A package of documents bookmaker's office. Competent approach to the organization of the sweepstakes


Bookmakers have been known for a long time. Many at least once made bets on their favorite team, and then sat in front of the TV in the hope that it would win. But few have thought about organizing their own betting company on their own.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, there are 27 companies that have licenses to carry out betting activities and conduct sweepstakes. For comparison, five years ago there were only five such companies. This market began to develop actively after the closure of casinos in the country. If you want to make high profits, have enough funds to open your betting company, then this article is for you.

Basics of work

Everyone knows putting on a team with high coefficient, we get a large amount of winnings. And for the player, everything is simple.

But how does a bookmaker work?

For successful activity, each bookmaker must determine its line, the chances of winning a particular team.

For example, two play football teams CSK and Dynamo. After the analysis, the bookmaker assumes that the chances of the teams are as follows: 50% - CSK will win, 30% - a draw, 20% - Dynamo will win. Therefore, the line looks like 2-3,3-5 (the calculation is carried out by dividing one by the chance of winning).

The bookmaker, having offered this line to the players, will not be able to get a penny of profit. When forming a line for a player, you need to take into account the margin, for example, fifteen percent. Then the coefficients for the player will look like: 1.74-2.9-4.35.

Let's pretend that total amount rates for each category amounted to 6000 - 3000 - 1000 USD.

What will the bookmaker get in each case:

  • If CSK won, the bookmaker must pay 4,400 c.u. (6000*0.74), and get 3000+1000 c.u. In this case, the bookmaker will incur losses in the amount of 440 USD.
  • If there is a draw, the bookmaker must pay 5700 USD. (1.9 * 3000 c.u.), and get 7000 c.u. The loss is 1300 USD.
  • If Dynamo wins, then the bookmaker must pay 3350 USD. (1000 USD * 3.35), and get from the players who made a mistake in choosing an account, 9000 USD. The bookmaker's profit will be 5600 USD.

As you can see from the example, it is not always possible to make a profit from such activities, but over time, you will learn how to determine the optimal coefficients, and then you will not go into the red.

License and other required documents

At the moment, bookmaking is a legal activity, and in order to start working in this area, you will need to go to the Federal Tax Service and get a license.

However, to obtain a permit, you need to pass a series of checks, submit a document confirming that you have net assets in the amount of one billion rubles, as well as to receive a guarantee from the bank in the amount of five hundred million rubles.

The amount of the authorized capital must be equal to one hundred million rubles. Of course, these are large sums. However, after one year of work, you can easily get your money back. If you do not have the financial ability to open such an enterprise on your own, you can negotiate a kind of franchise and conclude an agreement with a more well-known bookmaker to open a representative office in your city.

When obtaining a license, they may be asked not only for the documents of the founder, but also for several employees of the future bookmaker. Perhaps the list of documents may change slightly.

Work via the Internet, how profitable is it?

Don't forget we live in a century high technology. And many companies are active work through the Internet.

Keep up with trends! Open your site through which you will accept bets and make a profit without even leaving your home.

If you compare working from home via the Internet and working in the office, you can save money on rent, repairs and purchases. necessary equipment and furniture.

This line of business will save you time and will also make you feel comfortable in the workplace.

Open an online bookmaker on your own or get a franchise?

Many people want to be a self-employed entrepreneur who has achieved success. But there is not always enough money and experience to avoid mistakes and not become bankrupt after a while.

Many people think that opening a bookmaker's office on the Internet is easy and does not require large capital investments.

But still, an entrepreneur will need a reserve fund for unforeseen situations, and a novice bookmaker will need to formalize his business and obtain a license.

by the most in a simple way to start a business is to obtain a franchise. In this case, you will not need to spend money on software, for an advertising company and develop your strategy. You will already receive ready business, which you just need to maintain.

For newbies the best way Starting your online business can be exactly a franchise.

Opening a hookah bar is associated with some nuances. This concerns the law that was issued in 2014 to ban smoking in in public places. In fact, you can open a business absolutely legally. and necessary calculations.

Perhaps it will be useful for you: types of simplified taxation system for LLC.

The futures market is an attractive investment opportunity. In this article, we will get acquainted with such a concept as a variation margin: an accrual algorithm and a calculation formula.

Equipment and everything necessary for work

The operation of a bookmaker's office on the Internet is impossible without a computer, computer software ( special program) and Internet access.

The work of the office is impossible without specialized betting programs for placing bets and calculating winnings. You can purchase or rent such software.

Since your business will be based on the Internet, you will not have the cost of purchasing chairs, tables, etc. You can work from home and your expenses will consist of paying for the Internet and electricity.

