Platon Karataev folk character of the war of 1812. Composition on the topic: the image of the partisan Tikhon chipped (l


L. Tolstoy devoted many pages of the novel “War and Peace” to philosophical reflections on important historical issues. He concludes that the content historical process constitutes the movement of the popular masses, their actions, their mighty, unstoppable strength. It was in this conclusion that the genius of the writer was manifested, who was one of the first in Russian and world literature to recreate the pictures of the people's guerrilla war and reveal their true meaning and significance.

In the actions of partisan detachments during the Patriotic War of 1812, L. Tolstoy saw higher form the unity of the people and the army, which radically changed the very idea of ​​war: since the fire of Smolensk, Tolstoy writes, a war has begun that does not fit any previous legends of wars. The burning of cities and villages, the retreat after battles, the blow of Borodin and the retreat again, the fire of Moscow, the catching of marauders, the capture of transports, the guerrilla war - all this was a deviation from the rules.

“The partisans destroyed the Great Army piecemeal. They picked up those falling leaves, which themselves fell from the withered

tree - French troops and sometimes shook this tree. In October, while the French fled to Smolensk, there were hundreds of these parties of various sizes and characters. There were parties that adopted all the methods of the army, with infantry, artillery, headquarters, with the comforts of life; there were only Cossack, cavalry; there were small, prefabricated, foot, horse, there were peasants and landlords, unknown to anyone. There was a deacon head of the party, who took several hundred prisoners in a month. There was an elder, Vasilisa, who beat hundreds of Frenchmen.”

But for the most part, the partisan army consisted of hundreds and thousands of nameless Russian peasants, simple peasants. They entered the fight against the invaders not for the sake of glory and awards, but out of an innate sense of patriotism. They defended their families, their loved ones, themselves.

Tikhon Shcherbaty in the novel is one of the representatives of this nameless and numerous army of Russian peasants. Tikhon's face, pitted with smallpox and wrinkles, with small, narrow eyes, shone with self-satisfied amusement.

Tikhon Shcherbaty turns out to be one of the most the right people in the Denisov partisan detachment. The writer tells how Tikhon ended up in the detachment: “When, at the beginning of his actions, Denisov came to Pokrovskoye and, as always, calling the headman, asked what they knew about the French, the headman answered, as all the headmen answered, how to defend themselves that they don't know anything, they don't know anything. But when Denisov explained to them that his goal was to beat the French, and when he asked if the French had wandered into them, the headman said that there had been miroders for sure, but that in their village only Tishka Shcherbaty was engaged in these matters. Denisov ordered Tikhon to be called to him and, praising him for his activities, said a few words at the headman about that loyalty to the tsar and the fatherland and hatred for the French, which the sons of the fatherland should observe.

Not fully understanding the meaning of Denisov's pompous speech, Tikhon responds with timidity and embarrassment, as if justifying himself: “We do no harm to the French. We only so, means, on hunting dabbled with the guys. It was like two dozen Miroderov were beaten, otherwise we didn’t do anything bad ... ”

The next day Denisov forgot to think about the peasant, but he was informed that he had stuck with the detachment and asked to be left behind.

In the partisan detachment, Tikhon turned out to be the most needed and most useful fighter. L. Tolstoy says that Tikhon occupied his special, exceptional place in Denisov's detachment. The writer also explains the reason for such exclusivity: “When it was necessary to do something especially difficult and ugly - turn a wagon in the mud with your shoulder, pull a horse out of the swamp by the tail, skin it, climb into the very middle of the French, walk fifty miles a day, - everyone pointed, laughing, at Tikhon.

L. Tolstoy lovingly describes the exploits of the Russian peasant. He clearly admires the dexterity, sharpness, strength and extraordinary courage of Tikhon Shcherbaty. When we read Tikhon's story about his adventures behind enemy lines and learn about how he dealt with the captured Frenchman, it becomes clear why L. Tolstoy says: “And it is good for that people ... who, in a moment of trial, without asking how others acted according to the rules in similar cases, with simplicity and ease he picks up the first club that comes across and nails it until in his soul the feeling of insult and revenge is replaced by contempt and pity.


