How much does Lera Kudryavtseva weigh. Height, weight and other secrets

Lera Kudryavtseva is a popular Russian TV and radio host, winner of the TEFI award, multiple host of the Muz-TV and music festival « New wave". Particular attention of viewers was attracted by the author's program "Secret for a Million" on the NTV channel, where for the sake of stars cash prize I have to share the details of my personal life.


Valeria Lvovna Kudryavtseva is from Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan. Future celebrity was born on May 19, 1971 in a family of modest scientists Lev Nikolaevich and Alexandra Ivanovna Kudryavtsev.

Since childhood, the girl dreamed of becoming famous. The first step on the way to the dream was to enter the faculty of theater directing at the Cultural Education School of her hometown. Lera decided to continue her studies in the capital and entered GITIS, where she graduated from the acting department of the pop faculty.

TV career

Lera Kudryavtseva began her career with backup dancers and backing vocals at famous artists. Until 1995, Lera went on stage with Bogdan Titomir, Evgeny Osin, Igor Sarukhanov, and also with Svetlana Vladimirskaya.

On the way to glory, purposeful and beautiful girl supported by the influential actor Igor Vernik, who led her to try her hand at television. Lera successfully passed the casting for the Party Zone program on the TV-6 channel.

Young Lera Kudryavtseva in the program "Party Zone"

Now Kudryavtseva is sure that getting into Russian show business"from the street" is impossible - everywhere you need connections, useful acquaintances. However, the girl does not disclose the details of her hit on the air, in addition to the help of Igor Vernik. According to one version, Valeria was helped by her first husband, a musician of the once popular band " Tender May».

From the very first filming, Lera Kudryavtseva showed herself on the good side and established herself as a first-class presenter. Since 1995, Kudryavtseva has hosted such programs as "Party Zone" and "Muzoboz" on TV-6, as well as "Test of Fidelity" on Muz-TV and participated in the "Club of Ex-Wives" project on TNT. She became one of the leading music shows"Song of the Year", "Muz-TV Award" and "New Wave".

But the ambitious Lera decided not to forget about her acting education. As an actress, Kudryavtseva made her debut in 2004 in the TV series Streets of Broken Lights. Cops 6". In 2006 and 2007, Lera took part in the filming of the continuation of the film about law enforcement officers: “Streets of Broken Lights. Cops 7" and "Cops 8" (2006, 2007).

In 2007, the film "On the Roof of the World" followed, and then - "The Most best movie"(2007), where Lera played lung girl behavior in the company of others socialites. In 2008, Lera became the heroine of three more films: Adventurers, Oh, Lucky Man and A Very Russian Detective.

Since 2009, Lera, together with Andrei Razygraev, has hosted the Cultural Exchange program on the TV Center TV channel. In 2011, the presenter starred in erotic photoshoot For magazine MAXIM, which earned her the title of one of the "most desirable women" of the year.

In 2013, Kudryavtseva launched her own program on Muz-TV "Show with Lera Kudryavtseva", where Lera acted as a provocative interviewer for the guests of the show - celebrities of Russian show business.

Personal life of Lera Kudryavtseva

The first husband of Lera was the musician of the group "Tender May" Sergey Lenyuk, with whom they signed in 1990. At the age of 18, Kudryavtseva gave birth to his son Jean, whom she named after her favorite actor Jean-Claude Van Damme.

The marriage with Lenyuk lasted only two years - family happiness broke into life. The couple lived with their mother-in-law, which depressed Leroux. In addition to everyday troubles, the husband cheated on the girl with fans. At one point, Kudryavtseva's patience snapped, she took her son and left her husband. Lera was going through a breakup very hard - she fell into depression and became addicted to alcohol. However, the girl found the strength to return to normal life.

The second time Lera married businessman Matvey Morozov in 2004. The couple signed three months after they met. Both spouses worked hard and rarely crossed paths at home. However, this union also ended in divorce - 3 years later, when Matvey Morozov was imprisoned for fraud and illegal border crossing.

The TV presenter hid the details of her personal life with her second husband for a long time, and explained the constant absence of her other half by the fact that her husband goes on business trips abroad. According to investigators, the swindler deceived more than 660 people in the amount of 12 million rubles. As all the details of his business were revealed, Kudryavtseva filed for divorce.

