Lesya Yaroslavskaya Star Factory. Talented mother Lesya Yaroslavskaya


There was a period in your life when you had to leave the Tootsie group. Can you tell me how hard this decision was?

In fact, it was a short break for six months, when I went on maternity leave and gave birth beautiful daughter Elizabeth. I left the team, performances, tours. But I never specifically left the stage. As in 4 years I went to her, I’m not leaving and I’m not going to.

- Did the temporary departure from the group affect your career then?

Of course, I experienced difficulties during this period. Difficulties with the physical condition: during pregnancy, she gained weight and had to return to her previous form. Psychologically, it was not so easy, because not many believed that I would return to the group, although Viktor Drobysh initially said that this place was for me. To Tootsie, I experienced the most reverent and good feelings, therefore, to be honest, I could not even imagine the existence of a group without me. Maybe it sounds presumptuous, but I put too much soul into this team and did not consider myself as solo artist. Even, maybe, it hurt too much, and on own creativity paid not great attention. And now, when I myself write songs, music, I am actively engaged in solo performance, I understand that I should have done this earlier and now there would be more songs written.


Shooting a new video

- And how did you manage to return to your previous forms after pregnancy?

During the pregnancy itself, I tried to hold on, but I could not deny myself everything. I clearly understood that the child now eats what I eat. I had no right to leave him without calcium and vitamins. Therefore, I then gained 18 kg. After I stopped breastfeeding my baby, I realized that it was time to pull myself together.

What is more important - family or career?

In fact, my family knows that without creative life I'm starting to fade and it's very important for me to have time to perform, to tour, to write music. Of course, I cannot put an equal sign between these two concepts, because the family is more than a family for me. These are my closest, dearest people who accept me and love me in any condition, whether I'm a singer, a mother or just a tired person after work. Fortunately, now I competently balance between family and career.

- How do you manage to engage in both creativity and family?

All your own free time I try to spend with my family. I do not go once again to some worthless and unnecessary parties. I can’t say that I manage to do everything, I regret that there are 24 hours in a day, and not more. But I try, I try so that no one is deprived of my attention and those close to me always help me in this. The work, of course, takes up a lot of my time, and I can't rely on anyone, because now I make my own decisions about what I perform, what I shoot and who I work with.

- Where do you get inspiration for creativity?

Sometimes it’s impossible to force yourself to write something on purpose. It seems to me that it is very important when the music is written not just to order, but comes from the heart. Then it really resonates with people. For those who listen to me, for some reason it seems that all my songs are autobiographical. In fact, I can sometimes write a song because my loved ones have experienced a colossal gap. family relations. You may just want to write a song, for example, about summer. That is, sometimes I write from joy, sometimes from grief.

- For what audience do you create your songs?

I do not have any specific age criterion, as practice has shown. Everyone in my music finds something for himself. And active youth and adults. For example, I recently put my song “Wake Up Love” in the car and two adult women, my friends, just sobbed and said that this was about them, this was their story. It seems to me that I write texts that people understand, I try to be sincere.

- Which countries do you choose to travel with your family?

So in Lately it happens that I’m not going to travel specifically to any country, but I combine tours and holidays, it’s quite convenient. This year we celebrated New Year in Slovakia. There were strange sensations, we were already used to our atmosphere, to our country, and then it turned out that we had to celebrate them three times because of the time difference: first Russian, then Ukrainian and Slovak. I really like the Seychelles, if I had the opportunity to buy tickets now, I would immediately go there. My dream is to visit Prague, Spain. But the main thing is not the place of rest, but with whom you spend it.

- Do you have your own beauty secrets?

For me, sleep is very important. When you can't sleep, ice cubes save you. It could be like plain water, and decoctions of chamomile or mint. They are always in my freezer and it is very convenient. Even when you haven’t had enough sleep, after such procedures your face wakes up and you yourself become more cheerful. I try to always fall asleep without makeup, no matter what state I come in. I don’t do any special facial procedures, I’m quite lucky with genetics. In addition, my friend the cosmetologist said that all sorts of facial massages once again pull and stretch the skin.

- Tell us about your future creative plans.

