Children's scenario "The Magical World of the Theatre. Variable program "Magic World of Theater


Theater is a magical world.
He gives lessons in beauty, morality
and morality.
And the richer they are, the more successful
the development of the spiritual world
(B. M. Teplov)
The whole life of children is full of play, it's not a secret for anyone that games in children enjoy unchanging love and only play connects children with each other, with adults. Every child wants to play their part. Teaching a child to play, take on a role and act, while helping him to gain life experience - all this helps to make the theater. children perceive the world holistically, not always noticing the details, figuratively-emotionally, learning a variety of life phenomena through the game. They cannot stand monotony and boredom, they acutely feel falseness in the depiction of reality, they prefer cheerful, cheerful heroes. And the theatrical production in this sense is the best suited for classes in kindergarten or in the family circle.
"Magic Land!" - so once the great Russian poet A. S. Pushkin called the theater. The feeling of the great poet is shared by both adults and children who come into contact with this amazing view art.
Theater - "the bright joy of childhood", is one of the brightest, most colorful and accessible areas of art for a child. A collective artistic action is capable of providing the child with such an uplift of feelings that, regardless of his emotional state, will infect him with joy and expectation of something bright, interesting, beautiful. We must strive to create such an atmosphere, an environment for children, so that they always play with great desire and comprehend the amazing, magical world. A world whose name is theater! Theater in kindergarten should not be done so that the result is a kind of spectacle that is not ashamed to show, but so that children have a natural environment for the development of fantasy and imagination, the development of speech and behavioral skills (A. P. Ershova )
The goals of theatrical activity are to develop Creative skills children by means of theatrical art; make the life of preschoolers interesting and meaningful. Fill it with vivid impressions, interesting things, the joy of creativity.
Theatrical activities in kindergarten organizationally can permeate everything regime moments: to be included in all classes, in the joint activities of children and adults in free time carried out in the independent activities of children.
Classes with children in theatrical activities - one of the forms educational process in kindergarten. Theatrical activity gives children not only joy, it is considered much more widely, includes daily exercises, develops imagination and fantasy, promotes creative development child, the formation of personal culture, the development of social skills. Characters are introduced into the lesson that help children learn certain knowledge, skills and abilities. The game form of the lesson helps to emancipate the child, create an atmosphere of freedom and play.
In the process joint activities children improve the ability to transform into images of various characters, develop creative independence, aesthetic taste in conveying the image, distinctness of pronunciation, the ability to use the means of expressiveness of dramatization (posture, gestures, facial expressions, voice, movements).
For independent theatrical activities of children in a kindergarten group, it is necessary to issue theater corner with different types theatre: table theater, theater of five fingers, theater of b-ba-bo, theater of masks, theater of manual shadows, finger shadow theater, magnetic theater
Theatrical games are always loved by children. The great versatile influence of theatrical games on the personality of the child allows them to be used as strong, but not intrusive. pedagogical tool, because the baby during the game feels relaxed, free, natural. Thus, in the process of playing, children develop the skills of independent actions, which consist in being able to think through an idea without outside help, find visual and expressive means for its implementation, consistently implement the plan, control their actions in various types of theatrical activities, be able to act in various situations.
Theatrical activities can be carried out with children daily in the process of free independent activity.
Theatrical activity enriches the emotional sphere of the child, develops his creative abilities. A theatrical performance allows you to deepen and strengthen the ideas of a developing personality about the world and about yourself. Exactly theatrical play helps to open the cherished door to the world of childhood and find the key to inner world every child. “Introduce a kid into the world of the theater, and he will find out how good a fairy tale is, he will be imbued with wisdom and kindness, and with a fabulous feeling he will follow the path of life”

The children take their seats in the auditorium. From this moment begins their journey into the world of the Theater, acquaintance with acting skills. Games and competitions are held to develop this skill. The winners of the competitions show a performance at the end of the event.


Development of cognitive interest in the world of theater.


The stage is decorated balloons, paper flowers. You can arrange an exhibition "Theater through the eyes of children." There is a curtain on the stage. The host before the performance is in front of the curtain.


  • Tickets indicating the row and seat;
  • Theatrical mask;
  • Chamomile with petals - mood descriptions;
  • Cards - tongue twisters;
  • Cards with the names of objects for pantomime;
  • Costumes and scenery for the performance "Turnip".


