Bunin's childhood and youth years briefly. Ivan Bunin's poem "Childhood": analysis and history of creation


I. A. Bunin was born on October 22, 1870 in Voronezh. His childhood was family estate located in the Oryol province.

At the age of 11, Bunin began to study at the Yelets Gymnasium. In the fourth year of study, due to an illness, he was forced to leave his studies and go to live in the village. After recovery, Ivan Bunin continues his studies with his older brother, both were very interested in literature. At the age of 19, Bunin was forced to leave the estate and provide for himself on his own. He changes several positions, working as an extra, proofreader, librarian, he often has to move. From 1891 he began to publish poems and stories.

Having received approval from L. Tolstoy and A. Chekhov, Bunin focuses his activities on the literary sphere. As a writer, Bunin receives the Pushkin Prize, and also becomes an honorary member Russian Academy Sciences. Bunin's great fame in literary circles brought the story "Village".

The October Revolution was perceived negatively by him, in connection with which he left Russia, emigrating to France. In Paris, he writes many works relating to Russian nature.

I. A. Bunin dies in 1953, having survived the Second World War.

Short biography of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin Grade 4


Bunin Ivan Alekseevich was born on October 10 or 22, 1870 in the city of Voronezh. A little later, he and his parents moved to the estate of the Oryol province.

He spends his childhood in the estate, in the middle of nature.

Without graduating from the gymnasium in the city of Yelets (1886), Bunin receives his subsequent education from his brother Julius, who graduated with honors from the university.

Creative activity

The first works of Ivan Alekseevich were published in 1888, and the first collection of his poems with the same name was published in 1889. Thanks to this collection, glory comes to Bunin. Soon, in 1898, in the collection "Under open sky"His poems are published, and later, in 1901, in the collection" Falling Leaves ".

Later, Bunin was awarded the title of academician at the Academy of Sciences of the city of St. Petersburg (1909), after which he left Russia, being an opponent of the revolution.

Life abroad and death

Abroad, Bunin does not leave his creative activity and writes works that will be doomed to success in the future. It was then that he wrote one of the most famous works"The Life of Arseniev". For him, the writer receives Nobel Prize.

Bunin's last work - literary image Chekhov was never completed.

Ivan Bunin died in the capital of France - in the city of Paris and was buried there.

4th grade for children, 11th grade

The life and work of Ivan Bunin

1870 is a significant year for Russia. October 10 (October 22) in the Voronezh noble family was born a brilliant poet and writer, who won world fame- I.A. Bunin. From the age of three, the Oryol province becomes native for the future writer. Ivan spends his childhood in the family, at the age of 8 he begins to try himself in the literary field. Due to illness, he was unable to complete his studies at the Yelets gymnasium. He corrected his health in the village of Ozerki. Unlike younger brother, another member of the Bunin family, Julius, is studying at the university. But after spending a year in prison, he was also sent to the village of Ozerki, where he became a teacher for Ivan, teaching him many sciences. Literature enjoyed special love among the brothers. The debut in the newspaper took place in 1887. Two years later, due to the need to earn money, Ivan Bunin leaves home. The modest positions of a newspaper employee, an extra, a librarian, a proofreader brought a small income for existence. He often had to change his place of residence - Orel, Moscow, Kharkov, Poltava were his temporary homeland.

Thoughts about his native Oryol region did not leave the writer. His impressions were reflected in his first collection called "Poems", which was published in 1891. Bunin was especially impressed by the meeting with the famous writer Leo Tolstoy 3 years after the release of Poems. He remembered the next year as the year of his acquaintance with A. Chekhov, before that Bunin only corresponded with him. Criticism was well received by Bunin's story "To the End of the World" (1895). After which he decides to devote himself to this art. The subsequent years of Ivan Bunin's life are completely connected with literature. Thanks to his collections "Under the open sky", "Leaf fall", in 1903 the writer becomes the owner Pushkin Prize(This prize was awarded to him twice). The marriage with Anna Tsakni, which took place in 1898, was short-lived, their only 5-year-old child dies. After living with V. Muromtseva.

