In Mr. Rasputin biography briefly. Biography of Valentin Rasputin: milestones in life, key works and public position


March 15, 1937, Ust-Uda village, East Siberian region, RSFSR, USSR - March 14, 2015, Moscow, Russian Federation.

Russian prose writer, representative of the so-called. " village prose».
Hero of Socialist Labor (03/14/1987).

After graduating primary school, he was forced to leave alone for fifty kilometers from the house where the secondary school was located (this period will later be created famous story"French Lessons" - 1973). After school, he entered the Faculty of History and Philology of the Irkutsk state university. IN student years he became a freelance correspondent for a youth newspaper. One of his essays caught the attention of the editor. Later, this essay, under the title "I forgot to ask Lyoshka," was published in the anthology "Angara" (1961).
After graduating from university in 1959, Rasputin worked for several years in the newspapers of Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk, often visited the construction of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station and the Abakan-Taishet highway. Essays and stories about what he saw were later included in his collections Campfire New Cities and The Land Near the Sky.
In 1965, he showed several new stories to V. Chivilikhin, who came to Chita for a meeting of young writers of Siberia, who became the “godfather” of the beginning prose writer. Among the Russian classics, V. Rasputin considers Dostoevsky and Bunin to be his teachers.

Since 1966 - a professional writer. Since 1967 - a member of the Writers' Union of the USSR.

The first book by Valentin Rasputin, The Land Near the Sky, was published in Irkutsk in 1966. In 1967, the book "A Man from This World" was published in Krasnoyarsk. In the same year, the story "Money for Mary" was published in the Irkutsk almanac "Angara" (No. 4), and in 1968 it was published as a separate book in Moscow by the publishing house "Young Guard".
The talent of the writer was revealed in full force in the story " Deadline"(1970), declaring the maturity and originality of the author.
This was followed by the story “French Lessons” (1973), the novels “Live and Remember” (1974) and “Farewell to Matera” (1976).
In 1979, he joined the editorial board of the book series Literary monuments Siberia" of the East Siberian Book Publishing House (Irkutsk). In the 1980s he was a member editorial board magazine "Roman-gazeta".
In 1981, new stories were published: “Natasha”, “What to tell the crow”, “Live for a century - love a century”.
The appearance in 1985 of the story "Fire", which is distinguished by the acuteness and modernity of the problem, caused big interest at the reader.
IN last years The writer devotes a lot of time and effort to public and journalistic activity without interrupting creativity. In 1995, his story "To the same land" was published; Essays "Down the Lena River". During the 1990s, he published a number of stories from the Cycle of Stories about Senya Pozdnyakov: Senya Rides (1994), Memorial Day (1996), In the Evening (1997), Unexpectedly (1997), Neighborly (1998).
In 2004 he published the book Ivan's Daughter, Ivan's Mother.
In 2006, the third edition of the album of the writer's essays "Siberia, Siberia" was published (previous editions 1991, 2000).
In Irkutsk, works are included in the regional school curriculum for extracurricular reading.

prizes and awards

Order of Alexander Nevsky (September 1, 2011).
Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" III degree (March 8, 2007).
Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree (October 28, 2002).
Two orders of Lenin (1984, 03/14/1987).
Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1981).
Order of the Badge of Honor (1971).

Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation for outstanding achievements in the field humanitarian action 2012 (2013).
Laureate of the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art (2003).
Laureate of the Prize of the Government of Russia for outstanding achievements in the field of culture (2010).
Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1977) - for the story "Live and Remember" (1974).
Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1987) - for the story "Fire" (1985).
Laureate of the Irkutsk Komsomol Prize. Joseph Utkin (1968).
Laureate of the Prize. L. N. Tolstoy (1992).
Laureate of the Prize of the Fund for the Development of Culture and Art under the Committee of Culture of the Irkutsk Region (1994).
Laureate of the Prize. Saint Innocent of Irkutsk (1995).
Laureate of the award of the journal "Siberia" named after. A. V. Zvereva.
Winner of the Alexander Solzhenitsyn Prize (2000).
Winner of the Literary Prize. F. M. Dostoevsky (2001).
Laureate of the Prize. Alexander Nevsky "Russia's Faithful Sons" (2004).
Winner of the "Best foreign novel of the year. XXI century” (China, 2005).
Laureate of the All-Russian literary prize named after Sergei Aksakov (2005).
Award Winner International Foundation unity Orthodox peoples (2011).
Laureate of the Yasnaya Polyana Prize (2012).
Honorary citizen of Irkutsk (1986).
Honorary citizen of the Irkutsk region (1998).

