Greek and women's me. Greek female names: meaning and origin


In this article, we will look at Greek female names: the meaning and origin of the most popular, as well as rare ancient Greek names. You can read about male Greek names.

Which of the female names came to us from Greece? Let's figure it out.

Greek female names: meaning and origin

Women's names and myths of ancient Greece

Name Galina derived from the ancient Greek word γαλήνη - Tranquility, serenity. One of the Nereids (these are sea deities that look like mermaids) was called Galena.

Another example is the name Irina (Εἰρήνη- peace, tranquility). Irini (Eirena) is the name of the ancient Greek goddess of peace. Irini is the daughter of Zeus and Themis.

But it's beautiful, but already rare name Apollinaria. It is believed that it is of ancient Roman origin (from the Latin Apollinaris - “belonging to Apollo”, “solar”), but it comes from the name of the ancient Greek god Apollo. Polina is an abbreviated form, which has now become an independent name. Other versions of its origin are put forward - for example, French (Pauline).

Name Maya (Μαϊα) translates as "mother". It comes from the name of the Greek goddess (Pleiades) Maya, the mother of Hermes. True, this is only one of the hypotheses of the origin of the name - there is both Latin (from Majus - “May”), and Jewish (from ‏מים‏‎ - Mayim - “water”). By the way, the Greek word μαία (read mea) means “midwife”, “taking birth”.

On behalf of the goddess of victory Nicky (Νίκη) the name Nick comes from. This is an independent name, although it often happens that other names are shortened to Nike, for example, Veronica (from the ancient Greek Φερενίκη - “bringing victory”: φέρω - “bringing” and νίκη - “victory”). An analogue of the name Veronica is Berenice.

Zinaida (Ζηναις)- another name associated with mythology. Presumably, it is associated with the name of Zeus (Ζεύς, genitive form - Ζηνός).

Women's names and place names

Even before our era (in the 7th century) in Asia Minor there was a country called Lydia (Λυδία), from which the female name Lydia originated.

Name Larisa derived from the name of the Greek city of Larisa (Larissa). Λάρῑσ(σ)α is translated from Greek as "seagull". IN Greek mythology Poseidon, the god of the sea, had a granddaughter Larissa, a nymph. There is a hypothesis that the city was named after her. Her image can be found on ancient coins:

Near the city of Argos there is a fortress of Larisa:

  • "Talking" names

    If the male names of the Greeks sang such qualities as nobility, courage and strength, then the female ones - chastity, beauty, fertility and so on. Now most of them are quite rare.

    For example, Agnia(from the ancient Greek ἁγνὴ) means "pure", "immaculate". Agni Parfene (Αγνή Παρθένε) - Pure Virgin - a hymn to the Most Holy Theotokos.

    Zoya (Ζωή) translated from ancient Greek as "life". Sofia (Sofya) comes from the Greek σοφία - "wisdom". Name Pelagia (Pelagia) derived from πέλαγος - "sea".

    Name Angelina (Αγγελίνα) comes from ἄγγελος - "messenger" (angel).

    And here is an example of a name that speaks of beauty - Anfisa (Ἀνθούσα- sounds like "Anthus"). It comes from the word ἄνθος, which means "flower" in translation.

    Anastasia - pair name to Anastasius (Ἀναστάσιος). The word ἀνάστασις, from which it is derived, means "resurrection". Καλή Ανάσταση! (Happy Resurrection!) - this is how the Greeks congratulate each other on Easter.

    Other pair names: Vasilisa (βασίλισσα)- from Vasily, translated as "queen", Eugene, Alexandra, Cyrus (Κύρα). They have the same meanings as the male variants.

    Name Paraskeva (Praskovya) comes from the word παρασκευή - “Friday”. Paraskeva Pyatnitsa is the patroness of women in Slavic Orthodox mythology. Many sayings are associated with it, as well as prohibitions: on Friday it was impossible to plow, spin and sew (on Fridays, men do not plow, women do not spin).

