Patriarchal Literary Prize. Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church: News of the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church


On May 22, in Moscow, in the hall of church cathedrals of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the presentation of the annual Patriarch literary prize. This wonderful event was attended by a delegation from the Yaroslavl Metropolis, which included Rybinsk journalists.

The Patriarchal Literary Prize is named after the saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius. And this fact has a deep meaning: it was the works of the Thessalonica brothers that gave a significant impetus to the intellectual, spiritual, cultural development Slavic peoples and contributed to their familiarization with the rich heritage of Byzantium and Rome.



In the three years that have passed since the establishment of the Patriarchal Literary Prize named after Saints Cyril and Methodius Equal to the Apostles, it has become a significant event in public life countries. Exactly so - not only church life, or only literary, but in general - public. Because, firstly, it draws the attention of society to the state of modern literature, which is very important for such a “literary-centric” country as Russia has always been. Secondly, this award unites not only under the arches of the hall of church cathedrals, but also in general - in this direction of public attention - people living in the church and the church, along with everyone else - reading, writing, rooting for the fate of the country and the world . Thirdly, by highlighting certain authors, the Patriarchal Literary Prize allows the reader to become aware of the main topics of today, reflected in contemporary literature.

When choosing the laureates of this award, not only the literary achievements of the authors are taken into account, but also their public position, creative contribution in the matter of strengthening the moral principle in a person, affirming Christian ideals and values. Vladimir Krupin, Olesya Nikolaeva, Viktor Nikolaev were the laureates of the previous years. Among the nominees Patriarchal Prize- Yuri Ganichev, Boris Ekimov, Alexei Solonitsyn, Archpriest Artemy Vladimirov, Alexander Yakovlev, Archpriest Vladimir Chugunov and other authors.

22 candidates were nominated for the 2013 Patriarchal Literary Prize. At the end of March, a meeting of the Council of Experts took place, which formed a short list of nominees for the award. And so, on May 22, 2013, in the Hall of Church Councils of the Cathedral Cathedral of Christ the Savior, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' led the solemn ceremony of electing and awarding the laureates of the Patriarchal Literary Prize named after Saints Cyril and Methodius Equal to the Apostles.


Patriarchal Literary Prize. HALL OF CHURCH CATHEDRALS

The very structure of the Hall of church cathedrals is amazing. In it, except for a small stage - a podium, the same parterre and amphitheaters that are in every socio-cultural complex of this kind. But there are no doors in the hall, just as there are no walls! Its space seems to be wide open, the hall of cathedrals is connected by several glass galleries with halls and corridors, from where the viewer or participant can also watch the event. Oddly enough, there is no strict discipline for the viewer. Movement around the room is quite acceptable. Moreover, there are many children among those present, who, as you know, do not always manage to sit still. But at the same time, for some reason, they do not interfere with everyone else watching what is happening. Sounds seem to absorb environment. But everything that happens on the stage, the viewer sees and hears in the fullness of what is happening.

And now the Patriarchal choir greets the audience with the Paschal “Christ is risen from the dead…” first in Greek, and then in Church Slavonic, and the heart stops at the purity of this harmonious sound. With the same celebratory exclamation, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill addresses the audience as he opens the ceremony of presenting the Patriarchal Literary Prize...


His Holiness the Patriarch named the nominees for the award " real ascetics of the spirit, contrary to the demands of fashion, striving to remain faithful to God, loyalty to their people, loyalty to the traditions in which they were brought up as citizens and as writers". He also noted that these people most often do not pursue any ratings or fabulous fees. " But it is precisely on such ascetic writers, on such a “small herd”, in the language of Holy Scripture, in modern literary movement continues to this day the national word culture, - he said. — The seeds, once thrown on Slavic soil by the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles brothers Cyril and Methodius, gave abundant shoots in various areas. folk life. One of these shoots was classical Russian literature, deeply rooted in the Cyril and Methodius tradition. national literature is a reflection of the historical path that the people who created it passed. We all know well that for centuries the cultural path of the Russian people was determined by Orthodox faith. Classical Russian literature was invariably based on the ideals and values ​​given to man in divine revelation. A.S. Pushkin said that "genius should strive for Heaven." It is this aspiration to Heaven, intense reflections about God, His creation, about man, about the search for God, and the relationship of man with God, the incessant search for truth that became the features that determined the originality of Russian literature, and put it among the most important phenomena of world culture.».

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill called the current outcome of Russian history at the end of the 20th century the isolation of the Russian people from the value paradigm that has determined them for centuries. national identity. Literature ceased to be a source moral ideas, one of the important means of a person's knowledge of himself and the world around him. Quoting Vyach. Ivanov, who argued that literature responds to the demands of the time with a gradual reassessment of values, His Holiness the Patriarch noted that modern literature has responded to today's world with a loss of values, both ethical and aesthetic. And the postmodern culture that exists today is a culture of relativity, a culture of anti-values. " This culture does not accept a sacred dimension human life , - he said. — In this culture and literature, the boundaries of good and evil are blurred so much that it smells of the spirit of the apocalypse. Postmodern culture is incapable of inferring modern man from the deep moral and spiritual crisis in which he found himself. Why? Because a culture built on the denial of the experience of previous generations, on the denial of traditions, the destruction of eternal moral truths, on the postulation of the relativity of moral norms is a priori destructive, and plunges people into terrible spiritual chaos. That's why it's not viable. Only that which bears goodness in itself, that which fertilizes the individual and society, is viable. Proof of this is the rich cultural heritage left to us by the great Slavic first teachers.».

