Senior drawing in kindergarten in summer. Outline of a drawing lesson (senior group) on the topic: Drawing "Happy Summer"


Tatiana Yatsenko
Creating a subject-development environment on the site

« Creation of a subject-development environment on the site children of the older group."

Supervisor: senior teacher – Chernoraeva L.I.

Project type: information - design - presentation

1. Preparatory

Information and design

2. Main


3. Analytical

Expected results

Project participants: teachers and parents of the senior group.

Implementation deadlines: .

Experiment base: “Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Objective of the project: improving the design and landscaping work plot For effective implementation walks. Aesthetic design and landscaping kindergarten site.

Project objectives:

1. Inform parents about the need for this work.

2. Develop a plan - diagram plot

3. Provide the material and technical base for transforming the site

4. Update the aesthetic space play area, recreation and outdoor activities

5. Distribute work between parents by organizing a cleanup day

Expected results:

1. For teachers - Creation aesthetically designed, meaningful, informative, diverse, dynamic children's life environment.

2. For parents - to promote the harmonious development of children

3. For children - call positive attitude to kindergarten, the desire to attend it.

Subject development environment we will arrange according to the following scheme:

1. Social and communicative development;

2. Cognitive development;

3. Speech development;

4. Artistic and aesthetic development;

5. Physical development.

As required by the program.

Kindergarten is a second home for both children and us teachers. You want to make your home cozy and warm. And kindergarten is also the most educational. Therefore, it is constantly updated and changed. subject-development environment not only in the group, but also on the walking area of ​​the kindergarten. Don't do it Just: Requires skill, creativity and material costs. And as a rule, there is always the problem of how to design the playground in such a way as to provide every child with the opportunity to joyfully and meaningfully live through the period of preschool childhood.

"Joyful childhood" gives charge for life...

Every year we devote great attention subject development environment on the street playground of the kindergarten. This is one of the important goals of the work.

When raising, educating and developing children in a kindergarten, one of the main tasks: preserve and strengthen the health of children and form in them the habit of healthy image life. The walk is one of children's health products, their physical development. Walking is the first and most accessible means for hardening child's body. It helps to increase its endurance and resistance to adverse external influences. environment, to colds. During the walk, children play and move a lot. Movement increases metabolism, blood circulation, and improves appetite. Children learn to overcome various obstacles, become more mobile, courageous, and resilient. They develop motor skills and abilities, strengthen the muscular system, and increase vitality.

A walk is a unique opportunity to enrich a child with new knowledge. Awaken cognitive inquisitiveness in the child. We need to give children the education that is necessary for their age - to feel every thing, smell it a dozen times, perform the subject of study are certain actions, examine a dozen times, repeat the appointment a dozen times subject, etc.. d. We must meet the child’s desire to expand his horizon by observing living nature, people, their work, and their relationships. As a result, children have expanded opportunities for cognitive activity, there is a desire for research, creative activity accompanied by a joyful, satisfied, emotional state.

To implement these tasks (i.e. for the development and education of the individual) necessary create such a subject-developing environment, which would comply with all standards and safety requirements in accordance with SanPiN and Federal State Educational Standards, namely, to make small play forms for games, install equipment for various movements that would have an attractive appearance and strength, and workmanship, consistent with the age and strength of children. This is how the idea came up to create a walking area for the youngest visitors to our kindergarten. How create conditions for children's development? How create such an environment in which an atmosphere of joy, peace and warmth will reign? What to include in subject environment so that the adaptation period leads to less stress and anxiety, and the adaptation is faster and more painless? Buying ready-made equipment would be too expensive for us. Having analyzed your teaching experience, drew up an approximate design of buildings indicating goals and approached the parents, receiving approval.

To implement plans We:

1. We identified participants in the project implementation

2. Developed sketches various options registration

3. Solved the issue of updating the space plot

Buildings, equipment

4. We thought about providing the material and technical base (search for construction material: boards, blocks, polycarbonate, paint, flower seedlings, waste material)

5. Distributed joint actions of parents and staff

6. We thought about the safety and care of buildings and flower beds

7. Made a positive decision about participation in the competition"Beautiful flower garden" on the basis of preschool educational institutions and in the municipal photo competition “My contribution to the improvement of the village”


1. Sandbox – protects from the sun, has a beautiful, light, transparent roof through which you can watch the clouds, listen to the rain patter, watch the sun’s rays sparkle. The sandbox is equipped with special covers - a requirement of SanPiN, since we are in the residential sector. The wide table top is spacious, allows you to sit comfortably, "bake some Easter cakes" different sizes and play with toys.