R asputin Valentin Grigoryevich - Russian prose writer, classic of Russian literature, an outstanding representative of the so-called "village prose", public figure, member of the Writers' Union of the USSR.

Born on March 15, 1937 in the urban-type settlement of Ust-Uda, Irkutsk Region, in peasant family Grigory Nikitich (1913-1974) and Nina Ivanovna (1911-1995) Rasputin. The childhood years of the future writer were spent in the village of Atalanka, 400 km from Irkutsk. In 1954 he graduated from high school. In 1959 he graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology Irkutsk University, for a number of years - before becoming a professional writer - worked as a journalist in Siberia. Lived in Moscow and Irkutsk.

His work is largely autobiographical, which is emphasized by the title of the first collection of his stories, I Forgot to Ask Lyoshka (1961), followed by The Land Near the Sky (1966) and The Man from the Other World (1967). The main setting of his works is the Angara region: Siberian villages and towns. The story "Money for Mary" (1967), the conflict of which is based on the clash of traditional moral values and material realities modern life, brought Rasputin wide fame. The next story, "The Deadline" (1970), marked the beginning of the most productive stage in Rasputin's work (1970s). He also includes a collection of short stories "Up and Downstream" (1972), the novels "Live and Remember" (1974) and "Farewell to Matyora" (1976) - the pinnacle of the writer's work. Of the works of Rasputin, created in subsequent, largely crisis years for the writer and, as it seems to him, for all Russian literature, the story “Fire” (1985) stands out, reproducing a number of motifs from the stories of the 1970s, painted in apocalyptic tones.

In 1967 he became a member of the Writers' Union of the USSR.

V. G. Rasputin in the 1970s depicts modern reality through the prism of the natural-cosmic order of being. A special mythopoetics of Rasputin is taking shape, prompting researchers of his work to compare him with W. Faulkner and G. Garcia Marquez. art space the prose of this period of Rasputin is organized along the vertical axis "earth" - "sky" - as a system of ascending circles: from the "circle of life" to the "eternal cycle of life" and the rotation of heavenly bodies. In his work, Rasputin proceeds from the idea of ​​the norm of life, which consists in the mutual consistency of the opposite principles of being. The key to such a holistic harmonious perception of the world is the life and work of a person on earth in accordance with his conscience, with himself and the life of nature.

The main character of the story "Deadline" - dying old woman Anna, resurrecting her past life in her memory, feels her involvement in the eternal cycle of natural life, experiences the mystery of death as the main event in a person's life. She is opposed by her four children, who came to see their mother off in last hour and forced to be near her for three days, for which God delayed her departure. Their preoccupation with everyday worries, their fussiness and vanity contrast sharply with the spiritual work that takes place in the fading mind of the old peasant woman (the author's narration includes extensive layers of non-direct speech, representing the thoughts and experiences of the heroes of the story, primarily Anna herself).

“Deadline” is an elegiac prologue to the tragedy that V. G. Rasputin captures in the story “Live and Remember” (1974; State Prize, 1977): the old woman Anna and her unlucky children still gather in her “deadline” under a common paternal roof, but Andrey Guskov, who deserted from the army (the events described in “Live and Remember”, refer to the end of the Great Patriotic War) is completely cut off from the world. The symbol of his hopeless loneliness and moral savagery is a wolf's hole on an island in the middle of the Angara, where he hides from people and authorities. His wife Nastya, who visits her husband secretly from people, every time has to swim across the river - overcoming the water barrier that in all myths separates the world of the living from world of the dead. Nastya - for real tragic heroine, which finds herself in a position of an impossible choice between love for her husband (Andrei and Nastya - a husband and wife married in the church) and the need for life in the world, among people, in none of whom she can find either sympathy or support. The village life that surrounds the heroine of the story is no longer that whole harmonious peasant cosmos, closed within its boundaries, the symbol of which in the "Deadline" is Anna's hut. The suicide of Nastya, who takes with her into deep waters another born life: the child Andrei, whom she passionately desired and conceived with him in his wolf den, becomes a tragic atonement for Andrei's guilt, but cannot return him to a human form.

