Travel lesson. extracurricular reading


Lesson literary reading in 3rd grade.

MM. Prishvin "Upstart".

Lesson Objectives:- expanding students' knowledge about the life and work of M.M. Prishvin;

Acquaintance with the story "Upstart", development of the ability to analyze the actions and character of the characters;

Practicing fluency expressive reading, expanding the horizons of students, the development of memory, speech and thinking.
During the classes:

  1. Organizing time.

  2. Introduction to new theme. Acquaintance with the biography of the writer.
- Read the name of the author and the title of the work that we will read today (slide 1).

Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin (1873 - 1954) - writer (prose writer, publicist). MM. Prishvin was born on February 4, 1873 in the village of Khrushchev, Oryol province, into an impoverished merchant family (slide 2).

The first education in the biography of Mikhail Prishvin was received in village school. Then he began to study at the Yelets gymnasium. But after 6 years of study, he was expelled for impudence and conflict with the teacher, although Mikhail did not stand out for his knowledge either. Only 10 years later, education was continued at the Riga Polytechnic Institute. IN student years The ideas of Marxism became close to Mikhail, for which he paid with arrest and imprisonment for a year.

From 1900 to 1902, in the biography of M. Prishvin, she studied at the University of Leipzig. There he received the specialty of an agronomist. Returning to his homeland, he married and began to raise three children. And in 1906 he began to write.

He began to wander through the forests, travel a lot, collect folklore. In 1906, his story "Sashok" was first published. Then his books with essays were published: “In the land of fearless birds” (1907), “Behind the magic bun” (1908), “At the walls of the invisible city” (1908). From 1912 to 1914 the first collected works of the writer were published. Next books Prishvin were: "The Calendar of Nature" (1935), "Kashcheev's Chain", "Dear Animals", the story "Ginseng" and many others. His diaries are also highly regarded.

III. Talk about the title of the story.

Read the title of the story. What or who do you think it is about?

Who is the "upstart"? Who is called that? (student answers).

Let's turn to explanatory dictionary Ozhegov: (slide 3)

UPstart - a person who intervenes first before others in something in order to earn approval, to curry favor with someone. A person who has not rightfully taken some position, social position.
- Guess the riddles and you will find out who in question in this story:

(Slide 4)

Ears are sensitive upright,

Hooked tail.

I won't let a stranger into the house,

I'm sad without a host. (Dog).

This fidget bird

One with birch color. (Magpie).

We talked a lot about dogs. What do you know about magpies?

Student message: (slide 5)


You will not confuse this bird with any other. And her voice is easy to remember - a sharp chirp. She has a keen eye that won't let anyone through. For this, she was nicknamed the forest annunciator.

From a distance it seems that the wings of a magpie are black, but in fact they are greenish-blue. The tail is long, stepped, also as if black, but it is dark green, with a reddish metallic sheen. Belly, chest and stripe on the shoulders are white. Runs forty small checkers, waddling, and sometimes jumps funny.

She settles in light forests. The nest is arranged high on a tree of large boughs. Birds feed on mice, harmful insects, worms, they also eat carrion, being a kind of orderlies. The seeds of various weeds, grains, cultivated cereals, and sunflowers are also used as food.

This bird is cautious, but constantly in sight. He loves shiny objects very much, takes them away and hides them in a nest or somewhere else.

IV. Introduction to the story.

Reading students.

V. Physical minutes.
VI. Discussion of what has been read.

Vocabulary - lexical work.

Explain the meaning of the words: (vigilant - very attentive; rainbow - multi-colored)

Explain expressions:

Every family has its black sheep.

“One out of forty is not that completely stupid, but somehow with a snap and with pollen in her head.”
Conversation on the content of the work:

  • Why M.M. Prishvin called his story "Upstart"?

  • How does the author describe Vyushka, her behavior and habits?

  • What breed of dog? (Like) What do you know about likes? (Student answers). It was this breed that were the first space travelers.

  • Where did Vyushka come from? Why was she named that? (Laika came from the banks of the Siberian river Biya. So they called her. Biya - Byushka - Vyushka). (slide 6)

  • What did you learn about the magpie? What did Upstart expect when she approached the dog? What is the most intense moment in the story?

  • How did Vyushka show herself in the situation with the magpie?

  • How does the author treat the dog and the magpie: with love, mockery, humor, compassion, tenderness?

VII. Work on the content of the work.
1. Decipher the proverb. Explain its meaning. How is each proverb related to the work we are studying? (slide 7):

(It is completely stupid who does not know anyone.)

Lesson topic: Lesson - acquaintance with the work of M.M. Prishvin.

M. Prishvin's stories about nature (conducted before studying

fairy tales - were "Pantry of the sun").

Lesson Objectives:

To acquaint students with the work of the writer

M.M. Prishvin;

Help students see in the works of the writer

deep love for nature native land.

Lesson layout:

Presentation for the lesson "M. Prishvin's stories about nature";

Exhibition of books;

Illustrations of students for Prishvin's stories;

Epigraphs for the lesson:

“I, my friends, write about nature,

I myself only think about people.

seek and discover in nature

beautiful side of the human soul ...

