Valentin Rasputin most famous works. Brief biography of Valentin Rasputin


On March 14, the day before his 78th birthday, a remarkable Russian writer, public figure, person passed away. broad soul And good heart- Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin.

Valentin Grigorievich was born in the village of Ust-Uda, East Siberian Region, in peasant family. After graduating from the local primary school, he was forced to leave alone for fifty kilometers from the house where the secondary school was located (this period will later be created famous story). After school, he entered the Faculty of History and Philology of the Irkutsk State University.

Worked in the editorial board of the book series "Literary Monuments of Siberia". In the 1980s, he was a member of the editorial board of the Roman-gazeta magazine. During perestroika, he took an active civic position, had a negative attitude towards liberalism and perestroika reforms. In 1989-1990 he was a People's Deputy of the USSR. The phrase of P. A. Stolypin, quoted by Rasputin in his speech at the First Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR, became the winged formula of counter-perestroika: “You need great shocks. We need a great country." He took the collapse of the USSR as a personal tragedy. In the 2000s he was a member Patriarchal Council by culture. In Irkutsk, he contributed to the opening of the Orthodox female gymnasium, was one of the publishers of the Orthodox-patriotic newspaper Literary Irkutsk.

Some famous works Valentin Rasputin have been filmed since 1969. In particular, these are such stories and novels as “Rudolfio” (1969), “French Lessons” (1978), “Bear Skin for Sale” (1980), “Farewell to Matera” (1981), “Vasily and Vasilisa” “1981 ”, and, finally,“ Live and Remember ”(2008).

Valentin Grigorievich devoted his whole life to one great cause: he taught people good things. And he succeeded. The writer's works were read by almost the entire Soviet people. Such different stories, such different characters, such a different message of each story or story, but they have one thing in common: the desire to help the reader become kinder, more merciful, more sympathetic and attentive to others.

Consider the work of Valentin Grigorievich on the example of some specific works.

Thus, the autobiographical story, which we reviewed a week before the writer's death, teaches readers compassion, mercy and human dignity. Main character Volodya is leaving native village, to study in high school, but in the harsh post-war years, he barely makes ends meet, falls ill with anemia. There are not enough funds even for the milk necessary for anemia. The young teacher delves into the problems of the student and tries to help him in every possible way, but the boy refuses, because it is beneath his dignity to accept help. The teacher comes up with gambling and deliberately loses money to the boy, for which he is dismissed as the director of the school, leaves for the Kuban, but continues to send parcels to Volodya.

This is not just "French Lessons", these are lessons of kindness, solidarity and dignity. In some ways, this is a reproach to some modern teachers who care only about working hours, wages, and completely forget to help their students, because teachers play a huge role in educating the younger generation - the future of our country.

in the story "Bear skin for sale" the plot is pretty simple. Hunter Vasily in the taiga easily deals with the inhabitants of the wild, especially bears. "He was a great bear cub." One day, after killing a bear, he realizes that his life has turned into hell: the bear begins to pursue him and even attack him, trying to avenge the murder of his bear wife. The main character is forced to kill the bear with a gun, but this does not make Vasily's life easier: his conscience begins to torment him, he thinks about the right of people to intervene, to invade the fate of the inhabitants of the taiga world.

Conscience and care for nature is the main message this work. The reader involuntarily takes the place of the protagonist and begins to talk in sync with Vasily about the dangers of interfering in the lives of bears and other animals. The work also encourages the reader to think about the place and role of each element in the living system of the world, about the awareness of the concept of the measure of responsibility, as a consequence of the free will of choice, about meeting with the awareness " side effects» ideas about their own superiority or omnipotence.

Story "Vasily and Vasilisa" tells about a simple village family: about husband Vasily, wife Vasilisa, their children and their neighbors. Everything went on as usual, until Vasily became addicted to alcohol and, in a drunken state, beat his pregnant wife, who, as a result, had a miscarriage. After that, the protagonist is tormented by conscience for what he did, but in old age he receives forgiveness from his wife. The story serves as an example of the strongest anti-alcohol propaganda, which is so lacking in our lives today.

