The whole truth about purebred Russians. What does a Jewess look like


The issue of the nation and the so-called "purity of blood" worries everyone in different ways. There are people in whose family there were representatives of different nationalities, and they do not worry about this at all and are proud of their ancestors. And there are those who do not perceive representatives of other races and despises them. They enter into marriages only when they are convinced of the pedigree of their future half, and, noticing at least the slightest nuances in it, immediately break off any relationship.

Truth or fiction

Many to this day argue about who the Aryans are. In translation, "Aryan" means "respected", "worthy", "noble". However, this term is not scientific. It was put forward by the nationalists with the aim of dividing the people living at that time into worthy and unworthy. The former included representatives of European nationalities, primarily belonging to the so-called Norman type. Traditionally, this is the name given to people from Northern Europe who have a strong physique, blond hair and blue eyes. The representatives of those who, according to the nationalists, were unworthy of life, were primarily considered Jews.

Hitler's theory

Surely everyone knows that Hitler's dream was not only to conquer the whole world, but also to create an ideal race, according to his theory, fair-haired and blue-eyed people. To understand who Hitler's Aryans are, it is enough to read his quote:

“All human culture, all the achievements of art, science and technology, which we are witnessing today, are the fruits of the creativity of the Aryans ... He [the Aryan] is the Prometheus of mankind, from whose bright brow sparks of genius flew at all times, kindling the fire of knowledge, illuminating the darkness of the gloomy ignorance, which allowed man to rise above other creatures of the Earth.

Considering the nature and pathological determination in achieving the goals he himself set, Hitler made demands not only on the external data of ideal people. Giving a definition of who the Aryans are, he also took into account character traits, lifestyle, principles and even features of sexual development and maturation. The requirements were very strict, but the desire for a fictitious ideal was so high that those who did not meet the slightest requirement were shamefully expelled from the caste of the elite and could even be physically destroyed. Arguing on the topic of who the Aryans were, Hitler acted harshly: compassion was alien to him, and with equal success (if one can put it that way, of course), both children and adults were destroyed on his orders.

Making a portrait of an Aryan

To imagine who the Aryans are and how they look, you can familiarize yourself with the alleged criteria that were applied to the appearance, type of character and features of the physical and sexual development of this category of people.

So, a real purebred Aryan is distinguished by:

  • very light, almost snow-white skin;
  • light, preferably blue eyes;
  • smooth and thin hair of light shades;
  • height at least 180 cm (women may be shorter);
  • weight proportional to height;
  • refined features, long thin fingers;
  • lack of hair on the back, legs, other manifestations on the face and in the genital area are mild;
  • high forehead And correct form scull;
  • absence of superciliary arches;
  • the presence of a sign of a metopic suture on the forehead;
  • evenly set eyes;
  • straight and healthy teeth;
  • late puberty and late aging;
  • pleasant sounding speech;
  • required talents and (preferably) genius;
  • lack of desire for physical and monotonous work;
  • equilibrium;
  • independence from alcohol and drugs;
  • lack of susceptibility to hereditary diseases (in principle, a person should not get sick);
  • accuracy;
  • complete rejection of even the thought of an alien racial culture, religion, dislike for Jews;
  • selective and legible in sexual relations;
  • strong ideas about the value of the family;
  • an Aryan woman is beautiful, slender, faithful to her husband, loves children, is an excellent housewife, hates Jews.

After studying these characteristics, one can imagine who the Aryans are and what they look like. A photo of all those considered worthy representatives of the highest race will not give a complete impression, so it remains only to dream up.

Helpful information

If you believe the statistics, then most often when asked who the Aryans are, associations arise precisely with the period of the nationalist movement during the Second World War, but such a nation actually existed and still exists. This question causes a lot of confusion in scientific world, because the race of Indo-Europeans, some of whom were called Aryans, really existed.

An artificially created or historically founded nation?

Most of the peoples of the world speak similar languages. This can only mean one thing: we all have common roots and origins. Even in the ancient tribes, there was a division of people according to social status, and given the natural selection, which was especially tough in the wild, only the strongest and most dexterous survived. Tribes consisting of such people conquered territories, later their leaders became rulers, etc. The Aryan tribe was unique.

Its representatives were something of a legend of the time. They were looked up to, imitated, respected and feared. It was precisely because of their historical superiority that Hitler chose them as a model. He repelled not only from appearance, although, of course, this fact cannot be denied. High cheekbones and even facial features are inherent in most Germans, however, similar differences in physique are also characteristic of many representatives. Slavic peoples with which the Nazis waged a fierce struggle. But why should they fight if (focusing on external signs) they are related to the Slavs by family ties? This dilemma is the reason why a clear answer to the question of who the Aryans are cannot be obtained.

