Ancient female names are beautiful. Women's names and their meaning


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From time immemorial, the name of a person has been given great sacred significance, it was believed that it bears the imprint of fate. So, at birth, a whole direction of life was chosen.

Male names were supposed to reward the owner with strength, courage, power. Women's, on the contrary, were supposed to bring femininity, beauty, harmony, higher patronage and family happiness to the owner.

How to choose names for girls

The choice of a name for a girl often turns into a dispute among relatives. Sometimes you have to resort to the help of lots, the church calendar and even astrology.

And here it is preserved
subconscious desire to choose the most favorable fate for the girl, along with the name.

Female names are popular today - modern Russian, beautiful Slavic, rare and unusual. See the list and their meanings below.

What names should not be given to children

In choosing a name, it is most reasonable to be guided by an understanding of how comfortable the child will live with him in a social environment. It is desirable that the name correspond to the traditions of the given area, nationality, and customs.

The absence of prohibitions caused a tendency in society to give the most unimaginable names to their offspring. And yet, you should not name the child so that later he becomes the object of ridicule in society.

The most popular female names

  • Sophia or Sophia;
  • Anastasia;
  • Darina or Daria;
  • Victoria;
  • Pauline;
  • Elizabeth;
  • Ksenia;
  • Barbara;
  • Maria;
  • Veronica;
  • Alyona;
  • Alexandra;
  • Ulyana;
  • Alina;
  • Margarita;
  • Arina;
  • Vasilisa;
  • Milan;
  • Christina;
  • Alice;
  • Kira;
  • Diana;
  • Anna.

These names are statistically found in 75% of all registered newborn girls.

Songs with female names

Love for a woman has inspired poets and composers at all times, and as a result, a huge number of beautiful songs with female names have appeared. They have always been loved all over the world.

The most famous Russian songs of different times:

  • "Pink roses (Sveta Sokolova)" (Funny guys);
  • "Katyusha" (Blanter - Isakovsky);
  • "Ksyusha" (Alena Apina);
  • "A stewardess named Zhanna" (Vladimir Presnyakov);
  • "Alexandra" (from the movie "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears");
  • "Natalie" (Mikhail Shufutinsky);
  • "Olesya" (Syabry);
  • "Faina" (Na-Na);
  • "Lisa" (Andrey Gubin).

In Russia, songs dedicated to women have always been very loved, and not only here. There are also many songs with female names in the world. This is the most favorite theme among songwriters.

The most famous foreign songs in English:

  • "Michelle" (The Beatles);
  • "Carry" (Europe);
  • "Nikita" (Elton John);
  • "Maria" (Blondie);
  • "Susanna" (Adriano Celentano).

Female names: modern Russian, beautiful Slavic, rare, unusual. List and values

Slavic beautiful female names

Among the Slavs, the main purpose of a woman was motherhood and family. This girl was invested in the name main point: she was to become the guardian of the family hearth in the future.

Female names: modern Russian, beautiful Slavic, rare, unusual, the list and meanings of these names will not completely fit more than one dictionary of names, they are countless.

Female names: modern Russian, beautiful Slavic, rare, unusual, ancient - the list and their meanings are very extensive.

Female names Russian modern

Modern Russian female names are mainly of Slavic, Greek, Hebrew, Latin and Germanic origin.

Greek, Jewish and Germanic names appeared in Rus' with the arrival of Christianity from Byzantium in the 10th century, some Latin ones - during the period of Peter's transformations.

Slavic names are the most ancient, but some of them are still popular:

  • Arina or Yarina - dedicated to the sun god Yarila;
  • Bozhena - gifted by God, divine or blessed;
  • Bronislava - glorious protection;
  • Faith - knowledge, faith;
  • Vlad, Vladislav - owns fame;
  • Darina is a gift of the Gods;
  • Zlata - golden;
  • Lada - good, kind;
  • Love or Lyubava - giving love;
  • Lyudmila - dear to people;
  • Milana - she is cute;
  • Miroslava - glorious in the world;
  • Hope is hope;
  • Radmila - caring, cheerful, sweet;
  • Snezhana is cold and snowy.

Interesting fact! The name Svetlana, very popular since the second half of the 20th century, has a controversial origin. According to some unconfirmed versions, this Slavic name. But the version is closer to the truth, according to which the name Svetlana was coined in the 19th century. Russian poets Vostokov and Zhukovsky.

After the release of Zhukovsky's ballad "Svetlana", the name gained tremendous popularity. Gradually, girls began to be called them, and it became firmly established in everyday life.

With the advent of Christianity in Rus', new female names took root. which we now consider primordially Russian. Today they are familiar to our ear and are quite common throughout Russia.

But their Greek origin is not entirely clear. The fact is that the name book was formed on the basis of cultural and trade relations, therefore, in Byzantium itself, there were not only Greek, but also Syrian, Latin, Egyptian, Persian, Germanic, Babylonian and other names.

The most beautiful and common Russian names that came from Byzantium:

  • Alexandra (Greek) - human protector;
  • Alena (Greek) - light;
  • Alice (German) - protector;
  • Alla (Greek) - next;
  • Anastasia (Greek) - resurrection;
  • Anna (Hebrew) - God's mercy;
  • Antonina (Latin) - rushing into battle;
  • Valentina (Latin) - healthy and strong;
  • Valeria (Latin) - strong and strong;
  • Barbara (Greek) - foreigner, barbarian;
  • Vasilisa (Greek) - majestic, regal;
  • Galina (Greek) - serenity, silence, sea surface;
  • Daria (pers.) - possessing a blessing;
  • Catherine (Greek) - pious, immaculate;
  • Elena (Greek) - bright, chosen;
  • Eugenia (Greek) - noble;
  • Elizabeth (Hebrew) - a vow to God;
  • Jeanne or Yana is a variant of the name John (Hebrew) - God's grace;
  • Zoya (Greek) - living, life;
  • Irina (Greek) - calmness and peace;
  • Inna (Latin) - a stormy fast stream;
  • Karina (Latin) - dear, dear;
  • Xenia (Greek) - a wanderer, a stranger;
  • Christina (Greek) - dedicated to Christ;
  • Larisa (Greek) - seagull;
  • Maya (Greek) - mother, nurse, goddess;
  • Margarita (Greek) - a pearl;
  • Mary (Hebrew) - desired, serene, bitter;
  • Marina (Latin) - marine, living in the sea;
  • Natalia (Latin) - native, bestowed by God;
  • Nina (Georgian) - queen, mistress;
  • Olga - (has Scandinavian origin from Helga) sacred;
  • Sophia or Sophia (Greek) - wisdom, science;
  • Tatyana (Latin) - mistress, organizer;
  • Tamara (Hebrew) - date palm, fig tree;
  • Taisia ​​(Greek) - wise, late;
  • Ulyana, Julianna, Julianna and Julia (Latin) - belonging to the genus Julia;
  • Evelina or Eve (Hebrew) - life force;
  • Emilia (Latin) is an unyielding rival.

