Explain how you understand the statement of the outstanding French sculptor O. Rodin: "The world will be happy only when every person has a home.


Explain how you understand the statement of the eminent French sculptor O. Rodena: "The world will be happy only when every person has an artist's ear, in other words, when everyone finds joy in their work" PLEASE


If a person spends a lot of time for the unloved, disgusted with long years occupation, he gradually begins to hate his work first, then his colleagues, acquaintances, and, returning home after work, nothing cheers him up, everything bothers him, he begins to hate the whole world. Every person who loves his work is an artist in his own way. For example, my mother is a car mechanic, an airbrush artist, a secretary and at the same time a personnel department. She says that she has found such places of work that she is happy every day, she creates herself, she can devote a lot of time to work and is not going to leave any of them, because she likes to create, likes to come up with something new, her soul sings, she can stay at work and more than her working day, because she enjoys life from this. When she is captured creative process, she completely dissolves in her work. But such examples are few. There are a large number of people who do not study where they dreamed of entering, do not do what they wanted in childhood, but what their parents or life forced them to do. Every Monday they already dream of a day off. Every morning they go to an unloved job, hating all the people around and themselves in the first place, and this hatred - it does not go out, it is distributed bit by bit to everyone to whom it was addressed. To the whole world. To all people. And everyone begins to hate themselves, even those who did not want to, those who did not know how, those who tried to love the whole world.

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Product of Tatarinova A.N. Fair educational resources – 2011

Application of new technologies for development creativity personalities in art classes

The world will be happy only when everyone
man will be the soul of the artist. In other words,
when everyone will find joy in their own
labor ”.

One of the main tasks is the task of forming students' creative and cognitive process, knowledge of the environment. This allows you to push the subject art to the fore, as the basis of fertile ground for the development of the individual as a whole.

“Learning to draw means learning to think,” said the great scientist, artist, poet and musician Leonardo da Vinci. This served as the basis for my today's topic, first of all, to teach visual activity consistently, systematized, starting from the first grade, where each lesson follows from the previous one, consistently step by step, the child gets acquainted with visual literacy, often in a playful way. .

Creativity should become the basis in the formation of personality, influencing the entire educational process.

It is unfortunate that much less attention is paid to creative disciplines than to other sciences.

At one time, Michelangelo said that that people and that state would reach heights where people would be able to draw; this thesis can be observed in Japan, where they allocate five hours a week or more for visual activity.

We were all artists as children. Every child from two to three years of age and up to adolescence draws grandiose, multi-figured compositions with a complex interweaving of plots, draws in general everything that he hears and knows. True, this hobby passes in most cases. Only artistically gifted people remain faithful to drawing and painting. Children of the same age on all continents in their drawings necessarily go through the same stages: "scribbles", "cephalopods", "transparency", "additional noses of children's logic".

Visual activity is perhaps the most interesting type of activity for schoolchildren. It allows the child to reflect pictorial images their impressions of the environment, express their attitude towards them.

At the same time, visual activity is of inestimable importance for the comprehensive aesthetic, moral, labor and mental development of children. The fact that drawing is important for the development of feelings, thinking and other useful personality traits, skills and abilities, was written by many teachers of the past. Visual activity has not lost its wide educational value and at present. It is the most important means aesthetic education. Artists Ancient Greece believed, for example, that learning to draw is not only necessary for many practical crafts, but also important for general education and upbringing.

Beginning with early age, I encourage children to be creative, I teach to see the world in living colors. IN primary school the game is actively used. At first, the plot of the future drawing is played out with the children with the help of various objects, accompanying the drawing with an emotional comment, using art word. This approach allows you to interest students, hold their attention longer, create the necessary emotional mood and positive motivation. At an early age, the foundation of personality is laid, so I think it is necessary to ignite the spark of creativity in children. As one wise man said: "A child is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled." And it’s not scary at all if our little artist"gets dirty, the main thing is that he enjoys communicating with paints and rejoices at the results of his work.

innovative pedagogical technology modern art is used for the harmonious development of children. Unconventional techniques are like a game that reveals the great potential of children. In the process of drawing, the child improves observation, aesthetic perception, aesthetic emotions, artistic taste, Creative skills. Our modern children need to be introduced to the most unconventional visual technologies. Inclusion in the learning process of visual activity non-traditional techniques allows to mitigate emerging problems. In addition, non-traditional techniques make it possible to take into account individual characteristics development of children. Non-traditional techniques greatly increase the interest in the drawing process, because. allow you to get a high-quality visual result, which in turn increases the child's self-esteem, makes it possible to feel their strengths and capabilities. Consistently going through all the stages of learning non-traditional methods of art activity, lagging behind children gradually master the ability to solve complex visual problems, the content of their work is enriched