Historical facts

A brief historical overview will help people who are interested in who the Aryans are and where they came from understand. Tribes living in northern Europe are often referred to as Indo-Europeans. This term is still used today, but has a wider meaning than in the last century. How the Aryans themselves called themselves is unknown to historians to this day. These tribes occupied the then fertile lands and are often considered the founders of agriculture and animal husbandry.

It is interesting, but according to the research, the Aryans originally lived on the territory of modern Russia, and not in Germany.

Around the second millennium BC, there was a large-scale resettlement of representatives of this tribe throughout the globe. Of course, preference was given to areas suitable for agriculture, but the harsh conditions, in principle, did not frighten them.

As a result of mixing with other peoples, their appearance has undergone significant changes, and it has become impossible to determine the origin. Even modern indigenous Tajiks have two main types of appearance. One half is swarthy, dark-haired and dark-eyed people, and the other half has blond hair and blue eyes. But that doesn't mean they're Aryans, does it?

A nation of kings and rulers

Even without really knowing who the Aryans were and where they lived, the ancient kings and emperors recognized belonging to this race as prestigious and were always looking for an opportunity to find representatives of this race among their ancestors.

Perhaps this was the product of what we call nationalism and fascism. After all, the concept that all people are brothers exists only in church teachings, but practically does not occur in life.

By dividing people into similar to God (and therefore worthy of worship) and descended from a monkey (suitable only for rendering services to the superior race), our ancestors, without knowing it, laid the foundations for the age-old confrontation between peoples. Some were ready to die to exterminate other races, while others defended their lands and rightly condemned the Nazis for their beliefs.

Theory of Adolf Lanz

At the beginning of the 20th century, the views of the Catholic monk Adolf Lanz on the origin of the human races on Earth were published. He believed that initially there were two tribes - Aryans and people-animals. The first he called heroic, and the second monkeys. The "super talented" Aryans were of divine origin and even looked like angels. Demons on earth were symbolized by ape people: they were not capable of anything but destruction and stupidity, lies and deceit. These races hated each other and tried their best to destroy the enemy tribes. The apes began to act by mixing blood and seduced Aryan women, and the Aryans tried to exterminate everyone who posed even the slightest danger to dilute their divine blood.

IN currently due to the mixing of blood on Earth, there are people, each of whom belongs to a greater extent to one or another type, therefore, is closer either to God or to a demon. It is from this well-known theory that the Nazis are repelled in their reasoning about who the Aryans and Slavs are.

Summing up

Who are the Aryans? Where did they come from and who are they? Most likely, this question will interest humanity for a very long time, but with full confidence it can only be stated that special attention to this category of people is caused by historical factors having a serious impact on the development of world society.

The Russian ethnos, which has a thousand-year history, according to popular belief, has already managed to lose its ethnic purity, mixing with neighboring peoples. However, numerous studies refute this postulate.

"Russian physiognomy"

What is the Russian ethnos? Was he able to maintain the purity of his blood, or irrevocably dissolved among the peoples around him? An outstanding anthropologist and researcher of human biological nature Anatoly Bogdanov late XIX century wrote: “We often use expressions: this is purely Russian beauty, this is the spitting image of a hare, typical Russian face. One can be convinced that not something fantastic, but something real lies in this in general terms"Russian physiognomy". In each of us, in the sphere of our “unconscious”, there is a rather definite concept of the Russian type.

Modern anthropologist Vasily Deryabin, using the method of mathematical multivariate analysis of mixed features, comes to a similar conclusion: “The first and most important conclusion consists in ascertaining the significant unity of Russians throughout Russia and the impossibility of distinguishing even the corresponding regional types, clearly demarcated from each other.
The well-known Soviet anthropologist Viktor Bunak noted that although there is a share of Finno-Ugric, Baltic and Pontic ethnic groups in the genesis of the Russian people, it is still based on Slavic roots. According to the scientist, "the original type of the Slavs, who became part of the Russian population, developed at the junction of the Baltic and Neo-Pontic anthropological zones."

The conclusions of anthropologists are generally unambiguous: Russians, in their own way, racial origin typical Europeans. Therefore, the common phrase "scratch a Russian - you will find a Tatar" is fundamentally wrong. For example, one of the characteristic anthropological features of Russians is the almost complete absence of epicanthus. So, out of more than 8.5 thousand examined males, epicanthus was found only 12 times, and in its infancy.

Tatars left no trace

Geneticists, who have joined anthropologists in search of an answer to the question of the origin of races, almost unanimously declare that Russians are one of the most purebred peoples of Eurasia. Let us turn to the results of a large-scale experiment by American geneticists, published in the scientific publication The American Journal of Human Genetics.
The conclusion of American scientists is eloquent: “Despite the widespread opinion about the strong Tatar and Mongolian admixture in the blood of Russians, inherited by their ancestors back in the days Tatar-Mongol invasion, the haplogroups of the Turkic peoples and other Asian ethnic groups left virtually no trace on the population of the modern northwestern, central and southern regions of Russia.