- a gap-toothed one in the novel War and Peace

- shy quiet

- the image of Tikhon the chipped

- quiet gapped image

- the image of Tikhon the gap-toothed in the novel War and Peace

Other works on this topic:

  1. The image of Tikhon Shcherbaty in the epic novel “War and Peace” by L. N. Tolstoy expresses the active principle of the Russian soul, depicts the ability of the people to boldly fight against foreigners ...
  2. Tikhon Shcherbaty is one of the most important secondary characters novel by L. N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”, a representative of the common people, is in the partisan detachment of Denisov. Like many...
  3. (L. N. Tolstoy. "War and Peace") L. Tolstoy was one of the first in Russian and world literature to recreate the pictures of the people's partisan war and managed to reveal it...

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In the novel by L. N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”, in most cases, the heroes of the story are representatives aristocratic background. There are only a few characters of peasant origin in the novel, despite the large number and variety of images. The main emphasis is on the images of the military having a simple origin: Platon Karataev and Tikhon Shcherbaty.

While the image of Platon Karataev has deep meaning and the versatility of characteristics, the image of Tikhon Shcherbaty is actually considered only in the context of the military sphere of influence and does not have such an impact on other characters.

Who is Tikhon Shcherbaty

Tikhon Shcherbaty has a simple origin, he is a peasant who does not have any privileges. Nothing is known about his civil past. His only message past life is a mention of his small homeland- the village of Pokrovskoye in the Smolensk region. We get acquainted with this character only in the context of the military sphere.

The role of Tikhon Shcherbaty at the front

At the front, Tikhon Shcherbaty served in Denisov's partisan detachment in 1812. Tikhon himself expressed a desire to take part in military events. At first, he did not perform the most significant role- cleaned horses, was engaged in breeding and maintaining fires, from time to time Tikhon Shcherbaty went to the enemy camp and always returned with significant trophies - clothes, food, weapons.

Then his action became more significant, Tikhon rose to the rank - he is ranked as a detachment of Cossacks and now his duties include sorties into the enemy camp for prisoners who could tell necessary information, allowing the partisans and the regular army to be in a winning position in relation to the enemy. Tikhon did an excellent job with this work. Colleagues noted that he had a very developed intuition. Shcherbaty always brought the "necessary" people, who are called "tongues" in the novel.

Appearance of Tikhon Shcherbaty

His nickname is connected with the appearance of Tikhon Shcherbaty. Tikhon did not have one front tooth, and therefore the nickname "Shcherbaty" firmly stuck to him.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the novel by Leo Tolstoy “War and Peace”.

Tikhon Shcherbaty did not have a pleasant appearance, rather, on the contrary, his appearance provoked dislike and even disgust. First of all, this was due to the fact that Tikhon Shcherbaty had been ill with smallpox, and therefore his face was mutilated with specific scars. Apparently, Tikhon Shcherbaty was a man of age, since a network of wrinkles was very noticeable on his face. Tikhon had small narrow eyes, he often smiled a stupid smile.

It is likely that Tikhon Shcherbaty was different tall, Tolstoy describes him as having long legs And Long hands. The author, while describing his appearance, says that Tikhon has flat feet, probably Tolstoy meant flat feet.

In the text, in relation to Tikhon Shcherbaty, such a word as gelding is often found. Our ancestors used this word in relation to people who were distinguished by a strong physique.
His voice can be described as a bass with a hoarseness. This timbre of voice was a good addition to his image.

Characteristics of the personality of Tikhon Shcherbaty

While Platon Karataev is depicted as an economic man - a jack of all trades, Tikhon Shcherbaty is an ideal military man.

He is distinguished by courage and dexterity - it was thanks to these qualities that Tikhon was able to earn respect and respect from the leaders of the detachment, in particular Denisov. Tolstoy speaks of him as a person who is needed and significant in the partisan movement.

Next at least important quality that allowed Tikhon to distinguish himself favorably from the crowd of partisans, was his cunning. Tikhon could always come up with something unusual that would best translate the order into action.

