An interesting script for a vocal studio concert. Scenario of the reporting concert of the vocal studio "kapelki"


Lysenko Angelina
Scenario of the reporting concert of the vocal group "Sounding Voices"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 13"


reporting concert


music director

Lysenko Angelina Petrovna

Republic of Tatarstan


Target: To cultivate interest in music and the art of singing, love and respect for loved ones and for everything that surrounds us. Create joyful mood, cause an emotional upsurge.

(The hall is festively decorated, the children sit in the center of the hall in a semicircle)

Vedas. The sun's ray laughs and teases

Fun in the morning today

Spring gives us a sonorous holiday

AND chief guest there kids!

The kids were looking forward to the party.

They learned songs

So that rascals and pranksters

You were all able to please.

We are very glad to see you - this time!

We all gathered here not in vain - these are two!

And thirdly, we are now

Let's start for all of you...

Chorus: Musical story!

We present to your attention the ensemble "Carousel" (senior subgroup)

Song "Holiday" V. Stepanov, L. Khismatullina,

CD disc "Listen and sing with us"

We happy Holidays looking forward to

Holidays bring joy to every home

A happy day begins with a song

A good light is lit in the heart

How many jokes and miracles we expect every time

We are waiting for all our dreams to come true

We are waiting for gifts of joyful, good news

And joyful smiles from their friends.

Vedas: Full of bird songs

Spring blossomed all around

The sun shone

Everything became beautiful:

And trees and bushes

And spring flowers.

Earth, rejoicing and laughing,

As for the holiday gathered.

Song "Spring Polechka" L. Olifirov,

CD disc "Listen and sing with us."

Vedas. Waking up from a dream

With a soft spring brush

Draws buds on the branches

In the fields - rook chains,

Over the revived foliage

The first stroke of thunder

And in the shade of a transparent garden

Lilac bush near the fence.

Song "Spring" music. and sl. A. Voinova,

CD disk "Young lady".

I saw today

What's on the street spring

We've been waiting for her for so long

And she already came

And in the sun, barbel beetles

Together they sing a song about spring

Answers them in pursuit of drops

I saw spring today

Lilac blossomed on the window

Blizzards and blizzards subsided

Forgotten cold

Like in a good old fairy tale

Spring has come to visit us

Etc. Warm wind played in my hair

The chintz of dresses swirled around the yard

And in the sun, barbel beetles

Together they sing a song about spring

On the asphalt again heels are knocking

Answers them in pursuit of drops

I saw spring today

Lilac blossomed on the window

Vedas. Now the girls from the younger subgroup will perform in front of you. They are only 4 years old, and despite their young age, they can definitely be called the rising stars of our kindergarten.

It’s true that people say: “It’s warm in the sun, but good in the mother’s presence!”

"Mother's heart better than the sun warm!

Song "Mommy" S. Antonova music. A. Pereskokova.

I will sit by the window

next to you,

I will look into your eyes

Like two streams.

They have both joy and sadness.

Sky is blue

You are the best on earth

My mommy!

golden ray of sunshine

I will braid in a wreath

I will give it to you

Joy is not melting.

I will love you

Even very, very

You are the best on earth

My mommy!

You lie down to rest

I will collect toys, do not make noise and do not be naughty

I will ask them.

Because sweet sleep

Best girlfriend.

Because sweet sleep

My mommy!

Kiss mom hard

I will hug her dear

I love her very much

Mom is my sunshine!

Vedas. The junior ensemble "Solnyshko" will perform a song for their beloved mothers.

The song "My mother is my sun" and music. T. A Elport

Our mother is like spring, as if the dawn is clear

And we all call her, my mother-sunshine!

Chorus. Sunshine, sunshine

Our mother is the sun.

Well, we, well, we ...

We are her sunflowers!

My older brother says

I am happy to help my mother

And we all call her

my sunshine mother!

Chorus. Sunshine, sunshine

Our mother is the sun.

Well, we, well, we ...

We are her sunflowers! (chorus repeats 2 times)

Vedas. oh what an insect

So unfamiliar!

Runs among the grass

Straws, blades of grass,

Will never stop -

Probably unwell.

Doesn't drink or dine

Runs around in circles.


The land between the beds,

Maybe looking for kids

Among the bushes and twigs.

Oh what an insect

So far unfamiliar!

Crawls forward, does not back away,

He's wearing a polka dot dress.

Guys, what is this insect?

Children: Ladybug!

The song "Ladybug" L. Razdobarin,

CD disc "Familiar insects" from the series " Musical alphabet development".

(performed by the junior ensemble "Solnyshko")

Bo-bo-bo, bo-bo-bo


Fly away, fly away

Fly away to the sky

Bo-bo-bo, bo-bo-bo


Bring us some bread.

Bring, cow, a bar of chocolate

50 chewing gum is also very necessary,

And a big banana.

a kilogram of strawberries and another big banana

And a big banana.

Bo-bo-bo, bo-bo-bo


Fly away, fly away

Fly away to the sky

Bo-bo-bo, bo-bo-bo


Bring us some bread.

Ladybug didn't come to us

Maybe the cow ate everything along the way

Bring us all of her

Or maybe she couldn't bring us everything

Bring us all of her

Bo-bo-bo, bo-bo-bo


Fly away, fly away

Fly away to the sky

Bo-bo-bo, bo-bo-bo


Bring us some bread...

Vedas: Well done boys! All the guests were cheered up with their cheerful song.

Vedas: Without a song in the world

Can't live a day

After all, immediately be sad

Singing land…

After all, it's not interesting without her

And boredom sets in

Our song is wonderful

She conquers everyone!

The song "Merry song" music. and sl. Varlamov

1) the sun came out

Because of the gray clouds

golden seed

Jumped the first beam.

He sings a cheerful song to us.

Rides through the fields, with the sky in half,

He sings a cheerful song to us.