"Alone with everyone" with Lera Kudryavtseva

In 2008, Lera Kudryavtseva found her happiness with

TV star Lera Kudryavtseva is the owner of a chiseled figure, over which years have no power. Although Lera has long turned forty, her usual weight is 50 kg with a height of 167 cm. Kudryavtseva has never significantly gained weight. The blooming appearance of the famous blonde gave rise to many rumors about her magical diet. The star's participation in the Eat and Lose Weight program also added fuel to the fire. But Lera herself denies all gossip.

The secret of harmony

According to Kudryavtseva, her graceful forms are the merit of good heredity. A star is naturally light-boned and has a very fast metabolism. With such a predisposition, it is easy to maintain a small weight even in adulthood. Fashion for fitness bypassed the leading side. In a recent interview, Kudryavtseva admitted that she goes to the gym 2-3 times a year. What helps Lera to stay so slim?

First of all, a busy day. Filming, trips, social events - there is simply not enough time in this schedule for good nutrition. Often, Kudryavtseva eats 1-2 times a day, restoring her strength with coffee. The host “heals” nerves by smoking. quit bad habit Lera is not given huge loads and stresses. As you know, nicotine dulls the work of taste buds and discourages appetite. However, cigarettes are a dangerous way to lose weight, because they cause more harm to health than the most strict diets.

The diet of Lera Kudryavtseva

Nutrition leading far from the ideal advice of nutritionists. Kudryavtseva rarely eats breakfast and can do without lunch. If the presenter manages to find time for a meal in her work schedule, she goes to a restaurant where she orders small portions of her favorite food. Nevertheless, Lera cannot deny herself a hearty dinner. In the evenings, the star even eats desserts - she loves sweets in any form. The same is true with cheese, a rather high-calorie product.

But Lera is indifferent to fast food, canned food and sausages, rarely eats meat and fish. For several years, the presenter adhered to a vegetarian diet. Lera grew up in Kazakhstan and is a fan of Soviet cuisine. The vinaigrette, mashed potatoes, she prefers salads with mayonnaise to exquisite overseas dishes. But fruits rarely appear on the table of the presenter.

Kudryavtseva neglects physical activity and the gym

Sample daily menu

  • Breakfast: a glass of black and fruit tea.
  • Lunch: black bread with cheese and butter / scrambled eggs with tomatoes.
  • Dinner: cookies, soup or salad. Lera often skips this meal.
  • Dinner: potatoes, meat or fish dishes, sweets.

From the point of view of specialists, Kudryavtseva's nutrition system is fundamentally wrong. The main meals for any diet are a hearty breakfast and a balanced lunch. Dinner is best made light, but eating before bedtime is completely prohibited. It is worth noting that in the favorite dishes of the host there are few vitamins and useful trace elements. Lera's menu is unlikely to help lose weight, but it can harm the body.

The star revised her attitude to nutrition when she became the host of the Eat and Lose Weight program. TV show participants got rid of excess weight, preparing ordinary dishes with the replacement of components with less high-calorie ones. But Kudryavtseva fails to follow their example: she has too little time to spend on cooking.

The only diet that Lera used is based on apples and cottage cheese

Cottage cheese-apple diet Kudryavtseva

In an interview, Lera says that she recovered greatly only once - after childbirth. Then future star gained 18 kg. Rumor has it that the young mother sat on bread, green apples and low-fat cottage cheese for several months - and the extra pounds quickly melted away. Kudryavtseva herself says that constant care for the child and housework helped her regain her former shape.

Daily diet of curd-apple diet

  • Breakfast: two loaves and two apples.
  • Snack: 100 grams of cottage cheese with apples.
  • Dinner: two sandwiches of cottage cheese and bread.
  • Afternoon snack: apple.
  • Dinner: 200 grams of cottage cheese.

This diet is very simple and brings excellent results. With a small set of products, the diet is rich in nutrients. Cottage cheese contains calcium, bread - carbohydrates, and apples - a lot of vitamins. You can diversify dishes by adding greens or pieces of fruit to the cottage cheese. Of course, you should not sit on such a diet for weeks, but you can use it as a menu for a fasting day.

