What is literature briefly. What is literature? Definition


Literature is one of the main types of art is the art of the word. The term "literature" also refers to any works of human thought fixed in the written word and having social significance; distinguish literature technical, scientific, journalistic, reference, epistolary, etc. However, in the usual and stricter sense, works of art are called literature.

The term literature

The term "literature"(or, as they used to say, "belles-lettres") emerged relatively recently and began to be widely used only in the 18th century (displacing the terms "poetry", "poetic art", which now denote poetic works).

It was brought to life by printing, which, having appeared in the middle of the 15th century, relatively quickly made the “literary” (i.e., intended for reading) form of existence of the art of the word the main and dominant one; earlier art the word existed primarily for hearing, for public performance and was understood as a skillful implementation of a “poetic” action by means of a special “poetic language” (“Poetics” by Aristotle, ancient and medieval aesthetic treatises of the West and East).

Literature (the art of the word) arises on the basis of oral folk literature in ancient times - during the formation of the state, which necessarily gives rise to a developed form of writing. However, initially literature does not stand out from writing in the broad sense of the word. AT ancient monuments(Bible, "Mahabharata" or "Tale of Bygone Years") elements verbal art exist in inseparable unity with elements of mythology, religion, the rudiments of natural and historical sciences, various kinds of information, moral and practical instructions.

The syncretic nature of the early literary monuments(see) does not deprive them of aesthetic value, because. the religious-mythological form of consciousness reflected in them was close to artistic in its structure. literary heritage ancient civilizations - Egypt, China, Judea, India, Greece, Rome, etc. - forms a kind of foundation of world literature.

Literary history

Although the history of literature dates back several millennia, it in its proper sense - as a written form of the art of the word - is formed and realizes itself with the birth of "civil", bourgeois society. Verbal and artistic creations of past times also acquire a specifically literary existence in this era, experiencing a significant transformation in a new, not oral, but reader's perception. At the same time, the normative "poetic language" is being destroyed - literature absorbs all the elements of popular speech, its verbal "material" becomes universal.

Gradually, in aesthetics (in the 19th century, starting with Hegel), the purely meaningful, spiritual originality of literature comes to the fore, and it is recognized primarily in a number of other (scientific, philosophical, journalistic) types of writing, and not other types of art. By the middle of the 20th century, however, a synthetic understanding of literature was being established as one of the forms of artistic exploration of the world, as a creative activity that belongs to art, but at the same time is such a variety. artistic creativity, which occupies a special place in the system of arts; this distinctive position of literature is fixed in the commonly used formula "literature and art".

Unlike other types of art (painting, sculpture, music, dance), which have a directly object-sensory form created from some material object (paint, stone) or from action (body movement, sound of a string), literature creates its form from words, from language which, having a material embodiment (in sounds and indirectly in letters), is really comprehended not in sensory perception, but in intellectual understanding.

Form of Literature

Thus, the form of literature includes the subject-sensory side - certain complexes of sounds, the rhythm of verse and prose (moreover, these moments are perceived when reading “to oneself”); but this directly sensuous side of the literary form acquires real value only in its interaction with the actual intellectual, spiritual layers of artistic speech.

Even the most elementary components of the form (an epithet or a metaphor, a narrative or a dialogue) are assimilated only in the process of understanding (and not direct perception). Spirituality, penetrating through literature, allows it to develop its universal, in comparison with other types of art, possibilities.

The subject of art is human world, a diverse human attitude to reality, reality from a human point of view. However, it is in the art of the word (and this constitutes its specific sphere, in which theater and cinema adjoin literature) that a person as a carrier of spirituality becomes a direct object of reproduction and comprehension, the main point of application artistic forces. The qualitative originality of the subject of literature was noticed by Aristotle, who believed that plots poetry associated with the thoughts, characters and actions of people.

But only in the 19th century, i.e. in a predominantly "literary" era artistic development, this specificity of the subject was fully realized. “The object corresponding to poetry is the infinite realm of the spirit. For the word, this most malleable material, directly belonging to the spirit and most capable of expressing its interests and impulses in their inner vitality, the word should be used primarily for such an expression to which it is most suitable, just as in other arts it happens with stone, paint , sound.

From this side, the main task of poetry will be to promote awareness of the forces of spiritual life and, in general, of everything that rages in human passions and feelings or calmly passes before the contemplative gaze - the all-embracing realm human actions, deeds, destinies, ideas, all the fuss of this world and the entire divine world order ”(Hegel G. Aesthetics).

