Bashkir Muslim male names. Excursion into history


    “O you who believe! Eat the good food which We have given you for your provision, and give thanks to Allah if you worship Him.” (2/172)

    “O people! Eat on this earth what is lawful and pure, and do not follow in the footsteps of Satan, for, verily, he is a clear enemy to you. Verily, he commands you only evil and abomination and teaches you to erect against Allah that which you do not know.” (2/168.169)

    “Among the people there are those who equate [idols] with Allah and love them just as they love Allah. But Allah is more loved by those who believe. Oh, that the wicked could know - and they will know this when the punishment befalls them on the Day of Judgment - that power belongs only to Allah, that Allah is severe in punishment. (2/165)

    “Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth, in the change of night and day, in the [creation] of a ship that sails on the sea with goods useful to people, in the rain that Allah caused to fall from the sky, and then revived [moisture] his dry land and settled on it all kinds of animals, in the change of winds, in clouds, obedient [to the will of Allah] between heaven and earth - in all this signs for reasonable people". (2/164)

    “Perform salat, distribute zakat - and the good that you do in advance, get from Allah. Indeed, Allah sees your deeds.” (2/110)

    "... Do not be unbelieving ..." (2/104)

    "... Hold fast to what We have given you, and listen!..." (2/93)

    "..."Believe in what Allah sent down..."(2/91)

    "... Do not shed each other's blood without right and do not drive each other out of their dwellings! .." (2/84)

    "...Your God-God is one, there is no deity but Him, merciful, merciful." (2/163)

    “... Do not worship anyone but Allah, treat your parents with dignity, as well as relatives, orphans, and the poor. Speak pleasant things to people, pray, distribute the sunset ... "(2/83)

    “…Follow what Allah sent down…” (2/170)

    “... Hold fast to what was given to you, remember what is contained in the bestowed, and then, perhaps, you will become God-fearing ...” (2/63)

    “... Eat what Allah has given you as an inheritance, and do not create wickedness on earth ...” (2/60)

    "...Cry: "[Forgive us our] sins..." (2/58)

    “...Taste of the blessings that We have given you as an inheritance ...” (2/57)

    “Will you really begin to call people to virtue, forgetting your [deeds], because you [yourself] know how to read the Scriptures? Don't you want to think? Seek help in relying on Allah and prayer ritual. Verily, salat (prayer) is a heavy burden [for everyone], except for the humble…” (2/44,45)

    “Do not confuse truth with lies, do not hide the truth if you know it. Make salat, let's go down and kneel with those who bow." (2/42.43)

    “Remember the favor I have shown you. Be true to the covenant that [you] have given Me, and I will be true to the covenant I have given you. And only fear me. Believe in what I sent down to confirm what you have, and do not rush to reject it before anyone else. Do not sell My signs for a negligible price and only fear Me.” (2/40.41)

    …“Fear the fire of hell, in which people and stones burn, and which is prepared for the unbelievers. Give joy (O Muhammad) to those who believe and do good deeds, for they have paradise gardens where streams flow. (2/24.25)

    “[Worship the Lord] who made the earth your bed and the sky your shelter, who sent down the water of rain from the sky and brought forth fruits on the earth for your sustenance. Do not equate [idols] with Allah, for you know [that they are not equal].” (2/22)

    “… (O people!) Repent before the Creator…” (2/54)

    “O people! Worship your Lord who created you and those who lived before you, and then you will become God-fearing.” (2/21)

    “Believe, just as [other] people believed” ... .. (2/13)

    ... "Do not create wickedness on earth!" ... .. (2/11)

    “Our Lord! Verily, we have believed. So forgive us our sins and save us from the torments of hellfire, "who are patient, truthful, humble, spend on alms and ask for forgiveness [of Allah] at dawn." (3/16,17)

    “Our Lord! You embrace all things with grace and knowledge. Forgive those who have repented and set foot on Your path, and protect them from the punishment of hell. Our Lord! Enter them into the Gardens of Paradise which You have promised them, and also to the righteous from among their fathers, spouses and descendants. Verily, You are the great, the wise. Protect them from adversity, and those whom You protected from adversity that Day, You have mercy. That is great luck." (40/7-9)

    "God! Forgive me and my parents and those who entered my house as believers, as well as believing men and women. For sinners, increase only death! (71/28)

    "God! Verily, I have been attacked, and You are the most merciful of the merciful.” (21/83)

    "God! Include me and some of my offspring among those who pray. Our Lord! Hear my prayer. Our Lord! Forgive me, my parents and believers on the day of reckoning." (14/40.41)

    “Our Lord! Verily, You know both what we hide and what we do openly. Nothing is hidden from Allah, neither on earth nor in heaven.” (14/38)

    “Our Lord! I settled part of my offspring in a valley where cereals do not grow, near Your reserved temple. Our Lord! Let them pray. Incline the hearts of people to them, give them fruits, perhaps they will thank [You]." (14/37)

    "Oh my God! Give my city safety and keep me and my sons from worshiping idols. God! Indeed, they led astray many people. The one who follows me [from my descendants] is mine [by faith], and if anyone disobeys me, then you are forgiving, merciful.” (14/35,36)

    “Our Lord! We have punished ourselves, and if You do not forgive us and have mercy on us, we will certainly be among those who have suffered damage. (7/23)