Valeria Kozlova, aka Lera Lera, LeRa, LeRanetka, LeRa LeRa and even Lera Romantika, is a young singer who gained great fame after the TV series Ranetki. The series, in turn, talked about real group"Ranetki", of which Valeria was a participant. In "Ranetki" Lera was both a drummer and a vocalist. It is noteworthy that Valeria did not even have a music school behind her.

Initially, another girl was the vocalist in Ranetki, but now she leaves the group, and the performance of the songs falls on Valeria Kozlova. The girl was noticed immediately, and it was after this rearrangement in the group that success came to Ranetki. After the start of the series "Kadetstvo", the soundtracks for which were performed by "Ranetki", the young group gained unheard of fame.

In 2008, Valeria Kozlova decides to leave the team and take up own career. There is a version that this happened due to the conflict between Valeria and the producer of Ranetok. The article is not about this, so we will not conduct an investigation. Now Valeria Kozlova successfully performs under the pseudonym Lera Lera (we recall that before that Valeria called herself LeRa, LeRanetka, LeRa LeRa, Lera Romantika) and received several prestigious music awards.

The authoritative Wikipedia does not contain everything interesting information about the performer under the unusual pseudonym Lera Lera. We decided to fill in a few gaps. We offer you a small dossier from which you can easily find out what are the parameters of the figure, what weight and height Lera Lera or Valeria Kozlova has, as well as some additional information - foot size, hair color and eye color. The information was collected grain by grain from a dozen sources, we hope you will be interested.

The selection of dossier articles is expanding, we invite you, for example, to find out what height and weight Olga Buzova has. Or go to the general section to find out the height and weight of movie and pop stars.

What is the real name of Lera Lera

The real name of Lera Lera ( full name) - Valeria Sergeevna Kozlova

When was Lera Lera (Valery Kozlova) born?

What is the zodiac sign of Lera Lera (Valery Kozlova)?

The zodiac sign of Lera Lera (Valeria Kozlova) is Aquarius. She was born in the year of the Dragon according to the eastern horoscope.

Where was Lera Lera (Valery Kozlova) born?

Lera Lera (Valeria Kozlova) was born in the RSFSR (Russia), Moscow.

How old is Lera Lera (Valeria Kozlova)?

At the time of this writing (autumn 2017), Lera Lera (Valery Kozlova) is 29 years old.

How tall is Lera Lera (Valeria Kozlova)?

The height of Lera Lera (Valery Kozlova) is 168 cm. Some sources indicate that the height of the singer Lera Lera is 164 centimeters, but we are based on the data of Valeria Kozlova herself, which she provided for the Bravo magazine questionnaire. Some interesting facts from this questionnaire we will add to our dossier. We suggest believing what Lera Lera says about her height, she definitely knows better. Perhaps the growth of Valeria Kozlova at 164 centimeters was with the singer during the period when she was still a teenager and starred in the series "Ranetki" - then the generally accepted version may have a logical explanation.

What is the weight of Lera Lera (Valeria Kozlova)?

The weight of Lera Lera (Valeria Kozlova) is 53 kg (2017 data). Lera Lera says the following about her weight: “In childhood and adolescence, I was actively involved in dancing, and the problem of excess weight never confronted me. However, now that I have a dense tour schedule, training time and proper nutrition does not remain at all. We can safely say that the last few years have been a constant confrontation between Lera Kozlova and excess weight. But again, if you look at the photo of Lera Lera's figure, which the singer constantly shows on Instagram, it should be noted that Valery Kozlova is in great shape. But what is the price of these almost ideal parameters, only Lera Lera herself knows.

What eye color does Lera Lera (Valeria Kozlova) have?

The eye color of Lera Lera (Valeria Kozlova) is dark brown.

What is the real hair color of Lera Lera (Valeria Kozlova)?

The real (natural, natural) hair color of Lera Lera (Valeria Kozlova) is light. Valeria is a natural blonde, at least according to the singer herself.

What are the parameters of the figure of Lera Lera (Valeria Kozlova)?

