What is the long jump for? Jumping from a place and running


Jumping and jumping exercises in physical education classes

Teaching motor actions of schoolchildren is aimed at mastering vital motor actions and improving the skills to apply movements in conditions of various complexity. The basic methods of teaching motor actions remain the same. This is the communication of theoretical information and the direct implementation of the learned motor actions. Starting to learn them, the teacher calls the students a motor action, using sports terminology. Difficult in coordination movements are first divided and learned in parts. First, they are combined several in a bundle, and only after that they master the action as a whole. In cases where the movement cannot be divided into elements (high jump and long jump with a run), they are learned as a whole, sequentially switching attention from one element to another.
After assimilation motor action start to improve it.
In order for repetitions not to reduce the activity of students, it is necessary to change the conditions for performing the movement, the starting position, and the methods of construction. Due to the fact that the lessons physical education there is no opportunity to spend a lot of time on conducting conversations, explanations should be concise, capacious in content and precise in wording.

Varieties of jumps

In physical education lessons, jumping is used as a means to strength development, endurance, speed. In addition to track and field jumps, such as the long jump, triple jump, high jump, jumps are widely used in game types and gymnastics.
Jumping exercises compare favorably with other means of developing physical qualities: they do not require special equipment, they are available, you can easily dose the load for different levels of student preparedness, and allow you to master complex motor skills. We should not forget about the transfer of motor skills, for example, learning to take off in high jumps helps to master the elements of basketball technique.
Jumping exercises are closely related to running exercises and complement each other. Comprehensively developing students, the jumping exercises themselves require a certain level of preparedness. Each lesson, including jumping, must begin with preparatory exercises: walking on outside feet, walking with a roll from heel to toe, walking with lunges, etc. As schoolchildren develop, these preparatory exercises become more complicated, and the need for their use remains at any level of preparedness. This allows you to avoid injuries and emotionally sets the guys up for jumping.

Jumping on one and two legs in place and on the move

It is important to achieve an understanding of these simple movements. The work includes mainly the foot, the correct posture is maintained.


- jumping on right leg on the spot and with promotion;
- jumping on the left leg in place and with advancement;
- jumping on two legs in place and with advancement;
- jumps: walking with a roll from heel to toe, followed by a jump;
- jumps with a swing of the leg and arms;
- jumps with reaching a suspended object;
- jumping with side steps;
- jumping from foot to foot, with the removal of the hip forward;
- jumping on one leg across the line;
- jumping on two legs across the line;
- jumping on the line on one and two legs;
- jumping in place different height jump;
- jumps in place with different heights of the jump and a wave of the arms;
– jumps with a turn of 90, 180, 360°;
- jumping legs apart, legs together from ip. - standing and from a squat;
- jumping legs apart, with a leg.

To diversify the positive emotional background, these exercises are used not only in the preparatory part of the lesson, but also as elements of outdoor games, in exercises with a rope, with a hoop, with a ball.

Standing long jump

Pushing off with both legs (feet shoulder-width apart and parallel to each other), swing your arms forward and up. Stretch as much as possible while jumping. Efforts to apply not only in the horizontal, but also in the vertical direction. When landing, move your shoulders as far forward as possible, try to keep your legs higher, and avoid premature landing. It is imperative to achieve a wide range of motion, the correct swing of the arms, a soft landing simultaneously on two legs. It is easier to start learning this exercise in a playful way: for example, in the game "Heron and Frogs". The competitive moment in this, as in other exercises, is used only when the children have the correct jump pattern. Otherwise, the incorrect movement will be fixed and entail further errors when performing more difficult jumps.

Jumping over the gymnastic bench

For younger students it is proposed to perform a jump over a gymnastic bench with support on hands. The hands cover the edges of the bench, do not bend the elbows. Pushing off with both legs, you need to jump over the bench, holding your pelvis and legs high. The soft landing should be on the other side of the bench. Intercepting hands, the jump is repeated.
Acquaintance with this exercise is the first experience of a child exercising on a sports equipment. Here, as in many other exercises, several goals are achieved:

- development of the upper shoulder girdle;
- coordination of movements;
- jumping ability;
- Learning safety rules in the classroom.

In the second grade, this exercise is offered to students in more complex form: without support on the hands. The skill of a competent wave of hands is important. Standing facing or sideways to the bench, swing with a simultaneous shallow squat. At the moment of the jump, “grab” yourself with your hands, keeping the correct posture. Exercise should be within the power of the child. Number of jumps initial stage can be limited to 2, 3 times. A variation of this exercise is jumping over athletics hurdles or other obstacles. The load is dosed by the height of the barrier, the distance between the barriers, and their number.

Jumping from foot to foot, or multi-hopping

When performing this exercise, the push leg is fully extended in all joints during repulsion, the fly leg, bent at the knee joint, is energetically sent with the knee forward and slightly up, the body is tilted forward, the arms bent at the elbow joints move vigorously back and forth.
Learning this exercise begins with preparatory movements.:

- lunges on the spot;
- springy swings in a lunge;
- the same with changing the position of the legs by jumping;
- walking lunges with different positions of the hands;
- springy jumps without changing the position of the legs with a slight advance forward.

