Avar boys. History, traditions and customs of the Avars - the largest nation of Dagestan


Faces of Russia. "Living Together, Being Different"

The multimedia project "Faces of Russia" exists since 2006, talking about Russian civilization, the most important feature of which is the ability to live together, remaining different - such a motto is especially relevant for the countries of the entire post-Soviet space. From 2006 to 2012, as part of the project, we created 60 documentaries about representatives of various Russian ethnic groups. Also, 2 cycles of radio programs "Music and songs of the peoples of Russia" were created - more than 40 programs. Illustrated almanacs have been released to support the first series of films. Now we are halfway to creating a unique multimedia encyclopedia of the peoples of our country, a picture that will allow the inhabitants of Russia to recognize themselves and leave a picture of what they were like for posterity.


"Faces of Russia". Avars. "Wedding Character"

General information

Avars- the people of Dagestan, inhabiting the mountainous part of this republic. According to the 2002 census, 758,438 people live here. In total, according to the 2009 census, 912 thousand 90 Avars live in Russia. In addition, about fifty thousand Avars live in the Zakatala and Belokan regions of Azerbaijan.

Avars are an ancient people, already in the 7th century they are mentioned in the “Armenian Geography” by Anania Shirakatsi. The Avar language belongs to the Dagestan branch of the Iberian-Caucasian family of languages. Until 1928, the Avars used the Arabic alphabet, using some additional signs for specific Avar consonants. In 1938, the current alphabet based on Russian graphics was adopted, which compares favorably with the previous ones in that it uses the letters of the Russian alphabet with the addition of only the “I” sign.

The poet Rasul Gamzatov, famous throughout Russia, wrote his works in the Avar language. Many of his poems have folklore roots. For example, those that are included in the popular cycle "Inscriptions on doors and gates." (“Don’t stand, don’t wait, passerby, at the door. You come in or go away quickly”).

Believing Avars profess Islam. For a long time it had to compete with local pagan beliefs. Gradually, some of them acquired a new Islamic coloring, while some survived only in the form of legends and superstitions. But they are also very interesting and can tell a lot about the Avar people. For example, bouduals are spirits patronizing hunting. On the hunt for a person who has committed some kind of sinful act, the spirits throw stones at him. On the contrary, they welcome and treat a normal hunter, that is, a righteous one.


The softness of the pencil overcomes the hardness of the saber

Avars are the people of Dagestan, inhabiting the mountainous part of this republic. According to the 2002 census, 758,438 people live here. In total, according to the same census, 814,473 Avars live in Russia. In addition, about fifty thousand Avars live in the Zakatala and Belokan regions of Azerbaijan. Avars are an ancient people, already in the 7th century they are mentioned in the “Armenian Geography” by Anania Shirakatsi.

Avars profess Islam. For a long time it had to compete with local pagan beliefs. Gradually, some of them acquired a new Islamic coloring, while others survived only in the form of legends and superstitions. But they are also very interesting and can tell a lot about the Avar people.

They brought the groom to the bride's family

There are legends about Avar wisdom. In general, the Avars know how to find a way out of very difficult situations. Let's listen to one Avar parable.

They brought the groom to the bride's family. He brought a ram and sweets as a gift. The bridegroom's brothers ask:

Why did you choose our sister as your bride?

And the bridegroom answered them with a fairy tale-parable.

A long time ago, a huge and terrible azhdaha dragon captured the only spring in Avaria. People were left without water. Women were crying, children were moaning from thirst.

The bravest and strongest horsemen attacked the monster with sabers in their hands, but he swept everyone away with blows from his long tail.

Azhdha built a huge beautiful palace at the source. He fenced it with a palisade and planted the heads of the dead on it.

The people were in despair. Who will defeat the terrible dragon?

At that time, a son was born to a poor widow. He went to drink water from the spring at night. And he gained unprecedented strength, courage and prowess. He saw how ugly the dragon was at the source, and he hated him. And he swore before all the people to free the country from the monster.

His mother, relatives, neighbors and friends dissuaded him for a long time:

You just grew up. Still young. You will die in your prime. Have pity on yourself!

But the young man mounted his horse and went to fight the monster.

The azhdaha dragon sensed it from a distance and roared in a terrible voice:

Who dared to approach the source?!

I want to fight you, damned monster! The young man replied proudly.

The dragon cackled:

Insane! Don't you know that I don't fight with weapons? You must know that there is no one in the world equal to me in strength. To all my opponents, I ask only one question. If he can't answer it correctly, then I'll kill him with one blow of my huge tail!

And if you answer correctly, then I myself will die right there!

Ok, I agree! - the young man answers. - Ask a question!

The dragon roared loudly, and two women appeared in the window of his palace. One is an incredibly dazzling beauty, the other is an ordinary simple woman.

Which one is more beautiful? the dragon asked.

The young man looked at the women and answered:

Better than the one you like best!

You are right! - croaked the dragon and expired.

So Avaria was spared the monster.

The groom finished the fairy tale-parable and said: “I like your sister!”

You are right! exclaimed the brothers of the bride.

And they said the words of prayer for the newlywed:

May Allah bless you, and may He send His blessings to you, and may He unite you in goodness!

A wedding enriched with new customs

Once the conversation about the newlyweds came up in this Avar parable, then it's time to talk about the Avar wedding. Marriage is one of the oldest solemn and important events in a person's life, which marks the creation of a new family. The Avars have their own wedding customs and traditions that date back to ancient times. They are enriched with new rituals, amusements, ideological content, consonant with modernity, interests different peoples and young people.

But the main thing remains unchanged: weddings serve as a means of transferring cultural traditions, folklore knowledge, social experience and moral norms from generation to generation.

Until the last century, the Avars mainly lived in mountain villages, so folk wedding ceremonies were formed mainly there.

In the past, when concluding a marriage, it was required that the bride and groom come from families of equal nobility, influence and power. Back in the 19th century, the Avars, like many other Dagestan peoples, adhered to endogamy, that is, they tried to marry within their village. The Avars preferred to conclude such marriage unions between close relatives and namesakes.

The strongest was considered a marriage concluded between fellow villagers. Inter-aul marriages of the Avars were not numerous.

As for international marriages, they were extremely rare until the mid-40s of the twentieth century. In the past, the prerogative of concluding a marriage mainly belonged to the parents. And this was especially true for my daughters. IN Lately these traditions are not preserved everywhere, for example, in cities there are much more liberties and innovations. But still, when concluding a marriage, nationality, village, region are taken into account.

Sharia marriage (magar) and divorce (talaq) continue to persist in our time and are complemented by civil marriage and divorce.

