Kalmyk names for boys and their meaning. Features of the pronunciation of female and male Kalmyk names


Kalmyk names are subdivided into original local names, the interpretation of which is most often associated with numbers, days of the week, flowers, animals, birds or emotional state(Ulyumdzhana - "environment", Kermyash - "squirrel", Amulanga - "calm", Tavn - "five", Dolan - "seven"), borrowed with the advent of Buddhism from the Tibetan and Sanskrit languages ​​(Jal, Danzan, Purvya), borrowed from other languages ​​(modern trend in European names etc.).

Kalmyks are a people tied to own traditions. Most of Kalmyk names are still primordially local. Several decades ago, when giving a name to a child, the Kalmyks often used various sources, for example, a religious or astrological birthday. The name of the child depended on the day he was born. The name Ochir was given to those who were born on the 1st, 6th, 11th, and Radna - on the 2nd, 7th, 12th.

Common and so-called names - amulets. It could be the names of animals, birds, plants. The Kalmyks believed that such names give the child strength, protect him from illnesses, and endow him with specific abilities. great place in the galaxy of Kalmyk names are the names of epic heroes.

It is worth noting that earlier both a girl and a boy could be called with the same Kalmyk name. Over time, there was a tendency to add the ending "-a" to the male name to get a female one.

What are guided by the name of the girl?

Choosing a name for your child Kalmyks are guided religious views, traditions or based on modern tendencies . Some use a religious birthday, naming the child depending on the day of his birth, others give the baby a name associated with some animal (this animal becomes the child’s totem), others turn to family traditions. Very often, in Kalmyk families, all children have names starting with the same letter. For example: Dayana, Delgir, Danara are sisters from the same family.

List of modern variations in Russian, their meaning and origin in alphabetical order from A to Z

Women's Kalmyk names, as a rule, are associated with flowers, with animals, or with character traits, appearance and emotions: happy, kind, beautiful. Kalmyks believe that a child is able to adopt positive energy name and succeed in life because of it.

The most harmonious and interesting Kalmyk female names are the following.

On "A"

  • Aguya- "mistress of the fire." Possesses leadership qualities and often takes weaker people under his wing.
  • Alma- "Apple tree". A very mobile girl who finds it difficult to sit still.
  • Altana- "golden". Altana s young years shows talent in the field of sports. Able to succeed in swimming or dancing.
  • Aita- "welcoming". A sociable girl who is always surrounded by friends and like-minded people.

On "B"

  1. Baigala- "nature". Kind, cheerful, active. It is difficult for her to concentrate on one thing, but Baigala miraculously manages to do everything at once.
  2. Bulgun- "sable". Nimble, mobile, has an excellent sense of humor.
  3. Bulta- "downy". Bright, charismatic, cheerful. The bearer of this name will never go unnoticed.

On "G"


  1. Jirgala- "gathering happiness." From a young age, she is able to make informed decisions. Able to take responsibility for his words.
  2. Dayana- The life of a hermit. Shows interest in exact sciences, but because of his laziness, he rarely succeeds in his studies.

On "Z"

  • Zambaga- Magnolia. Zambaga is the "soul" of the company: cheerful, mischievous, with a sense of humor.
  • Zamira- "joy". Very attached to her family. Values ​​more than anything family bonds and in the future becomes a good and faithful wife.
  • Zayana- "fate". Has excellent intuition. He chooses his friends very carefully.

On "I"

  1. Ilyana- "open". In appearance, strict and cold, in her soul Ilyana is a very kind, vulnerable and tender girl who needs attention and care.
  2. Ijil- "Volzhanka". A real conservative. He does not recognize anything new and clings tightly to his own principles.

On "K"

  • Kichkilda- "valuable". Romantic and reverent nature, which is easy to hurt.
  • Keke- "blue". As a child, Keke often gets sick, but with age she becomes strong and strong. Often achieves success in sports.

On "N"

  1. Naiha- "hope". The bearer of this name is a beauty who knows her worth and knows how to use her own natural data.
  2. Nyudl – « beautiful eyes". He studies well and reads a lot. In the future, he can successfully realize himself in the field of creativity.

On "O"

Oyuna- "wise". Shows independence from a young age. He likes to take responsibility and knows how to make well-considered and correct decisions.

On "R"

Radna- "jewel". Decisive and willful. Needs an authoritative parent or friend.


On "T"

Tevkya- "braid". Since childhood, she strives to ensure that everything in her life is perfect. He loves and knows how to bring things to the end and achieve his goals.

On "U"

  1. Lancer- "red". Kind, not conflict, easily forgives insults.
  2. uula- "needlewoman". She has been helping her parents around the house since she was a child. She knows how to cook and knows how to keep a home.
  3. Ulyumdzhana- "Wednesday". Quiet and often unsociable girl. It is very difficult to make new friends, but if someone has managed to become her friend, Ulyumdzhana will appreciate this person all her life.