    There are names, the etymology of which still cannot be precisely established. For example, Catherine (Αικατερίνη). There is no consensus on the origin of this name. The most common version is from the word καθαρή - pure, immaculate. However, some experts (for example, the famous lexicographer M. Vasmer) do not agree with it. There is another hypothesis that it is formed on behalf of Hecate (Ἑκάτη), ancient greek goddess moonlight and witchcraft, but it is also quite controversial.

    Everyone has heard of the legendary Helen of Troy. Name Elena (Ἑλένη) There is also no clear etymology. According to one version, it is associated with the name Helios (Ἥλιος), the sun god. The second version claims that the name is consonant with the word Ἕλληνες - Hellenes (that is, Greeks), the third - that it comes from the word ἑλένη (ἑλάνη) - "torch". None of the hypotheses has been fully confirmed.

    Name Xenia (Ξένια) two translation options: from the ancient Greek ξενία - "hospitality" and ξένος - "foreign", "foreign". The names Aksinya and Oksana are derivatives, and are now used as independent names. The name Barbara, similar in meaning, from βαρβαρικός - "foreign".

    And finally - a rather unexpected name Thekla (Θέκλα) . At first glance - ours, Russian ... but no. Also ancient Greek origin, and it is translated as "God's glory": θεός - "God" and κλέος - "glory".

    Now you know about the common (and not so) female names of Greek origin in Russia and their meanings.

    Female names popular in Greece itself

    Here, by a wide margin (who would doubt it!) Is in the lead Mary - Μαρία, from 9.82%. That is, almost every tenth Greek woman bears this name!

    By a wide margin it is followed by the name Ελένη - Elena, from 6.72%.

    On the third place Katerina - Κατερίνα from 4.69%, on the fourth - Βασιλική - Vasiliki from 3.45%. Finishes the top five Παναγιώτα - Panayota from 2.69%.

    In the next five Sofia (Σοφία) from 2.53%, Angeliki (Αγγελική) from 2.24%, George - (Γεωργία) with 2.153% and almost the same result Gospels - (Ευαγγελία) from 2.15%. And completes the top ten most popular female names Irini - (Ειρήνη) from 1.92%.

    Enough popular names Dimitra (Δήμητρα), John (Ιωάννα), Constantina (Κωνσταντίνα), Anastasia (Αναστασία), Paraskevi (Παρασκευή), Christina (Χριστίνα), Stavrula (Σταυρούλα), Despina (Δέσποινα), Kalliopi (Καλλ ιόπη) are in the second ten of the list and each of them has an indicator of less than 2%. Not far from them are the names Fotini (Φωτεινή), Alexandra (Αλεξάνδρα), Chris (Χρύσα), Athens (Αθηνά), Theodora (Θεοδώρα).

    Ancient Greek female names

    We find such names in myths and poems, many of them have survived to this day and are not used as often as the names given above.

    • Αριάδνη - Ariadne: the most innocent,
    • Ακτίς - Aktis: that was the name of the daughter of the astronomer Eudoxus,
    • Aλκηστις - Alkistis: the joy of the family, hearth,
    • Ανδρομάχη - Andromache: fighting on the outskirts,
    • Αφροδίτη - Aphrodite: born from sea foam,
    • Αρσινόη - Arsinoe: sublime,
    • Αρετή - Areti: virtue,
    • Εριφύλη - Erifili: the most excellent of women,
    • Ευδοξία - Eudoxia: glorious,
    • Ελπινίκη - Elpinika: hope for victory,
    • Ευρυδίκη - Eurydice: very fair,
    • Ηλέκτρα - Electra: shining with charm,
    • Ηρώ - Ira (Hera): the personification of Hera,
    • Ίρις - Iris: messenger of the gods,
    • Ιφιγένεια - Iphigenia: very strong,
    • Καλλιόπη - Kalliopi (Calliope): beautiful-eyed,
    • Καλλιρρόη - Kalliroea: fresh as spring water,
    • Κλεοπάτρα - Cleopatra: glory of the Motherland,
    • Μελπομένη - Melpomene (Melpo): not stinging with her singing,
    • Μυρτώ - MirtO: pleasant, like myrtle,
    • Ναυσικά - Nafsika: glorified by sailors,
    • Νεφέλη - Nepheli: offering living water,
    • Ξανθίππη - Xanthippe: blonde horsewoman,
    • Πηνελόπη - Penelope: skillful weaver,
    • Πολυξένη - Polyxena: very hospitable,
    • Φαίδρα - Phaedra: bright, shining,
    • Χλόη - Chloe: grass. One of the names of Demeter, as the protector of the plant world.

