Literary example of victory and defeat. Composition on the topic of victory and defeat


What can be considered a victory and what a defeat? Victory is expressed, as a rule, in the superiority of one side over the other. The struggle can unfold both in the soul of one person, and between individuals or groups. Of course, it is most common to talk about victories and defeats when it comes to confronting armies on the battlefield. The criteria for the superiority of one army over another, on the one hand, are material, territorial and human losses, on the other hand, one army would not go against another if the masses of people that make up this army opposed common purpose war and the orders of the commanders-in-chief. It turns out that the results of battles can also be considered from two sides: physical and spiritual. In spiritual terms, the battle is like a clash of two elements. In the midst of a battle, elemental force cannot be controlled from above, just as it is impossible for a person to subdue raging waves. I realized that it is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of victory or defeat by reading the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace".

The text of the novel shows many battles, but the most important are the battles of Austerlitz and Borodino. Austerlitz is the first significant battle in the war with the Napoleonic army. It was lost by the Russians, although, if we compare the numerical strength of the armies, the advantage was precisely on their side. However, the Russian army, having lost an unthinkable number of people, fled, giving the French a brilliant victory. Why? I think that such a large crowd of people, like an army, is like an element. United by one goal, one mood, thousands of soldiers represent a kind of huge mechanism, a single being, no longer subject to the will of one or two great, but insignificant in comparison with the greatness of the army of people. Great commanders can influence the army only when the goals and mood of these people coincide with the general spirit of the army. In "War and Peace" L.N. Tolstoy shows that under Austerlitz there was discord among the top commanders because of the presence of Emperor Alexander I. This discord was transmitted, as if through arteries, to all masses of soldiers. Uninspired, unencouraged, not understanding the meaning of the upcoming battle, at the first hesitation, the troops fled. Without a clear goal, without a clear thought and a single mood with the spirit of the army, what happens with a wave that stumbles upon an underwater high and impassable rock: the strength of the spirit of the army crumbled into spray. The outnumbered French defeated the Russians who lost to them by fortitude.

The culmination of the novel, in which the author loves his "folk thought", is undoubtedly battle of Borodino, to whom L.N. Tolstoy devoted twenty chapters. To understand "the mockery of this battle over all the laws of war", one should remember under what conditions it was given and to what consequences it led. The retreating Russian army, losing one battle after another to the French, retreated to Moscow. It was impossible to surrender the capital without a fight, and Lermontov wrote about this in the poem “Borodino”:

If it weren't for God's will,

They wouldn't give up Moscow!

Kutuzov was forced to order a battle, regardless of the conditions of the terrain and the readiness of the army. However, despite external unfavorable conditions, in Russians, close to the heart of Russia, that “hidden warmth of patriotism” rises and grows, which so admires foreigners (including Napoleon) and which they involuntarily fear. According to all the laws of war, the defeat of the Russian army near Borodino is unique in that this defeat manifested itself not in the retreat of the army, but in huge losses on the battlefield. The battle lasted all day, from dawn to dusk (according to Tolstoy, he shows the battle in the sun and under the sun), and the initially warlike mood French army gradually gave way to surprise, for the more the Russians lost, the more resolutely they fought. After describing the battle, Tolstoy formulates the conclusion: "The moral victory was won by the Russians near Borodino." And I see no reason to disagree with the great writer: so defeat became victory. After the imaginary victory of the Napoleonic troops on the Borodino field, the French, having occupied Moscow, soon flee from it, which contradicts the laws of war and the banal logic of an ordinary person, if he does not admit that the battle was fought not only with weapons, but also with the spiritual strength of the troops. Wave inner strength the French army rolled over and ... crashed, bumping into an invisible, but majestic and insurmountable rock of the spirit of the Russian people. Scattered streams of the French army reach Moscow and already completely crumble there. Tolstoy writes that instead of organized replenishment of provisions, re-equipping the army, the French plunder Moscow and loot it. This fact also indicates that, despite the capture of the capital, which, according to all the laws of war, implies victory over the enemy, the elemental strength of the French is broken and gradually dissipates like a wave breaking into drops.

