You can only rely on what resists .... You can only rely on what resists


A briefing by representatives of the Coordinating Council was held today at the office of the United Abkhazia party political parties and public organizations. Chairman of the Sukhumi organization of the Forum national unity Vladimir Zantaria read out the text of the message addressed to President Alexander Ankvab.

Vladimir Zantaria recalled that the Constitution of Abkhazia clearly outlines the format of the presidential address, in which the head of state should speak about the situation in the country, about the main directions of internal and foreign policy. The last message lacks an analysis of the situation and a vision of the country's development prospects. It does not say a word about the program of political and socio-economic reforms, does not touch upon the issues of foreign policy, defense, state security. It is a rebuke to political opponents.

The political reform, according to the leaders of the Coordinating Council, should be aimed at forming a transparent, accountable to society, law-abiding government. It is necessary to redistribute powers between the president and parliament and between parliament and the judiciary. Parliament, along with the president, should be given the right to form the government and control its activities, to give the opportunity to express a vote of no confidence both in individual ministers and in the government as a whole. The country needs a Constitutional Court and electoral reform: majority system should be replaced by mixed or proportional. This will enhance professional level deputies and will make it possible to get away from the vicious practice of voting according to the clan or local principle. There was harsh criticism of the inefficient use of Russian financial assistance. Ankvab was also blamed for mass illegal passportization.

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Summarizing, Vladimir Zantaria said:

“As life has shown, you, unfortunately, lack the scale and ability to set tasks at the national level, the ability to rely on the knowledge and opinions of professionals, and trust people with an independent position. Instead, there are attempts to manage the state manually according to one's own knowledge and skill. We insist on change political system, including in order to minimize the risks from the possible coming to the presidency of a person incapable of governing the state and prone to usurpation of power.”

Co-Chair of the National Unity Forum Daur Arshba named last year crisis. The crisis is connected with the fact that the president ignores the constitutional principle of the separation of powers and tries to govern the country alone. At the moment when Russia suspended financial assistance, it became obvious that Abkhazia does not have its own resources. The opposition demanded the resignation of the Cabinet of Ministers, they saw a way out of the current situation in the creation of a coalition government. Later, the situation was aggravated by the problem of illegal passportization: the citizens of Georgia, participating in the presidential elections in this country, were given the opportunity to influence the political processes in Abkhazia. “We will either keep our independence or give it up,” he said.

Chairman of the veteran public organization"Aruaa" Vitaly Gabnia spoke very emotionally and sharply:

“All these statements of the president that there is no need to run ahead of the cart, let's give the prosecutor's office an opportunity to report on the work done, at that very time all the outrages that had taken place were being cleaned up. What institution of our state is not leveled today? If we take the executive power as such, then against the backdrop of the lack of transparency in transactions and money-grubbing, the people have no confidence in it. If we take parliamentary power, there is also constant discrediting and there are also complaints. There is no need to talk about the judiciary, as equidistant, either. Now we are talking specifically about the prosecutor's office. How can you call a body that tries to legitimize deceit and forgery? In my opinion, they themselves have turned into criminals! As soon as we entered into a dialogue with the President in a constructive field, in the end we were deceived and swindled...”

And the leader of the People's Party Yakub Lakoba, speaking of the president's stubborn unwillingness to engage in dialogue with the opposition, he quoted Blaise Pascal, who said: "You can only rely on that which resists."

In their message, the members of the Coordinating Council stated that they did not plan to spoil sports holiday strategic partner of Russia and the image of Abkhazia. They do not want upheavals and revolutions, but they are ready to use all legal methods to protect the interests of the people and implement urgent political and economic reforms.

The text contains toponyms and terminology used in the self-proclaimed republics of Abkhazia and South Ossetia

Enjoys fishing, swimming, skiing. By the way, he performed at the international ski competitions "Bukovel Games" (Ukraine). And at the age of 81 he won two gold medals in his age category. He published four books of memoirs about shock construction sites in the USSR, friends, comrades. Now writes the fifth. On the eve of the anniversary, the correspondent of Belgorodskaya Pravda visited Anatoly Nikolaevich in his native village of Radkovka, Prokhorovsky district. Here is what he told the journalist about his life.

