Flamenco - what is it? How to learn to dance this dance? Where horses dance flamenco.


People at all times were attracted by dance, and to this day it remains one of the secrets of nature. When the music is in tune with the mood, as if the soul begins to sing. The head sways to the beat of the music, the body begins to slowly sway by itself, with provocative rhythms you want to beat the beat with your feet, wave your arms and be carried along with the music into a world where feelings and experiences can pour out in gesture, movement, look. Flamenco is one of the special dances that exists as an original form of storytelling about life.

Where does flamenco come from?

Flamenco is the art of not only dancing, but also singing, instrumental music. Flamenco comes from Andalusia, the southernmost region of Spain, which was named after the Moors. They called the region Al-Andaluz - the land of the world. The inhabitants of this region are distinguished by pride and a very passionate temperament.

How flamenco appeared

There are many versions of this. It is generally accepted that this art dates back to the time of the cult of fire. According to another version, flamenco was brought to Spain by gypsies who were expelled from India in the fifteenth century.

The main directions of flamenco

There are two main styles of flamenco dance. In the first case, passion, fire, pride, deep inner tension, grief prevail. This kind of dance is called the word "hondo" ("deep"). In another manifestation of flamenco, another Andalusia comes to the fore - more refined, civilized, urban. The dance becomes different: crafty, mischievous, full of ingenuity, which are called traditional dances flamenco.

The features of flamenco dance include the fact that, unlike other folk dances, it can be performed not only in a team, in a pair, but also by one dancer. In the flamenco dance, you can feel the militancy, the reflection of ancient rituals, burning love passion. And the dancer carries all this within himself. Flamenco dance does not require wide stage space, here the inner space, the space of the soul of the dancer, is more in demand.

How to master the technique

The flamenco technique is considered very difficult - mainly due to complex rhythm, which is not found in any other dance. Therefore, when mastering flamenco, a beginner dancer should not rely only on his talent, he needs a strict discipline of constant mental (for memorization) and physical training.

One of the most important details when performing a dance, there is a posture of a dancer. This is more important than clearly tapping the rhythm with your heels. It is important for a dancer to captivate his viewer, and himself, into the world of passionate experiences, which means it is not permissible to relax, forget about how to behave in dance.

Of particular importance in flamenco dance is given to the movements of the hands. Hands become the language of this art, give the dance its originality.

The essentials of flamenco

Flamenco is more than music and more than dance. It's an attitude to life certain worldview. In an hour of sadness, discouragement or anguish, allow yourself to become a flamenco dancer: straighten your shoulders, tilt your head back, lower your chin, be yourself and dance. As long as you are with flamenco, this world is yours.

Flamenco - Spanish musical style, which combines singing (usually there are few words in songs), dance and musical accompaniment(usually they dance to the guitar, hand and heel strikes are made according to a predetermined tempo).

What is flamenco.

Spanish flamenco dance is very popular today. Many true connoisseurs Flamenco has come up with many ramifications and variations in its style.
It was shaped by the rich historical heritage that the Spanish land has been exposed to. Arabs, Byzantines, Hindus and Greeks, Gypsies and Spaniards have minted the sides and images of flamenco for centuries.
The history of flamenco goes back to the distant past - about 500 years ago. But the gypsies played a special role. In the 15th century they arrived in the Iberian Peninsula from Asia. Settling in the historical region of Andalusia, over the years the Byzantine gypsies mingled with the local population.
Since the gypsies are famous for their ability to sing and dance, a piece of gypsy music and dance mixed with Spanish, which eventually grew into something similar to today's flamenco. But only after 3 centuries in given style a guitar was added, without which today's flamenco is unthinkable.
Spain is always open to tourists and travelers who are not indifferent to music, dancing and singing. This country can truly amaze with its charm and charm, and ancient folklore can lure headlong into a pool of passion and madness, because flamenco is not just a dance, it is folklore mixed with music, as well as the feelings of the dancer and his soul.

Where can you see flamenco in Spain.

Spain provides an opportunity to see live show dance (there you can try all the variety):

  • 2 times a year, the festival is called "Bienal de Flamenco" (free entry). The festival lasts 28 days. The history of this festival is 35 years old, but it has already gained popularity in many parts of the world as the most chic and grand festival flamenco in Spain;
  • in addition to the festival in Seville, in local tablaos (tablao is a bar where flamenco dance is performed), you can get acquainted with flamenco at any time of the year. The most popular tablaos are: Casa Anselma (starting at 24:00, daily, admission is free), Los Galos (starting at 20:00, daily, admission 35 euros per person), Auditorio Alvarez Quintero (starting at 19:00) , daily, entry 17 euros per person).

