The creation of the Ramayana poem message briefly. The poem "Ramayana" - a journey of thousands of years



Literary presentation by E. N. Tyomkin and V. G. Erman

Book one. Childhood

Birth of Rama

First victories over Rakshasas

The Story of the Daughters of Kushanabha

The story of the miraculous cow and the asceticism of Vishwamitra

The bow of Shiva and the marriage of Rama and Lakshmana

Rama duel with Jamadagni's son and return to Ayodhya

Book two. Ayodhya

Renunciation of King Dasaratha

Evil Hunchback Manthara

Two Wishes of Kaikeyi

Rama at Dasaratha Palace

The grief of Kaushalya and the wrath of Lakshmana

Rama leaves Ayodhya

Road to Chitrakuta

Death of Dasaratha

Return of Bharata

Bharata on Chitrakuta

Exiles leave Chitrakuta

Book three. Lesnaya

Exiles in the Dandaka Forest


Victory over Khara

Ravana's wrath and the appearance of the golden deer

The Abduction of Sita

Sita in Lanka

Rama's Despair

Death to Jatayu

Fight with the forest monster

Book four. Kishkindha

Encounter with Sugriva, the Monkey King

Victory over Valin

Sugriva reigns again in Kishkindha

Sugriva forgets his promise

Monkeys looking for Sita

Encounter with the hawk Sampati

Book five. beautiful

Hanuman jump

Hanuman in Lanka

Hanuman in Ravana's palace

Hanuman finds Sita

Threats of Ravana

Rakshasis threaten Sita

Hanuman's date with Sita

Return of Hanuman

Book six. Battle

Performance on a hike

Council in Ravana's palace

Vibhishana in the camp of Rama

bridge across the ocean

Spies of Ravana

Sorcery of Ravana

Monkeys near the walls of Lanka

Saving Rama and Lakshmana

Angada's victory over Vajradamshtra

Hanuman's victory over Akampana

Nila's victory over Prahasta

Ravana on the battlefield

Awakening Kumbhakarna

Rama's victory over Kumbhakarna

Night attack

Lakshmana's victory over Indrajit

Death of Ravana

Completion of funeral rites

Trial of Sita

Return from exile

Book seven. Last

Dictionary of Indian names and titles

Book one


To the south of the mountains of the Himalayas - the abode of snows, on the banks of the calm Sarayu and the abounding Ganges lies the country of Koshala, rich and happy, abundant in grain and cattle, rich pastures and flowering gardens.

In that country was ancient city Ayodhya, famous everywhere for the beauty and splendor of its houses, squares and streets. The domes of his palaces and temples towered like mountain peaks, and their walls shone with gold and precious stones. Erected by skillful architects, decorated with marvelous statues and paintings, they were like the heavenly palaces of Indra, the lord of the gods.

The city was rich and populous. There was plenty of food and drink in it, the shops of merchants were full of outlandish goods, and the inhabitants of Ayodhya knew neither need nor disease. Young men and women danced carelessly in the squares, in the gardens and in the mango groves. And from morning to evening, the straight and spacious streets of the city were crowded with people - merchants and artisans, royal messengers and servants, wanderers and buffoons. And there was no one in that city who would indulge in vice and idleness, who would not know literacy and piety. And all men and all women had a good disposition, and all their behavior was blameless.

The city was surrounded by strong walls and deep ditches; there were horses from Cambodia and from the banks of the Indus, war elephants from the Vindhya mountains and the Himalayas, and as mountain caves abound with lions, so the city was full of warriors, hot, straightforward and skillful.

And Ayodhya eclipsed other cities as the moon eclipses the stars. And the glorious king Dasaratha, just and mighty, ruled over it. Wise and devoted advisers served the pious king, beautiful wives delighted him with their beauty and meekness, and all the desires of Dasaratha were immediately fulfilled.

But a great sorrow had already sharpened the soul of the sovereign of Ayodhya for a long time, and nothing amused him. The noble Dasaratha had no offspring, he had no son, there was no one to transfer power and the state to. And one day the lord of Ayodhya decided to make great sacrifices to the gods in the hope that the gods would have mercy on him and give him a son. The royal advisers, pious and omniscient brahmins, happily approved Dasaratha's desire, and his wives blossomed with happiness and hope, as lotuses bloom with the advent of warmth and sun.

On the northern shore of Sarayu, at the place indicated by Dasaratha, the chief adviser of the king Vasistha ordered the construction of an altar, luxurious buildings for noble sovereign guests, comfortable houses for brahmins, merchants, farmers and royal guards. “Everyone should be happy, no one should suffer from a lack of anything,” Vasistha ordered the royal architects and servants.

The masters immediately set to work, and the royal messengers rushed in fast chariots to the east and west, to the south and north. They carried an invitation to the neighboring sovereigns to come to Dasaratha for a great holiday.

When a year had passed and everything was already ready for the great sacrifice, welcome guests began to arrive in Ayodhya: the noble Janaka, the lord of Mithila, a faithful friend of King Dasaratha; well-behaved and eloquent lord of Kashi; Romapada, the brave king of the Angs; the valiant sovereigns of Sindh and Saurashtra; venerable brahmins and merchants, skilled artisans and diligent farmers.

And on the day when the heavenly bodies foreshadowed good luck, King Dasaratha with his wives and household, advisers and numerous guests, under the protection of his faithful army, left Ayodhya to the northern shore of Sarayu.

For three days and three nights, the priests of Dasaratha made great sacrifices to the gods, for three days and three nights they whispered prayers over the sacred fire of the altar and begged the gods to grant offspring to the decrepit sovereign.

A rumor spread throughout the land about a great sacrifice on the northern bank of Sarayu, and destitute people flocked to the altar from everywhere. All day from morning to night there were shouts: “Give me food! Give me some clothes!" - and the servants of Dasaratha did not refuse anything to the newcomers. A lot of gold and silver, precious fabrics, carpets and horses were given away by the generous Dasaratha to pious brahmins, and the priests glorified the sovereign of Ayodhya and wished him many sons and grandsons.