And, finally, consider the message of the filmed tragedy of the writer - "Farewell to Matera". A story about the resettlement of villagers to a new place in connection with the flooding of the village for the construction of a hydroelectric power station. The deepest emotional experiences and sufferings of all the heroes of the story are shown. The villagers perceive the resettlement very painfully, because here are the graves of their ancestors, which they wish to take with them to a new place ... The essence of this work is to demonstrate true love to the Motherland. Not only to the little one, as in the story, but also to big motherland, after all, a person grows into his native land with roots.

The main characters of the works of Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin are very different people, but they are united by such qualities as conscientiousness, sympathy, disinterestedness, love for the Motherland, rejection of vices, correction of their own mistakes. All the works of the great Russian writer teach us to be worthy, responsible and sober people.

Biography and episodes of life Valentina Rasputin. When born and died Valentin Rasputin, memorable places and dates important events his life. writer quotes, Photo and video.

Years of life of Valentin Rasputin:

born March 15, 1937, died March 14, 2015


“Like conscience, it is beyond jurisdiction,
Like light is necessary
Fatherland and people
Rasputin Valentin.
For many it is uncomfortable...
But he's the only one
Always is and always will be
Rasputin Valentin.
Vladimir Skif, from a poem dedicated to V. Rasputin


Valentin Rasputin was called a classic during his lifetime village prose. First of all, for the pictures of life ordinary people which he described sincerely and authentically. Secondly - for the wonderful language, simple, but at the same time highly artistic. Rasputin's talent was highly respected by contemporary writers, including A. Solzhenitsyn. His "French Lessons" and "Live and Remember" became a highlight in Russian literature.

Rasputin grew up in difficult Siberian conditions, in a poor family. In part, he later described his own childhood in the story “French Lessons”. But the writer loved all his life motherland and, even while working in Moscow, often came here. In fact, he had two houses: in the capital and in Irkutsk.

Literary talent manifested itself in Valentin Grigorievich in his student years. He began working in a youth newspaper, and after graduating from the institute he moved to "adult" publications. But to fiction Rasputin did not come immediately. IN in a certain sense It was fateful for him to take part in a literary seminar in Chita, where the 28-year-old author met the writer V. Chivilikhin. From that time began creative flourishing writer.

V. Rasputin was known for a clear civic position. Shortly before the collapse of the USSR, he entered politics, although he later spoke of this decision with bitterness, recognizing that his attempt to benefit home country could be considered naive. One way or another, throughout his conscious life after that, Valentin Grigorievich openly declared his convictions, which by no means always coincided with the “general line” that ruled at that time.

The writer was crippled by two tragedies: first, the death of his daughter Maria in a plane crash in Irkutsk in 2006, then, in 2012, the death of his wife from a serious illness. Valentin Grigorievich himself was already seriously suffering cancer at this time and latest events finally ruined his health. On the eve of his death, he fell into a coma, from which he did not leave for 4 days, and died, not having lived all day before the date of his birth.

Valentin Rasputin was buried in Irkutsk. More than 15,000 people came to say goodbye to the writer, and the ceremony lasted several hours.

life line

March 15, 1937 Date of birth of Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin.
1959 Graduation from the university, the beginning of work in the newspaper.
1961 Publication of the first essay by Rasputin in the anthology "Angara".
1966 Publication of the first book by V. Rasputin "The Land Near the Sky".
1967 Joining the Writers' Union.
1973 French Lessons story.
1974 The story "Live and remember."
1977 Receiving the first State Prize of the USSR.
1979 Introduction to Lit. collegium of the series "Literary Monuments of Siberia".
1987 Receiving the second State Prize of the USSR and the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.
1989-1990 Job people's deputy THE USSR.
1990-1991 Membership in the Presidential Council of the USSR.
2004 Publication of the latest large form writer "Ivan's daughter, Ivan's mother".
2011 Awarding the Order of Alexander Nevsky.
2012 Receiving the State Prize of Russia.
March 14, 2015 Date of death of Valentin Rasputin.
March 18, 2015 The funeral of V. Rasputin in Moscow.
March 19, 2015 The funeral of Valentin Rasputin at the Znamensky Monastery in Irkutsk.