  • presenter

Event progress

Before entering the hall, children receive tickets that indicate the row and seat. Children take seats (not necessarily those indicated on the ticket).

Presenter: Guys, hello! How are you doing? Good or bad? If you're doing great, clap your hands! That's lovely! And what is the mood? If it's good, go for it! I have a great one too! And all because today a real journey awaits us. But where we will be today is a surprise!

Dance number "Surprise".

Presenter: Guys, today we have prepared a real surprise for you! This is a journey into the magical world of theater! Want to get behind the scenes? Then go ahead! But... where are your tickets? Show me them!

Children raise tickets, show the presenter.

Presenter: Now check to see if you are in your seat.

The guys check the row and place indicated on the ticket with the place where they sit. They come to the conclusion that they are in the wrong place.

Presenter: Oh no no no! We urgently need to correct the situation! Approach the stage. Now find your seat and take it.

To the music, children look for the places indicated on their ticket.

Presenter: Actor and actress, premiere, intermission, playbill and, of course, a full house - all this can be called in one word - theatrical art. Do you know the name Greek muse patronizing this art? Her name is Melpomene!

Melpomene comes out, reads a monologue. Then he bows and leaves.

Presenter: Guys, where does the theater begin? That's right, from the hanger. But we have already safely passed it and ended up in the auditorium. They took their places, now it's time for us to go to the fairy tale! So today we'll take a trip to magical land, whose big name"Theater". Even Shakespeare said that our world is a theater, and we are actors who play different roles. So today I suggest everyone to decide on their role, and an unusual mask will help us in this.

Gets theatrical mask, half of which represents sad mood the other is joy.

Presenter: Look what an unusual mask. Guys, why do you think she is a symbol of theatrical art?

Children answer that an actor must be able to play a role regardless of his mood, he must be able to transform.

Presenter: Can you tell me what the mood of this mask is?

One half is sad, the other is happy.

Presenter: Here is our first actor play. You need to determine the mood of the music and convey it with facial expressions.

The game "Acting skills" is held.

Children listen to excerpts classical works conveying different moods, facial expressions depict the nature of the music. Sad - the corners of the mouth are lowered, cheerful - raised. You can use the eyes and eyebrows.

Presenter: You are amazing actors! You all did great. Well, now we will conduct a casting for best actor. I invite everyone to the stage!

The game "Theatrical Daisy" is being held.

Children need to say the same phrase: “I love going to school,” but with a different mood. They stretch out the petal and determine the nature of the spoken phrase: cheerful, sad, neutral, thoughtful, aggressive. The winner is chosen by the reaction of the audience - who clapped louder. He gets the role of grandfather in the play and goes backstage to get ready, the rest return to their places.

Presenter: The actor must be able not only to transform, but also to speak loudly and clearly so that the audience can hear him even with last rows! Guys, can you speak loudly? I invite the loud voices to the stage!

Presenter: Now let's get acquainted with the concept of "Intermission". Guys, do you know what it is? This is the name of the break for actors and spectators. At this time, they can rest. I suggest a physical session!

Presenter: Rested, you can continue to prepare for the performance. The actor must be able to turn into his hero. Let's see if you can transform! Who wants to try their hand at magical art?

Competition "Animal choir" is held.

Those who wish are divided into three groups: dogs, cats, mice. AT chaotic order line up in a line. The host sings a line from famous song, the participants continue to sing in turn in "their" language. For example, the presenter sings “A grasshopper was sitting in the grass”, the dog should bark the second line, the cat should meow the third, the mouse should squeak. The one who loses the rhythm, sings not in "their" language - is out of the game. Three winners distribute among themselves the roles of Bugs, cats and mice.

Presenter: Main actress in the theater - prima. She has the most significant role in the play, she has more fans, she is loved and respected. Here we are now choosing an actor for leading role in the play. Please come on stage!

Competition "Pantomime" .

Participants receive a card with the name of the dish. Their task is to show the subject without words so that the audience guesses what is being shown. If the audience cannot guess the object, the participant is eliminated from the game. The remaining participants proceed to the second stage of the casting - they show a vegetable in pantomime, at the third stage they show an animal. The competition continues until the winner is revealed, who will play the role of Repka. He goes backstage.

Presenter: In the meantime, our actors are preparing, I propose to move the convolutions!

