How to draw an ordinary flower. We teach a child to draw flowers


How to quickly draw a flower using different techniques.

Draw what you like

The first step is to select an object. Start with the colors you like: it's always easier to draw what inspires you. Gerberas, magnolias or tulips - make a watercolor bouquet to your taste.

Determine the shape of the flower

Determine the simple, basic shape of the plant. It can be a cone, a bell or a triangle. You may want to start drawing faster and skip this step. But believe me: it helps a lot and speeds up the process.

By sketching the basic shape with light lines, you will understand the structure of the whole plant.

Advice: The first sketch can be done in a sketchbook. Starting to draw on watercolor paper don't take too much soft pencil and don't press too hard. Otherwise, the paper may be damaged and the lines will remain visible after erasing.

Draw the leaves correctly

It depends on the leaves how convincing the image will be. The secret is not to interrupt the line of the main central vein. If it is out of place, the sheet will look unnatural. Start drawing the leaf from the central vein. Imagine that the sheet is transparent and you can only see its edges and veining.

Advice: when drawing, do not erase unnecessary lines immediately. Otherwise, there is a chance to make a mistake again. And if the wrong line remains before your eyes, it will be easier to draw the correct one next to it.

To get a soft uniform wash, it must first be moistened with water. This allows the ink to flow naturally before it begins to soak into the paper, and allows additional time for the color to stretch (create a smooth transition from one color to another) and blot out the highlights.

Moisturize from the middle and blur the water towards the edges. Repeat a couple of times to make sure the paper is well dampened. In this case, the edges will not dry so quickly. After you have evenly distributed the water, check if there are any “puddles” left on the surface of the paper, and if there are, blot them with a damp brush.

1. Draw water on the brush and moisten one leaf or petal. The surface of the paper should acquire a uniform sheen.

2. While the paper is damp, apply paint.

3. Spread the color to the edges of the drawing with a minimum number of brush strokes.

4. Gently stretch the paint to the edges of the element, while aligning the outline.

5. Before the wash dries, you can blot the paint to bring out the highlights and emphasize the shape of the element.

Color Stretching Technique

It is often necessary to use two or more colors on the same area. The advantages of this method are that you do not need to put an additional blur and it is easy to immediately set the desired shape. You can work simultaneously with any number of colors.

1. clean water dampen a single petal or leaf, then apply the first color.

2. While it is still wet, apply a second color next to it.

3. Flatten the tip of the brush and make a transition between colors.

4. Continue until the transition is smooth. Try to work quickly before the paint dries. Avoid unnecessary strokes, otherwise, after drying, there will be streaks. In the example in the photo, such a stroke is visible on the fold of the petal.

5. Before the paint dries, blot the highlights and outline the veins on each petal. A smooth color change can be applied to indicate the direction of the light. Draw the rest of the petals in the same way. Work on them through one, so as not to touch the still wet layer of paint on the adjacent petal, and when they are completely dry, proceed to the missed ones.

Technique "Textured blotting"

This interesting technique, which is suitable for complex folded or wavy petals. For example, to simulate folds on the surface of a poppy petal.

1. Moisten the paper in the desired area and apply a rich red wet-on-wet paint.

2. While the paint is still wet, add a dark color to the base of the flower. purple to blend in with the red.

3. Crumpled paper towel blot the paint only once.

4. Raise the towel.

5. Repeat a couple of times, using a clean towel each time to avoid getting paint from the towel back onto the drawing.

6. Let dry completely and refine the highlights to create petal folds.

Advice: For the first wash, take saturated colors right away so that you don’t have to enhance the color later. dark shades will give a good, strong contrast of dark and light in the pattern.

Therefore, come on, today we will try to draw a few flowers with you and make your friends happy by giving them a masterpiece on paper. And at the same time, we learn something new. Agreed?

Divine irises

A symbol of wisdom, trust, hope. Van Gogh himself painted them on his famous canvases. And Claude Monet not only depicted irises in the paintings, but also skillfully decorated his own garden with them.