Memorable places

1. Ust-Uda (East Siberian, now Irkutsk region), where Valentin Rasputin was born.
2. Der. Atalanka, Ust-Udinsky district, where V. Rasputin spent his childhood (now - moved from the area of ​​flooding of the Bratsk hydroelectric power station).
3. Irkutsk State University where V. Rasputin studied.
4. Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station, the construction of which was often visited by V. Rasputin, collecting materials for essays.
5. Chita, where the writer visited in 1965, and where he took place literary debut at Vladimir Chivilikhin's seminar.
6. Starokonyushenny Lane in Moscow, where the writer moved in the 1990s.
7. Znamensky Monastery in Irkutsk, on the necropolis of which the writer was buried.

Episodes of life

Rasputin has won more than 15 Union and Russian awards, including the government award for outstanding achievements in the field of culture, the Solzhenitsyn, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky awards. He was also an honorary citizen of the city of Irkutsk and the Irkutsk region.

V. Rasputin was an opponent of perestroika reforms, a supporter of Stalin and subsequently an opponent of V. Putin, and supported the Communist Party until the last years of his life.

V. Rasputin's books were filmed several times. The last lifetime film adaptation was "Live and Remember" by A. Proshkin in 2008.

The film "In the depths of Siberia", dedicated to V. Rasputin


“Do not climb into the soul of the people. She is not under your control. It's time to understand it."

“When everything is good, it’s easy to be together: it’s like a dream, you know, breathe, and that’s all. You have to be together when it's bad - that's what people come together for.

“A person ages not when he lives to old age, but when he ceases to be a child.”


“In the current literature there are undoubted names, without which neither we nor our descendants will be able to imagine it. One of these names is Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin.
Ivan Pankeev, writer, journalist

“He is always active, especially with those close writers and people that he likes. And for creativity. And with opponents or people who strained him, he simply did not communicate.
Vladimir Skif, poet

“Rasputin is not a language user, but himself a living involuntary stream of language. He - does not look for words, does not pick them up - he flows with them in the same stream. The volume of his Russian language is rare among today's writers.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn, writer

Valentin Rasputin was wonderful during his lifetime public figure, which is familiar common man as an excellent Russian writer and publicist.

From the age of 2 he began to live in a small village called Atalank. At the end of the elementary school, which was located in this village, the boy was forced to go to school on his own. high school located 50 km from home. About this time the writer will tell his reader in famous story beloved by everyone under the name "French Lessons", which was released to the people in 1973.

After graduating from school, the young man enters the Faculty of History and Philology in Irkutsk. As a student, he is a correspondent for a local newspaper.

After graduating from the university, for several more years he worked in the newspapers of the city of Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk.

In 1965, Rasputin showed several completely new and short stories to Vladimir Chivilikhin himself.

In 1967, his first book, A Man from This World, was published.

The talent of the great writer Valentin Rasputin was revealed to its full potential only in 1970, when the book of stories " Deadline". It was this book that declared to everyone and everyone that this author is original and mature enough.

IN last years life great person took an active part in publicity and social activities. Of course, I did not forget to continue to create. In 1995 appear: lovely story writer "To the same land" and essays "Down the Lena River".

In 2010, Rasputin was nominated for the Nobel Prize.

On March 14, 2015, just a few hours before his 78th birthday, a great man and a wonderful writer passed away.

For schoolchildren 6th grade about life

Biography of Valentin Rasputin about the main thing

Valentin Rasputin was born on March 15, 1937 in the village of Ust-Uda. His father was Grigory Nikitich Rasputin, his mother was Nina Ivanova Rasputina. At the age of 2, his family moved to the village of Atlanke on the Angara River. He studied at a local elementary school, but she only assumed primary schooling, so at the end, Valentine was forced to leave the village and go far from home in order to continue studying and get a sane secondary education. Later, on the basis of these difficult tenses, one of the most famous stories writer.

