Beautiful compliments for a girl. A chic selection of quotes and aphorisms about beauty


Quotes and Aphorisms 06.06.2018

Dear readers, today I would like to talk to you about beauty. This topic has never been deprived of attention, so much has been said and discussed about it that it would seem very difficult to add something else. But we will try anyway. Indeed, in quotes and aphorisms about beauty, you can draw a lot of wisdom, which will never be superfluous.

A person needs beauty, his soul and look are looking for beauty in everything that surrounds him. After all, beauty is, first of all, the harmony of internal and external. human world. It is inseparable from art. Beauty gives birth to music, she is a muse for writing pictures, poems, prose. Even the Bible says that the basis of the world is beauty.

About the essence of beauty

What is beauty? Is it possible to unequivocally answer this question? Each person sees it differently. And often, in order to see real beauty, you need to be able to see not with your eyes, but with your soul. After all outer beauty so short lived. It is about this that is so subtly noticed in quotes and aphorisms about beauty.

"Beauty is eternity lasting a moment."

Albert Camus

"External purity and grace should be an expression of internal purity and beauty."

Vasily Belinsky

"There can be no beauty in what is not wisdom."

Etienne-Louis Bullet

"Only pure hearts see true beauty.

Janka Bryl

“Beauty lies not in individual features and lines, but in in general terms faces, including vital sense which appears in it.

Yakov Dobrolyubov

Janusz Korczak

“It is amazing how beauty and death, joy and decay are necessary for each other and condition each other.”

Hermann Hesse

“The appearance of things changes according to moods, and therefore we see magic and beauty in them, while magic and beauty are actually in ourselves.”

"Beauty is not in the face, beauty is the light in the heart."

Gibran Kahlil Gibran

“It is difficult to keep anger in the heart when there is so much beauty in the world. Sometimes it seems to me that I see it all, and it becomes unbearable. My heart is filled with her balloon, which is about to burst. And then I relax and stop resisting her. And it seeps through me like rain. And I feel nothing but gratitude for every moment of my stupid little life."

from the movie "American Beauty"

About female beauty

The beauty of women has been the cause of many significant events in the world. Let us recall, for example, what Troy paid for hosting the most beautiful of mortal women, Helen. How many masterpieces of world literature, music and painting have appeared due to the fact that their authors were inspired by women! The admiration and admiration for female beauty is so clearly stated in numerous quotes and aphorisms about the beauty of women.

“Looking at a beautiful woman, I can’t help but fall in love with her, I’m crazy about her. It’s like a lightning strike and lasts the same: a moment.”

Jules Renard

“A beautiful woman is listened to not so much with her ears at first, but with her eyes and an enthusiastic soul.”

Leonid S. Sukhorukov

"Beauty is also a virtue, a beautiful woman cannot have flaws."

Johann Friedrich Schiller

“Is there anything more beautiful in the world than a beautiful woman?!”

Pierre Branthom de Bourdey

"That's her custom: beauty is always right."

Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur

A woman has only one opportunity to be beautiful, but there are a hundred thousand opportunities to be attractive.”


Arthur Schopenhauer

"There are so perfect species beauty and such a brilliant dignity that people touched by her confine themselves to looking at her and talking about her.

Jean de La Bruyère

"People ceased to be animals when a man began to appreciate beauty in a woman."

Nikolay Chernyshevsky

“Only beauty conquers us with force. We are not afraid of death, we are afraid of the wrath of the dear!

Pierre Corneille

"Beautiful female legs have turned more than one page in history."

However, the beauty of a woman is not only the correct facial features, beautiful figure and expensive clothes. Oh, if everything was so simple... Even in fairy tales, beauties, in addition to external attractiveness, should also have internal ones: kindness, charm, sincerity. After all, evil cannot be beautiful. Moreover, attractiveness and youth are so short-lived ... Quotes and aphorisms about female beauty once again we are reminded of this.

“A woman is adorned with what makes her more beautiful, but it is not gold, emeralds and purple that make her so, but modesty, decency and modesty.”

“Stupid beauty is not beauty. Look at the stupid beauty, look deeply into every feature of her face, into her smile, look - her beauty will turn little by little into a striking ugliness.

Ivan Goncharov

"For beautiful lips, speak only kind words."

Audrey Hepburn

"Beauty is a queen who reigns for a very short time."

“A beauty who will not grieve wisely. The mind will invent, and beauty will get it!”

William Shakespeare

"There is beauty over which years have no power - this is the beauty of the heart."

Eastern wisdom

“I prefer to see an ugly form ten times a day, in which there is brilliance, originality and intelligence, than to see once a month a beautiful nothingness in which the soul is barren.”

Amin Reihani

“Not the beautiful one whose hand or leg is praised, but the one whose whole appearance will not allow admiring individual features.”

Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Beauty in simplicity

Simplicity, naturalness, authenticity have always gone hand in hand with the concept real beauty. Is a wild flower less beautiful than a sumptuous orchid? After all, the tinsel of jewelry only prevents you from seeing the whole essence of beauty. In quotes and aphorisms on the topic "beauty in simplicity" it is so precisely said about this.

“In character, in manners, in style, in everything beautiful is simplicity.”

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

"Beauty is like gem: the simpler it is, the more precious it is.

Francis Bacon

"Simplicity, truth and naturalness - these are the three great principles of beauty in all works of art."

Christoph Willibald Gluck

"Only that which is natural is beautiful."

François-Marie Arouet Voltaire

“Beauty is in simplicity and originality. Constant striving for perfection and therefore incompleteness.