Thus, we can conclude that not every victory is in fact unconditional. Often, defeat becomes victory. If you look objectively at the outcome of the Battle of Borodino, it turns out that as a result, the Russians retreated and surrendered Moscow. It is necessary to restore historical justice and recognize that Napoleon won. This recognition does not detract from the glory of the Russian army, which, having lost the battle, managed to win the Patriotic War of 1812. "Cudgel people's war”, as L.N. Tolstoy, "rose ... and nailed the French until the whole invasion died." Even with a large numerical superiority, one cannot prevent the possibility of defeat due to the superior strength of the enemy's spirit. So defeat can actually mean victory.

Daria Mankevich, student of the 11th grade of the Academic Gymnasium No. 56

From 2014-2015 school year in the program of the state final attestation of schoolchildren there is a final graduation essay. This format differs significantly from the classic exam. The work is non-subjective in nature, while relying on the knowledge of the graduate in the field of literature. The essay aims to identify the ability of the examinee to reason on a given topic and argue his point of view. Mainly, the final essay allows you to assess the level of speech culture of the graduate. For examination work five topics from a closed list are proposed.

  1. Introduction
  2. Main body - thesis and arguments
  3. Conclusion - Conclusion

The final essay for 2016-2017 assumes a volume of 350 words or more.

The time allotted for the examination work is 3 hours 55 minutes.

Themes of the final essay

Questions proposed for consideration are usually addressed to inner world person, personal relationships, psychological features and concepts of universal morality. So, the topics of the final essay of the 2016-2017 academic year include the following areas:

  1. "Victory and Defeat"

Here are the concepts that the examinee will have to reveal in the process of reasoning, referring to examples from the world of literature. In the final essay 2016-2017, the graduate must identify the relationship between these categories based on analysis, building logical relationships and applying knowledge literary works.

One such theme is "Victory and Defeat".

As a rule, works from the course school curriculum in literature is large gallery different images and characters that can be used to write the final essay on the topic "Victory and defeat".

  • Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace"
  • Roman I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"
  • The story of N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba"
  • The story of M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man"
  • The story of A.S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter»
  • Roman I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov"

Arguments to the theme "Victory and defeat" 2016-2017

  • "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy

The theme of victory and defeat is itself present in the war in its most obvious manifestation. War of 1812 is one of the largest and most significant events for Russia, during which folk spirit and patriotism of the population, as well as the skill of the Russian high command. After the council in Fili, the Russian commander M.I. Kutuzov decided to leave Moscow. Thus, it was planned to save the troops and thus Russia. This decision does not demonstrate defeat in hostilities - but on the contrary: it proves the invincibility of the Russian people. After all, after the military, the city began to leave all its inhabitants, representatives high society and nobility. The people showed their disobedience to the French, leaving the city to the enemy, if only not to be under the rule of Bonaparte. Napoleon, who entered the city, did not meet resistance, but saw only a burning Moscow, which people left, and realized not his seemingly victory, but defeat. Defeat from the Russian spirit.

  • "Fathers and Sons" by I.S. Turgenev

In the work of I.S. Turgenev, the conflict of generations is manifested, in particular, in the confrontation between the young nihilist Evgeny Bazarov and the nobleman P.P. Kirsanov. Bazarov is a self-confident young man, boldly judges everything, considering himself a man who has made himself with his own labor and mind. His opponent Kirsanov - led wild image life, experienced a lot, felt, loved a secular beauty and gained, thereby, an experience that influenced him. He became more sensible and mature. An external victory appears in the dispute between Bazarov and Kirsanov young man- he is harsh, but at the same time respects decency, and the nobleman does not restrain himself, breaking into insults. However, during the duel of two heroes, the seemingly won victory of the nihilist Bazarov turns into a defeat in the main confrontation.

He meets the love of his life and cannot resist his feelings, nor can he admit it, because he denied the existence of love. Yes, here Bazarov was defeated. Dying, he realizes that he lived his life, denying everything and everyone, while losing the most important thing.