2. The car is one of best views transport. Accommodates a subgroup of children together with a teacher. Roof protects seats from getting wet, which is important on cold autumn days. The content of the games reflects home everyday life: trips to the dacha, to the village to visit Grandma Arina, to the forest... i.e., episodes from their experience are played out. Games are plot-based actions.

3. House - it’s comfortable to sit on the wide seats, put your daughter to bed, set the table for guests, dry laundry on the balcony. There is a switch inside the room and a soft lamp hanging. Is used for role-playing game "Family" or "Mothers and Daughters".

4. A slide – with which you can ride all year round, overcome fear and rejoice with delight. Serves to develop the child's physical qualities.

During the adaptation period, children often do not show their own activity, but thanks to joint games with children, we carry out the basic tasks:

1. Build trusting relationships with each child

2. We become interesting partners by game

3. We give moments of joy and try to evoke a positive attitude towards kindergarten.

The games are not long and are repeated several times. Therefore, it is important to arrange the play objects on the playground in such a way that it is convenient and easy to switch the child from one type of activity to another, changing the plot.

To correct the basic types of movements, a bright bench was made, which was also used to develop the basic types of movement in children (walking on a hill, jumping, climbing). Children love rhythm pronounce: “I’m walking, walking, walking – I won’t fall for anything.”. And, the most attentive, dexterous and cunning can try "birch grove" ripe strawberry. An aesthetically decorated veranda with a family bunny theme encourages a healthy lifestyle. The area needs improvement. There are plans to install a small convenient staircase, a wide inclined board (for walking on inclined plane, multi-level "stumps" And. etc. And the kids have already managed to climb up: “One, two, three - I’ll rise and I’m not at all afraid.

The swing is my favorite place. It can be good here even if you're alone.

Thoughtful safe flower beds (made from waste material) and lovingly grown flowers give an aesthetic and finished look to our walking area.

The design model was based on two ideas:

1. Create comfort, comfort on the walking platform

2. For complete and diversified development created special organized gaming environment, recreation and activities.

The task has been completed. Our designed playground has become a favorite place for children.

With the arrival of the winter sorceress, new entertainment appears.

Work continues…

Walking provides excellent opportunities not only for recovery and hardening, but also for enriching the mind with impressions, and the soul with beauty and light.

Experience has shown that it is precisely this kind of continuous activity of children in busy created conditions creates good mood leads to a significant reduction in morbidity, children quickly get used to the conditions of kindergarten and develop.

Both teachers and parents are satisfied with the results of the work. In addition, work on the project allowed us to establish close trusting relationships between participants, which greatly facilitates future relationships.

Our goal is harmoniously developed children:

1. Free, active, independent, showing initiative both in activity and in communication;

2. Open to communication with adults;

3. Friendly and tolerant towards peers;

4. Emotionally responsive to the beauty of the surrounding world, works of art; on the condition of other people.

High skill combined with creativity and imagination, and most importantly, love for children will make the walk amazing and unique.

senior group

Educator: Churikova.S.I.

Summary of drawing lesson: “Happy Summer”


  • Create conditions for reflecting summer impressions in the drawing.
  • Learn to draw simple scenes, conveying human movement.
  • Involve children in collective conversation, play and speech interaction with peers. Lead to the composition of texts.

Preliminary work.Conversation about summer classes and entertainment, viewing family photos summer holiday, conducting the game “Guess what I’m doing” in the previous lesson on speech development.

Materials, tools, equipment.White sheets of paper of the same size for compiling a general album of drawings “Merry Summer”; paints, brushes, colored pencils and markers (optional); simple pencils, erasers. The teacher has the basis for the future album “Merry Summer”.

Conversation “What do you remember about summer”

Goal: to accumulate children’s accumulated ideas about summer.

Contents: The teacher remembers with the children about have a fun summer who was vacationing where? Let's remember and name these months (children's answers) - I collected all your wonderful photos about summer in an album, and now you and I will play, I will open the album on any page, and you can guess from the photo who it is, where and how he spent the summer - Anya, she swims in the sea, she is tanned and very cheerful. And this is Grisha - he is sailing on a yacht. ……

Speech game

Who went for berries, summer forest loved, kept?