When choosing a name for their child, modern parents resort to searching for the most beautiful, rare and sonorous. They put a special meaning into the name of the baby, believing that the life and fate of its bearer depends on the name. IN Lately popularity of Kalmyk names for modern boys gaining momentum. This is due not only to the beauty of the name, but also to its semantics. Rare and beautiful Kalmyk names for boys are used not only by the inhabitants of Kalmykia, but also in central Russia.

The history of the formation of proper names

Scientists studying the features of the formation of the Kalmyk language also distinguish the stages of the formation of proper names.

  • Stage 1.

The period of formation of monosyllabic names and nicknames, the roots of which belonged to the names of animals, household items, phenomena. (Adyan is the sun, Ayuka is a bear cub, etc.)

  • Stage 2.

The stage of formation of religious names. Such names had a strict ecclesiastical meaning. (Badma, Bahir - names associated with the spread religious beliefs, both Tibetan Buddhism and Christianity)

  • Stage 3.

Formation phase Kalmyk Republic and her Soviet period.

  • Stage 4.

Period modern formation proper names and their forms. Most of all, this is a return to the original Kalmyk names.

Features of names for boys

If we talk about the unusualness of Kalmyk names for boys, it is worth noting groups of words with certain identical directions.

  1. Protective names. They were formed from the names of plants, animals, household items, weather phenomena, seasons. Such words had sacred meaning, and in modern world it is believed that they drive away evil power and adversity.
  2. The names are originally Kalmyk. These include rare beautiful Kalmyk names for boys, denoting the qualities of a person, the state of mind, the physical virtues of people's lives, numbers, the names of the heroes of the Kalmyk epic.
  3. Names with a double root. In the future, the second root became the middle name of a person.
  4. Names are distortions. These are words that were formed from the distortion of already existing names. For example, a wife called her husband by a different name, changing several sounds, which, according to legend, led to the strengthening of the family.
  5. Planet names. They are formed from the words that denoted the planets.
  6. Names-terms. Such words are most often formed from Buddhist terms.

List of the most beautiful Kalmyk names for boys

  • Adyk - "last";
  • Adyan - "sunny";
  • Arvun - "ten";
  • Arzgir - "rudeness";
  • Ayur - "healing";
  • Bembe - "Saturn";
  • Badma - "lotus";
  • Bavu - "heroic";
  • Bamba - "protection";
  • Batu - "strong";
  • Batsak - "arrogance";
  • Galdan - "joyful";
  • Galun - "goose";
  • Gakha - "pig";
  • Guardia - "eagle";
  • Gashun - "bitter";
  • Gatsa - "stubbornness";
  • Gojur - "brook";
  • Jirgal - "happiness";
  • Dolgan - "wave";
  • Dondg - "courage";
  • Joga - "contemplation";
  • Zayan - "fate";
  • Ilyumdzhi - "Mercury";
  • Ilyu - "open";
  • Ilyushk - "calm";
  • Irta - "sharp";
  • Kirtsyan - "proportionate";
  • Kichik - "small";
  • Medya - "knowledge";
  • Mende - "healthy";
  • Mergen - "accurate";
  • Mergenchi - "smart";
  • Menke - "eternal";
  • Merchi - "herdsman";
  • Naidan - "strengthened";
  • Namtu - "scientist";
  • Naran - "sun";
  • Nasun - "age";
  • Nachin - "falcon";
  • Namin - "eighth";
  • Sanal - "desired";
  • Sanjarik - "capable";
  • Sarng - "moon";
  • Sumyan - "quick";
  • Temen - "needle";
  • Togtun - "calm";
  • Khulkhachi - "thief";
  • Khevtya - "happy";
  • Tsetsen - "wise";
  • Chompot - "top";
  • Shulun - "quick";
  • Shunga - "diligent";
  • Shukir - "umbrella";
  • Yashkul - "lake".

The most beautiful male Kalmyk names for boys make up the top 5.

  • 1st place - Aslang;
  • 2nd place - Boskhan;
  • 3rd place - Gojur;
  • 4th place - Dzhuldzhukha;
  • 5th place - Salang.


One of the rarest and most beautiful Kalmyk names is Aslang. It is of Turkic origin, translated as "lion", "king of beasts".

In the Kalmyk language, such a name has the function of a talisman. Lion - in this case, an animal that protects the bearer of the name from adversity and evil people.

The men named by this name have a very strong energy. They are smart and enterprising, which allows them to succeed in many areas of life.


The name Boskhan is very beautiful and is popular not only in Kalmykia, but also in Eastern Europe.

Boskhan is a native Kalmyk name and means "compensation".

Men named by this name are quite secretive and not talkative. But they are distinguished by honesty and loyalty, therefore they are the best husbands and fathers.


Gojur is a name that is extremely rare even on the territory of Kalmykia. This name was formed in initial period formation of the Kalmyk language and refers to the simplest names denoting natural phenomena.