It is interesting to note that the collection of kalym for the Avars, as well as for some other Dagestan peoples, was not a typical custom. IN modern conditions Adat giving kalyma is increasing and spreading rapidly, which is explained by the improvement in the economic situation of people.

In rural areas, many of the positive aspects of customs and traditions have been preserved to a greater extent, in particular, the etiquette emphasizing the status of elders. According to this adat, younger sister or brother do not marry before the elders. Marriage between siblings is not allowed.

Currently, the Avars have two types of weddings. The first type, which is followed by the majority of the rural population, is traditional. It is practiced with only minor innovations. In the second type of wedding, modern elements predominate and traditional rites are partially observed.

And the men sing heroic songs

Well, where there is a wedding, there is music, there is singing. Avar music is distinguished by its bright originality. Experts have long noticed that natural minor modes predominate in the music of the Avars, most of all - Dorian. Two-part and three-part meter are widespread. One of the characteristic sizes is 6/8. There are also complex and mixed sizes.

Avar men sing epic-heroic songs. They differ in the three-part structure of the melody. The last parts play the role of introduction and conclusion. And in the middle (recitative warehouse) the main content of the poetic text is stated.

Typical female genre: lyrical song. The female style of vocal performance is characterized by "throat" singing. Solo singing with instrumental accompaniment also prevails.

There are also unison ensemble (female duet) and choral (male) singing. For ancient lyrical songs, a dialogic manner of singing is characteristic. Marching and dance melodies are used as independent works. Women's singing is often accompanied by a tambourine. In addition to national instruments, the Avars widely use the harmonica, button accordion, accordion, balalaika, and guitar. Traditional instrumental ensemble - zurna and drum. The first recordings of Avar folk music were made in the second half of the 19th century.

A few words about the Avar language. It belongs to the Dagestan branch of the Iberian-Caucasian family of languages. The Avars received their written language only after the establishment Soviet power. Until 1928, the Avars used the Arabic alphabet, using some additional signs for specific Avar consonants. In 1938, the current alphabet based on Russian graphics was adopted, which compares favorably with the previous ones in that it uses the letters of the Russian alphabet with the addition of only the sign I.

Lettering on doors and gates

As you know, the poet Rasul Gamzatov, famous throughout Russia, wrote his works in the Avar language. Many of his poems have folklore roots. For example, those that are included in the popular cycle "Inscriptions on doors and gates."

Don't stand, don't wait, passer-by, at the door.
You come in or away go quickly.

Passer-by, don't knock, don't wake up the hosts,
With evil came - go away
come in with goodness - come in.

Neither early nor late
Do not knock on the door, friends:
And my heart is open for you
And my door.

I am a horseman, and there is only one
I request:
Do not enter if you do not praise
my horse.

But not only horse we want to praise. I would like to praise the anonymous author who composed the instructive Avar tale "The Fox and the Snake".

Once a fox and a snake became friends and decided to wander around the world. For a long time they walked through forests, fields, mountains and gorges, until they came to a wide river where there was no ford.

Let's swim across the river, - suggested the fox.

But I don’t know how to swim at all,” the snake lied.

Nothing, I'll help you, wrap yourself around me.

The snake coiled around the fox and they swam.

It was hard for the fox, but she did not show it and swam, exhausted.

Already at the very shore, the snake began to tightly squeeze the fox with its rings.

What are you doing? After all, you can choke! the fox screamed.

So you need it, - the snake answered.

Well, apparently, death cannot be avoided, - moaned the fox. - I only regret one thing. How many years we have been friends, but I have never seen your face up close. Do me one last favor - let me take a good look at you before you die.

Fine. Yes, and I also want to take a last look at you, ”said the snake and brought her head closer to the fox.

The fox immediately gnawed off the snake's head and went ashore.

Here she freed herself from the dead snake and exclaimed:

Don't trust friends who squirm!

It is easy to guess that this thought very soon became an Avar proverb. Here are some more interesting proverbs of the Avar people that are worth winding up:

One word is enough for a good man, one lash for a good horse.

The bee and the fly don't work together.

While the game is still in the mountains, do not put the cauldron on fire.

From one man there will be no army, from one stone there will be no tower.

And here is a very interesting proverb that emphasizes the high role of education, as well as art in Avar society:

The softness of the pencil overcomes the hardness of the saber.

From myself we will add, but only if this pencil falls into talented hands.

Household and life

Traditional occupations are cattle breeding and arable farming. Archeol. and letters. sources testify to the ancient origin and developed forms of agriculture in A. In the mountainous regions and foothills, agriculture was combined with cattle breeding, in the highlands the leading role belonged to cattle breeding. They created arts, terraced fields, fortified with stone walls on dry masonry; terracing was combined with a drainage device. They practiced a three-tiered use of plots (corn was planted under fruit trees, beans, potatoes, and vegetables were planted between rows), crop rotation without fallow, and alternation of agricultural crops. cultures. The fields were fertilized with manure and ashes. In the mountain valleys, an irrigation system was developed (canals, gutters, trees, self-pumping wheels).

Labor tools: a wooden plow with an iron plowshare, a hoe, a pickaxe, a small scythe, a sickle, threshing boards, shovels, pitchforks, rakes, vil. shovel; in the gardener x-wakh in mountain valleys used a special shovel for manual plowing. Barley, wheat, naked barley, rye, oats, millet, legumes, corn, and potatoes were cultivated.

From tech. crops were sown with flax and hemp. The grain was ground in water mills with a horizontal wheel. In the mountain valleys they were engaged in horticulture and viticulture; there were endemic varieties. Peaches, apricots, cherries, apples, pears, cherry plums, etc. were grown. 19th century - their processing at handicraft canning factories, as well as their export outside the Accident for sale and for exchange for grain. From the best varieties grapes were made to sell wine.

From con. 19th century began to grow onions, garlic, in owls. period - cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes. In the owls time, zonal specialization has intensified, in a number of districts there are branches of prom. enterprises, canning factories.

It is believed that already in the Bronze Age, cattle breeding on the territory. A. had a sedentary character. Bred small (sheep, goats), as well as kr. cattle, horses, donkeys, mules. Sheep breeding prevailed, especially in the high-mountain districts, a cut already from the 16th century. developed as a commodity industry with geographic. division of labor.

Traditional sheep breeds are coarse-wooled (Andean, Gunib, Avar), in owls. time appeared and fine-fleeced. In the high-mountain zone, distant-pasture cattle breeding prevailed; Ancillary occupations are hunting (wild goats, deer, aurochs, foxes, etc.) and beekeeping (especially in gardening districts).

