Representatives of Kazakh literature at the beginning of the 20th century. Kazakh literature: classic, modern and postmodern


/ Muse of Kazakhstan / Studies

Painting by M. Kenbaev “Catching a horse”, 1957


Everyone knows that the history of world literature is considered according to the classification of European humanitarian thought. This theory adjusts other national literatures to the scheme of development of European literature. Reference point of language and writing, atmosphere and style works of art begin with ancient Greek culture and approved by classical eras to modern postmodern philosophy. Although even the literature of small nations deviates from the designated European vector, has its own biography of origin and flourishing, and, free from these directions, the uncensored literature presented may not correspond to the generally accepted approved form of official gradation and canonical genres passing through eras and civilizations. But on a global scale, you can still find general laws development and create a unified picture of perception world literature. In this vein, the stages and paradigm shifts should be broken down according to the condensed outline below.

We are talking about a conditional triangular classification of poetry and prose according to the form and manner of writing. The first period is designated according to a well-known formula and is called the era of the classics. It is followed by a time of restless, restless and searching modernity, the presented picture of the history of the text is completed by the polystylistics of postmodern philosophy.

The classical period of Kazakh literature begins with ancient eras and passes into modernism in the 60s of the XX century. Oral speech dominated in the Kazakh civilization for many centuries, epochs changed, the word was improved and honed, but literature remained the privilege of the oracles and nomadic warrior-poets of the Turks. Kazakh spirituality, not to mention the Turkic culture, begins and is based on the philosophy and metaphysics of Korkyt-Ata. In the end, the search for the Promised Land is the eternal path of mankind in search of true spirituality.

In the literal sense, literature is a letter (Almira Nauryzbayeva). The search for form gives rise to a designated style, and this, in turn, creates an atmosphere that is final and main goal any work, as well as the form, as it seems to us, of enduring memory.

Any art is a form of existence of the past and nostalgia for a bygone or passing time and event. "The Way of Abai" by Mukhtar Auezov recorded nomadism at a time when the aesthetically complex nomadic lifestyle, with the advent of atheism and a total settled civilization, went into the high sky or into oblivion.

The tradition of writing and the culture of the text begins with Abai Kunanbayuly. He was the first Kazakh who wrote his poems, and did not compose them orally. He became the founder and progenitor of the Kazakh written language and literature. Mukhtar Auezov brought the culture of speech of the great Abai to the Kazakh literature.

For seven centuries, the courageous poetry of nomadic warriors called narrators-zhyrau sounded in the Turkic-Kipchak steppe. The poems of zhyrau inspired the warriors to exploits and heroism, sang the courage of the steppe dwellers, infinitely devoted to their people and Motherland. Courage and justice, love for man and respect for life were exalted and turned into a cult in the steppe life.

Korkyt, who probably lived in the 6th-7th centuries AD, gradually became a reflection of the Tengrian world outlook and attitude, was projected onto subsequent important figures of ancient Kazakh literature, up to the second half of XIX century. Among the cult zhyrau were prominent representatives steppe knowledge, they were the forerunner of the existential philosophy of life. Kaztugan zhyrau was not only a poet, but also fearless warrior, the leader of numerous troops; Asan Kaigy was a wise akyn and biy, resolving socio-political disputes.

But there were also those who left the steppe and settled in the cities of settled peoples, adopted their culture, studied science and began to write treatises in Arabic, Greek and Persian. Al-Farabi, the second teacher of the East, the son of the Kypchak people, personifies that nomadism is open culture, emphasizes the tolerance of the steppe world outlook, shows how nomadism allows coexistence different cultures- not only in one country, but also in the philosophy of one person.

The era of heroic storytellers ends with the poetry of Makhambet and the song-sorrow (tolgau) of Nysanbai zhyrau, an associate of the uprising of Kenesary, and great poetry Magzhan Zhumabaev. The publication of the decree of the Tsar of the Russian Empire on the abolition of the Kazakh Khanate in 1822 caused large-scale changes in Kazakh spirituality. With this decree, the centuries-old heroic literature of the Kazakh steppe, including fairy tales, epics and myths, ends. The days of myth making are over. And before the appearance of Abay's written speech for more than fifty years, the steppe will be in an intermediate period: the nomadic civilization is saying goodbye to its courageous era and heroic heritage. The descendants of the steppe knights, the last Mohicans of endless expanses, the so-called sal and sere, enter the stage. But in their song there is little heroism and will to action, but a lot of sadness and nostalgia. The defeatist mood of their work reflected the era of change, the old values ​​have not been formed, new ones have not been created, because the coming era is not yet realized by the Kazakh society.

This is how Abai appears.

Abay is the quintessence of modern philosophy. Abai is the first example of a new Kazakh. In the era of capitalism, nomadism begins to experience discomfort. Reform of all Kazakh spirituality is required. The coming time treats the steppe consciousness cruelly: instead of mutual assistance and understanding of the world about the unity of mankind, militant egoism and alienation of man from man come.