Presenter: The actors are ready. Are the audience ready? Then I ask you to sit quietly, listen carefully, react violently at the end of the performance! Attention, the fairy tale begins!

Demonstration of the fairy tale "Turnip". After the end of the performance, the actors go out to bow, the audience clap.

Project Passport Magic world theater"

Project type: educational, creative

Dates: September – May, 2018-2019 academic year(long term)

Project participants: Educators, children and parents preparatory group MBDOU CRR Kindergarten No. 16.

Relevance: Unfortunately in recent times cases of speech defects in preschool children have become more frequent. One of the ways to correct speech defects in children is theatrical activity. It helps to develop and stimulate the development of all components of coherent speech.

Target: To develop the speech activity of preschoolers through theatrical activities.


Involve children in theater culture;

Introduce various types theater (puppet, opera, ballet, etc.), theatrical professions;

To create conditions for joint theatrical activities of children and adults;

Develop speech breathing, diction, correct articulation, train clear pronunciation of sounds, replenish lexicon, learn to build a dialogue, use intonations.

First stage

Problem Definition

Selecting a group of participants


Goal Achievement Development

Discussing the plan with parents

Schematic plan


Drawing up a plan of work with children and parents

Implementation: joint work on the project (children, educators, parents)


Interaction with children

Watching and discussing the video “Journey to the theatre. Musical Theatre. Part 1

Opera "The Story of Kai and Gerda" (excerpt)

Ballet "Dance of the Little Swans" (excerpt)

Theatrical game "Dispute of vegetables" T.V. Lisina page 45

Assistance in the purchase of costumes for theatrical activities


Interaction with children

Watching and discussing the video “What theaters are. Journey to the theatre. Part 2"

Puppet theater "Cat, rooster and fox" (excerpt)

An excerpt from the play "Cinderella"

Theater of cats Kuklachev

Repetition of the game "Dispute of vegetables"

Theatrical game "Seryozha and matches" T.V. Lisina page 15

Interaction with families of pupils

Memo "How to determine the artistic talent of a child"


Interaction with children

Watching and discussing the video “Journey to the theatre. Comedy, tragedy and melodrama. Part 3"

Mood theater game

Game-dialogue "Comment on the action" I. Agapova p. 79

- "Walking" theater

Interaction with families of pupils

Consultation « home theater as a means of forming relationships in the family "


Interaction with children

Watching and discussing the video “Journey to the theatre. Chevostik learns about the structure of the theater from the inside. Part 4"

game situation"I'll take you to the theater" (rules of conduct in the theater)

Staged " New Year it's time to meet "E.A. Antipina page 100

table theater

Interaction with families of pupils

Parent-teacher meeting"The role of theatrical activities in the development of children's speech"

Questionnaire on the topic


Interaction with children

Watching and discussing the video “Journey to the theatre. What's going on behind the scenes. Part 5"

The game "Views of the theater" (find a pair)

Theatrical game "In the Winter" by T.V. Lisina p. 96

Theater on discs

Interaction with families of pupils

Sliding folder "Theatrical activities of preschoolers"


Interaction with children

Watching and discussing the video “Journey to the theatre. Profession actor. Part 6"

The game "Try it again!"

Finger game training "Soldiers" E.A. Antipina page 18

Puppet show

Interaction with families of pupils

Folder - shift "Why a child puppet show»


Interaction with children

Watching and discussing the video “Journey to the theatre. Backstage. Part 7"

D / game "Theatrical Lotto"

Staged "Spring Has Come" by E.A. Antipina page 101

Theater on the flannelgraph of a fairy tale you like

Interaction with families of pupils

Photo report « Young actors»


Interaction with children

Watching and discussing the video “Journey to the theatre. Props. Part 8"

Game "Theatrical Professions"

Mini-sketch "Pussy" T.V. Lisina page 57

Finger theater

Interaction with families of pupils

Consultation "Theater and children"


Interaction with children

Playing out familiar tales

Repetition of the material covered

Interaction with families of pupils

Project presentation


Agapova I.A., Dovydova., M.A. Best games and fun with words. - M .: LLC IKTC "Lada", 2008. - 224 p.;

Antipina E.A., Theatrical activity in kindergarten: Games, exercises, scenarios. 2nd ed., revised. - M: TC Sphere, 2009. - 128 p.;

Internet sources.

