The life and creative path of F. Dostoevsky



And creative way

F. M. Dostoevsky

(lesson study)

Usypenko E. A.

world teacher


Dyakovskaya gymnasium

them. I. M. Strelchenko

SUBJECT. The life and creative path of F. M. Dostoevsky

Purpose: using the project method, to conduct research work highlighting the main points of the writer's life; develop independence, the logic of constructing an utterance; teach self-selection of material; educate interest in the writer's work

Equipment: Illustrations, portraits, video film.

Type of lesson: lesson - research.


Let's just say that this is an extraordinary talent

and original, which immediately, still the first

his work sharply separated from the whole

crowds of our writers, more or less

indebted to Gogol for direction and character,

and therefore the success of his talent ... "

(V. G. Belinsky)

“If you create European literature

We were like, they destroyed our taste

Aesthetic and our fantasy, then create

The Russians tormented us, destroyed our sum,

They woke up a person in us, woke up love to

Bіdnikh and pokrivdzhenikh "

(I. Franko)

1. Reporting the topic of the lesson and perception of the material


I. Ya. Franko treated the work of Dostoevsky with great attention. Not a single Russian writer left such a trace in Franco's prose as Dostoevsky. This was reflected, for example, in the stories "Fundamentals of Suspility" , "Cross Stitches", in which special attention is paid to the images of people with a split consciousness, and a sharp social criticism combined with deep psychological analysis. And other prominent figures Ukrainian literature highly appreciated the achievements of Dostoevsky the realist and noted his influence on world culture. Olga Kobylyanskaya wrote that Turgenev and Dostoevsky had the greatest influence on her. M. Kotsyubinsky named Dostoevsky among those writers who influenced the formation of his literary tastes. Like other Russian classics, Dostoevsky showed interest in Ukraine, its people and culture. The works of the great Russian writer gained popularity in Ukraine during his lifetime.

The first translations of Dostoevsky's works into Ukrainian language appeared in the 70s of the 19th century. In 1885, Franko translated the story "Weak Heart", the novel "Crime and Punishment" was published in Lvov in 1887. Translated by Podolinsky. Dostoevsky was translated by M. Kotsiubinsky, T. Bordulyak, O.P. Kosach (mother of Lesya Ukrainka). And today we are Once again Let's remember the name of the great Russian writer, touch his work, penetrate the secrets of his soul.

1st group of researchers. Writer's childhood

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was born on October 30 (November 11), 1821, in the family of a doctor at the Moscow Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor, on Bozhedomka. Parents first lived in the right wing, and 2 years later, after the birth of the future writer, they occupied the left wing, which now houses the Dostoevsky Museum. The imposing, palace-type, two-story, high-basement building with columns and huge windows stood out picturesquely against the background of the sprawling park, which merged with the green bushes of the neighboring parks - Aleksandrovsky and Ekaterininsky. In front of the facade there is a large yard with a flower bed, stone entrance gates.

But interior decoration a small state-owned apartment of a collegiate adviser, a staff doctor, was very modest. Was the family poor? Usually poverty is the main motive of all stories about Dostoevsky's life in childhood. Apparently, lack of funds is a relative concept. Father rose to the rank of personal nobility. Had a private practice. Served: a nanny, two maids. There was a cook, a cook, a coachman and a footman. When children were born, nurses were hired. The family was large: brother Mikhail (with his older brother Fedor became friends spiritually, except for Mikhail, no one understood Fedor Mikhailovich, his relatives did not even know how brilliant he was), sister Varya. Somewhat younger were: Andrey, the twins Vera and Lyuba (Lyuba died a few days after birth), Nikolai and Alexandra. The difference in years was - 8, 10, 14 years.

The writer's father, Mikhail Andreevich Dostoevsky, by all characteristics was a bilious, quick-tempered, suspicious and obstinate person. He counted the rags for the washerwoman Vasilisa, became furious when he missed the silver spoon in the chiffonier, inquired in letters to his wife in the village where the broken spoon had disappeared.