Tikhon never rides a horse. Tolstoy does not explain this phenomenon, the author thus only focuses on the physical capabilities of this person, adding after this information that Tikhon easily covers a distance of 50 km in a day, while he in no way lags behind the cavalry.

In the image of Shcherbaty, the active beginning of the Russian spirit is expressed, the ability of the people to fearlessly fight against the invaders is shown. Tikhon is the embodiment of a heroic people who rose to defend the Fatherland. Karataev, on the other hand, embodies the idea close to the writer of "non-resistance to evil by violence." The writer appreciates in this hero the manifestation of “everything Russian, good and round”, all those qualities that, according to Tolstoy, were moral basis Russian people, Russian peasantry. Patriarchy, gentleness, humility and religiosity are features without which, according to Tolstoy, the spiritual warehouse of the Russian peasant is unthinkable.

Tikhon Shcherbaty personifies in the romance that “club people's war", which rose and "with terrible force nailed the French until the whole invasion died. "Non-resistance" - another type national character, the other side of "people's thought".

Tikhon is “the most useful and brave man” in Denisov’s partisan detachment: “No one else discovered cases of attacks, no one else took him and beat the French.” Shcherbaty occupied a special, exceptional place in Denisov’s detachment: “When it was necessary to do something especially difficult ... everyone pointed, laughing, at Tikhon.” At night, he left the detachment and got everything that was necessary for his comrades, for a common cause: weapons, clothes, and when he was ordered, he delivered prisoners. Tikhon was not afraid of any work. He wielded an ax well (“like a wolf owns teeth”), deftly, with all his might, split logs. If necessary, the ax in his hands turned into a formidable weapon. This character embodies heroic forces people, his resourcefulness, camaraderie, prowess.

An important feature of Tikhon is the ability not to lose heart, not to lose heart under any circumstances, an indestructible sense of humor. This feature makes Shcherbatov a universal favorite in the detachment: "... he was the jester of all Cossacks, hussars", and "he himself willingly succumbed to this chip." Probably, some features of Tikhon (for example, his cruelty) could be condemned by the writer if it was a question of peaceful

time. But in critical moment history, when the question of the future of Russia, the fate of all Russian people is being decided ( Patriotic War 1812), the activities of such as Shcherbaty are saving both for the country and for the people.

Each of the heroes of Tolstoy will give a bright portrait and speech characteristic. From the whole appearance of Tikhon vests dexterity, confidence, strength. A funny and expressive feature of his appearance is the lack of a tooth (for this Tikhon was nicknamed Shcherbaty). His language is riddled with humor, a rude joke. Plato's appearance is also peculiar. He is over fifty years old, but everything in his appearance was preserved intact: not a single gray hair was in his beard and hair, everything was round - both his face, and his shoulders, and his back, and his stomach. Everything had the appearance of some kind of drowsiness, softness.

If Tikhon is merciless to the enemy, then Karataev loves all people, including the French. Other important features in Karataev are the spirit of truth-seeking, spiritual clarity, love of work: "He knew how to do everything, not very well, but not bad either."

Plato is a vivid exponent of the philosophy of patience, characteristic of the Russian peasantry and conditioned by the uniqueness of Russian history and culture. This life philosophy reflected in the proverbial wisdom that often sounds in Plato's melodious speech: "Rock is looking for the head", "Hour to endure, but live forever." Sometimes, it seems that he covers up his helplessness, his inability to actively resist circumstances, with the philosophy of patience. Karataev seems to be completely devoid of individual consciousness, at any time he relies on worldview stereotypes that have developed over the centuries in the people's environment: “Where there is a court, there is a lie”, “Never refuse from the bag and prison”, “Not by our mind, but by God's court” .

Unlike Karataev, Shcherbaty does not remember God, relying only on himself - on his strength, ingenuity, mental vigor. Shcherbaty is sharp, and if circumstances so require - and cruel. In these features, he differs from Plato, who strives to see “solemn goodness” in everything. Shcherbaty, experiencing a patriotic feeling and hatred for the invaders, goes to them like a stopper. Plato is ready to “suffer innocently in vain” rather than shed human blood, even if it is the blood of an enemy. Karataev and Shcherbaty are two incarnations of a single whole. Salvation for Russia consists, according to Tolstoy, in the synthesis of these two principles - meekness, humility and peacefulness, on the one hand, and energy, will, ability to act actively, on the other. Having learned the truth of Karataev, Pierre in the epilogue of the novel goes exactly in this way.