The day before yesterday we shot a gorgeous video with Volodya Yaglych in leading role, to the song "Be My Husband", which is already very exciting for people who have heard it. We took the coolest slow motion cameras ever, so I expect it to be fantastic work. In a month I should see the results of our labors. In addition, I now have a lot of projects. Recently, I met a Belarusian rapper, known in the hip-hop world as Ace Cape, and we recorded a joint song with him. As a result, she now has a high rating on radio stations in Belarus. When I went there for the first time to see the rapper, we shot a video. The camera turned on right at the airport and captured our acquaintance, our walks together, our impressions. The video is real and alive. I plan to continue collaborating with Ace Cape on new tracks. That is, a lot of interesting things are expected: in the fall I will present new album, a clip with Yaglych and a new duet with Ace Cape. It seems to me that now everything is just beginning.


After Lesya finished breastfeeding, she began to consume mainly fresh vegetables, fruits, dairy products, sat on kefir fasting days.

The singer took kefir and added ground ginger, red pepper and cinnamon. Consumed this drink throughout the day or three days. According to the young mother, it turns out very tasty, especially for those who do not like ordinary kefir. Naturally, she refused heavy food: mayonnaise, pork, fried foods.

Lessa also helped a lot with hula hoop classes for an hour a day. The singer lost 13 cm at the waist in a month and a half. For those who are not very friendly with sports, this is a great option.

Singer Date of birth March 20 (Pisces) 1981 (37) Place of birth Severomorsk Instagram @yaroslavskaya_l

Lesya Yaroslavskaya devoted her life to creativity and family. She performed compositions from the stage, she wrote the lyrics and music herself. Having achieved success in her career, the artist became a faithful wife and caring mother. Many of the singer's colleagues are still surprised how she manages to combine so many things at the same time. But for Lesya, this way of life is familiar, and she has no secrets.

Biography of Lesya Yaroslavskaya

Olesya was born in the early 80s in Severomorsk. This closed city is located in the northeastern part of the Murmansk region, not far from the sea coast. The girl's father was a military man, and her mother was engaged in music. From childhood, Lesya was instilled with a love of art and taught to sing.

Already at the age of 4, the little artist entered the stage of the local Palace of Culture. Together with her mother, she performed the song "Unnecessary Letters".

In 1998, the Yaroslavsky family moved to the Moscow region. Lesya began to visit Naro-Fominskaya music school. In parallel, she performed at city concerts and studied in circles of the officer garrison.

After graduating from the piano class, the girl auditioned for the Constellation vocal studio. Teachers nominated Lesya to participate in various vocal competitions, festivals. She started to win her first prizes.

In 1996 artists vocal studio went on tour in Russia. They performed at concert venues capitals and regions. Yaroslavskaya also got to a youth concert in her native Severomorsk. In the coming years, the list of achievements was replenished with victories in youth competitions.

At the age of 16, Lesya graduated from school and entered the pop-jazz faculty at the MOUI. In parallel with her studies, she sang in restaurants and cafes. The singer's fees were enough for accommodation and small expenses.

Yaroslavskaya graduated from the Moscow Regional School with a red diploma. Then she submitted documents to the Institute contemporary art, who also graduated with honors.

A qualified pop vocalist returned to Naro-Fominsk and got a job as a teacher in the House children's creativity. In 2003, the singer sent an application for the show "Star Factory 3". Two months later, she dropped out, but producer Iosif Prigozhin managed to notice her. As part of his project, the girl traveled on tour in more than a hundred countries.

In 2005, Lesya was invited to the Tutsi group, the creator of which was famous composer Viktor Drobysh. Over the 8 years of the band's existence, 2 full-fledged albums and about 6 music videos.

Anthology of Russian girl groups: part 2

Hit: "Tootsie" shot the hit "The Very Best" - a remake of the song by Vicki Fersh. The single perfectly demonstrated the vocal abilities of each soloist separately. The clip was not long in coming, and with its release, the group gained ...


More recently, the Tootsie group has replenished with another young mother. Lesya Yaroslavskaya a graduate of the Star Factory3 project and a charming soloist popular group recently became a happy mother and gave birth to a daughter, Lisa. This energetic girl went on tour until the 7th month of pregnancy, easily went to high heels, had fun in the company of friends and now wants to go on stage again. Despite such active image life, Lesya easily copes with the role of a mother, with undisguised pleasure talks about the joys and pitfalls family life and motherhood and just teaches to be pregnant.

