Master and Margarita cowardice is the worst vice. Cowardice is the worst vice (USE in Russian)


Every person has many vices. The writers tried to reveal these vices through the prism of their heroes and their lives. Thanks to example literary heroes, the reader could see himself from the outside and struggle with this negative trait character. And here, Bulgakov is no exception. He exposes the problem of cowardice in his famous novel Master and Margarita. Just today we will turn to his famous work and in an essay on the work of The Master and Margarita we will trace the problem of cowardice, which the writer considered the most terrible vice.

One of the main works of Bulgakov is the novel The Master and Margarita, where moral issues, problem true love, good and evil, loyalty and betrayal. The author also touched upon the topic of vices, where cowardice highlights among all human negative characteristics. Each person can be afraid and have fear of something, but it is cowardice that is destructive. It does not allow admitting mistakes, it strikes the personal self, making a person a simple individual, but not a personality.

It is cowardice that is a terrible vice, and this problem is clearly visible in the Master and Margarita on the example of the characters. For example, the Master cannot be called a hero, he is not a fighter, he could not go to the end. Rejecting his manuscript, the Master showed his cowardice, he allowed himself to be broken. Unlike Yeshua, who showed courage and spiritual strength, the Master turned out to be the opposite.

Cowardice is also shown by Pontius Pilate, who, having power, is a coward. He is afraid of losing authority, he is simply broken by the masses. I could not insist on the truth, I did not save the person whose fault I doubted, I retreated from moral principles for which he paid.

Cowardice is the worst vice

The writer calls the most terrible vice - cowardice and it is very difficult to disagree with him. Why? All because it is this shameful quality of humanity that pushes people to crime. It is she who controls the actions of traitors, and those who often flatter their leadership are guided by cowardice. It is the coward who lies, and all because he is afraid. Afraid to admit guilt and afraid to tell the truth. And you need to be above your vices. As one philosopher said, after courage, there is nothing more beautiful than the recognition of cowardice. I also fully agree with this statement.

In 2005, when this legendary film came out, I was 13 years old. In such early age you understand little and realize it so deeply that you understand it to the end. After all, the truth is said that the work "Master and Margarita" V different ages understood in a completely different way. This happened to me as well. 10 years have passed - and I watch the same film, only with different eyes.

There are no evil people in the world, there are only unhappy people

At first it seemed to me that "Master and Margarita" - This is a work of love with an admixture of history. After all, for the sake of love, Margarita decided to go through this hard way, which eventually gave her a second chance to be happy next to her loved one. But in reality it goes much deeper than that. The novel shows how the meeting with Woland changes the fate of people. It remains a mystery, for example, whether Ivan Bezdomny would have ended up in a psychiatric hospital if he had not met on Patriarch's Ponds a mysterious foreign consultant?

Today at the Patriarch's Ponds you met with Satan

Now about the movie itself.

It seems to me that the 2005 film is no exaggeration the most brilliant work domestic cinema. Vladimir Bortko is the greatest talented producer who managed to convey all the atmosphere that the novel is saturated with. And, of course, it is worth noting the composer Igor Kornelyuk - his music is magnificent. I listen to her passionately!

Played an important role cast. What a pity that some of the actors are no longer alive. Personally, I really miss modern films my beloved Kirill Lavrov and Vladislav Galkin

We will always be together now. Once one - so, then the other is right there ... They will remember me - they will immediately remember you too ...

I was also always very impressed by the play of Oleg Basilashvili. He was amazing in this movie!

Never be afraid of anything. This is unreasonable.

Sergei Bezrukov - also very talented - "hit the right note." But the only negative - I think for Yeshua he is a bit overweight. But this is my subjective opinion.

- Cowardice is one of the worst human vices.
- I dare to object to you. Cowardice is the worst human vice.

