Decorative drawing in the middle group summary of the lesson. Abstract of a lesson in artistic creativity in the middle group. Decorative drawing: “Painting of the Dymkovo horse”


The first acquaintance of children with the features of decorative drawing is carried out in middle group kindergarten. Enriching the concept of purpose decorative pattern, the upbringing of an aesthetic attitude to products of decorative and applied art occurs on the basis of comparative characteristics appearance various household items, samples national clothes, design of facades and interiors of residential and public buildings, etc.

The solution of these problems is facilitated by excursions to local history museum, visiting exhibitions of works of relevant content, conversations and stories with illustrations of samples of folk and decorative arts and mastery of directly performing and creative activity on decorative drawing.

In the process of examining certain samples of decorative and applied art, children should pay attention to the features of the elements of the pattern, the simplification of their shape in comparison with the real object; subordination depending on the function performed - main and secondary; means of their selection - size, color and place on the plane; the order of compositional organization is rhythm built on a strict metrical basis, symmetry. The first tasks that are offered to children at this stage are aimed at creating ornamental ribbons dedicated to plant motifs.

Decorative elements of the pattern can be a variety of leaves, flowers, fruits, vegetables, berries, ears of wheat and so on. The use of these elements is preceded by the study by children of the means of their stylization in folk decorative art.

In the process of completing these tasks, children learn the fundamental approaches to the compositional organization of pattern elements:

  • - the rhythm of repetitions of the same outward signs elements;
  • - alternation of different in shape, size or color elements of the pattern, taking into account the structural options for alternation - through one, through two, etc .;
  • - symmetrical construction of the composition of the pattern from the axis of symmetry, placed across or along the tape.

The complication of tasks in decorative drawing consists in the construction of closed ornaments on planes of round, square and rectangular shapes. In the representation of children, it is desirable to specify the proposed planes for their intended purpose: a saucer, a plate, a tray, a towel, a tablecloth, and so on.

In terms of meaning, the proposed ornaments can be devoted to floral motifs, but with a more specific theme and the use of decorative elements of the pattern that are suitable in meaning and color, for example: autumn, winter, spring, summer motifs; or dedicated to one particular subject - a camomile, a Christmas tree, and the like.

Acquaintance of children with rational approaches to the organization of the visual process consists in communicating the most convenient phased construction of an ornament, for example: in a ribbon ornament, in which the elements of the pattern are arranged according to the principle of the rhythm of repetitions, it is better to start the task from left to right or from top to bottom, firstly, because the quality of their placement is controlled, secondly, the image will not be damaged by hand; when alternating pattern elements, it is more convenient to first place elements of a single color, for example, accents or their similar details, and then proceed to reproduce secondary elements; in symmetrical compositions it is better to start the image of the ornament from the central element, and then, respectively, the left or upper halves, right or lower halves.

When creating closed ornaments, the image process begins with filling in the central part of the plane (if, according to the plan, there is a decorative element there), and then its edges in the same sequence as in the ribbon ornament (in the square or rectangular plane, corners are filled, and then edges).

To perform the tasks of decorative drawing, a variety of coloring materials and tools are used: colored pencils, if decorative elements patterns are small; gouache, round brushes of different sizes, swabs for depicting decorative elements of the same shape, size and color; thick paper or cardboard. Used if necessary colored paper, previously pasted on a dense base (paper or cardboard).

AT senior group the complication of the tasks of decorative drawing lies in the formation in children of ideas about the pictorial and expressive features of the most common in our country style directions and the use of the most messengers of them in practice. In addition, children are given the opportunity to decorate objects that are different in purpose and constructive structure.

So, in the activities of children, not only are they improved and enriched plant motifs, but also images of animals, birds, fish, humans are used, which, in turn, makes it possible to reproduce the characters of favorite fairy tales in patterns, animated films And so on. The successful use of these elements is facilitated by the fact that in subject and plot drawing, children mainly master the means of perceiving and reproducing objects that are largely stylized in form.