The name is originally Kalmyk and means "brook".

Despite gentle meaning name, Gojur is a very courageous and strong man. He is quite rude and brutal. Tenderness and affection will never be inherent in him. Family life with Gojur - despotism. But, despite this, those named by this name are extremely popular among the female representatives.


The original Kalmyk name for a boy occupies the fourth place in terms of beauty and sonority among male names. Dzhuljukha refers to simple names and means "chick".

With regard to this name, we can say that its meaning fully conveys the main feature of Dzhuldzhukh. Even in old age they are infantile. Childhood accompanies men on everything life path. This quality affects the life of a man in two ways. On the one hand, it wins people over, and on the other hand, it repels them from serious cooperation.


Closes the top five beautiful and rare Kalmyk names for boys Sarang, meaning "moon".

This name belongs to the group of Tibetan-Sanskrit, denotes the name of the planet. Men named by this name are very interesting personalities. They are smart and have a deep creativity. Sarang can work in any organization, adapting to necessary conditions labor.

The personal life of the bearer of the name is not distinguished by expression. But they have a big family.

Recently I met a woman named Mankhaeva, it seems to be clear, the root “manh” is to guard, when he asked where the surname came from, it turns out from “mu noha”, it also seems to be clear so as not to jinx it, they used to give such surnames, but in fact it turned out a very interesting story. It turns out that my father had no children, one day he saw a snake that wanted to eat little puppies. He saved them, brought them home, there were 5 puppies and he had 5 sons. Before the birth of each son, the woman says, the mother dreamed of a dog, that a girl would be born, the mother already knew, she says, because she did not dream of a dog.

I ask for a name - she says Olya. “But you don’t have a Kalmyk name, because when you get married they give you a middle name, usually a Kalmyk one,” I say. “No,” she says. “At birth, they gave me a Kalmyk name” Otkhn "- the last, i.e. last". I suggested that she was the last child in the family, to which I heard the continuation of the story. It turns out that after the birth she was very sick, she did not breastfeed. Then her parents took her to show the lama, or slow, I don’t remember, but that’s not the point. He said the name didn't suit her because she didn't last child and that they will have children. Told her to give Russian name and indeed, two sisters were born after her. Like this interesting story Olya Mankhaeva / Otkhn told me ...

Our surnames so strangely passed into the Russian language that it is not always possible to find parallels. Met the father of Arslan Orgaev (Arslan organized the translation of the page in contact with on Kalmyk language) and began to wonder about the origin of his last name, it turns out they should have a last name Nyudlchievs (nүүdlch-nomad), but the clerk wrote down Orgaev, named after his grandfather.

Or take the surname Gorodovikov, he was the son Dagana (Daan - two-year-old foal), Godovikov was recorded, then he became Gorodovikov, and there are a lot of such examples, starting from tsarist times, the times of the beginning Soviet power and the most numerous confusion in the Siberian period, when one child, using the example of my fellow villagers, bore the surname Vasilyev, after the name of his father Basl (tracing paper on behalf of Vasily), another surname Dzhalaev, on behalf of his grandfather Җal-Dzhal.


Kalmyk personal names are extremely diverse in their origin. A significant place among them is occupied by the original names. Such, for example, are "numerical" male names: Donte, Dontelik (from Donon "four-year-old"), Zurkhan "six", Dolaan "seven", Neemin "eight", Yisin "nine", Guchin "thirty", Tevinte ( from tevin "fifty"), Zhirinte (from zhirin "six-ten"), Dalanta (from dalan "seventy"), Naint (from nain "eighty"), as well as "color" names: male - Ulan "red", Tsahaada (from tsahan "with gray hair"), Shara "yellow"; female names- - Hohan "green", Tsahan "white".

Among the original Kalmyk names, names are distinguished by the names of animals and birds, as well as derivatives from them: male - Nokha "dog", Gakha "pig", Shonkhor "gyrfalcon", Nachin "falcon", Aduuch "herdsman", Hooch "shepherd", Ukurch "cattleman", Malch "cattle breeder" and others; female - Kermen "squirrel", Bulkhan - "sable", Devele "hare of early birth", Nohale "hare of late birth".

A number of names came from words with the meaning of joy, happiness, longevity: Zhirhal "pleasure" (m., f.); Kishigte, Kishte "happy" (from kishik "happiness") (f.), Delger (f.) from the verb delgerkhe, "stretch", "spread", "expand" (cf. Mongolian. Delger "full", "abundant ", "abundant"), Utanasn "longevity" (m.); Monkzhirhal "eternal pleasure" (m.), etc.

Along with the original names, the Kalmyks have names of Tibetan-Sanskrit origin. Their appearance is associated with the spread of Buddhism among the Kalmyks (Oirats) in the 16th century. Until that time they were shamanists, the Kalmyks, like the Mongols, adopted the teachings of Buddha from Tibet, and therefore the Tibetan elements penetrated to the Kalmyks along with Buddhism. But with regard to the Sanskrit elements, there are two opinions: they could have come to the Kalmyks through the Uighur writing along with culture, or through Tibet along with religion.