M. M. Prishvin.

During the classes.

1. introduction teachers.

People who discover treasured corners in nature, unravel the innermost secrets of forest dwellers, know everything.

They know when it starts to rain, when the clear sun comes out, they know what the birds are talking about at dawn, what the aspen leaves whisper about, who the slender birch trees bow to ... They notice the work of the tireless ant - a hard worker, and the movement of leaves, and the growth of blades of grass . They know what is hidden from the eyes of inattentive guests of the forest.

These people, attentive and caring, share their impressions with us, the readers. Their interesting stories they help us in an instant to find ourselves in a forest clearing in a round dance of birches and aspens, together with them, the storytellers, we drink rainwater from the cap of an old mushroom, help, sympathize with animals.

M.M. Prishvin is such a smart, caring and attentive storyteller. This is one of the most original artists of the word. With the art of a magician, he discovered the beauty of this land, and the reader of his books becomes, in his attitude towards it, to the earth, more vigilant, wiser, more economical.

The life of M. Prishvin as a person is interesting. Look at his portrait (by G.S. Vereisky). (presentation slide)

I see you like the portrait. Who does the writer remind you of?

That's right, a good wizard, a wise storyteller, an inspired magician.

M.M. Prishvin was the oldest driver in Moscow. Until the age of 80, he drove a car himself, repaired it himself. The car helped him to be at meetings with the forest. And he often went to the forest, leaving early in the morning and returning after dinner. His inseparable companions were the dog Pity and the mushroom basket.

2. How did Prishvin begin to write? (student post)

(Even in his younger years, half a century ago, he walked around the entire North with a hunting rifle over his shoulders and wrote a book about it. Our north was then wild, there were few people there, birds and animals lived, not frightened by man. So Prishvin called his the first book "In the Land of Fearless Beasts".

And then, many years later, Prishvin again visited the North and saw that the familiar lakes where wild swans used to swim were connected by the White Sea Canal, and not swans, but Soviet steamships floated on them.

He also visited Far East, and when all the corners of our vast Motherland were bypassed, Prishvin began to travel near Moscow).

Prishvin, with his inherent humor, tells us about many events in the life of forest dwellers.

Now, after such a big conversation about Prishvin and nature, we begin our acquaintance with Prishvin's stories. And today we have a lesson extracurricular reading based on the works of Prishvin.

Constantly when reading and listening to stories, guys, try to answer the question: “What does this magician, connoisseur and lover of native nature teach us?”

3. So good wizard Prishvin waved his wand, and ... you and I ended up in the forest. Hear: the forest is waking up, the birds are singing...

Having passed through the forest, we found ourselves on the edge of a wooden house, under the windows of which a golden meadow was spread.

Reading the story "Golden Meadow".

Why a tiny inconspicuous dandelion has become the most interesting flower?

We continue our acquaintance with the heroes of Prishvin's stories.

Often parents, returning from the forest, say to their children: “The bunny has sent you a present.” But not only a hare can send gifts, and Red fox sometimes gives a gift, as it is said in the story "Fox Bread".

Reading or retelling "Little Bread".

What genre of studied works does this story resemble?

That's right, a fairy tale. And what brings it closer to a fairy tale?

Yes, frequent repetitions, such combinations: chanterelle bread, like cuckoo's tears, hare cabbage, cat paws

An observant, connoisseur of the secrets of girls - aspens, a writer - a magician leads us to a forest clearing to his girlfriends - aspens. Poetically, with soft lyricism, the artist tells us the words about "Strong Man", about "Glade in the Forest". Invites us to Aspen's name day.

The story "Aspen Name Day" is read by heart.

Autumn is approaching, and Prishvin says with concern that the aspens are freezing, they are cold.

The student reads the story "It's cold for Aspens" by heart.

And the wind - the owner diligently cleans autumn leaves warming the ground with them.

Reading the story "Autumn Leaves".

All Prishvin's stories are permeated with the thought of attentive attitude to people, native nature, opening treasured corners. Gives a lot to think about the story "Old Mushroom"

What do you think is the main idea of ​​the story?

What does the writer teach us?

Let's remember what the first part is about.

Retelling of part 1.

Yes, Prishvin selects the most important events: barricades on Presnya, Pervaya World War, big revolution, victory parade.

What do you think the life of the narrator and his friend can be called?

And what was the meaning of the boy - the mischievous one in the words: “Why are you going, old mushroom

Does the mischievous person justify the fact that he did not know about the military past of his grandfather?

- What is part 2 about?

What attitude does the author show us towards the old mushroom? (It is true that both man and the inhabitants of the forest need the old mushroom, for it sows "spores of life."

What does the writer teach us?

We said goodbye to the heroes of the "Old Mushroom".

Students' retellings.

5. Quiz by illustrations to the stories of M. Prishvin (slide show).

So, let's sum up the lesson.

How rich are the stories of M. Prishvin, the artist?

How is the idea of ​​the epigraph confirmed by our lesson?

What do the writer's stories teach?