Japanese wisdom

"Beauty in music does not lie in a heap of effects and harmonic curiosities, but in simplicity and naturalness."

Pyotr Tchaikovsky

"Beauty does not need additional decorations- most of all he is beautiful by the absence of decorations.

Johann Gottfried Herder

"Simplicity is highest form refinement."

Leonardo da Vinci

"Beauty is when there is nothing superfluous."

Fashion queen Coco Chanel on beauty

I love to reread the sayings of the great Coco Chanel. The woman who made real revolution in a world of fashion with such impeccable taste and style, there is something to be said for beauty. Coco Chanel's quotes about beauty are as concise and yet eloquent as her famous little black dress.

“When caring for beauty, one must start with the heart and soul, otherwise no cosmetics will help.”

"Not every woman is born beautiful, but if she has not become so by the age of 30, she is simply simply stupid."

"We need beauty so that men love us, and stupidity - so that we love men."

“If you were struck by the beauty of some woman, but you can’t remember what she was wearing, then she was dressed perfectly.”

“Beautiful men should not be, but there are no ugly men. There are only few flowers and warm champagne.”

"There are no ugly women, there are lazy ones."

"If you want to be beautiful - wash your hair."

“At 20 you have the face that nature gave you, at 30 you have the face that life has shaped for you, and at 50 you have the face you deserve.”

“Stupid women try to impress men by dressing eccentrically. And it scares men, they hate eccentricity. They like it when their women are looked at because they are beautiful.”

"A living thing cannot be ugly."

“Love is a science! Beauty is always a weapon! modesty - flip side elegance!"

Beauty is in the little things...

Truly happy are those people who know how to notice beauty in small things! Or maybe everything beautiful just consists of little things? One brushstroke on paper is just a stain. And the set will be beautiful picture. Quotes and aphorisms about the ability to find beauty in small things will once again remind us of this.

"Happy is he who can see beauty in ordinary things, where others see nothing."

Camille Pizarro

“There is beauty in everything, but not everyone can see it.”


"Man is beautiful in small things."

Disana Kumykova

“Until we learn to admire a person as the most beautiful and wonderful phenomenon on our planet, until then we will not be freed from the abomination and lies of our life.”

Maksim Gorky

“Perfection is in the little things. Little things make perfection, and perfection is no small thing."

Michelangelo Buonarroti

“In vain they disappear: a moonlit night, if you sleep; Beautiful places if you do not admire them; wife of a young rake.

Huang Yunjiao

"Forests teach a person to understand beauty."

Anton Chekhov

"True beauty always has a flaw."

Francis Bacon

Beauty is a terrible force

All of us, of course, are familiar with the aphorism of the brilliant Faina Ranevskaya that beauty is horrible power, which instantly became popular expression. However, the author of this statement was not highly respected Faina Georgievna. These are lines from the poem "Ugly Girl" by the poet Semyon Nadson. But it is the comic talent great actress gave this phrase an ironic expression. So, we can afford to joke about beauty.

Why are beautiful women more popular with men than smart ones?
- It is obvious! After all, there are very few blind men, and stupid men are a dime a dozen.

Faina Ranevskaya

“How can beauty save the world if it only does what requires sacrifice?”

“Loving a person for beauty is like loving chocolate for a wrapper.”

« Beautiful woman pleases male eye, ugly - feminine.

"Beauty requires sacrifice. But more often it requires money.

“- Tell me, what is more important in a girl: intelligence or beauty?
- Smart question.
"Beautiful answer..."

"Only by marrying a beautiful woman does a man understand that beauty requires sacrifice."

"There is no harder job than trying to look beautiful from eight in the morning until midnight."

Brigitte Bardot

“If you introduce a tax on female beauty, no state will have problems with the budget.”

Boris Trushkin

“The survey showed that Russian women are the most beautiful. Only Russian women were interviewed.”

"Beauty can be compared to layer cake: layer - good genes, layer - care, layer - a good wardrobe, layer - manners, layer - charm.

About the beauty of the soul

Initially, the soul of every person is pure and beautiful. And then it depends on us how long it will retain its light and purity. Will we be able not to accumulate in it the negative that accompanies us in adulthood? In quotes and aphorisms about the beauty of the soul and about inner beauty their value and importance for a person is so aptly noted.

“To be beautiful does not mean to be born to them,
After all, we can learn beauty.
When a man is beautiful in soul -
What appearance can compare with her?

Omar Khayyam

“The true beauty of the soul has a striking property: they see it even in extreme old age, admire it and appreciate it, because unlike bodily beauty, it never fades.”

"No outward beauty can be complete unless it is enlivened by inner beauty."

“Outer beauty is even more precious when it covers the inner. The book, whose golden clasps close the golden content, acquires special respect.

William Shakespeare

“Everything that you look at with love seems beautiful.”

Christian Morgenstern

“Spiritual beauty is infinitely more beautiful than all others, and therefore bodies, being only shadows of existence, must have a charm that speaks of spiritual beauty. This type of beauty belongs to nature and surpasses the art created by man.

Jonathan Edwards

Marsilio Ficino

Makeup and beauty

Every woman wants to look attractive and fresh. One of the main assistants in this difficult task is, of course, cosmetics and makeup. The whole meaning of this art, in which women have achieved perfection, is reflected in quotes and aphorisms about makeup and beauty.

"Beautiful women have two weapons - makeup and tears."

"There are no beautiful women: there are ugly and well-made up."