Home crafts and crafts: women. - weaving (cloth, carpets), wool knitting (socks, shoes), felting, felting, embroidery; husband. - leather processing, stone and wood carving, blacksmithing, copper chasing, weapons, jewelry, wooden utensils. Cloth has been made since antiquity (there are medieval archeological finds) and were considered the best in Dagestan, exported outside of it (especially white ones - in Tbilisi); cloth was replaced by factory fabrics only in the beginning. 20th century There are archeol. finds of the 8th-10th centuries. bronze openwork belt buckles, plaques.

Silversmithing stands out (masters worked for sale and to order), naib. cr. centers - Sogratl, Rugudzha, Chokh, Gotsatl, Gamsutl, Untsukul. They made daggers, gazyrs, harness sets, my husband. and wives. belts, women jewelry (bracelets, rings, chains, plaques, pendants, necklaces, earrings, etc.), in owls. time - also dishes, decomp. Houseware.

Products of the 19th century often repeated older designs. In Gotsatl in 1958 was the main. arts, combine. Metalworking technique: engraving, blackening, filigree (especially laid on), notch, granulation; inserts made of natural stones, colored glass, chains, and other type-setting parts were used. In modern the art of Gotsatl big role blackening technique plays.

From con. XIX - early. XX centuries Products from Untsukul are world famous: household items (pipes, cigarette cases, caskets, canes, sticks, ink sets, boxes, caskets, etc.) made of dogwood with a fine notch (geom. pattern) made of silver, copper, later and cupronickel; in owls time here is open thin. factory.

Main carpet production centers - Khunzakhsky, Tlyaratinsky districts, part of the village. Levashinsky and Buynaksky districts: tufted and lint-free double-sided carpets, smooth double-sided rugs, patterned felt carpets, chibta mats (marsh sedge is added to wool yarn), small carpet products (khurjina saddlebags, saddlers, blankets, pillows, etc. .).

Woodcarving was practiced in almost every village; it was used to decorate window and door frames, columns, poles, balconies, furniture, chests and other utensils and crockery. Main types of thread - contour, flat-silhouette, trihedral-shaped. Facades of residential buildings, mosques, tombstones were decorated with stone carvings. Carvers from it were especially famous.

Rugudzha, Chokha, Kuyadinsky farms (Gunibsky district). Traditional motifs of the ornament - stylized images of animals, astral symbols, geometric, floral, ribbon patterns, wickerwork.

The Avars are a brave and independent mountain people who have maintained their independence throughout their history: no one has managed to conquer it. In ancient times, their totem animals were wolves, bears and eagles - strong in spirit and body, free, but devoted to their native lands.


The exact origin of the name of the people is unknown. According to one version, it is associated with the ancient nomadic Avars from Central Asia, who migrated to Central Europe in the 6th century and then to the Caucasus. This version is supported by archaeological finds on the territory of modern Dagestan: rich burials of people of the Asian type.

Another version is associated with the ruler of the early medieval state of Sarir named Avar. Some researchers agree that the ancestors of the kings of Sarir were the same Avar tribes. During the period of settlement in Europe, they went to the Caucasus, where they founded Sarir or, at least, had a significant influence on its formation.

According to the third version, the name of the nationality was given by the Turkic tribes, who brought it to the Russians. In the Turkic language, the words "Avar" and "Avarala" mean "restless", "anxious", "warlike", "daring". The definitions correspond to the Avar character, but in the Turkic language these words were common nouns and could refer to any people, objects or groups.
The first reliable mention of the name refers only to 1404. The diplomat, writer and traveler John de Galonifontibus in his notes ranked the Avars among the peoples of Nagorno-Dagestan, along with the Alans, Circassians and Lezgins.
The Avars themselves called themselves maarulals (in the Avar language magIarulal). The origin of the word is unknown, and most researchers consider it an untranslatable ethnonym. However, there is a version that the word is translated as "highlander" or "supreme".
Interestingly, the Avars themselves never called themselves that. They either used the word “magIarulal” common to all Caucasian peoples, or introduced themselves by the name of the locality or community in which they live.

Where live

The vast majority of Avars live in the Republic of Dagestan, which is a subject Russian Federation and is part of the North Caucasian Federal District. They occupy most of the mountainous Dagestan, where they lived historically. Part of the Avars lives on the plains in the Kizilyurt, Buynak and Khasavyurt regions. 28% of the population lives in cities, but the main area of ​​settlement can be considered the basins of the rivers Avar Koisu, Kara-Koisu and Andiiskoe Koisu.
A significant part of the Avars lives in other regions of Russia and foreign countries. Among them:

  • Kalmykia
  • Chechnya
  • Azerbaijan
  • Georgia
  • Kazakhstan

The descendants of the Avars, who have been significantly assimilated, but retained their national identity, live in Jordan, Turkey and Syria.

Although the Avars considered themselves united people, they singled out smaller ethnic groups within the community, named after the place of residence. Of those that have survived to this day, they stand out including:

  • Bagulals, Khvarshins and Chamalins - live in the villages of the Tsumadinsky district;
  • Botlikhs and Andians - live in the Botlikh region;
  • Akhvakhs - live in the Akhvakh region;
  • Bezhtins and Gunzibs - villages of the Bezhtinsky section.


There are more than 1 million representatives of the Avar nation in the world. Most of the nation is located on the territory of the Russian Federation: 912,000 people. 850,000 of them live in their historical homeland - in Dagestan.
About 50,000 people live in Azerbaijan - this is one of the largest foreign diasporas. The Avars diaspora in Turkey numbers about 50,000 people, but it is difficult to document this, since the laws of the country do not oblige to indicate nationality.


The language of the Avars belongs to the North Caucasian superfamily, the Nakh-Dagestan family distinguished in it. In different areas there are pronounced dialect differences, but all Avars easily understand each other. 98% of the people speak the national language.
Avar writing began to take shape during the Islamization of the region. It was based on the Arabic script, which was taught by educated church ministers to the children of wealthy Avars. Since 1927, the letters were changed to Latin, at the same time they began to raise the level of education. The alphabet was finally formed only in 1938: it was created on the basis of the Cyrillic alphabet.
Today the Avar language is taught in primary schools mountainous regions of Dagestan. From the fifth grade, teaching is conducted in Russian, and Avar is studied as an additional subject. Along with others national languages it is one of the official languages ​​of the Republic of Dagestan.


The first people appeared on the territory of modern Dagestan as early as 8 thousand years BC. during the Upper Paleolithic-Mesolithic era. In the Neolithic era, they already had stone dwellings, cattle breeding, animal husbandry and agriculture were actively developing. It is believed that the ancestors of the Avars were the tribes of Albanians, Legs and Gels, who were part of the most ancient state in the Eastern Caucasus - Caucasian Albania.

