Central nervous system treatment with folk remedies. Diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system


Diseases nervous system- an extensive group of independent pathologies, each of which has a certain symptomatology and etiology. This is explained by the extreme branching of the structure, each subsystem of which is unique. The nervous system permeates the entire body, ensures its vital activity and the normal functioning of all organs and systems. It is a very complex and at the same time fragile and vulnerable structure.

The slightest failure in its work is fraught with serious consequences, and severe pathologies can lead to disability and even death. Unfortunately, neurological pathologies are widespread among the population, they occur regardless of gender and age and affect the state of health in the most negative way. Today we will consider the causes, symptoms and methods of treatment of the most common diseases.

Diseases of the nervous system - varieties

Any living organism cannot exist without a nervous system. It is thanks to this structure that vision, hearing, smell, touch, taste, muscles, and all human organs work. The nervous system consists of three main elements, according to which all pathologies can be divided into the following subgroups:

  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • diseases of the peripheral nervous system;
  • diseases of the vegetative system.
  1. The central nervous system (CNS) consists of the brain and spinal cord. The meninges and cerebrospinal fluid perform protective functions and play the role of a kind of shock absorbers that soften all kinds of external influences that can lead to damage to vital organs.
  2. The peripheral nervous system (PNS) provides two-way communication between the CNS and all organs and systems of the human body. Anatomically, the PNS consists of ganglia, spinal and cranial nerves, and other nerve plexuses located outside the spinal cord and brain.
  3. The autonomic system is responsible for the functioning of muscles that we are not able to control at will (heart muscle, various glands). Its structures are located both in the central and in peripheral departments nervous system, and the main activity is aimed at maintaining the stability of the internal environment of the body (body temperature, pressure).
Types of diseases

What causes affect the state of the nervous system and give impetus to the development of the disease? The appearance of each pathology is preceded by its own factors and features of development. We can name only general causes that can trigger the mechanism of the disease.


The causes of neurological pathologies are very diverse, among the main provoking factors are:

  • vascular disorders and related diseases (hypertension, osteochondrosis, atherosclerosis, etc.);
  • heredity;
  • transferred infectious diseases;
  • tumor processes;
  • malnutrition, vitamin deficiency;
  • chronic diseases (endocrine, cardiac, renal);
  • exposure to poisons and toxins;
  • uncontrolled intake of medications;
  • poisoning with salts of heavy metals (thallium, lead, mercury);
  • physical and mental fatigue;
  • chronic stress.

Any of these causes can lead to pronounced changes in the functioning of the nervous system and cause disease.

Symptoms of diseases of the nervous system

The clinical picture of the disease depends on many factors, and each of the pathologies has its own characteristics and manifestations. Almost all neurological disorders are accompanied by pain syndrome of varying intensity (migraine, pain in the neck, back, muscles), dizziness, or disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Movement disorders are manifested by paresis (weakening of muscle strength), tremor (trembling of the limbs or trunk), paralysis (complete immobility), or chorea (involuntary rapid movements).

Severe lesions of the nervous system are accompanied by impaired intelligence, speech, mental activity, can be manifested by epileptic seizures, tantrums, behavioral and mental disorders. Most dangerous consequences have vascular diseases, when a stroke develops as a result of a violation of cerebral circulation. Such conditions are accompanied by characteristic symptoms - impaired coordination of movements, lack of tactile sensitivity, difficulty in speech, memory loss. If you do not recognize the signs of a stroke in time and do not provide medical assistance, there is a high probability of death.

Many neurological diseases negatively affect vision, hearing, smell and other senses, change character and behavior. A nice and friendly person can become sharp and irritable, perceive any changes negatively, and have difficulty understanding and absorbing new information.

Symptoms of a nervous disease may appear suddenly and vividly, or develop gradually over several years. It all depends on the nature of the pathology, the severity of the symptoms and individual features organism. But in any case, a specific disease of the nervous system causes dysfunction of those organs with which it has a direct connection.

Heredity and innate character

Among the pathologies of the nervous system, a fairly large percentage of diseases associated with heredity. These are diseases such as Down syndrome or Wilson's disease. Huntington's disease manifests itself as the most terrible symptoms - the disease begins suddenly, accompanied by the appearance of jerky involuntary movements, mental disorders, resistant to treatment (up to the complete degradation of the personality).

Diseases of the nervous system in children are most often congenital. They occur due to chromosomal or genetic abnormalities or as a result of exposure of the fetus to infectious agents during pregnancy. An example is cerebral palsy (ICP), when the nervous system suffers even at the stage of intrauterine development.

IN last years children school age increasingly suffer from neurosis, which develop as a result of stress, high academic loads, physical and mental overwork.

Important: Treatment of such neurological disorders in children should begin at the first symptoms. As soon as an accurate diagnosis is made, parents must throw all their strength into the fight against an ailment that hinders the growth and development of the child.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of diseases of the nervous system begins with a visit to a neurologist. During the conversation, the specialist analyzes the consciousness and intellect of the patient, checks reflexes, sensitivity, orientation in time and space, and identifies deviations that indicate a possible disease. Making the correct diagnosis requires a number of laboratory and instrumental studies that fit into the concept of topical diagnosis of diseases of the nervous system.

In order to identify the causes of the disease, the patient is referred for an MRI or CT scan of the brain. These methods are effective in diagnosing craniocerebral injuries, brain tumors, and strokes.

A clear picture that makes it possible to judge vascular disorders is provided by such research methods as ultrasound dopplerography of cerebral vessels, rheoencephalography.

Electroencephalography is used to detect tumors, brain contusions, epilepsy. A method such as electromyography is used for suspected damage to peripheral nerves and the development of neuromuscular diseases.

Laboratory methods reveal chromosomal or genetic abnormalities, examine blood or urine. An analysis of cerebrospinal fluid for transparency, cellular composition, electrolyte and protein content allows you to determine the cause of the disease and make the correct diagnosis.


The treatment regimen for neurological pathologies depends on their type, the clinical picture of the disease, the severity of the symptoms, the individual characteristics of the patient, the presence of concomitant diseases, possible contraindications, and other nuances. Many severe diseases of the nervous system require intensive care in a hospital, if necessary, surgical operations are performed. Other ailments can be treated at home.

basis medical measures consists of taking medications, physiotherapy, physiotherapy exercises, massages, lifestyle and nutrition adjustments. Such symptomatic therapy is aimed at eliminating the pain syndrome and other unpleasant manifestations of the disease and is carried out in order to improve the general condition of the patient. Let us dwell in more detail on the principles of treatment of the most common pathologies:

Neuritis (neuropathy) is a disease associated with inflammation of the peripheral nerves. The nerves of the extremities, facial, occipital or intercostal nerves can be affected. Neuritis develops as a result of hypothermia, infections, injuries, vascular disorders, intoxication of the body.

The main symptoms are loss of sensation in the affected area, movement disorders, paralysis. Severe multiple inflammation of the nerves (polyneuropathy) can develop against the background of diabetes mellitus, poisoning with toxic substances or alcohol.

Treatment of neuritis begins after establishing the cause that provokes the inflammatory process. Therapy is based on taking anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiviral, sedative drugs, multivitamin complexes. Physiotherapeutic procedures are widely used: electrophoresis and ultraphonophoresis, UHF, pulsed currents. To restore muscle functions, massages and physiotherapy exercises are shown.


Neuralgia is a disease accompanied by the occurrence of sharp, sharp pains along the affected nerve. The main difference from neuritis is that with neuralgia there is no blockage of the main functions of the nerve. The cause of the disease is hypothermia, colds, tumors, injuries, intoxication of the body. The disease often develops against the background of pneumonia, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction.

There are neuralgia of the cranial, femoral and intercostal nerves. Intercostal neuralgia is accompanied by persistent pain in the spine, while the pain intensifies with a deep breath and the slightest physical exertion.

Comprehensive treatment of the disease is based on the use of anticonvulsants, muscle relaxants, painkillers and sedatives. Physiotherapy methods include treatment infrared rays, acupuncture, therapeutic massages.


Migraine is a common neurological disease in which severe headache does not let go for several days. Pain syndrome occurs against the background of dysfunction of the nervous system caused by a strong emotional shock, stress, overstrain. The disease can be inherited, mainly through the maternal line.

The patient is tormented by a sharp, throbbing pain in the temporal region, intolerance to sharp sounds, smells, bright light. These symptoms are accompanied by weakness, nausea, polyuria. In the course of treatment, the patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs, serotonin agonists, antispasmodics, strong anti-migraine analgesics, and lifestyle and nutrition adjustments are recommended.

intracranial hypertension

A disease characterized by increased intracranial pressure. The mechanism of its occurrence is associated with a violation of the production of cerebrospinal fluid, the excess of which begins to put pressure on the brain, and causes characteristic symptoms. The impetus for the development of pathology can be viral infections, developmental anomalies, tumors, craniocerebral injuries. Often, manifestations of intracranial hypertension accompany a person from birth. At the same time, severe arching headaches, nausea, shortness of breath, chills or excessive sweating, emotional instability, and depressive states appear.

Treatment is selected by a neuropathologist, taking into account the severity of symptoms. Traditional drug treatment involves taking drugs that work to reduce the production of cerebrospinal fluid. In combination with diuretics, this treatment allows you to normalize intracranial pressure. If traditional therapy does not help, resort to surgical methods and perform lumbar punctures.