LN Tolstoy's attitude to the war is contradictory and ambiguous. On the one hand, the writer, as a humanist, considers war to be “the most disgusting thing in life”, unnatural, monstrous in its cruelty, “the purpose of which is murder”, the weapon is “espionage and treason, deceit and lies, called military tricks”. War, according to Tolstoy, brings only violence and suffering, divides people and hardens them, makes them transgress universal moral laws... And at the same time, Tolstoy, being a patriot, sings of the war, "not suitable for any previous legends", the partisan war, "which began with the entry of the enemy into Smolensk" and, according to the author, was one of the main reasons for the defeat of the French in Russia and death of the Napoleonic army.

Generated by a “sense of insult and revenge”, personal hatred for the French, which was experienced by the inhabitants of Moscow, who left their homes and left the city so as not to submit to the army, and the peasants who burned all their hay so that the French would not get it, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis war gradually embraced all strata of society. Awakened national identity, unwillingness to be defeated by Napoleon united various estates in the struggle for the freedom and independence of Russia. That is why guerrilla warfare is so diverse in its manifestations, and guerrilla detachments are so different from each other: “there were parties that adopted all the methods of the army, with infantry, artillery, headquarters; there were only Cossacks, there were peasants and landowners. The great army of Napoleon was destroyed in parts, thousands of Frenchmen - backward marauders, foragers - were exterminated by partisans, their numerous "small, prefabricated, foot and horse" detachments.

The heroes of this war are representatives of various classes, having little in common, but united common goal defense of the homeland. These are the deacon who “took several hundred prisoners a month”, the hussar Denis Davydov, “who owns the first step” in legitimizing the guerrilla war, the elder Vasilisa, who “beat hundreds of Frenchmen”, and, of course, Tikhon Shcherbaty. In the image of this partisan, Tolstoy embodies a certain type of Russian peasant, not meek and humble, like Platon Karataev, but unusually courageous, not without a good, moral beginning in his soul, but in many ways acting instinctively. Therefore, he easily kills the French, "does not harm them, but beat two dozen marauders."

The main characters of the novel by L. N. Tolstoy "Wail-pa and Peace" are representatives of the nobility. However, the author seeks to paint a picture of Russian life in its entirety, therefore characters from the common people appear in the narrative - Tikhon Shcherbaty and Platon Karataev. Both heroes are like Russians national types and exponents of the spiritual essence of the Russian character, dear to Tolstoy, each in his own way.

In the image of Shcherbaty, the active beginning of the Russian spirit is expressed, the ability of the people to fearlessly fight against the invaders is shown. Tikhon is the embodiment of a heroic people who rose to defend the Fatherland.

Karataev, on the other hand, embodies the idea close to the writer of "non-resistance to evil by violence." The writer appreciates in this hero the manifestation of “everything Russian, good and round”, all those qualities that, according to Tolstoy, constituted the moral basis of the Russian people, the Russian peasantry. Patriarchy, gentleness, humility and religiosity are features without which, according to Tolstoy, the spiritual warehouse of the Russian peasant is unthinkable.

Tikhon Shcherbaty personifies in the romance that "club of the people's war", which rose up and "nailed the French with terrible force until the whole invasion died." "Non-resistance" Platon Karataev is another type of national character, the other side of the "people's thought".

Tikhon is "the most useful and brave man" in Denisov's partisan detachment: "No one else discovered cases of attacks, no one else took him and beat the French." Shcherbaty occupied a special, exceptional place in Denisov’s detachment: “When it was necessary to do something especially difficult ... everyone pointed, laughing, at Tikhon.” At night, he left the detachment and got everything that was necessary for his comrades, for a common cause: weapons, clothes, and when he was ordered, he delivered prisoners. Tikhon was not afraid of any work. He wielded an ax well (“like a wolf owns teeth”), deftly, with all his might, split logs. If necessary, the ax in his hands turned into a formidable weapon. This character embodies the heroic forces of the people, their resourcefulness, camaraderie, and prowess.