The position of the torso in these exercises is kept strictly vertical, the steps are springy, there is active work hands.
In high school, a more complex type of jumping is used: multihops on one leg with pulling the push leg forward and upward.
As a test, a triple jump from a place is used.
Pushing off with two legs, land on the flywheel, then on the push; after pushing off, you need to land on both feet.
You can start mastering this exercise in primary school, but as a test, the standing triple jump is best used in middle and high school.

Running long jump

There are several ways to run long jump.:

- "scissors";
- bending over;
- bending your legs.

The result depends on the horizontal speed of the run-up by the moment the foot is put into place of the push and the vertical speed in the take-off. The jump is also affected by the angle of repulsion, the ability of the athlete to maintain balance in flight and to bring the legs further forward during landing.
In conditions regular school using the simplest way legs bent.
The beginning of training is possible at any school age with a certain level of physical qualities. First of all, you need to determine for each student a push leg. To do this, students are invited to make several jumps from a short run into the jump pit. The place of repulsion is not indicated, and the guys, as a rule, push with the strongest foot. This approach to determining the jogging leg is simple and gives a reliable result. If a mistake has occurred (which is extremely rare) and the teaching has difficulty mastering the technique of jumping, this becomes clear in the first lessons. In this case, after the request to change the jogging leg, everything will fall into place.

The long jump technique includes:

- running technique;
- repulsion technique;
– technique of movement in flight or flight phase;
- Landing technique.

The run-up in long jumps differs little in technique from sprinting: the maximum tension of the working muscles in the repulsion phase alternates with their complete relaxation in the relatively passive phase of flight.
The run is offered to be done only by those students who have mastered the technique of repulsion and landing. Starting from 2–4 steps, the run is adjusted to 10–12 steps, as physical qualities develop with age, i.e., with an increase in fitness, the length and speed of the run increase.
At the beginning of the run, two starting positions are used: the first is to put one foot forward on the control line, the other back; the second is to slightly bend and spread your legs 10–15 cm, tilt your torso forward and lower your arms. The movement begins with a "fall".
The start of the run is determined by performing the usual steps from the take-off board in the opposite direction to the run. Usually one running step is equal to two walking steps. During the jumps, a slight correction of the starting point of the takeoff is possible.
The run-up is carried out with a gradual or rapid increase in speed. It is important that by the moment of repulsion it is maximum, the body is in a vertical position and the jumper can proceed to repulsion without undue stress.
Start date running long jump- This mastering the technique of repulsion and landing.

Preparatory exercises

Exit in a step

From the position of a wide step (pushing leg at the place of repulsion), an active swing is performed with a swing leg bent at the knee with a change in the position of the hands. It is important to fix this position, standing high on the foot, and repeat it many times, taking the swing leg back to its original position. Active should be not only a swing of the foot, but also a change in the position of the hands. A comparison with a boxing punch "uppercut" is appropriate here.

Exit in a step with jumping up

Jumping up with holding the position and landing on the push leg is added. Focus on pushing up, not forward.
These exercises can be performed in the gym, without a jump pit.

Step out with jumping up and landing in the jump pit

In flight, the fly leg, bent at the knee, is held as high as possible, the push leg is pulled up to the fly leg (flight "sitting on a chair").
Landing, the jumper sends his arms down and back, unbends his legs at the knee joints and brings them as far forward as possible. The landing ends with bending the legs in all joints, tilting the body forward and exiting the pit or falling to the side.
The above preparatory exercises allow you to start running long jumps.
Beginners are encouraged to complete 2-4 running steps for a run-up followed by a jump. In case of an error during the execution of the jump, it is necessary to return to the preparatory exercises.
Gradually increasing the take-off, monitor the preservation of the active setting of the pushing leg on the repulsion board, the application of efforts in flight, soft shock-absorbing landing.

Things to remember when pushing away:

1. The last step is faster than all the previous ones. The foot is placed on the repulsion board very vigorously.
2. The heel only touches the ground for a moment, the foot quickly rolls onto the toe. This is followed by vigorous straightening of the whole body.
3. The upper body is in a vertical position, the gaze is directed forward.
4. The thigh of the fly leg rises to horizontal line(the knee is strongly bent).
5. The repulsion is facilitated by alternating swing movements of one and the other hand (shoulders rise vigorously).

When landing, the following is important:

1. The legs are carried far forward, and they are almost straightened, but not tense.
2. As soon as the heels touch the ground, the legs gently bend at the knees. At the same time, the upper body is slightly raised so that the hips can be brought forward. Thus, the weight of the body moves beyond the landing point.
3. The pelvis must not touch the ground prematurely.
4. Both feet land at the same level. The landing point will be correct if, after touching the ground with the feet, the jumper can move the body forward in a straight line or fall away from it.
5. At first, the arms are strongly lowered down and back, and then, performing a swing forward, they contribute to the advancement of the body.
6. You need to leave the jump hole only forward.