This pathological condition is associated with dysfunction of the autonomic and cardiovascular systems. Symptoms of the disease are manifested in connection with a stress factor, hormonal changes in the body or due to increased nervous excitability, disruption of sleep and rest, bad habits, unfavorable environmental conditions. Often the appearance of vegetative-vascular dystonia is associated with hereditary predisposition.

The disease is manifested by general weakness, drowsiness, headaches, dizziness, tinnitus. The course of the disease is accompanied by jumps in blood pressure, fever, fainting, mood swings, panic attacks.

Therapy is based on taking sedatives, in severe cases, tranquilizers are prescribed. The main emphasis in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia is on observing the daily regimen and a certain diet, increasing physical activity, giving up bad habits, and adjusting the whole lifestyle in general. It is useful to eat foods rich in magnesium and potassium, do massage, physiotherapy, visit the pool, gym. Yoga, fitness, breathing practices give a good effect.

Severe cerebrovascular disease, threatening disability or death. Unfortunately, in recent years, this disease has increasingly affected quite young and able-bodied people. It occurs against the background of an acute circulatory disorder in the brain and is accompanied by tissue damage and brain infarction due to the cessation of blood flow to its departments.

Vascular disorders, atherosclerosis, hypertension, and blood diseases can provoke a stroke. The characteristic symptoms of a developing stroke are severe headache, nausea, vomiting, impaired coordination of movements, speech, loss of sensitivity. A person cannot say his name, smile, maintain balance, raise and hold his hands in a certain position. When such symptoms appear, urgent hospitalization is necessary. If qualified medical care is provided within the first 2 hours, the chances of saving the patient increase.

Prevention of diseases of the nervous system

Photo: increased physical activity

A number of preventive measures will help to avoid diseases of the nervous system:

  • healthy lifestyle;
  • physical education and sports;
  • complete nutrition;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • timely treatment of infectious and other concomitant diseases;
  • exclusion of the stress factor and high psychological stress.

Be attentive to your health, do not ignore the alarming symptoms. When the first signs of trouble appear, consult a doctor and start treatment in a timely manner.

The human nervous system is like a network of wires, through which commands come from the brain and communicate with every part of the body. The brain is a kind of center of such a system. Commands from the brain through nerve fibers come out, which is why laughter arises, appetite is stimulated, sexual desire arises, etc. Nerves serve the brain like messengers. Through special parts of the nervous system, the brain receives information about everything that happens to the body.

Nervous diseases.

The human nervous system is like a network of wires, through which commands come from the brain and communicate with every part of the body. The brain is a kind of center of such a system. Commands from the brain through nerve fibers come out, which is why laughter arises, appetite is stimulated, sexual desire arises, etc. Nerves serve the brain like messengers. Through special parts of the nervous system, the brain receives information about everything that happens to the body. The spinal cord is the main communication route between the brain (Fig. 1) and the entire body (Fig. 2).

Rice. 1. The structure of the brain

Rice. 2. Human nervous system: 1 - brain; 2 - cerebellum; 3 - spinal cord; 4 - intercostal nerves; 5 - ulnar nerve; 6 - radial nerve; 7 - femoral nerve; 8 - sciatic nerve

central nervous system(spinal cord and brain) is supreme body coordinating the activity of all body systems. The spinal cord is located in the spinal canal, and the brain - in the cranial cavity. The substance of the brain is surrounded by the meninges. The vast majority of nerve cells are concentrated in the brain. The bodies of neurons make up the gray matter of the brain (nuclei, cortex big brain and cerebellum). The processes of neurons make up pathways (white matter of the brain). The spinal cord combines nerve trunks in the same way that a telephone cable combines wires. Each trunk has two pairs of nerve roots: anterior - the so-called motor, and posterior - sensitive. Sensory roots transmit signals from the skin, muscles, internal organs to the spinal cord, and from there to the brain. Motor roots transmit signals from the spinal cord to different parts of the body. The sensory roots control sensations, and the motor roots control actions. When someone touches us, we feel it through sensory nerve roots (called tactile sensitivity). If we move, impulses from the brain are transmitted through the motor roots. The central nervous system is responsible for all our conscious actions and for responses to external stimuli. Without it, we would not be able to think, move and feel.

But the body can also perform subconscious actions. Some vital organs (for example, the heart, digestive organs) are active, although consciousness does not take part in this. These and many other unconscious actions that are performed automatically are regulated by another nervous system. They call her peripheral nervous system. This part of the nervous system consists of nerves and ganglia. Includes somatic and autonomic (sympathetic and parasympathetic) divisions. The somatic nervous system includes the cranial and spinal nerves (with sensory ganglia), the autonomic nervous system includes the border sympathetic trunk, its branches and autonomic ganglia lying in the walls of the internal organs and near them. The somatic part of the nervous system provides information to the central nervous system and controls the striated muscles of the skeleton and some internal organs (tongue, pharynx, larynx). The vegetative part provides the innervation of the glands and smooth muscles of all other internal organs.

AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS- an organic disease of the brain and spinal cord, which is based on an isolated lesion of motor neurons (nerve cells and their axons) that innervate the muscles of the limbs, tongue, pharynx and larynx. It begins more often at the age of 40-50 years. Characterized by flaccid atrophic paresis and paralysis of the hands, combined with an increase in tendon reflexes, spastic paresis of the legs, speech disorders (dysarthria), and swallowing disorders. The course of the disease is progressive, the disease ends lethally in 2-5 years. The causes of the disease are unknown.

Since there is no specific treatment, prozerin, oxazil (kalimin), vitamins E, B 1 and B 12 are prescribed in courses. Interferon and interferonogens are used. Physiotherapy, massage, therapeutic exercises are widely used. With the development of widespread atrophy, retabolil, nerobol are prescribed.

Apraxia- inability to perform complex purposeful actions (the patient forgot how to dress, fasten buttons, make the bed). It is observed with focal lesions of the brain, with injuries, disorders of cerebral circulation.

ARACHNOIDITIS- inflammation of the arachnoid of the brain or spinal cord, in which adhesions occur between the arachnoid and choroid, followed by circulatory disorders, the formation of cystic cavities. It can occur with general infections, otitis media, inflammatory diseases of the paranasal sinuses, brain tumors, traumatic brain injuries.

Symptoms. There are local and diffuse headaches, nausea, sometimes unsharply pronounced meningeal syndrome and subfebrile temperature. With the predominant localization of arachnoiditis at the base of the brain and the involvement of the optic nerves in the process, a decrease in visual acuity and a limitation of the visual field are observed. Arachnoiditis of other localization proceeds with a clinical picture resembling a tumor of the corresponding localization, and correct diagnosis is possible only with X-ray, tomography, and examination of the cerebrospinal fluid.

Treatment. In the acute phase, treatment is carried out in a hospital. Corticosteroids, veroshpiron, vitamins of group B are prescribed. According to indications, neurosurgical treatment is performed (dissection of adhesions).

ATAXIA- impaired coordination of movements due to damage to the vestibular apparatus, cerebellum, etc. It is manifested by a violation of balance when standing (static ataxia) and disorders of coordination of movements (dynamic ataxia).

If ataxia is suspected, ask the patient to stand with arms outstretched and eyes closed, while the legs should be closed, then touch the tip of the nose with your finger or, lying on your back, touch the knee of the opposite leg with your heel. If a person cannot perform these tasks, then you need to see a doctor.

ATHETOSIS- a type of hyperkinesis, characterized by slow involuntary violent movements due to tonic muscle contractions. Athetoid movements can be observed not only in limited muscle groups ah (face, arm, leg), but also cover the entire musculature. Limited athetosis appears with intoxication lesions of the brain (carbon monoxide, manganese, carbon disulfide), and general athetosis is characteristic of some lesions of the subcortical parts of the brain (hepatocerebral dystrophy, etc.). both sides. As a rule, it is the result of perinatal brain damage in children who have undergone fetal asphyxia.

APHASIA- impaired speech in organic brain damage. Aphasia can be motor, sensory, amnestic. With motor aphasia, patients lose the ability to speak, but understand the speech of others. With sensory aphasia, patients lose their understanding of speech, but can pronounce individual words and phrases. With amnestic aphasia, patients know the purpose of objects, but cannot correctly name them.

INSOMNIA- a very common ailment, characterized by difficulties associated with falling asleep or the process of sleep itself, lasting at least 3 weeks. There are three main types of insomnia: disruption of the process of falling asleep, awakening at night, and early awakening.

1. "I go to bed and can't fall asleep for a very long time"

This condition may be facilitated by:

Stress. Emotional stress includes anxiety, depression, self-pity, anger, and guilt. Its reasons are varied.

Unresolved issues, violation peace of mind, various physical disorders, neurological problems.

Problems of digestion and nutrition. Eating stimulating food and drinks before bed (strong tea, coffee), too plentiful and high-calorie dinner.

Wrong sleep pattern. Daytime drowsiness (afternoon, in the evening) and therefore less need for sleep at night.

Big life changes that can be both good and bad, such as moving to a new place of residence, divorce, death of loved ones, changing jobs, etc.

Failure of the biological clock night work and changing time zones).

External stimuli such as noise.

2. "I often wake up in the middle of the night and lie down, can't sleep"

The causes of interrupted nighttime sleep can be all of the above, plus:

Irritation and anger.

Strong alcohol intoxication, or, conversely, abstinence from alcohol and drugs - on the advice of a doctor or for another reason.

Nightmares, fear of having a nightmare.

Sedentary lifestyle, lack of fatigue during the day.

3. "I wake up very early and can't get back to sleep"

Severe depression.


Addiction to sleeping pills.

