Test for the type of temperament methodological materials. Definition of temperament for teenagers


Character is determined not by one feature or by many features, but by their degree and their interrelation.


Character is often compared with temperament, and in some cases these concepts are substituted for each other. In science, among the dominant views on the relationship between character and temperament, four main ones can be distinguished:

1) identification of character and temperament (E. Kretschmer, A. Ruzhitsky);

2) opposition of character and temperament, emphasizing the antagonism between them (P. Viktorov, V. Virenius);

3) recognition of temperament as an element of character, its core, an invariable part (S.L. Rubinshtein, S. Gorodetsky);

4) recognition of temperament as the natural basis of character (L.S. Vygotsky, B.G. Ananiev).

Based on the materialistic understanding of human phenomena, it should be noted that the common character and temperament is dependence on the physiological characteristics of a person. The formation of character significantly depends on the properties of temperament, more closely related to the properties nervous system. In addition, character traits arise when the temperament is already sufficiently developed. Character develops on the basis, on the basis of temperament. Temperament determines in character such traits as balance or difficulty in entering a new situation, mobility or inertia of reaction, etc.

Temperament is a manifestation of the type of the nervous system in human activity, individual psychological characteristics of a person, in which the mobility of his nervous processes, strength, and balance are manifested.

In the nerve centers of the cortex human brain two opposite active processes take place in a complex interaction: excitation and inhibition. Excitation of some parts of the brain causes inhibition of others, this can explain why a person who is passionate about something ceases to perceive the environment. So, for example, the switching of attention is associated with the transfer of excitation from one part of the brain to another and, accordingly, the inhibition of the abandoned parts of the brain.

Excitation and inhibition can be balanced or dominate each other, they can proceed with different strength, move from center to center and replace each other in the same centers, i.e. have some mobility.

Types of the nervous system. Strelyau test questionnaire

Appointment. The technique is designed to determine the combination of the force of balance and the mobility of the processes of excitation and inhibition.

Instruction: “You will be asked questions about the characteristics of your behavior in various conditions and situations. This is not a test of intelligence or ability, so there are no good or bad answers. We are interested in truthful answers. Questions should be answered one by one without going back to previous answers. Answer yes, no, don't know. Don't skip any question. Get started!”

Questionnaire text

1. Do you consider yourself a person who easily establishes friendly contacts?

2. Are you able to refrain from this or that action until the moment you receive the appropriate order?

3. Is a short rest enough for you to recuperate after a long work?

4. Are you able to work in adverse conditions?

5. Do you refrain from non-business, emotional arguments during discussions?

6. Do you easily return to your previous work after a long break (holiday, vacation)?

7. Being carried away by work, do you forget about fatigue?

8. Are you able, having entrusted someone with a certain job, to patiently wait for its completion?

9. Do you fall asleep equally easily when you go to bed at different time days?

10. Are you able to keep a secret if you are asked about it?

11. Is it easy for you to return to work that you have not done for several weeks or months?

12. Can you patiently explain something that is not clear to someone?

13. Do you like work that requires mental effort?

14. Does monotonous work make you bored or sleepy?

15. Do you fall asleep easily after strong experiences?

16. Can you, if necessary, refrain from showing your superiority?

17. Do you behave in the same way as usual in the presence of strangers?

18. Do you find it difficult to contain your anger and irritation?

19. Are you able to control yourself in difficult times?

20. Are you able, when required, to adapt your behavior to the behavior of others?

21. Are you willing to take on responsible work?

22. Does the usual environment you are in affect your mood?

23. Are you able to endure setbacks?

24. In the presence of someone you depend on, do you speak as freely as usual?

25. Do you get irritated by unexpected changes in your daily routine?

26. Do you have a ready answer for everything?

27. Are you able to behave calmly when you are waiting for an important decision for yourself?

28. Do you easily organize the first days of your vacation, holidays?

29. Do you have a quick reaction time?

30. Do you easily adapt your walk or manner to the walk or manner of slower people?

31. When you go to bed, do you fall asleep quickly?

32. Are you willing to speak at meetings, seminars?

33. Is it easy for you to spoil your mood?

34. Do you easily break away from your work?

35. Do you refrain from talking if it disturbs others?

36. Are you easily provoked into something?

37. When doing any work together, do you easily get along with your partner?

38. Do you always think before doing something important?

39. If you read any test, do you manage to follow the author's reasoning from beginning to end?

40. Do you easily enter into a conversation with fellow travelers?

41. Do you refrain from convincing someone that he is wrong, if such behavior is appropriate?

42. Are you willing to take on work that requires great manual dexterity?

43. Are you able to change already decision considering the opinions of others?

44. Do you quickly get used to new system work?

45. Can you work at night after working all day?

46. ​​Do you read fiction quickly?

47. Do you often give up your intentions if there are obstacles?

48. Do you keep your composure in situations that require it?

49. Do you usually wake up quickly and easily?

50. Are you able to refrain from instant, impulsive reactions?

51. Can you work in a noisy environment?

52. Can you refrain, when necessary, from not telling the truth to your face?

53. Do you successfully control your anxiety before an exam, on the eve of a meeting with your boss?

54. Do you quickly get used to a new environment?

55. Do you like frequent changes and variety?

56. Do you fully restore your strength after a night's rest, if you had hard work the day before?

57. Do you avoid activities that require a variety of activities in a short time?

58. As a rule, do you cope with difficulties on your own?

59. Do you wait for someone to finish speaking before you start talking yourself?

60. Knowing how to swim, would you jump into the water to save a drowning man?

61. Are you capable of hard work, study?

62. Can you refrain from making inappropriate remarks?

63. Do you attach importance permanent place while working, eating, at lectures?

64. Is it easy for you to move from one activity to another?

65. Do you weigh the pros and cons before making an important decision?

66. Do you easily overcome the obstacles you meet?

67. Do you refrain from looking at other people's things, papers?

68. Do you feel bored when you are engaged in stereotypical activities that are always done the same way?

69. Do you manage to comply with prohibitions and obligations in public places?

70. Do you refrain from unnecessary movements, gestures during a conversation, speech or answering questions?

71. Do you like busy traffic around?

72. Do you like an occupation (work) that requires a lot of effort (big effort)?

73. Are you able long time focus on a specific task?

74. Do you like tasks that require fast movements?

75. Do you know how to control yourself in difficult life situations?

76. If necessary, will you get out of bed immediately after waking up?

77. Can you, after finishing the work assigned to you, wait patiently for others to finish their work?

78. Do you act just as clearly after you have observed (witnessed) some unpleasant event?

79. Do you quickly look through newspapers?

80. Do you sometimes speak so fast that it is difficult to understand you?

81. Can you work if you have a headache, etc.?

82. Are you able to work long hours without a break?

83. Can work change your mood?

84. Do you calmly continue the work that needs to be completed if your comrades are having fun and waiting for you?

85. Do you respond quickly to unexpected questions?

86. Do you usually speak quickly?

87. Can you work calmly if you are waiting for guests?

88. Do you easily change your mind under the influence of reasonable arguments?

89. Are you patient?

90. Can you adapt to the rhythm of a person who is slower than you?

91. Can you schedule your classes to do several related tasks at the same time?

92. Can funny company change your depression?

93. Can you easily perform several actions at the same time?

94. Do you keep your mental balance when you witness an accident on the street?

95. Do you like work that requires a lot of different manipulations?

96. Do you remain calm when someone close to you suffers?

97. Are you independent in difficult living conditions?

98. Do you feel at ease in a large unfamiliar company?

99. Can you immediately interrupt the conversation if it is required (for example, at the beginning of a movie show, concert, lecture)?

100. Do you easily adapt to other people's work methods?

101. Do you like to change activities often?

102. Do you tend to take the initiative in your own hands if something “out of the ordinary” happens?

103. Do you refrain from laughing in inappropriate situations?

104. Do you start working intensively right away?

105. Do you dare to oppose conventional wisdom if you think you are right?

106. Do you manage to overcome the state of temporary depression (depression)?

107. Do you fall asleep normally after severe mental fatigue?

108. Are you able to wait calmly, for a long time, for example, in a queue?

109. Do you refrain from intervening if you know in advance that it will lead nowhere?

110. Can you calmly argue statements during a stormy conversation?

111. Can you instantly react to an unusual situation?

112. Do you keep quiet unless asked to?

113. Do you agree without any internal hesitation to painful medical procedures?

114. Do you know how to work intensively?

115. Do you willingly change places of entertainment and recreation?

116. Do you find it difficult to get used to a new daily routine?

117. Do you rush to help in an unexpected case?

118. Attending sports competitions etc., do you refrain from unexpected shouts and gestures?

119. Do you like classes that, by their nature, require conversations with many people?

120. Do you know facial expressions?

121. Do you like activities that require vigorous movement?

122. Do you consider yourself a brave person?

124. Can you overcome discouragement, unwillingness to work at the moment of failure?

125. Are you able to stand for a long time, sit quietly if you are asked to do so?

126. Are you able to suppress amusement if it might offend someone?

127. Do you easily move from sadness to joy?

128. Do you get off balance easily?

129. Do you follow the rules of conduct that are mandatory in your environment without much difficulty?

130. Do you enjoy speaking in public?

131. Do you usually start work quickly, without a long preparatory period?

132. Are you ready to help another, risking your life?

133. Are your movements vigorous?

134. Are you willing to do responsible work?

Test interpretation.

Evaluation of each property (the strength of the processes of excitation and inhibition), as well as their mobility, is made by summing the points received for answering questions. If the subject's answer matches the code, then it is estimated at 2 points, if it does not match, then the subject receives a zero score. The answer "I don't know" is worth 1 point.

1. Strength of excitation processes.

“Yes” - 3, 4, 7, 13, 15, 16, 19, 21, 23, 24, 32, 39, 45, 56, 60, 61, 66, 72, 73, 78, 81, 82, 83, 94, 97, 98, 102, 105, 106, 113, 114, 117, 121, 122, 124, 130, 132, 133, 134.