About roots

“I have known my Cossack ancestry since about 1760. Our surname comes from the word "kopyor". There was such a craftsman, without whom they could not build a water mill, for example, or a bridge. Today, this work is done by a machine - a pile driver.

Mother Maria Matveevna - eldest daughter a peasant who had five souls of children. Grandfather - Matvey Pavlovich first sent his eldest sons - Ivan and Grigory, to the Radkovskaya Zemstvo school. And a little later, two daughters at the same time - Manya and Fyokla. I have an artifact left over from my master uncles - an aluminum hanger with images of gods and monograms, made by them at the Lugansk car repair plant. Both uncles were participants in the First World War.

The elder uncle, Ivan, served as a sailor in the Baltic and Black Sea. Every month money transfers came from him to Radkovka - five rubles. Thanks to Ivan, my mother was able to study as a milliner - in Stary Oskol at a three-year course. He bought his sisters a Singer sewing machine, a pair of scissors, irons, and a mannequin.

The second uncle, Grisha, served in the infantry.

IN noble estates sometimes they paid off with gold jewelry with my mother. By selling them, she was able to build a small hut. I am delighted with my mother-builder - after all, then even a simple nail was not sold in the village. The house is still standing.

About childhood

“I grew up strong. He fought provocatively, not paying attention to the complexion and age of his opponents. Before the war he graduated from three classes. Mom, who was always proud of me and took care of all the reports and certificates when the Germans advanced, was frightened for me. I didn't know what to do with the papers. Many have been buried. Only one certificate has been preserved, which she hid behind the salary of the icon, two report cards and a calligraphy notebook.

During the war, two elderly Germans lodged with us. They often looked at their family albums. They sorted through the pictures of relatives and said “kaput, kaput ...”.

Until the sixth grade, I studied only with excellent marks, but in the first and second quarters I had mediocre grades, because I had to work hard on the collective farm and at home.

From April 1943 he became a collective farmer on a permanent basis - grazing collective farm pigs.

Having seen enough of the wounded - there was a hospital next to our school, I wanted to become a surgeon.

About teaching

“In 1950, before graduating from school, my mother firmly, bluntly, said: “Leave to study, otherwise you will disappear ...”. The men who returned from the war were constantly drinking. War taught. Before the battle, the soldiers were given vodka. She was the cure for fear and stress. Looking at the front-line soldiers, the boys began to indulge in moonshine. Mother was afraid that I would start too.

I came to Kharkov to apply for anyone. There was no concept of institutions. I knew that many Radkovskys studied and study here. Well, I follow them. I needed an institute with a hostel and a good scholarship. To pack me on the road, they sold a blanket - a gift from my mother from Uncle Vanya. I had 250 rubles and ten eggs with me. At the Mining Institute, students were paid 375 rubles and were given uniform. He chose him.

I missed one point in the electromechanical faculty. Competition - 14 people per place. Offered to mine construction. At the institute, for the first time in my life, I saw ink and a drawing pen. After the first session, he began to earn extra money, unloaded wagons, in the summer he worked as a drifter in the mines of Donbass and Kuzbass. For a long time I could not get used to the city noise. I even wanted to quit. One thing stopped her: the mother would not survive the shame. In addition, they loaded with studies and sports. It worked out.

About "Summits in Radkovka"

“Several years in a row, my friends and comrades come to Radkovka on Builder's Day. Those who were with me different construction sites. Someone called our meetings “Summits in Radykivka”. 35 people are coming.

About love

“For me, this is a deeply personal topic ... Therefore, I will only talk about my mother. She died at the age of 77. Worked well. IN last years dried up, very thin. I held her in my arms as she left. I then managed to arrive at the call of my brother. For the first time, my mother didn't cry. She always met me and saw me off with tears. Surprised. A bad feeling crept in. Volodya said this. And in the evening of the same day she was gone.