An important feature of Tikhon is the ability not to lose heart, not to lose heart under any circumstances, an indestructible sense of humor. This feature makes Shcherbatov a universal favorite in the detachment: "... he was the jester of all Cossacks, hussars", and "he himself willingly succumbed to this chip." Probably, some features of Tikhon (for example, his cruelty) could be condemned by the writer if it was a question of peaceful

time. But at a critical moment in history, when the question of the future of Russia, the fate of all Russian people (the Patriotic War of 1812) is being decided, the activities of people like Shcherbaty are saving both for the country and for the people.

Each of the heroes of Tolstoy will give a vivid portrait and speech characteristics. From the whole appearance of Tikhon vests dexterity, confidence, strength. A funny and expressive feature of his appearance is the lack of a tooth (for this, Tikhon was nicknamed Shcherbaty). His language is riddled with humor, a rude joke. Plato's appearance is also peculiar. He is over fifty years old, but everything in his appearance was preserved intact: not a single gray hair was in his beard and hair, everything was round - both his face, and his shoulders, and his back, and his stomach. Everything had the appearance of some kind of drowsiness, softness.

If Tikhon is merciless to the enemy, then Karataev loves all people, including the French. Other important features in Karataev are the spirit of truth-seeking, spiritual clarity, love of work: "He knew how to do everything, not very well, but not bad either."

Plato is a vivid exponent of the philosophy of patience, characteristic of the Russian peasantry and conditioned by the uniqueness of Russian history and culture. This philosophy of life was also reflected in the proverbial wisdom that often sounds in Plato's melodious speech: "Rock is looking for the head", "An hour to endure, but a century to live." Sometimes, it seems that he covers up his helplessness, his inability to actively resist circumstances, with the philosophy of patience. Karataev seems to be completely devoid of individual consciousness, at any time he relies on worldview stereotypes that have developed over the centuries in the people's environment: “Where there is a court, there is a lie”, “Never refuse from the bag and prison”, “Not by our mind, but by God's court” .

Unlike Karataev, Shcherbaty does not remember God, relying only on himself - on his strength, ingenuity, mental vigor. Shcherbaty is sharp, and if circumstances so require - and cruel. In these features, he differs from Plato, who strives to see “solemn goodness” in everything. Shcherbaty, experiencing a patriotic feeling and hatred for the invaders, goes at them with an ax. Plato is ready to “suffer innocently in vain” rather than shed human blood, even if it is the blood of an enemy.

Karataev and Shcherbaty are two hypostases of a single whole. Salvation for Russia consists, according to Tolstoy, in the synthesis of these two principles - meekness, humility and peacefulness, on the one hand, and energy, will, ability to take active action, on the other. Having learned the truth of Karataev, Pierre in the epilogue of the novel goes exactly in this way.

Lessons #13-14

"People's Thought" in the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace".

Partisan warfare in the novel. Platon Karataev and Tikhon Shcherbaty.



    fostering love for thoughtful reading of works of Russian literature, an attentive attitude to the word;

    upbringingactive life position, civic duty and patriotism on the example of a national feat in the Patriotic War of 1812;


    creation of conditions for the formation of an idea about the glorification of Leo Tolstoy the feat of the people in the Patriotic War of 1812;

    generalization and systematization of knowledge obtained in the course of the study of the epic novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" on the topic of the lesson;


    improving the skills of working with text, the ability to analyze what has been read;

    providing an opportunity to disclose creativity students;

    formation of the ability to search for information in sources of various types;

    formation own position on the issues under discussion.

Lesson type: a lesson in the complex application of knowledge.

Type of lesson: practical lesson.

Methodical methods: conversation on questions, retelling of the text, expressive reading text, viewing episodes from feature film, student messages.

Predicted result:

    be able toto find independently material on the topic and systematize it.

Equipment Key words: notebooks, literary text, computer, multimedia, presentation, feature film.