“No” - 47, 51, 107, 123.

2. The strength of the processes of inhibition.

“Yes” - 2, 5, 8, 10, 12, 16, 27, 30, 37, 38, 41, 48, 50, 52, 53, 62, 65, 69, 70, 75, 77, 84, 87, 89, 90, 96, 99, 103, 108, 109, 110, 112, 118, 120, 125, 126, 129.

“No” - 18, 34, 36, 59, 67, 128.

3. Mobility of nervous processes.

“Yes” - 1, 6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 22, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 49, 54, 55, 64, 68, 71, 74, 76, 79, 80, 85, 86, 88, 91, 92, 93, 95, 100, 101, 107, 111, 115, 116, 119, 127, 131.

"No" -25, 57, 63.

Diagnosis: the sum of 42 points and above for each property is considered as a high degree of its severity.

There are four most pronounced types of the nervous system, their relationship and connection with temperament.

The melancholic temperament is determined by the weakness of the processes of excitation and inhibition, while their mobility or inertness is uncharacteristic. Even with a slight overvoltage, for example, in the case of solving a difficult task or life situation the melancholic has a breakdown.

At the melancholic weak type nervous system and, therefore, unstable in the face of circumstances requiring overcoming or strong excitation of the nervous system. The remaining three types of the nervous system are considered strong.

A phlegmatic temperament is a type of temperament that, being a strong type, is nevertheless distinguished by low mobility of nervous processes. Once having arisen in certain centers, they are distinguished by constancy and strength. The inert nervous system corresponds to this type.

Sanguine temperament - another strong type of temperament - is characterized by the fact that the processes of excitation and inhibition are quite strong, balanced and easily mobile.

Choleric temperament - the third strong type of temperament - unbalanced, unrestrained, excitation processes prevail over weak inhibition. This type of nervous system is quickly depleted and prone to breakdowns.

The type of the nervous system is a physiological concept, and temperament is a psychological one.

Temperament is determined by the type of nervous system and reflects predominantly innate characteristics of behavior. Temperament expresses the attitude of a person to the events taking place around him.

G. Eysenck's personal questionnaire (definition of temperament)

Instructions: You are asked to answer questions about your behavior. Evaluate yourself mentally, whether you agree or disagree with the proposed judgment. Don't think about the answers for a long time, but be sure to answer.

Questionnaire text

1. Do you often feel cravings for new experiences, adventures, change of scenery?

2. Do you often need friends to encourage or comfort you?

3. Do you consider yourself a carefree, carefree person?

4. Do you find it very difficult to say "no" to someone?

5. Do you think things over slowly, prefer to wait before acting?

6. Do you always keep your promises?

7. Do you often have ups and downs in your mood?

8. Do you usually act and speak quickly without thinking?

9. Have you ever had the feeling that you are unhappy, although there was no serious reason for this?

10. Do you argue stubbornly, defending your point of view to the end?

11. Do you feel shy or embarrassed when you want to meet a pretty member of the opposite sex?

12. Do you sometimes lose your temper, getting angry in earnest?

13. Do you often act under the influence of a momentary mood?

14. Do you often feel anxious because you have done or said something that you shouldn't have done or said?

15. Do you usually prefer books to meeting people?

16. Are you easily offended?

17. Do you like to be in the company often?

18. Do you sometimes have thoughts that you would like to hide from others?

19. Is it true that you are sometimes full of energy, so that everything burns in your hands, and sometimes you are completely lethargic?

20. Do you prefer to have fewer friends, but close ones to you?

21. Do you often daydream?

22. When someone yells at you, do you respond in kind?

23. Do you often feel guilty?

24. Are all your habits good and desirable?

25. Are you able to give free rein to your feelings and have fun in the company with might and main?

26. Can you say that your nerves are often stretched to the limit?

27. Are you considered a lively and cheerful person?

28. After doing something important, do you often feel like you could do it better?

29. Are you more silent when you are in the company of other people?

30. Do you gossip sometimes?

31. Does it happen that you can’t sleep because different thoughts come into your head?

32. If you want to know about something, do you prefer to read about it in a book than to ask people?

33. Are you sometimes so excited that you can't sit still?

34. Do you enjoy a job that requires you to constant attention?

35. Do you have weakness and dizziness?

36. Would you always pay for baggage on transport if you were not afraid of checking?

37. Do you find it unpleasant to be in a society where they make fun of each other?

38. Are you irritable?

39. Do you like work that requires quick action?

40. Is it true that you are often haunted by thoughts of various troubles and horrors that could happen, although everything ended well?

41. Do you walk slowly, not in a hurry?

42. Have you ever been late for a date or school (work)?

43. Do you often have nightmares?

44. Is it true that you love to talk so much that you never miss an opportunity to talk with a stranger?

45. Do you have severe headaches?

46. ​​Would you feel unhappy if you were deprived of communication with people for a long time?

47. Can you call yourself a nervous person?

48. Are there people among your acquaintances that you clearly do not like?

49. Can you say that you are a confident person?

50. Are you easily offended when people point out your mistakes at work or your personal failures?

51. Do you find it hard to really enjoy a party?

52. Are you bothered by the feeling that you are somehow worse than others?

53. Is it easy for you to spice up a rather boring company?

54. Do you sometimes talk about things you don't understand?

55. Do you worry about your health?

56. Do you like to joke?

57. Do you suffer from long-term insomnia?

Data processing.

If the answers match the key, one point is awarded. Calculate the sum of points for three indicators (A, B, C) separately.

Indicator A (sincerity of answers).

Assign a point to each "Yes" answer for #6, 24, 36.

Assign a point to each "No" answer for #12, 18, 30, 42, 48, 54.

If more than 4 points are received on the A scale, the results are considered unreliable, since the answers were insincere.

Indicator B (extraversion, degree of sociability, dependence of behavior on the opinions of others, ability to adapt to new conditions)

Assign a score to each "Yes" answer for #1, 3, 8, 10, 13, 17, 22, 25, 27, 39, 44, 46, 49, 53, 56.

Assign a point to each "No" answer for #5, 15, 20, 29, 32, 34, 37, 41, 51.

Indicator B (neuroticism, degree of emotional sensitivity, excitability).

Assign a score to each "Yes" answer for #2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, 19, 21, 23, 26, 28, 31, 33, 35, 38, 40, 43, 45, 47, 50 , 52, 55, 57.

Interpretation of results.

Phlegmatic - the amount for indicator B - from 0 to 12 and for indicator C - from 0 to 12.

Melancholic - the amount for indicator B - from 0 to 12 and for indicator C - from 12 to 24.

Sanguine - the amount for indicator B - from 12 to 24 and for indicator C - from 0 to 12.

Choleric - the amount for indicator B - from 12 to 24 and for indicator C - from 12 to 24.

Once upon a time, the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates identified four types of temperament. This classification is relevant to this day. However, "pure" choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholic are very rare. Most people belong to the so-called mixed types of temperament. They have features different types temperament, one of which, as a rule, prevails.

Test "Type of your temperament"

Appointment. The test is designed to determine the type of temperament.

Instruction. This test consists of 4 parts, in each part - 20 statements characterizing a certain type of temperament. You will need to agree or disagree with each statement depending on how it applies to you.

1. I am fussy and restless.

2. I am unrestrained and quick-tempered.

3. I am impatient.

4. I am blunt and direct in communication.

5. I am often the initiator of all kinds of events.

6. I am stubborn.

7. In a dispute, I am very resourceful.

8. It is difficult for me to keep a certain rhythm in work.

9. I often take risks.

10. I do not remember resentment.

11. I speak very quickly and excitedly.

12. I am unbalanced and often get excited over small things.

13. I am intolerant of the shortcomings of others.

14. I love teasing people.

15. My facial expressions are very expressive.

16. I make decisions quickly.

17. I am attracted to everything new.

18. My movements are jerky and abrupt.

19. I always persistently go to the goal.

20. I often have no special reasons mood changes.

1. I am a cheerful person.

2. I am energetic and always know where to direct my energy.

3. I don't always finish what I started.

4. I often overestimate myself.

5. I grasp everything new literally on the fly.

6. My interests are fickle.

7. I deal with my failures quite easily.

8. It is easy for me to adapt to almost any circumstances.

9. Any business that I do fascinates me.

10. As soon as my interest in the case fades, I tend to drop it.

11. I easily turn on new job and switch from one activity to another.

12. Monotonous painstaking work depresses me.

13. I am sociable and responsive, I have many friends.

14. I have a high working capacity, I am very hardy.

15. I usually speak loudly, quickly and clearly.

16. Even in difficult and unforeseen circumstances, I do not lose my composure.

17. I am always friendly.

18. I usually fall asleep and wake up without difficulty.

19. I often make hasty, thoughtless decisions.

20. Sometimes I listen to someone inattentively, without delving into the essence of the story.

1. Usually I am calm and cool.

2. In all my affairs, I adhere to a certain sequence.

3. Usually I am reasonable and cautious.

4. I calmly endure waiting.

5. If I have nothing to say, I prefer to remain silent.

6. My speech is measured and calm, without bright emotional coloring.

7. I am reserved and patient.

8. I usually finish what I started to the end.

9. I do not waste energy on trifles, but I can be very efficient if I see that it is worth it.

10. In work and in life, I adhere to the usual pattern.

11. I find it easy to contain my emotions.

12. Praise or criticism in my address worries me little.

13. I treat jokes addressed to me condescendingly.

14. My interests are consistent.

15. I slowly get involved in work or switch from one activity to another.

16. Usually I have an even relationship with everyone.

17. I am neat and I like order in everything.

18. I find it difficult to adapt to a new environment.

19. I am very self-possessed.

20. I establish contact with new people gradually.

1. I am shy and shy.

2. In an unfamiliar environment, I feel confused.

3. I find it difficult to talk to a stranger.

4. Sometimes I don't believe in myself.

5. I calmly endure loneliness.

6. Failure depresses me.

7. Sometimes I withdraw into myself for a long time.

8. I get tired quickly.

9. I speak very quietly, sometimes almost in a whisper.

10. I always adapt to my interlocutor.

11. Sometimes something impresses me so much that I can't hold back my tears.

12. I am very sensitive to praise or criticism.

13. I make high demands on myself and others.

14. I am suspicious and suspicious.

15. I am an easily injured person.

16. I am easily offended.

17. I prefer to hide my thoughts from others.

18. I am shy and inactive.

19. I usually meekly obey orders.

20. I would like to arouse sympathy for me in others.

Processing and interpretation of results.