    Of course, in one article it is impossible to cover the whole variety of female names. But I hope that you have learned something new for yourself. Has any fact been a discovery for you? Share in the comments.

During the period of Ottoman rule (until the beginning of the 20th century), the Greek names of women, following the Muslim model, consisted of a proper name with the addition of a patronymic. The modern female Greek name consists of a personal name and a surname, the patronymic is usually used only in identity cards and other official documents.

In most families, naming conventions for Greek girls are quite strict - the first is named after the father's mother, the second - in honor of the maternal grandmother. The following girls are called more freely, but also by the names of relatives. This often leads to the appearance of numerous full namesakes in the family. The abundance of Greek borrowings in world cultures, as a rule, allows Greek women in the diaspora to use beautiful Greek female names that are not exotic for the dominant ethnic group in the region.

Greek names

Very ancient Greek female names include, for example, such as Ἑλένη (Eleni - there is not even a generally accepted opinion what it means) or βασίλισσα (Basilissa - queen). The names were also widely used Greek goddesses- Δήμητρα (Dimitra - in honor of the goddess of fertility) or Ἀθηνᾶ (Athena - the goddess of military strategy).

At the beginning of our era, the popularity of most Greek names of the pagan period fell due to the advent of Christianity. They were supplanted by such names of Greek women as Χριστίνα (Christina - dedicated to Christ) or Θεοδώρα (Theodora - gift of God). However, some pre-Christian names of Greek women entered the canonical Orthodox name book thanks to outstanding bearers of the early Christian period, for example, Εὐφροσύνη (Euphrosyne - the goddess of joy). In the XX-XXI centuries, with an increase in the number of non-believers and pagans, there was a tendency to reanimate pre-Christian traditions, but in most cases, pagan Greek female names are rare today.

Names of foreign origin

Neighborhood with Romance-speaking peoples, and, especially, several centuries of Roman rule left a mark in the form of Greek girls' names of Latin origin. For example: Κωνσταντίνα (Constantine, from constans / constans, constancy), Αντώνηα (Antonia, on behalf of the ancient Roman family Antonius), Βικτώρια (Victoria, from Victoria - victory), Στέλλα (Stella, from stella - star).

Along with Christianity, the Greeks adopted many biblical names Jewish origin. Of the names of this type, you can most often find ᾿Ιωάννα (John, from יוחנן / Yohanan - God has mercy), Άννα (Anna, from חַנָּה - goodwill), Μαγδαληνή (Magdalene, from the nickname of the mother of Jesus המגדל ית/Magdalit - born in the city of Migdal-El) , as well as many others.

The names of other peoples of Europe and Asia are also used: Όλγα (Olga - from the Scandinavian Helga through Russian Olga), Ελβίρα (Elvira, from Old German dialects), Αλίκη (Aliki, from Old French Alis), Σουλτανα (Soultana, from Semitic, and later Islamic שולטנא/سلطان/sulṭān - title of ruler). Under the influence of world literature, cinematography, show business, a modern Greek girl can sometimes get the most unexpected and completely unconventional name for Greece.

Greek names for other peoples

Female names of Greek origin are found in almost all peoples of the world, and among the Slavs they make up a significant part of the names. For example, the name Ἑλένη (Eleni) in different languages took the form of Elena, Alena, Olena, Јelena, Lina, Helen, Elina, and Αικατερίνη (Ekaterini) - Catherine, Katsyaryna, Katyarikka, Kachyri, Catherine, Katrina, Katalin, Kati, Catharina, Katarzyna.