The gods, too, were pleased with the sacrifice they made, each of them received his long. And then they turned to the creator god, the great Brahma, with a request to give the righteous Dasaratha a son. “Give, sir, Dasaratha a son,” the gods asked the almighty Brahma, “give him irresistible power, may he save us and all living things in the world from Ravana and his villainy.”

The second monument of ancient Indian epic poetry, (the first - Mahabharata) is dedicated to the deeds of Rama, one of the favorite heroes of India and neighboring countries. The Ramayana contains 24,000 slokas (four times less than the Mahabharata), divided into seven books.

  • 1. Bala Kanda - a book about Rama's childhood.
  • 2. Ayodhya Kanda - a book about the royal court in Ayodhya.
  • 3. Aranya Kanda - a book about the life of Rama in the forest desert.
  • 4. Kishkindha Kanda - a book about the union of Rama with the monkey king in Kishkindha.
  • 5. Sundara Kanda - "A beautiful book" about the island of Lanka - the kingdom of the demon Ravana, the kidnapper of Rama's wife - Sita.
  • 6. Yuddha Kanda - a book about the battle of the monkey army of Rama with the demon army of Ravana.
  • 7. Uttara Kanda - "The Final Book".

The popularity of the Ramayana is enormous, as evidenced by the abundance of its versions (the most important are the so-called Bombay, Western and Bengali); her influence on the later literature of India is incomparable; in dramatic and metrical forms, in Sanskrit and in New Indian languages, episodes of the Ramayana were endlessly developed, separate images unfolded - the images of Rama, his devoted brother Lakshmana, the brave and dexterous monkey knight Hanuman, and especially the meek Sita, who became a symbol of marital fidelity and pure femininity.

Plot: The epic tells how Prince Rama, the incarnation of the god Vishnu, who was born on earth for the sake of destroying the enemy of the gods and people, the rakshasa demon Ravana, marries the beautiful princess Sita, surpassing all other applicants for her hand in strength, as then because of intrigues Kaikeyi, the younger wife of his father Dasaratha, he goes into exile with Sita and his brother Lakshmana for fourteen years, how Ravana kidnaps Sita in the forest and takes her by air to his kingdom on the island of Lanka, how, in search of Sita, Rama enters into an alliance with the king Monkeys Sugriva and as an adviser to Sugriva Hanuman finds Sita, how Rama, having crossed the ocean, enters with his army into battle with the Rakshasas, kills Havana and reunites with Sita.

Hidden meaning:

Rama dwells in every Body. He is Atma-Rama, Rama is the Source of Bliss in every being. His blessings, poured from this inner source, bestow Peace and Happiness. He is the very embodiment of Dharma, the Highest Moral Law that upholds Love and Unity in humanity. Ramayana, The Tale of Rama, contains two lessons: the value of renunciation of the world and the realization that every being carries a Divine principle. Faith in God and renunciation of material goals are the two keys to the Liberation of man. Renounce the sense objects and you will know Rama. Sita gave up the luxury of Ayodhya and was therefore able to be with Rama in "exile". When she fixed her dreamy gaze on the golden deer and became captivated by it, she lost the Presence of Rama. Self-denial leads to joy; attachment brings grief. Be in Peace, but be free from it. Each of the brothers, companions and associates of Rama is an example of a person imbued with the Dharma. Dasaratha represents only the physical beginning - with ten senses. The three gunas - Satva, Rajas and Tamas - are the three Queens. Four Life Goals- Purusharthas are four sons. Lakshmana - Intelligence, Sugriva - Viveka or Discrimination, Vali - despair. Hanuman is the embodiment of valor. The bridge is thrown over the Ocean of Illusion. The three leaders of the Rakshasas are the personification of rajasic (Ravana), tamasic (Kumbakarna) and satvic (Vibhishana) qualities. Sita - Brahmajnana or Knowledge of the Universal Absolute, which the individual must acquire, passing the path of difficult life tests. As you comprehend the greatness of the Ramayana, purify and strengthen your heart. Affirm in the belief that Rama is the Essence of your being.

Sathya Sai Baba is an Indian guru.

It seems to me that Sai Baba very correctly described and found the meaning of the epic. This is a sacred and instructive book with its own rules and attitude to life.

Main characters:

Frame - main character poems. The eldest and beloved son of the king of the country, Kosala Dasaratha, and his wife Kaushalya. He is portrayed as the epitome of dignity. Dasarathi was forced to give in to an ultimatum from Kaikeyi, one of his wives, and ordered that Rama relinquish his right to the throne and go into exile for 14 years.

Sita - the beloved wife of Rama, the daughter of King Janaka, "not born of a man." She is the incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi, the wife of Vishnu. Sita is portrayed as the ideal of feminine purity. She follows her husband into exile, where she is kidnapped by the Rakshasa king Ravana, ruler of Lanka. Rama with allies saves her from captivity by killing Ravana. Later, she gives birth to Rama's heirs - Kusha and Lava.

Hanuman is a powerful vanara and the eleventh incarnation of the god Shiva (or Rudra), the ideal of devoted fulfillment of the debt of honor. Son of the wind god. plays important role in the return of Sita.

Lakshmana - younger brother Rama, who went into exile with him. Represents the serpent Shesha and the ideal true friend. He spends all his time protecting Sita and Rama. He was forced by Sita (embarrassed by Rakshas Maricha) to leave her in search of Rama who had gone into the forest, as a result of which Ravana was able to kidnap Sita. was married to younger sister Siths of Armile.