    “Our Lord! Grant us what You promised through the mouth of the messengers, and do not shame us on the Day of Resurrection. You do not break promises.”(3/194)

    “Our Lord! Whoever you lead into hellfire will be put to shame. And the wicked have no intercessors! Our Lord! We heard a herald who called to faith with the words: “Believe in your Lord,” and we believed. Forgive us our sins and forgive us our sins and give us rest [together] with the pious2. (3 / 192-193)

    “Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth, in the change of day and night, there are true signs for those who have understanding, who remember Allah while standing, and sitting, and [lying] on their side and meditate on the creation of the heavens and earth [and say]: “Our Lord "You did not do all this in vain. Glorified are You! Protect us from the torment of fire. "(3 / 190-191)

    “Our Lord! After You have directed our hearts to the straight path, do not divert them [from it]. Grant us mercy from You, for, verily, You are the bestower.” (3/8)

    “Our Lord! Do not punish us if we have forgotten or made a mistake. Our Lord! Do not place on us the burden that you placed on previous generations. Our Lord! Don't put on us what we can't do. Have pity, forgive us and have mercy, You are our sovereign. So help us against the unbelieving people.” (2/286)

    “Our Lord! Grant us goodness in this world and the Hereafter, and save us from the torment of fire." (2/201)

    “Our Lord! Send our descendants a messenger from among them, who will inform them of Your signs, teach them the Scripture and [divine] wisdom, and purify them [from filth], for You are great, wise.” (2/129)

    “Our Lord! Make us surrendered to you, and from our offspring, a community that surrendered to you, and show us the rites of worship. Accept our repentance, for indeed You are Forgiving and Merciful.” (2/128)

    “Our Lord! Accept from us [righteous deeds and supplications], for You, truly, are Hearing, Knowing." (2/127)

    ... "God! Make this country safe and grant fruits to those of its inhabitants who believe in Allah and the Day of Judgment. (2/126)

Names in Bashkiria were formed in debt historical process from Arabic, Turkic, Latin, English and German. They preserved traces of interaction with various nationalities and manifested their national identity.

Three types of Bashkir names can be distinguished by origin.

From Turkic

Basically, these are Turkic words meaning natural phenomena or human qualities.. For example, Aryslan - "lion", Kara - "black", Bazyk - "strong", Emesh - "fruit", etc.

From Arabic or Persian

They penetrated into the Bashkir language with the adoption of Islam. Some of them also mean phenomena and objects: Borkhan "proof", Vegiz "mentor", etc. Many are associated with new religion. So there is a group of names that include the word "Islam" - Islambek, Islametdin, Nurislam, etc. Another group consists of names associated with the prophet Muhammad and epithets dedicated to Allah: Rehim - "merciful", Yappar - "powerful", Rahman - "merciful", etc.

From European languages

  • German— Rudolf.
  • Greek Arsen, Ernest.
  • English Arthur, Edgar.
  • latin- Albert, Mars, Renat, Spartak.
  • French- Marat, Marcel.
  • Jewish- Ismagil, Ishak, Rachel.

Until the 20th century bashkir names were polysyllabic, included components reflecting the status of the carrier, his family ties, etc. This tradition is now a thing of the past.

How do Bashkirs usually call male babies?

Previously, the name of the baby was given by the midwife, who helped in childbirth.. Parents left him if they liked it. In Bashkiria, it is not customary to give children the names of parents, grandparents. This is considered impolite. Among Bashkir parents, the names of the heroes of national tales and legends are popular. Especially often they are called twins. For example, Salavat and Yulai.

In Bashkortostan, the tradition of naming brothers and sisters has been preserved consonant names. For example, Dim and Rome or Shakir and Shakira. Last child in the family they often gave a name with the ending “kinye” - “last”, to emphasize his position in the family. And, of course, Bashkir parents try to choose names with favorable meanings for boys.

List of names in Russian, their meanings

rare beautiful

These names are called babies not so often. Not because they are not harmonious, but due to historical circumstances. And as you know, everything new is well forgotten old.

  • Agzam (arab.)- "the most respected." Differs in sociability and cheerful character.
  • Bayan (arab.)- "the one who tells." Easily makes contact, open and creative.
  • Berkut (Turk.)- "heroic bird". An extraordinary personality, constantly in search.
  • Dawood (Hebrew)- "Darling". Always strives to be the first in everything.
  • Lokman (arab.)- "breadwinner". Courageous, brave, always ready to help.
  • Mirgali (arab.)- "great". Introverted, passionate about his work.
  • Mustafir (arab.)- "sparkling like the dawn." Likes to compete with others in everything.
  • Mukhlis (arab.) – « true friend". Extremely purposeful, loves to be the center of attention.
  • Nadir (arab.)- "rare, precious." Focused and disciplined, demanding of himself.
  • Narbek (arab.)- "light". Attached to people and requires them to live up to the ideal.
  • Ruby (lat.)- "blushing". A bright, talented personality, able to prove himself in many areas.
  • Rudolf (German)- "glorious leader." Hard work and stubbornness help him achieve his goal.
  • Sadri (arab.)- "first". Reaches the top in his business, overcoming any difficulties.
  • Sayran (arab.)- "rest". All his life he is surrounded by friends.
  • Sibay (Turk.)- "love, youth." Smart and practical, Sibai does not like to be in society.
  • Spartacus (Greek)- Born in Sparta. His distinctive features cunning and irritability.
  • Taif (arab.)- "people". Strives to dominate in any matters.
  • Ulmas (Turk.)- "immortal". Likes change and surprises.
  • Hisan (arab.)- "extraordinarily beautiful." Very mobile and energetic, does not sit still.
  • Khoja (pers.)- "Mr." In any company, he becomes a leader and ringleader.