Let us note some personal names of Kalmyks of Tibetan origin: Basan, "kind", "good", "excellent", Bembe "Saturn", "Saturn's day", "Saturday", Galdan "rejoicing", Dava "moon", "day of the moon", "Monday", Zhal "victorious", "king", Lavga "Wednesday", Nimgir "Mars", "day of Mars", "Tuesday", Sharap, Sharva "wisdom-growth". Erenzen "jewel".

The personal names of Kalmyks of Sanskrit origin include the following: Angarg "planet Mars", "day of Mars", "Tuesday", Adyan "sun", "day of the sun", "Sunday", Ayush "long-lasting", Arash "sage", "hermit", "hermit", Badma "lotus", Garma "action", "deed", Ochir "rod", "pe-run", Somyan "moon", "Monday" (among the Buryats), Erdeni "jewel" .

During the years of building socialism, the Kalmyks acquired new names: Vil (m.) (according to the initials of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin), Plekhan (m.) (the surname of the famous Marxist G. V. Plekhanov), Revmira (f.) (revolution of the world), Maya , Oktyabrina and others. There are not many such names.

Patronymics until recently were not obligatory element Kalmyk nominations. Therefore, they could not be written in passports. There are two models of Kalmyk patronymics. Among the Don Kalmyks, they usually end in -inovich: Basang Badminovich, Bata Bembinovich. For the bulk of Kalmyks, patronymics are formed in the same way as for other peoples of Russia: Badmaevich, Bembyaevich, Kyovyu-novich, Garmaevich, etc.

In Kalmyk names, the final vowels are pronounced very vaguely, and sometimes they drop out completely. In the list of names below, they are designated in those cases where, when they fall out, a confluence of three or more consonants is obtained, and they are not indicated if a confluence of two consonants is obtained: Galzan (not Galzn), but Baatr, Nasn. In Russian spelling, these fallouts are not indicated. Kalmyk surnames are formed by excellent names without the loss of final vowels: Baatirov, Nasunov.

Below is a list of the most common Kalmyk boy names.

Aduchi - herdsman

Adyk - the last

Adyan - Tib. Sun

Azid - violent

Aitsan - good thoughts

Aitin - voiced

Aldar - glorious

Anja - calm

Arvun - tenth

Arltan - island

Armadyk - fragile, young

Arslang - lion

Arshan - healing, holy water

Ayuka - bear cub

Achakhan - Khan's nephew

Ayur - healing

Ayush - Tib. durable

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter B:

Bair - joy

Baldr - not of Kalmyk origin

Baatr - hero

Bembya - (Bemb, Bembe) - Saturn

Badma - lotus

Bavu - Tib. hero

Baaja (Baaj:a) - uncle, address to elders.

Barga - gopher

Basang is the name of the planet Venus

Bamba - protector, shield

Batu - strong

Batsak - arrogant

Bova - father, head of a clan

Boshan - refund

Boshamji - rebirth, reborn

Bugush - deer

Bujal - wise, victorious

Budgta - capricious

Buta - a burden

Bujgir - curly

Bula - downy

Buinchi - virtue

Buyta - virtuous

Buurul, Burul - gray-haired, feather grass

Bulyash - benevolent

Byuyurchi - wagon installer, khoton headman, born in a new place

Buyuvya - from the word cradle

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter G:

Goga - baby

Guzyan - belly

Gunga - Tib. joy

Gutse - forbidden

Galva - elemental

Galdan - Skt. joyful, jubilant

Galzan - bald

Galsan - tib. happy fate

Galloon - goose

Gaha - pig

Guardia - eagle

Gatya - unhappy

Gashun - bitter

Gatsa - stubborn

Gonzik (Gonzg) - high

Gojur - brook

Gucha - from the word huchn - thirty

Gary - tib. day of the week; planet

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter D:

Dzhangar is a sacred name for Kalmyks.

Danzan - independent

Darsen - big; oldest

Delic - prosperous

Delvr - victory

Dzhuryk - frisky

Dovdan - strong, ardent

Derbet - from the word Dervyud, one of the Kalmyk tribes.

Jal - Tib. victorious

Dzhangar - (hero of the Kalm. epic) - Turkic - conqueror of the universe; kalm. - lonely.