Count up total positive responses (A).

Count the number of positive answers separately in each part (A1, A2, A3, A4).

Calculate the percentage of positive responses for each type of temperament:

choleric = (A1 / A) x 100%;

sanguine \u003d (A2 / A) x 100%;

phlegmatic = (A3 / A) x 100%;

melancholic = (A4 / A) x 100%.

The results obtained will indicate how much of your temperament each of these types makes up.

Test results.

If the result for any type is 40% or higher, then this type of temperament is dominant in you.

If the result for any type is 30-39%, then the features characteristic of this type are expressed quite clearly in you.

If the result for any type is 20–29%, then the level of expression of traits characteristic of this type of temperament is average.

If the result was 10-19%, then the features of this type of temperament are weakly expressed in you.

Temperament Properties

Each temperament has both positive and negative properties. Good upbringing, control and self-control makes it possible to manifest: a melancholic person as an impressionable person, with deep feelings and emotions; phlegmatic as a seasoned person, without hasty decisions; a sanguine person as a highly responsive person for any work; choleric as a passionate, frantic and active person in work.

Negative properties of temperament can manifest themselves: in a melancholic - isolation and shyness; phlegmatic - indifference to people, dryness; in a sanguine person - superficiality, dispersion, inconstancy.

A person with any type of temperament may or may not be capable, the type of temperament does not affect a person’s abilities, it’s just that some life tasks are easier to solve for a person of one type of temperament, others for another.


The personality typology system is based on the concept of a psychological attitude, which can be extraverted or introverted, and on the predominance of one or another mental function- thinking, feeling, sensing or intuition.

This typology was developed by the Swiss psychiatrist C. G. Jung in his work “ Psychological types”, published in 1921.

The main criterion that distinguishes extroverts and introverts, Carl Gustav Jung puts the direction of movement of the libido. According to K. Jung, extraversion manifests itself in the direction of libido ( vital energy) of a person to the outside world, in that the extrovert prefers social and practical aspects life, operations with real external objects, and the introvert prefers immersion in the world of imagination and reflection. An extrovert is aimed at wasting one's own energy, moving it towards surrounding objects, an introvert is aimed at accumulating, moving energy into the inner world. Introversion is one of the archetypal manifestations of the collective unconscious. Analyzing the differences in the concepts of two other prominent representatives of dynamic psychology, Sigmund Freud and Alfred Adler, Jung believes that, in essence, similar concepts of these authors differ due to the different fidelity of their authors. If the first, according to Jung, is an introvert, which makes him look for the mechanisms of the psyche in the depths of the inner world, then the second, being an extrovert, considers the human psyche in a social context, considering the desire for social superiority as the basis of libido.

The purpose of psychological typology, according to Jung, is not a simple classification of people into categories. Typology, in his opinion, is, firstly, a researcher's tool for ordering the infinitely diverse psychological experience in some semblance of a coordinate scale ("trigonometric grid" - writes Jung). Secondly, typology is a tool of a practical psychologist, which allows, based on the classification of the patient and the psychologist himself, to choose the most effective methods and avoid mistakes.

Methodology K.G. Jung to identify typological personality traits

Instruction. There are two possible answers for each question, you must choose the answer that suits you best and put the letter indicating this answer.

1. What do you prefer?

a) a few close friends;

b) a large comradely company.

a) with an entertaining plot;

b) with a description of the experiences of the characters;

3. What are you most likely to admit in a conversation?

a) being late

b) mistakes.

4. If you commit a bad deed, then:

a) you are acutely worried;

b) there are no acute experiences.

5. How do you get along with people?

a) quickly, easily;

b) slowly, carefully.

6. Do you consider yourself touchy?

7. Do you tend to laugh, laugh heartily?

8. Do you feel yourself?

a) silent

b) talkative.

9. Are you outspoken or secretive?

a) candid

b) hidden.

10. Do you like to analyze your experiences?

11. Being in a society, you prefer:

a) say:

b) listen.

12. Do you often experience dissatisfaction with yourself?

13. Do you like to organize things?

14. Would you like to keep an intimate diary?

15. Do you move quickly from decision to execution?

16. Do you easily change your mood?

17. Do you like to convince others, to impose your views?

18. Your movements:

a) fast;

b) slow.

19. You worry a lot about possible troubles:

20. In difficult cases:

a) hurry to ask for help from others;

b) do not like to contact.

Processing of results.

EXTRAVERSION INDICATORS: 1b, 2a, 3b, 4b, 5a, 6b, 7a, 8b, 9a, 10b, 11a, 12b, 13a, 14b, 15a, 16a, 17a, 18a, 19b, 20a.

Points: 0-35 - introversion; 36-65 - amboversion; 66 - 100 - extraversion

Extroverts: easy to communicate, they have high level aggressiveness, tend to leadership, like to be in the center of attention, easily make acquaintances, impulsive, open and sociable, among their acquaintances there may be helpful people; judge people "by appearance", do not look inside; choleric, sanguine.

Introverts: focused on their own experiences, little contact, silent, it is difficult to make new acquaintances, they do not like to take risks, they experience a break in old ties, there are no options for losing and winning, a high level of anxiety and rigidity; phlegmatic, melancholy.

Amboverts: Personalities with subtle traits of both types.

Hans Eysenck borrows the term "extraversion" from Jung when creating his dispositional model. Eysenck found that in studies conducted by different research groups, personality dimensions consistently vary in the degree of their orientation to social relations as opposed to focusing on reflection, experiences, feelings. These concepts are the poles of the superfactor - a complex of personality traits that correlate with each other, which is genetically determined. The Jungian term came in very handy in this situation. Moreover, it turned out that extraversion may be one of the basic personality traits, of which Eysenck eventually identified three.

Adolescent questionnaire Eysenck

Appointment. The Eysenck Adolescent Questionnaire was developed for children and adolescents from 10 to 15 years old. This personal questionnaire is intended for the diagnosis and study of individual psychological characteristics and characterological manifestations of adolescents. The questionnaire consists of 57 questions, published in 1963.

Test instructions:

You are asked a series of questions about your behavior. If you answer the question in the affirmative - I agree, then put a "+" sign in the appropriate cell, if negatively - I do not agree, then the "-" sign.

Answer questions quickly, without thinking, as your first reaction is important. Each question must be answered.

1. Do you like to be in a noisy and cheerful company?

2. Do you often need help from other guys?

3. When you are asked about something, do you usually find the answer quickly?

4. Are you very angry, irritable?

5. Do your moods change often?

6. Do you sometimes enjoy being alone more than meeting other guys?

7. Do different thoughts sometimes prevent you from falling asleep?

8. Do you always do everything at once, just like you are told?

9. Do you like to play pranks on someone?

10. Have you ever felt sad for no particular reason?

11. Can you say about yourself that you are generally a cheerful person?

12. Have you ever violated the rules of behavior at school?

13. Does it sometimes happen that almost everything annoys you?

14. Would you like a job where everything has to be done very quickly?

15. Has it ever happened that you were entrusted with a secret, and for some reason you could not keep it?

16. Can you easily cheer up a company of bored guys?

17. Does it happen that your heart starts beating hard, even if you're barely worried?

18. If you want to meet another boy or girl, are you always the first to start a conversation?

19. Have you ever told a lie?

20. Do you get very upset when you are scolded for something?

21. You like to joke and tell funny stories to my friends?

22. Do you sometimes feel tired for no particular reason?

23. Do you always do what your elders tell you?

24. Are you usually always happy with everything?

25. Can you say that you are a little more touchy than others?

26. Do you always like to play with other guys?

27. Have you ever been asked to help with housework at home, and for some reason you could not do it?

28. Do you sometimes feel dizzy for no particular reason?

29. Do you sometimes feel like you're tired of everything?

30. Do you like to brag sometimes?

31. Does it happen that, being in the company of other guys, you are most often silent?

32. Do you usually make decisions quickly?

33. Do you joke sometimes in class, especially if there is no teacher there?

34. Do you sometimes have scary dreams?

35. Can you have fun without holding back in the company of other guys?

36. Do you ever get so worried that you can't sit still?

37. Are you generally easily offended or upset?

38. Have you ever said bad things about someone?

39. Can you say about yourself that you are a carefree person?

40. If you find yourself in a stupid position, do you get upset for a long time?

41. Do you always eat everything you are given?

42. When you are asked for something, do you always find it difficult to refuse?

43. Do you like to visit often?

44. Was there at least once in your life a case when you were very ill?

45. Have you ever spoken rudely to your parents?

46. ​​Do you think you are considered a cheerful person?

47. Do you often get distracted when doing your homework?

48. Does it happen that you do not want to take part in the general fun?

49. Do you sometimes say the first thing that comes to mind?

50. Are you almost always sure that you will cope with the case that you have taken on?

51. Do you ever feel lonely?

52. Are you usually shy to speak first to strangers?

53. Do you often catch your breath when it's too late?

54. When someone yells at you, do you also yell back?

55. Do you sometimes become very cheerful or sad for no particular reason?

56. Do you sometimes find it difficult to get real pleasure from the company of guys?

57. Does the weather affect you?

Test Keys:

Extroversion-Introversion Scale:

answer “yes” to questions: 1, 3, 9, 11, 14, 16, 18, 21, 24, 26, 32, 35, 39, 43, 50, 54;

the answer is “no” for questions: 6, 31, 48, 52, 56.