In other cities, Spanish flamenco dance is also popular and in demand among tourists and travelers:

  • in Jerez - the festival "Fiesta de la Bulerie" takes place once a year, the date must be specified on the city's website;
  • in Cadiz - you can visit the local tablaos of the city and feel the beauty of flamenco;
  • in Barcelona - autumn festival flamenco takes place in the Cordobes tablao (minimum entry fee 45 euros per person), where the best Catalan flamenco performers perform;
  • in Granada - in the local tablaos of the city;
  • c - in the tablao Villa Rosa (min. price - 32 euros per person), tablao Corral de la Moreia (min. price - 39 euros per person);
  • in Cordoba - in the local tablaos of the city.

Flamenco in the caves of Granada.

In addition to festivals and tablaos, flamenco has its roots deep in, where local gypsies dance zambra in the caves of Mount Sacromonte. Granada is considered the birthplace of the Zambra, as this dance was born here, in which guitar motifs are closely intertwined with singing.
The Spanish gypsies in Granada have been keeping the secret of performing real flamenco for 5 centuries, which is kept secret and passed only from parents to children.
With a strong desire, true connoisseurs of flamenco can visit Granada and the caves of Sacromonte in September from anywhere the globe, because today any tourist organization offers a wide range of vouchers and pleasant discounts for tourist groups.
While in Spain or in Granada, visiting the caves with the performance Spanish dance flamenco will be free.

And you know that...

Spanish flamenco dance for long history existence overgrown with legends, amazing stories And interesting facts. Among the most notable events are the following:

  • almost to the end of the 19th century. the gypsies danced barefoot;
  • the dancer J. Cortes is the ambassador of all gypsies in the EU;
  • a flamenco guitar made of cypress;
  • an amazing sound from playing the guitar is obtained due to the short and strong blows of the guitarist on the strings;
  • usually the performer comes up with the words of the song right off the bat, without much preparation and a pre-planned context;
  • usually the flamenco guitarist is considered the most important link and the most revered among the entire dance team;
  • almost 90% of flamenco guitarists do not know the notes;
  • there are varieties of flamenco: flamenco rock, jazz and pop;
  • until the end of the 18th century, flamenco existed only in a narrow circle of gypsy families;
  • each Spanish city has its own kind and form of flamenco;
  • most major festival dedicated to flamenco, takes place in Seville;
  • in Barcelona, ​​in honor of the dance, a restaurant and a museum were opened.

Anastasia Volchek tells how, with the help of flamenco dance, to awaken a hot and strong nature even in a sundress and slippers.


  • Hairstyle

Hair is pulled back into a bun to keep the heat out. Gypsies have hair as hard as wire. In the flamenco dance, they were knocked out of their hair, and naughty curls from moisture and sweat stuck to their faces. The "curl of passion" has become a trademark of flamenco: it is made on purpose and fixed with varnish.

The bundle is fixed with a large comb - a pinette. Previously, they were carved from tortoise shells, so they were heavy. Modern pinets are plastic and light.

Flowers. Spanish flamenco dancers love to decorate their heads with flowers. Today, fresh flowers are not used: artificial ones are lighter, more convenient and last longer. Sometimes a lace mantilla is worn under a large pinette. self made- an ancient sign of a noble person. Even today it is an expensive accessory and is not available to everyone.

  • Manton

This is a huge shawl with a long and heavy fringe. Manton is thrown over the shoulders so as not to freeze in the evening. This is also a status item in the dance: it is made of noble materials, such as silk, and decorated with hand embroidery. The price reaches several thousand euros.

The young girl never picked up a red fan. This color was intended only for mature women. Black is for mourning, white is for weddings. If the girl was not rich, the fan was the same: polka-dotted from the cheapest chintz. The older she became, the smaller the peas. Fans are still made by hand - from ivory, gold and lace. They are bought as art objects and are always taken to traditional weddings.

  • Castanets

Needed to create a flamenco rhythm. Castanets were brought from Cuba and Brazil, where they were traditionally made from seashells. In Spain, castanets became wooden - beech circles tied with a cord. Now they are made from modern materials: fiberglass and metal.