Features and benefits of earning

Opening a bookmaker's office is a very profitable business.

It is believed that the provision of betting services is one of the largest areas in the world in terms of turnover of funds.

Representatives of this industry claim that the profitability of bookmaker activities is 8-10%. However, the actual figures are much higher than these figures.

After the closure of all casinos and the ban gambling, sweepstakes are becoming quite popular. Every year there are more and more betting companies on the market, and the number of players does not decrease.

The benefits of this kind of income include:

  • Rapid increase in initial capital.
  • A wide range of betting systems, which allows you to attract more people and bets.
  • Legitimate ways to earn high income.

There is practically no deceit in this activity. Everyone who has put their money on a team will immediately be able to view their income.

Such a system greatly affects the number of people making bets. Transparency and quick receipt of your winnings makes the bookmaker very popular.

How soon will I become a millionaire?

Of course, the issue of profitability haunts entrepreneurs.

Why open your own business if it will not bring the desired amount of profit?

Bookmakers get about 40% profitability from turnover, if you take into account the most popular small bets in the amount of up to 200 rubles.

According to statistics, more than 50% of the population make such bets regularly, and cannot deny themselves such weakness.

To attract new customers, you can follow the strategy of increasing the odds, which allows you to increase the number of bets on matches in different sports categories.

Initial Costs and Approximate Financial Plan

Your costs will depend not only on the type of activity (whether you open your own exchange or use a franchise), but also on the development strategy. Perhaps over time you will not be able to cope with the work, so you will prefer to hire a few people to help.

You can see the approximate financial plan if you decide to open a bookmaker's office on your own:

  • Registration of a company and preparation of documentation - 10,000 rubles.
  • Obtaining a license - 200,000 rubles.
  • Conducting an advertising campaign - 50,000 rubles.
  • Labor costs (one employee) - 10,000 rubles.

The above costs are approximate, do not forget about the certain amount of the reserve, which must be in your account. It is also worth clarifying that the payback period of the initial investment can be one year.

If you took advantage of the opportunity to conclude a franchise agreement, then in this case, the company that provides the franchise will bear more costs.

This industry is actively developing and can bring high income. Therefore, if you have the financial ability to open a bookmaker, do not waste time, earn your first million!

History of bookmaking

Before we start discussing the cost of opening a bookmaker, I want to go back a little in order to understand where this entertainment activity first appeared and where it came from.

It should be noted that, in contrast to modern species earnings, such as opening a marriage agency, bookmakers have existed for a very long time, for many centuries.

IN ancient rome, professional athletes were called gladiators, for sure, everyone read about the famous gladiator fights. So, the inhabitants of Rome were very gambling, and they were happy to bet on various competitions. While such bookmakers, of course, did not exist, bets were accepted mainly by well-known bankers. The principle of making bets: from the entire amount collected, the argentariy took his percentage, and distributed the rest to those participants who guessed the outcome of the event.

During the Middle Ages, betting was popular among wealthy people. Many nobles were not averse to predicting the results of the duels of knights, which were a massive entertainment action at that time.

If we talk about the modern sweepstakes, then its founder is considered to be Pierre Oller, who first began to accept bets on horse races. Around 1875, bookmaking became firmly established as an activity and began to exist permanently, bringing a stable income to its founders.

What do you need to open a bookmaker's office?

The question of how to open a bookmaker's office is of interest to many entrepreneurs. This type of earnings is rightfully considered one of the most profitable. Therefore, the competition here is quite serious. Today, there are more than one hundred large bookmakers that are serious rivals for a novice entrepreneur who wants to start a business in this area.

First of all, it is necessary to draw up a detailed business plan, with the help of which you can predict the cost of opening a bookmaker and its development.

A business plan is a document that describes in detail all the steps that are necessary for the opening and existence of a bookmaker's office.

Stages of a business plan for opening a bookmaker:

  1. Detailed analysis of the business idea. Be sure to research the niche. You should analyze the level of competition, and also study what services can be provided to the population;
  2. Business registration. At this stage, it is necessary to collect all the information about the procedure for registering a business in the gaming field. After that, it is required to prepare the entire package of documents for obtaining a license to operate a bookmaker;
  3. Room rental and renovation. Pay special attention to the location of the institution, the profit and payback period of the business depend on it;
  4. Purchase of equipment;
  5. Selection and hiring of personnel. A lot depends on the activities of employees, so you should not miss this important nuance;
  6. Advertising expenses. There are a lot of options for attracting customers today. Choose the most successful types of advertising for PR of your betting organization.

How much does it cost to open a bookmaker's office?