Mother, Maria Fedorovna, was a completely different stock: cheerful, sociable, economic - in merchant relatives. In one of her letters to her husband, she reports how, “without feeding the horses,” she “jumped” in a carriage from Kashira to Zaraysk for 50 miles and ripened in the midst of the “fair”, she wanted to buy a horse, but it seemed expensive, but she bought a tesa for gate and to the barnyard, and to the bins and the ceiling to the "enbar", and even a tub and honey for jam, and by the evening I was already at home, in Darovoye. Maria Feodorovna also loved to be as smart as her means allowed: even in the countryside she was dressed to match, she wore her hat “boat”, with ribbons tied at the chin. Tradition says that the peasants loved her: she was kinder than her husband.

IN early childhood Dostoevsky had his own nanny, Alena Frolovna, who later took root in the family as her own. She and the nurse told tales about the miracles of the Firebird, about the exploits of Alyosha Popovich, about Bluebeard ... Then it began independent reading. Particularly struck by the book "104 sacred history Old and New Testament." All the novelties were in his field of vision: the works of W. Scott, Balzac, Hugo Hoffmann ... Zh. Sand... But in the first place in his early "dreams" were Pushkin and Gogol. Pushkin's death struck Fyodor and Mikhail Dostoevsky as a "personal grief". If not for the illness and death of their mother, they would have declared mourning in the family for Pushkin.

Fedor and Mikhail studied at the first-class Moscow boarding school of the Russified Czech Leonty Chermak. Strict order, rich training program, educated teachers left grateful memories for Dostoevsky for life. There is nothing specifically writerly about Dostoevsky. One of the comrades recalls: “... a serious, thoughtful boy, blond, with a pale face. He was little interested in games: during recreation, he left almost no books, spending the rest of his free time in conversations with the senior pupils of the boarding school. Before us is a gifted young man immersed in himself. It is still difficult to say what is the subject of his passion, why everything is read to him. This is not Pushkin at the Lyceum.

2nd group of researchers. STUDIES

In May 1837, his father sent Mikhail and Fedor to St. Petersburg to the main engineering school. The younger one was accepted, and the older one was to be educated in the Revel engineering team. For Fedor, choosing this school was a mistake. Kumanin contributed about 1000 rubles for his education, but there was not enough money: in letters to his father, constant requests to send money for tea, sugar, boots. Dostoevsky was very worried about the failure in the exam when transferring to the higher course: some kind of intrigue had an effect. Then - then the father had a stroke, from which he barely recovered, and Fyodor, according to his daughter, had the first attack of epilepsy. At the school, Dostoevsky was distinguished by oddities and religiosity. Even in his youth he was an old man, as he looked in adulthood. Unsociable, few friends: Berezhetsky, Trutovsky (later went to the Academy of Arts). He owns the earliest 1847. Portrait of a writer. And here is his verbal portrait: “He was very thin; his complexion was some kind of pale, gray, his hair was light and sparse, his eyes were sunken, but his gaze was penetrating and deep.


D. V. Grigorovich, a secular man of the actor's warehouse, who spoke brilliant French, appeared in Dostoevsky's life. They rented one apartment on the corner of Vladimirskaya and Grafsky lane. Grigorovich was amazed at Dostoevsky's erudition. Dostoevsky was engrossed in the translation of Balzac's Eugenie Grandet, which was published in Russian in 1844. With this translation, something new appeared in Dostoevsky's mind. Roman Balzac showed him where to go. Grigorovich witnessed how Dostoevsky stubbornly but secretly wrote something at night. It was the novel "Poor People". And Grigorovich was the first who, at the request of Dostoevsky, read the novel in manuscript. He was delighted and showed the work to Nekrasov. Then both ran to Dostoevsky at night, woke him up and began to congratulate him. They carried the manuscript to Belinsky: “ New Gogol appeared." Belinsky, having read it, wanted to see the author. After the novel was published, everyone started talking about Dostoevsky as a major writer natural school. Dostoevsky called his acquaintance with Belinsky "the most delightful minute" of his entire life. But he soon moved away from Belinsky. Belinsky was for the revolutionary way of achieving the ideal, and Dostoevsky was for the peaceful one. Christ was the highest ideal of justice and brotherhood for Dostoevsky; he could not accept Belinsky's atheism.