  • Dress with flounces

The girl from poor family often there was only one skirt. As they grew older, another piece of fabric was sewn to the skirt. Then another one. Then more. This is how multi-colored fluffy skirts with flounces were obtained. Few people then thought about beauty: they sewed from what was. Only when flamenco began to be danced at the royal court did skirts take on an artistic look.

  • Shoes

An item of absolute luxury. The poor were supposed to run barefoot on the outskirts, and the rich put on shoes to walk on the stone pavement in the city center. They were made from soft skin, with a heel made of beech and a thick sole, which was also upholstered with studs to make the shoes last longer. Flamenco shoes are a complete musical instrument.

Where did flamenco come from

This dance was invented by the gypsies in those ancient times, when oriental spices were worth their weight in gold. Spanish merchant ships sailed to port cities. Merchants came out of them, with expensive bags of spices hung on their belts so that they were always in sight. Then the gypsies appeared on the pier. They surrounded the merchants in a round dance and began wild dances. The dance was supposed to be so downhole that the audience lost all vigilance. All these movements with fingers are magical passes that diverted attention, hypnotized, enchanted. Gypsies deftly removed bags of spices from merchants, while their children cleaned the pockets of street onlookers.

Photo: renette1.rssing.com

It turns out that flamenco, which is shrouded in a romantic veil, is not a culture, but an anti-culture. The north of Spain does not recognize this dance. I used to think that if a person is a Spaniard, he will certainly dance flamenco. No, they dance it only in the south, in Andalusia. Once in Minsk I met a Spanish student. I say: "You will teach me to dance!" And he: “No, you will teach me!”

Flamenco is not a dance pure form, but the synthesis of three cultures: hysterical throat singing cante jondo, guitar music and then dance. After all, as it was before: people gather at the table, the singer sings, the musician accompanies him, and then the dancer gets up from the table and begins to dance from an excess of feelings. After all, until now the main ones are singers, and we think that dancers.

How to start dancing flamenco

There are many directions of this dance - more than fifty, but most often the simplest of them are taught in amateur schools. Despite this, mastering flamenco is not easy. Spaniards develop a sense of rhythm from childhood. There is no problem for them: I heard the rhythm - I repeated it. And our people do not cope with complex rhythmic patterns. Therefore, in flamenco classes, we take a simple rhythmic structure.

First, we study our body for its capabilities. Separately, we learn the movements of the fingers. “The dancer speaks with her hands,” Maya Plisetskaya used to say. Hands, soft hand and fingers - this is femininity in dance.

Then we learn the movements of the legs and connect. Flamenco dance is both a dance itself and an accompaniment to oneself with one's feet. Emotions need to be connected later, somewhere in a year regular workouts. When the arms and legs are already obeying, you can think about "sensación" - feelings.

It takes six years to become a good flamenco dancer. Not everyone can stand it, people have their own limit. Some come with a spontaneous desire: "I sewed a red skirt, make me a dance as soon as possible." Others need to perform at a corporate party or a beauty contest. And there are people who care not about the result, but the process itself. A woman has been visiting us for a long time, she always wears slippers and a sundress. I tell her that it's time to buy a skirt and shoes. And she: "Yes, you do not pay attention, I go to see you all." There are people who simply have nowhere to go, flamenco classes are a channel of communication for them.

How to relieve muscle tension and develop grace

What is happening to us women? While we are studying at school, institute, we are still dancing. They got married, had a baby - and that's it, they stopped dancing. Spaniards don't. They dance, move every day, for them it is a necessary part of life. Spaniards love themselves very much. In our culture, women are always in the background. Among the Spanish flamenco dancers there are many short ones, their legs immediately from the hip - and into the shoe. And with our long legs try to knock out all these fractions. It's difficult: the muscles are long. And yet, it seems to me that our women just need to move regularly, turn on music and dance. Feel in motion.

After all, there is no goal to hit everyone. The task is for you to dance, move in your body, rejoice in it.

Who goes to class

Accountants, doctors, housewives of many years, students, ladies who are looking for a way out of their female energy. They are brave, and I already thank them in advance for this courage. We have a stereotype in our country: if you dance flamenco, then you are a bitch, an evil, inaccessible Carmen. Especially husbands react cautiously and with distrust. Maybe because the flamenco dance wakes up the feminine nature and does not allow you to feel weak and unhappy? This dance is changing. A woman learns to be confident, to love herself, to present herself with pride, and not just “excuse me, can I dance?”. In others, this causes one reaction: “Insolent!”