Interesting fact! The name Victoria - victory, is of Latin origin. It firmly entered Russian everyday life after Russia's victories in northern war(1700-1721).

Orthodox Russian female names - saints

Russian Orthodox Church has its own unique name book - these are the saints who came to us from Byzantium. They contain the names of Orthodox saints, each of which is associated with martyrdom and righteous deeds.

Until 1917, the church gave names to newborns at baptism. Some of them are actively used today. The rest are rarely used or have fallen into disuse. Each name in the calendar has its own day in the year, sometimes more than one.

Here are some of them:

  • Agnia - immaculate;
  • Anisiya - accomplishment, success;
  • Anfisa - blooming;
  • Evdokia - goodwill;
  • Euphrosyne - joy;
  • Zinaida - divine;
  • Ilaria - clear, joyful, quiet;
  • Kapitolina - born on the Capitol;
  • Claudia - lame;
  • Nonna - dedicated to God;
  • Paraskeva, the Russian version of Praskovya, is Friday, the eve of the holiday;
  • Raisa - carefree, light;
  • Rimma is a Roman;
  • Rufina - reddish;
  • Seraphim - fiery;
  • Faina - light;
  • Fotinia, Fotina (analogue of the Russian Svetlana) - light.

This is interesting! The name Polina or Paulina, popular today, originates from male name Paul, which in turn is the French version biblical name Paul.

this name in Orthodox saints no, but there is Apollinaria (Greek) - dedicated to God Apollo.

Old Russian female names

Old Russian names were formed not only on a Slavic basis. The cultural ties of our ancestors contributed to borrowing from the traditions of neighbors. This also affected the names, some of which were of Scandinavian origin.

Today, not all Old Russian names are forgotten, some are very relevant. Lately due to the undying interest in their roots, many call their children according to old Russian tradition.

There are such names more and more often, especially:

Ukrainian female names

Most Ukrainian female names have common roots with the Russians. This is related to Slavic origin both peoples, common history, as well as with the Orthodox tradition.

The lion's share of names in the Ukrainian name-book coincides with Russian ones. The only difference is their spelling and pronunciation.

For example, some Russian names in Ukrainian tradition are written through "o" -: Olena, Oleksandra, Orina. And also there are differences in the spelling of the letter "i", in the Ukrainian language its Latin analogue "i" is used. This is due to the influence of Polish culture.

Some Ukrainian names with pronunciation features:

Belarusian female names

Belarusian female names are similar to Russian and Ukrainian ones. Here, too, “i” is used instead of “and”, and the letter “y” also has its own pronunciation features.

Writing Features:

There are also traditional Belarusian names, very loved by the people and having their own meaning:

  • Alesya, Lesya, Olesya - forest;
  • Alena is a wonderful torch;
  • Ulada - fine, peaceful;
  • Yana - God's grace;
  • Yarina, Yarina - sunny.

Czech female names

The Czechs, although they are Slavic people, their traditions are somewhat different from Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian.

The Czech Republic is a predominantly Catholic country. Therefore, Czech female names are a mixture of Slavic, Catholic and European. They are very unusual and interesting.

Some of them have their unique features and meaning:

  • Abena - the one who was born on Tuesday;
  • Bara, Baranka, Barbara, Barka - a strange foreigner;
  • Branca is a great defender;
  • Power - power;
  • Daska - soul;
  • Willow - a good God;
  • Cape - a small stork;
  • Libena, Libus - love;
  • Otili - rich;
  • Radka - happy;
  • Sarka - forty;
  • Stepanka - crowned;
  • Hedvika - wrestling;
  • Tsjenka - originally from Sidon;
  • Evika - life;

Bulgarian female names

The most popular in Bulgaria are traditional Slavic names. Although, since the 20th century, the Bulgarian name book has been enriched with various Western European borrowings.

Traditionally, children are named after their ancestors. There is one more feature: the names are universal for both boys and girls, for example, Spaska and Spas, Zhivka and Zhivko.

Some traditional Bulgarian names and their meaning:

  • Vasilka - queen;
  • Yordanka - flowing down;
  • Mariyka is an analogue of the biblical name Maria;
  • Rositsa - Rosa;
  • Stefka - crowned;
  • Parking is standing.

Polish female names

In Poland, children are traditionally given Latin, Slavic and Greek names. Here, too, there are peculiarities of pronunciation that make these names unique.

For example, popular names are:

  • Agnieszka - immaculate;
  • Beata - blessed;
  • Wanda - from the Wend tribe;
  • Wojciech - the consolation of soldiers;
  • Wenceslas - more glory;
  • Casimira - peacemaker;
  • Malgorzata is a pearl;
  • Francisca is French;
  • Jadwiga - battle of rivals.

Rare female names

Beautiful rare names are very popular now. They come from other cultures, movies, songs, etc.

Some of these rare names are:

  • Bella (European) - beautiful;
  • Venus (Latin) - the Roman goddess of love;
  • Helium (Greek) - solar;
  • Daniela (Hebrew) - divine judge;
  • Ida (Greek) - fertile;
  • Oia (Greek) - violet;
  • Carolina (German) - queen;
  • Liliana (Latin) - lily;
  • Melania (Greek) - swarthy;
  • Nelly (Greek) - new, young;
  • Olympics (Greek) - Olympic;
  • Palmyra (Latin) - palm tree;
  • Regina (Latin) - queen;
  • Stella (Latin) - star;
  • Elina (Greek) - Hellenic, Greek;
  • Junia, Yunna, Juno (Greek) - the goddess of marriage and love;

Unusual female names

A large number of modern Russian children are called very unusual names. Some of them belong fairy tale characters, part comes from the names of cities, countries, historical events, animals, plants, etc.

Here is a short list:

  • Byzantium;
  • Moon;
  • Russians;
  • Cherry;
  • Fox;
  • Joy;
  • Ocean.

Elvish female names

Elvish names are quite common today. These are the names of the elves from wonderful world created English writer John Ronald Tolkien.

Invented heroes gave a new fashion for names that have a wonderful sound and secret meaning.

Some of them:

  • Amanael - daughter of Haman;
  • Anariel is the daughter of the sun;
  • Eariel is the daughter of the sun;
  • Lairiel is the daughter of summer.

The ending -iel denotes daughter.

There are also names consisting of two words, for example:

  • Arvel - a noble maiden;
  • Irvil - sparkling shine;
  • Nimloth is a white flower.

Funny female names

At all times, people have shown imagination in the matter of naming. Now this is a very common occurrence. But sometimes fantasy leads to a frankly ridiculous and ridiculous choice.

Some funny names:

  • Aria;
  • Blandina;
  • Villa;
  • Kazdoy;
  • Nunehia;
  • Scandulia.