In addition, the reformer of the Kazakh space Abai Kunanbayuly created a national literary speech. Changed the form of poetry, rethought spiritual heritage of his people, ruthlessly criticized some traditions and customs, severely criticized the nature of the Kazakh himself.

Abai became the father of the people.

Thus, the classical period of Kazakh literature is divided into two parts: the era oral art with an endless beginning and the era of written literature from Abai to Abdizhamil Nurpeisov, who created the largest canvas of the 20th century “Blood and Sweat”.

The sixties Kazakh literature in the context of ongoing events in world culture and literature began to carefully change the form of the text and introduce non-traditional styles of writing. Saken Zhunusov ("Akhan-sere", "Lonely yurt"), Mukhtar Magauin ("Death of the Greyhound", " Time of Troubles”), Abish Kekilbaev (“The Well”, “Kyuishi”), Oralkhan Bokey (“Where are you, my foal with an asterisk in his forehead”, short stories), Askar Suleimenov (“Besin”, stories), Kalikhan Iskak (“It was autumn ”, “Aktokym”), Tynymbai Nurmagambetov (stories), Tolen Abdik (“Flickering Fires of Hell”, novels, novels, stories), Dulat Isabekov (stories and novels), Akim Tarazi, Smagul Elubai (“White Yurt”), Satimzhan Sanbaev ("Aruana"), Sabit Dosanov (novels) and others became the conductors of the modernist movement in Kazakhstan. But a slight touch of modernism did not cause tectonic and structural changes, so the modernism of the Kazakh sixties was soft and comfortable, did not resist traditional writing, often they themselves began to inflate their works again "to the gigantic efforts of the great novelists", to large sizes. The absence of large-scale changes did not imply structural reform literary texts, speech and culture of writing. The soft modernism of Kazakh writers still exists within the framework of the classical understanding of literature. Such harmonization of the two styles has formed a stable worldview about the understanding of Kazakh prose, where any revolutionary view is punished with harshest criticism and ruthlessly suppressed, the committed crime is not forgiven and the author will have to emigrate to the space of another language. The established opinion about Kazakh prose is beginning to be destroyed by new generations, whose representatives are Asylbek Iksan, Aigul Kemelbayeva, Nurgali Oraz, Yerlan Toleutai and others. newest wave Kazakh prose and poetry: they are represented by Dauren Berikkazhyuly, Lira Konys, Akberen Elgezek, Ruslan Nurbay, Darkhan Beisenbekuly, Baқytzhan Aldiyar, Kayrat Askarov, Ularbek Dabey, Maқsat Malik, Beybit Sarybay, Almas Tem irbai, Elzat Eskendir, Bauyrzhan Karagyzuly, Bagdat Mubarak, Koishybek Mubarak, Erlan Zhunis, Zhandos Baydіlda, Dinara Malik, Serik Sagyntai, Rakhat abdirakhmanov, Almas Myrzakhmetov, Miras Asan, Miras Mұқash, Ayagүl Mantai, Kanat abіlқayyr, Arman Almenbet, Om іrzhan аbdіkhalykov, Zhanat Zhangқashұly, Zhasulan Serik, Almas Nusip, Zhanargul Kadyrova, Asylzat Arystanbek, Saltanat Smagulova, Alibek Baibol, Erbol Boranshy, Erkinbek Serikbai, Kanagat abilkayyr, Kanat Eskendir, Erbolat abіkenuly, Serik Tomanov, Tursyn Zhumash.

In our time, the fashion for postmodern philosophy is passing. But his great legacy remains. Polystylistics establishes equality between epochs and styles. The atmosphere, only the atmosphere, is the most important task and the main goal of the literatures of all epochs and peoples.

But there is no postmodernism in Kazakh literature. There is only a pathetic intrigue between the two generations. Once the young writer was given the following name: "Not a writer, but a postmodernist."

Joseph Brodsky in one of his essays wrote: "Modernism is only a logical consequence - compression and laconization - of the classics."

The main motto of modernism, as one of the Russian literary critics wrote, was the following formula: less linguistic distractions, more events.

Postmodernism assumed democracy in the choice of the form of narration, abolishing the traditional laws of conservative literature.

Polystylistics is predicted to live long. We hope that free prose and impulsive poetry will do better, and the promised joy will not be delayed by possible sudden experiments in an uncensored age.

literature in the Kazakh language, created by Kazakh authors on the territory of Kazakhstan from about the 15th century.

IN modern form The Kazakh language was formed and acquired its own grammar in the 19th-20th centuries, but the roots of oral folk art go back to the deep past. The forerunners of Kazakh literature can be considered the authors of medieval writings in Persian and Chagatai.

The Kazakh language belongs to the Turkic group, in particular to the Oghuz-Uigur group and to the later Kypchak. In addition, in some areas for a long time preserved the Sogdian language of Iranian language group as well as Arabic. In the 56 centuries. Turkic-speaking peoples already used runic writing on wooden tablets.