4th group of researchers "Petrashevites". On the scaffold and in Siberia

In the "Petersburg Chronicle" (1847), D. wrote: "... all of Petersburg is nothing but a collection of a huge number of small circles." Having broken with Belinsky, he began to attend meetings of the circle of the Beketov brothers. About 15 people gathered at the Beketovs', everywhere one could hear "an indignant, noble impulse against oppression and injustice." He also attended the Maykov circle, the Vvedensky circle. "Petrashevites" were called members of one of the main societies of young people in St. Petersburg in the 40s, after the name of its organizer. Other secondary circles formed around the central circle of Petrashevsky. They reflected shades in the political moods of the youth. The Petrashevsky Society inherited the revolutionary cause of the Decembrists. What place did Dostoevsky occupy among the Petrashevites? P. P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky says: "Dostoevsky never was and could not be a revolutionary." He was indignant at any injustice, indignant at corruption, bribery and bribes among the military and officials, but he had little in common with the Petrashevites. It is possible, as some scholars suggest, that Dostoevsky would eventually move away from the Petrashevites, just as he moved away from Belinsky.

The royal authorities sent secret agent to the Petrashevsky Society. He wrote down everything that was said there, and according to his denunciations, a list of "criminals" and a preliminary charge were drawn up. On the night of April 23, 1849, arrests were made throughout St. Petersburg. Six months later, a trial took place over the Petrashevites. Dostoevsky was defined by the investigative commission as "one of the most important and intelligent, independent, cunning, stubborn ... a criminal ...." During the investigation, D. did not deny: “I spoke about politics, about the West, about censorship. But who has not spoken and thought about these questions in our time? especially ardently D. stood up for Russian literature, languishing under the yoke of censorship. “Belinsky’s letter to Gogol D. I read at Petrashevsky’s in a crowded meeting, and the impudent tone of the letter aroused the enthusiastic approval of those present, everyone understood each other perfectly.” On December 22, 1849, all those arrested were suddenly ordered to dress, it became clear: they would announce the verdict; They took me out into the yard and began to put me in carriages. Where were they taken. On the square stood a square platform with a ladder, covered in mourning colors, and three pillars on the side. 23 "state criminals" are held in disgrace along the entire front and then ascend the scaffold ... D. together with the 9th was sentenced to "execution". The verdict is announced at the place of execution. Bypasses the priest with a cross, the executioners break their swords over the heads of suicide bombers. The first three had already been brought to the posts, their hands were tied back, the caps were pulled over their eyes. There is a second left before the “plee” command. D. he was in the second stage and saw everything and felt everything, he had a minute left to live. But at that very time, the command to untie the executed was followed, the suicide bombers were returned to the scaffold, and another, prepared in advance, real sentence was read - hard labor and exile. No one flinched when they read the first, no one rejoiced when they read the second. The king "graciously" gave the "criminals" life. After the shock he had suffered, he wrote to his brother: “I was not discouraged and did not lose heart. Life is life everywhere: life is in ourselves, and not in the external. ”The main thing is to remain human. But some kind of crisis occurred in him that day. No, the highest needs of the spirit did not die in D., but he would change his mind about many things there, in hard labor. He will return to writing, but in a different way.

And now Omsk, the destination, here they had to serve hard labor. What kind of life it was, D. told in detail in the book “Notes from dead house". D. heard a lot of all sorts of stories in hard labor. It was still not known to anyone in literature, Rus'. He wrote to his brother: “In general, that time was not lost for me. If I didn’t know Russia, then the Russian people are good, and as good as, perhaps, not many people know them. Finally, D. served his term, the deliverance from the shackles came. They collapsed at his feet, as D. admits, even somehow they suddenly felt sorry for them, he was so used to wearing them, it became a pity for the life he lived, pity for the people left.

5th group of researchers. Writer's personal life.