The happiest female names

Parents always want to give their daughter a name that will bring her happiness. Everyone has their own criteria for lucky names, but there are common views on this issue.

Most people are of the opinion that Russian names Tatyana, Natalya, Elena, Olga, Irina and Ekaterina are the happiest.

Although no one has proven this, and no studies and observations have been conducted. Probably, the favorable sounding of these names fills them with light energy for many centuries.

Biblical female names

Bible stories contain a large number of beautiful female names. And many parents are inclined to name their daughters after pious biblical heroines.

The most beautiful of these names and their meaning:

  • Sarah is the ancestor;
  • Rebekah is a faithful wife;
  • Leah - heifer, heifer;
  • Rachel is a sheep;
  • Dina - avenged;
  • Delilah - curly;
  • Susanna - lily;
  • Magdalene is a resident of Magdala.

The most common female name in the world

From all the variety of names the most common and favorite name in the world is Anna.

It sounds different in every language, and yet it is the same name. Anna can sound in different languages like Ann, Annette, Anita, Hanna, Ankhen, Hanna, Anika, etc.

Mythical female names

Myths, especially ancient Greece and Rome, are full of a huge number of magnificent female names. These are the names of goddesses, queens and beautiful maidens.

The most beautiful names and their meaning:

  • Aphrodite - Greek goddess love;
  • Artemis - Greek goddess of the hunt;
  • Grace - the Roman goddess of beauty;
  • Diana - Roman goddess of the hunt;
  • Cassandra - Trojan princess and soothsayer;
  • Muse - the Greek patroness of art and science;
  • Selena is the goddess of the moon.

Strange female names

There are also completely strange names which, as a rule, are the result of the creative thinking of parents. Their popularity peaked at Soviet era when working professions were glorified and revolutionary ideas.

some strange and amazing names that era:

  • Tractorina;
  • Pravdin;
  • Railcar;
  • Stalin.

Among foreign bohemians, there are also parents with imagination, who called their children rather strange names.

Translated from in English they sound like this:

  • Apple is the daughter of Gwyneth Paltrow;
  • Hazelnut - daughter of Julia Roberts;
  • The bell is the daughter of the Madonna;
  • Ireland is the daughter of Kim Bassinger.

Strong female names

It is believed that some names have a special energy of strength and are amulets for the owner. Basically, these are names, in the decoding of which there is strength, and fortress, and health, and protection, and victory.

It is believed that Russian names bear the highest patronage to the owner:

  • Alexandra;
  • Victoria;
  • Valeria;
  • Valentine;
  • Evgenia;
  • Olga;
  • Faith;
  • Catherine;
  • Daria.

Invented female names

In the creative Soviet era, parents created with the help of their imagination a very interesting names. They were half-hearted abbreviations formed from the names of leaders and revolutionary slogans.

Some of them:

  • Gertrude - heroes of labor;
  • Velira is a great labor force;
  • Vilena, Vladlena - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin;
  • Krarmia - the red army;
  • Raytiya - district printing house;
  • Dazdraperma - long live the first of May;
  • Dinara is a child of a new era.

Women's names of the peoples of the world

English female names

In England, children are often given double name, which gives scope for parental imagination. However traditional names are also popular.

The most common female given names in England are:

  • Olivia - olive tree;
  • Deborah is a bee;
  • Scarlet - fabric saleswoman;
  • Jennifer is a sorceress;
  • Kimberly - born in the royal meadow;
  • Britney is little Britain;
  • Monica is a counselor.

In England and the USA, short Russian female names are very popular, and even some male names that have become female there. For example: Sasha, Natasha, Nikita, Misha, Tanya.

Irish female names

The traditions of the Irish are rooted in Celtic culture, so they give the name of the girl great importance. It reflects both beauty and piety, and all the beautiful qualities of a woman.

The most interesting traditional Irish names and their meaning:

  • Abiagil - pleasing father;
  • Aerin - the world;
  • Brida - exalted;
  • Kaoilinn - fair and slender;
  • Morrigan is a big queen;
  • Orleith is a golden princess.

German female names

There is an opinion about dissonance German language, and yet, German female names sound very beautiful.

In Germany, it is customary to give complex names, their number can reach up to 10.

Most beautiful german names and their meaning:

French female names

By tradition, French female names have always been considered very beautiful. They are popular far beyond France. Indeed, the French language caresses the ear with its pleasant nasal pronunciation.

This people gave the world the most beautiful female names, such as:

  • Adele - giving goodness;
  • Blanche - white;
  • Vivien is alive;
  • Brigitte - majestic;
  • Jacqueline - chasing;
  • Emmanuel - God is with us.

Hebrew female names

The traditions of the Jewish people are closely connected with Christian culture. European and Russian names are partly derived from Jewish culture. But there are also primordially national names.

Most beautiful:

Italian female names

Italians are extremely emotional and passionate people. This feature is manifested in everything and even in names.

The most interesting of them:

  • Adriana - a resident of Adria;
  • Bianca - white;
  • Gabriella - the power of God;
  • Ornella - blooming ash;
  • Lucrezia is rich.

Tatar female names

Of the Tatar names are in demand:

Swedish female names

Swedes often call girls by these names:

  • Agnetha - chaste;
  • Botilda - battle;
  • Greta is a pearl;
  • Inger - body;
  • Frederica is a peaceful ruler.

Lithuanian female names

Popular names in Lithuania:

  • Laima is the goddess of life;
  • Yumante - insightful;
  • Saule - the sun;
  • Gintare - amber.

Greek female names

Beautiful Greek names:

Spanish female names

The Spanish people often call women by such names:

  • Dolores - sadness;
  • Carmen - dedicated to Our Lady of Carmel;
  • Pilar - column;
  • Leticia - joy;
  • Consuela is persistent.

Georgian female names

In Georgia, you can often hear such variants of names as:

  • Aliko - omniscient;
  • Dariko is a gift from God;
  • Mgelia - wolf;
  • Nani is a baby;
  • Salome is peaceful.

Turkish female names

Variants of names are popular in Turkey:

Armenian female names

In the corners of Armenia, you will often hear girls called:

  • Anush - sweet;
  • Gayane - earthly;
  • Siranush - love;
  • Shushan - lily;
  • Eteri - ether.

Korean female names

In Korean villages, parents call their daughters:

  • Mi - beauty;
  • Jung - love;
  • Mei is a flower;
  • Kim is golden;
  • Yuong is brave.

Japanese female names

Interesting Japanese names:

Chinese names for women

Among the Japanese young ladies you can hear the names:

  • Venling - refined jade;
  • Jieying - household;
  • Xiu - graceful;
  • Meirong - self-control;
  • Xiangjiang - fragrant.

Scandinavian female names

Scandinavian girls are often called like this:

  • Asgerda - protection of the Gods;
  • Ingeborg - fertile;
  • Alva is an elf;
  • Astrid - divinely beautiful;
  • Brunnhilde is warlike.