At the same time, the use of these objects in decorative drawing makes it necessary to take into account the stylistic conventions specific to this type of fine art and the requirements for the structural construction of the composition - the combination of individual elements of the pattern with each other and with the whole, the subordination of secondary elements to the main one, observing the appropriate divisions of the object, successfully the found scale of the image, the rhythmic organization of elements on a strict metric basis, etc. Children in an accessible form get acquainted with the indicated features of decorative drawing during the perception of works of folk and professional arts and crafts, as well as directly in the course of performing practical tasks.

Familiarization of children in an accessible form with the works folk craftsmen of their region, as well as with the fine and expressive virtues of arts and crafts different regions our country makes it possible to form in them not only certain ideas about the scale of purpose and style variety of decorative drawing, but also to attract national culture successfully solve the problems of moral and aesthetic education.

The complication of the practical tasks of decorative drawing lies in the inheritance by children of individual, the most characteristic means of expressiveness for a particular direction in the reproduction of ornaments. For example, objects with elements of Russian painting can serve as a favorable condition for solving these problems at this stage. Children are attracted to them by the fabulous expressiveness of the silhouette, the plasticity of forms and the contrasting decorativeness of color, the strong connection of the pattern with a sheet of paper and, finally, the variety of their use - for finishing ceramic dishes, clothing details, interior and exterior decoration of buildings of folk architecture and the like.

No less important is the quality for the use of Russian painting in the educational process. preschool, which lies in its relatively simplified technique. For their reproduction, materials familiar to children are used: gouache, watercolor, tempera. All coloring is done at once, without preparatory work pencil. The most common techniques that create the appropriate stylistic sound are: a stroke from oneself, a stroke towards oneself, a transitional stroke and other strokes that children can master. preschool age.

Using the “stroke from oneself” technique, a wide element is drawn with a gradual narrowing; “with a smear on oneself”, on the contrary, they reach a narrow element with a consistent expansion; With a “transitional stroke” it is possible to immediately convey a multi-color image of an element (for this, 2-3 colors are typed on the brush in the appropriate sequence and a spot of the required shape is left with one stroke with a gradual transition of one color to another).

The accumulated ideas about the purpose of decorative drawing and the variety of its reproduction make it possible to use certain options for finishing objects or their details in subject and plot drawing, modeling.

Decorative drawing is the creation of patterns. Patterns are geometric and floral. Patterns are made in stripes or in various geometric shapes(square, rectangle, circle, etc.).

Teaching children decorative drawing, the teacher should develop their ability to see the relationship between all the components of the pattern, color, composition, and form elements.

The child needs to feel and understand how, depending on the purpose and shape of the object, the ornament that adorns it changes. From here he learns about the meaning, expediency of design, the connection between form and content.

Children, getting acquainted with decorative drawing, should learn to clearly imagine what rhythm and symmetry are, without which decorative arts cannot exist.

In decorative painting, the development of a sense of color stands out as an important task. Color in painted ornament closely connected with the composition, in the pattern they are not separated from each other. Naturally, preschool children cannot master all the possibilities of color combinations, although the sense of color begins to develop even at preschool age.

The task of using color in decorative painting becomes more complicated, starting with the brightest, most contrasting combinations and ending with shades of warm and cold colors in different combinations. The implementation of these tasks can begin when the children master the drawing of the simplest pictorial forms, since then the attention of preschoolers will need to be concentrated on a new task - the arrangement of these forms in a certain order to obtain a pattern.

Children acquire primary visual skills in the first and second junior groups, and some tasks in the second junior group are decorative in nature (for example, decorate the edges of the scarf with stripes). But the main goal of such an activity is not to create a pattern, but to consolidate the ability to draw straight lines in different directions.

The tasks of teaching decorative drawing in the middle group are as follows:

  • - develop compositional skills in the rhythmic arrangement of shapes in a pattern on a strip, square, circle;
  • - develop a sense of color - the ability to beautifully combine contrasting colors;
  • - to develop the ability to draw various large and small forms - simple elements pattern;
  • - develop technical skills in using a brush (easy to touch the paper, making dots; act with the entire surface of the brush, drawing stripes, strokes).