In the period from 1900 to 1904, beloved by many famous stories: "Chernozem", " Antonov apples", no less significant" Pines "and" new road". These works made an indelible impression on Maxim Gorky, who will highly appreciate the writer's work, calling him the best stylist of our time. Readers especially fell in love with the story "The Village".

In 1909, the Russian Academy of Sciences acquired a new honorary member. They rightfully became Ivan Alekseevich. Bunin could not accept October revolution, spoke sharply and negatively about Bolshevism. Historical events in his homeland force him to leave his country. His path lay in France. Crossing the Crimea, Constantinople, the writer decides to stop in Paris. In a foreign land, all his thoughts are about his homeland, the Russian people, natural beauty. Active literary activity resulted in significant works: "Lapti", "Mitina's love", "Mowers", "Far", short story " Dark alleys", in the novel "The Life of Arseniev", written in 1930, he tells about his childhood and youth. These works were called the best in Bunin's work.

Three years later, another significant event in his life - Ivan Bunin was awarded the honorary Nobel Prize. were written abroad famous books about Leo Tolstoy and Anton Chekhov. In France, one of his recent books"Memories". Ivan Bunin survived historical events in Paris - the attack of the fascist army, saw their defeat. Active activity made him one of the most important figures in the Russian diaspora. Date of death famous writer – 8.11.1953.

Biography by dates and Interesting Facts. The most important.

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One of the most famous poems early creativity Bunin - "Childhood" - was written in a young age, when childhood, it seems, has not gone far, but already, obviously, irrevocably. This article presents an analysis of the poem, as well as the history of its creation and the means of expression used.

"The hotter the day, the sweeter in the forest..."

Before analyzing this poem, it is necessary to refresh its lines in memory. The poem is familiar to many young years:

The hotter the day, the sweeter in the forest

Breathe the dry resinous scent

And I had fun in the morning

Roam these sunny chambers!

Shine everywhere, everywhere bright light,

Sand is like silk ... I cling to the gnarled pine

And I feel: I'm only ten years old,

And the trunk is a giant, heavy, majestic.

The bark is rough, wrinkled, red,

But it's so warm, so warmed up by the sun!

And it seems that it is not pine that smells,

And the heat and dryness sunlight.

History of creation

Bunin wrote the poem "Childhood" in 1895 at the age of 25. This time in the biography of the poet is characterized by the beginning of serious creativity, the first publications and participation of Bunin in the literary circle "Wednesday", whose regulars were also Maxim Gorky and Leonid Andreev. The first poetic confessions, serious colleagues - and suddenly Bunin writes this poem, filled with the triumph of the freshness of childhood impressions and longing for the time when "the trees were big."

Ivan Bunin's childhood was happy. When the boy was four years old, the Bunin family moved to their family estate, located in the Yelets district. From an early age, Ivan was surrounded by love, good education and rich nature. As if from Shishkin's paintings, dense coniferous forests appeared in front of the boy, shining in glimpses of sunlight. From childhood, endowed with subtle perception and rich imagination, Ivan often spent time in the forest - alone, with a constant book under his arm, or accompanied by a tutor - Nikolai Romashkov, who had a significant impact on early education future poet. Little Bunin is pictured below.

Most likely, standing on the threshold between twenty years of youth and thirty years of maturity, between the obscurity of an aspiring poet and the glory of a famous one, Ivan Bunin indulged in memories of his childhood with particular nostalgia. Then everything was still ahead, and Pinery could become a reliable shelter from any troubles that could happen in his childhood life.

The first publication of this poem took place only in 1906, eleven years after it was written.

Analysis of the work

The theme of Bunin's poem "Childhood" is nostalgia for the past, for a time when you could spend whole days carefree in the forest, and about adult life, seeming very far away, and not to think at all. The poem is written in the genre lyrical work using a cross rhyme and in the size of iambic tetrameter - thanks to him, the poem sounds cheerful and easy, allowing you to imagine a carefree boy joyfully walking through the morning forest. Lyrical hero The work is the author himself, his most important task is to tell about his love for nature, for the summer sun, but exactly the way he felt it in childhood.

