Unexpected facts. Interesting and unexpected facts about everything in the world


Over the many centuries of existence, the Russian people have acquired a great many stereotypes that continue to be supported both abroad and in our country. However, not all characteristics of Russians are what they seem at first glance.

Explosive power

Russians are often named among the most warlike and even aggressive nations. This reputation has been going on since the ruinous campaigns of the Russians against the Byzantines, Khazars, Pechenegs, and Bulgars. The historian Sergei Solovyov counted 200 wars and invasions in which the Russians took part in the period from 1240 to 1462 alone. And the military historian Nikolai Sukhotin calculated that Russia from the 14th to the 20th centuries in total fought for 329 years, in other words, 2/3 of this period of history, Russia was at war. Such an abundance of wars is easily explained: our lands were tidbit for neighbors who over and over again encroached on foreign territories. It is important that, with rare exceptions, Russia has never been the initiator of the outbreak of hostilities. However, our belligerence is not explained only by the invincible intention to repulse the conqueror.

Lecturer, China University of Politics and Law, the best translator 2016, Van Ga gives his explanation for the aggressiveness that sometimes manifests itself in Russians. We, in his words, prefer to put up with our fate for a long time and endure. However, in a state of constant obedience accumulated explosive force, which often manifested itself in extreme forms- riots and revolutions.

A similar nature of aggression in Russians is found by Dr. psychological sciences Hope Klyueva. According to the expert, we were often forced to endure humiliation and insults in the face of growing anxiety about the uncertainty of the present and future: from time to time, negative mental energy was transformed into explosive aggression. These, according to Klyueva, are regressive and infantile ways of responding, but absolutely normal in an extreme situation.

From non-drinkers to drinkers

Drunkenness is a national Russian trait, we hear from all sides. And then the explanation: Russian drunkenness has strong historical roots. With the first, albeit a stretch, one could agree. Thus, according to WHO data, about 15 liters of pure ethanol per year are consumed per capita in our country. For comparison, in the drinking country according to WHO statistics, Belarus, this figure is 17.5 liters, in the most non-drinking, Pakistan - 0.1 liters. But with the roots - a clear search.

Based on the surviving sources, it can be argued that drunkenness was not characteristic of the Russian people. For example, before the adoption of Christianity in Rus', our ancestors had only three reasons to raise a drunken glass: the birth of a child, victory over the enemy and funeral. But even later, the inhabitants of the Russian state did not abuse alcohol. Another misconception is to think that vodka is the national Russian drink. This product was brought to us by Genoese merchants in the 14th century, and the technology for its manufacture was known back in Ancient Rome. Vodka gained popularity in Russia since the time of Ivan the Terrible, when the first "kings of taverns" began to open, but its strength was incomparable with the current one - only 14 °.

Lived in Moscow XVII century German Heinrich von Staden noted that Russians were forbidden to sell vodka, since this occupation is considered a great shame for them, but foreigners were allowed to do this, because foreign soldiers love to drink. By 1910 Russian empire was at the very bottom of the list in terms of per capita alcohol consumption in Europe, only Norwegians drank less than Russians. The alcoholization of Russia began to manifest itself only at the height of the First World War, and after October revolution we began to steadily approach the number of the most drinking nations.

Strong middle peasants

In Soviet times, one could hear more than once that our people are the most educated and well-read. Perhaps that is how it was. And what about before, in tsarist Russia? Of course, we were inferior to the developed European countries in these indicators. So, the project of universal education in Great Britain appeared in 1870, in Russia it was developed only in 1906. Noticeably less than, say, in England, we had a literate population.

In the present, the situation does not seem to have changed much compared to pre-revolutionary times. Thus, recently the UN presented a list of 189 countries ranked by the level of human development. Russia ended up in 49th place in it, losing to virtually all major world powers. Maybe we are still not at such a high stage of development, as we think?

Today, there are many studies on the intellectual potential of nations, and in them Russia is far from being in the leading roles. For example, The Times newspaper recently published the results of research on the level of mental intelligence (IQ) among various nations by Richard Lynn, Ph.D. and psychologist from Ireland. The scientist gives unconditional leadership to the Japanese with an average IQ level of 111 points, the Germans and the Dutch, for example, scored 107 points from him, the Poles - 106.