Every work of art is an act of spiritual and emotional communication between people and at the same time new item, a new phenomenon created by man and containing some kind of artistic discovery. These functions - communication, creation and knowledge - are equally inherent in all forms artistic activity, but different types art is characterized by the predominance of one function or another. Due to the fact that the word, language is the reality of thought, in the formation of verbal art, in the promotion of literature to a special, and in the 19-20 centuries even to a central place among the ancient arts, the main historical trend development of artistic activity - the transition from sensual-practical creation to sense-creation.

Place of Literature

The flourishing of literature is in a certain connection with the rise of the cognitive-critical spirit characteristic of modern times. Literature stands, as it were, on the verge of art and mental and spiritual activity; that is why certain phenomena of literature can be directly compared with philosophy, history, psychology. It is often called "artistic research" or "human science" (M. Gorky) for its problematic nature, analyticity, pathos of self-knowledge of a person to the innermost depths of his soul. In literature, more than in the plastic arts and music, the artistically recreated world appears as a meaningful world and raised to a high level of generalization. Therefore, it is the most ideological of all the arts.

Literary, images

Literary, the images of which are not directly perceptible, but arise in the human imagination, inferior to other arts in terms of the power of feelings, impact, but wins in terms of an all-encompassing penetration into the "essence of things". At the same time, the writer, strictly speaking, does not tell or reflect on life, as do, for example, a memoirist and a philosopher; he creates, creates art world just like a representative of any art. Process of creation literary work, its architectonics and individual phrases is associated with almost physical tension and in this sense is related to the activities of artists working with the unyielding matter of stone, sound, human body(in dance, pantomime).

This bodily-emotional tension does not disappear in the finished work: it is transmitted to the reader. Literature in maximum degree appeals to the work of aesthetic imagination, to the effort of the reader's co-creation, for the artistic being represented by a literary work can be manifested only if the reader, starting from a sequence of verbal-figurative statements, begins to restore, re-create this being (see). L.N. Tolstoy wrote in his diary that when perceiving genuine art there is an “illusion that I do not perceive, but create” (“On Literature”). These words emphasize the most important aspect of the creative function of literature: the education of the artist in the reader himself.

The verbal form of literature is not speech in the proper sense: the writer, in creating a work, does not "speak" (or "writes"), but "acts out" speech in the same way that an actor on stage does not act in literally words, but acts out. Artistic speech creates a sequence of verbal images of "gestures"; it itself becomes action, "being." So, the embossed verse " Bronze Horseman” as if erects a unique Pushkin Petersburg, and F.M. Dostoevsky’s tense, suffocating style and rhythm of narration make the spiritual throwing of his heroes seem to be tangible. As a result, literary works put the reader face to face with artistic reality, which can not only be comprehended, but and experience, "live" in it.

The body of literary works created on certain language or within certain state boundaries, is this or that national literature; the commonality of the time of creation and the resulting artistic properties allows us to speak about the literature of this era; taken together, in their increasing mutual influence, national literatures form the world, or world literature. Literature of any era has a huge variety.

First of all, literature is divided into two main types (forms) - poetry and prose, as well as into three types - epic, lyrics and drama. Despite the fact that the boundaries between genera cannot be drawn with absolute precision and there are many transitional forms, the main features of each genus are fairly well defined. At the same time, there is commonality and unity in the works of various kinds. In any work of literature, images of people appear - characters (or heroes) in certain circumstances, although in the lyrics these categories, like a number of others, have a fundamental originality.

The specific set of characters and circumstances that appears in the work is called the theme, and the semantic result of the work, which grows out of the juxtaposition and interaction of images, is called the artistic idea. Unlike a logical idea, an artistic idea is not formulated by the author's statement, but is depicted, imprinted on all the details of the artistic whole. When analyzing artistic idea two sides are often singled out: an understanding of the reflected life and an assessment of it. The evaluative (value) aspect, or "ideological and emotional orientation", is called a trend.

Literary work

A literary work is a complex interweaving of specific "figurative" statements- the smallest and simplest verbal images. Each of them puts before the reader's imagination a separate action, movement, which together represent life process in its origin, development and resolution. The dynamic nature of verbal art, in contrast to the static nature of fine art, was first highlighted by G.E. Lessing (“Laocoön, or On the Limits of Painting and Poetry”, 1766).