The life of a pop star, especially one grown at the Star Factory, is very active. Lesya, how did you manage to find time to take care of your personal life?
Everything was quite hectic at the beginning, right after participating in the project
"Star Factory". There was an endless tour, I came home only to change bags, take some things and leave again. Then everything became much calmer: we were leaving only for a day or two. And the concerts were all, mostly, nearby.
Did you often hear reproaches from Andrey, your husband?
I'm just proud of Andrew. Actually, I don't know how he, with his Scorpio character, endured those endless nine months of the tour after the end of the Factory. Everyone was sure that we would get divorced. And now they say that we do not live together. Probably, in honor of such a “divorce”, I decided to give birth to his daughter (smiles). My parents are amazing, they supported both me and Andrei. My husband actually just re-educated himself, began to treat my work with understanding. And it's worth it!
What is the age difference between you and your husband?
Nine years. My husband recently turned 36, and I 27.
You look so young you look like you're 18! Lisa your first child?
Lesya: Yes.
And the husband?
My husband also has his first child. And I am very happy that it was I who gave it to Andrey. We have been married for six years and together for seven years. We somehow did not set ourselves the goal of urgently becoming parents. We wanted to solve the housing problem first. We expected that we, as a military family, would be given an apartment. Everyone waited and waited and got pregnant. Now we are the first in line for an apartment! Therefore, it seems to me that God knows when to give a child.
Participation of a young wife in a closed TV project serious challenge for family life?
Yes, in fact, the cruelty at the "Factory" was unbearable. My heart was bleeding. On the project, I was the only married lady, and they didn’t even let me near my husband for a cannon shot. Moreover, they knew that the situation was terrible: my husband categorically did not let me go to the project. I went to the casting when Andrei was on a business trip in Solnechnogorsk. I took this step without consulting him, although usually we always decide everything together. I was just sure that they would not take me, I thought everything had been bought there for a long time. And then, after a while, they said that they were taking me. I passed a strict medical examination, although everyone said that I could not withstand such loads. And when the lists were eventually posted, I simply burst into tears, as I was psychologically completely unprepared for such a turn of events. I was afraid to even imagine what would happen in my family.
And what was going on in it?
Andrey actually gave me an ultimatum: either he or the project. But I understood that "Star Factory" was my chance. After all, I have been singing since the age of four, that is, all my life. On the other hand, I love Andrey very much, and I couldn’t destroy my family with my own hands either. Andrei saw how I was suffering, and as a result he gave the go-ahead for my participation in the project. However, he did not come to factory concerts, and we did not see each other for a month and a half. Andrei also did not want me to call him, because the calls would be broadcast throughout the country. He is a modest man, and all this noise around our family was a shock to him. When the project leaders decided to give me a meeting with my husband, he agreed, because he thought that we would be alone.

And here you too were disappointed
Lesya: Disappointment is an understatement. In addition to us, there were fifteen more people: security, correspondents, illuminators. Here Andrey comes to meet me with flowers, looks at me, hopes that they will leave us now. And we are seated at the table and begin to say in which hand to hold a glass, where to look. We couldn't even talk to each other face to face! We were ordered many different dishes, and we sat, did not eat, and looked at each other in silence all the time. Until now, when I remember or watch this meeting, everything inside me turns upside down. Nearby is your dear, beloved person, and you cannot do anything without a team of strangers. It is psychologically very difficult. They didn't even let us kiss - they kissed each other quickly and quickly parted ways. "Factory" is more of a reality show than a musical one. As if we are not musical talents chose, as well as the characters of the youth series.
Did you stay at the Factory for three months?
85 days. Now I remember everything as a dream, as if it was not with me. It is a great happiness when you can just be near your loved one, call him whenever you want, and no one will eavesdrop.
You still have the life of a not quite ordinary woman. Your profession does not involve home image life. How does Andrew feel about this?
He understands everything and helps me in everything. At first, he even went with me to nightly concerts and waited in the car until our performance was over. Until Lisa was gone and I actively performed, life was like on a volcano. They could even call me at night and say that I urgently needed to fly somewhere to perform. In general, this is such an extreme, to which, apparently, you get used to, you can’t even live without it. Once, when I was 7 months pregnant, I had to go to perform in Orenburg. I was barely put on the plane! Everyone hid me and my stomach in every possible way. And the artists were generally stunned: they didn’t understand how I could work. Moreover, the flight was difficult, we got into the turbulence zone, and we were shaking a lot. But I was sure that everything would be fine. As a result, we worked out the required one-hour concert in Orenburg. I was happy! I myself am amazed at how I survived all this: I was wearing a two-kilogram stage dress, it was very hot in the hall itself, and I felt so light. It was great to feel that I can do this in the seventh month! If it were my will, I would have worked in the ninth month.
How did your husband let you go?
The husband, of course, was very worried, afraid. But he knew: if I want something, I will achieve it. He just wanted to see me happy.
And how was your pregnancy in general?
Awesome! There was even a feeling that if it were not for the growing belly, I would not have realized at all that I was pregnant. I even went for mushrooms in the ninth month. Dad gathered for mushrooms, and I went with him. Gained more than I've ever collected in my life. I also put the car in the garage only a week before the birth. The doctors have already said: “Stop driving!” They were persuaded to lead a more measured lifestyle. And I went to some shows, acted in films. And the child, it seems to me, was so comfortable that he didn’t bother me a bit. I had some kind of pride that I live active life while being pregnant. I believe that if you feel good, you can live actively, then you don’t have to sit at home, knit socks and read horror stories about how the birth went.
And no toxicosis?
No, it was not! I found out that I was pregnant when I was already in my third month. I had an accident when I was going to my grandmother, a drunken uncle drove out to meet me. When they brought me to the hospital, they already said that I was in my third month of pregnancy. No toxicosis, no dizziness nothing.