Enchanting poppies

Symbol eternal youth and timeless beauty. This beautiful flower grows both in Europe and in North America, and in some regions of Asia (China and India). A drawing of graceful poppies is a wonderful gift for mom, grandmother or sister.

We draw cornflowers

And this blue flower symbolizes spiritual purity, modesty and tenderness. They say that cornflowers have magical powers and protect the house from evil forces.

important sunflowers

They are a symbol of labor, abundance, and, of course, the Sun - they always turn their heads in his direction. And the sunflower is a symbol of the Motherland. Just as he always reaches for the Sun, so a person always has thoughts with his homeland.

fragile bells

This is a hint that someone is thinking of You. Therefore, if you want to make a pleasant surprise for a friend, draw this particular flower as a sign that you often remember him.

Narcissistic Narcissists

According to the Greeks, they symbolize pride and vanity. But the Japanese consider them a sign of silent beauty and joy.

Do you love daffodils? Then keep a video tutorial on drawing these wonderful flowers!

Mysterious gentian

Symbol of summer heat. It has long been considered magic potion. Even legend exists about a quick-witted girl who adorned her head with a wreath of gentian and did not marry the devil, who turned into a guy. The devil could not proceed to the girl - the effect of the amulet turned out to be so strong. "If it weren't for gentian and toy(flower name) - then the girl would be mine ", - the impure one shouted in disappointment. What a cunning gentian flower!

fantasy flower

If you like to invent something new, mysterious, fantasy flower ease your efforts. This beauty will decorate any drawing.

Rose hip

And what is the bright flame on the thorny branches? Yes, this is rose hip- a symbol of youth, beauty and health.

Red Rose

The lady of flowers symbolizes passionate love, heavenly perfection and passion. In world symbolism, a golden rose meant perfection, red - beauty, white - innocence, blue - inaccessibility.

I also suggest watching a video on how to draw a gorgeous rose with a pencil.

withered dandelion

Fragile and light, this flower is beautiful even when it loses its freshness and bright yellow paint. I just want to blow on him so that his weightless fluff flew far, far with the summer wind. Dandelion is a symbol of openness and warmth.

tiger lily

A very bright and even slightly predatory tiger lily is a symbol of energy and enthusiasm. Still - it is refined and at the same time extravagant, and with its coloring it also hints at its extraordinary strength!

Do you want more flowers? here look for tender spring primroses, - proud tulips, and - wonderful watercolor snowdrops!

Drawing master class for children 5-7 years old "Fairytale flowers in a lace frame" step by step with a photo

Sredina Olga Stanislavovna, educator, head of the art studio of MDOU CRR d.s. No. 1 "Bear cub", Yuryuzan, Chelyabinsk region
Exhibition, academic work or a gift
Paper A3 "Snow Maiden", wax crayons, gouache, soft brush No. 5-8, various laces.

Creation beautiful work in a "lace" frame
Teaching composition building skills
Cultivating curiosity, patience and accuracy
Development of fantasy and imagination
Improvement of practical work skills wax crayons and gouache
The work, enclosed in a frame, takes on a finished look, like a precious or ornamental stone in a frame. The frame should emphasize the dignity of the picture, set it off, and not shout over the drawing. The most common solution is a passe-partout. But if you want something more interesting, and at the same time not very difficult to manufacture, there are options.
What frames can be used to decorate children's work? Simple, not too fancy. They can be made from paper tubes, from cardboard covered with fabric. Finished frames can be decorated with puzzles, shells, buttons, pasta. But it takes extra time. And how to do both drawing and beautiful frame to him?

Preliminary work:
Creating a lace frame begins with the selection of a strip of lace desired length. With the help of adhesive tape we attach it to the plane of the table. We put a sheet of paper on the lace and wax crayon, draw flat along the edge. The stronger the pressure, the clearer the pattern appears. The darker the chalk, the better it can be seen. We used blue, purple, dark green, purple and red.