In Russian female nomenclature of Greek origin are such names familiar to the Slavs as Alexandra (from Αλέξανδρος / Alexandros - protector of people), Anastasia (from Αναστασία - resurrected), Barbara (from βάρβαρος / Varvaros - foreign), Galina (γαλήνη / galini - calmness), Xenia / Oksana (from Ξένια / Xenia - hospitable), Lydia (from Λυδία / Lydia - a region in Asia Minor) and many others. Some names are tracing paper, for example, Faith, Hope and Love, which are popular today, are formed by a direct translation of the corresponding Greek names Πίστις (Pistis), Ελπίς (Elpis) and Ἀγάπη (Agape) and they first became popular thanks to the deeds of Greek saints.

Below you can find a list of Greek female names, where among the well-known options you can find rare for the Russian-speaking environment, but no less beautiful names.

Not many people know that the female names common today have Greek roots. For us, they now sound familiar and ordinary. If the parents decide to choose a newborn girl pleasant and at the same time unusual name, we recommend that you study the Greek female names and their interpretations below.

The history of the origin of Greek names

Most of the female names have a connection with ancient myths. Today, the names of Greek goddesses such as Aphrodite or Venus are beginning to gain popularity. Other names belong to the heroines of ancient legends, such as Penelope. Each of them is beautiful in its own way and has at least great value giving its owner special features character.

List of beautiful Greek names for girls

A pleasant-sounding and beautiful-sounding Greek name for a girl can be selected from the following list:

  1. Ariadne is the most attractive. short names there will be Ada, Rada and the usual Ira. The owner of this name is a determined, inquisitive and impetuous person. At the same time, she is very sensual, if improvisation is necessary in certain situations, she is prone to rash actions. Ariadne most often devotes her life to art, women with this name become writers or artists.
  2. Gella is sunny. The abbreviated name will be Gelya and Elka. He has a flexible mind, a practical approach in choosing people. In communication, sweet and cheerful. Stubborn, energetic, which allows you to achieve the desired goal in work. By the way, about work: any sphere is subject to it, whether it be science, art or sports. Once carried away, she will move forward very rapidly.
  3. Daphne is a laurel. Protective, energetic and active. Always glad to meet new people, attracts with her humor and rich imagination. Sometimes she is too dreamy, which prevents her from making the right decision in a serious situation. He likes to observe nature, to study the mysteries of the natural world. Can devote himself to biology or become a geographer-researcher. And perhaps she will reveal more talent for placing people on her side, and journalism will become her profession.
  4. Irene - peace and tranquility. He has good intuition, invincible fortitude. She is strong, always confident in her actions and abilities, confidently overcomes various difficulties. She is prone to introspection, which helps her always make the most balanced and correct decisions. Inclined to believe that there is one right opinion and it belongs to her.

A girl with a beautiful Greek name will stand out among the crowd and have a pronounced character.

Rare female names of Greek origin

Rare female names of Greek origin with a fairly easy pronunciation that you can choose today:

  • Dimitra. Has a friendly personality. Attracts with an active life position, cheerful disposition. Generous, temperamental, prone to changeable decisions, inconstancy. At the same time, serious in relation to things that are of great importance in her life.
  • John. The character is dominated by vigor, strength, will. At the same time, her image is fanned with friendliness and kindness. Knows how to restrain his emotions in public. At work - an imperious boss, at home - a gentle and faithful, kind wife and mother.
  • Anfisa - from the Greek "blooming" or "flower".
  • Dana - "tenderness". Easily deserves authority among others with early years. Faithful, reliable, self-confident.
  • Summer is "independence". A girl with that name from childhood has a desire to accept own solutions, is distinguished by curiosity and resourcefulness;
  • Glyceria is sweet. A familiar simple sound - Lukerya.

Modern Greek names and their meaning

In a different sound, these modern Greek names are found today in various nations:

