Break dance training for children. Basic elements of breakdancing


Many people are fond of dancing. This lesson helps to acquire the skills of harmonious and free movement, to learn to control the body. Breakdancing teaches a sense of rhythm and free expression. Therefore, I will tell you how to learn how to dance breakdance at home for children, teenagers and adults.

Breakdance is a successful fusion of dance trends and styles. This skillful improvisation to the sounds of rhythmic music clearly demonstrates human thoughts. It looks unusual and beautiful and will easily repulse club dances and hip-hop.

Despite the seeming simplicity, mastering the dance is not easy. If you look closely, we will notice that for a professional dancer to create complete picture You have to perform many movements of varying degrees of difficulty.

The birthplace of dance is New York. Breakdance originated in the Bronx. In the 70s, people appeared in this area of ​​the American metropolis who, to the sounds of dance music moved in a different way. The dance was called "Good Foot".

During the dance, the performers often fell to the floor. They did not writhe in pain, but performed beautiful elements of rotation. Thanks to the efforts of the RockSteadyCrew team, the dance has become unsurpassed. The band members made the dance elements personal and appealing.

Later, Puerto Ricans managed to bring the dance to new level. They achieved this result by using a large number acrobatic tricks and new dance elements. In those days, films dedicated to martial arts were popular. As a result, the dancers included elements of wrestling in break dancing.

The popularity of breakdancing was constantly growing until 1997, when young people stopped paying attention to dance. great attention. Nevertheless, some people who remained faithful to the dance continued to train.

Step by step action plan

Nowadays, there are a lot of dance moves which are not easy to master. Only a person who manages to overcome fear and believe in himself can achieve success.

  • First of all, pay attention to the physical shape of your body. Maximize your flexibility, endurance and strength. Push ups, pull ups, swing your arms and legs. Work through everything muscle groups.
  • Start with simple movements, gradually increasing the level of difficulty. This approach will help prepare the body and gradually build up skills.
  • Pay special attention to the study of the technique of tricks and movements. Repeat them until you get the perfect result. Remember, breakdancing is based on constant training.
  • In the process of mastering the next movement, pay attention common features And small details. It is recommended to move on to new movements after a thorough study of the previous ones.
  • The headstand is an integral part of breakdancing. At the first stage, do it against the wall. Help will not hurt stranger who can support.
  • Train in a spacious room. Before training, free up as much space in the room as possible. Otherwise, the movements will turn out to be constrained and constrained.

Video training for beginners

How to break dance for kids

Breakdancing is a dance that is potentially dangerous for children. It provides for the performance of various tricks and complex movements. The risk of falling and nasty injury is high. If you want your child to become an expert in this dance direction enroll him in a special school.

  1. Beginners consider the warm-up a waste of time. As a result, this often leads to sprains and tears. Breakdance involves the implementation of complex dance elements. Be sure to warm up and prepare your muscles and ligaments.
  2. Don't let your child work in public. Trying to demonstrate skill, can do failed attempt. This is fraught with ridicule, which can cause a loss of desire to study further.
  3. Teach your baby to look around an unfamiliar place for training and evaluate the quality of the surface. You can not immediately rush to perform complex movements. This is dangerous to health.
  4. Excessive enthusiasm does not lead to good things. If the child is tired, it is time to stop the lesson. Otherwise, fatigue may cause injury. The intensity of training should be moderate.
  5. Everyone is afraid of something, because fear is a manifestation of the instinct of self-preservation. If the child is afraid to perform a certain dance element, do not push. Over time, the baby will gain experience and overcome the barrier.
  6. Uncertainty hinders the performance of tricks and movements. Often it leads to serious consequences and appears in the process of performing a certain element. To doubt the strength of the dancer begins to different reasons. Among them are trauma, a long pause in classes, and others. Therefore, to begin with, help the child recover and regain confidence.
  7. If the child is exercising outside, do not allow it to be done in the heat. Intense physical activity at high temperatures negatively affects the functioning of the heart. Plus, this activity can cause dehydration.
  8. Dancing requires the right equipment. Buy your child first. comfortable shoes, which is well fixed on the legs and will withstand a large load. It is useful to get elbow pads, knee pads, a special hat and an elastic bandage. All this will come in handy during the study of elements of high complexity.
  9. The child needs clothes that do not restrict movement. When choosing, be guided not by image and fashion, but by convenience and safety.

I did not focus on exercises, movements and tricks. Information on this subject can be found in various sources, including books, CDs and the Internet.

Video tips

In the presence of certain diseases, doctors do not recommend dancing break dance. It's about O diabetes, injuries that limit joint mobility, diseases of the heart, spine and respiratory organs.

Break dance training for adults

Videos are constantly shown on TV in which young people perform various tricks. After watching, many guys and girls have a desire to acquire the same skills.

Achieve results in breakdancing without constant practice and regular workouts will not work. My story will tell you where to start and how to act to achieve the goal.

people with bad developed body and weak muscles to dance break dance will not work. Only a strong, flexible and hardy person can do it. To get started, type physical form.

