The most legendary Russian ghosts.


The most famous ghosts in history

We hear about ghosts all the time and not only in fiction or cinema. Oh no, from time to time messages from them reach us in the form of rumors, or slip in the news.

Yes, it’s a sin to hide almost everyone in their life at least once faced with a strange event or phenomenon. Many of which can be attributed to ghosts.

True, most of them, of course, have a rational explanation, but most agree not all. There are cases that cannot be explained by anything other than paranormal phenomena.

Here we invite you to meet some of the most famous ghosts. Of course, the list will not be complete, because in different parts of the world, there are their famous habitats and famous spirits.

However, the list is not small. Who knows which of the ghosts presented here is real and who is not. The best option check, see with your own eyes.

And so which of the ghosts deserved world fame:

- Slave from the Myrtle Plantation- this plantation and mansion still exist and are famous among otherworldly seekers.

The fact is that at least two ghosts live here, the slave of the poisoner who took revenge on the owner, but who by mistake killed his wife and daughters with poison. She was hanged for this and she. The second ghost youngest daughter fallen at her hands. He is usually seen in the mirrors in the house.

This spirit lives in Illinois. Not Big city Justit, for more than eight decades, has been replenished from time to time with cases of meeting a blue-eyed blonde young girl who asks her to be picked up on the side of the road.

She calls herself Mary and always wears a white dress. When drivers give her a ride, she always disappears at the Resurrection Cemetery.

- in fact, there are several such ships, but the most famous of them is the “Flying Dutchman”, he was launched in 1641 and disappeared the same year, after his captain Hendrik van der Decken went to the most terrible storm around the cape Good Hope.

The ship was never seen again, but its ghost began to appear in that area next to other ships, and then disappear without a trace.

- this woman went down in history, her fate was very tragic but bright. Second wife of the King of England Henry VIII mother of the future Queen Elizabeth I.

Three years after the wedding, she was accused of incest and witchcraft. The verdict was execution, after which the ghost of the queen was seen more than once in several old churches, as well as castles in London. According to some, however, this is not one ghost, but several.

- not very big city of Coronado in California, has one hotel created in the Victorian style.

Horrifyingly, the lodger Kate Morgan, who moved in, was found shot to death on the path that led to the sea.

Apparently she shot herself, and her spirit never found peace. Since mystical things began to happen in the hotel.

In particular, some guests claimed to have seen the ghost of a woman.

- yes, yes, all King fans will remember The Shining. It is thanks to this work that the hotel became famous.

- This ghost lives in the English Castle. According to legend, this woman, whose name was Sarah Wyhead.

She is looking for her brother, who was once accused of counterfeiting bank checks. This was such a big shock that even after death she continues to look for him.

- is considered one of the most terrible in London. This ghost or ghosts is in the form of a girl or little boy.

And they say it can bring with its presence to such an attack of fear that people risk their lives, face it.

This is only a small part of the huge list of famous ghosts, which, moreover, is gradually replenished. You can learn about other famous ghosts in other articles on the site.

Haunted places in all legends and scary stories are often repeated. There are ghosts in different countries world, including Russia and Europe.

Where do ghosts live?

It is believed that the most likely places for the appearance of ghosts are cemeteries, old houses, castles. Ghosts live near places where someone died. According to parapsychologists, the spirit of the very first person buried there “lives” in cemeteries, which is the so-called “master”.

For unexplained reasons, often ghosts are chosen to "live" medieval castles Scotland, Ireland and England. Most likely, this is due to the fact that many aristocratic families keep their terrible family secrets, which caused the appearance of family ghosts. England has long been the center of haunting. More than other cities, London is rich in legends about ghosts.

The scariest ghosts in Europe

Most common in Europe are such ghosts as black monks and white ladies - these are dark shadows and white blurry figures that people periodically see in ancient houses and medieval castles.

"Black Nun"

It is known about the "Black Nun", who lives in the English Castle. According to legend, this nun is Sarah Wyhead, who comes to the bank hoping to find her brother there. The brother was at one time an employee of this bank, but was accused of forging checks. Sarah was so shocked by what happened that to this day she is looking for her brother within the walls of the bank.