Treatment. It is necessary to understand the causes of insomnia and try to eliminate them. In the evenings, in order to avoid sleepless nights, try to adhere to the following rules.

Never engage in issues that are bothering you before bed or in bed. To solve them, it is better to choose daytime hours or the beginning of the evening. Eliminate stimulating drinks (tea, coffee, alcohol) in the evenings. Dinner should be light, but exclude raw vegetables and fruits, black bread from it, as they make your stomach growl, which also prevents you from falling asleep. Avoid in the evening any exciting activity (energetic exercise, work, quarrels, etc.). Spend last hour in preparation for sleep, including relaxing exercises and a warm (not hot!) bath with coniferous extract. You can drink an infusion of mint or motherwort. Create a cozy atmosphere in your bedroom, conducive to relaxation. Read Pushkin at night (the rhythm of versification coincides with the natural rhythms of the heart and brain, which calms the overexcited mind). Try to get rid of the noise that can disturb your sleep. It is often easier to fall asleep if a small light is on in the room.

Even if you are a very busy person and are used to doing something all the time or in a hurry somewhere, try to do nothing in the evening and give yourself time and space to think, dream or just take a walk. Maybe this is just what you need to fall asleep peacefully. If you can't get enough sleep on your own, you should see a doctor. Without consulting a doctor, you should not start using sleeping pills, because they become quickly addictive and it becomes much more difficult to fight insomnia.

BULBAR PARALYSIS- a symptom complex consisting of a disorder of swallowing and speech. Occurs when injured medulla oblongata and the nuclei of the cranial nerves, pathways and reticular formation located there. Swallowing disorder, choking and coughing while eating, respiratory disorders are observed. Speech with a nasal tinge, pronunciation of words is disturbed, hiccups, vomiting, disorders of cardiovascular activity, arrhythmias are possible. With the development of bulbar syndrome, urgent hospitalization in a neurological hospital is necessary.

VEGETATIVE-VASCULAR DYSTONIA - a symptom complex characterized by functional disorders in various parts of the autonomic nervous system. Most often, vegetative-vascular dystonia is observed in neuroses and is manifested by various disorders of the cardiovascular, respiratory and gastrointestinal tract. Cardiovascular disorders - palpitations, increased or decreased blood pressure, pallor, sweating; digestive disorders - lack of appetite, belching with air, difficulty swallowing, nausea, hiccups; respiratory disorders - shortness of breath, tightness in the chest. Characterized by complaints of fatigue, restless sleep, emotional lability. There is a slight and transient increase in blood pressure, tachycardia. The manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia are very diverse, they can be similar to all diseases at once. The behavior of patients is often intrusive, a lot of absurd complaints made by them can lead the doctor into bewilderment. Sometimes, with the established diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia, the actual disease remains unrecognized. Therefore, the diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia is a diagnosis of exclusion and is made only after an ECG, EEG, visual field examination, examinations by an ophthalmologist, endocrinologist, psychotherapist, urine and blood tests are made.

Treatment. A complex of health-improving and hygienic measures is recommended, dosed physical exercise, spa and physiotherapy treatment, autogenic training and other methods of psychotherapeutic influence. Prescribe drugs that normalize nervous processes: valerian, bromine preparations, tranquilizers.

HYDROCEPHALIA (dropsy of the brain)- accumulation of excess amount of cerebrospinal fluid in the cranial cavity. There is congenital and acquired hydrocephalus. Congenital hydrocephalus develops as a result of intrauterine infections, intoxications. In children with congenital hydrocephalus, the cranial sutures are dilated, the fontanel is tense, does not pulsate, mental retardation, strabismus, etc. are observed. Acquired hydrocephalus develops after infections, brain injuries. It is characterized by an increase in intracranial pressure and is manifested by headache, vomiting.

Treatment. It is necessary to establish the cause of hydrocephalus and treat the underlying disease. Diuretics, mannitol, glycerin, glucocorticoid hormones are used to reduce intracranial pressure. In some cases, surgical treatment is indicated.

HEADACHE. It is a frequent symptom of various diseases of the nervous system of an organic and functional nature. Headache of varying intensity and localization is observed with lesions of the meninges, with increased intracranial pressure, trigeminal neuralgia, skull trauma, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, with hypertension, atherosclerosis, eye diseases. Often a headache appears in diseases of internal organs (diseases of the liver, kidneys, anemia, chronic poisoning with industrial poisons). Headache can be associated with overwork, emotional overstrain, etc.

Treatment. It is necessary to establish and treat the disease that causes the headache. In addition, painkillers are prescribed (citramon, finlepsin, analgin, acetylsalicylic acid, etc.).

DIZZINESS- sensation of apparent movement of the body in space or surrounding objects around the body. It is often a symptom of damage to the vestibular apparatus, brain stem, cerebellum, and cerebral cortex. May be accompanied by nystagmus, vomiting, gait disturbance, blanching of the skin. An increase in blood pressure that accompanies dizziness often indicates a vascular disorder. Dizziness as a manifestation of the disease may be due to a disease of the inner ear, when the vestibular apparatus is affected by an inflammatory or tumor process. Such patients usually suffer from inflammation of the inner ear (otitis) for a long time, first they have hearing loss, and then dizziness appears. With a tumor lesion, seizures occur against the background of hearing loss, ringing in the ear, and attacks of dizziness gradually become more frequent and intensify.

Often, dizziness is observed with a sharp turn of the head to the side, with a sharp rise in the morning from bed, tilting the head back (during wallpapering, hanging clothes), with a long tilt of the head to the side or anteriorly (weeding, car repair, long sleep on the train, etc.). These dizzinesses are caused by spasm or clamping of the vertebral artery, which supplies blood to the parts of the brain responsible for balance. Dizziness can occur with high or low blood pressure, poisoning, fluid loss (vomiting, diarrhea) or blood loss (bleeding). Accompanied by dizziness and anemia (lack of erythrocytes in the blood - red blood cells), high fever.

Dizziness can also occur in a completely healthy person if, for example, one spins around its axis for a long time or when looking down from high altitude, or when looking at clouds.

First aid. When dizzy, the patient should be laid on his back so that his head, neck and shoulders lie on the pillow, because in this position the kink of the vertebral arteries is excluded. You should avoid turning your head to the side, you need to open the windows, ventilate the room, put a cold bandage on your forehead, you can slightly moisten it with vinegar. After measuring the pressure and temperature, take measures to normalize them, if the heart rate is more than 100 beats per minute or an irregular heartbeat has appeared, and also if nausea and repeated (more than 3 times) vomiting have joined dizziness, it is necessary to call " ambulance". It is necessary to find out the cause of dizziness and treat the underlying disease.

CHILDREN'S CEREBRAL PALSY - are a group of syndromes of impaired motor function, which are the result of brain damage in the prenatal period, during childbirth or in early period child's life. Most often they occur due to infections, intoxications, birth injuries. Children with cerebral palsy do not develop physically well, they begin to sit, walk, and talk with a delay. The main violations are manifested in the form of paresis, paralysis, hyperkinesis. Psychiatric disorders are rare.

Treatment complex, aimed at restoring movement disorders, speech disorders. They constantly carry out massage, physiotherapy exercises, classes with a speech therapist. Assign drugs that normalize muscle tone (elenium, baclofen, etc.), drugs of metabolic action (cerebrolysin, piracetam, etc.). With age, with persistent treatment, motor defects can decrease, in some cases disappear altogether.

STuttering (logoneurosis)- a disease in which there are no pathological changes on the part of the articulatory (speech-conducting) apparatus (larynx, vocal cords, lungs, lips, teeth, tongue), there is no damage to the part of the brain that controls the act of speech, however, the speech control system works inconsistently with the articulatory apparatus. Stuttering is the result of a spasm in one or more of the organs involved in speech production. The flow of words is suddenly interrupted. There is a pause. Sometimes this happens as a result of the rapid repetition in a row of the sound on which the person originally stopped. There are many degrees of stuttering. This can range from a slight inability to pronounce the final letters or syllables, or a situation where the spasm completely fetters the muscles of the tongue and larynx. Very often, the cause of stuttering is emotional excitement.

A stuttering person is usually most troubled by explosive consonants: "b", "p", "d", "t", "k", solid "g". These consonants are formed as a result of stopping the movement of air and pressure on the lips, followed by an unexpected explosion. air flow and exiting through open lips. Stuttering is often corrected if a person follows the rules of reading and slowly, carefully pronounces each syllable.

As a rule, stuttering occurs at a young age, when speech automatisms are not fully developed. Contribute to the development of stuttering stressful situations that the child encounters in childhood (fear, death of a loved one, beloved animal, divorce of parents, constant scandals, etc.) True stuttering increases with excitement, weakens in a calm environment. People who stutter usually sing well and don't stutter when they sing.

Treatment. Speech therapists and psychotherapists are involved in the treatment of stuttering, since the disease is mainly functional in nature and is not associated with a true lesion of the speech apparatus. The prognosis is usually favorable.

STROKE- acute violation of cerebral circulation, which develops most often as a complication of hypertension and atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels. Distinguish between hemorrhagic (cerebral hemorrhage, hemorrhage in the subarachnoid space) and ischemic strokes.

Hemorrhagic stroke (bleeding into the brain) occurs as a result of rupture of an artery during fluctuations in blood pressure or a change in the functional state of the vessels. The development of a stroke can provoke emotional experiences or physical stress. Characterized by a sudden onset, redness of the face, severe headache, loss of consciousness, repeated vomiting and paralysis of the limbs on one side. On the side of paralysis, the corner of the mouth is lowered, sometimes there is a turn of the head and eyes in the direction of paralysis. Blood pressure up to 180/100 mm Hg. Art. and above, tachycardia, after a few hours the body temperature rises to 37-39 ° C, leukocytosis appears in the blood. With extensive hemorrhages, accompanied by a progressive violation of breathing and cardiac activity, the patient may die.