In particular, experts from the United States found out that about 4,500 years ago, a boy was born on the Central Russian Plain with a haplogroup different from his father, which today has been assigned the classification R1a1. The mutation turned out to be so viable that in the following millennia it began to dominate a large part of Eastern Europe.
Today, most representatives male haplogroup R1a1 lives in the European part of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus - about 70%; in Poland - 57%; in Latvia, Lithuania, the Czech Republic and Slovakia - 40%; in Germany, Norway and Sweden - 18%. The R1a1 group is also in India - 16%, and in upper castes its concentration reaches 47%.

"Genetic Fathers"

Russian geneticist Oleg Balanovsky in an interview noted that DNA studies of the Russian ethnic group destroyed the persistent myth: "everyone has mixed up, there are no more purely Russians." Russians, from his point of view, are a "monolithic people". The resistance of Russians to assimilation was largely ensured by their genetic ancestors - Slavic tribes who managed not to dissolve in the Great Migration of Nations. A group of researchers led by Balanovsky found that the variability of Russian populations was higher in comparison with Germans, but lower, for example, than that of Italians.
Another important question, which has long worried geneticists, related to the Finno-Ugric component of "Russian blood". “Our study of the northern Russian gene pool showed that it would be an unreasonable simplification to interpret its features as inherited from Finno-Ugric assimilated by Russians,” Balanovsky noted.
On this moment geneticists know for sure that the Russian ethnos has two "genetic fathers" - northern and southern, but "their age is lost in the centuries, and their origin is in the fog." One way or another, the inheritance of both fathers has been the common property of the Russian gene pool for more than a thousand years ago.

The results of genetic studies showed two groups of Russian populations. So, the northern Russians in terms of Y-chromosomal markers (passed down through the male line) have a significant similarity with the Balts, more distantly with the Finno-Ugric peoples. According to DNA mitochondria (female line), the inhabitants of the Russian North are similar to the gene pools of Western and Central Europe. It should be noted that in both cases the gene pool Finnish peoples as far as possible from the northern Russian range. The study of autosomal markers also shows the convergence of northern Russians with other European peoples and casts doubt on the Finno-Ugric layer in the northern Russian gene pool. According to geneticists, "these data allow us to put forward a hypothesis about the preservation of the ancient Paleo-European substrate in the territories of the Russian North, which experienced intensive migrations of ancient Slavic tribes."

South-central group, which includes the vast majority of Russian populations (Belgorod, Bryansk, Voronezh, Oryol regions, Krasnodar region etc.) is combined into a genetic cluster with Belarusians, Ukrainians and Poles. Scientists here reveal a high level of unity of the East Slavic populations and their significant differences from the neighboring Finno-Ugric, Turkic and North Caucasian peoples.
It is noteworthy that the predominance of Russian genes almost completely coincided with the territory of the Russian Kingdom of the era of Ivan the Terrible.

Where to look for purebred Russians

And yet, the study of the genotype cannot fully clarify the question of where the maximum concentration of the primordially Russian population is. It should be complemented by other studies.
At the last census of the population of Russia, about 80% of the respondents identified themselves as Russians, in numbers - 111,016,896 people. The largest clusters of Russian settlement were distributed as follows: Moscow - 9,930,410, Moscow Region - 6,202,672, Krasnodar Territory - 4,522,962, St. Petersburg - 3,908,753, Rostov region- 3,795,607. However, how can Moscow be considered a city where the majority of the native Russian population is concentrated?
Doctor of Biological Sciences Elena Balanovskaya says about this: “Huge megacities are, in fact, black holes that suck into themselves the gene pool of the Russian people and destroy it without a trace.” She noted that "the most valuable information about the Russian gene pool is stored only by the indigenous rural populations of the original range of the Russian gene pool of Central Russia and the Russian North."
It is the Russian North, according to scientists, that is a true ethnographic reserve of Russian culture, which for many centuries preserved elements of the archaic way of life intact, it was in the Russian North that the natural conservation of the Russian gene pool took place.

In a recent ethnographic study (published in the book The Russian Gene Pool on the Russian Plain), a group of Russian scientists attempted to identify regions with the highest concentrations of native Russian populations. Populations within which more than half of marriages were taken as a basis, and children and grandchildren born in these marriages would continue to be within this population.
The total population of the "primordial" regions in the Russian area turned out to be 30,253,864 people, excluding cities, it amounted to 8,790,679 people. Interestingly, the leader among the 22 regions was far from being the most northern Nizhny Novgorod Region, numbering 3,524,028 autochthonous Russians.
Another study by Russian scientists concerned surnames. They compiled lists of about 15,000 surnames that are most common among Russians, which they compared with data on the regions: Northern, Central, Central-Western, Central-Eastern and Southern. The result was unexpected. On a family basis, the Kuban turned out to be primordially Russian.