It is remarkable that more and more parents are striving to adhere to the tradition of naming their son or daughter with a name characteristic of their ethnic group. In this article, we will look at beautiful Bashkir names for boys and girls, and also get acquainted with interesting facts, which will help you decide on the future name for your baby and learn something new for yourself.

Excursion into history

The modern names of the Bashkirs have for the most part both Bashkir proper and common Turkic (the advantage here is for the Kypchak), Arabic and Persian roots. There are also borrowings from Russian and Western European languages.

The following can be traced in the basics of personal Bashkir names:

  • nicknames of genera, families;
  • a number of toponyms;
  • astronomical names;
  • names of wild animals, birds, plants;
  • names of precious stones and metals;
  • various natural phenomena;
  • names of seasons, months and even days of the week.

Among other things, one can also find ancient protective names preserved in the memory of the people, names-amulets, secret nicknames known only to the closest. If such a name was recognized by a bad stranger, then its owner was defenseless under the spell of dark magic.

Naming Features

The privilege of naming a newborn child Bashkir people had a midwife. If it was to the liking of the baby's family, then they could leave it, if not, the foremen of the family or religious ministers could later change this name to a more suitable one.

Before the communists came to power, and in remote areas and up to the 30s of the last century, the tradition of giving children two- and even three-root names prevailed among the Bashkirs. Today, this custom is almost completely a thing of the past - modern Bashkir names are mostly two-syllable and one-syllable.

Curious and next tradition people: give children names that are consonant with the names of the father (for a son), mother (for a daughter), older brothers and sisters. For example: Dim - Rim, Ildar - Ildus, Lilo - Zilo, etc. If there is a boy and a girl in the family, then the parents could well call them similarly: Shakira - Shakir, Anis - Anisa, etc. The twins were given similar topics Bashkir names: national heroes(boy brothers Yulai and Salavat), Muslim prophets (Ibrahim and Ismoil). They could also emphasize that there are two children in the family by the fact that one of the guys was called Igezek or Igezbay, which translates as "second", "twins".

Peculiarly singled out last child in the family - his name contained the component "kinye", which translates as "the last", "the last". However, if an unplanned replenishment suddenly appeared after him, then parents or relatives could directly express their attitude towards the baby - Altyn ("golden") or Artyk ("extra").


The totality of anthroponyms (various proper names) among the Bashkirs at present is the surname, name and patronymic. Such a structure was not always in use. Surnames among the people began to appear in the 18th century, but became widespread only in the 19th century. Patronymics arose even later - in Soviet time. Before the revolution, Bashkir names and surnames were closely related. In those days, the name of the father always became the surname of the son. It was possible to depart from this tradition in the middle of the 20th century. Previously, family surnames could literally be counted on the fingers - only the Bashkir nobility wore them.

Modern Bashkir surnames, like Russians, end in suffixes -ov, -in, -ev. Previously, this was not the case. A century ago, the surname was actually replaced by a two-component name, where one part was a proper name, and the other was the name of the father. For example, Salavat Yulai, and his father is Yulai Aznaly. Often, particles "bin", "ibn", "uly" ("his son") were placed between the components. For a woman - "kyzy" ("his daughter").

Patronymics typical of the Russian language, ending in -ovich (evich), -ovna (evna), appeared among the Bashkirs only in the Soviet years.

Traditions of conversion

Addressing by name and patronymic as a whole is not typical for the Bashkir people. It is more common to use a special address word indicating kinship, age, and the name of a person. For example:

  • "babai", "olatai" - grandfather, grandfather;
  • "hoarfrost", "lgsey" - grandmother;
  • "apai" - aunt;
  • "agai" - uncle;
  • "neme", "myrza" - brother;
  • "elem" - sister, etc.

The younger members of the family are called simply by their first name or by their address - "tu anym" (clever girl), "akyllem" (native), etc.

For a long time, the Bashkir people considered it impolite to call someone by name, especially in the absence of this person. They talked about him either using a combination of kinship + name, or simply related to him - older brother, aunt, father-in-law, etc. Children, grandchildren for talking about parents, grandparents, simply using the names of the latter, could even be punished.

If a person communicates with someone with a name like his, then he usually calls the friend simply "aash" (namesake), without using the name. When referring to a woman, it was previously customary to use "khanum" before her name. With coming Soviet power this address changed to "iptsh" (comrade).

Also, in informal communication, there is nothing shameful if instead of a Bashkir name a person’s nickname sounds - individual, generic, family, or given to distinguish between two or more namesakes. Before the advent of Soviet power, after the name in the appeal, they always tried to mention the religious or social status person: murza, foreman, mullah, tarkhan, bek, etc.

Bashkir names for boys

Now we come close to male names. Consider beautiful Bashkir names for boys - traditional, Arabic, Turkic.