Treatment. In most cases, patients are hospitalized. First of all, the airways are freed from mucus, vomit. The position of the head should be elevated. To compensate for cardiac activity, the introduction of cardiac glycosides is indicated. In the presence of very high blood pressure, it is necessary to reduce it under constant medical supervision to the numbers familiar to the patient (usually not lower than 150-160/90 mm Hg). Enter intramuscularly lasix dibazol, clonidine, papaverine, no-shpu. Effective in the first hours of the disease intravenous slow administration of aminophylline. In severe cases, glucocorticoid hormones (hydrocortisone, dexamethasone) are used. It is necessary to monitor the activity of the bladder and intestines.

Subarachnoid hemorrhage. It occurs when an aneurysm of the cerebral vessels ruptures, less often - with hypertension and other vascular disorders. Characterized by a sudden sharp headache "a blow to the back of the head", vomiting, epileptiform seizures, motor restlessness. Obscuration of consciousness, a stunned state are observed. There is a meningeal syndrome.

Treatment. The patient needs to be hospitalized. Strict bed rest is required for 4 weeks. During the first 7-10 days, epsilon-aminocaproic acid, a sterile solution of glycerin, is injected intravenously. Showing analgesics (baralgin, analgin). During the first 4 weeks, therapeutic exercises and massage are carried out in bed, then, depending on the condition, the patient is allowed to sit and walk. It is necessary to regulate the activity of the bladder and intestines. In the first 8 weeks, the patient should avoid any physical stress and straining in order to avoid re-hemorrhage. When an aneurysm ruptures, surgical treatment is performed.

Ischemic stroke (brain infarction). It often develops in old age as a result of blockage (thrombus, embolism) or a sharp narrowing of atherosclerotically altered cerebral vessels. Provocative moments are emotional overstrain, fatigue, infectious diseases. The disease develops more often gradually, consciousness is preserved. Headaches, dizziness, general weakness, pallor of the skin, transient numbness in the arm or leg are noted. The malaise grows, for several minutes, an hour, sometimes a day, there is an ever-increasing heaviness in the arm and leg, which then sharply weaken and completely stop moving. If the ischemic process develops at night, then in the morning the patient feels that he cannot get up, his arm and leg do not move. If paralysis has developed in the right limbs, then the patient's speech disappears or is sharply disturbed. With the defeat of the left limbs, speech impairment is usually not observed. For cerebral infarction, visual impairment and swallowing disorders are also characteristic.

Treatment. Intravenous slow administration of a solution of aminofillin with a solution of corglycone and a solution of glucose, intravenous drip infusion of reopoliglyukin is recommended. Dexamethasone is used according to indications. From the 4-5th day of the disease, antiplatelet agents (acetylsalicylic acid or trental) are prescribed. The patient needs to carry out massage and therapeutic exercises, monitor the activity of the bladder and intestines, and prevent bedsores (the patient should be rotated regularly). With a mild course and a satisfactory state of cardiac activity, the patient is allowed to get up and walk from the 5-7th day of the disease.

COMA- an unconscious state due to a violation of the function of the brain stem. It is characterized by a disorder of breathing and cardiac activity, a lack of reactions to various external stimuli, and a lack of active movements. May occur with traumatic brain injury, brain tumors, diabetes, strokes, uremia, intoxication with alcohol, drugs. With a mild degree of coma, patients respond to pain stimuli, pupillary and corneal reflexes are preserved. In deep coma, areflexia, atony, mydriasis, gross violations respiration and circulation. In the terminal stage of coma, the vital activity of the patient is preserved only due to artificial ventilation of the lungs and stimulation of the heart. A patient in a coma must be urgently hospitalized.

LUMBAGO (lumbago)- pain that sharply occurs in the lumbar region at the time of physical exertion ( flick, lifting weights).

Symptoms. The disease develops acutely: at the moment of tension, severe pain in the lower back suddenly appears, the patient cannot bend and unbend, freezes in one position, sometimes falls from pain. The pain increases sharply with any movement, coughing, sneezing. Palpation reveals tension in the back muscles. After a few days, the pain disappears, the range of motion in the spine is gradually restored.

Treatment. Assign bed rest, analgesics (analgin, baralgin, finlepsin). Rubbing with Voltaren ointment, menovazine, mustard plasters are shown.

MENINGEAL SYNDROME. The syndrome of irritation of the meninges can be observed with intoxication, general infections, increased intracranial pressure, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and also with meningitis. Due to irritation of the nerve roots, reflex muscle tension occurs (stiff neck - restriction or inability to bend the head forward, Kernig's symptom - the inability to straighten the leg at the knee joint when the leg is bent at a right angle in the hip joint). Important components meningeal syndrome are headache, sometimes vomiting, hypersensitivity to light, noise, mental disorders are possible.

MENINGITIS- inflammation of the pia mater of the brain and spinal cord. There are primary and secondary meningitis. Primary (epidemic cerebrospinal) meningitis is caused by meningococcus. Secondary meningitis often develops as a complication of common infectious diseases (otitis media, boils, influenza, mumps), caused by various pathogens (coccal flora, viruses, etc.).

Symptoms. The clinical picture of both forms of meningitis is similar. The onset of the disease is acute, the body temperature rises to 39-40 ° C, there is a severe headache, vomiting, agitation, often confusion and delirium. Observed meningeal syndrome(see) various expressiveness. Due to the involvement of the cranial nerves in the process, strabismus, impaired convergence and accommodation may occur, nystagmus, anisocoria are possible. In the blood, neutrophilic leukocytosis, ESR is accelerated. The cerebrospinal fluid is turbid, flows out in a stream, contains many proteins, a large number of neutrophilic leukocytes and meningococci. Complications are possible: infectious-toxic shock, cerebral edema.

Treatment. Patients are hospitalized. Carry out etiotropic, detoxification and dehydration therapy. Assign benzylpenicillin intramuscularly 6-8 times a day in large doses for 7-10 days. In case of intolerance to penicillin or resistance of the pathogen to it, ampicillin, levomycetin, oxacillin, tetracycline, metacycline are prescribed. For detoxification, a 5% glucose solution, isotonic sodium chloride solution, plasma, albumin, etc. are administered intravenously. Lasix, mannitol, etc. are administered to prevent cerebral edema. In severe forms, corticosteroid drugs are indicated. For the treatment of convulsive syndrome, seduxen (diazepam), sodium hydroxybutyrate is used. Patients are discharged from the hospital after receiving negative results of a double bacteriological examination.

MIGRAINE- a disease manifested by attacks of headache, mainly in one half of the head (hemicrania). Young women are more likely to suffer from migraines. The attack is preceded for 10-20 minutes by malaise, irritability, heaviness in the head, drowsiness, flashing "flies" before the eyes. The pain is throbbing, accompanied by redness or blanching of the face, redness of the eyeballs, nausea, and sometimes vomiting. The duration of the attack is from several hours to several days. The disease is not progressive in nature, is not accompanied by signs of organic brain damage, with age the attacks become less intense.

Treatment. Since there is no consensus about the true nature of the disease, symptomatic agents are used. Some patients are helped by heat (warmers to the feet, mustard plasters), others by cold, others by tight pulling of the head with a towel, etc. During an attack, the patient needs absolute rest. Of the medicines, sedatives (valerian, bromine preparations), tranquilizers (meprotan, elenium), antispasmodic and vasodilators (dibazole, papaverine), analgesics (phenacetin, amidopyrine, nomigrofen) are prescribed. Reduce attacks difenin, phenobarbital, anaprilin. General recreational activities are recommended (stay on fresh air sufficient sleep, work and rest schedule, sports).

MYELITIS- Inflammatory disease of the spinal cord. It can occur as a complication of common infectious diseases, traumatic injuries of the spine or spinal cord. Focal myelitis is characterized by an acute onset, fever, back pain, chest pain, numbness and weakness in the legs, urinary retention. In severe forms, paralysis of the limbs, sensory disturbances according to the conduction type, and a disorder of pelvic functions occur.

Treatment aimed at the underlying disease, a complication of which was myelitis. In most cases, patients need to be hospitalized. Antibiotics, analgesics, sedatives and anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins are used. If necessary, surgical treatment is carried out.

NEURALGIA- defeat of peripheral nerves most often due to cooling, infection, intoxication, trauma, metabolic disorders. Neuralgia is characterized by paroxysmal pains of a cutting, shooting nature with extensive irradiation, corresponding to the zone of innervation of the sensory nerve.

trigeminal neuralgia more often occurs with various inflammatory diseases of the teeth, jaws, paranasal sinuses. It is characterized by intense bouts of spontaneous pain in the face on one side, lasting from a few seconds to 1-2 minutes. An attack of pain occurs spontaneously and is often accompanied by convulsions of the mimic muscles. The study sometimes reveals soreness of the exit points of the trigeminal nerve, the presence of "trigger" zones, with a light touch to which an attack is provoked.

Neuralgia of the occipital nerve characterized by pain in the back of the head. They are of a knocking, breaking nature, gradually spreading anteriorly along the surface of the head, radiating from the back of the head to the temple and eye. Pain is aggravated by turning the head, by probing the neck, sneezing and coughing, often causing nausea and vomiting.