Mobile thematic games for preschoolers / Comp. T.V. Lisina, G.V. Morozov. - M: TC Sphere, 2015. - 128 p.;

Expected results:

1. Preschoolers and their parents are interested in theatrical art;

2. Know the types of theaters, theatrical professions;

3. Participate with interest theatrical performances, watch performances;

4. They know how to build a dialogue, convey emotions with the help of intonation.

Team of association "Teatr" Houses children's creativity s. Buraevo RB

The puppet theater is universal - its performances captivate both adults and children equally. This event allows adults - the audience to plunge back into childhood, and children to grow up a little, plunging into the world of emotions and experiences conveyed at an accessible level, the theater brings them together.



Municipal state institution Department of education of the municipal district

Buraevsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Municipal budgetary educational institution additional education House of children's creativity in the village of Buraevo Buraevsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan


on the topic

« Magic world of theater»

Sakhibgaraeva F.F.

additional education teacher

MBOU DO DDT s. Buraevo


Target: Acquaintance and attraction of children to the world of theater. Formation of interest in theatrical activities. To draw the attention of children to the fact that the theater is able to reveal new qualities of a person and educate him to be good, kind and sympathetic.


1.Educational :

Form an idea about theatrical art acquaint with the history of the theater.

2. Developing:

Develop cognitive interest, creativity, attention and observation.

To develop a correct understanding of theatrical terminology and its use in speech.

3. Educators:

Educate children on the example of improvisation positive traits required for creativity.

To bring up an emotionally positive outlook on the world of theatrical art.

Event progress

teacher - Hello guys, our dear guests!

I'm glad to see you all!

The game.

Many, many, many of you friends

Let's find out who is who now!

A sparrow walked on the roof,

Gathered his friends.

Olya and Christina will sit down!

Mariyka and Marina are dancing!

Vanya and Tatyana are laughing!

Juliet and Yegor are sneezing!

Andrey and Lyuda are groaning!

Amalia and Valentin are smiling!

Many, many, many of you!

You guys are simply awesome!

teacher It's a beautiful day, let's greet each other. Looking with tenderness into the eyes, with a smile on his lips and, holding out his hands to the neighbor, we will convey kind, affectionate words and expressions.

Children, stretching out their hands to a neighbor, convey kind, affectionate words and expressions.

teacher Today I invite you to take a trip to an unusual, fairyland, to a country where miracles and transformations take place, where dolls come to life and animals begin to speak. Have you guessed what country this is?

Children: - THEATER!

teacher Guys, have you ever been to the theater? What performance did you watch? What did you see there? And behind the curtain that hides the artists, would you like to get there?

Then join hands and I will lead you in fairy world theater.

(snake walking throughout the group to the song "Little Country")

teacher Carefully ahead of the stairs, she goes down. Well, aren't you afraid to walk on it? Then go ahead! (imitation of downward movement - walking with gradual squatting to squat).

Now the stairs are going up (walking with crouching up to full growth). Higher and higher.

teacher - We've finally arrived. Let's have a rest, and if we all close our eyes together now, then a real miracle will happen!

Guys, where does this door lead?

Do you remember how Pinocchio opened the secret door?

Children's answers.

teacher And to open this door you need to solve riddles.

The writer wrote the play

He gave it to the theater.

The actor will get the role

Put on a play ... (director)

To hurt the viewer for a living,

The actor even has to sing

He is an Atlantean in his work,

The main thing in an actor is ... (talent)

The bell is ringing

finished act,

And it begins ... (intermission)

All children dream of playing in it,

And everyone in the world knows him

Our beloved film magazine.

And he is called ... ("Yeralash")

Here is a whole class at the performance,

The action will start now.

So that the chime does not interfere with us

Everyone turned off ... (phone)

from pictures and initial letters words - guesses on the screen the word "THEATRE" is added slide - open door to the world of theater

teacher Well guys, we are in the Theater.

Guys, what do we need to buy to go to the theater?

Children's answers.

Where can you buy them?

Children's answers.

The cash register appears on the screen.

We go to the box office for tickets.

Put on your hats and take your seats at the cash register.

Narrator: The theater is opening, everything is ready to start

Tickets are offered for a polite word.

The box office opened at 3 o'clock.

A mass of people gathered.

Even the hedgehog is old

Dragged a little alive.

Cashier: Come in, dear hedgehog, which aisle is your ticket for?

Hedgehog: I'm closer, I can't see well, here ...

