Examples of willpower from life. What advantages will bring us the development of "willpower"? Under what conditions does the will develop?


Some people fail to force themselves not to eat after six in the evening, and some overcome difficulties that would seem to break most people. Perhaps they really have an iron will, or maybe they simply did not set themselves the question of how to develop willpower: sometimes difficult circumstances simply leave no choice - a person either fights or stops living and begins to exist.

  • Bethany Hamilton. This girl grew up in the Hawaiian Islands in a family of surfers and, it seems, could not help but connect her life with water - she has been surfing since childhood. However, at the age of 13, she lost left hand as a result of a shark attack. A month later, Bethany again conquered the waves, and two years later she won the prestigious competition among surfers. Today she is a professional surfer and an inspiration to millions of people. Her biography formed the basis of the film Soul Surfer, which was released in 2011.
  • Jason Lester. When 12-year-old Jason Lester was hit by a car and, among other things, paralyzed in his arm, he hardly thought that in a couple of decades he would become a world-class triathlete. To date, he has completed the famous Ironman and Ultraman races. He swims, runs and rides a bike, although he still cannot fully use his right hand. In 2009, he was recognized as the best among athletes with disabilities. To questions about how to develop willpower in order to achieve such heights, he simply answers: “If you don’t stop yourself, nothing will stop you.”
  • Melissa Stockwell. This woman served in the US Army, and in 2004, as a result of a roadside bomb explosion, her leg was amputated above the knee. But a real fighter is always a fighter. She began swimming while still in the hospital, as part of a course of physiotherapy, and in 2008 she took part in the Paralympic Games, where she set two records in swimming in the hundred meters. For her, too, there is no question of how to train willpower, everything is simpler: “I can do whatever I want, with or without a leg,” says Melissa Stockwell.
  • Anthony Robles was born without one leg, but this did not stop him from participating and winning national wrestling competitions, as part of the school and university teams.
  • Lance Armstrong won the Tour de France seven times in a row and became one of the most famous athletes in the world. This happened already after he was diagnosed with testicular cancer at the age of 25, with metastases that spread to the lungs and brain. He had a 40% chance of surviving, but after chemotherapy and brain surgery, he went into remission. The athlete used the chance given by fate to one hundred percent, and despite a life-long disqualification, he remains a source of inspiration for those who fight cancer today.
  • Stephen Hawking is one of the most famous scientists on the planet, bestselling author of " Short story time”, author of three children; he actively travels and even flew in zero gravity. At the same time, Stephen Hawking is almost completely paralyzed, and can only talk with the help of a speech synthesizer.
  • Helen Keller, at the age of 19 months, lost her sight and hearing due to illness. She later studied special program for children with special needs, received a bachelor's degree, wrote several books, and became an active campaigner for women's rights.

Military life in the forties of the last century changed the fate of many people. Some of them did not manage to wait for relatives and friends from the front; some did not despair and found people to replace them; and some continued to live on. How important it is to keep a human face after all ordeals and become not a human killer, but a human savior! That's how it was main character Sholokhov's story "The Fate of Man" Andrey Sokolov.

Before the start of the war, Sokolov was a good person. He worked, was an exemplary family man, and if he drank and began to scold his wife Irinka, he immediately apologized. But his family idyll did not last long. With the onset of the war, he was sent to the front as a military driver. He was wounded, captured, but in all situations remained resistant to any trials. The enemies of the Germans, having poured him shots of vodka, ordered him to drink for their victory. But Solokov refused: “I will drink for my death and deliverance from torment,” he said, and, barely standing on his feet, he drank without eating. Struck by such a character of the Russian man, the Germans began to respect him and set him free.

Having walked half the country, Sokolov was lucky enough to return to his native Voronezh, but instead of a house and a wife with children, he saw only a funnel. Soon another grief befell him: after a short correspondence with his surviving son, he suddenly learns that Anatoly was killed. Everything is gone: no home, no relatives, there is only Victory. How to continue to live ...?

Sokolov finds the strength to live on. He does not console himself with the thought that someday there will be a woman who can replace the deceased Irinka, he does not want to return to his homeland. There was nothing left in his heart but emptiness. However, the thirst for hatred is not kindled in him, he does not want to avenge all his life's troubles and even thoughts of suicide do not visit his bright head. He just keeps on living. And, as it soon turns out, he can live not only for himself.