He successfully finishes school and tries to enter the Irkutsk State University, the Faculty of History and Philology. The admission is successful and Valentin moves to Irkutsk. During his studies, he gets a job at a local youth newspaper as a freelance correspondent. Successfully completes studies at the university. Continues to work as a correspondent in various newspapers of Siberian towns. He writes a lot about the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station and how it is built, as well as about the construction of the Abano-Taishet highway, is under great impression from the experience gained.

A strong influence, according to Valentin himself, was the work of Bunin and Dostoevsky. Rasputin was also strongly influenced by another writer - Vladimir Chivilikhin. They met Valentin in Chita in 1965, at a meeting of young writers of Siberia. Among other things, there Rasputin shows his works to Vladimir, he notices a talented writer and later provides a protectorate to a novice prose writer.

Later he becomes a professional writer. The following year, at the age of 30, he becomes a member of the Writers' Union of the USSR. Also, in 1966 happens significant event in the life of Rasputin - his first book "The Land Near the Sky" is published, originally published in Irkutsk. Published in 1967 next book prose - "A Man from This World", it is published in Krasnoyarsk. A little later, in the Siberian almanac "Angara", the first story of Rasputin, entitled "Money for Mary", is published, it is also published in the literary magazine "Siberian Lights". The publication brings real fame to its author and is reprinted many times. In 1968, it was published as a separate book by the Young Guard publishing house.

In 1970, the story “Deadline” was published, many critics call this work a magnum opus of Valentin Rasputin, at that moment the writer’s talent was at its peak, the story reflects the maturity of the author, which he reached by the age of 33, it clearly shows originality.

After 3 years, Rasputin releases an autobiographical story “French Lessons”, telling in it, in fact, about his difficult life after he left the village. The following year, the story “Live and Remember” is published, which is also very highly acclaimed by critics. In 1976, Valentin writes "Farewell to Matera", another story.

In 1979, he began to engage in editorial activities, Rasputin was accepted into the editorial board of a limited book series dedicated to Siberian literary monuments. He continues to work as an editor in 1980, this time in the collegium of the literary magazine Roman-gazeta.

In 1985, the story "Fire" was published, which, suddenly, arouses great interest and a strong response from the readership. Such a surge is associated with the acuteness of the problem raised in the story.

In his declining years, Valentin continues to create, but at the same time devotes a lot of time to journalism and social and political activities.

On March 13, 2015, Valentit Rasputin felt unwell, and an ambulance arrived and hospitalized him. The writer died the next day.

6th grade for children about life

Interesting Facts and dates from life


Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin - Russian prose writer, whose works have become classics domestic literature, a writer of rare artistic gift. His language is lively, precise and bright, a precious instrument with which Rasputin creates music. native land and his people, endowing his best heroes with the ability to feel the "endless, furious grace" of the universe, "all the radiance and all the movement of the world, all its inexplicable beauty and passion ...".

Novels and stories






Part one

Part two

Part three









"I CAN'T-U..."

Aunt Julita








Novels and stories

Rasputin Valentin



Kuzma woke up because the car on the turn blinded the windows with headlights and it became completely light in the room.

The light, swaying, felt the ceiling, went down the wall, turned to the right and disappeared. A minute later the car stopped, too, it became dark and quiet again, and now, in total darkness and silence, it seemed that it was some kind of secret sign.

Kuzma got up and lit a cigarette. He was sitting on a stool by the window, looking through the glass at the street and puffing on a cigarette, as if he himself was signaling to someone. Inhaling, he saw in the window his tired, haggard last days a face that then immediately disappeared, and there was nothing but infinitely deep darkness - not a single light or sound. Kuzma thought about the snow: probably by morning he would pack up and go, go, go - like grace.

Then he lay down again next to Mary and fell asleep. He dreamed that he was driving the same car that woke him up. The headlights don't shine, and the car drives in total darkness. But then they suddenly flash and light up the house, near which the car stops. Kuzma gets out of the cab and knocks on the window.

- What do you need? they ask him from the inside.

“Money for Mary,” he replies.

The money is taken out to him, and the car goes on, again in complete darkness. But as soon as she comes across a house in which there is money, some device unknown to him works, and the headlights light up. He knocks on the window again and is asked again:

- What do you need?