Everything that Bulgakov experienced in his lifetime, both happy and difficult, he gave all his main thoughts and discoveries, all his soul and all his talent to the novel The Master and Margarita. Bulgakov wrote The Master and Margarita as a historically and psychologically reliable book about his time and people, and therefore the novel became a unique human document of that remarkable era. Bulgakov presents many problems on the pages of the novel. Bulgakov puts forward the idea that everyone is rewarded according to their deserts, what you believed in is what you get. In this regard, he touches upon the problem of human cowardice. The author considers cowardice the biggest sin in life. This is shown through the image of Pontius Pilate. Pilate was procurator in Yershalaim. One of those whom he judged is Yeshua Ha-Nozrp. The author develops the theme of cowardice through eternal theme unjust trial of Christ. Pontius Pilate lives according to his own laws: he knows that the world is divided into rule-N (them and those who obey them, that the formula “the slave obeys the master” is unshakable. And suddenly a person appears who thinks otherwise. Pontius Pilate understood perfectly well that Yeshua did not commit nothing for which he should be executed. But for a verdict of acquittal, the opinion of the procurator alone was not enough. He personified power, the opinion of many, and in order to be found innocent, Yeshua had to accept the laws of the crowd. In order to resist the crowd, you need a large Inner strength and courage Yeshua possessed such qualities, boldly and fearlessly expressing his point of view. life philosophy: «... evil people not in the world, there are unhappy people. Pilate was so unhappy. For Yeshua, the opinion of the crowd means nothing, he, even being in such a dangerous situation for himself, seeks to help others. Pilate was immediately convinced of the innocence of Ga-Notsrp. Moreover, Yeshua was able to remove the strongest headache which tormented the procurator. But Pilate did not listen to his "inner" voice, the voice of conscience, but followed the crowd's lead. The procurator tried to save the stubborn "prophet" from inevitable execution, but he resolutely did not want to give up his "truth". It turns out that the all-powerful ruler is also dependent on the opinions of others, the opinions of the crowd. Because of the fear of denunciation, fear of destroying own career Pilate goes against his convictions, the voice of humanity and conscience. And Pontius Pilate shouts so that everyone can hear: "Criminal!" Yeshua is executed. Pilate is not afraid for his life - nothing threatens her - but for his career. And when he has to decide whether to risk his career or send to death a man who managed to conquer his mind, amazing strength his word, something else unusual, he prefers the latter. Cowardice is the main trouble of Pontius Pilate. “Cowardice is undoubtedly one of the most terrible vices”- Pontius Pilate hears the words of Yeshua in a dream. “No, philosopher, I object to you: this is the most terrible vice!" - the author of the book intervenes unexpectedly and speaks in his full voice. Bulgakov condemns cowardice without mercy and condescension, because he knows that people who set evil as their goal are not so dangerous - there are, in fact, few of them - as those who seem to be ready to hasten to good, but are cowardly and cowardly. Fear makes good and personally brave people a blind instrument of evil will. The procurator understands that he committed a betrayal and tries to justify himself to himself, deceiving himself that his actions were correct and the only possible ones. Pontius Pilate was punished with immortality for his cowardice. It turns out that his immortality is a punishment. It is a punishment for the choice a person makes in his life. Pilate made his choice. And the biggest problem is that petty fears guided his actions. For two thousand years he sat on his stone chair on the mountains and for two thousand years he had the same dream - he couldn’t think of a more terrible torment, especially since this dream is his most secret dream. He claims that he did not finish something then, the fourteenth month of Nisan, and wants to go back to correct everything. Pilate's eternal existence cannot be called life, it is a painful state that will never end. The author nevertheless gives Pilate the opportunity to be released. Life began when the Master folded his hands like a mouthpiece and shouted: “Free!”. After much torment and suffering, Pilate is finally forgiven.

"Do not be afraid of friends - in the worst case, they can betray you. Be afraid of the indifferent - they do not kill or betray, but only with their tacit consent there are betrayal and murder on earth"

in Moscow for Bolotnaya Square an ensemble of sculptures "Children - victims of the vices of adults" was installed.