First, children learn to brush straight lines and apply strokes between them that are rhythmically repeated, or dots, alternate strokes in color, changing their position when the pattern becomes more complex.

A stroke is the easiest decorative element to perform, since it does not require particularly precise movements and is obtained by lightly applying a brush to paper. Therefore, strokes are first included in the pattern, and then dots. The point requires mastery of a new method of working with a brush (hold the brush vertically) and sufficiently developed coordination of movements to only touch the paper with the end of the brush.

The composition of the first drawings is also the simplest: the rhythmic repetition of the same element. The rhythm of the movement of the hand, inherent in man, facilitates this repetition, helps to convey the rhythm in pictorial forms.

Alternation is a more complex compositional technique, as it is based on a combination of several forms. Children of the middle group can alternate two elements in shape or color.

Software complexity material is coming due to more complex composition and the introduction of new pictorial elements in the pattern. In addition to dots and strokes, children learn to use circles and rings in the pattern, the drawing techniques of which they got acquainted with in the younger group.

In decorative drawing, the image of these forms changes somewhat: they are smaller, when drawing they must correspond in size and, moreover, they are not connected with the image of the object, which also makes their image more difficult for the child.

In addition to stripes, children learn to place a pattern on other shapes - a square, a circle. These forms require a different composition in the pattern. Naturally, it is impossible to use a simple linear repetition here, since a square has sides, corners, a center; a circle has an edge and a center.

In children of the middle group begins to form artistic taste. They can name which paintings and illustrations they like best, determine the natural phenomena that are conveyed by visual means. The teacher introduces children to the sculpture of small forms. Basically, these are folk toys. Folk toy pleases children with its brightness, simplicity and expressiveness of the image. Examination of works folk art carried out before decorative painting. To develop the imagination, you can use the silhouettes of animals cut out of paper. Before the children there is an unusual vivid image folk toys.

The teacher draws the attention of children to a multi-colored pattern of circles, dots, rings. After decorating with a decorative pattern, the bird will really become beautiful, fabulous.

In some cases, in order to visually explain the method of representation, a didactic sample is given - this is an image in which those features that need to be paid attention to children in this case are clearly visible, and all unnecessary is removed. The sample can be made in a neutral color without coloring. Children will apply colors on their own. The sample must be correct and truthful. In the process of explaining, children name the parts, determine them relative value, location. Avoiding copying the sample should be encouraged to add some details to the image.

The educator must remember that the assimilation of the elements of the pattern - strokes, dots, stripes, rings - is at the same time the assimilation of some technical skill. Each element in the pattern is usually repeated several times, so children have the opportunity to practice in its execution. The repetition of strokes, dots, stripes is uniform in the pattern.

In such cases, when a pattern is created from a pattern, the perception of it by children is important. First of all, the teacher gives the children the opportunity to see the pattern as a whole, then highlights the elements of the pattern, names them, draws attention to their repetition. With a dry brush, the teacher shows repeated strokes, points on the sample, making movements corresponding to their image, then specifies the sequence of execution.

Showing how to create a pattern after such an explanation on a sample is needed only at the beginning and when a new technique is mastered, for example, applying strokes by pressing a brush. If only the arrangement of the pattern is assimilated, and its elements are familiar to children, a demonstration is not needed. Sometimes you can call the children to draw certain parts of the pattern on the easel.

When any construction of a pattern is given for the first time, the pattern is repeated by the children without changes. But in the next lesson, they can change the colors compared to the sample or add new elements to the pattern. In these cases, only a scheme for constructing a pattern is outlined in the sample. Further classes are held without samples.

Each meaning can be expressed in different ways. Therefore, it is necessary to apply such teaching methods that will not lead to the uniformity of ways of expressiveness. For example, the way the image is located on a narrow strip cannot be the only and mandatory in all cases.

In their drawings, children are increasingly reflecting what they saw in the world around them or when looking at illustrations. Although their work is quite simple, the teacher needs to evoke a friendly attitude towards the drawings in the children: “How beautifully this house is decorated, it is festive thanks to your wonderful patterns.”