Discussing further how it is possible to combine the spiritual experience of the past with the categories of perception of a modern person, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill said that he thinks the most successful answer to this question is Priest George Florovsky, who considered it necessary to include patristic values ​​in modern culture. « Having creatively assimilated the experience of the holy ascetics, to strive into the future - such a model, I am convinced, is applicable to modern literature and to the whole culture as a whole.- said His Holiness the Patriarch, and, noting the efforts of modern Russian writers defending moral values, concluded: " We hope that our joint work will serve to educate readers.”


The award ceremony was built, frankly, ingeniously and simply. The viewer barely has time to take a breath. As soon as the jury members start voting, and the counting commission, consisting of three people - Archpriest Nikolai Agafonov, editor of Literaturka Yuri Polyakov, President of the Russian State Library Viktor Fedorov - to the counting of votes, detailed videos about the nominees appear on the screens in the hall. All together they are like a further program of action for the thoughtful reader. But first, let's name the winners. The winners of the Patriarchal Literary Prize in 2013 are: Doctor of Philology, teacher of Moscow State University and the Literary Institute, author of a number of books from the series “Life wonderful people» Alexey Varlamov, poet and writer, author of twenty books, editor of the literary, artistic and socio-political magazine "Our Contemporary" Stanislav Kunyaev, as well as a writer and public figure, historian, author of a number of books in the ZhZL series, including biographies of Saints Cyril and Methodius Equal to the Apostles, editor of the journal Tobolsk and All Siberia Yuri Loshchits.

In addition to them, in the short list of the award were present and received diplomas of nominees doctor historical sciences, science fiction writer Dmitry Volodikhin, poet and literary critic, lecturer at the Literary Institute and editor of the well-known almanac "Poetry" Gennady Krasnikov, Professor of the Department of Philology at the University of Szeged (Hungary), author of seven books on the relationship between Russian icons and Russian literature Valery Lepakhin, journalist and writer, author popular books Natalya Sukhinina, archpriest Alexander Torik, the author of the repeatedly republished books "Flavian", "Dimon" and others, enjoying high reader confidence.

Among the nominees for the award was a writer and journalist from Serbia, chairman of the Foundation named after Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna Olga Kulikovskaya - Romanova, for which our Yaroslavl delegation was “rooting”. Olga Nikolaevna has been to the Yaroslavl region more than once. For many years she directed all her efforts to establishing the truth about the royal Romanov dynasty and glorifying the saints. royal martyrs, as well as the unification of the Foreign and Russian Orthodox Churches. Here are the words from her brief speech. “There is no fiction in my books,” said Olga Nikolaevna. - They are lived and written as before God - for the Russian reader. “Let the voice of the people be the voice of God,” as the poet said. I believe that the time will come when Russian literature will return to the high verb, and, like a bell, will call the people to unity in time of trouble. And then the day of Russian triumph will surely come.”

In conclusion, let us quote the words of another nominee, Gennady Krasnikov, who, as it were, summed up his reflections on the fate of the writer in Russia. “In Russian literature, the fate of an artist depends on his mission,” he said. - Once Yevgeny Baratynsky remarked: "Giving is an assignment, and not fulfilling it is a sin." It turns out that as you dispose of your talent, so will your fate "...

... When the award ceremony ended, few passers-by on Volkhonka at that moment witnessed an amazing spectacle - after a rainstorm, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior turned out to be inscribed in the very center of a large rainbow.

Anna Romanova, magazine editor

"Fish Village"

Our reference:

The Patriarchal Literary Prize named after Saints Cyril and Methodius Equal-to-the-Apostles was established by the decision of the Holy Synod of December 25, 2009 (magazine No. 115) in order to encourage writers who have made a significant contribution to the affirmation of spiritual and moral values ​​in the life of a modern person, family and society, who have created highly artistic works who enriched Russian literature. This award has no analogues in the history of Russian Orthodox Church and in the practice of other Local Orthodox Churches.

The award is intended to promote the development of interaction between the Russian Orthodox Church and the literary community, especially those writers who, with their work, establish the foundations Christian faith. The Primates of Local Orthodox Churches, heads of self-governing Churches within the Moscow Patriarchate, diocesan bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church, bodies state power CIS and Baltic countries, synodal institutions of the Russian Orthodox Church, as well as editorial offices of literary magazines.

The decision of the Holy Synod of July 26, 2010 (magazine No. 78) approved the composition of the Chamber of Trustees of the Prize.

Responsibility for all activities related to the selection of the Prize nominees, as well as the preparation of meetings of the Chamber of Trustees, the Council of Experts and the organization of the solemn ceremony for the election and awarding of the laureate of the Patriarchal Literary Prize, rests with the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Anna Romanova

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Speeches and interviews

I hope that our joint work will serve to educate readers, readers who would be alien to the aesthetic unpretentiousness and consumer attitude to literature. I am sure that it is precisely such creativity, which I have just mentioned, that will help awaken public interest in books that spiritually elevate a person, testify to the need to be guided in life by God-given ideals of love and kindness.

Metropolitan Kliment of Kaluga and Borovsk, Chairman of the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, gave an interview to Rossiyskaya Gazeta.
The Church has two ways of communicating Christian truths to people. The first is the Gospel and the writings of the holy fathers, and the second is the lives of the saints and fiction, carrying the ideas of goodness and love...


Laureates and nominees

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Regulations on the Patriarchal Literary Prize named after Saints Cyril and Methodius Equal to the Apostles

1. General Provisions.

1.1. “The Patriarchal Literary Prize named after Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius was established to encourage writers who have made a significant contribution to the affirmation of spiritual and moral values ​​in the life of a modern person, family and society, who have created highly artistic works that have enriched Russian literature.

1.2. The Saints Cyril and Methodius Equal-to-the-Apostles Award was established by the Holy Synod on the initiative of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus'. (Journal No. 115 of the meeting of the Holy Synod of December 25, 2009.)