Neuroticism scale:

answer “yes” to questions: 2, 5, 7, 10, 13, 17, 20, 22, 25, 28, 29, 57;

the answer is “no” to questions: 34, 36, 37, 40, 42, 44, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55.

Lie scale:

the answer is “yes” to questions: 3, 23, 41;

the answer is “no” for questions: 4, 12, 15, 19, 27, 30, 34, 36, 45.

Numerical test values:

Evaluation table for the extraversion-introversion scale.

Introversion Extraversion

significant moderate moderate significant

1–7 8–11 12–18 19–24

Evaluation table for the scale of neuroticism.

Emotional stability Emotional instability

high medium high very high

up to 10 11–14 15–18 19–24

On the scale of lies, or the scale of social desirability, a score of 4-5 points is considered critical, which indicates a tendency to focus on a good impression of oneself. The scale of lies is a kind of indicator of demonstrativeness in the behavior of the subject. This kind of data with an excess of the lie scale above the critical level is taken into account during processing.

Test analysis and interpretation of results:

An extrovert according to Eysenck is sociable, impulsive, excited. Filled with a thirst for new experiences, has many friends, is prone to uninhibited actions, acts on the spur of the moment, loves jokes, "does not go into his pocket for a word." He is carefree, good-natured, cheerful, optimistic. He likes to laugh, prefers movement and action, tends to be aggressive and irascible, his emotions are not strictly controlled, he cannot always be relied upon.

According to Eysenck, an introvert is calm, shy, prone to introspection, prefers books to communicate with people, is reserved and distant from everyone except close people. Plans and considers his actions in advance, does not trust sudden urges. He takes decisions seriously, loves order in everything, controls his feelings, does not lose his temper, rarely acts aggressively. Possessing pessimism, highly appreciates moral standards.

According to Eysenck, neuroticism characterizes emotional stability or instability (emotional stability - instability). On the pole of emotional stability is a personality type characterized by extreme stability, maturity, excellent adaptation, and on the other - an extremely nervous, unstable, poorly adapted type.


Character accentuation, personality accentuation, accentuated personality trait - a character trait that is within the clinical norm (in other sources - personality), in which its individual features are excessively enhanced, as a result of which selective vulnerability is found in relation to some psychogenic influences while maintaining good resistance to others. Accentuations are not mental disorders, but in a number of their properties are similar to personality disorders, which allows us to make assumptions about the existence of a connection between them.

The term "accentuation" in 1968 was introduced by the German psychiatrist Karl Leonhard, who used it in the phrases "accentuated personality" and "accentuated personality trait". He describes accentuations as over-emphasised personality traits personalities with a tendency to go into a pathological state in adverse conditions. Leonhard characterizes accentuations as "deviations from the norm". He also developed his own classification of accentuations, in which one can see the significant influence of psychoanalytic ideas about typology. mental disorders.

Questionnaire for identifying Shmishek accentuations (children's version)

Appointment. Determination of personality accentuations.

Description of the technique. Contains 10 scales in accordance with the ten types of accentuated personalities identified by Leonhard.

Instruction. Answer 88 questions about different aspects of your personality. Place a “+” sign next to the question number if you agree, or a “-” sign if you disagree. Answer quickly, do not hesitate for a long time.

Questionnaire text

1. Are you usually calm, cheerful?

2. Are you easily offended, upset?

3. Can you cry easily?

4. How many times do you check for errors in your work?

5. Are you as strong as your classmates?

6. Do you easily move from joy to sadness and vice versa?

7. Do you like being in charge of the game?

8. Are there days when you get angry at everyone for no reason?

9. Are you a serious person?

10. Do you always try to conscientiously fulfill the tasks of teachers?

11. Can you invent new games?

12. Do you soon forget if you offended someone?

13. Do you consider yourself kind, do you know how to sympathize?

14. Having thrown a letter into the mailbox, do you check with your hand if it is stuck in the slot?

15. Do you try to be the best at school, in the sports section, in the circle?

16. When you were little, were you afraid of thunderstorms, dogs?

17. Do the guys think you are too diligent and accurate?

18. Does your mood depend on household and school affairs?

19. Can you say that most of your acquaintances love you?

20. Do you sometimes feel restless in your soul?

21. Are you usually a little sad?

22. When experiencing grief, have you ever cried?

23. Do you find it difficult to stay in one place?

24. Do you fight for your rights when you are treated unfairly?

25. Have you ever shot cats with a slingshot?

26. Does it annoy you when a curtain or tablecloth hangs unevenly?

27. When you were little, were you afraid to be alone at home?

28. Do you feel happy or sad for no reason?

29. Are you one of the best students in the class?

30. Do you often have fun, fool around?

31. Can you get angry easily?

32. Do you sometimes feel very happy?

33. Do you know how to amuse the guys?

34. Can you directly tell someone everything that you think about him?

35. Are you afraid of blood?

36. Are you willing to do school assignments?

37. Will you intercede for those who have been treated unfairly?

38. Do you find it unpleasant to enter a dark empty room?

39. Do you like slow and precise work more than fast and not so accurate work?

40. Is it easy for you to meet people?

41. Do you willingly perform at matinees, evenings?

42. Have you ever run away from home?

43. Have you ever been upset because of a quarrel with the guys, teachers so that you could not go to school?

44. Does life seem hard to you?

45. Can you laugh at yourself when you fail?

46. ​​Do you try to make peace if the quarrel was not your fault?

47. Do you like animals?

48. When you left home, did you have to come back to check if something happened?

49. Do you sometimes think that something should happen to you or your family?

50. Does your mood depend on the weather?

51. Do you find it difficult to answer in class, even if you know the answer to a question?

52. Can you, if you are angry with someone, start to fight?

53. Do you like being among the guys?

54. If you fail at something, can you despair?

55. Can you organize a game, work?

56. Do you persistently strive for the goal, even if there are difficulties along the way?

57. Have you ever cried while watching a movie or reading a sad book?

58. Do you find it difficult to sleep because of any worries?

59. Do you prompt, give to write off?

60. Are you afraid to walk alone on a dark street in the evening?

61. Do you make sure that every thing is in its place?

62. Do you sometimes go to bed in a good mood and wake up in a bad mood?

63. Do you feel free with strangers (in a new class, camp)?

64. Do you have a headache?

65. Do you often laugh?

66. If you do not respect a person, can you behave with him in such a way that he does not notice this (do not show your disrespect)?

67. Can you do many different things in one day?

68. Are you often unfair?

69. Do you love nature?

70. Leaving the house, going to bed, do you check if the door is locked, if the light is off?

71. Are you fearful, what do you think?

72. Does your mood change at the festive table?

73. Do you participate in dramatic mug Do you like to read poetry from the stage?

74. Do you sometimes have a gloomy mood for no particular reason, in which you do not want to talk to anyone?

75. Do you sometimes think about the future with sadness?

76. Do you have sudden transitions from joy to longing?

77. Can you entertain guests?

78. Are you angry or offended for a long time?

79. Do you worry a lot if grief happened to your friends?

80. Will you, because of a mistake, a blot, rewrite a sheet in a notebook?

81. Do you consider yourself distrustful?

82. Do you often have bad dreams?

83. Have you ever wanted to jump out a window or throw yourself under a car?

84. Do you feel happier if everyone around you is having fun?

85. If you have troubles, can you forget about them for a while, not think about them all the time?

86. Do you do things that are unexpected for yourself?

87. Are you usually laconic, silent?

88. Could you, participating in a dramatic performance, get into the role so much that at the same time you forget that you are not the same as on stage.

If the answer to the question matches the key, the answer is assigned one point.

1. Demonstrative / demonstrative type. "+": 7, 19, 22, 29, 41, 44, 63, 66, 73, 85, 88. "-": 51.

2. Jam / stuck type. "+": 2, 15, 24, 34, 37, 56, 68.78/81.

"-": 12, 46, 59.

Multiply the sum of the answers by two.

3. Pedantry / pedantic type. "+": 4, 14, 17, 26, 39, 48, 58, 61, 70, 80, 83. "-": 76.

Multiply the sum of the answers by two.

4. Excitability / excitable type. "+": 8, 20, 30, 42, 52, 64, 86.

5. Hyperthymia / hyperthymic type. "+": 1, 11, 23, 33, 45, 55, 67, 77. Multiply the sum of the answers by three.

6. Distimism / dysthymic type. "+": 9, 21.43, 75, 87.

Multiply the sum of the answers by three.

7. Anxiety / anxious-fearful type. "+": 16, 27, 38, 49, 60, 71, 82.

Multiply the sum of the answers by two.

8. Exaltation / affectively exalted type. "+": 10, 32, 54, 76.

Multiply the sum of the answers by six.

9. Emotivity / emotive type. "+": 3, 13, 35, 47, 57, 69, 79.

Multiply the sum of the answers by three.

10. Cyclothymic / cyclothymic type. "+": 6, 18, 28, 40. 50, 62, 72, 84. Multiply the sum of the answers by three.

The maximum score after multiplication is 24. According to some sources, a sign of accentuation is a value exceeding 12 points. Others, on the basis practical application questionnaire, they believe that the sum of points in the range from 15 to 19 speaks only of a tendency to one or another type of accentuation. And only in case of exceeding 19 points, the character trait is accentuated.


The 10 types of accentuated personalities identified by Leonhard are divided into two groups: character accentuations (demonstrative, pedantic, stuck, excitable) and temperament accentuations (hyperthymic, dysthymic, anxious-fearful, cyclothymic, affective, emotive).