If children draw decorative elements, then this should take place in a playful way in order to arouse children's interest in this figure. In order for the drawings to be expressive, the teacher offers the children paper of different formats. The image of a certain pattern can be transferred in a strip or on a square sheet of paper. Options compositional solutions the teacher finds, since it is still difficult for a five-year-old child to do this.

When depicting complex elements of a pattern, the educator uses a display, which is accompanied by an explanation that helps to remember the sequence of actions. For example, the beauty of the pattern depends on the clarity of the movement of the brush, the ability to rhythmically draw lines of different intensity.

In addition, painting with multiple colors requires mastering the skill of washing the brush in order to keep the brightness and purity of the color of the paint. The teacher strives to ensure that children draw not only the patterns that are given in the drawing, but also come up with new ones based on the acquired knowledge. Children do it with interest. At each lesson, the teacher seeks to use methods that are aimed at developing independent ways of depicting children. This independence takes place if the child always performs the task proposed by the teacher.

In the middle group, children learn the techniques of decorative drawing: wide straight lines on the entire bristle of the brush, strokes in different position, dots, circles, rings. Special meaning acquires the content of the lessons.

T.S. Grain offers to build classes in such a sequence that it is possible to gradually complicate the elements of decorative drawing. Grain even published a book “ Aesthetic education in kindergarten ”, where she revealed the entire content of decorative drawing. Following Grain's advice, such an element as a stroke is widely used in decorative products and is easy to perform - attach the bristle of the brush to the paper and lift it up. But you can arrange a stroke on paper in different ways: at the top, at the bottom, obliquely, etc. If you teach the consistent mastery of a stroke from drawing in a simple way to the complex, then the children master this element, and their hand develops. The teacher conducts classes where he uses a variety of colors. Most of the drawings are on white paper. Colored paper is also used - gray, beige, blue.

To teach children decorative drawing, the teacher uses various methodological techniques: visual, verbal and game. The form of visualization in the lesson is nature, a sample, a demonstration of the image method.

Depending on the type of classes, visual, verbal and game teaching methods are used in different ways. art defines three types of activities in kindergarten:

Type I - classes in which new knowledge is given, as well as new skills and abilities are formed.

Type II - classes to consolidate previously acquired knowledge and skills.

Type III - classes for the independent use by children of the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.

In the lessons of the first type, the teacher uses nature or a role model, shows ways of depicting, gives explanations, and asks questions.

In the lessons of the second type - uses nature, several samples, partial demonstration, explanation, questions, art word, game methods.

The main techniques in the classroom will be questions, instructions, reminders. With the help of questions, the teacher learns about the intentions of the children, about the ways of realizing these ideas, and the like.

Verbal teaching methods - instructions, evaluation, encouragement are used in all three types of classes.

So, using a variety of methods, the educator forms in children a steady interest in visual activity, brings them to the transfer expressive image through various visual means. The methodology of classes in visual activity in kindergarten is characterized by a great focus on the development of independence in children.

Priority educational area: " Artistic and aesthetic development»

Integration educational areas "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Social and communicative development".

Purpose: improving the aesthetic abilities of children.

Know how to apply decorative painting: dots, strokes, circles, rings, straight lines and wavy, thick and thin lines, leaves, petals. To consolidate the ability to draw with the whole brush and its end, freely move the brush in different directions.

Develop aesthetic taste, accuracy, creativity.

Create in children joyful mood, the ability to rejoice in the results of their work and comrades.

Object-spatial developing environment: tinted paper of different shades of rectangular shape, gouache, squirrel brushes No. 1, No. 3, jars of water, palettes, napkins, posters with elements decorative patterns, recordings of folk melodies.

Preliminary work:

  • teacher's story and display of objects, toys;
  • examining objects, illustrative material with elements of decorative paintings;
  • excursion to the autumn forest;
  • multimedia presentation "Folk decorative art".

Progress of organized activities:

Psychological mood "Give a smile"

I invite the children to join hands, feel the warmth of the hands of their friends, smile at each other and shake hands to give the warmth of their hearts.