As the Chinese chronicles of the 6th-8th centuries testify, the Turkic-speaking tribes of Kazakhstan by that time already had an oral poetic tradition dating back to more early period. Legends and traditions about the sacred land of Otuken have been preserved. The dreams of a peaceful life were reflected in the legends about the fabulous, inaccessible mountain valley of Ergene-Kong, inaccessible to enemies. Elements epic poetry(epithets, metaphors) are found in the Orkhon monuments the texts of the tomb steles of Kultegin and Bilge-kagan, telling about the events of the 5th-7th centuries. Kultegin's inscription retains the motif of tribal ritual poetry, which later turned into an epic, mourning for the deceased.

Well-known ancient epics in Turkic languages Korkyt-Ata And Oguzname. The orally circulated epic Korkyt-Ata, which arose in the Kypchak-Oghuz environment of the Syrdarya basin in the 8th–10th centuries, was recorded in the 14th–16th centuries. Turkish writers in the form Grandfather Korkut's books. Korkut a real person, bek of the Oguz-Kypchak tribe Kiyat, is considered the founder epic genre, the art of healing and musical works for kobyz. The epic consists of 12 poems and stories about the adventures of the Oghuz heroes and heroes. Usun and Kangly tribes are mentioned.

Ogyz-kagan (Oguz-khan), who possessed supernatural power, epic hero Oguzname, recorded in the 13th century. Rashid ad Din and later, in the 18th century, Abulgazy. The poem is dedicated to the childhood of Ogyz-Kagan, his exploits, victories over the giant, marriage and the birth of sons, whose names are the Sun, Moon, Star, Sky, Mountain, Sea. Having become the ruler of the Uighurs, Ogyz-Kagan wages wars with Altyn (China) and Urum (Byzantium), the essay discusses the origin of the Slavs, Karliks, Kangars, Kypchaks.

Throughout the existence of the Kazakh poetic tradition up to the 20th century. its obligatory figure was the national poet-improviser akyn, thanks to which epic works, fairy tales, songs, and poems have come down to us. Kazakh folklore includes more than 40 genre varieties, some of which are characteristic only for it songs-petitions, songs-letters, etc. Songs are divided into shepherd, ritual, historical and everyday. Poems can also be divided into heroic, telling about the exploits of heroes, Koblandy, Er-Targyn, Alpamys, Kambar-batyr and others and lyrical, glorifying the selfless love of heroes, Kozy-Korpesh and Bayan-Slu, Kyz-Zhibek and etc.

In the 11th-12th centuries. the first major works appeared at the court of the Karakhanids poem Kutatgu bilik(blessed knowledge) (1069) Yusuf Khas-hajib from Balasagun (b. 1015), consisting of 13 thousand couplets. The poem is built in the form of dialogues, sayings, edifications. It was based on episodes and legends of the Zhetysu regions, the Issyk-Kul lake basin and Kashgaria, its acting characters real historical figures. The main idea of ​​the poem: knowledge is the only source of well-being for both the rulers and the people.

Among the nomadic Turkic-speaking tribes of Kazakhstan up to the 19th-20th centuries. a kind of monotheistic religion of tengrism was preserved (the supreme god Ten-Gri sky, power, ruling the world), the cult of the mountains patrons of the clan, as well as shamanism. In the 6th-9th centuries. Buddhism came to the Kazakh steppes ( cm. BUDDHA AND BUDDHISM), the beginnings of Christianity and Manichaeism. The beliefs of the population of medieval Kazakhstan were distinguished by diversity and syncretism. However, since the 9th c. the picture is gradually changing. Nomadic pastoralists continue to practice the cult of Ten-Gri, and Islam is spreading in settled agricultural areas, and religious literature begins to develop.

During the spread of Islam literary language remained motley, heterogeneous, written literature developed mainly in cities. A significant place in the cultural life of the urban population was played by the works of dervish poets and writers. One of the most famous was the son of a steppe musician, the preacher of Islam Khoja Ahmet Yassawi (d. 1167), the author of a collection of poems of religious and mystical content. Divani Hikmet(book of wisdom). In his work, Yassavi preached asceticism and humility, believing that the path to truth is the path to God. The book contains a lot of cultural, historical, ethnographic information about the tribes of that time. Yassavi's student Suleimen Bakyrgani author of the collection Zamu Nazir Kitaby(book about the end of the world). It tells that during the end of the world everything that exists will perish, but God will again create the world and everything will be reborn. The books of Yassavi and Bakyrgani were mandatory throughout the following centuries. study guide in the madrasah of Central Asia and Kazakhstan. Hibat ul-Khakaik(Gift of Truth) the only book by Azib Ahmed Mahmud-uly Yugneki (end of the 12th century) called for decent life hard work, the pursuit of knowledge and humanity.

Most early works oral folk art, whose authorship can be considered established, belong to the 15th century. In the 16th century the works of the legendary Asan-Kaigy, the akyns of Dospambet, Shalkiz, were well known in the 17th century. akyn Bukhara-zhyrau Kalkamanov, author of sharp political poems. In Kazakhstan, there is a tradition of holding song and poetry competitions between akyns and aitys. Genres of songs began to stand out: tolgau philosophical reflection, arnau dedication, etc. In the 1819 centuries. in the works of akyns Makhambet Utemisov, Sherniyaz Zharylgasov, Suyunbay Aronov, new themes appear - calls for a fight against beys and biys. At the same time, akyns Dulat Babataev, Shortanbai Kanaev, Murat Monkeyev represented a conservative trend, idealizing the patriarchal past and praising religion. Akyns of the 2nd half of the 19th century Birzhan Kozhagulov, Aset Naimanbaev, poetess Sara Tastanbekova, Dzhambul and others used aitys as a form of expression public opinion upholding social justice.