In 1857, D. married, out of passionate love, Maria Dmitrievna Isaeva, a sick and unbalanced woman. Family life formed difficult. During literary reading in 1861, D. received a letter from a student of women's courses, Apollinaria Suslova, who was carried away by him. The acquaintance began with her letter. A new feeling captured D., an affair began. He and Suslova agreed to make a trip abroad in 1863. Suslova was almost 20 years younger than him. Apollinaria was a woman too selfish, quick-tempered, not so collected and strong-willed. Their relationship soon deteriorated. Suslova constantly accused D. of a lack of attention to her, that, having broken with his wife who had cheated on him, he helped her financially and was preoccupied with her state of health. As you know, Isaeva died, her situation was hopeless. In 1865, D. experienced serious feeling to Anna Korvin - Krukovskaya, the elder sister of Sofya Kovalevskaya - the first Russian woman - mathematics. Sophia was childishly in love with him. But her sister Anna refused D.: in addition to a feeling of friendship, she did not feel anything for him.

Anna Grigoryevna Snitkina gave him a quiet haven.

Dostoevsky is 44 years old... Known, almost famous, although great novels have not yet been written. Created most of"Crimes..." He is poor, sick, lonely. 10 years ago he married Maria Isaeva. Unhappy. She died 3 years ago.

Now he is trapped. The cunning publisher Stelovsky so entangled him that Dostoevsky is threatened with a hungry future and a debtor's prison. There is only one way out: to write a novel of more than 200 pages a month, which, of course, is unrealistic. Yes, and "Crime ..." must be completed. One of Miliukov's acquaintances reminded me that there is a plan for the novel?

D .: “Not a single line has been written yet ...”

Milyukov: “Take a stenographer and dictate a novel (this was said in passing, since none of the writers dictated novels).

D .: “Professor of shorthand Olkhin sent me his best student, Anna Grigoryevna Snitkina. 20 years old, clear good character. The work went great. The novel was written in 24 days.

A. G.: “The name of Dostoevsky was familiar from childhood. This is my father's favorite writer."

She read "Network to Nezvanova" in the family she was called Inaccurate. She imagined him as an elderly man, a fat and bald old man, stern, gloomy. I saw: absent-minded, seriously preoccupied, helpless, lonely, irritated, almost sick. He asked her name several times and forgot. He called her "dear, dear, kind Anna Grigorievna." She ceased to be afraid of him, spoke with him freely and frankly. Work on the novel "The Gambler" was nearing completion. She did not want this, because. attached to him. He also regretted it.

D: “Is it really all over now, with the writing of the novel? I will miss you." October 19 is the last dictation of the novel. On October 30, she changed her outfit ( black dress changed to purple), knew that this was his birthday, brought a dictation.

November 8, 1866 Anna Grigoryevna: “I saw him excited. He had an excited expression on his face, which made him very young.” He tells her the plot of the new novel: The hero is an artist of such years as Dostoevsky, in love with a girl of such years as she. He asks: “Is it possible for a young girl to fall in love with an artist? Wouldn't that be a psychological improbability?"

A.G.: “What is it that he is poor and sick? Is it really possible to love for appearance and wealth? If she loves and will be happy!”

D. (after a pause): “Put yourself in her place for a minute. Imagine that this artist is me. What would you answer me?

A.G.: “I would answer you that I love you and will love you all my life.”

Before his death, he consoled, spoke affectionate words, thanked for a happy life.

D .: "In marriage, 3 quarters of human happiness, and in the rest, hardly a quarter."

I entrusted the children to her. Then he said the words that rarely any of the husbands uttered after 14 years of marriage: “Remember, Anya, I have always loved you dearly and have never cheated on you, even mentally”

"The Brothers Karamazov" dedicated to Anna Grigorievna Dostoevskaya, - It is written on the title page.

A.G. : “What do I care about who Russia has lost. Remember who I lost! I lost the best person in the world, who is the joy, pride, happiness of my life, my sun, my deity.

For many years, the writer suffered from three serious illnesses: epilepsy, emphysema, and, apparently, tuberculosis. January 28, 1881 D. died. He was buried at the Tikhvin cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra (Petersburg). All Russian literature followed his coffin. The manager at the funeral was his old friend, who was the first to discover his talent - Grigorovich. The procession stretched through the streets, the sidewalks were crowded with people. "We bury the great artist!" and "Great Patriot"

Dostoevsky has long been dead. But everything written by him remains the property of mankind. His novels are known all over the world: they have become a great aesthetic value.

