Comparative table Pechorin and Maxim Maksimych. Composition on the topic: Pechorin and Maxim Maksimych: relationships and comparative characteristics (based on the novel by M. Yu

Grigory Pechorin Maksim Maksimych
Age Young, at the time of his arrival in the Caucasus he was about 25 years old Almost retired
military rank Officer of the Russian Imperial Army. Staff Captain
Character traits Anything new quickly gets boring. Suffering from boredom. In general, a tired, jaded young man, looking for distractions in the war, but in just a month he gets used to the whistle of bullets and the roar of explosions, starts to get bored again. I am sure that he brings only misfortunes to those around him, which increases his suffering from life, repents. He himself admits that his "soul is corrupted by the light, his heart is not enough." Not used to failures, he puts his desires above all else. Deeply alone inside. Loneliness is cruel. Intellectual. Above all, he values ​​​​duty, duties. Disciplined. Protects his peace of mind, and therefore tries in every possible way to avoid adventures and unplanned events. Sincere. Capable of love and compassion. Modest and kind, quite well versed in people. Responsive, experiencing paternal love for others, able to forgive. Not vindictive.
Attitude towards people A bright individualist, he is completely indifferent to how his behavior and actions will affect the fate and mood of other people. He notices the weaknesses and shortcomings of others well, so that later, if necessary, he can use them for his own good. closed. Does not seek communication. Sociable, eager to communicate. Does not distinguish between himself and subordinates, supports with everyone friendly relations. He expects from others the same kindness and participation that he shares himself.
Attitude towards love Doesn't believe in sincere feelings, friendship, love. The only time he loved Vera, but this feeling was full of selfishness. Because of this, their relationship never worked out. Faith - the only woman understanding and accepting him for who he is. Capable of ardent love and forgiveness. He loved Bela like his own daughter.
Roots of character Personality, individuality. At the same time, the fact that he became bored and satiated is blamed by a society in which there are no real sincere feelings. Wants not to feel “superfluous”, but lacks moral readiness for change. Patriarchal-folk image, embodies the most sublime, positive features characteristic of the Russian people.
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    • One of last poems Lermontov, the lyrical result of numerous searches, themes and motives. Belinsky considered this poem to be one of the most chosen things in which "everything is Lermontov's." Not being symbolic, capturing the mood and feeling in their “lyrical present” with instant immediacy, it nevertheless consists entirely of emblematic words highly significant in Lermontov’s world, each of which has a long and changeable poetic history. In the sing-along - the theme of a lonely fate. "Silicious […]
    • Properly embellished prophet I boldly betray shame - I am relentless and cruel. M. Yu. Lermontov Grushnitsky - a representative of a whole category of people - in the words of Belinsky - a common noun. He is one of those who, according to Lermontov, wear a fashionable mask of disillusioned people. Pechorin gives a good description of Grushnitsky. He is, according to him, a poser posing as romantic hero. “His goal is to become the hero of a novel,” he says, “in pompous phrases, draping importantly in extraordinary […]
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    • The novel by M. Yu. Lermontov was created in the era of government reaction, which brought to life a whole gallery " extra people". Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin, with whom Russian society met in 1839-1840, belonged to this type. This is a man who did not even know why he lived and for what purpose he was born. "The Fatalist" is one of the most plot-intensive and at the same time ideologically rich chapters of the novel. It consists of three episodes, peculiar experiments that either confirm or deny […]
    • "Besides, what do I care about the joys and misfortunes of men?" M.Yu. Lermontov In Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time" a topical problem is solved: why do people, smart and energetic, not find application for their remarkable abilities and wither without a struggle at the very beginning of their career? Lermontov answers this question with the life story of Pechorin, young man belonging to the generation of the 30s. […]
    • In any quality work the fate of the heroes is associated with the image of their generation. How else? After all, people reflect the nature of their time, they are its "product". We clearly see this in the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time". Writer on the example of life typical person this era shows the image of a whole generation. Of course, Pechorin is a representative of his time, the tragedy of this generation was reflected in his fate. M.Yu. Lermontov was the first to create in Russian literature the image of the "lost" […]
    • And it's boring and sad, and there is no one to give a hand to In a moment of spiritual hardship ... Desire! What is the use of wanting in vain and forever?.. And the years pass - all the best years! M.Yu. Lermontov In the novel A Hero of Our Time, Lermontov poses an exciting question to the reader: why the most worthy, intelligent and energetic people of his time do not find application for their remarkable abilities and wither at the very beginning of life's impulse without a struggle? The writer answers this question with the life story of the main character Pechorin. Lermontov […]
    • So, "Hero of our time" - psychological novel, that is, a new word in Russian literature of the nineteenth century. It's really special piece for its time - it has a truly interesting structure: caucasian short story, travel notes, diary .... But still the main objective works - revealing the image of an unusual, at first glance, strange human - Gregory Pechorin. This is truly extraordinary special person. And the reader traces this throughout the novel. Who is this […]
    • The life story of Pechorin is told to the reader by Maxim Maksimych. Psychological picture, sketched by the traveler, adds several characteristic touches to the story of Pechorin's life. The memory of Maxim Maksimych captured individual confessions of the hero, thanks to which the biography of the “hero of time” acquired extraordinary persuasiveness. Pechorin belonged to the highest Petersburg society. His youth was spent in the pleasures that can be obtained for money, and they soon became disgusting to him. Savor with her seductions too […]
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  • Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin and Maxim Maksimych - two completely different person not only in age, but also in psychology. Maxim Maksimych is an ordinary army officer. Service and life in the Caucasus influenced his soul and perception. “He has seen a lot, he has a lot of life experience behind him. Service in the army taught the staff captain to discipline. Call of duty for him is above all. Waiting for Pechorin at the station, he “for the first time own need ... ". By nature, Maxim Maksimych is kind, sympathetic, has a" golden heart ". He loved Bela as own daughter, condescendingly treated the "oddities" of Pechorin. Forgetting about himself, he serves people without demanding gratitude in return. Maksim Maksimych cannot take a critical view of the order of society. Because of this, he does not understand Pechorin and others who are bored, rushing about, looking for adventure, dissatisfied with life ”This person believes in; friendship.