  • "Taras Bulba" N.V. Gogol

In the story of N.V. Gogol, one can find an example of how victory and defeat can intertwine. Younger son Andriy, for the sake of love, betrayed his homeland and Cossack honor, going over to the enemy side. His personal victory consists in the fact that he defended his love by boldly deciding on this kind of act. However, his betrayal of his father and motherland is unforgivable - and this is his defeat. The story demonstrates one of the most difficult fights - the spiritual struggle of a person with himself. After all, here one cannot speak of victory and defeat, since it is impossible to win without losing on the other side.

Essay example

In a person's life accompanies a large number of situations in which he has to confront something or someone. Often, these are some circumstances, specific conditions and a struggle where there are winners and losers. And sometimes it's more difficult situations, where victory and defeat can be viewed from different points vision.

Let us turn to the treasury of arguments from the Russian classical literature- the great work of Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace". A significant part of the novel is the hostilities of the time. Patriotic War 1812, when the entire Russian people stood up to defend the country from the French invaders. The theme of victory and defeat is itself present in the war in its most obvious manifestation. After the council in Fili, the Russian commander M.I. Kutuzov decided to leave Moscow. Thus, it was planned to save the troops and thus Russia. This decision does not demonstrate defeat in hostilities - but on the contrary: it proves the invincibility of the Russian people. After all, after the military, all its inhabitants, representatives of high society and the nobility began to leave the city. The people showed their disobedience to the French, leaving the city to the enemy, if only not to be under the rule of Bonaparte. Napoleon, who entered the city, did not meet resistance, but saw only a burning Moscow, which people left, and realized not his seemingly victory, but defeat. Defeat from the Russian spirit.

In the story of N.V. Gogol, one can find an example of how victory and defeat can intertwine. The youngest son Andriy betrayed his homeland and honor for the sake of love. Cossack army by going over to the enemy side. His personal victory lies in the fact that he defended his feelings by boldly deciding on this kind of act. However, his betrayal of his father and motherland is unforgivable - and this is his defeat. The story demonstrates one of the most difficult fights - the spiritual struggle of a person with himself. After all, here one cannot speak of victory and defeat, since it is impossible to win without losing on the other side.

Thus, it is worth saying that victory does not always represent superiority and confidence - what we used to imagine. And besides, often victory and defeat go side by side, complementing each other and forming the characteristics of a person's personality.

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An example of a final essay in the third direction from FIPI.

All victories begin with a victory over yourself.

Don't be afraid to go the wrong way -
don't be afraid to go anywhere.
Dmitry Emets.

Life is long long road, woven from victories and defeats, from ups and downs, on which events of a universal and personal scale take place. How not to get lost and not to get lost in the universe of the time allotted to a person? How to resist temptation and fatal mistakes so that later it would not be bitter and insulting? And how to become the winner of your life?

There are many questions, almost no answers, but one thing is clear: it is not easy to do this. literary world is rich in examples confirming the fact how a person went through thorns to the stars and how he slipped into the world of greed, spiritual emptiness, losing himself, relatives and friends. My reading and life experience allow me to boldly agree with the statement that "all victories begin with a victory over oneself."

The life of Santiago, an old man whose face is dotted with wrinkles, and whose hands are deep scars from string, and very old, is proof of this. When you read a parable by Ernest Hemingway, at first you wonder what kind of victory we can talk about at all. deplorable, pitiful situation frail old man eloquently emphasizes one small but significant detail: a patched sail, reminiscent of "the banner of a utterly defeated regiment." How could this old man make me feel? Of course, pity, compassion. It is bitter to look at a lonely, old, hungry man, at his hut open to all winds. The impression is also aggravated by the fact that for 84 consecutive days he has been returning from the sea without a single fish. And this is 3 months of life from hand to mouth.