Separate elementary actions and movements that make up a work have different character: these are external, objective movements of people and things, and internal, spiritual movements, and “speech movements” - replicas of heroes and the author. The chain of these interrelated movements is the plot of the work. Perceiving the plot as the reader reads, the reader gradually comprehends the content - action, conflict, plot and motivation, theme and idea. The plot itself is a substantive-formal category, or (as they sometimes say) the “internal form” of a work. The "internal form" refers to the composition.

The form of the work in the proper sense is artistic speech, sequence of phrases which the reader perceives (reads or hears) directly and directly. This does not mean at all that artistic speech is a purely formal phenomenon; it is entirely meaningful, because it is in it that the plot is objectified, and thus the entire content of the work (characters, circumstances, conflict, theme, idea).

Considering the structure of a work, its various "layers" and elements, it is necessary to realize that these elements can be distinguished only by abstraction: in reality, each work is an indivisible living integrity. An analysis of a work based on a system of abstractions, separately investigating various aspects and details, should eventually lead to the knowledge of this integrity, its single content-formal nature (see).

Depending on the originality of the content and form, the work is referred to one or another genre (for example, epic genres: epic, story, novel, short story, short story, essay, fable, etc.). Each era develops a variety of genre forms, although the most appropriate to the general nature of the given time come to the fore.

Finally, various creative methods and styles are distinguished in literature. A certain method and style are characteristic of literature whole era or directions; on the other hand, each great artist creates his own individual method and style within the framework of a creative direction close to him.

Literature is studied by various branches of literary criticism. The current literary process is the main subject of literary criticism.

The word literature comes from Latin litteratura - written and from littera, which in translation means - a letter.

Types of literature can be distinguished both by the content of texts and by their purpose, and it is difficult to fully comply with the principle of unity of basis in the classification of literature. In addition, such a classification can be misleading, combining completely dissimilar and really different phenomena. Often typologically different texts of the same era are much more closer friend to each other than typologically identical texts different eras and cultures: in the underlying European philosophical literature Plato's "dialogues" have much more in common with other monuments of ancient Greek literature (say, with the dramas of Aeschylus) than with the works of such modern philosophers as Hegel or Russell.

The fate of some texts develops in such a way that during their creation they gravitate towards one type of literature, and subsequently move towards another: for example, Daniel Defoe's "The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe" is read today more like a work of children's literature, but meanwhile they were written not even just as a work fiction for adults, but as a pamphlet with a significant role of journalistic beginning. Therefore, a general list of the main types of literature can only be approximately indicative, and a specific structure literary space can only be established in relation to a given culture and a given period of time. For applied purposes, however, these difficulties are of no fundamental importance, so that the practical needs of the book trade and libraries are satisfied by rather branched, although superficial in approach, systems of library and bibliographic classification.

Fiction- a kind of art that uses words and constructions of natural (written human) language as the only material. The specificity of fiction is revealed in comparison, on the one hand, with art forms that use other material instead of verbal-linguistic (music, art) or along with it (theater, cinema, song), on the other hand, with other types of verbal text: philosophical, journalistic, scientific, etc. In addition, fiction, like other types of art, combines copyright (including anonymous) works, in contrast to works of folklore that essentially do not have an author.

Documentary prose- type of literature, which is characterized by the construction storyline exclusively on real events, with rare patches fiction. Documentary prose includes biographies of some outstanding people, stories of any events, country studies descriptions, investigations of high-profile crimes.

Memoirs- notes of contemporaries, telling about the events in which the author of the memoirs took part or which are known to him from eyewitnesses. An important feature of the memoirs is the installation on the "documentary" nature of the text, which claims to be the authenticity of the recreated past.

Scientific literature- a set of written works that are created as a result of research, theoretical generalizations made within the framework of scientific method. Scientific literature is intended to inform scientists and specialists about the latest achievements of science, as well as to fix the priority on scientific discoveries. As a rule, a scientific work is not considered completed if it has not been published. First scientific works created in various genres: in the form of treatises, reasoning, teachings, dialogues, travels, biographies and even in poetic forms. Currently, the forms of scientific literature are standardized and consist of monographs, reviews, articles, reports (including their abstracts), abstracts, abstracts and reviews. Currently, many countries have a mechanism for accreditation of scientific literature, supported by the government or public scientific organizations. In Russia, for example, such certification is carried out by the Higher Attestation Commission (Higher Attestation Commission).