1.3. The prize is awarded annually. The announcement of the start of the next premium season is carried out through the funds mass media.

1.4. The prize is awarded in the nomination "For a significant contribution to the development of Russian literature."

1.5. One award is given annually.

1.6. Paperwork and organization relating to the Patriarchal Literary Prize are entrusted to the apparatus of the Publishing Council.

1.7. The Regulations on the Prize and all amendments to it are approved by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'.

1.8. The body responsible for awarding the Prize is the Chamber of Trustees of the Prize.

2. Chamber of Trustees.

2.1. The Chamber of Trustees of the Prize is formed by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' and the Holy Synod. It includes representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church and the literary community, public figures, figures of science and culture.

2.2. Chamber of Trustees:

Makes a decision on granting the Prize;

Forms the Council of Experts and determines the procedure for its work;

Sets the amount of the material component of the Prize;

Approves the sketch (layout) of the commemorative award badge and the form of the Prize diploma.

2.3. The Chamber of Trustees is chaired by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'.

2.4. The Secretary of the Chamber of Trustees is the Chairman of the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church.

2.5. The secretary of the Chamber of Trustees is responsible for the organization of the work of the Chamber and office work.

3. Council of experts.

3.1. The Board of Experts is formed by the House of Trustees.

3.2. The Council of Experts is headed by a chairman appointed by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'.

3.3. The Secretary of the Council of Experts is elected at the first meeting of the Council.

3.4. The Secretary of the Council of Experts keeps minutes of the meetings and is responsible for the paperwork of the Council.

3.5. Expert advice:

Carries out the selection of candidates and proposes them for consideration by the Chamber of Trustees as nominees.

4. Procedure for nominating candidates for the Prize.

4.1. The heads of Local Churches, heads of self-governing Churches within the Moscow Patriarchate, diocesan bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church, state authorities of the CIS and Baltic countries, Synodal institutions of the Russian Orthodox Church, editorial offices of literary magazines of the CIS and Baltic countries have the right to nominate candidates for the Prize.

4.2. A candidate may be nominated for the Prize again.

4.3. When nominating candidates for the Prize, the following materials are provided:

4.3.1. Letter of nomination in free form on the letterhead of the organization;

4.3.2. Questionnaire, the form and sample of which will be presented on the website of the Publishing Council. The application form must contain the following information:

─ information about the organization that nominates a candidate for the Prize, the necessary contact numbers and addresses,

─ biography of the candidate indicating the last name, first name, patronymic, list of the most significant works,

Motivation for nominating a candidate for the Prize.

4.3.3. A literary work (works) that are offered for decision-making on the awarding of their authors.

4.3.4. Written consent of the candidate for his nomination as a candidate for the Prize.

4.4. All candidates nominated for the Prize are registered by the Publishing Council. Candidates are accepted for consideration by the Council of Experts, the full package of materials for which was sent by mail or delivered to the address of the Publishing Council no later than the deadline for receiving materials.

4.5. A candidate nominated for the Prize has the right to withdraw his candidacy from consideration by sending a personal application to the Publishing Council addressed to the Secretary of the Prize's House of Trustees.

5. Determination of laureates and procedure for their awarding.

5.1. The winners of the Prize are determined by a simple majority vote of the members of the House of Trustees. Voting can be open or closed. The question of the method of voting is taken by the Chamber of Trustees of the Prize on the proposal of the Chairman.

5.2. The decision of the Chamber of Trustees is announced at the award ceremony in the presence of representatives of the media and is published on the website.

5.3. Prize winners are awarded sets consisting of a commemorative award badge, a diploma and a certificate of the monetary part of the Prize.

5.4. The solemn ceremony of awarding the Prize is timed to coincide with the Days Slavic writing and culture.

6. Timing of the award process.

6.1. Reception of candidates for the Prize begins on the day of the announcement of the Prize winners.

6.2. Information about the deadlines for admission is published on the website of the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church.

7. Taxes and fees.

7.1. The Chamber of Trustees of the Prize provides information about the Prize winners to the Federal tax service Russia in accordance with the current legislation Russian Federation. The Laureates are liable to pay out of the Prize amount all taxes and fees established on the territory of the Russian Federation, in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


On March 28, 2017, in the Red Hall of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' chaired a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Patriarchal Literary Prize named after Saints Cyril and Methodius Equal to the Apostles.

An article by Metropolitan Kliment of Kaluga and Borovsk, published in Literaturnaya Gazeta, tells about the books of the winners of the Patriarchal Literary Prize.

On March 6, 2017, in the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, under the chairmanship of Metropolitan Kliment of Kaluga and Borovsk, a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Patriarchal Literary Prize named after Saints Cyril and Methodius was held.

The acceptance of documents for the title of laureate of the seventh premium season of the Patriarchal Literary Prize named after Saints Cyril and Methodius is continuing.

On June 27, 2016, the Publishing Council chaired by Metropolitan Kliment of Kaluga and Borovsk round table on the topic: "Prospects for the development of the Patriarchal Literary Prize."

On May 25, 2016, a round table dedicated to the Patriarchal Literary Prize took place on the air of the Evening Moscow network broadcast.

May 20, 2016 at the Saratov State technical university named after Yu.A. Gagarin held a meeting with students of the poet, publicist, essayist, literary critic, art historian, author of 19 books of poetry and numerous publications in magazines " New world”, “Banner”, “Continent”, “October”, “Friendship of Peoples” - Yuri Kublanovsky.

On May 20, 2016, as part of the cultural and business program of the book exhibition-forum "Joy of the Word" at the Saratov Social and Economic Institute of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov met with the poet, prose writer, publicist, laureate of the Patriarchal Literary Prize Olesya Nikolaeva.