The Haunted House in Beverly Square

One of the most spooky ghosts lives in London in a house in Beverly Square. It is said that several people died just from the sight of this ghost. According to one version, the ghost appears in the form of a little boy who died of fear in his room. According to another version, the ghost is a young girl whom her uncle wanted to seduce. To avoid harassment, she allegedly jumped out of the window.

The third version says that the ghost appears to people in the form of a pale-faced man. Wanting to see one of London's spookiest ghosts, tourists have turned a house in Beverly Square into a place of pilgrimage.

Poveglia Island

The mysterious place of Venice is the island of Poveglia. It is closed to tourists, and police boats ply along the coast of the island. There is a 12th century bell tower on the island. Fans of the unknown claim that bells are often heard from the side of this bell tower.

It is known that during the Roman Empire, all those infected with the plague were brought to the island to die. History repeated itself in the sixteenth century. Poveglia became the place where those who contracted the bubonic plague were brought. They were dumped into huge pits and left to die. It is said that the cries of these unfortunates from time to time are heard over the island. Several centuries later, the island began to play the role of a quarantine point. In the last century, a nursing home was built on the island. After the head physician committed suicide, Poveglia was empty, people did not want to return to this island anymore.

Ghost of Anne Boleyn

According to legend, the headless ghost of a woman has been wandering the stairs of the Tower Castle for many years. This woman is Anne Boleyn, who was the second wife of Henry VIII Tudor. The king, noticing the beautiful Boleyn at one time, elevated her to the throne. It was she who brought the Renaissance and the Reformation to England, gave birth to the future Queen Elizabeth.

After being accused of adultery and witchcraft, Anna was executed by cutting off her head. The ghost of Anne Boleyn has no head, he keeps his head under his arm. Last time this ghost was seen in 1940.

The most famous ghosts in Russia

Each of us has heard legends about ghosts. Among them there are completely good-natured ghosts, there are also those that have been scaring people for many years. Aliens from the other world, approaching a person, sow fear and panic.

There are old houses in Russia, historical places and castles, about which there are many legends. According to some of them, ghosts still live in such houses and castles.

ghost town

Near Chelyabinsk there is a fortress Arkaim, which is also called the "Russian Stonehenge". Scientists, in addition to buildings and ruins of streets, found wells, the remains of metallurgical furnaces, water pipes, and mines. The inhabitants left Arkaim almost four thousand years ago, but before they left, they set fire to their city. It is believed that they had serious reasons for this.

People who have visited Arkaim talk about ghosts living there. Tourists on Mount Shamanka often see moving shadows. Once, an archaeologist student during an excavation heard a voice calling her to the center of the excavations. The girl went there alone. Returning, the student sobbed for a long time, talking about the ghosts of the ancient inhabitants of the city of Arkaim.

Sukharev tower

A famous place in Moscow is the Sukharev Tower. There, the engineer, astrologer and alchemist Jacob Bruce, who lived during the time of Peter I, spent all his nights. According to the legend, he kept the famous " black book”, written by the Prince of Darkness himself. This book terrified the townspeople.

Even after death famous alchemist, the light in the Sukharev tower continued to light up every night as before. In 1934, the warlock's tower was demolished, but the ghost of a dry old man appears quite often in that place.

Miserly with Myasnitskaya

in Moscow for Chistye Prudy there is Myasnitskaya street. The house of the Kusovnikovs once stood on it. The couple were famous for the fact that, with all their wealth, they were misers and misers. They never invited guests, they never gave gifts to anyone.

Having gathered on a long trip, the husband and wife decided to hide all the treasures in the fireplace. After they left, an unsuspecting servant lit a fire in the fireplace. As a result, wealth burned completely. On hearing the news, his wife died immediately. With the words "Oh, my money, money," the old man's ghost still roams the nearby lanes to this day.

The most famous ghost in history

Most often, people see a ghost called the "White Lady". This collective image, which would suit more than one lady of the past centuries. Eyewitnesses most often describe this ghost as a lady in white, with deep-set sad eyes and a pointed face.

White lady - a woman who was forcibly given in marriage to angry old man. He bullied her all his life. Before his death, he asked his wife for forgiveness, but was refused. old husband cursed his wife, which is why she still appears in the family possessions in the form of the White Lady. The white lady is Perhta Rožmberk, and her tyrant husband is the aristocrat Jan Liechtenstein. It is known about the portrait, which depicts the White Lady. It has a signature on unknown language. It remains undeciphered to this day.