But! Amazing thing! Amid all this gloom, we see the cheerful eyes of the old man, "the eyes of a man who does not give up." Despite his age and streak of bad luck, he is ready to fight and overcome circumstances. I was curious to understand where Santiago got such confidence from? After all, everyone had long written off this unlucky old man, the parents of the boy who hunted with him took their son and put him in a boat with another fisherman. But the devoted boy is here, he takes care of the old man. Maybe it was he who carefully covered Santiago with a newspaper and brought him food, was the support that is needed in old age? I think it's the warmth of the soul little boy warmed old age, softened the failures and the chilled attitude of the fishermen. But it is even more important for Santiago himself to pass on the experience that a young fisherman needs, to prove that an experienced fisherman can catch big fish, you just need to sail further.

And we will see this big fish, or rather, its skeleton - evidence of the extraordinary victory of the old man, which he inherited at a huge cost. In this story, you can endlessly ask a number of questions, among which there is one main one: “Was it worth risking yourself and dragging a narwhal accompanied by bloodthirsty sharks?” Many condemn the old man and see his defeat in this act, arguing that he overestimated his strength and underestimated the sharks. I associate such an assessment with the stupid remark of tourists who saw the narwhal skeleton and were amazed that the shark (!) Has such a beautiful tail. How can it be considered a defeat if Santiago stays over himself, over the narwhal?! I will not join their voice and say what was worth it. If he had to repeat this path, he would choose it. After all, it was not by chance that he dreamed of lions after this campaign. This victory was needed not only by Santiago, but also by the boy. He is still a child, he has a lot to learn from life, from such brave and brave people like Santiago.

If a person does not learn to conquer circumstances, he becomes their slave. A vivid example of a slave of one's own destiny for me is Akaky Akakievich Bashmachkin. Perhaps my statement will cause a storm of indignation, but how can you live in fear all your life, obeying everyone and everything, and at the same time grumble: “Leave me, why do you offend me?” It's not about the overcoat, old, patched, but in the soul, patched with fears, lack of will, lack of struggle. In the struggle over his weaknesses, a person grows stronger, step by step establishing himself in life, no matter how difficult and unbearable it may be. "To be", not "to exist"! “To be” means to burn, fight, strive to give the warmth of your soul to people. After all, I found the same warmth in my heart small man Maxim Maksimych, who lived in the same period, but in more difficult conditions, in order to warm the captive Bela, Pechorin. Who caressed Akaki Akakievich?! Who helped?! Whom did you give your care and attention to? No one... If he loved anyone, he wouldn't have time to feel sorry for himself. I feel sorry for him as a human being, but this image in today's reading is associated with lack of will and lack of fortitude. With no life. Must be, not exist. To live, not to vegetate wise gudgeon, as a teacher of the Greek language Belikov and the like.

From all that has been said, I can draw the following conclusion. Life is a long, long road. The wheel of life raises some people above circumstances, and wipes others off the face of the earth. But man himself controls the chariot of his own destiny. He may be wrong, but he must always remember that only strong man who knows how to win over himself can endure his story. "The falcon rises high when it flies" - wisdom confirming the movement up the ladder of one's own destiny.

1. M.Yu. Lermontov "Song about ... the merchant Kalashnikov"

The merchant Kalashnikov, standing up for the honor of his wife, goes to a fistfight with the guardsman Kiribeevich. He wins the battle, but dies at the hands of the executioner, because he refuses to tell the king about the reasons for his act. But Kalashnikov defended his wife's honor. And his death becomes a victory.

2. M.Yu. Lermontov "Mtsyri"

Main character flees from the monastery where he was all his life, because he considers it a prison. Three days at large became for him the replacement of a lifetime. Meeting with people, fighting with a leopard, thunder and lightning, contemplation of the beauty of nature - this is life for him - demonic freedom. He dies, but, in his opinion, he wins.

3. A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"

Katerina enters into combat with " dark kingdom and perishes, because it cannot withstand the onslaught of hypocrisy and falsehood. Her protest becomes the first signal for confrontation with this kingdom. Her death is a victory over general indifference and obscurantism.