    "After all, now come running!" - he proudly declares, having learned from the footman that Pechorin is in the city. Maxim Maksimych is patiently waiting for the one who once brought him a lot of anxiety and grief. But Pechorin forgot about him, if the staff captain had not come running, on time, he would have left without remembering him. He acted cruelly with a kind old man, but under this cruelty lies loneliness, doom. Why is there spiritual fatigue in Pechorin's soul, disappointment in life? By nature, he is smart, has a strong will, human feelings. After Bela's death, "Pechorin was unwell for a long time, he lost weight."

    Accidentally learning about the vile plan of the dragoon captain, he admits: "If Grushnitsky did not agree, I would throw myself on his neck." Before the duel, he offered to make peace. Pechorin hoped that "a spark of generosity could wake up in Grushnitsky's soul, and then everything would work out for the better." But an acquaintance of Pechorin "he burns all the bridges to salvation." Sincerely Grigory Alexandrovich's feeling for Vera, because she alone was able to understand him the way he is. He realizes too late that she is dearer to him than anything in the world, dearer than life, honor, happiness.

    Why did Pechorin become a "moral cripple"? The society, the conditions where our hero was brought up and lived, are to blame for this. “My colorless youth passed in the struggle with myself and the world,” he says, “my best feelings, fearing ridicule, I buried in the depths of my heart: they died there.” He was disappointed in everything he saw and did in the world. Pechorin does not believe in friendship, true love, good relations in the society where he was. He perceives everything that happens deeper than Maxim Maksimych.

    The staff captain is opposed to Pechorin. Maxim Maksimych is drawn to people, while the other is indifferent to the fate of people, he is closed in on himself. kind old man lives for others, Pechorin - for himself. It seems to me that Lermontov contrasts Maxim Maksimych with the main character in order to show more precisely and deeper inner world, the psychology of Pechorin

    Roman M.Yu. Lermontov's "Hero of Our Time" combines the features of realism and romanticism. Most a prime example the collision of the realistic and the romantic in the work is the opposite of the images of Maxim Maksimych and Pechorin.