... In the filing of "Belgorodskaya Pravda" for the 20s, I found a message about cutting and sewing courses in Radkovka. 40 women learned how to make everyday and festive clothes. It was my mother's idea. She then worked on a collective farm, she was very tired. But someone asked her: "Manya, cut, sew ...". She got tired of it. She opened courses.

About the task of the party

“In 1978, I had to fly to the construction of the Hadita hydroelectric station in Iraq. Waiting for a call abroad. The trip promised to be long. In fact, I was already sitting on my suitcases. All of a sudden I get a task from the party to go to Norilsk. The son was one year old.

I have been in Siberia for so many years! And here it was necessary to master the Arctic. Eternal freezing
lot. Why do I need it? It became known to me that the construction of the first and second stages of the Nadezhda Metallurgical Plant was in a dead end. This meant that the launch of the production of non-ferrous metals was postponed. They threw me on a breakthrough - to save the object. As it happened more than once. Like a bulldozer (they called me that then). I strongly rested: I won’t go, they say!

Summoned to Moscow Central Committee CPSU. They offered tea. A glass with a cup holder, donuts. Didn't touch. The conversation was short. "Are you a communist? Do you know party discipline? The state and the party need nickel, copper, platinum, cobalt, silver, and in in large numbers... ". Four years and 12 days I "plowed" in Norilsk. The second stage of the NMP was built 8 months ahead of schedule - guarantees for imported equipment.

Working conditions were, of course, extreme. Frosts under 50, drifts on the roads. In a black blizzard you do not see your own outstretched hand. The wind knocks down, picks up, tears off the ground and carries. Then a special detachment of equipment worked on the road. He spoke first, clearing the way. Behind him a chain of bus columns moved. People were returning home after their shift. And others hurried to the factory. As construction manager, I was responsible for their safety. To get stuck at night in a blizzard on an unlit highway, when you can’t see a thing, is not an emergency on an urban scale. Therefore, the special squad had an order: to clean the road and dump everything that interferes with the movement of buses, including stalled cars and trucks, into a ditch.

... Today, all the enterprises that were built with my participation are working. But "Nadezhda" has become the most important, the most important construction site of my life.

About the freedom to decide and answer

“I was free to make decisions. And manage resources. For the commissioning of the Norilsk Combine, all builders were entitled to a bonus in the amount of six salaries. All received. Even those who have already left for other cities. Another 2.6 million rubles remained undistributed. On them in Talnakh, a satellite city of Norilsk, on Mount Saber, my successor G. I. Dvorokovsky built a chair lift for a children's ski school.

And in Siberia, so that people would not run away from the facilities because of problems with housing, we built small apartments in an economic way. 18 meters room, bathroom, kitchen. The people called them "bumps".

Often unscheduled sports, socio-cultural, household facilities and complexes were built. It was not safe for me personally, but it was necessary to retain workers and create conditions for a full-fledged life for the workforce. Then, as today, remote areas were financed on a residual basis.

About faith

“Of course, I did not believe that we would ever have communism ... I believed that society should be just.”

Once, as a boy, I choked in line for fish. I stood with women and men from 5 to 9 in the morning. The people pressed on, the crush was terrible. Went up to the counter. The chairman of the village council, who was standing next to the seller, then said: “But don’t give this one. His mother didn't pay the tax." I shouted in his face that he was an idiot and ran away. Then he didn't show up at school for three days. The chairman demanded that the teachers expel me from the Komsomol. But we had wonderful teachers. They defended me.

About the truth

“I am a truth-bearer. Because of this, I had many opponents. I will not accept flattery. I always leaned on those who resisted me. I wasn't afraid - me. Loafers and mediocrity. How many times and what bosses have not threatened to remove me! They built intrigues, weaved intrigues.

I was professional. He knew the business well. He was confident in his actions and decisions. Always, in order to avoid mistakes and not be ashamed, I adhered to the rule: be sure to check! I had nothing to fear.