1. Demonstrative type. It is characterized by an increased ability to displace, demonstrative behavior, liveliness, mobility, ease of establishing contacts. He is prone to fantasy, deceit and pretense, aimed at embellishing his person, adventurism, artistry, posturing. He is driven by the desire for leadership, the need for recognition, the thirst for constant attention to his person, the thirst for power, praise; the prospect of being unnoticed depresses him. He demonstrates high adaptability to people, emotional lability (slight mood swings) in the absence of really deep feelings, a tendency to intrigue (with external softness in communication). There is boundless egocentrism, a thirst for admiration, sympathy, reverence, surprise. Usually the praise of others in his presence makes him particularly uncomfortable, he can not stand it. The desire for a company, as a rule, is associated with the need to feel like a leader, to occupy an exceptional position. Self-esteem is very far from objective. It can annoy with its self-confidence and high claims, it systematically provokes conflicts, but at the same time actively defends itself. Possessing a pathological capacity for repression, he can completely forget about what he does not want to know about. It unchains him into lies. Usually lies with an innocent face, because what he says is in this moment for him is true; apparently, he is not internally aware of his lie, or is aware of it very shallowly, without noticeable remorse. Able to captivate others with extraordinary thinking and actions.

2. Stuck type. He is characterized by moderate sociability, tediousness, a tendency to moralizing, and taciturnity. Often suffers from imaginary injustice towards him. In this regard, he shows alertness and distrust towards people, is sensitive to insults and disappointments, is distinguished by vindictiveness, experiences the incident for a long time, and is not able to easily forget insults. He is characterized by arrogance, he often initiates conflicts. Self-confidence, rigidity of attitudes and views, highly developed ambition often lead to the persistent assertion of one's interests. He strives to achieve high performance in any business he undertakes, and shows great perseverance in achieving his goals. The main feature is a tendency to affects (truthfulness, resentment, jealousy, suspicion), inertness in the manifestation of affects, in thinking, motor skills.

3. Pedantic type. It is characterized by rigidity, inertness of mental processes, a long experience of traumatic events. Rarely enters into conflicts, acting as a passive rather than an active side. At the same time, it reacts very strongly to any violation of order. In the service, he behaves like a bureaucrat, presenting a lot of formal requirements to others. Punctual, neat, pays special attention to cleanliness and order; scrupulous, conscientious, inclined to strictly follow the plan, unhurried in performing actions, assiduous, accurate, focused on high quality work and special accuracy, prone to frequent self-checks, doubts about the correctness of the work performed, grumbling, formalism. Willingly yields leadership to other people.

4. Excitable type. Insufficient controllability, weakening of control over drives and urges are combined in people of this type with the power of physiological drives. They are characterized by increased impulsiveness, instinctiveness, rudeness, tediousness, gloom, anger, a tendency to rudeness and scolding, friction and conflict, in which they themselves are the active, provocative side. Irritable, quick-tempered, often changes jobs, quarrelsome in a team. Low contact in communication, slowness of verbal and non-verbal reactions, heaviness of actions are noted. For him, no work becomes attractive, works only as needed, shows the same unwillingness to learn. Indifferent to the future, lives entirely in the present, wanting to derive a lot of pleasure from it. Increased impulsivity or the resulting excitation reaction is extinguished with difficulty and can be dangerous to others. He can be imperious, choosing the weakest for communication.

5. Hyperthymic type. People of this type are distinguished by great mobility, sociability, talkativeness, expressiveness of gestures, facial expressions, pantomimes, excessive independence, a penchant for mischief, and a lack of a sense of distance in relations with others. Often spontaneously deviate from the original topic in conversation. They make a lot of noise, love the companies of their peers, strive to command them. They almost always have very good mood, good health, often blooming appearance, good appetite, healthy sleep, a tendency to gluttony and other joys of life. These are people with high self-esteem, cheerful, frivolous, superficial and at the same time businesslike, inventive, brilliant interlocutors; people who know how to entertain others, energetic, active, enterprising. A strong desire for independence can serve as a source of conflict. They are characterized by outbursts of anger, irritation, especially when they meet with strong opposition, fail. Prone to immoral acts, increased irritability, projectionism. They do not take their duties seriously enough, they can hardly endure strict discipline, monotonous activity, forced loneliness.

6. Dysthymic type. People of this type are distinguished by seriousness, even depression of mood, slowness, weakness of volitional efforts. They are characterized by a pessimistic attitude towards the future, low self-esteem, low contact, reticence in conversation, even silence. Such people are homebodies/individualists; society, a noisy company is usually avoided, lead a secluded life. Often gloomy, inhibited, tend to fixate on dark sides life. They are conscientious, appreciate those who are friends with them, and are ready to obey them, they are distinguished by a heightened sense of justice, as well as slow thinking.

7. Alarm type. People of this type are characterized by low contact, minor mood, timidity, fearfulness, self-doubt. Anxious children are often afraid of the dark, animals, afraid to be alone. They eschew noisy and lively peers, do not like excessively noisy games, experience a feeling of shyness and shyness, and have a hard time with tests, exams, and checks. Often embarrassed to answer in front of the class. Willingly obey the guardianship of their elders, the notations of adults can cause them remorse, guilt, tears, despair. They early form a sense of duty, responsibility, high moral and ethical requirements. They try to disguise the feeling of their own inferiority in self-affirmation through those types of activities where they can reveal their abilities to a greater extent.

The resentment, sensitivity, shyness characteristic of them since childhood prevent them from getting close to those with whom they want. A particularly weak link is the reaction to the attitude of others around them. Intolerance to ridicule, suspicion is accompanied by an inability to stand up for oneself, to defend the truth in case of unfair accusations. They rarely come into conflict with others, playing a mostly passive role in them; V conflict situations looking for support and encouragement. They are friendly, self-critical, executive. Due to their defenselessness, they often serve as "scapegoats", targets for jokes.

8. Exalted type. A striking feature of this type is the ability to admire, admire, as well as smiling, a feeling of happiness, joy, pleasure. These feelings may arise in them for a reason that does not cause great enthusiasm in others, they easily become delighted with joyful events and in complete despair - from sad ones. They are characterized by high contact, talkativeness, amorousness. Such people often argue, but do not bring matters to open conflicts. In conflict situations, they are both active and passive side. They are attached to friends and relatives, altruistic, have a sense of compassion, good taste, show brightness and sincerity of feelings. They can be alarmists, subject to momentary moods, impulsive, have mental lability.

9. The emotive type of people is related to the exalted one, but its manifestations are not so violent. They are characterized by emotionality, sensitivity, anxiety, talkativeness, fearfulness, deep reactions in the field of subtle feelings. Most strongly pronounced feature- vagueness, empathy for other people or animals, responsiveness, kindness, the ability to enjoy other people's successes. They are impressionable, tearful, they take any life events more seriously than other people. Teenagers react sharply to scenes from films where someone is in danger, a scene of violence can cause them a strong shock that will not be forgotten for a long time and can disrupt sleep. They rarely come into conflict, they carry grievances in themselves. They are characterized by a heightened sense of duty, diligence. They take care of nature, love to grow plants, take care of animals.

10. Cyclothymic type. It is characterized by a change in hyperthymic and dysthymic states: They are characterized by frequent mood changes, as well as dependence on external events. Joyful Events cause hyperthymia in them: a thirst for activity, increased talkativeness, a jump in ideas; sad - depression, slowness of reactions and thinking, their manner of communicating with people around them also often changes. IN adolescence two variants of cyclothymic accentuation can be found: typical and labile cycloids. Typical cycloids in childhood usually give the impression of hyperthymia, but then lethargy, loss of strength appear, what was previously easy, now requires exorbitant efforts. Previously noisy and lively, they become lethargic homebodies, there is a drop in appetite, insomnia, or, conversely, drowsiness. They react to comments with irritation, even rudeness and anger, deep down, however, falling into despondency, deep depression, suicidal attempts are not ruled out. They study unevenly, make up for omissions with difficulty, give rise to an aversion to classes. In labile cycloids, the phases of mood changes are usually shorter than in typical cycloids. "Bad" days are marked by saturated bad mood rather than lethargy. During the recovery period, the desire to have friends, to be in the company is expressed. Mood affects self-esteem.

Accentuations of character according to A. E. Lichko

In 1977, Andrei Evgenievich Lichko, based on the works of Leonhard and the classification of psychopathy by Pyotr Borisovich Gannushkin, developed the concept and began to use the phrase "character accentuation", considering personality to be too complex a concept for accentuations. The typology he developed has a clear link to the classification of psychopathy and, moreover, is intended only for adolescence.

Accentuations of character are extreme variants of the norm, in which individual character traits are excessively strengthened, as a result of which selective vulnerability is revealed in relation to a certain kind of psychogenic influences with good and even increased resistance to others ...

Depending on the degree of severity, two degrees of character accentuation were distinguished: explicit and hidden.

obvious accentuation. This degree of accentuation refers to the extreme variants of the norm. It is distinguished by the presence of fairly constant traits of a certain type of character ...

In adolescence, character traits are often sharpened, and under the action of psychogenic factors that address the "place least resistance", temporary disturbances in adaptation, deviations in behavior may occur. When growing up, character traits remain quite pronounced, but are compensated and usually do not interfere with adaptation.

hidden accent. This degree, apparently, should be attributed not to the extreme, but to the usual variants of the norm. In ordinary, habitual conditions, the features of a certain type of character are weakly expressed or do not appear at all. Even with prolonged observation, versatile contacts and detailed acquaintance with the biography, it is difficult to get a clear picture of a certain type of character. However, traits of this type can be clearly, sometimes unexpectedly, revealed under the influence of those situations and mental traumas that place increased demands on the "place of least resistance." Psychogenic factors of a different kind, even severe ones, not only do not cause mental disorders, but may not even reveal the type of character. If such features are revealed, this, as a rule, does not lead to noticeable social maladjustment ...


The hyperthymic (overactive) type of accentuation is expressed in a constant high mood and vitality, uncontrollable activity and a thirst for communication, in a tendency to scatter and not finish what has been started. People with hyperthymic accentuation character do not tolerate a monotonous environment, monotonous work, loneliness and limited contacts, idleness. However, they are distinguished by energy, active life position, sociability, and a good mood depends little on the situation. People with hyperthymic accentuation easily change their hobbies, love risk.