The themes of parting with the generations of people who lived and worked on the earth, sounding goodbye to the mother-grandmother, to the world of the righteous, sounding already in the "Deadline", are transformed in the plot of the story "Farewell to Matyora" (1976) into the myth of the death of the entire peasant world. On the “surface” of the plot of the story is the story of the flooding of the Siberian village of Matyora located on the island by the waves of the “man-made sea”. In contrast to the island from “Live and Remember”, the island of Matera (mainland, firmament, land), gradually disappearing before the eyes of readers to lead under water, is a symbol of the promised land, the last refuge of those who live in conscience, in harmony with God and with nature . Living out their last days old women led by the righteous Daria refuse to move to a new village ( new world) and remain until the hour of death to guard their shrines - a peasant cemetery with crosses and royal foliage, the pagan Tree of Life. Only one of the settlers - Pavel - visits Daria in a vague hope of touching the true meaning of life. In contrast to Nastya, he floats from the world of the "dead" (mechanical civilization) to the world of the living, but this is a dying world. At the end of the story, only the mythical Master of the Island remains on the island, whose desperate cry, sounding in the dead void, completes the story.

Nine years later, in the story "Fire" (1985), V. G. Rasputin again refers to the theme of the death of the communal world - this time not in water, but in fire, in a fire that engulfed the trading warehouses of the timber industry village, which symbolically arose on the site of a flooded village . Instead of jointly fighting misfortune, people one by one, competing with each other, take away the good snatched from the fire. Main character In the story, the driver Ivan Petrovich, from whose point of view what is happening in the burning warehouses is described, is no longer the former Rasputin hero-righteous: he is in an inescapable conflict with himself, he is looking for and cannot find "the simplicity of the meaning of life." Accordingly, the author's vision of the world becomes more complicated and disharmonized. Hence the aesthetic duality of the “Fire” style, in which the image of burning warehouses, captured in all details, is adjacent to symbolic and allegorical generalizations and journalistic sketches of the “nomadic” life of the timber industry enterprise.

At Kazom of the Presidium Supreme Council USSR dated March 14, 1987 for great merits in development Soviet literature, fruitful social activities and in connection with the fiftieth birthday of the writer Rasputin Valentin Grigorievich He was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal.

The same journalistic intonations are becoming more and more noticeable in the prose of V. G. Rasputin in the second half of the 1980s - 1990s. Lush-lubok image in the stories "Vision", "In the Evening", "Suddenly, unexpectedly", " New profession» (1997) is aimed at a straightforward (and sometimes aggressive) denunciation of the changes taking place in Russia in the post-perestroika period. At the same time, in the best of them, such as "Unexpectedly" (the story of the city beggar girl Katya, who was thrown into the village by the end-to-end character of the latest Rasputin stories, Senya Pozdnyakov), traces of the former style of V. G. Rasputin, who subtly feels nature, are preserved, continuing to unravel the mystery human being, peering to where the continuation of the earthly path lies.

Based on the works of V. G. Rasputin, films were staged: “French Lessons” (1978), “Farewell”, “Bear Skin for Sale” (both - 1980), “Live and Remember” (2008).

In recent years, V. G. Rasputin has been mainly engaged in journalism, writing articles. In 2004 he published the book Ivan's Daughter, Ivan's Mother. In 2006, the third edition of the album of the writer's essays "Siberia, Siberia" was published (previous editions 1991, 2000).

With the beginning of "perestroika" Rasputin joined the broad socio-political struggle. He was one of the most active opponents of the "turning of the northern rivers." In 1989-1991, a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, made passionate patriotic speeches, for the first time quoted P.A. Stolypin’s words about “great Russia” (“You need great upheavals, we need great Russia"). In July 1991, he signed the "Word to the People" appeal.