Mastering non-traditional drawing methods, I came to the conclusion: if you like it when your children's eyes sparkle with delight in the classroom, if you want every lesson to be a holiday, if you want to laugh, be surprised and communicate with smart, creatively thinking children - you need to more with them to observe, draw and improvise. Non-traditional methods drawings develop logical and abstract thinking, imagination, observation, attention and self-confidence in children.

It is very interesting to observe how children depict in their drawings: noise, finish drawing a blot. They skillfully fantasize, which is not always possible for adults. And I like that in such classes, children learn to notice shades of colors (the sheet is not just yellow, but red-yellow, yellow-orange), build their own dialogic and monologue speech. With the help of a drawing, the child conveys his mood and, thanks to systematic work, he pleases everyone with his magnificent works. In my work, I use the methods of non-traditional drawing techniques, and I liked all of them. The most accessible of them, drawing with fingers and printing by hand.

I want to list all the drawing methods that are used on practical exercises for fine arts:

1. Finger painting

2. Signet

3. Monotype

4. Spray.

5. Crumpled leaf

6. Magic thread

7. Drawing candles

8. Bitmap

9. Blotography.

Abstract of the lesson on visual activity

Program content: develop in children creative activity, artistic and creative abilities; fix use in drawing non-traditional materials and technique (candle painting, printing, finger painting, etc.); arouse the desire to make the most meaningful decision visual task in the picture, complement created image interesting details; to form figurative representations in the process of perceiving a fairy tale and creating an image based on it; bring up volitional qualities: the ability to limit one's desires, to overcome obstacles that stand in the way of achieving a goal.

Unconventional Techniques: « Secrets sea ​​depths». (drawing with cardboard).

Target: to teach children to create an image of the sea according to plan. By listening to the sound of the sea, the voices of dolphins and seagulls in the audio recording, activate the imagination of children. Develop fine motor skills.

Tasks: learn to see beauty underwater world, introduce the sequence of images of various marine life, aim students at creativity to work.

Materials and equipment: paper, gouache, pieces of cardboard, palette. Audio cassette with recording of the necessary musical accompaniment(at the discretion of the teacher).

Lesson progress: The teacher informs the children that the lesson will be devoted to the kingdom of the sea. Together with the students, the teacher recalls the sea and its inhabitants, admire the beauty of the sea, looking at reproductions of paintings by artists (a quiet melody sounds, reminiscent of the sound of the sea, the cry of seagulls ...) In further conversation, it turns out that many children were at the sea and even looked in its depths, admired the beauty of the seabed. Children share their impressions, talk about marine life, commenting on the drawings.

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that the class today is unusually decorated: the sun is smiling, the waves are splashing, the seagulls are screaming, inviting them to go to the sea coast, invites the children to put on masks for diving and admire the beauty of the sea depths (watching the video cassette "Sea Depths", " Inhabitants of the deep sea "- 5-10 minutes). After watching the video cassette in a conversation, the teacher and students find out what they saw on the seabed (sand, stones, algae, sunken ships, cities), talked about its various inhabitants and their characteristic differences(shape, color, size.) Next is the praise of the children for their attention and observation.

For a short rest, a physical activity is recommended:

The teacher offers to play the game "Divers":

The secrets of the sea were studied (hands forward, to the sides, smooth movements - 3 times)

We dived many times (hands on the belt, bending down, fingers touching the floor-3 p.)

The secrets of the sea were revealed (hands on the belt, to the shoulders, raise up, lower down)

Let's remember the sea (hands forward, to the sides, smooth movements -3 times)

And draw drawings (jumping in place, at the same time clapping your hands over your head)

Practical work. The teacher invites the children to tell about the beauty of the underwater world in their drawings. Students can work in groups, as well as individually, as art materials will be used colored gouache, and draw the guys will draw using pieces of cardboard. The teacher recalls the rules for working with art materials, advises to work together, calmly, in concert, to make joint decisions, taking into account opinions and wishes, to draw up a single composition. Before practical work, the teacher gives recommendations to place the images closer to the center of the sheet, not to draw close to the edges of the sheet, draws attention to the fact that the images may partially block each other. Having compiled the main composition, students will supplement it with secondary elements (patterns on fish, octopuses, jellyfish, draw algae with brushes and felt-tip pens or markers). During practical work children's songs are played maritime theme. The teacher does not obsessively, in the form of advice and wishes, gives recommendations to students. At the end of the work, students can use airbrushes, they can be used to convey the texture of water and sand in an interesting way. Using old toothbrushes, the children can learn the splatter technique with the teacher.