As an option, we tried to tone the entire background in this way. To do this, we used a lace fabric slightly larger than our size sheet. There is no paper to fix here. And strong pressure is not required. Just a dark background will subsequently "flicker" a little.
Literary application:
We listen to riddles, fairy tales and poems about flowers, look at illustrations.
N. Samoniy
Children like flowers: Gaucher - DAHALHAS,
Because he is George, that's the whole reason;
Rosa loves ROSES, Lily loves LILIES.
Romka loves only daisies, in wild abundance.
Mil to Maxim scarlet MAC, and JASMINE - to Jeannette.
Loves IRISES Irinka, more than anyone in the world.
Buttercup Lube is cute, ASTRA flower - Asenka.
Leva is sweet flower LEVKA, VASILIOCHKI - Vasenka;
Nadya with Nataya - NARCISS, the sun of April.
And Mimosa loves Misha, FORGET-MENT - Nelly.
Like VIOLET Fillet, DANDELION - Olenka,
Margarita - DAISY, BELL - Kolenka.
Nonna loves MARIGOLDS, GLADIOLUS loves Glasha.
Sidor - white lilac, pink - Sasha.
From Nasturtium delighted Nastya to madness,
Lily of the valley likes Larisa, while Petya likes PETUNIA.
Edik loves EDELWEISS, Elya loves too,
He's a flower of mountains and rocks, like a star!
A field to the heart of SNOWDROP - loves, not daring to tear;
Kuze - cute water lilies, Kostya - COSME.
And Praskovya is in love with the blue PROLESKI,
Boy Gia - in HYACINTH, in the sun's spring splendor.
Annushka loves ANYUTKA - tricolor flowers ...
Moms love us, kids, we are BOUQUETS for them!

We talk about the diversity and similarity of plants. We answer the questions: What does each flower have? What are flowers for? What flowers do you like? What flowers do your moms like?
How fabulous flower may differ from normal colors? Come up with a magical name for your flower.

Practical work:
1 option
Depending on the age of the pupils, you can draw one flower or a composition of three colors. The leaf layout can be vertical or horizontal.
Draw a round yellow center. We choose a place for the flower just above the middle of the sheet and a little to the left or right of the center. Then draw a slightly curved stem and leaves. The leaves at the base of the stem are larger. The higher the leaves are on the stem, the smaller they are. (Just like branches on trees)

We draw flower petals. We come up with the shape of paired petals to the left and right of the stem. Add the central petal, and then the rest, placing them symmetrically.

When coloring, we use the technique of overlaying color on color. The border of the overlay is not clear, but arbitrary. Color the leaves using different shades of green. Add a glow around the flower and swirling "antennae" on the stem.

The last step is the most magical. By painting over the drawing with liquid black gouache (we dilute it to the desired consistency in a jar), we get a magical manifestation of a flower from blackness. The stronger the pressure was when drawing, the brighter the image will turn out. The weaker the pressure, the more foggy the work will be.

Note: we begin to work with a brush carefully, swiping smooth line along the lace. (This step can be performed by the teacher). Then the child picks up gouache on the brush and draws parallel lines top to bottom or right to left, being careful not to leave gaps.
Option 2
In all technically identical to the first. The difference is only in the flickering background and more complex composition.
Work begins with three round yellow centers, three slightly curved stems and long narrow leaves. To make the composition harmonious, the middle parts cannot be placed on the same level (even if it is a bouquet). You can not draw them too low and close to the frame. The children come up with the shape of the leaves and petals themselves.

3 option
In this version, we depict flowers growing in a meadow or flower bed. There may be three or five.

Children's work of pupils of senior and preparatory groups.

At all times, flowers have been the personification of spring, purity and light - the most beautiful and perfect creation on earth. In ancient religions, many colors were attributed divine origin what they talked about different legends and myths. For example, bright spring Flower adonis in ancient Greek mythology was considered the blood of the beloved goddess of love Aphrodite, a young man named Adonis, who died from the fangs of a wild boar. In the place where the drops of blood of Adonis fell, at the behest of Aphrodite, beautiful bright flowers. According to legend, the rose is the queen of flowers. Ancient Rome personified sensual love, and during the feasts of the nobility, it was customary to wear wreaths of roses on their heads. So, flowers create a special atmosphere of celebration, joy and warmth - these gifts of nature have long been sung by poets. And what unique paintings of flowers left behind by many famous artists! Such immortal canvases attract the eye, bewitching with colors and a unique combination of colors. How to draw beautiful drawing flower? We have selected several master classes with step by step photos for children to draw a bell and other flowers - in a vase or just a bouquet. With the help of our step by step lessons on drawing flowers with a pencil and a video for beginners, you can get an idea about the basics of drawing and soon create your own artistic masterpiece.