Among the main requirements for the publication of scientific literature is its mandatory peer review. As part of this process, the publisher or editorial board of a scientific journal, before publishing a new scientific work sends it to several (usually two) reviewers who are considered experts in the field. The review process is designed to exclude publications in the scientific literature of those materials that contain gross methodological errors or outright falsifications. Since the beginning of the 20th century, there has been a regular exponential increase in the volume of published scientific literature. In this regard, one of the most important carriers of scientific literature at the present time are periodicals, mainly peer-reviewed scientific journals. Since the end of the 20th century, there has been a trend towards the transition of these journals from paper to electronic media, in particular to the Internet.

Popular science literature- literary works about science, scientific achievements and scientists, intended for a wide range of readers. Popular science literature is aimed both at specialists from other fields of knowledge and at unprepared readers, including children and adolescents. Unlike scientific literature, works of popular science literature are not reviewed and are not attested. Popular science literature includes works on the foundations and individual problems of the fundamental and applied sciences, biographies of scientists, descriptions of travels, etc., written in various genres. The best popular writings propagate the achievements of advanced science in the form most accessible to the readers for whom they are intended. The first in Europe were written in poetic form popular work about science - “On the Nature of Things” by Lucretius Cara and “Letter on the Usefulness of Glass” by M. V. Lomonosov. M. Faraday's "History of a Candle" and K. A. Timiryazev's "Life of a Plant" arose from the conversations. There are popular works written in the form of a calendar of nature, sketches, essays, "intellectual" adventures, etc.

Reference literature. Supporting literature used to obtain the most general, unquestionable information on a particular issue.

The main types of reference literature:

Dictionaries that organize information according to the main words and expressions for a given area of ​​knowledge (or for the entire language as a whole), most often in alphabetical order;

Directories in which information is organized in some other way, in accordance with the own structure of this field of knowledge (for example, a medical directory - by localization of diseases or the nature of symptoms);

Encyclopedias are the most comprehensive and systemic collections of information on this field of knowledge.

Ideally reference books should contain only facts that are considered objectively established and adequately reflect the current level of human knowledge. However, in practice it is impossible to completely separate facts from interpretations and implicit, implied assumptions, therefore this or that share of bias is present in any reference publication. In some cases, this share is quite large and is brought into the reference publication purposefully: such, in particular, are the majority of reference publications. Soviet era, especially when it comes to humanitarian knowledge - even short dictionary entries turn out to be ideologically colored in them.

This also applies to the selection of material: for example, in the literary encyclopedias published in the USSR, there was a place for purely secondary writers of socialist and communist orientation, but there were no very significant authors known for their negative attitude towards the Soviet system. Even later a short time it becomes impossible to use such publications as reference books: too much effort has to be spent on separating facts from interpretations; however, it is precisely this ideological coloring that makes reference publications especially interesting as historical evidence, a monument of their era.

Educational literature, dividing mainly into textbooks proper and collections of tasks (exercises), has a lot in common with the reference: like reference literature, educational deals with that part of knowledge on a particular issue, which is considered more or less generally recognized. However, the appointment educational literature another: to present this part of knowledge systematically and consistently so that the addressee of the text has a fairly complete and distinct idea about it and masters a number of skills in demand in this part of knowledge, whether it be the ability to solve equations or correctly place punctuation marks. This pragmatic task determines the features of the structure educational texts: repetitions, pickups, test questions and tasks, etc.

Technical literature- this is literature related to the field of technology and production (product catalogs, operating instructions, maintenance and repair instructions, parts catalogs, patents, etc.).

In this article will go it is about what literature is, what are its main features, types and genres.

Definition of the term

Everyone knows what literature is. In a broad sense, this is the totality of all texts ever written by man. But most often, literature means a form of art, the main task of which is writing. However, this is a too narrow understanding of the term. Literature is journalistic, scientific, philosophical, religious. Educated contemporaries of Homer, for example, read Virgil's Aeneid and Lucretius' treatise On the Nature of Things with equal pleasure. And critics in the 1820s recognized N. Turgenev's "Experience in the Theory of Taxes" and N. Karamzin's "History of the Russian State" as the best examples of Russian prose. Both of these works are modern understanding they do not belong, but this does not prevent them from remaining masterpieces.

The concept of "Literature" has several properties that have remained unchanged over the years.


Only author's texts are considered literature. They can also be anonymous (created by unknown author), and collective (written by a specific group of people). This point is important because the presence of the author provides the text with completeness. A person puts an end and thereby defines the boundaries of the created work, which from now on will live on its own. The situation is different, for example, with folklore texts. Anyone can add something to it from themselves, make changes, compose details. And no one in the world can put a signature under this work. What is literature? This is text owned by a specific author.