2) And from this song

The silence melts

And with streams fun

Spring is jumping.

Rides through the fields, with the sky in half,

He sings a cheerful song to us.

Rides through the fields, with the sky in half,

He sings a cheerful song to us.

3) Woke up a song

warm rays,

And on the branches it's fun

The rooks are jumping.

They sing a cheerful song to us.

Jumping through the fields, with the sky in half,

They sing a cheerful song to us.

4) Into a fervent song

Just in love

Huge jumping

Children's country.

Rides through the fields, with the sky in half,

He sings a cheerful song to us.

Rides through the fields, with the sky in half,

He sings a cheerful song to us.

Vedas: In the center of the flower bed, near Natashka,

Flowers bloomed - daisies.

Beautifying all day long

They admire the dresses.

Like a big saucer

White skirt.

Bright yellow cap

Yes, a green shoe.

Song "Chamomile" and music. K. Makarova,

CD "Sun"

Taught on chamomile

Me grandmother guess.

It is very interesting

Tear off the petals.

Something I missed again.

One, two. three four seven

Oops, totally lost!

I sit all day wondering

Not even time to play.

But now I'm talking about Earring

Everything, everything, everything I can know

Chorus: one, two. three four five

Something I missed again.

One, two. three four seven

Oops, totally lost!

Just ran out of daisies

Petals scattered

Tomorrow I'll start over

Beware grooms!

Chorus: one, two. three four five

Something I missed again.

One, two. three four seven

Oops, totally lost!

One, two. three four five

Something I missed again.

One, two. three four seven

Oh, he doesn't like it at all!

Vedas: We invite you to perform the ensemble "Solnyshko"

Vedas: Daisies bloomed everywhere and all insects woke up

They began to buzz merrily, fly from flower to flower

The song "Daisies and Insects" L. Razdobarin,

CD disk "Chamomile songs".

Daisies stand in the meadow

Everything is standing, standing, standing.

And insects sit on them

Everyone is sitting, sitting, sitting!

Etc. Oh, daisies, oh, daisies

How cute are you.

Ah, bugs, oh, bugs

How cheerful!

For some reason, all daisies

Waving, waving their heads

Because all insects

They dance a mischievous dance!

Etc. Oh, daisies, oh, daisies

How cute are you.

Ah, bugs, oh, bugs

How cheerful!

Vedas: What are those sounds in the grass?

Only hear me-e, yes me-e,

A sheep came to the meadow

Frolic on the grass.

Every bug knows

Her soft curls

Gave her flowers

Unusual beauty.

The song "White Sheep" by L. Razdobarin,

CD disc "Children's Village Songs" from the "Musical Alphabet of Development" series.

(performed by the "Solnyshko" Ensemble)

Why big snowdrift

Wandering along the path

The snowdrift has a tail

And four legs.

ETC. white, fluffy

good sheep

Like a soft pillow

Warm like an oven

Running across the meadow

Hats, socks

Jacket and mittens

Mom will tie her daughter

ETC. white, fluffy

good sheep

Like a soft pillow

Warm like an oven

Vedas. Prowling the wolf hungry, angry

Bad "gray" in the spring

Yes, as for trouble

He met a bear in the forest...

Let's listen.

Song "Wolf" L. Razdobarin,

CD disc "Forest Adventures"

The gray wolf lives in the forest

Sings songs in the moonlight

The songs are very sad

Where are the hares tasty, tasty, tasty ...

Etc. Wolf once upon a time bear

stepped on the ear

And so now

The wolf has no hearing.

And one day he is in the forest

Met one fox

And now he's a whole year

She sings serenades, sings to her, sings to her.

Etc. Wolf once upon a time bear

stepped on the ear

And so now

The wolf has no hearing

This song no one

Doesn't go to listen

And so now

He wants to eat, eat, eat everyone ...

Etc. Wolf once upon a time bear

stepped on the ear

And so now

The wolf has no hearing! Woo!

Vedas: Everyone was frightened by a terrible howl.

The wolf walked through the forest angry,

He was not happy with the holiday

And growled at everyone.

And I met Alyonka -

Didn't growl at her!

The little one smiled sweetly

Gave me a balalaika.

And why now growl,

If you can strum?

The song "Miracle Balalaika" Z. Root,

collection "Songs and holidays for kids".

(performed by the Carousel Ensemble)

The sun rises in the sky

The sky lit up.

With a balalaika for a walk

The good fellow is coming.

Oh, you are my balalaika!

Have fun playing!

play, don't be lazy

Show yourself to the whole world.

Tun dari tun dari,

toon da ri-ra,

tun dari tun dari,

tun da ra.

Good fellow goes

And leads a sweetheart.

He plays the strings

And Dunyasha is dancing.

Oh, you are my balalaika!

Have fun playing!

play, don't be lazy

Show yourself to the whole world.

Tun dari tun dari,

toon da ri-ra,

tun dari tun dari,

tun da ra.

Three strings, and how he sings!

The round dance began.

Oh, and the miracle of the balalaika,

All honest people are dancing!

Oh, you are my balalaika!

Have fun playing!

play, don't be lazy

Show yourself to the whole world.

Tun dari tun dari,

toon da ri-ra,

tun dari tun dari,

tun da ra.

Vedas: Children are our future, they are the flowers of life, they are our close and dear little people. Let's be caring not only on Children's Day, let's be so every day, every hour, every minute! We will do our best to make them happy! And you can start with the fulfillment of their desires, because our children need so little to be happy!

Song "Three Wishes" lyrics by I. Shevchuk mus. E. Zaritskaya

I have three wishes

Today I will open them for you:

So that dad was kind, so that he loved his mother,

So that my friend Seryozhka would give me candy!

I whisper in the doll's ear:

You know, fairy, what I want?

So that dad was kind, so that he loved his mother,

So that dad was kind, so that he loved his mother,

So that my friend Seryozhka would give me a flower!