Jirgal - happiness

Dolgan - wave

Dondg (Donduk) - Tib. courage

Dolgir - cross-eyed

Doshtan - from Dosh (slide) + tan

Dorji - diamond

Dungar - 1) a large shell. 2) musical instrument from the shell

Dundu - medium

Joga - Tib. state of nirvana, contemplation

Juva - ten million

Dzhuljukha - chick

Zamba - mainland, universe

Zandan - sandalwood

Zyungar - from the name of the tribal group of Oirats (Zyungars, Dzungars), in translation - the left hand

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter I:

Ivya - caring

Idzhil - Volzhan, born on the Volga

Ilyumji - Mercury

Isen - nine, Turk. "healthy"

Jotun - partridge

Ilu, Ilu - open, clear

Ilyushk - calm

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter Z:

Zayan - destiny

Zurgan - that was the name of the sixth child in the family

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter K:

Kanduka - fragrant

Kanur - Tib. act

Kegyarik -

Kirtsyan (Kirsan?) - proportionate

Kichik - small

Kova (Kava) - undersized

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter L:

Lidzhi - Garya - Wednesday (day of the week)

Lasha - clumsy

Lagan - from the word Lag - muddy soil

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter M:

Mashtyk - undersized

Megyash - skinny

Mende - healthy

Mergen - marksman

Mergenchi - smart

Minji the beaver

Mongol - Mongol

Monchak, Monchg - beads

Mohla, Mukhla - slave, serf

Menke - eternal

Menkubushi - the eternal layman

Merchi - herdsman

Mujik is a man

Muni - Tib. ascetic, sage

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter N:

Nadvid, Nadmid, Nadbit - healthy

Naidan - strong

Namtoo, Nomto - calm, scholarly

Naran - sun, sunny

Namtyr - biography

Namchi - Tib. very big

Namba - Tib. important, important

Narma - constellation

Narta - sunny

Nasun - age, age

Nasta - elderly

Natyr - beautiful

Nachin - falcon

Namin - eight, eighth

Nimgir - (Nigmr?) - Tuesday

Nomgo - illiterate

Noyon - prince

Odzhildyk - respecting elders

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter O:

Orlyuk - commander

Othon Jr.

Ochir - kalm. - scepter, wand. mong. - diamond, Buryat. - lightning;

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter P:

Purvä - Jupiter

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter C:

Savr - claw

Sanal - auspiciousness

Sanzharyk (Sanzhdrg) - capable

Soyat - fanged

Sumyan - from the word sumn - Bullet, fast

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter T:

Tagir - Tar - Tagar (Tib.) - White tiger

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter U:

Lancer - red

Ulyumji - Mercury

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter X:

Khatu - hard

Khongr - Sweet, pleasant, charming, affectionate

Ho Orlyuk - noble commander

Khonkha - bell

Hulhachi - thief

Khevtya - happy

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter C:

Tseren - longevity

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter H:

Chagdar - Tib. diamond keeper

Chogyal - Tib. victorious doctrine

Cholban is a Turk. creaky

Chompot - spinning top

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter Sh:

Shara - yellow

Shivid - pure

Shitji - canary

Shitlyan - hazelnut?

Shovgur, Shovgr - pointed

Shovshur - boar

Shora - dust, dusty

Kalmyk male names beginning with the letter Щ:

Shukr, Shukir, Shukir - an umbrella?

Shulun - fast, agile

Shunga - diligent

Shuurgchi, Shurgchi - born in a snowstorm

Shuptyr, Shuvtyr - caustic, sharp

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter E:

Ewe, Ebe - consent, peace

Evdyk - calm, peaceful

Elveg, Elvg - plentiful

Enche - an orphan

Enkir - cute

Erdem - skill

Erdni, Erdeni - a jewel

Erenjen, Erenzen - a treasure

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter I:

Yashkul is a Turkic. new lake.

Male and female Kalmyk names are very beautiful and original. To the inhabitants of Europe, their sound may seem very unusual, which is not surprising. Most of the beautiful Kalmyk names for girls and boys. They are closely connected with the culture and history of the Kalmyks. To be fair, it should be noted that in last years national Kalmyk names have lost some of their popularity. The influence of the West and Russian culture made itself felt. In this regard, today, among modern Kalmyk names for a child, one can increasingly find such Russian names familiar to our ears as Tatyana, Maria, Nadezha, Anna, Nikolai, Vladimir, etc.

Origin of male and female Kalmyk names

Several sources of origin of Kalmyk names for girls and boys can be singled out at once. The first is connected with the spread of Buddhism among the Oirats (XVI century). Along with the teachings of the Buddha, Sanskrit and Tibetan names. Some of them continue to be used today.

The second source of origin of the popular Kalmyk names of men and women is history and cultural traditions given people. IN old days children were often named after ethnic heroes. Words denoting a, life's goods, numbers, colors, animals and plants were also used as names. They were considered amulets and were supposed to protect a person from an "evil spirit".

In general, the names used by the Kalmyk people are very diverse. Among them there are many both modern and ancient, which have a very original and beautiful sound. I propose to consider the most popular Kalmyk names and their meaning.