Thank you! Well, I'll go!

storyteller : Sheep says.

Lamb: I have one place! Here is mine...

Thanks is a good word.

Narrator: And here is the duck.

Duck : Quack! A whole range for me and my ducklings!

storyteller : And the duck quacked

Duck: Good morning!

Narrator: deer galloped

Deer: Good afternoon! If only you are not lazy,

Dear cashier, I would very much like to ask

Me, my wife and daughter in the second row

Give best places. Here is mine


Narrator: And suddenly, pushing the old men, roosters, badgers,

A clubfoot burst in, crushed their tails and paws,

He hit an elderly hare ...

Bear : Cashier, give me a ticket!

Cashier : Your polite word?

Bear : I do not have that!

Cashier: Oh, don't you have one? Don't get a ticket!



No! No!

Don't knock - my answer!

Don't growl is my advice!

Narrator: The cashier did not give the bear a ticket.

The clubfoot sobbed.

Well, clubfoot, now you know polite words? So buy your ticket now.

(The bear buys a ticket.)

teacher Take your seats according to the numbers on your tickets, just like in a theater.

/ theater noise /.

Teacher: Well, I see that everyone is ready. Guys, you already know a lot about the theater, but today you will hear something for the first time.

Many of you love the theater, but not everyone knows that the theater arose a long time ago, about 2.5 thousand years ago, in Ancient Greece. "Theater" - the word Greek origin meaning "a place to see".

The inhabitants of this country - the ancient Greeks, built theaters under open sky. The theater had high seats and a stage where the actors acted out performances and plays, sad and funny. (slides)

When the actors performed a sad play - a tragedy, they put sad, gloomy masks on their faces. Wear sad masks. Repeat the tragedy - a sad play. If a funny play, a comedy, was played on the stage, the actors put on cheerful, smiling masks. (slides). wear funny masks. Let's say comedy together. So what is the name of the sad play? What is the name of the funny play?

Let's play the game "Mirror" where you will depict both tragedy and comedy. Stand in pairs facing each other. Whoever I give the frame to will be the mirror. The one who looks in the mirror needs to say magic words, but which ones? Come up with.

Children's answers.

teacher My light, tell me the mirror, but tell the whole truth: what is my mood? The mirror reflects, that is, repeats the mood of the one who looks into it.

teacher : Now pass the frame to your friend. Let's play again. Well done. They did an excellent job. Put the frames on the table, let's continue our acquaintance with the world of theater ..

Years passed and large, beautiful buildings appeared in the cities - theaters. (slide). Guys what theater do you know in our city?

Children's answers.

teacher : Let's look inside the theater. Inside the theater there is a large auditorium. The scene takes center stage.

What is a scene?

Children's answers. / The venue where the actors perform. /

teacher : In order for the performance to be bright and colorful, the stage is decorated .... Scenery. What is scenery?

Children's answers.

teacher : Of course, the scenery is they help the audience to be at the magnificent castle, or in the dense forest near the hut on chicken legs. And who else is missing in the theater on stage?

Come out to me, put the tickets on your chairs, try yourself as an actor.

teacher Q: What skills should an actor have?

Children. Speak well and clearly, move beautifully,

Change facial expressions.

teacher : We will now learn some points that are necessary for the artist. / change voice, speak with expression, change facial expression, make any gestures with hands /. Let's start in order.

Teacher: 1. Speak well and clearly - this is called stage speech.

And what should be done for this? What exercises?

- Breathing exercise

And now let's surprise our friends by inflating a balloon. We inflate it with the sound sharply "Sssss" Make a joke on a friend, stretch out your hand, and release the neck, and the balloon slowly deflates "Ssssssss." And now let's inflate a small balloon with the sound "Sh-s-s-s-s-s", and again blow it off slowly "S-s-s-s-s-s".

Gymnastics or warm-up for the tongue.

Story Four "Morning Tongue"

Tongue morning started early. I had to do a lot of things. I didn't want to get up! The tongue yawned (respectively), stretched sweetly (open the mouth wide and reach the palate with the tongue). Charging helped drive away the remnants of sleep. (The mouth is wide open, the tongue vigorously rises and falls under the count of "one-two" at least 5 times). Then Tongue went to the washstand. He brushed his teeth inside and out (run the tip of his tongue several times over the inner and outer surfaces of the teeth from right to left and left to right), rinsed his mouth (rinse his mouth with air, moving it from one cheek to another) and washed his face (lick his lips with a wide movement, trying to stick out his tongue as much as possible) and wiped himself with a towel (lick the upper sponge with a wide movement of the tongue from top to bottom).