  • Do strength exercises at home or at fresh air. At home, do push-ups on your fists, train your abs and pull yourself up. Pay special attention to pull-ups. This exercise will strengthen the muscles of the arms and chest, pump up the shoulders. Work out outdoors on sports fields.
  • After strengthening the muscles, master the handstand and headstand. Use support first. Over time, the stand will turn out without it. Don't forget the vertical push-ups.
  • Be sure to work on flexibility. Help simple exercises, providing for all kinds of slopes, extensions and deflections. The bridge exercise is great.
  • After gaining strength and flexibility, learn tricks. Watch instructional videos. If you like a certain trick, carefully study the technique of its implementation and proceed gradually.
  • Start with basic elements. The network execution technique is described in sufficient detail. That's why I don't paint it. I'll just introduce you to a few basic breakdancing figures.

Basic elements of breakdancing

  • "Crab". One of the basic elements of breakdancing." Represents rotation on the arm. The execution provides for the pumped muscles of the hands. At first, learn to stand on your arm bent at the elbow, using your other hand as insurance. Improve your skills by doing spins and jumps.
  • « Gelik» . Another important element. The technique may seem very difficult for a beginner. But, without this element, it will not be possible to learn spectacular and complex tricks. “Gelik” is a complex rotation through the back from the “crab” position, accompanied by leg swings.
  • « Web» . When you master "Gelik", there will be no problems with this "Web". Represents an intricate rotation in which both hands participate.

Tips will help you master the basic elements, and then switch to difficult tricks. Before active training, be sure to review more than a dozen videos.

Many people break dance, and the new opportunities provided by musical compositions contributed to its development. I note that breakdancing is the only style where the dancer moves in two different planes.

Each dancer can choose which type of dance to prefer. But, to master the style, you need a good physical training. All muscle groups are used in the dance. Therefore, pumping muscles before training is a must.

To look good on the dance floor, it is not enough to move correctly to the music. You need to come up with your own unique style. Thanks to this quality, the dancer can loudly declare himself and achieve success.

Break dance is a street dance that was formed in New York in the 60s of the last century. This is an amazingly spectacular direction, combining complex acrobatic movements and demonstrating the excellent physical shape of the dancer. This is the oldest and most popular hip hop dance for rich history development and improvement. It originates from a showdown between rival street gangs. The winner in such battles was the one who performed the largest number complex movements that rivals could not reproduce. Over time, this street phenomenon reached mass culture, causing the growth of teams specializing exclusively in this dance direction.

Break dance for children is a very diverse direction, combining a lot of styles and even acrobatic elements. In its general form, break dance is divided into lower and upper. The upper breakdance is dance elements and ligaments, the lower one is acrobatic tricks and racks. Thanks to the combination of both, dancers acquire the ability to feel the music and catch its rhythm, dance confidently and perform complex tricks, developing all muscle groups of the body and increasing its tone.

The lower break contributes to the acquisition of endurance, strengthens the muscles, trains agility and flexibility, setting the student a sporty lifestyle associated with constant physical exertion. The upper break forms a culture of movements - they all become free, smooth and light, pumps the figure, shaping the back, arms, shoulders, removing muscle blocks and clamps. In addition, training strengthens the spine and develops coordination of movements. This is an extremely spectacular street dance for children, having learned which it is simply impossible to go unnoticed at any disco, attracting admiring glances.

For boys, it is especially interesting and attractive because it gives absolute freedom of expression, attracts with a convenient form for classes: sneakers, T-shirts, wide pants. Boys rarely gravitate towards learning to dance and it can be difficult to get them interested in training. With street dancing, everything is completely different: in the eyes of a child, it is spectacular and prestigious, it allows you to become successful in the eyes of your peers and gain authority in any company.

Like any other sports training, break dancing lessons are a huge health benefit. Energetic, dynamic movements improve blood circulation, which simply cannot but affect the work of all internal organs and systems in a positive way. The loads received during training improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and strengthen blood vessels, help to even out breathing and learn how to breathe correctly.

In addition to everything else break dance- This is a constant communication and interaction with other enthusiastic children. Battles are often practiced in the classroom, during which students compete with each other, showing everything they have learned during the lessons. All this directly affects the development of communication skills, which increase from lesson to lesson.

Besides, positive attitude this dance simply cannot but affect the mood. An energetic, explosive character serves as a real antidepressant, completely restructuring thinking and serving as a guarantee of constant Have a good mood, which gradually becomes part of the lifestyle. This dance gives confidence in oneself and one's strengths, eliminating complexes, anxieties and fears of performing in public.

These lessons develop musicality and artistry, teach you to look as impressive as possible in any environment and situation. This is a very important skill that will help out more than once outside the dance floor. Classes are very energetic and never boring or uninteresting. Having learned the basic movements, students quickly connect their imagination to classes and begin to improvise, not embarrassed to be in the spotlight.

Our breakdance school for children is located in Moscow, not far from Voikovskaya or Sokol (SAO) metro stations. Send your child to the lessons and make sure that this is a whole ocean of freedom and endless self-expression, helping to become more athletic, more beautiful and more successful! There is a set for a break dance group for beginners.