Azerbaijani female names

Variants of such names can be heard among the girls and women of Azerbaijan:

  • Aishe - alive;
  • Diamond - beautiful;
  • Billura - crystal;
  • Zulfiya - curly;
  • Layla - night.

Arabic female names

Arabs often call their babies with similar versions of names:

  • Lamia - radiance shine;
  • Aziza - dear, valuable;
  • Fatima - the daughter of the prophet;
  • Daliya - grape wine;
  • Khalida is immortal.

Egyptian female names

The Egyptian population in its female part often has the following names:

Chechen names for women

Interesting variants of Chechen names:

  • Amira is the leader;
  • Jamila is beautiful;
  • Nazira - equal;
  • Ruvayda - smoothly walking;
  • Salima is healthy.

Kazakh female names

Such names are popular in Kazakhstan:

  • Aigansha - moon-like;
  • Balbala is a smart child;
  • Dilara - beloved;
  • Karlygash - swallow;
  • Marzhan is a pearl.

Indian female names

Picturesque India is famous for such female names:

Uzbek female names

You will often come across such names in Uzbekistan:

  • Asmira is the first princess;
  • Guldasta - a bouquet of flowers;
  • Intizora - long-awaited;
  • Olma - an apple;
  • Farkhunda is happy.

Gypsy names for women

The fervent gypsy people christen their girls like this:

  • Mirela - admiring;
  • Lala - tulip;
  • Luladja - the flower of life;
  • Esmeralda - emerald;
  • Jofranca is free.

At all times, parents, giving the name of their daughter, wanted to give her beauty, love, happiness, wealth, fertility, protection together with him. This desire is reflected in the names of almost all peoples of the world.

From this video you will learn modern Russian, beautiful Slavic, rare and unusual other female names, their list and meanings.

Interesting article. I would still like to make some clarifications. About Georgian names. “Mgelika” (“wolf cub”), or “Mgelia” (wolf), is a non-baptismal, pagan name; now used in the form of "Gela"; this is a male name. Popular female names: Tamari, Nino, Ketevan, Khatuna, Khatia, Nateli (“bright”, a synonym for Svetlana), Mariami ... By the way, “Tamari” is Georgian for “temple”.

A beautiful name - Maayan .... I would call it, although I am a grandmother, but brave))

Full Russian names- This is both a patronymic, and a name, and a surname. Moreover, patronymic is just what distinguishes the system Russian names from systems adopted in other countries. And as additional forms of the name there are diminutives or nicknames. A nickname could be given to a person at any age. It was associated with its owner even more closely than the name itself received at birth. The nickname spoke, for example, about some character trait of a person or about the place where he once lived. Most often, the nickname was known only to the family and some of the good friends, but in Everyday life it was used very actively. Despite the thin line between old Russian names and nicknames, they were not the same. It is very difficult to define the boundaries between these concepts.

For example, Russian women gave their children names in order to protect them from evil or unkind deeds. Such names were formed from words that denoted any plants, animals or household items - and, of course, were very similar to nicknames. The year of baptism (988th) became a turning point for Rus'. Since that moment, much has changed in naming, predetermining the naming system for many centuries to come. Now the Russians are like the rest East Slavs, accustomed to calling their children personal names until the end of the 10th century, were forced to get used to the concept of "baptismal name". Then most of the names appeared, which to this day are considered modern Russians. The new order obliged parents to give their babies a name only through the rite of baptism - only in this way could the name be considered correct and real.

Christian names had a variety of origins - Latin, Greek, Hebrew, since the Byzantine Greeks brought together the "representatives" of the names of those peoples who came into contact with them. Even some “general Slavic” ones (Vladimir, Vsevolod, Svyatoslav, Yaroslav) entered the calendar, as well as Scandinavian names(Igor, Olga, Oleg). True, they were considered a privilege of the high class, and commoners, as a rule, were not honored with them.

Only after 1917 did things change, and such “princely” names began to be used much more often. closer to late XVI centuries, personal pagan nicknames and names were practically forced out of everyday life. Foreign names took root with great difficulty, especially for common people who found it difficult to pronounce them in original form. In those days, there was an active struggle for the correct naming. "Humiliating", incorrect spelling of the name was equated with inflicting shame and dishonor. The perpetrators were punished through the courts.

Only in 1675 did the royal decree come out, where a more loyal attitude to this kind of “crime” was prescribed. Now this situation seems curious to us, since all the names that the Russian people got used to at that time with incredible efforts have become familiar to us and relatives for a long time. Many are even surprised to learn that the majority, it would seem, Russian male And female names have a completely different origin. Here is such an interesting and eventful history of our names.

The meaning of Russian female names

Russian names for girls starting with the letter A

  • Alvina- from ancient Germanic - noble, friend, whole.
  • Angelia- from the German name Anelie, swearing to God.
  • august / Augustine(old) - summer
  • Avdotya(nar. from Evdokia) - famous
  • Avelina(Hebrew) - life force
  • aurelia(new) - gold
  • Aurora(new) - goddess of the dawn
  • Agapia(old) - from Greek. agapao - love.
  • Agatha(new) / Agafya / Agathia(old) - from Greek. agatos - good, honest, kind.
  • Aglaida(old) - sparkling / daughter of beauty, charms
  • Aglaya(new) - brilliant
  • Agnes /Agnes(old) - chaste
  • Agnia(old) - immaculate or fiery
  • Agrippina / Agrefena(old) - from Roman generic name Agrippus (Agrippa)
  • Ada(old) - decoration
  • Adina - Hebrew name, translates as "gentle, refined."
  • Adele /Adelia/ Adelaide(Old German) - from adal - noble and heid - state, estate.
  • Aza(old) - first
  • Azalea(new) - flowering bush
  • Aida(new) - giving harvest
  • Isadora- gift of Isis (Greek)
  • Aisylu- lunar beauty
  • Akilina / Akulina(old) - eagle
  • Aksinya(nar. from Xenia) - hospitable or vice versa alien ("xenos")
  • Akulina(lat.) - eagle
  • Alevtina(old) - alien to evil
  • (old) - protector of people
  • Alyona(full Elena) - sunny, scarlet, graceful
  • (lat.) - someone else's, another
  • (new) - charming
  • (old) - (from Semitic languages) "goddess"
  • Albina(old, cf. new Alvina) - "white"
  • Almira(new) - peaceful
  • Alfiya(Arabic) - long-liver
  • Amina(new) - true
  • (old) - resurrected
  • Anatolia(new) - eastern
  • (old) - angel
  • Anelia(Greek) - light
  • Angela(new) - angelic
  • Animaisa(old) - sincere
  • Anisia / Anisya(old) - sweet-smelling
  • Anita(new) - obstinate
  • (old) - "grace"
  • Antonina / Antonida(old) - kind
  • Anthony(old) - entering the battle
  • Anfisa/ Anfusa(old) - blooming
  • Anfia(old)
  • Amira(old Arabic) - princess
  • Apollinaria(old) - goddess of the sun
  • Arevik(Armenian) - sun
  • Ariadne(old) - sleeping
  • (nar. from Irina) - calm
  • Arcadia(new) - shepherdess
  • Arsenia(new) - courageous
  • Arsiana
  • Artemia(old) - unharmed
  • Assel- Kirg. Asel; /æˈsel/; from arab. عسل - "honey", "sweet"
  • Asta(old)
  • Aster(new) - "flower"
  • Astrid(Scand.) - passionate
  • Athanasius(old) - immortal
  • Aphrodite(old) - arising from sea foam
  • Aelita(new) - from Greek. aer - air and lithos - stone
  • Aella(new) - from Greek. aello - whirlwind, hurricane