To open a bookmaker, you naturally need a decent amount of money. It is quite difficult for a novice entrepreneur to find the necessary amount of money to start. Most often, the founders of betting organizations are several people at once. As a rule, these are already established businessmen who can invest a substantial amount of money in the development of a bookmaker's office.

To start a bookmaker's office, you need approximately 8-10 thousand dollars, and this is only for initial expenses. The amount of financial investments depends primarily on the type of bookmaking.

There are two types of bookmakers:

  • For a mass audience, that is, anyone can come and make their prediction on the outcome of a sporting event. Rates, as a rule, vary from 50–10,000 rubles.
  • elite organizations. The principle of operation is no different, everything is the same, except for the minimum rate, which is mainly from 1000 rubles.

Business registration

After drawing up a business plan, you need to register your type of activity. Bookmaking has long been classified as a form of gambling, so you need to get permission to start a business. To obtain a license, you must contact Roskomsport ( federal agency By physical culture, sports and tourism). The main requirement for obtaining permission is the experience of the creator of the betting organization. But where does a beginner learn this kind of activity? The only way out is to find an experienced partner who will agree to participate in the creation of a bookmaker and act as a founder.

Deciding on a location

The main rule of a successful location is the absence of competitors nearby. You should not be so self-confident as to place such an organization near existing similar offices.

When choosing a place for a bookmaker, consider its traffic and contingent. As a rule, the gambling part of the population is mostly men, so the location of the office should be near the establishments visited by the strong half of humanity (bars, factories, sports clubs, ).

Requirements for the premises

You don't need to rent large area, a room of 5–10 sq. m. The place of work itself must be equipped in such a way that the client does not see the computer, does not have access to money, this is to protect the employee. The principle of operation is somewhat reminiscent of an exchange office, the employee communicates with the client through the window, registers the rate and accepts the payment.

Betting shop equipment

Unlike other activities that require large sum money for the purchase of equipment, for example, here, there will be no special costs.

Equipment for work:

  • Computer or laptop;
  • Round the clock access to the Internet. It is required to choose a reliable provider and a high-speed connection with a protective line. In the event of a service hack, very large financial losses await you, so treat present moment very seriously.
  • Printer, scanner;
  • Licensed computer software.

How the bookmaker works

Now, let's talk about the most interesting thing, namely, the principle of activity of betting organizations.

As a rule, bets are placed on sports events. Most often this football matches, basketball, hockey, boxing, horse racing, etc. But in principle, today, you can bet on anything, even music and acting competitions such as Eurovision and Oscar.

The principle of operation of offices is as follows. The client makes a bet on a certain match, choosing one of the proposed options for the outcome of the event. It is worth knowing that in each case minimum bid is different. In case of a win, the client receives the amount of money (the original amount of the bet multiplied by the coefficient). In most cases, the bookmaker predicts the results of the match. For example, he bets 50% on the victory of one team, 20% on the victory of the other team, and 30% on a draw.

The client can receive his amount within a few hours after the bet has played.


In the betting business, as in any other area of ​​the entertainment business, the risks are very significant. Therefore, it is necessary to know a lot about bets and the work of bookmakers. Hire a few experienced consultants who understand this area of ​​expertise and can predict the results. Otherwise, you will face serious losses.

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Business promotion

First of all, you need to choose a good location for the bookmaker. It is desirable to open such establishments in crowded places in the city.

Signboard. Regarding the sign, it should be bright and attractive, but as correct as possible.

Bookmakers today are familiar to everyone. But few people know that this is a whole industry with its own deep history, rules of the game, heroes and pitfalls. We will talk about bookmaking as a business today with the head of the FIRST BOOKMAKER'S OFFICE Maxim Baev.

Journalist: Maxim, tell us where such a thing as “bookmaking” came from, when did it originate?

Maxim: Since time immemorial sports gathered crowds of spectators and forced to empathize with their participants. It is not known who first thought of betting on the outcome of the event - in the Colosseum, at the battle of gladiators or at horse racing V Ancient Greece but from that time to the present day sport competitions do not leave indifferent a lot of people all over the world and all of them are united by a passion for risk and excitement. In the 18th century, the Duke of Queensberry, an avid fan, bet a thousand guineas (a fortune at that time) against five hundred on the outcome of one of the fist fights.

J: When this species activities appeared in the post-Soviet space, and what served its development?

M: Before the ban on gambling Russian market betting shops was developed very poorly and had a narrow circle of its customers. The offices worked in the format of "booths" - minimal in area and extremely meager in interior design. Such offices collected mainly clientele from fans of sports statistics, as well as rare random guests. In fact, we can say that in Russia in the 90s the culture of bookmaking did not exist.