In the summer of 1989 at the first congress people's deputies USSR V. G. Rasputin for the first time proposed the withdrawal of Russia from the USSR. In 1990-1991 he was a member of the Presidential Council of the USSR.

He was awarded the Soviet 2 Orders of Lenin (1984, 03/14/1987), Orders of the Red Banner of Labor (1981), "Badge of Honor" (1971), Russian orders"For Merit to the Fatherland" 3rd (03/08/2007) and 4th (10/28/2002) degrees, Alexander Nevsky (09/1/2011), medals.

Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1977, 1987), State Prize of the Russian Federation for outstanding achievements in the field of humanitarian activity (2012), Prize of the President of the Russian Federation (2003), Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation (2010), Prize of the Irkutsk Komsomol named after Iosif Utkin (1968), Prize named after L.N. Tolstoy (1992), Prize of the Foundation for the Development of Culture and Art under the Committee of Culture of the Irkutsk Region (1994), Prize named after St. Innocent of Irkutsk (1995), International Prize Foundation of the Holy All-Praised Apostle Andrew the First-Called “For Faith and Loyalty” (1996), Alexander Solzhenitsyn Prize (2000), F.M. Dostoevsky Literary Prize (2001), Alexander Nevsky Prize “Faithful Sons of Russia” (2004), All-Russian Literary the S.T. Aksakov Prize (2005), the Best Foreign Novel of the Year. XXI century” (2005, China), prizes of the International Fund for the Unity of Orthodox Peoples (2011), prizes “ Yasnaya Polyana» (2012).

Honorary citizen of Irkutsk (1986) and the Irkutsk region (1998).

March 15, 1937, 78 years ago, the famous, just writer Valentin Grigoryevich Rasputin was born. This man had a lot of virtues and a lot of interests. Valentin Grigorievich was public figure, hero of socialist labor, laureate state prize USSR, the State Prize of Russia and the Prize of the Government. But most importantly, he is a writer, with capital letter"P", his element was journalism, since 1967 he was a member of the writers of the USSR.

Valentin Grigorievich was born in the Irkutsk region, namely in the village of Ust-Uda. The family of the future writer was very ordinary, peasant. Mother's name was Nina Ivanovna, and father's name was Grigory Nikitich. They, some time after the birth of their son, move to the village of Atlanka. which soon sank. It was in this village that Valentin Grigorievich graduated from elementary school, but he graduated from high school already away from home, and it was this time that served as the plot famous story Rasputin "French Lessons".

After graduating from high school, Valentin Grigorievich became a student at the Irkutsk State University, Faculty of History and Philology. During his studies, he did not just sit behind his students, but developed, and already from 1957 Rasputin worked as a freelance correspondent for the newspaper "Soviet Youth", and already from 1959 he worked on the staff of the newspaper.

He also worked on television, so since 1961 Valentin Grigorievich was the editor of literary and dramatic programs at the Irkutsk television studio. In 1962, Valentin Grigorievich quits and leaves for Krasnoyarsk. There it working activity is gaining momentum, he worked in the newspaper "Krasnoyarsk worker" and "Krasnoyarsk Komsomolets", and collaborated with the newspaper "Soviet Youth". Around the same period creative activity Rasputina also found her breath. In 1961, the first story “I forgot to ask Leshka” was published, the essays of the book “The Edge Near the Sky” began to appear, and in 1966 it was already published. complete book this work. In 1964 the story "A Man from This World" was published, and the following year the story "The Wind Seeks You" was published. next book Valentina Rasputin became "A Man From This World", it was published in 1967, after the book "A Man From This World" the book "Young Guard" was published. In the same year, Valentin Rasputin joined the Writers' Union of the USSR.

In 1970, the story "Deadline" was written, in 1973 the same story about the period of study in high school“French Lessons”, the story “Live and Remember” was completed the following year, in 1976 “Farewell to Matera”. Since 1979, Valentin Rasputin has been a member of the editorial board of the book series Literary Monuments of Siberia. A year later, he became a member of the editorial board of the Roman-gazeta magazine. Then Valentin Rasputin began his social activities, for example, he advocated saving Lake Baikal from a pulp and paper mill. In addition, he was an opponent of the project to turn the northern and Siberian rivers.