Who, tell me, was responsible for order this summer?

Which of you, say out loud, guarded the green flies?

Who diligently watered their garden as best they could?

Which of you, so good, wore galoshes to sunbathe?

Who doesn't walk around gloomy in the summer, loves sports and physical education?

How many of you, waking up early, washed yourself from the tap in the summer?

Which of you, when you washed your face, shaved with your dad's razor?

Who relaxed at the sea, who swam, sunbathed?

How many of you, when swimming in the snow, then rolled around?

Who hastily dressed in swimsuits and fins for a visit?

Who loves to joke with me both in summer and winter?

Educator says to the children: - Let us draw how we rested in the summer, what we did, what we played. Everyone will draw their own picture of themselves. And then from these pictures we will all create the album “Merry Summer”.

The teacher shows the children how to schematically depict a person using counting sticks, pencils, and paper strips. Draws human figures.

The teacher shows the children the future cover of the album and asks them to agree on how the sheets will be placed in the album (horizontally or vertically). Shows what the album will look like if everyone does it their own way without agreeing.

Children choose the material for drawing as they wish - colored pencils, felt-tip pens, paints. The teacher quietly asks which of the children chose which plot for their drawing. Helps you make a choice. Once again he shows some movements so that the children try to convey changes in the position of the arms and legs: he raises his arms up, spreads them to the sides, bends one arm at the elbow. Invites children to turn to their comrades with a request to show the intended movement. Children draw. At this time, the teacher designs the cover (writes the name “Happy Summer”, the letters can be colored by children) and children who are good at drawing, who quickly completed their task, offer to help - draw the sun, flowers, butterflies, etc. The children fold the drawings made with dry materials into the album under the cover. Drawings made with paints are placed there after drying.

Summary of GCD for drawing in preparatory group"Summer"

Lesson 1. Drawing "Summer"
Program content.
Educational: to develop children’s ability to reflect their impressions of summer (to convey the content of a song) in a drawing, placing the images on a wide strip: higher, lower on the sheet (closer, further). Strengthen the techniques of working with a brush and paints, the ability to compose the right shades colors on the palette, using white and watercolor for mixing. Learn to talk about what you drew.
Educational: develop a sense of rhythm, color, composition
Educational: cultivate a love of nature
Materials: watercolor, gouache, whitewash, sheets of paper, brushes.
I. Organizational moment.
Educator: Guys, guess the riddle and tell me what we will talk about today.
I don’t feel sorry for warmth for you,
From the south I came with the heat.
Brought flowers, fishing,
A ringing swarm of mosquitoes,
Strawberries in a box
And swimming in the river.
Children: Summer.
Educator: That's right. Today we will talk about summer, that’s all, because the fun, warm summer, unfortunately, is over. The beautiful autumn is hastening to replace him. And you and I must certainly remember everything interesting stories that happened to you this fun hot summer.
II. Main part.
Listen to children's stories about summer.
What interesting stories happened to you in the summer.
Let's remember and sing everyone's favorite song about summer.
This is what it is, our summer,
Summer is dressed in bright greenery,
Summer is warmed by the hot sun,
Summer breathes with the breeze.
La la la la la la
La-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la
La la la la la la
La-la-la-la-la la-la
On the green sunny edge
Green frogs are jumping
And the butterfly friends dance,
Everything is blooming all around.
We're on the road with a song about summer,
The best song in the world
Perhaps we will meet a hedgehog in the forest,
It's good that the rain stopped.
La la la la la la
La la la la la la
We're bronzed
The berries in the forest are burning with fire,
Summer, summer is hot for good reason,
Summer is good.
La la la la la la
La-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la
La la la la la la
La-la-la-la-la la-la

Educator: Well done! Guys, what is this song about?
Children: About the hot sunny summer; about how frogs jump and butterflies fly; about the fact that everything is blooming around;

That's right, guys, many artists loved summer very much and depicted it on their canvases.