What was said folk omens a son or daughter was to be born?
Lesya: Everything said that there would be a boy. Once we flew with Pankratov-Cherny on tour, he tortured me: all the way he said that a guy would be born, because his stomach was a cucumber and his face was clean. And the ultrasound only at the eighth month showed exactly that I would have a daughter. However, I didn't care who was born. I was just really looking forward to this baby. Andrei always said that a man dreams of a boy, but loves girls more. When my daughter was born, I asked if he was upset. He said he was overjoyed.
Was the husband present at the birth?
No, I already have him gray-haired ( smiling). And if I saw it, I would be white as a wolf. I wouldn't want him to go into such subtleties.
Did you give birth yourself?
Yes, she gave birth. But they called me into labor: there was an entanglement of the umbilical cord and polyhydramnios. On the eve of the birth, all my “manufacturer” friends came and supported me.
How did Andrei know that he became a dad?
My husband was on my way to the maternity hospital when I called him and said that I had given birth. Mom says he almost lost the steering wheel: he didn’t expect me to do this once and that’s it. And as soon as they let me go to the ward, my mother and Andrey immediately arrived. Just caught the first feeding of Lisa, filmed her on a video camera, photographed. The first thing they said about the child: “God, what eyelashes!” Eyelashes are really surprisingly long.
How do you cope with the child? Not difficult?
Yes, everything is great! It feels like being a mom is my calling ( smiling).
And when you go on tour, to whom do you give the child, who stays with him?
I'm not touring yet. If I have some kind of shooting, then my mother or sister sits with her daughter, she is 14 years old. It's so great that all the relatives live nearby and everyone is ready to help. Mom calls herself and says that she has not seen Lisa for two days and really wants to come and take a walk with her. I say: “Mommy, I myself will take a walk with her!” Mom is even a little offended, because she loves Lisa so much! Therefore, I am surprised when I hear from my friends that they cannot persuade grandmothers to take a walk once a month with a child. I am also glad that all my classmates already have children. And not even one child. Therefore, if I have any problem, I can call them at any time, they will tell me about everything.
And how does dad take part in raising a daughter?
I remember how surprised I was when I heard Andrei sing a lullaby to his daughter. He put so much soul into it. Dad just loves his daughter and spends all his free time with her. In fact, we do not have a division into male and female duties we do everything together.
And how did you prepare for the appearance of your daughter? Did you buy a lot of dowry in advance?
Lesya: I didn't buy anything. First, because of all sorts of superstitions. Then I decided to buy at least something, but my dad said that it’s not necessary: ​​when you give birth, then you can buy everything. And so it happened. The only thing is that Andrei persuaded me to buy a crib a week before the birth. They gave us a wheelchair. Luxurious Bebecar stroller with swivel wheels. I really like that her top is removed and it turns out a cradle for transportation. I am very pleased. Then they gave us a Kiddy car seat for Lisa. The chair is very beautiful, satin. But this is not the main thing it is important that it ensures the safety of Lisa during trips.
Lesya, tell us a little about how you got in shape after pregnancy and childbirth?
I came to the conclusion that the most important thing is at what weight you came to this pregnancy. If you are already 30 kg more than the norm, then you should not think that after giving birth you will become an inch. And during the pregnancy itself, you should not think that you can afford something superfluous. Luckily, I didn't have an increased appetite. I ate for nine months healthy foods: fruits, vegetables, cereals. During pregnancy I gained 15 kg and gave birth to a rather plump daughter 3340. I myself was born in 2300, premature, seven months old. After giving birth, I immediately lost 6 kg, which was upsetting. It seemed like very little. I thought that I would immediately start wearing old things, but it didn’t work out. But then, literally in a month, I threw in total 13 kg. And I discovered an assistant electronic scales. I recorded my weight every day and this causes sports interest. I want to weigh less and less every day. And of course, the hoop helped me, which I twisted for 2030 minutes a day. I will put Lisa to bed in the evening, turn on the TV, watch and twist. It seems that you don’t spend much energy, and the result is obvious the waist every day became smaller and smaller in volume.
The producer said that you need to get in shape faster, was he in a hurry?
We agreed that I would come as soon as I could work. Came in a month. Everyone was so surprised.
How did you feel when you became a mother?
In general, I never had any doubts that sooner or later I would become a mother. When I gave birth to Lisa, I realized that I had done something great! Only now I still have not had time to feel myself as a fully-fledged mother. But every day she is ready to scream with joy that she gave birth.