The impetus for the development of bookmaking was the introduction of a ban on the gambling business - bookmakers gradually switched to working in a slightly different format. Firstly, with the closure of gambling establishments, many "familiar" places began to be re-registered as bookmakers as the closest and most legitimate alternative that could retain the old clientele. Secondly, great emphasis was placed on interior design premises of the teaching staff, equipping the halls with numerous monitors with the presentation of betting products and sports broadcasts. The PPS design has acquired the features of a casino. This format was called a "sports bar", since in most cases the betting shop was combined with a bar and retail alcoholic beverages, although, in my opinion, this is contrary to the format of the bookmaker today.

J: How are modern bookmakers different?

M: Today in bookmakers there is such an important link as the analytical department, the main task which - correctly place the coefficients on the events. The analyst, using mathematical calculation formulas and probability theory, as well as statistical estimates, sets the coefficient in the line for a particular event. An error-free analytical department is an indispensable guarantee of the bookmaker's profitability. On initial stage the activity of the analytical department is related to the collection of information ( statistics players, teams, etc.), then, its processing and the formation of a sports line. Analysts study incoming bets for a strong bias towards one or another outcome and respond in a timely manner to changes in the quotes of sporting events and the factors influencing them.

Zh: What is the principle of the analytical department? Is it important to predict the outcome as accurately as possible?

M: In their work, analysts should always keep in mind such a principle as making a profit. For this, several conditions must be met. Odds should be arranged in such a way as to attract the interest of players, but for any, even the most unexpected sports outcome, to bring profit to the office.

Zh: How to avoid contradictions in the betting line?

M: How to do it? Constantly control these contradictions, and, even more so, control the ability of players to make a surebet (i.e., bet on two events in such a way that, no matter what the outcome, the player remains a winner). In this, the analytical department should not allow the slightest error.

J: What is a “unique event” in bookmaking?

M: The fact is that bookmaking is not only strict mathematics. Fetus creative imagination analytical department when creating a line - these are the so-called unique events (events that have no analogue in the lines of other bookmakers). For example, someone takes bets on the end of the world or whether it will rain tomorrow. In principle, the field of creativity for creating bets on unique events is limitless.

Zh: If you imagine the betting business as a scale, what disadvantages could you oppose to the advantages? Are there any pitfalls and what is the benefit of developing the direction of bookmaking?

M: Today, opening your own bookmaker's office is a fairly profitable investment with good prospects for the future, because bookmaking is one of the few types of gambling business in Russia. And since there are no legal alternatives, bookmaking is good playground for development. Opening your own office is an excellent solution for those who already have or have a room in mind, for those who are engaged in or have been associated with the activities of cafes, restaurants and catering. Well, of course, this is a certain path. further development for those who have been gambling business and has maintained a customer base ever since.

The minus of the betting business is, perhaps, a sufficient outflow of customers on the Internet to gambling sites that are currently illegal under the laws of the Russian Federation. Similar sites, popular among Russian players, operate on the basis of licenses from offshore territories. Playing on such sites, the player does not receive any legal protection, and at any time his account can be reset to zero by the operator without explanation. In the event of an incorrect calculation of the bet, the player will not be able to formalize his legal claims in any way. Thus, when playing on the Internet, a gambler relies only on trust in the office.

Also, the disadvantages of opening a betting business include all kinds of underground gambling establishments, pulling some of the customers to them and casting a shadow on the business as a whole.

Zh: If we talk about the legislation in the field of betting, what restrictions could you name?

M: It is always worth being aware of the main restrictions in the law regarding the opening of teaching staff. These restrictions mainly relate to rather stringent requirements for the premises: the bookmaker's betting office cannot be located in residential facilities, in the same facility with medical, educational or municipal institutions. The most stringent requirement, of course, is a restriction on residential buildings, in fact, even a separate extension to residential building, having the same address as the house itself, will not be able to go through the licensing procedure for betting activities. Because of this, a lot is lost. good places to open BC.

Zh: So, let's imagine that the office is open. What is the portrait of the audience that should be targeted?

M: If the goal of a business is profit, then its source is the target audience. Who are these people? Most often, these are male representatives from 18 to 50 years old (and older), lovers of sports analytics and statistics. Or just gambling people who want to try their luck and just have a good time.

J: What advice would you give to beginner bookmakers to attract visitors?

M: It is important to remember that in order to attract target audience it is necessary to provide players with a full guarantee of any payments on winnings. Players prefer to place bets in the office, where the winnings are always paid on time and in full, and possible conflict situations smoothed over in their favor.