Letter of the alphabet: Name: Translation:
AAbdullahServant of God, Servant of Allah
AdipScientist, writer, educated person
AzatFree and noble
AzharHandsome man
Aidarworthy husband
AiratForest man
AK BarsSnow Leopard
ArsenStrong, fearless
Arslana lion
Ahmed, AhmedGlorious
BahirBeautiful, open to the world
BulatSteel, iron
Dayansupreme court
ZFor peaceMind, mystery
ANDIbrahimfather of nations
IlnurBeam + Motherland
IlyasThe Might of God
IslamDedicated to God
IsmagilHeard by God
TOKazbekNamed after Prince Kazbek
KarimMagnanimous and noble
Mustafa, MukhtarChosen One
Naratevergreen tree
Ramadanhottest month
Ruslan, RustemHero
SalavatPrayer of Praise
SibayLove and youth
AtUralPleasure, joy
FarhadInvincible warrior
FuadHeart and mind
haidara lion
Husaingood, handsome

Modern male names

Many families name their children far from the usual traditions. New Bashkir names have by no means oriental roots. Let's get acquainted with the most euphonious:

Name: Origin: Translation:
Ismagilother HebrewHeard by God
Ishaqother HebrewLaughing
LenarRussianArmy of Lenin
Maratfr.Leader French Revolution- Paul Marat
MarleneRussianMarx and Lenin
Marseillesfr.Marcel Cachin - leader of the French proletariat
Marslat.god of War
Rachelother HebrewGentle
remlat.City of Rome
RosalynSpanishVery beautiful
Spartacuslat.Legendary Gladiator
EdgarEnglishA spear

Let's move on to the fair sex.

Beautiful Bashkir names for girls

Let's start with the traditional ones:

Letter of the alphabet: Name: Translation:
AAgliaVery beautiful
AigulLunar flower
ANDIlnaraFlame and Motherland
Iradagood news
islamiadevoted to Allah
MMadinaArabic city

Modern female names

Not all families prefer traditional names. Beautiful Bashkir names for girls today have completely different origins.

That's all we wanted to tell about the Bashkir names and their translations, as well as the traditions of the people associated with them. Among them you can find many beautiful and euphonious for both the boy and the girl.

The Bashkir language belongs to the Turkic family. And therefore, many Bashkir names have a significant similarity with the Tatar ones. However, apart from linguistic relationship there is also a cultural kinship, as well as a religious one. Therefore, modern Bashkir names are largely derived from Arabic and Persian. There is also a certain percentage of purely Turkic names - traditional and newly formed. Below we provide a list of the most common names that are in circulation among the Bashkirs.

List of names

Our list does not contain all Bashkir names. There are a lot of them, and we will limit ourselves to the most characteristic and popular of them. In addition, in different dialects and dialects, Bashkir names may differ somewhat in spelling and pronunciation. The form in which the names will be given below is based on the traditional practice of rendering Bashkir sounds in Russian letters.

The list itself will be divided into nine thematic categories that unite Bashkir names according to one or another feature.

Religious names

Abdullah. This is the origin. Translated into Russian, it means "slave of Allah." Often appears as part of a complex compound name.

Asadullah. Literally means "lion of Allah".

Batulla. It comes from the name of the Kaaba - the sacred center of pilgrimage in Mecca.

Gabit. This word refers to a faithful person who worships Allah.

Gaden. Bashkir boy names are often given in honor of any religious concepts and terms. For example, this name is the Arabic name for paradise.

Ghazi. By itself, this word means a person who is zealously fighting for the faith.

Gaifulla. The literal meaning is "God's grace".

Galimulla. Translated into Russian, this male name means "the omniscience of Allah."

Zainulla. Religious epithets, these are also the names of boys common among the Bashkirs. Bashkir modern names, of course, more often have Islamic correlations than primordial pagan ones. For example, this name is translated as "the decoration of Allah."

Dina. Bashkir female names also often have religious connotations. In this case, the name is translated as "faith" and has Arabic roots.

Dayan. It is a religious term that has become a name. Means the highest, that is, heavenly, divine judgment.

Daniyal. This is a male name that means "close to Allah."

Zahid. IN Arabic this word is called the ascetic of faith, the ascetic.

Zyyatdin. This name is another religious term. In this case, it means someone who preaches religion. One word can be translated as "missionary".

Isfandiyar. Name of ancient Iranian origin. It translates as "gift of the saint."

Islam. Also female form Islamia. The obvious meaning comes from the name of the Muslim religion.

Ismail. Some Bashkir male names come from ancient Hebrew. This is one of them, and it means "God heard."

Indira. Bashkir girl names are very rarely associated with non-Islamic religious concepts. given name- exception. It comes from Sanskrit and is the name of the Hindu goddess of war.

Ilyas. Means "the power of Allah".

Iman. This is another word for faith. But this time the name is male.

Kamaletdin. complex Arabic name, which can be translated by the words "excellence in religion" or "religious perfection".

Cashfulla. It translates as "revelation from Allah."

Strength and might

Azamat. Name of Arabic origin, meaning warrior or hero. You can also translate the word "knight".

Aziz. Also the feminine form of Aziz. These are beautiful Bashkir names meaning "mighty", "mighty".

Leopard. From the Old Turkic language, this name is translated as "strong".

Bahadir. This name is a Persian word meaning "bogatyr".

Pickup Also the female form of Zabira. Means "solid", "inflexible", "unbroken".

Zufar. In Arabic, this name means "winner".

Ishbulat. The Turkic name, which literally translates as "like damask steel." Means a very strong person.