Neumekha came to visit us and asked for help, he needs to decorate the paths for Autumn as a gift, but he does not know how to draw at all.

Do you want to help Unmecha?

Children express their consent to help Numekha.

We examine posters with elements of decorative patterns, children name familiar elements, recall the technique of drawing patterns, and propose to start decorating the paths. Children choose tinted paper to their liking.

During the practical part, folk melodies sound, I follow the technique of working with a brush.


Do you want to teach Unmecha a physical education minute?

Yes, we really want to!

Physical education:

Raise your shoulders up.

Don't swing, don't blink.

Let's make turns

We will do everything willingly.

And without any haste,

Let's do it all five times.

I place all the drawings on the board, I propose to consider. From the work performed, I suggest that the children make an exhibition "Autumn Fantasy". When analyzing, note the location of patterns, color, accuracy of work. and choose the best autumn paths.


I propose to show works similar to real autumn paths

1. Which autumn track did you like the most? Why do you think so?

Which autumn path is most similar to the real one for you? Why do you think so?

2. What did you like most about the lesson?

3. Were we able to help Clumsy?

Program tasks:
To consolidate knowledge about Dymkovo toys;
To consolidate the skills of drawing elements of Dymkovo painting (circles, dots, stripes, mesh, ring, wavy arcs);
Strengthen children's ability to create decorative composition in the genre of Dymkovo painting;
Fix drawing techniques smooth lines when working with a brush and the ability to draw with the tip of a brush.
To cultivate respect for the work of folk craftsmen, admiration for their work.
Several drawings of Dymkovo toys, pictures with elements of the Dymkovo pattern; watercolor paints, brushes, water, napkins, ready-made pattern drawings.
Preliminary work:
The teacher's story, looking at albums, paintings about Dymkovo toys; conversations; clay modeling of Dymkovo toys; coloring of coloring books, conversations about the Dymkovo toy.
Lesson progress:
What do I see! What a marvel!
How much joy around!
Really, children, it's beautiful here?
It's breathtaking!
Today, I invite you to the gallery of drawings of toys. Look how beautiful it is here. Let's take a look at them. (Children independently examine toys painted in the style of Dymka). They are all bright, beautiful and very different. But they have something in common!
Masters for all children
Stuffed foals
riders, chickens,
They put them in a tub.
Planted, dried, whitewashed
Dressed up with bright paint
Put everything in a tray
In an embellished scarf
And rather sell
Entertain everyone with a toy
Lush, elegant,
Before that, pleasant.
Guys, what are these toys called?
Children - Dymkovo
- Do you know why they are called that?
- Far, far away, behind the dense forests, behind the green fields, on the banks of the blue river, there was a large village. Every morning people got up, lit the stoves, and blue smoke curled from the chimneys of the houses. There were many houses in the village. So they called that village Dymkovo. Lived in that village cheerful and mischievous people. They loved to sculpt cheerful, bright, colorful toys, whistles. Many of them will be made over the long winter. And when the golden sky rises spring sunshine, the snow will run away from the fields, funny people they took out their funny toys and, well, whistle - drive away the winter, praise the spring.
Funny toys sold in different cities and villages. And by the name of this village, toys began to be called Dymkovo.
- What color are Dymkovo toys?
(Always white)
- What are the patterns on Dymkovo toys?
(Straight line, wavy line, dot, circle, ring, cell, lattice)
- What color is more? What colors are used?
- How are patterns made?
(By dipping, with the end of the brush, brush flat on the pile)
- Sit back, let's get started.
During independent work the teacher keeps all the children in sight, helps those who find it difficult to create a composition, monitors the fit, and the technique of performing work.
After 10 minutes of independent work - physical education break.
We drew today
Our fingers are tired.
Shake our fingers

Let's start drawing again.

Feet together, feet apart

We hammer in a nail.

sun bunnies

Sunbeams play on the wall

I beckon them with my finger

Let them run to me.

Well, catch it, catch it soon!

Here, here, here - left, left!

Ran to the ceiling.

Now finish your work, finish drawing the patterns, and then look at the drawings.

Summing up, the teacher hangs out all the drawings.