Three wishes like petals

I release into the sky from my hand:

So that dad was kind, so that he loved his mother,

So that dad was kind, so that he loved his mother,

So that my friend Seryozhka would give me a ring!

To make my dreams come true

Repeat with me together:

So that dad was kind, so that he loved his mother,

So that dad was kind, so that he loved his mother,

So that my friend Seryozhka would give me a car!

To my friend Seryozhka

"Mercedes" gave me!

"Mercedes" gave me!

Vedas. Well, what is a holiday without a festive table.

The snow-white cooks put on caps,

We prepared pots and knives and scoops,

And cutting boards and baking sheets.

Oh, how hot it will be for the cooks at the stove today!

(Junior ensemble "Solnyshko" take spoons)

Song "Funny cooks" "V. Alexandrov

We are fun guys

We are funny cooks

Cooking, frying everything

For guests and children

We love saucers, we love spoons

And big ladles

Cooking, frying everything

For guests and children

Our dinner was cooked quickly

The cook was even surprised…. Oh!

Cooking, frying everything

For guests and children.

All children line up in the center of the room. (younger-1 row, older 2-row).

Vedas: The hour of fun has come to an end

Thank you for coming!

We were glad to see you...

And we see that you are happy!

Happy song now

We are ending our holiday!

We invite all guests to perform with their children all famous song called "Adults and Children"

Inseparable friends Inseparable friends

There is in the world.

Inseparable friends, inseparable friends -

Adults and children!

Song "Inseparable Friends"

With. Tanich. music V. Shainsky

Ride wonderful

On the shoulders, on my father's.

Get the top of your head

Before the signal: "Stop".

Dads, even important ones,

All single storey

And so with Serezha

Skyscraper dad.

inseparable friends,

inseparable friends

There is in the world.

inseparable friends,

inseparable friends -

Adults and children.

How tasty is

Bun with apricots.

The guard is not angry

Transport will wait.

Here comes the street

Mom two-part

And the second series

Leads by the hand.

inseparable friends,

inseparable friends

There is in the world.

inseparable friends,

inseparable friends -

Adults and children.

Children can by sea

Swim as captains

Doctor's drops

Treat runny noses.

manage obedient

tower cranes,

This is just them

We must teach.

inseparable friends,

inseparable friends

There is in the world.

inseparable friends,

inseparable friends -

Adults and children.

Adults and children.

Adults and children.

Vedas: Let's be happy, healthy

We will good light present.

Come visit again -

The path is always open for you!

(children say goodbye and leave the hall to the music)


Song "Holiday" by V. Stepanov, L. Khismatullina, CD disc "Listen and sing with us."

The song "Spring Polechka" by L. Olifirova, CD disc "Listen and sing with us."

Song "Spring" by A. Voinov, CD disc "Young lady".

Song "Mommy" S. Antonova music. A. Pereskokova.

The song "My mother is my sun" by D. Trubachev, V. Trubacheva, CD disc "My Mom".

The song "Ladybug" by L. Razdobarin, CD disc "Familiar insects" from the series "Musical alphabet of development".

Song "Merry song" A. Ermolov.

Song "Chamomile" by K. Makarov, CD disc "Sun".

The song "Daisies and Insects" by L. Razdobarin, CD disk "Chamomile Songs".

The song "White Sheep" by L. Razdobarin, CD disc "Children's Village Songs" from the "Musical ABC of Development" series.

Song "Wolf" by L. Razdobarin, CD disc "Forest Adventures"

Song "Miracle Balalaika" by Z. Root, collection "Songs and Holidays for Kids".

Song "Three Wishes" by E. Zaritskaya, CD disk "Farewell, toys".

Song "Funny cooks" V. Alexandrov.

The song "Adults and Children" lyrics by M. Tanich. music V. Shainsky

Used materials and Internet resources

List of used literature

1. Pereskokov A. V. “Songs for Kindergarten” - M .: Iris-press, 2006.-128 p.

2. Root Z. Ya. "Songs and holidays for kids" - 4th ed. - M .: Iris-press, 2006.-96 p. : notes-(“Attention: children)

3. "Bell" No. 3. Educational and methodological and musical and literary magazine for teachers, educators and parents. CJSC "Reprography"

Explanatory note


Development of interaction between the teacher, children and parents in the process of education creative personality child, creating favorable conditions for attracting parents to actively participate in the activities of the studio.



1. To improve in children the ability to perform expressively and intonation accurately, accompanied by a “minus” phonogram, diverse works, and to use the microphone correctly.

2. Expand the horizons of knowledge about hometown, History of Russia.


1. Develop the ability to control your performance, listen carefully and analyze the performance of your comrades.

2. Raise the level of stage performance in children, feel confident and free on stage.


1. To instill a sense of love for the Motherland, a sense of camaraderie and collectivism.

2. Raising children's interest in concert activities.


1. Coffee table, computer, multimedia screen.

2. Microphone, sound amplifying equipment.

3. Attributes and prizes for the game.


1. Learning songs with children and parents.

2. Selection of slides.

3. Creation of the presentation "Business card of the studio".

4. Work with parents on the design of the hall, the purchase of prizes and souvenirs.

Event scenario

Children and guests are in the hall. A solemn melody sounds. Leaders come out.

Presenter 1:

Dear children and distinguished guests! Our concert is dedicated to peace, friendship and love for the Motherland, the country where we play, study, work and just live. Do you know the name of our country? (children's answers).

For clear dawns, washed with dew, for the Russian field with tall ears,

For the rivers spilling in the blue flame you were called Russia in Slavonic.

Presenter 2:

I love you my Russia for the clear light of your eyes,

I love your meadows and fields, the transparent sound of your plains.

Willows leaning towards the water, the tops of flaming mountain ash.

I love, I deeply understand the pensive sadness of the steppes.

I love everything that I call in one great word - Rus'!