In the State Tretyakov Gallery among the paintings of the great masters of art, there is a portrait of a beautiful young woman in a red dress. The French artist Henri Francois Riesener, a student of one of the founders of neoclassicism, his famous compatriot Jacques Louis David, easily painted a portrait of the young princess Varvara Sergeevna Dolgorukova.
A stately, brown-eyed woman with a heavy dark brown braid in a high hairstyle, with open eyes, in which softness and kindness are read ... a gentle half-smile, charm - all this inspired Rizener to create a memorable image of a young, Russian aristocrat. Princess Varvara Ilyinichna Turkestanova, the maid of honor of Empress Maria Feodorovna, wrote about her in 1815: “The young Princess Dolgorukova is charming, charming as an angel, she is witty, mischievous and moderately capricious. Her behavior is impeccable, and although she has many admirers, she keeps them at a respectful distance. Born in their happy marriage, daughter Varya, named after her mother, will in the future become the wife of the Moscow Governor-General Vladimir Andreevich Dolgorukov and give the world another Varvara - the mother of the last palace commandant of Nicholas II - Vladimir Nikolaevich Voeikov - he will inherit from Dolgorukov's maternal line Penza estate Kamenka. Yes, and her son looked more like Dolgorukovs in appearance ...
Vasily Vasilyevich Dolgorukov was so deeply in love with his future wife that he yielded even to her whim. A difficult choice stood in front of him on the way with a strong wall, either marriage or military career. Varvara Gagarina was more impregnable than the fortress of Brailov, in the capture of which Dolgorukov distinguished himself in the Turkish company, and only when the prince left military service, Varvarushka's heart softened, and how could she resist such a handsome man? Both of them were worth each other and nobility, and appearance, and good-heartedness, and the fortune of the Dolgorukovs was multiplied by the dowry of Varvara Sergeevna. Vasily Vasilyevich was a good entrepreneur, quickly promoted, became the chief master of the horse in the reign of Nicholas I, vice-president of the free economic society. On his estate in Penza lands- Kamenka Dolgorukov made his wife the owner of a cloth factory.
Vasily Vasilyevich Dolgorukov, the grandson of Prince Dolgorukov-Krymsky, who defeated the seventy-thousandth army of Khan Selim III Girey and seized the Crimea, could not help but have many virtues, and how could he have been different, having grown up in a happy marriage of his father Vasily Dolgorukov and Ekaterina Dolgorukova, nee Baryatinsky, a lady of state, a cavalry lady who sparkled both in Russian society and at the court of Napoleon during the disgrace of her family ... The salon of the Russian beauty Dolgorukova was visited by the whole world of French society - the writer and playwright Laharpe, the poet and translator Abbé Delisle, the historian and diplomat Count Segur , the artist Marie Vigée-Librun painted it in the image of the Sibyl (soothsayer). Later, the artist recalled her: “... Her beauty struck me: her features were strictly classical, with an admixture of something Jewish, especially in the profile; long dark brown hair fell over her shoulders; her waist was amazing, and in her whole person there was as much nobility as grace. In the picture of the master of the ceremonial portrait Johann Baptiste Lampi, Ekaterina Dolgorukova appeared in the image of Hebe, the goddess of eternal youth and beauty. Ekaterina Dolgorukova assigned her sons to the University of Strasbourg. The young mother of Vasily Dolgorukov was worshiped by Catherine's favorite Grigory Alexandrovich Potemkin, and Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration, who served as an orderly to her husband, was her friend. Ekaterina Fedorovna in Bagration correctly identified a nugget of indomitable breed, who, if he put on his uniform, would be the first to meet him either with a bullet or glory. Therefore, for the military career, Ekaterina Fedorovna entrusted her eldest son Vasily to the reliable hands of her mentor Pyotr Ivanovich, who immediately warned her - “Friendship and kinship are gone from me. And the duty and the oath are holy and inviolable "...
The young prince Dolgorukov did not look for the soul in his lovely wife and did not refuse her anything. The couple lived in harmony. Varvara Sergeevna was a sensitive nature, a caring, gentle mother and a very good-natured woman. Varvara, having received an education at the Moscow Catherine's Institute for Noble Maidens, aimed at the cult of family virtues, tried to follow them in the upbringing of her children. During her studies at the institute, Varvara Gagarina became friends with the sister of the future Decembrist Alexander Petrovich Belyaev. Parting, the girls swore to each other that if one of them got married, he would certainly come for a friend who, if possible, would not be separated from her. And so it was fate that the estate, in which Varvara Sergeevna's friend, Ekaterina, lived, was not far from Kamenka, next to Chembar in the village of Ershovo, which belonged to the Minister of Public Education, Count Alexei Kirillovich Razumovsky. Varvara Sergeevna's friend was half an orphan, her father, an untitled nobleman, St. George Knight and Freemason, collegiate adviser Pyotr Gavrilovich Belyaev, died suddenly after extinguishing a fire in a rural church. Once, when he was in the bathhouse and was steaming hard, they came running to say that there was a fire in the village and he was close to the control house. Pyotr Gavrilovich dressed hastily and straight from the bath to hard frost rode to the fire and, disposing of the extinguishing, caught a cold and fell ill. Before his death, the manager said goodbye to the family and comforting his wife said: "Do not cry, my friend, God will not leave them." These words of firm faith were, as it were, prophetic. Count Razumovsky did not leave his wife in trouble true friend and manager Pyotr Belyaev, gave him 10,000 rubles to his widow, which was then a significant amount. An order was also given to give accommodation in one of the count's houses to her family, male and female servants, all food, carriage and horses for trips until the end of her life. The same situation with the death of Count Alexei Kirillovich was approved by his son and heir Pyotr Alekseevich Razumovsky, so that the Belyaevs' mother, the Swedish noblewoman Charlotte Verenius, lived in Ershovo until the end of her days and was buried in the same grave with her husband Pyotr Gavrilovich Belyaev at the altar of Troitskaya churches.