"Nadezhda" was put into operation without a single defect. The system for monitoring the work performed helped. Designed and implemented by myself. Started the Book of Trust. More than 20 thousand builders-installers worked on the construction of the plant. How do you control everyone? Six months before the start of production, operators began to work with us. From hand to hand, we had to transfer objects and redistributions to them. So they made all our shortcomings, wrote comments in a special book. And it worked.

... When I heard what a mess was going on at the construction of the Vostochny cosmodrome, I suggested that Dmitry Rogozin, the curator of this project in the government of the country, introduce the same system.

About money

“I never saved up and did not pursue acquisitions. When the privatization of state property began, I, probably, if I wanted to, in principle, as a confidant of presidential candidate Boris Yeltsin, could also “grab” something. But as my colleague from Norilsk told me: “This is not for you, there are other laws in business…”

About children

“Son Matvey became a power engineer. Tatyana is a pediatrician.

PRO book and oak trees

“I am writing a book. This is the fifth one so far. About Radkovka. Material - half a room. I also plant oak trees. Until I plant a hundred, I will not die. This is my program. I give each Radkovskaya grandmother an oak sapling. And I say: “When you grow up, you will have a good house. Until then, we'll have to wait..."

Help BP

Anatoly Nikolaevich Zakopyrin was born on August 20, 1931 in the village of Radkovka, Kursk (now Belgorod) region. Graduated from Kharkov Mining Institute. Mining construction engineer. Candidate of Technical Sciences. Built Korshunov GOK, Bratskaya HPP and in the same place the timber industry complex, the Boguchanskaya hydroelectric power station, the Neryungrinskaya state district power station in Yakutia, Norilsk, the Arctic - the Nadezhda metallurgical plant, the Kureyskaya hydroelectric power station, power lines and substations, at Far East- the largest thermal power plants and substations in Amursk, Khabarovsk, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, as well as the cities of Zheleznogorsk-Ilimsky, Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsk, Kodinsk, Sharypovo, Serebryany Bor.

He was awarded the Order of Lenin, two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, and many medals. Honored Builder of the RSFSR, awarded the titles “Honorary Worker of the Fuel and Energy Complex”, “Honorary Member of the Academy of Mining Sciences”, laureate of the Academician M.I. Agoshkova.

Since 1990 he has been living in Radkovka. On small homeland much has been done on his initiative. Initially, a wide part of the Donetsk Seimytsya River was cleared, a district hospital was completed and put into operation. The historical center of the village has been reconstructed and landscaped. built new school, the bridge across the Donetsk Seimytsya.

Anna Zolotareva

On March 14, the trade union activists of the Federation of Trade Union Organizations of the Kirov Region met with the head of the region, Igor Vasiliev. During the event, the parties discussed the implementation of joint projects with the authorities, priorities were outlined for further interaction between the Government of the region and participants in the regional trade union movement.

Welcoming the participants, the Governor of the region drew their attention to the fact that such meetings have already become good tradition they have a positive result. At the same time, Igor Vladimirovich assessed the role of the region's trade unions in interaction with the authorities, noting that "one can rely only on that which resists."

Today, on many socially significant issues, the Government of the Kirov region and trade union organizations are engaged in a constructive dialogue. And sometimes it is the representatives of the trade union activists who are the initiators of solving many of the most important social problems, - Igor Vasilyev noted.

Roman Beresnev, Chairman of the Federation of Trade Union Organizations of the Kirov Region, spoke about successful projects implemented with the support of the regional Government. In particular, about regional action"Say NO to Envelope Pay". In addition, with the support of the Government of the region, the Days of Trade Unions are held in the districts of the region.

Days of trade unions allow to present to heads of bodies local government, enterprises and institutions information on the current state of the trade union movement, to discuss with the asset the state of trade union work in a particular area, to hold meetings in the collectives of organizations. Total since June last year 25 municipal districts and urban districts are covered by this form of work. We will continue this project and hope to cover all municipalities by the end of 2018,” said the head of the regional trade union movement.