Summary of the lesson.

MAIN MILESTONES. The novel "Crime and Punishment" even purely chronologically occupies a central place in Dostoevsky's work, being one of his peaks, but far from the only one.

Exceptional success and fame brought him even the very first of the written works - the novel "Poor People", which appeared in print in 1845, when the author had just graduated from the Main Engineering School and almost immediately broke with military career decided to devote himself entirely to literature. Following Gogol, Dostoevsky gave realistic sketches of life in St. Petersburg in Poor People and continued the gallery of “little people” that arose in Russian literature of the 1930s and 1940s. (“ Stationmaster" And " Bronze Horseman” Pushkin, “The Overcoat” and “Notes of a Madman” Gogol). But Dostoevsky managed to put new content into this image. Makar Devushkin in Dostoevsky, in contrast to Akaky Akakievich and Samson Vyrin, is endowed with a pronounced individuality and the ability for deep introspection. Thanks to "Poor People" Dostoevsky immediately entered the circle of writers of the "natural school" and became close to Belinsky, the universally recognized head of the movement.

However, Dostoevsky's next story, The Double (1846), despite its original and psychologically sophisticated depiction of a split in consciousness, Belinsky did not like its protractedness and obvious imitation of Gogol. Even colder was the critical reception of the third, romantic story- "The Mistress" (1847), which, together with Dostoevsky's quarrel with Nekrasov and Turgenev, was the reason for Dostoevsky's break with the entire literary circle, united just at that time around the Sovremennik magazine.

Strongly hurt by harsh reviews, Dostoevsky nevertheless continued to actively literary activity and created a number of short stories and novellas, of which the most striking are "White Nights" (1848) and "Netochka Nezvanova" (1849).

At the same time, Dostoevsky entered the revolutionary circle of Butashevich-Petrashevsky and became interested in socialist theories Fourier. After the unexpected arrest of all the Petrashevites, Dostoevsky, among others, was sentenced, among others, first to "mortal porridge by shooting", and then, under the "highest amnesty" of Nicholas I, to four years of hard labor, followed by surrender to the soldiers.

Dostoevsky stayed in hard labor from 1850 to 1854, after which he was enlisted as a private in an infantry regiment stationed in the city of Semipalatinsk. In 1857 he was promoted to officer and returned hereditary nobility along with the right to print. Starting to write again, Dostoevsky works at first in a purely comic way, in order to avoid any censorship criticism. So there are two comic “provincial” stories - “ Uncle's dream” and “The Village of Stepanchikovo and Its Inhabitants” (1859), written in the tradition of Dickens.

During Dostoevsky's stay in Siberia, his beliefs changed radically. Not a trace remains of the former socialist ideas. While following the stage, Dostoevsky met in Tobolsk with the wives of the Decembrists, who presented him with the New Testament - the only book allowed in hard labor, and over the next terrible five years he thoughtfully read it, and since then the ideal of Christ has become a lifetime for him moral guide. In addition, the experience of communicating with convicts not only did not embitter Dostoevsky against people from the people, but, on the contrary, convinced him of the need for the entire noble intelligentsia "to return to the folk root, to the recognition of the Russian soul, to the recognition of the spirit of the people."

In 1859, Dostoevsky received permission to return to St. Petersburg, and immediately upon arrival he developed a vigorous social and literary activity. Together with his brother M.M. Dostoevsky, he begins to publish the magazines "Time" (1861-1863) and "Epoch" (1864-1865), where he preaches his new convictions of "pochvennichestvo" - a theory very close to Slavophilism, which consisted in the fact that " Russian society must unite with the people's soil and take into itself folk element”, according to Dostoevsky himself. The educated classes of society were conceived as carriers of the most valuable Western culture, but at the same time cut off from the “soil” - national roots and folk faith, which deprived them of the right moral guidelines. Only under the condition of combining the European enlightenment of the nobility with the people religious worldview it would become possible, in the opinion of the Pochvenniks, to transform Russian society on a Christian, fraternal basis, to strengthen the future of Russia and the realization of its national idea.