The lesson is over, but the meeting with the heroes of Prishvin's stories will continue in subsequent lessons.

Lesson grades.

Literary reading (Grade 4)

Topic: “M.M. Prishvin is a singer of Russian nature.

Target: to acquaint children with the life and work of M.M. Prishvin, to expand the knowledge of children about the nature of our Motherland, to instill a love for nature.

Preparing for the lesson : children read at least 5 stories by M.M. Prishvin, draw drawings for one of them, the teacher prepares tokens for children, the teacher hangs out drawings for the stories of M.M. Prishvin illustrators(Presentation), Russian landscapes of different seasons.

During the classes.

Today our lesson is dedicated to M.M. Prishvin. M.M. Prishvin is called the singer of Russian nature. Why do you think? (M.M. Prishvin knew how to listen to nature, enjoy it). At the end of the lesson, we will return to this question and supplement our answers.

Organizing time:

Children are divided into 3 teams in any way (cards with numbers 1,2,3 are pulled out of the pot; or geometric figures three kinds)

Stage 1.

Depending on the level of children, teams receive tasks:

1 team: text with the biography of M.M. Prishvin, portrait, questions, answering which should turn out a story about M.M. Prishvin. (Annex 1)

1) Where was born M.M. Prishvin?

2) How was his family?

4) Was it easy for him to learn?

Team 2: text from the memoirs of M.M. Prishvin with questions. (Annex 2)

6) What is it calling us to?

Team 3: show animals from the stories of M.M. Prishvin.

The results of the first stage are summed up, tokens are issued.

Stage 2.

On the board are illustrations from the books of M.M. Prishvin of artists or a teacher show a presentation prepared according to the stories of M.M. Prishvin.

Teams must find out which stories the illustrations refer to. (“Badger’s Trail”, “Vasya Veselkin”, “Grandfather’s Boots”, “What Crayfish Whisper About”, “Moose”, “Bear”, “Squirrel Memory”, “Shrew”, “Silver Morning”, “ Queen of Spades»

Tokens are awarded for a correct answer.

Stage 3.

Those illustrations that were not guessed, the children disassemble and come up with stories on them by command. Then they tell what happened. Next, the children are given the texts of those stories, according to the pictures of which they invented themselves. Children read what story was written by M.M. Prishvin.

Stage 4. Quiz "Connoisseurs of nature" based on the stories of M.M. Prishvin.

1) Everyone knows that there are birds that can be taught to speak. These are well-known parrots.

Is it possible to teach a rook to speak? (yes, in the story “The Talking Rook”, the author tells us how long he fed the rook with buckwheat porridge. It was a hungry year. The rook flew to the window, and Prishvin asks him: “Do you want porridge, fool?” He really wanted the rook to answer: “I want ".

But then a misfortune happened: the thieves cleaned it out, raked out the remnants of the cereal. so went to bed hungry. In the morning they knocked on the window: a rook flew in ... the author wanted to catch him, but he flew to the very top of the tree, look from above and says:

Do you want porridge, doo-ra-shka?)

2) One day, Mikhail Mikhailovich took it into his head to shake his Trumpeter a little and make him understand a fox or a hare in the forest. In a dense spruce forest, at the crossroads of two green paths, he gave free rein to the Trumpeter, and he immediately poked into a bush, drove the young hare out and, with a terrible roar, drove him along the green path.

But very soon the Trumpeter returned, very embarrassed, with his tail lowered, and there was blood on his bright spots.

Attention, question! Who skinned the dog. (The trumpeter would only have enough of the hare, but suddenly a large black chicken flies out of the barn at him - right into his eyes. And he turns back and runs. And the Queen of Spades on his back - and pecks and pecks him with her pike.

And that's why there was blood on the bright spots: the messenger was pecked by an ordinary chicken)

3) In the spring, after waking up, the badger does not go far from the hole. The remnants of wet snow, mud, streams and puddles of water do not have an accurate belief in distant alleys. Numerous burrows are dug by badgers.

Attention, question! Why do they have so many holes? (All because of the fox, which loves to settle in ready-made apartments and, with its untidiness, the badger owners survive)

4) - Attention, question! On what basis can you detect the presence of a fox in a hole? (for strong and unpleasant smell)

5) Does the sense of smell and good taste help the fox to get his own food?

Attention, question! What is the main food of the fox: hares or rodents? (The main food is rodents. She hears them even under the snow. Lowering her head low, she runs across the field, listening for a vole or a mouse to squeak under the snow. Sometimes she hunts for hares. But hares run faster than foxes. For partridges, black grouse and hazel grouse hunting is unreliable)

Stage 5 Write one day in the life of M.M. Prishvin.

stage 6. Reading the stories of M.M. Prishvin "Grandfather's Boots", "Bear"

Stage 7. Exhibition of children's drawings.

Stage 8. Summarizing. Grading.

Stage 9 Organization of a walk in the forest or park in order to observe the life of the forest.