Expressive means

main means artistic expressiveness in Bunin's poem "Childhood" is an alliteration: each line uses several hissing and deaf sounds, allowing you to hear the rustle of sand, the creak of heavy trunks, the crunch of bark. Solid and soft sounds"l" - thanks to this, one feels how bright light pours through the trees, how hot resin flows down the pine trunks.

In addition to this, to expressive means metaphor ("solar chambers"), comparison ("sand - like silk"), personification ("majestic trunk"), lexical repetitions ("glory everywhere, bright light everywhere", "as warm as the sun warmed everything") and a huge number of enthusiastic epithets ("resinous aroma", "sunny chambers", "brilliance and bright light", "trunk - heavy, majestic", "sunny summer"). It is exaggerated enthusiasm that allows you to feel genuine, sincere delight, which the human soul is capable of only in childhood.

Childhood. adolescence

I was born on October 10, 1870 in Voronezh, where my parents moved from the village for a while to raise my older brothers; but I had to spend my childhood (from the age of four) in the wilderness, in one of the small family estates (the Butyrka farm, Yelets district, Oryol province.).

Evgeny Alekseevich Bunin:

I'll start with Vanya's childhood and my youth.

Our farm fell into decay, the land for the most part the father rented to the peasants, but two or three cows remained on the farm and there were also few horses. There was very little left for sowing, and everything around was overgrown with weeds, nettles, Tatars, just like the garden. But all this was somehow poetic: wilderness, silence, only owls disturbed this slumber at night, and nearby, right behind the sheds, there were a lot of quails and corncrakes. I liked to hunt quails with a net and tricks to call them. With me, Vanya became addicted to this hunt, and after catching the evening dawn, we usually planned to go further into the morning dawn. The nights are short at this time, so I used to say: “Well, brother, I’ll lie down in the barn for a while to sleep, but don’t miss it, wake me up, guard the dawn.” And here, it used to be, there is a beautiful Moonlight night, and he does not sleep, runs around the barns and does not lie down, but as soon as he hears the first quail, he wakes me up, and we set off entirely through the rust, through the dew. It's still dark, before morning we go, listen to where the best quail is. So we go a mile or more and there we choose the best place or the best quail, we stretch the net, and I warn Vanya to sit still, holding his breath at their approach. And he, trembling with nervousness and anticipation, freezes. It even happened that the quail would surround us, and there are so many brave ones that sometimes they jump up on their feet and shoulders. I remember one daredevil climbed on Vanya's head and yelled there. One can imagine Vanya's state - with bated breath in hunting ecstasy, he waits until they gather under the net, and then, at my sign, he jumps up and frightens them. They get tangled in the net, and then we carefully, but quickly, so as not to get out ourselves, take them out and put them in a bag - there is no end to the delight. Again we continue to catch, sometimes dragging the net to another place. And then the dawn flares up, and they scream and fly with even greater force and energy. But for the most part, these are quick-hooks, and the fighters themselves are more careful, they knock out briskly, slowly, three times, and differ from those quick-hooks in endurance. He alone sometimes stands out from hundreds. But don’t miss with this one: the slightest irregularity - and he will immediately find out and won’t go, and you won’t lure him to the second dawn. With a successful hunt, Vanya was so delighted that he ran home jumping up and down. We put them in cages. If caught in early spring, it will soon scream in a cage.

Once in the countryside, he was first of all amazed by nature, and he remembered ‹...› desires that were not quite usual in infancy: to climb a cloud and swim, swim on it at a terrible height, or a request to his mother when she lulled him, sitting on balcony, before going to bed, let him play with the star, which he already remembered, seeing her from his bed. ‹…›

Little Vanya grew up surrounded by affection and love. But there was sadness in his heart. Hearing from adults the phrase: “He doesn’t have enough grief” and understanding it in his own way, he often began to think, sitting by the window with a hand under his chin, and once, when asked what was happening to him, he answered:

I have little grief.