Brother Katenka Belyaeva - Sashenka, Count Razumovsky intended to assign to the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, thanks to the count, this outstanding center of education appeared, which gave Pushkin to Russia. But fate will decide otherwise. In July 1813, Varvara Sergeevna Dolgorukova sent a letter from Kamenka with a courier, announcing her arrival. And soon a lot of carriages were pulled along the rural road of Ershovo. A young beautiful woman got out of the carriage that had stopped in the yard and threw herself into the arms of Katenka Belyaeva. Prince Vasily Vasilyevich arrived with his beloved wife and left the carriage after her. So, the former pupil of the Catherine Institute kept her promise, she came to take her beloved friend with her. Charlotte Verenius was in disarray, the Dolgorukovs kidnapped her daughter, and together with her, with great difficulty, begged to let go of the eldest son of the Belyaevs, Sasha, promising to replace his parents. So the future Decembrist Alexander Belyaev first appeared in Moscow. The capital made an indelible impression on the eleven-year-old child. The boy was taken for a walk around the city destroyed after the Napoleonic invasion by the servants of the prince and among different stories, told Alexander how, during the Battle of Borodino, they saw George the Victorious on a white horse, encouraging Russian soldiers ...
In autumn, the Dolgorukovs moved to the Poluektovo estate near Moscow, where the prince started building new houses for his peasants who had suffered during the war. During the invasion of the French, the families were forced to take refuge in the forests, from where they returned to their ashes. Dolgorukov ordered to give his peasants free timber, food and seeds for sowing. The large manor's house was ruined, it took a lot of time to restore the ruined economy, so they temporarily settled in the manager's house.
For the young princess Varvara Sergeevna, so that she would not be bored, Vasily Vasilyevich invited the domestic jester Ivan Savelich Salnikov, the former serf of the Khovansky princes, already at the beginning of the 19th century he received his freedom and stayed with one or another "fan".
Contemporaries then said about Salnikov that Ivan Savelyich was actually very clever, and he sometimes joked so cleverly that not everyone witty man would be able to come up with such funny and funny jokes. The circle of aristocratic acquaintances of Ivan Savelich was so great that in 1812, before the occupation of Moscow, Governor General Rostopchin instructed him to deliver patriotic posters around the city. Savelich was a rogue. He could bribe the maid and find out from her the secrets of the lady. And then he came to the mistress, guessed on coffee and beans and was very perspicacious! But little Sasha Belyaev was a terrible mischief-maker and himself played a joke on Ivan Savelich. One of these jokes almost cost Savelich his life when, during a walk, a boy teasing a jester ran out onto the thin ice of a frozen pond and the old man chasing him fell waist-deep into ice water and was able to get out only with the help of a servant. Seeing this scene, Varvara Sergeevna was very frightened, and she could not be worried in her position, at that time she was expecting her first child, but fortunately everything worked out. It was not the head-washing from the elder sister and the expectation of severe punishment from the prince that became a terrible disappointment for the boy, no, Sasha was worried with pain in his soul that the most beautiful Varvara Sergeevna did not want to talk to him for a long time. In the evenings, the prince, Katenka Belyaeva, Sashenka, Ivan Savelich, and the two maids often played hide and seek. Varvara Sergeevna at that time was sitting aside
and laughed heartily at what was happening ...
In January, the Dolgorukovs moved to St. Petersburg to a house on the corner of the English Embankment and the Kryukov Canal. Although the house was open for visits high society, holidays and balls, Prince Dolgorukov rarely gave, since Varvara Sergeevna did not like large magnificent gatherings and very rarely went to the court, but when she was going to the ball, she always called young Sasha Belyaev to look at her outfit and laughed heartily, seeing his admiration.
The whole world has been in the Dolgorukovs' house high society, Minister of Foreign Affairs Karl Nesselrode - daughter's husband cousin Varvara Sergeevna Maria Guryeva, whose mother was married to a member of the State Council, Count Dmitry Aleksandrovich Guryev, the future Minister of Finance. The illustrious general of 1812, Mikhail Andreevich Miloradovich, was also a frequent visitor to the Dolgorukovs' house. Vasily Dolgorukov served as his adjutant in the Moldavian company and almost died, falling into a deep well in the dark and, by a lucky chance, the prince was pulled out then by soldiers passing by.
When Vasily Dolgorukov bought a house on the Gagarin pier, his mother, Ekaterina Fedorovna, who took part in the upbringing of her grandchildren, settled with him. Here, in this house, the childhood and happy youth of the Belyaev brothers - Alexander and his younger brother- Peter, for whom Vasily Vasilyevich went two years later, visiting his estates. In St. Petersburg, their sisters also lived in the house of the Dolgorukovs - Ekaterina and later arrived Elizabeth. After some time, the third sister of the Belyaevs also came to visit ...