On May 18, 2016, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' led the solemn ceremony of electing and awarding the laureates of the Patriarchal Literary Prize named after Saints Cyril and Methodius Equal to the Apostles. After the presentation of the nominees, the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church addressed the audience with a word.

On May 18, 2016, in the Hall of Church Councils of the Cathedral Church of Christ the Savior in Moscow, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' presided over the sixth ceremony of electing and awarding laureates of the Patriarchal Literary Prize named after Saints Cyril and Methodius Equal to the Apostles.

On March 28, 2017, in the Red Hall of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, a short list of candidates for the 2017 Patriarchal Literary Prize named after Saints Cyril and Methodius was approved. Today we briefly talk about each nominee.

Prose of Priest Yaroslav Shipov

Archpriest Yaroslav Shipov is a nominee for the 2017 Patriarchal Literary Prize.

Yaroslav Alekseevich Shipov was born in 1947 to a family of journalists who went through the Great Patriotic War. He spent his childhood and youth in Moscow, where in 1974 he graduated from the creative seminar of S. Zalygin at the Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky. Lessons from a recognized master of prose, classes in a seminar with I. Evseenko, G. Bazhenov, S. Rybas and other future famous writers helped Shipov find his unique style storytelling that he honed over the years.

In 1976, his first story, Journey to the Front Line, was published in the Rural Youth magazine. In 1981, the publishing house Molodaya Gvardiya, which actively printed young authors, published Shipov's first book with the same name (according to the first published story) title. For her, the young writer was awarded the honorary prize named after A.M. Gorky, awarded by the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League and the Writers' Union of the USSR.

In 1983 he was admitted to the Writers' Union of the USSR. During these years, Shipov worked at the Sovremennik publishing house in the editorial office of modern Russian prose. His books “It was the third day” (1984), “Western outskirts” (1986), “County miracle worker” (1990) say that he came to Russian literature interesting writer, actively working in the genre of the story, true to realistic traditions, non-vainly and seriously peering into the modern day, art form resolving spiritual and moral conflicts and collisions. Shipov heartfeltly, with lyrical enthusiasm, talks about the Russian provinces, about the difficult fate of his heroes, masterfully describes native nature. The writer is actively published in the magazines "Our Contemporary", "Moscow", "Rise", "Russian House", "Literary Study", in the newspapers "Literaturnaya Gazeta" and " Literary Russia”, in book almanacs and collective collections.

From his youth he was fond of fishing and hunting. For the convenience of hunting, I bought in the village of the Vologda region an old house. He came to faith in the late 1980s, and was baptized in 1987. Later, with the blessing of his spiritual father, he helped the villagers return a dilapidated church to the Russian Orthodox Church.

In 1991, he became the rector of the transferred church - and then he was engaged in the restoration of three more parishes. At the time, he was only writing articles for the local paper about church holidays, saints, orthodox traditions.

In 1995 he returned to Moscow for health reasons. In 2000, he published a collection of short stories “No Right to Refuse” - about the life of an Orthodox priest in the Russian outback. Then there were collections: "Length of Days" (2002), "Paradise Farms" (2007), "Forest Desert" (2009), "First Prayer" (2010), "Paradise Farms and Other Stories" (2012), Skysick (2013), Spring Dream (2016)

Father Yaroslav considers his literary work as a continuation of the priestly sermon. His stories are written in a professional, entertaining, beautiful Russian language, with warm humor. Their heroes are our contemporaries, who are looking for the meaning of life, are affirmed in faith, and lead others to it.

Missionary novels by Alexander Tkachenko

Alexander Tkachenko is a nominee for the 2017 Patriarchal Literary Prize.

Born in 1967 in the city of Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky, Kyiv region. In 1992 he graduated from the Kaluga College of Culture. From 2009 to 2014 - editor of the section "Faith" in the journal "Foma", in which for more than ten years he has been publishing his apologetic works in almost every issue. Their peculiarity is that they are written in the beautiful Russian literary language, thanks to which they are very well perceived even by unchurched readers.

Author of more than 300 publications in various media, including a series of articles on domestic literature and its connection with Orthodox tradition. In 2010, he became a laureate of the IV Festival of Orthodox Media "Faith and Word".

In 2014 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy. IN currently works as a literary editor in the publishing house of children's literature "Nastya and Nikita". Father of four children.

Among the author's most significant books are: "Butterfly in the Palm", "Tears Flying to Heaven", "Corrector of Evil", "Saving the Hopeless", "What to ask God for". These books are not strictly fiction, rather, these are apologetic and missionary novels. Nevertheless, the success of the books with readers is due, not least, to the unique literary style of the author, which made the story of Christian doctrine accessible and interesting even for people far from the Church.

Also, the author has been writing books for children for many years. Apart from own works, he, almost from the day of his foundation, has been the literary editor of the series of children's literature "Nastya and Nikita", in which about two hundred original books written by various authors have already been published. Books in this series are known to parents, teachers and librarians in various parts of our country, since the series was for several years an appendix to the Orthodox magazine "Foma" and was distributed by subscription.

The success of "Nastya and Nikita" with readers was possible, among other things, thanks to the many years of work of its literary editor. In addition to the usual editorial work with texts, the proposed nominee for the award made available to children the unique stories of Fr. Fyodor Konyukhov, turning them into four exciting children's books.

Separately, I would like to note the work of the nominee at the Nikea publishing house on the children's series Lives of the Saints Arranged for Children. Alexander Tkachenko wrote for her more than half of all published books, and, in fact, is the creator of the literary style of this series, which tells children about the life of the saint. The Christian feat of the saints of our Church is revealed in a form understandable to the child, with elements artistic narrative. Each of the books is written in such a way that the example of the saints helps children form important spiritual qualities necessary for a Christian. For five years of its existence, the series has been a constant success with readers.