The Russians are stuck in the middle of the list with 96 points. Maybe we really are not the most outstanding nation in terms of the level of development, education, intelligence? To be honest, throughout almost our entire history, we have been inferior to the leading Western European countries in this. So, the first university in Russia was opened only in 1724, and in Europe similar institutions functioned from the end of the 11th century. Perhaps now we are only in the role of catching up?

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It is impossible to know everything. But you will find some interesting and unexpected facts about the world in this article.

We are in website sure: no matter how new knowledge is obtained, it is always useful.

15. Dolphins deliberately eat toxic puffer fish to get high.

Dolphins sometimes look more like humans than we can imagine. The creators of the documentary noticed a strange thing: teenage dolphins carefully chewed puffer fish and passed it to each other. Fugu is known for containing a lethal dose of a neurotoxin in her body, but in small doses this substance causes a narcotic effect, and dolphins seem to be well aware of this.

14. NASA internet speed is 91 GB per second

And this means that with such a speed you could download all the seasons of all your favorite TV shows in 1 second. In the very high resolution. But, like all interesting facts, there are nuances here: this speed is developed by an internal network that serves US scientific institutes. Since NASA moves huge amounts of data, such a record speed was recorded there.

13 Japan Changed Its Flag In 1999

Japan - unusual country in all senses. Take, for example, such a concept as " national symbols”- it was incomprehensible to the Japanese population. Hinomaru (Jap. "solar circle") appeared as a badge of distinction for Japanese ships, it was also used to communicate with other states. Only in 1999 they decided to put an end to this issue, they issued a law and slightly changed the design of the flag itself.

12. In 2012, J.K. Rowling flew off the Forbes list after spending $160 million on charity.

Britain's richest woman has been unexpectedly successful, but this is a perfect example of what really happens. good people money does not spoil: the writer actively helps single parents and supports a clinic that studies multiple sclerosis. Thanks to her impressive income for Rowling, there is always a place in various lists, except for 2012. This year, the writer has donated an estimated $160 million to charity.

11. Instead of a signature in Japan, they put a seal - hanko

To open a bank account or confirm the delivery of goods, the Japanese will need a hanko - a nominal seal. In some cases, a handwritten autograph is also used now, but hanko remains the main way to confirm one's identity during transactions or banking transactions.

10. After a lightning strike, drawings appear on the body

A lucky few survive after being struck by lightning. On the body of those who succeed, what scientists call "Lichtenberg figures" may appear. Except the human body, they appear on any material that has interacted with high voltage. However, science still does not know the reason for the origin of the drawings on the body of people who survived a lightning strike. Lichtenberg's figures are also poetically called "lightning flowers".

9. The baby in the womb heals the mother's heart

Scientists have found that baby stem cells can restore the heart of a pregnant mother. It is believed that this process appeared in the course of evolution. By helping the mother's heart, offspring increase their chances of survival.

The discovery explains why half of the women who developed heart failure during pregnancy suddenly recovered on their own.

8. There is an island in the Philippines that has a lake that has an island that has a lake

It is surprising that sometimes nature is too lazy and creates a landscape with the help of “copy-paste”. Taal Lake is proof that Mother Nature has a sense of humor.

7. Another amazing story about Steve Jobs

The life of Steve Jobs has already acquired a huge number of legends. Not all of them are true. Shared this story former employee Apple and she Once again proves that Steve Jobs was a fucking genius.

When a prototype iPod was brought to him, he turned it over in his hands for a long time, but in the end he rejected it: it was too big. The engineers working on the prototype tried to prove that it was impossible to make the player even smaller. Jobs was silent for a few seconds. Then he went to the aquarium and threw the iPod there. When the gadget reached the bottom, bubbles began to rise.

“These are air bubbles,” said Steve Jobs. - If there is air, then there is extra space. Make it thinner."

6. What is "eagle vision" really?

5. Longest stay in space in one flight

The absolute record belongs to the Russian cosmonaut Valery Polyakov, who spent 437 days and 18 hours aboard the Mir station. We hope this will give some consolation to those who will not be able to break out on vacation this summer.

Interesting facts about everything in the world, with which you can entertain a group of friends, while showing off your erudition.

Penguins have an organ above their eyes that converts salt water into drinking water (the supraorbital gland).