Presenter 1:

My dear side, how good you are!

Ah, Rosinochka - Russia! How your soul sings!

The song "Rosinochka - Russia", E. Zaritskaya - Spanish. junior vocal ensemble

(During this and subsequent vocal numbers, slides are shown on the screen about performing children and activities vocal studio)

Presenter 1:

Do you know the name of the capital of our Motherland?

(children's answers). That's right, this is Moscow, does anyone know how old she is? (865) What is the name of the city where you live? (children's answers). How old is he? (408) Many fabulous places in Russia, there are countless cities in Russia! Maybe somewhere it is more beautiful, but it will not be dearer than here!

Presenter 2:

Like the song of boundless Russia, the names of cities sound,

But still, my friends, I have the most beautiful city!

Presenter 1:

Raise your hand those who were born in the city of Tomsk! Now raise your hand, those who think they know their city and its surroundings well! Now we'll check it out!

Game - quiz "Excursion to native places"

(slide show on the screen: “Views of the city and its environs”, for the correct answer - a sweet prize, if the children find it difficult to answer, parents help)

Presenter 1: Many smart and talented children live in the city of Tomsk, some of them are engaged in our house of creativity, which is called ... (children answer). And although they don’t even go to school yet, they are already performing like real artists!

The song "Once a palm, two palms" muses. E. Zaritskaya - Spanish. Maria G.

Song "About kindergarten» I. Ponomareva - Spanish. Zlata P.

Presenter 1: Now we will conduct another small quiz on knowledge and attention. Let's invite three girls of the same age to the stage and ask them four questions each. The one with the most correct answers wins.

Game - quiz "Do you know?"

1. What is the name of the country in which we live?

2. What is the name of our region: Far East, Siberia, Kamchatka?

3. What is the name of the capital of the Tomsk region?

4. What is the name of the inhabitants of our city?

5. What is the name of the street where you live?

6. What floor do you live on?

7. When is your birthday?

8. Name, patronymic, profession of father and mother?

(accompanied by a slide show, at the end of the quiz, children receive sweet prizes)

Presenter 1: For all those who participated in the game and those who listened carefully, our following performances:

Song "Accordionist Timoshka" T. Morozova - Spanish. Alena Sh

The song "Tired" by A. Petryasheva - Spanish. Ekaterina Ch.

Presenter 1: Let's talk a little about the city, about what is in it, what moves and what stands still, what happens sometimes and what always happens. As you probably already guessed, now there will be riddles. You respond culturally, do not shout loudly from your seat, raise your hand quickly!

Presenter 2:

1. Small houses run down the street,

Boys and girls are being transported to houses ... (bus)

2. Two rows of houses stand 10, 20, 100 in a row

And everyone looks at each other with square eyes ... (street)

3. From metal - a giant good deed he got carried away

It lay down across the river, along it, forgetting about the miracle, people cross the river ... (bridge)

3. To help you go through a dangerous path,

We burn both day and night - green, yellow, red ... (traffic light)

4. She drives quickly along the road, she hurries to the fire,

Give way to her, or everything will burn to the ground ... (fire truck)

5. Splashes of light are pouring everywhere, this is a festive ... (salute)

Presenter 1: Well done, you once again showed your outstanding abilities! Let's ask your parents what they think you are! (parents call adjectives: smart, talented, kind, etc.) Well, now tell us about yourself with an entertaining game!

Game "Make a word"(Children with posters in their hands, on which numbers are written on one side for any dance music moving around the hall. With the end of the music, they stand in a row in digital order. On a signal, the posters are unfolded, adjectives are written on them in a vertical order, defining positive features character. The upper letters are in bold type and form the name of the studio - domisolka).

Presenter 2: A ray of the sun laughs and teases us, today we have fun in the morning,

The day gives children a sonorous holiday and the main guest on it is the game!

The song "Visiting a Fairy Tale" by V. Dashkevich - Spanish. Sofia D

Song " colorful game» B. Savelyeva - Spanish. senior vocal ensemble.

Presenter1: We again continue to talk today about our Motherland, about native history, and again you are invited to a small quiz "Do you know Russian folk proverbs and sayings. Here we call on the help of our parents.

Game "Finish the proverb"

1. Proverb - flower, proverb ... .. berry

2. good proverb not in the eyebrow, but in ... ..eye

3. When the sun is warm, when the mother ... good

4. Work feeds, and laziness ... spoils

5. The work of the master ... afraid

6. Alone in the field is not ... a warrior

7. Where the needle goes and ... thread

8. A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without ... a song

Presenter 1: And now it's time for us to get up, stretch our hands! Keep your back straight, stretch your arms together! Barely, barely, the carousels spun! And then faster, faster, stronger and stronger! Hush, hush, do not rush, stop the carousel! Now sit evenly, stretch your legs forward! Barely, barely, the merry-go-rounds spun, and then, then, then, everything was running, running, running! Hush, hush, don't rush, stop the carousel! (children in the field move their arms and legs alternately at a given pace) One - two, one - two, that's the game over! It's time to perform again!

The song "Colored Peas" by A. Varlamov - Spanish. junior vocal ensemble.

Song "Rain" music. Yu. Verizhnikova - Spanish. Victoria D.

Presenter 1: Love for the Motherland for each of us begins with love for the native places where you were born and live. big love to a small Motherland begins from childhood. What is childhood? Let's listen together!

1 child:

Childhood - magical kingdom, the joy of funny pranks!

It is a pity that people do not know about this medicine yet

But it doesn't matter, thank God, instead of busy days

Adults will come to the aid of the laughter and smiles of children.

Adults! If you are sad, cats scratch your soul,

Childhood in a pharmacy ask in drops or dragees!

2 child:

Take care of your children and do not scold them for pranks,

The evil of their bad days never rip them off!

And while in the house children's laughter nowhere to go from toys,

You are the happiest in the world, take care of adults childhood!