By the way, according to the site, it is the photographs of ghosts that become famous and are sold for fabulous money.
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In our world, studied, it would seem, far and wide, there are still unexplained phenomena. And, although the existence of paranormal phenomena has not been scientifically proven, many still believe in them. Perhaps because people are naturally curious, and ghosts are an amazing chance to at least look behind the veil of the secrets of the other world. Here is a selection of the most famous ghosts peace.

1. Ghost of the White Lady

The White Lady is the collective name for ghosts. As a rule, eyewitnesses describe long-haired women in a white dress, with dark sad eyes and a thin, pointed face. Sometimes they also talk about bloodied hands and face, and Mikhail Rosenberg, during his trip to the Czech Republic, saw the Lady in black gloves.

This ghost is one of the most famous in the world. According to legend, the Czech White Lady is none other than Perhta Rožmberk, who is considered the guardian of the Rožmberk family and families close to it. Her story could have happened to any noble young woman who lived in the Middle Ages: young Perkhta was forcibly married to a man much older than herself, the aristocrat Jan Liechtenstein. He turned out to be a villain, a pervert and a sadist, often raped and beat his young wife, and also, not embarrassed by her presence, arranged orgies in the castle. The unfortunate woman endured bullying for 20 years, because the customs of that era did not allow her to leave her despot spouse and return to her family, and the church would not give permission for a divorce.

They say that before his death, Count Liechtenstein asked his wife for forgiveness, but she could not forgive him. Then the count cursed his wife with the words: “May you have no peace after death!”

Since then, Perchta has appeared in the former possessions of the Rožmberks: the old Sovinec castle and the neighboring town of Cesky Krumlov. It does not bring harm to anyone, but for the descendants of the clan it can mean a warning about the imminent death of one of the relatives. Her portrait with a signature in an unknown language has survived to this day. There is a legend that the White Lady herself will appear to the one who can decipher the signature and tell where the huge treasure is hidden.

2. Anku

The word "Anku" itself is translated as "skeleton" or, in some interpretations, "herald of death." This ghost was seen on the roads of Brittany. It always spawns on old country roads and never near busy freeways or settlements. However, the ghost did not disdain small villages and, according to legend, visited there often.

Anku looks like a dead man or a skeleton with long white hair. He is wrapped in a dark cloak with a hood thrown over his face, hiding the greenish putrid light in sunken eye sockets, with a scythe on his shoulder. It is always followed by a funeral wagon drawn by a skeleton horse. His appearance was accompanied by the ringing of funeral bells, gusts of icy wind and the dull, loud thud of horse hooves.

It was believed that the one who was lucky enough to see the ankh would die in the next two years. Some sources say that an eyewitness, when meeting with a ghost, was certainly knocked down by an unknown force, and earth was stuffed into his mouth, perhaps the same one that would soon be thrown on his coffin. If a person came across an anku at midnight, then he certainly died within a month.

However, anku is not just one mysterious entity. The previous herald of death was succeeded every year by another unfortunate man who happened to die last of the year. There is another opinion: anku is none other than the biblical character Cain, the first person to commit murder.

The last time anka was allegedly seen was 50 years ago. It is possible that there is simply no place left for such ghosts in our enlightened age.

3. Trembling boy

Ireland has strange place- Gripmansky castle. Now no one lives in the castle, but it is well preserved and open to tourists. And, of course, as in most respected European castles, it has its own ghost, known to the whole world as the “Trembling Boy”.

It is said that if you stay in the castle for the night, then around midnight, a pale, translucent silhouette of a child with dark, falling hair will appear next to your bed. The boy will whisper, "It's cold, I'm so cold," and may even touch your face with icy fingers. Eyewitnesses said that after they woke up, the boy did not leave, but continued to stand by the bed and complain about the cold. It was removed only after the unfortunate visitor of the ancient castle turned on the light. At the same time, the ghost did not leave the room, did not evaporate, no - it simply disappeared, as if it were not there, which, however, is quite possible.

According to legend, the boy was the heir to a rich old family of Northumbrian earls and received the castle from his father, who died when his son was only six years old. His uncle-guardian decided to get rid of the rightful owner and assign the castle to himself, so he took the child to the field winter night and left one there. By morning, the boy was cold, and the uncle got the same coveted castle. True, along with a ghost: some sources describe that the boy “returned” the very next night after his burial and harassed his uncle for the rest of his life.