1981 was marked by the release of the stories "Natasha", "What to tell the crow", "Live for a century - love a century". And the rather famous story "Fire" was published in 1985. The following year, the writer was elected secretary of the board of the Union of Writers of the USSR and secretary of the board of the Union of Writers of the RSFSR. In 1987, Valentin Rasputin was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, throughout his life he was repeatedly awarded honorary signs, orders, and prizes. Among his awards were the Order of the Badge of Honor, the Red Banner of Labor, two Orders of Lenin, the Order of Russia for Services to the Fatherland, the Order of Alexander Nevsky, the Irkutsk Komsomol Prize named after Joseph Utkin, the Prize named after L.N. Tolstoy, the name of St. Innocent of Irkutsk, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the name of F.M. Dostoevsky, the name of Alexander Nevsky "Faithful Sons of Russia", the Prize of the President of Russia in the field of literature and art, the "Big Book" Prize, the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of culture, the Prize of the Saints Equal of the Apostles brothers-enlighteners of the Slavs Cyril and Methodius. Also, Valentin Grigorievich was awarded the prize holy patriarch Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II.

In 1989, Valentin Rasputin became a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, and a year later a member of the Presidential Council of the USSR. However, Valentin Grigorievich repeatedly asserted his non-participation in politics, he did not consider himself a figure in this sphere. Although for the first time the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR heard a proposal to withdraw Russia from the USSR from Valentin Grigorievich.

And in 2007, Rasputin actively supported the position of the well-known political figure Gennady Andreyevich Zyuganov, in 2012 he actively protested and supported the criminal prosecution of the feminine group Pussi Riot.

Among the more modern offspring of the work of Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin, one can single out the book “Ivan’s Daughter, Ivan’s Mother”, published in 2004, the essay “Siberia, Siberia” in 2006, the book “These Twenty Killing Years” was published jointly with Viktor Kozhemyaka in 2013 .

Valentin Rasputin did many good deeds, he actively helped Orthodox life countries. So in Irkutsk in 1996 he initiated the opening of the Orthodox female gymnasium in the name of christmas Holy Mother of God and in 2010 became a member Patriarchal Council by culture.
But alas, even bright people, which make a huge contribution to the development of something, in this case, cultures and literature - are not eternal. Valentin Rasputin saw life for a long time, but did not see the joy of loved ones who would like to congratulate him on his 78th birthday, the writer did not live up to his birthday for some 4 hours, He died on March 14, 2015.

As known from short biography, Rasputin was born in the family of a coachman on January 9, 1869 in the village of Pokrovskoye, Tobolsk province. However, according to many biographers of this historical figure, the date of his birth is very controversial, since Rasputin himself more than once indicated different data and often exaggerated his true age in order to correspond to the image of the “holy old man”.

In his youth and early maturity, Grigory Rasputin travels to holy places. According to researchers, he made the pilgrimage due to frequent illnesses. After visiting the Verkhoturye Monastery and other holy places in Russia, Mount Athos in Greece, and Jerusalem, Rasputin turned to religion, maintaining close contact with monks, wanderers, healers, and clergy.

Petersburg period

In 1904, as a holy wanderer, Rasputin moved to Petersburg. According to Grigory Efimovich himself, he was prompted to move by the goal of saving Tsarevich Alexei, the mission of which was entrusted to the “old man” by the Mother of God. In 1905, a wanderer often referred to as a "saint" God's man”and“ a great ascetic ”, gets acquainted with Nicholas II and his family. The religious "elder" influences the imperial family, in particular the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, due to the fact that he helped in the treatment of the heir Alexei from the then incurable disease - hemophilia.

Since 1903, rumors began to spread in St. Petersburg about the vicious deeds of Rasputin. Persecution by the church begins and accusations of him of "whistism". In 1907, Grigory Efimovich was repeatedly accused of spreading false teachings of an anti-church nature, as well as of creating a society of followers of his views.

Last years

Because of the accusations, Rasputin Grigory Efimovich is forced to leave Petersburg. During this period he visits Jerusalem. Over time, the case of “Khlystism” is reopened, but the new Bishop Alexy drops all charges against him. The cleansing of the name and reputation was short-lived, as rumors of orgies taking place in Rasputin's apartment on Gorokhovaya Street in St. Petersburg, as well as acts of witchcraft and magic, caused the need to investigate and open another case.