If you click on your nipple, it will become hard in 7 seconds. Times may vary for pierced nipples.

The metabolism of hummingbirds is so fast that they need to go into hibernation (a kind of torpor, a state familiar to bats, some rats and bears) just to sleep at night. If hummingbirds slept without torpor, they would starve to death in their sleep. If the hummingbird does not start up when waking up, then it will fall asleep again and die due to the fact that the body temperature does not rise to normal.

Lion tamers use chairs because lions can only focus on one thing they want to attack. And when four legs of a chair are pointed at a lion, he gets lost and retreats.

The arteries of the blue whale are so large that a person could swim through them. The heart of a blue whale is the size of a car. Bubbles from the blue whale's intestinal gases can fit a horse inside.

The penis of a blue whale is 3 meters long and it produces 8 liters of semen.

Broccoli and cauliflower bred by humans and do not occur in the wild. Not surprised? Then we continue.
You can't reproduce modern corn on the cob. All because of the dense shell of the grains.

If you put a piece of pineapple in your mouth, it will start eating you. Pineapple contains a protein that decomposes meat (more specifically, the enzyme bromelain destroys connective tissues). If you eat too much fresh pineapple, you will get a tingling sensation on your tongue - this is because your tongue literally dissolves. Because of this enzyme, there is no pineapple jelly. If marinated chicken breast along with fresh pineapples, then after three hours you will have to eat one side dish. And that's probably why people working on pineapple plantations don't have fingerprints. Canned pineapples lose the magic listed above (when preserved, bromelain denatures).

In coconut, the concentration of salts and sugar is similar to the concentration in human body. Plus, the insides of the coconut are sterile, which means you can use coconuts for intravenous injections. During World War II American hospitals in pacific ocean practiced coconut drips. Due to the lack of sodium (for a complete balance of the necessary brain functions), coconuts were not suitable for a long course.

Bananas actually contain large seeds under the skin, just like bean pods. You can grow a tree out of them. And the bananas that we eat, Cavendish banana, are just sterile mutants that do not contain seeds, but are a sweet fruit. This means that if the natural method of propagation through seeds is not possible, then new banana trees can be obtained by cloning: we split off the shoots from the old mutant, plant them in the soil, and get a new mutant. Just like with weed: you need a mother plant. If any disease affects the mother plant, then the business can be curtailed.

An interesting fact on the topic: isopentyl (isoamyl) acetate is a colorless liquid with the smell of bananas and peaches. It is a pity that when inhaled it causes sore throat, cough, headache, weakness and drowsiness.

The carrot was originally purple. The color of the Dutch monarchs was orange. So the Dutch experimented with planting carrots until the carrots mutated orange. The orange carrot has become a symbol of prestige. In the picture: the ancient Persians, the caliphs from the Arab Caliphate and the entire Mediterranean plant purple and yellow, while the Netherlands has red, white and orange.

However, purple is more commonly referred to as the royal color (Roman emperors wore purple, and Roman senators were allowed to put a purple stripe on their toga). The only way to get purple dye is from shellfish slime. Something like 10,000 clams need to be squeezed to get 1.5g of purple dye. The main flow of the dye came from the Phoenicians, who, in fact, discovered it.

Shellfish? Why not use carrots then? If you are still interested in the question of dyeing, then with the help of carrots (purple or orange) you can dye silk or wool, but it will not dye cotton or linen. But the berries of phytolacca (laconos) are often used as ink. For example, the Declaration of Independence was written by them. But the color from the berries is not enough to get such a rich color as the ancient clothes. In any case, the nobility had to wear colors that ordinary mortals could not get.

Despite the fact that you cannot drown in the Dead Sea, it is the second place in Israel where people most often die in the water. You ask what comes first. In the first place, any body of water, if you are a Palestinian, and for the rest, the Mediterranean Sea or the Red Sea. Everywhere you can easily find problems. Trite, waves and surf are the most dangerous for a bather. So, the Dead Sea. If you fall face-first into the water, the density of the water will prevent you from flipping face-up.

If you throw up chilled soda (ice cream), then it will cool your mouth again, while after passing the throat this cold is not felt. Ice cream, by the way, does not lose its taste when it comes back.