With the cycloid type of character accentuation, the presence of two phases is observed - hyperthymia and subdepression. They are not expressed sharply, usually short-term (1-2 weeks) and may be interspersed with long breaks. A person with a cycloid accentuation experiences cyclical mood swings where depression is replaced by high spirits. With a decline in mood, such people show increased sensitivity to reproaches, they do not tolerate public humiliation. However, they are proactive, cheerful and sociable. Their hobbies are unstable, during the recession there is a tendency to abandon business. Sexual life is highly dependent on the ups and downs of their general condition. In the increased, hyperthymic phase, such people are extremely similar to hyperthyms.


The labile type of accentuation implies an extremely pronounced changeability of mood. People with labile accentuation have a rich sensory sphere, they are very sensitive to signs of attention. Weak side they are manifested with emotional rejection by loved ones, loss of loved ones and separation from those to whom they are attached. Such individuals demonstrate sociability, good nature, sincere affection and social responsiveness. They are interested in communication, reach out to their peers, are content with the role of a ward.


The astheno-neurotic type is characterized by increased fatigue and irritability. Astheno-neurotic people are prone to hypochondria, they have high fatigue during competitive activities. They may experience sudden affective outbursts for an insignificant reason, an emotional breakdown in case of realizing the impracticability of their plans. They are meticulous and disciplined.

Sensitive (sensitive).

People with a sensitive type of accentuation are very impressionable, characterized by a sense of their own inferiority, timidity, shyness. Often in adolescence they become objects of ridicule. They are easily able to show kindness, calmness and mutual assistance. Their interests lie in the intellectual and aesthetic sphere, social recognition is important to them.


The psychasthenic type determines the propensity for introspection and reflection. Psychasthenics often hesitate in making decisions and cannot bear the high demands and burden of responsibility for themselves and others. Such subjects demonstrate accuracy and prudence, feature for them is self-criticism and reliability. They usually have an even mood without sudden changes. In sex, they are often afraid to make a mistake, but in general they sex life passes without problems.


Schizoid accentuation is characterized by the isolation of the individual, his isolation from other people. Schizoid people lack intuition and the ability to empathize. They have a hard time making emotional connections. They have stable and permanent interests. Very few words. Inner world almost always closed to others and filled with hobbies and fantasies that are only for the pleasure of oneself. They may show a tendency to drink alcohol, which is never accompanied by a feeling of euphoria.


The epileptoid type of accentuation is characterized by excitability, tension and authoritarianism of the individual. A person with this type of accentuation is prone to periods of an angry-dreary mood, irritation with affective outbursts, and the search for objects to relieve anger. Petty accuracy, scrupulousness, meticulous observance of all the rules, even to the detriment of business, pedantry that bothers others is usually considered as compensation for one's own inertia. They do not tolerate disobedience to themselves and material losses. However, they are thorough, attentive to their health and punctual. Strive to dominate their peers. In the intimate-personal sphere, jealousy is clearly expressed in them. Frequent cases alcohol intoxication with an outpouring of anger and aggression.


People with the hysteroid type have pronounced egocentrism and a thirst to be in the spotlight. They weakly endure blows to egocentrism, experience fear of exposure and fear of being ridiculed, and are also prone to demonstrative suicide (parasuicide). They are characterized by perseverance, initiative, communication and active position. They choose the most popular hobbies that are easy to change on the go.


An unstable type of character accentuation determines laziness, unwillingness to work or learning activities. These people have a pronounced craving for entertainment, idle pastime, idleness. Their ideal is to be left without outside control and be left to their own devices. They are sociable, open, helpful. They talk a lot. Sex for them is a source of entertainment, sex life begins early, the feeling of love is often unfamiliar to them. Prone to alcohol and drug use.


The conformal type is characterized by conformity to the environment, such people tend to "think like everyone else." They do not tolerate drastic changes, breaking the stereotype of life, deprivation of their familiar environment. Their perception is extremely rigid and severely limited by their expectations. People with this type of accentuation are friendly, disciplined and non-confrontational. Their hobbies and sex life are determined by the social environment. Bad habits depend on the attitude towards them in the nearest social circle, on which they are guided in the formation of their values.


The program of adaptation, self-preservation and procreation, attitude towards oneself and others. Animals also have instincts as a genetic adaptation program, but human instincts are a qualitatively different adaptation program than animals have.

There are 7 types of people according to the dominance of one or another instinct.

1. Egophilic type. Self-preservation dominates. WITH early childhood there is a tendency to increased caution, to a heightened biotic connection with the mother (the child does not let go of his mother for a moment), a tendency to suspiciousness, intolerance to pain, anxiety about everything unknown, self-centeredness. Credo - "Safety and health above all." The evolutionary expediency of having this type of people lies in the fact that, while preserving themselves, they are also the guardians of the gene pool of the genus. But the egophilic type can be one of the reasons for the formation of such a variant of a “difficult character”, which is characterized by excessive egoism, suspicion, suspiciousness, hysteria, cowardice.

2. Genophilic type. The instinct of procreation dominates. Already in childhood, interests are fixed on the family, and such a child is calm only when the whole family is assembled, everyone is healthy and everyone is in a good mood. Their credo: "The interests of the family are above all", "My home is my fortress." For the sake of children and families, they are ready to sacrifice themselves.

3. Altruistic type. The instinct of altruism dominates. Since childhood, kindness, caring for loved ones, the ability to give others the last, even what you yourself need, is manifested. Selfless people who have dedicated their lives to public interests, protecting the weak, helping the sick, the disabled, are altruistic people. Credo: "Kindness will save the world, kindness above all." Evolutionarily, this type is necessary, they are the guardians of kindness, life, humanity.

4. Research type. The instinct of exploration dominates. Since childhood, there has been increased curiosity, the desire to get to the bottom of everything, endless questions “Why?”. Such children are not content with superficial answers, they read a lot, do experiments. In the end, from them, whatever they are fond of, grow creative personalities. Great travelers, inventors, scientists are people of this type. Credo: "Creativity and progress above all else." The evolutionary expediency of this type is obvious.

5. Dominant type. Dominance instinct prevails. From childhood, the ability to organize a game, set a goal and focus the will to achieve it, understand people and lead them along, efficiency is manifested. Later - as a priority of status needs (careerism), increased need for control over others, a tendency to take into account the needs of the entire team while neglecting the interests of one, specific person. Credo: “Business and order are above all; it will be good for everyone - it will be good for everyone. Leaders, executives, politicians, organizers, but also "difficult characters" of petty fools, tyrants grow up on the basis of this type.

6. Libertophilic type. The instinct of freedom dominates. Already in the cradle, this type of child protests when swaddled; the inclination to protest against any restriction on his freedom grows with him. The predominant qualities are the desire for independence, stubbornness, tolerance for pain, deprivation, a predisposition to risk, intolerance to routine, bureaucracy. The instincts of self-preservation and procreation are suppressed, which is manifested in a tendency to leave the family. Credo: "Freedom above all." Such people naturally limit tendencies of the dominant type. They are the guardians of freedom, interests, individuality of each, and with this - the guardians of life.

7. Dignitophilic type. The instinct to preserve dignity dominates. Already from childhood, such a child is able to catch irony, ridicule and is absolutely intolerant of any form of humiliation. This is the case when you can negotiate with a child only by convincing him, and only with kindness. Such a person is ready to give up his life, freedom, career, professional interests, and family in the name of preserving honor and dignity. Credo: “There were no cowards and scoundrels in our family! Honor above all! The evolutionary expediency of having this type lies in the fact that they are the guardians of the honor and dignity of the individual, and with this - a life worthy of a person.

material used.

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classification of accentuations‎.

Texts / ed. Yu.B. Gippenreiter, V.Ya. Romanova // Psychology of individual differences. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1982. - S. 288-318.






Krysko V. Dictionary-reference book on social psychology. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003.

Lichko A.E. Psychopathy and character accentuation in adolescents. - ed. 2nd add. and reworked. - L .: Medicine, 1983.

To identify the severity of extraversion - introversion and neuroticism (temperament)
(see description of temperaments)

Instructions for the Eysenck test for the temperament of a teenager

You are offered a number of questions about the features of your behavior. If you answer the question in the affirmative (“I agree”), then put a sign «+» , if negative ("disagree"), then the sign «–» .

Answer questions quickly, without hesitation, as the first reaction is important.
(about the types of human temperament)

The text of the Eysenck questionnaire (temperament):

1. Do you like noise and cyety around you?

2. Do you often need friends to support or comfort you?

3. Do you always get a quick answer when someone asks you about something, if it's not in class?

4. Are you sometimes angry, irritable, angry?

5. Do you often change your mood?

6. Do you like being alone more than dating other guys?

7. Does it sometimes happen that different thoughts prevent you from falling asleep?

8. Do you always do as you are told?

9. Do you like to play a trick on someone?

10. Have you ever felt unhappy, although there was no real reason for this?

11. Are you a cheerful person?

12. Have you ever violated the rules of conduct at school?

13. Do many things annoy you?

14. Do you like this kind of work, where you have to do everything quickly?

15. Do you worry about all sorts of terrible events that almost happened, although everything ended well?

16. Can you be trusted with any secret?

17. Can you cheer up bored guys?

18. Does it sometimes happen that your heart beats strongly for no reason?

19. Are you taking the first step to hook up with someone?

20. Have you ever told a lie?

21. Do you get very upset if people find flaws in the work you have done?

22. Do you like to tell funny stories, joke with your friends?

23. Do you often feel tired for no reason?

24. Do you always do your homework first and play later?

25. Are you usually cheerful and happy with everything?

26. Are you touchy?

27. Do you like to talk and play with other guys?

28. Do you always fulfill the requests of relatives for help with household chores?

29. Does it happen that you sometimes feel very dizzy?

30. Do you like to put someone in an awkward position, to laugh at someone?

31. Do you often feel that you are very tired of something?

32. Do you like to show off sometimes?

33. Are you most often silent in the company of other people?

34. Do you sometimes worry so much that it's hard for you to sit still?

35. Are you quick to decide on anything?

36. Do you sometimes make noise in the classroom when there is no teacher?

37. Do you often have scary dreams?

38. Can you forget about everything and have fun from the heart among your friends, buddies, girlfriends?

39. Are you easily upset by anything?

40. Have you ever spoken badly about someone?

41. Can you call yourself a carefree, carefree person?

42. If you happen to get into an awkward position, do you worry for a long time?

43. Do you like noisy and funny games?

44. Do you always eat everything that is offered to you?

45. Is it hard for you to refuse if you are asked for something?

46. ​​Do you like to visit often?