Russian names for girls starting with the letter B

  • Bazhen(other Russian) - saint
  • Beata(new) - blessing (lat.) - happy (Greek)
  • Beatrice(old) - blessing (Latin) - happy (Greek)
  • Bela(glory) - beautiful
  • Bella(new) - beautiful
  • Bellatrix(lat.) - warrior
  • Bertha(new) - magnificent
  • Bogdan(glory) - given by God
  • Bozena(other Russian) - God's, blessed, gifted by God
  • Boleslav(glorious) - more glorious
  • Borislav(glor.) - fighting for glory
  • Bridget(new) - space
  • Bronislava(glorious) - glorious protector

Russian names for girls starting with the letter B

  • (old) - strong
  • (old) - healthy
  • Wanda(glory) - hospitable
  • barbarian(old) - savage
  • Vasilina(new) - royal
  • (old) - royal
  • Vassa(old) - queen
  • Wenceslas(glorious) - more glorious
  • Vevey(old) -
  • Velora / Veloria(new) - from the Great October Revolution
  • Venus(old) - "love"
  • (old) - "faith"
  • (old) - faith in victory
  • Veselina(glory) - cheerful
  • Vesta(old) - the patroness of the home. hearth
  • Vidana(glory) - prominent
  • Quiz(old) - winner
  • (old) - "victory"
  • Vilena(new) - from V. I. LENIN
  • Viola/ Violet / Violanta(new) - "violet"
  • Virineya(old) - green, fresh
  • Vitaly/ Vitalina(new) - vital
  • Viulena(new) - from V.I. Ulyanov LENIN
  • Vlada(glory) - owning
  • Vladilena(new) - short for "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin"
  • Vladimir(new) - owning the world
  • Vladislav(glory) - owning glory
  • Vladlena(new) - similar to Vladilena
  • power(glor.) - sovereign
  • Will(new) - freestyle
  • Vseslav(glorious) - glorious everywhere

Russian names for girls starting with the letter G

  • Gaia(new) - spouse
  • Gali(old) - bright
  • (old) - calm
  • Ganna(Ukrainian people from Anna) - fertile
  • Guyana/ Gaiania (old) - from the Greek. ge - earth
  • Gwyneth(Wales.) - happiness, luck
  • Helena(new Ukrainian from Elena) - light
  • helium(new) - solar (Helios)
  • Gella(old) - fallen into the water
  • Henrietta(Old German) - noble beauty
  • Gertrude(new) - patroness of women
  • Glafira(old) - refined
  • Glyceria(old) - sweet
  • Gloria(old) - "glory"
  • Golub(other Russian) - tender
  • Gorislava(glor.) - kindling glory
  • Gulane- (Greek) - flower
  • Gulnara- (azer.) - pomegranate flower
  • Gulchatai

Russian names for girls starting with the letter D

  • Dazdraperma(new) - "Long live the First of May!"
  • Daina(new) - a different reading of the name Diana
  • Dana(new) - goddess of the river
  • (old) - winner
  • Darina/Daryona(glor.) - donated
  • Daryana(new) - winner
  • dekabrina(new) - winter
  • deya / Dia(new) - divine
  • Ginevra- on behalf of King Arthur's wife Guinevere
  • Juliet(old) - analogue of Julia
  • (new) - on behalf of the Roman goddess Diana
  • Delia
  • dilya- soul (from Turkmen)
  • Dilfuza- silver soul (from Turkmen)
  • Dina / Diniya(nar. from old Digna) - "faith"
  • Diodora(old) - given by God
  • Dionysius(old) - patroness of winemaking
  • Dobrava(other Russian) - kind
  • Blast furnace / Domina(old) - mistress, mistress of the house.
  • Domnica / Dominica(old) - belonging. God
  • Donara(new)
  • Dorotheus / Dorothea(old) - from Greek. doron - gift, gift and teos - god.

Russian names for girls starting with the letter E

  • Eve(old) - giver of life
  • (old) - noble
  • Evdokia(old) - well-known
  • Eulalia(Greek) - eloquent
  • Eulampia(Greek) - light
  • Eupraxia(old) - doing good deeds, virtue
  • Eustolia(old) - well dressed
  • Euphalia(old)
  • Euphrosyne(Greek) - well-thought, joyful
  • (old) - immaculate
  • (old) - chosen, shining, sunny
  • (old) - worshiping God
  • Eliconida(old)
  • Hermione(old)
  • Yefimia / Euphemia(old) - pious

Russian names for girls starting with the letter J

  • (new) - "gift of God"
  • Zhdana(other Russian) - waiting
  • jasmine

Russian names for girls starting with Z

  • Fun(old) - cheerful
  • Zaire- Arabic female name, popular among many peoples. In translation, it means "bright, blooming, beautiful." There is also a form ending in -at: Zairat.
  • Zara- Persian female name, included in the list of frequently used names among many peoples - means "gold". There are many derivatives of this name, each of which has the root "zar" - "gold": Zarema, Zarai, Zarbiyke, Zargishi, Zarifa, etc.
  • Zarema- Persian female name, means "gold". There are options: Zarnigar - "golden beauty", Zarbaft - "golden brocade", Zarbanu - "golden lady"
  • Sarina / Zorin(new) - light, golden
  • Zaryana- other Slavs
  • Zaure - 1) morning Star, Venus. 2) brilliant, sparkling.
  • Zvenislav(glory) - spreading glory
  • Zemfira(arab.) - recalcitrant
  • Zila
  • Zinaida(old) - born by Zeus
  • Zinovia(old) - "Zeus's power"
  • Zlata(glory) - golden
  • Zozan(Kurd.) - Alpine meadows
  • (old) - "life"