About the books of prose writer Boris Sporov

Boris Sporov is a nominee for the 2017 Patriarchal Literary Prize.

Born on October 8, 1934 in the city of Aktyubinsk, with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, he went to school, finished 4 classes and then immediately began working at a defense plant. In 1945, after the return of his father from the front, he moved to central Russia, to his homeland, in Nizhny Novgorod(then Gorky), then to the village of Lyskovo. From 1948-1957 worked at the construction of the Gorkovskaya hydroelectric power station as a carpenter, electric welder, fitter, assembler.

In 1957 he was arrested and sentenced to four years under the political article “propaganda and agitation against Soviet power”, for speaking at a Komsomol conference with a proposal to dissolve the Komsomol as a political and unnecessary organization. In the camp where he was serving his sentence, he completed the course high school by receiving a certificate. After his release, he successfully graduated literary institute them. A.M. Gorky.

After graduating from the institute, he worked as a teacher of labor in a boarding school. A year later, he worked as a teacher of Russian language and literature in village school. After the closing of the school, he switched to educational work in a boarding school in the city of Vladimir. He was soon rehabilitated.

He worked as a journalist in newspapers, Moscow magazines "Our Contemporary", "Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate", publishing houses "Sovremennik", " Father's house". He published his first book in 1984. In 1987 he was admitted to the Writers' Union of the USSR.

He is a laureate of a number of awards: the Orthodox Literary Prize named after the Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky for the book "Heirs" in 2006; Prize of the Union of Writers of Russia. E. Volodin "Imperial Culture" for the book "Cuckoo's Tears" in 2007; medal to them. A.P. Chekhov from the Writers' Union of Russia. Diploma winner of the competition "Enlightenment through the book" held by the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church for the book "The Siege", 2009.

He is the author of the following works: "The Warrior of Christ: Saint Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky)" (Publishing House of the Moscow Patriarchate), "Father and Father" (Publishing House of the Moscow Patriarchate), "Exit", "Seven Kasyanov", "Antonov Fire", "After the War ”,“ Heirs ”,“ On the way to faith ”,“ Fedor ”. Published many articles about Pushkin, Gogol, Lermontov, Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov and authors Soviet period. Published in the magazines: "Moscow", "Roman-magazine 21st century", "Native Ladoga".

Boris Sporov masterfully intertwines social and spiritual problems in his works: the characters think about death, eternity, strive to unravel the mystery of being, to understand what family happiness is, what is more important, career, success or children, loved ones. Answers are born the most different. Some heroes never overcome their selfishness, cruel attitude to relatives; demonstrate the inability of the "littered" mind to understand the main thing, the inability to perform a good, worthy deed. Others strive and know how to truly live: to love, to learn, to share knowledge, to wait, to lose, but to regain hope and be true to themselves. The complex collisions that arise in the fate of the heroes and characters of the book help to look closely at the circumstances of the spiritual life of the recent past and present, as well as to suggest ways of its development in the future. The writer's works are distinguished by their action-packed nature, depth of penetration into the theme, and pictorial language.

Talented storyteller Viktor Likhonosov

Viktor Likhonosov is a nominee for the 2017 Patriarchal Literary Prize.

Viktor Ivanovich Likhonosov was born on April 30, 1936 at the Topki station (now the Kemerovo region). Baby and youth spent in Novosibirsk. In 1943, his father died at the front, and the seven-year-old boy experienced all the hardships of fatherlessness. A native of Siberia, fate throws him south, to the Kuban, where from 1956 to 1961 the future author studied at the Faculty of History and Philology of the Krasnodar Pedagogical Institute. According to Viktor Ivanovich, his favorite pastime in student years was reading, "in the evenings I sat in the tiny reading room of the hostel." It has also become one of the favorite places for reading for the future writer. reading room regional library. A. S. Pushkin. He enthusiastically reads the works of Russian and foreign classical literature, literary magazines "New World", "Our Contemporary", "Moscow", "Questions of Literature" and others, "Literary Newspaper.

Immediately after graduation, he worked as a teacher in special boarding schools in Krasnodar Territory: Art. Varenikovskaya Crimean region and the village. Vinogradny, Anapa region. From that time began his "first literary trials."

His first story "Bryansk", sent to the "New World" by A. T. Tvardovsky, was published in 1963 in the eleventh issue of this magazine, immediately making the young writer famous throughout the country. In 2003, the story "Bryansk" was included in the collection "Masterpieces of Russian literature of the twentieth century."

The entry into great literature of Viktor Likhonosov was swift. One after another in Moscow, Novosibirsk, Krasnodar, his books of novels, stories, essays are published: “Evenings”, “Something will happen”, “Voices in silence”, “Happy moments”, “Autumn in Taman”, “Clean eyes” , "Relatives", "Elegy". In 1966 he was admitted to the Writers' Union of the USSR.

Very early, famous critics spoke about Viktor Likhonosov, who noted his ability to skillfully merge word and music, sadness and delight, pride and sorrow, burning modernity and irrelevant historical material. Yu. Seleznev, O. Mikhailov, V. Chalmaev, A. Nuikin, O. Kuchkina, N. Mashovets gave the highest rating to his work. Tvardovsky wrote that "Likhonosov's prose shines like Bunin's."

Since 1978, Likhonosov has been silent for ten whole years, working on his main novel about the fate of the Russian Cossacks, Unwritten Memoirs. Our little Paris" (1986). This lyric-epic canvas, connecting the present with the past, has become a literary monument to Yekaterinodar.

The literary work of Likhonosov has state awards: Order of the Badge of Honor (1984) and Order of Friendship (1996). In 2006, the writer was awarded one of top awards Russian Orthodox Church order Reverend Sergius Radonezh 3rd degree.