High jump from a straight run

Jumps are performed from a standing position facing the bar. After a run-up run by one and a push by the other, the jumper flies over the bar, landing with his back to it.
This way of jumping does not allow reaching very high score, but has the right to exist, as the simplest of the high jumps.
The run does not require reaching maximum speed, as in long jumps, it has a slightly different rhythm. A gradual increase in running steps ensures the active setting of the jogging leg before the jump, the readiness to perform the swing of the arms and the swing of the leg in time.
The swing is performed simultaneously with both hands - a swing (retracting the hands back) - at the penultimate step of the run.
The leg swing is also different from the long jump swing. The knee is slightly bent, the leg is raised up as far as the level of development of flexibility allows.
The push leg, after repulsion, is pulled towards itself, bending at the knee.
Landing occurs first on the push leg, and then on the fly leg.
The advantage of this method is that it is enough to put one or two gymnastic mats on the landing site.
The risk of injury is reduced to a minimum.
The basis of the drawing of this jump is a preparatory jumping exercise: jumps with a swing with two hands.
To save time at the initial stage of training in high jumps, bright rubber is used, stretched between the racks. Racks must be sufficiently stable.

High jumps in the way of "stepping over" or "scissors"

The jump consists of:
- takeoff run;
- repulsion;
- crossing the bar;
- landing.

In this method, the jumper performs a run in an arc, pushing off with the foot farthest from the bar, in a position sideways to the bar.
Simultaneous swing with both hands contributes to a high reach, proper coordination of movements in the jump.
The fly leg, having overcome the bar, moves down with an active movement. The push leg repeats its trajectory with a time difference of half a step.
At the highest point of the flight, the jumper sharply turns his shoulders and head towards the bar, thereby moving away from it.
The fly leg lands first (as opposed to a straight run jump). Loss of balance (fall) upon landing indicates insufficient coordination of movements during the jump, although at maximum heights it is quite acceptable.

Stages of learning:

- passing by a step along the run-up (the run-up arc can be marked with chalk) with the setting of the pushing leg at the place of repulsion;
- the same, but with an increase in rhythm to a running step. Mark the place of repulsion with chalk and achieve a stable hit of the pushing leg on it;
- passing by a step along the run-up, followed by a slow stepping over the bar. During alternate stepping, both legs should be straightened at the knee joint; be sure to follow the rotation of the body to the bar on final stage exercises;
- running along the takeoff arc with jumping out and landing at the place of repulsion with the pushing leg. In this case, the fly leg and arms perform a coordinated swing.

Don't delay in the learning process. long time on individual exercises and their variants. However, you can not proceed to the study of the next exercise without a sufficiently clear implementation of the previous one.
Exercises aimed at mastering the swing movement are studied in parallel with exercises that prepare for the push. All exercises aimed at learning the technique are performed at first at a slow pace, but even before moving on to the study of the next exercise, it is necessary to achieve the maximum speed of the previous exercise.
In the process of training, all exercises are performed both from the side of the push leg and from the side of the fly leg. Such use of exercises contributes to the development of coordination abilities of those involved.

What is important to know when running:

1. With the “stepping over” method, the run-up occurs in an arc, starting from the bar with the foot and being sideways to the bar.
2. It is enough to take a run of 5-7 steps.
3. The run is made at a moderate pace.
4. The speed increases only on the first 3-5 steps, on the last two it is necessary to concentrate on repulsion.
5. The penultimate step is made sloping and wide. The fly leg is bent at the knee joint. Both arms are behind the body.
6. The foot of the jogging leg is actively and quickly placed from the heel to the ground, the floor, while the pelvis is brought forward with an energetic movement. Thus, the body assumes the correct position at the place of support.

When repulsing, pay attention to the following:

1. With the “stepping over” method, the jogging leg begins to straighten vigorously immediately after placing it on the ground, floor.
2. The pelvis, which takes on strong pressure, must be actively brought forward and upward.
3. The upper body stays above the push leg and does not lean towards the plank. In this case, the body bends slightly forward: before repulsion, the jumper, as it were, is compressed like a spring.
4. The fly leg contributes greatly to repulsion. This happens if, due to the energetic movement of the lower leg, it straightens and is brought as high as possible above the bar. By quick deceleration, the swing force is transferred to the body.
5. Simultaneously with the swing leg, both hands are thrown forward and up.
6. During takeoff, the jumper transfers the jogging leg after the fly leg.

Things to keep in mind when overcoming the bar:

1. Having pushed off, the jumper flies up, keeping the torso in a vertical position.
2. Raises the fly leg slightly bent at the knee, the push leg is freely lowered.
3. At the highest point of take-off, the fly leg goes down with the toe inward, and the push leg goes up by turning outward.
4. At the same time, the body turns to the bar and leans towards the push leg, the pelvis quickly passes over the bar, the arms go down.
5. There is a landing on the fly leg.

When doing jumping exercises, you must constantly pay attention to strengthening the arches of the foot. There is an expression: "There is a strong foot - there is a good jumper!".
However, a large number of exercises related to the foot can also lead to a negative result: lowering the arches of the foot. It can be advised to carefully monitor the condition of the students, not to allow excessive loads, not to give a large number weight training exercises.