The first stage, which laid the foundation for the national identity of the Avars, dates back to the 6th century AD. During this period, the state of Sarir (also Serir) was born, which existed until the 13th century, was considered the largest and most powerful in early medieval Dagestan. Crafts, agriculture, and trade routes flourished here. Neighboring states paid tribute to the rulers of Sarir in gold, silver, fabrics, furs, food, and weapons. The unification of the Avars during this period also took place on a religious basis: instead of pagan mythology, Orthodoxy came.
Starting from the 12th-13th centuries, Islamic preachers began to exert increasing influence on Sarir, who soon converted almost the entire population to the new faith. At the same time, Sarir is divided into small feudal settlements, living independently and uniting only in case of war.
The Mongols repeatedly tried to capture the Avar lands, but they met with a serious rebuff and changed tactics. In 1242, during the campaign of the Golden Horde against Dagestan, an alliance was concluded, reinforced by dynastic marriages. As a result, the Avars retained their own independence, but under the influence of the allies, they formed a new Avar Khanate, which lasted more than five centuries.

period of wars

In the 18th century, the Avars hung over new threat: the invasion of Nadir Shah, the ruler of the most powerful Persian empire, which occupied territories from Iraq to India. The Persian army quickly captured the whole of Dagestan, but the resistance of the Avars could not be broken for several years. The result of the confrontation was the battle in the autumn of 1741, which lasted 5 days and ended with the victory of the Avars. Nadir Shah's losses were enormous: out of 52,000 only 27,000 soldiers survived. The battle was widely described in folk epic. It is also striking that the Persian army used the entire arsenal of weapons of those years, while the Avars used only muskets and sabers.

In 1803, the Avar Khanate ceased to exist, and part of the Avar territories became part of Russian State. However, the Russians did not take into account the freedom-loving mentality of the people: they sharply taxed it, began to cut down forests and develop the land. As a result, a national liberation revolution took place, as a result of which the people regained their independence. The Avars and other peoples of the Caucasus rallied under the banner of Sharia, and the supreme imams assumed the role of leaders. One of the folk heroes who started a holy war against the Russians was Shamil, who led the movement for 25 years.
Over time, his popularity began to fall, and the Avars again became part of Russia. Remembering the past bad experience, the Russian rulers encouraged the people in every possible way, softened taxes for them. And a special Avar unit was even part of the elite guard guarding the chambers of the royal family.
After the revolution, part of the Caucasian peoples was united into the Dagestan ASSR. Representatives of the republic bravely proved themselves on the battlefields of the Second World War, made a significant contribution to the development of industry and culture of the republic.


Avars are attributed to the Caucasian anthropological type, which belongs to the Balkan-Caucasian race. To the main outward signs this group includes:

  • white skin;
  • eyes green, hazel or blue color, as well as transitional shades, for example, green-brown;
  • "eagle" or even high nose;
  • red, dark brown, dark blond or black hair;
  • narrow and protruding jaw;
  • large head, wide forehead and middle part of the face;
  • high growth;
  • large or athletic build.

Many Avars to this day have retained an appearance that is not similar to the appearance of other Caucasian peoples. However, the influence of neighboring Alans, Chechens, Lezgins could not but affect the appearance of the Avars. Haplogroups I, J1 and J2 refer the ancestors of the Avars to the Semitic peoples and "northern barbarians", who later had a significant impact on the formation of the nations of Croats and Montenegrins.


The clothes of male Avars are similar to the costumes of other Dagestan peoples. Casual attire consisted of a simple undershirt with a stand-up collar and loose trousers. The appearance was necessarily complemented by a beshmet - a quilted national fitted semi-caftan. The Circassian coat was also widely used - a longer fitted caftan with a cutout on the chest. Fur coats, sheepskin coats acted as winter clothes, in the off-season they fastened a lining to the beshmet. The papakha was complemented by a high headdress made of fur.

Women's clothing differed significantly depending on the region: it could be used to determine not only the place of residence, but also social and family status. Most often, the outfit consisted of a long, spacious shirt, cut from straight pieces of matter, with gathered sleeves and a rounded neckline.
In some areas, it was girded with a bright sash, the length of which reached 3 m. Rich Avars used a leather belt with silver clasps for this, and flared silk capes were put on over their shirts. Young girls preferred green, blue, red fabrics, while older and married women chose black and brown colors. The traditional headdress is chuhta: a cap with pouches for braids, over which a scarf was tied.


The man occupied a dominant position, solved all social and financial issues. He fully provided for the family and was responsible for the children, including their upbringing, the choice of a bride and a future profession. Only men had the right to vote, the age of majority came at the age of 15.


Despite the patriarchal way of life, the Avars did not have the tyranny of women, they were revered and inexpressibly respected. Even touching a strange girl was considered a shame for her, and rape meant blood feud, so it almost never happened.
The kingdom of a woman is a house, here she was the main one and solved all household issues without asking the opinion of her husband. In Avar women, hard work, a submissive character, decency, honesty, cleanliness, and a cheerful disposition were valued. Avarks were different slim figure and attractive appearance, which was repeatedly noted by foreigners who saw them.

Family way

The life of the Avars was based on reverence and respect for the older generation. So, the daughter-in-law, coming to her husband's house, did not have the right to be the first to speak with her father-in-law. Usually the mother-in-law started a conversation the very next day, and the silence of the father-in-law could last for years. However, more often young people lived alone: ​​according to tradition, the husband’s parents built for their son new house and after the wedding they sent him to live there.
In Avar families, there has always been a clear gender division. Boys and girls were not allowed to be alone, to touch each other, to communicate closely. There was always a female and male half in the house, and even after the wedding, the woman slept and lived in the same room with the children, and not with her husband. When the boys turned 15, they moved to live in their father's bedroom. Children were loved, but from childhood they were accustomed to work and morality, taught military affairs, since the Avars themselves considered themselves a warrior people.


The Avars lived in houses made of processed stone, which were crowded, due to the lack of space in the mountains and for defensive purposes. The houses were quadrangular, one-, two- or three-story with a gallery-terrace equipped for recreation.

In some villages, the house consisted of one room with an area of ​​80-100 m2, in the center of which there was a hearth and a carved pillar, around which they ate and received guests. In multi-room houses, a room with a fireplace, carpets and a carved sofa was necessarily equipped: here they rested and received guests.
Avars settled in kindred communities - tukhums. They, in turn, united into large settlements - from 30-60 households in the highlands to 120-400 in the foothills and mountains. At the head of each village was an elder, decisions were made jointly at the council. All the men took part in it, the heads of the tukhums had the decisive votes.
Most of the villages were surrounded by walls and fortified with defensive towers. In the center of the village there was a central square where general meetings and festivities.