Even the audience at concerts is different. Flamenco does not look in silence, there must be a reaction from the audience. The Spaniards can shout to the whole hall: "Ole, Maria!" She comes out - and is no longer alone in this black hall, a family is sitting here. I just make my students scream “Ole!”. This is very hard to do, they are too tight. But the voice reflects temperament. This energy of flamenco can scare. It happens that a woman comes as a shy doe. Hip movements are indecent for her! And for southern women, twisting their hips, spreading their legs wide is natural. There is no vulgarity in this!


There are no such contraindications not to dance flamenco. I had a pregnant girl in class who came on the recommendation of a doctor. The doctor told her that only two kinds of dancing are allowed for pregnant women, and one of them is flamenco. People with arthritis come, but everything depends on the intensity of the load. You have to do what your body allows. Another thing is that you can’t knock your heels hard and for a long time, and even in the wrong shoes. Doctors, of course, will forbid it. But not moving is even worse.

What is the price

In the first year of studying flamenco dance, there are no costs for costumes. But usually girls can't wait to buy long skirt and dance shoes. I order my shoes only in Spain. I like sites deflamenco.com, flamencoexport.com, flamencoshop.com. I recommend choosing Spanish production: the difference with Chinese goods colossal. But dresses are better to sew on your figure. With us, this can be done in an atelier or with a private master, the main difficulty is finding the right fabric and color.

In Minsk, the cost of 8 flamenco lessons per month varies between 50-70 rubles.

More about flamenco:

Photo: agendacultural.buenosaires.gob.ar, votpusk.ru, dancing.ru, shutterstock.com

Today, many women and even men want not just to do fitness, but to do it beautifully, not only to lose weight and strengthen muscles, but also to develop grace and plasticity. That is why dances have become so popular: latin, tango, breakdance, hustle, salsa and, finally, the hit of the season - flamenco.

Many have heard about flamenco, some have seen it, but few of the uninitiated know how and where to dance it.

Why dance

Flamenco is a special combination of dance ( baile), accompaniment ( current) and vocals ( cante), which originated in southwestern Spain, in Andalusia. This is not just an art form, but a whole culture, the main motive of which is sensuality.

Today, flamenco is not only created, but also studied. In 1955, Gonzalez Clement wrote a book called Flamencology, which marked the beginning of the eponymous field of art history.

And in 1958, the first department of flamencology was opened in Jerez de la Frontera. Its employees study the origin of flamenco, its original style, traditions and evolution.

Leaving aside singing and playing on musical instruments, as well as deeper spiritual aspects, let's take a closer look at the choreographic component. First of all, flamenco is very beautiful dance. The sound of heels, sharp and at the same time elegant movements, fluttering skirt - all this creates a special emotional mood. Flamenco allows you to show your mood and sexuality in dance. In addition, flamenco classes develop coordination and improve posture. Finally, it's just one of the ways to keep fit.

Who is dancing

In flamenco, there are no restrictions on gender, age and build. You can come with or without a partner: one person, a couple or a group can dance flamenco, there is no special canons. This does not mean that flamenco is a sexless dance, it just has both male and female elements, and they can be combined in different ways. A characteristic male dance is the tapping of rhythms with their feet, and the female dance is sometimes graceful, sometimes smooth, sometimes unexpectedly. jerky movements corps.

Flamenco does not require a thorough physical training or the ability to sit on a twine. It is more important to feel the music and rhythm, however, to have musical education also not required. It is worth remembering that many flamenco masters were not professional musicians, and melodies were passed from teacher to student without any musical notation.

In general, almost anyone can do flamenco. The main thing is that there are no contraindications for health reasons. During the dance, the increased load falls on the legs, spine, neck. Therefore, people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system should first consult a doctor before going to a dance class.

How are the classes

In most schools, beginners dance twice a week for 1–1.5 hours. Most likely, you will be offered several types of classes: in addition to the dances themselves, there are special classes by rhythms (comp. A c) that form the basis of flamenco. In some schools, dances are held under live music, but records are most commonly used.

What to dance

To dance flamenco you need a special outfit. According to the classical canons, the dancer wears a traditional dress with frills and frills, and her partner wears dark trousers, a wide belt and a white shirt with wide sleeves. And of course, both of them absolutely need ringing heels to beat out clear rhythms.

If you are not going, at least at first, to participate in performances, you can approach the choice of clothing in a simpler way: any comfortable sports suit. The most important thing is shoes. You need to buy shoes (well-fitting on the foot) or boots with a stable wide heel (4-7 cm) with round toes. There are also special shoes for flamenco, which are sold in specialized dance stores. In the future, women will need a skirt that fits the hips and flares down - it can be sewn to order.