In the summer, the Dolgorukovs moved to their dacha on Kamenny Island. They also lived in a dacha on Elagin Island, where one day Varvara Sergeevna decided to crown a hero with a laurel wreath patriotic war, Count Miloradovich, who was invited to dinner. Music played at dinner regimental band. The conversation was the liveliest. They remembered the war, victories, Russian generosity and the sovereign - the emperor was one of the main and most interesting items conversation. It was noisy, fun, lively, despite the length of the sumptuous dinner. In order to fulfill the idea of ​​the princess, a laurel tree was found in advance and a wreath was arranged from its leaves, instead of the ring used in the game of serso.
When they noisily got up from the table and went out onto the terrace, Varvara Sergeevna suggested that Miloradovich play serso with her; he immediately obeyed, but instead of a stick, not seeing her, he hastily took out his sword in the sheath and prepared to catch. The wreath flew; the hero, unfamiliar with the game, barely had time to catch him, but nevertheless caught him, there was a loud cheer, glasses rose, the music began to march and the hero, amazed at the unexpected turn of the game, holding Laurel wreath, touched to the depths of his soul, knelt before the princess and kissed her hand. Since the wreath had just been caught by him and was already falling, he said:
- How I would deceive your generous intention, princess, if I dropped the wreath with which you were pleased to crown me! And Varvara Sergeevna answered: - If he had not hit your sword, then, of course, he would have fallen right on your head! ..
Belyaev recalled this moment: “Yes, it was a true triumph of the hero. I am sure that during the ancient tournaments and knightly duels there was no beauty higher than the princess, beauty, intelligence, courtesy and the charm that she possessed. It was a wonderful creature, for one affectionate glance of which there was no feat that a true knight would not have dared to do ... What a hero must have felt, crowned with the hand of such a woman! And the pupil himself, Dolgorukov, Alexander Belyaev, fondly recalled the moments when, as a faithful page, he carried the shawl or umbrella of the beautiful Varvara Sergeevna during a walk. Varvara Sergeevna was only nine years older than her pupil and was more suitable for his sister, but the young woman felt great maternal affection for him. For young Sasha, the princess became the ideal of a woman, main virtue which was mercy. She truly had an angelic heart - the princess supported many of the poor with her pensions, not wanting to be famous, instructed Alexander Belyaev to write and rewrite lists of those whom she constantly helped. When Varvara Sergeevna first saw the matured Sasha in a uniform with golden epaulettes, she smiled and said: - Well, now, I will not call you Sashenka, but Alexander Petrovich, - These words hurt his heart, and the uniform was so hated to him at that moment , if only to listen to her affectionate appeal to him as before! ..
Choice educational institution for the pupil of Varvara Dolgorukova was made by Vasily Vasilyevich. After the luxury of a princely home, a measured and sweet life, Sasha plunged into an unfamiliar life with harsh military discipline, drill and rods in the Cadet Naval Corps, only during the holidays the boy lived with the Dolgorukovs. The same fate soon befell his younger brother Peter. Of course, Dolgorukov believed that there was no better service than serving the Fatherland, because once, by the will of fate, he abandoned his beloved work for the sake of his beloved woman, but his pupils should grow up to be real men, and the prince had no doubts about that.
Alexander Belyaev will live long life, but until the end of his days, his soul was tormented by remorse for participating in the December turmoil of 1825, awareness of the perniciousness of the ideas of the revolution, which turn a person into a beast, depriving him of God, altars, family, everything holy and noble, arousing him to self-destruction:
“I know that death awaits
The one who rises first
On the oppressors of the people, -
Fate has already doomed me.
But where, tell me when was
Is freedom redeemed without sacrifice?
The lines of the poem "literary general" Kondraty Ryleev "Nalivaiko" then had a great effect on the heated minds of inexperienced youth. Belyaev repented of the death of his killed colleagues, and many of them died on Senate Square in St. Petersburg on December 14, 1825, 103 people of the Guards crew were killed, 62 sailors were arrested and sent to the Peter and Paul Fortress.
The illustrious General Miloradovich, who was once crowned with a wreath by Varvara Sergeevna, dear to her heart, who escaped injury in more than fifty battles, received two wounds that day, one of which turned out to be fatal - a bullet shot in the back and the second - a bayonet from his compatriots. Before his death, the general bequeathed to give freedom to his peasants, which was fulfilled.
The former Decembrist Belyaev was not prepared for the fate of a conspirator, Empress Maria Feodorovna was his godmother and provided a pension for the widow of the Knight of St. George, who named her son in honor of Emperor Alexander, because he was his idol.
Alexander Belyaev regretted that the departure of Princess Dolgorukova abroad took place before the epoch on December 14, 1825. The prince at this time was very busy with the service. And if Varvara Sergeevna were in Petersburg at that time, then for the most part the conversations that so inflamed the young Decembrists might not have taken place, because most the brothers would spend time at the Dolgoruky. During this period, the Belyaevs paid rare visits to Anna Mikhailovna Parisot, the tutor of the Dolgorukovs' daughters, Maria and Varvara. She was a well-educated woman, condescending, and at the same time with strict rules, with elegant methods of handling, she was not just a friend and governess, she replaced the mother of the little Dolgorukov sisters.