Bharata is the son of Dasaratha, brother of Rama. When he learns that his mother Kaikeyi sent the heir to the throne Rama into exile and made him king himself, which caused the death of Dasaratha, heartbroken from the treachery of his wife, Bharata rejects the illegally obtained power and goes in search of Rama. When Rama refuses to return from his exile, Bharata puts Rama's golden sandals on the throne as a symbol that the true king is Rama, and he is only his viceroy. Depicted as the ideal of justice.

Ravana is a rakshasa king of Lanka. Depicted as ten-headed and twenty-armed, if you cut off his heads, they grow back. From the creator god Brahma he received a wonderful gift: for ten thousand years he could not be killed by a god, demon or beast. Even the gods tremble before his power. In order to defeat Ravana, Vishnu incarnates in the form of a man - in Rama and his brothers. Ravana is the kidnapper of Sita, intending to make her his wife, whom, however, he does not cause violence, wanting to achieve her favor with threats and persuasion, since a curse weighs on him: in case of violence against a woman, he will instantly die.

The Ramayana has everything that should be in the epic: war, confrontation between the forces of good and evil, heroes and villains, abductions, glorification of heroes and their weapons. However, there is also something that is missing in the first monument of ancient Indian epic poetry, the Mahabharata: an atmosphere of refined sensitivity, the pathos of love and fidelity, attention to nature, detailed descriptions of the seasons (later they will become independent genre Indian lyrics). All this creates a special style of the poem. "Ramayana", as it were, has already gone from the heroic epic to the so-called "artificial", where literary form takes on greater importance.

Wherever you go to travel, in whatever country of Asia you decide to visit, the images of the Ramayana will meet you almost everywhere: in architecture, in paintings, in theater productions, and even, street graffiti. Ramayana successfully competes in popularity with the Homeric Iliad.

At one time, Hinduism confidently walked through the countries of Asia, leaving deep imprints of the "Indian style" in religion and traditions, culture and art. Ramayana is the most vivid and memorable legend of the Indian epic. You will hear about it in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, and, of course, in India. Therefore, it is so important to have an idea of ​​what the Ramayana is about. Since not all of my readers can read in Sanskrit (in which this epic is written), I quote short description Ramayana in Russian.

The main characters of the Ramayana:

  • Frame- a hero who is simply obliged to defeat everyone and become king. Rama is the reincarnation of the god Vishnu (7th avatar). The word "Ramayana" is translated as "Journey of Rama".
  • lakshmana- Rama's brother, who followed his brother into exile. He right hand Rama and, as history shows, not a very reliable guard and protector of Rama's wife.
  • sita- beautiful wife of Rama. Main responsibility Sita - to be a faithful and obedient wife to her husband. Sita is the incarnation of the goddess Lakshmi, the wife of the god Vishnu, the goddess of beauty and charm, good luck and abundance. Lakshmi is the ideal of female purity and fidelity.
  • Hanuman- the monkey god who helps Rama with all his might. Hanuman is the eleventh incarnation of the god Shiva, which explains his eccentric and unbalanced character.
  • Ravana- a demon that reigns on the island of Lanka. Ravana likes to take whatever he wants, including other people's wives. From the creator god Brahma, the demon Ravana received a gift - for 10 thousand years neither a god, nor a demon, nor a beast can kill him. But a curse was attached to the gift, about which a little later.
  • Bharata- paternal brother for Rama, erected by his cunning mother to the throne instead of Rama.

1 | Exile:

Rama as a hero must be tempered in battles and trials. Therefore, he is not lucky. To begin with, Rama is fraudulently disinherited and expelled from his native lands.

Rama's father - the great king banished his beloved son Rama for 14 years and was so worried about this that he died. Why was he expelled? As you know, polygamy does not lead to good. Rama is the son of a beloved wife. A main wife- the other, and she really wants to put her son, Bharat, on the throne (this character will still pop up in this story, surprising everyone).

Together with Rama, Rama's faithful brother Lakshmana and Rama's beloved wife Sita went into exile.

Expulsion of Rama from his native lands for 14 years.

2 | beauty kidnapping:

While Rama has fun hunting, his brother Lakshmana guards Sita. The evil demon Ravana, taking advantage of the absence of the hero, lured the guard away into the forest and stole the beautiful Sita, taking her to his possessions on the island of Lanka (it is believed that this modern island Sri Lanka).

The evil demon Ravana himself is involved in the kidnapping of Sita.

3 | Seduce without violence:

Ravana dragged the beauty to his monastery and began to use the methods of seduction available to him.

Ravana is almost immortal. We remember that neither a god, nor a beast, nor a demon can kill him for 10 thousand years. The curse of Ravana lies in the catch - he will die immediately if he commits violence against a woman. So he had to act only by means of persuasion, persuasion and threats.

Maybe Sita would have succumbed to the demon's spell, but she had support in the form of her sister Ravana, who for some reason (probably out of female solidarity) actively supported Sita and restrained her assertive brother.

Ravana tries to seduce Sita.

4 | Monkeys, fight!

Meanwhile, Rama, having discovered the loss of his wife, was preparing to win her back. He gathered an army and friends.

Hanuman appears on the stage - a monkey and a warrior, an avatar and the 11th incarnation of Shiva. Hanuman gathered an army fearless warriors in support of Rama and created a bridge to the island of Lanka, where the demon Ravana will hide.

The ringing of swords, screams, uproar, fires, a grandiose commotion - the two armies came together not for life, but for death.

Rama personally took up Ravana. Rama, as a mortal, can kill a demon (Ravana has protection only from gods, animals and demons, but not from people). Ravana died at the heroic hand of Rama. Everyone is happy. The hero bathes in glory. And where is the faithful wife of Sita?

The battle of the army of monkeys and the novices of the demon Ravana.

5 | Purify by fire, woman!

Rama defeated the offender, but he did not even want to hug his wife saved from captivity. He did not believe that Sita remained faithful to him. What woman can resist the spell of a demon?

Rama demanded purification by fire from his wife, in fact sent her to the fire alive. Cleanse, he says. Great move - save and burn.