Kahir. Also the female form of Kahira. Means a person who has won a victory in some kind of struggle.


Amir. Also the female form of Amir. Name of Arabic origin. It is a term for a ruler.

Akhund. This is a Turkic name, which can be translated as "lord."

Banu. Many Bashkir female names, as well as male ones, are associated with the concepts of power and domination. For example, this name Persian origin means "mrs."

Bika. Means the same as the previous one. But it comes from the Turkic language.

Gayan. This word denotes noble person, an aristocrat.

Ildar. Bashkir boy names with the meaning "master" include this name of mixed Tatar-Persian origin.

Mirgali. It translates as "great king".


Asan. On Turkic this name means "healthy".

Bilal. The meaning is the same as the previous name. But the origin of this variant is Arabic.

Sabit. Means "strong", "possessing good health".

Salamat. Male given name meaning "healthy".

Salim. Feminine name meaning "healthy".


Diamond. Many Bashkir names and their meanings come from the names of jewelry or words, one way or another connected with the concepts of wealth, abundance and prosperity. Here is an Arabic word, also common in Russian and meaning gem, among the Bashkirs is a fairly popular name.

Accordion. This word is of mixed Arabic-Mongolian origin. It means "wealth". Often appears as part of complex, compound names.

Bikbay. So in the Turkic language a very rich or even too rich person is called.

Ghani. Means in Arabic a wealthy person, usually holding some kind of public office.

Dinar. Also the female form of Dinara. It comes from the name of the coin of the same name. Metaphorically means preciousness and wealth.

Maysara. Means "wealth", "abundance".

Margarita. Name Greek origin. It is the name of a pearl.


Aglia. So many names of girls are associated with the concept of beauty in the world. Bashkir modern and ancient names are no exception. This name, for example, means "very beautiful."

Azhar. Male names are also sometimes associated with beauty. In this case, the adverb can be translated as "extremely beautiful."

Alice. Name of Germanic origin. His direct meaning- "beautiful".

Bella. The meaning of this name is similar to the previous one. But it comes from Latin.

Guzel. This name in popularity can lead the Bashkir names. Girls are often called Guzels, because it means "beautiful."

Jamil. Arabic male given name meaning "beautiful".

Zif. Literally translated as "slim".

Zuhra. From Arabic, this word is translated as "brilliant." As a personal name, it hints at the beauty of its owner.

Latifa. Another name meaning "beautiful".

Plants and animals

Aigul. Very Turkic origin. It means "moon flower".

AK Bars. WITH Tatar language translates as "white leopard".

Arslan. Turkic word meaning lion.

Arslanbik. This is the feminine form of the previous name. Accordingly, it means a lioness.

Arthur. A name borrowed by the Bashkirs from the Celtic languages ​​through English. It translates as "bear".

Assad. Another name meaning lion, but this time in Arabic. This word also refers to the Hijri month that falls on the time of July.

Gulchechek. Many Bashkir names of girls contain flower themes. Beautiful and modern, they are very popular among the population of Bashkortostan. This option is, for example, the name of a rose.

Ghoul. The word itself means "flower". Very often girls are called by this name.

Gulzifa. Literally means "flower garden". Is of Persian origin.

Zaituna. This word is called the olive tree. As common as a proper name.

Lala. This is the name of the tulip in Persian.

Laura. Name taken from Latin. It comes from the name of the laurel tree.

Lily of the valley. A name that also stands for the famous flower of the same name.

Lei. Hebrew name. It comes from the name of the antelope.

Liana. french name. It comes from a plant of the same name.

Milyausha. In the Persian dialect, this is the name of the violet flower.

Narat. In the Mongolian and Turkic languages, this is the name of any evergreen tree.

Narbek. which comes from the name of the fruit of the pomegranate tree.

Rachel. Hebrew name meaning "sheep".

Mignonette. Borrowed from French the name of the same name of a flower with a very pleasant aroma.

personality traits

Agdalia. Means "most fair".

Agzam. A male name that can be translated as "high". Often used as a component in complex compound names.

Adeline. A name borrowed from the German language. It translates as "honest" or "decent".

Aibat. Arabic dialect, which translates as "authoritative".

Akram. This word is called the quality of generosity in Arabic. As a male name, it means, respectively, a generous person.

Alan. Means "good-natured" in Turkic.

Arsen. A name of Greek origin, common among Muslims. It translates as "fearless", "brave".

Asgat. Literally means "the happiest".

Asia. It can be translated as "comforting" or as "healing".

Asliya. Another female Arabic name. It translates as "real" "sincere".

Asma. Literally means "high". Metaphorically, it can be translated as "sublime".

Asphat. That's what they call a good, kind person.

Afzal. In Arabic it means "the most worthy".

Ahad. It translates as "the only one".

Ahmad. Arabic word meaning "illustrious".

Amine. Also the feminine form of Amin. It means "true".

Bugman. This word refers to a person who is distinguished by benevolence.

Bahir. A word that conveys the property of "openness".

Gabbas. Means "gloomy" or "gloomy".

Gadel. The female form is Gadila. The name is derived from the concept of justice.

Galiulla. This is a male name that means a person who enjoys a certain authority among others.

Hamil. This adverb is derived from the Arabic word meaning industriousness.

Gafar. Means a merciful, prone to forgiveness person.

Gafiyat. It translates as "calm".