There are special exercises to strengthen the arches of the foot:

- rolling with the sole of a rolling pin, bottle, gymnastic stick, perform in I.p. sitting and standing;
- walking on a thin rope, stepping longitudinally and transversely;
- performing an exercise called "crab", i.e. moving on the floor, clinging toes and pulling the rest of the foot;
- walking on the outer arches of the feet;
- from I.P. standing up on toes and down on the entire foot;
- walking on toes (backward) up inclined plane(the gymnastic bench is installed on the gymnastic wall at an angle of 10–15°);
- walking down an inclined plane;
- grabbing a pencil or stick with your fingers, walking for 30-40 seconds;
- i.p. - sitting on a gymnastic bench (or on a chair), one leg is extended forward. Turning the foot inward with pulling the toe;
- walking on toes in a semi-squat;
- sp .: standing, raising the left (right) leg. Extension and flexion of the foot (pull the toe down, the toe towards you). The pace is fast;
- Same. Turning the foot outward, inward;
- Same. Circular movements of the foot clockwise and counterclockwise;
- walking with a "goose" step;
- Walking on toes, hands to the sides.

By doing these exercises, we will not only prevent initial form flat feet, but also strengthen the muscles of the foot and lower leg.

physical education teacher of school No. 460

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Methodology for teaching the technique of running long jumps

Before you start learning the technique of the long jump, you need to get good sprint and jump training, which will ensure the stability of the take-off and the ability to combine it with a powerful and fast take-off.

Task 1. Familiarize yourself with the technique of long jump with a run.

This problem is solved using short story about the technique of jumping, explaining and viewing photographs, films, videos, posters, and, finally, showing the technique of running long jumps in general.

Task 2. Learn repulsion techniques.

When teaching repulsion, a variety of lead-up exercises are used in the following sequence:

Imitation of leg movements during repulsion in place with active pelvic thrust forward, and at the end of repulsion - raising the knee of the fly leg;

Imitation of lifting the pelvis up from a prone position with support on the heel of the foot on the floor;

Imitation of a combination of movement of arms and legs during repulsion. At the same time, simultaneously with the swing of the free leg, the arms are raised forward - up, and the arm of the same name to the push leg rises higher, providing balance with the raised thigh of the fly leg;

The same exercise, but with repulsion from one step;

Reaching the object with the thigh of the fly leg after imitation of repulsion;

Stream jumps in a step, pushing off with a pushing leg through a step, then - through three steps;

Step jumps over a bar or barrier 40-60 cm high from three running steps;

Jumps from 3-5 take-off steps with jumping in the “step” position to the elevation (“horse”, beam, stack of mats, elevations and other sports equipment and devices).

When performing these exercises, it is necessary to achieve full extension of the push leg and a quick swing with the other leg up. The pushing leg is placed at the place of repulsion closer to the projection of the GCM on the entire foot or by rolling from heel to toe.

At the moment of repulsion, the arm opposite the fly leg must be actively extended forward - up and inward to maintain the straightness of the flight (Fig. 23).

Rice. 23. High jumps

Task 3. Teach the technique of running in combination with repulsion.

The means to solve this problem are:

Jumps "in step" with different speed of movement and landing on the fly leg;

Long jumps with 2-5 take-off steps with an accelerated and active setting of the push leg to the place of repulsion;

Running along the run of 6-10 running steps with the designation of repulsion;

Jumping from the gymnastic bridge from 5-6 steps of the run;

Walking jumps with 5-6 running steps over a low barrier or bar;

Long jump with a short and medium run.

When mastering the technique of the studied exercises, it is necessary to monitor the acceleration of the rhythm at the last steps of the run, the unity of the run and repulsion, and the length of the last step should be somewhat shorter than the previous one.

Spade - stepping over by a long jumper and triple jump foot of the block for repulsion.

Task 4. Teach landing technique.

To learn how to land, first of all, you need to repeat jumping from a place. In this case, attention should be paid to pulling the knees forward and upward and actively throwing the legs far forward upon landing. For a better extension of the legs forward, you can make a mark or put a tape (rope) on this place and give the task to send the legs over the mark when landing (Fig. 24).

Rice. 24. Standing long jump

When learning to land from a run, the following exercises can be recommended:

Long jumps from a place with active pulling the knees forward - up and grouping with lowering the arms down;

Long jumps from a place, pushing off with two legs or one leg with a long extension of the legs to the landing, jumping into the sand or a hole with foam rubber;

Long jumps with a short run-up through a bar, barrier or rubber band set at a height of 20-50 cm for 0.5 m from the intended landing site;

From hanging on the gymnastic wall, with your back to it, swoop forward to make a dismount with a landing on two legs on a gymnastic mat;

Long jump with a short run-up over a rope or rubber band placed at the intended landing site.

Task 5. Teach flight technique.

The "bending legs" method

After mastering the technique of the main phases of the jump (repulsion, run-up and landing), you can proceed to learning the jump method, i.e. maintaining a certain, stable position of the body in the flight phase.