The husband said to the fire - it means to the fire. Sita, like an obedient wife, having prayed, she herself entered the flame. Here it is worth all the fans of the Indian epic to shed a tear. Everyone, including the creator god Brahma, who, knowing that Sita was innocent in front of her husband, granted Sita protection from flames.

Purification of Sita by fire.

5 | And they lived happily ever after:

Sita came out of the flames whole and unharmed. Rama's jealousy after such an act of fidelity came to naught and the family was reunited again in happiness and mutual understanding.

6 | There is no way back:

Rama was called home to be king. The newly-made ruler of Bharat (he flashed at the beginning of our story) considered his coronation and expulsion from the country of the rightful heir to the throne, Rama, unfair. But Rama refused to return home. Now, after defeating the demon, he has his own state - the island of Lanka, conquered from Ravan.

Bharata put Rama's sandals on the throne, proclaiming Rama the rightful king, and himself only his viceroy.

7 | Ramayana's popularity knows no bounds

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They like to film the Ramayana, create cartoons based on it. In Indonesia, you can visit a very colorful performance (all photos in the article are from this show). The heroes of the Ramayana are depicted in paintings and frescoes, on the facades of Hindu temples.

But in Sri Lanka, Ramayana is not loved. In fact, the Ramayana contains a hint that the Sinhalese ( most of the population of Sri Lanka) are the accomplices of the demon. How can you not be offended by this?

11. "Ramayana" (Indian epic).

"No one has power over the Great Time -
Fate, - said Rama, - and it
does not know its course"