The song "Welcome to childhood" by A. Pavlovsky - Spanish. Sophia S.

The song "I and the sun" by A. Yermolov - Spanish. Elizabeth L.

The song "Friendship" by V. Shainsky - Spanish. Victoria S.

Presenter 1: There are different children in our city - smart and very smart, kind and angry, serious and funny, but the most creative and talented of them have gathered in this hall. So let them ring again and again today ringing voices and good good songs do not stop!

The song "Summer" by A. Kudryashov - Spanish. Elizabeth P.

The song "Yabeda-koryabeda" by E. Krylatov - Spanish. Alina K.

The song “The World of Art by A. Petryasheva - Spanish. senior vocal ensemble

Presenter 1: Today we talked a lot about our Motherland - Russia, but in order to be completely tolerant, I would like to say that our planet is so beautiful! There are so many rainbow colors in it, it becomes richer from hundreds of faces and voices!

Presenter 2: There is a place for everyone in this world, since you were born, so live,

The world will become joyful and bright from friendship, laughter and love!

Let him live on the planet and please again let's all say together:


Presenter 1: Ended another academic year, but we are not sad, because summer is waiting for us, and soon a fine September day will invite everyone again to a vocal lesson! At the end of our concert, we invite all the performers to the stage!

The general song "Stars are lit" from the repertoire of children. show groups"Smile" - Spanish. children and parents of the studio (during the performance of the song, the presentation "Business card of the studio" is shown on the screen)

Presenter 1: The holiday is over, the candles are extinguished, but do not be sad, therefore, children. Summer will rush by, then we will see you again here, kids!

(Organizational part with presentation of certificates, souvenirs and gifts).

Used Books:

1. V. Viktorov "Poems for children". Moscow: Drofa-Plus, 2004.

2. G. F. Vikhareva. "Song, ring!". St. Petersburg: Detstvo-press, 1999.

3. L. E. Streltsova. "Literature and Fantasy". M.: Education, 1992.

4. E. T. Borovik. "From word to music". Enlightenment, 1991. Minsk, 1995.




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Scenario of the reporting concert of the vocal studio "Orpheus"

"We are together!" 2018

Creative association


teacher of additional


Arysheva S.I.


Location: MBU DO "House children's creativity No. 4", theater Hall

Age and number of children: 50 students, group No. 1 (5-6 years old), group No. 2 (8-12 years old), group No. 3 (12-14 years old), group No. 4 (10-14 years old), group No. 5 (12-18 years old)

Purpose: Demonstration creative achievements students, summing up at the end of the year.


    Education of stage skills

    Develop Creative skills in children

    Formation of Stage Culture Skills

    Education of collectivism among students


- the hall is decorated balloons

Musical equipment;


Stage costumes and accessories..

Preliminary preparation:

Learning songs with students, preliminary rehearsals, run-throughs preparation stage costumes,

Development of letters.

Event progress:

Solemn music sounds, the presenter appears.

Presenter: Good evening Dear viewers, today we are pleased to welcome you to the annual reporting concert of the vocal studio "Orpheus" called "We are together!", The guys worked all year and improved the level of vocal skills from lesson to lesson, which they will show you today! Of course, the children are excited, as some of them will perform for you for the first time today.

And now I invite you to the stage junior group vocal studio "Orpheus"

who will perform the song "Hello World", soloists - Vera Kovalenko, Valeria Sushentseva, Saveliy Naletov.

There is everything in childhood - both miracles and colors,

Fantasy, dreams and masks

And rays of goodness laugh

And the sounds of songs pour right into the heart!

Meet the smallest soloists of the studio: Mamontova Svetlana and Boldysheva Ulyana, they have a debut today! Applause!

"Song about Jam" from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear"

Orange is the song of kindness

Flying high unearthly beauty.

Laughing orange eyes,

And the dew will turn orange in the morning!

Premiere. "Orange Song" performed by Ekaterina Vishnivetskaya and Alina Gololobova.

Great life, great life!

Breathe, laugh and love!

Beautiful day, beautiful night

If love lives in your heart!

Alisa Grivtsova enters the stage and sings the song "If love lives in the heart"

"Smile" Meet!

(children sing a song, remain on stage and sing the song “Do you love me?” Then they leave the stage to applause.)

Presenter: soloist of the vocal studio Kovalenko Vera "Far from mom" on stage

Childhood years will not be repeated,

How beautiful they are!

At the door of the soul they will knock again

In my memories!

(Entering the stage senior group vocal studio and perform the song "Childhood" and leave, the next song "White peakless cap" performed by Valeria Sushentseva and Saveliy Naletoy))

The presenter comes out and presents the performers with certificates for participating in the city festival of creativity.

Presenter: And now I invite the soloist of the vocal studio Grivtsova Alisa to the stage with the song "Lullaby"

The song "Romantic" performed by Anastasia Balandina, Maya Slyadneva, Alisa Grivtsova, Polina Grivtsova sounds!

We were not born for fighting, agree?

For happiness, light, good deeds,

For happy and beautiful days

The senior group enters the stage and perform the song "World without War"

Let's live, love and believe

Let's build castles and bridges

Let's open the doors in our souls

Let's trust people with all our dreams!

The final song "Dream" sounds

Presenter: And now the floor is given to the head of the vocal studio "Orpheus" Arysheva Svetlana Ivanovna.

Arysheva S.I.: Hello Dear friends, parents and guests, I am very glad to see you at our second reporting concert! I want to tell you Thanks a lot for your children, and for the fact that you are not indifferent to their efforts. And I also want to say that I love them all, they are great, they worked all year, struggled with timidity and sometimes laziness, and yet all the children performed for you today, and everyone has their own victory, so let's applaud them again!

I also want to congratulate everyone on the end of the creative season.