Lera Lera (Valeria Kozlova) figure parameters: 88-60-87 (chest-waist-hips)

What is the size of the feet of Lera Lera (Valeria Kozlova)?

The leg size of Lera Lera (Valeria Kozlova) according to American standards is 7.5. In the usual sense for us - about 38 size.

What is the size of the breasts of Lera Lera (Valeria Kozlova)?

The breast size of Lera Lera (Valeria Kozlova) is 2nd. If a few years ago Valeria Kozlova in the photo usually presented herself in torn jeans and sneakers, now on the Instagram of the singer and others in social networks there are more and more photos in bikinis and evening dresses. Real size the bust of Valeria Kozlova is no longer hidden under oversized clothing, so the fans have new reasons for discussion.

Today on television you can see quite a huge number of presenters. Not everyone can be identified. But there are those whose popularity is not even worth talking about, and so everything is clear. And one of the favorite TV presenters is Lera Kudryavtseva.

Height, weight and other secrets

The height of the presenter cannot be worn out - 167 cm may not amaze the audience. The weight of a famous girl has always been kept at a rational level. You can even safely say that she is in impeccable shape. It should also be noted her absolute indifference to diets. Regardless of this fact, Lera's weight is only 50 kg.

What is the secret anyway? Somehow she admitted that the point was in her not bad genes and features of the body. She was never complete. As for her favorite food, the actress prefers fruits, vegetables, fish, and, according to her, she loves sweets and never refuses them for herself. Lera Kudryavtseva, height, weight, whose characteristics are close to the standard, does not limit herself in anything. She drinks alcohol, smokes, her lifestyle cannot be called healthy.

A woman does not go in for sports, she is not interested in him. In addition, simulators frighten her. But Lera loves dancing. The TV presenter even participated in dance show. Apparently, she just has a very busy and stressful life, because in fact there is no free time. She is an amazing TV presenter, a gifted actress. Maybe personal experiences also affected her good figure, because breaks with loved ones cannot but affect the body.

In general, we can only envy celebrities. But what is her secret anyway? More work and less sleep.

The face of a popular TV presenter

The fans are very curious (Lera Kudryavtseva admits). Height, weight - not the only thing that often interests fans. The eminent lady looks great, she amazes with her own youth and beauty. You can think that she spends a lot of time at the mirror. But the woman admits that this is far from the case.

The TV presenter does not pay much attention to skin care, her skin tone is even, and her face always looks fresh. At home, she conducts special procedures.

What can you say about make-up?

So, the standard means known to all are used by the star. These are tonal creams, powder. A woman loves a light tan, so when choosing a color palette, she relies on this. The star uses powder to a minimum.

The make-up of Lera Kudryavtseva is almost always catchy and attracts attention. The main task celebrity is to give brightness and expressiveness to the eyes that she has Brown. In order to highlight them, she uses beige, coffee, brown colors of shadows. But to make her eyes look even brighter, Lera applies shades of blue, purple flowers. Smokeyeyes can be attributed to the most beloved makeup of the star. It makes very obvious feathering of lines and borders. The star uses benign, expensive mascara, which lengthens them and gives the effect, as a result of which they look like expensive ones. And now her gaze is ready to captivate everyone around.

Once a popular actress said that a huge amount of cosmetics ages her. It is for this reason that she uses lipstick only light colors, most prefers a light pink lip gloss.

Let's summarize. The star's makeup bag includes: blush, powder, lipstick and lip gloss, foundation. The woman shared her preferences in choosing cosmetics. They turned out to be famous brands like BobbiBrown, MAC.

The chosen make-up emphasizes the beauty and brightness and helps to look amazing at any time of the day.

What's with the hair?

It is unrealistic to pass by Lera without paying attention to her, if only because her hair is dyed in a catchy blond. She never parted with this color. Over the years, Lera appeared in public with longish beautiful hair. They were never actually fastened with hairpins. But everyone gets bored with the same stuff sometimes. Because the actress decided to change the image.

Love for tests

So, what image did Lera Kudryavtseva choose this time? The haircut, with which she became even sexier and more beautiful, and which many girls like so much, is called the “elongated bob-car”. This hairstyle really refreshed the image of the star. She aged a couple of years. On this moment this hairstyle can be seen in a huge number of people, including Russian stars. This ordinary haircut resembles a square. Only the back strands are shorter than the front ones, and the volume is concentrated on the crown.