Viktor Ivanovich is an honorary citizen of the city of Krasnodar, has the title of "Hero of Labor of the Kuban", laureate of the regional literary awards. Ya. G. Kukharenko (1993) and them. K. V. Rossinsky (1996). His name in Big Soviet Encyclopedia(1979) and the Bolshoi encyclopedic dictionary Russia (2003) and numerous literary encyclopedias. The works of V. I. Likhonosov have been translated into European languages: English, French, German, Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Romanian, Bulgarian and others.

Vasily Dvortsov - prose writer, poet, publicist

Vasily Dvortsov is a nominee for the 2017 Patriarchal Literary Prize.

Born on February 15, 1960 in the city of Tomsk. Since 1983 he has been working as an artist-restorer. In addition to team work on the restoration of churches, he personally painted two churches in Siberia. Painted and restored several hundred icons throughout Russia. He entered professional literature at the age of forty. Today Dvortsov is the author of epic prose and poetry who had a significant impact on the national literary process.

The work of the prose writer, poet and publicist Vasily Dvortsov is an example of the arrival and establishment of new Russian literature - church-bound literature. Responding to all the challenges of the time, responding to all the pains and joys of his people and Fatherland, not shying away from the most acute topics and complex tasks, Vasily Dvortsov expands the Orthodox cultural space investing the talent given to him from above in the cause of enlightenment, in the preaching of Christian ideals by means of the beauty and power of the Russian word. The heroes of Dvortsov's works are always effectively moral, and through their purposeful truth-seeking, without unnecessary didactics and without leaving the genre framework of secular literature, the author leads the reader to the highest motivations, to an understanding of the priceless gift of God - human life.

In addition to his personal writing, Vasily Dvortsov devotes a lot of his spiritual energy to working with young prose writers and poets: he is the president of the All-Russian festival-competition "Poetry of the Russian Word" (Anapa), the organizer and leader of the All-Russian Nekrasov seminars for novice writers (N. Novgorod), the organizer and chairman of the jury of the All-Russian festival-competition "Crystal Spring" (Eagle), chairman of the jury international festival Slavic poetry "Shores of Friendship" (Taganrog), head of Krasnodar and other regional seminars, festivals and competitions for young writers. He constantly speaks on the problems of preserving traditions and developing the Russian language, literature and Russian culture.

He is the author of works (main): "Az Buki knew ..." - a novel-judgment about the political passions of the early 90s; the novel "Cain's knee" - a study of modern theater and the fatality of soulless acting; the novel-encyclopedia "Terra Obdoria" - a book from a tetralogy about the fate of the last Soviet generation, which fell to the lot of changes and fractures in the political and social system; the story “Life and joy reigned all around” a reflection on the spiritual searches of modern youth, on the eternal complexity of the relationship between fathers and children; “Then, when it happens” - a story about recent events in Chechnya, about military feat self-sacrifice; romantic story"Angel Angelina" - about church restoration in the USSR. "Endless Patericon" ("Manefa") - stories about the uniqueness of the ways of gaining faith and becoming a monk by the author's acquaintances and friends. The collection "Sunday Theater Plays" is an example of the possibility of modern moral dramaturgy. The poem "Right World" glorifies the feat of the writer's grandfather, Kuban Cossack, a cavalry officer who went through the entire Patriotic War.

The works of Vasily Dvortsov have been awarded with many all-Russian and international literary prizes, including those of the Holy Right-Believing Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky. His novels and stories were repeatedly reprinted, his poems were included in the anthologies Russian Poetry. XXI century” and “Prayers of Russian poets. XX-XXI". Based on the poem "Ermak", an opera of the same name was written.

Historian and writer Dmitry Volodikhin

Dmitry Volodikhin is a nominee for the 2017 Patriarchal Literary Prize.

Born in the family of an officer of the border troops of the USSR and a teacher in Moscow. In 1986 he graduated from school number 39 in Moscow. In 1987-1989 he served as a private in the Air Defense Forces of the Group Soviet troops in Germany.

In 1986-1993 he was a student of the Faculty of History of the Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov and, later, a graduate student of Moscow State University.

Specializes in the history of medieval Rus', archival science, paleography. Since 1991 he has been working at the Department of Source Studies and Historiography of Moscow State University. Since 1994, he has been a member of the editorial and publishing board of the Institute of Special historical disciplines Russian Academy natural sciences. Since 1995 - candidate of historical sciences. He defended his dissertation based on materials from the archive of the Moscow Patriarchal House. Since 2011 - Doctor of Historical Sciences. He defended his dissertation "The social composition of the high command of the armed forces of Russia in the 1530-1570s." In 2014 he was approved as a professor.

Lives in Moscow. Has been married since 2000. In 2001 he received the Holy Sacrament of Baptism. He defines his socio-political views as statist and imperial. According to Dmitry Volodikhin, "Patriotism is the main refuge of decent people." He is one of the modern theorists of the civilizational approach in Russian historical science.

In 1995-2001 taught a number of training courses at the University of the Russian Academy of Education. In 1995, he received the 1st prize at the Competition for Young Scientists of Moscow State University for the book "The Struggle for Polotsk between Lithuania and Russia in the 12th-16th centuries", written jointly with D.N. Alexandrov.

In 1993-2007 - editor, deputy editor-in-chief, executive director of the Avanta + publishing house. Head of the Anthology of World Children's Literature and Anthology of World Fiction projects. He worked as an editor in the publishing house "Planeta". In 2007-2008 - Editor of the culture department in the socio-political publication "Political Journal". From 1997 to 2009 he headed his own publishing house "Manufactura". Founder and Chief Editor(1997-2001) magazine " Russian Middle Ages". From 2008 to 2012 - Deputy editor-in-chief in the historical and cultural journal "Own" Nikita Mikhalkov.