Rain smells nothing. When it rains, the humidity rises, which makes it easier to perceive odors. After rain, the cement acquires a smell.

From the moment it was discovered, until the moment its classification changed, Pluto did not have time to make even one revolution around the Sun.

Behind the holiday of all lovers and on this occasion below are the most interesting and unexpected facts about love and sex that have appeared on the Internet lately:

1. A New Zealander has been looking for a girl for a whole year, about whom he knew only her name - and found

New Zealander Reese McKee, 25, has launched a social media campaign that has captured the imagination of thousands of online romantics. His request for help in finding the whereabouts of his soul mate went viral for several hours. As a result, he had to delete his appeal, as events began to spiral out of control.

In his initial campaign, Reese revealed that in new year's eve In 2012, he met a girl in Hong Kong. He noticed her crying on the side of the road - she was lost and could not find her friends. Then Reese just said hello to her, and as a result, the two young people spent New Year's Eve together, dancing and talking, and closer to the morning the girl found friends. When they said goodbye, the girl told Reese that her name was Katie, allowed her to take a picture of her and left, saying goodbye: "Find me."

The next morning, when Reese looked at the pictures of Katie on his phone, a wave of fond memories washed over him and he became determined to find her. Unfortunately, he could not remember her address. Email So I decided to ask Facebook for help.

His words were enough for thousands of Internet users to start looking for Kathy. They found her for the most a short time and bombarded with tons of messages. It all got so out of hand that Katie had to delete her Facebook account. To make matters worse, Reese's search received widespread media attention from around the world: although he refused to tell his story on television, it nevertheless received wide coverage. He admits that he did not realize that his search would attract so much attention.

Created general impression that Kathy wasn't too happy when she was found. Now a 20-year-old student at Georgetown University, Kathy is in the south of France. According to her, she has not yet decided what to do with Reese, but so far a date with him is out of the question, although she is still waiting for him to make contact with her. As for Reese, he seems to have decided to wait until the media interest in their story subsides before contacting Cathy, which is a perfectly reasonable move in this situation.

2. This is what determines what type of man (cute or macho) a girl likes.

The health of the general population of a country influences whether women like masculine or "handsome" men. Women living in countries with high level health, prefer more "feminine", soft faces in men, while women living in countries where life-threatening diseases are common, prefer a more masculine appearance.

Men with a masculine appearance are most attractive to women living in those areas of the world where genetically transmitted qualities are critical for survival. A study of women from 30 countries showed that they prefer to choose a partner with a masculine appearance if their country does not have too much high index according to World Health Organization mortality data.

In countries where people live longer, women like men with a soft, even "feminine" appearance - even though their genes may not be the most viable.

3. The Japanese created a bra that can only be unfastened if there is true love.

If you want only the one you really love to make love to you, then we have good news: the Japanese lingerie manufacturer Ravijour has developed a bra whose clasp will only open if you are experiencing really strong feelings for a man. feelings.

This works with a built-in heart rate monitor and a dedicated app for mobile phone(also, probably, "magic"). When excited, the adrenal glands secrete catecholamines - physiologically active substances that affect the contraction of the nerves and regulate the heart rhythm.

The sensor built into the bra reads the woman's heart rate signal and sends it special application via bluetooth for analysis. The app calculates "true love" based on changes in heart rate (HR) over time. When the index true love» exceeds a certain value, the clasp of the bra is automatically unfastened.

True, there may be some inconvenience. Let's assume that the bra is smart enough to distinguish romantic heart rate increases from physiological ones (such as running). But imagine that your bra suddenly comes open during a romantic dinner, when it is not yet the time for sex and perhaps not the place.

But the "magic" bra is guaranteed to protect you from impudent uninteresting to you. True, you can have sex in a bra.

4. Intuition is much better at predicting the fate of your relationship than reason.

A recent study by American scientists found that the prospects for a marriage union can be predicted by the instinctive and almost unconscious physiological sensations of the spouses that they experience during communication.

Jim McNulty

Psychology professor Jim McNulty and his colleagues at Florida State University followed 135 couples for four years, and every six months they asked the partners to rate their satisfaction with the relationship and its prospects using various adjectives, corresponding to a scale of one to ten. After that, the experts studied the reaction time of the spouses to positive and negative statements about each other and it turned out that in some cases the partners reacted faster to positive assessments and more slowly to negative ones, and vice versa in others. At the same time, their own conscious opinion about marriage had practically no effect on the results of the second stage of the study.