  • Mayan. Mobile, very sociable and energetic. Failures, unpleasant events in life easily piss her off, turning her from a sweet girl into an evil and envious person. He always tries to know everything, to go everywhere and see events with his own eyes. Her desire could help her in career growth, but the inability to devote oneself to one thing does not allow it to develop.
  • Maria. It is translated as "desired", "bitter", "serene". It has the word forms Mariam, Miriam. He has a kind, gentle, caring character. Very sensitive to criticism. Differs in thoughtless impulsiveness in actions. Not afraid to be alone.
  • Eleni. Formed from ancient name Helena, today found in the US, France and England. In our area, the name sounds like Elena - “bright”. Has a calm disposition. Refined, feminine personality. She is prone to laziness, she cannot be reproached for diligence.
  • Vasiliki (as Vasilisa) - translated "belonging to royal family". A woman with this name has high intellectual abilities. Life values for her - material wealth.
  • Sophia - symbolizes wisdom. When meeting, it evokes an image of tenderness, femininity and lightness. A woman with this name tends to experience all feelings deeply, so she takes others very seriously.
  • Anastasia - translated from Greek as "return to life." As a child, she was a trusting, affectionate girl. Having matured, she becomes a serious, moderately strict mother, wife and mistress. Strives to create comfort and order around.

Ancient and forgotten names

The ancient, long-forgotten female names include unusual ones, belonging mainly to the goddesses of ancient Greek myths:

  • Aurora - goddess morning star;
  • Ambrosia - divine food, giving immortality and youth;
  • Appolinaria - female variation of the name of the god of light Apollo;
  • Artemis - the name of the goddess of the hunt;
  • Asteria is the name of the goddess of justice;
  • Aphrodite - goddess of love and female beauty;
  • Bellona is the patroness of wars;
  • Venus is the patroness of home comfort;
  • Halcyone is the daughter of the god Eol, who controls the winds. According to legend, she was turned into a seagull by Zeus;
  • Hebe - the name of the goddess of eternal youth, "pure";
  • Hestia is the patroness of the hearth;
  • Gaia is the goddess of earth and life;
  • Dido - the name of the Carthaginian queen, found in the myths of the Greek gods;
  • Idothea - goddess sea ​​waters;
  • Ilithyia - the patroness of women in childbirth;
  • Iris - the goddess of the rainbow;
  • Cassandra - the name of the daughter of the king of Troy, who had the gift of divination;
  • Clio - the name of the historical muse;
  • Megara - the name of a hellish creature, the goddess of vengeance;
  • Minerva is the name of the goddess of wisdom;
  • Moira - translated means "fate";
  • Nymphodora - possessing the gift of a nymph, a young goddess of a variety of nature (waters, forests, valleys);
  • Ora - the goddess of the seasons;
  • Penelope means " faithful wife»;
  • Terpsichore is the patroness of fun, dance and music;
  • Undine - translated as "wave", in myths this is what mermaids are called;
  • Thetis - goddess sea ​​spaces;
  • Fortune is the goddess of fortune and glory;
  • Harita is the patroness of joy and beauty;
  • Cyana - translated "cornflower";
  • Hellas - Greece;
  • Erato - muse love poetry;
  • Echo is the name of a nymph, according to legend, who lost her visible appearance from unrequited love To young man with the name Narcissus;
  • Juno is the patroness of marriage and procreation.

How to choose a name for a girl depending on the date of birth

As a rule, Greek names are often found in the Orthodox church calendar, which lists the saints or great martyrs for each day.

It is believed that you need to choose a name exactly by the date of birth. So from the side of religion, the child acquires a Guardian Angel corresponding to this day.

From the side of numerology, the sum of the digits of the date of birth will most fully correspond to the innate spiritual and physical qualities of the baby. Therefore, it is recommended to look at the calendar and choose the most suitable for the baby from several names in terms of meaning and sound.

Greeks - amazing people , honoring the traditions of its ancestors for centuries and carefully passing on the accumulated knowledge and experience from generation to generation. Even the Greeks call children in such a way that the connection of centuries is not interrupted. The first girl born in a Greek family is usually named after her paternal grandmother. The second girl will be named after her mother's grandmother, the third will be named after her father's grandmother's sister, and so on.

The names of women in Greece, for the most part, are of Greek, local origin. If you try to classify them, you can distinguish several groups:

  1. Names borrowed from Orthodox calendars: Irini, Ekaterini and so on.
  2. Names that have a mythological basis: for example, a very common name Aphrodite.
  3. Names with Latin or Jewish roots: Maria, Anna.

In addition, today Greek girls are often called names borrowed from the peoples living in the west of Europe. For example, a name such as Isabella. If the name is not associated with ancient history or mythology, most likely, it will give its bearer a flattering description: her beauty, moral character, character.