Since the Neolithic era, the ancestors of the Avars were actively engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry. Most of the herds were sheep, about 20% - cattle. Horses, goats, and poultry were kept for auxiliary needs.
Agriculture was terraced, arable. In the highlands, it was much more difficult to cultivate the land than in the plains, and because of the limited territory, it was valued more. The main crops grown were wheat, barley, rye, millet, pumpkin. Plums, cherry plums, peaches, apricots, corn, beans, lentils, and beans were planted in gardens and orchards.

Crafts flourished, among which blacksmithing, jewelry, weapons, pottery, and weaving stood out. Fine silver jewelry and handicrafts of Avar craftswomen were especially famous:

  • warm wool socks
  • shawls and scarves
  • felt tote bags
  • cloth-making
  • embroidery with gold threads
  • woven carpets

Military training played a special role in the life of the Avars. Boys from early childhood were trained in stick and saber combat, close combat, and tactics. Later, all types of training moved into the direction of freestyle wrestling, popular throughout Dagestan.


Avar folklore is represented by legends, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings, as well as songs:

  • amorous
  • military
  • weeping
  • heroic
  • historical
  • lyrical epic
  • lullabies

All songs, except for love and lullabies, were sung by men in one voice, melodiously and soulfully. Used to accompany singers and dancers big number traditional musical instruments. Among them:

  1. String instruments: chagur and komuz.
  2. Reed: zurna and yasty-balaban.
  3. Percussion: tambourine and drum.
  4. Bowed: chagana.
  5. Pipe type: lalu.

The art of chasing silver jewelry and weaving patterns was widely developed. Traditional ornaments and symbols were considered images of wolves and eagles, spiral swastikas, labyrinths, Maltese crosses, solar signs.


Before the adoption of Christianity, the Avars believed in white and black spirits. The former were asked for mercy, recovery, good luck, and from the latter they wore amulets. Totem animals of different ethnic groups there were wolves, bears and eagles. The wolf was called "God's watchman", respected for his courage, independence and desire to live by his own rules. Eagles were revered for their strength and love of freedom, and they said that just as eagles do not fly away to spend the winter in warmer climes, so the Avars will never leave their homeland.
During the reign of Christianity, the people adhered to Orthodox faith. The ruins of churches and Orthodox burials have survived to this day: one of the well-preserved ones is located near the village of Datuna and dates back to the 10th century. Today, most of the Avars profess Sunni and Shafi Islam.


The wedding among the Avars always took place on a grand scale and lasted from three to five days. There were the following options for choosing a bride:

  1. By agreement of the parents. They practiced "cradle marriages", but more often they wooed cousins ​​and sisters, preferring to marry within the tukhum.
  2. The choice of the youth. To do this, he came to the house of the chosen one and left his thing in it: a knife, hat, belt. If the girl agreed, matchmaking began.
  3. against the wishes of the parents. If the young fell in love with each other, but their parents did not approve of the choice, the bride and groom ran away and got married. I had to pray for a parental blessing after the fact: although such a wedding was considered a shame, the new family received forgiveness.
  4. At the request of society. Those who stayed in girls and widows were taken to the central square and asked to name the free man she liked. The chosen one had to marry if he was not in cahoots with anyone else.

On the first day of the wedding, a noisy feast was arranged at the groom's friend, and only on the second - in the house of the hero of the occasion. The bride was brought to the evening, wrapped in a carpet, and taken to another room, where she spent the evening with her friends. On the third day, the husband's relatives honored the newlyweds and gave them gifts.

The bride had a special rite of entry into a new family and was called the “rite of the first water”. On the morning of 3-5 days, the sisters and daughters-in-law of the groom gave the daughter-in-law a jug and with songs went with her for water. After that, she was obliged to join in the daily economic affairs.

The Avars had a special attitude towards guests: they were received with honor, even if they did not know the purpose of the visit. Any stranger who came to the Avar village, the elder determined to wait. In the house he was placed in the best room, cooked festive dishes, did not pester with questions. The guest, in turn, was not supposed to speak negatively about the food or the host, get up from the table without asking and go to the women's half of the house.


It is a mistake to assume that the main diet of the Avars was meat: it was only an addition to other dishes. The main one is khinkali, which is nothing like Georgian khinkali. The dish consisted of large pieces of dough boiled in meat broth with herbs and vegetables. In many villages, instead of khinkal, soups were cooked, the main of which was churpa based on sorrel, beans or lentils.
In every house there were cakes made of thin dough - botishals. Meat, cottage cheese with herbs, feta cheese with spices were used as fillings. The Avars also have an analogue of dumplings: kurze. They are distinguished by their drop-shaped shape, large size and obligatory pigtail tuck, which allows the filling not to leak out.

Notable Avars

A well-known Avar is the poet and prose writer Rasul Gamzatov, who composed a kind of Avar hymn: “The Song of the Avars”. His works have been translated into dozens of languages, for a special contribution to culture in 1999 he was awarded the order"For services to the Fatherland" III degree.

The Avars have always been famous for their excellent physical training and mastery of martial arts. These titles are confirmed by fighter Khabib Nurmagomedov, the reigning lightweight champion in UFC MMA.


Strict, proud, majestic and wise Caucasus are breathtaking natural landscapes, imposing mountains and picturesque plains. The peoples that inhabit these territories are just as strong in spirit, strict, proud, courageous, thoughtful and wise by experience. One of these peoples are the Dagestanis. They have their own specific features that distinguish them from other inhabitants of the Caucasus, they have their own customs and mentality.

Dagestanis are not a single nation, but a kind of conglomeration of peoples. What is their peculiarity, why is Dagestan called a territory with a unique and specific people? What are they - Dagestan men and women? IN article will go talking about specific features character and mentality of the Dagestanis.

Features of the Dagestan appearance

More than 30 nationalities live in Dagestan, half of which are indigenous people. Therefore, it is wrong to characterize all Dagestanis according to a single standard. For example, the image of rural residents differs from the image of urban ones, the mountain representatives of the people differ from the inhabitants of the plains.

The main features of the Dagestan appearance are:

  • High growth(more than 170 centimeters).
  • Straight coarse hair from black to light brown.
  • Eye color - gray, black, brown.
  • The location of the eyes is "Anterior Asian", or horizontal, the palpebral fissure is narrow.
  • Eyebrows straight, very often fused.
  • In men, the hairline is normally developed, the beard and mustache are sparse.
  • The face is long and narrow. Facial features are somewhat angular, with prominent cheekbones.
  • The forehead is high, the nose is long, straight, narrow, the tip is sometimes raised. Often the forehead and nose form one line.
  • Lips are plump.
  • The chin is not protruding, but high.
  • The occiput is convex. The ears are high with long lobes.