- Money for Mary.

He wakes up for the second time.

Darkness. It is still night, there is still no light and no sound around, and in the midst of this darkness and silence it is hard to believe that nothing will happen, and dawn will come in due time, and morning will come.

Kuzma lies and thinks, there is no more sleep. From somewhere above, like unexpected rain, the whistling sounds of a jet plane fall and immediately subside, moving away after the plane. Silence again, but now it seems deceptive, as if something is about to happen. And this feeling of anxiety does not go away immediately.

Kuzma thinks: to go or not to go? He thought about it both yesterday and the day before yesterday, but then there was still time for reflection, and he could not decide anything definitively, now there is no more time. If you don't go in the morning, it will be too late. We must now say to ourselves: yes or no? We must, of course, go. Drive. Stop suffering. Here he has no one else to ask. In the morning he gets up and immediately goes to the bus. He closes his eyes - now you can sleep. Sleep, sleep, sleep ... Kuzma tries to cover himself with sleep, like a blanket, to go into it with his head, but nothing happens. It seems to him that he is sleeping by the fire: if you turn on one side, it is cold on the other. He sleeps and does not sleep, he again dreams of a car, but he understands that it doesn’t cost him anything to open his eyes now and finally wake up. He turns to the other side - still the night, which no night shifts can tame.

Morning. Kuzma gets up and looks out the window: there is no snow, but it is overcast, it could fall at any moment. Muddy unkind dawn spills reluctantly, as if through force. Lowering its head, a dog ran in front of the windows and turned into an alley. People are not visible. A gust of wind suddenly hits the wall from the north side and immediately subsides. A minute later another blow, then another.

Kuzma goes into the kitchen and says to Maria, who is busy by the stove:

"Get me something to take with me, I'll go."

- In town? Maria is worried.

- In town.

Maria wipes her hands on her apron and sits down in front of the stove, squinting at the heat on her face.

“He won’t,” she says.

– Do you know where the envelope with the address is? Kuzma asks.

- Somewhere in the upper room, if alive. The guys are sleeping. Kuzma finds the envelope and returns to the kitchen.

“He won’t,” Maria repeats.

Kuzma sits down at the table and eats silently. He himself does not know, no one knows whether he will give or not. It's getting hot in the kitchen. A cat rubs against Kuzma's legs, and he pushes it away.

- Will you come back yourself? Maria asks.

He puts his plate away from him and thinks. The cat, arching its back, sharpens its claws in the corner, then again comes up to Kuzma and clings to his feet. He gets up and, after a pause, not finding what to say goodbye, goes to the door.

He dresses and hears Mary crying. It's time for him to leave - the bus leaves early. And let Mary cry, if she cannot do otherwise.

Outside the wind - everything sways, groans, rattles.

The wind blows the bus in the forehead, through the cracks in the windows penetrates inside. The bus turns sideways to the wind, and the windows immediately begin to tinkle, they are hit by leaves raised from the ground and small, like sand, invisible pebbles. Cold. It can be seen that this wind will bring with it frosts, snow, and there it is not far to winter, already the end of October.

Kuzma is sitting on the last seat by the window. There are few people on the bus, there are empty seats in front, but he does not want to get up and cross. He drew his head into his shoulders and, puffed up, looked out the window. There, outside the window, twenty kilometers in a row, the same thing: wind, wind, wind - wind in the forest, wind in the field, wind in the village.

People on the bus are silent - bad weather has made them gloomy and taciturn. If someone throws a word, then in an undertone, do not understand. I don't even want to think. Everyone sits and only grabs the backs of the front seats, when they throw up, they make themselves comfortable - everyone is busy only with what they are driving.

On the rise, Kuzma tries to distinguish between the howl of the wind and the howl of the engine, but they have merged into one thing - only the howl, and that's it. The village begins immediately after the ascent. The bus stops near the collective farm office, but there are no passengers, no one enters. Through Kuzma's window, a long empty street is visible, along which the wind rushes like a pipe.

Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin is one of the few Russian writers for whom Russia is not just a geographical place where he was born, but the Motherland in the highest and most fulfilling sense of the word. He is also called the "singer of the village", the cradle and soul of Rus'.

Childhood and youth

The future prose writer was born in the Siberian outback - the village of Ust-Uda. Here, on the taiga coast of the mighty Angara, Valentin Rasputin grew up and matured. When the son was 2 years old, his parents moved to live in the village of Atalanka.

Here, in the picturesque Angara region, is located family nest father. The beauty of Siberian nature, seen by Valentin in the first years of his life, impressed him so much that it became an integral part of every work of Rasputin.

The boy grew up surprisingly smart and inquisitive. He read everything that came into his hands: scraps of newspapers, magazines, books that could be obtained in the library or in the homes of fellow villagers.

After returning from the front of the father in the life of the family, as it seemed, everything was fine. Mom worked in a savings bank, father, a hero-front-line soldier, became the head of the post office. The trouble came from where no one expected it.

Grigory Rasputin's bag with government money was stolen from him on the ship. The manager was tried and sent to serve his term in Kolyma. Three children were left in the care of their mother. Harsh, half-starved years began for the family.

Valentin Rasputin had to study in the village of Ust-Uda, fifty kilometers from the village where he lived. Atalanca had only Primary School. In the future, the writer displayed his life of this difficult period in wonderful and amazing true story"French lessons".

Despite the difficulties, the guy studied well. He received a certificate with honors and easily entered Irkutsk University by choosing the Faculty of Philology. There, Valentin Rasputin got carried away, and.

Student years were surprisingly rich and difficult. The guy tried not only to study brilliantly, but also to help his family, his mother. He worked wherever he could. It was then that Rasputin began to write. At first it was notes in a youth newspaper.


To the state Irkutsk newspaper The "Soviet Youth" accepted the novice journalist even before defending his diploma. This is where it started creative biography Valentina Rasputin. And although the genre of journalism did not really correspond to classical literature, it helped to gain the necessary life experience and “get a hand” in writing.

And in 1962, Valentin Grigorievich moved to Krasnoyarsk. His authority and journalistic skills have grown so much that now he was trusted to write about such large-scale events as the construction of the Krasnoyarsk and Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power plants, the strategically important Abakan-Taishet railway line.

But the scope of newspaper publications has become too narrow to describe the impressions and events received on numerous business trips in Siberia. So the story "I forgot to ask Leshka" appeared. It was the literary debut of a young prose writer, although somewhat imperfect in form, but surprisingly sincere and poignant in essence.

Soon, the first literary essays of the young prose writer began to be published in the Angara almanac. Later they were included in Rasputin's first book, The Land Near the Sky.

Among the first stories of the writer - "Vasily and Vasilisa", "Rudolfio" and "Meeting". With these works, he went to Chita, to a meeting of young writers. Among the leaders there were such talented prose writers as Antonina Koptyaeva and Vladimir Chivilikhin.

It was he, Vladimir Alekseevich Chivilikhin, who became the "godfather" of the beginning writer. With his light hand stories by Valentin Rasputin appeared in Ogonyok and Komsomolskaya Pravda". These first works of the then little-known prose writer from Siberia were read by millions of Soviet readers.

Rasputin's name becomes recognizable. He has a lot of admirers of talent who are looking forward to new creations from the Siberian nugget.

In 1967, in the popular weekly " Literary Russia" Rasputin's story "Vasily and Vasilisa" appeared. This early work the prose writer can be called the tuning fork of his further work. Here the “Rasputin” style was already visible, his ability to concisely and at the same time surprisingly deeply reveal the character of the characters.

Appears here the most important detail and the constant "hero" of all the works of Valentin Grigorievich is nature. But the main thing in all his writings - both early and late - is the strength of the Russian spirit, Slavic character.

In the same turning point in 1967, Rasputin's first story "Money for Mary" was published, after the publication of which he was accepted into the Writers' Union. Fame and fame came immediately. Everyone started talking about the new talented and original author. An extremely demanding prose writer puts an end to journalism and from that moment devotes himself to writing.