Any nationality has characteristic features that make it different from others. The Armenian profile is what you pay attention to when you see the representatives of Ararat. Armenians are distinguished not only by a prominent nose, but also by swarthy skin, large and deep dark eyes, a special outline of the lips, black eyebrows that can converge on the bridge of the nose. Needless to say, the appearance of the Armenians is very bright and memorable.

Origin of Armenians

In order to understand why the Armenians have such a structure of the nose, it is necessary to understand who their ancestors were, from what nationalities they descended. Armenian people- ancient. He speaks in Armenian and belongs to the Indo-European language layer. The formation of this nation began at the end of the second millennium BC and ended in the sixth century BC.

There are at least five mythical traditions (Armenian, Greek, Georgian, Arabic, Hebrew) that put forward different versions of the origin of the Armenians. According to historians, the most plausible and proven fact is belonging to Indo-European people, from which the Armenians subsequently separated. The formation of the nation took place in two stages. The first is the period of unions of clans and early state formation (3-2 millennium BC). The second stage is the creation of a unified statehood on the territory of the Armenian Highlands (5-4 millennium BC).

Features of the structure of the nose

Why are Armenians interested in this issue, not only the Armenians themselves, but also representatives of other nationalities. From the point of view of medicine and the anatomical and physiological features of the respiratory system, a hump nose is a defect in which the upper part has an uneven contour with a pronounced protrusion above the back. Hill-like growth consists of cartilaginous and bone tissues. Among the nationalities that have a similar structure of the nose are not only Armenians, but also Georgians, Turks, Greeks, Azerbaijanis, French, Italians and others. It should be noted that for them a protruding hump on the nose is the norm, but for peoples caucasian race is serious psychological problem and an aesthetic defect.

Aquiline nose - typical feature Armenians. It is not a characteristic hallmark of the Slavs, although it is quite common among Europeans. The Armenian nose has distinctive features and is characterized by clear, pronounced lines. In profile, the nose drops at the base, and the hump is clearly visible.


According to scientific research, the Armenian nose has an objective reason for such a structure. It lies in the natural and climatic conditions. At an altitude of three thousand meters above sea level, easy breath, which provides a big nose. That is why the respiratory functions of the mountain dwellers are better developed than those of the peoples living on the plains. The reason for the big nose is the "mountain factor", the features of the landscape of Armenia. This factor also influenced genetic changes. For example, Asians have narrow eyes, the structure of which is due to life in the desert and on flat terrain (wind, hurricanes, sandstorms).

National difference

The large Armenian nose is, in fact, not so common even among purebred Armenians. It is strikingly different in shape from the nose of Georgians, Azerbaijanis, Dagestanis. The nose of the Armenians is large, spade-shaped and with a thickened step-like hump. Many consider such a profile to be a true national treasure, a legacy of ancient Urartu. There is a joke among Armenians: if you cut off the nose, the Armenian will fall on his back, losing his balance.

Appearance of Armenians

What do purebred Armenians look like? The typical Armenian appearance is different from other Caucasian peoples. It is typical for Armenians, but this is not a rule. Quite often among them there are fair-skinned, blue-eyed, with dark brown or black hair. Among these mountain dwellers, one can see representatives of the Celtic appearance: red hair, freckles on the face, White skin, blue or brown eyes.


Of course, not all representatives of Armenians have an outstanding profile, but the expression "Armenian nose" is known to many and is widely used. Define bright representative the Armenian people is not difficult. Firstly, Armenian men, like women, have deep-set black or brown eyes with a sad look in their eyes. Sometimes there are gray-eyed, green-eyed and blue-eyed Armenians. Secondly, they differ from Europeans in dark skin color. Men, like women, have thick black hair that can join at the bridge of the nose.

The male nose in overwhelming cases differs from the female in structure and size. It is longer, wider, and the hump protrudes more strongly, it can be stepped. Armenian profile - visiting card Caucasian people, so men carry it proudly, like the flag of their homeland.


Armenian girls are bright oriental beauties. The appearance of Armenian women is diverse. Most ladies have brown eyes, chestnut or ash-black curls. Often among Armenian women there are gray-eyed, green-eyed, blue-eyed girls with red and blond hair.

You can recognize an Armenian girl by her elongated face and nose, which is somewhat elongated, its tip is lowered down, and there is a pronounced hump on the bridge of the nose. Of course, appearance depends on genetics, so among the fair sex there are owners of small graceful noses.

Disadvantage or advantage?