Kazakh written literature in its modern form begins to take shape only in the 2nd half of the 19th century. influenced by contacts and dialogue with Russian culture. The Kazakh educators Chokan Valikhanov, Ibrai Altynsarin and Abai Kunanbaev are at the origins of this process.

Chokan Valikhanov (18351865) the first Kazakh scientist, educator, historian, ethnographer, traveler and diplomat. The great-grandson of Khan Ablai, he was born in a pro-Russian oriented family, he taught at the Kazakh school Arabic and got acquainted with oriental poetry and literature. Graduated from Omsk cadet corps, which was for the Asian part of Russia a kind of Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. Upon graduation, he was promoted to cornet, wore a Russian military uniform, being Russian officer and an official, carried out the instructions of the tsarist administration.

His duties included the functions of a historiographer and participation in expeditions to Issyk-Kul, Gulja, Kashgar, during which Valikhanov kept his travel diaries, on the basis of which essays were written about the Kirghiz (as the Kazakhs were called in the 19th century) about their history , social tribal structure, manners and customs, myths and legends ( Notes about the Kirghiz).

He was the first to record and translate into Russian part of heroic epic Manas The death of Kukotai Khan and his commemoration, folk epic poem Kozy-Korpesh And bayan-sulu. In his works, Valikhanov paid much attention to the peculiarities of the improvisational art of akyns, the rhythm of the Kazakh verse. A number of his studies are devoted to the study of the Zoroastrian roots of the Kazakh mentality and the syncretism of shamanism with Islam among the steppe peoples Traces of shamanism among the Kirghiz(Kazakhs),About Islam in the steppe. In the spring of 1861 his Essays on Dzungaria, as well as the main works on the history and culture of Central Asia and the East ( Kirghiz genealogy, About the migrations of the Kirghiz, Traditions and legends of the great Kirghiz-Kaisatsky horde and etc.).

Living in St. Petersburg in 1860-1861 and continuing to work on essays on the history and ethnography of the Kirghiz, he became closely acquainted with the ideas of the Russians. revolutionary democrats, communicates and makes friends with many representatives of the advanced democratic intelligentsia F.M. Dostoevsky, S.V. Durov, I.N. Berezin, A.N. Beketov. On the recommendation of P.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky, he was accepted as a full member of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society.

Remaining an idealist in understanding public life, Valikhanov condemned the arbitrariness of the Kazakh feudal lords and the colonial policy of tsarism, spoke in favor of familiarizing the Kazakhs with Russian culture.

Ibrai Altynsarin (18411889) also graduated from the Russian-Kazakh school, worked as a translator in Orenburg, a teacher and a school inspector. At the same time, he sought to open as many Russian schools for Kazakh youth as possible. In 1879 he was released An initial guide to teaching Russian to the Kyrgyz And Kyrgyz anthology, which includes many of his stories and poems, as well as works by Russian authors translated into Kazakh. His literary activity was educational character and was part of the social and pedagogical practice. In works Ignorance, Insidious aristocrat he condemned fanaticism and superstition, revealed the reactionary nature of the mullahs, Kipchak Seitkul And wooden house and yurt encouraged pastoralists to engage in agriculture, in Bai's son and the poor's son contrasted the industriousness of the poor with the avarice and greed of the rich. In poems Spring And Autumn for the first time in Kazakh poetry Altynsarin realistically described the Kazakh landscape and pictures of nomadic life. He also wrote about the powerless position of women in traditional Kazakh society. How a folklorist recorded and published fairy tales Kara batyr,Altyn-Aidar, legend Fat Wit, excerpt from the epic Koblandy and much more.

Advocate of friendship with the Russian people, founder realistic literature, poet and thinker Abai Kunanbaev (18451904) was the successor of Valikhanov's work. His work determined the cultural and educational movement of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, had a huge impact on the subsequent development of the Kazakh literary language.

Kunanbaev received the classic Eastern education. In the madrasah of Imam Ahmet-Riza, he studied Arabic, Persian, and other oriental languages, got acquainted with the classical Persian literature Firdousi, Nizami, Saadi, Hafiz, etc. At the same time, violating the ban on the madrasah, he attended a Russian parish school. At the age of 28, he retired from performing the administrative functions of the head of the family, devoting himself entirely to self-education. Abay writes poetry, intensively studies Russian culture, is engaged in public library. Acquaintance with Russian political exiles had a strong influence on the formation of the progressive outlook of the poet. He translates to Kazakh works A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, I.A. Krylov, foreign classics, writes Kazakh songs to the words of excerpts from Eugene Onegin. His most famous elegy, set to music, Karangy tunde tau kalgyp verse translation Lermontov Night song of the wanderer Goethe.