List of beautiful Kalmyk names for boys

  • Aldar. Means "honor" / "great".
  • Anjur. It comes from the word "Anja" = result.
  • Arash. It can denote a measure of length or an exalted, holy person.
  • Basang. The name of the planet Venus in the Kalmyk style.
  • Dolan. The Kalmyk name of the boy has the designation of the number seven.
  • Zayan. Meaning = "happy fate" / "head of the family."
  • Nine. Origin = Mongolian, meaning = "master".
  • Odon. It has Kalmyk-Mongolian roots, translated into Russian it sounds like "star".
  • Rabdan. Origin = Buddhist, this is Kalmyk male name matters = strongest.

Top most popular Kalmyk names for girls

  • Alvina. Derivative from the word "alvn" = "minx" / "ozonitsa".
  • Delgira. This Kalmyk girl's name means "abundant" / "extensive".
  • Figs. Denotes a girl with a rich dowry.
  • Noyan. Translated into Russian, it means "princess" / "princess".
  • Patma. Kalmyk word for lotus flower.
  • Sarana. Origin = Kalmatsko-Mongolian, meaning = "lily".
  • Ulzia. This female Kalmyk name means "thread of happiness", which is an element of the symbolism of Buddhism.
  • Edista. The name of the Kalmyk capital.

Features of the pronunciation of female and male Kalmyk names

The main feature of the pronunciation of female Kalmyk names is that the vowels that end the word are pronounced very blurry and unclear. In some situations, they even drop out. In general, male Kalmyk names are pronounced in accordance with all the rules of the national language.

Beautiful rare modern names for girls different peoples peace.

The name affects the fate of a woman, her habits, health, success, harmony in relationships with the outside world.

Often, young parents argue about choosing a name for their crumbs, either before she is born, or immediately after birth. Each of them associates the concept of the beauty of the sound of a female name in its own way.

Other parents plunge into the study of the interpretation of names in order to choose a beautiful and sonorous combination of letters.

Let's get acquainted with different options female names in this article, and with their brief characteristics will be considered in the future.

Top 10 most beautiful names for girls

On the Runet, various sites offer their ratings of female names with reference to previous opinion polls among men or young parents.

However, a person's opinion is subjective. Someone has a specific name associated with:

  • relative
  • teacher
  • life event
  • book or movie heroine
  • famous historical figure
  • showbiz star

You can list endlessly, it's better to focus on the average selection of female names. Let's highlight them in the top ten without reference to the percentage of popularity and frequency of meetings for every thousand ladies:

  • Maria
  • Victoria
  • Anastasia
  • Milena
  • Vladislav
  • Karina
  • Emilia
  • Sofia

The most beautiful Russian name for a girl

History says that we do not have native Russian names. There are several reasons for this:

  • ancestors' traditions. They preferred to give names according to character traits, the order of children, birth characteristics.
  • the arrival of Christianity. Then the names of other countries came into use, for example, Roman, Greek, Byzantine, German. And with the rite of baptism, a person was given a new name. Gradually, female names were replenished with the words of other states, where they had specific meaning. But in Russia they were used simply as a proper name
  • revolution at the beginning of the last century. The communist system made its own adjustments to the preferred lists of female names. So there were names-abbreviations or derivatives of the name of the leader of the revolution

From folk art and historical data, you can get more information about the most common Russian female names. We offer you the following options:

  • Alyona
  • Alexandra
  • Darina
  • Daria
  • Catherine

Names for girls are rare and beautiful Orthodox

There are various approaches to determining the name of a girl in order to attract a good fate for her:

  • church calendar
  • letter code
  • by time of year
  • Zodiac sign
  • by date of birth
  • after consultation with a professional astrologer
  • family tradition

Since Christianity has been living among Russians for a long time, then church names are closer to us in sound and perception.

Among the rare beautiful female names, pay attention to the following:

  • Olympics
  • august
  • barbarian
  • Ariadne
  • Pelagia
  • Kaleria

Beautiful church names for girls

If you are supporters of the name beautiful girls church name, leaf through the calendar of saints carefully. And also pay attention to the names not only by date of birth, but also on the eighth and fortieth days after it.

Among the beautiful church names there are many worthy examples, namely:

  • Ksenia
  • Angelina
  • Olga
  • Marina
  • Ulyana

Slavic names for girls are rare and beautiful

The Slavs valued beauty and harmony in everything that made up their lives.

Naming a girl specific name, they emphasized the dignity that Mother Nature had awarded her.

Therefore, in our days, the sound of female Slavic names believes the ear and fascinates. For example, the following names:

  • Bella
  • Milan
  • Radmila
  • Svetozar
  • Glory

Beautiful old names for girls

Above, we examined aspects of the lack of native Russian examples of female names. And yet, looking back at the history of even one century ago, the preferences in naming girls radically differed from modern ones.

This is confirmed by the following names:

  • Arina
  • Gloria
  • Daria
  • Elena
  • Elizabeth
  • margarita
  • Peacock

Beautiful old Russian names for girls

Slavic girl Slava in national costume

Continuing the theme of Slavic names, let us recall their Old Russian examples.