47. Are there moments when you don't want to live?

48. Have you ever been rude to your parents?

49. Are you considered a cheerful person?

50. Do you often get distracted when you do your homework?

51. Do you like to sit aside and watch more than to take part in the general fun yourself?

52. Do you usually find it difficult to sleep because of different thoughts?

53. Are you usually confident that you can cope with the work that you are entrusted with?

54. Do you often feel lonely?

55. Are you embarrassed to be the first to talk to strangers?

56. Do you often decide on something when it's too late?

57. When one of the guys yells at you, do you also yell back?

58. Do you sometimes feel especially cheerful or sad for no reason?

59. Do you think it is difficult to get real pleasure at a party, at a matinee, at a Christmas tree?

60. Do you often have to worry because you did something without thinking?

The key to the Eysenck temperament questionnaire

1. Extraversion-introversion:
"Yes" ("+") - 1, 3, 9, 11, 14, 17, 19, 22, 25, 27, 30, 35, 38, 41, 43, 46, 49, 53, 57.
"No" (–) - 6, 33, 51, 55, 59.

2. Neurotism:
"Yes" ("+") - 2, 5, 7, 10, 13, 15, 18, 21, 23, 26, 29, 31, 34, 37, 39, 42, 45, 47, 50, 52,
54, 56, 58, 60.

3. Lie indicator:
"Yes" ("+") - 8, 16, 24, 28, 44.
"No" ("-") - 4, 12, 20, 32, 36, 40, 48.

Evaluation of results

Evaluation table for the extraversion-introversion scale
Evaluation table for the scale of neuroticism
On the lie scale, a score of 4-5 is considered critical.

introversion extraversion
significant moderate moderate significant
Emotional stability Emotional instability
high medium high very high
up to 10………………11–14………..15–18………….19–24

With. 1
Activity for teenagers

“Know thyself. Types of temperaments.

Target: Acquaintance of children with types of temperament, with their features. Studying your temperament (according to test results, own analysis during the speech), in order to build behavior taking into account their characteristics.

Materials: Presentation "Temperament", signed sheets of paper with a number indicating the type of temperament (test results).

Preliminary work: examination of temperament types according to the Eysenck questionnaire (for adolescents).


At the beginning of the lesson, signed (last name, first name) leaflets with a number indicating the type of temperament (test results) are distributed.


What is temperament? (The facilitator listens to the answers of the children, then he gives a definition).

Temperament is called the innate characteristics of a person, which determine the mobility of mental processes. It is temperament that determines human behavior.

It largely forms the character of a person, his personality.

  • The purpose of our lesson is to determine and explore your type of temperament and see ways to build behavior based on the type of temperament.

  • Do you know what types of temperaments are?

  • Temperaments are of four types: phlegmatic, choleric, melancholic, sanguine.
Student story:

Choleric- touchy, restless, excitable, impulsive, sharp, active, unrestrained. It has ups and downs in mood. In communication, choleric people are often quick-tempered, impatient, adamant, domineering.

They have high self-esteem, strive for superiority, rivals. Very self-confident, hide weaknesses from others. Cholerics walk rapidly, tensely. They sleep little, wake up late, like to work at night.

The interior for the choleric is preferable in soothing colors in order to weaken their excessive impulsiveness. A lot of space is needed, as choleric people are very mobile. e Choleric people are advised to eat fruits, vegetables, high-calorie foods.

sanguine- lively, mobile, quickly responding to surrounding events, relatively easily experiencing failures and troubles.

In communication - a merry fellow, tries to cheer everyone up. They have unstable self-esteem, talks about their successes in front of everyone. Sanguine people often hope for good luck, walk energetically, quickly. They are restless. Sleep well, with colorful dreams.

The interior is chosen original, with unusual solutions. Sanguine people are very hospitable, so ample space is required.

They also choose everything unusual in food, even from an ordinary dish they make a work of art.

melancholic- living a difficult and stressful life inner life, gives great importance everything, has increased anxiety and a vulnerable soul.

A melancholic is almost always a reserved person and does not throw words into the wind. When he cannot fulfill the promise, he sincerely suffers, even if he knows that nothing depended on him.

Phlegmatic person- cold-blooded. He is more prone to inactivity than to intense, active work.

Such a person slowly comes into a state of excitement, but also calms down gradually. Facial expressions and movements of the phlegmatic are inexpressive and slow.

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, who spent all his time on the couch, in a lazy semi-sleep, is a bright phlegmatic.

In communication, the phlegmatic is calm, he is a contemplator, while the melancholic is a ward, defenseless.

The phlegmatic person has low self-esteem, the melancholic person also has low self-esteem, he is shy, keeps in the shadows.

The phlegmatic is not self-confident, does not lose heart, worries about himself. The melancholic does not believe in luck, exaggerates his shortcomings.

The phlegmatic is not inclined to express vivid feelings, he has a calm attitude towards his partner, he is amorous, attached. The melancholic very faithfully obeys the couple, is ashamed to open his feelings, he is monogamous.

The phlegmatic has a slow, smooth, relaxed gait. And in a melancholic it is slow, indecisive.

The phlegmatic appreciates the process of eating, is not in a hurry while eating, the melancholic eats little, he has a reduced appetite.

Phlegmatic is difficult to wake up, he falls asleep quickly. The melancholic sleeps little, in the evening he feels tired, he is sleepy.

A small exercise.

Imagine: you are sitting on a bench, your hat is lying next to you, a person comes up to you and sits on it! How will you react? Choose the number of the picture that reflects your reaction in this situation.

The first picture will make you laugh. On the second payment. Get angry on the third. And on the fourth you will not react in any way.

You have chosen picture number 1, which means that you will behave like a sanguine person in this situation!

You have chosen picture number 2, which means that you will behave like a melancholic in this situation!

You have chosen picture number 3, which means that you will behave like a choleric in this situation!

You have chosen picture number 4, which means that you will behave like a phlegmatic in this situation!


Now you sit in groups. You have sheets of paper with numbers indicating which group you fall into. The task is to find your group. The numbers on the leaves indicate which type of temperament you have more vividly. The decoding will be presented later, but now let's see the overall results for the class (diagram of the results of the survey of temperament types according to the Eysenck questionnaire).

  • Number 4 phlegmatic. The phlegmatic is calm, imperturbable. His confidence is based on knowledge and calculation. Speaks to the point. Think carefully about the pros and cons. No failure can bring him out of himself. Knows how to wait. He adapts slowly to the new. Often hesitates for a long time, but do without outside help. Depending on upbringing, a lazy person or a wrestler can grow up. Phlegmatic: Krylov, Kutuzov.

  • Number 3 means that you are dominated by features melancholic. He is indecisive, unsure of himself, hardly comes into contact, touchy, sensitive, passive. Any trouble can unbalance the melancholic. He often gets lost, gives up, needs the support of others. The melancholic is a great worker when made for it. the necessary conditions, there are precise instructions, and he himself is encouraged and supported. For them, professions that require great attention in conditions of forced rhythm, for example, an interpreter, simultaneous interpreter, air traffic controller. The melancholic is thrifty, prudent, it is difficult to stir him up, but then it is difficult to stop him. For this type of temperament, psychological protection from overload is necessary. Melancholy: Gogol, Tchaikovsky.

  • Number 1 means that you are dominated by features sanguine. He is well-controlled, balanced, mobile, confident in his abilities, adapts well to new things, collected, purposeful, in a difficult situation does not lose his sense of humor. Knows how to restrain his emotions, loves variety. Good organizers. Sangniki: Suvorov, Evgeny Leonov.

  • Number 2 means that you are dominated by features choleric. Choleric is impulsive, self-confident, impatient, changeable (you don’t know how he will react), grasps everything on the fly, can work long and uncontrollably, but breakdowns are possible. Such people are good at work where pressure and unrestraint are needed. Cholerics: Peter the Great, Zhirinovsky.

It is also not necessary to equate character and temperament. The latter only characterizes the type of nervous system. But in no way is temperament connected with the views of the individual, beliefs, tastes, and does not determine the possibilities of the individual.

IN pure form temperaments are very rare, usually in each person they are present in various proportions.

Let's spend test, which helps to determine how temperamental traits are combined, which are more pronounced and which are weaker. You only need to answer yes or no.

1. Before any important event for me, I start to get nervous.

2. I work unevenly, in jerks.

3. I quickly switch from one thing to another.

4. If necessary, I can safely wait.

5. I need sympathy and support, especially in case of setbacks and difficulties.

6. With equals, I am unrestrained and quick-tempered.

7. It is not difficult for me to make a choice.

8. I do not have to restrain my emotions, it comes naturally.

Calculate the sum of affirmative answers using the formulas:

Melancholic = 1 + 5= ; X oleric \u003d 2 + 6 \u003d;

Sanguine \u003d 3 + 7 \u003d; Phlegmatic = 4 + 8 =.

Write in descending order. You have received the so-called priority formula, for example ICSF. Its owner is primarily characterized by melancholic features. No combination can be considered obviously bad and good.

  • Does temperament change over time? (children's answers)

  • Temperature can change over time. Even the so-called "law of the seven" has been discovered, according to which more or less noticeable changes in the temperamental structure occur during periods of transition from one age to another. Temperament changes, first of all, because the organism itself changes, its physical capabilities.

  • In each of the main types you can find many attractive features.
The German psychologist Wundt believed that in everyday life you need to be sanguine, during important events- melancholic; impressions that deeply affect our interests require choleric temperament, and a phlegmatic person can best fulfill his own decision.