As a child, he burred, did not pronounce the letter "r". He thinks that it was out of imitation of someone, because when brother Evgeny shouted at him for this - he was already eight years old - he immediately stopped burring. But as a child, losing his temper, if his desire was not fulfilled, he fell to the floor and shouted: “Umiayu! I'm dying!"

With very early age two opposite sides of nature were discovered in the boy: mobility, gaiety, artistic perception life, - he began to mimic early, often depicting the comic features of a person, - and sadness, thoughtfulness, strong impressionability, fear of darkness in the room, in the barn, where, according to the nanny, there was devilry, despite the shabby icon hanging in the east corner. And this duality, changing over the years, remained in him until his death.

Evgeny Alekseevich Bunin:

Our Butyrki farm, or, as my father called it, Gunib ‹…› was completely covered with deep snows, which compared everything with drifts after a week-long blizzards. Neither horsemen nor footmen could penetrate there, and if anyone ventured to wander towards us, it was difficult to lead him through. Often it was necessary to send workers with shovels to dig out and pave the road, so the farm was brought in - the roofs in the form of snowdrifts and the tops of the garden trees were barely visible. We have been cut off from the whole world for months, and if the necessary supplies were not enough, then be patient. If someone came to us, he experienced this bitter fate with us. Yes, our life differed little from the life of Samoyeds and other northerners. I could tell a lot about our long family evenings, but I will refrain ... With what impatience I waited for the early signs of spring. Often, it happened, I climb into the attic, look out the dormer window and wait - whether rooks or early spring birds will appear, or maybe the ravines are already filling with hollow water and vast waters will soon rustle over them with a mighty roar. Our Gunib was at that time surrounded by water and became, as it were, a peninsula. And Vanya, having read Robinson Crusoe and about the Indians, made for himself intricate savage costumes or armor of knights, together with his teacher N. I. Romashkov, who lived with us. ‹…›

Vanya had his own Friday, when he pretended to be Robinson. When we, after the death of my grandmother, moved to Ozerki, we had a large pond under the garden, where he and a friend swam all day long in Indian costumes on pirogues with poles, shouting: “Kikereki, kikeriki, I am an alligator from the neighboring river! » - and fought with arrows.

Lidia Valentinovna Ryshkova-Kolbasnikova:

As children, Ivan Alekseevich and my brother swam across the pond on the old gate, portraying the Indians.

Vera Nikolaevna Muromtseva-Bunina:

From childhood, Vanya began to hang out with his peers, first with the shepherds, and then with the children from Vyselki, who were a verst from Butyrki. They also visited him, and he also visited their huts. He was very friendly with some of the guys, and he fell in love with one so much that he demanded that he stay overnight with him, which sometimes outraged their strict, orderly nanny. With everyone he was on an equal footing, and from the stronger ones he sometimes got “under the miki”, but he never complained at home.

Parents took Vanya, and then the sisters, to a church in the village of Christmas, where they went in a troika with a coachman in a colored shirt and a plush jacket. God Sabaoth, written in the dome, caused fear in him. Despite the fatigue, he loved church services, and he liked the honor they enjoyed in the temple. The priest sent prosphora to the mother, the peasants gave them the way when they were a little late for the service.

They began to take children when they went to visit their grandmother, the mother of Lyudmila Alexandrovna, in Ozerki, which were located a few miles from their farm. Vanya was impressed by the entrance to the estate with two stone pillars, was struck by the house with an unusually high roof, and was captivated by the colored glass in the windows of the living room and the corner room. And she and her sister called the old spruce in front of the house "cherished".

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin:

I heard a lot of songs, fairy tales, legends from the courtyards and my mother, among other things, “ The Scarlet Flower”,“ About three elders ”, - what I later read from Aksakov, from Tolstoy. I also owe them the first knowledge in the folk and ancient language.