4. I.A. Bunin "Clean Monday"

The main character of the story is a girl living an idle life filled with bright events. She is little understood by her young man because he can't listen. And the girl is looking for a way out of such a life. And her sudden departure to the monastery very clearly demonstrates a large inner work souls. By this act, she proves the victory of a pure, sublime, divine principle over the mundane, base, carnal. With her departure to the monastery, she saves her soul and conquers all base things.

5. E.I. Zamyatin "We"

The protagonist of the novel, having experienced love for the first time in his life, becomes a conspirator. But his primitive swarm consciousness is incapable of making right choice, he calmly puts himself at the mercy of the guardians to avoid having to choose. Watching the torture of his recently beloved, he dryly, logically reflects on the irrational behavior of the girl. United State here and now he is victorious over D-503 and I-330, over the entire Mephi, but this victory is akin to defeat.

Final essay on the topic "The most important victory is victory over oneself" direction "Victory and defeat"

Introduction (Intro):

Victory and defeat are very closely related. These are the two most important components life path each person. Without one, the other cannot exist. To ultimately come to victory, you need to suffer many failures, which are so common in our lives. Arguing about these two concepts, the quote comes in handy: "The most important victory is a victory over oneself."

A comment: the topic is not disclosed, in the essay the author talks about victory over himself, but does not explain what, in his opinion, it means to defeat himself. According to the first criterion "Relevance to the theme is not passed".

To fix it, you need to write what it means to defeat yourself and why this is the most important victory. The answers to these questions will serve as the thesis.

Argument 1:
The theme of victory and defeat is interesting for writers of different eras, since the heroes of literary works very often try to defeat themselves, their fear, laziness and insecurity. For example, in the novel "Crime and Punishment" by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, the main character Rodion Raskolnikov is a poor but proud student. He has been living in St. Petersburg for several years, since he came to study at the university. But soon, Raskolnikov dropped out of school because his mother stopped sending him money. After that, the protagonist first comes to the old pawnbroker in order to pawn valuable things from her. Then he has an idea to kill the old woman and take possession of her money. Considering your intentions Roskolnikov (RASkolnikov) decides to commit a crime, but he himself does not fully believe in the possibility of its implementation. By killing not only the old woman, but also her pregnant sister, he defeated himself and his indecision, as it seemed to him. But soon the thought of the crime he had committed began to burden and torment him, Rodion realized that he had done something terrible, and his “victory” turned into a defeat.

A comment: a lot of information written that is not related to the topic. Ultimately, the argument boils down to the fact that Raskolnikov's victory turned out to be a defeat. An excellent argument, but unfortunately it does not fit the topic.

Speech errors - this is all right, but train yourself to use past tense verbs in arguments, you mixed the present with the past, which will be regarded as speech error. And you can do without them.

The proportions of the composition are violated, the argument needs to be reduced a little.

Argument 2:

Next a prime example reflections on victories and defeats (logical error - we talk about victory over ourselves), is the novel by Ivan Alekseevich Goncharov "Oblomov". The main character Ilya Ilyich is a Russian landowner, about thirty-two or three years old. (thirty-two - thirty-three or simply "thirty years old") from birth. Oblomov all the time lay on the couch and when I started reading, immediately fell asleep. But when get acquainted (get acquainted) with Olga Sergeevna Ilyinskaya, who awakens (awakened) in the semi-literate Oblomov, an interest in literature, the hero firmly decides to change and become worthy of his new acquaintance, with whom he managed to fall in love. But love, which carries the need for action, self-improvement, is doomed in the case of Oblomov. Olga demands too much from Oblomov, but Ilya Ilyich cannot stand such a stressful life and gradually parted with her. Ilya Ilyich reasoned about the meaning of life, understood that it was impossible to live like that, but still did nothing. Oblomov failed to defeat himself. However, the defeat did not upset him so much. At the end of the novel, we see the hero in a quiet family circle, he is loved, taken care of, as once in childhood. This is the ideal of his life, that's what he wanted and achieved. Also, however, having won a "victory", because his life has become what he wants to see it.

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