Look (showing pictures)

Levitan Isaac Ilyich (1860-1900). June day (Summer). 1890s
Levitan Isaac Ilyich (1860-1900). Summer evening. River. 1890-1896
Rylov Arkady Alexandrovich (1870-1939). Flowery meadow. 1916
Meshchersky Arseny Ivanovich (1834-1902). Bridge over the river. Summer herbs. 1890s
Kuindzhi Arkhip Ivanovich (1842-1910). Rainbow. 1900-1905
Volkov Efim Efimovich (1844-1920).Field of daisies

And now,
And let's draw summer!
What color?
Red paint -
There are roses on the lawns,
And green is the field,
There are mowings in the meadows.
Blue paint - the sky and the melodious stream.
What kind of paint?
shall we leave the cloud?
Let's draw summer -
It's very simple...

Today I invite you to draw how you rested in the summer, what you did, what you played. Everyone will draw their own picture, and then we will make an exhibition of your works.
Independent work of children to music.
The teacher provides individual assistance.
Now we have a whole gallery of your paintings. How beautiful! Guys, do you like summer nature? How should we treat nature?
Children: You need to treat nature with care: do not break branches of trees, do not pick flowers. Do not throw garbage or pollute water bodies.
Educator: Artists, as a rule, name their paintings. Now you were artists too. Let's name our paintings something.
(Children give names to the paintings: “Hot Summer”, “In Summer”, “ Colorful summer"; look at them and exchange impressions).
Educator: Now tell me what you liked most about today’s lesson? What was difficult for you?
Children's answers:
Educator: I liked the stories you told about summer, how you answered questions, and drew. Well done! Thank you!
Guys! What time of year is it?
Children: autumn.
Educator: Do you like autumn? In the next lesson we will talk to you about autumn.
At the end of the lesson, the teacher sets up an exhibition “ Happy summer».

Lidia Klimova
GCD for drawing “Draw a picture about summer”

Educational area : “Artistic and aesthetic development”

Direction: visual activity (drawing)

Subject: « Draw a picture about summer»

Program content: Creating conditions for the development of children’s skills in accessible ways to reflect received impressions; consolidation of techniques brush painting, the ability to hold a brush correctly, rinse it in water; arousing in children interest in nature, the ability to see its beauty.

Equipment: a set of insect toys, a model of a summer meadow, a disk with recordings of bird voices, album sheets, paints, brushes, cups of water, a napkin.

Nod move:

1. Introductory part. (Conversation).

The teacher reads a poem

Bells! Daisies!

Forget-me-nots! Cornflowers!

Barefoot and shirtless

We go and weave wreaths.

Children, what time of year is this poem about? (about summer). Today we will talk about the beauty of nature in summer. The teacher brings in a model of a summer meadow. Look how beautiful summer meadow. What's in the clearing? (green grass, bright flowers, insects, berries, mushrooms, trees). Guys, listen to the birds sing. They enjoy the summer sun. (the teacher includes recordings of bird voices).

Guys, there are flowers growing in the clearing. I will tell you riddles, and you will guess and name the flower.

Sisters are standing in the field,

Yellow eye, white eyelashes. (chamomile)

Hey bells, the color blue.

With a tongue, but no ringing.


Look who is sad in our summer meadow.

That's right, it's a ladybug. She's sad that it's over summer. The birds will no longer sing, the flowers will wither, the insects will hide for the winter, and it will become cold.

Don't be sad ladybug. Me and the guys let's paint a picture about summer and we will give it to you.

2. Main part. (Preparation for practical activities).

Today we will draw a picture about summer. (Show with explanation).

Before we get started, let's do some finger exercises.

The sun woke up

(They clench their palm into a fist.)

It felt sweet.

(Raise the fist up.)

It's time for the rays to get up

(Unclench one finger at a time)

One two three four five.

The teacher and the children draw the sun, grass, flowers, a butterfly, and bugs.

Practical independent activity (the teacher helps children who have difficulty).

3. Final part.

Educator: Look, ladybug, what beautiful, sunny, bright clearings the guys have turned out to be. We give you our drawings so that you will always be happy and warm.

The guys place their drawings on the stand, next to the ladybug. They look at them. Ladybug thanks. (Exhibition of works).

Publications on the topic:

Entertainment script “A Summer Tale” Equipment: house, pencils, sheet of paper, forest, scarf, wet clothes, tea, samovar, umbrellas. Characters: Hare, summer, presenter, fox, bear.