Russian names for girls starting with the letter I

  • And bath(nar. from John) - "God's gift"
  • Ida(new) - mountainous, "descendant"
  • Ilaria(old) - cheerful
  • Iliana(new)
  • Ilona(new)
  • Inga(new) - from other scand. Inguio is the name of the god of abundance.
  • Inessa(new) - serene
  • (old) - name of Rome / stormy stream
  • John(old) - "God's gift"
  • And she(old) - "dove"
  • Hypatia(new) - related to horses, horse (hippos)
  • Hippolyta(new) - from "(g)ippo" - horse and "lithos" - stone, slab
  • Irada- Persian female name, found in many peoples, translated means "desire", "desired"
  • Iraida(old) - goddess of the rainbow
  • Irena(old) - peaceful
  • Iroid(old) - heroic, hero's daughter
  • Heraclius(old)
  • (old) - "peace"
  • Isidore(old) - patroness of fertility
  • Spark(new) - sincere, bright
  • Iphigenia(old) - immortal
  • And I(old) - from Greek. ia - violet

Russian names for girls starting with the letter K

  • Kadriya
  • Kermen(with kalm.) - squirrel
  • Kalisa(old) - hot, ardent
  • Callista(from Greek) - beautiful, beautiful
  • Camilla- (with German) - chamomile
  • Camila- (from Muslim. Camille) - perfection
  • Capitolina(old) - main
  • (new) - striving forward
  • Carolina (other German) - queen
  • Katerina(nar. from Ekaterina) - immaculate
  • (old) - "Mistress"
  • Kirill(old) - mistress
  • Claudia(old) - lame or from the clan of Claudius
  • Clara(new) - clear
  • Clarice /Clarissa(new) - light
  • Cleopatra(old) - beauty
  • Clio- short for Cleopatra
  • Claire
  • Concordia(old) - consonant, agreeing
  • Constance(old) - resistant
  • (new) - baptized
  • (old) - alien

Russian names for girls starting with the letter L

  • Lada(other Russian) - sweetheart
  • Lana(new)
  • (old) - "seagull"
  • Laura- from "Laurus"
  • Leila(arab.) - Moonlight night, darkness
  • Lena- torch
  • Leniana(new) - from Lenin
  • Lenin(new) - from Lenin
  • Leonid(old) - "descendant of a lion"
  • Leonila(old) - lioness
  • Leonty(new) - lion
  • Lesya(new) - courageous
  • Libya(old) - originally from Libya
  • (old) - first
  • Lillian(new) - blooming
  • (new) - "flower"
  • Lilith(old) - "night"
  • Lina(new) - an independent name or a diminutive of Elina
  • Lyra(other gr.) - patroness of the arts
  • Leah/ Lei(old) - lioness
  • Laura(fr.) - laurel
  • Louise(new) - from the male name Louis, which means "famous battle"
  • Lukeria(nar. from Glyceria)
  • Lucian(old)
  • Lukin / Lucina(old)
  • Lusine(Armenian) - moonlight
  • Lyubava(other Russian) - beauty
  • (old) - "love"
  • Lubomir(glor.) - the darling of the world
  • (old, glory) - dear to people
  • Lyalya(new) -

Russian names for girls starting with the letter M

  • Maura(old) - dark-skinned, dark-skinned
  • Magda(new) - see Magdalene
  • Magdalene(old) - sounding / originally from Magdala, in Palestine
  • Madeleine(new) - see Magdalene
  • Mayan /May(new) - goddess of spring
  • Malvina(Old German) - From Mal - justice and wine - friend ..
  • (old) - "pearl"
  • Mariana / Mariana(old)
  • Marianne(nar. from old. Mariamna)
  • Marietta / Marietta(new)
  • Marika(new)
  • (old) - marine
  • / Marya (old) - bitter
  • Marie(new) - Mary's variant
  • Marlene(German) - A combination of the names Mary and Magdalena
  • Marlena(new)
  • Martha(new) - mistress
  • Martha(old) - mentor
  • Matilda(Old German) - from macht - strength and hild - battle.
  • Matryona/ Matron(old) - mistress, mother of the family, mother
  • Melania / Melania(old) - dark, swarthy
  • Melitina(old)
  • Milada(glorious) - kind
  • Milan / Milena/ (slav.) - sweetheart
  • Militsa(old, slav.) - sweet on the face
  • Milia(new)
  • Miloslava(glory.) - glory is sweet
  • Mira(glor.) - peaceful
  • Myrrh(glor.) - fragrant, fragrant
  • Miroslava(glor.) - winner
  • Mitrodora(gr.) - a gift from the mother.
  • Mlada(glor.) - young
  • Mstislav(glor.) - conqueror
  • Muse(old) - goddess of art / inspirer

Russian names for girls starting with the letter H

  • Nada(old) - "hope"
  • (old, slav.) - "hope"
  • Nadia(nar., from Nadezhda) - “hope”
  • Naina(new)
  • Naira(Armenian)
  • Nana(old) - nymph
  • Nastasya(nar., from Anastasia) - resurrected
  • Natalia/ Natalia(old) - native
  • Nellie(new) - young; solar
  • Neonila(old) - fundamental
  • (old) - "victory"
  • (old) - ruler
  • Ninella(new)
  • Ninel(new)
  • Novella(old) - new
  • (old)
  • Nora(new) - cold
  • Nasiba(Arabic) - Bringer of light, leading on the true path

Russian names for girls starting with the letter O

  • (Ukrainian people, from Xenia) - hospitable
  • Octavia(old) - eighth
  • October(new) - autumn
  • Olesya(ukr.nar., from Alexander) - courageous
  • Olivia(Greek) - tree
  • Olympics(old) - keeping calm
  • Olympia(new) - named after Zeus
  • (old, other Russian) - saint

Russian names for girls starting with the letter P

  • Paul(old) - small
  • Peacock(old) - beauty
  • Patricia(old) - aristocrat
  • Pelagia(Greek) - marine
  • Platonides(old) - a descendant of Plato
  • Polyxena(old) - Trojan princess

Choosing a name for a baby is a difficult and responsible task. Thousands of parents daily puzzle over what interesting female names are in fashion now, how not to make a mistake and charge their beloved child happiness for life. A woman is always a mystery, it is mysterious and enchanting beauty, and each country has its own canons. Now they are getting very foreign origin, Old Slavonic and long forgotten. Perhaps this material will help you choose a fate for your daughter.

We are for modern fashion!

If you constantly follow the trends and do not miss a single an important event, then we recommend that you look at the beautiful ones. You don’t have to break your tongue over pronunciation, and, of course, any traditional Russian version is ideally combined with a simple Russian patronymic.

A popular magazine recently conducted a survey. 45 thousand men answered the question about which female name is the most pleasant for them. The top three included Katenka, Victoria and Nastenka. They are followed by Ksyusha, Tanechka and Natashenka. Of course, these names always remain in trend and are considered classics. At the same time, many parents prefer to give beautiful female names (modern) rare and mysterious, such as Carmina, Evangeline, Evelina, Ariadne, Camellia.