Mark Aldanov:

Bunin as a child learned to read and write in the Russian translation of Don Quixote ...

How I learned to read, really, I don’t remember, but I began to learn correctly only when they invited a tutor, a student of Moscow University, a certain ‹ ... › Romashkov, a strange, quick-tempered, quarrelsome man, but very talented - both in painting and in music, and in literature. He spoke many languages ​​- English, French, German, and even knew oriental ones, since he was brought up at the Lazarev Institute, he saw a lot in his lifetime and, probably, his fascinating stories in winter evenings when snowstorms literally to the tops brought the cherry of our garden on the mountain, and the fact that my first books to read were "English Poets" (ed. Herbel) and Homer's "Odyssey" aroused in me a passion for poetry, the fruit of which was several infantile verse.

Evgeny Alekseevich Bunin:

N. I. Romashkov ‹…› was really an indispensable person (of course, sober, but if he drank, he became unbearable). He had an inexhaustible supply of anecdotes and all sorts of stories, had a colossal memory, and was generally a talented person. After graduating from the Lazarev Institute, he was then, it seems, at the Faculty of Law. He did not finish it and at the age of 22 he became a teacher in a gymnasium - for women and men - but after his resignation on the occasion of drunkenness he left. He read excellently, recited, expounded what he read in a completely literary way, wrote poetry, limiting himself, however, only to topical ones. In general, he was a great comedian, he knew how to tell and built such hilarious faces at the same time that everyone around him died with laughter. He played the violin and guitar fairly well. When the cherf-erych appeared on the table (as he called the mogarych), at first he was very cheerful and began to dance. However, this worm-rych quickly acted on him, and here he began to find fault with many, usually clenched his fists and used to say: semolina I’ll put you away, ”that is, he will give in the face and knock out all his teeth.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin:

The heightened impressionability that I inherited not only from my father, from my mother, but also from my grandfathers, great-grandfathers, those very, very peculiar people of whom Russian enlightened society once consisted, was with me from birth. "He" helped her development immensely. ‹…› The contrast of feelings and ideas that he planted in me stemmed from the fact that for his stories he most often chose, without regard to my age, everything, it seems, is the most bitter and caustic of what he experienced, testifying to human meanness and cruelty, and for reading - something heroic, sublime, speaking of beautiful and noble passions human soul, and I, listening to him, sometimes burned with indignation towards people and from tormenting tenderness for him, who suffered so much from them, sometimes I shivered, froze from joyful excitement.

Vera Nikolaevna Muromtseva-Bunina:

In childhood, he first felt death: a village boy from the shepherds fell off with his horse into the Proval, located in the field behind the estate, something like a funnel with a muddy bottom, covered with weeds and thickets.

The whole estate rushed to save, but both the shepherd boy and the horse died. Words: " dead body”, said at Van, horrified him. He lived for a long time under the impression of this death. He often looked at the stars and kept thinking: “What kind of soul is Senka for?”

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin.In the transmission of V. N. Muromtseva-Bunina:

I was unusually truthful in my childhood and adolescence. Suddenly something incomprehensible happened to me: being about eight years old, I suddenly indulged for no reason in a terrible, aimless deceit; I’ll burst, for example, from the garden or from the yard into the house, shouting with a good obscenity that the barn is on fire in our threshing floor or that a rabid wolf rushed from the field and jumped into the open window of the people’s kitchen - and already with all my soul believing both in fire and in wolf. And it lasted for a year, and ended as suddenly as it began. And it returned, - more precisely, it began to return - in the form of that plot “lie”, which is verbal creativity, fiction, which became my second nature from that early time when I began to write somehow completely by itself, becoming only a writer for life.

Vera Nikolaevna Muromtseva-Bunina:

At the end of Christmas time (1878 - Comp.), the youngest girl fell ill, very cheerful, blue-eyed, on strong legs, the favorite of the whole house.