Neuralgia intercostal accompanied by pain along the intercostal space, usually one, but 2 and 3 intercostal spaces may be affected. The pains are constant, aching. They are aggravated by walking, breathing, turning the body, palpation of the ribs and intercostal spaces.

Treatment depends on the nature of neuralgia and is carried out under the supervision of a physician. Prescribe anticonvulsants, sedatives (seduxen, trioxazine), vitamin B 1 , B 12 , nicotinic acid, physiotherapy (UHF, diadynamic currents, electrophoresis with novocaine). Acupuncture has a good effect. With the ineffectiveness of conservative therapy, surgical treatment is indicated.

NEURITIS- inflammation of the nerve. (Neuritis is an obsolete name; it is now customary to use the term "neuropathy" because most of peripheral nerve lesions are non-inflammatory). In clinical practice, neuropathies of the facial, radial and tibial nerves are most common.

Neuropathy of the facial nerve- most often has a vascular nature. It occurs after hypothermia, the peak incidence occurs in September and March, that is, when the winds begin in the off-season, and people go without hats and scarves, in light raincoats, often fall into drafts. The facial nerve emerges from the cranial cavity in the behind the ear region. With hypothermia of the head, a spasm of the vessels that feed the nerve occurs. Deterioration of nutrition leads to swelling and jamming of the nerve in the walls of the bone canal, which further worsens the nutrition of the nerve. The patient, getting up in the morning, notes a slight aching pain behind the ear, when trying to brush his teeth, he notices that water flows out of the corner of his mouth, having breakfast, he notes that food constantly gets between his cheek and teeth, making it difficult to chew food. Approaching the mirror, he sees that his face is immobilized on one side, and his mouth is drawn to the opposite (healthy) side. The eye on the diseased side does not close, the forehead does not wrinkle, when trying to smile, the corner of the mouth is motionless. Sensitivity on the face (when pricked with a needle) is preserved.

A similar picture can be caused by diseases such as inflammation of the inner ear, a tumor of the auditory nerve, multiple sclerosis, a brain tumor, a stroke in the brain stem, and diabetes mellitus.

Neuropathy of the radial nerve. Complaints about the inability to unbend the fingers of the hand and raise the hand up are typical, while the hand is compressed into a fist well. The patient cannot pat with his hand on the table, cannot tap on it with his fingers. Usually these disorders occur after the use a large number alcohol the night before and an uncomfortable night's sleep. For example, if the patient sleeps without a pillow, with his arm under him, or the spouse sleeps on his shoulder at night.

Neuropathy of the small tibial nerve. Complaints about the inability to stand on the heels, the inability to put on slippers on their own, the foot seems to "hanging". When walking, the patient stumbles on level ground, the gait is also unusual: a person tries to lift or throw his leg forward and up so that the foot does not cling to the floor. Such a disorder often occurs after severe sciatica, hypothermia of the legs, an allergic reaction (bee sting), poisoning with chemicals (alcohol, insecticides), atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities, diabetes mellitus, prolonged forced sitting, especially cross-legged.

Treatment. The sooner the patient sees a doctor, the greater the chance of success. If you do not take action in the first 3-4 days of the disease with neuropathy of the facial nerve, then the face will remain motionless forever. Apply dry heat, aspirin, nicotinic acid, chimes, hormones, adhesive traction, electrical stimulation, acupuncture. If neuropathy of the facial nerve is a manifestation of another disease, the cause is treated first, but at the same time all measures are taken to restore the nerve, so as not to waste time.

With neuropathy of the radial and small tibial nerve, a similar treatment is used.

FAINTING- a short-term drop in vascular tone, accompanied by anemia of the brain. Manifested by sudden weakness, dizziness, loss of consciousness (for a few seconds or minutes). It is observed in some cardiovascular diseases, blood loss, acute pain, severe excitement, etc.

First aid. First of all, it is necessary to determine whether consciousness has been lost, for this patient they call loudly by name, slap on the cheeks, determine the width of the pupils, whether they react to light. This information will also be necessary for the doctor of the clinic or ambulance. The patient is laid with raised legs, freed from tight clothing, sprayed on his face with cold water, allowed to smell a cotton swab moistened with ammonia, cologne. A simple syncope does not require treatment, however, during it, the patient may vomit, and if he falls, he may break his dentures. Fragments of prostheses, food can get into the trachea, bronchi, which threatens death from suffocation. The patient must be turned on his side, the prostheses should be removed from the mouth, the vomit should be removed, and a cotton swab moistened with ammonia should be smelled. If consciousness is not restored after 5-7 minutes, and even more so if the patient hit his head, urgent hospitalization is necessary.

BRAIN TUMORS - can be primary (from the membranes, brain substance) and secondary (metastatic). General cerebral symptoms are characteristic: headache, nausea, vomiting, bradycardia, epileptic seizures, mental disorders, constant fatigue. Symptoms of a focal lesion depend on the location of the tumor and can be manifested by paresis, paralysis, speech disorders, visual impairment, impaired coordination of movements, etc.

If a brain tumor is suspected, an urgent inpatient examination of the patient is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis.

TUMORS OF THE SPINAL CORD - There are primary (developing from the structures of the spinal cord) and secondary (metastatic). Tumors of the prostate, kidneys, stomach, thyroid gland, etc. metastasize to the spinal cord. Symptoms of spinal cord tumors are determined by the location of the tumor; paresis, paralysis, disturbances in pain, tactile and temperature sensitivity, pelvic disorders, etc. can be observed.

If a tumor of the spinal cord is suspected, the patient should be sent to a hospital for examination (studies of the composition of the cerebrospinal fluid, myelography, etc.)

OSTEOCHONDROSIS- cm. Radiculopathy discogenic.

SHELLING PARALYSIS (Parkinson's disease)- occurs more often in old age, after 50 years. Parkinson's disease is based on a hereditary defect in dopamine-synthesizing brain cells. The same defect can manifest itself after craniocerebral trauma, taking large doses of antipsychotics, carbon monoxide poisoning, etc. Rhythmic trembling of the limbs is characteristic, gradually increasing and spreading to the lower jaw, tongue, and head. Trembling is expressed at rest, decreases with movement, disappears during sleep. The patient becomes inactive, with a characteristic flexion posture of the body, walks in small steps, his face is mask-like, his speech is monotonous, quiet. The course of the disease is progressive. In the late stage - immobility, cachexia.

Treatment. Assign cyclodol (parkopan, artan). In the developed stage, levodopa, nakom, madopar, etc. are used.

RADICULOPATHY DISCOGENIC ("banal radiculitis")- diseases caused by damage to the roots of the spinal cord due to osteochondrosis of the spine. Osteochondrosis of the spine is a degenerative-dystrophic process in which the intervertebral discs lose their shock-absorbing function and significant changes occur in the fibrous ring of the disc, the ligamentous apparatus of the spine and the structure of the vertebral body. In the segment of the affected disc, relative instability of the spine occurs with the development of osteophytes of the vertebral bodies (spondylosis), damage to the ligaments and arthropathy of the intervertebral joints (spondylarthrosis), protrusion of the disc (protrusion or hernia), while osteophytes can compress the nerve roots, causing severe pain(Fig. 3). The immediate cause of pain is often weight lifting, awkward movement, infections, etc. The shape of the spinal column is such that the maximum load falls on the lower cervical, lower thoracic and lower lumbar regions, therefore, the clinical picture most often shows signs of root compression at these levels.

Rice. 3. Left - normal position in the intervertebral disc; on the right - extrusion and infringement of the pulpous nucleus: 1 - intervertebral disc; 2 - fibrous ring of the disc; 3 - nucleus pulposus.

Symptoms. Characterized by pain and stiffness in the corresponding part of the spine, fatigue of the back muscles. With cervical sciatica - pain in the neck, radiating to the arms and neck, forced position of the head, straightening of the cervical lordosis. The pains are aggravated by coughing, sneezing, moving the head. Usually, the pain is most pronounced in the upper parts of the arm, and there are paresthesias in the hands. With thoracic radiculitis - pain surrounding the chest and abdomen. With sciatica - pain in the sacrum, accompanied by tension of the long back muscles, general stiffness. Pain is often accompanied by weakness of the flexors and extensors thumb leg or whole foot. The Achilles reflex is often absent. The defeat of the L4-root proceeds with a picture of the defeat of the femoral nerve: pain along the anterior surface of the thigh and in the knee joint, sometimes weakness of the quadriceps femoris muscle and loss of the knee reflex. Tension of the lumbar muscles, smoothing of the lumbar lordosis are observed. Complete prolapse of a herniated disc leads to compression of the ponytail and paralysis of the legs, feet, saddle anesthesia, dysfunction of the pelvic organs.

The blood picture is usually normal. Significant narrowing of the intervertebral space, sclerosis, osteophytes, etc. are determined radiographically.

At the first unexpected attack, it is recommended to immediately call an ambulance or a local doctor, since an ectopic pregnancy, renal colic, intestinal obstruction and other diseases can be hidden under the guise of sciatica. To make the correct diagnosis, consultation with an experienced specialist is necessary.

Treatment. During periods of exacerbations, bed rest is recommended (it is necessary to lie on a hard surface to unload the spine), physiotherapy, massage, stretching of the spine to decompress the roots, analgesics (baralgin, indomethacin, analgin, acetylsalicylic acid), novocaine blockade, B vitamins, seduxen, elenium, sibazon, etc. When inflammation subsides, physiotherapeutic procedures are indicated - diadynamic currents, ultrasound, electrophoresis with novocaine. With prolonged severe pain that is not amenable to conservative therapy, surgical treatment is indicated.

MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS- a disease of the nervous system, characterized by the appearance in the brain and spinal cord of foci of demyelination, which eventually either disappear or are replaced by glial scars. The etiology is not fully understood, the cause of the disease is considered to be a virus that causes an autoimmune reaction with the destruction of the myelin sheath of nerve trunks and conductors. Persons at the age of 18-50 years are ill. Often the disease occurs in women after childbirth.

Symptoms. The disease often begins with visual disturbances, in which vision in one or both eyes deteriorates sharply, double vision occurs. These symptoms go away after a few days or after 2-3 weeks. Later, there is a period of complete clinical recovery, which can last from several hours to several years. During the disease, unsteadiness when walking, dizziness, weakness in the legs develop. Bladder function is often impaired. Over time, remissions become shorter and longer, and relapses become longer, and after a few years, patients acquire a disability of one group or another. Euphoria is noted, and in advanced stages dementia is often observed.

Treatment. At the first attacks of the disease, nonspecific desensitizing therapy is carried out: diphenhydramine (suprastin, tavegil) inside, ascorbic acid, vitamin B 1 injections, prozerin inside, diathermy of the adrenal region. With exacerbations of the disease and the development of severe ataxia or weakness in the legs, hormonal and symptomatic therapy is carried out in the hospital.

Syringomyelia- congenital chronic disease of the spinal cord with the growth of gliosis cells in its gray matter.

Symptoms. A characteristic feature is a disorder of temperature and pain sensitivity while maintaining tactile (tactile) sensitivity. With damage to the cervicothoracic spinal cord, pain sensitivity drops out on the arms, shoulder girdle, upper section chest and back. Characterized by atrophy and weakness of the muscles of the hands, especially the hands, there are often scars from burns that patients inflict on themselves due to loss of sensitivity. When the glial tissue dies and cavities form in the gray matter, spastic paresis in the legs may join. The course of the disease is long (several decades).

Treatment symptomatic, conduct courses. The course of treatment includes injections of ATP intramuscularly, injections of prozerin, vitamin B 1 , B 12 . Massage of the affected muscles, hydrotherapy, ionization with potassium iodide are recommended. In severe cases, surgical treatment is performed.

SEVERAL STATES. Convulsive conditions are characterized by involuntary contractions of individual muscle groups or muscles of the whole body. Generalized convulsions are observed in various diseases of the brain (epilepsy, trauma, tumors, encephalitis, meningitis, vascular disorders), in eclampsia of pregnant women. Often convulsions occur with general infections and intoxications, especially in children. Local cramps are observed with overexertion individual groups muscles due to the performance of frequently repetitive fast movements (musicians, athletes, etc.).

In children (often infants and early childhood) against the background of an increase in temperature, clonic and clonic-tonic convulsions in the muscles of the trunk and extremities can be observed. If convulsions recur with each febrile state, then it is advisable to prevent their development by prescribing phenobarbital at the beginning of an infectious disease in doses corresponding to the age and weight of the child.

BRAIN INJURIES. According to the degree and nature of brain damage at the time of injury, there are: concussion with the presence of only cerebral symptoms; contusion (bruise) of the brain with the presence of cerebral and focal symptoms; severe traumatic brain injury, accompanied by prolonged loss of consciousness with life-threatening symptoms of damage to the trunk and subcortical formations, often combined with compression of the brain by intracranial hematomas.

Concussion. With a mild degree of concussion, a short-term loss of consciousness (several seconds or minutes), headache, nausea, and vomiting are observed. A moderate concussion is accompanied by a short-term or relatively long-term loss of consciousness (up to several tens of minutes), after which nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, spontaneous nystagmus, retrograde amnesia, cardiovascular disorders, vegetative disorders are observed.

For injury (concussion) the brain is characterized by the same symptoms as with a concussion, but with more pronounced and persistent focal symptoms. In accordance with the location of the lesions in the brain, sensory disturbances, paresis, more persistent and severe mental disorders are observed. Brain contusion is usually combined with intracranial hemorrhages. In the late period, residual effects of focal brain damage, the development of epileptic seizures are often observed.

At severe traumatic brain injury there is a long-term impairment of consciousness, reaching the degree of coma, in combination with severe respiratory disorders, cardiovascular activity, metabolic processes and thermoregulation. Fractures of the base of the skull due to the simultaneous violation of the integrity of the membranes and rupture of blood vessels usually occur with bleeding from the ears and nose, hemorrhages in the conjunctiva and bruising around the orbit.

The source of hemorrhages that occur during brain contusions are either the arteries of the pia mater (subarachnoid hemorrhages) and the brain itself, or the venous sinuses (subdural hemorrhages) and the vessels of the dura mater (epidural hemorrhages). With hemorrhages, hematomas are formed, causing compression of the brain. Epidural and subdural hematomas are characterized by an increase in cerebral and focal symptoms after a "light" period after injury. With a rapidly growing hematoma, there may not be a "light" gap. An important diagnostic sign is a wide pupil on the side of the hematoma, as well as the development of local convulsive seizures and paresis on the side opposite to the localization of the hematoma.

Treatment. Patients with brain injuries must be urgently hospitalized. In mild forms of concussion, bed rest and complete rest for 5-7 days are indicated. If there is a headache, dizziness, asthenic syndrome, tranquilizers, analgesics, and in some cases diuretics are prescribed. During the first 5 days, even with a mild concussion, it is necessary to constantly monitor the patient's condition so as not to miss the first symptoms of a developing hematoma. In more severe forms of concussion and bruising in the acute period, rest, bed rest, cold on the head are prescribed, and when excited, tranquilizers are prescribed. To combat cerebral edema, diuretics are used: lasix (furosemide). A good effect is obtained when glycerol is administered orally in apple or other acidic juice in a ratio of 1:3 (1 dose of glycerin and 3 doses of juice) - take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day for 7-10 days. To reduce intracranial pressure under strict medical supervision, you can use glucocorticoids - hydrocortisone, dexamethasone. Prescribe drugs that regulate cardiovascular activity. If epi- and subdural hemorrhage is suspected, special studies (echoencephalography, angiography, etc.) and surgical treatment are carried out.

CHOREA- hyperkinesis, characterized by scattered erratic twitches of the muscles of the face, trunk and limbs. Patients are fussy, restless, constantly grimacing. Twitching interrupts voluntary movements, as a result of which the latter acquire the character of uncoordinated ones. Typical dancing gait.

Chorea most often occurs in children as a result of rheumatic brain damage. The most characteristic clinical manifestations are involuntary uncoordinated movements against the background of a decrease in muscle tone, emotional lability, aggressiveness, tearfulness.

Forecast favorable. With proper treatment, most patients recover completely.

Chorea of ​​Hettington- a hereditary disease that manifests itself at the age of 30-40 years. Mental disorders develop, memory impairment, involuntary movements in the arms, legs, facial muscles, tongue. Later, progressive dementia joins, reaching the complete disintegration of the personality.

Treatment. To mitigate hyperkinesis and impulsivity, haloperidol is prescribed 1 tablet 3-4 times a day, chlorpromazine, piracetam (nootropil) 2 capsules 2 times a day.

Forecast adverse. All patients die in the stage of severe mental degradation.

CHRONIC VASCULAR INSUFFICIENCY OF THE BRAIN. Usually the disease develops with atherosclerosis of the cerebral vessels in the elderly. Chronic vascular insufficiency can develop against the background of normal pressure (dyscirculatory encephalopathy) and against the background of hypertension (hypertensive encephalopathy). The slow development of insufficiency of cerebral blood supply leads to metabolic disorders in brain cells. Against this background, there is a decrease in efficiency, memory impairment, sleep disturbances, headaches and dizziness appear.

Treatment. Piracetam (nootropil), trental are used to improve cerebral circulation. In hypertension, appropriate treatment is necessary. You should observe the regime of work and rest, eat dairy and vegetable food, stop drinking alcohol and smoking.

epiduritis- purulent inflammation of the epidural tissue of the spinal cord. Most often, it develops when an infection enters the epidural space from purulent foci (abscesses, boils, etc.) or with septicopyemia. With the restriction of the purulent process, an epidural abscess is formed, with a diffuse process - phlegmon.

Symptoms. The disease develops acutely, the temperature rises to 39-40 ° C, a severe general condition is characteristic, patients complain of severe pain in the spine, and after a while, symptoms of spinal cord compression (paresis, paralysis, disorders of pain, tactile and temperature sensitivity and pelvic disorders).

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Most often nervous system damage people are the result of infectious diseases. Diseases of this kind, in addition to the occurrence of complications dangerous to human health, contribute to the development of damaging factors of the nervous system.

For example, a patient with influenza may develop a hypertensive (hypotonic) crisis. On the face, there are obvious violations of the body's activity, both in the nervous and emotional terms. More than others, people with injuries in the region of the skull, who received a concussion, who regularly take alcoholic beverages, are susceptible to this.

Disease classification

Influenza is capable of “giving out” a serious complication that will result in a severe lesion of the nervous system. The list is very extensive, the favorites are as follows:

1. Meningitis- the inflammatory process affects the soft shell of the brain.

2. Encephalitis - brain tissue is inflamed.

3. Inflammatory processes affecting the arachnoid membrane of the brain are called arachnoiditis.

4., sinusitis, can also be safely included in this list.

As a result, such a chain of inflammatory processes can lead to swelling of the brain tissue.

Symptoms of arachnoiditis, principles of treatment

The disease arachnoiditis becomes noticeable, approximately on the seventh day, after a person has fallen ill with the flu.