Summary of the drawing lesson “This is what it is, our summer!” Lesson notes on visual arts in the preparatory group: “This is what our summer is like” Objectives: To teach to feel character.

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Summary of GCD in the senior group “Red summer - cheerful summer.” Educational field "Cognitive development" Summary of GCD in senior group"Summer is red - summer is cheerful." Educational area “Cognitive development”: clarify knowledge about tenses.

to to review open class By unconventional drawing TOPIC: “The Tale of White list paper and white paint» Purpose: to practice drawing.

Summary of the drawing lesson “Draw a picture of spring nature” Municipal preschool educational state-financed organization Child Development Center - kindergarten No. 105 "Umka" Abstract directly.

Olga Chicherova

Summary of a lesson in the senior drawing group “Painting about summer” using an unconventional drawing technique (printing with palms)

Target: Teach children to reflect the signs of summer in a drawing, using an unconventional drawing technique (printing with palms).


1. Continue to develop interest in visual arts.

2. Continue introducing children to unconventional technology drawing (printing with palms).

3. Stimulate children’s activity, independence, and initiative in inventing content.

4. Develop aesthetic perception, artistic taste, develop fine motor skills hands

5. Cultivate interest in drawing, cultivate aesthetic perception, cultivate a love of nature.

Preliminary work: Looking at illustrations in the book, reproductions of paintings, photographs, reading poems about summer.

Equipment and materials: Pictures depicting summer (illustrations from children's books, photographs, gouache, whatman paper, brushes, jars of water, napkins (according to the number of children), tape recorder.


(Children sit at the table, the teacher asks a riddle).


The sun is burning,

Linden blossoms.

The rye is ripening

When does this happen? (Summer)

Children: Summer!

Educator: That's right, summer, and what signs of summer do you know?

Children: The sun is shining, flowers are blooming, butterflies and bees are flying.

Educator: Do you like summer? What do you do in the summer?

Children: We swim, sunbathe, play.

Educator: That's right guys. Have any of you been in the forest in the summer? What did you see in the forest?

Children: A variety of trees, shrubs, flowers, butterflies.

Educator: Guys, summer is a special time - poets write poems, composers compose music, and artists paint pictures. So today you and I will try to become artists and we will write with you a “Picture about Summer.” And I will be the most important artist and will help you.

The teacher explains to the children that first they need to draw grass, then leaves on a birch tree, the sun, a butterfly, then we will paint flowers and clouds with a brush. We print with our palm carefully, and press our palm completely to get a beautiful print.

Educator: But first we will do finger exercises.

Finger gymnastics “Sun”

Shine, shine, sunshine! (cross arms)

To the green pole (bend fingers one at a time)

For white wheat

For clear water,

To our little garden,

On a scarlet flower.

Educator: Now let's get started.

Independent work of children.

The music of P. I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons” sounds

Children dip in green paint palms - draw grass, leaves on a birch tree, then dip their palms in yellow paint- draw a sun, then dip it in red paint - draw a butterfly.

Then flowers and clouds are painted on with a brush.

(The teacher helps the children if something doesn’t work out for someone).

Educator: Well done guys, that's what it is beautiful picture you got it. You are tired, let's rest.

Phys. just a minute:

“We walk through the forest together”

We walk through the forest together,

We are not in a hurry, we are not lagging behind.

Here we go out into the meadow. (Walking in place)

A thousand flowers around! (Stretching arms to the sides)

Here is a chamomile, a cornflower,

Lungwort, porridge, clover.

The carpet is being laid out

Both right and left. (Bend over and touch your left foot with your right hand, then vice versa, touch your right foot with your left hand)

Hands stretched to the sky,

The spine was stretched. (Stretching hands up)

We all had time to rest

And they sat down again (children sit down)

Educator: What a beautiful picture you have created. What did you like most? (children's answers)

(The teacher reads a poem about summer.)


It's so beautiful and good here,

But the colors are very tired today

They painted a wonderful summer

We worked on the paint tree for a long time.

The picture came out beautiful, like in a fairy tale.

All colorful - what a beauty!

Love the colors!

Educator: Well, you and I have painted a picture and had a rest, and now let’s sing a song about summer. (Children sing a song to the backing track “This is what our summer is like” by composer E. Krylatov.)

Publications on the topic:

Goal: Formation of an aesthetic attitude towards objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, works of art, and artistic creativity.

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