"The composition was conceived and implemented by me as a symbol and a call to the struggle for the salvation of today's and future generations. I, as an artist, call with this work to look around, hear and see what is happening. And before it's too late for the sane and honest people need to think. Do not be indifferent, fight, do everything to save the future of Russia."
Mikhail Shemyakin

As if from a swamp, mud, viscous mud everyday life these freaks got out, pulling their twisted hands to the viewer, trying to drag to the bottom ... Here - Drug Addiction, Prostitution, Drunkenness, Sadism. To the left of the center - 6 statues, to the right - 6 others. What about in the center?

And in the center - a figure, looking at the same time in two directions and shut up in unwillingness to listen and hear ears, standing above all the others. This is the most terrible of the vices of modernity, primarily because of it, the amount of grief, suffering, death, and catastrophes is multiplying every second in the world. And we produce this sin with every step we take, often without even noticing it.

Who is this figure? Mikhail Shemyakin put the most terrible vice of our time in the center - Indifference.

It is blind, it is deaf, there is no world around it. “The hut is on the edge”, “the matter is the side”, “they will figure it out without me”, “pass by”, “think about yourself” - these phrases today regulate all the behavior of people. “Take care of yourself, be careful ...” An occupation that does not bring money is ridiculous ... We, without hesitation, say: “Everything is fine”, forgetting that the synonyms for “norm” are “no way”, “ordinary”, “gray”, "standard", "faceless". Society normal people- this is scary.

*** I do not know how to excite you in the bowels of your apartments,
How to disturb, what kind of dusts?
But I know that if the world dies tomorrow,
he will die only through your fault, indifferent!

*** When does a person become indifferent?
Then when the holy notions turn for him
In the usual set of words, in an empty sound.

Holy concepts like - Motherland, love, veteran, mercy, memory, mother.

*** The most terrible indifference is indifference to one's own mother. Indifference, resentment, misunderstanding - very often these qualities accumulate in us, and dear close person becomes a stranger. Mother . We are always indebted to her. Busy, always preoccupied with our affairs, always ready to sacrifice her peace and well-being for us, accepting our joys and sorrows as her own - no, closer than her own! But we are in a hurry, in a hurry and forget to say something to mom, kiss, take her care for us for granted, postponing gratitude for later.

It's easy to hurt your mother
She will not respond with resentment
And it will only repeat:
"Don't catch a cold, it's windy today!"

*** Indifference… but what about, the memory of those who remained in the earth forever, and who lives next to us. About the soldiers who gave us peace. Where do young people come from in Russia, clinging to themselves with vile symbols, forgetting about those 20 million who ...

The war has passed, gone around the corner,
Guards banners are in cases.
Both life and time move forward.
Only twenty million left behind.

*** Maybe adults, protecting the fragile, impressionable soul of a child, did not tell him the truth about the war, about fascism, about human grief, maybe he himself believed that these were “deeds long ago past days”, and now there are much more interesting and important classes.

There are names, and there are such dates,
They are full of incorruptible essence.
We are to blame for them on weekdays.
Do not pray for guilt on holidays.

*** And it's not the fault of man alone. People have become indifferent to small tragedies. Previously, when a child was walking down the street alone, passers-by would certainly ask if he was lost, if everything was in order. Now they just pass by. The pain threshold in society has risen. To cry, today we need to see something monstrous.

We look through crooked mirrors
And we see life as a clot of darkness,
I don't see any heat at all
No happiness, no love, no beauty.
And the kindness in those mirrors is a lie,
Pretense and pernicious evil...

So why are we looking through the mist
On false, corrupt glass?
Why see the bad in people
And talk about other people's mistakes?
Why from black envy burn down
On all the streams of hatred to pour?

We just stopped respecting
Appreciate kindness, laugh and love.
We gradually began to forget
What does it mean in the full sense of the word -

*** We are sometimes afraid to pay a penny to a beggar, to show even the slightest concern for the humiliated. No, don't be afraid to do good. This will make us happier and brighter. If we did something from pure heart, sincerely took pity on the person and at the same time did not humiliate him, then we will remember his grateful look. No matter how hard it was for us from our inner experiences, we managed to find spiritual strength in ourselves, break away from them, and help someone who suffers more than us. Having passed through ourselves the pain of another person, a stranger to us, we are cured of our own pain. This is mercy, which is built on respect and a sense of compassion, belonging to a person.