Most often, girls are dissatisfied with their Armenian profile. Unfortunately, a large nose can spoil even the most pretty face. That is why today such a high percentage plastic surgery(rhinoplasty) among women. Plastic surgeons approach the correction of the shape of the nose not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also for the purpose of safety for health. There is an opinion that nature does not make mistakes. If the nose is long and wide, then other facial features should be large. In this case, it looks harmonious in full face.

Armenian girls are representatives of an imperfect profile. It is impossible to consider it a disadvantage, since this characteristic feature distinguishes them from other nations. In addition, among Armenian women there are many pretty women with a nose that suits them very well and emphasizes their unique appearance and character. A small hump on the bridge of the nose only adorns the oriental beauty. If the nose protrudes too much and visually spoils beautiful facial features, its shape and length can be changed by rhinoplasty, which is very popular among Armenian women.

A few tricks

Correcting the shape of the nose is easy with the right hairstyle and makeup. If makeup artists advise applying a dark tone to the middle, and toning the sides with a light shade of cream. If the nose is long, blend at the tip dark shade, and tint the wings of the nose light. Makeup artists recommend making a bright and rich accent on the eyes or lips, then the problem with an outstanding profile will be solved. Balance facial features and beautifully styled hair.

Armenian women are the owners of thick and naturally shiny curls that visually help solve the problem with the shape of the nose. Stylists advise wearing fluffy hair, but they should not be straight, but twisted. Large curls, lush hairstyle adjust the length of the spout. Thick long bangs, which only emphasize the profile, should be avoided.

Men, on the contrary, are proud of their "eagle" profile. Unlike beautiful ladies, they consider it a dignity, a national treasure inherited from their ancestors. Today, the stronger sex also resorts to rhinoplasty, if there are medical indications or want positive changes in appearance.

Many well-known Armenians of our time, artists and public people are forced to resort to the operation for aesthetic purposes, for example, to look better on the screen and make their faces comely and harmonious. There is nothing to worry about if the surgery will improve the shape of the nose, and not spoil it. The main thing is not to lose individuality.

Famous people

Many famous Armenians are the owners of the typical appearance inherent in their nation. Among them are actors Frunzik Mkrtchyan, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Sos Sargsyan, composer Arno Babajanyan, as well as popular TV presenter Mikhail Galustyan, American singer and actress Cher, celebrity Kim Kardashian, actor and screenwriter Tigran Keosayan, journalist Hmayak Hakobyan - circus performer, actor. Irina Allegrova, a singer, Vyacheslav Dobrynin, a singer, Yevgeny Petrosyan, an actor, humorist, and many others also have Armenian roots.

Every nationality has features appearance, personality, lifestyle. According to them, they find out who a person is: Russian, Negro, Chinese, Jew. Representatives of the last nation have rich history And cultural heritage live in many countries of the world. To identify a Jew, a description of how he looks, knowledge about the peculiarities of the mentality and way of life will come in handy.

How to distinguish a Jew: characteristic features

There are ways to determine and recognize in a person belonging to the nation in question. Easy - ask about it. Jews are often proud of their nationality and do not hide their origin. This can be said by the name of a person and even his character. Also, the method of determining Jewish affiliation is the recognition of the nation by the features of appearance.

head shape

To establish the nationality of a person, it is advisable to pay attention to the skull, type of face.

The main sign of a Jew is the asymmetry of the head, in contrast to the Slavic-Russian, which has an oval of a clearly defined oval shape. For the latter, this creates a feeling of a secure, firm fit.

The Jews often have an elongated head, the oval of the face is elongated, as in the photo of actor Nicolas Cage.

The asymmetry is due to the types of skulls that Jews have, in addition to the elongated: pear-shaped, round, squeezed. The sloping back of the head is characteristic, which can be observed in the photo of the cellist, pianist and conductor Mstislav Rostropovich.

In this case, the person's profile clearly shows a flat area slanting slightly backwards.

The round head of a Jew is not uncommon, while it is pressed into the shoulders due to the short neck. The photo shows humorist Mikhail Zhvanetsky.

This feature is often combined with a small stature and overweight of a person.

Another characteristic of the Jew's head shape is a sloping forehead, visually tilted back. A photograph by Yuri Nikulin shows this anthropological feature.


The way to determine nationality by appearance is to pay attention to a person's nose. There are varieties of typical Jewish noses: wide, drop-shaped, elongated.

The famous "schnobel" is bent at the base, resembling a hook, while the wings are raised. This form forms the number 6, therefore, in anthropology, the nose is called the "Jewish six".

The sign can be traced in the photo of actor Adrien Brody.

Among the Nazis in Germany, this characteristic of the nose was considered the main one, how to recognize the Semitic appearance. Special classes were held in German schools, where children were told the signs of the Jewish nation.

However, Russians also have such a nose shape (Gogol, Nekrasov), therefore, to judge nationality only one external feature does not follow.