Sokolov goes to the Russian city of Uryupinsk, where he meets the meaning of his later life. A boy with eyes as bright as a sky, overnight was able to replace all his relatives for him. Vanyushka was an orphan and wandered the streets in search of another watermelon peel so as not to die of hunger. This boy, who did not know about the real grief that befell Andrei Sokolov, recognizes his father in him, as soon as Sokolov said: “Vanyushka, do you know who I am? ... I am your father.” And so they found each other two big, clean, loving and devoted friend friend of the heart.

Andrey Sokolov is true example a man with an unbending willpower. He bravely held out both in wartime and in peacetime, did not lose his human face and opened my heart little man who needed it so much.

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  • Hello dear readers. In the fight for achievement main goal There are very important, moral moments. One of them is Willpower. What it is, and what effect it has, you will learn by reading this article.

    What is willpower:

    Willpower is one of the psychological components. It is involved in all areas of our life. Simply put, force will does not allow us to deviate from the fulfillment of the conditions that bring us closer to the main goal. There are times when circumstances confuse a person a little and he begins to make mistakes that do not contribute to the achievement of the intended result. It is in such cases that the very “willpower” comes to our aid, which will help you change your mind in time, will not let you deviate from your plan and will force you to do what you must again, despite the many temptations surrounding you. Willpower needs to be developed in oneself, it, naturally, will not come to you.

    How to develop willpower? There is no clear step by step explanation. As in my opinion, if you decide to change yourself, these are already the first manifestations of willpower, but it lies in the fact that having achieved your personal goal and overcoming many difficulties along the way, not succumbing to temptations and temptations - this is the manifestation of your will . Understand, if you have done everything, and impeccably, then you have not only changed your body, but also changed your habits, your views on something, you have changed yourself completely, not only externally but also internally.

    We need to work on some qualities:

    • Patience. Do not succumb to all sorts of temptations from the outside, move on, no matter what. Thanks to this quality, a person can overcome any difficulties on the way to achieving his cherished goal. A very desirable quality in any business.
    • Wish. This is what makes us move forward, warms hope in us, gives birth to a goal that we begin to strive for.
    • Believe in yourself. Whatever goals you set for yourself, do not give up if they seem impossible to you. Belief in yourself is exactly the quality that breaks all obstacles and makes you stronger every day, bringing you closer to the main event.
    • Discipline. Must be present in any case. Simply put, "obedience" to the rules that you follow on the way to the main goal.

    At the stage of forming your thoughts that you need to lose weight, you already roughly see your final result, you know what you want to achieve. Believing in yourself and your personal strength will help you start exercising and not skip workouts, as well as eat right every day. The desire will help you more easily cope with the new conditions and rules, because ahead cherished dream! Patience will help you resist all sorts of temptations of the past lifestyle in the form of fast food, cola and other dishes you love, but unhealthy for your figure. Discipline will keep you on track, following the rules and guidelines the same throughout the journey, and that is what will lead you to success.

    What advantages will the development of "willpower" bring us?:

    • Increase self-esteem
    • Achievement of high results
    • Absence bad habits and health promotion
    • Development of positive thinking
    • Overcoming any difficulties and obstacles
    • Increasing efficiency
    • Acquisition of high moral strength that helps in any life situation

    This is not the whole list of motives that make it clear that willpower is not just necessary, but simply necessary to start training in yourself. The development of willpower in oneself is subject to every person. This is a kind of psychological muscle that can be pumped up. Start keeping the promises you made to yourself, give up the pleasures that ultimately lead you to bad mood. Understand that the most important pleasure is to realize that you are strong, strong-willed person, in which other people see protection and examples of willpower. Do not delay and do not leave everything for later, time does not wait. Be strong and independent, all the best to you!

    And relatives such phrases, and maybe they themselves uttered them. What's happened force will? How to educate and develop strength will? Can she be trained? It is widely believed in society that smokers, people with overweight... to maintain self-control, it is more difficult for such people to resist temptations and achieve their goals. Factors that may influence the loss of “ strength will”, are suppression and limitation. What happens when you are told "don't think about the pink elephant"? That's right, you...