The princess dreamed that, after graduating from the Naval Corps, her pupil Alexander Petrovich Belyaev would remain to serve in St. Petersburg, in the Guards naval crew and fussed about this with the military authorities.
The sovereign, who received petitions for a young officer with different sides, having learned that he was asking for Varvara Dolgorukov, to whom he was not indifferent, he ordered Belyaev to be appointed to the Guards crew. Dreams about the future of Alexander and his brother Peter were connected with America, but the choice for them was made by Varvara Sergeevna, who did not know what consequences this would lead to.
So Alexander Petrovich Belyaev remained in St. Petersburg and met among the guards people who infected revolutionary ideas not only himself, but also his younger brother Peter, who at the age of 18 already had his first high award- St. Vladimir for the courage shown in saving people during a severe flood in St. Petersburg on November 7, 1824.
The Belyaevs continued to visit the Dolgorukovs' house until the 1825 uprising. When the inevitable happened, Alexander considered that his guardians would never forgive his participation in these bloody events. But the Dolgorukovs did not turn away from their pupils. Their named mother Varvara Sergeevna Dolgorukova did not turn away from the brothers, as then in childhood, she did not turn away from the eleven-year-old boy who ran out onto the thin ice of the pond in Poluektovo, who did not understand then that he had almost ruined several lives, not only of a worthless, old rogue, but he almost drowned himself ...
IN investigative case Decembrists reported that Alexander Belyaev, who was a supporter of republican rule, shared the opinion that it was necessary to exterminate the reigning family. What mental anguish was worth making the inexperienced decide to participate in the conspiracy young man? How deeply wrong he was then!
When the Decembrist brothers imprisoned in the fortress were brought two huge baskets with sugar, tea and a large amount of sugar crackers and buns, they could not believe their eyes - this heartbroken Varvara Sergeevna took care of her unfortunate pupils. She, not connected by blood ties with young people sentenced to hard labor, was not allowed to see them. How dear she was to Alexander! She turned out to be so dear to him that few of the blood could compare with her. Before leaving for Siberia, the 200 rubles transferred to Dolgorukova were given to the courier for travel expenses ...
Perhaps these events connected with the December uprising influenced the fact that Varvara Sergeevna in last years life moved away from her husband and the world? .. The princess died out early, having lived on earth for only forty years, at a time when the Belyaev brothers were just released from the Petrovsky plant in Siberia to the settlement. Only 8 years remained before their release. From their sisters, the Belyaevs learned that Varvara Dolgorukova, as a true Christian, bequeathed to bury herself in a simple coffin, without a magnificent funeral, and many simple, poor people whom she helped came to see her off. last way. The widowed Vasily Vasilyevich Dolgorukov often provided financial support to the Belyaev brothers. In 1833, thanks to his petition, they were allowed to go as privates to the Caucasus.
Alexander Belyaev in 1846, due to illness, retired with the rank of second lieutenant, he was allowed to live in Samara, and also temporarily allowed to visit Moscow. In Samara, the Belyaev brothers managed to organize a partnership for the construction of a tugboat. At that time, shipping in Russia was just beginning and "Samara" (as the Belyaevs called their ship) was the second ship on the Volga.
In the winter of 1847, Alexander and Pyotr Belyaevs will visit their native places again, they will visit Kamenka in the estate of the unforgettable Varvara Sergeevna, from where she came to take them to St. Petersburg. All his life will be connected with the Dolgorukov family future life. For sixteen years he will serve on the estate that belonged to the spouse of Maria Vasilievna Dolgorukova, Lev Kirillovich Naryshkin, in the Balashovsky district of the Saratov province.
The beauty of the young daughter of Varvara Vasilievna will be written in her diary by Dolly Ficquelmont, wife of the Austrian envoy and hostess literary salon- "... a wonderful face of rare beauty, a beautiful profile, regular and delicate features, very lively beautiful black eyes and black hair ..." In 1856, Belyaev for the first time after for long years links will visit St. Petersburg. On this trip, he will introduce his wife to Prince Vasily Vasilyevich Dolgorukov, who obliged him to show him his wife without fail. Alexander Belyaev will also see the daughter of Varvara Sergeevna, who, unfortunately, by that time was suffering mental illness. Maria Vasilievna, the mother of the young Naryshkins, whose estates were managed by Belyaev, lived in the same house with her father, after she was taken from Bonn by the will of the Sovereign, where she was being treated. Although she was still not fully conscious after her illness, she received Alexander Belyaev very affectionately. Did Maria Vasilievna look like her mother, her former pupil did not write anything about this ...
This is the story of the brush portrait french artist. Looking at the appearance of the beautiful princess, one involuntarily recalls the lines of Yevgeny Baratynsky:
"There's something about her that more beautiful beauty,
What does not speak with feelings - with the soul;
There is something in her over the heart autocratic
earthly love and the delights of the earth.
Like a sweet memory,
How cute is the light native star yours
Some kind of charm
At her feet and under her protection.”
More beautiful than Varvara Dolgorukova's beauty was an angelic heart and kind soul, therefore, her pupil Alexander Belyaev kept her bright image in his memory until the end of his life ...