The Jews are characterized by an elongated thin nose, the tip of which goes far down the line of the wings, which differs from the classical form of the Slavs. The sign is clearly visible in the photo of musician Leonid Agutin.

The Jew Zinovy ​​Gerdt has a nose-drop. This form is characterized by a wide tip and elongation down.

The Jewish nose turned up above the edge of the nostrils is shown in the photo of actor Alexei Batalov.


It is possible to understand that a person belongs to the Jewish nationality by the eyes. characteristic feature their bulge stands out, as in the photo of businessman Roman Abramovich.

When the eyes are closed, heavy eyelids are presented as part of a ball - this is the way the Germans defined the Jews. They were also distinguished by the piercing gaze of the “deceitful man”. Briefly and clearly, the signs were listed in the German-sounding children's manual "Der Giftpilz", which was created by Julius Streicher.

It is believed that the Jews have poor eyesight: they are more likely than other nations to suffer from color blindness and wear glasses.

The close arrangement of the eyes is characteristic, congenital strabismus is possible.

The color is predominantly dark, but there are other shades, such as blue. There are blue-eyed brunettes among the Jews.


A striking sign of Jewish nationality is a weakly expressed, fused earlobe.

The shape of the shell is different, the contours of the lower half are often asymmetrical to the upper.

The Slavic ear is pressed against the side of the head in the middle. The Jewish one is grown by the lower and upper regions, as can be seen in the photograph of Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

Sometimes it seems that the shells from below extend almost from the neck, they are called "saiga ears".

Hair and beard

Among the representatives of the nation there is a variety of shades of hair: from light to black. Curly, wavy strands are characteristic. Jewish nationality is characteristic dark color hair: chestnut to black.

However, blondes are not uncommon. There are more fair-haired people among Ashkenazi Jews (German-speaking European Jews) than among other types.

Redheads are also possible, mainly Polish Jews and representatives of the nation in Russia.

Sidelocks are an element of the hairstyle - grown strands at the temples. They are optional, but along with the beard and sideburns, they are considered a custom, a tradition of Jewish culture.

If a person is bald, overhead strands attached to a headdress are used as sidelocks.


The peculiarity of the structure of the mouth of the Jews is the excessive exposure of the gums when smiling, like Andrei Makarevich.

Lip mobility, their asymmetry during a conversation is noted.

Representatives of the nation are characterized by an uneven dentition. In comparison with the Slavs, in whom it is dense, the Jews have asymmetry of teeth, they are somewhat rare, as in the photo of Evgeny Evstigneev.

Last name and first name

The way to find out if there are Jewish roots is to analyze the last name and first name of a person. However, the method should not be used as a fundamental one.

Characteristic endings of Jewish surnames:

  • to "-man" (Lieberman, Guzman);
  • on "-er" (Stiller, Posner);
  • on "-ts" (Katz, Schatz);
  • on "-on" (Gordon, Kobzon);
  • on "-ik" (Yarmolnik, Oleinik);
  • to "-y" (Vishnevsky, Razumovsky).

But their carriers are people of different origins. Possible endings similar to Slavic (Soloviev). Origin known Jewish surname from male and female names (Abramovich, Yakubovich, Rubinchik).

Leaving Poland, many Jews changed their surname, depending on where they came from - Vysotsky (Vysotsk village), Dneprovsky, Nevsky, and so on.

There is a great variety in names. True Jewish (Daniel, Leo, Ilya, Yakov, Dina, Sofia) are often worn by representatives of Russian nationality.

What does a Jewess look like

Jewish girls are confused with representatives of other nations, Caucasian or Mediterranean.

Distinctive features are similar to those of men, but are milder.

A full-blooded Jewish woman of middle and old age is usually presented as a woman with outstanding forms, a loud voice and the name Rosochka, Sarochka, and so on.

The representative of the nation is considered a caring wife and a reverent mother, overprotective of children. However, they note the negligence of women in everyday life, clothing and appearance, specific body odor. The rude manners of young and old Jews, who are characterized by loudness, are distinguished. Due to negligence, they often smell of tobacco, sweat.


The portrait of a Jewish woman, like a man, has characteristic national features. The hair is mostly dark. The nose is large, elongated or with a hump, plump lips.

Beautiful eyes deserve attention: slightly bulging, bright and expressive.

They display eternal sadness, anxiety and anxiety.

The cheeks are sometimes puffy, which is noted from childhood and persists in young girls and boys. Some sources cite excessive overfeeding of children and overprotection as the cause.

Jewish traditions include covering the hair in public places or in the presence of a stranger.

However, today the custom is rarely observed, only in strictly orthodox circles.


Wide hips and narrow shoulders, full legs are considered a genetic feature of the body structure.

Jewish women predominantly have magnificent and sensual forms, but there are also opposite types of figures.