Written text

Literature includes only written texts. Oral creativity It has nothing to do with this type of art. Folklore has always been passed from mouth to mouth, it can be fixed on paper, but it will be just the author's version of a non-literary text. AT modern world there are exceptions to this rule, the so-called transitional cases. They exist in national cultures those peoples who, with the advent of writing, still have storytellers, whose work, created orally, is immediately subjected to written fixation. Such texts are considered literary. we are approaching a broader understanding of what literature is. It is a written text created by a specific author.

Use of words

Literary texts are those that are created using words. human language. They do not include syncretic and synthetic texts in which the verbal component cannot be separated from the visual, musical or any other. Opera or song is not part of literature. However, in our time it often happens that the music and words in a work are created by the same author. How legitimate is it to consider literature, for example, Vysotsky's poems to own songs- hard to say. On the other hand, the fairy tale The little Prince» Saint-Exupery is also not easy to call an exclusively literary work due to the fact that important role it features author's illustrations to the text.

social significance

In order to finally come to an understanding of what literature is, we must consider one more criterion. It no longer refers to but to its function. Literary works are records that have social significance, that is, school essays, personal diaries, office correspondence have nothing to do with literature. This rule has exceptions. If letters or diaries are written by a significant author (writer, scientist, politician, etc.) and shed light on his creative activity, then over time they receive the status of a literary work. For example, the diary of Sergei Yesenin has long become public and is published on a par with other works of the poet.

Main types

Literature is fiction, documentary, memoir, scientific or popular science, as well as educational, technical and reference. Fiction, unlike its other types, has a pronounced aesthetic orientation. Through fiction, the author seeks to convey his conclusions to the reader, and sometimes simply to entertain him.

Back in antiquity ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle in his "Poetics" divided all works into three types: drama, lyrics and epic. In later European literature passed many genres: novel, elegy, satire, ode, poem, tragedy, comedy. Drama appeared only in the 18th century. Genre development of literature never stops. In the modern world, we read detectives, science fiction, thrillers, action films, "horrors" and others. interesting books. Literature today is distributed not only on paper, but also through computer files on electronic media.

Russian literature

Literature was of great importance for the social and political life of Russia. In a state where an enlightened society could not freely express its ideas and thoughts, this kind of art became a kind of outlet. For example, in the 19th century, the Russian language and literature had a forced journalistic character. The most widely read authors were documentarians and journalists. The critic V. G. Belinsky, who did not write a single novel, story or play in his life, became a famous and highly read writer.

As soon as the leader or monarch in Russia was somehow limited, the country announced the “great end of literature” (V. V. Rozanov). So it was in 1910, when something similar first appeared in Russia, the country experienced in the 1990s, after the collapse of the USSR.

Russian classic literature- one of the most interesting and read in the world. L. Tolstoy, N. Gogol, A. Pushkin, F. Dostoevsky are recognized masters of the artistic word.

If you, the reader, wondered: "Literature - what is it?" and would like to receive a capacious answer, but still true and scientific, then you turned to the right text. So, in this article I will briefly review what literature is, and also talk about its two main forms - oral and written.

The academic dictionary compiled by the Russian Academy of Sciences defines literature as "the totality of scientific, artistic, philosophical and similar works." The disadvantage of this wording is that the subject can be seen as non-literary, for example, graphic illustrations. I can offer my own definition, which is more suitable for the article: literature (Latin litteratura - written) is a set of speech constructions captured in oral and written form. Literature is the object of study of literary criticism (for more details, see the article "Fundamentals of the Theory of Literature"). Literature is both a special human activity and also a product of this activity, where the main tool through which products are created is language and its unit - the word.

on definitions and brief explanation it would be possible, at first glance, to confine ourselves, however, there are significant "buts", the average person often perceives a literary work as captured only in writing, but in fact there is a form of oral literature, which I will begin to talk about further.

oral literature

Firstly, yes, there is oral literature, and even with the advent of writing, it has not disappeared. And if we touch upon the period when humanity, having become, albeit scattered, but communities of rational beings, began to form its own culture, but did not have a written language, then oral literature is an important tool for transmitting created products. The latter without writing is especially important, since if the author, having created a literary work, captured in writing, could no longer apply special efforts for its preservation (with known assumptions, of course), then the product is verbally literary form required a number of additional efforts from him, for example:

  • Remember exactly what he created. After all, it’s not enough to come up with something, it’s important to accurately keep it in memory in order to correctly reproduce it orally, as originally intended. Yes, often the constant rethinking of what has been created is beneficial to him, but there are cases when, on the contrary, it is harmful, but these consequences are superfluous for consideration here;
  • Communicate what you have created to others. If the product written literature the reader could study on his own, then with the oral form, the author first had to transfer his work to someone else, present it orally in direct contact, in simpler terms - tell, tell;
  • Difficulties of multistage transmission. In the event that the author managed to accurately reproduce what he himself invented, then he should have been worried about the following: how the listener understood what he heard, how well he remembered and whether he could in turn reproduce it correctly (partially the problem from point one).