In 2013, he was awarded the Russian Academic Prize named after Metropolitan Makariy (Bulgakov) of Moscow and Kolomna for his monograph Pozharsky.

D.M. Volodikhin created scientific and artistic "portraits" of St. Philip, Metropolitan of Moscow, St. Hermogenes, Patriarch of Moscow, the holy noble princes Peter and Fevronia of Murom, the leaders of the zemstvo liberation movement of 1612, Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky and Prince Dmitry Timofeevich Trubetskoy, Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich, the commander of the prince Ivan Petrovich Shuisky and other major personalities of Moscow Russia.

From a literary point of view, these essays are written with high quality, and from the point of view of morality they give our contemporaries a good example of serving God and the fatherland. In all these essays, the position of the author of an Orthodox person and patriot is clearly expressed. Through the images of the great historical figures who lived according to the Gospel Commandments, the author seeks to strengthen the Christian ethical ideal in the minds of our contemporaries.

About the work of Irina Bogdanova

Irina Bogdanova is a nominee for the 2017 Patriarchal Literary Prize.

Born October 5, 1957 in the family of an officer Soviet army and teachers of the Russian language and literature - the granddaughters of the New Martyr. After school, she graduated from the Leningrad Higher Pedagogical School No. 4 (full-time department, 1976) and worked as a teacher in a kindergarten. It was the work of a teacher that pushed Irina Anatolyevna to literary activity. Not finding a single book that tells children about Russian in an accessible way folk art she decided to write it herself. To date, the writer has already created several wonderful books that help children get acquainted with native Russian culture.

Then, for family reasons, she went to work at GUPTEK as a gas boiler operator, but then returned to kindergarten from where she retired.

Books by Irina Bogdanova are popular: both children and adults read them willingly. Reflecting on life, the author talks about love and kindness, courage and nobility. Some of the author's works have been published more than once: young readers love magical adventures. There are many such adventures on the pages of books, including “The Big Russian Tale of How Olya and Kolya Saved the Thirtieth Kingdom”, “The Tale of the Zernovushka Doll and Magic Toys”, “The Tale of Merry Miracles and Their Little Mistress”, “Stories from Kotofeysk". To this day, she continues to compose her amazingly kind and magical works for little readers. However, in her creative arsenal there are not only fairy tales, but also journalism and novels: “Life at a glance”, “Three Annas”, “A dream that lasts a summer” and others. Two of them, "Measure of Existence" and "A House Where They Wait for You", were awarded at the competition "Enlightenment through a book". One of the author's books - "Fabulous ABC" - was included in the federal target program "Culture of Russia".

On May 18, 2016, in the Hall of Church Councils of the Cathedral Church of Christ the Savior in Moscow, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' led the sixth ceremony of electing and awarding the laureates of the Patriarchal Literary Prize named after Saints Cyril and Methodius Equal-to-the-Apostles, reports.

The ceremony was attended by representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church: the chairman of the Publishing Council, Metropolitan of Kaluga and Borovsk Kliment, the first vicar of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia for the city of Moscow, Metropolitan Arseniy of Istra, Metropolitan of Tambov and Rasskazovsky Theodosius, the abbot of the St. of the Orthodox Church, Bishop Pavel of Molodechno and Stolbtsovsky, Executive Secretary of the Patriarchal Council for Culture, Bishop Tikhon of Yegoryevsky Stavropegic Monastery of Sretensky, employees of the Publishing Council and other synodal institutions, clergy and monastics.

The event was also attended by Vice President State Duma FS RF S.V. Zheleznyak, First Deputy Head of the United Russia faction, coordinator of the Inter-Factional Deputy Group of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in Defense of Christian Values ​​S.A. Popov, Chairman of the Writers' Union of Russia V.N. Ganichev, President of the International Unity Foundation Orthodox peoples V.A. Alekseev, members of the Chamber of Trustees of the Patriarchal Literary Prize, Russian literary scholars, journalists, leaders and representatives public organizations, cultural figures.

Before the ceremony, creative meetings were held between some of the winners of the Patriarchal Literary Prize of previous years and the guests of the event.

Distributed to all those present special issue magazine of the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church "Orthodox Book Review", dedicated to the Patriarchal Literary Prize and the nominees of 2016. This issue contains photographs biographical information, excerpts from works and interviews, as well as a selected bibliography of the nominees.

On the Soyuz TV channel there was a live broadcast from the Hall of Church Cathedrals.

IN musical accompaniment choir participated in the ceremony Valaam Monastery, who opened the evening with the performance of the troparion of the Resurrection of the Lord.

The ceremony began with a demonstration of a film dedicated to the history of the Patriarchal Literary Prize named after Saints Cyril and Methodius Equal to the Apostles.

In 2016, 50 candidates were submitted for the title of laureate of the award.

March 3 this year At a meeting of the Chamber of Trustees of the Patriarchal Literary Prize, an extended list of candidates for the 2016 Prize was determined.

The participants of the meeting of the Chamber of Trustees of the Prize, which took place on April 12 under the chairmanship of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, approved the short list of nominees for the 2016 Prize, which included:

  • Priest Nikolai Blokhin;
  • Gromov Alexander Vitalievich;
  • Ekimov Boris Petrovich;
  • Karpov Alexey Yurievich;
  • nun Euphemia (Pashchenko);
  • Sergeev Valery Nikolaevich;
  • Tarasov Boris Nikolaevich;
  • Archpriest Andrey Tkachev.

The Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church addressed the participants of the ceremony with the First Hierarch's word.

Then the elections of the laureates of the Patriarchal Prize took place, which were determined by secret ballot of the members of the Chamber of Trustees of the Prize. The votes were counted by the counting commission, which included: A.N. Varlamov, writer, philologist, researcher of the history of Russian literature of the 20th century, laureate of the Patriarchal Literary Prize in 2013; V.A. Voropaev, literary critic, professor at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov; V.N. Nikolaev, writer, laureate of the Great Literary Prize of Russia, laureate of the Patriarchal Literary Prize in 2012.