Annex 1.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin (1873-1954)

He was born on February 4 in the village of Khrushchevo, Yelets district, Oryol province. His father was a merchant. About how he became a writer, Prishvin M.M. told in the novel "Kashcheev's chain". Father died early, mother was left alone with five children. The boy saw how difficult it was for his mother to raise children and educate them, he saw the need of the peasants, and now he decides that all people are in captivity of Kashchei the Immortal. There is a lot of evil in this world, and he, the boy, must break this chain. But the boy fights the evil Kashchei not for himself alone, but for the happiness of all life on earth.

It was difficult for the boy to study. Despite all the difficulties, M.M. Prishvin graduated from a university in Germany and became an agronomist. He worked as an agronomist, as well as a correspondent, a teacher in rural school, a librarian and even a school principal. He traveled a lot, studied the folklore of the peoples of the North. Became a writer at adulthood. M.M. Prishvin really wanted everyone to love native nature. For this, he spared no effort. Every year, from early spring and until late autumn, he lived and worked among the forests and fields, wrote his stories there. “I found a favorite thing for myself,” says Prishvin, “to look for and discover in nature the beautiful sides of the human soul. This is how I understand nature as a mirror of the human soul; and to the beast, and the bird, and the grass, and the cloud, only man gives his image and meaning.

1) Where was born M.M. Prishvin?

2) How was his family?

3) A novel in which M.M. Prishvin describes how he became a writer, called "Kashcheev's Chain". Why?

4) Was it easy for him to learn?

5) What education did M.M. Prishvin?

6) Why M.M. Prishvin decided to become a writer?

Appendix 2

Mikhail Prishvin

My motherland

(From childhood memories)

My mother got up early, before the sun. Once I also got up before the sun to set snares for quails at dawn. My mother treated me to tea with milk. This milk was boiled in an earthenware pot and covered with a ruddy foam on top, and under that foam it was unusually tasty, and tea from it became excellent.

This treat decided my life in good side: I started getting up before the sun to drink delicious tea with my mother. Little by little, I got so used to this morning rising that I could no longer sleep through the sunrise.

Then I got up early in the city, and now I always write early, when the whole animal and vegetable world awakens and also begins to work in its own way.

And often, often I think: what if we rose with the sun for our work! How much health, joy, life and happiness would then come to people!

After tea, I went hunting for quails, starlings, nightingales, grasshoppers, turtledoves, butterflies. I didn’t have a gun then, and even now a gun is not necessary in my hunting.

My hunting was then and now - in the finds. It was necessary to find in nature something that I had not yet seen, and, perhaps, no one had ever met with this in their lives.

The female quail had to be caught with snares so that she would call the male best of all, and the male with the most vociferous one should be caught with a net. The young nightingale had to be fed with ant eggs, so that later he would sing the best. And go and find such an anthill and manage to stuff a bag with these eggs, and then lure the ants onto the branches from your precious testicles.

My farm was large, the paths were countless.

My young friends! We are the masters of our nature, and for us it is the pantry of the sun with the great treasures of life. Not only do these treasures need to be protected - they must be opened and shown.

Needed for fish pure water Let's protect our water bodies. There are various valuable animals in the forests, steppes, mountains - we will protect our forests, steppes, mountains.

Fish - water, bird - air, beast - forest, steppe, mountains. And a man needs a home. And to protect nature means to protect the homeland.

1) How did the Motherland begin for little Prishvin?

2) Why did tea with milk decide Prishvin's life in a good way?

4) What was his hunt?

6) What is it calling us to?

7) What the main idea this story.

From the history of the creation of the story. The story "Ginseng" (1933) appeared as a result of two travels of the writer, committed by him in 1931. The first - to Sverdlovsk, for the construction of Uralmash, the second - to the Far East. In the Diary of 1931, Prishvin writes about what is happening in the country: “Yes, the suffering is enormous (arrests without end), but<...>an invisible city is built and grows. "Ginseng", like most of the writer's works Soviet period, - the result of his participation in the construction of the "City of the Invisible Fatherland", the invisible city of the Russian soul, indestructible by any violence. The story is written as philosophical tale about the path of a person who consciously leaves the war, the non-peaceful state of being and turns to the creativity of the “new, a better life people on earth."

Composition and main motives. In the first chapter of the story (there are 16 chapters in total), the time and place of action are indicated, the main characters appear here (Luvain, Hua-lu, Gray Eye, Black-backed), the backstory of the main character is revealed in detail, who, as is often the case with Prishvin, there is no name and who acts as a narrator in the work. This way of depicting the protagonist (the heroine also exists in the text as "she", although all other heroes, even animals, have their own names) is full of deep artistic sense. It creates the effect of confession and authenticity of the history of the human "I" happening before our eyes.

The originality of the Prishvin hero-narrator is determined, firstly, by his autobiography (the plot is connected with the spiritual and moral quest of the writer, with the events of his inner life, in particular with the story of his long-standing love for V.P. Izmalkova); secondly, the kinship of Prishvinskaya fiction with his diary prose, where the hero is the creator and chronicler (narrator) own life.