In 1861, Dostoevsky wrote the novel Humiliated and Insulted for the magazine Vremya, then his famous Notes from the House of the Dead (1860-1861) were published there, where Dostoevsky artistically comprehended everything he saw and experienced in hard labor. This book was a new word in Russian literature of that time and returned Dostoevsky to his former literary reputation.

In 1864, Dostoevsky's wife dies of consumption, and two months later his brother M.M. Dostoevsky, with whom the writer had special closeness. Dostoevsky is forced to stop publishing Epoch. The tragic experiences of this year were reflected in the story "Notes from the Underground" - the confession of an "underground paradoxicalist", unexpected and unusual in its gloomy, evil and mocking tone. In this work, Dostoevsky finally finds his style and his hero, whose character will then become psychological basis for the heroes of all his later novels.

In 1866, Dostoevsky simultaneously worked on two novels: The Gambler and Crime and Punishment, of which the latter, according to Dostoevsky himself, was “extremely successful” and immediately put him in the forefront of Russian novelists along with Tolstoy, Goncharov and Turgenev. . In 1867, Dostoevsky married a second time to A.G. Snitkina and leaves with her abroad, where he soon writes the novel "Idiot" (1868-1869), the main idea of ​​which is the image of a "positively beautiful person" in the conditions of modern Russian reality. This is how the image of Prince Myshkin (“Prince of Christ”) is created - the bearer of the ideals of humility and forgiveness. But the outcome of the novel turns out to be tragic: the hero dies in the sea of ​​unbridled passions, evil and crimes that overwhelm him, reigning in the world around him. In 1871, “Demons "- an anti-nihilistic pamphlet novel, the plot of which was based on the sensational murder of student Ivanov, committed by a group of anarchist revolutionaries led by S. G. Nechaev. In 1875 in " Domestic notes” H.A. Nekrasov, the novel “The Teenager” is printed - a “novel of education”, a kind of “Fathers and Sons” by Dostoevsky.

Since 1875, Dostoevsky begins to single-handedly release the original periodical- "A Writer's Diary", which consisted of feuilletons, journalistic articles, essays, memoirs and works of art. The "Diary of a Writer" became for him a kind of tribune, from which he spoke on all topical issues of European and Russian socio-political and cultural life. In The Diary of a Writer, Dostoevsky continued to develop the ideas of pochvenism, however, over time, his views became more and more “right”, drawing closer, on the one hand, to Slavophilism, and on the other, to official ideology. This publication had a huge public resonance and strengthened the fame of Dostoevsky both as a writer and as a public figure. External evidence of this was Dostoevsky's friendship with K.P. Pobedonostsev, the future chief prosecutor of the Holy Synod.

Last major work Dostoevsky, completing his great novel "Pentateuch", were "The Brothers Karamazov" (1879-1880), where they received the final and ingenious artistic expression all the important ideas mature creativity writer. Especially widespread was the “Poem about the Grand Inquisitor”, which often exists separately from the novel and, thanks to its inexhaustibly deep content, gave rise to many philosophical and literary interpretations (see the collection “On the Grand Inquisitor”, compiled by Yu. Seliverstov. M., 1991 ).

Dostoevsky's last, already dying triumph was his speech about Pushkin at the Pushkin festivities in Moscow in 1880, which was greeted by all listeners with extraordinary enthusiasm. It can be perceived as Dostoevsky's testament, the last confession of his cherished thought about the "all-humanity, all-reconciliation" of the Russian soul and about the great historical mission of Russia - the unification in Christ of all the peoples of Europe.

He left behind a huge literary legacy, in which criticism has not yet been sorted out, without even establishing a mutual relationship between various works, some of which had the meaning of preparatory sketches for later major works. But character traits his works are quite clear. Dostoevsky is a writer-psychologist in essence, a researcher of depths human soul, an analyst of her subtlest moods. Life seems to him unusually complex and spontaneous, full of contradictions and unsolvable mysteries; on the human soul, experiencing complexity and spontaneity life process, both mind and heart, clairvoyant thought and blind faith act simultaneously. A mysterious mystical beginning, lurking in the depths human personality, owns it no less than external circumstances.