The ghost of a child is still seen in the castle, and some impressionable tourists talked about his appearance in the daytime. In some cases, entire groups of people who have never met before and who visited Gripmein Castle for the first time in their lives repeat with one voice about his appearance.

4. Lady from Eht

The Lady of Echt can be found in Holland. The ghost is not tied to any particular place and can appear anywhere. The lady from Eht looks quite impressive: a tattered dark dress, a thin cloak thrown over her shoulders, her head lying in thin emaciated hands, and blood oozing from the stump of her neck. However, this ghost is quite harmless to the casual traveler.

You can meet the Lady, as usual, only at night. In some cases, the headless female figure may simply walk by, and in some cases, it may stop in front of the person and speak to him. If for some reason a strange ghost likes you, it will take you to the place where the treasure is buried, but ask you not to take a single coin for yourself, but to distribute everything to those in need. If the one who got the treasure does not fulfill this condition, then the gold coins found and appropriated by him will turn to dust.

One day the Lady of Eht met a young man returning home at night on the road. She pointed out to him the place where the treasure was buried, and said that he could take it for himself if he only dug up the treasure without making a sound. But the stupid young man, seeing a chest full of gold, could not help shouting with joy, after which both the chest and the ghost literally fell through the ground. Since then headless ghost nobody has seen. Apparently, the Lady was completely disappointed in people and left for another world.

5. Black Lady of the Nesvizh Castle

The Black Lady is the ghost of Barbara Radziwill, a representative of one of the noblest families in Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Previously, she could be found in one of her rooms. family nest- Nesvizh castle. The ghost looked like a beautiful blond woman with sad brown eyes in a rich black dress and pearls on a slender neck.

It so happened that, while still alive, the young and beautiful princess met with the heir to the Polish crown, Sigismund August. As usual, passion arose between young people, they became lovers and, as a result, secretly got married. Shortly thereafter, Sigismund August's first wife died of epilepsy, and Barbara was presented to the court as the legitimate wife of the king. Unfortunately, the queen mother of Bona Sforza hated all the offspring of the Radziwill family, and therefore Barbara was soon poisoned by her order and died in terrible agony. She was not buried in the tomb of the Polish kings, but the body was taken to her native castle.

Oddly enough, but this is perhaps the only ghost whose origin can be explained by something other than the rich imagination of the people who saw it. Barbara, for example, was seen by many people during a seance arranged for the inconsolable king by the famous "magician and spellcaster" of that time, Pan Tvardovsky. He summoned the spirit of the deceased queen with the help of the so-called magic mirror, having previously agreed with the king that he would not try to touch his wife. Of course, the king could not stand it, tried to hug her, and she disappeared with a loud ringing. The secret of its appearance lies in the mirror, which Pan Tvardovsky, who left the Nesvizh castle in a hurry, left there. Behind a thin layer of amalgam, the image of Barbara is engraved, exactly as she was in life. If the light hits the mirror at a certain angle, then the ghost appears in the room.

Agree, this is an amazing trick in its execution, and explains quite a lot. It is quite possible that the rest of the ghosts seen by people in other parts of the world and under other circumstances appeared due to some understandable reasons. Another thing is that these reasons are still unknown.

6 Ghost Ship

Surprisingly, the most famous ghost in the world is not a man, but a ship - the Flying Dutchman. It is observed off the southern coast of Africa to this day, however, always at a great distance. It is described as an old shabby sailing ship. Previously, until the 20th century, sailors allegedly managed to get close to the ghost ship, and then it was possible to distinguish the ghostly silhouettes of emaciated men (according to another version, skeletons moving along the deck).

Fata Morgana

According to legend, the captain of the ship Philip van der Decken fell in love with a girl, but she did not reciprocate, and then a stern sailor killed her fiancé. The girl did not survive this and threw herself off a cliff into the sea, and Van der Decken had to flee. When trying to go around the Cape of Good Hope, his ship got into a strong storm, but the ambitious captain did not want to wait out the bad weather in some bay. Instead, he began to blaspheme and swore that none of his crew would go ashore until they rounded "that damn cape", which brought a curse on himself and his crew. Since then, the ship has been forced to sail the ocean, and none of the crew has been able to go ashore. There is a version that the captain can set foot ashore once every ten years for exactly one day, and if during this time he finds a girl who voluntarily agrees to become his wife, then the curse will disappear.