Greek civilization is one of the first to appear in the world. Therefore, it is not surprising that many peoples borrowed names from the Greeks, including female ones. In accordance with the local pronunciation, they were somewhat modified, but still remained Greek. They bore the seal of double sacredness.

After all, only Greek names consecrated twice: in times of paganism and with the advent of the era of Christianity.

Greek female names are unique in that they only emphasize positive traits person. Many European names descended from offensive nicknames and by studying them, we learn that the first owner of the name was "crooked", or, shall we say, "incorrect." Greek women are different. Their names sound like the sounds of a beautiful ancient song. It is no coincidence that many of these names were borne by lovely pagan goddesses.

Curl of Aphrodite

Names in Greece have a sacred meaning. Each of them is a reason for research. There is numerology in Greek names, each letter in them has a meaning. Especially when we are talking about women's names. And, even more so, if these names are borrowed from Hellenic mythology, which is one of the most amazing phenomena in the history of mankind.

For example, a Greek female name

This the name comes from the name of the mythological goddess of love and beauty sung by many poets. Aphrodite is the daughter of the supreme god of the Greek pantheon - Zeus and the goddess of hunting and fertility Diana. According to legend, Aphrodite came ashore from the sea foam. Aphrodite is one of the most beloved goddesses in Ancient Greece, the patroness of love and marriage, and, in addition, the most charming woman in Greek mythology.

Numerology assigned the name Aphrodite the number three. This number is related to creativity. Women bearing the name Aphrodite, in theory, should be talented in literature, painting, and sports. They are reckless and cheerful, and, in this regard, sometimes too carried away. Aphrodite needs support and an adviser, which can be a loved one. With proper support, Aphrodite can, as they say, move mountains.

Women with the name Aphrodite are sensitive to rudeness, to criticism, and are easily vulnerable. Without support, they dry out like roses. Difficult in personal life. Aphrodites need affection and understanding.

The name Aphrodite is influenced by the planet Saturn. Her element is earth or water. Zodiac sign - Aquarius or Capricorn. Aphrodite is a symbol of the beginning, striving forward, thirst for knowledge.

Aurora, Hecuba and Cassandra

Another female Greek name of mythological origin is Aurora. That was the name of the goddess in Hellenic legends dawn. As expected, girls named Aurora, complex, sometimes capricious. Outwardly, most often they look like a father, but the character is maternal. Main feature women, called Aurors - stubbornness not only in moving towards the goal, but also in their wrongness: in everything they stand their ground.

And here is the name Hecuba is based not on the nickname of the goddess, but on the name of a mortal woman who became the heroine of the epic. Hecuba is the wife of the elderly king of Troy, Priam. After the Greeks destroyed Troy, she ended up on the ship of the cunning Odysseus as a slave. The owners of the name Hecuba almost always show an active life position and clearly know what they need from life.

Cope well with life situations, they are not embarrassed by a sudden change of scenery. However, for women named by this name, a rapid loss of interest in a phenomenon that has just been extremely important to them is characteristic. So long projects It's not their forte. Hecuba is bold and resolute, ready to sacrifice for the sake of her family and friends. He is the ringleader in many cases and the real soul of the company.

Many girls in Greece are named after Cassandra, despite the fact that this name bears a tragic imprint. Cassandra was the most charming of the daughters of the old man Priam. When Great Troy fell, the girl went to Agamemnon as a slave and, upon arrival in Mycenae, was killed by the vengeful Clytemnestra. Cassandra had the gift of divination, which she received from the god Apollo.

The owners of the name Kassandra are talented and persistent in achieving their goals. They are rarely overcome by doubt and depression.

Such women are able to compete on equal terms with men in any field, including the ability to earn money. However, for all this they need recharge. That nourishment is love.

Beautiful Greek female names in Russia

The most commonly used female names in our country that came from Greece are Anastasia, Alexandra, Vera, Polina, Hope, Love, and so on. IN Ancient Rus' Greek names penetrated along with Christianity. Russia and Greece are two countries connected by strong historical and cultural threads that cannot be broken.