(Gives certificates and gifts)

Presenter: The floor is given to the chairman of the parent committee Sushentseva N.A.

Sushentseva N.A. : Svetlana Ivanovna, thank you for your work, for the fact that you are engaged with our children, and there is a result, we see it!

(gives thanks)

Host: Goodbye! See you soon!

“TOGETHER we dance and sing.”

Reporting concert

vocal studio "Melody" and

choreographic studio"Rhythm"

Dance 1.

O.R.: Good afternoon dear guys, dear parents, guests, everyone present. We are pleased to welcome you to the reporting concertvocal studio "Melody" and choreographic studio "Rhythm"!

Today we have a wonderful holiday, because we are TOGETHER, we sing and dance together!

How long have we been waiting for this day, preparing for it. After all, what is reporting concert? This is a day of fun, a day of joy, this is when you can show yourself and look at others. And in order to better see others - we need to learn how to fly! And flying together is more fun! So - let's fly!


O.R.: Let poems and songs sound Let childish laughter sound,

Yes, and adults with us It's not a sin to have fun.

The holiday brought us all togethertogether To make friends even stronger

And with your talents To please your friends again.

Dance 2

O.R.: How easily and beautifully our young artists perform today! It seems that you know how to sing and dance - go on stage and dare - surprise the audience! Right? Of course not, one talent is not enough! Rehearsals and rehearsals! And how much courage is needed to go out here into the hall, where there are so many spectators! Even adult artists have knees shaking! And what can we say about young artists... But the participants of our concert are already real stars, only small ones!

We are little stars.


O.R.: By your joyful eyes, by warm smiles and by good mood I feel that you like our holiday very much. Do you agree?

Olga Nikolaevna Barbolina brings a telegram:

We need urgent help

Two fairies lost their fun and sleep,

They've been arguing for days

Which of them is the most important!

Pouted at each other, saddened,

It's like swallowing a bad pill.

What to do? How can we be

How to reconcile angry fairies?

includes Song Fairy and Dance Fairy.
They get up offended, with their backs to each other.

And here are our fairies. Wow, so angry.
Well, Fairies, do not be silent, let's figure it out.
F. Songs:
Well, I do not! No need to figure it out!
How can the Dance Fairy compete with me.
I am Song Fairy! There is no more wonderful me in the world of music!
Poems, melody - merge together
And it's all called "song"!

F. Dance:
I don't agree with you, I'm a Dance Fairy!
Why do we need words, since the music is beautiful.
The movements are graceful and light,
As if moths are circling.
In dance I can convey the breath of the wind,
Or a babbling summer brook
And as under the warm spring rays
A magical flower is blooming!

Dance 3

F. Songs:
Surprised, I mean!
You can also dance to the song!
Imagine that you are going to a disco,
You dance and sing about dance.

We are going to dance.


F. Dance: Real dancers know the answers to all my questions!

Ballerina shoes?pointe shoes

Name the goddess of dance?Terpsichore

What is the name of the ballet skirt?tutu

- "Fruit" dance of all sailors? bullseye.

Summer half? Enka.

Dance, characteristic feature which is the rhythmic percussive footwork?Step or tap dance.

Last question- the name of the dance being performed…………….

Dance 4

F. Songs: Do you think that everyone will answer your questionsMaybe! And I can check the children's attentiveness of auditory perception, which is very important for any vocalist!

Friends! The long-awaited summer holidays. Summer is always great! Sea, sun, beach, camping or an exciting journey! Are you all ready for vacation? I will name summer and winter words. When I say the summer word, everyone clap their hands and shout “yes”, and when I say the winter word, everyone stomps and shouts “no”.Sea, ice, sand, snow, sun, beach, berries, snowdrift, snowstorm, flowers, mushrooms, dandelion...



F. Dance: And I can teach everyone to dance at once.

Repeating game "Dance like me"

Dance 5

F. Songs: Just think ... And I can teach everyone to sing at once.

Repeat song

New Generation.


The fairies are arguing over who is the boss.

O.R.: No no! So your argument will never end.

Do you really not understand!

Can't live in the world without a song

She will teach you to love, to give warmth and affection to everyone.

And raise the mood And please all of you again.

Can't live without dancing

Who will waltz you around?

Will tell the dance about flowers blooming About rain, snowflakes, mood.

F. Songs: You, Dance Fairy, forgive me
And how the guys sing, look.

Dreams fly away.


F. Dance:
Don't be angry, my friend, Song Fairy.
What should we share? There is no more wonderful music in the world!
Here the girls are dancing, look;
Their movements are graceful and easy!

Dance 6.


O.R.: The dispute is resolved, it is time for reconciliation.
Everyone has good mood?

F. Songs:

Peace in the soul ... a song in the heart ...

All thunderclouds past...

When we sing, when we are together...

Then everything around is so beautiful ...

A stream flows loudly, Thunder falls from the sky -
This is its eternal melody Nature fills the world!

The world is around you.


F. Songs: Together we really need each other.
Words are essential to a song.
Can you dance without music?
And delight the wondrous heart with music.

F. Dance: Long live music: dance and song!
Let's all walk together with you.
May happiness, kindness, live next to you.
Long live music - our eternal friend!


O.R.: The hour of parting has come.

We are together like a family!

Until we meet again, friends!

GBU DO Palace of Children's (Youthful) Creativity

Moskovsky district of St. Petersburg

Music department


anniversary concert

pop vocal ensemble"Ovation"

"Hello Spectator!"

Yulia Vladimirovna Rudakova -

methodologist, teacher education

Susanna Stepanovna Yeghiazaryan -

Sintsova Daria Viktorovna

concertmaster of the music department

Saint Petersburg


Explanatory note

Idea. It has become a tradition to perform at the reporting concerts of the Ovation Variety Vocal Ensemble of students, teachers and parents. The festival of creativity of the Variety vocal ensemble "Ovation" is held as part of the anniversary events of the 10th anniversary of the group.