A merciful attitude to everything that surrounds us: to man, to nature, to animals, birds, fish, even insects, is manifested in actions. We need to learn how to give warmth, kindness, mercy, and it will definitely return to us a hundredfold. It is important to find peace in your soul, where there will be no anger and aggression, indifference and hatred.

*** ...rallies, demonstrations of solidarity!And yet sometimes we hear: “Who needs all this? Waste of time these rallies, demonstrations of solidarity! What's the point? More voice, less voice ... ”But this is indifference. "Petty?" no, indifference is always dangerous, in any form.

*** There is such a disease: "hospitalism". A girl died in the hospital, a clever girl and a favorite of all the staff. The unfortunate "refusal" child, who was three years old, died from this disease. She is not the first and probably not the last. This disease develops because there is simply no one to caress the child, sing a song, kiss goodnight. With all the nurses' love for her, they were not up to the child when there were so many worries; the main thing is that he was fed and dry. But the entire staff was shocked. Die of neglect. Isn't it scary? That's what kids can die from.

*** And here is another case.
The hooligans stuck to the girl on the street. It was still light, there were a lot of people around. Everyone walked by and pretended not to notice anything. Only one young man came up and tried to calm down the hooligans. A fight ensued. Nobody came to help. When one of the hooligans took out a knife, the girl screamed. In response to the cry, no one came up. The hooligans wounded the young man with a knife and ran away. The ambulance did not have time to arrive. This indifference and fear of others killed young man. And there are many such stories.

*** If at first we simply do not pay attention to someone else's grief, drown out the voice of our own conscience, convincing ourselves that we will catch up later, but for now there are already a lot of worries, then by doing so we will kill ourselves the most valuable quality is the ability to do good. This coarsens our heart, covers it with an impenetrable crust, through which pleas for help will no longer break through.

*** People, be kind to each other, be sensitive! Morality and kindness are great forces, and one must correctly understand them. Good educates and exalts a person, anger and indifference humiliate him.

"If you are indifferent to the suffering of others, you do not deserve the name of a person," said Saadi. But is it really that bad?

*** Many people like to sit at the TV and discuss the situation in the world, sympathize, groan ... But there are other people ...

veteran of the great Patriotic War all the honey collected from his apiary was sent to a military hospital for soldiers wounded in Chechnya.
- Charitable Foundation "Children's Hearts" was created to help children with congenital heart defects.
- The initiative group "Donors for Children" is focused on finding blood donors for patients of the Hematology Center of the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital.

We take purity, simplicity from the ancients.
Sagas, dragging tales from the past.
Because good is good
Past, future and present!

Everyone wants to live in a country where it is not scary to go outside, where you can safely walk in the park in the evening, where real works of art are shown on TV, and where we will be calm for our lives, because there will be no indifferent people nearby and each person will lend a helping hand

Trees bear fruit not for themselves,
And the rivers clean waters don't drink their own
Ears do not ask for bread for themselves,
Houses do not store comfort for themselves.
We won't compare ourselves to them.
But everyone knows this loving life,
That the more generously you give to people,
The happier you live for yourself.

Man, like any living being, is subject to fear. This is a completely normal phenomenon, which reflects the instinct of self-preservation. Only in life there are circumstances that require a person to overcome this fear, that is, to suppress the primitive instinct in himself. Such a task is not at all easy, so it is not surprising that people show cowardice. It is this concept that we will consider today.

What does cowardice mean?

Cowardice is the behavior of a person in a certain situation when he refuses to make decisions or actively act because of fear or other phobias. Cowardice is undoubtedly driven by fear, and this concept must be distinguished from caution or prudence. Once V. Rumyantsev noted that cowardice is an escape from a possible danger without its preliminary adequate assessment.