In the future, Roman Alexandrovich made a number of proposals for holding joint events with the regional government in 2018.

This year, the Kirov trade unions are celebrating the 70th anniversary of the continuous work of the regional association of trade union organizations. I would propose to coincide with this date a scientific and practical conference, dedicated to social partnership. Such an event can be held with due quality only if the leaders of the Government of the region, the regional Legislative Assembly, regional ministers, heads of municipalities, heads of enterprises and organizations. The conference will allow to determine the degree of development of social partnership in the region, to form proposals for improving the mechanisms of this institution, - in particular, the chairman of the FPOKO suggested.

Representatives of regional organizations of trade unions prepared questions on normalization for appeal to the Governor of the region social situation in some sectors of the regional economy. However, I.V. Vasiliev of the region made a proposal to draw up a schedule and hold constructive meetings on the industry social partnership. It was decided that the first topic for discussion with sectoral trade union organizations would be housing and communal services and the provision of housing and communal services.

It is necessary to establish contact with branch trade unions and to solve their problems comprehensively. I propose to develop a joint plan of meetings and go to a similar format at least once a month in order to systematically consider the situation in each specific industry with the participation of heads and specialists of our ministries, heads of municipal districts, - summed up the Governor.

An important moment of the meeting was the awarding of trade union leaders with government awards. For a significant contribution to the development of the trade union movement in the region, the governor presented the badge of honor "For services to Kirov region» Taisiya Alekseevna Makeeva, Chairman of the Kirov Regional territorial organization Trade union of workers of public education and science of the Russian Federation. Also Honorary diploma The government was awarded Nina Pavlovna Vorozhtsova, chairman of the primary trade union organization of JSC "Vyatka machine-building enterprise" Avitek ".

- Recently, a draft statement of the RPA Council on the internal political situation in Armenia and the upcoming early parliamentary elections was published, which assesses the situation from April to October, the expectations from the Pashinyan leadership and the realities, mistakes, omissions and achievements of the RPA, upcoming affairs. In it, the RPA tried to convincingly explain its decision to participate in the elections. Do you think it will be possible to transform into an opposition party? Do you see the impulse to carry out this campaign in a normal political way?

The statement recorded all the difficulties that exist today in terms of organizing the life of the state, a number of areas in which we see serious problems. It's pressure on the means mass media, on the courts, an attempt to monopolize the political process, for example, the discussion of the Electoral Code in parliament without taking into account the opinions of factions, and so on. The situation, of course, is not the most favorable for holding elections, the hasty calling of which, moreover, significantly affected the chances of new political parties to take part in the elections, formulate their election programs, mobilize your electorate.

RPA with permanent structures on the ground has some advantage. And in this regard, we are a little easier than others. At the same time, a very negative emotional background remains. And the discourse that should accompany a normal electoral process, I think, will constantly break into tense tones. I'm afraid that society will not have serious opportunities to evaluate the election programs of the parties, to compare them.

The shift in the timing of the elections also contributed to the division of the field into black and white. On the one hand, there is Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan with a very high personal rating and a rather low rating in his cabinet. Everyone says, yes, the ministers are inexperienced, weak, but Pashinyan. On the other hand, there is a need to counterbalance all this in the form of knowledge, experience, and a team. The Republican Party is ready to offer this to the citizens of the country in the elections. It is always desirable to have a multipolar political field, but in the current situation, everything is very clearly divided: either you cast your vote and demand that Pashinyan realize everything he promised, or you recognize the need to strengthen the opposition so that there are counterbalances that can be used to restrain or influence decisions.