The story clearly indicates the time of action - 1904, but the contours historical events(and this is the time Russo-Japanese War) are extremely blurred. For the author, something else is more important: the symbolic situation of the hero-narrator's exit from the war. The hero, a sapper-chemist, "suffered for a long time", participating in hostilities, "and when it became pointless to fight, he took it and left." The meaning of the motive of leaving, the most important in the life and work of Prishvin ("Kashcheev's Chain", "The Tale of Our Time"), is in the return of a person to himself and to true life world, in the spiritual breakthrough of man to the unconditional. The "departure" of the hero-narrator is connected with the motif of death-resurrection. The hero is experiencing death (“How the fatal shell roared, flying up to our trench, I heard and clearly remember even now, and after that - nothing. So people sometimes die: nothing! For a period unknown to me, everything changed around: there were no living ... ”), the consequence of which is his spiritual rebirth to a new life - outside the war.

The hero-narrator, who was “beckoned by unknown nature from childhood”, leaves, “not knowing where himself”, but finds himself - almost according to the laws of a fairy-tale transformation - in an amazing land. First, it is Manchuria, where "valleys with such grass that the rider is completely hidden in it, large red flowers - like bonfires, butterflies - like birds, rivers in flowers." From this fabulous, but alien land, the hero's journey begins to Russia, to his homeland, which he finds in a ravine captured by Chinese hunters. Here he meets Louvain, who becomes his "spiritual father". The place of action in the story is thus truly unusual land: it is on the border of war and peace, "paradise" and real Russia, East ( Chinese culture) and Russia.

History of creation by the hero of his new homeland(“Arsei”) are devoted to chapters II-XV of the story, which show the everyday life of people and animals from summer (the beginning of the action) to summer, when autumn comes again (the time of action in the XV chapter). The motive of the motherland in the story is two-part. Its first semantic facet is associated with the image of a relic ginseng root and with the theme of animals of the Tertiary era, deer, which “did not betray their homeland” when it was frozen, and during climate catastrophe adapted to the new conditions. The second facet is the theme " common homeland" of people.

So, in the prehistory of the hero-narrator, the motives of a catastrophe that changes the face of the earth (“glaciation”), war, death, departure and spiritual rebirth of a person, “paradise”, the edge of “unknown nature”, non-native (foreign) land, homeland are combined.

The writer makes you hear the rumble and “rustle of life” of this region and its “extraordinary, lively, creative silence”, “silence music”, which is “suited” by “countless, unheard of, unimaginable number of grasshoppers, crickets, cicadas and other musicians”. The writer shows the great diversity of the life of nature in space with an endless vertical and horizontal with the help of a large number color, light, sound details and images, often metaphorical; it connects the panoramic image of life and close-up when each opens as the only one.

The feeling of infinite diversity and fullness of life arises in "Ginseng" and because the writer depicts the "great cycle" of the seasons.

Revealing the beauty and splendor of nature to the reader, Prishvin at the same time speaks of its destructive, deadly forces, its deep tragedy, which the hero-narrator comprehends in its entirety, incomprehensibility and insubordination to man in the scene of the death of the “beautiful deer” Gray Eye and Black-backed (Ch. .XV). The hero-narrator discovers the destructive beginning not only in nature, but also in his own soul. It will determine his attitude to the heroine (to "her"), play important role in the fate of Louvain; it, paradoxical as it may seem, unites and brings together the world of nature and man, testifies to the unity of their destiny. The theme of suffering and tragic fate the living is revealed, in particular, in the words of the hero-narrator: “So why, if everything around is so beautiful, does this seemingly mortal pain appear?” Thus, in "Ginseng" Prishvin appears as an artist of a tragic worldview.

In the central chapters of the story (II-XV), with their "measuring course of great time", the writer shows new stage spiritual development storyteller hero. The “biggest event” of his life in the land of “unknown nature” is the meeting with “her”, similar to the fairy tale about the swan princess. Only here, in the Zusuhe Valley of Flowers, does the flower deer Hua-lu turn into a woman.

The story of the relationship between the hero-narrator and the woman who arrived on the ship with the settlers appears in the story as a drama of love, misunderstanding, loss, which defies logical explanation. The hero will solve her riddle all his life. Three associative episodes help to understand it. The first is the meeting of the hero-narrator with Hua-lu (ch. II), when two people fought in it: a hunter-beast, accustomed to appropriate, and therefore destroy " beautiful moment", and a person who keeps this moment intact and thus "fixes in himself forever." The second episode is the meeting of the hero-narrator with "her" (ch. III), when he behaves towards the woman in the same way as towards Hua-lu - "missing for a hoof." The third episode is the story of Louvain's transformation from a man "destroying life by wild hunting" into a "deep and quiet" seeker of the root of life with a kindred attention to everything and everyone (ch. VIII).