Gayaz. Means "assistant".

Garay. This is a Persian word, the meaning of which is "worthy person".

Dawood. Hebrew name meaning "beloved".

Daris. In Arabic, this word is called a teacher. Used by the Bashkirs as a proper name.

Dilara. A feminine Persian dialect meaning beloved.

Dilbar. Another word borrowed from Persian. It can be conditionally translated as “charming”, but in meaning it is closer to the previous name, that is, it means a woman who is loved for her charm.

Zaki. It translates as "virtuous".

Zalika. In Arabic, this is the name of an eloquent woman.

Zalia. Literally "blonde", that is, a fair-haired woman.

Insaf. In Arabic, this word means a well-mannered and just person.

Kadim. Also the female form is Kadima. “Old”, “ancient”, “ancient” - this is how this name is translated.

Kazim. The word comes from an Arabic root meaning patience, and - like - characterizes a patient person.

Kail. A feminine Arabic dialect meaning "talkative", "talkative".

Karim. Also the female form of Karima. Represents a generous, noble and generous person.

Clara. An adverb of Germano-Latin origin. Means "light".

Kamal. In Arabic, it means "ripe".

Minnulla. This male name is given to a child whose appearance is distinguished by a special mole.

Wisdom and intelligence

Aglyam. This name in itself means a person who knows a lot. Often used as component complex names.

Aguila. That's what a smart woman is called.

Alim. Male given name meaning "knowing". The origin of the name is Arabic.

Bakir. Means a student, that is, a person who is studying something.

Galim. An Arabic word that denotes an intelligent, educated, learned person.

Galima. This is the feminine form of the previous name.

Garif. This name means a person who has specific knowledge about something. You can translate it with the word "informed."

Dana. This is a feminine dialect of Persian origin. It translates as "possessing knowledge."

Danis. But it means knowledge itself as such in Persian.

For peace. It translates as "mind".

Zarif. A man's name, which is called a person who is affectionate, polite, courteous.

Idris. Another Arabic word for disciple.

Katib. The male form is Katib. This Arabic word refers to a person engaged in writing.

Nabib. Means "smart" in Arabic.

heavenly bodies

Aiban. Celestial bodies are a common theme with which the Bashkir names of girls come into contact. Beautiful and modern, they occupy a special place in the onomasticon of the Bashkirs. This name is complex in its composition. Its meaning can be translated by the phrase "a girl like a moon."

Ainur. This name is of Arab-Tatar origin. It means " Moonlight". It can be both male and female.

Aisylu. This is a female Tatar name, whose meaning can be conveyed by the words "beauty, like a month."

Aytugan. This is a male name, which literally translates as "moonrise."

Camaria. Another adverb from the cycle of lunar names. It translates as "bright as a moon."

Najmy. Means "star" in Arabic.

Beautiful rare modern names for girls different peoples peace.

The name affects the fate of a woman, her habits, health, success, harmony in relationships with the outside world.

Often, young parents argue about choosing a name for their crumbs, either before she is born, or immediately after birth. Each of them associates the concept of the beauty of the sound of a female name in its own way.

Other parents plunge into the study of the interpretation of names in order to choose a beautiful and sonorous combination letters.

Let's get acquainted with different options female names in this article, and with their brief characteristics will be considered in the future.

Top 10 most beautiful names for girls

On the Runet, various sites offer their ratings of female names with reference to previous opinion polls among men or young parents.

However, a person's opinion is subjective. Someone has a specific name associated with:

  • relative
  • teacher
  • life event
  • book or movie heroine
  • famous historical figure
  • showbiz star

You can list endlessly, it's better to focus on the average selection of female names. Let's highlight them in the top ten without reference to the percentage of popularity and frequency of meetings for every thousand ladies:

  • Maria
  • Victoria
  • Anastasia
  • Milena
  • Vladislav
  • Karina
  • Emilia
  • Sofia

The most beautiful Russian name for a girl

History says that we do not have native Russian names. There are several reasons for this:

  • ancestors' traditions. They preferred to give names according to character traits, the order of children, birth characteristics.
  • the arrival of Christianity. Then the names of other countries came into use, for example, Roman, Greek, Byzantine, German. And with the rite of baptism, a person was given a new name. Gradually, female names were replenished with the words of other states, where they had specific meaning. But in Russia they were used simply as a proper name
  • revolution at the beginning of the last century. The communist system made its own adjustments to the preferred lists of female names. So there were names-abbreviations or derivatives of the name of the leader of the revolution

From folk art and historical data, you can get more information about the most common Russian female names. We offer you the following options:

  • Alyona
  • Alexandra
  • Darina
  • Daria
  • Catherine

Names for girls are rare and beautiful Orthodox

There are various approaches to determining the name of a girl in order to attract a good fate for her:

  • church calendar
  • letter code
  • by time of year
  • Zodiac sign
  • by date of birth
  • after consultation with a professional astrologer
  • family tradition

Since Christianity has been living among Russians for a long time, then church names are closer to us in sound and perception.

Among the rare beautiful female names, pay attention to the following:

  • Olympics
  • august
  • Barbara
  • Ariadne
  • Pelagia
  • Kaleria

Beautiful church names for girls

If you are supporters of the name beautiful girls church name, leaf through the calendar of saints carefully. And also pay attention to the names not only by date of birth, but also on the eighth and fortieth days after it.