Such women are characterized by a narrow bone, swarthyness, subtle oriental beauty.

With age, the figure often deteriorates, excessively fat Jewish women are a common occurrence. Among the reasons, childbirth is distinguished, since it is considered normal for a family to have 4-5 children, which is reflected in the appearance of the body.


A specific way to check Jewishness is to establish the integrity of the foreskin of a man's penis.

In fact, circumcision is not only a Jewish rite, but also a Muslim one. The difference is that in the latter case, the foreskin is missing. The Jews are shown to do the procedure partially, the area was cut off only from above.

It is believed that the manipulations of the Jews caused the gradual formation of an upward bend in the penis and the acquisition of a hook-like appearance.

Features and rules of life

The difficult history of the Jews justifies why they did not have their own state for so long, which left an imprint on their development and way of life. In ancient times, they were under the yoke of the Egyptians, located on the land controlled by them. After the capture of Judea by Rome, the Jews were finally expelled by the Latin pagans and forced to spread throughout the world, starting two thousand years of wandering.

A nation that existed for more than 2 thousand years without its own state is now spread almost everywhere. The place where most of its representatives live is Israel (43%), 39% is in the United States of America, the remaining share is in other states. At present, the number of Jews living on earth is 16.5 million.

The question of what race the Jews belong to is difficult, since they combined the features various peoples, which were in contact with them, which also affected external signs nation. According to their anthropological type, they are classified as Caucasoids of the Indo-Mediterranean race.

The nation includes half-breeds (mixing with Russians, Poles and Poles, and so on), while a person with Jewish roots by mother is considered a true representative. To find out if they exist, you can contact a special service that will search the archives and determine the relationship. To receive an inheritance, move to Israel, join a community, and so on, they prove the presence of Jews in the family up to the third generation (maximum grandparents).

The peculiar behavior of the representatives of the nation is a sign of belonging to it. They distinguish such qualities of Jews as self-confidence, a sense of dignity, pride. Psychology unites them in the concept of "chutzpah". Jews are bad and dangerous in the opinion of the public, who consider them greedy, stingy, selfish, rude.

An interesting fact is how Jews get to know each other. They call the sign "sorrow in the eyes." A happy look is not characteristic of them.

Jews - the only people who managed to maintain isolation, culture, religion, despite scary story. Perhaps they have achieved this by considering themselves better than others, living by established rules, and why they do not attract others to their community.

However, after passing the rite of conversion, you can become a Jew even if you are not a Jew. This requires the consent of 3 rabbis, memorize 613 commandments, learn the religious canon, take an oath, circumcision is shown to men.

The rules that real Jews observe are described in the Torah book: what they eat and drink (kosher food and drinks), use separate utensils when they are not working (on Shabbat), and so on.

Jewish blood is given out by the peculiarities of the voice timbre: high in men and low in women of middle and older age. At the end of sentences, there is an increase in tone. The signs include an senile, rattling voice, which persists from childhood until the end of life. However, this feature does not prevent Jews from singing and impressing others with their talent. An example of this is Tamara Gverdtsiteli.

An important feature is the fact that the Jews live long. Average duration life is 82 years. The reasons are advanced medicine, favorable social conditions. However, the representatives of the nation themselves determine longevity by warm friendly relations, love and harmony in the family.

Jews are considered cunning and quick-witted people. Everywhere they write and tell stories, jokes about their mind and ingenuity. This also explains why the 3rd floor is called Jewish. It is convenient in terms of life: it is low to rise, removed from the roof. The term appeared in the USSR and is relevant for five-story buildings. To some extent, it reveals the essence of Jewry.

Representatives of the nation are distinguished by their extraordinary mind and creative abilities, among them there are politicians, musicians, actors and so on.

This is the reason for the public opinion that a terry Jew cannot be deceived and cannot be defeated. The photo shows a young, but already well-known journalist and political scientist Friedrichson Nadana Aleksandrovna.

Relations between Russians and Jews were characterized by mutual dislike, the former call the latter contemptuously Jews. However, now there is no tension between the representatives of the nation, there is a tendency for the better.

Common misconceptions

There are rumors, conjectures, assumptions about the Jewish nation. However, not all of them are true.

  • Only those who are born Jewish become Jews.. The statement is erroneous, since a non-Jew, having passed the rite of passage, is recognized as a member of the community.
  • Representatives of the nation have a huge nose, plump lips and black eyes. In fact, there are fair-haired or red-haired Jews with a thin nose.
  • An indirect sign of the Jews is that they burr. This is due to the guttural pronunciation of the letter "p", which is why it is perceived as a speech defect. However, most of them speak correctly and clearly, and burriness is characteristic of people of other nationalities.
  • The Jews crucified Jesus Christ. The Romans did it. The Jews reported on the son of God, and also did not interfere with the execution.
  • Jews have the largest breasts. The statement is due to the peculiarities of the figure of women, but according to research, the primacy belongs to residents of the UK.
  • The Jews have the most a long nose . However, a more prominent size of the olfactory organ was recorded among the Turks.
  • Hebrew Yiddish. Their languages ​​are Hebrew and Aramaic. Yiddish is a form of the dialect language characteristic of Ashkenazi Jews.