Each female name carried a positive meaning, and parents and everyone around protected the girls until marriage.

Therefore, the girls harmoniously related to their name and it was a talisman for them in life.

Take a look at the list below. Perhaps one of the names will respond to your decision to give it to your daughter.

  • Zlata
  • Bazhen
  • Vidana
  • Vlada
  • Golub
  • Dobrava
  • Lyubava
  • Mlawa

Beautiful names for girls modern Tatar

The Tatars left a big imprint in the history of the Russian people. They, like other nationalities, choose with particular trepidation beautiful names for daughters, emphasizing their external uniqueness and enhancing female character traits.

Beautiful names for little Tatars, taking into account modern trends, can be as follows:

  • Zemfira
  • Madina
  • Adil
  • Chulpan
  • indira
  • Dinara
  • Karima
  • Malika
  • Rubina
  • Shakira
  • Yazgul

Kabardian beautiful names for girls

The female names of the Kabardians are of foreign origin - Arabic, Turkic. However, they still sound bright and memorable.

Below are some examples:

  • Aminat
  • Anusya
  • Asiyat
  • Janzilla
  • 3eynab
  • Karalzhan
  • Marginet
  • Maryan
  • Nafilya
  • Salimat
  • Tauzhan
  • Fatimat
  • Hidez
  • Charizet

Beautiful Tuvan names for girls

There were changes in the Tuvan tradition of naming children four centuries ago. Before them, young parents avoided giving names to a newborn baby until they reached the age of ten.

The origins of Tuvan female names are very different - these are Turkic, and Russian, and Mongolian, and Tibetan proper names.

The most beautiful women in our opinion Tuvan names are:

  • Anzat
  • Kalchanai
  • Ortunai
  • Oktuy
  • Sanna
  • Sevil
  • Sulapai
  • Shonchalai

Bashkir names for girls are rare and beautiful

photo of a little Bashkir girl Amina

The prevailing number of Bashkir names Turkic origin, however, in some you can find both Latin and English roots.

Women's names for Bashkir girls, which are rare and sound beautiful, are:

  • Amina
  • Banat
  • Gulchechek
  • Dilbar
  • Zalika
  • Kamaliya
  • Milyausha
  • firuza

Beautiful Kalmyk names for girls

The Kalmyk people have retained their originality in choosing a name for girls from their language. However, with the advent of Buddhism, the lists of names for children also expanded.

Beautiful Kalmyk names for girls are:

  • Alvina
  • Ingilina
  • Zayana
  • Enkira
  • Ijila
  • Amul

Beautiful Buryat names for girls

The Buryats had close relations with many nationalities. Central Asia. However, they managed to keep the tradition of naming children more with their national names.

Below are examples of beautiful female names of Buryat girls:

  • Arjuna
  • Palma
  • Altana
  • Saryuna
  • Narana
  • Ariana
  • Dayana
  • Chimita
  • Rajana

Modern beautiful Muslim names for girls

Muslims still honor the tradition of choosing a name for a child. So for a girl, it is selected based on the value of female character traits:

  • tenderness
  • fidelity
  • spiritual purity
  • diligence

You will influence the spiritual progress of a girl if you give her a name:

  • Amina
  • Adil
  • Latiffa
  • Salma
  • Elmira
  • Yasira
  • Fatima

Emphasize external beauty girls can names:

  • Galia
  • Leila
  • Zulfiya
  • Rimma
  • Faatin

Beautiful Caucasian names for girls

Caucasian peoples have always tried to live in harmony with the surrounding nature, to notice its beauty and mark it in the names of children.

Choosing a name for a girl in the Caucasus, young parents tried to highlight her feminine qualities character and / or indicate the resemblance to a beautiful animal, plant, natural phenomenon.

A few examples of melodic and beautiful Caucasian names for girls:

  • Akmaral
  • Zumrat
  • Muslimat
  • Susanna
  • Zalina
  • Gulnaz
  • Chulpan

The most beautiful Islamic names for girls

Several centuries ago, in Islamic families, the father's dislike for the daughter who was born reigned. Boys remained in honor and priority.

Then the names for the babies were chosen sonorous, reflecting dislike and even contempt for the girl.

In our time, the situation has changed and fathers have become more supportive of their daughters. They are called with beautiful names that caress the ear in order to please the future husband and strengthen female role in family.

Very beautiful islamic names for girls is:

  • Khadija
  • Maryam
  • Salsabil
  • Samira
  • Khabib
  • Munira
  • Sultana

Beautiful Dagestan names for girls

The religiosity of the people in Dagestan also influenced the preservation of traditions in naming children. In this country, Islam and holy people are sacredly honored. Therefore, in the vast majority of cases, the names of girls are selected from the religious list to this day.

beautiful Dagestan names girls can be called:

  • Almagul
  • Zaire
  • Aymesey
  • Gulnara
  • Gezel
  • Jamila

Beautiful Chechen names for girls

The female names of the Chechen people reflect the connection with nature and the valuable qualities of the beautiful half of humanity. They are quite simple to pronounce, mostly consisting of 1-2 syllables.