On the Internet, the beauty and external data of Dagestanis are often discussed. It is very difficult to unequivocally state whether beautiful Dagestan men or not. Beauty is a very relative concept. It should be noted that many representatives of this people have quite bright oriental features that give a certain charm.

home care

Traditionally, taking care of the home, children, family is one of the sacred duties of Dagestan men. Their whole life is devoted to the arrangement and improvement of life. The people wish each other: “May your house be healthy!” In this wish, the whole essence of the relationship to one's own and someone else's home: respect, veneration, caring attitude and the wish for prosperity.


Dagestanis sacredly honor the traditions of hospitality and respect for elders. Hospitality is a custom, to varying degrees, characteristic of many peoples, but among the highlanders it is elevated to a cult. No matter how much trouble it brings to the owner, regardless of the economic situation of the family, self-respecting Dagestanis will do everything to adequately meet the guests. There is a rule: all the best (bed, food, wine, room) - to the guest. Even today, children ask if they find a delicacy, is it for them or for guests.

Respect for elders

The national characteristic of Dagestan men and women is the veneration of elders. This is an ancient characteristic feature of household and family relations. Old age has its advantages: young people always give way to old people, the one who is older always speaks first, young people always stand in the presence of old people, you can’t smoke and drink in the presence of old people, they are served water and food first. Respect for elders is passed on from generation to generation. Disrespectful attitude towards the elderly is condemned in society, such a person can be shouted curses at the next.

Respect for a woman

Many researchers emphasize the humiliated and powerless position of women in the environment of the Muslim East, but among them, Dagestan girls are relatively free. Women did not wear a veil, a veil, women's seclusion was not common here.

Respect for women in society is expressed in customs and rituals. For example, when a Dagestani girl walks past a group of men, they stop laughing so she doesn't think they are laughing at her. When an adult woman appears in society (both in the past and at the present time), it is customary to stand up as a sign of respect for her. The dignity and honor of girls and women are strictly guarded. The encroachment on the honor of a woman has served and continues to serve as a pretext for blood feud. At the same time, punishment, revenge, murder is not committed in the presence of a woman.

If a woman without a headdress and with loose hair rushed to the center of the fighting, the Dagestanis instantly stopped the bloodshed and the warring dispersed.

It should be noted that the Dagestani men's attitude towards women was formed on the basis of two historical prerequisites. On the one hand, boys were brought up from birth to respect their mother, they realized the need to take care of their own women: mother, sister, wife, daughter or other relatives. The care and protection of a woman is the sacred duty of a man.

But on the other hand, a woman has always occupied a subordinate position in the family, that is, the last word always remained and remains for a man. Until now, the division of household duties into men's and women's remains, most often women do not work, but do household chores (cooking, washing, cleaning, raising children). Men earn money and provide the family with everything necessary.

Interethnic marriages

Relationships in interethnic marriages are very complex due to the difference in mentalities, worldviews, and cultures. As a rule, it is still customary for Dagestanis to create marriages with representatives of their people. But there are exceptions when the emerging relationship between a Russian woman and a Dagestan man develops into marriage. It should be noted that relationships can be harmonious only if the traditions and customs of each partner are observed, if there is a respectful attitude towards the culture of the people of one's spouse.

  • respect him and his relatives;
  • do not argue with her husband in the presence of strangers;
  • do not provoke him;
  • not to artificially create situations in which his jealousy would manifest itself;
  • be hospitable;
  • be responsible for your household duties;
  • be humble and well-mannered.


A feature of Dagestan men is responsibility. word for them dearer than life: if he promised something, he will do it. But even the most responsible ones are able to forget about the little things, especially when it comes to everyday issues, for example, buying a light bulb, repairing a closet, installing the Internet, and so on.

Like all men of the oriental type, Dagestanis are able to speak a lot and beautifully, they are able to turn their heads with compliments in an instant. But everywhere there are pitfalls: Dagestanis are very religious, not everyone can break the traditions of the family and marry a Christian. If he already has his own family, then he will never leave it. The family is sacred, although there can be many novels on the side.

Attitude towards money

Dagestan men love to court beautifully, give gifts, and make sweeping gestures. They like to make wishes come true. But the downside of such gestures is squandering, and the worst evil of many representatives of the people is gambling and casino. Many Eastern men have a difficult relationship with money, and the Dagestan representatives of the stronger sex are no exception.


Dagestan men know how to openly show their feelings - this is positive trait, which helps build relationships, because it is clear what exactly a person feels, you can adjust your actions in order to improve relationships.

At the same time, if questions arise that relate to themselves or their health, they are very reserved. For example, when a Dagestani man breaks his arm, when asked by a doctor about what happened, he will most often answer that he was scratched. This is how restraint and sensitivity are manifested.

But it should be noted the negative side of emotionality - jealousy, most often absolutely unreasonable. In a relationship, men can constantly check email, Cell phones, social media. In the case of family squabbles, you can’t piss off a man. Of course, everyone has their own temperament, but assault or the destruction of the premises are the most common manifestations of a violent temperament.


A feature of the people is the following of the spiritual tradition, despite the fact that the population of Dagestan is very diverse. Almost 90% of the inhabitants profess Islam, the remaining 10% - Judaism and Christianity. Religion began to spread in Dagestan in the 7th century. Initially, it appeared in Derbent, then on the flat territory. But Islam became the dominant religion in Dagestan only in the 13th century. Such a long period of its spread is associated with internecine wars, and only after the invasion of the Tatar-Mongols, Islam became the religion of all the nationalities of the republic. Among the inhabitants there are both Shiites and Sunnis.

Everything is good in moderation. There are also ardent religious fanatics among the Dagestanis. They believe they are acting in the name of God. Before starting a family with a Dagestan man, some points should be clarified: his attitude towards a woman and her role in the family, his attitude towards religion, his attitude towards children. In many ways, religiosity is reflected in other aspects of human life. For example, strict observance of religious customs and traditions in everyday life, the subordinate position of a woman, having many children, and so on.

What are they - modern Dagestan men?