Inwardly, the patient feels an improvement in his health, but in fact, a more dangerous disease is hiding here. Arachnoiditis reaches its true strength, the peak of its capabilities, a few months after the end of the infectious disease (flu).

The disease has its own classification, depending on the area of ​​manifestation of the lesion. Characterized by the presence acute pain in the head, mainly in the frontal part, bridge of the nose. Simultaneously with this, vomiting reflexes are continuously repeated. During normal walking, the patient sways noticeably from side to side. Hearing loss occurs - ear canals are blocked. During an exacerbation, there is a possibility of seizures with convulsions.

A common feature for all types is the presence of a severe headache, which does not represent the body, not the slightest opportunity to rest. On the contrary, it periodically increases as a result of increased physical, mental stress, the upcoming cooling or overheating of the body above acceptable standards. During severe pain, the onset of gag reflexes is possible.

The extreme danger of the disease lies in the fact that the cerebrospinal fluid ceases to circulate normally, which leads to inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the arachnoid. In the acute stage, doctors use antibiotics for therapy. For the chronic form of the disease, absorbable substances are prescribed, such as agave juice (aloe), vitamins that produce a general strengthening effect (group B). During the onset of seizures, special drugs are used against convulsive muscle contraction.

If all treatments are carried out on time, then the chances of strengthening those reeling from arachnoiditis increase significantly. Diagnosis of the disease at an early stage, qualified therapy of infectious diseases are the main preventive actions necessary for such a situation.

Signals from meningitis

In the case when the nasopharynx is the site of the formation of intense inflammatory processes, then there are often situations of disruption of the normal functioning of the meninges. This fact, indicates the approach of another dangerous type of influenza - meningitis.

For infection, the preferred method of transmission is airborne, by means of mucus, saliva, coughing, normal conversation. For some, an infectious disease manifests itself in the form of a runny nose, while no significant deviation in their health is observed, there is no obvious need to seek medical attention. medical care. It follows from this that often, healthy on appearance people are carriers of infectious diseases.

Of particular danger are children, people who have a reduced body resistance to various diseases, that is, those with low immunity. The chances of being infected with meningitis viruses increase with the use of low-quality food, water. In order to significantly reduce the likelihood of infection, it is necessary to thoroughly boil the water before using it.

At the same time, it is necessary to pay due attention to strengthening your immunity: adhere to key principles, take vitamins, and systematically engage in recreational physical education.

Regular walks will be appropriate outdoors combined, if possible, with breathing exercises.

Symptoms of the starting days of the disease are characterized only by the appearance of fever, pain in the head region. After a certain period of time, they begin, there is weakness, fatigue, the feeling of appetite is lost.

To these symptoms, a runny nose, a sensation of sore throat are gradually added. Over time, the effect of all symptoms intensifies. The patient often has nausea, vomiting, which do not bring relief. The feeling of irritation to all external factors increases, inhibition occurs, and insomnia is observed.

Further, events can develop more negatively: vomiting increases, there is confusion in the mind, delirium, convulsions occur. Reddish, purple smudges appear all over the body. The most “popular” place of their manifestation is the muscles of the buttocks, thighs, legs. Much more rarely, the face area joins this list. The danger of ill health from independent, unskilled treatment for meningitis becomes doubly relevant. The timeliness of the start of therapy is extremely important, because in this situation the clock is counting. If the moment is missed, and meningitis is already “lighting its stars” with might and main, then delay is unacceptable - an emergency call to an ambulance is the only right decision.

The most characteristic symptom of meningitis is considered sharp, when you try to bend your head forward to your chest. Two main types are classified: serous, purulent. In the first, in most cases, everything is limited to a slight inflammation of the brain. Of course, this statement is relative, since we are talking about the most important organ of the human body. Speaking about purulent inflammation, the situation looks much more threatening, since the meninges are the place of accumulation of purulent masses. This circumstance is extremely dangerous, requires immediate treatment. The presence of a purulent form of meningitis is determined by the appearance of a rash on various parts of the body.

After determining the diagnosis, an intensive treatment of the disease is carried out, with the use of drugs from the class of antibiotics. The use of drugs in this group provides patients with not only survival (a significant reduction in deaths), but gives them the opportunity to hope for a full life after the rehabilitation period.

Recurrence of meningitis is extremely rare. Reliable protection are regularly vaccinated. They are made for adults, children from 2 years old. The use of vaccines maintains immunity at the proper level for several years. Further, vaccinations must be repeated.

In the case of a viral form of the disease, antibiotics are practically not used, but special antiviral drugs are used. On this moment, we can confidently state the following fact that with the timely detection of the disease, the correctly chosen course of therapy, no negative consequences will not appear. Those who have had a meningitis disease, after discharge from the hospital, systematic control examinations by a polyclinic doctor are recommended: for the first three months every thirty days, and then once a quarter for a year. Finally, in the future, the regularity of inspections should be at least once every six months.

It is urgently required to completely exclude the use of alcoholic beverages, to overcome addiction to tobacco. If possible, it is shown to undergo therapeutic courses that stabilize human health, in the respective sanatoriums.

Neuritis - how to save nerves

Another type of disturbance of the activity of the nervous system is called "polyneuritis", which is also a consequence, especially carried on the legs. Usually, the onset of this disease is accompanied by the onset of general weakness in the upper and lower extremities, a slight increase in temperature, and the appearance of aching fingers. The weakening of the limbs can progress, up to mild paralysis. This condition can be aggravated by a violation of swallowing, speech functions.

Most often, after suffering influenza the nerves of the face, elbows, as well as the radial, sciatic nerves are affected. When a diagnosis is made, an increased protein content is observed in the cerebrospinal fluid. The disease can last up to three months, but with timely treatment, body functions will certainly be restored.

A more negative version of events develops when the lesion affects the vagus nerve. The threat to human life increases dramatically, as the process of breathing is seriously disturbed.

Damage to the nerves of the face is a frequent complication after infectious diseases. Mimic facial muscles suffer, which is expressed by a distorted mouth, the ability to raise eyebrows exclusively on the healthy side of the face.

Problems with the ulnar nerve exclude the possibility of flexion movements in the metacarpophalangeal joints. The position of the hand is motionless, comparable to the claw of a bird.

In cases of the elderly, the flu often comes with a complication of hearing loss when the nervous system affects the auditory nerve. A person has an imperceptible, very gradual hearing loss, but after some time even a quiet conversation becomes inaudible. A stable feeling of constant is created. The result of such a complication may be the final hearing loss.

In order to cure acoustic neuritis, recommendations traditional medicine are reduced to the use of heat in dry versions - sand heated to hot, warming compresses, heated salt in a cloth bag. However, I repeat that any manipulations with your health based on home recipes are strongly recommended for use only in consultation with a qualified doctor.

1. Prepare an emulsion of propolis with oil, alcohol. The use of this remedy eliminates tinnitus, restores auditory functions in most cases. The emulsion is prepared as follows:

- Take forty grams of propolis, after grinding it. The resulting mass is placed in glass vessel where one hundred milliliters of alcohol is located. Infuse for a week at room temperature, while shaking the contents every day. Filter, mix the infusion with olive oil in a ratio of 1:4. The mixture must be shaken before each use.

2. Place a wick made of gauze soaked in emulsion in the ear canal for two days. The procedure is carried out with a break of one day, only ten times.

3. Daily use of a few slices of lemon helps to improve the functioning of auditory functions.

4. Combine one teaspoon of birch tar with a glass of warm milk. It is indicated for use three times before meals. The course of therapy is 60 days. This procedure is very helpful in restoring hearing.

5. Wrap fragrant geranium leaves in linen, apply to the place where pain is felt, attach with a bandage, cover with something warm on top.

Now a few words about a possible complication of the body, after an unskilled approach to therapeutic question with an infectious disease. The recommendations below home treatment, perhaps some of you will be given all possible assistance to cope with this ailment by correcting body health.

1. Collect dandelion flowers in a glass container. Fill a jar with stacked flowers with vodka in a ratio of 1 to 3, put for two weeks in a place without lighting. Then filter the infusion, make them rub the sore spots. The above tincture has proven itself quite well as therapeutic agents, in cases such as bruises, sprains, arthritis, bedsores.

2. We take 20 grams of crushed tansy flowers, put them in water that has just been boiled, with a volume of one liter. We wrap the container with a warm cloth, insist for four hours, filter it with gauze. Use the resulting infusion in a warm state, half a glass three times 30 minutes before meals.

3. One hundred grams of thyme are taken, placed in a container with one liter of boiling water, covered with a lid and kept on low heat for five minutes. After that, filter, pour into a pre-prepared bath. The procedure is done one hour before bedtime. The duration of the course is two weeks. Such a bath provides indispensable help for rheumatism of the joints, edema, and sciatica.

To reduce the likelihood nervous system damage efforts should be made to exclude Everyday life stress, drinking alcohol, pay due attention to the prevention of infectious, non-communicable diseases, lead a healthy lifestyle.

Dyscirculatory encephalopathy is a slowly progressive disease associated with pathologies of the cerebral vessels, which cause disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system.

Insomnia (insomnia) is a type of sleep disturbance, manifested by a violation of the qualitative and quantitative indicators of sleep, namely: a decrease in sleep time, difficulty falling asleep, superficial, shallow sleep.

Amnesia is the partial or complete inability to recall previous events in memory, which may be temporary or permanent. The disease significantly reduces the quality of life of the patient, it interferes with personal and professional growth man, limits the range of his possibilities.