Couples who experienced accelerated reactions to negative assessments showed a decrease in relationship satisfaction throughout the experiment, and for those who subconsciously perceived their partners as more positive, marriage alliances only strengthened over time, regardless of the epithets with which the spouses "rewarded" each other. friend.

According to psychologists, the data obtained indicate that an intuitive reaction to the "soul mate" has a much greater effect on the success of a marriage than a conscious one. "Conscious relationship assessment is usually rational, but it can mislead spouses and make them wishful thinking," explains Professor McNulty. The researcher is confident that the experiment will help many couples avoid some of the problems associated with their illusions about the relationship to each other and reveal the true state of affairs.

5. Mosquitoes only have sex with a partner who sounds harmonious.

A mosquito squeal is perhaps one of the most annoying sounds to our ears, but for some mosquitoes, this sound is a complicated love song. When looking for a partner of their subspecies, male and female mosquitoes are guided by their ability to "sing" harmoniously.

The song's cues play and change according to the frequency of wing beats in flight. When the male and female mate, they adjust the speed of their wing beats until both sounds are combined in such a way that they sound in harmony with each other.

The buzz of a male mosquito, or rather the tone of its flight, is usually around 600 cycles per second, or 600 Hz. The tone of the female is about 400 Hz. If you put them to music, then the male is approximately D, and the female is G. So when the male and female hum in unison, they make an almost perfect duet.

6. The first porn movie came out a few months after the invention of cinema itself.

The film "Le Coucher de la Marie" (it can be roughly translated as "Marie's Overnight") at the time of release in 1896, the year certainly made a splash: it is believed that it was the first film "for adults" in history. It was shot by the famous French photographer and cinematographer Eugene Piroux and director Albert Kirchner, but the fruits of their joint work have been preserved only partially - out of seven minutes of the tape, two have come down to us. The film was released just a few months after the Lumière brothers staged their first public screening.

It must be said that at that time the technology of making and reproducing films still left much to be desired. It was an extremely complex and time-consuming process, so it is unlikely that the audience could sincerely enjoy the smutty scenes and the delights of the first porn actresses in history. However, in 1903 "Overnight" was released in the United States, where, despite all its shortcomings, it enjoyed some success for a long time.

7. Being in love makes food and drinks taste sweeter.

According to a recent series of experiments at the University of Singapore, being in love will make your dessert taste better. Not only are we used to equating the word “love” with sweetness, but even thinking about something romantic can make us perceive what we eat and drink as sweeter.

The subjects correlated different emotions like love or jealousy with different tastes - sweet, bitter, salty, spicy, sour. Then one group described a personal romantic experience, while the other group described something more boring like Singapore attractions. After that, they appreciated the taste of the food offered to them: those who wrote about happy love, the food seemed sweeter than those who wrote about jealousy or attractions. Moreover, they even thought that plain water"sweets".

Researchers believe that this taste perception may be related to common work nervous system associated with the fact that both love and sweets are often perceived as rewards. Research has shown that the anterior cingulate cortex (the area of ​​the brain that plays important role in reward prediction) is activated when looking at photos of romantic partners and when tasting sweets. Thus, it is possible that when a person experiences love, the anterior cingulate cortex activates representations associated with sweetness, thereby causing sensations of sweetness even without directly consuming sugar-containing foods.

8. Englishman Edward Smith had sex from 1000 cars

Edward Smith lives in Elma, Washington. He is known as the man who has had sex with a thousand cars, which makes him the most promiscuous mechaphile - a person who loves cars too much or has feelings for them. sexual attraction.

Smith claims that he was never attracted to other people, and his love for cars began as a child - he lost his virginity with his neighbor's Volkswagen. He had only one woman 12 years ago, and then his entire sexual experience was limited to one night in Seattle.

“When I was 13 years old, I saw the Corvette Stingray, an incredible car that I had amazing sex with. I wanted her. I myself do not fully understand what is happening to me, but I am sure that this does not harm anyone, and I do not intend to change.