    Maxim Maksimych is a battle-hardened, seemingly stern and rude staff captain, however, what warm heart and what tender soul hidden behind his seriousness! “The calm and cordial Maxim Maksimych is not only opposite to Pechorin, but also above him ... he belongs to those modest heroes of life who, at the very first call of her, respond with a feat and do not require a reward,” wrote the Russian literary critic Eichenwald. In turn, Pechorin is also a military man, but his heart, subject to the mind of an educated person, is covered with ice; his soul, despite the acute thirst for new experiences and pleasures, has almost forgotten how to experience real feelings - be it fear or love. Even the speech of Maxim Maksimych, on behalf of whom the main narration in the story "Bela" is being conducted, is as rich as colloquial vocabulary, common folk and sometimes rude expressions, and poeticisms (for example, when describing female beauty).

    At the same time, Pechorin's speech is static and uniform, like the character of this hero: it always combines criticality, confidence and arrogance.

    Maxim Maksimych is lonely, but still very pleased with his humble life, Pechorin, easily conquering female hearts and occupying high position in society, only suffers and sees life as an "empty and stupid joke." What is the matter here? Many will consider that it is exclusively in Pechorin's incredible mind and depth of thought, but I am firmly convinced that the point is his selfishness. Not a single act of his was a selfless help to another person, all his deeds were the pursuit of his own pleasure. But isn’t sympathy, help and love addressed to one’s neighbor (whom Maksim Maksimych amazes and admires) the most important thing in a real person, giving him true happiness and peace? Yes, Pechorin understood the psychology of people and was capable of deep introspection, while Maxim Maksimych only listened to his heart, distinguished by genuine kindness. So what is the use of a high mind and awareness of one's own vices, if these qualities do not in the least weaken cruelty, pride and indifference to other people's feelings?

    Maxim Maksimych is a completely realistic hero of the Russian type, because it is often typical for our people to hide their best feelings and good intentions, being afraid to seem soft-hearted. It reflects the best qualities of our society, while Pechorin is “a portrait made up of the vices of our entire generation”, but also exceptional and enigmatic personality why he can be considered a romantic hero. Unfortunately, we are often drawn to something mysterious, inaccessible and often destructive, and we don’t notice, we don’t appreciate the merit of simple kindness and sympathy, as if too banal to pay attention to them - this is what Bela did, dreaming about Pechorin and blind to the disinterested care of Maxim Maksimych. For me personally true hero of our time, the “calm and cordial Maxim Maksimych” has become, because sincere simplicity, responsiveness and modest tenderness are much more worthy of admiration than the awareness of a scoundrel of his sins.

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    on his soul and perception. He has seen a lot, he has a lot of life experience behind him. Service in the army taught the staff captain to discipline. Call of duty for him above all. While waiting for Pechorin at the station, he "for the first time in his life, perhaps, abandoned the affairs of the service for his own need ...". By nature, Maxim Maksimych is kind, sympathetic, has a "golden heart". He loved Bela like his own daughter, condescendingly treated the "oddities" of Pechorin. Forgetting about himself, he serves people without demanding gratitude in return. Maksim Maksimych cannot take a critical view of the order of society. Because of this, he does not understand Pechorin and others who are bored, rushing about, looking for adventure, dissatisfied with life ”This person believes in; friendship.

    "After all, now come running!" - he proudly declares, having learned from the footman that Pechorin is in the city. Maxim Maksimych is patiently waiting for the one who once brought him a lot of anxiety and grief. But Pechorin forgot about him, if the staff captain had not come running, on time, he would have left without remembering him. He acted cruelly with a kind old man, but under this cruelty lies loneliness, doom. Why is there spiritual fatigue in Pechorin's soul, disappointment in life? By nature, he is smart, has a strong will, human feelings. After Bela's death, "Pechorin was unwell for a long time, he lost weight."