Appearance Flying Dutchman often explained by the phenomenon of Fata Morgana - a mirage that occurs in the sea above the surface of the water.

7. The Ghost of Anne Boleyn

Anne Boleyn is another ghost not tied to a specific location. According to history, it can be found anywhere in the UK. Most often, eyewitnesses claim to have seen her wandering the corridors of the Tower of London, sitting near a window in Dean Convent in Windsor or on the estates of Blickling Hall. She is described as high beautiful woman dressed in white, carrying a severed head in her hands. Sometimes she was seen riding in a wagon drawn by headless horses, driven by a headless coachman.

The story of the ghost of Anne Boleyn originates in another legend of unrequited love. Anna was the second wife English king Henry VIII. For her sake, he founded the Anglican Church. This was necessary in order to divorce the previous wife: the Papal See at that time was categorically against divorce proceedings, especially when it came to monarchs. One way or another, the king married Anna, she bore him a daughter, but then the king's love ended, and he became interested in a new favorite. Heinrich accused the unfortunate Anna of high treason, took him into custody and subsequently executed him. Since then, Anna has been forced to roam the open spaces home country unable to find peace.

Interestingly, no one has ever seen the ghost of the treacherous Heinrich. At least in written sources there is nothing about it. As for Anna, her frequent appearances are written in every guidebook of a more or less famous castle.

8. The Brown Lady of Ryman Hall

The Brown Lady is the ghost of Lady Dorothy Walpole, official sources wife of Viscount Townsend II, who died in 1726. Her father for a long time did not give consent to their marriage, and when Dorothy nevertheless married the viscount, she very soon fell in love with another person. Her angry husband locked her in one of the rooms in their castle, Ryman Hall. It is believed that she died of smallpox, but some historians tend to believe that the cause of death was depression from separation from her lover. There is also a version that a jealous husband pushed her down the stairs.

Since then, the Brown Lady has been seen in the corridors of the estate more than once. It is believed that she cannot leave Ryman Hall until she finds her children, whom she did not see until her death due to her husband's ban on dating them. She looks like a blurry female figure in a strict brown dress. It's a pretty "peaceful" ghost. The lady never tried to make contact with eyewitnesses, did not speak to them and did not even look in their direction - she simply wandered through the corridors of the house and disappeared as suddenly as she appeared.

Surprisingly, there is even one photograph of this ghost, taken in 1936 by respected photographers Captain Provand and his assistant Indre Shira. These people had impeccable reputation, so most of the inhabitants of that time did not question the authenticity of the photograph. It was published in the prestigious magazine " rural life” and served as an excellent advertisement for the old estate. However, it is impractical to talk about the authenticity of the photo today: firstly, even in the first half of the 20th century it was easy to make such a fake, and secondly, there is no more documentary evidence of the existence of a ghost.

9. Black dogs

Black dogs are traditionally described as shaggy dogs the size of a calf with glowing red eyes and a baring mouth with huge fangs. They were seen only in Great Britain and Ireland, most often near river and sea ​​shores or in graveyards. Otherwise, the legends about the terrible black dogs vary greatly. According to some sources, a meeting with a dog means imminent death either immediately from its fangs, or soon from incurable disease. According to other beliefs, dogs were considered, despite their appearance, good messengers and could lead lonely girls walking home at night along the road or lead a lost child out of the forest, and they were dangerous only for sinners or criminals.

Some esotericists explain the appearance of black dogs by the fact that some magnetic parallels allegedly pass in these places ( controversial version). Others believe that dogs are an energy imprint of dogs that lived in the past in these places, and their appearance is due to meteorological phenomena. Still others say that these are just ordinary dogs that have appeared at a distance from you, and fear, as you know, has large eyes.

It has never been possible to shoot a black dog on film, so there is no documentary evidence of their existence. Of course, a century and a half ago, corpses with obvious traces of fangs on the body were found in the vastness of Great Britain, but ordinary wolves could also do this to a lone traveler.

For a long time, stories about paranormal phenomena have excited the minds of many people, regardless of whether they believed in ghosts or not. Some of these legends presented in our article are the most mysterious and terrible.