Edward is now "in touch" with a used Volkswagen Beetle named Vanilla, a 1973 Opel GT named Cinnamon, and a 1193 Ford Ranger named Splash. With all these machines, he regularly has sex, but his heart belongs to Vanilla, for whom he has real deep feelings. He only regrets that the car can't talk to him.

When asked about what attracts him so much in cars, Smith replies:
"Some guys look at breasts and butts beautiful women. I pay attention to the beautiful hoods and trunks of cars.

Before entering into a long relationship with Vanilla, Edward also had sex with other cars on the streets. Some attracted him so much that he waited for the night to come up to these cars, hug and kiss them. However, now he prefers Vanilla. Smith doesn't consider himself insane - he claims he just loves cars.

9. Men care about penis size much more than women.

According to recent studies, many men with large penises are worried about their size, while men with small ones are quite sure about them. Study leader David Weale, a psychiatrist at King's College London, said this is not surprising - such anxiety is an emotion and is no different from other manifestations of dissatisfaction with one's body.

David Veal

A recent study showed that women prefer large penises only up to a certain point, as long as its length in an uncertified state does not exceed 7.59 cm. Preference also varies depending on the height of the man. In addition, large genitals are preferred by women who often experience vaginal orgasm, but for those who do not experience it or do not love it too much, size does not matter much.

However, men continue to worry about size. Veal notes that such anxiety - important step on the way to being able to evaluate psychological treatments designed to increase the self-esteem of men.

Wil and his colleagues conducted a survey among men: 30% of respondents were unhappy with the size, about 35% were completely satisfied, and the rest fluctuated between dissatisfaction and satisfaction. The largest percentage of dissatisfied was among homosexuals and bisexuals - people with such sexual orientation more worried about themselves appearance and physiological qualities.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that anxiety about the penis does not depend directly on its size - primarily psychological causes of anxiety. Many men who experience such anxiety have suffered psychological trauma - for example, in adolescence they were teased by their peers.

10. A loving husband bought his wife 55,000 dresses in their 56 years of marriage.

If love could be measured in dresses, Paul Brockman is probably the most loving husband in the world. Over the past 56 years, the German-born now living in Lumit, California, has given his wife Margot 55,000 dresses, all of which he chose himself.

The first ten dresses he got for free - Paul got them in seaport in Bremen, Germany, where the workers could choose whatever they wanted when the merchandise bales were opened - he gave all the dresses to his then girlfriend Margot. After some time, Paul asked her parents for her hand, and they agreed on one condition - the newlyweds would leave Germany and try to move to the USA.

They did so, and Paul began working in the construction industry. Soon he was able to create a construction company, and the couple did not need anything. They both loved ballroom dancing, so they went to dance every week, but Paul wanted his wife to appear at the dance in a different dress every time, and bought her a new one weekly. By the time they moved to Los Angeles in 1988, Margo Brockman had between 25,000 and 26,000 dresses.

Margot never liked shops, so Paul chose and bought dresses on his own. Sometimes he came home with 30 new dresses. He became regular customer at all sales, and, in the end, stopped caring about sizes, buying a dress "by eye" and not even wondering if it would fit Margo. Sometimes he spent all the money he had with him. The most expensive dress he gave Margo cost $300, but she never even wore it. Most of these 55,000 dresses were never worn.

The wife asked him to quit, saying that she did not need all these dresses, but Paul did not pay attention to her words. Eventually, he began to hide dresses from her, but she noticed that there was less and less space in the garage. A scandal followed, and Paul, secretly from his wife, rented six containers for storage.

Paul and Margot didn't tell anyone about strange hobby- not close friends, not even children: Paul didn't want anyone to know about it. One day, their daughter Louise found a cache of dresses in the garage and asked her parents what it was. Upon learning, she was very surprised and asked her father what he was going to do with so many dresses, to which he replied: "I will leave them to you." However, Louise did not need so many old dresses either, and she offered to sell them, and Paul, oddly enough, agreed.

Louise took over the sales. They opened a small shop where the dresses are hung in close rows, they manage to sell a maximum of three dresses a month. Brockman hopes to sell them in bulk, but a buyer has yet to be found.