1. What job did you like the most? Why?
2. What did you like the most here?
3. What is special about this job?
4. How is this work different from others?

The teacher reads the verse:

All toys are not simple,
And magically painted
Snow-white, like birches,

Circles, cells, stripes -
Seemingly simple pattern
But you can't look away.

Well done, everyone tried to create new beautiful Dymkovo patterns. The lesson is over.

The methodology of the lesson. Consider oval-shaped balloons with the guys. Invite the children to draw this shape in the air with the movement of their hands. Show the technique of drawing an oval with pencils, accompanying the direction of movement with words: "Round, long, round again and long again." Invite one of the guys to show at the blackboard how to draw an oval-shaped balloon. Invite the children to start drawing balls. Invite each child to choose the most beautiful ball and paint over it.

"Pies in the oven" Serezha A., middle group

At the end of the lesson, consider all the drawings, clarify the name of the form of the depicted objects.

Materials. Balloons round and oval shape. Pencils, landscape sheets (for each child).

Games with toys. Independent use of the didactic game "Find the same in shape."


Lesson 12. Drawing "Golden Autumn"

Software content. Teach children how to draw autumn. Exercise in the ability to draw a tree, a trunk, thin branches, autumn foliage. fasten technical skills in painting with paints (dip the brush with all the pile into a jar of paint, remove an extra drop on the edge of the jar, rinse the brush well in water before picking up another paint, blot it on a soft cloth or paper napkin, etc.). Bring children to the figurative transmission of phenomena. Cultivate independence and creativity. Cause a feeling of joy from bright beautiful drawings.

The methodology of the lesson. Ask the children what season it is, what color the leaves are on the trees and how many of them. Read poems about autumn, draw the attention of the children to vivid descriptions of the elegant autumn dressing of trees.

Remember where to start drawing a tree, clarify its parts (trunk, branches, leaves). Invite one of the children to draw a tree at the blackboard.

At the end of the lesson, consider all the works, emphasize the beauty of autumn color. Cause joy from bright, elegant drawings created by children.

Materials. Album sheets, gouache paints, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child).

Relationship with other occupations and activities. Learning a poem about autumn, leaf fall. Target walk in the forest, in the square, on the boulevard. While walking, collect and examine the leaves from different trees, draw the attention of children to their bright varied colors. Highlight the shape of the leaves, compare them, ask what they look like, what kind of picture you can add from them. Learning a song about autumn. Examining illustrations.

Lesson 13. Modeling "Mushrooms"

Software content. To consolidate the ability of children to sculpt familiar objects, using previously learned modeling techniques (rolling clay in straight and circular motions, flattening with palms, sculpting with fingers) to refine the shape. Lead to a figurative assessment of work.

The methodology of the lesson. Make a riddle about a mushroom for children:



Passed through the earth

Found the red cap.

Consider toy mushrooms with children (you can take dummies). Remember what mushrooms the guys saw in the summer. Ask the children how to mold a mushroom, clarify modeling techniques. Offer to sculpt large and small mushrooms.

Arrange all molded mushrooms on green velvet paper. Admire with the children a beautiful meadow with mushrooms, offer to find different mushrooms. Give a figurative assessment (a friendly family of mushrooms; a fat, large, vigorous mushroom, etc.). In conclusion, read the nursery rhyme:

- Legs, legs, where have you been?

We went to the forest for mushrooms.

- What did you, pens, work for?

- We collected mushrooms.

- And you, eyes, helped?

- We searched and looked -

All the stumps looked around,

Here is Vanyushka with a fungus,

With a boletus!

(See Book for reading in kindergarten and at home. 4–5 years old / Compiled by V.V. Gerbova, N.P. Ilchuk, N.P. Baburova. - M., 2005. - P. 7).

Materials. Toy mushrooms (or dummies), a sheet of green velvet paper. Plasticine, modeling board (for each child).

Relationship with other occupations and activities. Talk about walking in the woods, picking mushrooms. Didactic games.