1. Introduction. After the death of Atlantis, where black magicians and sorcerers lived, a small number of them were saved on the island of Lanka (Ceylon). At the head of Lanka was King Ravana (the incarnation of Jehovah). Since then, in three worlds, no rest. Ravana - Jehovah destroyed good and creates evil.
How to stop it? The gods decide to incarnate on Earth because only an earthly husband is able to defeat Ravana. God - Guardian Vishnu should be born in the guise of the son of King Dasaratha, while other gods in the guise of monkeys - his assistants in the future battle with the leader of Ravana - Jehovah.
Vishnu - the First Logos, clothed with energy, and in our Solar System in conjunction with the fifth principle, Mind, becomes a creative monad, force.
2. Ayodhya, a city in India where King Dasaratha lived. The inhabitants of the city comprehended the Vedas, raised their minds, and were respected. The tsar observed his duty to the inhabitants, kept the peace, and the people were a match for the tsar.
"They did not know self-interest, gloating in Ayodhya,
deceit, there were no hunters before someone else's wealth.
From the century they did not know envy, lies and deceit
happy and blameless inhabitants of the kingdom."
"Anyone who dominated the house could not boast,
how the family prospered, and the capital flourished.
Filled with greed, not recognizing the shrine,
There were no ignoramuses and atheists there at all.
The city dweller owned grain, horses and cattle.
They were pure in heart. There were no tormentors and wicked, freaks, fools and haters in the city.
"Hold the houses of the long-lived and kind-hearted
husbands surrounded by offspring from blameless wives.
Ayodhya to the ruler - a formidable army of enemies
surrendered, as to a clear month - a starry army.
Four sons were born to the Tsar, he considered his sons to be the best in the world, four hands from the Father's body. Four!
But Rama is beautiful, that Brahma turned out to be more expensive than others, to his father's heart, to match the world ruler - he was in human form - Vishnu the eternal was asked by the gods so that the inhuman Ravana would find his death, and villainy would end in the world. The mother has risen, which has replenished the family with Rama.
3. Rama (Avatar of Vishnu), - the face of unprecedented beauty, a great heart, valiant, without anger, cheerful, affectionate, affable, worthy.
"He was looking for a society of the wise, he did not have love for idle talk, and he owned a tool like a man." "He was a Chrysostom; eloquence is not eloquence, he did not boast of his courage, he shunned arrogance." He was merciful, accessible, a truth-lover, knew the laws of the sacred, considered family devotion sacred, and was not attached to bad amusements. He was young, beautiful and healthy.
"And the people loved Rama and Ayodhya the ruler
because his virtue shone like the sun.
And King Dasaratha thought of his dear son:
Having grown old in the kingdom, how long shall I wait for joy?
I want to see Rama on the throne during my lifetime!"
Rama is dear to the people, but his demons are afraid. No king could reach his perfection.
4. Sita, the daughter of the king, the embodied goddess Lakshmi - the goddess of luck and creativity. The young wife of King Rama.
"Three Worlds - heavenly, earthly and aboveground - until now
have not seen a goddess equal to you in beauty!
Are you Lakshmi? Or maybe a heavenly maiden?
One thing is certain, that you were not born from a womb!
in a garland of tender lotuses, you shine like
on gold and silver dazzling skin.
Fine even sharp teeth innocently
sparkle with their whiteness, like jasmine buds.
Oh maiden, with rounded hips, sweet figure
with a shape like a bulk fruit, velvety and ruddy.
By the will of fate, Rama and Sita ended up in the forest.
To match the saint, in a hut covered with leaves
the sinless prince talked with his brother and Sita.
He told them a parable.
One ugly rakshasi (demon) wandered there in search of game,
was called Shurpankha for ugliness,
for claws that betrayed the resemblance to a winnowing machine.
And Rama appeared to her eyes, beautiful as thirty gods. Soft curls, glitter elongated eyes. And a swarthy, lotus-like appearance, and royal signs, and a young tread.
This ugly ugly thing, this hoarse, anti-haired, anti-headed, copper-red herself with dark curly hair was equal to him and, a shameless fool, was equal to the great-wise.
She left and told her brother Ravana what a beautiful wife Rama had. Ravana had a wife and children.
The demons of Ravana attacked the holy hermits, devoured them and their sacrifices to the gods. “The fiends bowed over the carrion of hell; Rakshasas (demons) arranged a feast for carnivores. Intoxicated with blood, satiated with meat, they enjoyed an ugly dance. How satisfying! So tasty! We are glad! We are glad! Bloodsuckers screamed in the night. A great multitude of demons danced, having eaten both bone marrow and lard. There were millions, millions, millions; their evil was horrified by the whole world shocked! They had fun - is it not a consolation for them that the meat of the living turns into carrion? Where there is a field in the blood, where people mourn, there is the power of demons - revelry, feasting!
They stole human wives for Ravana. "It is our custom that human wives become our prey," says Ravana. Demons - eaters raw meat and blood.
“The whole of Lanka was trembling from whistling and hum, the monster was sleeping there and it didn’t blink an eye” - Ravana’s brother was sleeping, and for breakfast, “meat (raw) dishes and blood jugs were put for him.”
5. Abduction of Sita. Hearing about Sita, Ravana decided to steal her. His brothers forbade him: "Rama will kill you!" When Sita was left alone, Ravana appeared, pretending to be a saint asking for alms.
"Having put on the mask of piety, there was the Ten-Headed
like a quagmire where grasses have grown.
He silently gazed at Rama's beautiful friend,
that with its face, as the moon illuminated the area.
And pretending to be a beggar, demons formidable ruler
in a humble guise, the spouse is a foreign deceiver."
Sita asked him who is he?
"I am Ravana, the omnipotent king of demons." And he invited her to become the queen of Lanka.
"You wished to have fun with your good-natured wife
and you think of stealing your spouse, what did the God-equal choose?
You don't know the difference between a royal lion and a jackal.
Remember that you are against Rama, the great man
as against the swells of the ocean - an unclean puddle.
Here the demon lord took on his true fearsome form; he pulled Sita by the hair, and with the other hand he clasped his hips and carried him into his chariot.
On the way, she tore off part of her yellow silk dress and threw it into the forest to the monkeys so that they would convey the message to Rama.
"Do not be afraid" - whispered to the kidnapped maiden in sadness
the trees that swayed silently as bird havens.
In the drowsy moisture, grieving for the departed friend,
among the withering lotuses, the fish scurried in fright.
Beasts seized with rage, left the thicket,
and for a long time they ran after the shadow of the flying princess,
in tears - waterfalls - stony faces of peaks,
cliffs, like hands raised in a sorrowful cry.
And the sun without shine, like a dim circle
lamented the noble Rama's girlfriend.
No honor, no conscience in the world; we see firsthand
how Sita is carried away by the lord flying at night.
And all the different-eyed, living in the thicket,
they mourned for the maiden, their eyes widening timidly.
The sobs of Sita awakened the aged king of the Hawks, who stood up for Sita and destroyed the chariot, broke the bow and arrows. Ravana picked up Sita and flew with her to Lanka. He locked her in a grove, in a palace guarded by demons. Rama and his brother came across the dying king of the Hawks, who managed to say: "The demon lord took her to the south. Do not despair, you will find Sita and kill Ravana in a duel."
Rama suffers in longing for Sita:
"Oh! The voices of birds in the unceasing choir,
it is not joy that is brought to my soul, but grief.
ABOUT! I can't imagine living without that enchantress
whose speech is sweet-sounding, eyelashes are fanned with bliss.
Without that marvelous, silky veil with curls,
without the one involved spring holiday forests.
But life is painful without my marvelous princess!
Her eyes are like lotuses, her voice is melodious.
Rama is informed that the capital of Ravana on the island of Lanka, in the middle of the ocean, the demon Ravana took Sita there.
Rama and his brother gather an army, build a bridge for five days.
Hanuman, the son of the Wind God, flies to Lanka in search of Sita.
While looking for Sita, I examined the city.
6. Lanka (Ceylon).
"To Lanka, her golden gates and temples
the companion of the great Rama looked in amazement.
Stones glittered in her pavements,
crystal, pearls, lapis lazuli and other inclusions.
There was every opening of delightful towers
decorated with gold and silver forging.
Hanuman hid in the bushes and sees monsters in animal skins, with a shaved crown, a scythe at the back of the head, short men - freaks.
Worthy Hanuman saw the idle, mired in drunkenness and other temptations. I heard swearing, foul language, women with lovers lay side by side, many sleeping women were in luxurious clothes.
"One of the other reclined on the hips, on the bosoms,
on the buttocks, on the arms and breasts of the naked.
Hands intertwined, addicted to wine,
in a dream, thin-shouldered clung to each other with sympathy.
And gathered together by their master,
seemed like a garland covered with a swarm of bees.
7. Ravana is the incarnation of Jehovah (the manifested Lucifer, Satan, the devil, Yahweh).
Climbing the stairs, Hanuman saw a drunken Ravana; like a ferocious tiger. From there, the gaze of the monkey followed the ruler, and Ravana, drunk, seemed to her a ferocious tiger;
Thick hands in gold bracelets, torn forearms, a huge fist like a mace, an elephant's head. Women surrounded him and anointed him with sandalwood, countless rings with stones sparkled on all fingers. The breath of the ruler of the demons "smelled" of mash and the gaping pharynx frightened the gaze. Pearl thread on chest
"The shirt slipped, and the scars were exposed on the body,
and wrapped in a royal yellow veil on the bed.
Breathing with a snake whistle, naked to the waist,
the "master" lay, resting in a sound sleep.
And the elephant, washed by the waters of the great Ganges,
sleeping on the shallows, would be compared with the ruler of Lanka.
Drunken dancers, singers in emerald earrings and diamond pendants slept in Ravana's arms. (Ravana is ten-headed, twenty-armed - he has ten physical bodies in reserve, he changes them).
8. Refectory of Ravana - Jehovah.
"Like a cloud in the brilliance of lightning, prostrate on carpets
lay Red-eyed with fragrant sandal rubbed,
he, breathing menacingly, became like snakes hissing ....
Luxurious boxes stood in the refectory of Ravana,
food for a feast, for a drinking bout - drinks stood.
Bracelets of glittering abyss lay everywhere
- beauties lost them in the refectory.
He saw maidens embracing, proportionately built,
intoxicated with wine and immersed in a sweet dream.
Beauties shone with light and black skin,
and swarthy skin, similar to molten gold.
In the abode of demons, surrounded by a formidable wall,
fell asleep, sated with pleasures, Ravana's wife,
- their bodies were relaxed with intoxicating drinks
their faces are like lotuses of the night compared to those of the day
And there was no beautiful Sita among them.
9. Hanuman finds Sita surrounded by demons.
"With drooping ears were ferocious hari,
and absurd creatures were completely earless.
With a single eye and with a nose on the crown of the head were.
Darkness - darkness of red-haired, dark-haired, grumpy demons,
disgusting, passionate, vicious, scolding, pugnacious.
Monkey ears, cow ears, elephant ears, donkey ears,
and muzzles of boars, deer, jackals, tigers.
Nostrils of immense size, crooked, awkward,
noses like a trunk, fleshy and tubular.
And completely noseless freaks are still bigheads, lips
that appeared from behind gaping jaws.
Swearing throats of oxen, camels, mares,
shameful words were heaped on everyone in abundance.
Up to their ears spattered with meat and blood
and are subject to gluttony and foul language.
They tormented carnivorous animal carcasses
and greedily intoxicated animal souls were poured.
These monsters were located around the tree, under the shadow of which the maiden (Sita) was crying. Hanuman hid and in the morning he heard how the "Brahmins" read the "Vedas" and court singers praising the ten-headed demon lord.
Ravana asks Sita to become his wife:
"Aloe, sandalwood and precious shimmer stones
you need Sita more than these contemplative fasts.