- You say that the haste of the elections significantly affected the chances of political parties to take part in them. But many blame the RPA for this, in particular, because of the rejection of the EC project…

This is illogical. The EC, which was submitted to the parliament for discussion, did not reflect all the promises declared in the program of the government of Nikol Pashinyan. The promised clear legislative guarantees, in particular, in the form of creating a single database of fingerprints, introducing additional technical means etc. were ignored with the explanation that in short time it can't be done. The draft IC did not pass the examination of international organizations - in the same Venice Commission. The formats created in the parliament were completely ignored. The commission on reforming the EC under the prime minister worked on its own and did not try to compare its work with that done in parliament. Even those proposals that were supported by consensus by all 4 factions were ignored. So this is an attempt to throw the blame on the Republicans, when in reality the government simply did not fulfill its promise to change the EC and come to new elections with a new code. When they made this promise, they knew very well that there is international practice that it is not recommended to change the EC a year before the elections.

- What made Pashinyan call elections so suddenly, is it only inspiring results of the elections of the Council of Elders of Yerevan? And is it possible, in your opinion, to regard the very fact of calling elections in such a short time as the use of administrative resources at the state level?

In any case, this is a direct attempt to influence the participation of a number of political parties in the electoral process. This includes pressure on the Republican Party of Armenia, which planned to hold a congress before the elections, assess the path it has traveled, identify its mistakes and strengths. All this became impossible due to such a strong reduction in the time for preparing for the elections. In a sense, this is an instrument of pressure on competitors in the electoral process.

What made Pashinyan? I think it is inspiration from the results of the elections of the mayor of Yerevan. Apparently, the understanding that difficult months are ahead, when it is necessary to provide the country's population with work, raise salaries, pensions, and fulfill promises, has had an effect. The realization that serious resources for this do not exist and by May the rating may fall.

- Was there any external pressure?

I do not have such information. At the level of analysis, I believe that this could take place and I really hope that I am wrong, since this may be related to major geopolitical issues. I very much hope that the decision is due to his political calculations. If we assume that there could be pressure from outside, then this raises very serious concerns.

- Speaking of geopolitical issues. Republicans often noted the grossest omissions made by Pashinyan in foreign policy issues. What challenges are within the framework of Armenia's special responsibility, which of them, in your opinion, are the most relevant for our country in the context of Iran, Georgia, the confrontation between Russia and the United States?

For many years, Armenia has pursued a foreign policy that has allowed us to build harmonious relations with all our partners. There is an obvious strategic ally - Russia, with which we have very deep cooperation, primarily on defense, security and economic issues. We are co-founders major organizations such as the CSTO and the EAEU. And in this format, while building relations with Russia, we could at the same time have deep relations with the countries of the West, the EU, and the USA. And this approach was based on a delicate policy of respect for the interests of our partners and the understanding that you cannot build a policy on a lie. That is, you cannot say one thing and do another: while in Moscow or in an interview with Russian media, promise one thing, while being in Brussels or in a conversation with Western media, another. All our partners knew that we made little promises, but we kept all our promises in full. And we knew that we clearly pause when it is necessary to resolve delicate, difficult problems but we take on our share of the responsibility.

The same is true for Armenia's relations with Iran - a very important neighbor for us, a country with which we have developed relations very dynamically since the first day of independence. But we were able, with full respect for all our international obligations, to build parallel relations with Iran, which was under sanctions, including on infrastructure projects, communications, and roads. And even in difficult moments, for example, when the well-known events took place in Georgia in 2008, Iran has repeatedly shown that it is ready and able to support Armenia, including in the issue of supplying fuel, fuels and lubricants, to establish such an infrastructure capability very quickly.

What will happen now is hard to say. Promises and voiced positions indicate that the government will continue its former foreign policy. They noted more than once that there would be no particular changes in terms of foreign policy vectors. But practice, unfortunately, does not always say the same. Sometimes the biggest mistakes can be made with the most clever expression faces: when you declare that you will continue the course, and as a result, the first sign arrives in the form of problems with the position of Secretary General in the CSTO or with the visit of US National Security Adviser John Bolton, whose statements I widely commented on in my posts on social networks, I think there is a than to think about whether everything happens the way you plan or voice. In a word, there is something to think about, something to work on. And the presence of the RPA in parliament as a systemic opposition can be very important for promoting a balanced foreign policy of our country.