    "If Grushnitsky did not agree, I would throw myself on his neck." Before the duel, he offered to make peace. Pechorin hoped that "a spark of generosity could wake up in Grushnitsky's soul, and then everything would work out for the better." But an acquaintance of Pechorin "he burns all the bridges to salvation." Sincerely Grigory Alexandrovich's feeling for Vera, because she alone was able to understand him the way he is. He realizes too late that she is dearer to him than anything in the world, dearer than life, honor, happiness.

    "moral cripple"? The society, the conditions where our hero was brought up and lived, are to blame for this. “My colorless youth passed in the struggle with myself and the world,” he says, “my best feelings, fearing ridicule, I buried in the depths of my heart: they died there.” He was disappointed in everything he saw and did in the world. Pechorin does not believe in friendship, true love, good relations in the society where he was. He perceives everything that happens deeper than Maxim Maksimych.

    The staff captain is opposed to Pechorin. Maxim Maksimych is drawn to people, while the other is indifferent to the fate of people, he is closed in on himself. The good old man lives for others, Pechorin lives for himself. It seems to me that Lermontov opposes Maxim Maksimych to the main character in order to show more accurately and deeper the inner world, the psychology of Pechorin.

    The central problem of the work of M. Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time" is the problem of the individual, his relationship with society, the influence of the historical situation on its development and opposition to social conditions.

    All artistic means and the images are subordinated to a single goal - to reveal the character traits of Pechorin, the protagonist of the novel, as a representative of a certain historical moment. The writer shows the inner world of the characters, which is quite often contradictory.

    The bifurcation of Pechorin is most fully revealed when comparing him with Maxim Makimych.

    Features of the character of Maxim Maksimovich

    These characters are absolutely different people, their differences are due not only to the difference in age, but also to psychological characteristics.

    Maxim Maksimych - ordinary military officer Russian army. Long-term participation in Caucasian war changed his mental structure, perception of reality. He has experienced a lot, has a wealth of experience, long and difficult fate. The army service taught him to observe discipline.

    The most important thing for a staff captain is duty. He is a kind and sympathetic person, sincerely loved Bela like his own daughter, favored Pechorin and looked through his fingers at the oddities of his younger friend.

    Maxim Maksimych does not expect any gratitude for the good done to someone. He is unusually critical of conventions, so he is not able to understand people who cannot find a place in life, are bored and rush about in search of adventure.

    He devoted friend and believes in friendship, therefore he waits for Pechorin, having learned about his arrival in the city, therefore he resorts to him shortly before his departure, despite the grief he has experienced.

    Personality traits of Pechorin and his relationship with Maxim Maksimovich

    Pechorin gives the impression of a deep old man, long tired of life, but why? He is smart and strong-willed person, not devoid of live, real emotions (for example, we see this after the death of Bela).

    He's up last moment he hoped that he could avoid a duel and offered Grushnitsky to reconcile, but his acquaintance himself refused the path to salvation. His feeling for Vera is also genuine, only this woman was truly able to understand and accept him for who he is. But Pechorin realizes very late that Vera is the most expensive and important person for him that she dearer than honor and happiness.

    What is the reason for the transformation of the main character into " moral cripple"? His personality was crippled social conditions where he grew up and was educated.

    Pechorin forgot about the staff captain (Maxim Maksimovich). The cruelty of such an act is due to the loneliness and doom of the protagonist himself.

    Pechorin considers his young years "colorless", his best qualities were buried in the "depth of the heart" for fear of public censure. Grigory Alexandrovich is completely disappointed in everything that surrounds him.

    He cannot find true friendship and love, does not believe in sincere and close relationships in his contemporary society. At the same time, Pechorin is much more complicated than the staff captain, his perception of the world is deeper.

    Heres Comparison and General Conclusions

    The images of Pechorin and Maxim Maksimych are opposed to each other. The staff captain is trying to establish relations with people, reaching out to them, the second character is indifferent to others, he does not care about them. Main character closed off, closed off from the world.

    Maxim Maksimych devotes his life to others, Pechorin lives only for himself. Mikhail Lermontov uses the technique of opposition to more fully reveal the character of Pechorin, the depth, versatility of his inner world.

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