The literary heritage of Abay consists of poems, poems, poetic translations and transcriptions, prose "edifications". His poetry is distinguished by classical simplicity and grace. artistic techniques. He introduces new poetic forms - six-line and eight-line: A moment falls out of time(1896),Shouldn't I, dead, become clay(1898),On the water, like a shuttle, the moon(1888),When the shadow becomes long(1890) and others. His poetry is characterized by deep philosophical meaning and civil sound. In poems Oh my Kazakhs,octave,That's old age. Mournful thoughts, a bit of a dream ...,Exhausted, I am deceived by everyone around ... there is a critique of feudal foundations. In the collection of artistic and philosophical prose Gaklia(Edification), touched upon historical, pedagogical and legal topics, calls on the people to embark on the path of cultural progressive development, hard and honest work. Well-known poems dedicated to times of the year.

Early 20th century became the heyday of Kazakh literature, which absorbed the features of Kazakh, Eastern and European literature. At this time, the foundations of modern Kazakh literature were laid, and the literary language was finally formed.

Ahmet Baitursyn (18731913) was engaged in pedagogical and literary activity translated Krylov's fables, published a poetry collection popular among Kazakhs Kyryk mysal and collection Masa(1911). Baitursyn can be called the first Kazakh linguist he wrote articles in which he advocated the purity of the Kazakh language, its liberation from Russian and Tatar words.

The emerging Kazakh literature mastered major literary forms novels, short stories. Poet and prose writer Myrzhakyp Dulatuly (18851925) author of several poetry collections and the first Kazakh novel Unhappy Jamal(1910), which went through several editions and aroused great interest among Russian critics and the Kazakh public. He also translated into Kazakh Pushkin, Lermontov, Krylov, Schiller, was an innovator and reformer of the Kazakh literary language. Spandiyar Kobeev (18781956) is known as the translator of Krylov's fables and the author of one of the most significant Kazakh novels Kalym(1913).

Writer and journalist Mukhamedzhan Seraliuly (18721929), known for his works Top Jargan(1900),Gulgashima(1903), translation of the poem Rustem-Zorab from Shahnameh Firdousi, was the editor-in-chief of the magazine "Haykap" (1911-1915), around which progressive creative forces were grouped. Sultanmahmud Toraigyrov (18931920), who collaborated with the magazine, wrote poems and stories on the topics of inequality, he is the author of the novel Qamar Sulu. Sultan-Makhmut Toraigyrov, Sabit Donentaev, Tair Zhomartbaev and others were also published in the journal.

The name of Magzhan Zhumabay (18931937) is associated with the introduction of new poetic forms into the Kazakh versification, and the introduction of a stylistic system into the Kazakh literary language, which has been preserved to this day. He began to write poetry at the age of 14 and was published in almost all newspapers and magazines in the Kazakh and Tatar languages. In 1912, his poetry collection was published in Kazan. Sholpan.

Shakarim Kudaiberdyuly (18581931), nephew of Abay Kunanbaev, was religious philosopher who tried in the treatise Musylman-shyldyk,sharttars(Orenburg, 1911) substantiate the tenets of Islam with the help of logical method. In the same year, he published one of the first works on the history of the Kazakhs Pedigree of the Turks, Kirghiz, Kazakhs and Khan dynasties. Shakarim was the author a large number poems, poems and prose works. He translated into verse Dubrovsky Pushkin, considered Byron, Pushkin, Lermontov, Hafiz, Navoi, Kant, Schopenhauer as his teachers.

Religious philosopher Mukhamed Salim Kashimov, known for his works Politeness,Agitation,Instruction to the Kazakhs was also the author of the story Sad Mariam(1914), which condemned the custom of giving girls in marriage without their consent. In three books published in 1913 Mashgura-Jusup Kopeyuly(18581931), An amazing phenomenon that I saw in my long life, And About whose land is Saryarka the author sharply speaks out against the policy of Russia and the resettlement of Russian peasants in Kazakhstan.

At the end of the 19th beginning of the 20th centuries. a group of "scribes", which included Nurzhan Naushabaev, Mashur-Zhusup Kopeev and others, preached patriarchal views and collected folklore. Around the newspaper "Kazakh" (1913) nationalist forces were grouped A. Baitursunov, M. Dulatov, M. Zhumabaev, who after 1917 went over to the counter-revolutionary camp.

After October revolution in the works of akyns Dzhambul Dzhambaev, Nurpeis Baiganin, Doskey Alimbaev, Nartai Bekezhanov, Omar Shipin, Kenen Azerbaev, social motives and themes of socialist construction are actively developed.