Lesson 14. Drawing "Fairytale tree"

Software content. Teaching children to create in a drawing fabulous image. Exercise in the ability to convey the correct structure of the tree. Learn to paint. Develop imagination, creativity, speech.

The methodology of the lesson. Recall with children the poem by K. Chukovsky "Miracle Tree". Say you have fairy trees, like real ones, there is a trunk and branches, but their leaves, flowers and fruits can be different, magical, not like real ones. Ask the children what color the trunk, branches and leaves of real trees are, what colors fairy trees can have. Invite the children to come up with what can grow on fairy trees.

When analyzing children's work, note the variety of solutions, expressiveness. Then lay out all the drawings on the table and say that it turned out to be a real magical garden.

Materials. Pencils, 1/2 landscape sheet of paper (for each child).

Relationship with other occupations and activities. Examining illustrations in books, reading fairy tales, poems.

Lesson 15. Application "Decoration of a handkerchief"

Software content. Teach children to highlight the corners, the sides of the square. To consolidate knowledge of round, square and triangular shapes. Practice choosing colors. Learn to transform the shape by cutting a square into triangles, a circle into semicircles. Develop compositional skills, color perception.

The methodology of the lesson. Consider a square with children, show its sides, angles, count them. Ask how you can arrange the pattern on the square. Show how to cut a square diagonally from corner to corner, a circle in diameter in half. Invite one of the guys to show this technique at the blackboard.

Then invite each child to decorate a handkerchief, talk about the combination of colors. When viewed finished works draw the attention of children to applications that are beautiful in color combination, in composition.

Materials. Paper circles and squares, scissors, glue, glue brush, napkin, oilcloth (for each child).

Relationship with other occupations and activities. Examination of decorative products with a simple pattern.

Software content. Teach children to make a simple pattern of elements on a strip of paper folk ornament. Develop color perception.

The methodology of the lesson. Consider several aprons with children; pay attention to how they are decorated, how the pattern is located, what shapes and colors the elements of the pattern are. Invite the children to decorate more aprons: first with one strip on top, the other on the bottom, and between the stripes with petals (adhering, dots).

Ask the children how else to decorate aprons. Call one child to show to the board, then let the children work on their own.

Materials. Several aprons in smooth fabric with trim. Gouache paints, brushes, jars of water, napkins, silhouettes of aprons pre-cut from white or colored (plain) paper by the teacher (for each child).

Relationship with other occupations and activities. Examination of beautiful products: scarves, aprons, etc.

Lesson 17

Software content. To develop figurative representations in children, the ability to choose the content of the image. To teach to transfer the selected object in modeling, using the techniques learned earlier. Continue to develop the ability to work accurately. To cultivate the desire to do something for others, to form the ability to combine the results of their activities with the work of their peers.

The methodology of the lesson. Tell the children that the dolls want to invite their friends to visit - Piggy, Donkey, Rabbit. Invite the children to make treats for the dolls. Ask what treats can be made; listen to all the suggestions of the children, asking them what form the named treats are, how they can be molded; complete their answers.

In the process of modeling, encourage the desire of children to fashion several treats, interesting solutions.

Put all fashioned products on trays (disposable plates can be used) and examine, paying attention to the variety of decorations - dolls will be happy with such treats.

Materials. Clay (plasticine), modeling board (for each child). Tray for placing treats sculpted by children.

Relationship with other occupations and activities. Children's games in the play corner.

Lesson 18. Application "Boats are sailing on the river" ("Fishing boats went to sea", "Yachts on the lake")

Anastasia Buturlina
"Dymkovo painting". Abstract of a lesson on decorative drawing in the middle group

« Dymkovo painting» . Lesson summary for fine arts (decorative drawing) in middle group.

« Dymkovo painting» .


Introduce children to folk craft Dymkovo painting. To form the ability to notice and find the main expressive means of Dymkovo painting: color, variety of elements.


1. Educational: learn to highlight the elements of a geometric pattern Dymkovo painting(circle, ring, straight and wavy lines, dots); to form the ability to create patterns according to one's own design, using a variety of techniques for working with a brush in the image of elements (with the whole brush, with the end of the brush, with a poke).