The guests quickly dispersed, and came hard days, full of anxiety, depression and helplessness. What was the illness? Unknown. Everything happened in a few weeks. A paramedic came from Predtechevo, who did not understand anything, and in early February the girl died.

The disappearance from the life of his beloved sister Sasha struck the boy so that he was shocked for the rest of his life, and his terrible amazement before death never passed. ‹…› The fact that the nanny threw a black cloth over the mirror in the room where he slept left a heavy impression…

Here is how he himself wrote about it:

“That February evening, when Sasha died and I (I was then 7-8 years old) ran through the snowy yard to the people’s room to say about it, I kept looking at the dark cloudy sky on the run, thinking that her little soul was now flying there. In my whole being there was some kind of stopped horror, a feeling of a sudden accomplished great, incomprehensible event.

Shortly after Sasha’s death, someone from Yelets brought penny books of the Lives of the Saints, and the boy pounced on this reading, began to pray a lot, keep fasts, even wove something similar to a “sackcloth” from ropes and wore it under his shirt. And he kept running to the shoemaker, who went to the city for goods, giving him coppers, asking him to buy more and more books about the saints for him. ‹…›

In adolescence, Vanya had another event that struck, even shocked him.

One day, going out into the yard, he saw a rook with a broken wing, which hobbled along the ground. Unexpectedly for himself, he rushed into the study, grabbed a dagger from the wall, which had fascinated him since childhood, and, catching the unfortunate bird, began to prick it, she, as he said, defended herself strongly, scratched his hand, but he still with he finished her off with some kind of rapture, plunging a dagger into the very heart ... And this murder tormented him for a long time, and he secretly prayed from everyone that God would forgive him this crime.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin:

From my childhood memories: in the snowy dull twilight around Christmas, fires are burning in the village, in the snow, near the huts.

He asked the woman on the threshold: why is this?

And then, barchuk, to keep the dead warm.

Yes, they are in the cemetery.

You never know! all at night, each to his own hut, they will come to warm themselves. They are always allowed to do this at Christmas.

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Ivan Bunin was born in a poor noble family October 10 (22), 1870. Then, in the biography of Bunin, there was a move to the estate of the Oryol province near the city of Yelets. Bunin's childhood passed in this place, among the natural beauty of the fields.

Primary education in Bunin's life was received at home. Then, in 1881, the young poet entered the Yelets Gymnasium. However, without finishing it, he returned home in 1886. Further education Ivan Alekseevich Bunin received thanks to his older brother Julius, who graduated from the university with honors.

Literary activity

Bunin's poems were first published in 1888. The following year, Bunin moved to Orel, becoming a proofreader for a local newspaper. Bunin's poetry, collected in a collection called "Poems", became the first published book. Soon, Bunin's work gains fame. The following poems by Bunin were published in the collections Under the Open Air (1898), Falling Leaves (1901).

dating the greatest writers(Bitter, Tolstoy, Chekhov, etc.) leaves a significant imprint in the life and work of Bunin. Bunin's stories "Antonov apples", "Pines" are published.

The writer in 1909 becomes an honorary academician of the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg. Bunin reacted rather sharply to the ideas of the revolution, and left Russia forever.

Life in exile and death

The biography of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin almost all consists of moving, traveling (Europe, Asia, Africa). In exile, Bunin continues to actively engage in literary activity, writes his best works: "Mitya's Love" (1924), " Sunstroke"(1925), as well as the main novel in the life of the writer -" The Life of Arseniev "(1927-1929, 1933), which brings Bunin the Nobel Prize in 1933. In 1944, Ivan Alekseevich wrote the story "Clean Monday".

Before his death, the writer was often ill, but at the same time he did not stop working and creating. In the last few months of his life, Bunin was busy working on literary portrait A.P. Chekhov, but the work remained unfinished

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin died on November 8, 1953. He was buried in the Sainte-Genevieve-des-Bois cemetery in Paris.