The real and the mystical are constantly juxtaposed in Dostoevsky's novels, sometimes to the point where the boundary between the author's story and the hallucinations of the portrayed hero disappears. By the bifurcation of the human personality, the uncertainty of feelings and aspirations, many of Dostoevsky's heroes, especially Golyadkin in The Double, resemble the heroes of Hoffmann, who, like Dostoevsky, wrote at the time of a painful breakdown of nerves at night. In the depths of life phenomena in Dostoevsky lies the tragic element of fate, which brings the most diverse accidents to amazing coincidences, which create the decisive motive. The conversation of unknown persons in a tavern about an old pawnbroker makes Raskolnikov think of murder, almost gives ready plan, outlines the framework of the psychological content within which it will develop further action novel. And this tragic fatal element manifests itself among the sharp contrasts of hatred and love, bestial cruelty, vices, all kinds of horrors and feats of self-denial, angelic clarity and purity.

Fedor Dostoevsky. Portrait by V. Perov, 1872

The action develops extremely quickly in Dostoevsky; events are heaped up in masses at the most insignificant intervals of time, they irresistibly rush forward, not allowing the reader to come to his senses, to dwell on the features that characterize the everyday moods of people of a certain circle in known era. It is understandable, therefore, that in concentrating all the interest of the story on the transmission of psychological moments, Dostoevsky provides comparatively little everyday material. The desire for truth, for fidelity in the depiction of feeling significantly exceeds Dostoevsky's concern for external tricks artistry.

It also follows from this public importance novels by Dostoevsky. Having made the starting point of his psychological excursions suffering, in which a person is involved in external and internal contradictions life, Dostoevsky took the side of downtrodden and oppressed people, who suffer as much from the fact that they were crushed by everyday circumstances, as from the consciousness of their human dignity, every minute insulted and trampled, from the consciousness of their right to a meaningful and moral life. Dostoevsky is rooting for a person who comes to terms with the power of things and begins to consider himself an incomplete, not a real person. This is the path to redemption.

Dostoevsky. Demons. Lecture by Lyudmila Saraskina

Forms of suffering in Dostoevsky's images the highest degree varied; their psychological motives are developed in the most bizarre combinations: suffering from love for a person in general, suffering from strong and base passions, from love combined with cruelty and malice, from painful self-love and suspicion, from wolf instincts, on the one hand, and sheep’s humility on the other hand. another. “Man is a despot by nature and loves to be a tormentor,” says Dostoevsky in The Gambler. His "underground man" comes to the assertion that "man passionately loves suffering" - the latter, thus, is raised to the level of non-requirement of human nature.

Suffering gives rise to love and faith, and in them is our justification before the Supreme Being - such is Dostoevsky's philosophy of suffering. There is a lot of cruelty in his novels, but there is also a lot of mercy in them. With the precision of a psychiatrist, the great Russian writer revealed the whole world"blessed", drunkards, voluptuaries, holy fools, idiots, crazy, and each image not only shocks the reader, but also opens his heart to the influence of the rays of gospel love. In Dostoevsky's books we see various types of narrow-minded happy people, heartless egoists, naive dreamers, people of a pure immaculate life, etc. The depiction of this in the highest degree complex world, which becomes close to the reader's heart until it completely merges with him, puts Dostoevsky in the ranks of the primary realists, and his comparison with L. Tolstoy, made by critics, has deep grounds for itself. With all their particular differences, both of them are passionate seekers of that truth and the moral healing of mankind.

It is very difficult to briefly describe Dostoevsky's work. After all, this writer real revolution in literature, making it the subject of knowledge of the human soul, all its secret nooks and crannies.

The main themes in the work of Dostoevsky

The main theme of all the works of the writer was the fate of man, namely the fate of his soul, his path to God, the knowledge of Truth.

Already in the first of his published works - in the story "Poor People" the writer talks about tragic fate his heroes - a middle-aged petty official and a girl with whom he is in love, but cannot marry her because of his poverty. This story makes the reader think about how hard it is for a person with a living soul to survive in a cold world where injustice reigns.