Sita answers in a weak voice: “I belong to Rama! The wrath of the descendant of Radhu will overtake you inevitably. Can you resist the low dog before Rama? Enraged by Sita’s stubbornness and her bold speeches, Ravana threatens the princess with death. to Rama with a report about the place of residence of Sita.
"Hanuman set fire to the owners of luxurious chambers,
easily turned them into fire victims."
Rama is marching to Lanka. In Lanka they learn about the arrival of Rama's troops.
The virtuous younger brother of Ravana, Vibhishana warns the leader of the demons? "It's not too late, my brother. Return your wife to the prince, beg his forgiveness. Otherwise, death threatens both you and our entire family. Rama's strength is limitless, and revenge is terrible."
Ravana does not heed reasonable speeches brother. He decides to start a war with the valiant Rama, collects demons in his palace. He tells them that the passion for Princess Sita has scorched his heart. Sita is rebellious, she asked for a year, because she is waiting for her husband. But he will never return Rama to his old wife.
Only Kumbhakarna, another younger brother of the formidable Ravana, lord great power(the gods themselves are in fear of this force and sent to him deep dream, from which he awakens only for one day, every six years, to satisfy his hunger - to eat raw meat and drink a jug of blood). Only Kumbhakarna complains about the unreason, injustice of his brother, but still he promises support and vows to kill Rama and exterminate his army.
Demon Mahakarshva asks Ravana; from which he will not take the lovely Sita by force. Ravana replies that he cannot do that.
Once he took the heavenly beauty Panjikashala by force. Burning with resentment, she retired to the halls of the Progenitor. The enraged Vladyka cursed him, saying: “From now on, if you take a woman by force, your head will be torn into a thousand pieces.” But the head of the lustful male Jehovah did not shatter.
10. Battle (between Rama and Ravana).
"Angry Rama saw regiments and squads,
an innumerable army clung to the hills and valleys.
Vibhishana, Ravana's younger brother, warns him against war with Rama. They do not listen to him, and with four devoted companions he goes over to the side of Rama. Rama names Vibhishana the future ruler of Lanka.
"And the arrows that were like snakes are saturated with poison,
interfered with two royal brothers who fought side by side.
Stuck in the nostrils and ears, soared in a whirlwind
prickly dust between earth and heaven.
There demonic mountain-like corpses lay,
and heaps of darts, and kupa hammers lay.
And the demons of Ramu surrounded in pitch darkness,
and clouds of arrows were thrown, laughing at the Sinless One.
But Rama shot with a bow at their center.
Six times - and he pierced the six Night Flyers.
The duel between Rama and Ravana is repeated many times. The demon king is offered to return Sita, but he refuses.
"Their arrows, each - a friend split, fell to the ground.
so Rama fought the raging demon prince."
"Ravana's death is predicted - said the charioteer - by the Gods,
and today he will be the prey of death."
The Almighty himself handed Rama an arrow, in its tip there was a flame and the burning of the sun - "Striking Ray".
"The arrow that threatens vitality center,
The prince sent the Night Flyers into the lord."
And Ravana?
Emitting a spirit, and he dropped his bow and arrows from his hands, his dead eyes became clouded. Ravana dies, evil dissipates, peace and tranquility reign in the universe.
Rama freed the princess. But the one who stayed for a long time in the house of another, according to Rama, cannot be accepted by her husband. high class. After all, Ravana touched her, defiled her with a look full of desire. And the mighty Rama refuses his wife. She is tested with fire, Sita disappears in flames, and at the same moment she is carried in her arms by the god of Fire - Agni. Rama and Sita are together, and even when they leave the physical shell, they ascend to the Subtle World and meet there, and never part again.
It was this incarnation of Jehovah - Ravana - drunkenness, debauchery, theft of other people's wives, devouring meat and blood that became the final fall and caused his physical elimination. Red-eyed, ten-headed, twenty-armed Ravana mired in matter - he had 10 physical bodies. It was destroyed ten times. This is not the last fall of Jehovah.