In 1914, an assassination attempt was made on Rasputin, after which he was forced to be treated in Tyumen. However, later the opponents of the "friend royal family”, among which were F.F. Yusupov, V. M. Purishkevich, Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich, British intelligence officer MI6 Oswald Reiner, nevertheless manages to complete his plan - in 1916 Rasputin was killed.

Achievements and legacy of a historical figure

In addition to his preaching activities, Rasputin, whose biography is very rich, actively participated in political life Russia, influencing the opinion of Nicholas II. He is credited with persuading the emperor to refuse to participate in the Balkan War, which changed the timing of the outbreak of the First World War, and other political decisions of the king.

thinker and political figure left on his own two books "The Life of an Experienced Wanderer" (1907) and "My Thoughts and Reflections" (1915), more than a hundred political, spiritual, historical predictions and prophecies are also attributed to his authorship.

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Rasputin Valentin Grigorievich, whose biography will be described in this article, is certainly one of the pillars of Russian literature. His works are known and popular with Russian and foreign readers. Let's get acquainted with the life path of our great compatriot.

The writer was born in the village of Atalanka on the Angara in 1937. Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin, whose biography is very interesting and full of events, often recalls the war years and the famine, although he was still a child then. Despite this, he calls his childhood happy: he spent it in the village, he often went fishing with the guys and went to the taiga for mushrooms and berries.

In 1959, Valentin graduated from Irkutsk University, after which he began working as a journalist in the publications Soviet Youth and Krasnoyarsk Komsomolets.

Already in 1961, his first work was published - “I forgot to ask Leshka ...” The plot of the story is as follows: at a logging site, a fallen pine tree touches young Leshka, who is escorted to the hospital on foot by two friends, in whose arms he dies. Already in the first story of the writer there are character traits his work - nature as a character of the work, which sensitively reacts to what happened, and the hero's thoughts about justice and fate. Several more followed early stories: “Rudolfio”, “Bear skin for sale” and “Vasily and Vasilisa”.

As the writer recalls, he was capable student and loved to read. After completing four years of school in the village, he was recommended to continue his education. Rasputin Valentin Grigorievich, whose biography was partially reflected in one of his most popular stories - “French Lessons”, in the boy, the main character, described himself in many ways. The plot of the story: a boy of eleven is sent from the village to the city, where there is an eight-year school. He is gifted and the whole village hopes that he will become an educated person. However, the time after the war, hungry. The boy barely has enough money for a rare can of milk. He starts gambling, his teacher finds out about it French. Deciding to help her pupil, she plays with him for money at home, since the boy did not want to borrow them. This story was made into a feature film.

In the collections of works by the young writer “What to convey to the crow?” and “Live a century - love a century” included stories that tell about the life of people on Baikal and nature.

In the late 1960s, the young Rasputin Valentin Grigoryevich was admitted to the ranks of the Union of Writers of the USSR, whose biography is replenished with new works: “Money for Mary”, the story “Deadline” and many others. Distinctive features these and all subsequent creations of the author became the theme Siberian village, love description life common people, traditions and moral conflicts.

Rasputin writes about his grandparents in the story "Vasily and Vasilisa". As the writer admitted, the image of his grandmother lives in the old woman Anna in the work “Deadline”, and in the old Daria from “Farewell to Matera”. Rasputin Valentin Grigoryevich, whose biography began in the Russian village and was closely connected with it all his life, admits that almost all books contain the stories of the lives of his fellow villagers and his native village.

In 1974, the story “Live and Remember” was published, in which the writer reflects on how an ordinary village resident Andrei Guskov could desert and betray. Thanks to this work and the story "Fire", Rasputin twice becomes a laureate of the USSR State Prize.

In 2007, the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" 3rd degree for many years of creativity and active participation in the development Russian literature Rasputin Valentin Grigorievich was awarded.

A brief biography of him was presented here. To this day it is active civil position, advocating the protection of nature and Lake Baikal, he writes articles for newspapers and magazines.

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