At the end of the lesson, all the works are combined into a single, large composition.

“The world will be happy only when every person has the soul of an artist. In other words, when everyone will find joy in their work. “The world will be happy only when every person has the soul of an artist. In other words, when everyone will find joy in their work.” Rodin Drawing is one of the many joys that childhood is so filled with. It is the very first and most accessible means of expressing one's thoughts and feelings on paper. After all, drawing for a child is not just fun, but a joyful, creative, inspired work. The joy of creativity is familiar to every child. Drawing is one of the many joys that childhood is so filled with. It is the very first and most accessible means of expressing one's thoughts and feelings on paper. After all, drawing for a child is not just fun, but a joyful, creative, inspired work. The joy of creativity is familiar to every child.

It is very difficult for young children to depict objects, images, plots using traditional ways drawing: brush, pencils, felt-tip pens. The use of only these items does not allow children to more widely develop their creative abilities. They do not contribute to the development of imagination, fantasy. Children copy the sample offered to them. After all, you can draw whatever you want.

Non-traditional drawing technique. See eternity in one moment Huge world- in a grain of sand, In a single handful - infinity And the sky - in a cup of a flower. William Blake The term "non-traditional" implies the use of materials, tools, drawing methods that are not generally accepted, traditional, widely known. The term "non-traditional" implies the use of materials, tools, drawing methods that are not generally accepted, traditional, widely known. There are many techniques non-traditional drawing, their unusualness lies in the fact that they allow you to quickly reach desired result. There are many non-traditional drawing techniques, their unusualness lies in the fact that they allow you to quickly achieve the desired result. drawing unusual materials, original techniques allows children to experience unforgettable positive emotions. The result is usually very effective (surprise!) and almost independent of skill and ability. Non-traditional ways the images are quite simple in technology and resemble a game. drawing with unusual materials, original techniques allows children to experience unforgettable positive emotions. The result is usually very effective (surprise!) and almost independent of skill and ability. Non-traditional image methods are quite simple in technology and resemble a game.

Visual activity using non-traditional techniques contributes to the development of the child: fine motor skills hands and tactile perception; Fine motor skills of hands and tactile perception; Spatial orientation on a sheet of paper, visual perception; Spatial orientation on a sheet of paper, visual perception; Attention and perseverance. Attention and perseverance. Drawing using non-traditional image techniques does not tire the kids, they remain highly active, working capacity throughout the entire time allotted for the task.

“Fingers - palette” “Fingers - palette” - no brush at hand? No problem! We will dip one finger in red paint, the other in blue, the third in yellow ... Why not a palette! “Fingers - palette” - no brush at hand? No problem! We will dip one finger in red paint, the other in blue, the third in yellow ... Why not a palette!

“Printing by hand” “Printing by hand” - dip the entire palm or part of it in paint and leave an imprint on paper. And you can "paint" the palm in different colors. What happened? We not only see the paint, but we feel it! Fantasy, create! Guess what it could be: a fish, a cactus, a rooster?

"Drawing by wet paper» "Drawing on wet paper" - let's wet the paper in a container of water (basin, etc.) and place it on a damp cloth (so that the paper does not dry out). Take a watercolor crayon and draw whatever your heart desires. “Drawing on wet paper” - wet the paper in a container of water (basin, etc.) and place it on a damp cloth (so that the paper does not dry out). Take a watercolor crayon and draw whatever your heart desires.

"Stencil" "Stencil" - first cut out the stencil. Then, pressing it with your fingers to a sheet of paper, draw around the contour with frequent and light touches of the swab. Carefully lift the stencil... Miracle! Clear and crisp, it remained on paper! Many artists work in this technique, where the silhouette is cut out in the center of the sheet, the sheet is applied to another sheet of paper and the silhouette is “painted over” with a swab. Interesting!

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