After physical elimination (after death), Jehovah came up with a PLAN OF REVENGE - from that moment the countdown of time “from the creation of the world” of Jehovah began. He presented this date to future Jews. In September 2014 - 5775 years from the creation of the world according to the Jewish calendar. Lemuria, Atlantis, Lanka Jehovah decided to forget and laid the foundation for new atrocities.
The Jews descended from Noah, who saved them from the flood in Lemuria. Noah is the incarnation of the Archangel Michael, the Lord of Shambhala. The epic of the Jews is given in Art. 5, video "Mahabharata" - lunar dynasty, "Analysis of the Bible."
Revenge plan:
1. Blow up the Planet before leaving for Saturn.
2. Carry out the recruitment of the population.
Rama is God (Avatar of Vishnu)! Ravana (Jehovah) is the devil.
Look at the sites:,
video "Vishnu Purana", from the 63rd series of "Ramayana".
"Ramayana" is given in an abbreviated form. The sites already have "Ramayana" without abbreviations in the translation of V.A.Potapova.

General history of world religions Voldemar Danilovich Karamazov

Mahabharata and Ramayana

Mahabharata and Ramayana

A serious role in the development of the religious doctrine of Hinduism belongs to Indian epic works - the poems "Mahabharata" and "Ramayana". What was originally formed and transmitted as local legends, was eventually written down and came to be regarded as the main evidence of Indian world views. Despite a number of historical references to events in the distant past, epic works mainly devoted to the constant struggle between Good and Evil, Cosmos and Chaos. The poems instill confidence in the establishment of order and in the presence of a path through the quagmire of uncertainty, doubt and fear.

"Ramayana". battle scene

Both poems were basically formed in the second half of the 1st millennium BC. e., although the editions that exist today, of course, belong to a later time. The epic texts include many legends, legends and myths that are not directly related to the main plot of the poems. With their help, the origin of the world, man, some public institutions. In the people's memory, many legends about the emergence of varnas, the origin of the state have been preserved. In the worldview of the Indians, these events were associated with the activities of the gods and the manifestation of their will.

The basis of the plot of both the Mahabharata, which consists of 90,000 couplets, and the Ramayana, which has 24,000 couplets, is the cyclical history of the world. In the beginning, the world is governed by justice and order (dharma). Then, over the course of four epochs, morals gradually decline. Then the gods decide to destroy this world and build it anew. The poems express the need to search for the meaning and purpose of life, even in troubled times.

"Mahabharata", this kind of "Iliad" of the Hindus, over time has grown from heroic poem into a whole literature, in which the Hindus, from their rich stock, have included traditions and legends, philosophical and religious speculations of ancient and modern times. By the second half of the 1st millennium AD. e. the poem was revered as a book of truth, a code of morality and a guide to bliss, and even then, as now, it was offered for reading in temples as a sacred book for edification.

One of the sources about 800 reports that the Mahabharata was intended for the religious teaching of those who were forbidden to study the Vedas and Vedanta, and it was believed that a Brahmin who knew all the Vedas, but not the Mahabharata, was not yet a fully versed person. In general, in India, this poem from ancient times occupied the position smriti, sacred tradition. Regardless of the importance that the Hindus themselves attached to this poem, it is for us an invaluable source of acquaintance with the religious state of the Hindus in the Middle Ages, because this book mentions the main religious and philosophical trends of an older time (veneration of Vishnu, Krishna and Shiva), their legends are told, their theological views are expounded. Author of the Mahabharata Indian tradition names a legendary poet Vyasu.

The main theme of the Mahabharata is the struggle between two powerful kindred families, Pandavas And kauravami, which, no doubt, reflects the ancient events of Indian history. The action of the poem takes place at the end of the third historical era, and then passes into the fourth, a period of complete decay and injustice.

A long struggle, replete with intrigue, treachery, but at the same time glorious deeds and nobility, ends great battle at Kurukshetra and the death of many heroes. In the end, victory goes to the Pandavas. The main attention in the poem is given to the attitude of the Pandava brothers to the events taking place. Older brother, Yudhishthira, seeks to evade participation in internecine warfare. He tends more towards asceticism and meditation. Gradually, the third brother takes the leading role, arjuna, who, sharing his brother's dislike of war, realizes the need to do his duty. It helps him in this conversation with the charioteer, who turns out to be none other than the god Krishna, who proves the need to act according to duty.

Their conversation is famous poem The Bhagavad Gita is the climax of the poem. It develops into a whole religious-philosophical system. The performance of one's duty does not entail guilt if it is carried out impartially. Krishna indicates that knowledge, work and respect for the gods will allow one to gain salvation. The Bhagavad Gita states that salvation can be attained by all, and caste and class distinctions are the guarantee of salvation. And although the philosophy of the Bhagavad-gita is to a certain extent eclectic in nature, yet, due to the abundance of thoughts and its light form, it is one of the finest examples of Hindu philosophical reasoning. In India itself, she enjoys great respect; and every theological trend that wishes to be firmly established must define its point of departure precisely by means of a commentary on it.

Plate with an episode from the Ramayana. 11th century

The Ramayana, composed in South India, is only one quarter of the Mahabharata in volume. At the same time, according to its original art form it generally has such a character that it should apparently be recognized as the work of one author, who is traditionally considered a poet Valmiki. In content, it differs in many respects from the northern epic, and above all, it has the character of an epic tale to a much lesser extent, containing more of a fabulous element and adventure.

A dilapidated wall decorated with reliefs of scenes from the Ramayana

The actions described in the Ramayana take place in the second historical era when the world order was still strong enough, despite strong upheavals. This story begins with the story of the upbringing of the prince frames and his love for the beautiful princess Site. As a result of intrigues, Rama was deprived of the throne, and his faithful wife Sita was kidnapped by a demon. Ravana and taken to Sri Lanka.