A beautiful drawing - a flower with paints for children from 3 years old, a simple master class with step by step photos

Flowers are the most favorite theme of children's drawings. Indeed, having barely learned to hold a pencil or a brush in his hands, a three-year-old kid with pleasure draws the first uncomplicated lines with circles on a sheet of paper. If you look closely, in this creation of a young "artist" you can recognize the head of a flower and a stalk with leaves. Our today's master class with step-by-step photos is devoted to drawing watercolor paints marvelous beautiful flower- tulip. With the help of such a simple lesson for children from 3 years old, you can quickly master drawing a flower in watercolor and prepare great gift mother by March 8 or Mother's Day.

Materials for the master class of drawing "Tulip flower" with paints:

  • honey watercolor paints
  • synthetic brush №5 - 6
  • watercolor paper
  • container with water
  • simple pencil
  • eraser

A step-by-step description of a master class with a photo on drawing a flower using paints:

  1. To begin with, we draw the kennels of tulip flowers, trying to make a sketch with thin, slightly noticeable lines, which are then easily erased with an eraser.

  2. Apply with a brush lilac paint on tulip flowers, carefully drawing shadows.

  3. We add green color for the leaves, not forgetting to shade the places of the bends with dark ones.

  4. Now you need to mix green and black paints and draw the flower stems with the resulting shade.

  5. The beautiful color of tulips can be created from two shades - lilac and burgundy.

  6. We paint over the flower buds with the resulting mixture of shades. Individual petals, as well as the lower part of the flowers, can be shaded green.

  7. We apply a little yellow paint to the buds at the base.

  8. The leaves need to be drawn in light green, and we slightly touch their tips brown tint. We apply dark green paint to the “empty” places of the leaves. To create smooth color transitions buds in some places need to be “washed out” with clean water.

  9. We draw green pedicels and carefully shade the leaves.

  10. With a mixture of brown and green, you need to show the shadows on the stems, and with the help of burgundy color, outline the contours of the flowers.

  11. Apply a little to the buds of blue color which makes the colors look natural.

  12. With blue and lilac color we set off a vase in which there is a bouquet of tulips.

  13. We paint over each petal and petal in the upper part with white watercolor. Everything, our drawing with a flower is ready!

We draw a flower - a bell with a pencil, a step-by-step master class with a photo

A bell is a simple drawing that does not require special skills to complete. In children's drawings different ages the image of these spring flowers in bright blue often appears. We bring to your attention a step-by-step master class with a photo on drawing a bell with a pencil - following our recommendations and advice, even a beginner little artist can create a beautiful drawing.

The list of materials for drawing a bell:

  • simple medium hard pencil
  • colored pastel pencils
  • drawing paper
  • pastel tinted paper

Drawing of a flower - a bell according to a master class with a photo:

  1. First, we draw the stem - a curved line is drawn from top to bottom on the surface of the drawing sheet. IN different sides from the stem we draw several inclined arcs, to which we will add flowers a little later.

  2. Now, from the bottom up section, you need to draw three gently curved lines - the middle of the future sheets turned out. On each of the previously drawn arcs, draw circles (flowers) so that the lines of the arcs run in the center. At the tips of the upper arcs, you also need to draw oval buds.

  3. We draw green petals like this - we draw curved line at the base of large circles. In the middle of the circles, we draw lines in the form of an oval, pointed at the edges, and its tip will “peek out” a little. On each side of the “tip” of the petal we draw along a sharp triangle - these are the curved edges of the side petals.

  4. Draw vertical lines leaves, giving thickness. Bell flowers are more clearly outlined with a pencil. Inside the "cup" of the flower we draw stamens.