  • First of all, they are the most hospitable people on the planet. When meeting, they always smile and shake hands.
  • Respect for elders has been elevated to a cult and to the rank of law. Any old man will have honor and respect among the youth.
  • There are no kisses among men.
  • They really do not like patronymics, they always refer only by their first name.
  • Very talented, among them there are many dancers, singers and poets.
  • They love to sing patriotic songs.
  • love positions and external attributes: car, cabinet, bright clothes.
  • Men have developed strong leadership qualities, they always take the initiative.
  • They love to compete for any reason and are very painfully experiencing defeat.
  • They love meat on fire and khinkali.
  • They easily lose self-control. If you want to take a Dagestani out of balance, hurt his patriotism or point out weaknesses.
  • Open, you can safely say about them "the soul to plow."
  • They do not like irony, abstract jokes. Everything said is taken at face value.
  • They are very emotional, love to wave their arms, shout, express their thoughts loudly.
  • Many people love horses and dogs, and they are seriously interested in them.
  • They know their family almost to the 7th generation.
  • They disregard the law, consider themselves free people.
  • Generous, will give the last to their neighbor.
  • They know how to be friends, for a friend they will sacrifice everything they have.
  • They love their Motherland, language, culture and customs very much.

The most famous Dagestan men

The peoples of Dagestan gave the country and the world great poets, scientists, artists, athletes, composers and other figures of art and culture:

  • Abdulagatov Ilmutdin - scientist of physical and mathematical sciences.
  • Aitberov Timur - historian, specialist in Dagestan historiography, medieval Dagestan, Persian and Arabic manuscripts, the history of Islam in Dagestan.
  • Alivov Yahya is a famous physicist.
  • Alderov Albert is a geneticist in the field of grain crops.
  • Aliev Shamil is a developer of space technologies and rocket weapons.
  • Apashev Magomed - Doctor of Technical Sciences.
  • Temirov Ruslan is a scientist in the field of nanotechnology.
  • Temirov Yusup - radio electronics engineer.
  • Khalidov Hamid - scientist, inventor.
  • Shikhsaidov Muzakir is a famous physicist, currently working as the director of JSC "Dagtelecom" in Makhachkala (Dagestan).
  • Khangishiyev Muzhaedin - aircraft designer, inventor.
  • Shikhsaidov Amri Rzaevich - historian, specialist in Dagestan historiography, medieval Dagestan, the history of Islam in Dagestan and Makhachkala.
  • Magomedov Nabi is a famous chemist.
  • Magomedov Murad - archaeologist, specialist in the history of the peoples of Dagestan in the period early medieval.
  • Magometov Alexander - linguist, specialist in Lezgin languages ​​and languages ​​of the Dargin group.
  • Makhov Magomed - Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation.
  • Nazhmudinov Gadzhi is a specialist in the field of philosophy and history of foreign philosophy, social cultural studies, anthropology.
  • Sultanov Kazbek is a specialist in the culture and literature of the peoples of the Caucasus.
  • Talibov Bukar is a specialist in Lezgi languages, a linguist.
  • Tarlanov Zamir - literary critic, linguist, specialist in Russian proverbs and the literary language of the 18th century, in the Agul language.
  • Batdalov Mukhtaritdin is a famous architect.
  • Gamzatov Gadzhi - literary critic.
  • Huseynov Abdusalam - Soviet and Russian philosopher.
  • Daidbekov Adilgerey is a professional engineer of Dagestan.
  • Kayaev Ali is a Dagestan religious figure and scientist.
  • Kurbanali Akayev is the silver medalist of the 2007 World Kickboxing Championship.
  • Sapiyulla Karachaev - European champion in 1978 in freestyle wrestling.
  • Majid Bektemirov - champion of Russia in ultimate fighting (2007), world champion in ultimate fighting (2008).
  • Jamal Kasumov is a two-time world champion in kickboxing. World Champion (2005), European Champion (2004).
  • Gadzhiev Gadzhi - Honored Coach of Russia.

In addition, Dagestan gave the world such great poets: Gamzatova Rasul, Aliev Phase, more than 60 heroes of the Great Patriotic War, for example, Ismailov Abdulkhakim and many others. You can continue indefinitely. The freestyle wrestling school became famous all over the world. One of the best wrestlers in history, three-time Olympic champion Saitiev Buvaisar appeared here, and judokas Isaev Mansur and Khaibulaev Tagir brought the country the first gold medals at the London 2012 Olympics.

The Republic of Dagestan is a huge community of various indigenous peoples, the most numerous of which are the Avars. This people largely shaped the national identity of the region, having a serious impact on its culture. The history and fate of the Avar people is inseparably linked with the history of the Land of Mountains.

A Brief History of the Origin of the Avars

Sometimes you can hear the question: “What kind of nation is this - an Avar?” According to one version, the representatives of the ethnic group are descendants of the Avars and the self-name of the nation came from the name of "Avar" - the great ruler of the Sarir state. However, according to other ethnographers, this was the name of the inhabitants of the Khunzakh plateau, where the Avar Khanate was located.

Today, representatives of this can be found in any region of our country. This is due to the fact that the Avars are the largest ethnic group living on the territory of modern Dagestan.

The number of Avars in the territory of Dagestan alone is about 100 thousand people. In fact, there are many more of them, since the Avars live not only in the cities of central Russia, but also abroad - in,. You can meet Avars in many other former republics USSR, and even in Turkey. But, of course, they live centrally in Dagestan, making up about a third of the entire population of the region.

According to some chronicles (for example, the Georgian "Kartlis tskhovreba"), the Avars once owned vast lands, starting from the Volga and the Caspian Sea, and ending. Like it or not, today it is difficult to say. Historians are still arguing about the origin of the Avars. As noted above, most researchers attribute them to the descendants of the Avars, a warlike people who came to the territory of the Caucasus in the 5th-6th centuries.

Some of them went further, to Europe, and some tribes settled here and gradually assimilated with those peoples who inhabited these lands from ancient times. Ethnically close to the Avars are the Ando-Tsez peoples, which indicates the interpenetration of languages ​​and cultures.

Scientists, based on research data, find some connection between the Eurasian Avars and those Avars who live today on. Nothing can be definitely stated, since a mixture of ethnic groups is traditionally observed in this region, and the Avarian people themselves are rather poorly studied genetically. However, it can be said that their history directly began with the period of the creation of the state of Sarir, which existed from the 6th to the 11th centuries in.

The Sarir state was strong and large, it bordered on the Georgian principalities, on Khazaria and. The ancient Avars were enough warlike people. Their main political and territorial opponents were the Khazars. Often they met with numerous armies in heavy battles.

In the VIII-IX centuries, Sarir was under the rule of the Arabs, then regained its independence. After that, the Avars participated in the wars against Shirvan - small regional state formations. In the 10th century, it was a very powerful state and even dictated its terms to its neighbors. contributed greatly to this success and a good relationship with Alanya.

The collapse of integrity occurred at the end of the 11th century. This happened due to internal contradictions, primarily on religious grounds. The inhabitants of Sarir were mostly Christians, but Khazar Judaism, Arab Islam and paganism of small nationalities led to strong disagreements and weakened the country. As a result western territory broke away from Sarir, and the state itself broke up into independent territories, including the Avar Khanate.