Scientists have been arguing for decades about what a Russian person looks like. They study genetic types, external traits, papillary patterns and even hematological features of blood groups. Some conclude that the ancestors of the Russians are Slavs, others argue that the Finns are closest to the Russians in terms of genotype and phenotype. So where is the truth and what anthropological portrait does a Russian person have?

The first descriptions of the appearance of Russian people

Since ancient times, people have been interested in the origin of the human race, and attempts to explore this area have been made repeatedly. Ancient records of travelers and scientists have been preserved, who outlined their observations in detail. There are records in the archives about Russian people, their external and behavioral features. The statements of foreigners are especially interesting. In 992, Ibn Fadlan, a traveler from Arab countries described the perfect body and attractive appearance of the Russians. In his opinion, Russians are "... blond, red-faced and white-bodied."

Marco Polo admired the beauty of Russians, speaking of them in his memoirs as simple-hearted and very beautiful people, with hair white color.

Records of another traveler, Pavel Alepsky, have also been preserved. According to his impressions of a Russian family, there are more than 10 children with "white hair on their heads" who "look like Franks, but are more ruddy ...". Attention is paid to women - they are "beautiful in face and very pretty."

Characteristic features of Russians

IN XIX century famous scientist Anatoly Bogdanov created a theory about characteristic features ah Russian man. He said that everyone quite clearly imagines the appearance of a Russian. In support of his words, the scientist cited stable verbal expressions from the everyday life of people - “pure Russian beauty”, “spitting image of a hare”, “typical Russian face”.

The master of national anthropology, Vasily Deryabin, proved that Russians are typical Europeans in their characteristics. In terms of pigmentation, they are average Europeans - Russians often have light eyes and hair.

The authoritative anthropologist of his time, Viktor Bunak, in 1956-59, as part of his expedition, studied 100 groups of Great Russians. As a result, a description of the appearance of a typical Russian was drawn up - this is a light brown-haired with blue or in gray eye. Interestingly, the snub nose was recognized as not a typical sign - only 7% of Russians have it, and among Germans this figure is 25%.

Generalized anthropological portrait of a Russian person

Research conducted by scientists using different scientific methods, made it possible to compile a generalized portrait of the average Russian person. The Russian is characterized by the absence of epicanthus - a fold near the inner eye, which covers the lacrimal tubercle. The list of characteristics includes average height, stocky build, wide rib cage and shoulders, a massive skeleton and developed muscles.

A Russian person has a regular oval face, mostly light shades of eyes and hair, not too thick eyebrows and stubble, and a moderate width of the face. In typical appearances, a horizontal profile and bridge of medium height predominate, while the forehead is slightly sloped and not too wide, the brow is poorly developed. Russians are characterized by a nose with a straight profile (it was detected in 75% of cases). The skin is predominantly light or even white, which is partly due to the small amount of sunlight.

Characteristic types of appearance of Russian people

Despite a number of morphological features characteristic of a Russian person, scientists proposed a narrower classification and identified several groups among Russians, each of which has distinctive external features.

The first one is the Nords. This type belongs to the Caucasoid type, is common in Northern Europe, in northwestern Russia, part of the Estonians and Latvians belong to it. The appearance of the Nordids is characterized by blue or green eyes, an oblong skull, and pink skin.

The second race is the Uralids. It occupies a middle position between Caucasians and Mongoloids - this is the population of the Volga region, Western Siberia. The Uralids have straight or curly dark hair. The skin has a darker shade than the Nords, the color of the eyes is brown. Representatives of this type have a flat face shape.

Another type of Russian is called the Baltids. They can be recognized by the average width of their faces, straight noses with thickened tips, blond hair and skin.

Pontids and Gorids are also found among Russians. Pontids have straight eyebrows and narrow cheekbones and lower jaw, a high forehead, brown eyes, thin lips and straight in light or dark brown hair, a narrow and elongated face. Their bright skin well perceives tan, so you can meet both fair-skinned and dark-skinned pontids. Gorids have more pronounced features than the Baltids, and skin pigmentation is slightly darker.

There are many opinions about the external features characteristic of Russian people. All of them differ in criteria and morphological features, but, nevertheless, have a number overall indicators. After analyzing each type, many of us will find similarities with our appearance and perhaps learn something new about ourselves.

It is worth saying that today genetic research and disputes on the topic do not subside?

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