11. Some men don't take time to recover from sex.

As a rule, men need some rest to recuperate after intercourse, and during this period of time, called the refractory period, he is physiologically incapable of experiencing an orgasm. talking scientific language, the refractory period is the minimum time that must pass between two ejaculations, while for each it is individual and changes throughout life, for example, in youth this interval can vary from two to five minutes, and in adulthood it gets a little longer.

The first minutes of the refractory period are characterized by a sharp decline in sexual excitability, and for some time after sex, no stimulation can cause a second erection. According to scientists, this time to rest after each ejaculation is designed by nature to limit the sexual activity of a man so that his germ cells have time to mature and the fertilizing ability of sperm increases.

It is interesting that, as sociological surveys show, men often have a negative attitude towards this feature of their physiology, believing that it would be better if nature gave them the opportunity to have sex again without delay.

However, some members of the stronger sex still have this unique opportunity: doctors have discovered that there are men who simply do not have a refractory period, which turns them into wonderful lovers and ensures success with women.

12. Orgasms are better for the brain than crosswords and sudoku puzzles.

According to Professor Barry Komisaruk, orgasms are better for the brain than crossword puzzles and Sudoku puzzles.

Barry Komisaruka

Barry believes that humanity needs to use the mechanism of production of hormones of happiness during orgasm for a variety of purposes - from alleviating the pain of childbirth to treating depression, anxiety and drug addiction.

The 72-year-old American researcher has been studying the culmination of sexual intercourse since 1960: first he experimented on laboratory rats, and in 1982 he began to study women.

Decades of hard work in the study of orgasm has earned him a reputation among his colleagues at Rutgers University in New Jersey as an obsessive, but Barry remains true to his concept.

In an interview with The Times, he stated: “There is a significant increase in blood flow during orgasm, so the brain is saturated with nutrients and oxygen. When you solve crosswords or sudoku, the activity increases only in some areas, and the orgasm activates the entire brain as a whole.

Professor Komisaruk set up experiments during which he measured the change in the level of blood flow and the increase in brain activity when female volunteers reached orgasm.

Barry is sure that science can find many ways to use such a phenomenon as orgasm: "The main thing is to understand how the brain produces such strong pleasure, and in which departments these processes occur, then it will be possible to think about using it."

13. Narcissistic guys get more attention from girls and win them over faster.

German psychologist Michael Dafner came to this conclusion following the results of the following experiment: more than 60 guys for a reasonable reward of € 35 met girls and persuaded them to give their phone numbers or email addresses. Before the start of the study, each of the "volunteer pick-up artists" passed a test for narcissism, which revealed that among the participants there was no one with a narcissistic personality disorder, but all of them, to varying degrees, were convinced of their own uniqueness and originality. At the end of the study, a survey was already conducted among the “seduced” girls, asking which of the men they liked more, caused a stronger sexual attraction and why.

Michael Dufner

As a result, each of the participants met about 23 women, while male narcissists had higher performance, and they took not only quantity, but also quality: they managed to get in touch with the most attractive girls. Thus, narcissism has a positive side effect: people who are prone to narcissism are more confident, courageous and take better care of themselves than they produce. strong impression on those around you. From the point of view of the psychology of relationships, women perceive male narcissists as stronger and more successful, and therefore suitable for starting a family. But the trouble with narcissists is that this is just an outer shell - egocentrics, as a rule, are not capable of long-term serious relationship requiring great dedication.

14. Sex addiction doesn't exist.

Studies by Californian scientists prove that what many consider “addiction to sex” cannot be called addiction from the point of view of medicine.

Michael Bader

Although there is an opinion that "sex addiction" is akin to mental illness, the American Psychiatric Association, for example, does not include such "mania" in the official list mental disorders. A few years ago, psychologist Michael Bader criticized the definition given to this phenomenon, calling such an addiction "an ambiguous, difficult-to-diagnose property that often serves as an excuse to justify one's own weaknesses."

The term "sex addiction" is a contrived term, and, according to Bader, amateurs tend to use it to give what in scientific circles is called hypersexuality the features of mania and deviance - the very concept of this is rather vague.

Tiger Woods

Some celebrities like professional golfer Tiger Woods, being involved in high-profile scandals With sexual harassment, justify themselves by stating that they are “addicted to sex”, while others avoid using such clichés - who is right?