As already mentioned, the simplest of the methods is the “bending legs” jump. After taking off in the “step” position, it is necessary to perform a grouping and, pulling your knees to your chest, throw them forward.

To master the movements in flight, exercises are used:

Jump in the "step" from 3-5 steps of the run-up with landing in the "step" position;

From the position of a shallow lunge, pull up the push leg located behind to the front leg;

Jump in a "step" from 5-7 steps of a run through two bars (lines) with a further run;

Long jumps using the “bending legs” method from take-offs of various lengths, starting from the bridge, the path in front of the pit or the bar;

Imitation of departure in the "step" and grouping in the hang on the rings or the crossbar.

The "bending" method

After the students have mastered simplest way jumping "bending your legs", you can proceed to learning the technique of jumping "bending down".

Teaching the technique of this method begins with showing the jump as a whole from a medium run-up, and then - test jumps from a short run-up. Basic training exercises:

Jumps from a short take-off (3-5 running steps), after taking off “in a step”, it is necessary to lower the fly leg down and back, and move the pelvis forward and bend, raise your arms up to the sides, land on both legs, not trying to actively throw them forward ;

Jumping from a short run, paying attention to the lowering of the fly leg, arching and actively throwing the legs far forward during landing; at the same time lower your hands forward, down and back;

Jumping from a short run;

Imitation of the movement of the legs while hanging on the rings or the crossbar, making sure that while lowering the fly leg down, the pelvis is brought forward, and the shoulders are somewhat retracted;

Jumps in general with an increase in the length of the take-off, starting from the floor (track) and the bar.

The scissor method

After creating an idea of ​​the technique of the flight phase of the jump with the help of a holistic display from a medium run, the following exercises are used to study this method of flight:

Jumps in the "step" from 3-5 running steps, lowering the fly leg down with landing on it and running forward;

Jumps in the "step" from 1-3 steps with a change in the position of the legs in flight and landing in the "step" position, pushing leg in front;

Jumps from 3-5 running steps, changing the position of the legs in flight, but landing on the jogging leg;

Imitation of the movement of hands in walking;

Imitation of a change of legs in the hanging on the rings, the crossbar and lying on gymnastic mats;

Scissor jumps (2.5 steps), pushing from the gymnastic bridge or tramlin, to coordinate the movements of the legs and arms;

Jumping in the “scissors” way from takeoffs of various sizes, starting from the ground and the bar.

When performing all exercises, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that leg movements in flight are performed not with the lower leg, but from the hip, with free, wide legs.

Task 6. To teach the technique of long jump in general.

When teaching the technique of long jumps in general, it is necessary to pay attention to the rhythm of the last steps and faster repulsion with a minimal decrease in horizontal speed obtained during the run. The length of the takeoff depends on the absolute speed of the student, his fitness for jumping, and his ability to accelerate while running. The start of the run is determined as follows: 1) the student stands on the board for repulsion with his back to the pit, one foot in front, taking a quick first step from behind standing foot;
2) starts running with a gradual increase in speed. On the 18-21st steps of the run, you need to push off up. At the place of repulsion, the teacher makes a mark with chalk - this place will be the preliminary start of the run.

After several repetitions, you should determine the exact length of the run-up, measure it with a tape measure or feet.

In the process of learning the technique of long jumps in general, the following are also performed:

Repeated running of the full run;

Long jumps from the middle and full run-up in the chosen way;

Long jump from the gymnastic bridge with a full run.

Task 7. Improving the technique of long jumps.

After choosing a jump method, it is necessary to continue improving the take-off technique, transition to repulsion, repulsion, flight and landing using the chosen jump method. With the improvement in the technique of running jumps, a number of particular tasks are also solved:

1. Increasing the takeoff speed.

2. Achievement of run-up stability on the last steps.

3. Increasing the activity of actions in repulsion and reducing the emphasis when placing the push leg on the support.

4. Achieving balance in the knee joint with an increase in the activity of the shoulder girdle, arms and amplitude of the leg swing in repulsion.

5. Improving the rhythm of the run.

For this, the following exercises are used:

Long jumps from the middle and full run;

Performing special exercises to improve the details of the technique;

Long jump for results in training and competition conditions.

We give examples of special exercises for long jumpers and triple jumpers (Fig. 25).

Rice. 25. Special exercises long jump and triple jump(according to N.G. Ozolin)

Table 9

Approximate plan for teaching the technique of running long jump



Organizational and methodological event

Common Mistake



1. Familiarize yourself with the technique of running long jumps

1. A short story about the technique of running long jumps

The story should be figurative, interesting and not take more
5 minutes

2. Explaining and viewing movies, posters, photos, videos

Pay attention to those involved in the position of the body of the jumper in the main phases of the jump

3. Demonstration of the technique of the long jump in general and trial attempts

First, show the technique of jumping from the side, then from the front and back, focusing on the individual phases of the movement

2. Teach the technique of repulsion

1. Imitation of the setting of the foot and repulsion in combination with the work of the hands

Follow the full extension of the push leg, the simultaneous execution of the swing and repulsion Perform frontally