During the classes

I. Organizational stage.

II. Motivation learning activities. Goal setting.

    Teacher's word.

Tolstoy believed that a work can be good only when the writer loves his main idea. In "War and Peace" Tolstoy, by his own admission, loved the "thought of the people." It consists not only and not so much in the image of the people themselves, their way of life, life, but in the fact that each positive hero The novel ultimately connects its fate with the fate of the nation. By the word "people" Tolstoy understood the entire patriotic population of Russia, including the peasantry, the urban poor, the nobility, and the merchant class.

    Discussion of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

III . Improving knowledge, skills and abilities.

    Teacher's word.

On the pages of the novel, Tolstoy says that until now all history has been written as history. individuals, as a rule, monarchs, and no one thought about what is driving force stories. According to Tolstoy, this is the so-called “swarm principle”, the spirit and will of not one person, but of the nation as a whole, and how strong the spirit and will of the people are, how likely these or those historical events. In the Patriotic War of 1812, according to Tolstoy, two wills clashed: the will French soldiers and the will of the entire Russian people. This war was fair for the Russians, they fought for their homeland, so their spirit and will to win turned out to be stronger than the French spirit and will.

“I tried to write the history of the people,” said Tolstoy.

The novel contains more than a hundred crowd scenes, more than two hundred named people from the people act in it.

    Text analysis.

    When did Tolstoy first portray the mass patriotism of the Russian people?

    Tell the scene of leaving Smolensk. (Viewing a scene from the film).

The scene of leaving Smolensk reflects the reaction of the people to the events that took place. Tolstoy shows the manifestation of the "hidden warmth of patriotism" of the Russian people. The merchant Feropontov, who at first spared three rubles for a cart, now, when the city is being surrendered, shouts to the soldiers: “Take everything, guys! Don't get the devils! Russya made up her mind!.. I'll fire it myself. Decided..." Along with Feropontov, the author draws the unanimity of two soldiers who set fire to the merchant's house, people from the crowd, with amazed and joyful faces looking at the fire. Tolstoy writes that the partisan war began with the entry of the enemy into Smolensk.

    Teacher's word.

    Why did the inhabitants leave Moscow?

“They went because for the Russian people there could be no question whether it would be good or bad under the control of the French in Moscow. It was impossible to be under the control of the French: it was the worst of all.

    What is the peculiarity of the war waged by Napoleon in Russia?

Previously, in all wars, the victory of one army over another automatically entailed the enslavement of the people of the defeated army.

In Russia, "the French won a victory near Moscow, Moscow was taken, but Russia did not cease to exist, but a 600,000-strong army ceased to exist, then Napoleonic France." This fact proves "that the power that decides the fate of peoples lies not in conquerors, not even in armies and battles, but in something else."

    Why, despite the battle won, did the victorious army cease to exist?

The hostility of the population of the conquering army, the unwillingness to submit to it, decide, according to Tolstoy, the fate of the war.

Tolstoy writes: “... the cudgel of the people's war rose with all its formidable and majestic strength and, without asking anyone's tastes and rules, with stupid simplicity ... without understanding anything, it rose, fell and nailed the French until they died all invasion. In these words - Tolstoy's pride and his admiration for the people's power, which he loved precisely aselemental force.

    How does Tolstoy feel about this way of waging war?

“And it’s good for that people,” wrote Lev Nikolaevich, “who ... in a moment of trial, without asking how others acted according to the rules in such cases, with simplicity and ease picks up the first club that comes across and nails it until the feeling of insult and revenge will not be replaced by contempt and pity. He sings of the "club of the people's war", considers the guerrilla war as an expression of the just people's hatred of the enemy.

“The guerrillas destroyed the great army in parts. They picked up those falling leaves that fell of themselves from a withered tree - the French army, and sometimes shook this tree, ”the author writes. Tolstoy talks about the audacity of the Russian partisans, especially the peasants, who "climbed between the French" and believed "that now everything was possible."

The guerrilla war with the French took folk character. She brought with her new methods of struggle, "overturning Napoleon's strategy of conquest."

    What partisan units is the writer talking about?