Form : project-concert


  • Creation of musical traditions that unite the creativity of children, teachers and parents.


  • To change the attitude of children to music as a unifying factor of family values;
  • Create conditions for changing the motivation for learning music;
  • Encouragement to actively organize content musical leisure children and their parents;
  • To create conditions for the formation of a listening culture, developing the general and musical horizons of pupils on the example of family musical creativity.


  • Visual method (storytelling, showing photos and videos);
  • Visual-auditory method (performance of musical works);
  • positive example method;
  • Method of emotional impact and stimulation;
  • A method of encouraging the preservation of family values.


  • Children will expand their understanding of music as an opportunity to form strong family traditions;
  • Children will show enthusiasm and love for activities to a greater extent, will be oriented towards a positive attitude towards family values;
  • Children and their parents will listen to music performed by their parents and teachers, expand their musical horizons;
  • Parents will improve the culture of raising a child-musician and will acquire the opportunity to organize joint family leisure;

Features of the program implementation:

1. Venue - assembly hall of the Palace of Children's Creativity of the Moscow region;

2. Time frame - 1 hour 30 minutes;

3. Number of participants - 60 people - students of the music department, teachers and their parents, invited guests - creative teams DD(Y)T and the city of St. Petersburg.

Necessary equipment:

Piano, computer, CD player, video projector, screen, lighting equipment, 8 radio microphones, light gun.

Concert program hosts:

Dzendor Alisa and Strizhevsky Vitaly - students of the children's musical theater"Cantabile".



Concert progress

Technical Notes




First number on stage

  1. "Hello Spectator!" FROM THE POINT

Use Yulia Rudakova and the concert group of the ensemble

Good evening, dear friends!
Good evening, true connoisseurs of the song!We are pleased to welcome all guests and parents sitting in this bright and cozy room. Everyone who came today to share with us our joy - the 10th anniversary of the Ovation Variety Vocal Ensemble, under the guidance of a creative teacher, a talented vocalist, mother of many children and just wonderful person Yulia Vladimirovna Rudakova.

Ten years of creativity

Ten years of pedagogical search,

Ten years of singing, sparkling stars

Ten years of high professionalism and full dedication to students.

BRAVO! (applause)

Let's rise to the sky for a song

And dissolve into white clouds

Let songs always sound over the world,

So that in their melodies we live for centuries.

  1. "Hello world" group 301 and 501


A curtain

Phonogram minus

1 microphone

Phonogram minus

All microphones + blanks

Video #1

Slide #1

Video #2

6 min.


How glad we are to see your smiling faces. Today there is no reason to be gloomy and gloomy, because today is the anniversary birthday of the Variety vocal ensemble "Ovation".

There would be no such bright children, such a sonorous ensemble, if it were not for the friendly staff of our Palace of Children and youth creativity which will always support Hard time, will say kind parting words.

The floor for congratulations is given to the director of the Palace of Children and Youth Creativity of the Moscow District, she was awarded the sign "For Achievements in Culture" of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. ...

Vergizova Elena Viktorovna

(flowers) applause...


Background music

Slide #1


10 min.


Great is the merit of the teacher in the education of talented youth, introducing children to the world of art, beauty, culture.

Timid kids come guys to the team.

Once upon a time, as today, today's graduates took the stage as small and inept as the youngest members of our ensemble. And that was 10 years ago.

  1. "Cranks" gr.201 EXIT

Phonogram plus

5 headsets

Video #3

3 min.

LEADING : Thank you, we continue our concert!

Anniversary date open,

Years fly like a bird, do not catch up,

But "Ovation" is only 10,

Let's celebrate with friends!

Today our old good friends have prepared their congratulations. They came to congratulate us. Meet the dance theater "Taledans" on the stage, leader and teacher - Lebedeva Tatyana Leonidovna!

  1. "Orchestra on the Avenue" Dance Theater "TaLeDance"
  2. "Rock-n-roll" Maria Ustavshchikova and Dance Theater "Taledans" EXIT

Words by Lebedeva T.L. (flowers)

  1. “A Tisket and a tasket” Nastya Sentbekirova EXIT



1 microphone


1 mic.

Slide #1

Slide number 2


Video #4

10 min.


If with a friend went on the road -

Merry road!

Without friends, I'm a little bit

Without friends, I'm a little bit

And a lot of friends!

What is snow to me, what is heat to me,

What is pouring rain for me,

When my friends are with me!

Meet the vocal and choreographic studio "Kadans"!

  1. "Quiet Harbor" wok. –choreographic studio. "Kadance"


... microfiche

Slide #1

Slide #3

3 min

HOSTS: (backstage)

There is everything in childhood - both miracles and colors,

Fantasy, dreams and fairy tales

And rays of goodness laugh

And the sounds of songs pour right into the heart!

  1. "Potpourri school" conc. Gr. EXIT

9. "Valentines" 301 gr. FROM THE POINT


5 mic


8 mic

Slide #1

Video #6

Video #7

8 min


Thanks for your awesome songs! We wish you a bright creative way!

And we continue our concert!

The repertoire of the ensemble and its soloists includes folk, military-patriotic, pop, jazz and children's popular songs.

My homeland is rich in songs.

The song glorifies sweet lands.

Voiced, cheerful, sad at times

It flows like a free river through Russia.

Love our songs villages, cities,

If there is a song nearby, grief is not a problem!

How many songs have been sung! How many we will sing!

We live in this world with a song!

  1. "Russian Field" trio Trifonova Nastya, Vasilyeva Marianna, Sentbekirova Nastya FROM THE POINT

10. "Fly summer" 501 gr. EXIT


3 mic


5 mic

Slide #1

Video #8

Video #9

6 min


Thanks guys!

……….. why are you sad?

: Looking at these young artists, I feel a little sad, because my childhood days at the Palace of Children's Art are over and will never come back.