In general, the oral form of transmission and preservation of information is far from best tool cultural development. However, the influence and role of oral literature on the formation and development of culture as separate social groups, and peoples, or even all of humanity, is difficult to overestimate. Moreover, the oral form is still preserved and, apparently, will not disappear anywhere in the near future, because a person retains both the need for verbal communication and the fact that in a number of situations it is more convenient to use the oral form than to write essays to each other . It should only be clarified that oral communication in itself is not literature if a certain speech construction is not created and stored in it for subsequent reproduction. For example, if two people are discussing how clear the sky is today, and the bus is seven minutes late, then this is not literature. If, in oral communication, constructions are created, transmitted (by the narrator) or reproduced that fit the characteristics of a literary work, for example, an anecdote is composed or a poem is recited to the situation, then yes, this is oral literature. It is clear that this topic covered briefly and it is much deeper, but for such a study of it should turn to studies of the appropriate size, and I will move on to the written form of literature.

written literature

The possibilities of written literature were provided, as you might guess, by writing, and the more effective the latter became, the better were the products of literature. Yes, the development of writing did not take place immediately, this process was very long, taking several thousand years and, in essence, due to the fact that mankind had a constant need to make the products of their mental labor timeless, that is, as an option, write them down, preferably in more detail and in details. So the quick-witted representatives of mankind perfected this so right tool, including his graphemes: from pictography through hieroglyphs to letter writing.

Written literature made it possible not only to preserve works in their exact form, but also made it possible to easily reproduce what was saved, it gradually reduced the complexity of interpretation, for example, it is one thing when you need to understand meaning messages in drawings and one has to guess, and another when it is composed in a syllabic or alphabetic letter. At present, each civilized man can master the written component of their language and create literary works; and yes, not only an essay or a novel is a literary product, but also short mail letters or even notes or messages transmitted using the "short message service" (SMS).

I hope that from the article it became clear what it is - literature, and also that the latter has not only written, but also oral form, and how each of them is useful and simply necessary modern man regardless of his professional, leisure or learning activities. And I also hope that you, the reader, will be able to independently distinguish in oral speech the creation or presentation of a literary product from those that are not.

February 4715



noun, and., use often

Morphology: (no) what? literature, what? literature, (see) what? literature, how? literature, about what? about literature; pl. what? literature, (no) what? literature, what? literature, (see) what? literature, how? literature, about what? about literature

1. Literature- this is a collection of prose, poetic and dramatic works of a particular people, era or all of humanity, along with the cultural and historical background that contributed to the creation of these works.

World literature. | Literature of the peoples of Russia. | History of literature. | Old Russian literature. | Ancient literature, the literature of the ancient Greeks and Romans forms a special stage in the development of world literature.

2. Literature- this is one of the types of art in which the means of creating an artistic image is the word, language.

A work of literature. | Engage in literature. | Fiction. | Documentary literature. | Compared to music in literature big role plays the plot structure of the work.

3. Literature- this is a collection of printed works devoted to the problems of any science, branch of knowledge, one or another special issue.

Technical literature. | List of special literature. | Literature on history. | An extensive literature is devoted to the issue of the conservation of ecological systems. | A real specialist cannot help but follow the new scientific literature in his specialty

4. Literature- This is one of the subjects included in the school curriculum.

Double in Literature. | Skip literature.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Dmitriev. D.V. Dmitriev. 2003 .


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    LITERATURE, s, wives. 1. Works of writing that have a public, cognitive value. Scientific l. memoir l. Artistic l. Old Russian l. 2. Written art form, collection works of art(poetry, prose, ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Literature. H.J. Raymond, Life and public services of Abraham L. ( NY, 1864); J. G. Holland, Life of A. L. (Springfield, 1865); Corsby, Das Leben A. L s (Philadelphia, 1861); W. H. Lamon, LHfe of A.L. (Boston, 1872); Jouault, A.L., sa… … Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron


  • Literature, . The textbook contains materials on Russian literature of the late XVIII - XX centuries. The work of the largest writers of this period is considered in detail, analyzes of the most significant ...

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