So much value is attached to attractiveness because it is multifaceted. And each side of it reveals not only this quality in itself, but also its strength and capabilities. And all this is perfectly reflected in quotes about beauty. They say: about the prettyness of the girl; and the splendor of nature; about the grace of such feelings as love.

The collection of phrases about beauty collected on our website is so magnificent that it resembles a pearl necklace, where each quote is a priceless bead sparkling with its sincerity. And it is the aphorisms about beauty that say what this quality is capable of.

Let one of the great women string the first pearl into a necklace. They say that it belongs to the sonorous and sharp phrase: “ beauty terrible power". Cute and charming girls, take this quote about female beauty as a compliment, and wind up your mustache, what a treasure you own!

It is in your power to fall in love and conquer. Beauty is such a terrible force that stories are known, like knightly duels and noble duels, as well as wars dedicated specifically to her. Legends were written about the beauty of a woman, odes were dedicated to her, and pictorial masterpieces were written. And at the same time, a special power is stored in its simplicity and bewitching magic.

A girl should have two things are beautiful - this is the Look and the Lips, because with a look she can fall in love, and with her lips she can prove that she loves.
Marilyn Monroe

Taking care of beauty you have to start with the heart and soul, otherwise no cosmetics will help.
Coco Chanel There is beauty over which the years have no power, is the beauty of the heart.
Eastern wisdom A woman who is firmly convinced in its beauty, will be able in the end to convince everyone else of it.
Sophia Loren The voice of beauty sounds quiet: it penetrates only the most sensitive ears.
Nietzsche Friedrich Beauty is in everything but not everyone can see it.
Confucius If you are capable to see the beautiful, it is only because you carry the beautiful within yourself. For the world is like a mirror in which everyone sees his own reflection.
Coelho Paulo

in man everything should be fine: the face, and the clothes, and the soul, and thoughts.
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

To each its beautiful.
Why else can you say that beauty is a terrible force? Think of a young man in love. It seems that set a goal for him, and the beauty of a woman will give him confidence in the attainability of any goal. He is ready for any act and even a feat.

And the statements about the beauty of nature show another facet of this quality. We are all amazed by the incredible scenery. The island is charming, shrouded in the mystery of the commonwealth of azure water and cloudy sky, here we observe complete harmony. But there is something mesmerizing in both the storm and the rain. All these phenomena of nature are perceived by man as evidence that it has great power. And therein lies its greatness.

beautiful birds sing worse than others. The same applies to people. In a pretentious style, you should not look for a deep thought.
Lichtenberg Georg Christoph

Beauty is not in the face beauty is the light in the heart.
Gibran Kahlil Gibran To create beauty you have to be pure in heart.
Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka ...Poetry not only in verses: it is spilled everywhere, it is around us. Look at these trees, at this sky - beauty and life breathe from everywhere, and where there is beauty and life, there is poetry.
Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev Pretty Woman must be neat and coquettish in the morning and shine in household chores, like a new coin among a pile of garbage.
Jules Renard To be loved, it is best to be beautiful. But to be beautiful, you have to be loved.”
Françoise Sagan
Man strives for everything elegant. Why? Because it gives positive emotions. This is what many aphorisms about beauty are about. Short sayings great and famous politicians, philosophers, businessmen and creative people and in themselves are magnificent, like pearls on a crystal string, but reflections on aphorisms about the beauty of a woman bring pleasant feelings.

Sometimes quotes about female beauty imbued with subtle humour. Just a little bit of irony does not hurt to admire the truly worthwhile things, about which the greatest people of the world were expressed with admiration and reverence. This is a tribute to what all the inhabitants of the Earth recognize, and it is clear to everyone.

God created women beautiful so that men can love them, and stupid so that they can love men.
Faina Ranevskaya

Don't have a hundred rubles, but have two breasts!
Faina Ranevskaya If you have crooked legs- wear a deep neckline.
Christian Dior Beautiful woman eye- paradise, for the soul - hell, and for the pocket - purgatory.
Bernard Fontenel There is no harder work than trying to look beautiful from eight in the morning until midnight.
Brigitte Bardot For a woman, beauty is more important mind, because it is easier for a man to look than to think.
Marlene Dietrich
Is there a standard for perfection? Many peoples and cultures in different times perceived the beauty of women differently. Someone was attracted by natural grace when a girl is naturally irresistible. Others advocate that you need to work on appearance. And then cosmetics come into play, Gym And healthy eating. Therefore, there is a place for one more pearl on our “necklace”. These are quotes about makeup and its power of transformation.

Whatever the standards, we will always be attracted not only by appearance and picture, but also by kindness, breadth and sincerity of the soul. This also reflects the principle: it is important what kind of person is inside. If it is truly worthwhile, then it enchants with its purity, and the impact is enormous.

The beauty of a woman grows with her years.
Audrey Hepburn
Let's remember Dostoevsky's phrase beauty will save the world. The bottom line is that in front of a subtle and elegant, be it a person, a natural phenomenon, or something else endowed with this quality, it is impossible to do anything wrong. As if this splendor has a mission - to bring good to people. And statements about female beauty in this vein just show that we all want to have a motive, strength and a model of true perfection.

Like pearls, which, when examined, turn out to be more luxurious and more flawless, the words of great people have deep meaning. They are worth reading, memorizing and sharing. In the expression about incomparable women, there is always a deeper meaning than it seems at first glance. That is why our pearl collection is ready to give its wisdom and magical brilliance to every visitor of our entertainment site.

Trying to spend as little time as possible at the computer, I spent one of Saturday evenings reading a volume of poems "Love Lyrics of Russian Poets". Yet the divine creation is a woman. I am publishing here some selections from the volume of how poets wrote about women. It is impossible not to admire! .. us women;)

Baratynsky's friends about his beloved:

"Baratynsky writes to us that he got married, his bride is a young lady of 23 years old, bad-looking and sentimental, but in general a very kind person, madly in love with Eugene ..."
CM. Delvig. From a letter to A.N. Karelina. May 4, 1826

"You know that your Yevgeny wanted to continue and marry my neighbor Engelhard, an amiable, intelligent and kind girl, but not elegiac in appearance. I heartily fell in love and respected Baratynsky. The more you rub it, the better and stronger it smells."
P.A. Vyazemsky. From a letter to A.S. Pushkin. May 10, 1826

Baratynsky about her:
There is something in her that beauty is more beautiful,
What does not speak with feelings - with the soul;
There is something in her over the heart autocratic
Earthly love and earthly charms.