    Characterless. Everyone wants to have character. Therefore, it is advisable to start improving yourself precisely with self-education. strength will. development in oneself strength will is a very difficult process. Indeed, in essence, this is violence against oneself, forcing to do ... and the bitterness of defeat, as if you were competing with another person. And how often you win these fights shows the degree of development of your strength will. Although you are "two in one", you are the first. And that means that you should be the master in yourself. That...


    Absence desired result. So, in order to concentrate and achieve results, three conditions must be observed: Development strength will. And in Everyday life and in magical practices people often lack awareness and deliberation in their decisions, ... the name zombie is perfect), this will be your first step towards enlightenment and development strength will. Let's take a look at the development exercises. strength will, which must be done regularly every day for a month (later on your own ...


    Are they easy to achieve? Let's make an assumption: from childhood they were given a "fruit" called " force will". Most complex issue: How many? You can't go wrong with the amount of this educational supplement. Consider one situation and ... like caramel on the cheek. The last thing I wanted was edification and empty profanity, so know that psychologists advise training strength will. How? Very simple. Make it a rule to strictly, daily, without deviations and violations, to do something necessary, ...


    I forbade myself to think about pain,
    But it is impossible to forget about her.
    She vilely, unawares, pricks,
    Making the world darker for a moment.

    At such a moment, the body will shrink into a ball,
    Crush the "I" in me, trying again.
    The sun will dim for a moment in the sky,
    And for a moment...


    So little will power
    tasteless soup without salt.
    When there is no core inside, there is sadness.
    Tired of living in captivity
    and be weak for how long?
    So sorry for missed opportunities.
    Having studied in this "school",
    you get tons of pain.
    Character needs to be tempered...

    The essay contains references to the story of B. Raevsky "15 in the morning, 15 in the evening."

    Option 1

    Willpower is a quality that allows a person not to deviate from the chosen path, to remain true to his goal.

    In the story of B. Raevsky, a hero named Julius demonstrates willpower. He whole year prepared for a fight with Yashka, despite the pain and torment. It was thanks to this quality that he was able to defeat himself and the enemy.

    Another example of a person strong will found in the same story. We are talking about Ali Mahmud, who taught Yulu how to become strong.

    Without willpower, it is impossible to achieve a dream. This is a wonderful quality that helps to achieve a lot in life.

    Option 2

    I think that willpower is the ability to pull yourself together and continue to go towards the intended goal, despite the hardships and inconveniences. Without willpower, you cannot achieve something outstanding, because big goals always require big efforts.

    So, the weak boy Julius, the hero of the story of B. Raevsky, it was thanks to his willpower that he was able to train for a year and eventually defeat the strong Yashka Krivonosy.

    Another great example of a person with an iron will is the famous surfer Bethany Hamilton. At the age of 13, a shark bit off her hand, but this did not break the girl: she became the winner of many competitions and teaches children around the world to ride the waves.

    Willpower is one of mandatory conditions achieve any, especially difficult goal!

    Option 3

    I mean by willpower the ability to do everything that depends on you for the time that is necessary to achieve the goal. Willpower is determination and a strong character, it helps not to give up, even when you really want to retreat.

    The boy Yuliy from the story of B. Raevsky hardly wanted to train every day, he admits that the year of preparation for the fight with Yashka was full of torment, but he was able to defeat the enemy.

    And in the life around us there are many examples of people with a strong will. My older sister, despite the fact that she is bad at exact sciences, all during the year free time I was preparing for the exam in physics and passed it brilliantly. So she became one step closer to her dream of becoming an engineer.

    I believe that willpower is an excellent quality that requires composure, and the reward for strength of character will always be the fulfillment of any conceived desire.

    Option 4

    Willpower, in my opinion, is the ability to overcome oneself, to accomplish something that seems impossible to achieve one's goal. Without working on yourself, you cannot realize your dreams. material from the site

    In the story of B. Raevsky, the frail Julius, being bullied by Yashka, at first does not understand how to rebuff him, because he is much weaker than his offender. But a conversation with a visiting strongman changes his life: he sets himself the goal of becoming strong and punishing the fighter. The torment and pain of training have borne fruit: Yashka is finally defeated. This victory was won only thanks to the strength of Yula's will.

    The same quality helped the former circus performer Valentin Dikul to start walking again after a serious injury and damage spinal cord. His work on himself is admirable.

    Indeed, willpower, aimed at achieving a goal, gives amazing results.

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