The name Alexander is translated from Greek as "protector of people." This Greek name has a male counterpart and is very common in our country. Parents who call the girl Alexandra need to remember that she is likely to grow up capricious and proud. However, she will be very talented and active. Sasha is often sought high altitudes In sports.

Alexandra is secretive, with Mother mutual language finds with difficulty. She studies well, but only if she decides that she needs it in life. Home affairs attract Alexandra badly, but in public affairs she has no equal. Girls given names that have a "boy" counterpart tend to reach out to people of the opposite sex. Alexandra is more interested in the company of boys than girls.

Anastasia- one of the most common Greek names in Russia. This name is covered with a veil of fabulousness to such an extent that it can be safely called a cult one. So the girls, whom their parents call Anastasia, can be said to be destined to be the most beautiful and smartest. It is believed that Nastya are not vindictive, evil. On the contrary, the owners of such a name are kind and sometimes defenseless, they are easy to offend.

Anastasia is often chosen creative professions. Among the actresses, ballerinas, poetesses, there are many women with that name. In addition, Anastasia is very fond of children and often become kindergarten teachers, teachers, child psychologists. Distinctive feature woman named Anastasia - phenomenal fidelity to the hearth.

The name Anastasia is translated from Greek as "resurrecting."

And that says a lot. It is no coincidence that in Russian folk tales Nastenka "resurrected" her betrothed, sometimes literally, but more often in a metaphysical sense. With her kindness and affection, Nastenka changed a person, made him better, turned him to the light. This crucial point in the history of Russian history and literature, having direct contact with the biblical tradition of Christ.

The era in which female Greek names were created was dark and terrible. The man was not protected from animals, or from fires, or - what is the most terrible - from his own brethren. In it dark time Parents tried to somehow protect their child. Sometimes they had nothing to give the child protection. Nothing but a name. And very often the name became for a girl the best protection than the sharpest sword.

In contact with


Names have long become familiar to the Russian ear. Many of them, such as Ekaterina, Irina, Xenia, Lydia or Anastasia, are no longer perceived as alien, while others - Thekla, Evdokia, Agafya or Varvara - are considered by many to be common people.

Ancient Greek names

The tradition of Greek naming goes back several thousand years. The ancient poet Homer, known from school for his epic poems "Iliad" and "Odyssey", cites names in his writings, with their roots dating back to the era of the Cretan-Minoan civilization (XVI-XI centuries BC). Already the listeners of the legends about the Trojan War could not quite determine the meaning of the name Hecuba and be embarrassed when they heard the real name of Achilles' lot, Briseida - Hippodamia, which literally translates as "tamed horse".

Sources of modern Greek names

The names of the gods and goddesses of the Olympic pantheon - Aphrodite, Athena, Nike - are still common in Greece. Women's names known from history, purely Greek in origin, are also used - Electra or Elena. Christian mythology has become a significant source of replenishment of the Greek nomenclature. It was from there that such beautiful Greek names as Anastasia, Evdokia, Catherine, Elizabeth and Thekla came. IN modern conditions globalization actively borrows names from other cultures.

The tradition of choosing a name in Greece

In Greece, there is a special tradition of naming, which led to the preservation of ancient names. The first daughter is named after her paternal grandmother, the second after her maternal grandmother, and the third is named after her maternal aunt. Of course, deviations from these rules are not uncommon, but they are generally followed, especially in the outback.

Features of pronunciation and spelling of Greek names

The article adopted the following form of writing modern Greek female names: in the text they are given in accordance with modern pronunciation, and in brackets their Russian equivalent is given, if any. At the same time, one should take into account the language situation in the country: until the 20th century, the official dialect of Hellas was Kafarevusa, a language artificially created on the basis of ancient Greek norms with modern origin. Kafarevusa was opposed by dimotica, literally - " vernacular", which developed according to linguistic laws. The latter eventually prevailed, but many Kafarevus words are still used in spoken language. This is manifested in the existence of paired variants of names like Georgios and Yorgos (a diminutive version of Yorgis is also possible).

The most popular Greek female names

Oddly enough, but the first place is occupied by the name of Aramaic origin - Mary. True, one has only to think, and this strangeness disappears. Greece is an Orthodox country with a very high number believers. Character names from Holy Scripture are especially popular in this country, and they are treated with trepidation.

