrifice was meaningless. The author of the story forces the readers to make their choice - to evaluate the hero's deed. Personally, I agree with the opinion of Pavel Miklashevich, who proved all his life that Ales Moroz accomplished a real feat and his name is worthy to be carved on an obelisk next to the names of his students. In a tragic situation, he decided to be with his students to show them an example of courage and resilience in the face of death.

Ales Moroz reminds me of the great teacher Janusz Korczak, who also died along with his pupils. These are true teachers, Teachers with a capital letter.

    What allows a person to remain a person in the terrible inhuman conditions of war?

M. Sholokhov "Foal"

The main theme of M. Sholokhov's "Don Tales" can be defined as follows: the dehumanization of both Reds and Whites during civil war and rare moments of the triumph of a very difficult reverse process - incarnation.

So, in one of the best stories, "The Foal," the author tells how a mare gives birth to a foal, and the commissioner orders him to be shot. However, the hero of the story, Trofim, cannot do this, he saves him when the foal drowns, and Trofim himself dies.

M. Sholokhov, using the example of this hero, shows that Christian values, the gospel commandments, it turns out, intuitively live in the souls of people, the human is not completely lost during the fratricidal war. The author is sure that people have humanistic resources, he hopes so. That in people sympathy, kindness, the desire to free themselves from the cruelty and violence of war are not completely eradicated.

M. Sholokhov "Shebalkovo Seed"

In the story “Shebalkovo seed”, the Red Army soldiers kill a White Guard spy, they offer to kill the baby found in the cart: “Behind his legs and on the wheel!” Why are you suffering with him, Shebalok?” Since the child was adopted by a White Guard spy, then he should be considered an enemy.. It would seem that there is primitive cruelty, the loss of the most important Christian value.

But the Red Army soldier Shebalka retains this feeling, although the hero himself does not know about it: “But I feel sorry for the shooter to the extreme!” And this “sorry” immediately indicates that the hearts of the Cossacks were not completely hardened and lost their mercy. Both red and white can be animals, and can be people.

"Don Stories" are short, but the author's position6 is clearly heard in them - anxiety for the fate of people and at the same time faith in the victory of the good in man.

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