Repulsion ends with incomplete extension of the supporting leg

Little activity in repulsion

Long jump over an obstacle

2. Imitation of repulsion from one step

Actively pushing forward, perform the setting of the pushing leg and repulsion

Putting the foot in place of repulsion with relaxed muscles, especially the feet

Development of strength and speed qualities Jumping up in place without bending the legs in the joints

3. Flow jumps in a step, pushing off with a push leg after 1-3 running steps, landing on the fly leg

Pay attention to the full extension of the pushing leg with the vertical position of the torso with an increase in the speed of movement

Mismatching the pitch position in flight

Fast forward leg push

Jump in step from a short run

4. Long jump with 3-5 running steps over obstacles

Height obstacles
40-50 cm are located at a distance of half the length of the jump

Small activity of the fly leg

Pre-belt extension of the fly leg at the knee joint

Jumping with the knee reaching suspended objects at different heights

3. Teach run-up technique in combination

with repulsion

1. Multiple jumps "in step" with different running speeds

Perform on segments of 30-40 m with repulsion for each
Step 3-5 Land on the fly leg

Lengthening the last step of the run and jumping to the place of repulsion

Fly leg low

Active running over the fly leg before repulsion

2. Jumps "on the move" with jumping on an elevation (mats, gymnastic horse, mats

Monitor the vertical position of the body, full extension of the leg after repulsion

High jump with loss of horizontal speed in flight

Stopping setting of the push leg for repulsion

Imitation of putting the foot on the repulsion

3. Long jumps with 3-7 running steps with a gradual increase in speed

Monitor compliance with the increase in the pace of steps

Landing leg squat

Pre-belt preparation for repulsion

Reduction of preparation time for repulsion

4. Teach landing technique

1. Long jump from a place, pushing off with two legs and one

Pay attention to the timely removal of the knees up - forward before landing

Insufficient leg raise before landing

Passive execution of leg movements during their removal

Development of strength qualities Setting for active lifting of the knees to the chest

2. Long jump from a short run-up over the bar (expander)

Set the bar at a height of 20-40 cm 0.5 m before the intended landing site

Premature lowering of the legs before landing

Early straightening of the legs in the knee joints

Jumping over a small obstacle

3. Multiple long jumps from a short and medium run-up to a designated landing site

Hands at the moment of touching the sand with their feet should move actively down and back

Landing hard, bumping your feet with a fall back

Unstable balance, high position of the GCM upon landing

Jumps with an emphasis on soft landing with lowering the GCM down

5. Teach the technique of movement in flight

1. Jump from a place with two legs over an obstacle with pulling the knees to the chest

Gradually increase the height of the obstacle

Insufficient grouping in flight

Insufficient level of development of physical qualities

Development of strength qualities

2. Jump in the "step"
from 3-5 takeoff steps

Landing in a lunge position

Loss of body balance in flight with forward rotation

A sharp tilt of the torso forward during repulsion

Monitor the vertical position of the torso when setting the leg for repulsion

3. Long jump using the “bending legs” method from a different run

Pay attention to the activity of swing movements, the high position of the knees when grouping before landing

Excessive maintenance of the position "in step" in the first half of the flight phase

Inability to timely relax the muscles of the fly leg

Jumping over obstacles with lowering the fly leg down

6. Teach the technique of long jumps in general

1. Takeoff run with repulsion designation

Gradually increase the length of the takeoff after reaching the accuracy of hitting the bar

Inconstancy of the length of running steps at the end of the run

Krasnodar region, Krasnoarmeisky district, farm Trudobelikovsky,

municipal budgetary educational institution

average comprehensive school № 39

Jumping from a place and running.

track and field jumps in height and length are a mandatory means of general physical development children, educating their motor qualities. They are included in the comprehensive program physical education students from class I. Any of the jumps is a typical speed-strength exercise that contributes to the development of coordination and agility, speed, strength and such a complex combination of them as “jumping”, the ability to quickly repel and throw your body high up. Without a certain level of development of these qualities, it is impossible to master the technique of any other types of athletics.

Primary school age is fertile for mastering various jumping exercises that require the manifestation of not only physical qualities of an explosive nature, but also certain coordination abilities. This age (7-10 years) is the most crucial period in the formation of the child's motor coordination. IN given age the foundations of the culture of movements are laid, new, previously unknown exercises and actions are successfully mastered.

In first-graders, and in second-graders as well, the anatomical and physiological systems that ensure the child's motor activity are still far from maturation, and the process of motor development itself is far from complete, although it proceeds at this age from a high degree intensity. At the age of 7-10 years there is a rapid development of the biodynamics of the child's movements, and above all their coordination component. Therefore, this age period can be considered the most favorable for laying almost all physical qualities and coordination abilities.

The ability of children to master the technique of movements is great. Children of primary school age master many elements of the technique of new exercises much faster than adolescents and young men. They are able to master quite complex movements and almost independently, only by observing "how it is done."