- In the draft statement of the RPA, among the omissions of the current government in foreign policy, there is a problem with the post of CSTO Secretary General, and further follows: "the foundations for incomparably serious consequences have been created." What is meant?

This refers to all of the above, everything that is already visible today as a time bomb, which is embedded in the policy of the current authorities. I have the impression that it seems to the current authorities that if you speak on a Russian site, then they hear you only in Moscow, if in the west, then they hear you only in the West, if you speak with students of a university, then they only hear you They. This is a very serious mistake, first of all, because it reflects the inconsistency of foreign policy planning, and secondly, it is wrong because in our information age it is impossible to keep messengers closed on one site, they flow very quickly and easily from one audience to another .

- Recognizing that with its mistakes and omissions, the RPA itself created fertile ground for Pashinyan to come to power amid popular disappointment and hopelessness, the Republicans now see the same mistakes in Pashinyan's team. And we decided, since the processes are going very quickly, just to wait in the role of the main opposition. In any case, the statement gave such an impression... What mistakes should be corrected first of all, what do you see as the possibility of correcting them?

First of all, I will answer the phrase "to wait in the role of the main opposition" that was said in passing. It's not about waiting at all. The point is the reality, and one of them is that the movement that brought Pashinyan to power today has legitimate grounds to believe that the majority of the population pins hopes on him. Against this background, there are two forces that simply do not have the right to distance themselves from the processes in the country. The first, of course, is Pashinyan, who is simply obliged not to disappoint the people who trust him. He has taken on a very serious burden and must bear it. In this regard, I think it is perfectly fair to expect that he will gain a majority and will head the government and fulfill his promises. The second force that does not have the right to step aside is the Republican Party - one of the most established political parties with experience, knowledge and a team. After all, parties are created not only to be in power, but to participate in political processes in general. It is fundamentally wrong to expect that the party that has lost power should be reset to zero every time, should be closed, a new one should be created - with a new credo ... low, you would do well to create your own party. But this turns out to be a game from the series "love yourself in politics, not politics in yourself." This is not true. It is obvious that we must participate in the elections. Yes, today we do not pretend to be in power, because we see: there is disappointment, on the one hand, and there are expectations from the current party in power, on the other. Therefore, the niche that we are trying to occupy as a result of these elections is quite natural.

The question is not whether the RPA will get into parliament or not. The question is different: will we really have a multi-party system in the parliament or will we have an imitation of a multi-party system? It is clear, after all, that there will be Pashinyan’s party with a large margin and there will be others that have come out of the nest of the same opposition bloc, and now, having broken into different groups, claim to be the opposition. Then we will simply have a unipolar parliament, where the executive branch will determine everything. It is from this point of view that the issue of our participation in the elections should be considered. If the people really want to have leverage over power, then the only effective method it is to form an opposition capable of voicing the opposite point of view, creating a field for political discourse.

What do we need to change ourselves? You just need to take advantage of the current situation and devote more time to party building. Very often, the parties in power make the same mistakes, and the RPA is no exception: the Republicans stepped on the same rake as many other parties in power in different countries peace. You slowly begin to atrophy the feeling of the need to have your own internal party structures, you rely more and more on the structures of the state. Your connection with local party cells, with your fellow party members is weakening, you are losing the methods of direct communication. When you do not have the daily duty to govern the country, you can direct more efforts precisely to putting your party structure in order. I think that immediately after the elections, the RPA should begin to modernize the party itself, the culmination of this process should be a congress that will answer a number of questions about the challenges of our modern structure and plans for the future.

- The RPA intends to be a radical-constructive opposition, ready to look for effective solutions together with the authorities. The question is, is the government, represented by the State Duma, ready for this? The issue is all the more relevant, given the statements of representatives of the party in power that the RPA cannot be an opposition to the State Duma. Considering that Pashinyan, since coming to power, has periodically called the RPA a political corpse, incapable of consolidating around itself healthy forces, believing that the RPA should be uprooted from the political field of Armenia.