IN Soviet period most famous in the USSR acquired the work of the Kazakh folk poet-akyn Dzhambul Dzhambaev (18461945), who sang to the accompaniment of domra in the tolgau style. From his words, epics were recorded Suranshi Batyr,Utegen-batyr, fairy tales Khan and akyn,The Tale of the Lazy Man and others. After the October Revolution in creativity Jambula new themes have appeared Hymn to October, My motherland, At the Lenin Mausoleum,Lenin and Stalin(1936). His songs included almost all the heroes of the Soviet power pantheon, they were given the features of heroes, heroes. The songs of Dzhambul were translated into Russian and the languages ​​of the peoples of the USSR, received a national vocation and were fully used by Soviet propaganda. During the years of the Great Patriotic War Dzhambul wrote patriotic works calling Soviet people to fight the enemy Leningraders, my children!, At the hour when Stalin calls(1941), etc. In 1941 he became a laureate of the Stalin Prize.

Combining oral forms with literary ones, Dzhambul developed a new poetic style, characterized by psychological richness, concreteness of the image of social life, sincerity and simplicity of narration.

Ancestors of the Kazakh Soviet literature became poets Saken Seifullin (poems Sovietstan,Albatross, Socialistan, story diggers, Fruit), Baimagambet Iztolin, Ilyas Dzhansugurov (poems Steppe, Musician, Kulager), writers Mukhtar Auezov ( Night peals), Sabit Mukanov (socio-historical novel Botagoz(Mysterious Banner)), Beimbet Maylin (novel Communist Raushan, novel Azamat Azamatych).

In 1926, the Kazakh Association of Proletarian Writers was created, which in the first years of its existence fought against nationalist manifestations in literature. The almanac "Zhyl Kusy" ("The First Swallow") (since 1927) and the journal "Jana Adabiet" (" New Literature”) (since 1928). In 1934, the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan was created, later sections of Russian and Uyghur writers began to work in its composition.

The first to respond to the events of the Patriotic War in Kazakh literature was civil-patriotic poetry poem by K. Amanzholov The legend of the poet's death(1944) about the feat of the poet Abdulla Dzhumagaliev, who died near Moscow, poems by Tokmagambetov, Zharokov, Ormanov, etc. After the war, novels appeared Soldier from Kazakhstan Musrepova (1949), Courland Nurneisova (1950), Terrible days Akhtapova (1957), Momyshuly's memoirs Moscow is behind us (1959).

In 1954 Mukhtar Auezov finished the tetralogy epic novel, which received a response in many countries Way of Abai. Post-war Kazakh literature mastered large forms"big" Soviet style, gravitating towards large-scale literary forms - novels, trilogies, poems and novels in verse (Mukanov, Mustafin, Shashkin, Yergaliev, Kairbekov, Muldagaliev, etc.). Dramaturgy developed (Khusainov, Abishev, Tazhibaev), science fiction (Sarsekeev, Alimbaev).

In the 1970s, the attention of readers was attracted by the book of the Kazakh poet and writer Olzhas Suleimenov (b. 1936) Az and me(1975), famous for its collections good time sunrise(1961),Over white rivers(1970),Repeating at noon(1975). In it, he developed ideas about the relationship of the Kazakhs and the ancient Sumerians, drew attention to a large number of words Turkic origin in Russian, which, in his opinion, spoke of the strong influence of Turkic culture on Russian. IN lively discussion, unfolding in the press, Suleimenov was accused of "pan-Turkism" and nationalism.

The end of the 1990s the beginning of the 2000s, the literature of Kazakhstan is characterized by attempts to comprehend the postmodern Western experiments in literature and the possibility of applying the methods of deconstruction and "densification" of the text ( cm. POSTMODERNISM IN LITERATURE) B.Kanapyanov, D.Amantay. The works of well-known and little-known authors are comprehended in a new way Smagul Saduakasov, Kokserek and other short stories by M. Auezov, End of the legend,abyss, bay horse Abisha Kekilbaya, Time of Troubles, Greyhound death Mukhtar Magauin, stories by Oralkhan Bokey.

The literature of Kazakhstan continues to develop in the context of global civilization, absorbing and developing new cultural trends, taking into account its own capabilities and interests.

Zelinsky K. Jambul. M., 1955
Creativity Dzhambul. Articles, notes, materials. Ed. N. Smirnova. Alma-Ata, 1956
Auezov M.O. Abai. Tt. 12. M., 1958
Karataev M., October Born. Alma-Ata, 1958
Akhmetov Z.A. Kazakh versification. Alma-Ata, 1964
History of Kazakh literature, v.13, Alma-Ata, 19681971
Begalin S. Chokan Valikhanov. M., 1976
Mukanov S. steppe friends. Alma-Ata, 1979
Zalessky K.A. Stalin's empire. M., Veche, 2000


Most of the townsfolk know too little about what modern Kazakh writers write about. literary process has long been the subject of exceptional interest of narrow specialists - philologists and culturologists. The rest of the communication with literature was replaced by Internet notes. However, without communication with literature, the spirit impoverishes. Therefore, for those who want to know what names represent contemporary literature Kazakhstan, this article will be interesting.

National literature is a reflection of the soul of the people. Modern stage development of literature is especially interesting, because by what writers write about and how they do it, one can judge the way of thinking of the people and their values ​​at this stage of development.

Many people have the impression that Kazakh literature was conserved at the stage of formation of Kazakhstan's independence. However, it is not. Like any sphere of culture, literature is developing intensively, every year it opens up new names, new topics and new artistic methods. It's just that literature is less public than television or show business, it's intimate. Therefore, to learn something new about it, you need to ask.