The TV presenter's hairstyle is very suitable. She is very suitable for the rectangular shape of the girl's face and thus reduces it. And by the way, the celebrity isn't afraid to experiment with her own latest hairstyle. Her stylists even gave her a curled and cropped bob. Many stars are satisfied with this hairstyle, including Lera Kudryavtseva. The haircut simply fits with a hair dryer, comb and mousse.

To make such a hairstyle, like a popular presenter, you need to contact a professional stylist or hairdresser. It should be emphasized that Lera visits a hairdresser every month to correct her haircut. Every time the need arises, she tints her curls. In addition, Lera uses various balms, masks with natural ingredients. Always support light color hair is a lot of work. To improve and improve their structure, the eminent actress uses biolamination, a haircut with hot scissors.

Not so long ago, the TV presenter also did a hairstyle called an asymmetrical “cropped bob”. On the one hand, the hair strands slightly cover the ear, on the other hand, the strands reach the chin. With this haircut, a woman is trying to draw more attention to herself, because such hairstyles make her look much younger.

Lera does everyday styling with brushing and a hair dryer. The actress slightly raises her hair at the back of her head, and thus makes the volume. The front strands are twisted inward and stretched. She also does styling with curls. This is one of the celebrity's favorite styling. And the last of her usual procedures is a unique styling. The strands are slightly twisted and lengthened, with the help of the gel at the back, the effect of feathers is created.

Lera is elegant and prestigious woman. She chooses hairstyles that are more famous and popular now. Bob haircuts were done by Victoria Beckham, Rihanna, and many other foreign celebrities. Having made such a hairstyle, no matter which woman will look very stylish.

What other secrets are in store?

Fans always want to know everything about celebrities. Lera Kudryavtseva is no exception. Height, weight, age are the most popular topics that interest many fans. If the first two indicators were mentioned above, then the age of the star is very difficult to guess. At her age, she looks very presentable and sexy, not inferior to many models. She is 42 years old, but she looks great. A woman knows how to amaze, knows how to show herself on the highest level and give an example to many. The actress has found her own image and supports it for a long time. Attractive TV presenter, professional actress, beautiful dancer- This is Lera Kudryavtseva. Growth, weight of a star worries many, and not only ladies. But it must be emphasized that this is not the most exciting thing that such a versatile personality can do.

Kudryavtseva Valeria Lvovna, as she calls herself Lera, is a very shocking lady and a stylish beauty, which many of the mighty of the world this and ordinary Russians. No one will be able to tell exactly what a woman does, since she is a dancer, an actress, a cartoon understudy, and a TV presenter.

Valeria made herself on her own, because after graduating from RATI she began to try out in the world of pop music, joining the backup dance group with Titomir and Aspen, as well as others popular bands nineties.

Soon Lera realized that she sees herself only on television, so she did absolutely everything to achieve success on this path.

Height, weight, age of Lera Kudryavtseva (actress)

On the Internet, at the request of fans, it’s really possible to find data such as height, weight, age of Lera Kudryavtseva, by the way, many of them do not mind knowing such parameters as breast and hip volume.

Lera Kudryavtseva: photos in her youth and now are photographs from which the same woman smiles luxury woman, who was born in 1971, so she has already celebrated her forty-sixth birthday. The growth of the dancer and TV presenter reaches a meter and sixty-seven centimeters, but it is offset by heels.

The beauty and clever woman weighs no more than fifty-one kilograms, and Lera Kudryavtseva looks just great without makeup, so she does not hesitate to post her natural photos on social networks.

Biography of Lera Kudryavtseva (actress)

The biography of Lera Kudryavtseva began from the moment she was born in Kazakhstan, while her family was far from creativity.

Father - Lev Kudryavtsev - a famous mathematician who was part of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and his mother - Alexandra Kudryavtseva - was an ordinary researcher. That is why Lera and her sister, Oksana Zhukova, knew mathematics perfectly, although the girl became an entrepreneur and dragged her sister to the capital.