Like a sweet memory,
Like the sweet light of your native star
Some kind of charm
To her feet and under her protection.

When you are with her, your dreams are unclear,
She is an obscure mistress:
You do not think - and only beautiful
Your soul is full of presence.

Do you wander on the return road,
Separated from her, - to your deserted corner,
You are full of an immense dream,
You are full of mysterious longing.

"If happiness has turned its back on you, do not be discouraged, dare and turn it as you need it," says one of the seven wise men of Greece; this is true - and a wonderful lesson to earthly people. This is what I experienced recently. Voeikova came here the other day. Do you remember? A beautiful woman: how educated, how intelligent and how purely charming - even for the most discerning taste! you surely know what her husband is like: a scoundrel, a filthy and vile one; despite this, no one heard a word from her that she did not love him, that she married him involuntarily, meanwhile, everyone knows this: isn’t she a beautiful, divine woman!
N.M. Languages ​​from a letter to P.M. Yazykov March 11, 1825. / Dorpat /


Will I ever forget you
I created by you? Are you not
The first songs inspired me,
They showed me the way,
And taught the heart to beat?
I keep in my soul
inexplicable, alive
Memories of past days
Memories are golden.
Then for you I called,
For you loved the goddess of singing;
For you deeds of inspiration
I wanted to be exalted;
And bright - awakened by you,
Beautiful, strong and sacred -
His fire burned in me.
Like waves, rose, interfered,
Played fast dreams;
As an image of the waves, their beauty,
Their height and strength changed -
And I was full of god
Mighty rise up to the ideal,
And sweet words
Like pearls, memory gained.
Then I waited... but where are they,
My captivating days
Rapture fiery power
And the thirst for glorious work?
Everything disappeared - I forgot
My high star
I appeal to you: no inspiration
I'm bored in the field of being;
Let my genius awaken
Let me feel who I am!

Fet A. A. - "On a blessed day"

On a blessed day when I strive with my soul
To the blissful world of love, goodness and beauty,
The memory brings before me
Irresistible traits.

Kneeling before the sweet shadow,
In tears of prayer I will revive my heart
And I will tremble again, enlightened by you, I
But I won't name you.

And my secret sweet soul is restless;
When will earthly existence end,
The angel of meekness and sadness will respond to me
In your tender name.

A.S. Pushkin:
TO ***

I remember wonderful moment:
You appeared before me
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.

In the languor of hopeless sadness
In the anxieties of noisy bustle,
A gentle voice sounded to me for a long time
And dreamed of cute features.

Years passed. Storms gust rebellious
Scattered old dreams
And I forgot your gentle voice
Your heavenly features.

In the wilderness, in the darkness of confinement
My days passed quietly
Without a god, without inspiration,
No tears, no life, no love.

The soul has awakened:
And here you are again
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.

And the heart beats in rapture
And for him they rose again
And deity, and inspiration,
And life, and tears, and love

"She" Yevgeny Baratynsky

There is something in her that beauty is more beautiful,
What does not speak with feelings - with the soul;
There is something in her over the heart autocratic
Earthly love and earthly charms.

Like a sweet memory,
Like the sweet light of your native star,
Some kind of charm
To her feet and under her protection.

When you're with her, your dreams are unclear
She is an obscure mistress:
You do not think - and only beautiful
Your soul is full of presence.

Do you wander on the return road,
Separated from her, into your deserted corner -
You are full of an immense dream,
You are full of mysterious longing.

Analysis of Baratynsky's poem "She"

The marriage changed Baratynsky's lifestyle: over time, he moved away from noisy friendly companies and focused on settling family and economic affairs. The work, created in 1826-1827, is dedicated to Anastasia Lvovna, the young wife of the author.

What is the chosen one of the lyrical "I"? The text lacks the details of her portrait - both external and psychological. The character traits of the heroine can only be judged indirectly. The theme of the work is the feelings of a lover, who describes his own impressions, born of communication with a sweetheart.

The female image is poeticized, and its high nature is said without any preface, in the first line of the beginning. A resolutely tuned lyrical subject elevates his chosen one to the top, leaving below the usual earthly categories of beauty, love, charm. In the same episode, the motive of the heroine's special power arises - powerful, but gentle and soothing.

The original motif is developed in the following quatrains. The two comparisons characterize the power of attraction, which is like an unforgettable memory or the "sweet light" of a star. Traditional romantic theme worship acquires a rather unexpected detail: it turns out that the company of the bride brings a sense of security, calmness to the lyrical "I".

Depicting the elusive sensations of a soul in love, the poet refuses to give precise characteristics or analyze the causes of his condition. He refers to intentionally vague assessments: “something”, “something”, “obscure”. Many of them act as lexical anaphora.

The second part of the short text is built on the antithesis. Two lyrical situations are reproduced here, reflecting the emotions of the hero “with her” and “without her”. In the first case, the soul enjoys a "beautiful presence". The rational principle, which contradicts the problems of the poem, is still denied. This tendency is expressed by the formula "You don't think". Loneliness and despondency are the lot of the groom, separated from his beloved. He lives with memories, dreams and "mysterious longing".

The image of the faithful companion, the guardian angel of the rebellious poet, appears in late work“When, child, and passions and doubts ...” The heroine is endowed miraculous gift: her love can transform art space"wild hell" to heaven. Expressive Characteristics female image are based on the oxymoron: "brave and meek", "holy and tender".

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