We are fans of the French genre

It is believed that French ladies have the most melodic names. If you remember famous actresses, then they will always be associated with the standards of beauty and elegance. No wonder that french names women's in fashion and with us. In kindergartens, you can increasingly meet Adele, Camilla, Violetta. Veronica (with an emphasis on the last syllable) is similar to our Vika - both names mean victory, but have different origin. Irene (by analogy with Ira) - peaceful and kind soul; Claire - flamboyant style; Sylvia is a forest nymph, Emma is mysterious.

Almost all popular French female names have a complex etymology and were borrowed from other countries. Over time, their pronunciation has changed. For example, Jeanette comes from the Hebrew language, and Barbara comes from the ancient Roman language. Here are a few more interesting options: Vivienne (live), Giselle (arrow), Josephine (kind), Monica (affectionate), Mary (beloved), Margot (precious), Emmanuelle (given by God).

We are German favorites

German female names always impress. Despite the fact that the very language of the German people is rude, and not everyone likes it, their names are charming. Girls named after a German name will surely be successful and the attention of others.

For example, Mirabellas are very sensitive and vulnerable natures. They make excellent housewives and faithful wives. But Isolde is the name for strong personality who will surely achieve career success. Isolde's name translates as "cold gold" and therefore she can be dangerous, but only with those who do not appreciate her.

Other popular German female names are: Alma (blessed), Gertrude (warrior, heroine), Hanrietta (noble girl), Iolanthe (violet), Frederick (powerful), Emily (rival), Frieda (loyal), Hannah (gifted). In Russia, you can often meet Inga, Maryana, Nelly. These names are firmly rooted in our country, although they are of Germanic origin.

We look to the east

Oriental women are always a mystery. Arabic female names are associated with the melody oriental dance, the secrets of the sands and the charm of their owners. The mixture of cultures leads to the fact that in our country more and more often Russian girls are called traditional Muslim names. And at the same time they grow up happy and loved. Consider which Arab women's

Often there are girls Guli, Naili, Kamila. They are beautiful like flowers, respected and merciful. Malika, Jamilya, Laysan sound like juicy chords... Naming a child with the name Aisha, parents expect their daughter to grow up smart and obedient, meek and courteous. By the way, this name is of great importance for Muslims. That was the name of the wife of the great prophet Muhammad.

It is not recommended to name girls Fatima. The fact is that this is the name of all babies before they receive their birth certificate. Most residents Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and other countries give girls the following names: Jana, Layan, Zafira, Razan, Shahd.

We are for the long forgotten old

Interesting female names of primordially Russian origin are now, surprisingly, rare. What is not sweet-sounding Elena, Vera, Natalia? You will be surprised, but it is very difficult to meet modern newborns with such names. But Sofia and Daria are found in almost every ward of maternity hospitals.

Old female names are used even less frequently. Some 100-200 years ago among the common people they sounded everywhere, but now they have lost former glory. Perhaps someone will like one of these options: Agapia, Agnia, Adelina, Anthony, Vasilisa, Evdokia, Emeliana, Zoya, Zlata, Matryona, Milena, Pelageya, Praskovya, Seraphim, Taisya, Raisa, Fevronya, Thekla, Theodora.

Must have the root "mila" or "glory". For example, Yaroslav, Miloslav, Boguslav, Bogumil, Svyatoslav. This tradition has been preserved since Kievan Rus, because then the name must have made sense. And all the more familiar to us - Varvara, Sophia, Maria, Julia, Anna came to our country from Ancient Greece and Rome.

Popular female names in Russia

Other common female names

Not included in the top 3, but also interesting female names that are more common than others, are Ksenia, Uliana, Varvara, Alexandra, Valeria. Less common - Alina, Arina, Yana, Alice, Veronica. Lydia, Milana, Vasilisa, Diana, Margarita, Zlata are considered undeservedly forgotten. Such girls are found one in several hundred.


Whatever name you choose for your daughter - be sure that it will be the best, and your sun - the happiest. Interesting female names are just the opinion of one person, but there are no comrades for the taste and color.

Fashion on various names is gradually changing. IN certain period any names are bound to become popular. Very responsible step in life - choosing a name for a child. The name is given for life, so its choice and meaning requires careful study.

The main thing in the article

How to choose a beautiful modern name for a girl?

It is currently fashionable to call girls in a foreign way: Nicole, Evelina, Jacqueline. Such names sound quite modern and beautiful. If such a name does not match the patronymic and surname and looks ridiculous in this combination, you should not condemn the child to such difficulties in the future. Also, your daughter may not be ready for such unusual name and may be ashamed of it in the future. But, clearly, rare name will distinguish the child from the rest of the boring names.

Old Russian names also gained popularity: Vasilisa, Praskovya, Pelageya. These are names with an old schooling and energy, they sound quite solemn. When choosing old Russian name for your daughter, look at the abbreviated versions of such names. This will help to avoid embarrassment when children in the kindergarten will be teased with Palazhki and Vaska.

picking up modern name, try to choose one that is easy to pronounce.

Modern Russian names for girls

Having settled on the choice of Russian names, you should pay attention to the universal names meaning feelings: Love, Faith and Hope.
Choose a name for your princess based on the season of your baby: you can name a winter baby Snezhanoy, autumn - Golden, summer - august, spring - Maya.
Most popular Russian names are:

  • Sofia
  • Victoria
  • barbarian
  • Daria
  • Maria
  • Catherine
  • Elizabeth
  • Anastasia
  • Pauline
  • Hope
  • Love
  • Veronica.

Most of these names do not have Russian roots, but they have taken root with us and have been popular for a long time.
Popular old Russian names :

  • Pelagia
  • Ustinya
  • Darina
  • Miroslava
  • Vasilisa
  • Yesenia.

Learn more about the meanings of female Old Russian names from our article.

Rare and unusual female names

Many parents want to emphasize the individuality of their child and distinguish him from other children with an unusual name.

  • When choosing a name for your daughter, remember that she will live with him all her life. Try to pick up one of the rare names that are typical for your country of residence and nationality.
  • Study the diminutive version of the name you like, it should not cut the ear. You should definitely like the diminutive version, because peers and relatives will call the daughter like that.
  • Study the meaning of the name, because it can influence fate. It will be unpleasant to know that the meaning beautiful name your girl is "lame" or "sad".
  • Analyze the list of popular names over the past few years. Perhaps that rare name that you have chosen for the child has not been such for a long time.

Examples unusual old Russian names :

  • Bozena
  • Vesnyan
  • Veroslava
  • Zlatislav
  • Darena
  • Lubomir
  • Miloslava
  • Stanislav
  • Slavyana
  • Tsvetana.

foreign names will also sound unusual:

  • Dominica
  • Beatrice
  • Gloria
  • Cassandra
  • Ariadne
  • Mirabella
  • Medina
  • Flora.

Unusual names , which in the past few years had to register with the registry office:

  • Golub
  • Rosiyana
  • Byzantium
  • ocean
  • Cherry
  • Cassiopeia
  • Kupava.