Louvain was deeply offended at the family division and went into the taiga as a mortal enemy of his own brother. The first ten years of his hunting were for him "a life to prove" that he was no worse, and perhaps even better, than his brother. When he returned home, it turned out that there was no one to prove to: after a terrible pestilence, only his brother's wife with a bunch of children survived. This led to a "deep change" in the mind of Louvain. This story testifies to the meaninglessness of human life “for proof”, for the sake of an idea. The most important thing in this episode is that the story of Louvain is not told by him himself, but composed by the hero-narrator and becomes for him not so much the discovery of the secret of Louvain's "transformation", but the path to self-knowledge, the discovery of a person in himself, "wired with schemes", who saw in beloved woman ordinary fairy princess and unable to see her unique face.

The grief of losing a loved one is so great that the hero experiences it as a “execution”: “as if huge white arrows ... are shooting me ... so that I, shot, destroyed, live in myself, suffer and understand everything through this necessary torment” ( Chapter IV).

The central symbol of the story. As if in a fairy tale, when a hero in trouble is rescued by miraculous things, the narrator comes to the aid of ginseng - a "precious relic", a plant that, like deer, animals of the Tertiary era with their healing antlers, managed to survive many epochs in the history of the Earth for tens of thousands of years and remain yourself. For Prishvin ginseng - symbolic image creative forces of life in nature and human soul, those creative forces that unite millions of people in their centuries of history and thanks to which life is preserved and changed for the better. The hero-narrator, who sees the Manchus bending over the ginseng and reverently contemplating it (chap. V), perceives the flower as evidence great mystery life.

"The creative power of the root of life", from the point of view of the writer, is "to come out of oneself and reveal oneself in another." The hero-narrator, comprehending his root of life, “comes out of himself”, out of his grief and reveals himself to himself in Louvain, in “unknown nature”, in the work of his life - an ancient and at the same time “very new business” of protecting and breeding beautiful disappearing beasts, finally in the woman he fell in love with. Ginseng helps the hero-narrator understand "what an inexhaustible power of creativity lies in a person", it becomes a symbol of spiritual development in the story. human personality associated with self-knowledge, inner quest, creativity of one's own life and, which is very important for Prishvin, with the way out of grief and suffering to joy (see Chapter IV). All this is especially evident in the relation of the hero-narrator to nature.

Meaningful results of the story. Once in the land of "unknown nature", the hero realizes the limitations of what he has learned "in books about the life of nature, that everything is separate, people are people, animals are only animals" and sees the environment in a new way: "everything in the world" has become "like his own". ”, “like people” (ch. IV). However, over time, he begins to feel the need to go beyond the limits of the worldview that was revealed to him through Louvain, who unites everything around him with kindred attention. In the plot, this is connected with the episode when the hero-narrator, who has become a “captain” for his “spiritual father” (chapter VII), discovers that “Louvain looks like a stag with non-replaceable bone horns” (chapter XII), that is, in fact, stopped in his spiritual development.

The writer's idea, however, is not to abandon the centuries-old experience of human life in nature, passed down from generation to generation, which Louvain possessed, but to combine this ancient experience with the "methods of modern knowledge", with the needs of a changing life.

The collaboration of the hero-narrator and Louvain in creating a deer nursery, and then a reserve for the protection and breeding of cruelly exterminated animals, reveals the writer’s idea that the creativity of life is possible only through the combination of the experience of fathers and children, ancient and modern knowledge, the experience of the East and European culture, the internal arrangement of the soul and the external transformation of life, and finally, the connection of the "creative forces" of culture and nature.

The understanding of nature to which the narrator eventually arrives is most evident in the scene when he tries to bring back the deer after they have escaped from the kennel (chap. XV). As a researcher and scientist, he refuses to measure deer “by himself”: their world is different, but at the same time he is aware of “kinship with them” and feels them in a kindred way. The writer depicts nature and man as two different and native worlds, “walking” along the “common path” of life. Evidence of this is a number of images, episodes, and motifs associated with each other: the beautiful black shiny eyes of Louvain, Hua-lu and a woman; the root on which the deer stepped and which “froze”, and the life of the hero-narrator who lost his beloved; a deer with “permanent horns” and Louvain, which has stopped in its development; the change of antlers of deer and the moment when the hero-narrator “throws off everything created, like a deer its antlers”; the autumn "rut" of deer and the "love run" of man over the earth.

A deep spiritual connection, a single destiny, co-creation of man and nature is revealed in the story by the symbolic image of the “pre-dawn hour”, the time of “building the morning joy”, when a person, “united with all the forces of nature into a single whole”, participates in the inconspicuous and disinterested work of “all united forces of the world”, from which a new day is born and thanks to which life continues. Obviously, Prishvin's understanding of the relationship between man and nature, recreated in Ginseng, is opposed to the ideas of the writer's contemporaries that the nature of man, the earth, the world can be easily changed "in better side”, opposes the destructive idea of ​​\u200b\u200btransforming nature.

In the final chapter of the story, a kind of epilogue, the storylines Louvain, Hua-lu, the hero-narrator, this is the finale of the tale about the land of "unknown nature", the wonderful "Apcee", the homeland that the heroes create for themselves. The exact time of the action (“Ten years have passed ... and another year has passed ... and another year ...” If not last ellipsis, then it could be argued with confidence that the action takes place in 1917) especially clearly emphasizes the “fabulous” nature of what is happening in the story, the unconditional reality of which remains the tragedy of life and the endless formation of the human personality, turned to the creativity of the “new, better life of people on earth ".