” №4/2015 13.04.16

Popular pop singer Lesya Yaroslavskaya talks about succession family values who help her raise her daughter.

Soloist famous group"Tootsie" Lesya Yaroslavskaya gave concerts not only in our country, but also abroad, as a member of the group she recorded two albums and starred in six wonderful videos, among which are the audience's favorite "I love him", "Bitter chocolate" and others . Now Lesya Yaroslavskaya pays a lot of attention to her solo career as a songwriter and performer. And of course, she is engaged in the most important thing in the life of any mother - raising her daughter Lizaveta. Read our interview with Lesya Yaroslavskaya.

Lesya, your dad is a soldier, and your mom is music worker. How did it happen that in your life you united the destinies of the family, because your husband is a military man, and you are a singer?
When we got together as a family festive table, everyone was waiting for the grandfather to start playing the harmonica, and the grandmother to start singing. And then there was general fun, everyone sang and danced. So music has been in my life since childhood. And that my husband is a military man, this is probably thanks to my dad. From childhood, the example of my father, a noble, strong and just man, was before my eyes. My husband Andrey corresponded to this standard of a man. And most importantly, a great, sincere feeling immediately arose.

Did your mother want you to connect your life with music?
My mother took care of my musical and singing education with early childhood and tried to get me into it. She took me to the stage at the age of 4. Through my whims and tears, my mother nevertheless achieved that everything began to turn out naturally for me. Music lessons began to give me great pleasure. Now I can easily pick up any music, accompany myself or my colleagues in any key. So it was at the "Factory", and at concerts, when the technique failed. Mom's lessons help.

Where did you meet your husband?
In the Kantemirovskaya division, where I performed at a gala evening. Andrei decided to come to such an event for the first time.

Did he immediately win your heart?
Oh yeah! As soon as Andrey entered the hall, it was as if I had a flash inside. I realized that this is my man. And he felt, began to care.

Was the courtship period long?
We got married a year and a half later. First they got married, and then they signed. All in one day.

Why did you put off having a baby?
We did not have housing, after the wedding we lived in the garrison house of officers in the office in English without basic amenities. And so I wanted to bring the baby to my own apartment! On Christmas night, my husband prepared a festive dinner, set the table and waited for me to arrive. And that day I took a test and found out that I was pregnant. In a solemn atmosphere, I told him this news. We were overjoyed! And when they told their parents the next day, dad, with whom I have a very close relationship, for some reason asked: “What are we going to feed the child with?”

How was the birth?
It so happened that in the fourth month of pregnancy I had a car accident, and I was brought to the clinic of the Sechenov Academy with the threat of a miscarriage. There, Raisa Alekseevna Chilova saved me and the child. Then she took our daughter. Huge thanks to her!