All this in itself is already agitation in favor of the RPA. When the ruling party does not want to see you as an opposition, everyone who wants to have a balanced system in the country must vote only for you. When the party in power wants to see someone as an opposition, it means that they are associates, comrades-in-arms, who are now in different political associations. And this is a signal not to vote for them, it is better to give your vote to Pashinyan. Need to balance power political force able to balance the situation. In general, you can only rely on what resists. Therefore, when choosing the opposition, Pashinyan will most likely have to rely on the RPA.

- You say that the accumulated experience, knowledge, professional staff, international connections should serve the development of Armenia, and from the opposite camp they tell you that nothing is needed from the Republicans, because there was nothing good in their years. And they not only tell you, but also methodically inspire this thought in public consciousness as if, apart from mistakes and omissions, there were no achievements during the years when the RPA was in power, everyone has forgotten about them today ...

I think this is normal, people are not obliged to constantly remember and be grateful for what was right. In general, the government is obliged to work correctly, to move the country forward, to develop it. This is normal and should not be seen as all natural. It is natural when people notice the mistakes of the government, and not its achievements. Our achievements were repeatedly noticed and noted, as a result of which we received a vote of confidence and were able to form a government and from year to year promote rather complex, far from always popular and adding voices, but, on the contrary, requiring political courage reforms. Naturally, over the years, negativity has also accumulated, which should have spilled out at some point. stupid former government offended by the people, he has the right to demand from the government.

It is very important to understand what we offer today. Quite soberly assessing the situation, we are not trying to impose on the people the opinion that our return to power today may be in the interests of the country. There are processes that must take place and lead to development that clearly demonstrates to the people where our policy was right and where we were wrong. But we invite the people today not to lose our knowledge and experience and teamwork. We offer ourselves as opposition, this is hard work, which does not involve any benefits and privileges. The members of our today's team, everyone who will be on our list, these are the people who can fulfill themselves in different professional fields, in the private sector. And their readiness, despite all this, to direct their energy and time to serve the people as an opposition, cannot but be assessed positively. The people will decide that it is not necessary, maybe it is so, then we will look for answers to questions in this vein. But, I am sure that the party, after it has given in, lost, transferred power in the elections, whether on the street, is obliged to continue to be useful to the people in a new capacity.

It is clear that the ruling party does not need anything from us: we are going to oppose it on many issues. We need a lot from them. We need them to be consistent on the issue of Karabakh so that the development of Karabakh does not slow down. All these years Karabakh has been developing at a serious pace and it is very important that this policy be continued. We need them to ensure that no mistakes are made in the foreign policy vector, for which whole generations will have to pay later. It is very important for us that the traditional foundations of our society are respected, that any anomalies are not imposed as something completely natural, that incomprehensible forums are not planted, aimed at shaping the public perception of what is right and wrong in society. It is very important for us that the role of the Armenian Church in our country is respected as it is written in the Constitution, so that everyone who comes to power new minister could not decide how many hours church history should be taught in schools, whether it was necessary at all or whether it was better to watch some online channels of dubious quality and influence. It is very important for me that my people have the opportunity and platform to express their point of view, and not the fear that a criminal case will be opened. Today we see very serious threats to our society and our state in all these issues. We are going to fight for it. And it is quite natural and understandable that this makes someone uncomfortable.

- Are you going to oppose the above division into whites and blacks, into revolutionaries and counter-revolutionaries and accusations of trying to take revenge?

Dividing your people into blacks and whites, into friends and foes is the biggest mistake. And now all these belated attempts to appear white and fluffy and belated calls to destroy the barricades ... This does not happen. This right - to tear down barricades - must also be earned. And it must be earned through constructive work, dialogue, and time. We are ready to go our part of the way. December 9 is an excellent finish point for the transition to a more normal and natural process of dialogue between the authorities and the opposition, an open dialogue in society on all acute issues.

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