“There were parties ... small, prefabricated, on foot and horseback, there were peasants and landlords, unknown to anyone. There was a deacon head of the party, who took several hundred prisoners a month. There was an elder, Vasilisa, who beat hundreds of Frenchmen. More close-up the author draws the partisan detachments of Denisov and Dolokhov.

    When was the first partisan detachment established?

    Who especially stands out in the partisan detachment?

Tikhon Shcherbaty.

    Analysis of the image of Tikhon Shcherbatov. (Message "Peasant partisan Tikhon Shcherbaty").

    The peasant Tikhon Shcherbaty is the most useful and brave man in the detachment.

    Watching the episode "First meeting with Tikhon".

    Read the description of the character's appearance.

    Does he know the feeling of pity for the French?

No, when he talks about how he killed the Frenchman, "his whole face stretched into a beaming stupid smile." Many critics see in Tikhon Shcherbat the personification of Tolstoy's thought about the club of the people's war, which also "with stupid simplicity" nailed the French. Stupid in Tolstoy is not always the antonym for the word smart - we have already had to talk about this. Stupid - not reasoning, but acting. This is what Tikhon is before us.

    How did he get to the partisans?

Even before he joined the Denisov detachment, he killed the French.

    Does he feel hatred for the French, does he understand the patriotic nature of his actions?

“We don’t do anything bad to the French.... We just played with the guys out of hunting.Worldders like a dozen or two were beaten, otherwise we didn’t do anything bad ... ”He only kills marauders, seeing in them something in common with world-eaters. He has no conscious patriotism. But, as Tolstoy argues in his philosophical digressions, unconscious actions brought the greatest benefit. “Tikhon Shcherbaty was one of the most needed people in the party,” writes Tolstoy. So, indeed, in Tikhon Shcherbat - the personification of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "stupid simplicity" of the cudgel of the people's war. .

    Who does Tolstoy compare Tikhon to?

With a wolf. Tikhon's weapons "consisted of a blunderbuss ... a pike and an ax, which he owned, like a wolf owns his teeth, equally easily tearing them out of fleas from wool and biting thick bones."

    What is the name of Tikhon partisans?

"... Merinina is hefty." He was instructed to "do something especially difficult and nasty - turn a wagon out of the mud with his shoulder, pull a horse out of the swamp by the tail, skin it, climb into the very middle of the French, walk 50 miles a day." So, everything that is beyond the power of a person or that is disgusting, disgusting to a person, is entrusted to Tikhon, the “wolf”, the “gelding”.

    Teacher's word.

Tikhon Shcherbat embodies the best typical character traits of an avenging peasant, strong, courageous, energetic and savvy. Tikhon's favorite weapon is an ax, which he "owned as a wolf owns his teeth." The French for him are enemies who must be destroyed. And he hunts down the French day and night.

An indestructible sense of humor, the ability to joke under any circumstances, resourcefulness and prowess distinguish Tikhon Shcherbaty among the partisans of the detachment.

    Analysis of the image of Platon Karataev. (Report about Platon Karataev).

    What is Pierre's first impression of Platon Karataev?

In it, "Pierre felt something pleasant, soothing and round."

    What had such an effect on Pierre?

“Round, arguable, movements that followed one another without slowing down”, “the smell of even this person.” The most important thing here is Plato's busyness, the completeness of all his movements, the coherence of these movements ("while one hand was hanging the string, the other was already beginning to unwind the other leg").

    What is Karataev's manner of speech?

Its language is vernacular. “Hey, falcon, don’t grieve,” he said with that tender, melodious caress with which old Russian women speak”; "well, be, be"; "important potatoes"; "did not think - guessed"; “I went out to mow myself”; "Christians" (instead of peasants); "We thought grief, but joy." Another feature of his speech is its saturation with proverbs and sayings: “Where the court is, there is untruth”; “Moscow is the mother of cities”; “The worm is worse than cabbage, but before that you yourself disappear”; "Not by our mind, but by God's judgment"; “A wife for advice, a mother-in-law for greetings, but no sweeter native mother»; "Rock is looking for the head"; "Lie down - curled up, got up - shook himself." And the third is very important feature- his manner of communicating with the interlocutor: he listened to others with the same interest and readiness and talked about himself. Before starting a conversation with Pierre, he "stared straight at him." He immediately began to ask Pierre about life. For the first time, someone became interested not in a prisoner who “refused to give his name”, but in a man, Pierre Bezukhov. In Plato's voice - caress.