Game "Burst in a circle"

- Get up in one big circle join hands. One child should stay behind the circle and try to break into it. As soon as he succeeds, the next one should go outside the circle and try to break into it. Please be careful not to hurt anyone.

Give as much opportunity as possible more children sneak into the circle. If the child is unable to do this, please make sure that he is out of the circle for no more than one minute. Children must let this child into the circle, and someone else leaves it and continues the game.

Game analysis. What did you do to infiltrate the circle? How did you feel when you were part of the circle? What did you feel when you entered the circle? Does the game help determine the type of temperament?

Reflection. Lesson impressions.


Class teacher 8B class of school No. 34 Andreeva V.A.


Eysenck questionnaire for teenagers

Target: Identify the characteristics of the child's temperament.
Instruction:“You are offered a number of questions about the features of your behavior, if you answer the question in the affirmative (“agree”), then put a “+” sign, if negative (“disagree”), then the “-” sign. Answer questions quickly, without hesitation, as the first reaction is important.

  1. Do you like noise and fuss around you?

  2. Do you often need friends to support or comfort you?

  3. Do you always find a quick answer when you are asked something in class?

  4. Are you sometimes angry, irritable, angry?

  5. Do you often change your mood?

  6. Do you like being alone more than going out with other guys?

  7. Does it sometimes happen that different thoughts prevent you from falling asleep?

  8. Do you always do as you are told?

  9. Do you like to play a joke on someone?

  10. Have you ever felt miserable when there was no real reason for it?

  11. You are jolly person?

  12. Have you ever violated the rules of conduct at school?

  13. Are there many things that annoy you?

  14. Do you like this kind of work, where you have to do everything quickly?

  15. Are you worried about any terrible events that almost happened, although everything ended well?

  16. Can you be trusted with any secret?

  17. can you cheer up bored guys?

  18. Do you sometimes feel like your heart is beating fast for no reason?

  19. Are you taking the first step towards becoming friends with someone?

  20. Have you ever told a lie?

  21. Do you get very upset when people find your faults in the work you have done?

  22. Do you like to tell funny stories, joke with friends?

  23. Do you often feel tired for no reason?

  24. Do you always do your homework first and play later?

  25. Are you usually cheerful and happy with everything?

  26. Are you touchy?

  27. Do you like talking and playing with other guys?

  28. Do you always fulfill the requests of relatives for help with the housework?

  29. Do you sometimes feel very dizzy?

  30. Do you like to put someone in an awkward position?

  31. Do you often feel that you are very tired of something?

  32. Do you like to brag sometimes?

  33. Are you most often silent in the company of other people?

  34. Do you sometimes worry so much that it's hard for you to sit still?

  35. Are you quick to decide on something?

  36. Do you sometimes make noise in the classroom when there is no teacher?

  37. Do you often have scary dreams?

  38. Can you forget about everything and have fun from the heart among your friends, buddies, girlfriends?

  39. Are you easily offended by something?

  40. Have you ever said bad things about someone?

  41. Would you call yourself a carefree, carefree person?

  42. If you happen to get into an awkward position, do you worry for a long time?

  43. Do you always eat everything that is offered to you?

  44. Do you find it hard to say no when asked for something?

  45. Do you like to visit often?

  46. Are there times when you don't want to live?

  47. Have you ever been rude to your parents?

  48. Are you considered a fun person?

  49. Do you often get distracted while doing your homework?

  50. Do you like to sit aside and watch more than to take part in the general fun yourself?

  51. Do you usually find it difficult to sleep because of different thoughts?

  52. Are you usually confident that you can handle the work that you are assigned?

  53. Do you often feel lonely?

  54. Are you embarrassed to be the first to talk to a stranger?

  55. How often do you decide on something when it's too late?

  56. When one of the guys yells at you, do you yell back too?

  57. Do you sometimes feel especially happy or sad for no reason?

  58. Do you think it is difficult to get real pleasure at a party, at a matinee, at a Christmas tree?

  59. Do you often have to worry because you did something without thinking?


  1. Extraversion - Introversion:
"yes" (+): 1, 3, 9, 11, 14, 17, 19, 22, 25, 27, 30, 35, 38, 41, 43, 46, 49, 53, 57.

"no" (-): 6, 33, 51, 55, 59.

(Eysenck questionnaire)

What is your child's temperament? In our opinion, this is important information for parents, since you should not expect quick decisions from a phlegmatic person, and try to keep a choleric person from communicating! Invite your child to take this test and you will receive important information and keys to interact with him!

Instruction :

Answer a few questions about your behavior and emotions in different settings. This is not a test of intelligence or ability, so there are no good or bad answers. Work quickly and don't waste time thinking about the answer - the first reaction is important. The question can be answered "yes" or "no".

  1. Do you like noise and fuss around you?

2. Do you often need friends to support you?

3. Do you always find a quick answer when asked about something?

4. Does anything ever annoy you?

5. Do your moods change often?

6. Is it true that you enjoy being alone (alone) than with the guys?

7. Do different thoughts often prevent you from falling asleep?

8. Do you always do as you are told?

9. Do you like to play pranks on someone?

10. Do you ever feel unhappy for no reason?

11. Can you say about yourself that you are a cheerful, lively person?

12. Have you ever violated the rules of behavior at school?

13. Is it true that you are often irritated by something?

14. Do you like to do everything at a fast pace?

15. Do you worry about terrible things that could happen?

16. Can you be trusted with any secret?

17. Can you easily spice up a boring company?

18. Do you have palpitations?

19. Do you usually make the first move to befriend someone?

20. Do you ever tell lies?

  1. Do you get easily upset when people criticize you and your work?

22. Do you often joke and tell funny stories to your friends?

23. Do you often feel tired?

24. Do you always do the necessary work first, and then everything else?

25. Are you usually cheerful and happy with everything?

26. Are you touchy?

27. Do you really like to communicate with other guys?

28. Do you always fulfill the requests of relatives for help with the housework?

29. Do you get dizzy?

30. Do your actions and deeds sometimes put people in an awkward position?

31. Do you often feel that you are tired of something?

32. Do you like to brag sometimes?

33. Do you usually sit and be silent in the company of strangers?

34. Do you sometimes get so excited that you can't sit still?

35. Do you usually make decisions quickly?

36. Do you never make noise in the classroom, even when there is no teacher?

37. Do you often have nightmares?

38. Can you give vent to feelings and have fun in the company of friends?

39. Are you easily upset?

40. Have you ever spoken badly about someone?

41. Do you usually speak and act quickly without thinking for a long time?

42. If you find yourself in a stupid position, then you worry for a long time?

43. Do you like outdoor games?

44. Do you always eat what is served to you?

45. Do you find it difficult to say “no” when asked for something?

46. ​​Do you like to visit often?

47. Are there times when you don't want to live?

48. Have you ever been rude to your parents?

49. Do the guys consider you a cheerful and lively person?

50. Do you often get distracted while doing your homework?

51. Do you sit and watch more often than take part in the general fun?

52. Do you usually find it difficult to fall asleep because of different thoughts?

  1. Do you always have confidence that you will cope with the work that you must (on) do?

54. Do you know the feeling of loneliness?

55. Are you embarrassed to speak first with strangers?

56. Do you often catch on when it's too late to fix something?

57. When one of the guys yells at you, do you also yell back?

58. Do you sometimes feel happy or sad for no reason?

  1. Is it difficult for you to get real pleasure from a fun company?

60. Do you often worry because you did something without thinking?

Results processing

Answer "yes" = "+"

Answer "no" = "-"

Scale of extraversion - introversion (SH1):

The value on this scale is determined by the sum of the coincidence of signs in the following questions: +1, +3, -6, +9. +11, +14, +17, +19, +22, +25, +27, +30, - 33, +35, +38, +41, +43, +46, +49, -51, +53, -55, +57, -59.

Scale of emotional stability (SH2):

The value on this scale is determined by the sum of positive answers in the following questions: 2,5,7, 10,13,15,18,21,23,26, 29,31,34,37,39,42,45,47 ,50,52,54,56,58,60.

Reliability scale (Sh3):

The value on this scale is calculated by the number of sign matches in the following questions: -4, +8, -12, +16, -20, +24, +28, -32, +36, +44, -48.

Interpretation of results:


You have pronounced traits of an introvert

You have moderate introvert traits

You have moderate extrovert traits

You have pronounced traits of an extrovert

extrovert: sociable, likes parties, has many friends. An extrovert craves excitement, new experiences, takes risks, acts on the spur of the moment, does not go into his pocket for a word. Extroverts are carefree, optimistic, active, quick-tempered, prefer movement and action. Their emotions and feelings are not strictly controlled, it is not always possible to rely on him.

Introvert: calm, shy, prone to introspection, prefers a book to communicate with people, reserved and distant from everyone except close people. Plans his actions in advance, does not trust sudden urges. He takes decisions seriously. He loves order in everything, controls his feelings, rarely acts aggressively, does not lose his temper. Possessing pessimism, highly appreciates moral standards.

Emotional Stability-Instability:

You have high emotional stability.

You have moderate emotional stability

You have high emotional instability

You have a very high emotional instability

emotional stability: emotional and psychological stability, maturity, excellent adaptation.

Emotional instability: emotional and psychological instability, nervousness, poor adaptation.

Reliability of answers:

Your answers were sincere

You strive to give socially approved answers, in connection with this, the reliability of the results obtained is low.

Depending on the values ​​of Sh1 and Sh2, temperament is determined:

melancholic: a person of melancholic temperament can be described as easily vulnerable, inclined to deeply experience even minor failures, but outwardly sluggishly reacting to the environment.

Choleric: a person of choleric temperament can be described as fast, impetuous, able to give himself to business with passion, but not balanced, prone to violent emotional outbursts and sudden mood swings.

sanguine: a person of sanguine temperament can be described as lively, mobile, quickly responding to surrounding events, relatively easily experiencing failures and troubles.

Phlegmatic person: a person of a phlegmatic temperament can be described as slow, unperturbed, with steady aspirations and a more or less constant mood, with a weak outward expression of mental states.

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