His Holiness the Patriarch presented each laureate with a diploma and badges of the Patriarchal Literary Prize.

The laureates of the 2016 Prize addressed with words of gratitude to His Holiness, members of the Chamber of Trustees of the Prize and all participants of the solemn ceremony.

Then the nominees for the award were invited to the stage, and the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church presented them with certificates and memorable gifts.

His Holiness Vladyka again addressed the audience:

“Dear laureates! Dear nominees! Dear participants of the solemn ceremony!

I congratulate all of us on this bright, kind and, it seems to me, very necessary event for our people.

We noted creative way wonderful authors. Through this award, I hope, many people will know their names. Therefore my special word thanks to the participants of the award - both laureates and nominees.

I would like to wish you, dear writers, God's help in your difficult task, so that you always have the strength to burn people's hearts with a verb, so that you always have the courage to see the truth and, if necessary, fight for the truth. To always have enough health, despite age and external circumstances of life, to fully reveal their abilities for the benefit of the Church and the Fatherland.

Christ is Risen!"

At the end of the evening, a festive concert was held, in which the winner took part. all-Russian competition"Voice" Hieromonk Photius (Mochalov), choir of the Valaam Monastery ( artistic director A. Zhukov), soloists musical theaters, laureates international competitions vocalists and performers of instrumental music.

The Patriarchal Literary Prize was established by the Holy Synod at a meeting on December 25, 2009 (magazine No. 115) with the aim of encouraging writers who have made a significant contribution to the affirmation of spiritual and moral values ​​in the life of a modern person, family and society, who have created highly artistic works that have enriched Russian literature. This award has no analogues in the history of the Russian Orthodox Church and other Local Orthodox Churches.

The first laureate of the Patriarchal Literary Prize in 2011 was the writer Vladimir Krupin. In the second premium season (2012), Olesya Nikolaeva and Viktor Nikolaev became the winners. In 2013, Alexei Varlamov, Yuri Loshchits and Stanislav Kunyaev were awarded. In the fourth premium season (2014), the winners were Archpriest Nikolai Agafonov, Valentin Kurbatov and Valery Ganichev. In 2015, the prize was awarded to Yuri Bondarev, Yuri Kublanovskiy and Alexander Segen.

On May 11, 2017, in the Hall of Church Councils of the Cathedral Church of Christ the Savior in Moscow, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' led the seventh ceremony of electing and awarding laureates of the Patriarchal Literary Prize named after Saints Cyril and Methodius Equal to the Apostles.

The ceremony was attended by representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church: the manager of the affairs of the Moscow Patriarchate; chairman of the Russian Orthodox Church; the first vicar of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' for the city of Moscow; ; viceroy; Chairman of the Publishing Council; ; Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate; Chief Editor ; deputy manager of affairs of the Moscow Patriarchate; employees of the Publishing Council, the Publishing House of the Moscow Patriarchate and other synodal institutions, clergy and monastics.

The event was also attended by members of the Chamber of Trustees of the Patriarchal Literary Prize, Russian literary critics, journalists, representatives of state and public organizations, and cultural figures.

Acceptance of applications for the competition of the Patriarchal Literary Prize on September 14, 2016. During the seventh premium season, 50 applications were received from various regions of Russia, as well as from Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and Latvia. March 28 this year at a meeting of the Chamber of Trustees of the Patriarchal Literary Prize, a short list of nominees for 2017, which included:

  • Irina Anatolyevna Bogdanova;
  • Dmitry Mikhailovich Volodikhin;
  • Vasily Vladimirovich Dvortsov;
  • Victor Ivanovich Likhonosov;
  • Boris Fedorovich Sporov;
  • Alexander Borisovich Tkachenko;
  • Archpriest Yaroslav Shipov.
  • Bishop Pavel of Molodechno and Stolbtsovsky, Chairman of the Publishing Council of the Belarusian Exarchate;
  • Yu.M. Loshchits, writer, publicist and literary critic, laureate of the Patriarchal Literary Prize;
  • K.P. Kovalev-Sluchevsky, professor at the Institute of Journalism and Literary Creativity, writer.

Then the elections of the laureates of the Patriarchal Literary Prize took place: the members of the House of Trustees filled out the voting ballots. The ballots were handed over to the Counting Commission. The members of the Counting Commission counted the votes, filled out the protocol and handed it over to His Holiness the Patriarch.

His Holiness the Patriarch presented the laureates with a diploma and badges of the Patriarchal Literary Prize.

All the nominees of the 2017 award were also invited to the stage - I.A. Bogdanova, D.M. Volodikhin, V.V. Palaces, A.B. Tkachenko, to whom the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church presented honorary diplomas.

The choir performed the musical accompaniment of the ceremony orphanage"Joy" at the Nikolsky Chernoostrovsky Monastery in the city of Maloyaroslavets, Kaluga Region.

The evening ended with a concert.

The Patriarchal Literary Prize was established by the Holy Synod on December 25, 2009 () with the aim of encouraging writers who have made a significant contribution to the affirmation of spiritual and moral values ​​​​in the life of a modern person, family and society, who have created highly artistic works that have enriched Russian literature. This award has no analogues in the history of the Russian Orthodox Church and other Local Orthodox Churches.

The first laureate of the Patriarchal Literary Prize in 2011 was the writer Vladimir Krupin. In the second premium season (2012), the winners are Olesya Nikolaeva and Viktor Nikolaev. In 2013, Alexey Varlamov, Yuri Loshchits and Stanislav Kunyaev were awarded. In the fourth premium season (2014), the laureates

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