In his other novels, he describes the fate of no less unfortunate people, however, they already have a place for the light of Christ's truth, which gives hope to both the heroes themselves and the readers, comforting them. In addition, the work of the great writer contains several more main themes.

Let's briefly list these topics:

    the fate of a small and unfortunate person;

  • the path of man to the knowledge of God;
  • history of apostasy;
  • using the theme of doubles of heroes;
  • the fate of a woman from a poor environment;
  • mission of Russia in the history of mankind.

The results of Dostoevsky's work

Dostoevsky's work briefly allows us to understand how great was the influence of the writer on the worldview of his contemporaries. Dostoevsky from an ordinary author, published in thick magazines, turned into a symbol of the era, expressing the search for certain number intelligent people his way in the world and understanding of Russia's place in world history and culture.

The writer forced many of his contemporaries to abandon the ideas of nihilism and revolutionary rebellion. In many ways, he foresaw the pitiless flame of general turmoil that engulfed our country 40 years after his death. Therefore, the role of Dostoevsky in Russian literature is very great.

We will try to briefly summarize his work in each of his great stories and novels.

1. "Poor people" - the fate of the small and no one right person, a continuation of the reflections expressed in Gogol's "Overcoat".

2. "Humiliated and insulted" - a continuation of the theme of poor people.

3. "Crime and Punishment" - a story about the spiritual death and resurrection of one human soul that has gone through all the trials and found the meaning of being in faith and hope.

4. "" - a story about beautiful person who could not withstand the blows of fate.

5. "Demons" - criticism of the ideas of nihilism, which lead their carriers to spiritual death.

6. "Teenager" - a story about shower throwing and growing up of a young man.

7. "" - central work Dostoevsky's work, in which he tells the story of one family.

The work of Fyodor Dostoevsky is a legacy of Russian culture.

Briefly about Dostoevsky

- one of the brightest classics Russian literature XIX century. Dostoevsky was born in Moscow in 1821, and the classic did not live long - 59 years. Dostoevsky died in 1881 from tuberculosis.

The work of Fyodor Dostoevsky did not receive recognition during his lifetime. But after the death of the author, he began to be considered one of the best writers Russian realism.

Four of Dostoevsky's novels are in the top 100 literary works throughout the history of mankind. The great classic was not only read after his death, but also plays based on his novels were staged, and when cinematography was born, many of his stories were filmed, and more than once.

The life of the young writer was hard, and it greatly influenced his literature, made it so "real" as we see and love it now.

Analysis of Dostoevsky's work

The following four novels deserve the most attention:

  • Brothers Karamazov;
  • Idiot;
  • Crime and Punishment;
  • Demons.

- This last novel author, he spent two years to create it. It is based on complex Detective story, honed just to the smallest details. The crime is directly related to the love story. But most importantly, this symbiosis conveys the whole spirit of the society in which Dostoevsky lived.

The novel touches on such important and difficult issues as the question of God, immortality, murder, love, freedom, betrayal.

Bess is one of the most bright novels Dostoevsky, in which there is a huge note political orientation. The novel deals with various terrorist movements, revolutionary movements unfolding while in Russian Empire. One of key places the novel is occupied by people - atheists and those people who did not attribute themselves to any class.

Idiot - famous novel Dostoevsky, written outside the Russian Empire. This novel called the most complex work classic. In his work, Dostoevsky portrays a character who would be beautiful in everything. His hero begins to get involved in the fate of other people, in order to benefit them, but only destroys their lives. As a consequence, the hero of Dostoevsky becomes a victim of his own attempts to benefit.

- it's deep philosophical work and it can help a person understand himself. Crime and Punishment is the most famous and most readable work Dostoevsky. According to the plot of the novel, main character“Schismatic, a poor student commits a double murder and theft, and then the ghosts of this event begin to torment him. Before us will open the deep psychological experiences of the protagonist about the committed crime. There is also a deep love line.

Raskolnikov tests her poor girl forced to take the path of prostitution for the sake of food. The novel touches on the themes of murder, love, conscience, poverty and more. The main advantage of the novel is its realism, it accurately conveys not only the spirit of that era, but also the era in which we live. Dostoevsky's work is not only these four novels, but everyone should know and read these works.

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