The girl was always skittish and hooligan, she was not interested in the company of her girlfriends, so she was friends only with boys. She has repeatedly stated that she will never betray her friends, even if it means lying.

After studying at school, Kudryavtseva graduated from the Cultural Education School and the prestigious RATI, having received the profession of theater director and actress. The girl performed as a backup dancer, but soon realized that she was more attracted to television. Lera made her debut in the "Party Zone" program, and since 1995 she has not only hosted the show musical orientation, but also hosts award ceremonies and music competitions.

Kudryavtseva participated in the TV programs Secret for a Million, Cultural Exchange, Star Ice, Dancing with the Stars.

Personal life of Lera Kudryavtseva (actress)

The personal life of Lera Kudryavtseva is quite stormy and filled with novels. It was rumored that the young beauty got into the world of show business through the bed of Igor Vernik himself, who brought an unknown blonde to the Party Zone TV program. At the same time, both Valeria and Igor flatly deny this connection.

100% known about perennial love relationships Kudryavtseva and singer Sergey Lazarev, which lasted four years, but did not develop into an official or civil marriage, despite the expectations of the fans of this couple.

Family of Lera Kudryavtseva (actress)

The family of Lera Kudryavtseva had nothing to do with television or cinema, and also with creativity in general. The fact is that the parents of Valeria Kudryavtseva were directly related to the world of equations and topology.

Lera's father not only regularly wrote and published works on mathematics, but was also an active member of the USSR Academy of Sciences and was awarded State Prize THE USSR. At the same time, he lived well with his wife, who worked as an ordinary research assistant.

Kudryavtseva was very close to her mother and sister, with whom she often gathered at the same table to gossip. Mom constantly gives warm interviews about her famous daughter, protecting her from attacks, while Lera is grateful to her mother for her perfect figure.

Children of Lera Kudryavtseva (actress)

The children of Lera Kudryavtseva are a controversial area of ​​​​the life of an actress and TV presenter. On the Internet, it is quite easy to find conflicting and fake information that is laid out by the actress herself, including that she has four daughters from a fan whom no one has ever seen.

Soon she simply comments on this information, claiming that she only has a son, and the babies are the daughters of her friends.

The information that Lera Kudryavtseva was pregnant turned out to be the usual speculation of fans who saw the rounded forms of the girl. One way or another, but instead of a child, a cute kitten appeared in the Kudryavtseva family.

The son of Lera Kudryavtseva (actress) - Jean Lenyuk

The son of Lera Kudryavtseva - Jean Lenyuk - was born in 1990, and his father was famous musician Sergey Lenyuk. Own original name in honor of the popular athlete and actor Van Damme in those years.

At the same time, the golden boy could not become either famous actor, nor an athlete. Jean studied mediocrely and could not find his place in life. Currently, Lenyuk does not work or study, allowing his mother to take care of him and his civil wife. Recently, Lera Kudryavtseva bought an apartment and a luxury car for her son.

Former husband of Lera Kudryavtseva (actress) - Sergey Lenyuk

The ex-husband of Lera Kudryavtseva - Sergey Lenyuk - appeared in the life of a girl in the early nineties, he immediately turned her head with talent and romantic courtship. Moreover, it was prestigious to meet the guy, since he played in the Tender May group.

Young people traveled all over the country on tour, and soon got married and began to live with Sergei's mother. The woman did not stand on ceremony with Leroy and quickly proved that she was not a match for her son.

When Lera was twenty, the marriage broke up due to Lenyuk's numerous intrigues on the side. Kudryavtseva began to seek solace in alcohol, but work overcame depression.

Former husband of Lera Kudryavtseva (actress) - Matvey Morozov

The ex-husband of Lera Kudryavtseva - Matvey Morozov - became her husband by no means Great love because it happened three months after they met. The fact is that Lera was looking for a replacement for her previous hobby, she decided to try to live with a successful and bright entrepreneur.

However, the marriage did not work out, because for exactly a year they came home for a short time, and then Morozov was completely accused of fraud.

The girl was shocked by the news of her husband's problems with the law, and also by the fact that he had previously been tried for rape and robbery, so she simply terminated all relations with him.