However, the Greek spirit is eclectic. Christianity, although it declared a merciless struggle against paganism at the dawn of its existence, could not eradicate pagan hedonism from the Greeks to the end. Apparently, therefore, the second most popular Greek female name belongs to one of the most famous whores of ancient Hellas - Eleni (Elena). It is translated into Russian as "torch", and this is not surprising: the ancient beauty managed to ignite the ten-year Trojan War.

The third beautiful Greek female name on the list is Ikaterini. Its exact origin is unknown, and in the collections ancient Greek myths no such character could be found. It is assumed that this name, like the name of the medieval heresy, comes from the word "kasaros" - pure.

The fourth place is modestly occupied by one of the most proud Greek female names - Basiliki (Vasilisa). Like its male counterpart - Basilis (Vasily) - it originally meant a royal title. When the era of queens and empresses irretrievably passed, their title became a fairly common beautiful female name.

Fifth place is occupied by the educated from the male. Unlike the previous one, it came from a kind of occupation that the Greeks thought haughtily: "Georgos" in Russian is translated as "farmer". It is unlikely that this name would have been so popular in Greece if George the Victorious had not happened in the history of Christianity.

rare names

In villages located in hard-to-reach regions, due to the traditions of naming, rare female Greek names are preserved. Sometimes they are included in documents taking into account their ancient origin, which makes them even more unusual (Homer's language for modern Greek even more incomprehensible than The Tale of Bygone Years for us). But even without conveying the features of articulation, some names will still be perceived strangely.

These oddities do not occur because the name is translated into Russian by some not too euphonious word. For example, Alifini, Garufalya, Ilikrinia, Falasia, Theoplasti not only sound, but also translate beautifully: Truthful, Carnation, Sincere, Sea, Created by God. The list of traditional names is constantly changing, and a Greek woman with that name is perceived in Greece in the same way as we have a girl named Predslava or Dobronega.

In the rare list you can find such beautiful female Greek names:

  • Akrivi - strict.
  • Anti or Anthus is a flower.
  • Kiveli - in ancient times it was popular in areas of intense contact with Phoenician sailors (it is a Hellenized version of the name of the goddess Cybele).
  • Corina is a modernized ancient name for Corinna, meaning "girl".
  • Kstanti - golden.
  • Meropi - gifted with the art of speaking.
  • Politimi - revered by everyone (or a lot).
  • Chariklia - glorious joy.

Borrowed names

Once under the rule of the Roman Empire, the Greeks began to adopt the Roman tradition of naming. This is how the names of Sevastyani appeared ( female version male name Sebastian - "originally from Sebastia"), Sylvia (translated from Latin as "forest"), Carolina ("Charles' woman" or "belonging to Charles"), Natalia (possibly originating both from the cognomen Natalius and from the Roman name of the Christmas holiday - Natalis Domini).

In the Middle Ages, the Greeks adopted a significant number of names of Germanic origin. It looks especially curious here. Initially, it was a female version of the name Hrodhait ("glorious in property, rich"). But later its origin was forgotten and was rethought with a focus on Latin name flower - rosa.

Russian female names of Greek origin

With the adoption of Orthodoxy and thanks to intensive contacts with Byzantium, the Slavs Kievan Rus embraced many achievements ancient culture. For a long time inside ruling dynasty It was customary to give their children two names: pagan and baptismal. Over time, baptismal names supplanted traditional Slavic ones, and broad sections of the population adopted them from princes and boyars.

As already noted, female name Elena- of Greek origin. However, it appeared in the Russian name-book not thanks to the instigator Trojan War. That was the mother's name Byzantine emperor Constantine (in the Greek manner - Konstandinos), which the church equated with the apostles for her missionary work.

Another curious female name of Greek origin is Zoya. From Greek it is translated as "life". According to researchers, this name arose as an attempt to literally translate the name of the progenitor of mankind - Eve. In the Russian language, it did not take root immediately - only from the 18th century it can be found in the sources. Perhaps this is due to the activities of the Byzantine empress, whose reign brought the country to the brink of death.

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