Bell family witch

One of the most common legends about supernatural phenomena is the story of the Bell family, who lived in US state Tennessee. Their troubles began from the moment when the head of the family saw in his field unusual creature- a dog with a rabbit's head.

For four years in a row, the spirit, who called herself the witch Kate Betts, drove the unfortunate family crazy with various sounds and physical attacks. Bell's youngest daughter Betsy, as well as father John, had a particularly hard time.

At the same time, the ghost practically did not touch Lucy, the mistress of the house. Perhaps this is due to the fact that under her bed was found strange book titled How to Set a Witch or Spirit on Your Family.

After 4 years, the witch left the unfortunate family alone. But until now, Bell Witch Cave remains very popular with tourists at this place. Rumor has it that Kate's ghost still lives there.

Graveyard Ghost Mary

The city of Chicago is world famous for its paranormal activity. One of the most famous is the ghost of the girl Mary, who suddenly appears on the roads of the city.

For the first time a ghost was seen in the 30s of the last century. The driver, driving along one of the streets, noticed a strange pale girl in a long white dress. He offered to give her a lift and she agreed. The girl was silent all the time, and then quietly asked to stop near the cemetery. When she got out of the car, she simply vanished into thin air.

According to the most popular version, Mary during her lifetime was an ordinary girl who returned home along Archer Road with dance school. However, she was hit by a car on the way, and the driver ran away without helping her. Since then, her ghost has been haunting this street.

The Gray Man from Polis Island

In the small town of Polis Island, they believe that something supernatural lives near them. The legend about this ghost is the strangest for the reason that gray man not only does not harm or kill people, but also helps them in trouble.

Most often, a faceless ghost appears before the onset of a hurricane or storm. The people who saw him safely endured all the weather disasters.

There is a version according to which the Gray Man during his lifetime was a young traveler who, a moment before his death, met his love. Since then, he has been looking for her on the shore, while helping others.

Poltergeist in Cottage City

Based on the legends about the events that took place in the small town of Cottage City, William Blatty wrote his bestseller The Exorcist. The novel tells the story of a young girl possessed by a demon. In fact, in Cottage City, paranormal activity occurred with a 13-year-old boy, known under the pseudonym Roland Doe.

After the young man played with the Ouija board, strange things began to happen in the house - beds shook, furniture fell, and completely incomprehensible loud sounds were often made.

The obsessed boy was transported to a St. Louis hospital, where several priests performed an exorcism, during which inexplicable things also happened. As a result, the boy was healed and was able to return home, and this case became not only the basis for the book, but also for a large number of films about the expulsion of demons from the human body.

Ghost of Abraham Lincoln

The 16th President of the United States, who became a legendary figure during his lifetime, did not cease to amaze people even after his death. After his assassination in 1865, the ghost of Abraham Lincoln began to appear in different places most often in the White House.

Over the past century and a half, this ghost has managed to frighten many high-ranking guests, including the Queen of the Netherlands and Eleanor Roosevelt. But the most interesting story happened to Winston Churchill. When the British Prime Minister, coming out of the bathroom, saw the ghost of Lincoln in his bedroom, he turned to him with the words: "I'm sorry, Mr. President, but you put me in awkward situation". After this phrase, the ghost immediately vanished into thin air.

Ghost of Amityville

One of the most bloody stories associated with the paranormal is connected with the small town of Amityville. In 1974 there was terrible tragedy when in the middle of the night Ronald DeFeo shot his entire family with a shotgun. As he claimed in court, he was ordered to do this by some Indian leader.

A year after the murder, the Lutz family settled in this house. However, soon after the move, strange things began to happen again. Voices began to sound in the house, from time to time unpleasant odors and cold spots, the crucifix on the wall was spinning, something began to attack family members. The Lutzes left the house in a hurry, leaving almost all their belongings there.

Despite the fact that all this is considered fiction, including the infrared photograph of the “demonic boy” taken by charlatan photographer Ed Warren, the legend of the Amityville poltergeist is still considered one of the most popular in America. A film about these events, made in 1979, was so successful that there has since been a a large number of its remakes and sequels.

The ghosts of the Lemp mansion

After moving from Germany, William Lemp became the beer king in St. Louis with his Falstaff brand and various technological innovations such as the use of refrigerators for storage and transportation. finished products. But in history, this businessman is remembered for filling his house with terrible ghosts.