Husband of Lera Kudryavtseva (actress) - Igor Makarov

The husband of Lera Kudryavtseva, Igor Makarov, is a real athlete and a charming man who is a dozen years younger than the girl herself. At the same time, the hockey player successfully plays for HC CSKA and signs lucrative contracts.

Igor Makarov and Lera Kudryavtseva legalized their relationship in 2013, they love each other, despite the information in the yellow press. The fact is that the hockey star is simply pathologically jealous, so Sergey Lazarev and the rest ex-husbands were excluded from the life of the actress. At the same time, Lera claims that, despite the quarrels, she simply adores her husband and does not think about terminating the relationship.

Photo by Lera Kudryavtseva (actress) in Maxim magazine

Photos of Lera Kudryavtseva appeared in Maxim magazine in 2011, they proved that a woman, even in her incomplete forties, can attract the attention of men. Maximum candid photos Lera not only pleased the fans, but also proved that the breasts and buttocks of the actress have never undergone plastic surgery.

Naked Kudryavtseva on the pages men's magazine, of course, did not appear, but she significantly exposed her chest, although the photo was taken from the back and from the side. At the same time, Lera managed to demonstrate beautiful lace underwear.

On the Internet, you can find a photo of Kudryavtseva in a swimsuit, as the actress often travels to hot countries and loves diving.

Instagram and Wikipedia Lera Kudryavtseva (actress)

Instagram and Wikipedia Lera Kudryavtseva have been around for a long time and they are officially confirmed, so the facts set forth in them can be trusted. From the Wikipedia article, you can learn about parents and childhood, education and spouses, creative activity and filmography, as well as discography and voice acting of cartoons, work on television and filming in celebrity clips.

At least 1,930,000 fans of her talent have subscribed to the actress's profile on Instagram, who can enjoy her photos and videos from her personal archive, rating and commenting on them along the way. The article was found on

Lera Kudryavtseva now

Lera Kudryavtseva hosts her author's program "Secret for a Million" on the NTV channel, which is very popular with viewers. Participants of the show - well-known personalities - must go through a kind of lie detector from Kudryavtseva, answering questions about the most intimate or even shameful. The more "scary" the question, the higher the price for a sincere answer.

In 2017, Lera also became the host of the show "The Stars Came Together", where Oscar Kuchera became her partner. As part of the program, her guests - domestic stars - discuss the news of show business that concerns many viewers.

In March 2018, they began to say on the Web that Lera was pregnant. Photos of the TV presenter in baggy outfits appeared on the Internet. But questions from fans and journalists Kudryavtseva left without comment. In May, her husband posted a photo on Instagram, where the rounded belly of the actress was visible to the naked eye. Now no one has any doubts.

On August 13, the TV presenter gave birth to a second child - a daughter, whom the couple named Maria. The star herself announced this happy event on her Instagram, posting a photo of the baby's tiny foot. Despite the excitement around her person, the woman does not disclose the details of the birth of her daughter.

Journalists never managed to find out for sure where the baby was born. It is known that initially Lera planned to give birth in Russia, but, according to insiders, shortly before the birth, Kudryavtseva flew to the United States. Allegedly, her daughter appeared in an elite clinic in Los Angeles. But the paparazzi failed to capture and publish an extract from the hospital.

By the way, in early August, the media spread information that Kudryavtseva became a grandmother, as if her son Jean had given her a grandson Leo. But soon the woman denied these rumors, saying that people should trust the yellow press less.

True, not everyone reacted positively to Lera's pregnancy. Some simply do not believe that the 47-year-old TV presenter gave birth on her own. Haters vied with each other that the star used the services of a surrogate mother.

The artist herself added fuel to the fire by posting a new photo with Masha. Kudryavtseva's ill-wishers noticed that her child was too large for a newborn: in appearance, the baby was at least three months old. Moreover, in the frame, the TV presenter looks too slim.

Lera herself intervened in this heated discussion. She asked me to stop making wild guesses. According to her, the baby is dressed in a warm jumpsuit, and in fact she is a baby. Kudryavtseva also added that she gave birth herself, no matter how much someone would not want to hear the opposite. The article was found on

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