We will restore the information gap and tell you which Kazakh writers represent the modern literary process.

Mukhtar Magauin

He is famous literary critic and writer. The novels "Spring Snows" and "Shakhan-Sher - Man - Tiger" are especially popular. The author of these works is known as a folklorist, ethnographer, and translator.

Mukhtar Magauin in 2008 began work on a tetralogy dedicated to the great Khan of the Steppe - Genghis Khan. Since 2011, books of this cycle have been published.

On the basis of Arabic, Persian and Chinese chronicles, the author reconstructed the life and deeds of the great conqueror. The books present interesting observations writer about life and the formation of culture Turkic peoples settled on the territory of Kazakhstan: their customs, customs, mentality.

Ermek Tursunov

Writer and film director, author of several novels and a collection of short stories. The fame of the writer brought a novel about the famous commander, Sultan of Egypt and Syria, the ruler of the Mamluks - Baybars. The historical retrospective of the novel makes us think about who we are, what and why we believe, what values ​​we protect.

In 2010, the book "Seven Days of May" was published - an artistic and journalistic detective story about the Mukhlisov gang. In 2016, the author presented a book of short stories "Little Things in Life", written in the style of oral storytelling.

Gulbakhram Kurgulin

A contemporary author who debuted in 2012. Gulbakhram Kurgulin is the author of a series of novels dedicated to difficult relationship in the family, the psychology of relationships, the problems of bigamy: “Baibishe. Elder wife”, “Tokal. Younger wife”, “Unscrupulous daughters-in-law”, “And the mother-in-law is golden”.

Her novels in this series reflect difficult life Kazakh wives, raise the problem of younger wives - tokal, relate to the problems of psychological comfort and self-realization in the family and the love of a modern Kazakh woman.

These books contain everything that is interesting to modern women - love, self-sacrifice in the name of a loved one, the suffering of an unrequited feeling, hard way fortunately. The writing is easy. They are distinguished by psychologism and the dramatic intensity of events.

Ayan Kudaykulova

Her works are close in spirit and theme to G. Kurgulin's novels. Ayan philosophically considers the problems that arise in modern family. Her heroes are the familiar circle of baibishe, tokal, mothers-in-law.

It raises the problem of polygamy and its consequences not only for an individual, but also for society as a whole. Her novels Coco's Handbag, Carnelian Ring, Gardener for Single Ladies are written lightly, but reveal the deep psychodrama of modern women.

Sabyr Kairkhanov

Writer and journalist, was the editor-in-chief of the Ak Zhaiyk newspaper. His novel Synchro made a lot of noise in 2014. This work belongs to original genre- speculative fiction. Events unfold in fictional worlds. The narrative is characterized by the interweaving of mysticism, fantasy and detective intrigue.

At the same time, the writer touches upon a huge psychological trauma that Kazakhstanis have not yet experienced - pollution of the soil and atmosphere with nuclear waste - sad and destructive events for the ecosystem and anthropology of Kazakhstan at the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site.

Synchro is a deformed reality, a mysterious field that engulfs everything around. To save loved ones, the heroes of the novel sacrifice their lives. The sacrifice is symbolic: it is the sacrifice of an entire nation.

Galymzhan Kurmangaliev

The works of this Kazakh poet amaze with subtle lyricism and psychologism. A deep experience of the dissonances of modernity, the abandonment of a person into an imperfect world, his tragedy are features that are inherent in Kurmangaliev's neo-romantic worldview.

In search of light and feelings of all the beautiful

I am a young poet, lost in the dark wilderness...

Zira Nauryzbayeva and Lili Kalaus

The tandem of a culturologist and a writer embodied in an interesting fantasy literary project for children - "In search of the Golden Cup: the adventures of Batu and his friends." A fascinating dynamic plot takes modern schoolchildren to ancient times.

Together with Aspara, the prince of the Mussagetes, they go in search of the golden cup of wisdom. On the way they will meet mythological and folklore characters. Engaging storytelling casually introduces children to the World Wide Web era cultural heritage Steppes.

Ilmaz Nurgaliev

If you want to learn more about Kazakh fantasy, then the works of this author cannot be ignored. In his novels of the Dastan and Arman series, ancient myths and legends of the Steppe are synthesized.

A simple fairy tale plot captures from the very first turns. The reader will not notice how he gets into a medieval fictional world where mythological creatures and spirits reign. Dastan will have to fight with them in order to achieve the hand of his beloved.

Karina Sersenova

In her writer's piggy bank there are lyrical poems (collections "Song of the Heart", "Towards", "Universe of Love", "Look through the Sky", "Inspiration of Life", etc.), a mystical-esoteric essay "Life for You" and a novel "Guardians of the Way", the books "Breath of Emptiness", "The Omnipotence of the Path".

Modern Kazakh poets and prose writers are actively interested in history, the life of the great khans, they subtly feel and experience the tragedy of a person of the 21st century - his loneliness, confusion, abandonment, loss in the information space where the personality dissolves.