Retrograde amnesia is a disease characterized by impaired memory of events that occurred before the onset of this pathology. Memories of all events after the onset of pathology are preserved.

Multiple sclerosis - serious disease nervous system, which has a chronic, gradually progressive course with alternating (in most cases) periods of exacerbations and remissions. In this case, the white matter of the brain and spinal cord is affected, where foci of demyelination are formed. Manifestations are diverse, affect different levels, have different time intervals of their occurrence.

Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative, incurable disease that occurs in people over 60 and is the most common type of dementia. The changes taking place in the brain are expressed in a progressive and irreversible loss of intelligence. On household level the disease is called senile insanity.

Parkinson's disease is one of the most common neurodegenerative diseases with characteristic external manifestations(decrease in motor activity, slowness in walking and movements, trembling of the limbs at rest) and due to damage to certain brain structures (substance black, red nucleus), which are responsible for the production of the mediator dopamine.

Tremors are rhythmic, uncontrolled oscillatory movements of individual muscles caused by their contraction. Such a phenomenon can affect any part of the body, but more often there is a tremor of the hands, jaw, eyelids, head, less often the torso. Tremor is not classified as a separate disease; tremor is a symptom of various pathological conditions.

Hydrocephalus is a disease that occurs with the accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles of the brain and in its subarachnoid plexuses, which exerts increased pressure on the brain tissue, causing damage to it, which in severe cases leads to death. The disease can be a congenital pathology in infants, as well as develop in representatives of older age groups.

Encephalitis is a group of inflammatory diseases of the brain substance that are infectious, allergic or toxic in nature. The development of the disease can be caused by pathogenic microorganisms, toxic substances and plants. Despite the variety of etiological factors, the main features of the symptoms of encephalitis are approximately the same with various types defeats.

Coma is a critical state of inhibition of the central nervous system due to pathological changes in the brain, accompanied by a lack of reflexes, depression of consciousness and a violation of the most important functions of the body.

Epilepsy is a chronic neuropsychiatric pathology that occurs latently and is characterized by sudden epileptic seizures. Sharp changes in the electrical activity of the nerve cells of the cerebral cortex lead to the fact that a person loses control over his actions. The disease poses a threat not only to human health, but also to his life.

Poliomyelitis is an infectious viral disease, the danger of which lies in the fact that its pathogen is able to affect the structures of the central nervous system. Destruction of these tissues causes paralysis and muscle atrophy. Mostly children are susceptible to polio, but thanks to vaccination, it was possible to reduce incidence rates, and in many countries completely eliminate the disease.

Asthenic neurosis (neurasthenia) is a state of pathological exhaustion of the human nervous system that occurs against the background of any shocks or adverse life circumstances.

Nervous diseases- these are pathological changes of various etiologies in the functionality of the nervous system. These diseases are the subject of study of a special science - neurology.

The nervous system (NS) includes the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord), peripheral (nerve branches from the spinal cord and brain) and ganglia (nerve nodes).

The nervous system is branched and interconnects human systems and organs. Exactly because of this reason nervous diseases directly affect the state of each system of the body, primarily the immune, endocrine and cardiovascular. It is also observed Feedback: dysfunctions of any of the systems (mainly immune) cause various nervous diseases.

Diseases of the nervous system: classification

Diseases of the nervous system, depending on their etiology, are divided into 5 groups.

1. Vascular diseases of the nervous system.
These pathologies arise due to disorders in the structures of the brain due to cerebrovascular insufficiency and circulatory disorders. The danger of these diseases lies in the fact that they lead to disability and even to premature death a person, unless, of course, they are treated. These nervous diseases arise and develop, as a rule, due to atherosclerosis or hypertension and are manifested by headaches, nausea, impaired sensitivity and coordination of movement. Outstanding Representatives this group of nervous diseases: stroke, dyscirculatory encephalopathy, Parkinson's disease ...

3. Hereditary diseases of the nervous system.
This type of nervous disease, in turn, is either genomic or chromosomal. With genomic pathologies, the neuromuscular system is affected, resulting in dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system, the endocrine system. And the "representative" of chromosomal pathology is Down's disease.

4. Chronic diseases of the nervous system.
These pathologies arise as a result of complex causes: the specific structure of the NS and the infectious effect on it, which leads to disorders metabolic processes organism. These are such nervous diseases as myasthenia gravis, sclerosis. This type of disease is systemic character and last for a long time, which leads to a decrease in the normal functionality of some body systems.

5. Traumatic diseases of the nervous system.
Well, from the name it is easy to guess that this group of pathologies occurs as a result of injuries, bruises, and other mechanical effects on the organs of the National Assembly. This group includes, for example, such nervous diseases as concussion, traumatic neuritis, spinal cord injury.

Nervous diseases: causes

Human NS "penetrates" the organs of the immune, endocrine, cardiovascular and other systems, and for this reason, diseases of any of these systems, primarily the immune system, are the cause of nervous diseases.

These infections cause nervous diseases of any type: hereditary, traumatic, chronic, vascular ... They (infections) affect our NS through the placental route (from mother to child), or through the peripheral NS, for example, a herpes virus infection, rabies virus , polio...

Other causes of nervous diseases:
- mechanical damage to the organs of the National Assembly;
- brain tumors and their metastases;
- hereditary reasons;
- chronic pathologies (Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, chorea...).

There are causes of nervous diseases that underlie the violation healthy lifestyle life:
- malnutrition;
- lack of useful substances in the body (vitamins, drugs, various bioactive compounds ...);
- Wrong attitude to life, which leads to various stressful situations and depressive states;
- excessive use of various medicines, incl. antidepressants, barbiturates, opiates, antibiotics, anticancer drugs...

Also, any immune disease or disease of the endocrine system can cause diseases of the nervous system- this is detected with the help of appropriate diagnostics.

Nervous diseases: symptoms

The manifestation of this or that disease of the nervous system depends on which "section" of the NS has undergone a pathological lesion.

So, for example, nervous diseases with brain damage have symptoms:
- dizziness;
- headache ;
- lack of coordination when walking;
- violation of speech;
- decrease in visual functions;
- hearing impairment;
- paresis;
- violation of the psycho-emotional state.

Nervous diseases that have arisen due to spinal cord injuries are manifested by symptoms:
- impaired sensitivity below the lesion;
- impaired motor function (up to paralysis).

Pathologies of peripheral NS are manifested:
- loss of sensation in the limbs;
- muscular atrophy;
- somatics in the affected areas;
- violations of motor skills of hands and feet;
- trophic disorders in the affected area.

Among other things, the obvious symptoms of nervous diseases: sleep disturbance, memory loss, intelligence, psycho-emotional breakdowns, tantrums, epileptic seizures, disruption of habitual mental activity.

Diagnosis of diseases of the nervous system

Diagnosis of these pathologies begins with a survey of the patient. They find out his complaints, attitude to work, the environment, find out the currently existing diseases (special attention - infectious), analyze the patient for the adequacy of reactions to external stimuli, his intelligence, orientation in space and time. If nervous diseases are suspected, instrumental diagnostics of diseases of the nervous system is "connected".

The basis of instrumental diagnosis of these pathologies:
- Echo-EG;
- radiography of the spine;
- EEG;
- electromyography;
- REG;
- neurosonography (for a child of the first year of life).

But today there are other accurate methods for diagnosing nervous diseases: magnetic resonance and computed tomography, positron emission tomography of the brain, duplex scanning, ultrasound of the vessels of the head ...

Since the NS is interconnected and depends on other body systems, when diagnosing diseases of the nervous system, it is necessary to consult a cardiologist, endocrinologist, immunologist, ophthalmologist, orthopedist ... And it is for these purposes that blood, urine, biopsy and other diagnostic data of a general nature are taken.

Nervous diseases: treatment

The choice of a method for treating diseases of the nervous system depends on many factors: the type of pathology, the immune status of the patient, the symptoms of the disease, the characteristics of the patient's body, etc.

Nervous diseases, the treatment of which gives desired result in combination with a certain way of life, as a rule, they go away with changes in human psychology. Optimists, as scientists state, suffer from nervous diseases less often than pessimists.

For the treatment of these diseases, exercise therapy, physiotherapy, reflexology, mechanotherapy, and manual therapy are used. Surgical intervention is used for brain tumors, abscesses, aneurysms, intracerebral hematomas, as well as individual cases of Parkinson's disease.

To solve psycho-emotional problems, doctors advise antidepressants. We are against the use of such drugs, for the reason that they do not solve the problem, but only "push" it for a while, while causing side effects.

In the complex therapy of nervous diseases, we recommend taking the Transfer factor. This drug is a component of our immune system, it is an "extract" from cow colostrum and yolks chicken eggs transfer factors - immune molecules - carriers of immune "memory". Once in the body, these particles:

Restore the normal functioning of the nervous and immune systems and metabolic processes of a person;
- enhance the therapeutic effect of drugs that a person takes, and at the same time neutralize their side effects on the body (which is important);
- transfer factors "record" cases of invasion of foreign bodies into the body, information about these agents and methods for their neutralization. When these foreign agents re-invade, transfer factors "extract" information about them and the immune system, using this information, destroys them.
Such an algorithm of action is available only for this immunomodulator, which, to date, has no analogues in the world, neither in terms of efficiency, nor in terms of safety for humans.

In the treatment of nervous diseases by any method, it is advisable to use Transfer Factor Advance or Classic - this increases the chance for a successful disposal of this disease. This immune preparation is needed when antibiotics or antidepressants are used.

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