    Read the description of Karataev's appearance.

“... The whole figure of Plato, in his French overcoat belted with a rope, in a cap and bast shoes, was round. His head was completely round, his back, chest, shoulders, even his arms, which he carried as if always about to hug something, were round; pleasant smile and big brown eyes were round.

    What is the essence of the "round" Karataev's attitude to reality?

“... His life, as he himself looked at it, did not make sense as separate life. It made sense only as a particle of the whole ... ". The absence of everything personal, awareness of oneself only as a particle of the whole - this has already been said about Kutuzov. Kutuzov and Karataev the same degree express Tolstoy thought about the fact that the truth is in the rejection of one's "I" and in complete subjugation his "general".

    How did he become a soldier?

He got into the soldiers illegally, but it turned out that a large brother's family benefited from this: “Brother would go, if it were not for my sin. And the younger brother has himself-five guys ... ". All Karataev's proverbs come down to the belief in the inevitability of what is destined to happen, and this inevitable is the best. Yes, "the worm is worse than cabbage, but before that you yourself disappear." These are his thoughts on the war with the French. The French invasion is eating into Russia like a worm in a cabbage. But Karataev is sure that the worm will disappear before the cabbage. This is the belief in the inevitability of God's judgment. Immediately in response to Pierre's request to clarify what it means "a worm is worse than cabbage ...", Plato replies: "I say: not by our mind, but by God's judgment." This proverb contains the basis of Karataevism and the core of the philosophy that Tolstoy the thinker wanted to preach in War and Peace. How less people thinks the better. The mind cannot influence the course of life. Everything will be done according to God's will. If we recognize this philosophy as true (it is called quietism), then we can not suffer because there is so much evil in the world. You just have to give up the idea of ​​changing anything in the world. Tolstoy wants to prove this, but, as we have seen before and as we will see later, life refutes this philosophy and Tolstoy himself cannot remain consistently true to his theory.

    How did this Karataev philosophy influence Pierre?

He felt "that the previously destroyed world was now moving with new beauty, on some new unshakable foundations in his soul."

    How did Platon Karataev treat people?

“... He loved and lived lovingly with everything that life brought him, and especially with a person - not with some famous person, but with those people who were before his eyes. He loved his mongrel, he loved his comrades, the French, he loved Pierre, who was his neighbor ... ”Thus Tolstoy expressed the foundations of his worldview.

    Teacher's word.

The image of Platon Karataev shows a different type of Russian peasant. With his humanity, kindness, simplicity, indifference to hardships, a sense of collectivism, this inconspicuous "round" peasant managed to return to Pierre Bezukhov, who was captured, faith in people, goodness, love, justice. His spiritual qualities opposed to arrogance, selfishness and careerism of the highest St. Petersburg society. Platon Karataev remained for Pierre the most precious memory, "the personification of everything Russian, kind and round."


In the images of Tikhon Shcherbaty and Platon Karataev, Tolstoy concentrated the main qualities of the Russian people, who appear in the novel in the person of soldiers, partisans, courtyards, peasants, and the urban poor. Both heroes are dear to the writer's heart: Plato as the embodiment of "everything Russian, kind and round", all those qualities (patriarchy, gentleness, humility, non-resistance, religiosity) that the writer highly valued in the Russian peasantry; Tikhon - as the embodiment of a heroic people who rose to fight, but only at a critical, exceptional time for the country (Patriotic War of 1812).

IV . Information about homework.

1. Reading the text.

Petya Rostov in a partisan detachment.

Individual task. Retelling of the episode "Peter and the French Drummer".

Individual task. Retelling of the episode "Peter in Intelligence".

Individual task. Retelling of the episode "Petya's Death".

V . Summarizing.

VI . Reflection.

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