During the flight of the exiled Rama to the south and in his attempts to return his stolen wife, bears and monkeys in the form of humanoid creatures appear and help him with various miracles. For example, Hanuman, the monkey god, a symbol of faithful service, dexterity and ingenuity, contributes to the liberation of Sita with the help of a bridge of monkeys that connected Sri Lanka with India. The poem ends with the happy return of Rama and Sita to their kingdom.

Rama himself (the seventh avatar of the god Vishnu), who defeated the evil demon Ravana, was revered by the Indians as the personification of virtue and justice. characteristic feature Hinduism is that the story of Rama acts not only as a fairy tale, which is known to everyone from an early age, but also as a guide to action in Everyday life. The glorious Rama is remembered before the start of any undertaking and thanked after its successful completion. His exploits have become a role model and an encouragement to comply traditional rules behavior.

Sita, in turn, became the ideal model faithful wife who is so attached to her husband that she is ready, when the time comes, to climb his funeral pyre without hesitation, to be burned with her husband. Indians revere Sita for her virtuous reverence, humility, friendliness and modesty.

Both "Mahabharata" and "Ramayana" were perceived earlier and are perceived now primarily not as works of art, but as sacred texts, which contain everything necessary for understanding the nature of the relationship between people and the world of the gods. Both poems provide ample material for reflection. They contain a lot of really exciting and amazing soul: examples of valor and heroism, examples of meanness and vice.

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4. "Ancient"-Indian epic Mahabharata about Christ building a water pipe For a detailed analysis of the Mahabharata, see our book "The New Chronology of India". Here we will touch on only one isolated plot - how the construction of the water pipeline by Andronicus-Christ was reflected in

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34. Cossack-arias: from Rus' to India, Epic Mahabharata Above we mentioned the famous "ancient" Indian Epic Mahabharata. Here is a summary of our research results. The epic draws heavily on the Bible. It was created in the era of the XIV-XVI centuries and finally edited

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Rama and Ramayana Rama is the hero of the ancient Indian epic Ramayana. This classical epic took shape in its completed written form several centuries before our era and became widely used, became one of the foundations indian culture during the formation of Hinduism at the beginning of our

From the book History of the Religions of the East author Vasiliev Leonid Sergeevich

Legends and myths. Mahabharata Legends and myths have firmly entered the life of every Indian, becoming an important part of Hinduism. Of the epic tales of a wide plan, apart from the Ramayana, the Indians know the Mahabharata, great story battles of gods and heroes. This is a legend of great volume with

author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

Part 1 When were the famous epics "Mahabharata" and "Ramayana" created and what do they tell about? 7:8, in the section "Problems of the Scaligerian chronology of India", we point out the fact that the chronology of ancient and

From the book Cossacks-arias: From Rus' to India [Battle of Kulikovo in the Mahabharata. "Ship of Fools" and the rebellion of the Reformation. Veles book. New dates of the zodiacs. Ireland author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

2.1. Mahabharata It is believed that “Mahabharata is a grandiose epic ancient india formed about 2500 years ago. The plot of the epic is the tragic struggle of two kindred royal dynasties of the Pandavas and Kauravas. In this plot basis strung a huge number

From the book Cossacks-arias: From Rus' to India [Battle of Kulikovo in the Mahabharata. "Ship of Fools" and the rebellion of the Reformation. Veles book. New dates of the zodiacs. Ireland author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

2.2. Ramayana Let's move on to the Ramayana. Encyclopedic Dictionary reports: “Ramayana is an ancient Indian epic poem in Sanskrit. Attributed to the legendary poet Valmiki. Modern look acquired by the II century. n. e. Dedicated to the exploits of Rama. Source of plots and images of many

From the book Cossacks-arias: From Rus' to India [Battle of Kulikovo in the Mahabharata. "Ship of Fools" and the rebellion of the Reformation. Veles book. New dates of the zodiacs. Ireland author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

3. Famous arias, which are told by the Mahabharata and Ramayana, came to the Hindustan peninsula from the north. These are the Cossacks-Horde XIV

From the book Cossacks-arias: From Rus' to India [Battle of Kulikovo in the Mahabharata. "Ship of Fools" and the rebellion of the Reformation. Veles book. New dates of the zodiacs. Ireland author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

3.1. The "Legend of Rama" or "Small Ramayana" as part of the "Mahabharata" speaks of the colonization of India by the Aryans. The fact that the "ancient" Aryans = Yurii = ardent came to the Hindustan peninsula from the north is reported by historians themselves. B.L. Smirnov sums up the research on this subject in the following way:

From the book Cossacks-arias: From Rus' to India [Battle of Kulikovo in the Mahabharata. "Ship of Fools" and the rebellion of the Reformation. Veles book. New dates of the zodiacs. Ireland author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

5.2.4. The Mahabharata tells how Moses spewed water from a rock. The following Old Testament story from the book Exodus is well known. During the campaign, it happened that the Israelites were thirsty, and there was no drinking water around - no river, no springs. Moses turned

From the book King of the Slavs author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

4. "ANCIENT"-INDIAN EPO MAHABHARATA ABOUT CHRIST BUILDING A WATER PIPE For a detailed analysis of the Mahabharata, see our book "Cossack-arias: from Rus' to India". Here we will touch on only one isolated plot - how the construction of the water pipeline by Andronicus-Christ was reflected in

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epic literature Ancient India. "Mahabharata" Like many literatures of the world, ancient Indian literature has its own epic, glorifying the "heroic era" of the history of India. The ancient Indian epic is represented by two large poems composed in antiquity, but extremely

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"Ramayana" The second epic poem - "Ramayana" - tells about the exploits of King Rama. Forced into exile from his father's house, Rama lived in a secluded forest retreat with his wife Sita. The demon Ravana, the ruler of Lanka, heard about her beauty. Demon accepted

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Ancient Indian epic. Mahabharata and Ramayana In the Vedic period, the history of ancient India is the formation of epic creativity. Epic poems are written monuments and are one of the most important and significant sources on history and culture.

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