The use of a large arsenal of various jumps and jumping exercises in classes with primary school students in order to ensure a general physical training with an accentuated increase in coordination abilities, it contributes to the development of the musculoskeletal system, coordination of movements, and the acquisition by the child of the greatest possible motor experience.

In primary school, when learning to jump, the main task is to form the skill of pushing up. This skill is necessary for mastering many exercises. In the primary grades, students should be introduced to the high jump from a straight run and the long jump from a run using the "bending legs" method. To solve such common task it is necessary to teach children to concentrate efforts in repulsion, to use the energy of elastic muscle deformation, to maintain the correct position of the body at the moment of repulsion, to combine the movements of certain parts of the body. Students should also be taught how to land softly, develop their speed-strength qualities, “jumping courage and agility”.

According to curriculum, first-graders must be taught to jump on one and two legs in place and moving forward; in length from a place; from a height of up to 30 cm; with a run in length and height; through stuffed balls; a long jump rope. They must master the soft landing in jumps, the standing long jump and learn how to push with one foot in the long jump and high jump with a running start, landing on both feet.

Jumping training should begin with the study of bouncing (repulsion with medium effort and depreciation at the time of landing with slight bending of the torso and legs at the knee and hip joints). In the initial period, children perform jumping to an arbitrary height easier than the same jumping, but with reaching a certain reference point above their heads, or jumping to a given height. Bouncing exercises help to strengthen the musculoskeletal system, the formation of the ability to concentrate efforts in repulsion. The most important task in the application of bouncing is teaching a soft landing, without significant shaking. At the same time, seven-year-old students should be taught so that at the time of landing they touch the floor, the ground with the front of their feet, cushioning the landing by slightly bending the legs at the knee joints.

When performing bouncing, it is necessary to pay attention to the position of body parts relative to each other and support, to avoid excessive tilt with straightened legs.

In the first lessons, it is advisable to give jumps to an arbitrary height, and later - to different ones, for example, to jump 3 times not at full strength, for the fourth time - as high as possible.

To increase the force of the push and the height of the jump, subject landmarks are used, suspended 10-15 cm above the raised arms of the child. To jump, first you need to raise your hands up, then, lowering them down and back, sit down and, with your arms moving forward and up, push off with your feet from the floor, touch the object with one or two hands /)

Bipedal hops can be done in place and then with a little forward movement. This is a more complex exercise in terms of coordination. When landing here, it is necessary to achieve a stable balance due to optimal flexion in the knee and hip joints, providing the necessary cushioning. It is desirable that at the moment the forefoot touches the support, the shoulders and pelvis should be vertical line, and there was no excessive forward lean during cushioning. With an increase in coordination of movements and the development of the musculoskeletal system, squatting during depreciation decreases.

Bouncing on one leg is included in the lessons after mastering the bouncing on two. When performing this exercise, the squat on the supporting leg is much less than in the previous one. Landing should be on the front of the foot. When bouncing on one leg, the other can be freely bent, straightened forward-down, side-down, or laid back. Bouncing, you can move in different directions while changing the position of the hands and performing various tasks. It is advisable to alternate the performance of jumps on one and the other leg (for example, 4-8 jumps on the right and the same number on the left). After mastering the bouncing, you can start jumping on two legs.

Jumping on two legs in place and moving forward, jumping on one leg differ from bouncing in that at the moment of landing after depreciation, the next repulsion immediately begins. In this type of jumping, the formation of the muscle work mode, which is typical for track and field jumps, begins - reverse. This is the name of the mode of muscle contraction with a change in the direction of movement and with the transition from yielding to overcoming mode of muscle work. The reverse mode of muscle contraction allows maximum use of the energy of their elastic deformation. The repulsion efficiency increases when an active swing is performed. Jumps forward should be performed with a small amount of progress. Long jumps lead to "bumping", difficulty in maintaining right position body, the inability to quickly perform repulsion. To increase the efficiency of fixing the skill in jumping, outdoor games should be widely used, such as, for example, "Hares in the garden", "Sparrow jumpers", "Jumps over bumps", "Legs on one leg", "Jumping on the stripes". To create a correct idea of ​​repulsion, it is useful to use imitating jumps - “How the ball jumps”, “How the bird jumps”, etc.

Sample exercises used to teach jumping and jumping on two and one leg.

Jumping in place on two legs without any particular position of the hands. First, low jumps are given, then higher ones, then low ones alternate with high ones.

Jumping in place on two legs with a certain starting position of the hands.

Jumping on the right, then on the left foot

Jumping alternately first on the right then on the left leg, alternating them through a certain amount of reps (three to four)

Jumping on two legs with a slight forward and backward movement.

Jumping on two legs through the lines drawn at a distance of 50-60 cm from one another.

Jumping on one leg with a slight forward and backward movement.