Already six months after giving birth, you continued to perform as part of the Tutsi group. Who helped you raise Lisa?
Of course, mom. She always helps me out. Although I myself try to spend all my free time with my daughter. We like to watch movies together, walk in the park, master skiing and rollerblading.

Is your daughter a musical child?
Her hearing was not immediately discovered, but my mother and I, as teachers, knew that it could be developed. And so it happened. Mom is currently working at kindergarten where my daughter goes. And Lizaveta sings at matinees.

What else is she into?
Lisa is successfully engaged in a choreographic school, and also attends an art school. I think it is very important that the child is engaged in vocational schools. Liza has a designer vein: she can create from any, in my opinion, rubbish three-dimensional picture or original craft.

Are you raising her strict?
I really want her to be unspoiled. But I can't always be strict. But her dad, though she loves, but brings up in severity.

What do you think is important in raising a child?
You need to be able to hear a child, talk to him, explain why this is possible, and this is not, and give him the right to choose, and not insist on his own. I want us to have a good, trusting relationship.

How do you see your daughter's future?
I think that the profession of an artist or designer would be very suitable for her.

You are an active participant in many charity events held to support disabled children. Is this the command of the soul?
Yes, if I had a greater financial opportunity, I could help the children even more. Except financial assistance I take part in charity concerts I urge people to help sick children. And a lot of people respond.

Planning to expand your family?
I want two more kids. There should be many children in the family. I am very close to my sister, although we are 13 years apart. And Lisa said on New Year's Eve: “Why did I ask Santa Claus for a phone, I needed a brother or sister!”.

Interviewed by Violetta Kolokolkina
Photo by Svetlana Vieru and from family archive Lesia Yaroslavskaya


Graduate of "Star Factory-3", member of the "Tutsi" group Lesya Yaroslavskaya almost until the very birth she went on tour, walked in high heels and could not imagine life without a stage. Now she
still remains a workaholic, but at the same time, he talks about the joys of family life and motherhood with no less pleasure.

  • Lesya, where did you meet your husband?

It happened 12 years ago at the celebration of March 8 in the Kantemirovskaya division. I performed there. As soon as Andrei appeared in the hall, I suddenly realized that he would become my husband! I fell in love with him immediately, but my feelings were initially sharper. It took Andrey a couple of months to understand how important I am to him. We got married a year after we met. They waited out the fast and got married in Rudnevo. Then in the same church we baptized our daughter Elizabeth. It was very important for us to get married first, and then go to the registry office. Andrey - officer, tanker ...

  • Is it easy to be a military wife?

When we got married, Andrei no longer had patrols, distant garrisons and other "charms" of military life. However, for nine months after the wedding, we lived in Naro-Fominsk, in ... the English room of the House of Officers, since we did not have our own housing. Then I decided to take part in the casting of "Star Factory-3". Moreover, I was sure that they were taken there only for money or through connections. And suddenly... they took me! But Andrei did not approve of such a turn. We even fought over it. He is an absolutely non-public person and was against my speeches. Even put an ultimatum - either he or a career. But I believed that he would change his attitude.

Family is the most important thing, but the emotions that the scene gives are very important to me. I also suffered on maternity leave without speeches. And everyone was waiting for my husband to understand this ... Two years after my participation in the "Factory", Andrei finally reconciled. Lisa was born only 6 years after your wedding.

  • Is that how it was intended?

Yes, when we got married, everything somehow spun, and we constantly postponed the birth of a child, either because of my work or because of an unresolved housing issue. We received an officer's apartment only 1.5 years after the birth of Lisa.

  • Did your husband want to be present at the birth?

No. We didn't even discuss it. From the experience of our friends who have gone through joint childbirth, I can say that not all men are ready for this. For many of our friends, the husbands experienced tremendous stress after this process, their sexual desire took at least six months. And I believe that the presence of any relatives at the birth of a child only discourages a woman. I also had exemplary births. After all, the main thing in childbirth is the right attitude! I so waited for the birth of the one who hiccuped intensely in me last month that intuitively did everything right.

  • Are you familiar with postpartum problems? excess weight, depression?