Then the Tongue ventilated his house and opened all the doors: first the inner ones (teeth), and then the outer ones (lips). He leaned out (the corresponding movement of the tongue) and looked first to the left, and then to the right (respectively). "Does the sun shine?" The tongue looked up (raise the tongue up towards the nose). "Are there no puddles?" The tongue looked down (respectively). If the weather was good, Tongue would go out for a morning run. He ran around his house, moving first in one direction. Then he changed direction and ran to another. (Accordingly, make circular movements with the tongue. At the same time, the mouth is opened wide, tongue movements with maximum amplitude.)

Having completed the run, the Tongue did a few breathing exercises(respectively) and went into the house, closing the doors behind him (First close the teeth, and then the lips.).

Your friend gave you an apple. Bite an apple and chew closed mouth, now open mouth we chew sounds, we chew. We chew the sound "a", "o", "u", "i", "e", "s" Laughed with an open mouth with the sound "Aaaa", laughed thinly with the sound "I-i-i", laughed roundly "Ltd".

Let's say the tongue twister "Boris scattered Larisin's beads." Let's talk with our mouths wide open. Let's talk without opening our mouths.

Tongue Twisters.

Let's split into three groups. Take your tickets and they will help you to divide into groups. Pull out your tongue twister.

Speak it with different emotional coloring. They uttered a tongue twister: - angrily, with malice; - with annoyance; - with a sense of guilt; with a feeling of joy; thoughtfully; dreamily. Signal when you're ready.

teacher : 2. Move beautifully - this is called stage movement.

Muscle release exercise

Imagine that you are on stage, admired by the audience.

Now the music will play for you. You need to convey its character in different beautiful movements. (during the exercise, the teacher gives an assessment along the way: how plastically you move ....)

Educator: Well done, you were irresistible.

3. To be interesting to the viewer - for this, what does an actor need to do?

Change facial expressions. And this is called mimicry.

Educator: I suggest you play the Mimic Cube. One of you rolls a die and you get a fruit or vegetable. It is necessary to depict its taste on the face.

The game "Mimic Cube" is being played.

Educator: Now I suggest you play the game "Fan". I show you a picture of a face, and you need to say the phrase “We have guests” with such an intonation in your voice, what mood you will see on the depicted face. For example: frightened "...".

teacher A: It was just a little preparation. But it will also allow us now to enter the magical world of the theater as actors. Come here. This is the auditorium, the audience is looking forward to the performance. Here is the stage on which the scenery stands. I suggest you play a small performance where you will have to apply all the knowledge gained today, and, of course, add your creativity, imagination to play the role that has fallen to you.

So let's start the show. Do not forget to convey the character of the hero with your voice. (shown) Children go to change clothes. The child comes out and announces.

Hush, guests, you are sitting!

Do not scare our fairy tale!

Miracles happen here, where is she hiding?

We will now tell the tale, and we will tell and show.


Teacher: Everyone did a great job with their role, performed like real actors. Your friendship, diligence helped you to show a fairy tale.

Did you enjoy the magical world of theater?

Teacher: Let's remember what we have learned about the theater.

1. In which country did the first theater appear (In ancient Greece).

2. What are the names of funny performances (comedies), sad ones (tragedies)

3. What is inside the theater (stage, seats).

teacher : Let's express our impression of the theater in verse.

"Magic World - Theater"

Child. The theater world will open its backstage to us,

Child. And we will see miracles and fairy tales.

Child. There Pinocchio, cat Basilio, Alice

Child. Easily change heroes, masks.

Child. The magical world of play and adventure,

Child. Every kid wants to be here.

Child. Suddenly turn into Cinderella or into a prince,

Child. And show everyone your talents.

Child. The theater is like a sorcerer, a wizard,

Child. With your magic wand,

Child. And here is a child, modest and shy,

Child. Today suddenly plays the king.

Teacher: Let childhood be like a fairy tale

Let miracles happen every moment

And let the world around become kind, gentle,

Let good win over evil again!

Teacher: Guys, put your ticket in the box with a smiley face.

I'm glad you all liked it.

Teacher: Now it's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

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