Having originated several centuries ago, bookmaking does not die, but remains a thriving and constantly developing industry. Why? Because excitement and the desire to win are the same eternal needs of people as, for example, communication. It is a form of personal expression. A Eternal values worth the investment.

Hello to all my readers! Today the topic is not entirely about my activities, or rather not about mine at all. Found in the vastness of Runet interesting article about how to open a bookmaker's office and to be honest, this is in my opinion the best article and the truthful one. I myself have not been involved in the betting business, but I am thinking about launching one such project on the Internet. The bookmaker business is interesting and very profitable, and for those who are thinking about opening a bookmaker, this article will be very useful.

The betting business began to flourish in 2009, after Russian Federation banned casinos and other gambling establishments. Now in Russia, 27 companies have a license to organize sweepstakes and carry out betting activities, and five years ago there were only 5 of them. Their total annual turnover is approximately $ 2.5 billion. Now this business is legal, and the state itself is more likely to be one of them. loyally, since regional budgets receive quite substantial tax deductions directly from the owners of such sweepstakes.

The license for this type of activity is issued by the Federal tax service but only after rigorous testing. In order to obtain such permission for a totalizator or the creation of a betting office, it is necessary to provide a special guarantee of ownership of assets (net) in the amount of more than one billion rubles and provide the department with a guarantee from a bank in the amount of 500 million rubles. A less costly and easier way to earn money on bets and bets is to conclude a mutually beneficial affiliate program with licensees. Thus, your office can rightfully be considered a branch. Most often, entry into one of the affiliate programs costs approximately 150,000 rubles, plus monthly transfers of about 30,000 rubles. The participants in this market segment themselves claim that the profit from the bookmaker's business is approximately 20%.

Bookmaker's office

It is possible to place a branch of a bookmaker's office even in a small space with a size of 5 m2. All that is necessary to conduct this kind of activity is workplace for the manager and good monitor with a computer to keep track of different stakes, as well as the course of competitions and competitions - all this can fit in a room of this size. This option great if you want to place your office in a sports bar. It is worth noting that any bookmaker's office can only be opened in a room whose activities are accompanied by gambling.

When opening such an office on a separate site, you need to take into account the requirements of the law. Totalizators and bookmakers cannot be in medical, educational, children's, sanatorium and resort institutions. Also, such establishments cannot be located in temporary (non-capital) buildings or, for example, in the housing stock.

It is worth remembering that all licensee companies prefer to enter into partnership agreements with those who have the opportunity to create a large network of sweepstakes or bookmakers. Therefore, it is useful to have several options for premises.

Required documents

To conclude an agreement with a licensee company, you are required to provide a certificate of registration of your LLC (two years ago you could even work as individual entrepreneur), a lease agreement for the premises, a plan from the BTI, confirmation from the owner (owner) of the premises, as well as his official guarantee of compliance with the requirements of the law. Most of licensee companies require personal data of at least three employees of the future office or sweepstakes (TIN, passport copies, copies of other documents and SNILS), but there are companies that also need a copy of the contract with private security companies.



If you want to limit yourself to only one manager who will accept bets - this is inconvenient, it is better to hire two employees of the office - this is necessary for shift work. Their wage can average from 40,000 to 60,000 rubles. Going out for more high level- it is worth acquiring your own staff of sports analysts - this is necessary in order to more accurately determine the betting line yourself. Thus, your odds can be even more attractive to your gambling clients (privateers).

Analysts can be recruited from competitors or retrained to suit your needs as professional privateers who are well versed in many sports. If you want to create your own analytical service, the salary of each of them will have to be negotiated individually, since there are no established labor rates in this market segment.

By the way, you need to take into account that 60% of all bets fall on football matches, and about 20% are tennis matches. And the rest of the sports do not attract even 10% of the players on the sweepstakes.

Fixed costs and equipment

Instead of a staff of analysts, small branches of bookmakers prefer to buy special software. Now there are many different proposals, although they differ little from each other. But the odds for sporting events are often sorted out from others. So you won’t be able to attract customers with possible profits. As a rule, the owners of betting lines work for a percentage of the total turnover - that is, about 20% per month. You also need to have a computer, monitors and a TV.

Promotion of your office

Advertising on specialized sites, on stadiums, some sites, in all kinds of sports bars, on racetracks, and also in other places where it should bring results. All kinds of advertising costs may depend on their scale and, of course, on the prices of advertising itself.


You can engage in betting business even with a small start-up capital, if you open an office for affiliate program. You can also open an office on the Internet, which are also enough now. a large number of. I'm leaning towards the internet. What do you think?

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