Between 1904 and 1949, four members of the Lemp family shot themselves. After that, their ghosts were left to roam the rooms of the family mansion.

In addition to suicides, there are ghosts of Lemps who died of natural causes. Among them is a boy with Down syndrome, who was always hidden from prying eyes in the attic.

Today, the Lemp mansion has been turned into a hotel that is known for its adventurous night tours.

Greenbriar Ghost

This paranormal activity is unique in that the ghost of Elva Zona Hister was the only spirit whose testimony was taken into account in court when sentencing her killer.

It all happened in Greenbrier County at the end of the 19th century. In 1886, a girl named Elva Heister married Edward Shue, who turned out to be a pervert who killed her a year later. Initially, the doctor did not see signs of violent death, so the maniac escaped punishment.

The only person who did not believe in Elva's version of natural death was her mother, who did not trust Edward. In addition, for four nights, the ghost of her daughter appeared to her in a dream and told that it was Shu who broke her neck. As proof of this, the Zone rotated its head 180 degrees.

The mother demanded an autopsy on Elva's body, which showed that her neck had indeed been broken. The murderer's lawyer tried to make a mockery of the prosecutor at the trial, accusing him of relying on the testimony of a ghost. However, Edward Shue was still convicted and sent to prison. Since then, the ghost of Elva of the Hister Zone has not visited her mother again.

Ghost of Charles Rosna

In 1848, sisters Margaret and Kate Fox became famous for their synchronized finger tapping. As the girls claimed, the devil himself dictates the rhythm to them. They later claimed to have passed on information from Charles Rosna, a merchant who was killed and buried in their basement.

Developing a system of communication with the spirit, the Fox sisters very soon became famous throughout the country and acquired fans. Among them was even the famous Arthur Conan Doyle. Thanks to Margaret and Kate, spiritualism appeared and became very popular in America as a way of communicating with the dead.

Madonna of Baschelors Grove Cemetery

If one or more ghosts are seen in most places with paranormal phenomena, then there are a lot of them in this place. On the territory of the cemetery, they often see multi-colored glows, the ghost of a farmer and his horse, a disappearing black dog. At one time, a two-headed ghost and even a phantom car were met here.

The most famous local ghost is the so-called Madonna, or the White Lady. This is the ghost of a girl dressed in a white robe. She often walks around the cemetery with a small child in her arms, and sometimes she was seen sitting on a tombstone.

Ghosts. Almost no one believes in their existence. But what to do when you see before your eyes irrefutable evidence of their presence among us? We bring to your attention the most famous ghost photographs in the world. The authenticity of many was confirmed by experts.

(Total 15 photos)

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1. Mysterious move

A strange legend surrounds railroad crossing south of San Antonio, Texas. They say that at the intersection of the highway and railway several children were killed, and their ghosts still haunt near the place of their death.

Enthusiasts explored this place and took several pictures, one of which shows the ghost of a little girl. Near her feet is something that looks like a dog or, as some believe, a teddy bear.

2. "Lady Brown"

"Lady Brown" by Captain Provende: This ghost portrait of "Lady Brown" is actually the most famous shot ghosts of all time. It is believed to be the ghost of Lady Dorothy Townshed, wife of Charles Townshed. The couple lived at Raynham Hall in Norfolk, England in the early 18th century. Dorothy was rumored to have been Lord Wharton's mistress before marriage. Charles suspected Dorothy of treason. Although according to the documents she died and was buried in 1726, people suspected that this was a performance, and that Charles locked his wife in the farthest corner of the house until her death, which came many years later.

3. Lord Combermere

Photo by Sibell Corbet: in the photo you can see a blurry figure of a man sitting in a chair. It is believed to be the ghost of Lord Combermere, an early 19th century British cavalry commander who died in 1891 as a result of a horse-drawn carriage.

4. Freddie Jackson

Behind one of the aviators, you can clearly see the face of another person. It is believed that this is the face of Freddie Jackson, an aircraft mechanic who died in an accident (he was killed by a propeller) two days before the shooting. His funeral was on the day the picture was taken. Colleagues easily recognized Jackson in the picture. They decided that Jackson, not realizing he was dead, decided to participate in the group shoot.