Break-dance, this energetic and very spectacular dance, appeared in the 60s in America. These days, Breakdancing for kids in Moscow is much more than just choreography. Dance develops endurance, tempers willpower and becomes a guide to the world of health, success and glory. If you still don't know what to do with your child, Breakdancing for kids is a great solution.

Breakdance for children in Moscow in TrixFamily: features

Learning to dance break-dance in our school gives an incomparable feeling of belonging to an incomprehensible world choreographic art. Every new lesson includes not only a group study of technology and the development of the material covered, but also individual work with every student. Individual approach Trix Family is not an empty phrase. We don't just teach Breakdancing for children in Moscow, but we are looking for gifted children and help them become champions. Who knows, maybe your child is the future greatest dancer of our time?

We confidently speak about our competence, because we specialize in street dancing. And our teachers are the current champions of the CIS countries, Europe and even the world. In addition, Breakdance for children in Trix Family is also a warm and friendly atmosphere. We call ourselves a family and surround our students with warmth and attention. That is why Breakdancing for kids gives kids so much fun. Grateful reviews are the best confirmation of our professionalism.

Breakdance for kids: the best solution

Studying with us, your child will be able to reach the limit of their abilities and constantly develop. This is one of our basic principles: to move forward and not stop there. Combined with a warm friendly atmosphere gives the best results. Breakdance for children in Trix Family is a great solution for parents who care about the future of their child.

We are waiting for you:

  • absolutely free 1 lesson;
  • the opportunity to consult with teachers, find out all your questions about Breakdance for children;
  • halls located just 1 minute from the Dubrovka metro station (near the station Volgogradsky Prospekt, Proletarskaya, Avtozavodskaya, Krestyanskaya Zastava in the CAO, SEAD);
  • Opportunity to progress from beginner to champion.

Give your child the opportunity to be the best. Under the guidance of our champion coaches, the guys reveal their full potential and reach great heights. Best Teaching Breakdance for children in Moscow is in Trix Family. Sign up for a class right now!

The portal contains information on where you can sign up for breakdance classes in Moscow: addresses and phone numbers dance schools and dance studios, prices for the most popular directions, student reviews. For greater convenience in using the portal and searching for a dance school, we suggest using a convenient filter by districts and metro stations. Visual tables will help you compare the cost of classes and training in different dance studios cities, choosing the best option for the price.

Breakdance is a rather curious trend in hip-hop culture related to street dancing. Breaking itself as a dance came from New York. In our country it for a long time divided into "upper" and "lower", studying how two different directions. This originated back in the 80s, when, due to the Iron Curtain, dancers could not get complete and reliable information, guided only by superficial data.

What to consider when choosing break dance lessons?

First of all, in order for the break dance training to be successful and productive, the dancer will have to find comfortable and original clothes. The suit should combine comfort, style and freedom of movement, absolutely not restricting the legs when performing the most complex elements. Of course, when choosing breakdance upper dance lessons, you can not be so critical in choosing clothes - just a comfortable tracksuit is enough.

Do not forget that the breakdance dance miraculously combines acrobatics, musicality. The dancer must perfectly control his own body in order to perform the most difficult elements! Therefore, when starting break dance training, you need to tune in to a long work, during which the dance teacher will consistently teach students, starting with the simplest movements and ending with acrobatic elements.

Break dance lessons in Moscow

Finding breakdance in dance studios in Moscow is not so easy - not every educational institution is ready to offer this direction. With our portal, the task of searching is greatly facilitated! The tables contain all dance schools where breakdance is trained. The indicated cost for a one-time lesson will help to compare different schools and choose the best option in terms of location and price.

School street dancing Trix Family started its journey with break dance, at a time when hip-hop was still a very young culture, and break dancing was its only dance manifestation. Times have already changed, but breakdance has remained and cannot be banished from our hearts. Anyone who truly loves this dance would like to start learning break-dance and is ready to join our ranks, we are waiting for our training!

Learning to breakdance is not easy!

He does not tolerate the weak. break-dance- dance for real men, strong in spirit and the character of a warrior, which is why girls are very valuable here, but, unfortunately, a rare occurrence.

Back in 1969, a certain James Brown surprised everyone unusual movements which he did while performing his hit "get on the good foot". These movements still looked a little like breakdance, but they really liked the real boys from the Bronx (a poor and gangster area New York, real ghetto) and off we go. Break-dancing turned out to be a very contagious phenomenon and the number of people infected with it grew by leaps and bounds. After quite a bit of time in the regions it has become unfashionable to sort things out by “hammering arrows” and using weapons, street boys more and more often they began to call each other to the “Battle” (translated from English - Battle), but the issues at this battle were decided not by blood, but by a dance, whose name is breake-dance.

Breakdancing for beginners is the work for which it is worth going forward!

The first to dance it were guys from poor areas and with very nasty characters, which is why breakdance is a rather tough, uncompromising dance and requires an incredibly lot of strength to perform, being in fact its manifestation. That is why, while developing, breakdance absorbed all the best not only from dancing, but also from martial arts, gymnastics and acrobatics. Street guys are not so easy to captivate with ordinary dance, but break dancing turned out to be close in spirit even to gangsters.

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