Jumping from a height (the height of the object from which first graders jump is not more than 30 cm). More complex exercises are jumping from a height: the study of which follows after mastering the technique of jumping. If in the previous types of jumps the ability to concentrate "efforts in the push up was distinguished, then this type of jumps requires the ability to land softly. Special attention should be paid to soft landing after jumps. Students with a weak physical fitness"should do a deeper squat

after the jump, softening the shocks and shaking, then immediately straighten the legs. At the beginning of training in correct landing, students should be allowed to land to the stop crouching position, then to the squat and half squat position. The height of the items that are jumped off can only increase if the task is completed correctly. Along with teaching soft landing, schoolchildren should be taught to control the position of the body in flight, to develop “jumping courage and agility”.

Jumping from a height has the following varieties: from a position with mixed support (arms and legs), from a semi-squat position, from a hanging position on the hands, from a standing position.

When jumping, security measures should be provided: the teacher insures those performing the exercise, helps them, first-graders land on mats.

Sample exercises used to learn to jump from a height.

Jumping in place with a soft landing.

Jumping up and forward with a soft landing.

Jumps up - to the side with a soft landing.

Jumping off gymnastic benches.

The same as in ex. 1, 2 , 3, 4, but with execution additional tasks: the movement of the hands in repulsion, in flight and upon landing.

Jumping from the gymnastic bench to the right, left, back with a soft landing.

Jumping from a height of up to 30 cm, landing to the stop position crouching, squatting and semi-squatting.

Circle jumping. Jump exactly into a circle drawn on the floor at a distance of 15-20 cm from the bench.

Jumping from a place. They have applied value and contribute to the development of speed-strength qualities. With primary school students, they should also be used to master the tuck in flight and learn how to land in the long jump.

Standing long jump technique. The jump is performed from the starting position with a narrow leg stance apart (feet of the legs are parallel, one foot wide), arms forward and up. The exercise begins with moving the arms back, then an active movement of the arms down-forward-up is combined with a quick squatting, turning into a very quick extension of the legs at the knee, hip joints, and repulsion with the foot. In seven-year-olds, when moving the arms back, a squat is performed, but without excessive bending of the legs and tilting forward. The beginning of the flight is characterized by straightening the body of the jumper forward and upward. Then the legs, bending at the knee joints, are pulled up to the chest, the jumper is in a group. The landing is made on bent legs, providing cushioning and maintaining balance. Hands at the moment of landing are first lowered down and back, and then, performing a swing forward, they contribute to the advancement of the body. In results jumps, under the condition of a soft landing site, it is allowed to bring the lower leg forward upon landing, but with the obligatory subsequent bending of the legs at the knee joints after touching the ground with the feet. When jumping on a hard surface, shock-absorbing landing and maintaining balance is mandatory.

Seven-year-old children successfully master the elements of jumping from a place. However, the moment of repulsion is not active enough for them, excessive squatting before repulsion and a hard landing are often observed.

Guidelines to learning. The lesson can be held both in the hall and on the sports ground with different surfaces. Landing in jumps is desirable to perform on gymnastic mats if the physical education lesson is held in gym, or in a sand pit, if the lesson takes place on outdoors. When jumping, the sand pit must be well prepared. At the beginning of training, long jumps from a place are held in open ranks.

When teaching jumping from a place, it is necessary to achieve the correct combination of swinging movements with the arms and extension of the legs in repulsion. It is necessary to teach students to use the energy of elastic deformation of the muscles of the legs. This will be facilitated by the quick performance of the squat and the active swing of the arms.

Sample exercises used to teach standing jumps.

Jumping forward and up from a place from a semi-squat, hands on the belt.,

Jumping forward and up with a quick half-squat.

Performing a swing with half-bent arms with an abrupt stop when the elbows are at the level of the shoulder girdle.

4. Long jumps from a place from a semi-squat, hands are laid back.

5. Jumping from a place up with a quick squatting and swinging your arms.

6Long jump from place to accuracy and result.

Running jumps are the most difficult exercise for primary school students. Difficulties in mastering them are due to the insufficient level of development of speed-strength qualities in children, the incomplete formation of the musculoskeletal system, and an imperfect system of motion control. However, the foundations of the skill of performing such jumps should be laid as early as possible.

Long jump with a running start. The following requirements are imposed on the technique of a long jump performed by a student in the 1st grade (seven-year-olds):

the run-up should be 4-6 steps (3-4 m) and be carried out with acceleration; before repulsion, the body assumes a vertical position, it is desirable to perform the last step faster than the previous ones, put the foot without resting the heel on the ground;

in repulsion, the fly leg, bent at the knee joint, is quickly carried forward and upward, the movement of the arms is performed with greater amplitude and speed than in normal running. The end of the repulsion and the beginning of the flight should have a “wide step” position - full extension of the pushing leg, extension of the thigh of the fly leg parallel to the ground, vertical position of the torso. Landing is performed in the same way as in jumping from a place.

Physical education teacher

Streletsky Artyom Yurievich

Kryukova Vera Vasilievna

Used Books:

1A.N. Makarova "Athletics" Moscow "Enlightenment" 1987.

2.R.K.Kozmin, N.G.Levitsky, P.L.Limar

"First steps in athletics" "Physical culture and sport" 1965.

3. Z.M. Boguslavskaya. E.O. Smirnova

"Educational games for children younger age» Moscow "Enlightenment" 1991

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