In the XIII century, the Avars were forced to resist the Mongols, who were going to conquer the mountainous parts. After that, an alliance of tributaries was concluded between the Avar state and the Golden Horde. Apparently, these periods (relationships first with the Arabs, then with the Mongols) also influenced not only the mentality, but in many respects also their appearance.

It is worth looking at the photos of the Avars to see certain Middle Eastern features in their faces, and in some cases, distant Asian ones. In addition, another period also contributed to the formation of the appearance and character of the Avars: in the 18th century, Avaria fell under the rule of the Persians.

It is worth noting that they were not going to accept new rulers and offered desperate resistance to the Iranians. Despite all the efforts made, Persia was never able to completely break the independence of this people, as a result of which the Iranian commander Nadir Shah only weakened his own military power and achieved, to a certain extent, a decrease in influence on other peoples of Persia itself.

As for the Iranian troops, then, according to documents of that time and modern historians, not all Persians left the Caucasus - many of them remained here and replenished the population of Chechnya.

The end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th centuries became a turning point in the history of the people, since Russia came to the Caucasus. At that time, the Avar state was already tired of the constant claims to its independence from the Persians and Turks. At first, St. Petersburg made the same mistakes as other parties who wanted to extend their area of ​​attention to these territories.

The first years of Russian expansion were in many ways similar to the Persian, which caused the rejection of the new authorities by the highlanders. Ultimately, this led to . He stood up to protect the interests of his people, and became the most famous and memorable battle. Unfortunately, most of the Avar population in the battle was killed by the tsarist troops.

The Russian leadership drew the right conclusions: it changed tactics and began to do everything to make its patronage an attractive factor for the inhabitants of the region. As a result, this tactic paid off. The Avar elite realized that Petersburg, leaving her a certain freedom actions, offers the protection of the entire territory from invasion and devastation by Iran and Turkey. By the beginning of the 19th century, most of Dagestan became part of the Russian Empire.

At the same time, some part of the population still did not accept the new order and sought to leave. It is rather difficult to say how many Avars left their native lands and moved to live closer to Istanbul. However, today about 55,000 Avars live in Turkey.

Traditions, customs and life of the people

The centuries-old history, as well as the freedom-loving disposition of the Avars, allowed them to preserve own customs and traditions. In many ways, they are similar to the Caucasian peoples. But there are also some features inherent only to them, concerning, first of all, the ethics of behavior.

Respectful appeal to elders is the main ethical tradition of the Avars. Moreover, the elders still play the leading role at the people's gatherings when making any decision. The more authoritative the elder, the more opportunities he has to make his vote decisive.

In addition, strict observance of etiquette when communicating is among the customs. For example, if male Avars talk among themselves, they comply with certain conditions of the age limit. The younger, having greeted the elder, is obliged to take two steps back and maintain this distance throughout the conversation. If a woman communicates with a man, then this distance becomes even greater and reaches two meters.

Avar traditions in everything related to communication are quite chaste, and the representatives of the ethnic group themselves are courteous. At the same time, folk traditions do not bypass the holding of various holidays - here the already mentioned chastity and courtesy are emphasized by the brightness of costumes and festive ceremonies.

It is worth visiting the wedding of the Avars to make sure - this is one of the most colorful spectacles. Here, according to tradition, the inhabitants of the entire village gather. During the first day, the fun takes place in the house of one of the groom's friends, and the guests should organize the table. Only on the second day the wedding takes place in the house where the groom lives, and in the evening the bride wrapped in a wedding veil is brought here. On the third day they give gifts and eat traditional dishes, which includes the obligatory porridge.

By the way, the Avars have a wedding, only they steal here not the bride, but the groom. This is carried out by the bridesmaids, so the groom's friends must vigilantly ensure that he is not kidnapped.

Like others, the Avars still adhere to the custom of blood feud. Of course, today this tradition is a thing of the past, but in distant mountain villages it can still be practiced today. In the old days, it captured entire families, and the reason could be abduction, murder, as well as desecration of family shrines.

At the same time, the Avars are hospitable people. The guest here is always the main person in the house, and they are always ready for the arrival of even unexpected guests, leaving food for them at lunch or dinner.

Common Caucasian traditions are also manifested in national clothes. The most common outerwear for men is the beshmet, in winter it was insulated with a lining. A shirt is put on under the beshmet, a big hat serves as a headdress. As for women's costumes, they are quite diverse.

Avar women wear clothes decorated with local ethnic elements - by the decorations, the colors of the headscarf, the patterns, you can guess which village the woman comes from. At the same time, married and elderly women prefer clothes in muted shades, but girls are allowed to dress up more brightly.

Culture of the dominant nation of Dagestan

The Avars, like others, made a great contribution to Russia. First of all, it is folk art. The performances of national bands are always a great success with the audience. The songs of the Avars are very poetic and melodious. The rich possibilities of the language and the national musical flavor are equally widely used here. Therefore, to listen to how they sing, there are always a lot of listeners.

National holidays are no less colorful. Each such festival becomes the brightest spectacle. Here, songs, and dances, and bright costumes - everything merges into one. It is worth mentioning that the Avars, like others local peoples They know how to amuse themselves and others. They are quite sharp on the tongue and are well aware of the peculiarities of their mentality. Therefore, according to experts, jokes about the Avars are composed by representatives of this people themselves.

Bright, melodious and full of poetic turns is their language, which belongs to the Nakh-Dagestan group of languages. At the same time, it has many local dialects. In many ways, this phenomenon reflects the features of the Avar history, when free societies of the highlanders arose.

However, although they live in different parts earth, can always understand each other. There are also common linguistic and cultural traditions that are identical for the entire Avaria. For example, many are interested in why the Avars treat wolves with special reverence. This is because the wolf is considered a symbol of courage and nobility. Therefore, the image of the wolf is repeatedly sung in folklore and in literature.

Famous Avarian writers made a great contribution to the culture of Russia. Among them, of course, is one of the most famous. It was he who created a kind of anthem, composing the poem "Song of the Avars". Since then, this work has become the unofficial anthem of the people. The poetess Fazu Aliyeva also brought glory to the Avars.

Achievements of athletes are also known - first of all, Jamal Azhigirey, master of sports in wu-shu, 12-time European champion, as well as a UFC professional in MMA (he is the world champion).

Today, the Avar nationality speaks volumes. This is a proud and independent people, which over the course of many centuries of its development has repeatedly proved that it can fight for own freedom. Despite the fact that they were once considered warlike, the Avars have developed cattle breeding and agriculture, various crafts. At many national festivals, expositions of traditional carpets, caskets, dishes, and jewelry are created.

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