Among the beautiful church names there are many worthy examples, namely:

  • Ksenia
  • Angelina
  • Olga
  • Marina
  • Ulyana

Slavic names for girls are rare and beautiful

The Slavs valued beauty and harmony in everything that made up their lives.

Naming a girl specific name, they emphasized the dignity that Mother Nature had awarded her.

Therefore, in our days, the sound of female Slavic names believes the ear and fascinates. For example, the following names:

  • Bella
  • Milan
  • Radmila
  • Svetozar
  • Glory

Beautiful old names for girls

Above, we examined aspects of the lack of native Russian examples of female names. And yet, looking back at the history of even one century ago, the preferences in naming girls radically differed from modern ones.

This is confirmed by the following names:

  • Arina
  • Gloria
  • Daria
  • Elena
  • Elizabeth
  • margarita
  • Peacock

Beautiful old Russian names for girls

Slavic girl Slava in national costume

Continuing the theme of Slavic names, let us recall their Old Russian examples.

Each female name carried a positive meaning, and parents and everyone around protected the girls until marriage.

Therefore, the girls harmoniously related to their name and it was a talisman for them in life.

Take a look at the list below. Perhaps one of the names will respond to your decision to give it to your daughter.

  • Zlata
  • Bazhen
  • Vidana
  • Vlada
  • Golub
  • Dobrava
  • Lyubava
  • Mlawa

Beautiful names for girls modern Tatar

The Tatars left a big imprint in the history of the Russian people. They, like other nationalities, choose with particular trepidation beautiful names for daughters, emphasizing their external uniqueness and enhancing female character traits.

Beautiful names for little Tatars, taking into account modern trends, can be as follows:

  • Zemfira
  • Madina
  • Adil
  • Chulpan
  • indira
  • Dinara
  • Karima
  • Malika
  • Rubina
  • Shakira
  • Yazgul

Kabardian beautiful names for girls

The female names of the Kabardians are of foreign origin - Arabic, Turkic. However, they still sound bright and memorable.

Below are some examples:

  • Aminat
  • Anusya
  • Asiyat
  • Janzilla
  • 3eynab
  • Karalzhan
  • Marginet
  • Maryan
  • Nafilya
  • Salimat
  • Tauzhan
  • Fatimat
  • Hidez
  • Charizet

Beautiful Tuvan names for girls

There were changes in the Tuvan tradition of naming children four centuries ago. Before them, young parents avoided giving names to a newborn baby until they reached the age of ten.

The origins of Tuvan female names are very different - these are Turkic, and Russian, and Mongolian, and Tibetan names own.

The most beautiful women in our opinion Tuvan names are:

  • Anzat
  • Kalchanai
  • Ortunai
  • Oktuy
  • Sanna
  • Sevil
  • Sulapai
  • Shonchalai

Bashkir names for girls are rare and beautiful

photo of a little Bashkir girl Amina

The prevailing number of Bashkir names are of Turkic origin, but in some you can find both Latin and English roots.

Women's names for Bashkir girls, which are rare and sound beautiful, are:

  • Amina
  • Banat
  • Gulchechek
  • Dilbar
  • Zalika
  • Kamaliya
  • Milyausha
  • firuza

Beautiful Kalmyk names for girls

The Kalmyk people have retained their originality in choosing a name for girls from their language. However, with the advent of Buddhism, the lists of names for children also expanded.

Beautiful Kalmyk names girls are:

  • Alvina
  • Ingilina
  • Zayana
  • Enkira
  • Ijila
  • Amul

Beautiful Buryat names for girls

The Buryats had close relations with many nationalities. Central Asia. However, they managed to keep the tradition of naming children more with their national names.

Below are examples of beautiful female names of Buryat girls:

  • Arjuna
  • Palma
  • Altana
  • Saryuna
  • Narana
  • Ariana
  • Dayana
  • Chimita
  • Rajana

Modern beautiful Muslim names for girls

Muslims still honor the tradition of choosing a name for a child. So for a girl, it is selected based on the value of female character traits:

  • tenderness
  • fidelity
  • spiritual purity
  • diligence

You will influence the spiritual progress of a girl if you give her a name:

  • Amina
  • Adil
  • Latiffa
  • Salma
  • Elmira
  • Yasira
  • Fatima

Emphasize external beauty girls can names:

  • Galia
  • Leila
  • Zulfiya
  • Rimma
  • Faatin

Beautiful Caucasian names for girls

Caucasian peoples have always tried to live in harmony with the surrounding nature, to notice its beauty and mark it in the names of children.

Choosing a name for a girl in the Caucasus, young parents tried to highlight her feminine qualities character and / or indicate the resemblance to a beautiful animal, plant, natural phenomenon.

A few examples of melodic and beautiful Caucasian names for girls:

  • Akmaral
  • Zumrat
  • Muslimat
  • Susanna
  • Zalina
  • Gulnaz
  • Chulpan

The most beautiful Islamic names for girls

Several centuries ago, in Islamic families, the father's dislike for the daughter who was born reigned. Boys remained in honor and priority.

Then the names for the babies were chosen sonorous, reflecting dislike and even contempt for the girl.

In our time, the situation has changed and fathers have become more supportive of their daughters. They are called with beautiful names that caress the ear in order to please the future husband and strengthen female role in family.