Kazakhstani writers are realized in different genres: realistic-psychological thrillers, melodramatic novels, fantastic prose, subtle meditative lyrics.

What works contemporary writers and poets of Kazakhstan do you like?

Centuries, already by this time, the Turkic-speaking tribes of Kazakhstan had an oral poetic tradition dating back to an earlier period. This is also confirmed by various elements of epic poetry (epithets, metaphors and other literary devices) found in the Orkhon monuments - the texts of the tombstones of Kultegin and Bilge-Kagan, telling about the events of the 5th-7th centuries.

Epos "Korkyt-Ata" and "Oguzname"

On the territory of modern Kazakhstan the most famous ancient epics in the Turkic languages ​​were formed - “ Korkyt-Ata and Oguzname. The orally circulated epic "Korkyt-Ata", which arose in the Kypchak-Oguz environment in the river basin Syrdarya near VIII -10th century, was recorded in XIV -XVI centuries Turkish writers in the form of "The Book of Grandfather Korkyt". In fact, Korkyt is a real man, bek of the Oguz-Kypchak tribe of kiyat, who is considered the founder of the epic genre and musical works for kobyz. The epos "Korkyt-Ata" consists of 12 poems and stories about the adventures of the Oguz heroes and heroes. It mentions such Turkic tribes as usuns And kangly.

The poem "Oguzname" is dedicated to the childhood of the Turkic ruler Oguz Khan, his exploits and victories, marriage and the birth of sons, who were called Sun , Moon , Star , Sky , Mountain And Sea. Having become the ruler of the Uighurs, Oguz waged wars with Altyn (China) and Urum (Byzantium). Also in this work, the question of the origin of the Slavs, Karluks, Kangars, Kypchaks and other tribes is discussed.

Heroic and lyric poems

It is no secret that ever since the birth of the Kazakh poetic tradition, its main and obligatory figure has been a folk poet-improviser - akyn. It is thanks to the akyns that numerous epic works, fairy tales, songs, poems, written several centuries ago, have come down to us. Kazakh folklore includes more than 40 genre varieties, some of which are characteristic only for him - songs-petitions, songs-letters, etc. Songs, in turn, are divided into shepherd, ritual, historical and everyday. Poems can also be divided into heroic, that is, telling about the exploits of heroes (“Kobylandy batyr”, “Er-Targyn”, “Alpamys batyr”, “Kambar batyr”, etc.), and lyrical, praising the selfless love of heroes (“Goats- Korpesh and Bayan-Sulu", "Kyz-Zhibek").

Early 20th century was the heyday of Kazakh literature, which absorbed many features of European literature. At this time, the foundations of modern Kazakh literature were laid, the literary language was finally formed, new stylistic forms appeared.

The emerging Kazakh literature mastered major literary forms, still unknown to Kazakh writers - novels, stories. At this time, the poet and prose writer gained great fame. Mirzhakip Dulatov, the author of several poetry collections and the first Kazakh novel "Unfortunate Jamal" (), which went through several editions and aroused great interest among Russian critics and the Kazakh public. He also translated Pushkin , Lermontov , Krylova , Schiller, was a reformer of the Kazakh literary language.

IN late XIX- early XX centuries. a group of "scribes", which included Nurzhan Naushabaev, Mashur-Zhusup Kopeev and others, actively preached patriarchal views and collected folklore material. Nationalist forces grouped around the newspaper "Kazakh" - Akhmet Baitursynov , Mirzhakip Dulatov , Magzhan Zhumabaev, after 1917 who went over to the counter-revolutionary camp.

Creativity of Zhambyl Zhabaev

In the Soviet period, the work of the Kazakh folk poet-akyn Zhambyl Zhabayev, who sang to the accompaniment of dombras in the Tolgau style. Many epics were recorded from his words, for example, "Suranshi-batyr" and "Utegen-batyr". After the October Revolution, new themes appeared in Dzhambul's work ("Hymn to October", "My Motherland", "In Lenin's Mausoleum", "Lenin and Stalin"). His songs included almost all the heroes of the Soviet power pantheon, they were given the features of heroes, heroes. Zhambul's songs were translated into Russian and the languages ​​of the peoples of the USSR, received national recognition and were fully used by Soviet propaganda. During the Great Patriotic War, Zhambyl wrote patriotic works calling on the Soviet people to fight the enemy (“Leningraders, my children!”, “At the hour when Stalin calls”, etc.)

Literature of the second quarter of the 20th century

The founders of Kazakh Soviet literature were poets Saken Seifullin, Baimagambet Iztolin, Ilyas Dzhansugurov, writers Mukhtar Auezov , Sabit Mukanov, Beimbet Maylin.

Modern Kazakh literature

Literature of Kazakhstan end 1990s- start 2000s can be characterized by attempts to comprehend postmodern Western experiments in literature and use them in Kazakh literature. Also, many works of well-known and little-known Kazakh authors began to be comprehended in a new way.

Now the literature of Kazakhstan continues to develop in the context of global civilization, absorbing and developing new cultural trends, taking into account its own capabilities and interests.

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