Oh yeah! On last week Pregnancy, I started to have severe swelling, I gained a lot of weight. After giving birth, she wanted to fit into her old clothes and... couldn't! Then I was covered with depression ... Then I went shopping with my mother, bought myself clothes two sizes larger than usual and decided to urgently lose weight. Already two weeks after giving birth, I was spinning a hula hoop with spikes for an hour a day with might and main and arranged fasting days for myself. At first I just drank kefir, and then I began to add cinnamon, ginger and hot peppers to it. And after 1.5 months, the extra 13 cm in the waist disappeared. By the way, even now after the holidays I always arrange fasting days.

  • How did you get on with breastfeeding?

I consider it very important breastfeeding, but, unfortunately, I fed Liza only 4 months. At that time, many bothered me with the theme of returning to " Tootsie"(At the time of my decree, they took new girl), which was very annoying. As a result, I lost my milk. Then I tried all the means, but the milk never came ... Six months after the birth of my daughter, I returned to the team.

  • Lisa's first word, her first steps... Was it all with you?

All the main moments of my daughter's life took place in my presence, and we not only filmed them on a video camera, but also recorded everything in a special book. I was advised to get it by my mother, who at one time recorded interesting moments my life younger sister Masha. There are already many in Lisa's book funny stories. For example, once I was reading to my daughter a story about rejuvenating apples, and she suddenly said: “Mom, I want to meet Putin! I want to give him a TV and a player!” I still don't know why that would be.

  • What classes does Lisa attend now?

Lisa is now doing literally everything! And when choosing classes, we, of course, are guided by her desires. My daughter has been going to the choreographic and art school She loves to draw. At home, my sister prepares her for school, future teacher. And recently she has a new hobby. She rewrites her favorite fairy tales in a notebook and makes illustrations for them. Creates his own book. She loves to read herself and listen to fairy tales. When I put it down, I always turn on CDs with old fairy tales that our famous actors- "Cinderella". "Pinocchio" and others. We don't like the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, they are too scary. By the way, we love skating and rollerblading with the whole family. We also love to cook together. We are happy to make dumplings with the whole family.

  • How do you and your husband share household chores?

We share all household chores. Andrei helps me a lot in everyday life. In addition, he takes his daughter to classes, sometimes meets and takes me to concerts.

  • Does Lisa want to help around the house?

Yes, and I strongly encourage it. Lisa waters the flowers, washes the floors, dishes, wipes the dust... When I first noticed her desire to help me clean the house, I did not resist, so as not to discourage the child.

  • Do you have other helpers besides your husband and daughter?

From the very beginning, my mother, father, sister helped me ... We coped without nannies, on our own. I am against strangers in the house. Even when I live in hotels, during tours, I always hang a “do not disturb” sign on the door so that no one enters my room in my absence and does not clean anything.

  • How do you take care of your daughter's health?

I must say right away that I do not believe in vitamins. Three times we tried to start drinking different vitamins, and all three times Lisa got sick the very next day after taking them! Therefore, we now have a different way of recovery. We are tempered - Liza bathes in a spring with ice water. During the year, I also try not to warm it too much. And now Lisa rarely gets sick. From antiviral vaccinations to Last year we refuse, and if we suddenly get sick, we use the usual folk remedies- we drink milk with honey and breathe over potatoes.

  • How do you usually celebrate your daughter's birthday?

For the first birthdays of our daughter, we gathered in restaurants mostly an adult party, which Lisa, in fact, was not interested in. Now we do not repeat such mistakes. For her fifth birthday, we invited animators with competitions and her friends. It turned out real children's holiday. Lisa was happy!

  • What can you scold your daughter for?

In our family, I am definitely kinder, dad is stricter. It seems to me that, on the contrary, I encourage her too often with some small gifts. Lisa is quite independent, we reckon with her. Recently she participated in a fashion show, walked the catwalk and earned her first fee - a certificate for 50 thousand rubles. I went to the store and chose my own clothes ... But now I try not to be led by Lisa and often restrain her impulses. Sometimes you have to “scare” your daughter that if she does not fulfill her promise, I will tell dad everything, and she will not go to the theater with me or her beloved friend will not come to visit us. As a rule, this works, Lisa reacts instantly and does everything that she categorically did not want a minute ago.

  • What are your wishes for expectant mothers?

I wish all women healthy children! So that the birth goes great! The main thing in this matter is the right attitude, and not to dismiss yourself later. And be sure to try to find mutual understanding with your children so that there is always harmony in the family.

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