In 1970, the popular "thick" magazine "Our Contemporary" published the second story by Valentin Rasputin "The Deadline", which brought him worldwide fame and has been translated into dozens of languages. Many called this work "a bonfire near which you can warm your soul."

A story about a mother, about humanity, about the frailty of many phenomena that seem to be the main thing in the life of a modern urban person. About the origins to which it is necessary to return in order not to lose the human essence.

After 6 years, a fundamental story was published, which many consider calling card prose writer. This is the work "Farewell to Matera". It tells about a village that will soon be flooded with water due to the construction of a large hydroelectric power station.

Valentin Rasputin tells about the piercing grief and inescapable longing experienced by the indigenous people, the old people, saying goodbye to the land and the dilapidated village, where every bump, every log in the hut is familiar and painfully dear. There is no accusation, lamentations and angry calls here. Just the quiet bitterness of people who wanted to live out their lives where their umbilical cord was buried.

Colleagues of the prose writer and readers find in the works of Valentin Rasputin a continuation of the best traditions of Russian classics. About all the writer's works can be said in one phrase of the poet: "Here is the Russian spirit, here it smells of Russia." The main phenomena that he denounces with all his might and uncompromisingness are the separation from the roots of "Ivans who do not remember kinship."

The year 1977 turned out to be a landmark for the writer. For the story "Live and Remember" he was awarded State Prize THE USSR. This is a work about humanity and the tragedy that the Great Patriotic War. About broken lives and the strength of the Russian character, about love and suffering.

Valentin Rasputin dared to talk about things that many of his colleagues tried to carefully avoid. For example, main character story "Live and Remember" Nastya, like everyone else Soviet women, accompanied her beloved husband to the front. After the third wound, he barely survived.

To survive, he survived, but broke down and deserted, realizing that he was unlikely to live until the end of the war if he again got to the front line. The unfolding drama, skillfully described by Rasputin, is amazing. The writer makes you think that life is not black and white, it has millions of shades.

The years of perestroika and timelessness Valentin Grigorievich is experiencing extremely hard. He is alien to the new "liberal values", which lead to a break with the roots and the destruction of everything that is so dear to his heart. About this his story "In the hospital" and "Fire".

“Going to power,” as Rasputin calls his election to parliament and work as part of the Presidential Council, in his words, “ended in nothing” and was in vain. After the election, no one thought to listen to him.

Valentin Rasputin spent a lot of time and effort protecting Baikal, fought against the liberals he hated. In the summer of 2010, he was elected a member of the Patriarchal Council for Culture from the Russian Orthodox Church.

And in 2012, Valentin Grigorievich advocated the criminal prosecution of feminists from and spoke sharply about colleagues and cultural figures who spoke out in support of the "dirty ritual crime."

Spring 2014 famous writer put his signature under the appeal of the Writers' Union of Russia, addressed to the President and the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, which expresses support for Russia's actions in relation to Crimea and Ukraine.

Personal life

For many decades next to the Master was his faithful muse - his wife Svetlana. She is the daughter of the writer Ivan Molchanov-Sibirsky, she was a real comrade-in-arms and like-minded talented husband. The personal life of Valentin Rasputin with this wonderful woman has developed happily.

This happiness lasted until the summer of 2006, when their daughter Maria, a teacher at the Moscow Conservatory, a musicologist and a talented organist, died in an airbus crash at the Irkutsk airport. The couple endured this grief together, which could not but affect their health.

Svetlana Rasputina died in 2012. From that moment on, the writer was kept in the world by his son Sergei and granddaughter Antonina.


Valentin Grigorievich survived his wife by only 3 years. A few days before his death, he was in a coma. March 14, 2015. According to Moscow time, he did not live to see his 78th birthday for 4 hours.

But according to the time of the place where he was born, death came on the day of his birth, which in Siberia is considered the real day of the death of a great countryman.

The writer was buried on the territory of the Irkutsk Znamensky Monastery. More than 15 thousand fellow countrymen came to say goodbye to him. On the eve of the funeral of Valentin Rasputin in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior performed.

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