Where to dance

Flamenco can be studied at many multidisciplinary dance schools, but there are also narrowly focused institutions. Here are just some of the Moscow flamenco schools.

1. School of flamenco dance "Pasion Flamenco" - tel. (495) 649–90–24

The school is organized in partnership with the Spanish center, so the emphasis here is on the transmission of primordial traditions. In this large-scale school, children and adults are taught in several halls at Kuznetsky Most, Pushkinskaya, Smolenskaya and Akademicheskaya, including on an individual schedule. The cost of eight classes is 3000 rubles.

2. School of dance and music "Territory of Flamenco" - tel. +7(909) 973–95–93, +7(926) 524–17–60

In addition to dancing and rhythm classes, there is a vocal and guitar class. Groups of beginners are recruited regularly. Classes are held near the metro station "Serpukhovskaya" (ICC Moskvorechye).

3. School of flamenco dancing by Alena Shulgina - tel. 8 (926)-878-78-76

Classes in the evenings twice a week, multi-level groups. The cost of a one-time lesson is 350-450 rubles. Subscription for eight classes 2200-2500 rubles. Classes are held near the Kitai-Gorod and Chekhovskaya metro stations.

4. Dance school of Lilia Safina tel. 962-04-27, 165-02-48, 518-69-18

Setting the body, hand movements, fractions, working with a skirt, learning rhythm. Flamenco class - 2200 rubles per month for 8 lessons of 1.5 hours, 2400 rubles for 9 lessons. Classes are held near the metro station "Ulitsa Podbelskogo".

For those who are already involved in flamenco and want to improve their skills, master classes are regularly held by artists. The best school Flamenco remains Spanish, so it can be useful to learn from Spanish masters who come to Russia.

If you want not only to dance yourself, but also to see how the masters do it - no problem. Moscow regularly, almost every week, hosts concerts, evenings and even flamenco festivals. The next major event is the ballet of Antonio Gades on March 16–19 at the Variety Theatre.

Olga Dobrushina

The Dance.Firmika.ru portal contains information about where you can sign up for flamenco classes in Moscow: addresses and telephone numbers of dance schools and dance studios, prices for the most popular destinations, student reviews. For greater convenience in using the portal and searching for a dance school, we suggest using a convenient filter by districts and metro stations. Visual tables will help you compare the cost of classes and training in different dance studios cities, choosing the best option for the price.

Flamenco is very young dance direction originated about two centuries ago. The constant development of flamenco is directly related to the use of the guitar in music, which saturates its sound. At its core, flamenco is a product of absorption and absorption. different cultures, which are harmoniously combined in one dance.

Flamenco dances - features and characteristic differences

Professional dancers fascinate with their movements and energy. Clear rhythm, bright and expressive elements- it is simply impossible not to fall in love with flamenco dance. TO characteristic features direction includes beating the rhythm with heels, in which a clear drum sound is born with the sole of the boot and the heel on the floor - the Zapateado technique. It requires a lot of energy, so for a long time she was associated with male dancers. Women's movements are characterized by great softness and smoothness.

However, flamenco dance today is not so clearly divided between men and women. Unless the movements of the dancers are distinguished by undulations and sensuality. Soft lines of the arms that do not break the shoulders or elbows with their sharpness. Flamenco lessons in dance schools learn to move smoothly. For example, women's movable hands in the dance are like closing and opening fans, bewitching with their showiness. Men are characterized by more strict and restrained movements of the hands, which are more like swords cutting the air.

Flamenco lessons for beginners will also help you master such elements as "Pitos" - snapping fingers, "Palmas" - rhythmic clapping with crossed palms. They often sound in rhythm, bringing a special charm to it. Traditional flamenco does not use additional items, hands remain during movements. Despite the fact that castanets are considered a classic element of dance, they were originally used only in spanish style. However, they quickly fell in love with the audience, becoming an integral attribute of any performance.

Is it difficult to learn how to dance flamenco?

An experienced teacher will help you feel the rhythm and melody and teach you how to perfectly reflect them in the dance. Basic movements not as difficult as it might seem - in the first lessons it will not be difficult to cope with them. Gradually, as the basic elements are mastered, the flamenco teacher complicates the learning process, sets more complex movements. Improving skills and developing techniques takes a lot of time, however final result will make even the pickiest of viewers freeze in admiration!

Flamenco training in Moscow

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