To form in students the idea of ​​​​an unusually kind, patient, attentive, inventive, good connoisseur nature, man and writer.
To develop students' speech, memory, Creative skills and the ability to analyze works.
Cultivate love for nature, respect for it.
Visibility and equipment:
Portrait of M. M. Prishvin, exhibition of books “With Prishvin in the Forest”, poster “Protecting nature means protecting the Motherland”, illustrations for the stories of M. M. Prishvin, students’ drawings for the read works, crossword puzzle, recording “Voices of Birds”, projector , computer, presentation.
During the classes.
Organizing time.
Solving the crossword puzzle. (Annex 1)
Teacher: Today I want to start our lesson by solving a crossword puzzle. Here he is, in front of you.
The topic of the lesson.
Read what happened in the green cells.
Teacher: As you guessed, we will talk about the stories of Mikhail Prishvin. The theme of our lesson is "Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin - the singer of Russian nature."
(Knock on the door. M. M. Prishvin enters.)
Prishvin: I was going hunting, I heard my last name and decided to come in.
Teacher: On the hunt, and the gun?
Prishvin: My hunt is in finds. I want to find in nature something that I have not yet seen and, perhaps, no one has ever met in my life.
- Tell me what you know about me?
The biography of the writer is told by students against the background of music (showing a presentation)
M. M. Prishvin - great writer, traveler and hunter. Most he spent his life traveling. Where has he not been? On Far North and the Far East, in the Ural mountains, in the steppes of Kazakhstan, in the Crimea and on the Volga. M. M. Prishvin was born on February 5, 1873, died in 1954. He was born in the village of Khrushchevo, Yelets district, Oryol province, in a merchant family, in noble estate, inherited by his father, where he spent his childhood, often returned there during his life. Prishvin received his secondary education at the Tyumen real school. Studied at the Riga Polytechnic Institute. For participation in a revolutionary circle, he was arrested, imprisoned, and then exiled to Germany. There he graduated from the University of Leipzig. Returning to his homeland, he worked as an agronomist. He already writes and publishes agricultural books. But it becomes clear to him that science is not his calling. He abruptly changes his fate: he becomes a writer. Entered literature as children's writer. He wrote about what he saw and experienced in nature. Prishvin's stories encourage curiosity, vigilance, they have a great moment of playing, hunting for well-aimed observations, for a wonderful moment when the first leaf blooms, the first drop of spring light rain falls. The secret of Prishvin's charm is in his vigilance. In his wonderful books, Prishvin told a lot of interesting things about nature, about hunting various animals and birds, about the friendship of man with animals, about the habits of animals, about simple village children and about their friendship, courage, resourcefulness. For merits in literature, M. M. Prishvin was awarded the Orders of the Badge of Honor and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.
Prishvin: And which of you read my stories? (children's answers)
Prishvin: They even drew illustrations. Well done! Well, I have to go.
Viewing an exhibition of books.
Teacher: Many forest paths an amazing magician of the Russian word walked. Judging by the book covers, the illustrations on them, say:
- What did Prishvin write about? (children's answers)
Teacher: Nature - main character his works. A lot of light and sun, a lot of love for nature, and through it to man in the books of this subtle artist.
- Guys, let's take part in an interesting hunt without a gun. Together with the heroes of the stories of M. Prishvin, we will visit the forest, watch the birds, forest animals. So, with Prishvin in the forest.
The recording of "Voices of Birds" sounds.
IV. Analysis of the read works. (Work by levels)
1) Analysis of stories read by level III students.
Teacher: The power of Prishvin's charm is in vigilance, the ability to see, observe. He notices the subtlest nuances in the behavior of animals.
What stories have you read about it? ("Gadgets", "Inventor", "Ants")
- Why is the duckling called the inventor?
- Does the squirrel have a memory?
- How does the squirrel find its reserves, covered with snow?
- What is the story about? (Illustration display)
- How did the hedgehog stock up on apples?
- What unusual in the behavior of ants did the author notice? Read.
How do trees speak?
V. Physical education.
The wind is blowing in our faces.
The tree swayed.
The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter
The tree is getting higher and higher.
2) Analysis of works read by students of level I.
Teacher: Dogs, before all animals, have a special love for humans. Everywhere M. Prishvin was accompanied by dogs.
- What are the names of the dogs you met in the stories.
- What is the name of the story from which the words “There is a lot of screeching, little wool” are taken? Name the dog. Why is this said about her?
- How did M. Prishvin treat them? Prove it. ("Sip of milk")
- What is the name of the dog that saved the life of a man. What story is this? (Illustration)
3) Analysis of the story "Pantry of the Sun".
Nastya: What is it, Mitrasha, howling so terribly in the distance?
Mitrasha: Father said that it was howling on the Dry River old landowner. All the wolves on the Dry River are killed, but Gray cannot be killed.
Nastya: So why is he howling so terribly now?
Mitrasha: Father said that wolves howl in the spring because they have nothing to eat now. And Gray is still alone, so he howls.
Nastya: Where are we going?
Mitrasha: We will go north along this
Nastya: No, we will go along this big path where all people go. Father told us, remember? - what is it scary place Blind spruce. How many people and livestock died in it. No, Mitrashenka, we will not go there. Everyone goes in this direction, which means that cranberries grow there.
Mitrasha: You understand a lot! We will go north, as my father said: there is a Palestinian woman where no one has been before.
Nastya: Here's another! Our father loved to tell a fairy tale, and maybe there is no Palestinian woman at all!
Mitrasha: You understand!
- Name the children.
Why did they live alone?
- How old were they?
How did they manage the economy?
- What can you say about children?
- How did weed save Mitrasha?
Teacher: Constant communication with their native Russian nature, in which they drew strength, allowed them to endure life's trials.
4) Analysis of the story "Vasya Veselkin".
- In what story do we meet the boy who saved the dog Zhulka? (illustration)
- How did Vasya save the dog?
Why was Prishvin looking for him?
- How did the teacher and Prishvin manage to find the boy? (read out)
- What can you say about this boy?
- How did Prishvin thank him?
5) Analysis of stories read by level II students.
- In what stories does the author write about the caring attitude of animals towards their cubs? ("Elk", "Yarik", "Queen of Spades", "The Birth of the Saucepan")
- In what stories did you read about funny cases? (“How the hare “ate” the boots”, “The Talking Rook”, “White Necklace”)
6) Teacher: Man is a part of nature. He is stronger than all the living mind. And now, as a rational being, he should not harm nature, but should take care of his "younger brothers", protect and protect all living things.
- In what stories does M. Prishvin call for taking care of nature? ("Forest Master", "Forest Doctor", "Dead Tree")
Why is the tree on fire? Who set it on fire?
- A dead tree. Why did it dry up? (read out)
- Read the words of Prishvin. (“To protect nature means to protect the Motherland”)
(children's answers)
Teacher: These words run like a red thread through all the works of Mikhail Prishvin.
VI. Summary of the lesson.
- What do the stories of Mikhail Prishvin teach?
- Is it possible to correlate the lines from Kaisyn Kuliev's poem with Prishvin's works?
Take care of everything alive.
Do not destroy the bird's nest, -
The bird is so happy in its home!
She is calm in the nest and then,
When the storm is angry over the grove.
Keep the tree from the axe:
It is tall and ancient.
Gives us shade when it's hot
It charms all living things.
Children's answers.
Lesovichok: Prishvin sent me to you with a telegram.
(reads telegram)