Chronological table

Other biography options


We have prepared an interesting quest about the life of Ivan Alekseevich -

Bunin was born in 1870 in Voronezh into an old noble but impoverished family. He spent his childhood on the estate of his father Butyrka in the Oryol province - in central Russia, where Lermontov, Turgenev, Leskov, Leo Tolstoy were born or worked. Bunin saw himself as the literary heir of his great countrymen.

He was proud that he came from an ancient noble family, who gave Russia many prominent figures both in the field public service as well as in the field of art. Among his ancestors are V. A. Zhukovsky, famous poet, a friend of A. S. Pushkin.

It is worth talking about his family, because, in many ways, it was she who influenced him. further development as a creative person, one of the best representatives Russian literature of the XX century.

Father, Alexei Nikolaevich, a landowner of the Oryol and Tula provinces, was quick-tempered, reckless, most of all loving hunting and singing to the guitar old romances. In the end, due to his addiction to wine and cards, he squandered not only his own inheritance, but also the fortune of his wife. My father was at war, a volunteer, in the Crimean campaign, he liked to brag about his acquaintance with Count Tolstoy himself, also from Sevastopol.

But despite these vices, everyone loved him very much for his cheerful disposition, generosity, and artistic talent. No one was ever punished in his house. Vanya grew up surrounded by affection and love. His mother spent all the time with him and spoiled him very much.

Ivan Bunin's mother was the complete opposite of her husband: a meek, gentle and sensitive nature, brought up on the lyrics of Pushkin and Zhukovsky, and was primarily engaged in raising children. Ivan Alekseevich loved her dearly, and after her death he hid the memory of her so deeply that until the end of his life he did not speak about her aloud to anyone.

Bunin's elder brother, Julius Alekseevich, had a great influence on the formation of the writer. He was like a home teacher for his brother. Ivan Alekseevich wrote about his brother: “He went through the entire gymnasium course with me, studied languages ​​with me, read me the rudiments of psychology, philosophy, social and natural sciences; besides, we had endless conversations with him about literature.

Julius entered the university, finished the course, then switched to law, graduated from the gymnasium with honors. They predicted a scientific career for him, but he became interested in something else: he read Chernyshevsky and Dobrolyubov endlessly, made friends with the young opposition, joined the revolutionary democratic movement, "went among the people." He was arrested, served some time, then exiled to his native places. Site dedicated to I.A. Bunin http://bunin.niv.ru/bunin/family/family.htm

"Not even a year has passed," recalled Julius, "as he (Ivan) grew so mentally that I could have conversations with him almost as an equal on many topics."

Ivan Alekseevich also had a brother Evgeny, sisters Masha (with whom the writer often quarreled because of her sister’s hot temper, however, she was very quick-tempered, so the quarrels did not last long) and Sasha (a favorite of the family, who tragic coincidence circumstances, she died at a very young age, which greatly shocked little Vanya).

The world of his childhood was limited to the family, the estate, the village. He recalled: "Here, in the deepest silence, in the summer among the bread, approaching the very thresholds, and in the winter among the snowdrifts, my childhood passed, full of poetry, sad and peculiar."

He leaves his native home for a short time, having entered the gymnasium of the district town of Yelets, where he did not study for four years. Bunin later writes: “I grew up alone ... without peers, in my youth I didn’t have them, and I couldn’t have them: I wasn’t given the usual paths of youth - gymnasium, university. I didn’t study anywhere, no environment did not know".

WITH early childhood the future poet was distinguished by phenomenal observation, memory, impressionability. Bunin wrote about himself: "My vision was such that I saw all seven stars in the Pleiades, heard the whistle of a marmot in the evening field a mile away, got drunk, smelling the smell of a lily of the valley or an old book."

From infancy, he heard poems from his mother's lips. Portraits of Zhukovsky and Pushkin in the house were considered family.

Bunin wrote his first poem at the age of eight. At the age of sixteen, his first publication appeared in print, and at 18, having left the impoverished estate, according to his mother, "with one cross on his chest," he began to get bread by literary work.

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