Beautiful female names by months according to the church calendar

It has long been customary for Orthodox believers to name a child in honor of the memory of a saint who falls on the child's birthday. Take a closer look at the church calendar, you might like a name that matches the month of your daughter's birth.
IN January the memory of saints who help the needy, steadfast and courageous is honored.

  • Anastasia
  • Tatiana
  • Maria
  • Sofia
  • Melania
  • Vasilisa.

February- a month in which the memory of women who know how to balance their character is honored.

  • Rimma
  • Vasilisa
  • Ksenia
  • Pelagia
  • Svetlana
  • Sofia.

IN March modest and humble girls are born, but according to the calendar, it is possible to reward the daughter with a strong name:

  • Marianne
  • Irina
  • barbarian
  • Alexandra
  • Antonina
  • Daria
  • Hope
  • Nika.

At April girls are usually stubborn and firm in nature. Therefore, it is best to choose soft names from the holy calendar:

  • Svetlana
  • Maria
  • Pauline
  • Lydia.

Hardworking girls born in May, such names are suitable:

  • Elizabeth
  • Ulyana
  • Juliana
  • Faina
  • Taisiya.

IN June wishing to reward the daughter not only nice name, but also a reliable patroness, stop your attention on such names:

  • Valeria
  • Christina
  • Elena
  • Pelagia
  • Maria.

For July daughters according to the church calendar there is such a list of names:

  • Olga
  • Jeanne
  • Marina
  • margarita
  • Elizabeth
  • Juliana.

A girl will grow up decent and honest if in august you choose her name from the calendar:

  • Angelina
  • Christina
  • Irina
  • Daria
  • Elena.

In the calendar, there is a fairly extensive choice for girls born in September:

  • Sofia
  • Hope
  • Love
  • Ludmila
  • Tatiana
  • Natalia
  • Raisa.

Good choice of female names and in church calendar behind October:

  • Maria
  • Veronica
  • Pelagia
  • Maria
  • Taisia
  • Hope
  • Zinaida
  • Gold.

If you have difficulty choosing a name for your daughter, November saints will help solve this problem:

  • Elizabeth
  • Anastasia
  • neonilla
  • Seraphim
  • Olga
  • Elena.

In the first month of winter december, honor such saints:

  • Tatiana
  • Catherine
  • barbarian
  • margarita
  • Anfisa.

Foreign female names in the Russian way

Most of the names have the same origin, usually Greek, Hebrew and Latin, but they have been translated into other languages.

  • popular name Maria, which has Jewish roots, is quite common with us. In England it is Mary, in France - Marie.
  • English name Elizabeth and German Lizhen translates as Elizabeth.
  • french Julie and Italian Juliet in the Russian way will become Julia.
  • Spanish Catarina, English Catherine- this is our Katerina.
  • Spanish and Italian Lucia(translated as "light") - an analogue of the name Svetlana.
  • Analog English name Dolly in Russia - Daria, A Barbarabarbarian.
    Almost all foreign names have analogues in Russian.

Beautiful Tatar female names

The meanings of Tatar names are mainly divided into denoting certain features:

Beautiful Muslim female names

Women's muslim names quite popular among other nations due to their beautiful sound and meaning.

  • Alsu - pink-haired
  • Aliya - exalted
  • Aisha - life
  • Amira is a princess
  • Amina - faithful
  • Layla - night
  • Maram - aspiration
  • Nadira - rare
  • Rashida - walking right
  • Halima - patient
  • Zuhra - morning star
  • Malika - queen
  • Rahima - merciful
  • Samia - precious
  • Farida is unique
  • Firuza - light
  • Khabiba is my favorite
  • Jasmine - similar to jasmine.

Beautiful Kazakh female names

If you want to endow your daughter with any qualities, then you need to know what the name means. Kazakh names, in addition to native Kazakh ones, include names from Arabic, Russian, Persian and other languages. Every woman Kazakh name has its own unique meaning, mostly pleasant and necessary meanings in life, character traits.

  • Ademi - graceful
  • Azhar - pretty
  • Aigul - moon flower
  • Alma - apple
  • Balzhan - sweet, smart
  • Balym is my smart girl
  • Gulnaz - graceful
  • Dameli - reliable
  • Zhanar - shine of the eyes
  • Kunsulu is a ray of sunshine.

Modern Armenian female names

For Armenians, a born girl is, first of all, a future mother, so the name should mean care, purity, warmth. Many female names come from the names pagan goddesses. Anahit- mother goddess, goddess of motherhood and war - Nane, Astghik- Goddess of beauty and love. A lot of names formed from the names natural phenomena, plants and celestial bodies: Suzanne- lily, Lusine- moon, Garunik- spring. Many female names are formed from male names with the addition of certain endings. The ending “ui” personifies the feminine – male Tigran + ui = female Tigranui. The ending "uht" is translated as a daughter and a holy oath. Wormizd's daughter will Wormizduht. The most harmonious modern Armenian names:

  • Anush - means "sweet"
  • Asmik - jasmine
  • Arevik - the sun
  • Gayane - earthly
  • Zara - gold
  • Zarui - Priestess of the Fire Temple
  • Mariam - Mary
  • Naira - free
  • Nana - mother
  • Narine - wife
  • Ruzanna - rose
  • Siranush - love
  • Ermina - courageous, dear.

List of the most beautiful female modern names

The most popular and beautiful names:

  • Anastasia
  • Milan
  • Angelina
  • Valeria
  • Christina
  • Yesenia
  • Arina
  • Marina
  • Svetlana
  • Snezhana
  • Zlata
  • Siyana
  • Regina
  • Pauline
  • Lilith
  • Pelagia
  • Emilia
  • Elina
  • Violet.

Meanings of the most beautiful female names

Anastasia- from the Greek "resurrected", "immortal".
Milan- Slavic name, meaning "dear".
Angelina- from the Greek "angelos" - an angel.
Mia- Swedish origin, meaning "rebellious".
Valeria- from the Latin "strong".
Christina- from the Latin - "Christian".
YeseniaSlavic meaning"autumn".
Anna- translated from Hebrew as "brave", "blessed".
Marina- is of Latin origin "marine".
Svetlana- from the Slavic "bright", "clean".
Snezhana- from the Slavic "snow".
Thea- from the Greek "goddess".
Zlata- from the Slavic "golden".
Nika- from the ancient Greek "victory".
Regina- translated from Latin - "queen".
Pauline- from the Greek "solar".
Eve- is of Hebrew origin, meaning "giving life."
Pelagia- from the Greek "sea".
Violet- from Latin means "violet".

Whatever you name the child, let the mind and common sense. Harmonizing with the surname and patronymic, having good value a name that pleases the child and parents is the best choice. Remember that your daughter will live with him all his life, approach responsibly when choosing a beautiful name.

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