Very beautiful islamic names for girls is:

  • Khadija
  • Maryam
  • Salsabil
  • Samira
  • Khabib
  • Munira
  • Sultana

Beautiful Dagestan names for girls

The religiosity of the people in Dagestan also influenced the preservation of traditions in naming children. In this country, Islam and holy people are sacredly honored. Therefore, in the vast majority of cases, the names of girls are selected from the religious list to this day.

beautiful Dagestan names girls can be called:

  • Almagul
  • Zaire
  • Aymesey
  • Gulnara
  • Gezel
  • Jamila

Beautiful Chechen names for girls

The female names of the Chechen people reflect the connection with nature and the valuable qualities of the beautiful half of humanity. They are quite simple to pronounce, mostly consisting of 1-2 syllables.

At the same time, modern European trends in this country have brought a change in traditions in naming girls. Therefore, if you sit down Chechen girls, you can meet both Lisa and Sasha.

A few examples of beautiful Chechen names for a girl:

  • sumaya
  • Aishat
  • Selima
  • Yasmina
  • Maryam
  • Rayana

Beautiful Ossetian names for girls

The choice of names among Ossetians is influenced by a number of factors:

  • original traditions, when a girl was given a name, emphasizing her beauty, value and qualities of character
  • the arrival of Christianity, when Russians and Georgians added their own words and traditions in choosing names for children
  • the influence of the Muslim religion, which also left an imprint on way of life Ossetians

However foreign words who came to Ossetia, have undergone changes in pronunciation and writing. The same goes for names.

Among the beautiful female names, the following occupy a worthy place:

  • Sarina
  • Alana
  • Zarema
  • Madinat
  • Irido
  • Marine

Beautiful names for Ukrainian girls

The Ukrainian language originates from the ancient Slavs. And yet we have reached today different approaches in the name of girls:

  • emphasizing the uniqueness of her abilities
  • traditional names
  • derivatives of the names of deities worshiped before the advent of Christianity

Ukrainian female names are very melodic and bright. For example:

  • Yarina
  • Solomiya
  • Svetoyar
  • Bogdan
  • Yaroslav
  • Vogneslav
  • Zoremir
  • omniscient
  • Zhivorad
  • Olesya

Beautiful Crimean Tatar names for girls

Crimean Tatars call their girls, adhering to religious traditions. And yet their names sound original and beautiful. So examples:

  • Emilia
  • Ruzanna
  • Yasmina
  • Riana
  • Niyara
  • Aigul
  • Elvira
  • Aysel
  • Mavile
  • Asine
  • Adil

Beautiful gypsy names for girls

Gypsies love nature in a special way. Therefore, daughters are given names:

  • signifiers of natural phenomena
  • consonant with the names of minerals and colors
  • emphasizing the love of parents

Note that each gypsy name has a beautiful sound and meaning.

Here are some female examples:

  • Shofrank
  • Esmerolda
  • Thaleita
  • Nadia
  • Mirela
  • Lover
  • Jaell
  • Violka
  • Baval
  • Diamond
  • Shukar
  • Slavutna

Beautiful names for twin girls

Although the twins are very similar in appearance to each other, their fates are different. Like names and characters.

Beautiful combinations of names for twin girls include:

  • Arina and Karina
  • Alice and Vasilisa
  • Anna and Ivanna
  • Veronica and Angelica
  • Maya and Yana
  • Marina and Ekaterina
  • Veronica and Victoria
  • Alina and Arina
  • Dominika and Veronica
  • Allah and Bella
  • Olya and Yulia

Names for twin girls are beautiful

If you are expecting twins, then twice as much joy will soon appear in your house. Only you want to choose names that are consonant and beautiful for them, so that their fates are easy.

Pay attention to the following combinations of names for twin girls:

  • Masha and Dasha
  • Anya and Yana
  • Christina and Karina
  • Valeria and Victoria
  • Camilla and Emilia
  • Eva and Zlata
  • Sofia and Barbara
  • Alesya and Taisiya

Beautiful double names for girls

Some young parents believe in the special power of a child's double name. Therefore, they prefer to choose it and write it on the birth certificate or separate it:

  • one for worldly life
  • the second - after baptism for the spiritual

Among the beautiful women's combinations names are as follows:

  • Xenia-Evgenia
  • Anna Louise
  • Valeria-Eva
  • Daria-Stepania
  • Diana-Anna
  • Eva Cornelia
  • Elizabeth Olga
  • Zlata-Slava
  • Yana-Polina
  • Tatyana-Maryana

Beautiful short names for girls

When the baby's middle name is long, the name is usually chosen shorter to balance the sound of them together.

Pay attention to the following names for girls:

  • Stella

New beautiful names for girls

The saying that the new is just the forgotten old accurately reflects modern tendencies in the name of girls. Plus, add the openness of the borders between states in terms of communication and borrowing beautiful sonorous words and you will get new names for Slavic girls.

For example:

  • Dominica
  • Evangeline
  • Adriana
  • Aelita
  • Sarina
  • Caroline
  • Martha
  • Juno

So, we examined the most beautiful names for girls of the Slavic and peoples of Central Asia, revealed similarities in approaches in choosing names for babies and slight differences in traditions.

Every parent wants better fate for your baby. Therefore, we try to choose a beautiful and sonorous name in order to attract maximum positive events in the life of our kids!

Video: beautiful popular and rare names for girls

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