Don't go near bird nests. In your footsteps, nests can be found and destroyed by predators. If you accidentally find yourself near the nest, do not touch it, leave immediately. Otherwise, the parent birds may leave the nest altogether.
If you have a dog, do not take it with you to the forest in spring and early summer. She can easily catch badly flying chicks and helpless cubs of animals.
Do not catch and do not take home healthy chicks of birds and cubs of animals. In nature, adult animals will take care of them.
Be sure to feed the birds in the winter, and in the spring, with the help of the elders, make houses for them. Animals are linked together in a food chain. Therefore, protecting some animals, you often help others. If, for example, frogs are guarded, there will be more herons that feed on frogs. Animals are also related to plants. If, for example, you collect bouquets in a forest or a meadow, there will be fewer bumblebees and butterflies that need the nectar of flowers for food. Don't forget that plants give shelter to animals. Protecting grasses, bushes and trees, you help animals, birds, insects that take refuge in these thickets.
Lesovichok: What should I tell Prishvin? (children's answers)
Teacher: Prishvin set himself the task - by means artistic word depict the diverse connections between man and nature in order to instill in people a sense of careful attitude to nature.
VII. Estimates.
Teacher: Let's finish our lesson with the song "Let's save it."
The song "Let's Save"
We live in the same family
We sing in one circle
Walk in one line
Fly in one flight.
Let's save
Chamomile in the meadow
A water lily on the river
And cranberries in the swamp.

Oh how mother nature
Be patient and good!
But so that her dashing
The fate did not befall
Let's save
On the rods - sturgeon,
Killer whale - in the sky,
In the taiga wilds - a tiger.
Kohl is destined to breathe
We are the same air
Let's all of us
Let's unite forever
Let's take our souls
Let's save together.
Then we're on the ground
And let's save ourselves!
VIII. Homework.
Stories by L. N. Tolstoy.

Annex 1.

Replace with one word: woodpecker, magpie, rook. (Birds)
Who has never taken a step? (Sparrow)
Which dog in one of the stories was called like a bird? (Grouse)
He sits with bulging eyes, speaks French, jumps like a flea, swims like a human. Young. (Frog)
hardworking insects. (Ants)
Who got the sausage? (Yarik)
Lives in the forest, hoots like a robber. People are afraid of him. And he is afraid of people. (Owl)

Municipal state educational institution
"Basic comprehensive school No. 9"
Liski, Voronezh region

Lesson on extracurricular reading
on the topic of:


according to the program of L. F. Klimanova.

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