2. Developmental: develop a sense of rhythm, color, composition when composing Dymkovo pattern. To develop interest in the study of folk crafts. Develop conversational skills.

3. Educational: to instill love and respect for the work of craftsmen. Pay attention to close relationships folk traditions, music and oral folk art.

Integration: "Artistic Creativity", "Communication", "Physical Culture"

Dictionary activation: Dymkovo toys, ring, circle, straight and wavy line, elegant, festive, clay.

Material: Samples decorative- applied art; sample drawings-exercises of geometric ornament Dymkovo toys; templates of various toys; gouache, palette, brushes, napkins, non-spill cups, easel, cotton swabs.

preliminary work:

1. Exhibition in group of Dymkovo toys.

2. Didactic game : "Find the same".

didactic task. Try to find similar patterns on the table.

Lesson progress

caregiver: Guys, let's smile and say hello to our guests.

Emotional mood.

(children stand in a circle)

All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands tightly

And we smile at each other.

caregiver: And now I want to invite you to visit an exhibition of wonderful craftsmen.

caregiver: What do you see at our exhibition?

Children. Toys

caregiver: Correctly. Before you are various folk toys.


Prepare your ears

It's interesting to know:

Everything about Dymkovo toy

I want to tell you.

Four hundred years ago. People lived in the same village. When it was cold outside and winter frost stoves were flooded in the houses, smoke enveloped the roofs, so much so that nothing could be seen, only smoke, that’s what they called that village Dymkovo.

Children didn't have toys like yours back then. And adults on the bank of the river collected clay and fashioned various clay funny figures, burned them in the oven, covered them with chalk and painted them with paints.

caregiver: Guys, what patterns and colors did the craftsmen use for the toy?

Children: circles, lines, dots, rings, red, yellow…

caregiver: Do you want to become masters and paint your toy?

Children: Yes.

caregiver: Then it's time for us to go to the workshop and become craftsmen.

Let's ride horses.

The horse is waiting for me on the road, Hands behind my back "to the castle"

Beats with a hoof at the gate. Alternate leg raises

In the wind plays with a mane, shaking his head,

Lush, fabulously beautiful.

I will quickly jump on a horse,

I won’t go - I’ll fly Jumps on the spot

There, beyond the distant river, will stop

I'll wave my hand to you! Wave your hands.

caregiver: Here we are, look, there are different templates in our workshop Dymkovo toys.

You are now the masters, and you must turn the templates into beautiful ones. Dymkovo toys. But first, I'll show you how to apply the elements. murals- hold the brush with three fingers by the piece of iron; a straight and wavy line is applied with one end of the brush (tail); draw a ring and a circle with the end of the brush, but then paint the circle over form: points can paint poke with the end of a brush or cotton swab.

caregiver: Children, come on, now close your eyes, imagine what pattern you will paint your Dymkovo toy, color of the pattern, how to arrange, where to start paint.

We open our eyes:

And before we start paint

I suggest stretching your fingers.

Let's rub our hands

We are a little bit about each other.

Fists clenched - unclenched,

The fists clenched - unclenched.

Here are the fingers stretched.

And now, friends, I want to offer you to choose a template dymkovo toys and get to work.

Independent work of children under a calm folk music (help for children with difficulty, individual work).

caregiver: What good fellows you are - beautifully painted your toys. You are true craftsmen.

Guys, come to us Kindergarten a parcel came from the village Dymkovo. It was sent to us Dymkovo masters. Want to know what's in it?

Children: Yes.

caregiver: Then let's go and open it.

Oh yes it is Dymkovo figure of a horse. Do you want to paint a real dymkovo a toy and give moms and dads?

Children: Yes.

caregiver: I suggest you take one toy for yourself, smile, say goodbye to the guests and go to group.

Related publications:

Program content: Continue to acquaint children with Dymkovo toy. Refine the elements of the Dymkovo pattern, convey a bright color.

Summary of GCD on decorative drawing "Gorodets painting" Summary of GCD on decorative drawing "Gorodets painting" Program tasks: Educational: to teach children to invent a pattern on their own.

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