At the same time, modern European trends in this country have brought a change in traditions in naming girls. Therefore, if you sit down Chechen girls, you can meet both Lisa and Sasha.

A few examples of beautiful Chechen names for a girl:

  • sumaya
  • Aishat
  • Selima
  • Yasmina
  • Maryam
  • Rayana

Beautiful Ossetian names for girls

The choice of names among Ossetians is influenced by a number of factors:

  • original traditions, when a girl was given a name, emphasizing her beauty, value and qualities of character
  • the arrival of Christianity, when Russians and Georgians added their own words and traditions in choosing names for children
  • the influence of the Muslim religion, which also left an imprint on way of life Ossetians

However foreign words who came to Ossetia, have undergone changes in pronunciation and writing. The same goes for names.

Among the beautiful female names, the following occupy a worthy place:

  • Sarina
  • Alana
  • Zarema
  • Madinat
  • Irido
  • Marine

Beautiful names for Ukrainian girls

The Ukrainian language originates from the ancient Slavs. And yet we have reached today different approaches in the name of girls:

  • emphasizing the uniqueness of her abilities
  • traditional names
  • derivatives of the names of deities worshiped before the advent of Christianity

Ukrainian female names are very melodic and bright. For example:

  • Yarina
  • Solomiya
  • Svetoyar
  • Bogdan
  • Yaroslav
  • Vogneslav
  • Zoremir
  • omniscient
  • Zhivorad
  • Olesya

Beautiful Crimean Tatar names for girls

Crimean Tatars call their girls, adhering to religious traditions. And yet their names sound original and beautiful. So examples:

  • Emilia
  • Ruzanna
  • Yasmina
  • Riana
  • Niyara
  • Aigul
  • Elvira
  • Aysel
  • Mavile
  • Asine
  • Adil

Beautiful gypsy names for girls

Gypsies love nature in a special way. Therefore, daughters are given names:

  • signifiers of natural phenomena
  • consonant with the names of minerals and colors
  • emphasizing the love of parents

Note that each gypsy name has a beautiful sound and meaning.

Here are some female examples:

  • Shofrank
  • Esmerolda
  • Thaleita
  • Nadia
  • Mirela
  • Lover
  • Jaell
  • Violka
  • Baval
  • Diamond
  • Shukar
  • Slavutna

Beautiful names for twin girls

Although the twins are very similar in appearance to each other, their fates are different. Like names and characters.

Beautiful combinations of names for twin girls include:

  • Arina and Karina
  • Alice and Vasilisa
  • Anna and Ivanna
  • Veronica and Angelica
  • Maya and Yana
  • Marina and Ekaterina
  • Veronica and Victoria
  • Alina and Arina
  • Dominika and Veronica
  • Allah and Bella
  • Olya and Yulia

Names for twin girls are beautiful

If you are expecting twins, then twice as much joy will soon appear in your house. Only you want to choose names that are consonant and beautiful for them, so that their fates are easy.

Pay attention to the following combinations of names for twin girls:

  • Masha and Dasha
  • Anya and Yana
  • Christina and Karina
  • Valeria and Victoria
  • Camilla and Emilia
  • Eva and Zlata
  • Sofia and Barbara
  • Alesya and Taisiya

Beautiful double names for girls

Some young parents believe in the special power of a child's double name. Therefore, they prefer to choose it and write it on the birth certificate or separate it:

  • one for worldly life
  • the second - after baptism for the spiritual

Among the beautiful women's combinations names are as follows:

  • Xenia-Evgenia
  • Anna Louise
  • Valeria-Eva
  • Daria-Stepania
  • Diana-Anna
  • Eva Cornelia
  • Elizabeth Olga
  • Zlata-Slava
  • Yana-Polina
  • Tatyana-Maryana

Beautiful short names for girls

When the baby's middle name is long, the name is usually chosen shorter to balance the sound of them together.

Pay attention to the following names for girls:

  • Stella

New beautiful names for girls

The saying that new is just forgotten old accurately reflects the current trends in naming girls. Plus, add the openness of the borders between states in terms of communication and borrowing beautiful sonorous words and you will get new names for Slavic girls.

For example:

  • Dominica
  • Evangeline
  • Adriana
  • Aelita
  • Sarina
  • Caroline
  • Martha
  • Juno

So, we examined the most beautiful names for girls of the Slavic and peoples of Central Asia, revealed similarities in approaches in choosing names for babies and slight differences in traditions.

Every parent wants better fate for your baby. Therefore, we try to choose beautiful and sonorous name to attract maximum positive events in the life of our kids!

Video: beautiful popular and rare names for girls

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