5. Priest

Ralph Hardy, a retiree from White Rock, British Columbia, took this famous 1966 photograph. Maritime Museum in Greenwich. However, after developing, the picture showed a figure walking up holding the railing with both hands. Experts (including those from Kodak) who examined the original negative came to the conclusion that no manipulations were made with it. It is known that in the area of ​​​​the stairs a similar visual phenomenon was noticed more than once.

6. Ghost in the car

While visiting her mother's grave in 1959, Mabel Chinnery photographed her husband waiting for her in the car. After developing the film, both spouses were surprised to find in the photo a figure in the back seat that resembles the late mother Mabel.

7. At the cemetery

Terry Ike Clanton took a photo of his friend at Boothill Cemetery. The photo was taken on black and white film, as a friend wanted to take a photo in the style of the Wild West. Clanton took the film to be developed and was very surprised when he received the pictures. An image of a man in a dark hat appeared in the upper right corner. Judging by the height of the figure and the angle, a person either has no legs, or he is on his knees, or ... rises from the ground.

On November 19, 1995, the City Hall of Wham (Shropshire, England) burned to the ground. Many onlookers gathered to watch the fire of this old building, built in 1905. Tony O'Rahilly filmed the fire from across the street. One of the photos shows a translucent figure of a girl standing in a doorway. Neither O'Rahilly nor the other bystanders or firefighters remember the girls at the time of the fire. Judging by historical documents a fire in 1677 destroyed many wooden houses in the city. According to legend, a little girl named Jayne Charm accidentally set the roof on fire with a candle. Many believe that her ghost lives in this territory.

9. On the gravestone

The picture was taken during an investigation at Bachelor Grove Cemetery, near Chicago, by the Ghost Research Society (PRS). On August 10, 1991, several members of the IPR were in a small abandoned cemetery on the outskirts of a forest reserve in the suburbs of Midlothian, Illinois. The cemetery has a reputation as one of the most mystical cemeteries in USA. There are reports of over 100 different cases of strange phenomena occurring here: disappearances, incomprehensible sounds and visions, even glowing balls of light were observed here. After developing one of the images taken by the IPR, a lone woman can be seen sitting on a tombstone. Parts of her body are translucent, and her clothes are clearly antique.

10. Oil tanker

In December 1924, James Courtney and Michael Meehan, members of the Watertown crew, cleaned the cargo hold of an oil tanker en route from New York to the Panama Canal. As a result of an accident, they were poisoned by gas fumes and died. According to maritime tradition, the dead were buried at sea. The next day, one of the crew members saw their faces in the waves to starboard. They appeared in the water for 10 seconds, and then melted. During the following days, other members of the crew often saw the faces of the dead in the waves. Upon arrival in New Orleans, the ship's captain Kees Tracy reported the strange events to his employers, who advised him to capture the ghostly faces on film. Captain Tracy bought a camera and went to sea. When the faces reappeared in the water, the captain took 6 pictures and then closed the camera in the ship's safe. When the film was developed in New York, five shots showed nothing but water, and the last showed the dead sailors' faces clearly. The negative was examined for forgery by the Burns Detective Agency. After the change of the ship's crew, the faces no longer appeared.

11. In the church

This picture was taken in 1963 by the priest K.F. Lord at Newby Church in North Yorkshire, England. The picture caused a storm of controversy, as the ghostly face and the direction of the gaze give reason to talk about overlay frames. But, they say that this photo was studied in detail by experts who came to the conclusion that these are not two frames superimposed one on one, but one whole picture.

12. At the daughter's grave

A woman named Andrews visited the grave of her daughter Joyce, who died at 17. Andrews didn't see anything out of the ordinary when she took the photo of the gravestone. When the film was developed, Andrews was stunned by the image. small child sitting next to the grave. The ghost child appears to have been seen by Andrews as he looks directly into the lens.

13. Interior shot

In 1982, photographer Chris Brackley took a picture of the interior of London's St. Botolph's Church, but did not expect what he saw on film. In the upper right corner you can see the figure of a woman. According to Brackley, there were only three people in the church and not one of them was in the place where the figure is visible.

14. Priest

According to the author of the book about ghosts, there was another photographer in the church during the shooting of this shot, but neither he nor the person who took this shot saw either a ghost or a person. Since the figure is dressed in black, it is assumed that this is a priest.

15. Grandpa

Denise Russell took this picture of her grandmother in 1997 and was shocked when, after developing, she saw a picture of her deceased grandfather behind her grandmother's back.

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