  5. Then you need to transfer the drawing to tinted paper. To do this, you need to shade the wrong side of a sheet of paper with the image of a flower, and then attach this side to a sheet of tinted paper. We outline the outline of the drawing and a “transfer” image appears on the tinted sheet. It remains to color green pencil bell leaves, purple - buds and flowers.

  6. Completeness of the flower pattern will give more saturated shades, which can emphasize the contours. Then you need to shade a little and add orange stamens. That's it, our bell drawing is ready! How to draw a flower with a pencil in stages for beginner artists - a master class with a photo

Chamomile is a touching flower, the drawing of which we will master with the help of step by step master class with photo. How beautiful to draw a flower with a pencil? We suggest going through a simple step by step lesson drawing for beginners.

Beautiful flowers flaunt in many paintings famous artists. At all times, people were inspired by flowers, they saw the soul in them, compared with different people. Below we will tell you how to draw a flower from scratch and give some examples with pictures.

It is generally accepted that drawing even an ordinary wild flower is quite difficult. At the heart of each flower lies a certain geometric figure. But in fact, everything is not so difficult. The main thing is to follow the recommendations.

This is one of the most beautiful flowers in the world. It is customary to give a lush bouquet of roses to loved ones, and even regular drawing this beautiful flower able to lift your spirits instantly.
How to draw a rose, where to start if you have never had to draw flowers? And how with simple pencil transfer to paper complex shape petals?
Indeed, rose petals have a very complex structure. Drawing a ripe, opened bud is quite difficult. But do not try to do it right away, you need to draw in stages. You need to gradually add new details to the sketch. Consider creating a drawing on a specific example.

So, the contour of the flower is ready, now you need to give it volume. This is done with the help of shadows. First you need to imagine which side the light source will be on, that is, which side of the flower will be “illuminated”. The hollows between the petals need to be shaded more intensively. To do this, press the pencil a little harder. After the shadows are drawn, they need to be slightly rubbed with your finger. This removes clear lines, blurs the boundaries between them. This gives the image realism.

There are so many tutorials and ways on how to draw a rose flower. In the way described above, it is convenient to depict an already opened bud. Recall once again that all bright lines play minor role. They are removed during operation.

How to draw a tulip

For the first time, tulip bulbs came to us from Holland under Peter I. Since then, this flower has been considered one of the most popular and beautiful. More than 350 varieties of tulips are known. Their petals are the most unusual colors and shades - from snow-white to black.
To depict a tulip is much easier than a rose. To do this, you need to outline the outline of the stem and bud of the flower and draw simple outlines petals. After that, it remains only to color the drawing.

When painting a drawing, it is not necessary to adhere to any strict rules. You can choose any color you like. A drawing of a bouquet of tulips looks much more beautiful than a single flower. But first, let's start with the simplest.

How to draw a chamomile flower

Anyone can do this simple task. You just need to draw a few petals, leaves, stem and the picture is ready. But for some reason, such a simple flower as chamomile is far from always turning out to be truly beautiful. The main mistake of beginners is that they start drawing a flower from the petals. And for this you need to have a very good eye, especially if you have to draw a bouquet.

The flower itself is best drawn in last turn, and start with the stem and the contour of the bud.
Thus, by drawing a daisy in stages, you can achieve a truly realistic image.

Final stage

At the end, you need to draw the details of the stem, as well as depict the leaves of the plant with sharp corners. Leaves can be of any size and in any reasonable amount. It is also necessary to depict several veins on the leaves. After that, the drawing can be painted or applied with shadows. For coloring, you need only two colors - yellow and green.

How to draw a sunflower flower

Drawing a sunflower is almost as easy as drawing a chamomile. The difference between the image techniques is small - the petals of a sunflower are larger than those of a camomile and a different color. And the flower itself is much larger. This is where the main differences end.

In order for the drawing to turn out, you need to start with the image of the stem and leaves. Pre-draw the outline of the flower. After you make sure that all proportions are correct, you can move on to the next step.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the image of flowers. Of course, within the framework of this publication, only the most simple, basic tricks flower images. However, they are quite enough to realistically depict one of the colors listed above.

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