Nicole Prause

Recent scientific research led by psychologist Nicole Prause confirms that the reactions of hypersexual volunteers to various images, Related intimate life have nothing to do with the reactions of, for example, alcoholics to drinking.

During the experiments, participants were shown photographs that could evoke a variety of experiences, from positive to unpleasant, but invariably associated with sex. At the same time, using electroencephalography (EEG), the brain activity of volunteers was recorded in the first 300 ms after the presentation of each specific image. “Brain activity indicated only an increase in sexual desire, in other words, hypersexuality is just a pronounced libido,” says Nicole.

Researchers will continue to improve the methodology of experiments in order to more fully study the phenomenon of "addiction to sex" and understand what in a person's sexual addictions can be called deviations, and what is dictated only by the desire to diversify intimate life.

Let's take a break from business and get to know each other. interesting facts, most of which may come as a surprise to you.

Georgy Zhukov was the initiator of the creation in 1940 of colorless Coca-Cola. It was embarrassing for him to drink a foreign drink in public, and the marshal liked Coca-Cola very much. Therefore, a colorless Coca-Cola appeared, which could easily be passed off as vodka.

In Japan, there are more pets than children under the age of 15.

Once, a laptop was stolen from the photographer Melanie Wilhide, in which all the works prepared for the exhibition were stored. To her great surprise, the police quickly found the computer, but by that time the thief had already managed to "work" on the hard drive. The photos were ruined, but Melanie liked them even better this way. She made an exhibition and dedicated it to the thief.

The wings of some insects have a structure that naturally "cuts" bacteria into pieces.

One guy was arrested in California for driving with an expired license. And at the police station, law enforcement officers drew attention to the tattoos on the chest of the detainee - it turned out that they contained information about the "exploits" committed by his gang. Thanks to these tattoos, a robbery of a liquor store and a murder that the police no longer expected to solve were solved.

fish swimming in sea ​​water may also feel thirsty.

In men, a pregnancy test also sometimes gives a positive result. This may be a symptom of testicular cancer.

An Englishwoman named Wendy Richmond falls into a coma every time she says "I love you" to her children. She suffers from a rare combination of cataplexy and narcolepsy.

In Louisiana, if one person bites another with their teeth, it is considered a simple attack. And if with dentures, this is an aggravated assault.

According to scientific research, parents who lick a dropped nipple before returning it to their baby are doing the right thing: in the next 18 months, such children have almost 60% less eczema and 90% less asthma, compared with those children who receive nipples back washed under the tap or scalded with boiling water.

The largest insect lived on Earth about 400 million years ago. It was a sea scorpion, reaching 2.5 meters in length.

There are only two carriers left in the world ancient language ayapaneco. But they don't talk to each other.

Strategic incompetence is the "art" of doing an unpleasant task so badly that the next time it is entrusted to someone else.

Since 1978, the so-called "Basaglia Law" has been in force in Italy, which has forced the closure of all psychiatric hospitals. These establishments have been replaced by a range of public services.

A duel with three participants is called a "truel".

In 2009, the Government of the Maldives held an underwater meeting to draw attention to climate change issues.

In 2011, a great white shark jumped out of the ocean about three meters above the surface and plopped right into a boat on which a group of scientists was conducting marine research.

There is a version according to which the name of the narrator Homer is actually not a name, but the name of the process, since in ancient Greek “homer” means “to connect pieces” and describes the process of processing materials.

One of the singers of the legendary ABBA married the prince, and is now officially called Her Serene Highness Princess Annie-Fried Reuss von Plauen.

The Martha Mitchell effect is a psychological phenomenon in which it is easier for a psychiatrist to believe that a person is insane than the story he is telling. The effect bears the name of the wife of the attorney general in the Nixon administration, whose desperate attempts to open the eyes of others were mistaken for the delirium of a madwoman. Only when the well-known Watergate scandal broke out did those around her realize that she had been telling the honest truth all the time.

Nearly half of Ethiopia's population is under the age of 15.

In April 2010, astronomers at the Jodrell Bank observatory recorded radio signals unlike anything previously observed from the Cigara galaxy (M26). The unknown object emitting these signals was moving at 4 times the speed of light.

In France, by law, only those establishments have the right to bear the title of "bakery" where the bakers themselves make the dough at night, bake early in the morning and then sell their fresh bread.

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