In psychology, cowardice is considered negative quality. weakness, which does not allow you to perform proper actions.

Understanding cowardice according to Theophrastus

The ancient Greek philosopher Theophrastus said that cowardice is a mental weakness that does not allow a person to confront his fear. A cowardly person can easily mistake cliffs for pirate ships or prepare to die as soon as the waves start to rise. If a coward suddenly gets into a war, then at the sight of how his comrades are dying, he will certainly pretend that he has forgotten his weapon and return to the camp. There, the coward will hide the sword away and will pretend to be intensified searches. He will do anything to avoid fighting enemies. Even if one of his comrades is wounded, he will look after him, but when the soldiers begin to return from the battlefield, there is no doubt that the coward will run out to meet them, all smeared with the blood of his comrade and will tell that he personally carried him out of hellish fight.

like this a prime example cowardice leads Theophrastus, trying to reveal the essence of this concept. But it doesn't matter now or thousands of years ago, human nature remained unchanged - cowards behave the same way.

Cowardice and courage

The feeling of fear is known to all people. There has never been, is not and never will be a person who is not afraid of anything. Only some retreat in the face of danger, while others break themselves and go towards their fear. Such people are called courageous. But if a person does not do this, and after a while he is forced by others to a certain action, then without a doubt, he will receive the nickname of a coward. The inability and unwillingness to cope with their fears will forever put a corresponding stigma on a person.

It is not easy to overcome cowardice. To gain courage, to show courage - every person is potentially capable of such actions, but if cowardice is already firmly rooted in him, he becomes her helpless slave. Cowardice does everything not to show itself, it is an imperceptible shadow with great destructive power.

One can recall many examples of cowardice: a friend did not stand up for a comrade because he was afraid of a fight; a person does not change a hated job, being afraid of losing stability; or a soldier fleeing the battlefield. Cowardice has many guises behind the rules.

Hell Dante

In Dante's guide to afterlife given classic description shorts. In the very threshold of the Underworld, faceless souls crowded, once they were people struck by cowardice. These are indifferent onlookers at the feast of life, they knew neither glory nor shame, and the world should not remember them.

If a person, getting into dangerous situation, thinks exclusively about flight, while ignoring the voice of reason, he is struck by cowardice. Cowardice always chooses what is convenient and safe. Not solving the problem, but hiding from it - this is the basis on which the concept of cowardice is based.


To hide from life problems and decision-making, cowardice finds relaxation in recreational activities. Hiding behind a series of endless feasts, watching funny videos, cowardice constantly accumulates unpleasant situations requiring permission. So what does cowardice lead to?

If it has already become a manifestation of personality, then it is safe to say that such a person is not capable of courage or selflessness. He becomes timid and timid, and his conscience is forever silenced. Only the insane do not experience fear. Avoiding danger is a reasonable act, but running away from a specific problem is cowardice.

A coward will think ten thousand times before making a decision. His motto is: "No matter what happens." Following this principle, a person turns into a real egoist who does everything possible to hide from the threats of the outside world. Cowardice is closed in its loneliness, and the frightened ego, to which its own safety is most important, is ready to go to any meanness. This is how betrayal is born. Paired with cowardice, anyone takes on an exaggerated look: a stupid one turns into an incorrigible dumbass, a deceitful one becomes a slanderer. This is what cowardice leads to.

terrible vice

Most cowardly people are cruel. They bully the weak, thereby trying to hide their “shy illness” from the public. The coward splashes out the accumulated anger and resentment on the victim. Cowardice deprives a person of the ability to reason rationally. Brutal killings that even seasoned criminalists are thrown into a cold sweat, most often committed under the influence of fear. That is why cowardice is the most terrible vice.

Due to his excessive fearfulness, a person can live a lifetime without knowing what he was capable of. Everyone has the potential to be a brave person, but by refusing to make decisions or commit necessary action, a person gradually turns into a miserable coward. Fear is not a sin, it reveals human weaknesses that can be dealt with quite successfully, but cowardice is already a vice for which there is no excuse.

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