Do not be sad, dear friend, smile!

Forget all sorrows and pain

Open your heart to the world

And the whole world will be kind to you!

Hall illuminated with wonderful light,

Filling my heart with warm summer

Sing melodies, the universe is silent

Only the music is playing!

Meet! On our stage - graduates of the ensemble "Ovation"!

12. "Drop" Eva Batrukova FROM THE POINT

13. "Beautiful mess" Anast. Trifonova FROM THE POINT

14. "Pirate Blues" Maria Ustavshchikova EXIT

15. "Wreath" Susanna Yeghiazaryan and Alisa Rudakova EXIT


1 mic


1 mic


1 mic

2 mic

Slide #1

Video #10

Video #11

Video #12

Video #13

10 min.


Now our team is very popular and in demand in the city. Teachers and children had to work hard to establish themselves on city sites, to take their rightful place among the best teams cities!

For us The video greeting was prepared by the leaders of the City educational and methodological association of teachers of pop vocal direction and the center of culture and creative development"Rising star".

The ensemble is not born on its own - it is the tireless work of teachers, children and, of course, the understanding of parents who, together with us, create an atmosphere of creativity. Low bow to you, dear parents! And this song is for you!

Meet the ensemble of mothers "Trio Retro"!

16. “The song goes around” ensemble of mothers “Trio Retro” FROM THE POINT

Phonogram minus

3 microphones

Slide #1

Video #14

Video #15

4 min.


We are connected with the children's musical theater "Cantabile" not just by the common territory, we are with the theater - one whole, friendly and inseparable creative family!

The word is given

Head of the Music and Theater Section, Honorary Worker general education, the best teacher additional education Saint Petersburg, artistic director Children's musical theater "Cantabile" -

Rovnoskikh Elena Olegovna.

(delivery of flowers)

And now a creative gift from our friends!

17. Dance from the Performance "Dandies" music. theater "Cantabile" EXIT

Slide #1


4 min.


Thank you for a great number!

It seems to another person that it is easy to lead a team, make an arrangement, paint a vocal score, come up with and embody a stage number and image. But in creativity, the apparent lightness

achieved with great difficulty. Behind the song, which seemed to be easily performed, lies the intense rhythm of rehearsals. And for 10 years there were a huge number of them in the team!

Now a figure will sound ... But if you think about it, that there is something more behind the dry statistics, then you, dear friends, will now applaud. Over the years

his creative activity Ensemble "Ovation" participated in more than 700 concerts and performances. And there are still so many roads ahead, calling and alluring, so many festivals, competitions, and, of course, victories!

The stars from the sky illuminate the earth for us,

Carrying a quiet light of hope,

They are also lit on the ground,

It's not a little, as much as 10 years.

On the stages of the city they shine brightly

And there is no priceless gift for the viewer.

  1. "The World I Need" duet Maria Meleshko and Anastasia Sentbekirova

Phonogram minus

2 microphones

Slide #1

Video #16

4 min.


Friendship is a warm wind

Friendship is a bright world

Friendship is the sun at dawn

A fun feast for the soul.

Friendship is only happiness

Friendship is one thing.

With friendship, bad weather is not terrible,

With friendship - life is full in spring.

Meet the creative gifts of our friends!

  1. "Will!" "The Grand Prix" EXIT
  2. "Nataraji" Dance Studio "Gardarika" Hand. And the teacher Yulia Alexandrovna Sergeeva.


7 mic


Slide #1

Slide #5

Slide #6



For these 10 years, true professionals have worked in our ensemble - teachers. We ask those present now to come up to this stage:

Lozhkina Tatyana Nikolaevna,

Chetvertkova Natalia Valerievna,

Ilyasova Elmira Borisovna,

Rumyantseva Galina Nikolaevna,

Zarubina Ksenia Petrovna,

Lvova Daria Alexandrovna;

Vasilyeva Tatyana Alexandrovna


Kukin Valery Viktorovich,

Osipova Galina Ilyinichna,

Cheredin Vladimir Ivanovich,

Lapina Maria Evgenievna,

Smirnova Marina Viktorovna,

Sintsova Daria Viktorovna,

Yeghiazaryan Susanna Stepanovna.

We invite to the stage our dear guests, leaders

Team "Gardarika" - Yulia Aleksandrovna Sergeeva,

Ensemble "Kadans" - Mazurin Alexander Alexandrovich. As a token of our respect and gratitude, accept these flowers! (presentation of flowers)


What compares to music in terms of sound?

Noise of the forest? The singing of a nightingale?

Thunderstorms? Brook sound?

I can't find comparisons.

But whenever there is confusion in the soul,

Love or sadness, fun or sadness - In any mood given by nature

Suddenly the music starts playing.

  1. "Youth" wok.-choreography. Ans. "Kadance" EXIT
  2. Potpourri Giants 301 gr EXIT

Background music


... mic


7 mic

Slide #1

Slide 7

Video #17

10 min.


The vocal group is not an addition, it is a multiplication of talents, and as a result - happiness and joy, which they have been bringing together for 10 years to near and far corners of the Earth. May your friendship never end

mutual understanding - musical and human, from which we all feel so light and good!

23 "Winner Takes All" EXIT

(Final) concert group and all participantsat the last verse, all participants of the concert go on stage)

Yu.V. Rudakova

It's time, it's time. The spotlights will go out, the hall will become empty, plunging into shadow,

But if the soul is open to joy,

You will keep this day in your heart.

Thank you for your kind attention

For the fact that you came to the anniversary.

Thank you, see you again

We will be glad to see all our friends!!!

Our concert has come to an end, but we, like our Music, do not say goodbye to you. We are again waiting for the moment to say to you: (everyone) "HELLO spectator!"

(delivery of memorable gifts, photo session)

Total: 91 min.


5 mic

Background Music "Winner Takes All"

Slide #1

Video #18



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